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2024.06.09 08:25 Emotional_Draft_3433 Jack sucks

What does Mel see in him ? Honestly….
And is Mel so insecure and broken that she’d settle for him?
He’s like this unstable alcoholic that led this weak manipulative woman along for 2 years that had no boundaries for herself ( which he exploited even if she is an idiot for sticking around).
Then he sleeps with her without condoms and knocks her up when he’s starting to develop feelings for someone else ? Great foresight dude.
Charmaine is kind of a nightmare, partially due to the already toxic dynamic. And somehow Mel isn’t fearful of Jack’s bad judgement just being with Charmaine in the first place ? You can tell some things about a man from his ex’s…
Jack then has the audacity to ask Mel to care for Charmaine as a practitioner and deliver their babies- are you f***ing kidding me ?
And Jack wants Mel to stick around for 20 years of drama and child support ? While offering her NO babies of her own ? No man is worth that LOL.
Jack begs for Mel to give him a chance then basically tells her later he’d rather let her go than give her what she wants ( a baby). At the lumberjack thing he’s like “ what about the twins, you could be a stepmom” Like any woman actually wants this, especially with a crazy like Charmaine in the mix, and in lieu of her own child ? Then later when Mel’s baby might be Mark’s he doesn’t even want to know the baby’s paternity bc he might not feel the same way…a hypocrite by his own standards.
He’s an emotionally stunted, immature, selfish drunk.
Then Mel witnesses his sister’s miscarriage because she randomly doesn’t know she’s pregnant after a date rape? Then she passes out from booze and Xanax ?
He misses the sister’s wedding…
Almost kills himself trying to kayak drunk and sleep deprived…
Gets into numerous fights with drug dealers…bad business deals…
Gets his house burned down…
Gets shot….
The list goes on and on.
Jack is like EVERY red flag. Even Cameron who gives off jilted beta male mommy fetish vibes would have been better.
Why is Mel so endlessly supportive too? Can’t she ever just be grossed out by all of Jack’s BS and drama ? It’s just so cringe I needed to rant 😂
submitted by Emotional_Draft_3433 to VirginRiverNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:25 BasterDreemurr Raid Race hiding their screens

So we all were very excited for the Final Shape raid, Salvation's Edge and I was so excited to watch my favorite teams race to get to finish the witness off (so me and my friends can beat them in the new activity.)However, come to my surprise most of the big streamers doing the race were hiding their screens and I was super confused why, the chat filled me in that they are hiding their strats so other people aren't able to get worlds first, get the upper hand. Now it is no secrets the Destiny community can be quite gatekeepy/elitist with wanting FOMO, not wanting new players to have an easy pass on old content, having new stuff "just handed out", etc. This felt really weird that we as a community were worried this is the last chance Bungie had for this game and for people to hide their strats from the community that needed it the most is really weird to me. I think personally in the future Bungie can make guidelines or something that prevents streamers from hiding their screens because honestly as a long time fine of Datto, Salt, and others, it felt so boring and honestly pointless to watch their streams when I could be, you know, seeing the raid from their POV, just wondering your thoughts?
submitted by BasterDreemurr to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:24 sunfishgirl77 I want to help my dad, but not sure if I can or if I am the right person to.

Hello. I am almost 22 and I am looking for older people to give me some advice. I know that addiction is a disease, and a gnarly one. I have my own personal struggles, but my main concern related to the topic is my father. He will be 54 this year and I am starting to get worried that he will not live to see me have children. We have not always had the closest relationship, but I do love and care for him greatly. I will kind of set the stage of my father, his personality and his past. Apologies in advance if this post is not typically what people come here to read, but I have never really told anyone my story about my dad in its entirety, and I just kind of want to get it off my chest. And I also just watched The Whale, and regardless of how you feel about the movie, it made me feel things about my own father in a weird way and those emotions are real and separate from the media that probed them.
My mother admits, without saying the exact words, that she settled. She was in her late twenties and she strongly desired a family and felt that her time was "running out". She is my dad's second wife. They live together essentially as roommates. They get into huge screaming matches that start at the silliest, most trivial things, like loading the dishwasher inefficiently. The fights always circle back to the core truths that they hold about one another, the deep discomfort that each of them have with certain traits of the other. My mother is too loud and too emotional. She is messy and, if she lived alone, would almost certainly have collected a menagerie of abandoned animals by now. My father is a functional alcoholic living in denial. He has an intense desire for control of his surroundings. A few people that know me and my family intimately enough have come to me genuinely asking if my father is autistic. I am not sure if I agree or how I feel about that, but it is an observation that has been made about him more than once. He has pretty severe anxiety that he is medicated for (Xanax) but rarely takes, instead choosing to self-medicate (booze). He was not very present in my life growing up, although we always lived under the same roof. My mother taught me how to drive, how to ride a bike, how to ice skate, how to write, how to read, how to bake. Ironically, he is a teacher, and yet was never there for many of life's crucial lessons. My dad is always lingering out the outskirts of my memories, watching me from afar. We fought heavily during my teen years when I first began realizing how he had stepped back from my childhood to instead focus on his work and drinking. Those are the two things he puts the most time, money, and energy into. That, and I guess science fiction movies about space, and maybe listening to ambient music and Radiohead.
I live about two hours from my parents currently, and last week my mom came to see me and get lunch. She said that my father is cutting back on the drinking. This is certainly not the first time, this is a perpetual new year's resolution for him that always seems to peter out around the first gloomy days of February. If he can make it without drinking for 30 days, he's not a "real" alcoholic, right? The difference this time, is that when he tapered down to one drink a day he started going through withdrawals. He got the shakes and the sweats. Selfishly, I'm glad I wasn't home to see that. It makes me worry that his habits are going to catch up with him. The things he jokes about, how he's gone through "a dozen livers in his life so far", no longer seem very funny, if they ever even were. He was a bartender in college, and alludes to the fact that it was there his issues with alcohol began, though he never explicitly says it. He'll say, "When I was a bartender, you know, I had to start biking to work so I could get myself home" and that sort of thing. His genes also aren't on his side. Much of his side of the family are heavy drinkers, they are northern people who say they drink to keep warm in the cold and desolate winters. But, that no longer seems to make much sense when great uncle bill starts showing signs of alcohol-related dementia and cousin Doug can drink a whole handle of vodka when he's out ice fishing and then drive three hours home.
Sorry again for the long post. All of that to say, what do I do here? My dad's social life revolves primarily around drinking. He doesn't have any hobbies that he doesn't do while drinking. He used to brew beer a lot with his friends when I was a kid but over the past decade or so he's shifted to drinking only liquor. He starts in the afternoon on his days off work, maybe noon, and then continuously drinks until he goes to bed. He tells me that vodka tastes sweet to him, and he has a certain gene that makes his tastebuds different (he is a biology and genetics teacher btw). He was hospitalized for a night a couple years ago and my parents have not really told me the specifics. Something to do with his blood pressure and sodium levels. I suspect it is connected to his drinking, otherwise he would have told me what was wrong. He has enough awareness of his issue to not discuss it in plain terms, but not enough to actually do anything about it. The only person who has called him out on his drinking, besides my mother (he has been dismissing her for years, although she has almost left him over it), is my parent's neighbor. She used to drink with him frequently, and she introduced him to marijuana. After a couple publicly embarrassing incidents, she went to rehab and has now been sober for three years. She told my mother once that my dad reminds her of herself, and not in a good way. My dad takes things very personally and he will avoid you for a long time if you say something to him that he doesn't like. He has thin skin and deals incredibly poorly when faced with criticism.
How do I talk to him about this without him shutting me down and brushing me off? I feel like since I am young, he will not take me seriously in my concerns about him, as that is what he usually says to me when I try to give him advice about things. Perhaps I am not the right person to talk to him about this anyway, but I still want to help. If you have read this whole thing, thank you. Truly, thank you. It feels good to put these thoughts that have been swirling in my head for years into words.
submitted by sunfishgirl77 to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:23 messeduplurker My mom’s family shows favoritism to her siblings so she’s not treated right and by extension, me.

I grew up with the most amazing and loving mother I could ask for but because she lacked money myself and my siblings were taken from her custody and given to my biological father until I was 8 around four years later and between the ages of 8 and 16 I was largely kept away from her side of the family due to some mistreatment from her parents when she was younger. It was because of this that I didn’t realize how shitty her family was. As I got older I realized that despite her mother reforming and her and her siblings having been close when they were young because of the mistreatment, they largely still treated my mom like scum. My grandmother only talks to my mom when she needs something or is in the outs with any of her other children and needs her. No matter her situation my mom put everything aside to help her mom despite how she was raised and was always there and for that you’d think my mom would be favored but she’s not. Currently her mom cut her off for not running to her aid to install a fridge into her home while I was sick. Her siblings are a bit different but I still don’t like them that much. Her sisters and her brothers that are older are just now starting to be closer to her but when we were in need of help and we were getting taken away they refused to help my mom in any way and after we were taken she was in a dark place and they left her alone and didn’t do much as reach out for a year. There’s more but I feel like that shows you her part of things. As for me and my siblings our grandma always says she loves us so much and would have taken us and a bunch of bull to make herself feel better about the fact she actively says we aren’t allowed in her home for get togethers and lets her daughters invite everyone else in the family but refused to include us in family events because we were gone for four years so they “don’t really know” us. I just needed someone to tell this to I guess because my mom loves her family and doesn’t want us to dislike each other. For reasons I can’t fathom my mom is still kind and loving but that’s the last thing I’ll be to them and now that I’m an adult I don’t have to allow them to put us all down and make us feel like less. My siblings and my mom suffered through hell because of a snowball effect her mom started and her siblings didn’t even half heartedly try to stop. We got through it all alone and as far as I’m concerned my grandma could have two useless hands and I still wouldn’t go to her home to help her with her damn fridge.
I know the hatred isn’t good for me so in time I’m finding it in myself to not hate them so much and to just ignore them and focus on the family we built not out of blood but out of love but that’ll take time and growth so for now I just needed this off my chest.
submitted by messeduplurker to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:23 dontping Kindred is the best carry jungler in low elo.

I used to play Assassin junglers like Lee Sin, Khazix and Rengar. I found them too unreliable. Lee Sin would get me far ahead and could snowball the game but like the other champions mentioned, it becomes very hard to pull off late game without a pick. They also don’t have much utility outside of damage so if you can’t get a kill, you’re not very useful. Bruisefighteduelist champions stat-check you even with a lead and certain ADCs can outplay you (Kaisa, Ezreal, Xayah and Vayne). You can’t even bother against tanks because farming is more time efficient.
Kindred is strong early game and they scale linearly through the mid and late game (if you can collect marks). By nature of being a mobile marksman, getting off your damage consistently in fights is no problem unlike the assassins who rely on ideal positioning. Furthermore, other junglers who scale well are usually too weak early game like: Lilia, Master Yi, Shyvana etc. Thanks to their ult you can protect your teammates, deny assassins and devastating burst, and even make Baron/Dragon outplay steals.
I feel like they are very underrated and you should add them to your roster. Since picking them up I’ve been winning at a rate faster than any previous seasons. I went from Diamond IV to Masters in ≈ 70 games after spending over 100 games in Emerald alone. They can really do it all. No one even really bans them since the nerf last patch.
I don’t grind every season but my last season out of Diamond was Season 7 Grandmasters as an Ezreal one trick. I swapped to jungle because playing through Platinum and Emerald as an ADC is soul crushing. Now with them I can have the perks of DPS like Kaisa mobility and self peel like Ezreal and the freedom and control of a jungler.
Kindred is in my opinion the best carry jungler in low elo (if you have the skill and knowledge to play them)
in the imgur link I’ve included:
My profile: Top 100 Master Tier Kindred (67% WR)
My leaderboard position
Few times I was better than 100% of players at my rank
Few odd games I’ve won with 3 ADCs and double jungled (no tank)
My winstreaks
submitted by dontping to wildrift [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:23 TheLoanWhiteMale I’m scared of growing up

I’m scared of growing up
As the title says, I’m afraid of growing up. I’m about to finish school in a couple months from now. And I can’t help but feel fucking terrified.
For some context about myself. Im high functioning autistic and have really bad anxiety. To the point where day to day tasks like going out just feel outright awful and sickening. I think that I deal with it very well since I’m still able to function pretty normally, just at the cost of feeling like total dogshit the majority of the time. I’ve also dealt with depression a lot on and off. And honestly I think I’ve just gotten used to it at this point, so it’s just normal to me now. Always thinking negative thoughts and hardly feeling the bright side of things. Best way to sum it up is just, it is what it is.
I don’t particularly struggle with talking to new people or making friends. But as luck would have it, I don’t blend very well with normal people as much because it really feels like they just don’t know me. And I’m also what the kids would call nowadays, WEIRD. Because I’ve actually got hobbies and interests and don’t really like flashing myself off on social media or going to parties, shit like that. Much rather prefer just going on walks or hikes with my family. So because of that, I don’t have that many people who I would call real friends. Only 1 guy that I would confidently say is like a brother to me. Problem is, he moved out of the country a couple years back. So we’re limited to just calling every once in a while.
With that said in mind, I’m coming up to the last semester of my school year before I go off to university. And I am so goddamn scared it’s not even funny. All I want to do is just finish school, And then sit for a while and try and figure out who I am and what I want to do. How do I even become a person? So many questions and absolutely no time to solve them. And before you know it, I might end up finishing a degree in something I don’t even want to do anymore. Really what concerns me the most, is how I’ll manage alone. I can hardly do regular holidays on my own or with some friends without feeling scared or uncomfortable. Let alone move to another country I’ve never been to before and live there BY MYSELF. I believe it’s something to do with my autism, about feeling safe and comfortable around things you already know or are familiar with. Best example/anology I can give for this is like, rewatching a show you’ve seen before because you know what’s gonna happen. Thats how i feel, about everything. I’m scared of doing new things and going to new places. Especially by myself.
Now I understand that it’s normal to feel this way, and that it is scary going from being a regular old teen to a full fledged adult. But I really just think I’d never be able to feel comfortable in my own skin. In all honesty, I’m just so tired. So goddamn tired. Always feeling like I have to put this mask on to try and just FIT IN, when no one will accept me for who I actually am. And I’m so tired of always feeling like I’m drowning, chest feeling heavy. Just anxiety absolutely ruining my life. And I don’t even really know why. Which is why I’m scared about becoming an adult. I don’t know how i’d manage alone.
I’m certainly not a normal person. I know that, I’m fine with that. I actually do a pretty good job of pretending that I am. But, the world doesn’t cater for people like me, which again, I know and I’m ok with. I just need to figure out how to deal with things like my anxiety and get used to shit. Which is what i don’t know. And also the reason i’m writing this. It’s definitely been a struggle tho, I’ll give you that.
I’m Not sure if anyone is actually gonna read this or reply but if you do I’d like to just say thank you first of all, for just taking some time to hear about how I feel. And also, I think that a lot of other people may be able to relate to this situation, not necessarily in the details of things like being autistic, but generally feeling scared about becoming an adult.
I know this is a depressing sub and all but I want to try to turn that into something positive. So if anyone has any of advice or wisdom that you think could help me or help someone else, it would really mean a great deal to me and potentially a lot of other people.
submitted by TheLoanWhiteMale to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:22 BayonettaBasher Ranking every Splatoon series stage

Not including Shifty Stations and Salmon Run stages, there are 45 stages in the series (including two pairs of different stages that happen to share names with each other). I will rank all 45. Keep in mind, I play mostly rollers, so the ranking will probably be biased towards roller-friendly stages.

C Tier

B Tier

A Tier

S Tier

S+ Tier

submitted by BayonettaBasher to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:22 1blimpie1 Hawaiian Horseback Tradition: Paniolo to Pā‘ū

Hawaiian Horseback Tradition: Paniolo to Pā‘ū
Hello! I’m finally getting around to following up on this post from a few weeks ago about a Hawaiian horseback riding tradition. Many asked for more information, so I have come to deliver!
I decided to hold off for a handful of reasons. Largest being I was preparing for my own parade, and prepping is a big time commitment. I’m elated to share some of those photos as part of this post.
Horsemanship is a relatively new introduction to the Hawaiian Islands. Prior to Western contact, Hawai‘i — not Hawaii, Ha-vai-ʔ-ee — had only two native land mammals, being bats. (One is now extinct.) South Polynesian Islanders brought with them pigs, chickens, dogs, etc., and for Westerners, Captain James Cook introduced the highly invasive feral goat to the islands, and Captain James Vancouver gifted Kamehameha with six cows and a bull in 1793.
A bit of context: Kamehameha the Great, not the Dragon Ball Z finishing attack, was the first ruling sovereign of all Hawai‘i. Prior to his unification in 1810, the islands were fragmented. A high chief ruled over individual islands, mokupuni, and these island states were often at war with one another.
At the time of Vancouver’s arrival, Kamehameha had not yet unified Hawai‘i, and the introduction of Western technology and allies backing Kamehameha’s campaign would rocket him towards success.
Vancouver gifted the six cows and one bull, and Kamehameha was so honored by this gift that he placed a sacred law protecting them, forbidding anyone from harming them, so that they might breed and expand into becoming a sustainable food source for his people.
However, this plan backfired a bit, because by the mid-1800s, 25,000 cattle roamed Hawai‘i, destroying native ecosystems, and even eating people out of their house and home — literally. They would eat the grass thatching off of people’s homes!
You might be reading this and wondering, “What does this have to do with horses? I came here for Hawaiian horseback riding!” I bid you patience. Context is key.
Ten years after the cow’s introduction to Hawai‘i, American trader Richard Cleveland gifted the first horse to Kamehameha. These animals would undergo the same prohibition for a while to increase their numbers, needed when trying to get thousands of cattle under control.
There you go, impatient reader — horses!
Eventually, the prohibition on cattle was relaxed and the Hawaiians made do with what little experience working these animals they had. Hawaiians rode bareback and without reins.
Kamehameha III, younger son to the Great, named Kauikeaouli, would bring over three Mexican “cowboys,” the vaqueros, from California (then Mexico) to Hawai‘i. The beef industry was already on the rise in the islands, and now, Hawaiians would learn how to do it well.
These vaqueros would share the knowledge of their trade: saddle craftsmanship, ropes, lassos, leather working, and most of all, riding.
Hawaiians, who were already in tuned with nature and had learned to ride these horses on their own, took to the skills. Their natural dexterity and strength made them quick to learn. Soon, Hawaiians would be among the best cowboys in the world.
A side tangent, but Hawaiian Paniolo (cowboys) were roping and ranching before Texas saw its first cowboy.
By the 1840s, horses were the main form of transportation in the islands, until the introduction automobiles outcompeted them.
Now, let’s turn our attention to Hawaiian women.
and women rode astride — their experience in watching Westerners ride was limited to the men. They had never seen a woman riding side-saddle.
Holo Lio Wāhine (female horseback riders) were riding astride, like the men. Their experience seeing Westerners riding was limited almost exclusively to men who arrived on the ships. Despite the European view of this style of riding being immodest for women, Hawaiian women mastered the art of astride riding with grace.
When riding, women would choose outfits appropriate for riding astride, and to protect their fashionable clothes, they would wrap themselves in long, draped fabric that would cover their clothes. This fabric was comfortable and kept their attire beneath clean. These draped fabrics would be called skirts, or pā‘ū.
The term skirt, however, is slightly incorrect. It is a large, sheet-like fabric that is tied to the waist, pulled through the legs, and tucked into a band to form pants and drapery.
As this developed into a fashion statement, these skirts decreed the wearer’s family or home, not unlike a family crest or banner.
Pā‘ū riding has since transformed into a form of pomp and pageantry. It is often the most anticipated part of parades across Hawai‘i, with women dressed in colorful skirts and lei (flower garlands), representing each island in the chain or other organizations. (In my case, today, I represented the organization responsible for preserving many important cultural sites, including one of the palaces here.)
Though the introduction of horses to Hawai‘i is a part of the recent past, Hawaiians have integrated it into a part of our cultural pride. It has since taken its own shape, distinct from the Mexican vaquero who came to teach the first paniolo.
Thank-you for reading! And enjoy the pictures of my part in the parade :)
submitted by 1blimpie1 to Equestrian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:22 ThrowRA-763322 Unsure if my (25M) ex?boyfriend (25M) genuinely liked me

So, I’ve broken up with this person only recently, but unfortunately I’m still hung up about it because there are just a lot of things that don’t make sense to me, and to me, it seems like he either does not care to or just can’t open up about things.
First things first, he approached me out of the blue. We’ve known each other for a long time already but just lost contact. We hit it off kind of instantly and was pleasantly surprised about how chill and nice he seemed. So we kept talking on and off. One day he started flirting with me (perhaps a little jokingly as well), and told me he actually had a crush on me all this time, but found me hard to approach.
Told him that surprised me. At the time I did not really return his feelings, as I’ve had a lot of trouble with romance in the past. Falling out of love quickly, bad self-worth and self-confidence, I’m sure you get the gist. I did however return the flirting a little while after (maybe a week?) because I thought it felt pretty nice and saw no harm in it. We both had fun.
At some point, I did notice some signs I might be into him romantically as well. I started being more open about things and we got some nice conversations out of it. Eventually told him I liked him, but wanted to get to know him better first so I didn’t want to jump into a relationship straight away. He was totally fine with it and reassured me that he wasn’t in a rush and how anything’d be fine.
He also opened up about that he’s never been in a serious relationship before, only casual flings. Honestly, this was probably the first red flag, but I didn’t think anything of it at this point.
It was nice for a couple weeks and that’s where it all started going downhill. He started to show way less interest me (despite me obviously being interested in him) and being a lot less spontaneous and affectionate as well. I also noticed he never really cared about how I was or how my day went, he literally never asked. Now I suppose that’s fine, we’ve all got our own things to worry about. But this problem kind of persisted until I decided to end things. He however did show some interest every time I told him I wasn’t doing well or if something was bothering me. But only if I made such things very clear.
I’ve tried talking about this before, very carefully. But I was almost always told off. It was either that he didn’t want to talk about it yet, or just didn’t see the point in it. I told him that was a problem. That I valued good communication in a relationship. To which he responded (very irritatedly) that he did feel like he was doing a good job, that he was being as honest and open as he could be and that I was just overthinking things and making it a big deal for no reason. I just agreed to disagree. I shouldn’t have. I’m aware I can’t force a person to open up, and I didn’t. But I should have set my boundaries clearly and just ended things then and there. But I decided to still give it a chance after that.
Fast forward to now, a week+ later or so. I’ve broken up with him. Gave him the chance to ask if he wanted to know why I’ve come to this conclusion of breaking things off, but he straight up just said no. He was being very weird about it. Like as if he tried to make it seem he didn’t even care about it at all. Like he was almost being smug, even.
Now my question is. Did this guy even genuinely like me? Care for me, even? Why would someone who’s liked me for years be so cold and distant, pretty much for half the time we were together? Was I perhaps taking things way too seriously?
Also important to mention. This all went on over the course of around 2 months, via chat, as we live far away from each other. We have called each other multiple times and those calls all went completely fine. Though we never had actual serious conversations in one. That might’ve been a good call. (Pun not intended, I swear.) He has told me he loved me on a couple occasions and that he’d prove that to me later. Which he never did. We also called each other pet names including boyfriend, of course. So I’m not just “assuming” that we were boyfriends.
Hopefully I’ve mentioned everything that needed to be said and that it’s all clear enough. 😅
submitted by ThrowRA-763322 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:22 twisted-elephant Making friends post narc relationship

Complex history but short of it Narc spouse for 13 yrs relationship 25 yrs off and on, with 4 kids (oldest 22 and youngest 12) all with the same narcissist. I've been delicately navigating a separation. Finally convinced him to move out 8 months ago. I took all the blame, it's a me problem, not you. Been playing very nice, while he finds reasons to linger around the house that he no longer lives in and he continues to criticize me and the kids. Nothing will ever meet his unrealistic and uncommunicated expectations.. I continue to take and accept blame for everything and place the fault on me just to keep some sort of peace. I've isolated myself from family and friends over the years. I no longer have contact with my family and all friendships both new and long term have been abandoned because of the rollercoaster narc relationship. I was always so flaky and could never commit to plans with friends because of his mood and last minute cancellations all the time, left me with no credibility with the relationships/friendships I tried to create. Plus friendships were a problem unless he picked them. I was blind to the reality of it all and thought there was something wrong with me for so long. Now that we are going on 8 months separated, I'm not yet in the clear, but I'm trying hard to get there. Ive been seeing a therapist and working hard on myself. Here's my dilemma, I want to figure out how to make friendsb again. I know I'm still traumatized by this long rollercoaster mess of a relationship, and people don't want drama in their lives. So where does one start to meet people and make friends after all of this and given the trauma sensitivity I have? I'm late 40s(f) with 4 children (3 living at home), no hobbies other than my kids and work. I don't know where to start and how to rebuild a life for myself. Hoping people in this group can share their experiences and hope that there's is a life after this mess.
submitted by twisted-elephant to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:21 Enough_Direction_144 Should I buy a resale flat in a small society in Bangalore?

I am another IT guy shifted to Bangalore and working since 4 years. I have 2 cases.
CASE 1 - I can invest in a 1.5 Cr new/under-construction flat in a high rise rise society but then I will need to invest all my savings plus borrow some amount and probably take 80/90% of the max loan I am eligible for. I still won't be able to invest in any of the GRADE A, but maybe a Grade B high rise society with decent amenities and basic club house CASE 2 - I can invest in a 80L-1 Cr resale flat in a small society, not more than 30 flats/4 floors and without any amenities or just bare minimum small setups. Here I will ensure the location becomes the key and flat size is good. And obviously well maintained etc. Will need to take maybe 40-50% of the max loan and 80% of my savings.
Below is my opinion/thoughts.
Case 1, the flat will be smaller like 1400 sqft and location will be more on outer side, but in a high rise society probably easy to resale in 5 years and better appreciation. Case 2 the flat is 1600+sqft flat , well maintained 4-5 years old and in a really good location. But due to the society size, it might be difficult to resale or get good appreciation.
What do you suggest here? What are your thoughts? What flat should I buy?
submitted by Enough_Direction_144 to indianrealestate [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:20 SpermBanking Niche Ideas For My YouTube Channel? Please Help

Sorry for the long post in advance but I’m currently looking at my life and trying to make something happen with my life so this is gonna be kinda lengthy and emotional
I just want to start off by saying that I HAVE done small channels before but with not much success.
I’ve been currently doing a lot of soul searching in life and getting back into old hobbies I’ve had when I was younger (skateboarding & graffiti/street art) after a long battle with just using drugs and drinking every time I’m not working due to depression of working a job I hate and living a life I’m not fulfilled with. Im currently 23 years old, have a gf, live at home w/ parents and her, gonna be 24 on the 27th of June and want to try to make something of myself before I’m too old to do it.
I grew up watching a lot of Tyler The Creator, Eric Andre, Loiter Squad and related to them a lot because even before seeing them that’s how I was. Goofy, not socially awkward AT ALL, can talk to anyone and say anything and do anything without fear of “social rejection/ fear of what others think of me”. I like being me while I’m here on this earth. I don’t bend to make myself anything else to anyone, I am who I am. A goofy, funny, caring person.
I’m currently working a HVAC job which I absolutely hate, and in school for Computer Science. I’m set up pretty good as of now for a job. The thing is, I don’t want to be stuck in a cubicle staring at four walls for 60 years. I am a creative person. I love drawing, art, graffiti, skateboarding, comedy etc. My two biggest passions are 100% Graffiti and Skateboarding. I’ve been doing both since about 15. I hate the mundane and cringe everytime I think about when I graduate school and get a “real job.” I don’t want to live my life miserable and sour about life like every other person I see in life. I don’t want to lose myself to a job I hate. I want to stay who I am and not change for the world/jobs. My great grandfather was my biggest supporter in this world and before he died he always said I would do something big with my life and I want to make it happen with everything I have. When he passed I turned to drugs and drinking to cope. I smoke weed every once in a Good while now but I am clean from drinking and just want to make him and myself proud.
My question is:
  1. What can I create a niche around with this type of personality? Graffiti/Skateboarding seem too niche to get a big enough audience to live off the ad revenue/sponsorships IF I can even grow my channel that big. But I will try like a SOAB to get it to that level.
  2. What are the odds of this even happening? I’m guessing under 1% but I’ve always been one to push the odds on anything. I currently make $600 a week. So if I can make around $2000 a month I would be content. It’s not even about the money, I just want to be able to survive off something I love and not be a miserable prick everyday when I get off work.
Is just being a funny goofy personality a niche on YouTube? What would I do on my channel?
ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! I need some push behind my ass to get this going so I don’t end up at a miserable job hating my life like everyone else I know. Please help!!
submitted by SpermBanking to SmallYoutubers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:20 FIXI0 My recent sleeping struggles

Hello everyone, I will start off by saying that I'm 20 just so you can understand my issue. I have been a brilliant sleeper over the past three years. I would sleep regularly going to bed at 10pm and waking up at 7. This worked wonders for me, I would always be well rested and we're rarely tired. My sleeping schedule only changed when I went to work, which was waking up at 6am (this does not happen often as I'm in university so I don't regularly work). Over the recent month I have been waking up from around 5am and falling back to sleep until 7am. At the beginning I thought it might be a problem with regards to the morning sun, thus I got a sleeping mask that is very good, however, even with that I am constantly waking up. I wear a Fitbit to bed as I use it as my alarm, and according to the sleeping score, my sleep is good averaging at 78 per night up to 80 (which was the same before I started having my issue). I would like to outline that I feel tired, my immune system got worse over the month and I caught two colds (this has not been previously the case as I have been getting ill only once per year). I am a very active person as I regularly enjoy the outside and go to the gym with a solid routine. My diet is great, as I care about building muscle and I only have a cup of green tea in the morning and that is it for my caffeine intake during the day. I do not consume any alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, etc (I never did as I am very anti all this stuff). I study everyday, I love books and any literature, I draw a lot and overall tire my brain, I no longer play video games or use any screens before bed time. I have ADHD and use no medication (just to clarify), but I do not think this is the issue as it never has been. My hypothesis is that perhaps the morning sun rays wake my body but not my mind? I don't know, I am probably talking gibberish. Thank you for the help if you were even bothered to read all this
submitted by FIXI0 to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:19 Winter_Turnover_837 Propalanol Beta Blocker Severe Reaction, Insomnia, Addiction and Withdrawl

Does anyone have a successful story about coming off propalanol after very adverse effect and addiction? 5 weeks ago I started propalanol 40mg twice a day. For two weeks it was effective with the tremors / racing heart and I slept well. GP assured me it was safe and you can come off whenever. After 3 weeks it stopped working and started to make me very ill as soon as I took it. Sickness, very weiry, wired, bowels etc etc. Worst though is I have stopped sleeping. As in not at all. 7 nights now and yesterday I had to call out the mental health crisis team for intervention. None of this was a surprise to them and they were clear I had to keep taking the current dose but they're getting me in front of the Psych team asap. They were also very clear that stopping would be horrendous. So for now I have to swallow this poison and have no idea when I will sleep again.
I'm hoping someone out there can tell me that they are clear and well after a similar experience?
submitted by Winter_Turnover_837 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:18 Cautious-Salad Homemade Generator from Induction Motor: Robert Adams Motor - Key Points - Photoelectric Sensor (Electro-optical sensor)

Homemade Generator from Induction Motor: Robert Adams Motor - Key Points - Photoelectric Sensor (Electro-optical sensor)
Robert Adams's generator, developed in the 1970s, is a free energy generator that delays the Lenz force generated from the coil. This force is produced when voltage and current are created by electromagnetic induction, which can hinder the rotation of the magnet on the generator rotor.
One solution is to suddenly turn off the circuit at the output coil just after the voltage reaches its maximum. After disconnection, a reverse magnetic field is generated in the coil, promoting the magnet to accelerate, thus increasing the magnet's speed after being hindered by the reverse electromotive force.
A sudden disconnect creates an open circuit, and the open circuit time occupies most of the magnet's rotation. This is why the generated voltage appears as high voltage pulses rather than the usual sinusoidal shape. The crucial point is that this electricity can be charged and used normally, with the output energy exceeding the input energy.
Design diagram of a generator integrating an Adams induction motor and a sensor switch OR Electro-optical sensor
To delay the Lenz force and simultaneously accelerate the magnet to gradually increase its kinetic energy, a device called a "Light Sensor Optical Switch," also known as an "Optical Sensor," is needed.
The key point of the Adams Generator is that the optical sensor is set 3 degrees off. This angle is calculated by the union of lines d1 and d2.
  • d1: A straight line through the magnet (long straight) and the axis of the coil on the stator, passing through the rotor's axis of rotation.
  • d2: A straight line passing through the center of the rotor rotation axis and a point where the magnet will approach. This point is the forward position of the rotating magnet, indicating the placement point of the optical sensor.
The angle formed by d1 and d2 is 3 degrees, theoretically the optimal direction according to the rotor's diameter in Robert Adams's design.
Therefore, it is possible to adjust the position of the optical light sensor switch when the rotor's diameter changes. However, the 3-degree angle might be applicable to all cases, even with extremely large rotor diameters. In such cases, the battery supplying the control and starting coils will need to be larger, meaning the starting battery must have a higher capacity.
See the full Adams engine guide:
About Optical Light Sensor Switches (Optical Sensors):
Photoelectric sensors are electronic detectors that convert light or light changes into electronic signals. These sensors can detect electromagnetic radiation from infrared to ultraviolet wavelengths. They are used in many industrial and consumer applications, for example:
  • Lights that turn on automatically when it gets dark
  • Position sensors that activate when an object interrupts the light beam
  • Flash detection, to synchronize one photography flash with another
  • Detection of distance, absence, or presence of objects
An optical sensor converts light rays into electronic signals. It physically measures the amount of light and then converts it into a form that can be read by an instrument. Optical sensors are generally part of a larger system that integrates a light source, measuring device, and optical sensor, usually connected to an electric trigger. The trigger responds to signal changes in the light sensor. Optical sensors can measure changes from one or more light beams. When a change occurs, the light sensor acts as a photoelectric activator, increasing or decreasing the electrical output. Optical switches allow signals in optical fibers or integrated optical circuits to be selectively switched between circuits. Optical switches can operate by mechanical means, the photoelectric effect, photomagnetism effect, and other methods.
🔺 This device is quite cheap on e-commerce markets:
Slot photoelectric switch sensor
🔺 Check: 👉 Infrared U-Slot Photoelectric Sensor E3S-GS30/E3S-GS15/E3S-GS7 DC 12-24V Proximity Switches Three-Wire NPN PNP Detection Backup link to check: photoelectric switch sensor
Reviews and comments on the built-in induction motor Homemade generator: Robert Adams's Induction Motor Generator: The Free Energy of the 1970s
🔺 Similar technology - harnessing the power of Ether:
Revealed At Last:
▶️ Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand 🔹 Version from Nikola Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter 🔹 The "tension" for "electricity fractionation" to occur is the Earth's Potential Potential. To be precise, it is the tension of the Ether, and the electricity is the dynamic polarization of the Ether. 🔹 During "Electricity segment", the magnetic field collapses several times in short periods of time. That leads the voltage V = Φ/t to reach infinity (V → ∞) when t → 0
OR: 👉 Ultimate Energizer Guide
  • V - The electromotive force which results from the production or consumption of the total magnetic induction Φ (Phi). The unit is the “Volt”. Where t is the time of magnetic field collapse from maximum to complete collapse.
  • Research scholars also call it Tesla's technology called Radiant Energy from Electronic Circuits, Impulse Technology.
submitted by Cautious-Salad to Ultimate_Energizer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:18 SpermBanking Niche Ideas For A Brand New YouTuber?

Sorry for the long post in advance but I’m currently looking at my life and trying to make something happen with my life so this is gonna be kinda lengthy and emotional
I just want to start off by saying that I HAVE done small channels before but with not much success.
I’ve been currently doing a lot of soul searching in life and getting back into old hobbies I’ve had when I was younger (skateboarding & graffiti/street art) after a long battle with just using drugs and drinking every time I’m not working due to depression of working a job I hate and living a life I’m not fulfilled with. Im currently 23 years old, have a gf, live at home w/ parents and her, gonna be 24 on the 27th of June and want to try to make something of myself before I’m too old to do it.
I grew up watching a lot of Tyler The Creator, Eric Andre, Loiter Squad and related to them a lot because even before seeing them that’s how I was. Goofy, not socially awkward AT ALL, can talk to anyone and say anything and do anything without fear of “social rejection/ fear of what others think of me”. I like being me while I’m here on this earth. I don’t bend to make myself anything else to anyone, I am who I am. A goofy, funny, caring person.
I’m currently working a HVAC job which I absolutely hate, and in school for Computer Science. I’m set up pretty good as of now for a job. The thing is, I don’t want to be stuck in a cubicle staring at four walls for 60 years. I am a creative person. I love drawing, art, graffiti, skateboarding, comedy etc. My two biggest passions are 100% Graffiti and Skateboarding. I’ve been doing both since about 15. I hate the mundane and cringe everytime I think about when I graduate school and get a “real job.” I don’t want to live my life miserable and sour about life like every other person I see in life. I don’t want to lose myself to a job I hate. I want to stay who I am and not change for the world/jobs. My great grandfather was my biggest supporter in this world and before he died he always said I would do something big with my life and I want to make it happen with everything I have. When he passed I turned to drugs and drinking to cope. I smoke weed every once in a Good while now but I am clean from drinking and just want to make him and myself proud.
My question is:
  1. What can I create a niche around with this type of personality? Graffiti/Skateboarding seem too niche to get a big enough audience to live off the ad revenue/sponsorships IF I can even grow my channel that big. But I will try like a SOAB to get it to that level.
  2. What are the odds of this even happening? I’m guessing under 1% but I’ve always been one to push the odds on anything. I currently make $600 a week. So if I can make around $2000 a month I would be content. It’s not even about the money, I just want to be able to survive off something I love and not be a miserable prick everyday when I get off work.
Is just being a funny goofy personality a niche on YouTube? What would I do on my channel?
ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! I need some push behind my ass to get this going so I don’t end up at a miserable job hating my life like everyone else I know. Please help!!
submitted by SpermBanking to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:18 kreepergayboy The punk/black metal fashion community (on reddit) is developing a nazi problem

Ok so, not sure if this fits the sub or not, but I've been pretty active on jacketsforbattle lately, and it's been getting pretty much sneered at and attacked by a ton of very right wing related black metal/battle jacket related subs. I'm not going to say their names here because I don't want to give them any traction, but it's been getting to a point where If you scroll down on like, any post there that has anything queer or leftist on it, you'll see tons of comments that were deleted by the staff from dipshits.
I really hope I can somehow spread awareness to the main punk community here on reddit about this, as they say nazi punks fuck off. Please be sure to avoid any subs that attack stuff like this, because like most of the time their ran by either fascists or people who sympathize with fascists.
submitted by kreepergayboy to punk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:18 PeperoParty Cinebench R23 benchmarks lower than expected.

Jarrods Legion Slim 7i video and CPU monkey both show 18800 Multi-core points but I can only get mine to 17600 with performance mode and setting Cinebench to high priority. Single core hits the expected values though at around 2000.
Is this just luck of the draw? The silicon lottery?
Is a 1k point difference a big deal for you or do you guys have any ideas on how to raise the score?
submitted by PeperoParty to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:17 OkButterscotchimin (Update) my mom is cheating on my step dad and I need help

For background knowledge: I noticed a friend of my step dad being to touchy with my mom. Decided to look into and found out they were meeting and doing things behind my step dad's back. I got tons of information and thank you for the tips and suggestions given the last post it really helped me. I looked further and found out my step father knows his friend has feelings for my mom and recently he thought it had ended. I haven't gotten recent text yet but from what I know this is a year or more long "attachment" this man has had on my mom. When I came back from practice one evening I heard them in the act and was not aware of that he was coming. As she usually says that he's coming. Well they hurry back to main room and I know they were doing it as a wrapper (you can piece it together) was left on the table and I pretended to ignore. My mom came out couple minutes later and had the guy laying on the bed like he was getting his back massaged. The guy has comeback recently as well and was very touchy with her so I have suspicion it's still going. I also found out the other guy may have a GF or wife (we'll call her P) P is out constantly for meetings or out of state events. When this happens my mom makes an excuse about a work meet up. I check her location and it's at P's house were the guy lived with her. I found her house with my mom's loctand checking the time and day that she would be out with the guy and arrived at P's house based off messages. I also found out they have done it behind her back too. This is strung out to the point where my step father doesn't know they're still doing it behind his back and his gf or wife P doesn't know either.
It's the beginning of summer practices. So when I do get more evidence I'll update again and thank you everyone for your help :).
submitted by OkButterscotchimin to cheatingexposed [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:17 usedtobealurker2 Not voting for Biden because you're Pro-Palestinian is a very privileged position to be in

It drives me insane when people express how they aren't voting this year because of "Genocide Joe." It's like everyone forgot that there are other incredibly important issues on the ballot this year. All I hear when you say this is "I don't care about abortion rights." Or "I don't care if a literal criminal is voted in."
If you're not happy with how Israel is handling the war, that's fine. But how could you forsake actual American citizens? Not getting Biden into office this year will absolutely hurt the rights of women and LGBT further, will send public education down a worse spiral, libraries will keep facing book bans (even public libraries, not just those in schools), protections against tyrannical presidents will dwindle, and again, we will have a CRIMINAL as president. How fucking embarrassing.
This is what I mean when I say it's privileged. You're more worried about a conflict on the other side of the world than the wellbeing of our own nation. And let me be crystal clear, showing sympathy and support for the Palestinian people is fine. Do it! Let your voices be heard that you're unhappy with America's hand in the conflict. But not voting for Biden only goes in the favor of a much more heinous, unreasonable, more Israel-supporting man getting in office. You not voting for Biden is not going to affect any Palestinian (if it does, it's in a negative way), but it absolutely affects other Americans. Especially women, LGBT, low income workers, differently-abled, etc. You know, the people the left is supposedly championing?
I also understand frustration with our 2-party system. But deciding to vote third party or not vote during such a politics-defining election this year is juvenile and irresponsible. Get off your high horse. We can advocate for better voting systems when there isn't so much at stake. And I realize that every election cycle seems like they have a lot of stakes, but come on. This one obviously blows your typical election out of the water.
Sorry for my rant. I just hope it's all talk and Biden wins with no problem.
submitted by usedtobealurker2 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:17 BeverleeRogers [Get] The Smart Blogger – Email Marketing Certification Program Download

[Get] The Smart Blogger – Email Marketing Certification Program Download

What You Get:

You’ll learn how to…
Write spellbinding emails.
We’ll show you what to put in your subject line, how to keep their attention during your email, and what to say to turn those emails into sales.
Create powerful campaigns.
After you’ve learned the basics of email marketing, we’ll show you how to create campaigns of emails that produce an avalanche of sales. You’ll learn about welcome campaigns, webinar campaigns, flash sale campaigns, and much more…
Where to find clients
You’ll learn where to find part-time and full-time gigs, working from the comfort of your own home, transforming the skills you’ve learned into a lucrative side hustle or even a new business.

Here’s What You’ll Get with the Smart Blogger Email Marketing Certification

Email Marketing Course

We’ve created what will become the gold standard in email marketing courses. You’ll learn the most important copywriting principles and marketing fundamentals for email marketers, the critical components of achieving high open and click-through rates, how to get new clients on a regular basis, and much, much more.
Along the way, you’ll learn from loads of examples from a variety of industries, to make sure each lesson is applicable to different types of clients. Plus, you’ll complete exercises designed to help you grasp the most important concepts and put them into practice.

Email Template Library

Think of this as the ultimate email swipe file. We’ll provide you with templates for the most common types of marketing campaigns, including flash sales, webinars, and many more.
These are the same email templates I spent years perfecting that have generated over $7.2 million in revenue for Smart Blogger.
So when I say that these email templates *work*, I mean it. And I can prove it.
These templates are going to save you hours of hard work with all your future projects. Anytime you take on a new client, all you have to do is find the right template, duplicate the file, and fill in the blanks to personalize it.
Depending on the situation, you may need to make a few additional changes so the copy fits your needs. But even then, 90% of the work is already done for you.

Private Circle Space With Feedback From Instructors

Think of the Circle space as the central hub where you can go for inspiration, motivation, clarification, and feedback. This is a great place to network with other writers you can learn from and share secrets with.
Your instructors will be in there, too, providing personalized feedback on your assignment and really helping you to hone your email marketing skills to a razor’s edge.

Certification Exam Including Written Work Graded By Instructors

The certification exam for this program is no joke. After all, you need to live up to the high bar that’s been set by the Smart Blogger brand.
But I promise that if you do the work throughout the course, you’ll have what it takes to pass.
I also promise that your work will be read and graded by real instructors who are expert email marketers in their own right. This is something that almost no other programs offer…which is sad, because it’s by far one of the most important elements in learning to write email campaigns clients are willing to pay for. Profile And Badge

When you pass the certification exam, we’ll set you up with a free profile on so that companies looking for email marketers will have a way to find and contact you. From that point forward, it will be your source of free email marketing and copywriting leads.
You’ll also get a Certification Badge that you can—and should—put everywhere you can: on your website, resume, even in your email signature, to let people know that you’re a highly trained copywriter capable of writing campaigns that deliver real results for real businesses.
As you can see, you’re getting a LOT from this program. It’s natural that you’re probably wondering…
submitted by BeverleeRogers to u/BeverleeRogers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:16 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Flashlight Gloves

Best Flashlight Gloves
Ever wished you had an extra hand to hold your flashlight? Well, your wish has been granted with Flashlight Gloves! No more juggling between holding a flashlight and working on tasks that require precise movement. These gloves are designed to provide you with the perfect blend of light and darkness. Read on to discover which flashlight gloves are right for your needs, and how they can illuminate your way.

The Top 15 Best Flashlight Gloves

  1. LED Rechargeable Flashlight Gloves for Repairing and Fishing - These versatile and rechargeable LED flashlight gloves offer practicality and convenience for various activities, making them a thoughtful gift for men and women, especially for mechanical work, night fishing, and camping.
  2. Ultra Bright LED Flashlight Gloves for Fishing and Outdoor Activities - Step 1: Identify key features and selling points.
  3. LED Flashlight Gloves: Illuminated Hands-Free Gloves for Repairing, Night Running, and More - Perfect for hands-free illumination during repairing, riding, grilling, and more! Experience night fishing and rainy night rides like never before with these versatile LED flashlight gloves.
  4. LED Flashlight Gloves for Men and Women - Experience hands-free illumination with these versatile LED flashlight gloves, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, DIYers, and anyone who needs a reliable source of light while working in darkness.
  5. LED Flashlight Gloves for Men: Stylish and Practical Hand Tools - Rechargeable LED Flashlight Gloves for dad, husband, grandpa, or men - perfect for work, hiking, and night activities. Super comfortable, unisex, and easy to clean.
  6. LED Flashlight Gloves for Men - Black - Lenski Valentines Day Gifts for Him, Flashlight Gloves Mens 1, Black" - Discover the ultimate LED flashlight gloves for DIY enthusiasts, mechanics, and anglers, perfect for night activities and as a unique gift for special occasions.
  7. Fingerless LED Glove Flashlight for Outdoor Activities - Experience night fishing, camping, and repairing in darkness like never before with the comfortable and hands-free Rexrod Fingerless LED Glove Torch Cover, perfect for both men and women.
  8. Bright LED Finger Gloves for Outdoor Adventures - Illuminate Your Adventures With Fingerless Glove LED Flashlight for Outdoor Enthusiasts
  9. LED Flashlight Gloves for Hands-Free Tasks - Upgrade your handyman skills with bright LED flashlight gloves, perfect for hands-free illumination during car repairs, fishing expeditions, or a quiet walk with your dog. A unique and practical gift for men and women on any special occasion.
  10. LED Flashlight Gloves: Hands-Free Illumination for Outdoor Adventures - AS Fafna LED Flashlight Gloves - A versatile and convenient option offering hands-free illumination, perfect for outdoor activities such as camping and hunting while also doubling as an innovative gift idea for a variety of occasions.
  11. LED Flashlight Gloves for Car Repairing Fishing Camping - LED Flashlight Gloves for Kids and Adults: Hands-Free Effortless Illumination, Perfect for Repairing, Fishing, Camping, and Practical Gifting
  12. Illuminating Fingerless Cycling Gloves - Flexible LED flashlight gloves for hands-free illumination while repairing, fishing, camping, and more.
  13. Rechargeable LED Flashlight Gloves for Men - Vilania Rechargeable LED Flashlight Gloves: A versatile, comfortable, and hand-free solution for tasks in low light, perfect for DIY or Fathers Day gifts.
  14. LED Flashlight Gloves for Men and Women - These multi-functional LED Flashlight Gloves are perfect for hands-free lighting during night-time activities, making them ideal for camping, fishing, and more. A thoughtful and practical gift idea for men and women alike.
  15. LED Flashlight Work Gloves for Outdoor Activities - These versatile LED flashlight gloves offer hands-free lighting for a wide range of activities such as camping, fishing, repairing, and more, making them the perfect gift for dads, husbands, or boyfriends who enjoy outdoor night adventuring.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗LED Rechargeable Flashlight Gloves for Repairing and Fishing
I received these flashlight gloves as a birthday gift from my wife last year and, boy, have they become a real game-changer in my life! As a handyman and avid camper, I'm always in need of more light, and these gloves have truly illuminated my world.
The adjustable size and the fact that they're fingerless make it incredibly comfortable to wear, and the LED lights are incredibly bright at 10 lumens each. I've found myself using these gloves in so many different situations, from reading in bed at night, tinkering with electricity in tight spaces, or even just putting on my shoes in a dimly lit room.
One of my favorite features is the rechargeable nature of these gloves. No more having to constantly replace batteries! Plus, the fact that they're waterproof makes them the perfect companion for any outdoor excursion, whether it's fishing or camping.
On the downside, I do wish the batteries lasted a bit longer, as I find myself having to recharge them quite frequently. Additionally, the Velcro length can be a bit of a nuisance, occasionally sticking to things I wouldn't want it to.
All in all, these flashlight gloves have quickly become an essential part of my daily life, and I'd highly recommend them to anyone who appreciates the convenience and practicality of a hands-free light source.

🔗Ultra Bright LED Flashlight Gloves for Fishing and Outdoor Activities
I've been using the Mylivell LED Flashlight Glove Outdoor Fishing Gloves daily, and it's a game-changer. The concept of having a flashlight embedded into the glove has made my late-night fishing trips so much easier. I no longer have to struggle with holding a flashlight while trying to manipulate my fishing gear. Plus, the one-size-fits-all design ensures that they comfortably fit any hand.
The highlight feature for me has to be the adjustable flashlight. Now, I can point the light wherever I need it without having to juggle a flashlight and my fishing tools. It's such a relief not to be frustrated with lighting while trying to work on something that requires both hands.
However, there are some cons. The quality of the gloves seems a bit flimsy, and I feel they might not last long. Additionally, I got two pairs with one light not working, which was a bit disappointing. These issues, combined with the slow shipping and lack of proper packaging, have given the product a slightly negative impression.
In summary, the Mylivell LED Flashlight Glove Outdoor Fishing Gloves is a unique and helpful product for outdoor activities that require both hands. While there are some quality concerns, the convenience it offers makes it worth trying.

🔗LED Flashlight Gloves: Illuminated Hands-Free Gloves for Repairing, Night Running, and More
I was always struggling with finding the perfect gift for my dad and husband until I stumbled upon the Apicey LED Flashlight Gloves. These hands-free lights are truly a game-changer, especially for those who love outdoor activities or working in dimly lit spaces. I was initially skeptical about its usability, but after gifting it to my dad as a Father's Day present, he instantly fell in love with it.
The high-quality LED lights are fixed onto the gloves, making them truly hands-free, which comes in handy when repairing things or doing nighttime fishing. The gloves are made from elastic material, ensuring a comfortable yet snug fit for most hand sizes, while also being waterproof for those unexpected rainy days. Not only are they useful, but they also make for an excellent gift idea, perfect for Christmas, birthdays, and anniversaries. Plus, they're incredibly versatile, catering to various interests like repairing, riding, grilling, fishing, night running, or even just reading in the dark.
On the downside, I found that the batteries it comes with didn't last as long as I had hoped, so I had to get some backup ones. But overall, these flashlight gloves by Apicey have made life so much easier for both my dad and husband, and I can't recommend them enough.

🔗LED Flashlight Gloves for Men and Women
As someone who loves exploring the great outdoors, I've spent many a night fumbling around in the darkness. That's why the XIANGZHU LED Light Gloves quickly became a must-have for me. With their clever design, these gloves combine functionality and comfort while providing much-needed light when you're working in the dark.
The first thing that strikes me about these gloves is how easy they are to use. Unlike traditional flashlights, these have two LED lamps right on the fingers, and an on/off button conveniently located on the strap. They're also incredibly versatile; whether I'm changing a tire late at night or trying to read a map during a camping trip, these gloves have never failed to shine (pun intended)!
One major highlight of the LED Light Gloves is their adjustability. The elastic fabric is not only comfortable and breathable but also ensures a perfect fit regardless of your hand size. Plus, their waterproof design adds another layer of practicality for all weather conditions.
However, there's one minor issue with the product. The battery compartment has a small plastic tab that needs to be pulled out to initiate battery connection. This might seem like a inconvenience, but once you figure it out, it becomes second nature.
In conclusion, the XIANGZHU LED Light Gloves are truly innovative and practical accessories. If you find yourself working or playing in the dark often, these gloves will be your best friend.

🔗LED Flashlight Gloves for Men: Stylish and Practical Hand Tools
I recently got a pair of ZOOI stocking stuffer flashlight gloves as a birthday gift, and I can't recommend them enough. They've become my go-to accessory for all sorts of tasks, from fixing small electronics to setting up camp at night.
The LED lights on the thumb and forefinger are incredibly bright and adjustable, making it easy to see in tight spaces. Plus, they're super comfortable and lightweight, making them perfect for long days outdoors. The only downside is that they might not be the best choice for someone with larger hands, as the stretchy polyester can feel a bit tight at times.
Overall, these flashlight gloves make an excellent Christmas or birthday gift for any handy or adventurous guy in your life! .

🔗LED Flashlight Gloves for Men - Black
I recently got my hands on the Lenski Valentines Day Gifts for Him - a pair of unique LED flashlight gloves that blew me away. As soon as I unboxed them, I was impressed by their sleek design and high-quality construction. The best part about these gloves is how easy they are to use - with just two buttons, you can power the flashlight and replace the batteries without any tools.
The Lenski LED flashlight gloves make great gifts for men in your life. They are perfect for DIY enthusiasts, car enthusiasts, electricians, engineers, and mechanics who often find themselves working in low-light conditions. Not only are they useful indoors, but also outdoors during activities like night fishing, camping, hiking, or dog walking.
Another highlight of these flashlight gloves is their waterproof feature, which ensures they're protected against rain and sprinkling. However, I must mention that they aren't suitable for submerging in water. Additionally, the LED lights have a runtime of about 30 hours, providing ample time for various tasks.
In conclusion, the Lenski Valentines Day Gifts for Him - LED flashlight gloves are a versatile and practical accessory for men who need extra light during their daily activities. While these gloves are slightly more expensive compared to regular work gloves, the quality and functionality make them worth the investment.

🔗Fingerless LED Glove Flashlight for Outdoor Activities
I recently got my hands on the Rexrod Fingerless Outdoor LED Glove Flashlight Torch Cover for Night Fishing, Camping, Hiking, and Working Repairing in Darkness. I have to admit, it was love at first use! This little gadget has been a game-changer for my outdoor activities, especially during those late-night fishing trips with buddies.
First off, let me tell you about the material. It's made of comfortable, stretched soft cloth that fits snugly on my hands without feeling too tight or restricting. Plus, its large size ensures it's perfect for adults, making it even more versatile.
The magic strap is adjustable, which means I can position it wherever it suits me best. No more fumbling around in the dark trying to hold a flashlight while working on something! This ingenious design allows me to lead the light directly to my operation area, freeing up both my hands for the task at hand.
Another incredible feature is its waterproof capability. I've been caught in unexpected rainstorms during my hiking trips but never had any issues with this glove. Its durability is impressive, and I'm confident it'll last me a long time.
However, there's one small con - the battery compartment. It's not very easy to access, which means changing batteries can be a bit of a hassle. But hey, that's a small price to pay for such an amazing piece of equipment!
Overall, I absolutely love my Rexrod Fingerless Outdoor LED Glove Flashlight Torch Cover. It's become an essential part of my outdoor gear and has made night-time adventures so much easier and more enjoyable.

🔗Bright LED Finger Gloves for Outdoor Adventures
I have to say, I've been using these Finger Glove Flashlight Gloves quite frequently lately. They are incredibly useful for night fishing or any sort of outdoor activity where you might need some extra light. The neoprene material is comfortable and stretchy, making it easy to adjust the magic strap to your desired fit. One of my favorite features is how easy it is to turn the LED light on and off - just a quick flick of the wrist and you're good to go.
The only downside I've found is that the batteries can run out rather quickly if you use them for extended periods, so it might be worth carrying spare ones. But overall, these flashlight gloves have been a game-changer for me when it comes to hands-free illumination in the great outdoors!

🔗LED Flashlight Gloves for Hands-Free Tasks
I recently got my hands on these PARIGO LED Flashlight Gloves, and they've become a staple in my DIY toolkit. The concept of hands-free illumination is sheer brilliance. As someone who loves to work on projects in low-light conditions, these gloves have made my life so much easier. They're perfect for tasks such as car repairs, sewing, or simply running with the dog at dawn.
The LED lights are incredibly bright, and their directional nature ensures they point exactly where you need them. The adjustable straps make the gloves fit perfectly, and even though they're fingerless, my hands stay relatively warm during winter night walks. Additionally, these gloves have held up well against frequent use — the durability is impressive.
However, there are a few cons. The batteries can drain reasonably quickly, especially when the lights are on full power. It would be beneficial if the manufacturer could find a way to extend battery life or include rechargeable options. Also, while they're designed for both men and women, some ladies might find them too large due to their relatively broad wrist straps.
All in all, the PARIGO LED Flashlight Gloves have proven to be indispensable in various situations. Their hands-free design, easy adjustability, and brightness make them a must-have gift for anyone who loves to tinker or work in dimly lit environments. But remember, they might need frequent battery replacements, and the wrist straps may not suit everybody.

🔗LED Flashlight Gloves: Hands-Free Illumination for Outdoor Adventures
I've been using the LED Flashlight Gloves by AS Fafna, and I must say, they've made my nighttime outdoor activities a whole lot easier. The gloves are comfortable and lightweight, making them perfect for camping, hunting, and other nighttime adventures.
One thing that really stood out to me is how hands-free these flashlight gloves are. It's so convenient to have a flashlight right on my hands, especially when I need to use my hands for other tasks. Plus, they're a great gift idea for loved ones who enjoy spending time outdoors.
On the downside, I found the glove's battery compartment tricky to navigate. It requires a screwdriver to replace the batteries, which might not be ideal for some users. However, the included instruction manual is very helpful in guiding you through the process.
In summary, the LED Flashlight Gloves by AS Fafna are a practical and useful addition to any outdoor enthusiast's gear collection. They offer hands-free illumination and come with a 365-day warranty for quality-related issues. If you're in need of a reliable flashlight solution for your nighttime adventures, these gloves are definitely worth considering.

🔗LED Flashlight Gloves for Car Repairing Fishing Camping
I recently got my hands on these cool LED flashlight gloves and I'm absolutely loving them! They're perfect for all those late-night strolls, midnight bike rides, or when I need to find something under the bed in the dark. The best part is that no more fumbling around with flashlights or disturbing others to help you out. These gloves allow me to keep both hands free while providing super bright LED lighting right at my fingertips. And guess what? No matter how many times I drop or step on them, they still work like magic.
The battery life is quite impressive too. You get two CR2016 button batteries included in the package which lasts for up to 48 hours of continuous use. And when the batteries finally give up, just replace them using the screwdriver provided. The on and off button is pretty straightforward as well, making it really easy to control the lights.
But wait, it gets even better! These gloves can be used in so many ways - during camping trips, night fishing, repair jobs, you name it. Plus, they make for a perfect gift idea on special occasions like Christmas or Father's Day.
However, there's one little issue I've noticed. The gloves' material isn't as comfortable as I'd like it to be, especially after wearing them for hours at a stretch. But given how useful they are, this minor inconvenience is totally worth it!
In conclusion, these LED flashlight gloves have proven to be a game-changer when it comes to hands-free lighting solutions. From their brilliant design to the ease of use and versatility, they've truly become an indispensable part of my outdoor gear.

🔗Illuminating Fingerless Cycling Gloves
As a reviewer who's had a chance to put these LED flashlight gloves to the test during my camping trips, I can vouch for their usefulness. The magic strap design is a game-changer, letting me keep my hands free while illuminating my work area. The adjustable strap ensures a comfortable fit, regardless of the size of your hands.
One of the highlights of these gloves is how they've made my nighttime fishing trips so much easier. With the built-in LED lights, I can finally see what I'm doing without needing an extra source of light. Plus, they're waterproof, which is a huge plus when you're dealing with wet hands from handling fish.
However, there's a minor drawback to these gloves. The placement of the flashlight on the index finger takes some getting used to. It may seem a bit awkward at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll appreciate how it frees up your other hand.
In conclusion, these LED flashlight gloves are a must-have for anyone who needs to work with their hands in the dark. They're comfortable, versatile, and highly effective at providing light exactly where you need it. If you're looking for a tool that makes tasks in the dark much easier, these gloves are definitely worth checking out.

🔗Rechargeable LED Flashlight Gloves for Men
I recently purchased the Vilania Rechargeable LED Flashlight Gloves to gift my dad for Father's Day. These gloves are not only stylish but incredibly functional, making them a perfect gift for men who love to tinker and fix things around the house.
One of the standout features of these gloves is the rechargeable LED flashlight on the index finger and thumb. It's incredibly bright and has a full charge time of just 1.5 hours, providing continuous lighting for 3-4 hours. This has made my dad's life so much easier when he's working on projects in low light conditions.
The glove's elastic fabric material is comfortable, breathable, and stretchy, ensuring a perfect fit for any hand size. The adjustable Velcro straps help secure the gloves, preventing them from sliding off during use.
These gloves are also incredibly convenient, as they allow for hands-free use without having to hold a traditional flashlight. With a simple turn on/off button on the back of the glove, my dad can quickly access the flashlight when needed.
As a gift, these flashlight gloves are perfect for DIY enthusiasts, engineers, handymen, electricians, and mechanics. They also make great gifts for birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, retirement, and Fathers day events.
However, there's one downside to these gloves: they may not be as waterproof as advertised. It's essential to exercise caution when using them in wet conditions, as water may affect the flashlight's performance.
Overall, I highly recommend the Vilania Rechargeable LED Flashlight Gloves as a practical and thoughtful gift for men who enjoy hands-on projects and tasks. Not only do they look cool, but they also provide a convenient and hands-free way to light up dark spaces while working.

🔗LED Flashlight Gloves for Men and Women
I recently gifted these LOUISWARE LED Flashlight Gloves to my dad during his birthday, and he absolutely loved them! . The gloves are incredibly lightweight and adjustable, making it easy for my dad to use while working on his car or participating in his nightly fishing trips. The LED flashlights on each hand provide more than enough light to see in dimly lit spaces, making them a game-changer for anyone who needs extra hands.
Plus, the fact that they are waterproof means he no longer has to worry about changing a tire during a sudden downpour. Overall, these flashlight gloves have become his go-to tools, and I'm so glad I found this unique gift idea.

Buyer's Guide


What are Flashlight Gloves?

Flashlight gloves are gloves with integrated LED flashlights, providing light at night or in low-light conditions. They are made of comfortable and durable material and are suitable for various outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking, cycling, or even walking the dog.

How do Flashlight Gloves work?
Flashlight gloves operate on batteries, usually AA or AAA. An LED flashlight is built into the wrist area of the glove, allowing users to shine light by pressing a button or moving their hand in a specific way. The flashlight can be easily turned on and off and adjusted to different intensity levels, depending on the model.

What features should I consider when choosing Flashlight Gloves?

  • Battery life: Look for gloves with long-lasting batteries and easy battery replacement options.
  • Light intensity: Consider gloves with multiple light intensity levels for different situations.
  • Comfort and fit: Make sure the gloves fit well and are made of comfortable materials that allow flexibility and dexterity.
  • Durability: Choose gloves made of high-quality, weather-resistant materials that can withstand regular use and harsh outdoor conditions.

Can you wash Flashlight Gloves?

Yes, most flashlight gloves can be hand-washed or washable in a washing machine, but always follow the manufacturer's washing instructions to ensure they maintain their functionality and appearance.

How long do the batteries in Flashlight Gloves last?

The battery life of flashlight gloves depends on the model and usage. Generally, you can expect the batteries to last for several hours of continuous use or several weeks when used occasionally. Make sure to carry spare batteries or a battery charger, especially on extended outdoor trips.

Are Flashlight Gloves waterproof?

It depends on the specific model. Some flashlight gloves offer water-resistant or waterproof features, while others may only provide basic resistance against light rain or moisture. Be sure to check the product description or specifications to see if the gloves you're interested in are suitable for wet or rainy conditions.

How to store Flashlight Gloves when not in use?

To prolong the life of your flashlight gloves and maintain their performance, store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Make sure the flashlight is switched off and the batteries are inserted correctly before storing. It's also a good idea to remove batteries during long-term storage to prevent leakage or corrosion.

Can I use Flashlight Gloves for indoor use or only outdoor activities?

Flashlight gloves are versatile and can be used for both indoor and outdoor activities. They are especially useful for tasks that require a hands-free source of light, such as working on a car, repairing household items, or navigating in a dimly lit area. However, you should always take proper safety precautions and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for use.
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