Inderal used for migraines

CBD: The Medical Marijuana and Hemp Cannabinoid Community

2014.01.10 07:37 CBD: The Medical Marijuana and Hemp Cannabinoid Community

Visit our community site for vetted suppliers at It's time that this subject was given more internet exposure. We are here to discuss topics related to medical marijuana and our experiences using CBD and other cannabis/hemp derived cannabinoids. Please do not assume that anyone here is a medical professional and be respectful of all sub members.

2020.01.02 21:28 FACastello Amitriptyline

Welcome Amitrippers to the Amitriptyline subreddit! Amitriptyline is a classic tricyclic antidepressant (TCA), sometimes called "the gold standard antidepressant". Besides treating depression it is also used for certain types of neuropathic pain, insomnia, migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, nocturnal enuresis, among other off-label indications. It's an old and "dirty" drug, meaning it interferes with many receptors in the brain. Also known by brand names Endep, Elavil, Vanatrip.

2024.05.23 10:20 VoiceKindly3090 Need ENT desperately ( havent had any ear wax in around 5 years)

(15 , AFAB) (uses male pronouns) Ever since i can remember, i have been prone to ear infections, i remember at a young age having an abundance of ear wax, not ever being able to use ear buds without them being covered in ear wax after. I dont exactly remember when, but when i was around 7 probably, i got my tonsils and adenoids removed due to severe asthma and swelling of tonsils, the doctors suggested tubes in my ears but eventually ruled them out because they thought draining my ears and removing my adenoids would solve the problem. it only solved the problem for a few years after, now ive never had any asthma problems in over 5 years, but my ear problems are constant. around 5 years ago i flew to florida for vacation, and coming back i had an ear infection, they said it was swimmers ear, i got drops, and it was good for a few weeks, till it came back. i got told that my ears hurt because of my teeth, so i got braces, that solved the problem for about 4 months, but i cant even remember the last time that i have had normal ear wax. the problem that occurred after braces was significantly more severe than the last, after a few visits at med express, and a few different ear infection medications that never worked ( im sorry i dont remember what they all were) i was referred to an ENT, at that point my lymph nodes were so swollen it looked like golf balls behind my ears under my skin, my ears were constantly leaking and swollen, and the inside of my ears were constantly extremely itchy, it felt as if my ears were constantly full of liquid, but the doctors saw nothing when they looked inside. around the 3rd ENT visit, after many failed attempts at figuring out the issue, they took a culture of the inside of my ears. the results came back as Canada, ( i dont remember the scientific name but when the doctor was talking he called the fungus Canada) The drops i was perscribed were " athletes foot " ear drops that my mother got on amazon. the most that did was stop the severe itchyness, but still no ear wax , the closest i have ever gotten to normal ear wax, and not the clear fluid that comes out of me today, has been a yellow goop the texture of like cornstarch mixed with water. ever since then i have had slight issues, only coming out in the form of allergies. ( sorry for another story this is long) i was born into a family around cats, and they died as i was a toddler, after that i became severely allergic and was even sent to the ER from my eyes swelling shut from allergies, now im able to be around animals through exposure therapy, i have a cat and a dog, and when i go on vacation for a week, and come back, both animals give me hives, when i meet a stranger and pet their animal , allergies, where this connects to my ears, I have noticed a few times that me interacting with a foreign animal causes my ears to become extremely itchy on the inside, and even swell and leak if i give in to the itch. A nurse suggested its allergy induces psoriasis in my ears considering psoriasis runs in my family. But what confuses me is that my ears dont bother me every single time i have allergies, only sometimes. And the fact that my ears randomly swell up and hurt at least one month consecutively out of all 12. could be an actual ear infection this time , i guess since i dont produce ear wax im prone to ear infections and water blockage, but when i pop my ears i can hear bubbles and feel liquid, it feels sharp and hurts too much for me to do. the same nurse i talked about previously said that sounds like fluid behind my eardrum, but when the various doctors i have been to looked in my ears they said there's nothing there to drain. i dont really have a question i just need some advice. it's come to the point where i have practically given up on the healthcare system. i just really wish someone could help me figure out whats wrong. im going to med express today to get looked at because this is my flare up month i guess. i forgot to add that the surrounding exterior area of my ears hurts to touch. it feels like a a sharp needle pain to put any amount of pressure around , in, or on the area of my ear that is currently blocked and swollen. also the ringing, sometimes it will faintly ring, but i can constantly hear my heartbeat, its like a headache in my ear that makes it swell. i do get migraines from fluorescent lights or loud noises. usually my issues are both ears, but this time its only one. just want some ideas to bring up to the doctor, mabye even home remedies or vitamins that may help my earwax production. Feel free to ask any questions as there is probably various different things i could expand on and give more detail.
submitted by VoiceKindly3090 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:17 rocketwoman23 I think I have MS...pls help

Hello 👋
I'm a a 27 yo female who has recently discovered that not everyone lives in constant pain....( awkward laugh)
I will try and keep this short... but sorry for the length.i am just going to bullet my symptoms and when they started.
Please let me know if my concerns are valid.. And if so...what should I do...
Current concerns....
*fatigue/dissiness/out of body feeling. I'm grouping these together because they Typically occur at the same time. I often (weekly/monthly) wake up and feel like I am drunk / high( not either or hungover). When this happens I feel weightless/ confused/disoriented for a couple hours( or days)
*severe exhaustion/fainty/ vision going black Essentially I will feel like I can't support my body weight and it takes all my strength to not collapse. This also happens in clusters. So every day for a while ..then nothing.
Twitching/tremors. Usually multiple times a day I have a involuntary head , arm, leg twitch. My eyes randomy dart to the left when I switch my focus.
Clumsy/poor balance. At any given time I have at least 2 bruises on me. I fall and trip alot.
Physical capabilities... it's difficult for me to walk up stairs or walk a mile. (I am a healthy weight with above average muscle mass and i eat healthy(ish))
Other maybe relevant things * sometimes my skin feels sunburned ...with no sunburn or even going outside * random stabing pain in random areas. It only lasts a couple seconds then it's gone. * pain behind eyes, feelis like someone is pushing on the backside of my eyes. *smells that are not there. Like when I sneeze I smell lemon cleaning whipes. * I walk funny. I used to be a toe walker and have been going to pt to correct it.I think this developed because my muscles were very tight and I had to change my gait to avoid pain.
If you got this far, thank you for your time.đŸ©·
submitted by rocketwoman23 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:58 Lilymisch Safe to stop alcohol?

Let me preface this by saying I already know I'm an insult to what doctors do. You're working to help people get better and I'm actively destroying myself, I want to fix that. I apologise for asking for time I know I don't deserve.
Female, 31, 5'7, 130lbs, resting heart rate 71, non smoker, no other substances or history of other substances.
No physical health issues, as of last month bloodwork is normal, ecg normal, urinalysis normal, life long history of depression starting in childhood. Rare episodes of visual migraines.
I have been drinking since 2018, a friend died, I witnessed it and couldn't get the image out of my mind. I never drank before. I was sober from August 2023 to January 2024.
I make sure to take electrolytes, vitamins, hydrate and eat at least once a day. I have never day drank. I have got my drinking down to 250mls of spirits as of yesterday. It was 600mls at my worst. I can go to 19 hours without a drink with only mild withdrawal before starting to feel a bit off scoring a 5 on the CIWA site. Though I am having some random flashes in vision but I am prone to retinal migraines.
My plan is to reduce by half daily. When at 0, use the last of my previous librium script to do one day of 10mg x 2 daily followed by 1 tablet for 2 days. (If I can stomach it)
My GP advised me to taper after I didn't tolerate librium well due to vomiting. I have a history of vomiting and nausea with the medication which reduces my options.
At how many mls of spirits is generally considered safe to stop?
My GP clinic assigns you a doctor based on availability and I've gotten mixed answers in the past. Some have advised to reduce and others have said 375mls and under is generally safe if there is enough time between drinks.
In advance, thank you for your time. It's very much appreciated.
submitted by Lilymisch to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:41 TaterTotBitch My partner (21M) has experienced a sudden “loss” in clear vision.

Medications: Fluoxetine
Medical conditions: depression, some past (minor) concussions.
We are in NZ if this helps. I hope my title makes sense. On Monday this week, my partner (21M) came home early from work. He complained of dizziness, a headache, and blurry vision. When I came home from work, he said all symptoms had gone but the blurry vision. We speculated it was possibly a migraine or he’d bumped his head and not remembered it. (He has had a few concussions in the past) fast forward to today (Thursday), and the vision has not improved (or gotten worse) in the slightest. He is unable to read text on a drivers license, which he is required to do as his job, at a bar. However, he seems to have no issues reading white text on a black background. (Particularly on his computer, which he uses A LOT)
He has likened this blurriness to looking through his eyelashes, but to be fair, I can’t see a thing when I look through my eyelashes, yet his vision doesn’t seem that bad. He can read on the tv, which is about three meters away from where we sit, but again, could not read the text on my drivers license.
He went to an optometrist yesterday, and they did the works, and found zero abnormalities. There was nothing they found that would account for this vision loss, (I’m only going by what he’s told me. There was no report or anything for me to read) and technically he should have good vision, according to his eyes.
So now I’m either thinking he’s milking it, yet I can’t think of any reason for him to be, or he has a brain tumor or something that’s messing with his vision. He’s managed to get a phone appointment with the doctor tomorrow, but I would love if anyone has any suggestions because Dr. Google is freaking me out.
Yes, I have told him he should’ve gone to the hospital, but he seems not too stressed about it and would like to wait until after the phone appointment.
submitted by TaterTotBitch to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:38 no_thanks_buddy Anyone diagnosed or knows someone diagnosed with something with Peripheral neuropathy as one of the main symptoms?

I am 27F, 5'7", 115kg & white.
Sorry that this is long I am just trying to be as detailed as possible to hopefully get some insight!
So background relating to the issue:
I hyperextended my left elbow at approx 16yo. The joint clicked in and out of place but didn't feel quite right when it returned and I had ulnar nerve problems from that point on. Turns out my nerve goes in and out of place as it pleases. They told me back then there was nothing they could do.
Fast forward to last year, after finding out that permanent numbness is a sign of something 'wrong' with the nerve - I decided to investigate thinking maybe finally they could fix this issue.
I have permanent numbness in the tips of my middle, ring and pinky finger and down the palm of my left hand below my pinky. I now have the same symptoms in my right arm and hand, although the numbness is much less significant. The numbness has gotten worse over the years also - started with my pinky etc. It has affected my left hand motor function slightly. The numbness does not come and go. It is permanent and does not ever improve. It only at times gets worse/covers a larger area.
I went to an orthapedic surgeon hoping to just get surgery to prevent this getting worse. After a negative nerve conduction test and a clear MRI on my neck she believes that while my ulnar nerve has thickened in both elbows and does freely go in and out of place it is not the main problem or much cause for concern. The permanent numbness is. She believes it's an issue in my brain, like autoimmune or something along those lines. So now I have to see a neurologist.
During my appt with her she asked about my family history, and she believes it's possible my sister has the same problem as me. She also has been experiencing numbness in her hands and her doctor has been investigating possible lupus or rheumatoid arthritis but nothing has confirmed anything as of yet. My sister (34F, 5'7" approx 60kg) does get a rash at times during 'flare ups' of her symptoms but overall it is mostly in remission. She has also recently been diagnosed with asthma. I do not get a rash, but my skin has increased greatly in sensitivity in the last year. I have been suffering/now managing folliculitis and dermatitis as well as weirdly intensely itchy armpits - which has greatly improved after switching to a sensitive deodorant. (Keep in mind I'd been using the same one for 10 years almost) I have also recently been getting mild asthma like symptoms but cannot confirm either way yet.
I would really appreciate if anyone knows anybody that has had similar symptoms that HAS a diagnosis. I am obviously going to see the neurologist, but I am a bit stressed about given my sister has had no luck investigating this, and seeing specialists over and over again is very expensive. Also, when I look at the possible causes of peripheral neuropathy on the mayo clinic site I don't relate to any of it.
Possible relevant info:
I have been diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome (no investigation of EDS) and PCOS. Doctors believe I have Endo (found in ultrasound) but no surgery yet to confirm. I have the implanon and am also on the mini pill to try and control my Endo symptoms/flare ups. It sort of works.
I do not have diabetes. I manage my PCOS with metformin, and I was tested for diabetes 3x and all came back negative. I also have no symptoms of diabetes. A side effect of metformin did make me b12 deficient which I have managed to resolve with regular b12 injections every 3 months. The numbness predates the b12 deficiency.
I have a history of headaches and migraines. (Sensitivity to light, although recently now also I get nauseous, dizzy and sometimes weakness in my arms)
I have a history of being lightheaded/easily faint due to stress or heat. I self-manage and don't really consider this much of a problem.
I rarely drink alcohol (one glass max usually when I do. I avoid bc makes me feel like crap) and I do not do any drugs.
Thank you for reading <3
submitted by no_thanks_buddy to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:34 ramsonsperfumes What Is Perfume And Fragrance Sensitivity?

Perfume and fragrance sensitivity are increasingly relevant topics in today's scented world. This article delves into what exactly perfume and fragrance sensitivity entail, providing valuable insights, tips, and FAQs to help you navigate this olfactory landscape safely and confidently.

Perfume and fragrance sensitivity refer to adverse reactions experienced by individuals when exposed to certain scents. This sensitivity can manifest as various symptoms, ranging from mild discomfort to severe respiratory issues and headaches.
Fragrance sensitivity, also known as fragrance intolerance or perfume allergy, is a condition where individuals react negatively to specific fragrances. This reaction can occur upon inhalation or skin contact with perfumed products.
Several factors contribute to the development of perfume and fragrance sensitivity, including genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, and previous exposure to allergens.
Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to react adversely to certain fragrances. This genetic factor can influence how the body's immune system responds to scent molecules.
Environmental factors such as pollution, indoor air quality, and exposure to chemical irritants can exacerbate fragrance sensitivity. These triggers can heighten the body's reactivity to perfumed products.
Repeated exposure to allergens in perfumes and fragrances can sensitize the body over time, leading to heightened reactions upon subsequent exposures.
The effects of perfume and fragrance sensitivity can vary widely among individuals. Common symptoms include:
  1. Respiratory Issues: such as coughing, wheezing, or difficulty breathing.
  2. Skin Irritation: including redness, itching, or rashes upon contact with fragranced products.
  3. Headaches: frequent headaches or migraines triggered by strong scents.
  4. Nausea: some individuals may experience nausea or dizziness when exposed to certain fragrances.
Managing perfume and fragrance sensitivity involves adopting proactive measures to minimize exposure and mitigate symptoms. Here are some helpful tips:
  1. Choose Fragrance-Free Products: Opt for fragrance-free or hypoallergenic alternatives for personal care items and household products.
  2. Ventilate Spaces: Ensure adequate ventilation in indoor spaces to reduce the concentration of airborne fragrances.
  3. Use Natural Alternatives: Explore natural fragrances derived from essential oils or botanical extracts, which may be better tolerated by sensitive individuals.
  4. Communicate Effectively: Inform others about your fragrance sensitivity to promote understanding and cooperation in shared spaces.
  5. Seek Medical Advice: Consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and treatment options tailored to your specific sensitivity.
Can Perfume Sensitivity Develop Over Time?
Yes, perfume sensitivity can develop gradually, especially with repeated exposure to allergens and environmental triggers.
Are Certain Fragrances More Likely to Trigger Sensitivity?
Some fragrances, particularly those containing synthetic chemicals or strong volatile compounds, are more likely to trigger sensitivity reactions in susceptible individuals.
Can Children Experience Fragrance Sensitivity?
Yes, children can develop fragrance sensitivity, and it's essential to be mindful of their exposure to scented products, especially in school or daycare settings.
Is Fragrance Sensitivity the Same as Asthma?
While fragrance sensitivity can exacerbate asthma symptoms in some individuals, it is not the same as asthma. Fragrance sensitivity refers specifically to adverse reactions to scents, whereas asthma is a chronic respiratory condition.
Are There Allergy Tests for Perfume Sensitivity?
Allergy tests, such as patch testing or skin prick tests, can help identify specific fragrances that trigger allergic reactions in individuals with perfume sensitivity.
Can Fragrance Sensitivity Impact Daily Activities?
Yes, severe fragrance sensitivity can impact daily activities, requiring individuals to avoid certain environments or products to manage their symptoms effectively.

Navigating perfume and fragrance sensitivity involves understanding the causes, effects, and management strategies associated with this condition. By adopting fragrance-free alternatives, promoting awareness, and seeking medical guidance when necessary, individuals can enjoy a healthier and more comfortable olfactory experience.
submitted by ramsonsperfumes to u/ramsonsperfumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:31 no_thanks_buddy Anyone with or knows someone with a diagnosis that has Peripheral Neuropathy as a main symptom?

I am 27F, 5'7", 115kg & white.
Sorry that this is long I am just trying to be as detailed as possible to hopefully get some insight!
So background relating to the issue:
I hyperextended my left elbow at approx 16yo. The joint clicked in and out of place but didn't feel quite right when it returned and I had ulnar nerve problems from that point on. Turns out my nerve goes in and out of place as it pleases. They told me back then there was nothing they could do.
Fast forward to last year, after finding out that permanent numbness is a sign of something 'wrong' with the nerve - I decided to investigate thinking maybe finally they could fix this issue.
I have permanent numbness in the tips of my middle, ring and pinky finger and down the palm of my left hand below my pinky. I now have the same symptoms in my right arm and hand, although the numbness is much less significant. The numbness has gotten worse over the years also - started with my pinky etc. It has affected my left hand motor function slightly. The numbness does not come and go. It is permanent and does not ever improve. It only at times gets worse/covers a larger area.
I went to an orthapedic surgeon hoping to just get surgery to prevent this getting worse. After a negative nerve conduction test and a clear MRI on my neck she believes that while my ulnar nerve has thickened in both elbows and does freely go in and out of place it is not the main problem or much cause for concern. The permanent numbness is. She believes it's an issue in my brain, like autoimmune or something along those lines. So now I have to see a neurologist.
During my appt with her she asked about my family history, and she believes it's possible my sister has the same problem as me. She also has been experiencing numbness in her hands and her doctor has been investigating possible lupus or rheumatoid arthritis but nothing has confirmed anything as of yet. My sister (34F, 5'7" approx 60kg) does get a rash at times during 'flare ups' of her symptoms but overall it is mostly in remission. She has also recently been diagnosed with asthma. I do not get a rash, but my skin has increased greatly in sensitivity in the last year. I have been suffering/now managing folliculitis and dermatitis as well as weirdly intensely itchy armpits - which has greatly improved after switching to a sensitive deodorant. (Keep in mind I'd been using the same one for 10 years almost) I have also recently been getting mild asthma like symptoms but cannot confirm either way yet.
I would really appreciate if anyone knows anybody that has had similar symptoms that HAS a diagnosis. I am obviously going to see the neurologist, but I am a bit stressed about given my sister has had no luck investigating this, and seeing specialists over and over again is very expensive. Also, when I look at the possible causes of peripheral neuropathy on the mayo clinic site I don't relate to any of it.
Possible relevant info:
I have been diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome (no investigation of EDS) and PCOS. Doctors believe I have Endo (found in ultrasound) but no surgery yet to confirm. I have the implanon and am also on the mini pill to try and control my Endo symptoms/flare ups. It sort of works.
I do not have diabetes. I manage my PCOS with metformin, and I was tested for diabetes 3x and all came back negative. I also have no symptoms of diabetes. A side effect of metformin did make me b12 deficient which I have managed to resolve with regular b12 injections every 3 months. The numbness predates the b12 deficiency.
I have a history of headaches and migraines. (Sensitivity to light, although recently now also I get nauseous, dizzy and sometimes weakness in my arms)
I have a history of being lightheaded/easily faint due to stress or heat. I self-manage and don't really consider this much of a problem.
I rarely drink alcohol (one glass max usually when I do. I avoid bc makes me feel like crap) and I do not do any drugs.
Thank you for reading <3
submitted by no_thanks_buddy to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:05 Significant-Wish578 Financially struggle? Take a cross country drive

I (21F) knew adulting would be hard cause I basically witnessed the struggle in real time happen to my mom. I was no stranger to the bills, bills, bills, food and more bills. But I was truly tested after I moved out. I moved out with my boyfriend across the country (was in Texas now I'm in Washington) for a job opportunity. We were making 21/hr doing housekeeping and they provided housing so easy money. Our goal was to work for as long as we need and save since we didn't have to worry about anything but food. However four months in they're cutting hours and another month goes by and every employee is laid off. There goes our get rich quick scheme so we're forced to move to Seattle. Had plenty of starting out money but unemployed plus 4 times the bills don't equal success. After a month my boyfriend finds a job and we're basically okay. Until our truck broke down and we were told it would cost a lot to fix so we don't, we get a rental, which tho we were out of options is just such an expensive option, til we find a cheap car. We try to finance but he has bad credit and a job but I have average credit and no job which means a high down payment but we can no longer afford a large down payment. Meanwhile I get ungodly sick. I'm vomiting constantly, can't keep food down, migraines and just generally weakness but at the same time I land a job. But I can't work I couldn't even stand without getting nauseated so despite only working 3 days they let me go cause I had to keep calling out due to nearly passing out trying to drive there. As I struggle with my health we turn to Facebook for some cheap used cars. And out of stupid desperation we buy a car from someone for 800 that "only" needs the spark plugs replaced. We get a cheap mechanic to do it and we start the car, he listens and he says your transmission is having issues. In the end the transmission was toast and it wasn't safe to drive. So we ask him to look at our truck and he tells us oh it's an easy fix even we could do it. Contemplating it, we send a desperate text to my boyfriend's mom who's well off and she offers her truck we just need to fly back to Texas and drive it to Washington. We're crying cause it's just been 4 weeks of unemployment, car issues, health issues, mental issues and money issues. So I say I'll do it. He stays and works and I'll take the cross country drive. We finalize the plan and we're like how is he gonna get to work. We decide to try and fix our current truck just enough to last until I come back and the mechanic wasnt lying we were able fix it. And now this story isnt finished cause I fly down in 3 days so I haven't done the drive but I wanted to complain about life and get some luck.
submitted by Significant-Wish578 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 08:37 VividWitch Am I low Vision?

To be clear. My vision is fine. But I am exceedingly photophobic. To be exact, it takes about 5 minutes of room light, two-ish direct sunlight, and up to 10 minutes of low light before I get a migraine. Unfortunately, my migraines are often hemispheric migraines, so I get strokelike symptoms that incapacitate me, so it's not just a "power through the pain" kinda headache.
Ultimately, in order to do anything under average lighting conditions (doctor visits), I wear a blindfold. I have found a lot of use in things designed to accommodate low vision. I have, however, adjusted my home to be a safe place to have my eyes uncovered. Black out curtains, fairy lights turned to red, and all screens turned to their dimmest and warmest settings.
My question is: should I consider myself blind. My migraines have been triggered by light for only the last 4 years, so I am finally accepting that this may be a permanent change.
So, if low vision is defined by what percentage of vision is left, and my vision is fine only in very controlled circumstances and 0% at any other time, does that mean I have low vision?
submitted by VividWitch to Blind [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 08:25 Altruistic-Area-5935 Needing some guidance

Here's my current situation. I'd love some opinions or ideas.
This all "started" (I say that because I think my anxiety has been around for years, just never had physical symptoms, if that makes sense) after my grandma passed away in Dec 2023. Two days after she died, I was driving to the airport to pick up my siblings and I started to feel lightheaded and nauseous, like I might throw up. Pulled over and my mom continued driving. I never passed out or threw up. This would happen a few times again, during driving, until mid Jan. Same symptoms every time.
Then I started to get the same symptoms at the grocery store. The worst was on Feb 20th. I had the worst anxiety attack of my life. My grocery cart was full, I was almost to the checkout and I felt this rush go through my body. Then shaking, nausea, lightheaded, just panic. I had to abandon my full cart and leave the store.
After this I started to suspect it was the medication I was taking. I had started taking Zepbound, which is a glp1. I had lost 20 lbs so I thought, maybe it's from weight loss. Hypoglycemia, blood pressure etc. All of that was fine. I coincidentally started taking Zepbound two days after my 1st anxiety attack. The one on the way to the airport. So I thought maybe the Zepbound didn't CAUSE the anxiety attack, but it could have heightened them?
I also have hashimotos, and I suspected that my thyroid had flipped into hyper. My labs showed my T3 was high, and my TSH was at its lowest ever in my life, 1.42. So I stopped Zepbound and started lowering my thyroid medication. My symptoms didn't improve, but I was convinced it was thyroid or medication related.
I asked my doctor to refer me to an ENT to rule out stuff. ENT said my hearing was perfect. Didn't suspect vestibular migraine and no BPPV and no meniers. ENT referred me to a physical therapist for vestibular therapy. I had my first appointment last week and she diagnosed me with PPPD. My current symptoms are just dizziness and lightheadedness, like walking on a boat. I don't get the nausea, shaking, or feeling like throwing up anymore. I've never passed out but the dizziness is so debilitating. It's not all day, just shows up when I'm exposed to my triggers. Driving, grocery stores, crowded places, conversations with people, haircuts.
Basically she said it's all anxiety related. She was very reassuring that its manageable. She also said a lot of her patients do well on SSRI. I've had Zoloft 25mg sitting in my cabinet for weeks now because I'm not comfortable taking it. I also had my vitamin d checked last week and it was very low, 27. Iron was fine, ferritin 51, b12 408. So I've started taking vit d3 5000iu day.
I've accepted that this is all anxiety related. Could this be low vit d symptoms? My question is, are SSRIs the only option for PPPD? Can you manage this with natural methods? CBD oil? Magnesium? I've never taken SSRI ever and I've been reading some really bad stuff about them, specifically Zoloft. I did recently come across a book called 'How to rewire your anxious brain.' It teaches you how to fight through your anxiety and stand up to your amygdala.
I want to find my root cause. I know that my grandma passing away could've been traumatic but somehow I don't believe that's the cause. I didn't know it was possible for an event like that to change your brain? I was in the room, holding her hand when she took her last breath. So yeah, it was very upsetting for me.
Anyway, I have a therapist who I'm in contact with regularly. I would LOVE to hear some positive feedback/success stories with SSRI's. I'm a mom to a 9 and 7 year old. Stay at home Mom with many many responsibilities and I feel like I'm not who I used to be. I can feel myself detaching from my family and I hate it. I want them to be able to count on me. Thanks for reading!
Just a side note, I've caught more respiratory illnesses than I usually do. Like back to back! I had this nasty cough over Christmas, I never tested for covid, but daughter ended up getting covid a week later. Same with my parents, even my grandpa. So it was going around. Since that illness, I've never fully recovered. I'll get "better", but I still have this deep cough with phlegm. A couple weeks go by and then another cold! That's why I'm thinking is this vitamin d? No fever anything like that. Just a lingering respiratory thing.
Sorry for the novel.
submitted by Altruistic-Area-5935 to pppdizziness [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:26 Lady_Death_16 It's been over a month

I tried killing myself in the middle of the night with a regular bottle of Jameson, mini bottle of Jameson Orange and migraine pills. I figurer since I like orange, I'd at least like the taste sonI started with that. But the Jameson was too strong; that, and I'm sure the gravity of what I was trying to do got to me. I didn't even get twenty pills in before I threw everything up. Since them, I've had issuer eating. I usually start to get a hunger headache/migraine if I go more than twelve hours without eating, but since then, I haven't gotten as many headaches/migraines as I'd usually get on a monthly basis, as I'm prone to them. But nope, I was able to go days without eating food, but I kept drinking liquids, so it was something. I slowly tried urging myself to eat food, but couldn't eat more than a fee bites unless I was with my boyfriend for the weekend. I've gotten back to eating a somewhat normal amount this past week away from him. Right now, I'm tying this while drinking a mixed concoction and regretting not trying again. I'm trying to hold out until I can hopefully get a better job and maybe even health insurance because while I'm seeing s therapist, I know I need to speak to another health professional like a psychiatrist, maybe even get an additional medicine/change in medicine. If I don't within a month, I think I'll try again; maybe with mixed drinks and a different type of pill. But I'm trying my hardest to stay sane to stay in my brother and boyfriend's lives. But it's hard; I've even starter falling out of love with baking, which used to be my passion. But I'm currently putting off an order due for Friday/Saturday because I'm so frustrated. I just felt the need to rant, but can't talk to anyone without telling them about the latest attempt.
submitted by Lady_Death_16 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:09 sweetlibertea AITA for cutting off my brother after announcing his fiance is pregnant?

So this, this takes a lot of contextual details into account, so strap in.
I (27F) have a brother, (33M). The age gap between us is relevant. Growing up, I just wanted to be friends with my brother, he was one of my favorite people in the world even if he did bully me sometimes.
I'm going to provide some examples of his treatment.
When I was about three, he came into my room after I had been put to bed, wearing a mask and holding a butter knife above me. Still afraid of masks to this day.
He would always drink every pitcher of something I made and never make any after finishing it. Sometimes I wouldn't even get a glass. My mom was busy fostering other kids and didn't have time for 'petty squabbles'. Once, I spit in the top of the pitcher and left the lid off so he could see it. He yanked away the bowl of cereal I was eating and spit in it, shoving it back so hard some spilled on me. I had just hit preteen age and was really sick of just taking his crap, so I splashed it back at him. He threw me to the ground and started hitting me. My mom heard the fighting and told us we were both at fault, so he never got punished.
One time, my parents busted him with drugs. There was a screaming match and he was only home from college for the holidays. Once he left, I felt safe to come out of my room again and was at the dining room table drawing or doing winter break worksheets or something. I think I was around 14. My brother came back in and got something from the kitchen before going back down to his room in the basement, but he said some snarky comment to me before going down. I hadn't even said anything or made a noise to warrant it. What I said in turn was 'At least I don't do drugs.' The next second, I was pulled up by my neck and my brother slammed me into the wall. Things are kind of foggy, but my next memory is waking up on the floor and crying for our parents. I'm not really sure what the punishment for that was. I think he just left and went back to college early to avoid it.
After the fight this post is actually about, I learned from my mom that he actively denied that this ever happened. I was really traumatized about it. The drug he claimed to be on became an almost catastrophic trigger. I would feel hands on my throat and the darkness closing in again at the mere mention of it, it could send me into a panic attack. I've gotten better about my reaction to it, but I still refuse to have it anywhere around me or in my life. It's a socially accepted drug, so it's cost me more than a few relationships. When I heard he denied it, I looked at my mom and said, how many times have I lied versus him? And why would I make up something like that? She's seen the reactions. I broke up with a guy I really liked because he refused to keep it away from me. If I saw a scene in a TV show when it was more recent, I would curl up into a ball and couldn't talk, my throat felt so tight, I just cried. I'd like to know how or why I would have faked reactions like that. She never really believed him since he was known to lie, but it was still appalling he tried to lie about something so severe.
And that's not all! Once, my mom kicked him out when she snapped at him for his dog hurting our dogs and he called her a bitch, living rent free with our parents at 27 after failing through college due to partying. My mom had enough and told him to get out. He texted me and asked if he could stay with me for the night, despite me being away at college 2 hours from our town. I didn't think my mom did anything wrong, but I couldn't bring myself to leave him alone like that. I still loved him, even after all that up there.
So I said yes. I lived in an apartment near campus with a roommate, and we each had our own bedroom and ensuite bathroom, plus the kitchenette and a living room we shared. I had a 'friend' at the time- I asked him if he could possibly bring some booze over for my brother, giving a quick run down of the situation, and he agreed that yeah, the man probably needed a drink (I wasn't old enough to purchase alcohol, so I asked him). All three of us hung out on the porch to make sure we didn't disturb my roommate until around 3 AM, where my brother's drunk comments are making me really uncomfortable so my 'friend' suggests we head to bed, since we have class in the morning, too. Friend regularly sleeps with me in my bed, so its not an issue. And I cleared the couch in the shared living room with my roommate before I told my brother it was okay. So I go in first, change into pajamas, and then let my brother in to do all the bathroom stuff he needed before bed. I'm laying down and half asleep when I'm yanked out of bed by my arm and forcibly pushed through my own door, my brother demanding my bed. 'Friend' gently stood up for me and reminded him that I was already being generous by letting him stay at all, he could at least respect me. My brother did not like that. He started slurring angry stuff at both of us and collecting his dog's toys, saying that he'll just drive all the way home if I'm going to be like this. This is after he consumed like, half a bottle of fireball. So that was NOT happening. I'm standing in the way of the front door and blocking it once my brother finally finds his keys and he starts pulling me away and hurting me. 'Friend' tackled him and pinned him to the ground in an old highschool wrestling hold. I snatch the keys and run into the kitchenette, remove the sink filter, and hold the keys close in case I have to throw them down the drain in desperation. My brother is screaming and hurling insults left and right and I'm deeply traumatized already because of his violence towards me and from the vitriol just makes me cry really hard. My roommate knows I'm quiet and the noise wakes her up and she asks what the hell is going on. I try to explain but I'm basically in hysterics and 'friend' explains for me, while calmly still pinning my brother. Roomie was in nursing school and turned on the Nurse Voice immediately to address my brother. She tells him she just lost a friend to a drunk driver, and it is not responsible to drive in this state. She'll perform sobriety tests periodically and when he passes, he can go. And if he continues and tries to leave, she will call the cops on him for drunk driving, and my 'friend' and I could probably tell the cops about the violence, too. Around 5 AM he was finally sober enough to pass and his last words to me were 'I hope you fucking like mom and dad, because we aren't family anymore'. It shattered me.
He didn't talk to me for 2 years.
I got presents when I came home on my birthday and christmas from him during that time, and my parents said he was busy working and left the presents early with them, he was still annoyed but we were family. I believed it. I later realized that my parents were lying and covering up for him because they knew it would have broken my heart.
At some point after that, he started turning himself around. He never really apologized for any of the things he did to me. But I let him back into my life anyway, because I loved him, and I had always wanted my brother to be my friend. Our family is really small. I was just happy to jump at the chance to hang out with him again. He ended up with a girlfriend and he bought a house where they both stayed, so I finally had a place to actually visit him since he had been more or less couch surfing until then. I was so excited. My brother was older and more mature, and he had his own house now! We could finally be close!
Obviously... That wasn't how things turned out.
Why exactly none of us like his girlfriend is a different, long story. But suffice it to say, we all pretty much hated her and hated that he was with her. She basically forbade us from being over at his house very much. I tried to overlook the crappy things she had done to us, because she and I shared a lot of traits and interests. I would have a cool sister! Now? It disgusts me that we share anything in common. Point is, I would still keep trying to be friendly with both of them. There came a day when I sat my brother down and had a real conversation with him. When he was truly sad, he seemed to come to me. He told me he wasn't happy with her. He just was terrified of being alone. He was really afraid of her being a mother, due to her mental and medical state, and the fact that she was so lazy around the house (working from home, too). And that was the last time I was over at his house, because we heard the girlfriend's comforter rustling and he panicked and shoo'ed me out of the house before she realized I was there. That was about 3 years ago.
I kept being really excited when he was over for holidays. But he was over for less and less, because they went with her family more, or she wanted to go home. He wouldn't show up on birthdays the day of, or even the weekend. It'd be like two weeks later, and it was almost always gift cards for my parents. Like jesus christ, the least you could do is hand your parent the card on their birthday. Anyway, I would always ask him to hang out later on and he'd say yeah, then back out at the last minute. It stung every time. I started asking less and less. It got to the point where he would even back out of playing animal crossing with me online, from the comfort of his own home. That's when I gave up. He used to text me once in a while with memes, at least. But that stopped long ago. I realized that I was the only one putting effort into our relationship, and it crushed me.
I'm not going to lie, I became really bitter about his girlfriend. When he announced they were engaged, none of our family was happy. But I managed to save the relationship between all of us by apologizing over text and pointing out that all our faces dropped with pain and confusion because he was referring to his fiancee by a nickname, that was also the name of our dog that had passed only a month ago. Which, that's partially true, that's definitely why my face looked shattered. I wasn't happy, but I wasn't going to bring it up.
As my brother got older and started making healthier decisions, I kept up hope that one day he'd come to his senses. Either ditch the fiance or put more effort into family relationships. But I started losing hope really quickly. I dreaded the day when they would tell us a wedding date or that a baby was on the way.
Mother's day came, and my brother backed out of brunch with my mom, stating he was tired from having breakfast with fiance's mom (yeah. yeah, that was a pretty common theme and just one more reason we didn't like them together). So he'd take her out the next weekend. Last year he backed out after being twenty minutes late because he took his fiancee to urgent care for one of her usual and frequent migraines. He kept telling us he wouldn't be long. Get her a refill on the injections she would use and come to us. An hour and a half later, he said to go home and that he was sorry, we'd reschedule.
He never rescheduled.
So, up comes the make up brunch for my mom this year. I had already given her my present, so she had at least some mother's day celebration. I woke up with a pretty bad headache and immediately downed allergy pills and advil so I could make it through brunch at least, for my mom's sake and to see if my brother had changed any. At this point in the relationship with my brother, I'm pretty bitter. I went back and checked my texts while we were waiting for him in the restaurant. The last text between my brother and I was January of this year. And it was me asking if hypothetically could I stay with him if my mom threw me out (I've asked it before many times, and he would say yes-- It's not really likely that my mom would throw me out, but I have kind of bad anxiety and it makes me feel better to have back up plans). He said 'uh maybe very short term it would be hell with my dogs and schedule lol' and I just stared at the text. He asked if I had considered getting my own place-- Well, yes, I have, but I really can't bring myself to do it because it would mean separating my family's two dogs (technically one is mine, ones is my parents', but they're so attached to each other) and I couldn't just leave my dog behind either. I told him not to worry, because mom had calmed down.
But back to breakfast. I'm usually a little more lively around my brother and usually try to talk to him a lot, about anything, or something I'm excited about. Between my bitterness and the headache, I didn't say more than 40 words through the whole meal, I think. The two times my brother spoke to me at all were to mansplain to me about my favorite Fallout character (its Hancock, he uses drugs, but you can get him off them if you do his friendship arc). He asked me if I'd seen the show yet. I told him no, because I asked a friend to watch through it and see if Hancock's drug use was too frequent or severe before I started it. And then he asked me who Hancock was. And I was like??? The guy with the lasagna face? Turns out Hancock is actually the main character of the show. He pretty much talked down to me 'you know they're not real drugs, right, they just exist in the universe. he takes his inhaler everyday'. Internally I'm like 'No you fucking moron, they're real drugs, with different names. If you paid attention to crafting or lore, you would realize that. You need fertilizer to make the drug you're talking about (jet)-- you know, like people who will shit in a bag and huff it. Buffout is basically steroids. And Hancock decreases his drug use if you become close with him, but sure, tell me about my favorite character you know shit about, not even his fucking name.' But I say none of this. I just return to being quiet and slowly eating my food. The other time he talked to me was when I asked the waitress if my mom could have a redo on her eggs because they weren't the cook she asked for (which, also, this is big for me! I have severe anxiety and ordering food is so hard, much less speaking up about an inconsistency) and my mom was so grateful. She didn't want to make a fuss, but I would, for her. When the lady took the eggs back he's all shitty like 'you know that if they fuck it up the first time, then they probably can't make it right, don't you' and I just looked at him and didn't bother responding. Like, okay. You assume its just one person back there making eggs? If one was screwed, either they would just refire it with extra care or one of the other line cooks would do it. I watch a ton of Kitchen Nightmares and Hells Kitchen, so I think I'm a little more familiar with the back of house or how the line works than my brother. And that people don't actually usually mess with your food for simple or reasonable requests. But he doesn't know that (actually, I roped my mom into Hell's Kitchen, and we then further roped my dad in, so Hell's Kitchen is now a Family Event), because of course he doesn't, he never asks about me or my interests. By the end of brunch, I'm just kind of pissed off, and my head is aching. We're walking out and my brother hands my mom a card. She opens it up and it says something something something grandma and opens on a sonogram. And I'm just so done with everything. I mutter to myself 'are you fucking kidding me'. My mom is putting up a good effort in being nice to soon to be wife and while personally, this disgusts me and crushed my spirit, I was not focused on the baby talk. I did manage to pick up his fiance saying 'oh yeah well i'm not on speaking terms with my family at the moment, so i have to talk to SOMEONE'S family haha' (like wow, okay, tell us you don't consider us family until we're a back up plan a little louder). We were out in the sun, it was hot, and my head was pounding. After a few minutes I asked 'can we go now' and my brother got shitty with me, because the world revolves around him (god forbid he had sympathy for a migraine given his own fiancee, but he didn't even notice to care that I said less than 50 words) and snapped at me that 'You don't have to be here, no one invited you'. And I was just done. I walked away closer to the car and I didn't catch it but my mom glared daggers at him and said that she had invited me. Then my brother said the thing that was the last straw.
'That's some fucking family for you.'
I was engulfed in rage. He put us on the back burner, barely spoke to us, minimized visits for his girlfriend's comfort, and yet somehow, he decided I was shitty family? I did his homework for him when I was a child and he was in high school. I always was there for him when he got depressed or existential crisis now and then. I advocated for my parents to make up with him after the fight where my mom kicked him out. When he tried to finish his degree since he only had one semester left when he really fucked it up, he asked ME for help, because he would need the help in the last core class he needed- Calculus. I was STILL IN HIGHSCHOOL. And I agreed! (He never ended up going, but that's not the point). I was the one who reminded my parents of what desserts he liked for family gatherings. I was the one who would dogsit for him when he would just leave without telling anyone, because he knew if I heard the dog cry in its crate I would feel bad and release it, and that I wouldn't put it away in a crate if I was home because I felt bad. I was the one that tried to convince my parents to give his fiance a second chance. I made 300 fake facebook accounts years ago before verification was a thing to vote for his band to headline a medium large concert for a decently known band.
He used to steal my things to pawn them for drug money. He would threaten to say goodbye to my chao when I reminded him it was my turn to play. He would call me a dependent loser for not having 'x' life skill already when he didn't have it at my age either, and long after that! He used physical force against me several times. He would purposely taunt me with things I was afraid of. He repeatedly cut me off and didn't talk to me for a while over some petty thing he got angry about, but 2 years was the longest ever by at least a year. He would use me as a kid to ask our parents about something he wanted, and me being a kid, would go along with it because I loved him and wanted to make him happy. He decided to spend one summer with his girlfriend in California or whatever during highschool and I was crushed and asked him if we would be able to hang out any before the next school year started because he would go away for college and he laughed in my face. He always used me as the soundboard to vent about my parents (again, I am much younger than him)! He would constantly make fun of me that I had no friends and that I would be alone all my life, and that continued through adulthood, too. He would talk down to me about my chosen second family/people I met online long distance. He would make fun of things I liked all the time knowing that I found his opinion important.
I had done nothing but love him my entire life, and he barely acknowledged me in his.
So I fucking lost it. I started screaming back at him (in public, in a parking lot, loud-- all things that are important because I have severe anxiety and hate making a spectacle, this was how far things had gotten) about how he was an ungrateful piece of shit and he had personally told me he wasn't happy with her and that she would be a terrible mother and all I wanted was for him to be happy but I'm shitty family? He resorted to his standard argument when he has no argument- Puff out his chest and say 'lay a hand on me, lay a hand on me'. My parents were so shocked by the fact that I had an outburst like that, they couldn't react for a moment. Neither of them told me off, at any point. My dad started to redirect me towards the car to end the argument and my brother has one last clapback 'remember when you asked to move in with me? yeah, this is wh--' I cut him off by screaming about when he asked ME to stay with me in my apartment and threw me out of my own room, and his only comeback was 'it wasn't YOUR apartment, it was THEIR apartment' pointing to my parents, because like for him, they paid for my accommodations in college. I had enough. I told him to never fucking contact me again, because he is NOT my fucking family, he chose his family and he is dead to me. And I got in the car. Didn't listen to another word.
My parents stayed out there with my brother and his fiance for a while. I hadn't known anything that had gone on until later when talking to my mom.
Again, neither one of them scolded me a single bit when they got in the car. They just gave me this really apologetic look because they knew how sad and hurt I had to be to finally cut him out of my life for good. I was really wound up and stressed out and I sort of asked my mom to choose between us-- Poor wording on my part, but I needed to be supported. My brother always got away with treating me like shit without any consequences-- And me not being in his life wasn't a consequence either, because his life would not change without me in it. She kinda got cross with me by saying she would never abandon either of us and I took it as 'you're enabling this by keeping contact, and saying that it's okay for him to treat me like this' and I went to my room. I shut my door and started sobbing my eyes out. My mom had heard me through two door and down the hall and she came to hug me. And I asked her straight up like 'what's going to happen at the wedding? are you going to go if he doesn't invite me?' Because like I said, he never had consequences for treating me like garbage my entire life. I wanted there to be SOME form of consequence. She did reassure me that if he pulled that move, neither one of my parents would go. We had a long talk about how it really hurt my feelings the way she said she wouldn't abandon either of us because, you know, at the time, it really felt like she wasn't supporting me with that choice. But I had also worded my question really poorly, being so upset and all. I told her how I felt about him not ever having any repercussions so I needed my parents to at least back me up on that. They don't plan on contacting him much, but won't outright abandon him if he needs something. But if it comes down to it, like if the wedding invite doesn't come, they would support me over my brother. And she had made it clear to him that family is like a totem pole, and on that totem pole, I definitely was higher than him.
A few days later, I was telling her how it still really hurt. I don't regret what I did and I will never take it back, but it pained me to know how little I really meant to him. I think I was hoping that the shock of me finally giving up on him would ring some alarm bells in his head. We were talking about it and she ended up conversationally giving me more details about what had happened after I got in the car and the aftermath. Apparently after my outburst, the fiance started walking away crying that 'first she didn't have her family, and now she doesn't have his family either'.
Remember how she said she wasn't on speaking terms with her family? Her older brother and his wife have a child that their mom babysits sometimes. They're considering another child, via IVF. The fiance is mad that her baby won't be her mom's priority if they have another child and that her brother was hogging their mom to babysit.
Yeah. Gee, wonder why they won't talk to you anymore either.
And she told my mom about the moving in comment, that it was just because she didn't want their large dogs to shred my small dog, or anything worse, because she would feel horrible (I don't believe this for a second, it was another convenient excuse). My mom looked at her and asked if she was serious, because I never would have brought my dog over there. Again, because of how happy she is with her sister. The fiance actually looked shocked at this information, indicating that my brother was up to his old lying was again.
Speaking of my brother, apparently he told my parents that he would never come over here again as long as I live here. And honestly? That's fine with me. I don't want him in this house. I am agoraphobic and my home is like a sanctuary. My mom and I were talking about how ridiculous this all is and how entitled they are, and I mention that it occurred to me that they were suddenly invested in being a family now that she's pregnant and definitely getting married (and after she won't speak to her family) and I wouldn't be surprised if they only told us and played the 'family' card because they had expected me to be my normal gentle and loving self. That it seemed convenient, and I couldn't help but think they had only allowed us in on the news expecting a baby shower gift or wedding gift. Or for me to arrange the baby shower-- Fiance doesn't have a sister, isn't talking to her mom, and doesn't have that many female friends (shocker). My mom sighed and said it wouldn't surprise her either if they had expected me to be their baby sitter for the same reason, just like I took care of his dog because I couldn't refuse it with my soft heart. And honestly, I had thought that too, but I dismissed the thought because it seemed too much like they would consider me for that. But my mom had the same idea, so it couldn't be that far off.
She told me she had reached out to my brother one last time, after the initial fight, after she had comforted me from the violent sobbing and saw just how much it hurt. The gist was just 'you should really apologize to your sister, all she ever really wanted from you was for you to acknowledge her as part of your life. our family is small, and it hurts to see you two like this. All it takes is an invite to hang out now and again, that's all she wants. I hope you can figure this out. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, I love you'.
My brother's response was 'I am not handling this situation right now'.
And it really hit me. He wasn't willing to do the bare minimum of an apology and spending any time with me at all. I laughed bitterly and told my mom he probably thinks that by the time his birthday rolls around I'll feel bad and come back to him-- He'll have a nasty surprise coming.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the asshole here. But between my anxiety, my hurt, and just the long history of me forgiving my brother because I love him, I keep wondering if maybe I shouldn't have. I go back and forth between thinking that I was wrong and that I was just showing off my shiny new backbone.
So, AITA for cutting contact with my brother and his pregnant fiance?
submitted by sweetlibertea to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:08 gamemaker18 19f w/ spinal issues

please ignore some spelling mistakes, typing with one hand i had tethered cord surgery at 10 after three years of chronic back pain and development of a posture hunch. at the same time i was diagnosed with spina bifida. i was leaned forward and unable to stand at full height. in terms of post-op i saw the surgeon one more time. in the hospital i could feel some loss of sensation in my left foot, i expressed this but my nerves still reacted like normal when tested and i was crying/going through an anxiety attack from feeling overwhelmed (note: i fear i was perhaps not taken seriously bc of that but not dwelling on what ifs rn) for about half a year following the surgery i had intense and crippling migraines that i was told (by surgeon) it was from loss of spinal fluid. they eventually went away.
through middle school and high school i did not see my doctor much, no scans, some PT, i went in for sciatica pain multiple times and was given home stretches. my pain would tange depending on how much movement i had done, for a time in sophmore year (15) i had migraines as bad as the post-op ones. i saw a chiropractor (sorry) who was the one to tell me i had developed scoliosis (beginning of 2021?) until end of 2022 when i had another pinched sciatica following an appointment with her.
flash forward to the last two years(23-24); college. this time last year i had been stretching and heard a pop so loud in my hip for a second i feared i dislocated something (it hurt badly, 6-8, by this time i was used to a high pain level) and went to urgent care after days of no relief. it became a problem when driving was causing further pain. i had an xray of my right thigh/hip and no issues were visible. i was sent home with crutches and higher dose over the counter meds which i used for some time before returning to normal range of movement. the month prior i strained some unknown muscle in my left rib area which caused pain when breathing. another xray, sent home again. i felt both for a year following, most pain died down to discomfort/soreness from overuse after a few months. i saw my dr for the newest round of PT for feet pain as well and xrays showed hallux valgus in both feet the PT eval i had monday pointed out my body in parts seem strong and the symptoms are presenting as neuro related. last night i felt a pop in my L foot (bad history with pops) and i would say the dragging of my foot today has been its worse.
for pain management i take over the counter pain meds and once turning 18 i got my med card per my states laws, etc.
to recap and ensure i include all of them here is a summary , - weakness in my left side ranging from foot drop (dragging my foot), a noticeable increase in my lazy eye (left) as well as eye strain. even looking in pictures you can see when my pain was worse my eye wonders more off skelter. my mobility is becoming more limited, my driving is even being hindered i cant fall asleep on my left side. and when i close my eyes my balance goes out the window. i failed the romberg test :( i would describe the feeling as pulling my left hip by a string, needing to overcompensate. numbness/loss of sensation and some tingling mixed with muscle spasms -ive always had neck tics starting in eight grade but i boiled it down go being anxiety linked¿ my life was high stress at the time due to a parent being ill and it was sporadic - tension headaches and a constant strain on my right side. sore rather than sharp pain - some issue with BM’s - numbness while peeing - snoring (not happened much when i was younger)
my question; would it be worth it to go to the ER with my current symptoms in order to receive care faster? i can survive as i am now, as i have been, but not for a year or more my concerns/where my current urgency is stemming from i was referred back to PT by my dr and have to complete three weeks in order to get referred (my dr said we need to look proactive for records/ortho) after going to PT the dr said it is likely linked to my spina bifida which falls to neuro. ive done research in the past regarding my condition, and have always tried to approach it with an open mind regarding possible need for further treatment. however, looping back to the three weeks of PT, it was a multi-month wait for my podiatry appointment so i can only assume itd be the same if not longer for ortho once the referral is sent, would be 2-4 months, countering in the neuro side if i do need to see a specialist id likely be referred until after my ortho consult, so an appointment would likely not happen until early 2025. ive talked to my friends mom, ~20 years in the nursing field, and presented my case to her. her opinion was to go, i messaged my dr and she told me it’d help my case too. ik with this piece of info, its weird for me to be asking random people when real people closer to me have said to go, i however still feel somewhat like the anxious 10 year old that wasn’t fully listened to. would i be wasting time? am i wasting everyone’s time at the ER? help doctors whom have my admiration! from a former pre-med student.
submitted by gamemaker18 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:50 ElizabethKenobi0621 Brother’s psychotic marriage

Brothers chaotic marriage
TLDR my brother married a psychotic girl who abandoned her kids multiple times and had a sick dick and side chick
My brother married an actual psychopath. My brother (40) married the scummiest scum of the earth. Who can only be described as a whore, a psycho, sociopath and an all around terrible human being. It was against the wishes of EVERYONE.
For back story
She had a child by another man
 and only had him to live off the government. My brother met the stray hoe took care of her and her unborn child. They started dating in september and by christmas she had drained his bank account. She had her son in November. He moved in with her days after christmas. Proposed. And got married sometime between march and june i honestly can not be bothered to know exactly when. The night before brother was admitted to the er for staph infection in his berries.
After the “wedding” that was in the back yard of some pastor . they had a “reception”. Where i photographed/observed the following. A used tampon on washing machine. Shit filled diapers littering the nursery. A surreal amount of clothing on the bed. I said nah im good. And went home. Eventually she got my brother to legally adopt her child. Im forever convinced if not for my brother she would casey anthony her child.
She Munchausened her kid and my brother. Self diagnosing the kid with autism. Pushed or made my brother fall and get multiple concussions. Drugged him with date rape drugs to keep control of him. She was a frequent flier to the ER going to the emergency room for unnecessary reasons.
She refused to parent her child insisting that its the worlds job to teach him the bare minimum. She refused to clean as well. Her cockroaches had cockroaches. Cleanliness was mental illness for her. She kicked my brother out asking for divorce. But realized she had to leave bc he paid the bills. She stayed with whoever the hell would take her. Was forced to walk wherever she needed to go. And uttered the words “well i had to walk in the rain so theres my bath for the week” after growing tired of not having his car and money she came crawling back.
She avoided parenting like the plague. Every excuse. Uti. Migraine. Yeast infection. Its a tuesday. When her son was 2 she left to go to another state and go to school for being a truck driver. Had no qualms of leaving her kid behind for weeks. Then she dropped out of 18 wheeler school. It seems the wheels on her bus fell off.
For someone who doesnt believe proper hygiene was important she didnt believe bathing him and basic care was important. Feet encrusted in dirt and dirt under overgrown nails. It was so noticeable that when i cut his nails his teacher made comment about it. Her family was just as absent as you would expect. Her mother only went to the first birthday party when the child was 6. And didnt even know her own grandchild. Asked another child at the party if he had the best birthday! My mom looked at her and said “yeaaa thats the wrong kid
When the first born was 7, she birthed her second. This had no change and her parenting never improved. Another child encrusted in dirt.
When the youngest was a year and a half my brother had knee surgery and stayed with us (me mom dad) to recover because she would have made him cook clean and parent. While he was healing for the week he was there she moved in her boyfriend AND girlfriend. By the way she not only a hoe she is a promiscuous hoe with no moral compass. I promised my mom id never call CPS however when the second was 2 i had a friend call cps. Like a special ops team, cops went in at 2 am and gathered the children and brought them to me and my parents.
We had the 2 year old and a friend of the hoe had the 8 year old. For 2 weeks my brother agonized over his kids being taken. And she had a vacation. She treated it as if having your kids repo’ed as a right of passage. Told the world. Told the teacher. And had the time of her stupid life. In the 2 weeks i had them i had minions collecting screenshots of statuses of her being a bad mother. Which was super easy bc every thought made it to facebook. Such as. “My dentist suggested i brush my teeth at least once a day” “i guess i was doing (brother) with the wrong meds and made him sick” “why dont grandparents raise our children” i gathered these gems and photographic evidence of the state of the house and cleanliness of children to cps, police and eventually divorce lawyer.
During their time together the hoe broke my brother mentally spiritually emotionally physically financially. The food stamps ran out in the first week of every month spent on junk soda and unnecessary nonsense. They had to ask my mother for money that accumulated to the tune of $10,000 over 10 years. She is also a gofundme whore. She would start a gofundme 10-12 times a year for any and everything. She decided at one point to go back to school and did an amazon wishlist for school supplies and a gofundme for “gas food and other expenses”.
Being the trash human she is she is friends with people of unsavory character. An actual crack head bought her entire amazon wishlist. Which she put on facebook. Yikes. At one point she found a dog and instead of finding the owner she finders keepers that poor pup. Making yet another gofundme for dog expenses. I told my friends i would paaaay them to claim the dog as theirs so my mother didnt pay for yet another mouth to feed. If youre curious about the gofundmes and if they were ever fruitful
 when a bull milks a calf will her gofundme work.
The final year of their marriage was no less chaotic. The christmas of 2019 she posted on facebook that its so wonderful that her husband is out working and her boyfriend is sleeping next to her and her girlfriend is cooking. Tagging the aforementioned on facebook. My brother was humiliated because infront of church members family and friends his marriage and all the stupidity that came with it was out in the open for all to judge.
My brother was at the time a corrections officers and let his kind nature and naivety get him in trouble. A person asked him to take some taco bell to an inmate and in what could only be called a moment of stupidity (sorry mom) he did so. what he didnt know is they put drugs in it and when it was scanned he was arrested. My mom and dad had to bail him out took him home and around 3 am he called me “they voted me out” beyond confused i asked what the hell does that mean? As it turned out. Hoe boyfriend and girlfriend unanimously voted him out of the house. Mind you. Single wide trailer housing 4 adults 2 kids a dog and cats and a turtle. June of 2020 he moved back in a month later the children followed.
After the actual breadwinner left the house the unemployed baboons could not pay the rent and were kicked out. The three went down to two with the girlfriend being let go. Hoe and boyfriend moved in with her mother. And boyfriend wrecked the car in my brothers name. Dui and head on collision. Car gone!
The children stayed with us. The youngest was 2 at the time and began calling my mom “mommy” which pissed off the hoe. And she never contacted them.
At the hearing for the divorce she stated all she wanted out of the relationship was not money or visitation. But her maiden name back. TAKE IT. AND LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE. She also used a photo of her kids on a gofundme to get sympathy and posted that to a fetish website. Seeing as the photo was them shirtless i believe that was on purpose. She dumped boyfriend and found a new love in new hampshire. She was in NH for 8 months with her new boyfriend and he lost his job so they moved back down.
After a summer of no contact she called and told the children “when i get home we are going to
.” And listed about 10 events places and activities to look forward to. None of which she delivered on. After not spending time with them again and choosing to give up her weekend with them to play video games for 30 HOURS STRAIGHT. She eventually in 2024 decided that her and her boyfriend were moving to Massachusetts. Seeing how she is a practicing witch my only hope is the salem witch trials reconvene. She married the dude she abandoned her kids for.
On mothers day the children who no longer give a damn she exists were forced to call and tell her happy mothers day. Where the 6 year old proceeded to tell her the older brother got a phone and didnt wanna give her his number. She assured him that as his mother its quite alright to give mommy dearest the number to which the youngest said yea no he doesnt want to. The mouths of babes. She cried and posted on facebook not only do her children hate her but she had to give up her cats too. And wished the “real mom’s of the world a happy mothers day” shes a shit cat mom too!
A week ago, we had spaghetti for dinner and the 6 year old said “i never used to like spaghetti. I only tried it at
 whats her names house? Jordan? Yea her house”
With their father engaged to a good Godly woman with morals and standards the worst mother to ever mother has been replaced and so far we are all living happily ever after. The moral of the story is if you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas what if you lay down with whores end up with bedbugs and that was a very costly moral
Edit to add: they had come over one day and someone called asking for my mom. And they heard the hoe speak. Asked if mom couldnt come to the phone bc of company. I said nah thats just my brother and his first wife. This was 6 months into marriage 😂
submitted by ElizabethKenobi0621 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:33 whatever33324 Varied oxygen sat and SOB with POTS - jumping from 88% 97%

Hi Everyone,
I am 30F, and am diagnosed with POTS, EDS, MCAS, and chronic migraine.
I am not currently taking any medication for POTS.
I am feeling particularly awful tonight and I am having a difficult time catching my breath. I have actually felt this way for almost a week and a half. I don't have any cold or flu symptoms. Just normal POTS symptoms.
Since tonight was so bad, I decided to check my pulse while sitting and standing. I noticed that upon sitting my heart rate was 67bpm and jumped to 156bpm within about 30 seconds of standing. I sat down because I got dizzy so I'm not sure how high it would have climbed.
I was using a finger monitor with pulse and oxygen saturation so I noticed that when I was sitting down I was around 93-96% but as soon as I stood up it dropped to 77% and finally stabilized around 88% while I was standing for that 30 seconds. When I sat back down it started jumping between 89% -97%.
I have been sitting for about 10 minutes since this happened and I still feel terrible. I feel like I can't catch my breath.
Has this ever happened to you before? I have had POTS for over a decade and I don't ever recall having such varied oxygen saturation.
submitted by whatever33324 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:23 Muted-Yak-7689 I Don't know what to feel about this anymore, I'm in pain.

Apologies for my weird way of writing and speaking. Every time I go to actually write out what's going on in my head, everything I want to say seems to back away from my tongue. I should feel happy you know, I might have an answer to a lifelong issue, at least one of them. A simple test to request my doctor order, from yet another specialist in a long line of negative results. And it isn't the seemingly worldwide consensus that I'm being a malarky filled drama queen.
But for some reason I just want to go back to being four, after a long day at Disney land, terrified of Ursula as she takes siege of the castle, except that I wasn't scared of her. It was the only way I could see that would get me off my feet, to have my dad pick me up, hold me tight, and relieve the pain of standing. I was too young to feel it after all, been told that my whole life. So, I let myself cry, and said the light show was scary, when really my legs, feet, head, EVERYTHING, felt heavy and painful and hurt and I wanted to go home and lay down. I barely remember Tinkerbell saving the day in a flash of lights, I was crying.
Or maybe I could go back to that day where my own pain didn't feel as bad because we were lowering my dead cousin into the ground. She wasn't too young to be in pain, she was eleven, almost an adult to my six year old mind. But I was six, too young to be in that much pain. I wondered, every time my head felt foggy and under water, and I felt heavy and floaty at the same time, if that meant I was going to get what she had. Did it always kill? Was it really like the bible said, that we would go to sleep. there she was, asleep, after all.
When I was eleven, and lost yet another friend in the long line of failures I'm sure were somewhat my own, because there was ALWAYS SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME. But somehow, unless it was cancer, I was still too young to be in that much pain, regardless of the fact that going up the stairs was getting harder by the day, writing was painful no matter how lightly I pressed that stupid graphite onto that dumb paper, if I shake it in just the right way, my entire arm, from my palm to my shoulder pops. My head always felt heavy, my limbs always felt like they were filled with thumb tacks.
When my parents stood and watched me try to go up and down the stairs, twice. Then a third time. Before finally believing me and taking me to the doctor but oh no there's no way its been painful that long it must be a dance injury it's obviously from dance. She has to quit dance. I was actually starting to like tap. It felt good on my knees. Lets throw some physical therapy at the issue, something about your knee caps, I say "no it's gotta be more, my knee caps can't be responsible for my wrists-" Who honestly listens to a twelve year old. Throw some knee braces and physical therapy at her, she's fine.
She only gets stuck on the ground and unable to stand up at fifteen, it must be faking, that's why they all walked away. Left me in places more times than I can count. Only for a stranger to help me up, or to pull myself up using a fence, or a bench, or a wall, or even an open door handle- I must've looked inane shimmying over to them to yank myself up like an elderly women (no offense, I agree with my grandma, the ground is definitely too far away.). That's why I often stayed in that spot. Sometimes for hours. Pro-tip, keep a book on you for those times. Those friends were Christian like me, but I don't understand how you can recognize Jesus, a now technically physically disabled (try saying that one aloud) man with FUCKING HOLES IN HIS HANDS as the son of God- but I'm not praying for healing hard enough. Is Jesus!? No that's not an issue for him, that's for a reason; and I'm too young to be in pain.
At eighteen when I'd just resolved with myself to ignore the pain, and actually get some good memories, because by now I've realized, if I do my best to ignore it, I won't remember how much it hurt. I enjoyed Disneyland on that visit. I don't remember much of it. just the entrance and dinner really. I see pictures of myself when I was a kid a lot. I remember almost none of those experiences. I've found if you give a barebones description of what it looks like is happening in the photo, people will assume you actually remember. I don't. It's my own fault, after all, I'm too young for memory issues.
I'm too young to be passing out.
To always be tired.
To have migraines. (that I was told weren't that because those come with light sensitivity.)
To. Be. In. That. Much. Fucking. Pain. All. The. Time.

You said you were gonna listen. But none of them ever did.
Neither did you.
I'm twenty-four, and still too young to be in this much pain, aren't I?
Fuck off.
submitted by Muted-Yak-7689 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 04:25 bmbmwmfm2 Meds

I'm currently on several meds administered by my PCP. They consist of 1mg Ativan 3x day, 1 soma once a day, Albuterol as needed, hydrochlorothiazide once a day, lorsartan once a day. Fioricet one a day for migraines.
I feel the Albuterol is a placebo bc it really doesn't help my lungs but the act of using it sometimes calms me.
My question is who/m do I request to up the Ativan and or soma. They're the only ones that allow me to sleep, but it's only 3 hours at a time and I'm exhausted. On this little sleep my body hurts all the time.
End stage COPD/very severe emphasema. 6 months to go.
How do I word it? I'm not of course looking to get high or addicted, I just want some relief since I'm on no pain meds. Please tell me what to say
Thank you
submitted by bmbmwmfm2 to hospice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 04:03 jake2077 Migraine type behavior daily esp.. at altitude or when barometric pressure changes and when upright. Ruining my current vacation!

I've been suffering from Migraine type pain for years now and more so after a sudden painful event which I still believe to be spontaneous CSF leak due to injury in 2019. I start each day fairly pain free and as the day goes I build pain and pressure in my head (leading me to think CSF maybe veinous fistula from what I've been told by Mayo Clinic).
Whenever I go up in altitude and barometric pressure drops, I start to feel with pain generally behind the front of my face and nasal cavity. When I come back down in altitude, and barometric pressure rises, I can feel the pressure release. I use Sinol and Afrin occasionally to relieve the pressure and hopefully stop the pain. Otherwise I use Sudafed and try to use Triptans sparingly so I won't go into the rebound cycle the Neurologist tell me about (although I've heard differing opinions). If I lie down and rest the pain subsides but not completely and I can 'reset' enough to get up and continue the day in most cases.
I'm on a vacation with family now and we're in higher elevation from my regular 300ft above sea level in TN and it's causing pain every day. Hoping someone may have had dealt with this at elevation and has some ideas on how to manage? Thanks
submitted by jake2077 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 03:36 PlaceFew8986 Need some help/anyone else had these kinds?

Did anyone find or has found any medication that actually WORKS with these? I’ve had this condition since i was a baby and it traumatised me very badly (i still have PTSD from them) and i still get them now. It’s weird because with mine i get really bad dizziness and vomiting for a day, and they normally last up to a week (well the symptoms anyways, the nausea does go away after the one day, and the dizziness starts to become less severe each passing day) but i’ve realised that the way it comes about now is completely randomised. As a kid i used to get them every semesteschool holidays, then it went away for 2 months, then started becoming less frequent until now. The last one i got was only 2 months ago, yet i got one on Saturday. I thought i was in the clear because they normally only came about once in 11/12 month periods but this has me thrown into a loop. The doctors did say i would most likely grow out of them or they would become proper headache migraines, but that hasn’t happened yet. We tried dance-a-tron (idk what the actual spelling for the medication is, but it didn’t help) among other medications but nothing has worked. I could really use some help here because i feel stuck. At the very least, i want the dizziness on the first day at least more mild if it can’t go away for good.
EDIT: i want to clarify that the doctors also said it could be due to stress or anxiety, but then why does it happen in my sleep too? I’ve always downplayed that because i still think it’s complete BS, especially noting i didn’t develop anxiety until i was 12. Also, i had grommets in my ears when i was 10/9, and they actually helped. I didn’t get another VM for almost a year or two. They did also say it could be smth to do with the ear canal, but idk. I do wanna get tested for more information or anything that could help. I’ve seen multiple doctors since i was a kid about them but have stopped since i was 17.
submitted by PlaceFew8986 to VestibularMigraines [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 03:32 This-is-me-68 CaMEO-I study results: 85% of people who qualified for preventive meds weren't currently taking any

In recently published data from CaMEO-I, around one-third of migraine patients (appx 14.5k people) qualified for preventive treatment. However, 84.5% were not taking any preventive treatment. In addition, among those who did take preventive medication, only half met the study criteria for preventive treatment, suggesting that they weren't receiving adequate treatment based on American Headache Society recommendations.
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN: in this cross-sectional, multinational study of 90k people, 85% of the 14.5k people with migraine were not properly treated for their migraine disease. This means that they either were:
Of those who qualified for preventive medication, just 49.3% currently took acute medication (ie: triptans, gepants, NSAIDS, etc).
This shows that there is a huge disconnect between the American Headache Society recommendations (and other international migraine/headache groups) and how providers treat their patients. At this time, CGRP inhibitors are the gold standard of migraine preventive care; however, there are so many barriers to getting these medications or doctors still don't know about them.
I attended a recent event hosted by Dr Blumenfeld (one of the first headache specialists to inject Botox for migraine) and he shared recent data revealing if migraine patients who had 1-2 migraine attacks/month started a CGRP inhibitor, their migraine disease would go into remission. This information completely shocked me. This is what everyone deserves.
Currently, the preventive medication recommendation is that if you have at least one migraine attack/week, you should begin preventive medication. This will better control your disease, and make attacks easier less severe, and much easier to manage.
The American Headache Society recently called for making CGRP inhibitors first-line migraine treatment, which makes sense because these medications were developed to preventively treat migraine. The hope in issuing this letter is that more insurance providers will approve CGRP inhibitors without requiring step-therapy.
If you're hesitant about preventive medication, I encourage you to read the recent publication about medication underuse, which showed that people who waited too long to treat a migraine attack (ie: wait until it's bad enough, wait until allodynia begins, etc), who delayed preventively treating their migraine, or who were nervous about taking an acute medication, had a higher rate of migraine chronification and disease complication.
The publication recommended beginning CGRP inhibitor treatment at an earlier stage in migraine progression (ie: low frequency). This has more beneficial results than waiting to begin CGRP inhibitor medication when migraine frequency has progressed.
The publication also recommended treating a migraine attack at its very first symptom rather than waiting for central sensitization to begin. Once the brain becomes more used to central sensitization, it becomes more difficult to reverse that pain response switch. It's recommended to take a gepant or NSAID during the prodrome or aura phase or triptan at the very beginning of the acute phase. Triptans are not effective if you wait to take too late in the attack.
Attack pain and symptoms do not need to be severe to receive treatment. And yes: that sinus headache most likely is a migraine attack (unless there's lots of gross green snot). Treat every attack so you can prevent central sensitization from taking place. And, if you're worried about medication adaptation headache, get a neuromodulation device. Neuromodulation devices like Cefaly, gammaCore (or Truvaga), Nerivio, etc are incredible acute and preventive tools that can be used daily.
So what does all of this mean?
Most people with migraine who should be on preventive medication are not (or they receive subpar treatment). This, combined with not acutely treating a migraine attack appropriately, leads to disease progression and chronification.
If your attacks are consistently intolerable, if you have frequent migraine attacks and have just 8 triptans, if you have 8-15+ migraine days in a month and still are on an off-label step-therapy preventive (ie: anti-seizure meds, beta-blockers, etc) rather than a CGRP inhibitor or Botox (or both!), have a serious discussion with your doctor or consider seeing a headache specialist. You deserve and need better treatment and a much more robust acute toolkit. Don't be afraid of polytherapies!
Migraine is a progressive neurological disease. It is the second leading cause of global disability but, because it is one of the most stigmatized diseases in the world, most people do not receive appropriate treatment (or even realize that they should receive treatment). If your doctor isn't advocating for you, see a headache specialist. Fight for the treatment you deserve, because you deserve better care and a better quality of life. 🌟
submitted by This-is-me-68 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 02:32 Savage_Act I wonder what condition my symptoms resembles to?

Hello everyone, I’ll keep my name private but I would to what condition my symptoms resemble to. It’s long read for better understanding. Thank you.
In 3 more months lm turning 45 years old. I’m in grad school finishing within few months if I manage to keep my symptoms under control.
Health Status
I have no underlying health conditions that I now of. No high blood pressure, no diabetes, a bit overweight though, supposedly, no heart conditions whatsoever.
I am Latina and Hispanic with mix ethnic, race, and cultural background. Genetically speaking, Mostly White followed by Black, native and others.
I birthed three children.
I’m feeling more and more sick everyday and some days I can’t even get myself to get up of bed on time to take my children to school. Life Style
I used to exercise mild to moderately 5-6 days a week depending on the days.
I eat healthy - mostly protein based and vegetables.
I do not drink alcohol
I do not smoke.
Stroke History
There is stroke history in my mothers side of the family. I’m not sure about dads side.
My moms mother died at 50 with her second stroke. My grandfather died from his 3rd stroke at the age of 86.
Their son (my uncle)died with a second stroke at 70.
My aunt at 70 plus of the same.
My cousin had a mini stroke in his 30’s though he smokes. He also has extreme ADHD.
Past Surgeries
I had colonoscopy at 43 and two polyps and one of them was of concern and found to be pre-cancerous.
I had a polyp removal from my uterus months later.
What am doing to address this issue
I’m seeing different doctors, getting different lab works.
At 9 years old I was dx with migraines that I never treated because I refused to take medication; however, the headaches dissipated.
Autism ADHD Fibromyalgia Anxiety cPTSD
I was later diagnosed with anxiety in adolescence, but therapy never worked because I refused going due to the fact that struggled with communication or answering questions.
In adulthood (30’s) I was dx with PTSD, anxiety and some depression.
Whats going on with me now?
I’m increasingly getting up with extreme dizziness where I struggle to get myself up.
When I try to stand up I fall down. Other times I would just drag myself out holding onto furnitures or my partner to start my day.
When this happens, dizziness may remain the entire day but lessen intensity as the day advances.
However, my memory stays very foggy. It feels as if my brain is frozen.
My mind is mostly absent
My faces feels somehow numb.
My memory worsened on these days.
These can follow migraines with headaches and sometimes nauseas, but no vomiting.
This mind malfunction can last hours to days, but improves with time. Probably no more than two days.
I feel tired a lot
My body hurts.
I want to speak but my words comes out wrong, but it goes away eventually.
I struggle processing words, reading (can’t focus), and writing.
I forget words.
other symptoms
I have always had palpitations. These became so much worse and has reduced lately.
I have swelled ankles and feet most of the time all day.
Body aches especially if I don’t jog o exercise a bit.
But if I push myself like other people, it becomes too much for me.
Sorry for the long read.
submitted by Savage_Act to NeurologicalDisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 02:31 colonelcomicsansders PSA: being overweight can cause you to need a spinal tap

Just wanted to share some things I've found out recently. These things may be news to no one but they were things I have never heard of.
So recently I sought out a neurologist to help with some migraine-like symptoms (that turned out to be unrelated to this). A few super fun, claustrophobia-inducing tests later and it turns out that I have a partially empty sella. Apparently this can be caused by an excess of fluid filling the space where your pituitary gland sits which, of course, is a result of being overweight. Dr. tells me to get an eye exam to look for pressure behind my eyes and wouldn't ya know it, there's a build up of fluid behind my eyes too which can cause eye damage long term. Aaand the fix for this is medication and a very relaxing sounding spinal tap to relieve pressure.
Funny thing is, despite some mental health issues I always thought I was pretty "healthy" despite the extra weight. I have perfect blood pressure, great cholesterol, lower end of blood sugar level, etc. I feel like whenever people talk about the dangers of being overweight they really only talk about diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. Maybe I've heard of more things and just didn't want to listen. Oh the joys of my own ignorance.
So hi loseit. I'm real motivated now. It's Business Time.
I would love some advice on how you have changed your mindset around food and exercise. I at least think I am starting this journey from a better place than I used to be. I cook most of my own foods, am calorie conscious (not strict), love vegetables (mostly vegetarian with occasional fish). So, maybe naĂŻvely, I don't think what I eat will have to change much, just the quantities. The main thing I think that kills me is overeating when I'm bummed (have you seen the world lately?). I have the loseit app but haven't been using it so I'm going to start back with that. I've also been strength training at a gym for about a year which has been giving me a much more positive view of exercise.
Would love to hear any unexpected health things you've found from being overweight, tips for changing your mindset about food, or advice for being zen while getting a needle shoved in your spine.
submitted by colonelcomicsansders to loseit [link] [comments]