Good pictonary guesses

Whatsthissnake - Your Source for Snake Identification, Phylogeography and Taxonomic Updates

2013.07.10 01:29 Phylogenizer Whatsthissnake - Your Source for Snake Identification, Phylogeography and Taxonomic Updates

The authoritative source on Reddit for your snake identification needs. Please post your rough geographic location [in square brackets] in your title. If you're just sharing, also include your ID! Operated by Snake Evolution and Biogeography [SEB]. Join our Discord by following the link at either the pinned post or tab at the top of the page.

2011.08.03 18:24 Raelshark Explain Like I'm Calvin

In the spirit of /explainlikeimfive, here's a place to come up with the best explanation you can on topics you know nothing about. Inspired by Calvin's brilliant dad, who knew everything.

2011.10.21 09:50 Solve the mystery of the stranger's screen capture


2024.06.01 12:28 SubtleSerenity Oregon Paid Medical Leave Questions

Not sure if this is the right sub to ask this so apologies.
On 5/30/24 I had to call off work for some gnarly stomach pain. I ended up going to the emergency room where I was told I had appendicitis and would need to have it removed. Surgery went fine and I’m back home recovering, but my doctor gave me a note to give to my employer saying the recovery time could be 10-14 days.
I’m not worried about losing my job as I work for a pretty good local company, but I’m still an hourly worker with bills. Potentially missing all of a pay period is quite concerning to me. I know Oregon has something called Paid Leave Oregon. Looking over the medical leave part of the website it would seem I’m eligible, but I’ve never engaged with a benefit system like this so I’m not 100% sure. Unfortunately their offices are closed till Tuesday otherwise I’d call and have them explain the process to me.
I guess my question(s) are if I’d be eligible or if you can point me to a resource that can better explain things.
Thank you for your time
submitted by SubtleSerenity to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:28 Expert_Counter_9342 [PC or PS] [200?] RTS fantasy game

Platform(s): PC or PS
Genre: fantasy, rts
Estimated year of release: 2005-2012
Graphics/art style: good 3d graphics that looks like warcraft, but better
Notable characters: miner-kobolds
Notable gameplay mechanics: i dont remember correctly, but i guess you had to spawn those units you want to, and then go through the level, camera just like in warcraft
Other details: you start at the mine where you find goblin or kobold miners and try to escape from there, next level is forest with a small lake, and then you get to the mountains, this is all i can remember, i've been playing this game maybe 8 years ago, or more, soreh for mei bad english
submitted by Expert_Counter_9342 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:28 ConstructionCalm4538 21F love genuine convos about life, being active, sports/gym, journaling just more in depth

Having a slow saturday so far as im pretty tired from a long week, i love to discuss more indepth topics and gym/sports, what makes you feel good about yourself. I wish i had more friends that were as much into the gym as me, but i dont, and you cant force ppl to go if they dont wanna. In general i wish i knew for ppl who had more hype for life i guess you could say
submitted by ConstructionCalm4538 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:23 Totallynotarob0 Is everything really going to all hell?

I’m currently studying animation since I realized a while back ago that I honestly feel incapable of seeing myself doing anything else except some form of working in the industry. I’ve been animating since I was 10 and always idealized it but never thought it was going to be easy but I was willing to put in the work, even buying my own graphic tablet at 13 (I sold a lot of comic books). A lot of my close friends are in the arts, and I hear how hard those industries are, acting, writing, and forget being a studio arts major. I’ve followed a lot of animators in the industry and have had a couple follow me back and I asked some of them basic questions about how the industry is etc etc. Some were positive but a lot of them were more jaded responses and this is predating Covid (though it didn’t ward me off any and was nice to hear the “bad parts” of the job/industry).
But nowadays it seems like every single person I follow, even people who have 15+ years experience under their belt seem to be struggling to find reliable work. Networks cancel shows after one season and with the rise of A.I. which is all anyone talks about anymore-usually in a joking manner but it doesn’t seem to be so funny anymore. I don’t think A.I. would replace animation entirely obviously but it does make me nervous for what jobs are going to be on the cutting block. In a lot of art circles and even on this subreddit it seems like everyone’s in a panic. Harsh realities I know, but even if I wasn’t to work in animation or film or visual arts at all I’d be terrified for what’s to come, art is so little respected as it is. I’m not anticipating switching majors or anything but it’s making me think of at least think up a good minor maybe? Hah I don’t know! I’m honestly just trying to gauge how really nervous students especially should be at this moment and maybe if it’s even a great idea right now to try and I guess make a living in animation. I know there’s been periods of hardships and corporate America is very unforgiving (not sure about other countries) but I gotta say I’m starting to feel like all ‘tech’ fields are suffering a bit out here especially-someone who considered computer science for a time
submitted by Totallynotarob0 to animationcareer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:22 ConstructionCalm4538 21 F would love a genuine convo about gym/sports, being active, life, journaling, just a bit more indepth

Having a slow saturday so far as im pretty tired from a long week, i love to discuss more indepth topics and gym/sports, what makes you feel good about yourself. I wish i had more friends that were as much into the gym as me, but i dont, and you cant force ppl to go if they dont wanna. In general i wish i knew for ppl who had more hype for life i guess you could say
submitted by ConstructionCalm4538 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:20 slirpflerp How did pre-modern governments track inflation, and decide how many coins to mint?

I hope the question isn't too broad; any specific examples would be interesting.
I'm guessing people have been generally aware of the concept of inflation for a long time. And that they were attempting to keep track of cash flows and population statistics, so as to make a generally informed decision?
I've heard of examples where a new king just printed new coins with his face on it as seemingly a PR move - that can't have been good, right?
submitted by slirpflerp to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:17 Ok-Revolution-7266 17 too late to get into mcr?

using a throwaway. i apologize if this is the wrong way to go about making this post. i've been into mcr's music for a good while but only recently (last 2 months or so) started getting super into them and the whole scene. i listened to three cheers for sweet revenge the full way through and it was over for me. i've memorized most of their discography by now. as much as i'm enjoying it i can't help but feel like i'm too late somehow. i feel like most people already had an established music identity way earlier than i did. friends who aren't into them all act super condescending about it and i feel inferior to friends who have been in the scene a longer time. i guess i'm just looking for anyone who relates and maybe reassurance. is this irrational? i love their music a lot. it's just hard not to feel like i'm doing something wrong.
submitted by Ok-Revolution-7266 to MyChemicalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:16 MonoCanalla Need advice, should I continue internship?

Hi folks, this question has stayed on my head for so long, It’s killing me. I come in peace and for advice.
I am about to finish a 3 month internship on a new agency, and my guess is that they’d want to extend three more months my contract, but should I?
-It’s a new agency and we the interns work straight with the CD, nobody in between. I feel like we do the work (and almost the hours) of a senior. There was once a promise that we will be hired at the end, but I think that end will be after we extend our contract and stay 6 months.
-Since I started, we pitched to two clients and we won them. Now we are gonna pitch to a third one:
-Toxic culture. CD is volatile, something nice, something asshole. Contradicting himself, etc…
-Other interns are competitive bullies.
-I had experience from other creative industry before this, and I’m doing very good work: we won a big client using exactly my concept, tagline, and headlines.
I wanna say “if you want me, offer me a junior position”. But shall I?
Is my time better spent doing anything else or somewhere else for the next three months?
I’d think three months internship is enough.
Also is affecting my peace of mind. If feel very sad and unmotivated. When my CD pointed out to this said it’s my fault because I don’t try to mix with the group, but that’s not true, I’m always nice, I tried hard at the beginning and now I’m just giving up.
Thanks folks.
PS: Sorry for my English, is not my language or the language I mostly work with.
submitted by MonoCanalla to copywriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:16 Narrow-Wish3886 What is a thing you loved, and a thing you didnt enjoy from the other Latin American countries Youve visited?

My list goes like this:
Love the fruits, the easy relaxed, diverse looking population. The amazing nightlife in the place I go to yearly. The open mindedness of the people toward sex, homosexuality etc. (At least in Central Colombia which is what I always visit), but considering there were gay beaches all over Cartagena and no one cared, I guess is also ok in the coastal region.
Dislike the sociopath traits that the society still has, though they seem to be confronted more and more. The politics and backwardness of all those armed groups that operate in the fringes of the country far from population centers.
Love the beaches, the music, Brazil is the only place in the world where I thought I was in Colombia, then you hear portuguese and you know is not Colombia. I think is the tropical energy with the African influence that makes it feel like Colombia. The people are so relaxed, they are so open to talk to.
Dislike: Like Colombia, the sociopathic traits in society, though also getting more and more confronted by society as a whole which is good.
Like: The food, the old ancient history, the Peruvian andes are stunning, It blew me away. I was literally blown away listening to Quechua being spoken everywhere, in Colombia is extremely rare to come across an indigenous language on the street. Its all Spanish or English. Cuzco is one of the most interesting cities I have ever seen. Sadly I didnt see Macchu pichu due to rain.
Dislike: The classism I saw. Some Peruvians can be very aloof and cold to strangers.
Like: The beaches in the north, the sea food.
Dislike: Thenarrow mindedness of many of its people, also extremely homogeneous in their way of thinking.
Like: Meat, the best I ever tasted. I love the icecream in Buenos aires, but more the provinces, Salta is stunning. The people are super nice. Argentines are super light, funny, enjoyable, you can talk to them for hours about nothing and have a good time doing so. I would seriously live in Argentina for a couple of years.
Dislike: The buenos aires attitude of self importance, and the peronismo mindset that reigns supreme in the minds of many Argentines still. Though is changing.
Like: Their food was amazing, a bit too spicy for a Colombian, we dont eat that spiciy but quite different. Like Peru is a nation with a strong indigenous heritage, you can see it in their customs, the people, the culture. It gives them a very unique aura which is very cool. Mexico city is pretty intense and interesting. I loved Colima, the hostess treated me like a family member.
Dislike: I am not a fan of Mexican music (either too mellow and about dying of love, or machista stuff about drinking tequila and dominating women). I also disliked the attitude Mexicans have toward one another, later it was explained to me by a Mexican sociologist is called Malinchismo. Malinchismo really tainted my image of Mexico and its people unfortunately. Though I still prefer the good in Mexico.
submitted by Narrow-Wish3886 to asklatinamerica [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:16 CannonMan2000 She f(18) wants to see how we go as friends first with me m(23) before we take the next step

For about a month, we've been getting to know each other at work and over text's. Yesterday over texting back and forth, she decides to ask "quick question, what are your intentions"
I'm honest with her saying that she's a cute girl and looking to get to know her better and she reciprocates with a big paragraph but something along the lines of, "im thankful for your kind words I think you are a good looking man yourself and would like to stay as friends and see if we get along as friends first before taking that next step"
I'm happy with this response and am just unsure as to if im not understanding it the right way, I've got a problem for not taking these things at face value, could this be soemthing promising in terms of a relationship?
I've asked her twice for me to take us both out and things just didn't work out in terms of schedules and university. She's got her last exam on friday, so I'm guessing I should just take it slow, and keep getting to know her at work.
submitted by CannonMan2000 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:14 paukl1 Settler Colonial State

Settler Colonial State submitted by paukl1 to USAuthoritarianism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:13 wheelerandrew Advice on USA ads

Hi all! first post on this subreddit. based in europe, and have spent a year happily spending very small daily amounts (2-3 euros) on week long campaigns targetting 1-3 EU countries at a time. CTR is good, up to 14%, and CPC here in the EU is very low, av. 0.03 cents. We're a small family farm in Italy selling olive oil and tapenades, and we've had a increasing amount of interest and sales from the US, specifically Florida. Shipping costs are tough, but it does sort of work, and there IS interest which we'd like to capitalise on by starting to run ads in US. It's a big country, we don't know where to start, how much our budget should be, audience and interest target (though we can guess), location (test with just florida to start?), or what our expectations should be.
thanks in advance!

submitted by wheelerandrew to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:13 The_Dadditor Avoiding negativity

Hi all,
I have been 'officially' diagnosed with depression caused by chronic illness a few days ago, which isn't really news to me. Anyway I'm in therapy in the same hospital I work at, and I'm happy with my therapist as there's a good connection between us.
One of the first things I'm supposed to work on would be to avoid negativity and focus on the things that make me happy right now, even if they're not productive.
I find this difficult as I'm a massive fan of movies, TV and quality storylines in games. I already find it more difficult to get the same enjoyment from them as I did before. And now recently every online discussion about new releases is way more negative. Even if in some cases people enjoyed everything about the content, they find something bad to say about the production, writers, delays or even finances.
Now avoiding online discussion would be one thing but these opinions so far always bleed into real life discussions. I really don't want to unintentionally adopt this unending cycle of negativity but enjoying something all alone makes me sad too.
Other things I enjoy are so far really difficult because of my chronic illness.
I guess there's no real question or answer here but at least I got that off my chest. I wish you all the best of health and a great day.
submitted by The_Dadditor to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:13 mushrumslut I hate how attached i get to people

I have such a hard time making friends because im anxious and awkward and honestly just had a lot of bad friendships where i was fucked over, as a result when i make a new friend i can be over bearing and i get attached quick.
I somehow landed an amazing partner, and the last two friends i got close with ended up getting feelings for me.
It sucks because i am so attached to them but i dont want to make my partner feel insecure. Its so frustrating trying to make it work as friends by instilling boundaries and just having them pushed . in a way this is good i guess because it shows they dont want to be my friend but it hurts because I just get so tired of losing people and im such a pushover that i dont care when people cross my boundaries, the only reason i care is because i dont want it to hurt my partner. I just feel like a piece of shit.
I just want friends but maybe how overbearing I am sends the wrong idea, no matter how much i tell them im unavailable. It makes me not even want to try, because it feels like heartbreak every time this happens because i get so attached.
submitted by mushrumslut to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:12 Sea_Nefariousness729 Vanguard ETF in Yuh

Hello guys, yes IBKR-> VT is king and whatnot.
I have Yuh and I have found VUSD ETF of Vanguard with the low 0.07% yearly charges we know and love.
Seeing as I already have some money invested in another USD fund in Yuh (0.35% yearly though😒), am I correct in assuming that all that's gonna cost me to move to VUSD is the ~0.5% fee of selling the current stock + again ~0.5% to buying VUSD?
I guess what's good is that do not have to pay the hefty 0.95% fee of currency exchange, and I guess my question is just overall if there are more costs involved to switching funds?
submitted by Sea_Nefariousness729 to SwissPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:12 Jimmeu [Help] Vertex shadow smoothing

I'm an experienced dev but super new to shaders so please be kind and explain well 🙏
Working on an Unity mobile game, I coded a super simple lit shader where shadows are calculated in the vertex function in order to save some rendering time.
Results are good enough for me except on the shadow edges, especially with simple meshes like those on my floor tiles. Any idea of what I may do (in the fragment function I guess ?) in order to smooth things and avoid the light spikes ?
Thanks you.
submitted by Jimmeu to shaders [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:12 Loading_Unit1 Pending Hearing For Fiduciary

Folks, appreciate all that you know and experience.
If I could get advise on my pending Hearing for a Proposal for incompentence.
So far, still pending my Doctors note. Has been a struggle working with the VA health dr. I will try my Tricare Doctor. Just been so stressed and busy building my family's house.
So far, I submitted my laystatment and 800+ credit report.
What should I expect? I'm competent to handle my funds. VA think my brain is that fried. But, I guess I didn't find the warno until after the fact. I don't be on the internet much.
I have since talked to VERA which reassured my Hearing is on and focus on my wellbeing. All will be good speech. Thank you for that Ms. I forgot her name. Super awesome help there. Calmed me down forsure.
Just waiting and seeking advice as I have no friends. We'll, atleast ones that would entertain this conversation.
I just want to move on and heal, the way God intended.
submitted by Loading_Unit1 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:09 Additional_Meeting_2 Portrayal of Margaret Beaufort )and Richard III)

I haven't seen the show before and I just finished episode 9. I do know about the historical reality of the events and I have always liked Margaret. So I suppose I was somewhat blind that apparently the show thinks she is a villain. Richard III almost certainly killed the Princes in the Tower but the show has done it's best to make him be viewed of the best light. I did realize prior to this episode the show was more pro Richard than usual (and that it was made prior to Richard's body being found that confirmed his spine deformation due to scoliosis). But I guess I had just assumed they would eventually make it ambiguous what happened to the Princes. Anne and Elizabeth and some others occasionally had their more unlikable moments, so I wasn't overly bothered that Margaret was portrayed more negatively than I would prefer if everyone is flawed. And its Elizabeth's story in this show mainly so it's inevitable some of the opponents get somewhat of a villain treatment (like Margaret of Anjoy and his son, they weren't exactly best shown either but it worked for the show).
But it went too far with Margaret in the end for me. So I did look some reactions and apparently a lot of people just see her as a villain? So I would like to know what your reactions are and why you see her as a villain if you do?
The show did make up her wanting Henry become a king since the start (it should not have happened until Margaret of Anjou, Henry VI and their son was dead). But I did kind if tolerate it since it's pretty known he becomes a king so I thought it was maybe just better not to hide it and have more excuses to have her and Henry in the show early on. Otherwise their plot line would be rather baffling to get so much dedication shown. And usually mothers dedicated to their sons are shown in positive light (during the era and now in fiction set in past, since women could not exactly have their own career, you can see how Margaret of Anjou is just finished the moment he son dies). It was a tad much but showed tenacity and how woman forced to arranged marriage to someone with different political views can still try to make a difference in the world.
Other reasons people seemed to dislike her are apparently because she is religious (nothing wrong with that and she is accurate level of religious for the era, it's not like she is making others to pray or something either) and that people think the actress is unattractive and did act strangely? I thought she did a good job, even if she was too old for the role (she was younger than Elizabeth.) And she did think Elizabeth is a witch but they literally made her one in this show! And Neville sisters also think she is a witch.
So I don't mind some inaccuracies, but it felt like the show was flattening her character trying to make her villainous, and probably exuding a real murderer (Richard III). I justhave less motive to finish the show now, but should.
But what was your view of the portrayals?
submitted by Additional_Meeting_2 to thewhitequeen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:08 manthrk Pregnant and returning to orangetheory after a month hiatus. Any advice?

First trimester exercise did not go well for me, so I put my membership on hold and now that I'm nearly into my second trimester I feel up to it. I'm still pretty tired, but no longer cripplingly nauseous all the time. Prior to pregnancy I would go 4-5 days a week and push myself as hard as I could, running as fast as I could and lifting heavy weights. I know I want to play it a little safer, but I'm not sure where the balance between barely doing anything and going too hard is. I guess I'll just show up today and try to do what feels good. Also when do laying down exercises (e.g. situps) become illegal? Is it 20 weeks? Earlier? I don't have much of a bump yet. I'd say it's more of a bloat. Baby is only lime-sized according to my app.
submitted by manthrk to orangetheory [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:07 Firm_Associate_811 Some animes like Kaze no Stigma?

Just watched Kaze no Stigma and I loved it (wish they wouldve finished it, but cant bring someone back to life I guess) and Id love to see some more animes like it. I loved how the MC didnt play at anything (like as if he was some good guy). "You want my help? Fine, but pay up." The story was great too, he was kicked out of his clan but he returned and much more powerful than anyone else. (I dont mind reading manga either)
submitted by Firm_Associate_811 to Animesuggest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:07 Sufficient-Yard3625 Questions: Surprise, new creditor!

I have an attorney but they are less than responsive. I've really been stressing not knowing what to do about the below and am hoping the group here may have some experience they can share, and maybe then I can finally relax:
  1. I filed Chapter 7 and had my 341 already. Nothing from the trustee yet. While waiting, I just received a few surprise invoices from the same outfit dating back to work done a few years ago for many thousands of dollars. It wasn't listed as a creditor because I had voluntarily paid a lump sum within the last year before I knew I'd be filing BK (I just guessed what I owed since I was never billed, invoiced, or told), the check I wrote was cashed, and I never heard from them again so I assumed all was good. The amount of the invoices is so high I was literally shocked, I had no idea that's what they thought they were owed especially since they accepted the check and never said another word since. I'm freaking out and assume I will need to amend, but I don't know what to do and time is wasting while I wait for answers. Is this going to blow up my whole petition?
  2. The other issue is: I was renting a storage unit and once my finances collapsed I told them I was going to be moving out. I did move out and removed my lock, and it has been sitting empty for months (I assume, I haven't gone back to look). I then filed C7, and the facility was listed as a creditor. I have just found out they apparently ignored the filing and the fact that my unit is completely empty and have continued billing me every month since as if I'm an existing tenant. What can I do about this and am I on the hook for the subsequent months? I did not specifically tell them I was officially moved out, but I had thought the empty unit and a federal bankruptcy court notice were obvious enough that I didn't need to. And at that point I was so stressed out by debt I just mentally could not contact one more creditor. Did I screw up not sending something to confirm vacating the unit?
submitted by Sufficient-Yard3625 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:05 manthrk Pregnant and returning to orangetheory after a month hiatus. Any advice?

First trimester exercise did not go well for me, so I put my membership on hold and now that I'm nearly into my second trimester I feel up to it. I'm still pretty tired, but no longer cripplingly nauseous all the time. Prior to pregnancy I would go 4-5 days a week and push myself as hard as I could, running as fast as I could and lifting heavy weights. I know I want to play it a little safer, but I'm not sure where the balance between barely doing anything and going too hard is. I guess I'll just show up today and try to do what feels good. Also when do laying down exercises (e.g. situps) become illegal? Is it 20 weeks? Earlier? I don't have much of a bump yet. I'd say it's more of a bloat. Baby is only lime-sized according to my app.
submitted by manthrk to fitpregnancy [link] [comments]