Average cost to side a house hardie

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2024.06.08 19:00 Luchofromvenezuela Trade-in for downgrade?

M/33/Houston, living with wife and 4yr old son (but separating), footing the bill for almost everything at home since wife is SAHM and hasn’t found a job (does DoorDash on evenings/weekends but it’s not enough)
Salary: $30/hr, usually get 5-10 hrs overtime, amounts to $2000-$2100 biweekly after health insurance/401k/other deductions
Rent: $1655, comes to $1850 including services because I use Flex to pay it in 2 parts Electric: $120-$150 Groceries: $800 (estimate) Gas: $140 Car: $614 Insurance: $150 (it’s $300 but wife pays for her car’s insurance) US Bank Balance Transfer: $250/15 months Costco Visa payment plan (closed card): $184/60 months Citi Balance Transfer: $90/8 months Synchrony Bank (sofa): $120/15 months Internet: $30 Phones: $170 Medical bill 1: $62/16 months Medical bill 2: $25/forever ($2000 balance, they allow us to pay as low as $25)
Total: ~$4500
Investments: $7000 in a rollover IRA, just started a 401k with new job (4% match on 8% contribution; currently set up to 4% contribution)
As you can see, I’m $500 in the hole. I typically use Instacart as a side hustle to make ends meet, but this is bringing me a huge amount of stress and making me lose time I can spend with my son or relaxing.
One of the things I’m pondering about is to trade-in my SUV (2021 Nissan Rogue) and get an used sedan. I have about 27 payments left, 0.9% interest. If I get a $10k used Toyota Corolla or Mazda 3 I’d lower my payments by half, as well as saving in insurance and gas costs. Carvana is offering me $18,200 ($1200 equity), Carmax is offering me $17,000. Is this a good idea? Talk me out of it.
submitted by Luchofromvenezuela to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:58 yuuki_bonk420 How much would it cost to ornate my home entrance with life sized Stuart Minion statues on both sides?

Recently my wife left me after she discovered my weed plantation and she took my bayblade collection, that miserable dicc! Because of this I have decided to begin my villain arc but as everyone knows, a villain must have an evil lair and weird ahh decorations to go with it. I have decided to install life sized minion porcelain statues in the main entrance to my weed trap house, they shall stand in uniform lines, t-posing at whomever drives forward as their lifeless goggles instill a sense of primal fear. But I wonder, realistically how much money would this venture cost? I would need about 8 statues on both sides of the driveway, kinda like those pointy Italian pines yk the bushy trees that people decorate their home entrances with.
submitted by yuuki_bonk420 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:57 criterion67 Can I use two Vue 2's and combine the data from both units to view in the app under a single home?

Can I use two Vue 2's and combine the data from both units to view in the app under a single home?
I already have a Vue 2 monitoring 16 circuits in a sub panel in my garage. I currently have the CT clamps connected to monitor the main power coming in to the sub panel as well.
I have a main panel connected to the utilities meter, that's outside on the side of my house that feeds the sub panel and also contains 4 circuits:
  1. Main 100A (feeds sub panel in the garage)
  2. 35A Air conditioner (heat pump)
  3. Heat 50A (heat strips in the heat pump)
  4. Range 40A (in kitchen)
What I'd like to do is install a Vue 2 in the main panel outside to monitor (main, heat pump, heater and range) and disconnect the main CTs in the sub panel in the garage (leave the remaining 16 circuits attached) and be able to combine the monitoring of all circuits from both Vue 2's in the app as one house?
Photos attached of my main panel outside and the sub panel in my garage.
Many thanks!
submitted by criterion67 to EmporiaEnergy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:57 Green_Mode_5509 Hardie Plank Siding

Hardie Plank Siding
Hardie Plank Siding
Our house is almost a year old (new build), and in a few spots of our Hardie Plank dark blue siding, there is touch up to cover the nails holes which has turned white over the last several months. See photos. Is there any way that this can be remedied? I pointed out the issue to the builder, and they indicated that they will apply more “touch up” (which is almost like a blue-matching caulking), but if they do the touch up, I assume the problem will happen again in the near future (as the touch up weathers over time). The builder has been absolutely GREAT addressing our other limited concerns for our 1 year home warranty. Can it be cleaned? Are new boards needed? TIA!
submitted by Green_Mode_5509 to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:56 Unvailablebody-1309 AITA for getting mad at my "friend" for saying i send xpics.

I (F16) had this friend in 10th grade Jessica (F17) that was my best friend that time that we found out she was my Aunt too so were family so i thougth. pardon my english
I had a small group of friends jessica, Gian(M16), Angela(F16), Kleide(M16), Ivan(M16), Maria(F16) and Daniella(F16).
Me jessica, kleide, angela and some other classmates decided to sleepover at my house and with alcohol(yes my father knew there was alcohol+boys he trust me) when we were done drinking we decided to play truth or dare and i had a blast i need assistance when i go to the restroom. at the end when we were going to bed they slept in the living room they had 2 mattress so they were comfortable i sleptin my own bed i woke up in the middle of the night i saw them deep asleep decided to call my boyfriend that time and we chat for an hour see if they were asleep and blacked out again. the sleepover kept going for a few days with me, jessica and angela when theres no angela theres only jessica and I. i lend jessica shirts sometimes with a basket of clothes for jessica to choose. few months later i couldnt find 5 shirts and 1 pants i looked for it everywhere even asked jessica if she took it she said no, she did took it i found her wearing my shirts multiple times (all that cost 1500 pesos). i decided to forgive her and stayed friends with her and while hangging out we found this cute bag and she had money that time and i dont, she ask me if i would like to twin with her i said yes so she paid for 3 bags all costing her 1000 pesos my bag cost around 270-300 pesos.
oneday me mia(F16 a friend of daniella) jessica, angela, and daniella just been friends this schoolyear(2022-2023) liked to drink sometimes for some reasons (yes ik were too yound to drink) and one time we planned to drink at Jessicas and split money for the alcohol i gave 60 pesos with daniella brought the drinks jessica said i cant drink because im on my period but i wasnt she keep insisting so i just walked out on them chat jessica to just give back my money then blocked her
i didnt came back to school for a week and after a week gian and angella spilled the beans on me that jessica was spreading things about me that i when we all went to that sleepover she heard me moaning and was sending pictures of myself naked everyone now knew but i said i didnt idk if they believed me
i edited a video with maria jessica and i about them bein a backstaber and jessica didnt come to school for a month
and the last straw was when i was walking with daniella to school she said when i left when we decided to drink jessica ssaid some nasty things about me and marie was doing the same that same day i spilled the beans on my teacher all the details angela was doing the same (maria is on jessica's side and jessica thinks angela is too so shes spilling the beans on angela and angela spilling the beans on us+ the teacher)
we were sent in the guidance counselor with the teacher jessica and i jessica said its because i backstabed her first tho didnt i said i didnt u said bs about me and angela and i said true things abiut you (a massive cheater her exgf broke up with her because jessica was flirting with a million different people + she got good enough grades because she always cheats on exams) i called angela and gian to verify the things and SHE DIDNT GET SUSPENDED
one time she was gone missing and she blamed it on me (she was with herthen gf we knew this cause her gf posted a tiktok video of them frenching)and i was called by my teacher to go with angela to his office and talkabout it and we saw jessica and her mother (angela and me didnt have gaurdians and we both think its unfair) she just cried the wjole time while me angela and teacher found it funny because we know the whole story and i recorded everything just in case angela and i both did the end of the day nothing was said because jessica was just crying and her mother just telling us that she said it was my fault because she was pressured. like about what abiout what you did HAHAHAHA WE WAS LAUGH CRYING LIKE CRAZY. Also angela told me that her mother beat her up for backstabbing me her own niece Every time i think abiut it it makes me laugh like crazy.
AITA for laughing⁉️
submitted by Unvailablebody-1309 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:56 throwRAannive WIBTA if I cut off my entire immediate family?

I 22F have been debating leaving my immediate family behind for about 6 months.
To give context, I'm the youngest of three daughters. My sisters are 31F and 28F. My parents were both alcoholics, my dad died due to complications related to it at 44. I was 14. No one will ever say this is what it is was, but he admitted to it when he got sick and we never got a formal diagnosis.
My mother is now 49 and ever since my dad died her alcoholism tore the family apart. I had mental health issues before his death but her instability afterwards ruined my relationships with my older sisters and with her. It was never good to begin with, but she was mixing antipsychotics and alcohol to cope. It would lead to her screaming at me and treating me like absolute shit, there was so much verbal and emotional abuse. No one around me did anything, they would often tell me "Stop acting like you lost both your parents." Essentially, I did. She was nowhere near a place to be a mother to me at that point. Their alcoholism started when I was 2, we were raised by 2 different sets of parents.
I got so angry as a teenager, I started drinking too. I started lying to everyone about anything that mattered to me because firstly if I didn't, they would inevitably make it everyone's business. My mother did that my whole life, which is why I never shared anything before anyway, and also partly why I lied constantly as a teenager. Secondly was, I wanted to drink and not have anyone get in my way. I admit I was impossible for a time. I was really really difficult. I had no one to turn to because even when I did try, I would be forced to "talk it out" with my mother. As soon as she would drink after any conversations I attempted over my feelings, she would scream at me until I apologized or cried as a way to "mend things" . My sisters told me I deserved it for being so difficult.
My sister and brother in law had to pay for my last year of high school. I didn't ask they just did it because it's a huge deal in the family. It cost a lot and when I didn't make it, I lied about it for a year. I felt so much shame and guilt and I didn't want them trying to pay it again. My plan was to finish it another way, and give them their money ASAP. I felt sick every time I thought about it. I have not been able to do so yet, but it is going to happen within the next year. This screwed up even more of the relationship with my eldest sister and I don't blame her for this. All I want is to repay them. This event changed me in a big way. I stopped lying, and my drinking lessened a ton. I really, really, really felt like a horrible human being.
Furthermore an incident with my mother when I was 20 changed me even more. She got wasted one night, she told me she is just waiting for me to move so she can kill herself. We fought, I tried to hide the alcohol and she got aggressive and verbally abusive with me. I gave her the alcohol, and locked myself in my room to protect myself. I called my eldest sister and told her I'm scared of what she'll do in the morning. All she said was "she knows she was wrong, she won't do anything." I begged her to go to therapy the next day, and eventually she did for a short 2 months. Her excuse for stopping was "I want the money for other things and I'm all better now."
I stopped drinking so much and completely stopped caring about what she did after that. I stopped trying to help her depression. I stopped cleaning the house to cheer her up. I stopped doing little gestures for her. I barely spoke to her for a very long time.
Last year around June, I got a job opportunity 2 hours away and moved literally overnight. Before that, I was living on the same property as eldest sister, in my mother's home at the back. I worked until I got a stomach ulcer and couldn't make rent. I had no choice but to move back with my mother.
I called my sister and finally told her all I had felt since that night. The fear. The anger. The pain. The suicidal feelings. She very quickly told me "You can't hold grudges, or else everyone could hold grudges against you for lying to us." She then spent the next 30 minutes telling me I need to stop acting like I can handle life without my mother, and I need her for AT LEAST another 10 years to guide me through life. She even had the audacity to tel me my mother doesn't drink that much anymore she doesn't know what I'm talking about. She kept saying how I know nothing in life, and eventually I just stopped listening at all. Something about that conversation just put things into perspective for me.
Every single time I tried talking about my feelings, even before the lying and horrible decisions on my part had started, I was met with similar reactions from anyone I spoke to. I was constantly told nothing is wrong and I'm the one who needs help. I was insulted to my core if I ever mentioned the alcohol abuse of either parent, even as a young child. Those 6 months away from everyone, made everything so much clearer and that conversation just hit me on a new level.
Recently, I've been going to online al-anon meetings, and I hear this is common in families where addiction is a problem. Since I've been home, I have replayed so many different memories from the past. After everything that has happened, my goal is to pay my family back for everything I owe them, but never go to any family events again.
On the other hand, I feel I did deserve everything that happened and I need to accept anything they do to me especially after I lied for so long.
So, WIBTA if I cut them off?
submitted by throwRAannive to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:55 princesslhakix my dad thinks im abusive :( (tw: abuse & mention of suicide)

hey i have no one else to talk to so i will try to let it out here if that's okay...
i'm a 17yo girl and i have incredible problems with being alone to the point i become kind of abusive when my partner (M 20, also mentally ill) has to leave. I don't hit him, i just pull him or try to hold onto him so he doesn't leave. it was never this bad but the more he triggers, me feeling like i am alone by him lacking empathy during discussions, the more i cant be alone. he often can't use the toilet without me being there and if he goes to his parents for the weekend i end up screaming, begging him to stay.
but i mentioned he also has mental struggles, and for a while now we have been almost separated, we are always uncertain of our relationship... 2 days ago he suggested a break up and for the first time ever i just was like "i am not going to beg anyone to stay" and started packing his things so he could leave. for like 30 min he was taking a bath and i was manically listening to music to distract myself. i texted a friend to go out and drink, but he saw it and i wasnt allowed to go. i told him that i do what i want since we are breaking up anyways and he didnt like it. i tried to leave the room andhe grabbed me and pushed me onto the floor. i hit my head very hard and i felt very weak. then he got on top of me and idk what i said but he slapped my face very hard. i wanted to leave and i felt unsafe. he threatened to kill me and hes so much stronger than me. my phone was dead so i couldnt call anyone. i escaped the house by telling him id pet our dog in the garden and made my way to the street. there were people working and i askedthem to call the cops and an ambulance for my head. i also told the cops that my bf might have an attempt so they came with 2 ambulances. in the meantime my bf ranaway and i was panicking. i felt regret but was proud of myself, yet i really felt such regret and fear he might die. i ranaway to the forest behind our garden to search for him and lluckily found him just chilling there. i lied to the cops that we just had an argument and that we both hit eachother to protect my bf cause i still love him so much and i understand he just went very crazy bcs he also doesnt want us to break up. the cops called my dad and today my dad came in the house shitting on me, tellling me that i am probably the one that hit mmy bf more, that the abuse is mainly from my side. it hurts so much because 2 days ago i felt like one of those kidnapped girls in movies that escape and get help... today i am the family dissapointment and seen as an abuser. no one from my family will ever know the truth about 2 days ago, and i feel exhausted and empty.
submitted by princesslhakix to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:54 drcigg Questions about my panel and options

Currently we have a 100 amp panel. House built in 2000. It seems the breakers are wired very strange to me. Or maybe that's normal? Kitchen lights with garage lights, living room with garage lights, Vanee? What does that even mean? The owner did a lot of his own handy work with the house of which I have had to fix and any kind of shortcut he could do he did. 4x12 sheets of drywall for my garage ceiling that he only used 12 screws or nails. Water softener installed in a crawl space that you had to duck for and he ran the water line through the wall into the laundry room. When there was plenty of room to put it there. The bathroom outlet had no power. I took a look and found it had a bare wire just hanging out inside the box as well as one of the wires not even tight. The list goes on. In my old house the garage had it's own separate panel and I never had any issues blowing breakers. In this house if I plug in my small compressor into any outlet whether outside or in the garage it just trips the breaker. We do have a small chest freezer in the garage but that's about it. When I replaced the light switch in the garage I had a hell of a time trying to find out which breaker was supplying the power to it. It wasn't the one marked garage lights. I would love to get a table saw or some bigger tools at some point, but we don't have 220 wired in the garage for it. I'm sure it would cost a fortune to run new wires through the garage and into the basement for the 220. There are 2 open spots for more breakers. But i'm not confident that would be enough to have a little shop in the garage without possibly upgrading the panel to 200 amp.
What are my options?
submitted by drcigg to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:54 quentin_lives_matter 30 [M4F] Anywhere/Online - Searching for my communicative and nerdy partner in crime

I’m looking for my special someone, my someone who is eager and willing to have everyday conversations about anything nerdy and also serious topics too, even if it’s something we don’t know much or willing to learn more about. But most importantly, someone who is into the same things as me and desires a romantic connection like I do, full with engaging and meaningful convos.
Here’s a bit about me:
If any of this catches your eye, send me a message! I’d love to hear from you.
submitted by quentin_lives_matter to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:54 Green_Mode_5509 Hardie Plank Siding

Hardie Plank Siding
Our house is almost a year old (new build), and in a few spots of our Hardie Plank dark blue siding, there is touch up to cover the nails holes which has turned white over the last several months. See photos. Is there any way that this can be remedied? I pointed out the issue to the builder, and they indicated that they will apply more “touch up” (which is almost like a blue-matching caulking), but if they do the touch up, I assume the problem will happen again in the near future (as the touch up weathers over time). The builder has been absolutely GREAT addressing our other limited concerns for our 1 year home warranty. Can it be cleaned? Are new boards needed? TIA!
submitted by Green_Mode_5509 to Carpentry [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:53 Numerous-Try-1981 Watching my mother's health rapidly decline and doctors/neurologist don't see anything wrong

60F, 5"1, 120lbs. Non-smoker, non-drinker. No other medical conditions. Minor neck injury from car accident approximately 20 years ago.
For nearly 1.5 years she has been experiencing nearly daily swelling in the right side of her face, headaches and nasal congestion (during these flare ups). It typically lasts from 2-8 hours. Her doctor told her there is nothing wrong and prescribed her Advil.
Over the past three months the symptoms have worsened and her headaches are lasting for days at a time. She began to also have chest pains and dizziness; she was taken to the ER, where her blood pressure was taken at 180/90. She was prescribed blood pressure medication and sent home.
At a later appointment with her family doctor, she was switched onto a different medication: Metoprolol.
4 days later she was taken back to the ER, her blood pressure was at 189/90. The right side of her face was red and swollen. All tests and blood work came back normal. The first ER doctor told her that its high blood pressure and that it takes time for the medication to work.
His shift ended and a second ER doctor noted the swelling of her face. He later told her that she likely has Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) and was prescribed cabamazepine. She took this in addition to the blood pressure medication and Tylenol for pain.
This medication made her very nauseous, drowzy, and her headaches/face swelling continued. The Tylenol is not working well to ease her pain. Her blood pressure has stayed steadily around 140/90.
A week later she saw a neurologist, who told her she does not have TN. They told her that they dont see anything wrong. They took her off the TN medication and put her on a new medication: amitriptyline.
She is currently taking: amitriptyline, metoprolol, and extra strength Tylenol.
Her blood pressure has remained stable but the headaches and face swelling remain and are severely impacting her life. Its gotten so bad that she has stopped leaving her house. She spends most days in bed. Just going for a walk or a drive is too much for her now.
She doesnt want to go back to see any doctor because she is worried they think she is overreacting or making it up.
I can see that she is in pain. I see that there is swelling in her face. I don't understand how nothing can be wrong.
I would greatly appreciate any guidance.
Please let me know if you need additional info.
submitted by Numerous-Try-1981 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:52 shreddeddad Home Gym Organization & Storage Ideas

Home Gym Organization & Storage Ideas
When I first starting building out my garage gym 6 years ago, I knew I wanted to use my walls as much as possible.
That's why I went with a PRx folding rack to begin with.
Then I started adding more ways to store equipment on my walls and even my ceiling...
So needless to say, I've been able to find many ways to organize and store my home gym equipment to maximize my space inside the garage.
Here are some things that have worked for me that you might find helpful:

Get Rid of Shit

The number one rule to organizing your home or garage gym is to get rid of things you haven't used for years.
We accumulate so much stuff over the years that just sits there taking up space that could be used for a kick ass gym.
So start tossing it or donate it.

Use Your Walls

Learn to find wall studs and you'll be able to get a TON of stuff off the floor.
This gives me so much room to workout in and I know exactly where everything is.
Heck, I can even still park my car inside if I want to.

Mounts Can Be Anything

Fitness companies have lots of storage products to choose from but you can find cheaper alternatives that work just as well if you look hard enough.
I've used tire hangers to hang just about anything, yes, even heavy stuff.
I can hang weight plates and bumper plates from them...
My dip bar, folding sled, and anything you can think of.
These come in packs of 4 and sell for around $50.
Check them out here.

Adjustable Dumbbells

A set of adjustable dumbbells can save you A LOT of space.
Most will take up as much space as a couple of shoe boxes and you get similar weight ranges like if you had a full rack of dumbbells.

Repurpose Household Storage

For small things like foam rollers, massage, guns, wrist wraps, etc, I hung an old bookshelf on the wall.
This keeps many things you don't use on a daily basis off the floor.

House Tools

I still keep house tools on the other side of the garage.
And just like my workout equipment, I get them off the floor and on the wall.
You can find wall organization systems for less than $100 and it'll make your garage much bigger.

Start Now

Those are just a few tips and ideas to get you started on making your home gym organized and store things in a way where you know where everything is.
Start now and get stuff off the floor so you have more room to play.
For more ideas and videos, check out my in-depth home gym organization article.
submitted by shreddeddad to homefitnessgym [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:51 shreddeddad Home Gym Organization & Storage Ideas

Home Gym Organization & Storage Ideas
When I first starting building out my garage gym 6 years ago, I knew I wanted to use my walls as much as possible.
That's why I went with a PRx folding rack to begin with.
Then I started adding more ways to store equipment on my walls and even my ceiling...
So needless to say, I've been able to find many ways to organize and store my home gym equipment to maximize my space inside the garage.
Here are some things that have worked for me that you might find helpful:

Get Rid of Shit

The number one rule to organizing your home or garage gym is to get rid of things you haven't used for years.
We accumulate so much stuff over the years that just sits there taking up space that could be used for a kick ass gym.
So start tossing it or donate it.

Use Your Walls

Learn to find wall studs and you'll be able to get a TON of stuff off the floor.
This gives me so much room to workout in and I know exactly where everything is.
Heck, I can even still park my car inside if I want to.

Mounts Can Be Anything

Fitness companies have lots of storage products to choose from but you can find cheaper alternatives that work just as well if you look hard enough.
I've used tire hangers to hang just about anything, yes, even heavy stuff.
I can hang weight plates and bumper plates from them...
My dip bar, folding sled, and anything you can think of.
These come in packs of 4 and sell for around $50.
Check them out here.

Adjustable Dumbbells

A set of adjustable dumbbells can save you A LOT of space.
Most will take up as much space as a couple of shoe boxes and you get similar weight ranges like if you had a full rack of dumbbells.

Repurpose Household Storage

For small things like foam rollers, massage, guns, wrist wraps, etc, I hung an old bookshelf on the wall.
This keeps many things you don't use on a daily basis off the floor.

House Tools

I still keep house tools on the other side of the garage.
And just like my workout equipment, I get them off the floor and on the wall.
You can find wall organization systems for less than $100 and it'll make your garage much bigger.

Start Now

Those are just a few tips and ideas to get you started on making your home gym organized and store things in a way where you know where everything is.
Start now and get stuff off the floor so you have more room to play.
For more ideas and videos, check out my in-depth home gym organization article.
submitted by shreddeddad to homefitnessgym [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:50 nikif9 all reason with examples why TA aren't competitive mode most likely of ttk but not only

here i talk about all problem TA(terminal attack) mode in the finals and why it doesn't fit in this game
starting with ttk(time to kill): finals have a high ttk examples of game with high ttk(overwatch, apex, quake, halo) but similar to TA mode games all have low ttk examples (cs, valorant, siege, cod(search and destroy)). this mode invented in 1999 with first version of cs (not sure its first or not but it frist to me) mode alive more than 25 year and they have a reason to stay a game only on low ttk. first of it you will take damage on every fight. every fight with high ttk take average 1.1 second (just shooting time for enemy) and in this 1.1 second you can take 1 or 2 shots. in competitive game every single hp matter in cs and valorand it takes 0,2 second for killing. low ttk example here good example what i am talking about in the finals you will need 10-18 shot to kill it and some one will shoot you in cs only 1-2 shots and doesn't take a single dmg kill 2 enemy and with problem with taking dmg on every fight. here another problem its a hp difference if enemy have more hp like in 50 point then you 90% you dead. only way to win its if he miss a shots clutch example here example of why low ttk its better for this type of mode. dude clatch 1v2 with 7 hp against 100 hp. in finals it never happen because of high ttk. and here another problem clutch situation on same video dude win clutch only by skill and outplay them they don't know his position in game with high tkk all clutch are pure luck or opponent mistake long ttk example this example of one of the best clutch in apex here you can see pure luck and opponent mistake on the same time with high ttk you can't win clutch 1v2 or 1v3 only if enemy make mistake,no trigger discipline TRIGGER DISCIPLINE example. trigger discipline its when you sneak behind 2 or more enemy try to shoot only to head. instead of trigger discipline for long ttk you will have a focus fire .focus fire its whey you with your team shoot to one enemy to kill faster enemy and instead of 10-18 bullets for enemy you with team only need to hit 5 bullets if 3 of 5 of you will shoot on him. witch make ttk a way shorter.
second problem its a lack of strategy: because of high ttk defense side have a huge advantage reason of it a focus fire if you play a rat and siting on corner and shooting on focus fire with 1-2 guardian turret you will get advantage in any fight. because you don't need to hold a way point and controlling space on map instead just working on focus fire. reason you dont need to control space if you stick together and focus fire every one will die as fast as they can imagine like in cs. and there no utilities for making some sort of fake for attack you need just push with focus fire for destroying turret and aps, its not a low ttk and here not a single man army. if you thing i am wrong give me one example of any other tactics i dare you can invent 0 of it high ttk just broke all utility like smoke maybe flash grenade will be useful but smoke are useless one of biggest tactical advantage in cs,valorant, siege are useless in this game.
third problem map:map did not design for this type of mode you dont have any way point, timing, spawns, all this just throw on bigger map at random. what a point to hold roof in monaco if you can be seeing from anywhere and can be focus fired, there no way point like in cs, valorant. controlling space are meaningless + in siege doesn't have a full distraction and there are reason of it. it will be strange if you can drop planting area to you but in siege you cant destroy a floor only a wall and not all wall. because imagine you collapsing a building where you need to be a holding its just make a more random instead of competitive experience.
fourth problem does not have any economy or management:you don't have a map you don't know what point is this how they stay only you knew its a attack or defense side. in cs and valorant every round matter because you have a money to buy gear, in siege you know what point you will hold but doesn't know what point attack and you need to a carefully pick a operators for attack. but in the finals its completely random you don't know what 2 point you need hold and what point you need to attack.
fifth problem some gadget are broken in defense:dome shield you literally can shoot threw it and doesn't take a damage, barricade just close all gap in plant sit on corner if enemy team don't take any breaching you will win free while they find any canister. guardian turret 3 of them with focus fire it can be wined at all.
six problem good luck to balancing game to 2 completely different game mode in original cashout mode you consistently change between attack and defense with hp regen and respawn what make more way to play with some risky move. but in TA you need to be a slow and careful with focus fire
submitted by nikif9 to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:49 yurtbeer East side craft beer fans, great news!

Glass and grain house did a soft opening this week and we love it. It’s on 6th by barber shop and the options are killer plus they do bake goods so you can really pack on the pounds. Owners are super cool and glad they finally brought a nice laid back beer bar to this side of town. Open tue-sat 2 pm to ?, sell beer to go also.
submitted by yurtbeer to wausau [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:49 Memiiselgey23 Teaser For a Fanfiction Project! :D

Hello! This is a collab fanfiction that u/Jade-The-Tiefling and I did together. It'll be titled Borrasca: Eye To Eye, since that title it's fitting. It still has some kinks to work out in terms of proof reading but once the full part comes out, it'll all be polished! I'm very nervous and excited to share it with you guys. This is only the teaser so far, but we hope to upload the first part soon. Hope you enjoy!
One hundred thirty two. That is the amount of people that were rescued that day on the mountain. I would be lying if I said it didn’t take me by surprise to hear the news about the stables let alone the number of people that were there. It makes me think back to when I was a kid and all the strange and tragic things that happened to me then.
It's funny how time changes, how everything wilts away. How life goes on without a wait or stop. Sometimes you'll forget what lurked underneath, and when you do remember, it's already too late. I couldn't say my childhood wasn't bad but it's basically not as cheery as most kids have it.
My father was definitely sucked into his job as a lawyer, while my mom was bustling her back at an old diner, drinking her sorrows away. None had any time to spare for me, as a child. It made me a pretty independent child, and when my mother decided to give birth to Lucy, I became that mother figure that I never had. Aside from Lucy, I had nobody else to talk to.
School in Drisking was okay, but I would be lying if I said it was a good experience. I was pretty much alone from childhood to teens. Most kids already had their own friends, their designated trio. I would always refer to it that way. It was by sheer luck that I really did find a friend. Someone who I could share my emo playlist alongside with and in return she taught me a lot about DnD.
However like if the world knew I was meant to be alone, she was taken away from me. I never knew what happened to her, but I beat myself about. If only I didn't moved from Drisking, maybe I could had found her sooner.
The one thing that has remained consistent is my ritualistic daily breakfasts at the diner. From the start of my freshmen year, I never missed a day of going to the diner. It was my way of getting my head together and preparing for the day ahead. Even into my adulthood, I never stopped going. Imagine my surprise when I saw a face that I’d honestly thought I would never see again. It didn’t click at first. I just felt like I knew it.
She was about 5’8” with asymmetrical short dirty blond hair. Her clothes were mainly black and I can just see something protruding from her around her waist. She had a plain black shirt tucked into her pants with a well-kept belt. She wore a Nobel 6 zip up jacket -Clearly a Halo fan- and a small d20 pin on it. Where this seems normal to the untrained eye, I can’t help but feel deja vu from looking at this woman. She seemed like this distant dream that is so fuzzy that it’s just familiar enough to almost recognize.
She walked into the diner and was given a table next to mine. I racked my brain trying to figure out who this was. I examined every part of her, again, and again, and again, just trying to make sense of who was sitting right there in front of me. She was so close, yet she was so distant from me.
“May I help you?” She sighs, putting her coffee down on the table in a way that I can only describe as a contained irritation. “Or are you just going to stare at me like I’m an exhibit?”
I wasn’t even conscious I was staring. She turns to me and it all clicks together. The d20, the jacket, and, my new discovery, looking at her closer and can see her, the freckle on her upper lip.
“Kat? Is that really you?” Stunned, I blurted out. I was adamant that that familiar woman had to be her. No one had that exact same freckle like her.
“That depends on who is asking.” She rolls her eyes taking another sip of her coffee.
She doesn’t recognize me? It makes since she didn’t. It’s been so long. Looking down at my empty plate, as I really wanted her to recognize me. Should I introduce myself? I thought, maybe I'll make her remember me.
“So you don't know me? I can give a hint, I'm sure it might give you an idea on who I am.” I nervously laughed, as I dug into my black leather purse. Quickly, I pulled it out, plopping down a custom made d20 dice on the table. I remember painting my own dice black, since I was super obsessed with the color black as a teen.
“Wait,” Kat puts down her coffee again, this time with more of a clang. “What is that? Where did you get this?”
Placing the dice right next to my plate, I felt my throat lumping already. “Remember on my 16th birthday, when it was only you and me. I remember we almost burned the house down because we had the dumb idea to bake a cake.”
“Pauly…?” A slow recognition comes across Kat’s face. Replaced soon by unadulterated joy. “Well, I’ll be damned!”
Tears started to well up my eyes, I was so ecstatic to finally see her eyes flashed with recognition. I slowly got up to my chair, every step I took felt like I was stepping in a pile of needles. Getting a great look on Kat, she looked different from the nerdy shy girl I knew. But, I didn’t care how different Kat looked, I was happy to see my old friend alive.
“I just don't know what to say. I thought I've lost you.” I whispered, my voice already trembling as I spoke.
“Oh,” Kat's voice cracks a bit too, pulling me into a hug. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
Kat seemed to be holding back tears. Just being with her now, I couldn’t even wrap my head around it. It seems so surreal. Even when I hugged her, it felt like it was a fabricated dream. But it wasn't, this was all flesh and blood.
“Just…how are you…I'm so sorry that I never found you. Everyone, even the cops told me that you were long gone. I had hoped you'd come back. Just didn't know it would take this long.” Wiping my tears with my sleeve, I hugged even tighter. She was much taller than me, so I couldn't really comprehend it.
“Hey, hey.” Kat chuckles a bit. Still holding back tears, I could tell. “It’s okay. You…There was no way you could have known. I have a lot of explaining to do, I’m sure but let’s forget about that for now.”
“Yeah…I'm just so happy to see you again.” I sat across from Kat's seat, picking up a napkin to wipe the rest of my tears. It rubbed off some of my mascara, making me think it was a horrible idea to try out some make up today. “So, um…what have you been doing over these years? I see you got a gun holster over there?”
“Well, I…” Kat cut herself off. “I was a SWAT operative. It’s, uh, a long story. How about you?”
“SWAT? No wonder you look so tough and badass!” I then continued enthusiastically. “Well, I'm actually a nurse practitioner. I'm very specialized in prenatal care. I know it's funny because I really didn't like babies back then.”
“Oh? That’s…nice.” Kat’s voice shudders. “And I wouldn’t call myself a badass for being SWAT. It…makes you question a lot of things about yourself for sure. It’s all in the interest of others though.
My smile slowly fell, as I was scared if I might've made her upset. “I see, I understand. We both are doing jobs that help people, and probably had to endure some bad cases once in a while.”
“Did…did you ever find Kincade?”
Kincade. I haven't heard of that name since after moving Drisking. I took a deep breath, as I responded. “I did manage to find Kincade after your disappearance. They never told me what happened, and I lost contact ever since. Last time I checked, Kincade moved to California.”
“Oh, thank god.” Kat sighs out of relief, as she takes a seat back down. “Knowing that girl, she’s living it up in LA. Well, I was actually in New York all this time. I thought it would be a good place to settle down. For what it was worth, the NYPD was good to me.”
“Oh I can tell she is. I followed her Instagram, and she's always posting pictures of parties and such.” I tucked a strand of hair in the back of my ear, while I pulled out my phone to show Kat Kincade’s page. “Even if they don't want to talk to me, I'm just super glad they're okay.”
I sometimes wonder why Kincade hasn't had contact with me yet, but deep inside I felt like they were somewhat upset with me. The strange thing was that once Kincade showed up, my mother just randomly disappeared. My father had always told me that she's just had it with us, and left to do her own life. However I never believed that story. Sure my mom was a raging drunk chain-smoker, but she always loved Lucy and I. Her just leaving out of the blue isn't in character, and I just know that something wrong might have occurred.
Kat inspects the page. I can tell it struck something in her. I knew from this point she was holding back a bit with her emotions but for some reason, this broke her. Suddenly I saw my childhood best friend break into a waterfall of sadness. She started to sob. As if she had a dam behind her eyes and they just burst.
“Kat.. Oh shit, I didn’t mean to make you cry,” I rushed towards Kat’s side, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. It broke me to see Kat this way, yet I couldn’t help but wonder what made her let out her tears. My eyes suddenly landed at one of Kat’s wrist, a light brown scar was marred on her skin. It was half covered by her sleeve, its appearance was more like a stab wound than a slash. I could tell Kat noticed me staring at it, as she quickly covered it up. The sky was now in a vibrant orange and magenta hue, while the bright sun started to slowly settle down.
Kat finally regained her composure after a few minutes of apologizing profusely.
“I know.” Kat weakly pushes out from her lips through her tears. “I know you see them. I know I have a lot of explaining to do. I got that…from a mission that I’m not sure if you’re ready to hear.”
Leaning against her shoulder, I looked up at Kat with an understanding expression. “I think I’m ready to hear about this. Over these years, I wanted to know what happened in Drisking. I don’t want to stay ignorant anymore.”
“Let’s…” Kat wipes her eyes, only for more tears to take the others place. “Let’s go somewhere a little more private.”

That's pretty much it so far! Hope you guys liked it, and the complete chapter will come out soon!
Peace out! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
submitted by Memiiselgey23 to Borrasca [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:47 RaccoonKey9965 Hot Water tank help!

I am renovating a large old house from the top down. Right now my plan is to redo the 3rd floor of the house(which is a separate apartment) and then work my way through the rest of the house. I plan to live on the top floor (once completed) while I finish the rest of the house. I want to avoid having to heat the entire house in the winter (which costs around $400 a month) but the hot water tank is in the basement. Is there a way around this so that I can still have hot water on the 3rd floor in the winter and avoid pipe freezing without having to heat the entire house?
submitted by RaccoonKey9965 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:47 Valha28 EWW: The Man

Hello and welcome to episode 100 in a series inspired by u/kamikazeb0y and CinemaSins, where I'll be sinning each and every episode of Gumball.
Before we start I just want to point out that (not including the Early Reel) we have officially reached Episode ONE HUNDRED of Every Wrong With The Amazing World of Gumball!
It's been an incredibly fun journey so far, and with some very iconic and important episodes still to cover we have a lot to still look forward too! WIth 140 episodes left to cover, I've still got my work cut out for me! But trust me, no matter how long it takes, I will get to the end...hopefully before Season 7 releases and pushes the finish line further away!
Hope you enjoy, and I'll see you for the next one hundred episodes!
Quick Disclaimer: I know this is just a children's cartoon and isn't meant to be taken seriously. This, like the show itself, is not at all meant to be taken seriously or considered an actual critique of the show. It is all in good fun. With that out of the way I present you, Everything Wrong With: The Man!
Granny Jojo: Why are there so many candles? I'm only sixty-three. Anais: Sorry. We didn't know exactly how old you were, so we based it on looks Firstly, I understand the kids not knowing how old she is, but Richard? How does one not know the age of their own mother!? +5
Secondly, BWAHAHAHAHAA! -5
Richard: The alphabet of my mom. "A" is for "Amazing" 'cause that's what you are. "B" is for "Breakfast", one of my twelve favorite mealtimes, and because you're amazing, Mom. "C" is for... [He continues talking] Granny Jojo: Nicole, I just wanted to say that you look really average today. Nicole: Oh, yeah? Well, you look like someone drew an ugly face on a butt with a— wait, what? Did you just say "average"? That's gotta be the least offensive thing you've ever said to me. You need a lie down? Gumball: Yeah, and you gave us real candy instead of your expired fungus medication- Darwin: And your face looks wrong. It's like your mouth is upside down- Anais: It's almost as if you are...smiling. Richard: ...why? Because I like them. And "Z" is for "Zebra", an amazing mythical creature. But not as amazing as you, Mom. Okay, there's no way Richard read through A-Z already. He had to have skipped like half the alphabet to fit it all in that short conversation +1
[Richard slams the door in Louie's face. His outstretched arm sticks out through the letter flap. Granny Jojo reopens the door] Granny Jojo: This is Louie. He's my boyfriend. Okay, what is with episodes and huge lore reveals/changes recently? First Gumball and Penny become a couple, then Carrie's origin and Dad are revealed, and now Granny Jojo is dating Louie. Feels the writers change one thing in The Shell then went wild with power and did a whole bunch more.
I mean, I'm not complaining though. They're pretty cool -1
[Richard finally recovers. He sees Gumball, wobbling in his vision. His voice is distorted and echoing] Gumball: Dad, are you alright? Darwin: What's with the voice? Gumball: [Distorted, but no longer echoing] I don't know. It just felt appropriate. PFFT -1
[Gumball takes a pack of nachos and hands it to Nicole] Nicole: Clear! [She opens it. Immediately, Richard springs up, biting into the nacho bag and chewing on it wildly] I don't know why, but the writers were on point when writing the jokes for this episode and I love it -10
Granny Jojo: To be honest with you, I have no idea what he said. My hearing isn't what it used to be. Louie: Me, neither! I was just laughing and hoping it wasn't a question. [They laugh] Louie: We got so much in common. Granny Jojo: Yeah, we're both falling apart. [They laugh again. Louie kisses Granny Jojo] Awwww -5
Richard: Call me son one more time! I dare you! I DOUBLE-DARE YOU! You MOTHER ROBBER! God damn it actually kinda hurts seeing Richard like this. It's so unlike him to act so aggressively and it makes it really clear how much his Dad leaving him affected him. I demand the entire family give him hugs now! -1
[Richard grunts, and pushes Louie away on his scooter. Afterwards, he storms back inside to confront Granny Jojo] Somehow all of them have, in the span of a few seconds Nicole ahs gone and made a cup of coffee and Gumball and Anais have sat down and started an entire card game. +1
Though, Gumball and Anais just casually hanging out and playing some card game is pretty cute. We never really saw him or Darwin actually hanging out with or chilling with her that often, if ever, so this is nice to see -1
Granny Jojo: Let me explain something— Richard: No, let ME explain something! I don't want you to see that guy anymore! Granny Jojo: Well, I don't think it's for you to decide, young man! Richard: When you're under my roof, you follow my rules, old lady! Gumball: I don't think anyone should follow your twelve-meals-a-day rule. Granny Jojo: Richard, I'm old enough to make my own rules, and I'm seeing Louie TONIGHT! Richard: Go to your room, you're grounded! Granny Jojo: You go to your room, you're grounded! What? But surely Jojo is just visiting for her birthday right? Plus even if she wanted to stay there isn't really any rooms she could stay in except Anais', and it's debatable if said room even exists or not +5
Granny Jojo: Gumball. [Opening an eye, he sees his grandmother beside him, wearing fancy clothes with make-up on. The jump cuts closer to her face] Gumball: [Gasps] Oh wait, this is clearly a nightmare. Nothing could be this ugly in real life. Darwin: We helped Granny Jojo make herself pretty for Louie. What do you think? Gumball: Huh, what do you know? [Screams hysterically] Anais: Yeah, I agree with you. But this is the best we could do short of a face transplant. Okay, I get you think she looks hideous, byt after what happened between her and your Dad earlier I very highly doubt she's in the mood for such insults nor appreciates such comments. You can think it, sure, but you reaaally don't need to say it out loud +5
Granny Jojo: Oh, Gumball, if you could only understand the meaning of true love. The yearning to be at one with another soul. To hold them tightly in your arms- Gumball: Please stop, I'm getting a mental picture. It's really high-def. Granny Jojo: Hear them whisper in your ear: I love you, I love you- Gumball: Fine! Fine! We'll do it, just, please stop talking. Firstly, pretty sure he does know that feeling considering he was crushing over a girl for who knows how long, and is now finally with said girl +1
Secondly...Jojo actually bothered to learn Gumball's name since The Kiss? Neat -1
Nicole: Richard, your mother's never been this happy... or nice. I don't want you to ruin that. Richard: Alright, I'll speak with her. Aww, nice to see Nicole actually helping out Jojo for once...even if it is partially for selfish reasons -1
Gumball: Alright! So the plan is we knock over the DVDs, which sets off the mouse trap, which sends the golf ball up there, which sets off the dominoes, which sets off the toy car, which will switch on the fan, which will send the turtle to the rope, which she bites through, dropping the desk, propelling Granny Jojo through the window and she uses her bloomers to land safely in Louie's arm. Everybody ready? Gumball calls the Evil Turtle "she" here despite the Wattersons not yet knowing that she is a she. Aka, the writers pretty much unintentionally spoiled that twist reveal almost an entire season beforehand +5
Also, Gumball's entire plan here relied on the fact that the Evil Turtle would actually bite the rope upon reaching it. And a plan that relies on someone else out of your control maybe doing something isn't a very good plan +1
Richard: Get away from my mom, get out of our lives! I am the man of this house! So much for talking to him +1
Gumball: Next round: Man washing! [Anais evaluates them washing themselves. Richard washes himself with his clothes on, and Anais is grossed out by his smell. Louie washes himself with a toothbrush. When Anais smells his breath, her head spins around, her ears pop off, and she melts] Ew. No man actually washes like this. At least I'd very much hope not +5
[Louie cooks some meat, and Gumball eats it. He spits it out] Gumball: Ugh, it's rare!Louie: That's how a man eats. No, that's how you kill your grandson +1
[Gumball, Darwin, and out two man-off contestants are sitting around the living room table.] Gumball: And for the final challenge: sharing your emotions! Louie and Richard: What? Gumball: [Evil laugh] Yes! All of this was a trick to make you confront man's deepest, darkest fear: talking about your feelings. Gumball taking Granny Jojo's idea and turning it into a clever plot to trick Richard and Louie into talking things out is actually genius. Which is why It'll never stop annoying me that despite a mountain of evidence proving otherwise the show continues to portray Gumball as stupid. He isn't, and I'm fed up of seeing otherwise -10
Granny Jojo: Oh, Richard, what about your dad? I thought you understood he didn't really go to get milk? [Richard suppresses his emotions. He struggles to keep himself from crying.] Richard: I know… I know. It's just that I really… r-really… Granny Jojo: I know, I know. I liked him too. It's just…he felt otherwise. Come on, just let it all out. [Richard cries hard. Granny Jojo comforts him amidst the shower of tears and mucus.] Granny Jojo: Come on, kid. That's it. Richard: [Stops crying] It's just, I'm worried that you'll like Louie better than me— [Sniffs] And then-and then, I'll lose you too. [Sniffs] Granny Jojo: [Kisses him on cheek] Don't be sillier than you already are. Your brain might stall once and for all. Richard: You know, I want you to be happy too. LOUIE! [Hugs] From now on, I'll call you Daddy! Louie: Um, [Clears throat] A lot of weather we've been having lately. [Richard puts him down, and Louis pats him] Anais: Are you gonna be okay, Dad? Richard: Yes, sweetie. There comes a time when in your life, you have to grow up, and become a man. [Richard hugs his family. Louie and Granny Jojo kiss happily, making him gag one last time] Awww, now this is how you end an episode like this. Wholesome and poignant. -5
Total Sins: -11
Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1,490,894) Least Sinned Episode: The Shell (-999, 958)
Previous Episode: https://www.reddit.com/gumball/comments/1d9wxta/eww_the_mirro
submitted by Valha28 to u/Valha28 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:46 bipedaloser Car broke down before a safety recall campaign

These are two separate incidents happening around the same time. The first was there was an issue with the ABS that the manual recommended to not drive at all. We took it to the dealer and they replaced the entire ABS hydraulic system, as expensive as that was, was still better than getting a new car.
Later, the car broke completely down on the side of the road, we got it towed to a local mechanic who replaced 2 parts due to the bulletin from Hyundai on how to fix the power relay assembly. Oh, by the way, we live in Florida.
Mere months, if not weeks, later we get notification of a safety recall to replace a fuse affecting the ABS and another campaign soon after for the safety plug which could affect the power relay assembly.
We followed up and they said we can get it reimbursed, but had to take it to a delay to ensure it was fixed (for both issues). We take it back to the dealer, but they now only want to reimburse for the one part that's in the safety recall, despite the bulletin for that specific issue said to replace both, and don't want to reimburse for the ABS bc all it was was a fuse.
My question is: since both issues stem from the safety recall issues, but ours were affected before they caught the recall issue, are we due to recover for the entirety of the costs? It seems to me like if one was a result of the main issue and wasn't caught in time, then they should be on the hook for both. Simple cause and effect. What recourse do we have and/or would it be best to get a lawyer at this time? Customer service is anything but helpful. Thanks in advance.
submitted by bipedaloser to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:45 Useful_Maximum5202 My Mom Married My Rapist AITAH

My mother has always been very abusive. This started out with her starving me from the ages of 5-12 when I finally spoke my mind on the issue. She also nearly killed my brother when he was 13. She’s an alcoholic with a truly cruel personality. But here and there she can beautifully kind.
When I was 12 my mother started dating a man’s let’s call him Dean. Dean had been charged with rape by two different high school girls already. My father was immediately wary about my brother and I going over there but there wasn’t much he could really do. One time when it was just my mother’s boyfriend and I he asked me if he made me horny. This was when I was about twelve. He continued to say awkward things to me but I never tried to think too much of it because I loved my mother very much. I would hold in going to the bathroom for hours and hours. I would wait for my mother to get home and then go to the restroom in a room she was in. I never spent time outside of my room when I ended up moving in full time with them.
I ended up getting in trouble and her boyfriend decided it was needed to remove my door. He also came up with all of my other punishments which ended up taking all means of contacting people outside away from me.
When I was about fourteen he came into my room with a gun and brutally raped me. I ended up having a trauma response and repressing this memory for a while. Before I remembered the instance I moved out and told my mother it was because her boyfriend was a creep. She said she would go with me and told me to pack my things and leave them by the door. She got drunk and kicked me out and screamed all around the house.
I was so embarrassed when I remembered the actual rape that it took me a while to even tell anybody. I didn’t want anybody to know what I had done with the gun to my head. So I told a shortened story without the gun and just said I barely remembered anything other than him coming into my room taking his belt off and choking me. That felt less embarrassing.
My mother immediately made my entire family cut me off. She said I was a liar and said disgusting things to me. My entire side of that family cut me off and offered me nothing but unkindness. I even lost my oldest brother who was her son and not my fathers who was my best friend. My brother on my father’s side stuck by my side and lost his entire side of the family as well. It genuinely affects him everyday.
AITAH for not telling the whole story because it could’ve affected my mother’s decision to leave him?
submitted by Useful_Maximum5202 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:43 Dragonfire7707 The Dragon of Duskendale - A Biography of Aelor Targaryen by Maester Duncan Fullbright

The Dragon of Duskendale - A Biography of Aelor Targaryen by Maester Duncan Fullbright
Elia Martell, Aelor 'the Dragon of Duskendale' Targaryen, Renfred Rykker.
Prince Aelor Targaryen, second son of Aerys II Targaryen, Lord of Duskendale, Slayer of the Last Black Dragon, The Redeemer of the Iron Throne, but most know this remarkable man simply as the Dragon of Duskendale. Aelor's service to the Iron Throne can only be compared to his ancestor Viserys II to the impact he has had on the modern state of house Targaryen and the Iron Throne. Without his hard but fair rule as hand of the king and his military victories during the Times of Troubles the house of the dragon may have fallen from its place in history. Aelor's life sits in the middle of the largest turning point for the house of the dragon, and his involvement pulled his family from the brink of destruction.

Early Life (262-277)

Aelor Targaryen was born on the 4th day of the Eight Moon in the year 262 A.C. to Aerys II Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen. Aelor grew up the average life of a prince of the Iron Throne, growing up in the Red Keep of Kingslanding where he had all his needs met. Aelor was noticeably different then his older brother, Rhaegar I Targaryen, for his more active personality and his love of fighting. It is recorded that the prince as a boy had broken his nose three times due to his habit of fighting anyone who stood in his way. He was never alone in these moments however, having his constant companion Renfred Rykker with him as well. Lord Renfred Rykker and the Prince had known one another since the two were just 5 name days old, with the two never being seen without the other after that faithful day. House Rykker were at this time a knightly house who swore themselves to House Darklyn of Duskendale. Aelor would be given a full education in many subjects befit a Prince of the Iron Throne, but his attention was only kept when military affairs were what was being taught. He would read stories of his kinsmen Aemon 'the Dragon Knight' and would dream of one day being like him. The boy grow into an honorable man, a man who had an aura of authority to him, who would tirelessly work for what he wanted, and was reportedly as stubborn as a brick wall. He was the very image of a knight as well, thick of chest and strong of arm. He would squire under Barristan 'the Bold' Selmy of the Kingsguard, being knighted by him during the time of the Kingswood Brotherhood. His life was going as intended of the second son of the kingdom, a good knight and leader for his older brother. But his life would change in the year 277, when his father was kidnapped and rushed away to Duskendale.

The Lord of Duskendale (277-282)

Aelor's relationship with his father was never a clean cut one, with several letters and journals showing his growing distaste and fear of the man his father had become. But it would fully fall apart with the rest of Aerys's sanity after Duskendale. After his father slaughtered houses Darklyn and Hollard, Aerys would name Aelor the new lord of Duskendale. At this time only a boy of 10 and 5, Aelor's life would forever change. His first act as the new lord was to raise his dear friend and ally Renfred to the power of a Lord with a seat in Castle Hollard and the castle Bluntsmark. With Renfred by his side, Aelor would begin his rule over his newly gained seat. He would spend these first years trying to gain the trust of the smallfolk who he now ruled, and to show them that he was not like his father. Aelor is reported to have grew to love his new home, regarding the Dun Fort and Duskendale as his true home. Aelor's reign went smoothly, with the lords now under him loyal and the smallfolk beginning to grow fond of their new ruler. Soon he would be given his famous moniker, the Dragon of Duskendale, with both lords and smallfolk referring to him as such. While his rule was going smoothly, the same was not true for his father who only became worse as the years went on. His brother older brother Rhaegar was at this point the Prince of Dragonstone and remained on the island most of the time, while the small council was full of ineffective lords who did nothing to put Aerys in check. His brother would marry Elia Martell in 280 A.C. with the two seemingly happy enough. Aelor and Elia would become quick friends to one another, with the young prince coming to the capital to meet her on many occasions. These meetings and their relationship has been the subject of much debate among scholars, with some believing the two were actually lovers in secret. But these reports have never been fully verified and as such are merely rumor. What is confirmed his Aelor's love for his young niece and nephew Rhaenys and Aegon, with the prince showering both children with several gifts throughout their life. All of the problems that had been brewing beneath the surface of House Targaryen red scales would fully show its self during the year 281 during the Tourney of Harrenhal and its Aftermath. Harrenhal, where Rhaegar would name Lyanna Stark his Queen of Love and Beauty and would send House Targaryen on a path of Troubles. For his part, Aelor would curse out his brother openly to all and almost fought his brother in front of all of the Lords of the realm before being stopped by 3 knights. It was only a short time after that when Rhaegar decided to take Lyanna down south to his Tower of Joy and disgrace his wife and family. It was a short time after that when Aerys burned Rickard Stark in front of his own son and sent raven to the Eyrie to demand Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon meet the same fate. It was finally made clear that there was no going back when house Arryn called its banners, for war was now the only way forward in Westeros.

The Times of Troubles (282 - 305)

The Times of Troubles were a set of wars and hardships that house Targaryen went through that nearly lead to the destruction of their dynasty. For this section, it shall be split up into the wars that would claim the lives of many in Westeros and nearly spelt the end of the House of the Dragon.

Robert's Rebellion (282 - 283)

After the horrifying display by Aerys, the Stormlands, the Vale, the Riverlands, and the North rose in Rebellion against the Throne and against the Dragon. Aelor would raise his own banners against the Rebel lords, taking the fight to them by invading the Stormlands. He would lead house Targaryen's hosts against the rebellious Stormlords, defeating several smaller Stormlander forces with his host. His most defining victory in the Stormlands was the siege of the Bronze Gate, where he was able to claim the caste for himself with the help of the Martell army. It would have been easy for the Targaryen host to push to siege Storm's End, but Aelor was soon called away by his father with Mace Tyrell and the Reachmen instead taking on the responsibilities of the Siege. Aelor was instead told to regroup in the Riverlands, where most of the Rebel forces had grouped up. Aelor would do as he was told, but begrudgingly and, as it is written in his journals, because it gave him the chance to yell at his older brother about his stupidity when he met up with his host. With the strength of both Targaryen hosts, the Battle of the Trident would take place. Several knights would fall in this battle, but luck had been on the Loyalists side as Lord Eddard Stark had fallen ill and was unable to command his men in battle. During the fighting, Aelor proved his prowess as a commander and as a fighter as he tore through the enemy lines. But the most important moment of the fighting would not be his to claim, as Rhaegar had slain Robert Baratheon in open combat. Aelor would soon route the remaining rebels and was able to capture Lord Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn, and Robert Baratheon's younger brother Stannis. With the Rebel leaders captured, the Rebellion would soon fall apart, with the remaining Rebel forces surrendering in 283. The Rebel lords Stark, Arryn, Tully, and Baratheon would be gathered and brought to Kingslanding. The streets of the capital celebrated the return of the valiant heroes of Rhaegar and Aelor, much to ire of their father. Aerys did allow his sons to parade themselves in the streets and even named Rhaegar his new hand, but it is written and reported that he was paranoid the two of them were trying to remove him from power. With Rhaegar's new position, he was able some insight into how the Rebel lords would dealt with. But only so far, as Aerys had the major rebel lords burned alive with wildfire. Even young Renly Baratheon was killed in this manner after having to watch his older brother die in front of him, something that Aelor would never forgive his father for doing. The lands of the rebel lords would be handed out to loyalists, but was more a political battle between Aerys and Rhaegar for control over the Paramountcy Lords. Rhaegar was able to convince his father to name his long time friend Jon Connington to become the new lord of Storm's End and the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, and was able to have his former squire Myles Mooton named the new lord of Riverrun and even a marriage to Lysa Tully. But he would not win all the battles, with the Riverlands new Lord Paramount being house Darry and the North being stripped of the Starks, now headed by Benjen Stark, and given to the Boltens. The Vale would stay under Arryn control, with Lord Denys Arryn being named the new lord paramount. The pair of Targaryen princes would also receive boons from their father, when Aerys had the giant Valyrian Steel greatsword of house Stark melted into two Longswords. While a nice gesture on the surface, it was more meant as a slight against house Stark and the rebels then a gift for his sons. But they were still Valyrian steel swords, so the two brothers took them as theirs. Rhaegar would name his Summer Flame, a beautiful black black with giant red rubies along the cross guard and the head of a Red dragon on the pommel. Aelor would name his Hellfyre, a equally beautiful blade with a blue silver hilt with a cross guard made to look of dragons spreading their wings. With the fighting over and peace seemly restored, Rhaegar would once again disappear and reappear with a pregnant Lyanna Stark declaring her his true wife with his marriage to Elia now over. Many were shocked at this development, with the most angry being Aelor who would personally break his brother's nose and knock out a tooth. It is said he would have done worse if not for the four memebers of the Kingsguard and Elia talking him down from doing anything else. Elia would remain in the capital, raising her children making a note to not speak to Rhaegar from that point onwards. Elia and the children would spend more time in Duskendale with Aelor overtime, and even after they had grown up Elia would spend her time in Duskendale which would go to spread the rumor of their supposed affair. It is said that Elia and Lyanna had a friendly relationship until Lyanna's death in 284 due to complications with childbirth of her son, Aemon. Aemon and Aelor would not be as close as Aelor was with Aegon and Rhaenys, with Aemon spending most of his time in the Reach under the guardianship of Mace Tyrell. Before returning to Duskendale, Aelor would receive a raven from the Westerlands of an offer of marriage from Tywin Lannister. He wished to see his only daughter, young Cersei Lannister, married to him. Aelor decided to accept, with a celebration held in the Great Sept of Baelor in 283. Their relationship was at first a mostly cold one, expected from noble marriages, but from letters the two gave to one another later in life it would seem that they had grown to love one another in fullness. The pair would have a total of seven children together: Daeron (284), Aelora (285), Renfred (286), Rhaella (287), Beala (289), Cersei (291), and Daenerys (292). Unfortunately for this unlikely duo of lovers their time together would be cut short with the birth of Daenerys, as Cersei would die from complications of birth. Aelor would never remarry.

Rhaegar's Defiance (284 - 285)

It would be only one year after the end of the last rebellion when the next one began, this time a rebellion from within. Aerys's suspensions about Rhaegar would seem to have been true, as Rhaegar had began planning with other lords in the realm to replace his father. In 284 Rhaegar would march a personal retinue into the city, planning to put his father under house arrest and place himself on the throne. What became known as the Dragon Prince's Coup would fail, as Aerys had been told of the plan before hand and had the city guard attack Rhaegar's band. Rhaegar would escape and run to Duskendale, where he would ask for his younger brother's support in the coming war. Aelor agreed, but not because he believed his foolish brother would lead the realm in a better direction but more to remove the danger that Aerys had become for good. Aelor would send Ravens across the realm, with most of the realm rising up in support of Rhaegar. The little force that Aerys did have would fight openly and furiously, but it mattered very little. With their father's forces scattered, Aelor and Rhaegar would march on Kingslanding and officially removed Aerys from power. Aelor wished to see his father sent to the Night's Watch so that he would see some level of punishment, but Rhaegar would keep his father under house arrest instead for the rest of his life until dying of a heart attack in 292. His last words recorded were "Im sorry." which he said to no one, with only his guard hearing it from the other room. Upon his accension, Rhaegar was celebrated as the light at the end of the tunnel for House Targaryen's troubles. No more of Aerys's madness, now a Targaryen who was respected and loved would rule. While this was the case for most, some were not as sure and would call out his villainous actions up this point and that the Dragon Prince was nothing more then a Usurper with backing. But these calls were low among the Smallfolk and the Lords, who were just happy to see Aerys gone. Rhaegar would assemble his new small council, with Lord Jon Connington becoming the Master of Laws, Lord Tywin Lannister as the Master of Coin, Lord Myles Mooton as the Master of Ships, and he would keep Varys as the Master of Whisperers. Aelor would be named the new Hand of the King, a job that he would take in fully. Aelor would soon institute new rules and laws and would begin to stabilize the Targaryen realm. He was able to peacefully deal with the Stark Uprising of 288, with house Stark once again becoming the Lords of the North while declaring their fealty to house Targaryen. He was the major factor in the stabilization and eventual return to power of house Targaryen, with him being in truth the one ruling while his brother was in his own world of magic and songs of ice and fire. Aelor would become a well respected figure in this time, and would spend his time outside of his duties as Hand hunting with Renfred, enjoying the beauty of Duskendale, and toasting to house Targaryens new rise. But not everything was perfect, as in 298 Elia would die on a voyage to Duskendale. Aelor would write in his journal that this was "the deepest moment of sadness that I have ever felt in my years of living".

The Sixth Blackfyre Rebellion (299 - 305)

The final war of the Times of Troubles, Aegon Blackfyre, the last remaining male Blackfyre, would land in Westeros and declare his intent to take the Throne once and for all. The realm however responded in kind with threats of death for those who would harm house Targaryen rule. But some would join the Black dragon, such as Dorne due to the actions of Rhaegar with Elia and the Stormlands led by Jon Connington who had a falling out with Rhaegar that resulted in him wishing to see Rhaegar removed from power. Aelor would raise the banners of the realm and march against the Black Dragons forces, with most of the fighting happening in Dorne and the Stormlands. The fighting would rage on for years, with Aelor contining to show his military prowess. His younger brother, Viserys, would also show his strength for leadership and battle in this war as well personally leading the Sack of Sunspear and the Battle in the Marches. The war would come to an end on fields of Summerhall, where both sides would clash. During the fighting, Aelor would personally face Aegon Blackfyre and slay the would be king with Hellfyre bringing their line to an end once and for all. After the war, the Martells would be removed from power and would escape to their estates in Essos. House Connington would be allowed to stay in power in the Stormlands, with Jon Connington having died in battle and Rhaegar declaring that his young son would not be punished because of his father. Viserys would be given Sunspear as a reward for his bravery and heroism, while Aemon would be given lands in the Reach taken from Rebellious lords due to Aemon's marriage to Olenna Tyrell, daughter of Mace Tyrell. The Times of Troubles would officially be over, with House Targaryen weathering the storm and coming out stronger for it, with most of it being the firm reliable leadership of the Dragon of Duskendale. But this peace came at a cost, for an assassin's blade nearly took the life of Aelor during the war. However, Renfred, ever the loyal friend, would die in the place of his friend. Aelor marked this as the second moment of incredible sadness in his life, and when he learned it was his own vassals that had funded the assassin he was furious. Lord Raymund Dargood was in fact a Blackfyre supporter and tried to remove Aelor to cause choas for the realm. Aelor would march a small group of his own retinue back to Duskendale to put down this rebellious lord, but when he arrived he was told about the Dargood's flight to Essos. With their castle now abandoned, he would give the castle to his second son Renfred and return to the fighting. In Essos, Raymund Dargood was founded brutally stabbed to death in the street naked, the only thing that was recognizable on his body was Aelor's personal arms burned into his flesh.

Later Life (305-330)

In his later life, Aelor would begin to slowly take a step back from leadership, allowing others to slowly take over for him. In 310 A.C. Rhaegar Targaryen would die in his sleep peacefully, with Aegon VI Targaryen taking the Throne. Aelor would resign from the position of hand in 315 A.C., having served two kings faithfully and returned to Duskendale in full. He would remain in Duskendale, taking in the richness of the home of his choice for the rest of his life. He finally passed away in 330 A.C. dying with his loved ones there to comfort him. Aegon VI would give his dear uncle a gift, a little porcelain dragon that he received as a gift that he wished to return. It is recorded that Aelor's final words were "You keep it, and remember what it means my boy......... I see them...... Cersei..... Ren..... Elia....". It is now the year 450 A.C. and the Dragon of Duskendale's influence on modern Westerosi politics is still felt today, with House Targaryen standing stronger then ever and serving faithfully in the Crownlands is House Targaryen of Duskendale. Their arms are Aelor's personal arms, two white dragons in battle, on a field of white. Their words "Fire, Blood, and Honor", words that their founder lived by and stood by.
A Family Portrait made in 308 A.C. of House Aelor's Family. Top Left to Right - Renfred: wife Amyrela of Tyrosh Children Jaehaerys and Aelinor, Rhaella: husband Arstyn Whent and son Ronald and unborn Harstyn, Aelor, Daeron: wife Eglantine Staunton children Rhaenys and Visenya, Aelora: husband Aelor Rykker (son of Renfred) and newborn daughter Lyse. Bottom Left to Right - Cersei: husband Joffery Rosby. Daenerys: Never married, Baela : husband Lorgen Mallister and newborn son Bennet.
Final notes from Author of this post: This was an incredibly fun RP campaign I had thats based on the really great fanfiction by Kerjack (here's a link to it https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14129657/2/The-Dragon-of-Duskendale-Rewritten give it a read!). I really loved the story that unfolded with this playthrough and the story I was able to get from Aelor and his family. I am pretty sure that most of them are mine due to the hair (except Baela with the suspiciously golden hair and lack of Targaryen features LOL still love her though). This was one of the most fun campaigns and stories I have made in this mod and in CK3 in general and I really excited to see where the mod goes from here! If anyone has any questions just leave them below I would love to answer them.
submitted by Dragonfire7707 to CK3AGOT [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:43 Gr8Autoxr My Wheel Experience with NVDA

My NVDA wheel, from assignment to assignment. For people to want to know a little of what its like. Emotionally, I work a full time job and have a long investing horizon, so if it took 16 years to recover, it would suck, but I would be fine.
Sold 1 week out at 30 delta. Only had 3 weeks before assignment. Sold 860p 3-22, then a 835 3-28, then a 920p which got assigned for a total premium of $2,721.
Then I was in at 920 and it was an adventure as the low during my holding was 756. So I began to sell covered calls weekly. Selling 925 4-12, 920 4-19, 915 4-19, which I closed early and opened a 910 4-19. For $3,839.
Then the stock went up to 907, at my strike I rolled up and out to a $1,336 4-26 for a net credit of $968.
The stock then started to make its downward movement, however my cost basis with all the premiums was 840. So up until there, I could close and not have a loss.
As the price got close to my cost basis, I sold an additional put at 860, which wasn’t in my plan and ended up closing it for a loss of $5. Re-thinking and studying my plan and reserves I could have an additional 100 shares sold a put 4-26 820 for $1,128 and a CC 5-10 $920 for 1,079. Here I’m starting to have to go farther out. This is when the stocks takes a dump, with me holding that 820 put. At 2 its not part of the plant to sell more, so I sat on hands. Eventually the stock recovered, but if not I would have averaged down and started selling calls at 870. Instead the price recovered. On the way up I sold a 5-3 920p for $923, then finally a 5-10 925 for $923. Which was assigned just before earnings week. I prefer not to be invested during earning, unless necessary, so I let it get called away for a $2460 gain. $14,360 total gain on $177k, Using $177k in capital, for an 8% gain in 2 months or about 48% a year. Certainly less than the stock as it shot straight up. Just holding from 920 to 1120 would have been 20k on the 100 shares I was holding,, but then I would have to have held through earnings and who knows. Could have gone to 500 too. No one knows. Max drawdown $8,495 or 4.8%.
submitted by Gr8Autoxr to thetagang [link] [comments]
