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2024.06.01 16:29 Aussie_Endeavour Curing Malpractice [Ficnapped!]

Hello! This is my Ficnapping of Curing Malpractice by u/Cummy_wummys, which can be found Here!
Writing my own take on their novel about Novel was quite the novel experience. Hope you enjoy!
Also I'm going to collapse into bed the second I upload this, so apologies if I don't respond to any comments for several hours.
Memory Transcription Subject: Novel, Eager Kolshian Scientist
Date {standardized human time}: October 20th, 2136

Maybe I shouldn’t have stayed up that late into my rest claw. Sometimes I just can’t help it, I get so absorbed in one little avenue of research that the claw begins to slip past. I check the time a while later and, what do you know, the heat death of the universe is drawing just that little bit closer. Was it a bad idea to waste so much time learning about the history of Human clothing? Probably. Was it ever so slightly traumatizing, especially the earlier history? You bet it was. Will I probably do something similar in the near future? Absolutely.
I won’t let my moderately sleep-deprived state stand in the way though, for I have been invited to partake in a Human tradition this paw. It is an honour, one that I must take seriously, and approach with reverence. It is a sign that the Humans have come to trust me, welcoming me into their herd. Of course, I already had my own herd with Ada, Sindre and Hailey, and I’d had pleasant interactions with others such as Bella and Max, but I mean the Humans as a whole! To be fair, it’s probably been apparent that the Humans have been warming up to me for some time… if their insistence of suffocating me with photos of their children was anything to go by.
I shiver at the thought. Never again.
I push that train of thought aside as I approach the security checkpoint to the refugee centre, finding Ledo in his usual place. The Jaur security guard is half slumped over in his chair, absentmindedly scrolling through something on his holopad. I give him a friendly sway of my tail as I approach the checkpoint, and he barely seems to muster up the energy to turn an ear my way.
“Good paw, Ledo. Are you alright?”
He places his holopad down and rubs one of his eyes with a paw.
“Just running on empty over here. My break paws can’t come fast enough.”
I sign my sympathy as I grab my visitor’s badge.
“You’re doing a great job, top notch security officer, really. You’ve earned your rest, and then some.”
He covers his mouth with a paw as he yawns.
“Thanks… enjoy the whole predator watching thing, or whatever it is you do in that place.”
“Thank you! Enjoy your shift… as much as you can.”
With a slightly awkward chuckle, I waste no time in heading into the refugee centre. Just to be safe though… I push open the doors and quickly dash to the side, expecting something to come flying at me like what usually happens. This time though, my precautions seem unnecessary. The lobby is empty, devoid of the children and adults that typically mingle around in it at this time. As I take a few tentative, confused steps inside as the doors close behind me, I realize the reason why. Ada said that the activity I’d been invited to partake in took place outside, in the small courtyard I’d heard mentioned here and there around the centre. Everyone must simply already be outside. Following that notion, I pick up my pace as I walk through the hallways, finding the back door that leads to the courtyard soon enough.
My presumption had been right, as when I go outside I’m greeted with the sound of Human laughter, specifically the moderately pitched squeals and giggles of Human children. The courtyard wasn’t all that large, but by no means cramped, with many children and adult Humans alike enjoying the fresh Venlilian air. Scanning the area, I quickly locate Ada, who is currently engaged in quite an odd-looking activity with Sindre. They are standing on opposite sides of what appears to be a bedsheet suspended between two poles, ties at its four corners so that it's stretched almost flat. They are both holding objects that seem vaguely familiar to me, and which I soon recognize as ‘rackets’, which I’d come across before when researching Human activities on the internet.
“Sindre! Ada!”
They turn to look at me as I rush over to them, faces soon breaking out into wide smiles. Sindre walks towards the bed sheet, bending over to pick up a small yellow ball laying in the grass, while Ada walks over to meet me.
“Heya Nov’, glad you decided to join us today.”
“Well, I couldn’t deny an invitation to be involved in a Human tradition!”
She smirks at my response.
“Tradition? Yeah sure, guess tennis counts as one.”
Information acquired: A name for this event.
“Tennis… It sounds fascinating!”
By now, Sindre has walked over to join us. He lightly taps the racket and yellow ball together, which upon closer inspection seems to be strangely fuzz, with a white line running around it in a wavy pattern.
“You made it just as we were about to start another rally. I’m not the best at tennis, so it’d probably be best for Ada to show you the ropes.”
As he says this, Sindre offers the racket out to me. My eyes go wide and my tail flicks with excitement at the gesture, and I securely wrap two of my tentacles around the handle, making sure that it won’t slip from my grip.
“Ooooo! What do I do with this?”
Ada steps away, back towards the suspended bed sheet.
“You go stand where Sindre just was, I’ll walk you through it. Oh, and don’t mind the bed sheet. We don’t exactly have a proper net.”
I rush over to stand in the spot assigned to me, while Ada mirrors my position on her side of the bed sheet. Sindre tosses the yellow ball her way, and to my surprise she easily catches it with one hand. Well, that was certainly a lucky catch, and an accurate throw from Sindre. Before I can dwell on it though, Ada calls out again.
“Lets just start with the basics. In tennis, you use the rackets to hit the ball when it comes to your side of the court, er- bed sheet. You want to hit it so that it flies over the net and lands on my side, where I’ll try and hit it back to you, repeating until one of us either misses the ball or hits it into the net. If that happens, your opponent gets a point.”
I try and emulate the Human ‘nodding’ expression while listening to Ada. That sounds like an interesting activity… there is just one problem.
“Um, alright. How exactly are we supposed to hit the ball?”
“Just make sure to angle the racket so that the ball shoots back to my side, alright? Since you’re new to this, I’ll go easy on you and just start simple.”
That… didn’t really answer my question. I’m unsure how I’m expected to reliably position my racket to make contact with the yellow ball. Even so, I won’t question the Human. I’ve been invited to partake in this ‘tennis’, so I will accept the opportunity with gusto. Ada shifts her stance slightly, before lightly tossing the ball into the air. As it comes back down, she lifts the racket to meet it, and the ball is sent up and forwards. Alright, here goes nothing.
I lift the racket up into the air and rush towards the bed sheet. As the ball sails over the makeshift barrier, it hits the plastic edge of my racket and falls back down onto Ada’s side. I hear a snicker coming from Sindre, and I lower the racket again as Ada retrieves the ball, my tail wagging.
“Did I do that right?”
Before Ada can respond, Sindre buts in.
“If it worked against Ada, it must be a viable strategy.”
The German briefly glared at him before clearing her throat.
“Well Nov’, running at the net with your racket above your head isn’t going to work in a proper game. You need to figure out where the ball is heading, move there, and then hit it with the racket with the right amount power at the right angle to send it back.”
Oh, sure, might I extinguish the sun while I’m at it? Cure every disease along the way? Of course, I don’t voice these thoughts out loud. Instead, I simply give Ada another nod. She repeats her previous ritual of tossing the ball up into the air before bringing the racket up to meet it. This time, the ball doesn’t come straight on, but veers off to the right. I take a couple hurried steps that way and hold out the racket in the hopes that I judged the ball’s movement correctly. To no one’s surprise, I did not, and the ball thuds into the grass.
“No worries Nov’, let’s try again.”
After I haphazardly throw the ball back to her (and she effortlessly catches it with one hand), Ada hits the ball my way again. This time, the ball veered slightly to the left. A mirror of what happened last time, the ball misses my racket by a considerable margin. In my periphery, I vaguely register Sindre wearing a face of mild concern, though my focus is too homed in on not letting my frustration show to dwell on it. I’m making a fool of myself in front of the Humans.
“Sorry, I’ll hit it next time.”
The next time comes, and I unfortunately can’t stay true to my word. A similar thing happens again and again. Sometimes I just try to shove the racket below where I think the ball will go, other times I try waving it around madly in the hopes that it’ll make contact. It never does.
“One more time! I swear I’ll get it!”
They invited me to take part in this. The least I can do is not be a complete failure. Ada stops tossing to me, concern etched into her features.
“Are you alright Nov’? We don’t have to do this if you can’t-”
“No no, I can. It’s just- I’m a novice. You can’t expect me to just know how to calculate projectile motion in my head… I just need practice.”
Ada’s face morphs into one of confusion.
“Projectile motion… Novel, it’s not that complicated.”
I gawk at the Human incredulously. Before I can formulate a response though, a sigh coming from my left draws my attention back to Sindre. He’s rubbing his forehead with his hand, and sighs in realization.
“Eye placement. Depth perception.”
Ada’s eyes go wide at that, and a hand comes up to cover her mouth.
“Oh crap… Sorry Nov’, I didn’t really uh- consider that…”
I look back over to her, my brain still trying to piece together what Sindre meant. I recall how easily the Humans tossed and caught the ball with stunning accuracy, and how Ada seemed to be able have complete control over the ball with her racket while I struggled to even make contact…
Depth perception…
That… makes sense.
I can’t help but gurgle a little in laughter. So predatory eyes were useful for things outside of hunting… like tennis! I need to jot that down, and make sure to investigate that a little more later on.
“Hey Novel, you ok there?”
I’m snapped out of my thoughts by Sindre’s voice. I give him a friendly tail wag and walk over to him.
“Of course, I’m fine. I’m sorry that I’m incapable of taking part in this.”
I offer the racket back to him, which he takes with a little hesitation when he sees the mucus covering the handle. Ada walks over to the two of us, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.
“Sorry for all that Novel, we should’ve chosen something else to show you.”
I quickly turn to her and wave my tentacles in a placating manor.
“No, don’t be sorry! I’m honored that you wished to share the wonders of tennis with me. You two go ahead and enjoy it, I’ll just sit off to the side and make notes on the uses of binocular vision outside of hunting.”
I feel myself deflate slightly. I had been excited to play a part in a Human tradition, but it seems that I just… can’t. Not on my own volition, at least. Perhaps the Humans can sense my disappointment, because Sindre and Ada share a glance before the former speaks up.
“Nov’, you don’t have to-”
I interrupt him by wrapping a tenacle around both their backs and lightly nudging them towards their respective sides of the bed sheet.
“I insist! Don’t worry about me, I’m a graceful loser.”

Memory Transcription Subject: Novel, Sore Loser
Date {standardized human time}: October 21st, 2136

The Venlil I pass on the street are giving me odd looks, all the while I hold my head up high with pride as many of them turn around to do a second take of what I am wheeling behind me. It may be a teensy, tiny bit more complicated than some of the other things I’d previously brought with me to the shelter, but that was only because I had put my tentacles to good use. The splinters I had gotten in the process were testament to that. Should I have focused on getting a little more sleep during my rest claw? Maybe. Is this thing being held together by nothing but hope and super glue? Only the very best. Would the absolute joy that it’ll put on the Humans’ faces be worth it? You bet it will be!
As I wheel my creation past the security checkpoint, I find Ledo staring at his holopad with his head resting on his paws, eyelids drooping. When he spots me approaching, his ears perk up slightly, only for him to raise his head upon seeing my creation. He puts down his holopad and sits up in his chair, trying to get a better view of it.
“Hello Ledo! How are you? Have you gotten some rest?”
For a moment he doesn't respond, only for him to shake his head and rub his eyes.
“Novel, do I even want to know what that thing is?”
“It’s what will allow me to stand on par with the Humans and engage with them on an even playing field. I spent some of my last rest claw building it.”
Ledo looks back over to me.
“And uh, how much is ‘some’, exactly?”
I wave a tentacle dismissively.
“Irrelevant detail. Trust me, it’ll all be worth it. When I leave the shelter later this paw, I’ll tell you all about it.”
Ledo leans back in his chair with a sigh.
“Well, at least it’d be something other than binging movies. You’re a bit of a weirdo, have I told you that yet?”
“Why thank you! Have a nice shift.”
I bid farewell to the Jaur and my final approach to my destiny begins. Victory is so close I can almost taste it.
The lobby is empty again this paw, so I head right on through while towing my creation behind me. I pass a couple Humans along the way, who I give friendly greetings to as they marvel at my ingenious solution to the problem that had plagued me last paw. Since I’ve arrived a little later this paw (courtesy of a productive rest claw), I waste to time in heading directly to the back of the centre and out onto the grassy courtyard that had been the location of last paw’s utter failure. I will not allow that to happen again!
“Ah, welcome to the courtyard Nov-… Uh, what’s that you got behind you?”
Max’s friendly tone gives way to curiosity, and I feel the pride already beginning to swell just a little more. He was just in the middle of a round of the dreaded ‘tennis’ with Ada, who is on the opposite side of the makeshift net, which she leans over once she spots me.
“Novel… why do you have a catapult?”
It seems that my wonderful creation is also garnering interest from many of the children as well, who briefly stop their various running games to watch me. I finish wheeling the mini catapult into place and take out a tennis ball from my bag (turns out I had already purchased one, thanks past me!) while I finally answer Ada.
“So that I may properly partake in your Human traditions, of course! How can I study them if I can’t even participate? This little thing will allow me to successfully serve a ball to you in just a moment, no depth perception required! Watch and see.”
I place the tennis ball into the cup and begin cranking the lever to wind up the device. Max starts looking a little nervous as I do so.
“Um, Nov’? Are you sure that thing is going to work? Is it even safe?”
The homemade gears turn with a slight clacking sound, which tells me that it’s working just as expected… though Max does make me wonder briefly if I should’ve done a test run of this first… oh well, too late for that.
“Don’t worry, I know precisely what I’m do-”
I’m cut off by the rather disconcerting sound of splintering wood. I only have enough time to faintly register that the sound came from my creation, and that said realization is very bad. A resounding SNAP and the disappearance of the tennis ball at approximately Mach 5 tells me that I did not know the tensile strength of Venlilian wood as well as I thought. The rest of the world has gone silent, and I slowly turn my gaze in the direction the ball had preemptively flown, finding Max standing as still as a statue with the tennis ball resting on the ground in front of him. The silence is broken as the Human lets out a whining sound higher pitched than even the smallest of Dossur can produce, before falling to his knees and grasping his groin in obvious agony.
Some of the slightly older kids cringe in sympathy.
Ada tries not to laugh.
Max steadily raises his hand, pointing a shaky digit at me. His voice comes out squeaky, and pained.
“K-kids… avenge me…”
The children’s eyes lock onto me. I learn what true fear feels like.
All at once, the children let out their war cries, and began rushing over to me. I let out a shriek of my own as I turn back towards the refugee centre and start running like my life depends on it because it probably does! I don’t dare look back at the pack of predators pursuing me, I simply run through the back doors of the centre and sprint down the corridor as fast as I physically can. Even so, I know for a fact that it is not fast enough. I’ve studied Humans enough to know that they are built for chasing prey. Right now, that prey is me!
I try to lose the children by utilizing the building’s layout as best I can. I turn past several corners without slowing down, run up the stairs and even hide behind a pot plant at one point, startling an adult Human as I do so, who quickly rushes back inside their room. I make a mental note to apologize to them later, and file it right under ‘RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! GO GO GO!’
I hear it, the sound of light but determined footsteps plonking their way up the stairs. They’ve found me. This pot plant isn’t going to help me at all! I abandon my frankly pathetic hiding spot and dash further down the hallway, determining that my best shot at survival will be to get back to the main lobby and run out through the front do-
A dead end.
Oh no…
The sound of footsteps grows closer. Just a single pair, but that is more than enough to seal my fate. I push myself against the wall, terror coursing through my mind. This was supposed to be a showcase of how much I respected Humans, I didn’t mean to injure one! Is this really it? Is this really how it all ends? Sought out and killed to avenge the fallen? I-I never got to publish my completed study on Human traditions… or binocular vision… or diets or facial express- a whole lot of things actually!
The footsteps pause, and the sound of giggling breaks me out of my mental spiral. There, standing before me, grinning ear to ear, is a familiar Human child.
“Found you!”
Still grinning, the young boy reaches out a hand towards me. I push myself as far against the wall as I can go.
“W-wait, David! I-I-I thought we got along well! We watched that horrible movie together, remember? We can read that book about cattle again if you want! Or-or anything you want, really! P-please, don’t d-do this!”
I close my eyes tightly, and prepare myself for the end…

A hand lightly taps one of my tentacles, then retracts.
“Tag! You’re it.”
I crack open an eye.
David is already running away from me, giggling again. As he reaches the stairs, he calls out as loud as he can, voice carrying further into the refugee centre.
“Guys! I got her! Novel’s it now!”

submitted by Aussie_Endeavour to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:26 Nogladon 3 weeks of Gateway Experience - A (kinda) scary vision and a very near OBE

Hey guys, so I've been trying the gateway tapes for around 3 weeks now. For context, I'm not majorly spiritual, religious nor have I been meditating for a long time before trying the tapes.
I was a complete skeptic before (and honestly I kinda still am but less so!). I however have a very open mind because I know that I can't just rely on my own knowledge and perspective to know whats real or not. Maybe it is maybe its not, just I gotta take things from all perspectives and see for myself!
So after discovering the tapes, I literally dove straight into the 'lore' of gateway, astral projection, patterning and it's benefits to improve my life!
I read quite a lot of positive stories such as people getting in contact with higher entities helping them out, healing past trauma's and improving their life in general which is awesome!. I've also read a lot of negative stories with scary entities, bad experiences and warnings from religious people to not tamper with the 'unknown' which scared me as well.
I still decided to give em a go however and I went in with a positive mindset and a hopeful spirit. I've attempted the tapes around 5 times now and have only worked up to tape 3 (wave 1 - REBAL).

The vision:

Honestly, I'm still not sure what this was. I don't know if it was a vision, another entity, a dream or simply my subconscious being bored and trying to have some fun.
I was doing tape 2 (intro to f10 - first or second time trying this one) in my bed, sitting slanted with a couple pillows against my back. I just followed Bob's instructions and felt relaxed AF - just like how normal meditation feels. My fingers were interlaced however I felt as if they weren't separate but merged together and were the same limb (if that makes sense). Anyway, my mind was conscious of this and I remember thinking 'dang this is quite cool'. I then just start drifting nearly to sleep but I tried to keep my mind awake. I never hit f10 before so I don't really know if I was in it or close to achieving it?
Then it just happened... like I'm not even sure if I was awake or not (hence the suspicion that this was a dream) - I was still in my room but this time a middle age / older woman, who heavily resembled one of my primary school teachers, was to the right side of my bedroom, close to the wall, and she walked across seemingly with an objective to get to my door. When she neared the foot of my bed to the left hand side of me, she looked at me with a sort of sly smile and said "you really have no idea what you're getting yourself into"
The best way I can describe the smile is with this analogy: imagine you have a friend who is crazy jacked and muscular, but then he says he's never been to the gym. Now you're convinced this mf is lying but then you watch him lift weights and he's actually really weak. You then with a sly smile say "wow you really had no idea what you're doing do you" (same vibes)
Technically she didn't actually 'speak' to me as her mouth wasn't moving or opening but I definitely FELT her energy say that or something along the lines (I just realised how fucking crazy I sound whilst writing this 🤣). I also felt another 'energy' close to the right hand side corner of my room, far from me, I wasn't sure about this one, it was just sort of a dark orb of energy (I don't think it was malicious or anything but I could be wrong - it just sat there chilling, just observing ahaha)
Now at this point I was FREAKED the fuck out. I remembered all the posts (thanks guys) that outlined nothing can harm you if you don't want it to and that you have complete control over yourself or anything that you meet. So I said to myself "Nah fuck this and fuck you, I don't want this anymore, I banish all negative energy from my room so you can piss right off" and then I started praying (remember how I said I wasn't even religious but at this moment I definitely was 🤣). I then returned back to 'reality', with my heart beating so fast. I felt spooked for the rest of the day, until I sat there and forced myself to think about the experience and what it could mean.
My thoughts about the vision:
Now initially I thought: thats it I'm fucked, I've opened the gateway to the depths of hell and its only a matter of time before I'm in the next part of the conjuring films. But then, I genuinely thought more and more about this experience.
There are 2 ways I can interpret what she said to me, positively or negatively. A sly smile with "you have no idea what you're getting yourself into".
This could mean that there is a whole other world out there and truths that I have not yet experienced or seen. She could sense my innocence of the spiritual world and me not believing in it and is encouraging me to go forward and explore it all.
The other interpretation is that it's a warning. That I really have no idea of the magnitude of the things that I'm trying with gateway and that I should not do anything further because I don't know what I'm doing and that it could potentially harm me experimenting with this kind of things.
I'm not even sure if it was my subconscious. I think this because it was my primary school teacher so maybe my mind created her. And as a result of reading all the horror stories, maybe my subconscious made it up to try and stop me from doing this all of this because it was scared.
I'm torn for interpreting this. Obviously I want it to the first option but I'm not sure. I'm very interested in your thoughts as well. What do you guys think? How would you guys interpret this?

The near OBE:

Now this is WAY less eventful than the 'vision' but this was after progressing to tape 3, but then re-attempting tape 2 to get better at f10. Basically I just followed all the steps but this time I was lying down in bed, feeling relaxed af again.
Now normally when I go to sleep, my mind plays out movies and scenarios, which as soon as I get lost in them, I fall asleep. This happened a couple times but every time I realised that I was in a 'movie' and was nearly asleep, I forced my mind to quit the movie and come back to its relaxed state. After the 2nd or 3rd time, I just lying there chilling in a calm state.
Next my body starting slowly vibrating. Initially it was just a small low frequency but I indulged in the feeling and soon it really started to pick up in intensity.
Now I was kind of 'expecting' this because I read a lot of posts previously and they all had in common that the person would start vibrating before having an OBE. When I was in it, I was also conscious enough to make sure that it wasn't some sort of placebo effect that I was experiencing. It legit just felt like I was vibrating but I'm not sure - maybe I was imagining it? (again kinda skeptical but also open-minded) I also remembered reading to stay in the moment and not snap out of it. I tried my very best to do that.
But then... I remember thinking to myself "HOLY SHIT maybe I am vibrating, am I actually going to have an OBE??" along with a little sense of nervousness and open-mindedness to explore. I should have just kept my calm but I really started to overthink ahaha and I quickly just 'snapped' out of it.
I stopped vibrating and I just became REALLY alert along with a crazy fast heartbeat, like it was trying to leap out of my chest. Now I was only 1/2 through the tape but when I tried to get back into it I was just way to excited and restless so I just didn't continue the session. I think I was SO close and along the right lines to having an OBE - What do you guys think?
I think next time I need to remain way more relaxed, calm without any expectations. I should've just allowed myself to feel the vibrations and keep going. Instead, like a dumbass ahaha I got too excited which prevented me from doing so ahaha so that's something to improve on at least :)
Thank you for making it this far! I wrote a lot but I'm grateful that you took the time to make your way through it.
Any advice for anything you think I need help with would be greatly appreciated! I would also love to know your guys' thoughts about the vision as well and it's potential meanings (or if it even was anything significant)? if you've got any questions about anything also let me know down below as well!
Much love ❤️
submitted by Nogladon to gatewaytapes [link] [comments]


Sicilian Tobacco / Eau De Parfum
TOP: Bergamot, lemon MIDDLE: Honey BASE: Tobacco absolute (TEC Free), tonka bean
  1. How similar is it to the inspiration?
  2. Longevity/Projection/Sillage?
  3. Best to wear in ______ weather? What occasion (casual, date, office, gym, night-out, special event)?
  4. Skip it? Sample it? Buy it? (Shout out to The Cologne Podcast)
***For the current library of individual perfume discussion/reviews,CLICK HERE! ***
The idea is to have a library/database of sorts corresponding to each Montagne fragrance where users may share their opinions and experiences. Hopefully, this can filter out a lot of similar posts corresponding to the same fragrances.
This will be done on a MWF basis and it will mostly correspond with the order of fragrances as listed on Montagne's website. Certain fragrances will be grouped for simplicity and in an effort to remove redundancy.
Please share your honest opinions about the fragrances and keep the sub's rules in mind. Topics will include things such as: notes, closeness to the inspiration, longevity/projection, best occasion/weather to wear in, and if you want to include a personal rating, have at it.
submitted by K9Cardio_ to MontagneParfums [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:18 yangdumbbroke hire me so i can support myself

Hello! I am a fresh grad who’s currently looking for some side hustle para masuportahan sarili ko and maka-ipon habang naghahanap ng work :))
I’m 22 and here’s a list of the things that i can do:
any kind of part-time jobs pwede! as long as hindi weird and walang something bad. please message me so we can talk about it!
strictly SFW offers only!
thank you so so much!
submitted by yangdumbbroke to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:18 yangdumbbroke hire me so i can support myself :))))))))

Hello! I am a fresh grad who’s currently looking for some side hustle para masuportahan sarili ko and maka-ipon habang naghahanap ng work :))
I’m 22 and here’s a list of the things that i can do:
any kind of part-time jobs pwede! as long as hindi weird and walang something bad. please message me so we can talk about it!
strictly SFW offers only!
thank you so so much!
submitted by yangdumbbroke to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:17 yangdumbbroke hire me so i can support myself :))))))))

Hello! I am a fresh grad who’s currently looking for some side hustle para masuportahan sarili ko and maka-ipon habang naghahanap ng work :))
I’m 22 and here’s a list of the things that i can do:
any kind of part-time jobs pwede! as long as hindi weird and walang something bad. please message me so we can talk about it!
strictly SFW offers only!
thank you so so much!
submitted by yangdumbbroke to onlineservicesPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:12 Future_Adagio2052 Gordon vs Isaac Clarke: why it is actually AWESOME!

Gordon vs Isaac Clarke: why it is actually AWESOME!

you may have seen or heard about this before but let me tell you why its awesome!
SECTION 1: CONNECTIONS (this was made by u/Nevin3Tears who made the connections so all due credit goes to him)
Full Connections List:
Both are badass, alien-killing science fiction protagonists who were originally every-men forced into situations that were out of their control (Black Mesa Incident and Ishimura Outbreak respectively).
They were both from games that were heavily innovative for their respective genre. Half-Life was the first FPS game to build an immersive setting rather than just be a shooting gallery like it's predecessors (Doom and Quake), Dead Space pushed for procedural enemy placement and the removal of a HUD in contrast to it's predecessors. (Resident Evil)
Both worked for scientifically revolutionary corporations who studied alien technology (Black Mesa studied Xen and the Concordance Extraction Corporation studied the 3A Marker) that were sabotaged from within by enigmatic groups (The G-Man's employers and Unitologists) that manipulated the head of the facility where the incident occurred (Administrator Wallace Breen of Black Mesa and Captain Benjamin Mathius of the USG Ishimura) to go forward with the plans of said groups.
Both companies had dissenters who realized the danger of the what the company was doing early on (Eli Vance and Terrence Kyne), both had previous relationships with the saboteurs (The G-Man and Eli Vance spoke immediately before the incident occurred, Terrence Kyne worked with Challus Mercer reluctantly before the outbreak occurred), and both work with the protagonists to fix the mistakes they indirectly caused and are killed in the process (Eli is killed by an Advisor in Half-Life 2: Episode Two and Terrence Kyne is killed by Kendra Daniels in Dead Space 1)
Both are highly intelligent in their respective field (Gordon Freeman is a Theoretical Physicist who graduated from MIT with a PhD in said field, Isaac Clarke graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with an unknown Alumni). Despite this, however, they're both overqualified for the positions they're in (Gordon Freeman is reduced to pushing buttons and pushing a cart into a port, Isaac is reduced to hacking doors and producing damage reports).
They are betrayed by female members of their team who are double agents of an enemy faction within the game (Judith Mossman is a double agent for the Combine, Kendra Daniels is a double agent for EarthGov). However, both of these women had ultimately noble goals that makes the player sympathize with them (Mossman was working with the Combine to ensure Eli's safety, Daniels worked with EarthGov to ensure that the Marker would be kept secure and contained from Unitologists).
Both were considered high-priority targets for a military coverup operation (The Hazardous Environment Combat Unit of the USMC considered Freeman their #1 target for the vast majority of the Black Mesa Incident due to killing huge swathes of their troops, The EarthGov security force also considered Clarke an extremely high-priority target due to his objective of destroying the Marker which was considered threatening by director Tiedemann). However, against all odds, they manage to overcome this despite being massively outnumbered and outgunned, eventually forcing both groups into retreat and disarray.
After making their way into the alien-world where their respective incidents originated (Xen and Aegis IIV), they end up stopping the situation by destroying the being that led the invasion in the first place (The Nihilanth led the assault on Earth by commanding the Xenian military force (Vortigaunts, Alien Grunts, etc.) throughout the Incident, The Hivemind on Aegis IIV commanded the Necromorph horde during their assault on the USG Ishimura). After these beings were defeated, the entire invasion force fell apart (literally in the Necromorph's case) as no reinforcements could be delivered.
After the end of their first game, both are placed into long periods of stasis against their will (The G-Man recruited Gordon for his employers due to his aptitude during the incident, Isaac was caught stranded in Space and was forcibly placed in stasis for 3 years due to his growing instability).
After being awakened, both find themselves in large, futuristic cities (City 17 and Titan Station) governed by tyrannical rulers (Wallace Breen and Hans Tiedemann). Both end up ultimately killing these said tyrants at the end of their second game, unintentionally destroying their cities as well (The death of Hans Tiedemann ultimately resulted in the complete destruction of Titan Station, The death of Wallace Breen resulted in the destruction of City 17 due to the citadel core imploding).
Around the start of their second game, both of them meet likable female characters who eventually become their closest companion throughout the rest of the series (Alyx Vance and Ellie Langford are both considered the deuratagonists of their respective series).
Both are haunted by enigmatic reminders of their decisions throughout their second games (The G-Man is constantly watching Gordon throughout the entirety of Half-Life 2, appearing in locations that are impossible for the player to reach conventionally. He serves as a reminder of Gordon's decision to accept his offer at the end of the first game. On the other hand, Isaac is consistently haunted by Nicole's hallucination throughout the entire game, serving as a reminder of his decision to blame Nicole for the death of his parents), however, both eventually break free of this by the start of the next game (The Vortigaunts cut off Gordon's link to the G-Man at the start of HL2: Episode One, and Isaac destroying the Marker at the end of Dead Space 2 ends his hallucinations of Nicole).
Both of their most iconic weapons were not originally designed for combat in the slightest (The Crowbar is a simple repair tool, the Plasma Cutter is a basic mining tool), however, they became combat-efficient due to the innovative thinking of their wielders.
Both have Gravity-manipulation tools that were originally designed for heavy lifting (The Gravity Gun and Kinesis) but became combat-efficient, again, due to to the intuition and creative thinking of their wearers.
Both of them received critically acclaimed remakes in the past few years that are often cited among the best remakes ever made (Black Mesa was released in 2020, Dead Space was released in 2023).
Both of them have an infamous history with the number 3. Dead Space 3 is a mess that killed the franchise until the remake came out, and Half-Life 3 is one of the most hyped up and memed games of all time because of how many people want it. Basically, EA can count to 3, but they can't pronounce it right, Valve can't count to 3 at all.
SECTION 2: fight potential
So now the connections are done we get to the next section which is the fight potential and dynamic which is what i’ll be explaining
Both gordon and isaac obviously have guns to use against each other but we need to go more in depth
For starters why would both fight each other? well it's pretty simple in the events of dead space 2 isaac suffered from hallucinations from the events of the first game and with gordon being silent it's easy to assume isaac would deem him a threat and try to attack him
The fight could start with both of them using their simpler weapons such as gordons mp7 and isaacs plasma cutter as the battle would be each of them trying to reach each other and you could easily have both of them use there other weapons for gordon you could have him use the crossbow and for isaac you could have him use the pulse rifle and before any of them reaches the other they get knocked out as we get to the next escalation
The next stage of the fight can be them waking up as they are overrun by either necromorphs or headcrab zombies as they stop fighting each other and fight the hoard which the commissioned track by brandon yates shows as a general idea around 2:05
You can have both use there more closer ranged guns such as the SPAS-12 for gordon and the handheld ore cutter line gun for isaac as they kill the undead horde you can even have a scene where one of them runs out of ammo and the other person throws one at them. Eventually after the battle is over both turn the guns on each other as they resume the gun fight with both using their more explosive weapons such as the rpg and supercollider contact beam until they get sucked out of space. With this you could have a reference to the zero g sections in dead space where both of them are fighting in space maybe have isaac try to strangle gordon but he retaliates by using his crowbar against him which leads them to land on a station
Which leads to the final stage where with both of them exhausted and out of options they start using their biggest weapons……..gravity!
Both start using the area around them with gordon using his gravity gun and isaac his kinesis as they throw projectiles at the other person gravely injuring each other in the process as they find the final projectile each uses there weapon however a tug of war ensures as they try desperately to hold on against the other. There are 2 ways this ends either 1 gordon wins the tug of war as he launches it against isaac impaling him as he looks up at gordon who beats him with a crowbar ie hunt down the freeman style while if isaac wins he launches the kinesis at gordon impaling him as he looks up at isaac who stomps on him ie what he does in the games
I hope this short visualisation helps show how their arsenals can bounce off of each other and better yet you even have more shit both can use against the other that i didn't such as isaacs stasis and gordons tau cannon.
Surprisingly this matchup is very debatable with both having advantages and disadvantages against the other such as gordon having the advantage of having multiple ways to bypass isaacs armour and being able to hard counter with his gravity gun however he has less diversity in terms of abilities and is far weaker and less durable than isaac and isaac having the advantage of having a bigger and more versatile arsenal then gordon and being much stronger and more durable in general compared to him however he is less skilled and agile compared to gordon and gordon's HEV suits shield has the better defensive options
Like before i hope this short description helped give you the idea on the debate and if you want to know more then i would heavily suggest checking out this blog which describes it in much better detail than i could
While both half life and dead space are different in terms of music you still have ways to make the music potential work as shown with these 2 here
Having the music start with a slow atmospheric beginning reminisce of the dead space games but as it goes on it slowly turns to a more action heavy soundtrack akin to the half life
An even better example is the commissioned track made by Brandon himself!
The track starts off slow but more tension builds up as it goes on until in 2:05 where it becomes action heavy until it goes goes back to the tension before hand as it builds up with big thuds until the final thud where the track ends
As said before hand i hope i helped explain how both dead space and half life music can work for a good escalation of a track and please do check out marked for life and give it a listen
Now this is sort of a weakness of the matchup as Gordon doesn't talk however there are ways to make this work through other methods
Such as using Gordon's facial expressions to visualise what he feels/says without saying a word as his actions speak louder than his words both in the story and in the game. you can easily make this work with his models and especially his newer one from half life alyx
With Isaac he does talk however you can also use body language to also visualise what he feels/says without saying a word this should be very easy to do and you can also use facial expressions thanks to his newer model from the dead space 1 remake!
So overall while interaction potential is a bit iffy you can certainly make it work through other methods which wouldn't be out of character for either to use
For a legacy match up that's over 10 years old (no seriously the matchups first ever mention was all the way back in fucking 2012 like goddamn)
It actually holds up surprisingly well with good connections and fight dynamic to back it up showing how it managed to hold the test of time
To sum up what I said, the connections show the similarities of both characters as ordinary men thrusted into terrifying situations which changed them both. a fight dynamic showing how both of them can bounce off of each other. A debate showing both of their advantages and disadvantages and the win cons. The music potential of both series and how it can mix well together. And finally interaction potential which while a weak point is definitely salvageable and can work if we use other methods.
So overall I wanted to continue and finish this post since I really like this match up and I think it deserves more love and again HUGE thank you to Nevin who wrote the connections for this mu and allowed me to make the rest of it and anyways thank you for anyone who read to this point and hopefully it will become an amazing episode.....if that ever comes out that is.
submitted by Future_Adagio2052 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:11 TacoTVSupport How to write to your MP - Step-by-step guide!!!

How to write to your MP

Why not write directly to the relevant Minister?

We do this for two reasons:

  1. Writing to your MP greatly increases your likelihood of receiving a response. The vast majority of MPs will almost always respond to letters from constituents and will be happy to forward your request on to the relevant Minister (even if they disagree with you). In turn, the Minister will be obliged by Parliamentary convention to respond to letters from an MP.
  2. You can educate your MP in the process. Even if your MP is not the direct target of the action, your letter provides them with an opportunity to learn about the issue, that concerns their constituents, and take action themselves.
There will be occasions where it is more strategic to write directly to other decision-makers, such as the Minister of International Development, Prime Minister or the heads of key international institutions, such as the World Bank. The same tips will apply for those letters.

Why doesn’t Results provide templates for letters?

Writing your letter, Top Tips:

Structuring your letter

What to do afterwards?

Pressing ‘send’ or putting your letter in the post is not the end of your action!

House of Commons Mailing Address:

submitted by TacoTVSupport to CanadasPulse [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 kimdavis357 Differences between original mixtapes and Trilogy

Every single difference I recognized between the original mixtapes and trilogy. I’m a music producer so I recognize these random mixing differences pretty easily, I also know basically all of these songs very well. Let me know in the comments if I miss something. The most noticeable and/or well-known differences are listed at the top of each song description.
House of Balloons (Mixtape 1)
High For This (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: punchier and louder drums
VOCALS: slightly louder and clearer
What You Need (original)-
Has the sample intro before the song from Aaliyah’s song “Rock The Boat”
INSTRUMENTAL: Kick drum is slightly louder
VOCALS: Have slightly more reverb
House of Balloons (original)-
Have more effects making them less clear
Louder with less reverb
Also they’re heard just slightly earlier in the song, like barely off beat but not necessarily enough to be considered off beat, it’s hard to even tell(I forgot the musical term for it, something to do with measures or intervals).
Also some parts of the vocals are not pitch corrected as well as they are on trilogy
The “woah” sample part is slightly louder than the actual beat
The sample has more reverb and is quieter
Sub bass is louder
Glass Table Girls (original)-
Has a little more reverb
Also has a weird clicky sound that is slightly offbeat that is mixed out of the trilogy version. It’s in the end part of the loop that plays the whole song, if you know what I’m talking about then you understand.
Slightly quieter until the “la la la” part where they are louder but then they duck down quieter when he starts harmonizing after it
The Morning (original)-
Slightly louder guitar with less effects
Perc/hit that you hear in the first verse is louder
During the first verse you can hear the guitar build up, it has more reverb until the beat drops
The kick drum after the chorus is much louder
The synth in the back during the chorus is quieter
Slightly less pitch corrected
Some of his adlibs/harmonizations are louder
Wicked Games (original)-
the guitar is louder and has less effects
have distortion
are much louder
vocals on chorus are less pitch corrected
The Party (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: the 808 is much louder for some reason lol
VOCALS: louder with slightly more distortion and reverb
The After Party (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: once again the 808/bass is very loud, I rarely ever see it played this loud in songs lmao
VOCALS: have more distortion and are louder
OTHER: The transition to “coming down” at the end of the song isn’t as clean, the volume of the wind sample isn’t the same as the start of “coming down”
Coming Down (original)-
Anime sample from “Fate/Stay Night” at 3:13 that isn’t in the trilogy version because it couldn’t be cleared. It plays a looped part of it throughout the rest of the song after 3:13.
VOCALS: barely louder
Little to no differences with this song.
Loft Music (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: quieter and honestly better mixed drums
Virtually no other differences other than his harmonizing on the back half being slightly louder
The Knowing (original)-
slightly quieter lead guitar that’s in the intro
beat is definitely not as loud
the bass sounds slightly off-key at some times
Louder distorted guitar that plays when he sings “I know everything”
VOCALS: louder with less effects and aren’t fully pitch corrected
Thursday (Mixtape 2)
Lonely Star (original)- Louder sample at the start of the song (“yes all I can say is yes”)
Louder arpeggiator bass throughout the whole song
quieter and have more delay effects
pitch corrected slightly less like most of these songs
Life of the Party (original)-
Louder and more distorted guitar sample
louder drums
The chorus has a random guitar lead that plays one note the whole time that you can’t really hear on trilogy
quieter and have more chorus effects but sound clearer because they probably aren’t as eq’ed as the trilogy mix.
His harmonizations aren’t as deep.
Thursday (original)-
the lead pluck sound you hear is more harsh and louder.
the bass is also louder
VOCALS: louder and have more reverb and distortion
The Zone (original)-
vocals that loop the whole song are quieter and mixed in more
Sub bass and drums are louder.
Delay effects on vocals are louder and the vocals in general are quieter.
Drake’s vocals have more distortion, are eq’ed to be higher and have less pitch correction. I fucking love this song lol.
The Birds Pt 1 (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: snare drums and bass are louder
VOCALS: louder
The Birds Pt 2 (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: louder guitar
VOCALS: louder
Not many differences in the birds pt 1 and 2
Gone (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: deeper and less punchy bass
VOCALS: much quieter
Rolling Stone (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: intro distorted guitar has more bass
Basically no other differences, Thursday doesn’t have many
Heaven or Las Vegas (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: very slightly louder bass.
VOCALS: slightly louder as well
This version compared to the trilogy one is basically the exact same thing like most thursday songs
Echoes of Silence (Mixtape 3)
D.D (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: more explosive drums
VOCALS: quieter
Montreal (original)- Literally no differences besides the drums being louder (this song is so fucking catchy holy shit it’s so good)
Outside (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: quieter drums
VOCALS: louder
XO (original)-
I always found this funny, in this version it doesn’t sound like he’s saying “xo” on the hook. It’s sounds like “ech- o” i swear to god you cant hear him pronounce the “x” im convinced he’s saying “echo” on this version lmao.
strings in the intro are louder but then get quiet in the actual song
drums are louder
VOCALS: louder Transition to The Host is slightly less clean
The Host (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: sub bass is louder
VOCALS: slightly more distorted
Virtually nothing else
Initiation (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: the kick is way louder in this version for some reason
VOCALS: when his vocals are transitioning between octaves (when they go up and down and all that with the pitch), it’s less clean
They are also louder with less basic mixing effects, they sound kind of flat here
Same Old Song (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: the sample vocal in the back that’s pitched up is mixed differently, has less reverb and is quieter
Literally no other differences besides louder drums. Juicy J’s outro is still as dope as it is on trilogy
The Fall (original)-
the bass is much, much quieter
the drum break part at the start is higher pitched
VOCALS: much louder and more distorted, they sound a little more like they did on house of balloons
Next (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: drums are quieter
VOCALS: louder
Not too many differences
Echoes of Silence (original)-
VOCALS: louder and have louder delay. Good thing the volume was lowered in trilogy bc it sounds way better on there for a song that has this type of melancholy and acoustic but dark energy to it. I fucking love this song it’s so sad man wtf
So most of the differences among these songs have to do with volume/mixing effects but most of them have louder and more distorted vocals. It’s mostly really volume automation but it makes a huge difference. Thank you if you read this far, let me know if I missed anything.
(This is a repost of an older post that I had saved before the person had took it down in which they talked abt some differences they found between trilogy and the og mixtapes)
submitted by kimdavis357 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:05 badwolf74 Reds Pride game

Going to the Pride game next Friday, and I have a few questions for anyone who’s been before:
  1. What’s it like? Do queer people actually show up for this or is it just another game usually? Basically, am I gonna be the weird guy when I show up with my nails painted red white and black? Do they do any outside the box pregame stuff or am I good to get there around first pitch like normal
  2. More general question than this-event-specific, I’m normally a right field deck kind of guy, but I decided to splurge a bit for behind home, 124. I’m basically never on that side of the ballpark besides walking in and half the time I do that from the outfield rather than main gate so, what’s the concessions like over there? Part of the reason I like the sun deck is the fact that you end up at a concession stand as soon as you’re out into the concourse. Is there a similarly-distanced stand near 124?
  3. I believe I know the answer to this one, but isn’t that section covered? I am an unfortunately pasty pale bastard and need to know how much sunscreen I need lmao
Thanks everybody
submitted by badwolf74 to cincinnati [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:02 Little-Blueberry-941 Should I contact FA ex to help heal his attachment?

Starting off by saying I'm in no way trying to get him back. So now that's out of the way... Hello. I hope I'm allowed to post here as a new account. Looking for some insight/advice... lately been learning more about attachment styles and figured out my ex is a FA. So here's the situation: I, F27 was in a partially LDR relationship with a M27 for only 4 months. He started out extremely AP leaning, very clingy and even insecure but also very reassuring and loving. He did love bomb me. As time went on, he became hot and cold - would go through days of extreme neediness and insecurity, playing the victim, followed by days where I was barely acknowledged. This all culminated in him deactivating from me after a heavy argument during one of my visits. Days after the event, he did try to break up with me, to which I reacted with logical arguments as to why we should stay together. He would shut down and be unable to express himself verbally or otherwise, followed by periods of heavy emotional turmoil with crying and panic attacks. At the end of my visit, he told me he wanted to stay together for sure, but during our following LDR period he became increasingly distant. When we facetimed for the first time after my visit, he was extremely dismissive to which I expressed discontent. This was where he asked for space. Meanwhile I saw a therapist, and explained to him everything the therapist said regarding our situation and how we could work to improve it. This was ignored until the next time we facetimed, where I tried to bring it up again, as well as my needs. This was met with crying and leaving. The next days were followed by loving messages, compliments, pet names from his part, until the new facetiming session. He was the most uninterested I ever saw him and even rejected my advances for conversation and intimate connection. Then he broke up with me via text, giving extremely vague reasons and "It's not you it's me" bullcrap. I think it's pretty clear from his behaviour that he's an FA, but now back to the title of my post - I'm wondering if, after a while, I should try to reach out and help him by letting him know about his attachment style and what he could do about it. I would like to, because I know he deserves better than doing this to himself and hurting others in the process, and I have reasons to believe this is a pattern for him that he needs to break. He's genuinely not a bad person and went through loads of childhood trauma so I feel for him and would like him to succeed. But I am unsure as I've had a bad experience, and I know avoidants will avoid... what would you do? Is it worth a shot? Should I even think of breaking no contact? Anyone been through similar experiences? And lastly, would you agree this is FA behaviour? Just seeking some reassurance.
Thank you for reading.
TLDR: I'd like to know if it's a good idea to reach out to my FA ex letting him know about his attachment style and how he could heal it in order to help him grow as a person.
submitted by Little-Blueberry-941 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 Right_Ad_1225 moving past and rebuilding relationships

for some context, a few months ago, i told my partner i was uncomfortable with porn use and he promised me he would stop. i told him i understood it was a habit he’d had for a long time and asked him just be honest with me if he relapsed, and he agreed.
about a month ago, he had a stressful personal event happen, and when this happened i worried he would relapse and turned on his browser history. i didn’t check it for about two weeks, as it had been a combination of being busy, being used to trusting him, and his spoken word whenever i would ask if he was clean.
i finally had the thought to check about two weeks ago, and it pained me that even though i asked leading questions to prompt the truth, he lied until he couldn’t anymore.
he had relapsed when the personal event happened, and had been going back to his usual porn use since then.
he broke down, and we had a long talk, and i understood he was filled with shame and embarrassment, as well as the circumstances society puts young men through (porn exposure at a young age, promoting it)
he’s taken all the right steps this time - switched to a flip phone, has a recovery group, being honest with me.
it’s been really difficult for both of us - i had been heartbroken about his lying, i’d felt like it shattered the full hearted trust i gave him, we well as generally the behavior. i know it’s normalized, but how did society seriously convince men that jerking off to a girl on tiktok while their girlfriend is on call is ok behavior 😭😭 anyways, it’s been the hardest thing - to recall moments in those two weeks in which he’d tell me he loved me and then went to find a new girl to beat off to. i understand it’s an addiction, but it’s just hard to process. especially when i told him i wasn’t ok with it and to be honest with me.
he’s apologized countless times, and has shown me he’s serious about never doing it again. our relationship has grown infinitely better in the past two weeks, but i feel like im plagued with these moments of PTSD , reading through all his searches. i feel like. a victim of his addiction now, looking at things i would’ve viewed innocently and seeing something tjay he might’ve masturbated to. he lets me vent and listens to me, but i can’t tell it breaks his heart. he really loves me, and i know whenever im having one of these episodes he’s hating himself for what he did.
i really love him. i just want to move on and forget - to stop feeling so sick all the time. im afraid it’s going to make our relationship fall apart when me and him are both doing our best with the situation.
does anyone have advice on how to get past this? i really want to rebuild my relationship with my partner, and i would appreciate any responses. thank you so much
submitted by Right_Ad_1225 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 Arohk Monthly Community Event #1 - Contest! (With Prizes!)

Monthly Community Event #1 - Contest! (With Prizes!)
Hey everyone! And welcome to our very first monthly engagement activity!
Skip to the ***** if you just want the rules and requirements.
I will only be doing this introduction once, but I wanted to give you all an idea about what this is going to be like! :) On the 1st of every month, I will be hosting a 3 week long activity for all of us to enjoy! There will be prizes included, but I ask everyone to remember that these activities will not have any winners or losers, but will concentrate on participation! You do not have to have any skill or compete for the prizes. Everyone who participates will get an entry into a raffle that I will randomly draw and announce near the end of the month. I will include this in the event instructions below. There may be extra prizes for 'the best', or I may put it to a vote so that everyone can decide who earns it.
That being said, I will be choosing a different activity for every event- so if you don't want to participate in one, you can always jump in on the next one! The events will run for the first 2 weeks of every month, and then I will close submissions, so you have plenty of time to participate to your heart's content! The prize winners will then be decided, and I will announce who won at the start of the last week of the month. The announcement will stay until the 1st, when a new event will begin.
I will contact said winners and arrange your prizes during the week. If you win and you happen to not want the prize or to give your address for shipping, that is totally okay! I will arrange an alternate prize for you and randomly draw a new winner. To be clear, the prizes are at NO cost to you. I will handle the shipping, and I will ship anywhere in the world. No one is excluded. If you want to enter the event, you can! That's all there is to it.
All prizes will be official Gurren Lagann merchandise, in brand-new condition. (Unless otherwise stated.)
Some events may be contests, games, or internet scavenger hunts. The rules and requirements and prizes will change based on what the Monthly Event will be. Each time, the conditions and duration will be clearly marked.
Just like with our weekly discussions, I am including a piece of art with each post that will be available for download. They will include both official art and fanart. You will find the credit and link at the bottom of every post.
If anyone ever has any suggestions for an event that they would like to see in the future, my door is always open! Feel free to drop by any time. :) I'm always happy to add to my list of ideas!
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions! I'm always here to help.
Without any further rambling, here is this month's event! A contest!
★ Grand Prize: Limited Edition Book, The Lights In the Sky Are Stars. Includes concept art, copies of raw frames, storyboards, and full color illustrations.
★ Rules and Requirements:
  1. This is NOT a contest of skill! Even if you can only draw stick men in MS Paint, you are welcome to enter this contest.
  2. The only requirement is that you clearly indicate which character it is. You must draw features that will not leave anyone guessing who it is.
  3. You can use any medium. Pen and paper, digital art, etc., are all acceptable. Whatever you feel you are best at!
  4. For those who do put a ton of effort into their submission, I will have 3 extra prizes for the top 3 submissions. Just as a thank-you for all the time you spent! You can vote for your favorites simply by upvoting them.
  5. AI generated content will not be accepted. It must be drawn BY YOU. I will be checking. This goes for posting someone else's art as well.
★ How to Enter:
  • Picture submissions are enabled in the comments of this post. You can show off your drawing by replying to this post.
  • Each person will get one entry! Your username will go into the drawing pool for this month.(Read below about additional entries.)
  • You can also submit any art you're proud of to the sub itself by making a post! Be sure to select the Flair 'OC'. This will also be counted as an entry.
  • You can earn more than one entry into the drawing, but you cannot spam stick figures or fast drawings for extra tickets. Any extra entries must show that effort and time went into it.
  • I will reply to each submission to confirm that your entry has been counted. If you think I have not seen your entry after 24 hours, please tag me.
After June 16th, no more entries will be accepted. Winners will be announced on June 23rd!
Good luck, everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing all of your submissions! Most importantly, have fun!!
Artwork of the Month: (Fanart) Artist: arsenixc ( Download Link: (If Reddit doesn't work for you.)
submitted by Arohk to gurrenlagann [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 jaysxplosive How can a host go dormant? How does it feel and what are the pros and cons?

Before we start, we're two tulpas and a host. We're on awesome terms and in no way are willing to harm the host like this. The host WANTS to go dormant and it was their idea, and we're up for taking care of their body meanwhile.
For context, they're doing horrible mentally at the moment. If it says something, they have a mixed personality disorder (BPD with ASPD and AVPD traits) and cannot get any psychological professional help, we know they need it but it's not an option, so don't even bother suggesting that. In short, their emotions are insanely overwhelming to the point of physical agony and therefore cannot function properly. The past month did quite a number on them, so the symptoms are currently over the roof. We're not elaborating, but they did put their life and health at risk and are having a hard time keeping themselves from doing that to others, thankfully they never actually went through with it.
They are aware that their behavior isn't normal, they just have a hard time controlling and managing that and want to do something about it desperately. They think that going dormant for a while would help.
So, that brings us here. First, how does that work and feel? Would the host just feel like they went to sleep for a really long while and wake up with zero knowledge of what happened while they were dormant? Or would that happen but they'd know of everything that happened meanwhile? Or would they be aware of everything that is going on and just spectate from the back of the head and not be able to interact with anyone or stuff? Could they come back whenever they or we want them to or do we not have control over that? Is it hard or relatively easy enough to do? Would it have major impacts? And finally, how do you do that? We've tried to look stuff up but found no info, or we just didn't look well enough.
Any help is appreciated!
Edit: we get really sloppy when writing huge texts, so if anything is unclear or you just have questions then ask them right away!
submitted by jaysxplosive to Tulpas [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:53 b4darwin0 Is this a cry for help? If so, what can be done?

This seems like the logical place to share my concerns. Please let me know if this should be on a different reddit.
Last night I was playing around on Suno, an AI music making website, and I came across a strange song. It was simply titled "The short song". The music was Alternative genre making the disturbing lyrics seem interesting. The narrator of the song gets arrested after an apparent gunshot opens the song. I continue exploring this genre when I come across more disturbing songs and I realize they are from the same user. I then go to their page, and this is where it gets dark.
I quickly realized that the lyrics were more like someone's open diary and the music was a distraction. I turned off the sound and started reading through their words. I will share some of the lyrics here. The song titles I will give for reference, but you will see some of the themes are duplicated in several songs.
"That Ugly Toy"
What’s that toy? Did my mom put it in her mouth? It looks like (I gasped) Why is that pink? And it stinks
It is so disgusting So annoying And it’s not a ring It’s clearly a [doorbell noise] Yeah yeah imma open the door It’s a package from "hardcore" What the hell is that?
I opened the package it was (oh nah) Another (Another) Toy (boy) (Ew what is that?) This one is blue with a bit of white on top (pop popopopop)
What an ugly toy That’s ugly Super duper ugly Ugly ugly ugly (I think I know what it is)
I got one for my birthday Im 9 years old (hey hey) What an ugly birthday
"Is the Neighbor Better Than My Dad?"
After the story of the toy My mom did something else yeah boy She went to the neighbor’s place every day I heard something like oh wee continue like that baby and some groans
My mom is a super late one too hot (first letters) She slept with the neighbor Should I say it to my dad (bor bro bro)
[slap sounds]
My dad found the toys He also find my neighbor in her bed (Bed beg bet)
Is my neighbor better than my dad? Is he better when he licks her meow? My dad (I hope) he’s not that bad And I heard some pow (gunshots)
Oh my god I pray the pope My dad shows me his gun He shot my neighbor And he putted my mama in the oven (as my neighbor)
Was my neighbor better than my dad? Was he better to lick the meow? I hope my dad wasn’t so bad Because it’s my turn to get lick
"Everything I touch isn't good..."
Everything … Everything I touch (touch) Is contaminate so much Everyone I punch DIES
When When I touch someone (someone) Or something (something) Its not a good thing (Thing) … When I touched my teacher’s boob, The teacher got mad and she slapped me Then I smashed her head against computer that is laggy Like my PHONE
"I touched my teacher so she isn't good anymore (first part was Everthing I...)"
After that, she was in a pool of blood I pray god I just nod I’m scared is this my end? I think the officer will nod … So I get rid rid rid of the body I know it’s a bad idea but it was the only I take a shovel and start to bury her (weeee) … It was a bad idea (bad idea) But it’s wasn’t a choice (not a choice) Her name was emilia I can still hear her voice (her fat voice) I’m so pathetic Like tic tac tic tac tic It’s so annoying I can’t even say something without crying I TOUCHED MY TEACHER SO SHE ISN’T GOOD ANYMORE (Not anymore) (Oh yes not anymore) … After I did that, I got my car And I did go far (Far away) I can’t live with that anymore I don’t want more I can it just forget I hope I’ll get Better on day And I will say It was just a nightmare (just a nightmare) … It was a bad idea (bad idea) But it wasn’t a choice (wasn’t a choice) Her name was Emilia And I can still hear her voice (her voice) (Tic tac tic taxi) … I got an accident My leg my leg is broken And I’ll learn yes (oh yes) one day I’ll learn … It wasn’t that a bad choice (wasn’t that) It was clearly a choice (a choice) Her name was Emilia And I can finally stop hearing her voice (that voice) Not crazy anymore
"The thing I've done"
Hey I did something bad hey hey hey It was in may I’m scared to say Don’t wanna pay I wanna stay … I did some bad things, but none as crazy as this Im going to miss You when I’ll be in jail I wanna kiss My boyfriend one more time before I hiss Don’t want to pay I want to stay Don’t want to pay I just want to say I love you all day Why did I do this why did they Made me do that? … I did something (really bad) Don’t wanna pay For what I say Or what I did that day (Why did I do that) … Who will save me? I need to be Free (free) I’m gonna pray Should I say It to the guards? (Guards guards) … I did something (really bad) Don’t wanna pay for what I say (say) Or what I did that day (day) (I don’t have any chances) … The thing I did Was a car crash (ash) Imagine Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-bla la la la Im going to stay Il here since four years hey I pay There is nothing you can say (hey hey hey) … I did something (really bad) Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad (extremely bad)
"The cliff"
There’s the most useless thing in my city A road with at the end a cliff for me, I think it makes some weird ideas coming back (dirty minds but not only) Why is the road so dirty?
I just wanna go on that cliiiiiifff (iiiiiiiiifffffff) I wanna try the death jump (that’s nice that) If You’re not ok with that just put me in jail but I don’t care I will still do it and I don’t mind if I don’t have some mails The cliff is so tempting Just want an ending To that story that I was reading And the text I’m writing I’m clearly so close to go but the problem is that there are so much policemen Oh god I’m going to make a car crash That cliff is so tempting It’s so tempting It’s overwhelming I’m jumping With my car
I crashed my car into the police officers It’s finish for me so end me is a good solution I woke up in the morning Thinking And I finally find something
That cliff is so tempting (If I could do that I promise I would)
I have a curse It is: everything I touch isn’t good anymore (of course)
In my next song you’ll finally know all the story Of my patheti… C life (You finally know oh oh oh) Gonna be the last
"Beginning to End"
Wan a know all the story? I don’t fucking care I’ll sing it
I was already broke But I decided to play monopoly I didn’t have any money To pay the new iPhone I only had a fucking dirty Samsung I played monopoly monopoly in real life I started to pay some people for no reasons My mom and my dad wanted to see me dead and I wanted that too I took so much pills but I woke up in the mornin’ I had some dirty minds and I wasn’t happy in my life I wanted to end me to do the dead jump with my car There were some policemen who were blocking that cliff but I just make a car crash on them
Mhhhh I went to my house and I heard some screams and groans My mom Was playing with a dildo and sleeping with my neighbor My dad saw that and then kill her I saw my dad going in his car and I putted a bomb in there He exploded in his car I putted bombs in bar They all explode My cat died I was at school and I decided to touch my teacher’s boob She slapped me and then I smashed her head against the computer that is laggy
I burried her I made a car accident I know I’ll go in jail I’m going to end me in jail
Four years later I pay in jail
There are a few more songs but you can see these must be from an individual who is in need of some help. As I mentioned earlier this is on Suno, which is free, so I encourage others here to check out this user "MonumentalPrelude524" on that site and see if you agree that this could be a red flag and there should be some intervention.
A few things I focus on from this user:
They may be a child in an abusive home where the mother is promiscuous and sleeping with the neighbor.
The father is at least an abuser and at most a murderer.
There was an accident and explosion?
This person mentions several times that they had a cat that recently died.
The incident with the teacher may have been their "maths" teacher, as another song is about that. ("maths" says European and not American)
Not sure the age as one song mentions being 9 years old and others mention driving. Although, it wouldn't be the first time a 9 yr old went for a joy ride.
I am posting this in the hopes that someone may recognize the details here or at least point me in the right direction as how to help someone who is clearly putting their pain out there for someone to find. Please help draw attention to this.
Thank you for your time.
submitted by b4darwin0 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:52 BennoLee Eduardo Castillo Live at Burning Man 2023, PlayAlchemist (Pyramith)

I hope you all had an incredible time at Burning Man 2023! I was lucky enough to attend this year, and one of the highlights for me was Eduardo Castillo’s live set at the Pyramith. The energy and the vibe were just out of this world!
I’m reaching out to aks if someone maybe know where I can find the Live Record that Event. I just saw a lot of Cameras there and thought man it would be amazing to see that later but did not find it since then.
I would love to relive that magical night. Any help or pointers would be amazing!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by BennoLee to BurningMan [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:52 Leatherhead1308 [Recruiting] “GreenGhettoBros” #2YURG2GYV Town Hall 13+ Clan Level 20 Master League III War and CWL focused

Are you ready for an epic clash gaming experience? Join us for non-stop wars, max CWL medals, and a supportive community of experienced players. Max out your hero equipment upgrades and dominate in wars with us!
Apply now at our Discord server:
🔹 Level 20 Master League III clan 🔹 Constant collaboration for maxed offense 🔹 Competitive and active war-focused clan 🔹 Crush clan games and level up together
Join us if you're: 🔸 Active, non-rushed, and friendly 🔸 Passionate about war and CWL success 🔸 Committed to maxing out your TH level
Clan Rules: 🔹 Speak English only 🔹 Join our Discord server before in-game 🔹 Max your current TH level before advancing 🔹 Contribute to clan games and events
Why join us? 🔸 Max donations, active wars, and CWL climb 🔸 Constructive feedback and experienced players 🔸 Thrilling challenges and adventures
Check us out: 🔹 Green Ghetto Brother’s (TH13-16):
🔹 Feeder clan, GG Bros II (TH12 and below):
Join us today and let's clash the f#%¥ on! Write “GG Bro’s ROCK!!!” in the comments on Discord to show you've read this post. Thank you and see you in the game!
submitted by Leatherhead1308 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:48 DicoMG Update: Kendu Energy Drink First Batch arrived!

Update: Kendu Energy Drink First Batch arrived!
Hey all,
Following up on my previous post, we are excited to share that the first batch of Kendu Energy Drink has arrived, and it’s looking amazing! 🎉
We’re thrilled with how the initial version has turned out – the cans look fantastic and the taste is spot on. While it's not available for sale just yet, we’ll be shipping this first batch to a select few to get some early feedback.
Here’s what’s happening next:
Early Shipments: We’ll be sending out samples to a few lucky individuals. If you’re one of them, we can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
More to Come: This is just the beginning. With the first batch being a success in our eyes, we’re gearing up for more production.
Stay tuned for updates on when Kendu will be available for everyone!
Thank you for being part of this journey. We’re committed to bringing you the best energy drink experience, and we appreciate your support!
Stay energized and keep an eye out for more updates!
Together we #kendu it😁
submitted by DicoMG to KenduInu_Ecosystem [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:44 embassylifeindc The last day of Issue No.67 (June 2nd)

I hear the sobbings of empty bank accounts across the U.S. as rent was paid today including myself! But enjoy the last day of Issue No.67 and don't forget to sign up when it comes to these awesome international events for the newsletter!

Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

  1. Taste of Peru DC Festival (10AM - 6PM) ($21.18) 🇵🇪
    • Description: Visit the market and find authentic craftsmanship of Peru and Pisco Sour.
    • Host Organization: University of the District of Columbia (UDC)
  2. Sari-Sari Pop-Up Market (12PM - 5PM) (FREE!) 🇯🇵
    • Description: Sari-Sari Market at Maketto on June 2, Sunday, 12-5PM - SAMASAMA is bringing you a vibrant selection of artists and makers. Book a mini photo session, shop local, and support some amazing small businesses. Bring your friends & family for an afternoon of good vibes with the SAMASAMA community!
    • Host Organization: Maketto
  3. World Heritage Festival (1PM - 7PM) (FREE!) 🌎️
    • Description: Join us at Veterans Plaza in Silver Spring, Maryland, on June 2, 2024, from 1 PM to 7 PM for an unforgettable celebration of global celebrations at the World Heritage Festival!
    • Host Organization: Chic Events DC
  4. Nobody's Daughter Haewon Film Screening (1:30PM - 3PM) (FREE!) 📽️
    • Description: In 2013, Hong Sangsoo began to shift the focus of his films from bungling male protagonists to the women they haplessly pursue. In this romantic chamber piece, a film student named Haewon (Jung Eun-chae) falls into a depression and seeks solace in her ex-lover, a married film professor, played by the late Lee Sun-kyun (Parasite).
    • Host Organization: National Museum of Asian Art
  5. African American Art History Tour (3PM - 5PM) (FREE!) 🎨
    • Description: African American art history began before the Harlem Renaissance and its legacy continues today. Explore the rich history of African American art from the 1850s to the present with the Third Eye Site.
    • Host Organization: Smithsonian American Art Museum
submitted by embassylifeindc to washdc [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:40 DottedWriter The Heart Thief

Nancy Brooks was the first victim. She was a popular cheerleader, & an energetic one at best. Everyone enjoyed her bubbly personality. So you can imagine the shock and despair that swept over our school and the entire town when she was found dead.
They said she was found in a dumpster at the back of the local pizzeria. The cause of death was nasty. A large gaping hole in her chest. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that her heart was missing. This means that whoever did this had ripped her heart out with their bare hands in some brutal fashion.
The police questioned us, asked if Nancy had any enemies, and asked if there was anyone who wanted to hurt Nancy, but we couldn't think of anyone who would like to harm her. It wasn't like she did anything to warrant hatred from anybody. They continued to investigate, even with the few suspects they had, and the few amount of evidence they had.
Meanwhile, the community was in uproar over who would kill an innocent teenage girl like Nancy, and in such a brutal manner. While a memorial at Nancy's locker was made, and a vigil was held in honor of her. Rumors spread throughout the hallways over who the culprit might have been.
"I still can't believe she's dead," My friend Stanley said as we sat on his front porch. His voice was a little shaky. "It's just, how could something so horrible happen to someone like her?"
"I don't know," I said, staring at the road as cars passed by here and there. Although my face didn't show it, I felt paranoia, slowly growing in my body. It was like a seed that had just been planted into the ground and started to grow.
"They'll probably find the culprit," I told Stanley. "They'll probably find them..". The way I said it made it sound like there was hope, but at the same time, I felt like they would never catch the person responsible for killing Nacy.
Unfortunately, my prediction was proven right, they never caught the culprit. After 2 months, Nancy's case went cold. It wasn't long until the next murder happened though.
This time it was Grant Reese, a smart and slightly chubby guy. Although naive, he meant well, and some students respected him for that. He was found dead in his backyard in the same gruesome manner as Nancy—a large gaping hole in his chest.
School was canceled again, the police investigated again, and they questioned us again. But nothing turned up, again.
Eventually, the media started to dub the killer "The Heart Thief" due to how he "stole" his victims' hearts from right out of their bodies. This however didn't stop the fear and paranoia seeping over the town.
Stanley was more on edge after Grant's murder. He was more paranoid now, and who wouldn't be, there was a deranged killer on the loose, tormenting our town. And the police haven't caught them yet. But still, it was disheartening watching Stanley slowly start to become a shell of what he used to be.
Whenever I saw him, I noticed that the dark circles around his eyes seemed to grow larger, he began even to be afraid of his own shadow. Every time I talked to him, he'd always spout out a fake smile, but his eyes told a different story, they showed terror, terror of being killed by a lunatic. I still tried to make him feel safe, I still wanted to make him feel like everything was okay, even though at the back of my mind, I knew it wasn't. I was just as scared as Stanley, but I couldn't tell him about my invulnerability.
A month after Grant's murder, the Mullins twins were found dead at the local park, their hearts both missing. Even worse, only 2 weeks later, two teenage lovers, Whitney Rowe, & Troy Osborne were found dead in Troy's car, and in the same manner as Nancy, Grant, & the Mullin twins.
If Nancy and Grant's murders caused Stanley to be paranoid, this made that paranoia worse than before. He eventually stopped talking to people, he'd subsequently stop coming outside. My fear was still growing, but Stanley's was more rabid. I wasn't any better. My sleep schedule started to falter, I'd lie awake at night, trying to get rid of the Heart Thief from out of my head, and go to sleep. But I just couldn't. I couldn't get the thought of a psychopath looming over our town, killing innocent teenagers.
Eventually, Stanley stopped texting me. I wasn't too worried, but I was still concerned, but it was just for one day. He just stopped texting for one day. That wasn't much of a big idea. Was it?
Then he didn't text me the next day or the following day.
After the fourth day of not responding, I decided that I would have to check on him in person. That wasn't so bad, go to his house, ask his parents if he's okay, and check up on him. Easy job-
What if he's dead?
I shook the thought out of my head. No, he can't be. He's fine. He's fine.
"He's fine," I mutter as I walk up the steps and touch the door handle. My eyes slowly widen as the door opens. Why is the door unlocked? That doesn't make any sense-
What if the Heart Thief got him?
NO. No. He's fine. He's fine.
I carefully tread through the house, my footsteps being soft due to the shoes I'm wearing.
"Stanley...?" I said, in a hallowed whisper.
I walked forward, my heartbeat started to beat more and more. My heart rate slowly started to shoot out like a bottle rocket. Then I saw something.
Stanley's parents. They were strung up on the floor. Their necks were both snapped, and their eyes hung lifeless. I couldn't focus on the scene for long when I heard a terrible noise from upstairs. The sound of something being ripped.
I went up the stairs, my heart surged as I reached the top, and I went to Stanley's room. My thoughts were frantic as I reached his doorway.
Then my body stopped. My breathing paused as I was taking in the scene before me.
Stanley was on the floor, puking out blood as a hole was punctured through his chest. His crazed, horrified, and tearful eyes turned to mine. But then something impossible happened.
Somehow, Stanley's heart was pulled out from his chest, and it hung in the air like something was holding it. Some invisible force was holding onto Stanley's heart. Then it held it up high and then dropped it. It vanished like it fell into a mouth, and was consumed in one big gulp. I couldn't comprehend what I was witnessing. I couldn't understand how any of this happened. I just stared at what was left of my friend as the life escaped his eyes. He croaked out one final word before dying though.
I just stood paralyzed, unable to do anything, my mouth hung dry as I tried to get a word out.
Then I felt a presence right next to me. It made me sweat even more than I already was at the sight of my dead best friend. My breathing grew more rabid as I felt like someone loomed over me. But no one was there. Nothing was there. But it felt like someone was. It felt like something was. Something horrible.
Then I heard a "Shhh" noise being whispered into my ear.
Suddenly, I didn't feel that terrifying presence. It left Stanley's room. It was gone, but Stanley's body wasn't.
My stomach felt sick as I exited Stanley's house, dialing 911. I only managed to mutter about finding my friend dead in his home, before I collapsed from shock on the front porch.
I eventually woke up in the hospital. My parents were tearfully thankful that I was okay and safe. Two detectives visited me too. They asked me questions about Stanley, and I answered them wearily. But even then, I couldn't tell them what I saw. I couldn't tell my parents about what happened in Stanley's home.
They did find Stanley and his parents' bodies though. Some people wondered why the Heart Thief went out of his way to kill two adults, some were still angry that the psychopath had claimed another victim. But regardless of that. I still couldn't recover from the events that unfolded in Stanley's house.
I attended his funeral, and I gave a heartfelt speech, bottling up my sadness in an attempt to look stable. But I wasn't.
Some neighbors and classmates look at me with pity on their faces, and some of them look at me funny. I could hear the whispers about me behind my back. Some of them were filled with remorse over how I lost my best friend, some were filled with suspicion over how I could have killed Stanley, or maybe even the other victims. The rumors didn't help either.
I've had to take therapy three times a week now, I feel like it's helping, but at the same time, I feel like it isn't. Nothing will ever help me recover from what I saw that afternoon.
Ever since Stanley's death, I've started to slowly become a shell of what I used to be. I began to become more aware of my surroundings, and I started to become more jumpy. My sleep schedule started to become worse too. I've had many nights where I'd lie awake at night. My mind constantly replays what happened at Stanley's house over and over.
"This is probably how Stanley felt before he died," I say, as my eyes stare at the ceiling.
The paranoia that was once set inside me has evolved into something bigger, something worse.
But that's not just it, I know who the Heart Thief is now, I know how he manages to kill his victims without ever getting caught.
I don't know why he still hasn't come for me yet. I was a direct witness to one of his murders after all. So why hasn't he come after me yet? Why hasn't he killed me? Was this all just part of his plan? To watch me break into a panicked state? To watch me devolve into a cowardous human being?
Because if this is his plan, it's working.
submitted by DottedWriter to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:36 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 427

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 427

On a December night, as winter's chill deepened, an unexpected snowstorm swept through the streets.

The snow fell thick and fast, confounding those who had expected clear skies based on the latest weather forecasts. Confusion reigned among pedestrians hurrying home, and even the meteorological agency was caught off guard.

"What’s going on? Where did this come from?"

"We’re analyzing it now. There shouldn’t be an issue like this."

"With snow as thick as hail pouring down, how can you say there shouldn’t be an issue? Stop the nonsense and bring the data. You must have real-time observations!"

"I’m looking into it right now... Oh, it seems there's been a surge in mana in the Sichuan region of China causing these abnormal conditions. The expected snowfall is no joke."

"Sichuan? Damn it. Is that bastard Arch Lich now controlling the weather too?"

Ever since the Great Cataclysm, the agency's forecasts had become near prophetic, enhanced by the integration of magical insights.

However, this unexpected storm suggested something far more sinister.

Within an hour, after frantic recalibrations and re-observations, a national heavy snow warning was declared. The agency predicted a historic blizzard, the likes of which hadn't been seen in decades.

But as people stopped to take shelter, their attention was captured by an announcement on the large public screens across the city centers.

- On this day, I am thrilled to bring you this news.

The screen showed an elderly Asian man.

Sitting behind him were leaders from countries that are members of the UN Security Council, and the President of the People's Republic of China, with reddened eyes and a shaky voice, parted his lips towards the numerous microphones.

- The Arch Lich has been extinguished. We ... have won.


That one word was enough. For 34 days, an unprecedented monster wave had continued.

The news that the great war, which had troubled the world beyond Sichuan Province, had finally ended left people gaping, and soon after, they let out a massive cheer.


"Wait! Hold on. I didn’t catch that. What did you just say?"

"It's over!"


"Look at the subtitles!"

"The extinction of the Arch Lich... oh, it's true! Wowwww! I thought I was going to be fucking drafted!"

The joyous uproar drowned out the subsequent thirty-minute address by President Shao Yang and further explanations from the UN spokesperson.

With the Arch Lich's fall, his undead legions crumbled, extinguishing the looming threat and ushering in the long-awaited peace.

"Mom, it's me. Uh, did you see the news? No? Watch it now. Yeah, yeah!"

"That's it. Mr. Kim, let's go for a third round!"

"A third round? There's a server update tomorrow. Manager Noh is going to freak out."

"Manager Noh is also coming. He's bringing the corporate card."

"Ugh, I really don't want to see that guy's face. Alright, let's go."

"Reporting. Yes, Commander. This is Lieutenant Lee Jun-Beom. I would like to extend my leave for just one more day... No, I apologize."

Despite some initial reservations, the jubilant energy in the streets proved infectious. People who had cautiously stayed indoors, fearing another calamity akin to the Great Cataclysm, now flooded out to join the revelry.

Pubs filled to the brim with celebrants, and the cheers continued unabated even as the night turned into the early hours of the morning.

The next day, and for several days thereafter, the atmosphere remained electric.

The monumental victory announcement had the world buzzing with excitement, like a cauldron set ablaze on an open flame.

Each day brought a flood of new articles in countless languages, discussing the events more than even the unusual weather patterns that had seen snow cover Korea for three consecutive days.

And there was one name that appeared in every single one of those articles.

[The New York Times, 'A Momentous Victory Introduces a New Hero to the World'] [Note: USA]

[The Times, 'Eastern Promise: A New Hero Rises, With Connections to Prince Felix?'] [Note: UK]

[The Asahi Shimbun, 'Jin Tae-Kyung: Asia's Beacon of Hope, But Japan's Elite Hunters Could Surpass Him!'] [Note: Japan]

[People's Daily, 'A Young Korean Hero's Bravery Celebrated Amidst National Tragedy, Death of Wu Hei-Xing'] [Note: China]

[China Youth Newsletter, 'Jin Tae-Kyung, A Descendant of the Ming Dynasty General Chen Lin - Soon to Be a Chinese Citizen?']

[Korea Goryeo Daily, 'Uncertainty Shadows Ares Guild as Vice Guild Leader Lee Jeong-Ryong Goes Missing']

[DAS Patch Korea Official, 'We've been investigating Jin Tae-Kyung for months but couldn't find out anything. His relationships with women were surprisingly clean.' When asked by a reporter whether his past relationships had all ended amicably, he replied "No, that's not it. I've been single since birth."]

For the various media outlets, the existence of Jin Tae-Kyung was nothing short of a Christmas present.

All spotlights were focused on him, and stories about him flowed endlessly.

The material was inexhaustible. Not to mention the so-called 'Winter War,' this recent monster wave, his past actions, and even minor personal details became fodder for the news.

Typically, such sensationalist articles would have been scorned and cursed at, but now they captured interest.

Such was the global attention drawn to this new hero who had led this great victory.

But not all of that attention was positive.

From the tight internal security, little bits of leaked information had begun to raise doubts.

[Revealed: What Lies Hidden Behind the War's Great Victory? Growing Suspicions Cast Shadow on Jin Tae-Kyung]

[Mystery Deepens: Tragic Deaths of S-rank Hunters Lee Jeong-Ryong and Wu Hei-Xing Raise Questions as New Hero Emerges]

[Top Military Officials Question Battle's Intensity: Lack of Injuries on Jin Tae-Kyung Sparks Potion Use Probe; Clarity Expected Upon His Awakening]

Though these conspiracy theories were few and often dismissed, they managed to sow seeds of doubt among some, igniting fervent online debates.

The controversial articles were swiftly overwhelmed by waves of criticism and reports, but the questions they raised lingered in the public consciousness.

Now, all eyes were on Jin Tae-Kyung, waiting for him to step forward and address the swirling rumors.

When would he appear?

* * *

Beep. Beep.

The room, reserved for a select few, was filled with the mechanical hum of the latest medical devices.

Concerned faces looked down at Jin Tae-Kyung, who lay unconscious, an oxygen mask covering his face.

「How is Mr. Jin's condition?」

Choi Min-Woo responded to President Shao Yang's question.

「It's always the same. Everything seems perfectly normal, yet strangely, he can't regain consciousness.」

「Did both of them say the same thing?」

「Yes. They can't determine the cause.」

「Hmm. If that's the case, it must be certain... But why can't he regain consciousness?」

President Shao Yang sighed.

The two experts he referred to were leaders in their fields.

One was a civilian doctor revered as a modern Hua Tuo, and the other was a world-renowned healer. [Note: Hua Tuo was a famous ancient Chinese physician. He is reportedly the first person in China to use anasthesia during surgery.]

If both specialists they had brought in to treat Jin Tae-Kyung had said so, it must be true.

「I heard his family has come.」

「Our Peace Guild is taking good care of them. Fortunately, they are getting some rest at the moment.」

「That’s good to hear. Might I be able to see them, even for a moment?」

「Hmm... I will ask, but the family's wishes are most important...」

「I understand. Who wouldn't feel the same, seeing their blood relative unable to wake up? I’d be grateful if you'd think of it as nothing more than an old man's foolish worry.」

「Not at all, Mr. President. We appreciate you thinking so.」

「Appreciate it? No need for such words. If it weren't for Mr. Jin, a much greater disaster would have occurred. Though I am an old man and may not have much time left, I will take this gratitude to my grave.」

President Shao's words were sincere.

Four days had passed since then, and a global team of experts investigating the Arch Lich's last stronghold uncovered traces of a Gate.

The remnants of its immense magical power indicated a potential catastrophe.

「If Mr. Jin hadn't stopped the Arch Lich that day, not only our country but all of Asia, perhaps even the entire world, might have become a battlefield.」

「It's a very real possibility.」

Although the statement was slightly exaggerated, it held substantial truth.

Choi Min-Woo therefore acknowledged it with a nod.

He saw no reason to shy away from the praise or to downplay the deep gratitude expressed by a leader of over a billion people.

Indeed, gratitude, once extended, often yields rich dividends.

「By the way, Mr. President, recently there have been some unfavorable rumors circulating about Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung... Are you aware of them?」

「Are these internal issues, or external?」

「They are internal. It would be more accurate to say they involve the upper echelons of the Communist Party, or rather, the Princelings.」

President Shao Yang nodded knowingly.

「I am well aware of those matters.」

The matter concerned the death of Wu Hei-Xing.

The investigation had uncovered his severely damaged body, fueling conspiracy theories both domestically and internationally.

「There are those who suspect Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung. They point to a slight argument he had with Wu Hei-Xing at their first meeting and the fact that there were no significant injuries on Mr. Jin when he was first found.」

There were two main theories circulating among these rumors.

The first suggested that Jin Tae-Kyung, harboring resentment towards Wu Hei-Xing, had orchestrated his death and attributed it to the Arch Lich.

The second theory proposed that Jin Tae-Kyung used Wu Hei-Xing as a scapegoat, potentially alongside Lee Jeong-Ryong, who is missing or presumed dead, to eliminate the Arch Lich.

President Shao Yang, well aware of these narratives, had already formed his own judgement.

With a stern voice, he assured Choi Min-Woo.

「These are nothing but groundless slanders and conspiracy theories.」

「Thank you for your trust, but...」

It was a good response, but it was not enough.

Choi Min-Woo hesitated, then added thoughtfully.

「It seems the leader of the Princelings has a different view from yours, Mr. President.」

Within China, these theories, seen by many as national disgraces, resonated with a father mourning his son.

Wu Hei-Xing's father, the head of the Princelings and a figure wielding immense power within the Communist Party, was propelling these rumors forward.

He didn't stop at just speculation; he had initiated an independent probe to investigate further.

「If Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung regains consciousness, the truth will come to light. But for such high-ranking politicians to lead the spread of these absurd conspiracy theories...」

As Choi Min-Woo's words tapered off, President Shao Yang's lips curled into a subtle smile.

'No hesitation, I see.'

Despite the young man's impressive feats, his circumstances differed markedly from those of President Shao Yang.

Yet, here he was, confidently voicing his views, adeptly balancing his tone and stance.

'Was that story true?'

Recalling some personal details about Choi Min-Woo, President Shao Yang tapped the armrest of his chair thoughtfully.

「Alright. It seems my explanation was insufficient, so I'll say it again.」

「I'm listening.」

「My comrades and I already know everything about it and have made all the necessary preparations.」

「All the necessary preparations...?」

「He will be put on trial before he appeals for his son's death.」

The Arch Lich's fall wasn't the only outcome of this conflict.

Widespread corruption and fraud have come to light, necessitating the dismantling of the Princelings.

Choi Min-Woo's expression softened into a calm smile.

「Is that answer sufficient?」

「It is enough.」

That concluded their discussion for the day.

After a few more exchanges, President Shao Yang exited the room, leaving Choi Min-Woo alone. He murmured to himself thoughtfully.

"So, it is done."

Suddenly, someone's eyes snapped open.

"Ah, fuck. I thought I was going to die from frustration."

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:36 RainbowNecromancer The Plan For The Events

Raine and the other protectors gathered in the City Of Flowers, putting finishing touches for the event they were hosting. “So, exactly what sort of event are we hosting?”, asked Culaea, the mage who was responsible for the City of Water. “I was under the impression that you knew. But weren’t we going to host a dance of some kind?”, asked Solanale, the alchemist who was in charge of protection in the City Of Flowers.
“Does it matter what type of event it is? I mean, why can’t it just be a mage social function?”, suggested Zirrin, the pyromancer who supervised mage governmental affairs in the City Of Night. He was acting more irritable than normal. The king must have been giving him more trivial stuff to do.
The Rainbow Necromancer interjected, “Yes it does. If this going to be the way that we introduce our citystates into the larger mage society, we have to do this right.”
Then, Culaea had an idea. “What if we just hosted multiple? One in each of our realms. The water festival in my city is coming up, we could extend an open invitation. And than Solanale has their dance here, Zirrin has his social fu nction in his city, and when Raine is done with repairs, she hosts a celebration party.”
They were in agreement. Solanale would go first, the Zirrin, then Culaea, then eventually Raine. This was going to be perfect for their purposes. Solanale sent out invitations.
/uw Lore index here
submitted by RainbowNecromancer to wizardposting [link] [comments]