Bubble lette rnames

Check out these traction pads from 1989.

2024.04.22 19:18 OkMeringue2249 Check out these traction pads from 1989.

Check out these traction pads from 1989.
Which one you using?
submitted by OkMeringue2249 to surfing [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 09:34 GasWest7490 what to do to improve myself ?cause i don't like myself but i dont wanna hate myself?

well rn i am 18 and tbh i dont like the way i am rn i really need advice .i was actually a very confident in myself but when covid hit i was 15 and all my other friends became best friends and they forgot about me , i started being lonely and sad after that ,i tried to talking with them but ig i wasnt that intresting (i read books i dont watch movies )i didnt had any thing that interest them ,i tried to be cool and keep up with movies and show but i failed misarably then i didn't met the goal that i set to myself academically and then after lockdown i just coudn't do anything anymore it came to a point that i coudnt even look myself in the mirror i hated every thing cause the thing that i was good at i realised that i am not as good as i thought and i felt like i dont deserve anything anymore its been 2 years now and i am so stupid that i am in still my bubble i dont have friends, acadimically i still suck,i loose my weight cause of stress and i have no control over my life i hate it i dont even know how my days pass i am just here i feel like i am just 18 now what am i going to do when i grow older cause i feel like i am on autopilot mode i just feel saddness nothing else i dont remember the last time i actually felt happy i am just faking my emotion and i am lettting my parents down cause looking back it was not a big that i didnt achive the goal but now why am i so scared of everything in life i have panic attack on daily basis and i still cant seem to be confident in anything that i do i rearly leave my house i am just scrolling mu life away i dont feel happy. i just wanna improve cause i spend my late teen being in my sad little bubble hiding from everyone but now i am sick of it i dont wanna spent my life baing like this.its so stupid and silly but i just dont feel confident anymore i am so sorry for my grammar and spelling english is not my first language
submitted by GasWest7490 to women [link] [comments]

2023.12.17 18:38 EthanGaming7640 hoohle imahes for h

hoohle imahes for h submitted by EthanGaming7640 to TheLetterH [link] [comments]

2023.12.12 14:19 yeezymacheet Can anyone explain to me why when I turn on my merge node, I lose my material over the bubbles? And how to fix it? On the copy to points node it looks fine, but on the merge node it switches back to the default material for the bubbles.

Can anyone explain to me why when I turn on my merge node, I lose my material over the bubbles? And how to fix it? On the copy to points node it looks fine, but on the merge node it switches back to the default material for the bubbles. submitted by yeezymacheet to Houdini [link] [comments]

2023.11.25 03:33 Training-Example8837 Creature concept art!

Creature concept art!

The concept in question
I’m having some problems with the growing population of Arachyu. My friends have all told me that Arachyu have been hogging the ambush spaces in shallow bodies of water, as well as killing them in the sea for no apparent reason.
So, I’ve decided to create concept art for a creature that can maim the Arachyu, but also be 2.2x weak to bleed damage from Syroudon and Axothan. With this, it might balance the aquatic meta a bit since right now, there are unreasonably overpowered creatures like the Arrainoa, and functionally unused creatures like the Chamei and Slaiorn.
Could I have some feedback pls :D

submitted by Training-Example8837 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2023.11.10 02:06 ZeroCentsMade New Face, Old Enemies – Doctor Who Classic: Season 12 Review

This post is part of a series of reviews. To see them all, click here.

Season Information


Season 12 is one of those big inflection points for Doctor Who. New Doctor. New Production team. Even a new companion. And with all of this came a new feel for the show. After Robot leaned in heavily on the trappings of the 3rd Doctor era, the rest of the season was a series of stories that connected together, at least in the sense that each came directly after the other. That does have an effect on the season, and I'll talk about about that later but there is one thing that I want to start this post off with.
Behind the scenes, Season 12 was the most chaotic season of Doctor Who since at least the 2nd Doctor era. While obviously significantly shorter than any of those seasons (and indeed any Doctor Who season up to that point), it still managed to have significant script issues on two different stories, meaning that Robert Holmes heavily rewrote both of them. Even Robot, still produced under Barry Letts, and produced as part of the Season 11 block, was a bit of chaos in filming, due to the Planet of the Spiders filming go way over schedule. As a result, Nicholas Courtney, John Levene and Elizabeth Sladen were all rushing between filming the two very different stories. That being said, my favorite behind the scenes story comes from Robert Holmes and Phillip Hinchcliffe being unable to make contact with John Lucarotti for further drafts on the story that would become The Ark in Space…because Lucarotti lived on a boat and was somewhere in the middle of the Mediterranean at the time. Absolutely wild.
But as referenced above, each story in Season 12 happens directly after the previous. And that gives the season a different feel than recent ones. Generally speaking we know that during the 3rd Doctor era there would be stretches where the companion, especially Jo, was just off living her life. Life at the UNIT base would also continue on, and we'd only check in when something interesting happened. Season 12's back to back to back style of storytelling reminds me a lot of the early days of the 1st Doctor era, where each story would end on a cliffhanger leading into the next. That changes how the show feels, just in the sense of the way the main cast acts, how they talk about their lives, and so on. I think it's a welcome change. I didn't mind the 3rd Doctor era's more relaxed feel, on balance I think I prefer it, but I think Doctor Who is a show that needs to change up its feel every now and again.
It's also worth noting that this season feels very much like Producer Phillip Hinchcliffe and Script Editor Robert Holmes were still testing the waters as to what kind of show they really wanted to make. Hinchcliffe and Holmes didn't want to do six-parters, and yet they had planned to do two, and would have done if circumstances hadn't changed. They wanted to move away from recurring villains, and didn't particularly like the Daleks, and yet not only did this season contain the most well-known Classic Dalek story (probably the most well-known Dalek story of all time, but I'm hedging my bets a little), but it also had 3 of its 5 stories, and 12 of its 20 episodes devoted to returning villains (Sontarans, Daleks and Cybermen). And this isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's just a new production team figuring things out, and it's worth noting that they did inherit early versions of these scripts from the prior team.
The actual stories though…this is a very popular season, but it's not a favorite of mine. Only Genesis of the Daleks stands out to me as something special, though in fairness it is very special. Ark in Space is solid, but not really my thing, and the rest of the season is okay to poor in my opinion. And in a way, I can't help but think that that behind the scenes chaos finally leaked onto the screen a bit. During the Peter Bryant era of Doctor Who the show was always in chaos behind the scenes, but somehow the actual onscreen show was consistently solid. Here though, I feel pretty confident in saying that scripting difficulties were a huge part of the problem with Revenge of the Cybermen, and honestly that, and the difficulties with Ark in Space may have had some knock on effects on some of the other stories.
And this season really doesn't do the companions justice. This is Harry's only full season of action and he's very forgettable in my eyes. Ian Marter is a very charming actor, but that charm can only get you so far if its not backed by anything and Harry…I can't help but feel like there's not much there. He's constantly befuddled by everything around him…in the first episode of his stories, after which point he just sort of falls into the role "guy who hangs around with the Doctor". A big issue is that he almost never gets to act on his own, limiting his characterization to mostly playing straight man to the Doctor and occasionally getting insulted by him. Even his casual sexism, the one character trait he's remembered for, isn't as emphasized as you might think. I think that when his initial planned role of team TARDIS muscle was nixed due to Tom Baker being younger than they had planned the 4th Doctor to be, nobody quite knew what to do with Harry.
Sarah Jane on the other hand…well she's a character I've repeatedly said does best in her own time and place. So while she makes a pretty good accounting for herself in Robot, spending the rest of the season on spaceships, alien planets and a version of the Earth that might as well be an alien planet (it was shot in a quarry after all) doesn't exactly do her justice. This will get better, and to some extent we see it getting better in this season. Since Harry's often paired off with the Doctor, she does get to operate on her own a fair bit, and she usually comes out okay. She does show a tendency to nearly give up partway through though, as shown in the ventilator crawl in Ark and the rocket scaling in Genesis.
But this season is probably most notable for introducing the 4th Doctor. And he makes an immediate positive impression. Tom Baker's performance is so different from anything that came before him, it's hard to really know how to compare him to his predecessors. The idea was to portray the 4th Doctor as an eccentric, and Baker seems like he was born to do just that. The way he talks is probably the most distinctive amongst all of the Doctors. The way he'd smile in unexpected moments was a unique bit of writing too.
But what really stands out in this season is what he doesn't do. To be sure this Doctor has the same scientific knowledge of any other but he doesn't really lean on being a scientist, especially after UNIT story Robot. Instead the 4th Doctor, and indeed all Doctor that succeeded him, is more like a knowledgeable enthusiast than a proper scientist. And that's a huge change from past Doctors, especially coming off of the 3rd Doctor era, where the Doctor leaned more into being a scientist than ever before.
While a bit chaotic behind the scenes, Season 12 did some interesting things and found a new identity for the show. But it's also notable for being just 20 episodes long. There was initially planned to be a six part story that would finish off the season with the, at this point standard, 26 episodes. However the debut of ITV's new science fiction show Space: 1999 in September of 1975, caused some concern at the BBC, and so the start of the next season was moved up to compete with the new show, and that last story was moved with it…


Best Story: Genesis of the Daleks
I don't feel like I have much left to say about this story after my review. It's just a really well-made story telling the origins of the Daleks, that finally gives them back some of their uniqueness.
Worst Story: Revenge of the Cybermen
I contend that there's a good story hiding within Revenge, but unfortunately a chaotic writing process seems to have buried whatever chance that story had of coming out.
Most Important: Genesis of the Daleks
I mean this is the story that rewrote the Dalek origin story to the one that's stuck to from that point forwards. It also introduced Davros who would appear in every subsequent Dalek story of the Classic era.
Funniest Story: The Sontaran Experiment
Not a lot of humor this season, so Experiment, which has a high concentration of jokes in its second episode, mostly built around Styre saying weird things about humans, takes it.
Scariest Story: The Ark in Space
Sure it uses green bubble wrap to signify a transformation from human into bug. But that's still a transformation from human into bug and there is a lot of inherent horror built into Ark's premise.


  1. Genesis of the Daleks (9/10)
  2. The Ark in Space (7/10)
  3. The Sontaran Experiment (6/10)
  4. Robot (5/10)
  5. Revenge of the Cybermen (3/10)
Season Rankings
These are based on weighted averages that take into account the length of each story. Take this ranking with a grain of salt however as doubtless as I work my way through the show, my standards will change for what each rating means, and they probably have already
  1. Season 7 (8.1/10)
  2. Season 10 (7.5/10)
  3. Season 4 (7.0/10)
  4. Season 11 (6.5/10)
  5. Season 12 (6.3/10)
  6. Season 6 (6.3/10)
  7. Season 1 (6.2/10)
  8. Season 3 (6.0/10)
  9. Season 5 (6.0/10)
  10. Season 2 (5.8/10)
  11. Season 9 (5.8/10)
  12. Season 8 (5.8/10)
Next Time: The Doctor, Sarah and Harry finally get back to Earth, called back by the Brigadier, and they've arrived right by Loch Ness. I'm sure the monster has nothing to do with this one.
submitted by ZeroCentsMade to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2023.10.27 03:01 ZeroCentsMade Optimism Through Horror – The Ark in Space Review

This post is part of a series of reviews. To see them all, click here.

Serial Information


My Doctorate is purely honorary, and Harry here is only qualified to work on sailors. – The Doctor
I've touched on this before, but I'm not a big fan of horror. I don't mind it, it just doesn't have a particularly strong effect on me. And since we're entering the "gothic horror" period of Doctor Who, as shepherded by Producer Phillip Hinchcliffe and Script Editor Robert Holmes, what I'm really saying is, expect me to be a fair bit more critical of a lot of stories of this era than most would be. And that's the blanket statement for this era of Doctor Who.
This doesn't mean I'm incapable of enjoying the more horror-leaning or gruesome stories mind you.
What The Ark in Space does best for me is worldbuilding. Episode 1 is my favorite episode of the story for this very reason. As the Doctor, Harry and Sarah Jane explore a dormant Ark with its crew waiting to be woken up, they learn more and more about the world that produced the Ark. I love how information about the Ark is drip fed to audience in this episode, from the Doctor figuring out that the Ark is a millennia old ship, and making other deductions about the purpose of the ship, to Sarah Jane being teleported into one of the sleeper pods and getting a rather off-puttingly optimistic message about the glorious future that the Ark is in aid of.
Once we start meeting Ark crew members, we learn that the Ark comes from a version of the Earth that is highly ordered where everyone has a designated role. I'm reminded a bit of the society Zoe came from, as seen in The Wheel in Space, a story that in my review I argued the worldbuilding was one of the few bright spots. But The Ark in Space does a much better job because the characters from that world, particularly Vira and, when he's still himself, Noah, really emphasize their adherence to that rigid structure. Other characters behave more individualistically, but that can be understood as them being because they aren't as devoted to that system.
And yet underpinning this story about humanity within a stifling social structure that should destroy their individuality and spirit, is a general feeling of optimism. It's strange to say about one of the more gruesome stories of its era, but Ark in Space is an oddly hopeful story. The Ark itself is a testament to human persistence of, as the Doctor puts it, that they are indomitable. It's a giant ship built to preserve the human race in the light of an inevitable planet-wide calamity (solar flares). And even when things go wrong due to unforeseeable circumstances, Ark in Space assures us that eventually someone will show up to start waking up the humans again.
But eventually the story has to actually get around to its story about the insects that eat you up from the inside and eventually turn you into more of them. And this is where my general apathy towards the horror genre does hurt my enjoyment of the story a fair bit. I can definitely recognizes the elements of a good horror story present here. The Wirrn's ability to eat you up from the inside is classic body horror, and the fact that they can convert you into one of them adds a psychological element to the process. The practical effects on the Wirrn, whether it's the metamorphosing stage where Noah essentially looks like he's got green bubble wrap attached to his hand (because he does), or their final stage, which is just a giant inflexible prop…still manage to get gravity of the situation (though admittedly the bubble wrap is still a bit questionable).
But, like I said, I'm generally apathetic towards horror. The mental takeover of human beings, and the idea that one Wirrn can gain the knowledge and experience of multiple humans, does connect with me a bit more, because it leans more into human drama, but even then, I had difficulty connecting to this story. The Wirrn, while definitely having potential, ultimately didn't much interest me as monsters. There's still plenty of good sequences throughout the story but, if you're not a horror guy, the whole is definitely going to be less than the sum of its parts.
Still, this story is full of well-thought out characters. The most important member of the guest cast is Vira, chief med-tech of the Ark. That job description is kind of important, as Vira's vocabulary is the kind precision that sets your teeth on edge. And it, in turn, helps emphasize that worldbuilding I talked about earlier. For someone who is the futuristic equivalent of a Doctor she's very cold, saving Sarah Jane from stasis but saying "she will either survive or die," with essentially no emotion.
But Vira isn't just that. As the story progresses however we get to see her take on more human dimensions. To go back to the comparison to Wheel in Space, you could compare Vira to Zoe in the sense that both characters slowly seem to realize that the way they've been programmed to behave has cut them off from their humanity. But whereas Wheel makes that explicit, Ark in Space lets it be subtext – and I think it works. By the end of the story Vira has warmed up quite a bit, seemingly having learned from the example of the Doctor and his friends.
She was also pair-bonded (read: married) to the mission commander Noah. Noah (not his actual name, but the crew made an "amusement" out of the reference and it seems to have stuck) could have been a problem character. The Ark in Space is a return to the base under siege format most common in the 2nd Doctor era, and last seen in Season 7's Inferno. And Noah is a return to that most annoying of archetypes, the obstructionist base commander. Except Robert Holmes, who wrote this story, seems to have understood that this is a character archetype that needed some work. As such Noah as "Noah" is barely in this story. He's not in episode 1 at all, having not yet been revived from stasis, and isn't a major presence until the back half of episode 2. In that episode he's a pain, but to some degree it's understandable. And then he gets taken over by the Wirrn, and his obstructionism is presented as being more due to that. And that is how you do the obstructionist base commandebureaucrat archetype. You justify it, and you don't use them as a way to fill time. Noah isn't a great character, his best moment comes at the end of the story when a tiny part of humanity left in him allows him to destroy the Wirrn, but he is a welcome relief from past experiences with similar characters.
That's mostly it for our secondary cast, though I'll briefly mention the amusing duo of Rogin and Lycett who bring some much needed levity when they're woken up…shame they both die. As for the main cast, the Doctor is great again. After a pretty weird but great start in Robot, Tom Baker is allowing his performance to settle down a bit, but still playing to elements that were successful in his debut story. That slightly off-putting eccentricity is still there, but now it's supplemented by a bit more gravitas. His speech on humanity in episode 1 really gives the Doctor a chance to do something we haven't seen much of in the show to this point, regardless of incarnation: philosophize, which sets up that optimistic theme I mentioned up above.
Sarah Jane and Harry on the other hand…well neither exactly has a bad story, but there are some worrying signs there. For Sarah Jane Ark in Space feels like an exploration of her flaws more than anything. If Jo was introduced with her primary flaw being that she would often act without thinking first, Sarah Jane feels like the opposite. This goes back to her introduction in The Time Warrior, but Sarah Jane is very good at planning out workable ideas. What she often lacks is the ability to put those ideas into practice, particularly when things get more physical. This aligns with her status as a journalist, and it leads to scenes like her crawl though the Ark ventilation system (of course). The crawl was entirely her idea, as the only person small enough to actually do it, and yet she nearly gives up about 90% of the way there (in fairness, as someone with mild claustrophobia, I would do much the same). There's nothing wrong with this section on its face, even the bit where the Doctor motivates Sarah by insulting her is played just light enough that I thought it was more charming than anything else.
My concern is that these moments might (and, I've watched ahead, they often do) lead to some writers diminishing her overall capability, especially as the show takes her more and more away from her element. It doesn't help that Sarah Jane just constantly ends up in some form of trouble throughout the story. It's not really ever her fault, but she does end up playing damsel in distress a lot here, moreso than she ever did in Season 11. This might have been an inevitable consequence of Doctor Who leaning in more than ever before into horror tropes, but it's worrying trend nonetheless that is worth keeping an eye on.
Harry meanwhile is usually paired with the Doctor in this story, particularly early on. This feels like a good call, as establishing how their interactions are going to work early on into Harry's time as a companion helps sell the character to the audience. Unfortunately this story also leans into Harry's sexism a lot. He was described by Sarah Jane as "old-fashioned" in Robot, but it's only really in this story that we learn that that essentially means sexist. My issue with Harry's sexism isn't that it exists. He's an "old-fashioned" man from either the 1970s or 80s, and sexism is a valid thing to introduce as a character flaw. Jamie, for instance, could be quite sexist at times. But with Jamie it was almost always presented as a character flaw and he did get a bit better as the show progressed. Harry however…I'm sure the writers of the time didn't want to present his sexism as a positive trait, and Sarah Jane is constantly getting on his case when he presents sexist attitudes, but it feels to me like it's presented less as a character flaw and more of an odd quirk of his character. Certainly he'll never meaningfully evolve on that front, though of course he's given a lot less time than Jamie to do so. And I think we shouldn't ignore that it's a lot more forgivable when a character from the 1740s is sexist than a character from the 1970s (or 80s).
The other side is that Ian Marter is quite a charming presence on screen. There's a simultaneous thing in this story that Harry seems entirely unable to accept any of the science fiction elements of the show until he's seen them for himself, but then is completely non-plussed by them once he sees them. If that sounds like a criticism, it's not. I'm not Harry's biggest fan, but I can somewhat see his charm in moments where he's suggesting that the Doctor deploy a fleet of TARDISes to help with crowd control at Trafalgar Square.
In case I haven't made it clear, the horror elements of Ark in Space's just aren't my thing. But, the worldbuilding and secondary characters in this story are strong enough to somewhat make up for that. Meanwhile the 4th Doctor continues along a strong start for his character, and Sarah Jane and Harry acquit themselves pretty well, though there are some troubling signs for the future…
Score: 7/10

Stray Observations

Next Time: The Doctor, Sarah Jane and Harry return to Earth to find it a surprisingly lively planet considering the solar flares of it all. Look there's a couple of surviving humans! And there's another surviving human being tortured to death by a Sontaran…why can we never have nice things?
submitted by ZeroCentsMade to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2023.10.14 09:31 Mixe3y Bubbles önkiszolgáló mosoda, lehúzás, van ehhez joguk?

Kontextus: elromlott itthon a mosógép, viszont mára mindenképpen kellett mosnunk egyet, mert esküvőre megyünk, így felkerestük a legközelebbi Bubbles önkiszolgáló mosodát.
Regisztráltam az alkalmazásban, megadtam, hogy hol vagyok és 2200 forintot fizettem Simple-ön keresztül. Viszont az alkalmazás nem írta ki, hogy most akkor mehet, használhatom valamelyik gépet vagy ilyesmi, csak visszadobott a főoldalra.
Megpróbáltam újra, ezúttal bescanneltem a gépen található QR kódot, ismét 2200 forint, de ezúttal működik.
Hívom az ügyfélszolgálatot, hogy hát duplán vonták le az összeget a kártyámról, az első használatot szeretném lemondani, mert azt sem tudom, hogy melyik gép lett hozzám társítva. Az ügyfélszolgálatos lány tájékoztat, hogy az 1-es és 2-es gép és hogy akkor valószínűleg az 1-es... Rögzítette a panaszt, keresni fognak.
Előbb kaptam egy levelet, hogy 100%-os kuponnal kompenzálnának (ami 3 hónapig jó). Visszaírtam nekik, hogy köszönöm, inkább pénzvisszatérítést kérnék. (Reményeim szerint hétfő/kedd magasságában jön mosógépszerelő, nem tervezek huzamosabb ideig Bubbles-özni.)
Válasz: jó, akkor 1000 forint kezelési költséget számolnak fel.
Ehhez van joguk? Vagy nekem lehet valamilyen jogi alapom, amit hozzájuk vághatok, hogy ne vicceljenek már ezzel?

Note: nyilván nem azt az 1000 forintot sajnálom, inkább az a dühítő, hogy ez egyértelmű lehúzás. Szívem szerint visszaírnék nekik, hogy tartsák meg és költsék gyógyszerre..

edit: typo
submitted by Mixe3y to askhungary [link] [comments]

2023.10.11 01:53 ZeroCentsMade The Epilogue – Doctor Who Classic: Season 11 Review

This post is part of a series of reviews. To see them all, click here.

Season Information


It really feels like you could have ended the 3rd Doctor era after The Green Death. Sure, the Doctor didn't actually regenerate in that story, nor should he have, but that scene of the Doctor driving off into the sunset as the rest of the main cast celebrate Jo's impending wedding, that felt like an ending. And on top of that, so much of what defined the 3rd Doctor era was necessarily gone in Season 11. Roger Delgado's untimely death meant that the Master wouldn't be returning. The show had taken steps towards phasing UNIT out entirely. And of course, Jo was now gone.
So what we have in Season 11 is a 26 episode, 5 story, coda to the 3rd Doctor era. The Doctor's still hanging around UNIT – in fact this is the most we've seen of UNIT since Season 8 – but he's got a new companion who isn't technically affiliated with the intelligence organization. Mike Yates betrays UNIT in the first UNIT story, and returns in the second as a very capable civilian. Benton and the Brigadier are as sidelined as they've ever been. Benton gets a few scenes to show off in Invasion of the Dinosaurs, while the Brigadier gets a couple of scenes at the beginning and end of Planet of the Spiders and beyond that they're essentially reduced to the army guys.
Now, one thing you'll often see remarked about this season is that Jon Pertwee stopped putting as much effort into his performances. It is true that Pertwee had lost a certain amount of passion for the show due to Roger Delgado's death and Katy Manning's departure, but I disagree. Outside of Death of the Daleks, which was, as much as anything, down to a bad script, Pertwee seems as alive as ever in the role. But there is a certain tiredness to how the character is written. I think that has more to do with the subject matter of the stories as anything.
See, Season 11 had the odd habit of taking darker looks at established Doctor Who genres. Invasion of the Dinosaurs was one of the darkest UNIT stories, owing to its imagery of military brutality and wealthy and powerful people doing what they wanted. Monster of Peladon was a lot more critical of both Peladon and the Federation than Curse of Peladon. Planet of the Spiders had a somber and contemplative tone, which is weird to say about the giant spider story, but is the case. Even The Time Warrior, generally a lighter and sillier story than the others in this season had kind of a sardonic tone to it, rather than being a pure comedic story like Carnival of Monsters.
And I think, just as much as the stuff I mentioned before, this is a big part of why this season feels more like a coda to the 3rd Doctor era than a part of it. This slate of stories, accidentally or on purpose, leaves the season kind of melancholic, and the Doctor follows suit as a result. The dashing hero, who always has a quip after he throws an assailant off of him, is replaced with a quieter, more reflective Doctor. Given how season 10 ended, this is actually a very natural development. And none of this means that Pertwee's performance is weaker. He still gets moments where he can show off all of the energy he did in his first four seasons, and he takes advantage of those.
And he has a new friend. Sarah Jane Smith, one of the most popular companions of all time, the definitive companion of the classic era…is actually a bit of an odd character for this show. She's a character that typically works best when separated from the Doctor and allowed to operate on her own, especially in her own time. In The Time Warrior, her introductory story, she's introduced by working directly against the Doctor for a while. In Invasion of the Dinosaurs she shows of her skills as an investigative journalist and spends much of the story running her own, parallel, investigation. Even in what is probably her worst story of the season, she gets some good moments…when she's on her own. That would be Death to the Daleks, where she's largely incapable of helping for most of the story…until splitting with the Doctor where she suddenly contributes greatly to the defeat of the Daleks. I could keep going, but I think the point should be obvious. Sarah Jane is best when she's on her own, and fortunately the season gives us plenty of opportunities to see just that.
Now the relationship between the 3rd Doctor and Sarah Jane is a bit odd. While the 3rd Doctor's original companion was Liz, the way in which the 3rd Doctor interacted with a companion was really developed with Jo. That was a clear surrogate fathedaughter relationship, probably the most obvious case of that since Vicki left the TARDIS. And so a lot of the way the 3rd Doctor behaves towards Sarah Jane is similarly affectionate yet authoritative. But Sarah Jane isn't like Jo. She's a lot closer to Liz: a serious, highly capable professional. And so there's a disconnect between how the Doctor treats Sarah Jane and the person she clearly is. Frankly, Sarah Jane doesn't need a father figure, and the character doesn't make sense to operate with one. This is part of the reason why Sarah Jane works best on her own – though the main reason is that an investigative journalist works best when she can actually do the investigating, similar to how Liz, as a scientist, worked best when she actually got to do some science.
That's not to say I didn't like the two together, or believe that they didn't have a real connection. In quieter moments, when the Doctor could be just affectionate without being authoritative, they had a quite sweet relationship that was distinct from the 3rd DoctoJo relationship. And as time passed, it felt more and more like the Doctor was willing to lean on Sarah Jane's more independent spirit, probably best exemplified in Monster of Peladon.
Season 11 ended the 3rd Doctor era on a very strange note. The season was quite good, though not as good as the absurd highs of the 3rd Doctor era, but tonally much more somber. In many ways it felt like the 3rd Doctor era had already ended, and now, we were just in a season-long epilogue.


Best Story: Invasion of the Dinosaurs
Malcolm Hulke's final story was, I think, his best solo work. There's a lot of interesting stuff bubbling under the surface here, with a good plot and some very pointed social commentary to go with it. If the first thing you think of when you think of this story is the bad dinosaur effects, give this one another watch, you may be pleasantly surprised.
Worst Story: Death to the Daleks
This one starts off quite well, episode 1 of Death to the Daleks is one of the better single episodes of the season. And then the Daleks arrive and it all falls apart. Not because of the Daleks mind you, like in the rest of the 3rd Doctor era they're fine but fairly generic, but rather because the main plot is rubbish, and you can only avoid that for so long.
Most Important: The Time Warrior
You might think I should have gone with the regeneration story here, but since my whole argument in this post is that the 3rd Doctor era kind of got its grand finale with The Green Death, that dilutes the importance of Planet of the Spiders somewhat. Meanwhile The Time Warrior is really the only story that sets up stuff for the show beyond this season, thanks to its really excellent introduction for Sarah Jane Smith.
Funniest Story: The Time Warrior
Not quite an out and out comedy, but fairly close. A lot of the humor in this one is pretty dry and sardonic, with Robert Holmes mocking his villains, while not allowing them to lose their sense of danger.
Scariest Story: Planet of the Spiders
There's not really a genuinely scary story this season (it's going to be a while before I can say that again), so we have to ask a question. Which is scarier? Giant spiders? Or dinosaurs…and also the concept of your entire timeline being wiped from existence. Personally I'm going with spiders.


  1. Invasion of the Dinosaurs (8/10)
  2. The Time Warrior (8/10)
  3. Planet of the Spiders (7/10)
  4. The Monster of Peladon (6/10)
  5. Death to the Daleks (3/10)
Season Rankings
These are based on weighted averages that take into account the length of each story. Take this ranking with a grain of salt however as doubtless as I work my way through the show, my standards will change for what each rating means, and they probably have already
  1. Season 7 (8.1/10)
  2. Season 10 (7.5/10)
  3. Season 4 (7.0/10)
  4. Season 11 (6.5/10)
  5. Season 6 (6.3/10)
  6. Season 1 (6.2/10)
  7. Season 3 (6.0/10)
  8. Season 5 (6.0/10)
  9. Season 2 (5.8/10)
  10. Season 9 (5.8/10)
  11. Season 8 (5.8/10)
Next Time: Mike Yates was UNIT's designated action hero…and then he betrayed them.
submitted by ZeroCentsMade to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2023.05.05 04:49 passports_parakeets Vacation Roulette Day 29: All Gas and No Breaks from Shilling

Hooray! It’s the Chucklefucks’ last full day of their trip! Break out the fondue and beer and let’s celebrate the end of this horrible Fake-ation Rigged-lette. 🧀🍺
Stevie Clog took off running for the hills in the most impractical outfit ever for an alpine toboggan run: a froufrou bubble we haven’t seen her wear yet that Dimmy didn’t bother tying the ribbons on, tights, and her little Dutch girl wooden shoes. Stevie Clip Clop loves the red shoes almost as much as California Grandma and wants to wear them everywhere, even for a long trek through the mountains.
Dimmy polled her followers to see how long Stevie Kate would keep her clogs clothes on today. If you guessed 3 hours and 40 minutes, congrats! You win your own pair of red wooden shoes to wear (clothing optional), a pile of dirty laundry to burn, and three rocks SK picked up off the gravel path. Feral Kate proved she can’t be tamed by clothes but she can keep wood clogs on her feet no matter how high she jumps and climbs, or how fast she runs. Quite the skill for a two year old tot from Texas.
The Dummies headed up the mountain in a cable car that matched Stevie Kate’s shoes. Starving Kate looked for yayas, oranges, and bread along the way that she could hide in her luggage before returning to a daily diet of eggs, HLTH code, Sola bread, Magic Spoon, and a single blueberry. Jr looked for someone to hold his hand and calm his fear of heights returning to work for Mama Turtle.
Stevie Stunt Devil loved the big toboggan slide and asked to ride it again and again because it sure beat shilling products to the fat poors and playing in a field of dandelions.
Dimmy has shown us time and time again that she can’t dress Stevie Kate appropriately, keep clothes on her, keep her clean, fix her hair or wipe her nose, but she can keep up with a three-step Dime daily skincare regimen plus daily application of her signature scent for the trip, Eau de Filth Core Memory. Too bad she didn’t have a code for haircuts!
It’s early to bed for the Dirtles who have to get up much earlier than they are used to in order to make their flight, so Smarty Kat read everyone a strange little bedtime story to end the day.
A mouse found the bread, I left in the bed. I see blue, I see red. I see a horse, it is dead. McKenna Kate had fed the horse a carrot. It met the same fate as Sam’s last parrot. I see a girl with lots of hair in her eyes. If the girl reads a book, she gets a haircut as a prize. The End.
Do you think the Dirtles will make their flight in time or sleep through their 4 AM alarm? Are their passports still in the Lululemon belt bag or did they fall out of the cable car atop one of the mountains? Will we ever see the Polaroid camera again? Will the flight home be as rough as the flight to Turkey or will the flight attendants let Stevie Clog clip clop up and down the aisle in her wood shoes to her heart’s content? Place your bets now!
submitted by passports_parakeets to TurtleCreekLane [link] [comments]

2023.03.27 13:55 WolframRavenwolf Comparing LLaMA and Alpaca models deterministically

Update 2023-03-28: Added answers using a ChatGPT-like persona and some new questions! Removed generation stats to make room for that.
After spending a whole day comparing different versions of the LLaMA and Alpaca models, I thought that maybe that's of use to someone else as well, even if incomplete - so I'm sharing my results here.
More importantly, I'd like to share my methodology, so others can add to the comparison. Things are moving so fast in LLaMA land currently, that it's import to use a deterministic approach for comparing different models, fixing and clearly stating all relevant generation parameters.
Here's my setup for this comparison:
Models compared:
Comparing the different answers should let you find your favorite model. And if you can run a larger one, feel free to post your outputs (see above for how to make a reproducible comparison) so we can all gain further insights.
About the questions:
I've picked an assortment of questions from Reddit (LLaMA 30B is pretty good at grammar+logic challenges. : Oobabooga, I am Alpaca 7B - Ask Me Anything : singularity), ClosedAI's ChatGPT, and some of my own.
Since the whole chat history is taken into account, it's important to always clear it before asking another question, unless it's a series of questions that build upon another - I'll note this in the following list.
Clear history now!
Clear history now! From now on, clear it after each response:
submitted by WolframRavenwolf to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2023.02.23 04:35 whirlpool4 Events for Fri 2/24 - Sun 2/26

** Fri 2/24 *\*
Fri 5 - 10 PM Gin & Jazz: New Orleans Edition Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW We've got a special edition of Gin and Jazz celebrating America's greatest Jazz city, New Orleans! The evening starts at 5 pm with Flambeaux playing some New Orleans style Jazz only to be followed by the super talented Burque Jazz Bandits at 8pm! Get out your best Jazz outfit and spend your Friday with us!
Fri 5:30 - 9 PM 2nd Annual Black History Month Meet & Greet Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Rd. NW We will gather together to celebrate Black History Month and hear the latest updates from the City of Albuquerque's Office of Black Community Engagement. Enjoy libations, food and fellowship with friends. Event is free, but please rsvp here
Fri 6 - 9 PM Variety Dance CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE Welcome to the city's biggest variety dance! We'll be playing all kinds of music: ballroom, latin, country, swing, you name it! $10 at the door. Welcome lesson from 6:00-6:30pm
Fri 6 - 9 PM The High Desert Playboys Return Poki Poki Cevicheria, 3517 Wyoming Blvd. NE Come on out for an evening of original americana, bluegrass, cajun/zydeco and classic country music!
Fri 6 - 11 PM Great Gatsby Night w/ DJ Fishbowl Tractor Brewing Company - Westside, 5720 McMahon Blvd., Bldg 5, Ste A We're getting fancy on the Westside with Great Gatsby Night! We'll have high class drinks specials and the incomparable DJ Fishbowl will be spinning old Jazz, Swing, with some remixes to get you dancing! Come dressed in your best suit or dress or say password: "getplowed" to get dollar off beers all night long!
Fri 6:30 - 10:30 PM EXPLORA Adult Night: Science of Wine Explora!, 1701 Mountain Rd. NW Sip Original NM Wines: Sheehan, Noisy Water, Gruet and Jaramillo Vineyards! Learn from Wine Experts with engaging talks, Unique and fun wine-themed activities, Charcuterie boards for sale from M'Tucci Restaurant, Live music; food and cash bars, All of Explora at your fingertips! (tickets)
Fri 7 - 11 PM Celestial Bodies Sister, 407 Central Ave NW Join us for a dance party extravaganza! Celestial Bodies is an event hosted by local angels Thot Daughter, DJ Maxx, and Thumper. Guaranteed to be an excellent time, you can expect an array of dj styles including but not limited to house, techno, breakcore, and jungle. Think if the 5th element and a boiler room set cam together for the most fanatical night. Come in your best space gear. Houston, it's gonna be a blast! Doors at 8pm. $5 at the door
Fri 8 PM Zeds Dead Revel ABQ, 4720 Alexander Blvd. NE @ zedsdead is taking over Revel with Nurko & Smoakland. Doors 6pm, show 7pm (tickets)
Fri 7:30 PM February Public Meeting Rainbow Park Observatory, 301 Southern Blvd. SE, Rio Rancho The Rio Rancho Astronomical Society will host its monthly meeting behind Rainbow Pool. The meeting is open to the public. Special guest speakers will be students who participated in Rio Rancho Public School's recent Science EXPO and won the club's Excellence in Astronomy and Space Science award. Several of them are headed to the Regional Competition in March. Come support the future and learn things too! Telescopes will be open after the meeting for public stargazing, weather permitting
Fri 8 PM THE DEAL - Grateful Dead Tribute Band - Live Historic Lobo Theater, 3013 Central Ave NE THE DEAL will be performing the historic Grateful Dead show from 2/26/77 - Swing Auditorium - This is a monster of a show with an EPIC setlist! Get ready to shake your bones ALL NIGHT LONG! (tickets)
Fri 8 - 11 PM Soul & Rocksteady All Vinyl Night Tractor Brewing Company, 118 Tulane Dr. SE Barrio Hi-Fi presents an evening of Soul and Rocksteady Vinyl Night!
Fri 9 PM - 2 AM Rooftop Bass Session with Wyatt Lawson Effex, 420 Central Ave We're switching it up with Friday Night Rooftop Bass Session with very solid hometown line-up. Wyatt Lawson headlining the night and DJ Üs + TrillBot will be joining him to deliver that quality bass selections all night! Doors at 9PM. 21+ with Valid ID. Cover Charge at the Door
Fri 10:30 PM The Great Under-Rated 1988 Sci/Fi Horror Flick THE BLOB Hosted By Its SPFX Artist Nick Benson! The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE Nick Benson will be hosting a Q&A and will be available to sign your movie memorabilia and will have stuff available to purchase (tickets $8)
** Sat 2/25 *\*
Sat 7 AM Frosty 5K Mariposa Basin Park, 6401 Taylor Ranch Rd. NW Come out for a Frosty 5K on what we hope will be a frosty morning. Race start time will be at 8:30 AM and we'll be starting & finishing at Mariposa Basin Park. If you can't make it race morning, we've got a virtual option available too(within the continental US)! Virtual package will be shipped out 2/26/23. All participants will get a long sleeve race shirt with the option to upgrade to a traditional cotton hoodie, and a shot at Overall & Age Group Awards (sign up here)
Sat 8 AM 2nd Annual Hawk SqWalk and Run Bosque Conference and Retreat Center, 6400 Coors Blvd. SW Second Annual Hawk SqWALK and RUN in support of the Volcano Vista Hawk Band! This event offers a great opportunity for everyone! Half Marathon (13.1) run/ walk, 10K run/walk, 5K run/walk, 2 mile run/walk, and kids 1 mile run/walk. Proceeds from this run will help our 501C3 Non-Profit Band Booster Organization enhance student education by providing professional clinicians, aiding in out of city/state travel, and even supporting our scholarship fund for Hawk Families in need. We are grateful for your support and hope that we can provide you with one of THE best races in the Albuquerque Metro Area! Go Hawks! (sign up here)
Sat 8:30 AM Pacific Rim Cars and Coffee Presented by Dub Motorwerks Pacific Rim Food Park, 6901-B San Antonio Dr. NE Our Second Gathering of a New Once Per Month Gathering for individuals and their families to come out and enjoy some cars along with some delicious drinks from Dawn Patrol Coffee Shack and other vendors as the park grows! This is intended on being a Drama/Judging Free Gathering that is simply about enjoying your time and having a good time. We ask for propesafe arrival and departure to and from the location to respect the ownership for giving us this opportunity, also no excessive reving, crazy driving ect in the lot. If you have to question what level is excessive then maybe you should tag a ride if you want to come enjoy. Roll in starts at 8:30am and ends kinda whenever as the later you stay more food option open up. We plan on hosting this every 3rd-4th Saturday of the month with the possibility of it becoming more regular. All Makes, Models, 2 wheels, 4 wheels welcome! We just want to bring back old school quality car gatherings back for those who enjoy the world as much as we do!
Sat 9 - 10 AM Tingley Beach Clean Up! Tingley Beach, 1800 Tingley Dr. SW Albuquerque is worth the work to keep beautiful! Please join me fellow Burqueños at the Tingley Beach litter clean up! Trash bags and gloves will be provided to you at the 9AM check-in; please meet at the parking lot closest to Central. There will also be 4 extra litter pick up sticks to loan for the hour so be there early to grab yours! Please remind your family and friends not to litter!
Sat 11 AM - 1 PM Bubbles & Barre Gruet Winery, 8400 Pan American Fwy NE Belly up to the Barre! Join us for bubbles and barre to get a jump start—or maybe more of a plié start—to your weekend! Afterwards, enjoy a complimentary glass of Sauvage, a calorie and carb conscious wine, and a 10% discount off all additional glass and bottle purchases for participants. Tickets are $25/person. Advanced ticket purchase not required
Sat 12 - 2 PM Flix Junior: Minions Flix Brewhouse, 3236 La Orilla Rd. NW Stuart, Kevin, and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a supervillain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world. Experience the Minions before Gru at this family-friendly movie outing! All ages are welcome to our Flix Junior showings. Expect lower volume levels for sensitive ears (this is also on Sun 2/26)
Sat 12 - 4 PM Community Day for the Exhibition "The Nature of Glass" New Mexico Museum of Art, 107 W. Palace Ave, Santa Fe (it's not ABQ, but it's FREE) Join us for the opening weekend of the exhibition The Nature of Glass. There will be art activities, music from the Santa Fe Youth Symphony Association, and two fantastic new exhibitions to view and enjoy. Also opening that day is An American in Paris: Donald Beauregard. Admission to the Museum will be free all day
Sat 12 - 4 PM Alessi Hartigan Open Casting Call Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown, 2600 Louisiana Blvd. NE The Casting Directors of Pirates of the Caribbean, Shang-Chi, Black Adam, Babylon, King Kong, and hundreds of other projects are hosting an open casting call for background actors! We encourage all types of people to come. No experience required. Seeking Native Americans, Models, Military Types, Basketball Players, and more! RSVP HERE
Sat 1 PM Screening of Dance Me Outside The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE Meet a couple of the actors & join in a Q & A following the screening!
Sat 1 - 3 PM Beginner Beer Brewing Class Southwest Grape and Grain, 3401 Candelaria Blvd. NE Our Beginner Brewing class is the perfect place for anyone interested in learning how to brew their own beer at home. Always wanted to learn how to brew beer? Don’t know where to start? This is the class for you! We'll teach you the basic brewing terminology, the ingredients that make up beer, all the equipment you will need to get started, and the step by step of how to brew your first batch of beer! Brewing is fun and shouldn't be overwhelming. This class will answer all your questions and start you on the path to being a master home brewer!
Sat 1 - 5 PM Los Ranchos Matanza - 2nd Annual 4920 Rio Grande Blvd. NW, Los Ranchos Come celebrate with us at our Matanza community event! We'd like to bring this centuries old tradition back to the North Valley. The main dish will be pig, turkey, and lamb, slow-roasted in a coal pit. The food will be prepared by Chef Jon Young, a NM Taste the Tradition Chef Ambassador. Beer and wine available for purchase from Hops Brewery and Kelly Jo's Design by Wine. We hope you'll enjoy the live music and games for entertainment! We will have indoor and outdoor seating options, but remember to dress warmly! Online registration is required. Tickets will not be sold the day of the event. Please have your digital ticket ready when you pull into the parking lot
Sat 2 - 5 PM Band Bake Sale Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW Dust City Opera is going on tour and we need help raising funds for food, gas, lodging, and probably some beer tbh. Come out to enjoy delicious, mouth-watering baked goods! Want to snag something before it sells out? You can place pre-orders now through 2/20 at the "ticket" link
Sat 2 - 5 PM Mesa Club Spaghetti Dinner 3301 Southern Blvd. SE, Rio Rancho Come join us for our annual Spaghetti Dinner. $5 per person. We will have spaghetti, salad, beverages, something sweet and lots of fun! We will be doing our 100 squares raffle drawings as well as selling tickets for our April Fools Raffle! (The Mesa Club provides a safe, healthy environment in which people can seek recovery support from various addictions through 12-step principles)
Sat 4 - 8 PM 7th Annual TEAM Tennis Fundraiser Lobo Tennis Club, 1720 University Blvd. SE Save the date for our 7th Annual TEAM Tennis Fundraiser benefitting The Grief Center of New Mexico! There are 2 sessions, 4:00-5:30pm and 6:00-7:30pm. If you want to participate in both sessions, you need to register for each one separately. Format for tennis is 20 minute rounds, changing partner after each round. Please check in no later than 15 minutes prior to your session Registration fee includes tennis, pizza, snacks, and soft drinks. Raffle tickets are available here and are also on sale the day of the event. Grief Center Presentation will be at 5:30pm. The Grief Center of New Mexico's mission is to provide compassionate and safe support, understanding, healing, and hope to the grieving community. Our vision is that all grieving people will receive the support needed to foster hope for the future. This is accomplished through free grief support groups for children, their caregivers, and adults as well as workshops on grief and a public grief resource library. (tickets)
Sat 5 PM 16th Annual Ten-82 Texas Hold em’ Poker Tournament Italian American Association,1565 Stephanie Rd. SE, Rio Rancho Doors open at 5, dinner provided. Cash/Credit full bar. Poker session 1 starts at 6. Session 2 starts at 8:30. A fun event for the the first time poker player or the experienced card shark. All prizes will be randomly raffled with your entry ticket. Ticket price is a suggested $50 donation
Sat 5 - 10 PM Comedy for a Cause! The Historic Lobo Theater, 3013 Central Ave NE RPP Productions Presents Comedy for a Cause, benefiting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities at Mandy's Farm. Roger Peterson "Rodney Dangerfield," Headliner ABQ's #1 Comic Zach Abeyta, Emcee: John Cuellar. 5 PM - Doors open, Bar and Restaurant open, 5-6 PM Photo Op with Mandy's Farm goat or horse, 6:30 PM Show starts, 8:30 PM After party in the Lobby Bar. $25 lower level, $20 upper level. 21+ to attend. May contain adult language (tickets)
Sat 6 - 9 PM Saturday Drag Show 505 Spirits, 105 Harvard Dr. SE Get ready for Haus of Attack Takeover! You definitely won’t wanna miss this show! We will have some truly amazing performers. Featuring Mr and Miss New Mexico Pride 2023 and the lovely ladies of the Haus of Attack. ViLette Stratton, Noah Otero (Assma Attack) and Jessica K Daniels! Free entry great food and exclusively made drinks!
Sat 7 - 10 PM Alt Rock & Student-Loan Core Echoes Brewery, 313 Gold Ave SW Almost Always Never, Pee Pee Heart (aka. Youngsville) and The Go Get 'Ems share the stage over at Albuquerque's newest original rock venue: Echoes Brewery. Free Show!
Sat 8 PM - 1 AM New Mexi Vibes Reggae Fest Launchpad, 618 Central Ave SW (New Mexi Vibes) Presents the first annual reggae fest featuring, Innastate, Boomroots, Vibestrong, Elovated Roots & Djembe! Come on out and support New Mexico‘s finest reggae bands, quality feel good music. Doors open at 8 PM, $10 cover, 21+
** Sun 2/26*\*
Sun 10 AM - 1 PM Latino Outdoors New Mexico Snowshoeing Sunday Sandia Crest Scenic Highway, Cedar Crest Join us to enjoy beautiful views of the Sandias on our Sunday Snowshoe adventure! Snowshoes will be provided by REI! Please arrive on time! WHERE: 10k Trailhead, Sandia Crest Scenic Hwy, Cedar Crest, NM 87008 . The hike will be between 3-6 miles roundtrip. Contact [mrodriguez@latinooutdoors.org](mailto:mrodriguez@latinooutdoors.org) if you need transportation assistance, we might be able to arrange a group ride! WHAT TO BRING: -warm layers -warm hat/gloves -sunscreen -hiking boots (recommended but not required) -water + snacks (we will also provide some snacks!) -willingness to learn and have a good time! This is a FREE event and REI will be providing snowshoes! No experience is required to join, we are here to learn 🙂. Please email [mrodriguez@latinooutdoors.org](mailto:mrodriguez@latinooutdoors.org) if you have any questions. CUANDO: 26 de Febrero, 10am-1pm, porfavor esten a tiempo! DONDE: 10k Trailhead, Sandia Crest Scenic Hwy, Cedar Crest, NM 87008. El hike será un total de 3-6 millas. Contacta a [mrodriguez@latinooutdoors.org](mailto:mrodriguez@latinooutdoors.org) si necesitas ayuda con transportación, quizas podremos coordinar transportación grupal! QUE NECESITAN TRAER: -Ropa para mantenerse caliente -Guantes -Protector solar -Botas para hiking (recomendadas pero no necesarias) -Agua y snacks (tambien tendremos snacks!) -Estar dispuestos a aprender y disfrutar! Este evento es GRATIS y REI nos donar á las requetas de nieve! No necesitan experiencia prevía para unirse, estamos aquí para aprender! Contacta a [mrodriguez@latinooutdoors.org](mailto:mrodriguez@latinooutdoors.org) si tienes alguna pregunta
Sun 11 AM - 4 PM Shop Small Sunday Sunday Service Motor Co, 2701 4th St. NW Join us to shop small and support local vendors! We will have food by Stuffed Lust and live music by Josue Urruita from Los Domingueros Band in addition to our normal coffee and beer offerings!
Sun 12 - 1:30 PM Essentially Well - Essential Oil Make and Take Class 1709 Girard Blvd. NE Many people are turning to effective natural solutions to take back control of their health. Join us and learn how Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils can help support your body to maintain healthy muscles, joints, sleep, skin, and ease stress and so much more. In this class we will share these amazing gifts of the earth and create customized blends. $6 supplies fee for 1 individual rollerball blend (or 4 for $20): includes handouts, recipes and all supplies. Recipes were developed with a Certified Reflexologist & Aromatherapist. “Designed to Keep you Rolling!" We will be offering free personalized health assessments (valued at $40) starting at 11:30am. Please email [Angela@Oils2EmpowerYou.com](mailto:Angela@Oils2EmpowerYou.com) to reserve your spot for your assessment ahead of time (time slots are very limited) and our class will start at 12pm. RSVP with a FREE ticket to save your seat and one for a friend too!
Sun 12 - 2 PM Flix Junior: Minions Flix Brewhouse, 3236 La Orilla Rd. NW Stuart, Kevin, and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a supervillain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world. Experience the Minions before Gru at this family-friendly movie outing! All ages are welcome to our Flix Junior showings. Expect lower volume levels for sensitive ears (this is also on Sat 2/25)
Sun 2 - 5 PM PHENOMENON - A Dance Showcase CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE Ladies and gentlemen, come one, come all! Get ready to be blown away by the incredible talent of our student dancers as they showcase their skills in ballroom, latin, country, and more! The energy, passion, and dedication of these dancers of all ages will leave you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss out on this unforgettable afternoon of entertainment, filled with stunning choreography, beautiful costumes and mesmerizing performances that will take your breath away. The show promises to be an unforgettable experience that will leave you uplifted, inspired and wanting more. Space is limited! Call now for presale pricing ($10). 505-883-9521. Entry is $15 at the door
Sun 2:30 - 3:30 PM Games With Seniors The Suites Rio Vista, 2410 19th St. SE, Rio Rancho Join our amazing Who I Am Foundation volunteers who will be going to play games with the residents of The Suites Rio Vista! Children are welcome and encouraged to participate! *If your child shows any symptoms of a cold or illness they will not be permitted inside for the safety of the residents. Check-In and Temperature Check will begin at 1:50 pm. MASKS ARE REQUIRED! Whether young or old, games connect us with those around us in an entertaining and meaningful way. Playing games is not just for children. It’s a fun, engaging, and stress relieving activity that should be practiced by all of us, even in old age. Seniors can experience a number of benefits depending on the type of game being played. The advantages can range anywhere from a sharper memory to better fine motor skills. Playing games also encourages interaction with others, exercise the brain, reduces the risk of cognitive decline, and creates more happiness. The consistency of seeing other people prevents isolation and loneliness, which are both so common among the elderly population
Sun 3 PM Ray On My Mind - Tribute To Ray Charles Popejoy Hall, 203 Cornelle Dr. NE Ray On My Mind pays tribute to the legendary Ray Charles. Portraying Ray, master pianist and vocalist Kenny Brawner leads an 11-piece orchestra and three accompanying vocalists performing hits including “What’d I Say?,” “I Got A Woman,” “Mess Around,” and “Georgia On My Mind.” Tucked into the evening are monologues about the influences on Ray’s style and the personal struggles he endured throughout his career (tickets)
Sun 3 PM Apollo5 in Concert! St. John's United Methodist Church, 2626 Arizona St. NE St. John's United Methodist Church presents Apollo5, for their third appearance on "Music at St. John's." The internationally award-winning British vocal ensemble delights audiences with versatile and engaging performances on the concert platform, singing repertoire ranging from renaissance, classical and contemporary choral music to folk, jazz and pop. LIVE and LIVESTREAM tickets are available at musicatstjohns.org!
Sun 4 PM Burque Taco Club February Event La Catrina Taco Truck, Corner of Juan Tabo Blvd. NE and Lomas Blvd. NE It’s TACO TIME, Burque Taco Club! Fundraising starts at 4pm and social hour starts at 4pm. This is a special taco tailgate event – BYOS (bring your own seat) or BYOT (bring your own tailgate) and join us in supporting Susan's Legacy. Don't forget to mention you're with the Taco Club!
Sun 4 - 6 PM 2023 Guitar New Mexico Fundraiser Albuquerque Country Club, 601 Laguna Blvd. SW Guitar New Mexico cordially invites you to a special fundraising event, featuring exceptional guitar performances by three of New Mexico's finest talents. Hors d'oeuvres and soft drinks will be served, and a cash bar will be available. Your tickets and donations will help Guitar New Mexico continue to support the study and appreciation of guitar artistry and guitar education across the state. In addition to our annual festival, Guitar New Mexico programs provide educational opportunities and support to guitar students and teachers, performance ensembles, community concerts, and performances by world-class musicians. We provide instruments, educational outreach, and teaching workshops, and offer scholarships to both our annual festival and our youth orchestra. We would like to continue to offer this support but need your help to make it happen. Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased in advance at the link below or at the door. (If purchasing at the door, please RSVP by February 19, 2023, to [GuitarNewMexico@gmail.com](mailto:GuitarNewMexico@gmail.com)). Additional donations may be made electronically at our website, support/GuitarNewMexico.org; by check payable to Guitar New Mexico and mailed to 3019 Conchas Street NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111; or by cash, check, or credit card at the event. Our Performers: Genevieve Leitner: a native of Chimayo, New Mexico, plays music from around the world and across time periods. She lived in Santiago, Chile for six years before returning to the Land of Enchantment in 2016 to join the performing arts faculty of Albuquerque Academy. Eduardo Trujillo: born in Taos, New Mexico into a musical family, Eduardo Trujillo’s passion for music developed at a very early age. He began his career as a music educator teaching guitar at Cibola High School in Albuquerque. As well as a member of the Guitar New Mexico Youth Ensemble (tickets)
Sun 4 - 7 PM Music on the Patio: Le Chat Lunatique Canteen Brewhouse, 2381 Aztec Rd. NE As unpredictable, fearless, and entertaining as their namesake, Le Chat Lunatique purveys an addictive genre they call “filthy, mangy jazz,” a signature sound that makes you want to smoke and drink too much—if only you could get off the dance floor. They navigate through a wide range of genres, blending Western swing, classical, reggae, d00-wop, and “anything else we damn well please” into strikingly original compositions and audaciously reworked standards alike
Sun 7 PM DYSTOPIA Industrial Dance Party (Int. EBM Day Celebration) Juno, 1501 1st St. NW This month's DYSTOPIA will celebrate International EBM Day! Join us on the dance floor and stomp out that aggression. Music starts at 7. 21+ / No cover. We're living a in a dystopia, dress and dance accordingly
submitted by whirlpool4 to Albuquerque [link] [comments]

2023.02.02 00:49 Its_Strange_ Bf texted me a pic of a blister saying it looked fake. I have never been so glad to have stopped for an energy drink in my life!

submitted by Its_Strange_ to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2022.10.29 05:33 Gallionella ALLS12D

Strong evidence suggests there is a link between air pollution and compromised gut health. This topic was first explored on the Air Quality Matters blog on Feb. 26, 2014 in the post: “Air pollution, digestive tract disorders and the connection between them.”
Since that time, some important developments have surfaced in the academic, medical and science communities dealing specifically with this area of research. https://alankandel.scienceblog.com/2020/09/01/air-pollution-digestive-tract-disorders-and-the-connection-between-them-revisited/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+scienceblogrssfeed+%28ScienceBlog.com%29
The Solar System has been Flying Through the Debris of a Supernova for 33,000 Years https://www.universetoday.com/147621/the-solar-system-has-been-flying-through-the-debris-of-a-supernova-for-33000-years/
It is a well-known problem: too rarely do nature conservation initiatives, recommendations or strategies announced by politicians lead to people really changing their everyday behaviour. A German-Israeli research team led by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) has investigated the reasons for this. According to the team, the measures proposed by politicians do not sufficiently exploit the range of possible behavioural interventions and too rarely specify the actual target groups https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200901112224.htm
New Research Provides Solution for the 'Dust Bowl Paradox' https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/csu-nrp090120.php
Astronomers have known for two decades that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, but the physics of this expansion remains a mystery. Now, a team of researchers at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa have made a novel prediction—the dark energy responsible for this accelerating growth comes from a vast sea of compact objects spread throughout the voids between galaxies. This conclusion is part of a new study https://phys.org/news/2020-09-candidate-mysterious-dark-energy.html
Scientists shed new light on pollen tube growth in plants
New findings reveal the unexpected role of an enzyme called KATANIN in guiding the growth of pollen tubes in flowering plants https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/e-ssn090120.php
The breakdown of antiracist norms: A natural experiment on hate speech after terrorist attacks https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2020/08/31/2007977117.short?rss=1&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Pnas-RssFeedOfEarlyEditionArticles+%28Latest+Articles%29
Wild cousins may help crops battle climate change
Wild relatives of our domestic crops already cope with harsh conditions and resist disease; can we use them to help our preferred crops adapt? https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/asoa-wcm090820.php
G- more yeast or add sugar Plus, when it comes to bread, going organic means side-stepping the monster that's known as frankenwheat—the shorter, stockier "dwarf wheat" that now, after decades of cross-breeding and hybridization, makes up almost all of the wheat we consume. "Frankenwheat codes for a much larger variety of gluten proteins, or 'super gluten,' " says Mark Hyman, MD, author of the New York Times best-selling book The Blood Sugar Solution. "It also contains high levels of a 'super starch' called amylopectin A, which excels at making both Cinabons and bellies swell." https://www.prevention.com/food-nutrition/healthy-eating/a20441957/is-organic-wheat-worth-the-extra-dough/
RANKING TYPES OF POTATOES BY HOW HEALTHY THEY ARE https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/ranking-types-of-potatoes-by-how-healthy-they-are
Feelings Don’t Care About Your Facts: The Psychological Roots of Ideology https://areomagazine.com/2020/09/08/feelings-dont-care-about-your-facts-the-psychological-roots-of-ideology/
At the macroscopic level, there are numerous examples of people cooperating to form groupings. Yet at the basic two-person level, people tend to betray each other, as found in games like the prisoner's dilemma, even though people would receive a better payoff if they cooperated among themselves. The topic of cooperation and how and when people start trusting one another has been studied numerically, and researchers investigate what drives cooperation analytically. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200908113235.htm
As information flows through brain's heirarchy, higher regions use higher frequency waves https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200908113326.htm
Cholesterol is known to promote tighter molecular packing in cell membranes, but reports about how it stiffens membranes have been so conflicting," said Ashkar, who is a faculty member in the Virginia Tech College of Science. "In this work, we show that, at the nanoscale level, cholesterol indeed causes membrane stiffening, as predicted by physical laws. These findings affect our understanding of the biological function of cholesterol and its role in health and disease." https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/vt-ceo090820.php
Temperature fluctuations are known to affect the circadian rhythm of plants. The growth of A. thaliana at 22 °C is normally restricted to the period around dawn, because of the repressive action of the evening complex at other times of day2. However, at 27 °C, this growth repression is relieved2, and plants show accelerated flowering and rapid hypocotyl elongation compared with growth at 22 °C. Yet the mechanism underlying such temperature-regulated growth has remained a mystery. Jung and colleagues propose that a physical process called phase separation is at the heart of plant responsiveness to heat.
To investigate, the authors focused on ELF3. They engineered A. thaliana https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02442-x
Cosmonaut Brain Scans Show Space Does Weird Things to Motor Skills And Vision https://www.sciencealert.com/cosmonaut-brain-study-shows-how-space-travel-changes-our-hand-eye-control
"This new study provides more evidence that the reason behind the elderly and males being more susceptible to severe disease from COVID has to do with differences in the host immune response," he said.
The findings might even point the way to improved treatments, Adalja added.
"By understanding the intricacies of how this dysregulated response occurs, it may become possible to modulate it with precisely targeted therapies, as well as to predict who is more likely to have a severe case," he said.
A new study by Rutgers University researchers finds that job candidates with disabilities are more likely to make a positive first impression on prospective employers when they promote technical skills rather than soft skills, such as their ability to lead others.
The findings, published in the International Journal of Conflict Management, contrast this with the results for candidates without disabilities who were positively evaluated when they highlighted either hard or soft skills during initial job interviews. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/ru-fjs091020.php
Since every process in lateral root development, including initiation, emergence and elongation is governed by auxin, the question arises of how auxin responds to the local presence of ammonium which is a major nitrogen source in natural and agricultural soils. "Our work shows that ammonium uptake by roots provokes pH changes that bring the plant hormone auxin into a protonated form allowing auxin to diffuse into outer root cells where it triggers the emergence of lateral roots", https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/liop-atf091120.php
has observed that exposure to warmer ambient temperatures (34 °C) increases bone strength, while preventing the loss of bone density typical of osteoporosis. Moreover, this phenomenon, linked to a change in the composition of gut microbiota triggered by heat, could be replicated by transplanting the microbiota of mice living in a warm environment to mice suffering from osteoporosis. Indeed, after the transplant, their bones were stronger and denser. These results, to be discovered in Cell Metabolism, make it possible to imagine effective and innovative interventions for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200911093027.htm
New observations from the Hubble Space Telescope have found much higher concentrations of dark matter than expected in some galaxies, by over an order of magnitude. https://www.sciencealert.com/new-discovery-suggests-a-problem-with-our-understanding-of-dark-matter
Russian Hackers op- (alco china +othert)Targeting US Campaigns, Microsoft Says https://www.voanews.com/usa/us-politics/russian-hackers-targeting-us-campaigns-microsoft-says
Australian wine scientists are shedding scientific light on the processes underlying traditional practices of Australian Aboriginal people to produce fermented beverages.
The scientists from the University of Adelaide and the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) have discovered the complex microbial communities associated with the natural fermentation of sap from the iconic Tasmanian cider gum, Eucalyptus gunnii. https://www.newswise.com/articles/uncovering-the-science-of-indigenous-fermentation
Results from a new study suggest that lifestyle changes may help to improve cognition in older adults experiencing cognitive decline that precedes dementia https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200910090048.htm
Inspired by the secret to the Nile Delta’s fertility, engineers are using a concoction of clay, water and local soils to grow fruits in the desert. https://www.bbc.com/future/bespoke/follow-the-food/the-spray-that-turns-deserts-into-farmland.html
Common diabetes drug reverses inflammation in the liverDate:The diabetes drug metformin has been prescribed to hundreds of millions of people worldwide as the frontline treatment for type 2 diabetes. Now, researchers have shown the importance of specific enzymes in the body for metformin's function. In addition, the new work showed that the same proteins, regulated by metformin, controlled aspects of inflammation in mice, something the drug has not typically been prescribed for. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200910090029.htm
Previous research has demonstrated a variety of health benefits associated with the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in olive oil, cereals, fruit and vegetables, fish, and a moderate amount of dairy, meat, and wine. Now results suggest that the diet may also help prevent rheumatoid arthritis in individuals who smoke or used to smoke. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200910090046.htm
the study answers questions about why females are at increased risk for common diseases that involve or target the immune system like asthma, allergies, migraines and irritable bowel syndrome. The findings by Adam Moeser, Emily Mackey and Cynthia Jordan also open the door for new therapies and preventatives https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200915194243.htm
"The lesson is that wringing benefits from cover crops requires a bigger commitment to using them to protect the soil," says Villamil. "That means choosing cover crops that can survive the winter, grow a lot in the spring, and hold onto soil that whole time. Some cover crops might slightly decrease future crop yields, but in the long-term, protecting our soil is worth it."
"If we want to see benefits from cover crops, we need to focus on managing our cropping systems for cover crops, giving them room to grow, and using them strategically following corn crops, or silage corn or even wheat, if we are lucky to have this crop in the rotation" she says. "Our main goal when using cover crops should be protecting the soil and leaving the soil nutrients in place." https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/asoa-ctr091120.php
The True Origins of Gold in Our Universe May Have Just Changed, Again https://www.sciencealert.com/neutron-star-collisions-may-not-be-making-much-gold-after-all
Laser pointers used to exercise pets may seem like safe and simple low-powered devices, but an Ohio teen learned the hard way that staring at the narrow beam can cause permanent eye damage.
His minimal vision loss tells some of the story, but a high-resolution optical imaging device developed by Ohio State University researchers showed in stark detail that cells in the boy’s retinas are missing – “blasted away” by the laser, his ophthalmologist explained. https://www.newswise.com/articles/pet-laser-pointers-have-enough-power-to-blast-away-cells-in-the-back-of-the-eye
“What we’ve found here is that an immune molecule — IL-17 — is produced by immune cells residing in areas around the brain, and it could affect brain function through interactions with neurons to influence anxiety-like behaviors in mice. We are now looking into whether too much or too little of IL-17 could be linked to anxiety in people.”
IL-17 is a cytokine, a signaling molecule that orchestrates the immune response to infection by activating and directing immune cells. IL-17 also has been linked to autism in animal studies and depression in people. https://healthcnd.com/immune-system-affects-mind-and-body-study-indicates/
The potential cytoprotective effect of Vitamin C and Vitamin E on monosodium glutamate-induced testicular toxicity in rats https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20905068.2020.1804311
DC vs AC: Direct Current (AC) Vs Alternating Current (DC) https://www.scienceabc.com/innovation/ac-vs-dc-alternating-current-or-direct-current-which-is-better.html
The OECD on Monday faulted governments for neglecting the green economy in multi-trillion recovery plans against the impact of COVID-19, thus threatening to leave the planet worse off than before https://phys.org/news/2020-09-pandemic-recovery-neglecting-green-economy.html
'Evidence is crucial' for philanthropists to determine charity donations, says new research https://phys.org/news/2020-09-evidence-crucial-philanthropists-charity-donations.html
How the brain creates the experience of time https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-09-brain.html
Breadfruit flour is a healthy option for modern foods and food security https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0236300
So, people who are worried about dementia potentially being in their future due to genetics can mitigate their risk by focusing on cultivating a strong and robust cardiovascular system. https://www.studyfinds.org/dementia-family-risk-genetics-healthy-heart/
“Although they come from a plant, the gympietides are similar to spider and cone snail toxins in the way they fold into their 3D molecular structures and target the same pain receptors — this arguably makes the Gympie-Gympie tree a truly ‘venomous’ plant.” https://www.techexplorist.com/scientists-discovered-stinging-trees-australia-secrets-scorpion-venom/35341/
Circadian control of brain glymphatic and lymphatic fluid flow
Significant associations were noted for both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.
Meaning Among patients with advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer, this study found increased coffee intake to be associated with lower risk of disease progression and death.
Importance Several compounds found in coffee possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and insulin-sensitizing effects, which may contribute to anticancer activity. Epidemiological studies have identified associations between increased coffee consumption and decreased recurrence and mortality of colorectal cancer. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaoncology/article-abstract/2770262
New study identifies wheat varieties that resist the destructive stripe rust disease https://phys.org/news/2020-09-wheat-varieties-resist-destructive-stripe.html
Quartz sand without additives becomes glass at a temperature of 2,300 degrees Celsius (4,172 degrees Fahrenheit). Adding sodium carbonate (soda) reduces the temperature needed to make glass to 1,500 degrees Celsius (2,732 degrees Fahrenheit). https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Glass
Medieval Africans Had a Unique Process for Purifying Gold With Glass https://www.mccormick.northwestern.edu/news/articles/2019/05/scientists-prove-gold-purifying-process-used-in-medieval-west-africa-works.html
2020 DuckDuckGo Charitable Donations: $750,000 to Organizations Around the World https://spreadprivacy.com/2020-duckduckgo-donations/
In fact, at my mid-northern latitude of roughly 45°, sunlight only passes through 67 miles (108 km) worth of atmosphere at noon on the Summer Solstice, but a whopping 168 miles (272 km) at noon on the Winter Solstice: nearly three times as much! https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/ask-ethan-42-is-the-sun-brighter-in-the-summer-2cda7ffad492
If The Big Bang Wasn’t The Beginning, What Was It?
It wasn’t the birth of space and time. But it was truly essential to our cosmic story. https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/if-the-big-bang-wasnt-the-beginning-what-was-it-11a347bb8191
Researchers from HSE University compared the effect of two meditation practices - loving-kindness meditation (LKM) and compassion meditation (CM). Loving-kindness meditation turned out to be more effective when it comes to increasing happiness, but, in contrast with previous studies, compassion meditation also did not result in a growth of negative emotions https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/nruh-lmw092420.php
Mysterious beaked whale smashes mammal diving record https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-54268040
Archaeologists Found 115,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Where They Shouldn't Be
They might just rewrite the history of human migration. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/archaeology/a34115736/ancient-human-footprints-discovered-saudi-arabia-migration-history/
NASA Confirms We've Officially Entered a Brand New Solar Cycle
16 SEPTEMBER 2020 https://www.sciencealert.com/we-ve-officially-entered-solar-cycle-25-here-is-what-this-means-for-us
Ancestor of All Penguins Lived on Earth's 'Lost' 8th Continent Zealandia, Fossils Show https://www.sciencealert.com/ancestor-of-all-penguins-lived-on-earth-s-lost-8th-continent-zealandia-fossils-show
Essential oils could keep pests, disease from organic crops https://www.hawaii.edu/news/2020/09/22/essential-oils-and-organic-crops/
EU data protection laws grant consumers the right to access the personal data that companies hold about them https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3407023.3407057
How much carbon dioxide, a pivotal greenhouse gas behind global warming, is absorbed by plants on land? It's a deceptively complicated question, so a Rutgers-led group of scientists recommends combining two cutting-edge tools to help answer the crucial climate change-related question.
"We need to understand how the Earth is breathing now to know how resilient it will be to future change," according to a paper in the journal Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The early online version was published in April 2020 and the final online version in September 2020.
Global observations suggest that natural ecosystems take up about as much carbon dioxide as they emit. Measuring how much carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants on land is complicated by the carbon exhaled simultaneously by plants and soils, the paper notes. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/ru-htg092120.php
Nanoscale Warming Is Faster Than CoolingPublished 11 September 2020
Contrary to conventional wisdom, a sufficiently small, cold object warms to the temperature of its surroundings faster than a warm object cools, according to a new theory https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.110602
Does the ripeness of a fruit or vegetable affect its nutrition?
Answer Lv 6
1 Yes. Most fruits and vegetables are picked green and are "ripened" with a gas. They are still technically green and not mature. The gas makes them just turn color. The fruit and vegetable has not had time to grow and take in nutrients.
That's why local is always best. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100508213035AANb2mh
For the most antioxidants, choose fully ripened figs:
Research conducted at the University of Innsbruck in Austria suggests that as fruits fully ripen, almost to the point of spoilage, their antioxidant levels actually increase http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=24
While, surprisingly, intakes of vegetables, antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids were not strongly related to incidence of either form of ARM, fruit intake was definitely protective against the severe form of this vision-destroying disease. Three servings of fruit may sound like a lot to eat each day, but kiwifruit can help you reach this goal. http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=41
In the world of phytonutrient research, kiwifruit has fascinated researchers for its ability to protect DNA in the nucleus of human cells from oxygen-related damage. Researchers are not yet certain which compounds in kiwi give it this protective antioxidant capacity, but they are sure that this healing property is not limited to those nutrients most commonly associated with kiwifruit, including its vitamin C or beta-carotene content. Since kiwi contains a variety of flavonoids and carotenoids that have demonstrated antioxidant activity, these phytonutrients in kiwi may be responsible for this DNA protection.
The protective properties of kiwi have been demonstrated in a study with 6- and 7-year-old children in northern and central Italy. The more kiwi or citrus fruit these children consumed, the less likely they were to have respiratory-related health problems including wheezing, shortness of breath, or night coughing. These same antioxidant protective properties may have been involved in providing protection for these children. http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=41
For example, a red onion can lose about 20% of its quercetin and almost 75% of its anthocyanins if it is "overpeeled." http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=45
but one of the consistent study findings was the ability of onion to help increase the bioavailability of lycopene (a well-studied, health-promoting carotenoid) from the tomatoes. The authors speculated that the sulfur-compounds in the onions may have been involved in a chemical reaction (electron transfer) that helped increase the availability of the lycopene http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=45
and the winner of this measurement process was collard greens. In other words, steamed collard greens did a better job of binding together with bile acids than any of the seven other steamed vegetables. In this study, it is also worth noting that both raw collard greens and steamed collard greens showed bile acid binding ability, but steamed collard greens did a better job in this respect.We get unique health benefits from collard greens in the form of cancer protection. The cancer-preventive properties of collard greens may be largely related to four specific glucosinolates found in this cruciferous vegetable: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=138
Using a newly developed approach to measuring carbon sequestration, the researchers discovered that belowground carbon sequestration accounted for nearly 46% of the planet's total carbon fixation. https://phys.org/news/2020-09-reveals-soil-significant-carbon-sequestration.html
Neuroscience research shows we reorganize our memory based on how we will use it later https://www.psypost.org/2020/09/neuroscience-research-shows-we-reorganize-our-memory-based-on-how-we-will-use-it-later-58053
Fructose made in the brain could be a mechanism driving Alzheimer's disease, researchers propose https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200923124802.htm
Some zombie cookies have legitimate uses. However, their behavior has caused them to be universally derided by both security experts and privacy advocates.
To delete these types of cookies takes a little more perseverance, and typically involves the exercise of your googling skills to figure out how others have dealt with the same undeletable cookie. What you’ll have to do is figure out where the script that is recreating the cookie is stored and delete that script to stop the continual rebirth of the zombie cookie. https://www.whoishostingthis.com/resources/cookies-guide/
How cookies track you around the web and how to stop them https://privacy.net/stop-cookies-tracking/
How To Stop "This Website Uses Cookies" Notice Pop Up In Your Browser https://www.techsupportalert.com/content/how-stop-website-uses-cookies-notice-your-browser.htm
Why every website wants you to accept its cookies
Cookies alerts are supposed to improve our privacy online. But are they? https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/12/10/18656519/what-are-cookies-website-tracking-gdpr-privacy
shampoo free of parabens or fragrance-free deodorant— is not always easy. It often involves scouring ingredients on individual product labels in search of key words. But is it worth it? New research shows that paying close attention to what's in the products you buy can pay off. In a study led by Silent Spring Institute, researchers found that consumers who avoided products containing specific endocrine disruptors had significantly lower levels of the chemicals in their bodies. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-09-consumers-products-chemicals-body-burden.html
The results were similar to those reported from other cities in Canada and Europe, but there were differences in specific ions. For example, higher chloride levels were found in North American cities, which could be from the use of road salt in the winter, whereas higher sulfate levels were reported in some European cities, likely because of coal combustion. The team also observed that urban grime absorbed light at wavelengths found in sunlight, which suggests that the sun could speed up or slow down chemical reactions that affect air and water quality in cities https://phys.org/news/2020-09-urban-grime-affects-chemical-reactions.html
The potential acceleration of job automation spurred by COVID-19 will disproportionately affect Latinos in U.S. service sector jobs, according to a new UCLA report, which also urges state and local officials to start planning now to implement programs to support and retrain these workers. https://phys.org/news/2020-09-millions-latinos-job-displacement-automation.html
Drink coffee after breakfast, not before, for better metabolic control https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-09-coffee-breakfast-metabolic.html
Before considering a company as a potential investment, smart investors will analyze a company's financial statements and look at its taxes and other expenses alongside net income.
New research from the University of Notre Dame sheds light on the most effective methods to predict future tax outcomes, which simplifies the decision-making process for investors.
Some Physicists See Signs of Cosmic Strings From the Big Bang
September 29, 2020
Subtle aberrations in the clockwork blinking of stars could become “the result of the century.” That’s if the distortions are produced by a network of giant filaments left over from the birth of the universe. https://www.quantamagazine.org/pulsar-data-may-point-to-cosmic-strings-from-the-big-bang-20200929/
Runestones allow experts to understand the lives and deaths of people from the Viking era. The stone has allowed experts to identify a new female name: Ögärd. According to the Archaeology News Network , archaeologist Veronica Palme claims “it is an interesting female name, Ögärd, it has not been seen before.” https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/runestone-sweden-0014340
The secretive networks used to move money offshore. Researchers have uncovered a highly unusual network pattern within the Panama Papers, showing how fortunes can be easily hidden in secretive offshore shell corporations, and how these remain difficult to trace and take down https://new.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/uosc-tsn092920.php
Rapeseed instead of soy burgers: Researchers identify a new source of protein for humans https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200930110124.htm
Forest darkness helps stave off effects of nitrogen pollution – but this is set to change https://horizon.scienceblog.com/1463/forest-darkness-helps-stave-off-effects-of-nitrogen-pollution-but-this-is-set-to-change/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+scienceblogrssfeed+%28ScienceBlog.com%29
Earthquake https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/10/precarious-rocks-help-refine-earthquake-hazard-california
MINDGut Bacteria's Role in Anxiety and Depression: It’s Not Just In Your Head Mounting evidence shows bugs in your digestive system influence the brain. Experts are now testing psychobiotics as mental health remedies. https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/gut-bacterias-role-in-anxiety-and-depression-its-not-just-in-your-head?ref=hvper.com
Summary of Findings: Google has claimed to have taken steps to reduce its filter bubble problem, but our latest research reveals a very different story. Based on a study of individuals entering identical search terms at the same time, we found that: ... https://spreadprivacy.com/google-filter-bubble-study/
If olive oil does help in HFpEF, it would be a source of hope for those with the condition, as patients currently have no treatments proven to improve their clinical outcomes. Results with sacubitril/valsartan (Entresto) have been mixed in this population, and other options have failed outright. https://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/hfsa/88946
Scientists from the UK and Italy have found fecal transplants from old mice to young mice result in the younger animals displaying learning and memory impairments. The findings build on a growing body of research linking age-related cognitive decline with gut microbiome changes. https://newatlas.com/science/cognitive-decline-gut-bacteria-mouse-study-microbiome/
U of T paper finds that indoor paints can absorb noxious gas, nitrous oxide
When illuminated, paints re-emitted some of the absorbed gas https://thevarsity.ca/2020/10/04/u-of-t-paper-finds-that-indoor-paints-can-absorb-noxious-gas-nitrous-oxide/
High buffer capacity of loamy and slightly alkaline soils in the city center with high contamination level resulted in a better performance of soil geochemical barriers compared with some green zones and natural areas where low buffer capacity of loamy sandy and slightly acid soils were not enough to resist even relatively low contamination. The capacity of urban soil to perform a geochemical barrier for contamination by HMs is an important ecosystem service. https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jeq2.20142
Therefore, these study results could suggest that DI could be beneficial to tomato production only when applied during early growth stages, but not throughout the growing season. Both yield and efficiency results indicated that the optimum N requirement for open-field fresh-market tomato production in Florida may not exceed 179 kg·ha−1 N. https://journals.ashs.org/hortsci/view/journals/hortsci/aop/article-10.21273-HORTSCI15177-20/article-10.21273-HORTSCI15177-20.xml
The plant hormone auxin may promote disease by regulating virulence gene expression https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-10/aps-tph100620.php
Can Maternal Fluoride Consumption During Pregnancy Lower Children's Intelligence? https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/08/19/752376080/can-maternal-fluoride-consumption-during-pregnancy-lower-childrens-intelligence
Just Sophisticated Enough to Be Dangerous
GPT-3 has, for the first time, enabled computers to write texts that are “interactive, informational and influential.” It can produce styles or tones that are indistinguishable from the human-created versions. The AI content can be quite engaging, too. A post that made it to the top spot on Hacker News was taken from a fake blog built using GPT-3. Readers had no idea of the blog’s computer-generated origins. The Guardianpublished an opinion piece explicitly powered by AI, which was shared over fifty thousand times in two days. Given how convenient and cheap it can be, it probably won’t take long for AI-generated content to dominate the internet https://areomagazine.com/2020/10/05/how-ai-can-change-your-mind/
SCOTUS to Hear Appeal Brought by Fossil Fuel Cos. in Baltimore Climate Damages Lawsuit
Statement by Kathy Mulvey, Union of Concerned Scientists
Published Oct 2, 2020 https://www.ucsusa.org/about/news/us-supreme-court-weigh-jurisdiction-climate-damages-lawsuit-against-fossil-fuel-cos-0
PPIs are available by prescription or over-the-counter to treat acid reflux, peptic ulcers and other digestive conditions. They are among the top 10 drugs used worldwide. Long-term use has previously been linked to a greater risk of bone fractures, kidney disease, digestive tract infections and stomach cancer.
Based on the new findings, the researchers suggested that people taking PPIs for a long time should have their blood sugar monitored for changes that might indicate developing diabetes.
It's important to note, however, that this study was not designed to prove a cause-and-effect relationship between PPIs and type 2 diabetes. It can only show a link between the two. https://www.drugs.com/news/common-heartburn-meds-tied-higher-diabetes-risk-93158.html
A new paper by Berkeley Haas Prof. Jennifer Chatmanand colleagues shows not only the profound impact narcissistic leaders have on their organizations, but also the long-lasting damage they inflict. Like carriers of a virus, narcissistic leaders “infect” the very cultures of their organizations, the researchers found, leading to dramatically lower levels of collaboration and integrity at all levels—even after they are gone. https://newsroom.haas.berkeley.edu/research/how-narcissistic-leaders-infect-their-organizations-culture/
An Upside to the Common Cold? It May Guard Against COVID https://www.doctorslounge.com/index.php/news/hd/98537
Here's what your hamburger is doing to the climate https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidrvette2020/10/05/got-beef-heres-what-your-hamburger-is-doing-to-the-climate/
Kevin Lyons, an associate professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey who specializes in supply chain management and environmental policy, says that 30 to 40 per cent of all online purchases are sent back. That number drops to less than ten per cent for merchandise bought at bricks and mortar stores.
To further investigate where all those online returns end up, Marketplace purchased a dozen products off Amazon's website — a faux leather backpack, overalls, a printer, coffee maker, a small tent, children's toys and a few other household items — and sent each back to Amazon just as they were received but with a GPS tracker hidden inside. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/marketplace-amazon-returns-1.5753714
Botanicum medicinale : an herbal of medicinal plants on the College of Physicians list : describing their places of growth, roots, bark, leaves, buds, time of flowering, blossoms, flowers, stiles, chives, embrio's, fruits, farina, colours, seeds, kernels, seed-vessels, parts used in medicine, preparations in the shops, medicinal virtues, names in nine languages : most beautifully engraved on 118 large folio copper-plates from the exquisite drawings of the late ingenious T. Sheldrake ; ... To which is now added, his tables for finding the heat and cold in all climates that exotic plants may be raised in summer and preserved in winter https://archive.org/details/botanicummedici00shel
Introduction and Importance of Medicinal Plants and Herbs . https://www.nhp.gov.in/introduction-and-importance-of-medicinal-plants-and-herbs_mtl
Some people think there is no way that the online world can have an effect on real life; others argue that social media is so influential that the Arab Spring was catalysed by networking sites, says James Fowler, a political scientist at the University of California, San Diego, who led the study in collaboration with Facebook's data-science team.
“Our study shows that the truth is somewhere in between: online networks are powerful ... but it is those real-world ties that we have always had that are making a difference,” he says. https://www.nature.com/news/facebook-experiment-boosts-us-voter-turnout-1.11401
We know that a cocktail of chemicals, including drugs and fertilisers from farmland, continue to drain into rivers throughout the UK. Recent pollution may explain the poor status of rivers, but if researchers are only focusing on modern chemicals, they risk overlooking how legacy pollutants continue to affect rivers today. https://theconversation.com/pollutants-banned-for-over-30-years-linger-in-uk-rivers-our-wildlife-is-the-evidence-145109
The opinions contained in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Inside Science nor the American Institute of Physics and its Member Societies.
By: Nikodem Poplawski
(ISM) -- Our universe may exist inside a black hole. This may sound strange, but it could actually be the best explanation of how the universe began, and what we observe today. It's a theory that has been explored over the past few decades by a small group of physicists including myself. https://www.insidescience.org/news/every-black-hole-contains-new-universe
Animal fossils preserved in various geological materials, such as limestone, claystone, or amber, provide detailed information on extinct species that is indispensable for retracing the evolution of terrestrial life. Here, we present the first record of an animal fossil preserved in opal formed by weathering with such high-resolution details that even individual cuticle hairs are observed https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342522205_Arthropod_entombment_in_weathering-formed_opal_new_horizons_for_recording_life_in_rocks
Native milkweed cultivars planted by the public can support monarch butterflies and bees https://bioengineer.org/native-milkweed-cultivars-planted-by-the-public-can-support-monarch-butterflies-and-bees/
A comprehensive quantification of global nitrous oxide sources and sinks https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2780-0
Emissions of greenhouse gas nitrous oxide that is 300 times more potent than CO2 have increased by a THIRD over the past 40 years due to growing use of fertilisers in food productionNitrous oxide levels set to carry global temperatures beyond Paris Agreement Heavily driven by emissions caused by fertiliser and manure in agriculture Researchers created the most comprehensive list of nitrous oxide sources and sinks yet https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8814907/Emissions-greenhouse-gas-nitrous-oxide-soaring-fertiliser.html
Over 150 million websites among a billion tested include sensitive (and tracked) content
Nikolaos Laoutaris, Research Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute, participates in the biggest study about tracking of sensitive topics on the web https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-10/ini-o1m101420.php
submitted by Gallionella to zmarter [link] [comments]

2022.10.25 22:28 Cheekibreeki401k First Model I’ve built since I was little. I’m 18 now. It’s nothing special, and I didn’t bother painting it, but I’m happy I was able to put it together

First Model I’ve built since I was little. I’m 18 now. It’s nothing special, and I didn’t bother painting it, but I’m happy I was able to put it together submitted by Cheekibreeki401k to modelmakers [link] [comments]

2022.09.10 20:06 messidude [OC] Los Angeles Boba Tea Shops Cost vs Rating Analysis (Bigger Dot = More Reviews)

[OC] Los Angeles Boba Tea Shops Cost vs Rating Analysis (Bigger Dot = More Reviews) submitted by messidude to LosAngeles [link] [comments]

2022.05.10 00:22 ERock_GM Roll20 Useful Macro Collection

Roll20 Useful Macro Collection

Hello there! E-Rock the Grandmagus, Game Master and General Manager of the Enchanted Emporium at your service! Please visit anytime and take as much as you like!
Ever find that the tools and built in roll tables of Roll20 are a bit limiting? Try some of these macros to add flair and randomized events in a snap! Absorbing knowledge from many creators, I have compiled my master list along with links to other lists of inspiring macros.
I'm sure there are a bunch of other great ones out there and would love to see more! Happy rolling my friends!
Downloadable GDoc of this post! Roll20 Useful Macro Collection

Emoji's in your Macros?

Emojis the name of the macro help with sorting in the macro list, but makes them hard to call with #Macro in Roll20 chat, so remove or change them as you please. Emoji added to macro text to break up the editing and for flair. While being entirely unnecessary, it makes the otherwise text blotted templates look cleaner.
Code is text for the actual macro and italics in macro text is meant to be replaced with attributes from character sheets in your game.
Simply copy the Code and insert italics with names from your own game!


/desc ?{DescriptionThe party continues along...}
GM Only. Show in chat, a queried message in the description gray chat that only the GM can use.
Tired of the party stopping to bicker about the scenery? Simple way to inform them that the game is ready to move on :D

/as "@{targettoken_name}" *?{NPC SaysHail travelers!}*
GM Only. Show in chat, an italic queried message from a targeted token name.
Simply click a token and type a message to provide some simple NPC atmosphere to your game. Using "@{selectedtoken_name}" could make a very useful Token Macro for easy use as well.

/em ?{Emote Actionwalks along the path...}
Show in chat, a queried message in the emote orange chat that anyone can use.
Made for players continually forgetting how to emote in chat...

Toggle whispering to self on/off. Useful to test and hide rolls.

/w ?{Whispergmcharacter_name1character_name2character_name3...} ?{Message}
Whisper with a drop down box selection of GM or the other players with queired message.
Character_name can be a Roll20 player Account name, their in game owned token name or Character name attributes.

/w ?{Whispergmcharacter_name1character_name2character_name3...} &{template:default} {{name=🎲 Whispers the dice 🎲}} {{Rolls=a [[?{Diced20}+?{Bonus0}]] / [[?{Diced20}+?{Bonus0}]] ?{Reasonfor fun.}}}
Whisper a queried dice roll defaulted to d20 with advantage/disadvantage, and a queried bonus that can be replaced with any entered bonus. Allowing a queried description defaulted to for fun.
Could add additional dice rolls to query making a drop down box selection instead of an entered query with example: ?{Diced20d12d8d6d4}, but then the roll would be locked into rolling 1 die when you could type 2d6 on the entered query.

&{template:default} {{name=🎲 Rolls the dice 🎲}} {{Rolls a [[?{Diced20}+?{Bonus0}]] / [[?{Diced20}+?{Bonus0}]] ?{Reasonfor fun.}}}
Roll a queried dice roll defaulted to d20 with advantage/disadvantage, and a queried bonus that can be replaced with any entered bonus. Allowing a queried description defaulted to for fun.
Also could change this query to a drop down box selection with labels separated by commas such as example: ?{DiceRoll d20,d20Roll d12,d12Roll d8,d8Roll d6,d6Roll d4,d4}

&{template:default} {{name=🎲 Roll Everything! 🎲}} {{d4=🎲 [[d4]]}} {{d6=🎲 [[d6]]}} {{d8=🎲 [[d8]]}} {{d10=🎲 [[d10]]}} {{d12=🎲 [[d12]]}} {{d20=🎲 [[d20]]}} {{d100=🎲 [[d100]]}}
ROLL ALL THE DICE!!! Can take a while to roll and register in chat if you have 3D dice enabled. Use sparingly on low-end systems, you have been warned...

&{template:default} {{name=🎲 Stat Roll 🎲}} {{ Attribute 1 =🎲 [[4d6dl1]]}} {{ Attribute 2 =🎲 [[4d6dl1]]}} {{ Attribute 3 =🎲 [[4d6dl1]]}} {{ Attribute 4 =🎲 [[4d6dl1]]}} {{ Attribute 5 =🎲 [[4d6dl1]]}} {{ Attribute 6 =🎲 [[4d6dl1]]}}
Roll a set of six 4d6 dice rolls dropping the lowest for easy stat rolls on NPCs.
Can add r1 to reroll 1's if you are a generous GM. Example: [[4d6r1dl1]] As another example, you could also say keep the highest 3 rolls with: [[4d6kh3]]

&{template:default} {{name=🗡️ Party Status check 🪓}} {{Character Name1=🛡️ @{character_name1ac} 💗 @{character_name1hp} / @{character_name1hpmax}}} {{Character Name2=🛡️ @{character_name2ac} 💗 @{character_name2hp} / @{character_name2hpmax}}} {{Character Name3=🛡️ @{character_name3ac} 💗 @{character_name3hp} / @{character_name3hpmax}}} {{...}}
GM Only. Show an updated AC and HP total for the party.
Players could use it if they have a few tokens with editing permission such as cohorts, pets or summons to keep track of.

?{Whisper?Yes,/w gmNo,}&{template:default} {{name=👁️‍🗨️ Party Perception check 👁️‍🗨️}} {{Character Name1= 👁️ @{character_name1passive_wisdom} 🎲 [[1d20+@{character_name1perception_bonus}]] / [[1d20+@{character_name1perception_bonus}]]}} {{Character Name2= 👁️ @{character_name2passive_wisdom} 🎲 [[1d20+@{character_name2perception_bonus}]] / [[1d20+@{character_name2perception_bonus}]]}} {{Character Name3= 👁️ @{character_name3passive_wisdom} 🎲 [[1d20+@{character_name3perception_bonus}]] / [[1d20+@{character_name3perception_bonus}]]}} {{...}}
GM Only. Query default Yes or No whisper to chat showing the passive perception and roll a perception check for the party.
Whisper is recommended if your players like to roll their own but could be useful if you want to test their averages. Players can use it for themselves if they want a custom macro on the token or the macro bar instead of using the character sheet.

/emas @{selectedtoken_name} rolls a [[1d20+?{modifier1}&{tracker}]] initiative!
Roll an initiative check to chat, with a queried defaulted to +1 bonus and add it to the initiative bar tracker.
Useful as a Token Macro for tokens without stat sheets that you have to track in the initiative bar on the fly. Players could use by changing the ?{modifier} to @{token_nameinitiative_bonus} calling their bonus to the roll, as long as their Character sheet has been connected to their token properly.

@{selectedwtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{perception-u}}} {{mod=@{selectedperception_bonus}}} {{r1=[[@{selectedd20}+@{selectedperception_bonus}@{selectedpbd_safe}]]}} @{selectedrtype}+@{selectedperception_bonus}@{selectedpbd_safe}]]}} {{global=@{selectedglobal_skill_mod}}} @{selectedcharname_output} {{desc=}}
Roll a Perception check using the template formatting from the D&D 5E by Roll20 Character sheet in your games options.
Good as a Token Macro for quick Perception checks from tokens with connected Character sheets. Will not work from other sheets if the called attributes are not the same. desc= Description is left empty allowing you to enter text or an image like the following macro.

@{selectedwtype}&{template:atk} {{rname=^{stealth-u}}} {{mod=@{selectedstealth_bonus}}} {{r1=[[@{selectedd20}+@{selectedstealth_bonus}@{selectedpbd_safe}]]}} @{selectedrtype}+@{selectedstealth_bonus}@{selectedpbd_safe}]]}} {{global=@{selectedglobal_skill_mod}}} @{selectedcharname_output} {{desc=[img](https://i.imgur.com/bLzWIBP.gif)}}
Roll a Stealth check using the template formatting from the D&D 5E by Roll20 character sheet in your games options.
Good as a Token Macro for quick Stealth checks from tokens with connected character sheets. Added the best image for Stealth ever for fun, replace as you please :D

&{template:default} {{name=🔎 @{targettoken_name} 🔍}} {{ A @{targetheight} @{targetrace}, weighing about @{targetweight}, with @{targethair} hair, @{targeteyes} eyes, and @{targetskin} skin.}}
Show a short physical description of the target.
Will only work on tokens that have a connected Character sheet with the bio attributes filled out correctly. NPC sheets will not work unless you add the attributes to them manually. If you really wanted to go all out you could make sheets for object tokens and make an inspect all button like King's Quest!

/w gm &{template:default} {{name=🕵️ @{targettoken_name} 🕵️}} {{🔎= 💪 @{targetstrength} 🦶 @{targetdexterity} 🏃 @{targetconstitution} 🧠 @{targetintelligence} 👀 @{targetwisdom} 👄 @{targetcharisma} }} {{🛡️= @{targetac}}} {{💗= @{targethp} / @{targettargethpmax}}} {{👣= @{targetspeed} ft.}} {{👁️= Passive @{targetpassive_wisdom}}} {{🤜= Proficiency +@{targetpb}}} {{🤵= Lvl @{targetlevel} @{targetsubclass} @{targetclass}}} {{👨‍🎤= @{targetalignment} @{targetrace}}} {{💖= @{targethit_dice}d@{targethitdietype} HD remaining}} {{🔮= Caster Lvl @{targetcaster_level}}} {{🌌= Spell DC @{targetspell_save_dc}}} {{👛= [[@{targetgp}+floor(@{targetsp} / 10)+floor(@{targetcp} / 100)+floor(@{targetpp} * 10)+floor(@{targetep} / 2)]] GP.}} {{🎒= @{targetweighttotal} / [[@{targetstrength}*15]]}} {{🗣️= "@{targetheight}, @{targetweight}, with @{targethair} hair, @{targeteyes} eyes, and @{targetskin} skin. @{targetage} years old, having a @{targetBackground} background.}}
GM Only. Whisper to GM, a full description of the target token with a connected Character sheet including every useful attribute available giving a full idea of the character's sheet you're looking at.
Useful when you forget what the target's stats are and need to quickly describe them to your players. Probably shouldn't allow players to use it since it gives away the Stats, but could be fun if they have an incredible scan ability or something. Will only work on tokens that have a connected Character sheet, NPC sheets will only show Stats, AC, Movement speed and Health. Other info will not work unless you add the additional attributes to them manually.

&{template:default} {{name=🔖 Quick Links 🔖}} {{Homepage=[📔 Handbook](https://open5e.com/)}} {{Links=[💫 Conditions](https://open5e.com/gameplay-mechanics/conditions)
[📓 Spells](https://open5e.com/spells/spells-table)
[🔮 Magic Items](https://open5e.com/magicitems/magicitem-list)}}
Show a quick list of links to Open5E.com, a well curated compendium of 5E rules and references. Also offers Custom API for extended SRD lookups and linking in game (Support their Patreon!)
Can be replaced with just about anything. Spacing between links is added on purpose to break up links and will break the spell and magic items URLs if removed.


Default FX Macros

/fx burn-fire @{targetFoetoken_id}
Did you know Roll20 has built-in default animated effects? This will cause a small fire effect on the target token.
Fire is the default color for FX, just /fx burn would have the same result, and will default to work on the Selected token if the @{targetFoetoken_id} is not used.

/fx breath-?{ElementFire,fireAcid,acidCold,frostLightning,smokePoison,slime} @{targetCastertoken_id} @{targetFoetoken_id}
More fun with FX. This will query a target caster token to target a foe token with an animated breath attack effect and queried elemental damage type color.
Made to be used with Dragons obviously, but can be used for spells like Burning Hands or any other cone elemental attack. Adding another query can make this the ultimate Dragon's Breath macro by changing breath to ?{EffectCone,breathLine,beam}

/fx ?{Effectbeambreathsplatter}-?{ElementFire,fireAcid,acidCold,frostLightning,smokeWater,waterPoison,slimeBlood,bloodCharm,charmDeath,deathHoly,holyMagic,magic} @{targetCastertoken_id} @{targetFoetoken_id}
Beam, Breath and Splatter FX require a caster and target. This will query to target a caster token to target a foe token with an animated beam, breath or splatter (Short range) effect and query the elemental damage type color with all default colors available.
There is no default Lighting color so I use smoke for it and thunder instead, just like I think slime is better suited as Poison. Change the labels around as you like simply by changing the capitalized word in the query.

/fx ?{Effectbombbubblingburnburstexplodeglowmissilenova}-?{ElementFire,fireAcid,acidCold,frostLightning,smokeWater,waterPoison,slimeBlood,bloodCharm,charmDeath,deathHoly,holyMagic,magic} @{targetFoetoken_id}
The remaining default FX in Roll20 only require a target. This will query to target a token with a queried animated on hit effect, and query the elemental damage type color with all default colors available.
Some of these are very similar and probably will not be used much but having the choice doesn't hurt. I'd recommend you create one or two macros for each player's specific attack that can do an FX without the queries that they don't need and let them go nuts with it.


Roll Table Macros

&{template:default} {{name=🌄 Weather check 🌄}} {{Day: [[1t[DayWeather]]]}} {{Night: [[1t[NightWeather]]]}}
Using Roll tables, show randomized weather conditions for the day and night.
Using the first link as inspiration, I created two roll tables to give fair randomized weather conditions. Weighting starts at 1 on the roll tables, adding a few similar conditions for my campaign's temperate climate but they can be changed easily for yours. Note: Roll20 seems to favor higher than average rolls on Roll tables and will most likely land in the median to high range of your table.
Weather table inspiration

?{Whisper?Yes,/w gmNo,}&{template:default} {{name=💭 Urban Encounter 💭}} {{While in town, the party encounters [[1t[RandomUrbanEncounter]]]}}
Query a defaulted Yes/No whisper, randomized urban event to the GM.
Useful to give you some quick ideas for a random in town event. Taking inspiration from the first link I made a roll table for the party if they spend a lot of time in town. I generally just use it as a starting point for on the fly fun and don't show it to the party creating a surprise hook from it. Weighting starts at 1, again roll tables average high most of the time so plan accordingly when adding new entries.
Urban Encounters inspiration

&{template:default} {{name=🌼 Searching the Area 🍄}} {{@{selectedtoken_name} finds [[1d4+1]] [[1t[SearchForestFinda]]][[1t[SearchForestitem]]] that can be turned into [[1t[SearchForestTurnedInto]]] that will [[1t[SearchForestWill]]]}}
A selected token name does a randomized search for 1d4+1 herbs, fruits, fungi, etc.; with randomized descriptions of what they can be produced into and the effect it will provide.
Created as a fun way to reward a really good Survival or Herbalism Kit roll, with inspiration from 3.5, I tried to make the tables feel a bit mundane yet unique. Weighting again starts at 1, only really affecting the SearchForestWill table as 1 is the bad and 20 is the best which seems to work well at least in my experience. Probably should limit the effects to not stack with magical bonuses or each other to not throw off game balance.

&{template:default} {{name=🏺 Loot the Beast 🐻}} {{Found=[[1t[LoottheBeast]]]}}
Show a randomized found natural item such as hide, claws or teeth from a Beast type creature.
Inspirered by Lady Tiefling's "I Loot the...! " roll table series, I made a macro for the party to use with a Survival check or Tool Proficiency check on harvesting items from a beast. Give her a like on Insta @Lady Tiefling for her awesome series of tables (Support her on Patreon!). Roll calculations inside of Roll tables do not work without a Custom API but it's easy to have the player roll it themselves.
I Loot the Wolf!

&{template:default} {{name=🏺 Loot the Orc 👺}} {{Found=[[1t[LoottheOrc]]]}}
Show a randomized item found on a slain orc.
Another one from Lady Tiefling, I made a macro for the party to use on the hordes of raiding orcs threatening the land. Probably should only let a high Investigation check get to roll on it, as the extra gold could throw off allotted treasure for the CR of an encounter. Or change to loot on the table yourself to something less substantial.
I Loot the Orc!

&{template:default} {{name=🏺 Loot the Bandit 😠}} {{Found=[[1t[LoottheBandit]]]}}
Show a randomized item found on a slain bandit.
More credit to Lady Tiefling! I made a macro for the party to use on the local band of dastardly bandits causing trouble. Again, probably should only let a high Investigation check get to roll on the table.
I Loot the Bandit!

Other Macro Lists

ALL inspiration and credit goes to the following creators including some other Redditors. Please visit their posts and give them a look! Roll20 wiki can give the technical specs but these original creators come up with magic!
u/AndruRC - Musthave Roll20 Macros for running 5E Online
u/Toothless_Night_Fury - Roll20 List of Useful Macros
u/its_dizzle - Collection of Roll20 Macros
u/thisistotallynotgood - Roll20 DM Quality of Life Macros Dump & Mini
Arphelior - Roll20 Macro Guide Tips n' Tricks
Anonymous - Useful Roll20 Macros
ianril - Helpful Macros Roll20
KPhan2121 - Useful Macros for Roll20

Other Links & Sources

Follow me @ all these places for more D&D!
My Collection of 5E Homebrew Mundane to Magical Goods
Stupid Roll20 Tricks and Some Clever Ones
Useful Roll20 chat Commands
submitted by ERock_GM to Roll20 [link] [comments]

2022.03.20 17:00 HadjiChippoSafri Events in Coventry this week (Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March)

⭐️Featured image on this post is from the event: Spring Up Festival at Fargo Village

🎨 Art & Exhibitions
Event Date Venue
un:mute Tue 22nd Mar 12pm Criterion Theatre
Experience Tue 22nd & Wed 23rd Mar Litten Tree Building
Window Wanderland 2022 Daily until 25th Mar Various Locations
Radford Bubbles Exhibition Daily until 28th Apr Jubilee Crescent Community Centre
The Show Windows Daily until 1st May Various Locations
In Paint We Trust Daily until 1st May Various Locations
Creative Connections Coventry Daily until 30th May Herbert Art Gallery
Epstein: Stories in Stone Daily until 31st May Coventry Cathedral
Women in Motorsport Daily until 31st May Coventry Transport Museum
Pioneering Coventry: The post-war photography of Richard Sadler Daily until 20th Jun The Old Grammar School
Daniel Lismore: Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Taken Daily until 26th Jun Herbert Art Gallery
Metropolis Exhibition Daily until 30th Jun Metropolis Restaurant
Broken Angel Daily until 29th Aug Coventry Cathedral

🎤 Comedy
Event Date Venue
Jasper Carrott's Stand Up and Rock Thu 24th - Sat 26th Mar Albany Theatre

🐶 Family/All-Ages
Event Date Venue
Little Acorns drop in session at Moat House Park Tue 22nd Mar 10am Moat House Park
Workshop Wednesdays Wed 23rd Mar Warwick Arts Centre
Mini Museum Engineers Play Wed 23rd Mar 10:30am & 1pm Coventry Transport Museum
Family Friendly Art Talks Sat 26th Mar Herbert Art Gallery
Saturday Storytelling Sat 26th Mar Herbert Art Gallery
Hand Drumming Workshop Sat 26th Mar 2:30pm Coventry Canal Basin
Spring Up Festival Sat 26th & Sun 27th Mar Fargo Village
Song and Soil: Spring appreciation at Food Union Allotment Sun 27th Mar 1pm Food Union CV5 Site, Four Pounds Ave
Family Sundays Workshops Sun 27th Mar Warwick Arts Centre

🎥 Film
Event Date Venue
The Worst Person in the World preview plus pre-recorded Q&A Wed 23rd Mar 5:15pm Warwick Arts Centre
Sunday Classic: Mandabi Sun 27th Mar 12:45pm Warwick Arts Centre

🍔 Food, Markets & Socials
Event Date Venue
Breath of Fresh Air: Adult wellbeing sessions at Moat House Park Tue 22nd Mar 1pm Moat House Park
Open Mic Night Thu 24th Mar 7pm Fargo Village
Games Night Fri 25th Mar 6pm Factory @ Fargo Village
Soul Sundays Sun 27th Mar Fargo Village
Mam-and-me-ah - Mother's Day Brunch Sun 27th Mar Rialto Plaza

🎵 Music
Event Date Venue
HMV Empire Sessions Fri 25th Mar 7pm HMV Empire
Stone Foundation album release and DJ set Sat 26th Mar 12pm Litten Tree Building
Dead Sheeran live at Just Dropped In Sat 26th Mar 6pm Just Dropped In Records, Far Gosford Street
Matt Goss - album launch & signing Sat 26th Mar 7:30pm HMV Empire

🗣 Poetry, Writing & Talks
Event Date Venue
An Audience With Mark Billy Billingham Fri 25th Mar 7:30pm Rialto Plaza
Dr Mary Thorley OBE gives her illustrated talk on the Rebecca Riots Fri 25th Mar 7:30pm Earlsdon Park Village Hall
Making Places Sat 26th Mar 12pm Drapers' Hall
'Strength in Diversity' talk on heritage grains by John Letts - heritage grain farmer and co-founder of the Heritage Grain Trust Sat 26th Mar 1:15pm Coventry Canal Basin

⚽️ Sport
Event Date Venue
Wasps vs Newcastle Sat 26th Mar 3pm Coventry Building Society Arena
Ultra MMA Coventry Sat 26th Mar 5pm Rialto Plaza
Coventry Blaze vs Dundee Stars Sun 27th Mar 5:30pm Skydome Arena

🎭 Theatre & Performance
Event Date Venue
The Sensational 60s Experience Tue 22nd Mar 7:30pm Belgrade Theatre
The Bone Sparrow Tue 22nd - Sat 26th Mar Belgrade Theatre
Luther Wed 23rd Mar 7:30pm Belgrade Theatre
FasLlove - Everything She Wants Tour Sat 26th Mar 7:30pm Belgrade Theatre

Any events that we've missed? Drop them in the comments below!
submitted by HadjiChippoSafri to coventry [link] [comments]

2022.01.26 02:11 WeloHelo Thoughts on the UFO Subject, the TOE Community, and Some Commonalities Between the LMH & Walton Interviews

Thoughts on the UFO Subject & TOE Community
Hi all! I first learned about Curt's channel a couple years ago after seeing one of his Chomsky interviews. His natural curiosity and humility combined with pointed questions and interest in precise detail consistently draws out information from his guests that I haven't heard anywhere else. I'm excited to see the show’s well-earned reach continue to grow, and I’m happy that Curt has turned his valuable limited attention to the UAP subject.
I became interested in UAPs last spring with all the news coming out about it, and I was surprised to find that with some digging it appeared as though the available evidence seemed to suggest that there may be "genuine UFOs" at the heart of the UAP subject, though conclusively scientifically demonstrating the physical existence of these objects is still a work in progress (go Galileo Project!).
Like many of my fellow members of the TOE audience I'm scientifically minded, intrigued by the exploration of the unknown and I recognize the important role that speculation plays in the discovery process.
There are countless speculative theories as to the true nature of UAPs and most of the wider UAP community's time is spent on these speculations. Speculation is fun and can be intellectually stimulating, but also like many TOE fans I'm ultimately a facts-driven person, and I wanted to maintain the same evidentiary standards for UAPs that I apply to every subject that I take seriously.
Resultantly I began to focus on published peer reviewed academic sources, becoming a moderator at UFOscience, and in the vein of open-eyed speculation and scientific discovery I wanted to share some thoughts with the TOE community after recently watching the Linda Moulton-Howe and Travis Walton interviews.
Published peer-reviewed papers and national archives records are important academic sources of publicly available information. As new data comes in any of the many UFO origin hypotheses could ultimately be proven correct, and evidence for one hypothesis doesn't necessarily negate the others.
In keeping with the TOE community’s appreciation for both speculation and scientific facts please bear in mind that the following content only represents one possibility that may explain a portion of UAP eyewitness reports.
Commonalities Between the LMH & Walton Interviews
A) Linda Moulton-Howe Interview:
In ufologist Linda Moulton-Howe's recent TOE interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45C8dvULu04) she refers to taking part in a published scientific paper related to crop formations.
I found a paper by W.C. Levengood titled “Anatomical anomalies in crop formation plants” that was published in the peer reviewed journal Physiologia Plantaria in 1994, where Linda Moulton Howe is thanked for her assistance collecting the samples:
The discussion section describes the author’s interpretations of his findings:
“There are common aspects among the anomalous features… which provide clues to the general forces producing crop formations. The affected plants have components which suggest the involvement of… an ion plasma vortex. Atmospheric-associated plasma formations… Microwave energies are known to be associated with ion plasmas…”
At the time of publication in 1994 these were highly speculative ideas. Fast forward to 2022 and a significant amount of published peer reviewed experimental and field study data has since become available:
  1. The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics announced in 2006 that they had experimentally achieved lab-reproducible atmospheric plasma-like effects, verifying that bubbles of plasma can physically form in Earth's atmosphere: Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics. (2006, May 08). Ball-lightning in the laboratory. Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics. https://www.ipp.mpg.de/ippcms/eng/presse/archiv/05_06_pi
  2. A 2010 paper by J. D. Hill et al. was published in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics that describes an experiment that successfully used a real lightning strike to generate a ball lightning-like plasmoid: Hill, J. D., Uman, M., Stapleton, M., Jordan, D., Chebaro, A., Biagi, C. (2010). Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 72(13). https://sls-us.com/assets/docs/Hill_et_al_2010a.pdf.
  3. In 2014 scientists from China successfully recorded the spectral characteristics of a natural occurrence of ball lightning for the first time. The object was over a meter wide, and their results were published in Physical Review Letters: Cen, J., Xue S., Yuan, P. (2014). Observation of the Optical and Spectral Characteristics of Ball Lightning. Physical Review Letters, 112(3). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260004540_Observation_of_the_Optical_and_Spectral_Characteristics_of_Ball_Lightning
There are now a wide variety of experimental designs in university labs all over the world that can reliably produce ball lightning-like plasmoids:
  1. Dikhtyar, V., Jerby, E. (2006). Fireball Ejection from a Molten Hot Spot to Air by Localized Microwaves. Physical Review Letters, 96(4). https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.045002
  2. Paiva, G. S., Carlos, A., Elder, P., De Vasconcelos, A., Mendes, O. (2007). Production of Ball-Lightning-Like Luminous Balls by Electrical Discharges in Silicon. Physical Review Letters, 98(4). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6448039_Production_of_Ball-Lightning-Like_Luminous_Balls_by_Electrical_Discharges_in_Silicon
A popular approach uses microwaves:
  1. Ashkenazi, D., Barkay, Z., Jerby, E., Meir, Y. (2013). Observations of Ball-Lightning-Like Plasmoids Ejected from Silicon by Localized Microwaves. Materials. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256484444_Observations_of_Ball-Lightning-Like_Plasmoids_Ejected_from_Silicon_by_Localized_Microwaves
  2. Dikhtyar, V., Einat, M., Jerby, E. (2002). Flying Plasma Disks in Basalt Microwave Furnace. IEEE Conference Record — Abstracts (2002) IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1030655
Also consider that all of the most consistent shapes in UAP reports are those most commonly found in the study of fluid dynamics: spheres, tori, cylinders, discs and ellipsoids.
B) Travis Walton Interview:
In Travis Walton’s TOE interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Myis6JOaZw&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlPd4Y5pg8XtzS_0-ChSTeJ6&index=9) Mr. Walton mentions at ~1h10m that after his experience he learned that the area that the crew was in has one of the highest lightning strike rates in the United States, and that he had been told that the UAP may have been produced by a related geophysical process.
A peer reviewed 2004 paper by astrophysicist Dr. Teodorani describes a series of field studies conducted by professional physical sciences over several years in Hessdalen, Norway that observed many instances of atmospheric phenomena with similar features, and among hypothesized origins proposed a potential geophysical cause:
Teodorani, M. (2004). A Long-Term Scientific Survey of the Hessdalen Phenomenon. Journal of Scientific Exploration. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228609015_A_long-term_scientific_survey_of_the_Hessdalen_phenomenon
At ~1h26m Mr. Walton says that he was told that his experience may have been caused by “earthquake lights” and a burst of built-up geophysical energy that can occur in areas of this nature akin to a lightning strike may have travelled through his body and caused him to hallucinate. He rejects this explanation on the basis that the other crew members in the truck also saw the UAP and therefore it couldn’t have been a hallucination, but there is an error in this reasoning.
Under this proposed explanation the UAP would have been a real object, an atmospheric plasmoid that would even appear solid. The abduction experience after the crew drove away in fright would have been the hallucination. The 2006 Max Planck paper referenced to above shows images of the plasmoids they can produce, and they can appear solid due to the unusual visual properties of plasma.
Keul published a summary of atmospheric plasma research in History of Geo- and Space Sciences in 2021:
Keul, A. (2021). A Brief History of Ball Lightning Observations by Scientists and Trained Professionals. History of Geo- and Space Sciences. https://www.semanticscholar.org/papeA-brief-history-of-ball-lightning-observations-by-Keul/0bdd9cffda0a73434540ea37827501f16ecfc784
Keul’s paper includes eyewitness reports of atmospheric phenomena observed by professional scientists. These reports describe a discus-shaped object 1 to 3 meters (3.3 to 9.8 feet) across (Keul, 2021, p. 47), and a spherical object estimated to be between 4 and 8 meters (13.1 to 26.2 feet) across (Keul, 2021, p.47).
If the geological location and visual appearance of the UAP as reported by Mr. Walton and the crew is conceptually resolvable as an atmospheric plasmoid, that would also support the possibility of Mr. Walton being subjected to a high-power geophysical electric discharge based on his account of getting out of the truck and approaching the object.
He mentions that the crew also saw the UAP, but he argues that they did not report hallucinations. The apparent absence of hallucinatory effect among the crew is potentially explicable based on the fact that they stayed in the vehicle throughout the observation, with the vehicle acting as a Faraday cage just like vehicles do during lightning storms.
A passage from the UK MoD’s formerly top secret and now declassified DI55 report from 2000, UAP in the UK Air Defence Region:
"The close proximity of plasma related fields can adversely affect a vehicle or person. For this to occur the UAP must be encountered at very close ranges... Local fields of this type have been medically proven to cause responses in the temporal lobes of the human brain…
Those closest to the event but located in vehicles or behind obstacles, appear to be partially or fully screened from the radiated field and any radiant heat" (Condign Report Executive Summary, Pg. 10/23).
Available in the UK National Archives: https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ukgwa/20121110115311/http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/FreedomOfInformation/PublicationScheme/SearchPublicationScheme/UapInTheUkAirDefenceRegionExecutiveSummary.htm
Final Thoughts:
This information in no way disproves any of the many UAP origin hypotheses. It's in the best interests of the UAP community to engage with high-credibility academic sources so that cases with descriptions matching recently-discovered anomalous atmospheric phenomena can be screened out.
A rigorous screening process serves to significantly strengthen the UAP community's position in debates with debunkers and allows proponents of non-human intelligence hypotheses to focus attention on exceptionally anomalous cases.
I’ve enjoyed all of the UAP-related TOE interviews conducted so far, and I can’t wait to see what Curt does next. Cheers all :)
submitted by WeloHelo to TheoriesOfEverything [link] [comments]

2022.01.25 18:34 Physics_sm About The Higgs boson could have kept our universe from collapsing on reddit

Comments on https://www.reddit.com/Physics/comments/schd6c/the_higgs_boson_could_have_kept_our_universe_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
The Higgs boson could have kept our universe from collapsing. Other patches in the multiverse would have, instead, met their ends. – https://www.livescience.com/higgs-particle-universe-collapse-in-multiverse and paper: Sliding Naturalness: New Solution to the Strong-CP and Electroweak-Hierarchy Problems – https://journals.aps.org/prl/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.021803
Note that we provided a single solution to this, Higgs Mass and vacuum decay [ https://shmaesphysics.wordpress.com/2020/06/24/gravity-stabilizes-electroweak-vacuum-no-bubble-of-nothing-to-worry-about/ ] , Strong CP problem [ https://shmaesphysics.wordpress.com/2020/06/23/strong-cp-violation-tamed-in-the-presence-of-gravity/ ] and dark matter [ https://shmaesphysics.wordpress.com/2020/06/21/explaining-dark-matter-without-new-physics/ ] and argued that Higgs mass naturalness is not an issue [ https://shmaesphysics.wordpress.com/2021/04/27/new-physics-is-often-not-so-new/comment-page-1/#comment-3026 ] or that the axions are not needed [ https://shmaesphysics.wordpress.com/2020/06/23/strong-cp-violation-tamed-in-the-presence-of-gravity/ ].
Plus as other proposed, multiverse is an easy way out!
submitted by Physics_sm to u/Physics_sm [link] [comments]

2021.07.20 17:58 MCFCguy Mario: The Gathering Cube List (For Creating a Draftable Cube Deck on Untap.in)

Drafting on Untap: If you want to draft the cube on untap.in, click New Deck, give it a name and click "Create Cube".
Then paste the basic lands into the Basics category and the rest of the cards into the Group 1 category. Then save the deck.
Once that's done, click New Game and change the game type to Cube. Select the Cube Deck you just made, change the pick timer to the time you want, and click Start Game.
(Only the person starting the draft needs to have the cube decklist.)
Otherwise: If you've already drafted with other people on Planesculptors, just paste your decklist into a New Deck and put (smbtg) after every card name.
Happy cubing!

25 Forest (smbtg)
25 Island (smbtg)
25 Mountain (smbtg)
25 Plains (smbtg)
25 Swamp (smbtg)

1 1-Up (smbtg)
1 Aim High (smbtg)
1 All That Glitters (smbtg)
1 Angry Sun (smbtg)
1 Antasma, Dream Drinker (smbtg)
1 Archivist Toadette (smbtg)
1 Artistic Obsession (sbmtg)
1 Atop the Battlements (smbtg)
1 Baby Form (smbtg)
1 Backwards Long Jump (smbtg)
1 Banshee Boardwalk (smbtg)
1 Banzai Bill (smbtg)
1 Biddybuggy (smbtg)
1 Big Bertha (smbtg)
1 Big Boo (smbtg)
1 Big Boo's Haunt (smbtg)
1 Big World (smbtg)
1 Birdley (smbtg)
1 Birdo (smbtg)
1 Black Yoshi (smbtg)
1 Blaze (smbtg)
1 Blooper (smbtg)
1 Blue Shell (smbtg)
1 Blue Yoshi (smbtg)
1 Bob-omb (smbtg)
1 Bob-omb Cannon (smbtg)
1 Bomb Boo (smbtg)
1 Bone Goomba (smbtg)
1 Bone Rattler (smbtg)
1 Bonetail (smbtg)
1 Bonus Game (smbtg)
1 Boo Buddies (smbtg)
1 Boo Cloud (smbtg)
1 Boo Pipes (smbtg)
1 Boo-lette Wheel (smbtg)
1 Boohemoth (smbtg)
1 Boom Boom (smbtg)
1 Boomerang Bro (smbtg)
1 Boss Rush (smbtg)
1 Bottomless Chasm (smbtg)
1 Bouldergeist (smbtg)
1 Bounding Dolphins (smbtg)
1 Bounty Board (smbtg)
1 Bowser Jr. (smbtg)
1 Bowser's Castle (smbtg)
1 Bowser's Wristband (smbtg)
1 Bowser, King Koopa (smbtg)
1 Brick//Mortar (smbtg)
1 Broozer (smbtg)
1 Bubble (smbtg)
1 Bully (smbtg)
1 Bumper (smbtg)
1 Cappy (smbtg)
1 Captain Toad, Treasure Tracker (smbtg)
1 Capture on Canvas (smbtg)
1 Casualties of Wart (smbtg)
1 Cataquack (smbtg)
1 Ceiling Surprise (smbtg)
1 Chain Chomp (smbtg)
1 Chargin' Chuck (smbtg)
1 Cheep Charger (smbtg)
1 Close call (smbtg)
1 Coin Coffer (smbtg)
1 Collateral Damage (smbtg)
1 Colorful Platforms (smbtg)
1 Comet Observatory (smbtg)
1 Congested Roadway (smbtg)
1 Cosmic Clone (smbtg)
1 Count Bleck (smbtg)
1 Counterspook (smbtg)
1 Course World (smbtg)
1 Coursebot (smbtg)
1 Crack the Eggs (smbtg)
1 Credits Warp (smbtg)
1 Culex, Dark Knight of Vanda (smbtg)
1 Curve Ball (smbtg)
1 DK Mountain (smbtg)
1 Daring Demolition (smbtg)
1 Dash Pepper (smbtg)
1 Death Stare (smbtg)
1 Diddy Kong (smbtg)
1 Dimentio, Charming Magician (smbtg)
1 Dinosaur Land (smbtg)
1 Donkey Kong (smbtg)
1 Donkey Kong's Tie (smbtg)
1 Dorrie (smbtg)
1 Double Cherry (smbtg)
1 Double Team (smbtg)
1 Double//Dash (smbtg)
1 Downslope Thicket (smbtg)
1 Dr. Mario (smbtg)
1 Draggadon (smbtg)
1 Drift (smbtg)
1 Dry Bones (smbtg)
1 Dry Bowser (sbmtg)
1 Earth-Shattering Stomp (smbtg)
1 Eerie (smbtg)
1 Endless Challenge (smbtg)
1 Enter the Painting (smbtg)
1 Epic Confrontation (smbtg)
1 Exclude (smbtg)
1 Expendable Army (smbtg)
1 Explore (smbtg)
1 F.L.U.D.D. (smbtg)
1 Fake Item Box (smbtg)
1 Fawful, Dark Keeper (smbtg)
1 Feather Power (smbtg)
1 Final Battle (smbtg)
1 Finish Line (smbtg)
1 Fire Bar Roast (smbtg)
1 Fire//Flower (smbtg)
1 Firebrand (smbtg)
1 Fishin' Boo (smbtg)
1 Flame Flyer (smbtg)
1 Fling (smbtg)
1 Flower Power (smbtg)
1 Fore! (smbtg)
1 Forest of Illusion (smbtg)
1 Form of Bullet Bill (smbtg)
1 Freezie (smbtg)
1 Frighten The Plumber (smbtg)
1 Frog Suit (smbtg)
1 Galoomba (smbtg)
1 Geno, Star Warrior (smbtg)
1 Ghost Ride (smbtg)
1 Ghost Story (smbtg)
1 Ghost Writing (smbtg)
1 Giant Banana (smbtg)
1 Gobblegut (smbtg)
1 Gold Standard (smbtg)
1 Gold Trophy (smbtg)
1 Goo-Goo Buggy (smbtg)
1 Gooigi (smbtg)
1 Goomba (smbtg)
1 Goomba's Shoe (smbtg)
1 Goomboss (smbtg)
1 Gourmet Guy (smbtg)
1 Grand Prix (smbtg)
1 Grand Star (smbtg)
1 Green Koopa (smbtg)
1 Green Yoshi (smbtg)
1 Grumble Volcano (smbtg)
1 Gushen (smbtg)
1 Hammer Bros. (smbtg)
1 Hammer Suit (smbtg)
1 Hammer Time (smbtg)
1 Haunted Chest (smbtg)
1 Heart Coach (smbtg)
1 Heavy Troopa (smbtg)
1 Hellen Gravely (smbtg)
1 Hero's Calling (smbtg)
1 Honey Queen (smbtg)
1 Hoverkart (smbtg)
1 Hungry Luma (smbtg)
1 I Made This (smbtg)
1 Ice Power (smbtg)
1 Ice-Blue (smbtg)
1 Iggy Koopa (smbtg)
1 Invisible Block (smbtg)
1 Item Box (smbtg)
1 Justice Toad (smbtg)
1 Kamek's Boon (smbtg)
1 Kamek's Broomstick (smbtg)
1 Kamek, Arch-Magikoopa (smbtg)
1 Kat and Ana (smbtg)
1 Kidnap (smbtg)
1 King Bob-omb (smbtg)
1 King Boo (smbtg)
1 King Boo's Crown (smbtg)
1 King Kaliente (smbtg)
1 King's Cage (smbtg)
1 Kingdom's Groves (smbtg)
1 Kingfin (smbtg)
1 Koopa Airship (smbtg)
1 Koopa Clown Car (smbtg)
1 Koopa the Quick (smbtg)
1 Lakitu (smbtg)
1 Larry Koopa (smbtg)
1 Last Resort Hotel (smbtg)
1 Leave in the Dust (smbtg)
1 Lemmy Koopa (smbtg)
1 Letter from the Princess (smbtg)
1 Lifelike Painting (smbtg)
1 Lost Pools (smbtg)
1 Ludwig von Koopa (smbtg)
1 Luigi's Mansion (smbtg)
1 Luigi, Player Two (smbtg)
1 Lunge Fish (smbtg)
1 Mad Piano (smbtg)
1 Magikoopa's Blast (smbtg)
1 Magma Jet (smbtg)
1 Magma Spray (smbtg)
1 Maker's Stylus (smbtg)
1 Mario Kart Stadium (smbtg)
1 Master Cycle (smbtg)
1 Matching Game (smbtg)
1 Mayor Pauline (smbtg)
1 Mechawiggler (smbtg)
1 Mega Mole (smbtg)
1 Mega Mushroom (smbtg)
1 Meowser (smbtg)
1 Metal Cap (smbtg)
1 Mii Racer (smbtg)
1 Moneybag (smbtg)
1 Moo Moo (smbtg)
1 Morton Koopa (smbtg)
1 Mouser (smbtg)
1 Mr. Eraser (smbtg)
1 Mr. I (smbtg)
1 Muncher Patch (smbtg)
1 Mushroom Kingdom (smbtg)
1 Mushroom Power (smbtg)
1 Mystery Block (smbtg)
1 Nabbit (smbtg)
1 Night's Whisper (smbtg)
1 Nintendo Headquarters (smbtg)
1 POW Block (smbtg)
1 Para-Goomba (smbtg)
1 Para-Wing (smbtg)
1 Parade Kart (smbtg)
1 Peach's Crown (smbtg)
1 Peek-A-Boo (smbtg)
1 Petey Piranha (smbtg)
1 Pianta Villager (smbtg)
1 Pile Driver Micro-Goomba (smbtg)
1 Pipe Frame (smbtg)
1 Pipe Network (smbtg)
1 Piranha Plant (smbtg)
1 Pit Crew Toad (smbtg)
1 Please the Crowd (smbtg)
1 Poison Bog (smbtg)
1 Pokey (smbtg)
1 Poltergust 3000 (smbtg)
1 Polterpup (smbtg)
1 Poochy (smbtg)
1 Precarious Footing (smbtg)
1 Prehistoric Tyrant (smbtg)
1 Prince Peasley (smbtg)
1 Princess Daisy (smbtg)
1 Princess Peach (smbtg)
1 Princess Rosalina (smbtg)
1 Professor E. Gadd (smbtg)
1 Proto Piranha (smbtg)
1 Puzzle Level (smbtg)
1 Queen Bean (smbtg)
1 Rainbow Road (smbtg)
1 Read the Blueprints (smbtg)
1 Red Boo (smbtg)
1 Red Koopa (smbtg)
1 Red Yoshi (smbtg)
1 Remote Driving (smbtg)
1 Return Volley (smbtg)
1 Rev Your Engines (smbtg)
1 Rex (smbtg)
1 Reznor (smbtg)
1 Right Behind You (smbtg)
1 Rip Van Fish (smbtg)
1 Rising Water (smbtg)
1 Rocky Wrench (smbtg)
1 Rollodillo Cloak (smbtg)
1 Rotate (smbtg)
1 Roulette Block (smbtg)
1 Roy Koopa (smbtg)
1 Ruined Dragon (smbtg)
1 Sand Trap (smbtg)
1 Scare-a-thon (smbtg)
1 Search the Grounds (smbtg)
1 Seasonal Farmland (smbtg)
1 Shiverian Racer (smbtg)
1 Shooting Star (smbtg)
1 Should've Stayed Home (smbtg)
1 Shove Over (smbtg)
1 Showdown (smbtg)
1 Shrink Lightning (smbtg)
1 Shroob (smbtg)
1 Shroom Grocery (smbtg)
1 Shy Boo (smbtg)
1 Shy Guy (smbtg)
1 Sidestepper (smbtg)
1 Slammer (smbtg)
1 Slipstream (smbtg)
1 Snatch (mtg-gk)
1 So Long (smbtg)
1 Soft Lock (smbtg)
1 Something Wicked (smbtg)
1 Soundfrog (smbtg)
1 Spear (smbtg)
1 Spiny (smbtg)
1 Spirited Away (smbtg)
1 Stack of Goombas (smbtg)
1 Star World (smbtg)
1 Star of the Party (smbtg)
1 Starship Mario (smbtg)
1 Start Over (smbtg)
1 Steel Driver (smbtg)
1 Street Race (smbtg)
1 Strength in Numbers (smbtg)
1 Super Bell (smbtg)
1 Super Crown (smbtg)
1 Super Hammer (smbtg)
1 Super Horn (smbtg)
1 Super Mario (smbtg)
1 Super Star (smbtg)
1 Super Team (smbtg)
1 Surprise Party (smbtg)
1 Sweet Sweet Canyon (smbtg)
1 Tanooki Suit (smbtg)
1 Tatanga, Alien Invader (smbtg)
1 The Duke (smbtg)
1 The Odyssey (smbtg)
1 Three Balloons (smbtg)
1 Throne Room (smbtg)
1 Thunder Hand (smbtg)
1 Thwimp (smbtg)
1 Thwomp Stomp (smbtg)
1 Tiny Galaxy (smbtg)
1 Toad (smbtg)
1 Toad Brigade (smbtg)
1 Toad Shopkeep (smbtg)
1 Toad's House (smbtg)
1 Toadette (smbtg)
1 Toadsworth (smbtg)
1 Top Secret Area (smbtg)
1 Traffic Lakitu (smbtg)
1 Traffic Slip (smbtg)
1 Trapped in the Ring (smbtg)
1 Troll Level (smbtg)
1 Trophy Ceremony (smbtg)
1 Troubling Season (smbtg)
1 Tryclyde (smbtg)
1 Turn to Brick (smbtg)
1 Turnip (smbtg)
1 Tuxie (smbtg)
1 Tweester Trickery (smbtg)
1 Ukiki (smbtg)
1 Ulcerate (smbtg)
1 Uncaged Fury (smbtg)
1 Undodog (smbtg)
1 Urgent Possession (smbtg)
1 Valley of Bowser (smbtg)
1 Vanish Cap (smbtg)
1 Waluigi, Spite Incarnate (smbtg)
1 Wario Stadium (smbtg)
1 Wario, Greed Incarnate (smbtg)
1 Warp Whistle (smbtg)
1 Wart the Slippery (smbtg)
1 Weird Mushroom (smbtg)
1 Wendy O. Koopa (smbtg)
1 Wheelie (smbtg)
1 White Yoshi (smbtg)
1 Whittle (smbtg)
1 Whomp (smbtg)
1 Wiggler (smbtg)
1 World 1-1 (smbtg)
1 Wrong Castle (smbtg)
1 Yamamura, Skilled Creator (smbtg)
1 Yoshi Circuit (smbtg)
1 Yoshi Egg (smbtg)
1 Yoshi's House (smbtg)
1 Yoshi's Shoe (smbtg)
submitted by MCFCguy to MarioTheGathering [link] [comments]

2021.04.17 05:36 EverettVS Cancun Bubble Preview ft. The Beach Volley Blog & Lewie Lett The Volleyball Source Podcast

submitted by EverettVS to beachvolleyball [link] [comments]
