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Season 31 Preseason Gifts!

2024.05.20 03:38 Awkward-Newspaper-20 Season 31 Preseason Gifts!

Season 31 Preseason Gifts! submitted by Awkward-Newspaper-20 to PsychoDadClassic [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:59 DullStatistician2283 Per quanto tempo posso continuare a giustificare un malato mentale?

Mia madre soffre da quando sono piccola di schizofrenia e depressione. Quando ero piccola non capivo molto, mi ero abituata presto al vederla come una sconosciuta. Non c'era nessuno legame tra me e lei, sapevo solo il suo nome nonostante vivesse con me. Di lei ricordavo solo i suoi episodi maniacali. Crescendo, a scuola iniziavo a ricevere domande su mia madre, sul perché non l'avesse mai vista nessuna, addirittura pensavano che mia madre fosse morta. Ho capito che è come se io una madre non l'avessi mai avuta, non so cosa sia questo famosissimo amore materno di cui parlano tutti. Vedere continuamente i suoi episodi maniacali ha creato in me varie insicurezze, sono sempre stata di mio una persona molto timida, ma il fatto che lei non mi volesse bene mi ha convinta che io non fossi degna di amore. In età adolescenziale per bullismo ho sofferto di autolesionismo, un po' per depressione, un po' perché non avevo punti di riferimento e non comprendevo realmente cosa fosse giusto.Questo ha portato l'intervento degli assistenti sociali.Inizio a capire ancora di più che mia madre continuava a danneggiarmi e basta, se provavo ad uscire mi picchiava, faceva cose strane tipo accendere candele random per casa, scrivere bigliettini senza senso e posizionarli in particolari punti della casa, urlare di notte e svegliare tutti. Era un incubo senza fine. Vari anni fa le è stato fatto il primo tso, mi sento in colpa a dirlo ma è stato il mese più tranquillo della mia vita. Non averla in casa era terapeutico. Una volta tornata mi ero convinta che le cose potessero andare meglio, per un po' è stato realmente così fin quando ha smesso di curarsi. Inutile è stato contattare il medico che oltre a dirci che non potevano costringerla, solo un secondo tso l'avrebbe aiutata. La situazione attuale è che quando discutiamo, spesso arriva alle mani, mi ruba i soldi e ciò mi costringe ad andare ovunque con i miei effetti più cari in spalla. La notte ci sveglia a caso e per l'ansia non riesco più a prendere sonno. Quando mi lamento della situazione mi viene detto "eh ma non sta bene lo sai". Ma ciò che mi chiedo è, per quanto posso continuare a giustificare una persona che della mia vita ne ha fatto un inferno? Che non considero madre perché io non conosco mia madre, conosco solo la malattia, le mani, le urla e la mancanza di una figura fondamentale. Ha senso ancora dire "non sta bene, non posso odiarla perché è mia madre"? È cattivo direi che sto meglio senza di lei anche se è così? Oggi sono molto fiera di ciò che sono diventata, se mi guardo alle spalle ho superato cose che non avrei mai pensato di poter superare, sto uscendo dalla mia bolla e mi sto migliorando sempre di più. Il problema rimane avere a casa una figura che quando fai un passo avanti, te ne fa fare due indietro. Vorrei un po' di serenità, ma al momento non ho la disponibilità economica per andare via da qui. Vorrei solo non vederla più.
submitted by DullStatistician2283 to Psicologia_Italia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:36 SetAmbitious5244 Hello there, my mbti according to these results?

submitted by SetAmbitious5244 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:36 Dependent_Antelope78 Worth it?

Worth it?
Saw these while at work, pretty expensive for a Roblox game but I’m definitely interested, especially the plushies.
submitted by Dependent_Antelope78 to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:35 Reeffairy If you know you know

If you know you know submitted by Reeffairy to hijinxllll [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:30 spatulaofdeath LR Vicenza: mano pesante del Giudice Sportivo

LR Vicenza: mano pesante del Giudice Sportivo submitted by spatulaofdeath to LRVicenza [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 mecoolboy I hope this stops here

I hope this stops here submitted by mecoolboy to DDLCMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:23 EricSparrowSucks My handwriting.

My handwriting. submitted by EricSparrowSucks to Handwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:21 Used-Register2879 Samen een koophuis, wel of niet verstandig?

Beste allemaal,
Ik heb jullie meningen nodig. Ik heb vaker hier om advies gevraagd en ik krijg altijd hele zinvolle en leuke reacties terug.
Beide (begin 20) wonen we nog thuis en hebben recent een mooie woning bezichtigd. Alleen zitten we met het volgende dilemma. Is het wel een verstandige keuze om nu een huis te kopen in onze situatie. We hebben allebei een vaste baan en op dit moment een netto inkomen van ongeveer 5500 per maand. Spaargeld zit rond de 40 duizend. De hypotheek en maandlasten hebben we uitgerekend samen met een hypotheek adviseur en we kunnen het bekostigen (ongeveer 30-35% van ons gezamenlijke salaris)
We houden van 1x per jaar op vakantie te gaan, in de zomer een dagje een festival, een keer uit eten te gaan of een weekendje weg te gaan. Dat zijn dingen die je (vind ik) vooral ook moet doen op onze leeftijd. Maar als we deze woning nu zouden kopen, stel we zouden een bod doen en we hebben het geluk dat deze geaccepteerd wordt. Dan moeten we ook nog een hele inboedel (kleine dingen zoals keukenspullen en linnen hebben we al opgespaard over de jaren). Het gaat dus alleen om meubels en tv etc. Voor de rest is de woning instapklaar. Is het dan wel financieel gezien een verstandige keuze of kunnen we beter wachten en doorsparen (we sparen gemiddeld 20 duizend per jaar samen).
Ik ben altijd iemand geweest die wanneer ik iets doe, het dan goed wil doen. En als ik dan een huis koop niet in de situatie wil belanden dat ik niet de eettafel kan kopen die ik mooi vindt maar een goedkopere variant moet nemen die ik minder mooi vind. Of bijvoorbeeld een auto zou kapot gaan. Dat zijn allemaal dingen die me bezig houden.
Mochten er nog dingen ontbreken of niet duidelijk zijn dan hoor ik dat graag. Ik ben benieuwd hoe jullie naar onze situatie kijken en wat je zelf zou doen.
Alvast bedankt! :)
submitted by Used-Register2879 to geldzaken [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:36 AndreaNewsHub La dolce dedica social di Lorella Cuccarini per Sarah: "Per te ci sono stata, ci sono e ci sarò sempre"

La dolce dedica social di Lorella Cuccarini per Sarah: submitted by AndreaNewsHub to ItaliaBox [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:00 chrischansenpa1 What kind of roster and score setting are you using for fantasy?

I am the new commissioner in my league of 5+ years and I wanted to change it up this year. This year I was thinking about taking out the D/ST position because of how unbalanced it is because every team gives up points, and if you don't have the Cowboys, then you are screwed and play the guessing game every week. The roster path I plan on using is 1QB, 2RB's, 3WR's, 1TE, 1FLEX's, and 1K (all criticisms are welcome). If I do plan on keeping the D/ST, I was thinking of making the points more manageable, like adding yardages during punt and kick returns.
For the point system, giving the QB's 6 points for passing touchdowns because I find it stupid my they get 4 points on passing TD's but 6 for rushing TD's. This way, it gives all QB's value instead of the mobile QB's. RB's are kept the same, but reception I decided to make a few tweaks. TD's are all 6, 2 points for conversion, points per 1 yard is 0.1, but points per reception is .5 for RB's, 1 point for WR's, and 1.5 points for TE's.
Let me know what you guys think or should try out?
submitted by chrischansenpa1 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:33 OkOil2775 2 vics I'm the first pack of the box!!!

2 vics I'm the first pack of the box!!!
Both of these bad boys came out of the same pack. And it was the first in the box 💪 also hit a nice rc green auto
submitted by OkOil2775 to basketballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:31 Unique-Method6205 È il video fatto per te

È il video fatto per te submitted by Unique-Method6205 to Doesntmatterpod [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:04 Roper25 Any of these worth anything? Even decent caps?

Any of these worth anything? Even decent caps? submitted by Roper25 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:26 UncleFrogsArmy Uncle Frog's Mushroom Gummies 🍄🤤Who knew something so small could pack such a punch? Try our Mushroom Gummies today and feel the difference! 🍄💥

Uncle Frog's Mushroom Gummies 🍄🤤Who knew something so small could pack such a punch? Try our Mushroom Gummies today and feel the difference! 🍄💥 submitted by UncleFrogsArmy to u/UncleFrogsArmy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:23 telemonad I think it's fair to say he's had a rough time.

I think it's fair to say he's had a rough time. submitted by telemonad to Cheese [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:45 NoMasterpiece568 Effect of affordable rent act (wet betaalbare huur) on already existing contracts

Dear all,
I have a question regarding the new affordable rent act that just recently passed the tweede kamer. In the act they also propose new regulations on already existing rental agreements on currently liberalised rental agreements that actually should be social housing under the already current law (less than 143 points).
Part of article 19 of the act is as follows:
In het tweede lid is bepaald dat, in tegenstelling tot het eerste lid, de wijzigingen wel na een jaar komen te gelden voor woningen die qua punten in het huidige systeem al gereguleerd zouden moeten zijn. Er zijn nu huurcontracten die qua puntentelling in het gereguleerde segment van het WWS vallen, maar die feitelijk zijn geliberaliseerd met een hoger huurbedrag omdat de huurder door het aangaan van het contract heeft ingestemd met de huur én niet in de eerste zes maanden na aanvang van de huurovereenkomst een stap naar de Huurcommissie heeft gemaakt. Voor deze situatie is het wenselijk om in lopende huurcontracten in te grijpen en niet te wachten tot wisseling
van huurder. Voor deze huurcontracten geldt dat deze na een overgangstermijn van één jaar na inwerkingtreding van het wetsvoorstel onder de werking van deze norm komen te vallen.
This should mean that already existing contracts can also benefit from the new affordable rent act.
E.g. I am now paying around 1400 euro per month (excluding utilities) for an apartment that should be around 700 euro per month, when calculated with the HC calculator (with 2 sqm added to each room). The only problem is they can wait for one year to adjust the rental prices, with first of July coming in our landlord will most likely increase the rent with the maximum 5.5%.
Is there any way we can fight this increase, because the rent should be lower in the first place, according to the new act, given this act passes the eerste kamer (senate)?
Thank you in advance.
Edit: here some sources that say so:
submitted by NoMasterpiece568 to Rentbusters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:41 Mrcinemazo9nn Carl Marks

Carl Marks submitted by Mrcinemazo9nn to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:34 Skampistii Hekurudha?

Per kureshtje, a po kryhet ndonje punim per hekurudhat ketu(fakte) e jo fjale kot? Deri tani kam lexuar 3 a 4 linja por qe vetem te Durres-Tiran kam pare me video, te tjerat jane rendera gta. Di ndonjeher si qysh tek? Gjithashtu me shkrin fakti se si kur lexoje per hekurudhat gjeja e pare qe shkruajne eshte qe do jene elektrike, thua ti bota akoma me lopat e qymyr...
submitted by Skampistii to albania [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:31 yogafitter A winner and a warning for those with sensitivities

A winner and a warning for those with sensitivities
The winner is the SVR fragrance free milk. Goes on with no white cast. Finish is shiny but manageable with powder (a dry skinned person may not notice much shine). And zero irritation! (This formula does not use the ancient filters that are more likely to cause irritation) and the 250 ml container size makes it very economical as well. It wears well, has not caused any breakouts, and is not drying at all.
And the warning: this ultra sun spray states in at least 3 languages that there is no perfume/fragrance. Yet each spray is so heavily florally scented it is like a spray of actual eau de parfum. From ONE spray!!! And you would of course need dozens to cover even a small area. I cannot imagine who felt this was suitable. Even if you are not fragrance sensitive this is very inappropriate.
submitted by yogafitter to EuroSkincare [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:17 Sasamaki When players are toxic, pay it forward

When players are toxic, pay it forward
I’m not sure if I’m the only one, but once I hit Arceus, I take it easy. This guy was at 1600 when we were matched up.
There are so many posts here of people slow playing, toxic and salty. I just am not here for it.
I sure hope “Star Chronos - bosses orders - thumbs up - concede” was clear enough, but I don’t need the points and the grind can be hard. Congrats on the rank up!
submitted by Sasamaki to PTCGL [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:09 Weisssssssssssssssss The Confederation of Ecuator - Alternate Brazil (Lore in comment)

The Confederation of Ecuator - Alternate Brazil (Lore in comment) submitted by Weisssssssssssssssss to imaginarymaps [link] [comments]