Second moment of area table

Overland Park, KS

2012.12.23 08:55 Overland Park, KS

Welcome to Overland Park, KS!

2012.02.17 18:34 Advice from experienced mechanics from several fields.

This is more than a car repair forum!

2008.03.07 20:45 Welcome to Amazing Illinois

Illinois: The Land of Lincoln

2024.06.08 19:00 peakpulsesports Private Pick Up Run - June 11 - təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre, New West

Hey fellow basketball lovers!
We were able to score the brand newly open təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre in New West for some June dates!
Excited to play on a fresh court? Whether you’re a veteran player or just looking for some friendly competition, don’t miss out on our exclusive VIPs Basketball Run! This private pickup event welcomes up to 20 players of all ages, genders, and skill levels, offering the perfect opportunity to showcase your skills, try new moves, and have a blast playing the game we all love.
Event Highlights:
Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today and be part of our second VIPs Basketball Run. See you on the court!
submitted by peakpulsesports to BasketballVancouver [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:00 _Haxington_ V For Vanilla [Vanilla] [SMP] [Semi-Anarchy] {1.20.4} {No Map Resets}

Server IP:
Server Discord:
Version: Java 1.20.4
V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. Our goal is to provide players with a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience. We have minimal admin intervention, giving players the freedom to play the game how they like, while keeping things fair for everyone by banning cheaters. To keep the vanilla experience authentic there are no game changing plugins or commands.
We have a small community with many people from all around the world. If you are looking for a true vanilla experience we welcome you to join us.
We hope to see you soon on V!
Server Info:
Server Rules:
submitted by _Haxington_ to MCVanillaServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:00 Your-coolest-human AITAH for messaging my new bf I met on app that I don't think he is emotionally available but then unsent it but by then he blocked me

Hey, I just need as advice, on one of my personal problems, can I ask you for It just happened few hours ago and I literally don know how to deal with it😭😭😭😭😭😭
I (24 F) got to know this man (25M) from an online dating app, and we matched with each other liked each other and We matched on the app, and then exchanged our discord and Snapchat, we didn't get each others numbers yet ( because I didn't want to him it to him that fast) Just so you know he is from the US, and I am currently out of country for work, so couldn't meet him f2f yet, ( it was only a week ) So, for 4-5 days our talk was amazing, we discussed everyrhing, abd he saud that he liked that I am not only pretty but also so polite, grounded and thats why he like me, and I said to him I like him too and the reasons why and he was happy about that, we discussed everything, our childhood, our past relationships, what our deal breakers in a relationship are and stuff like that, and we were also a little intimate online, and he started to call me babe/love ( he asked my consent if that's ok with me and I said yes) and so did I, so today, this evening ( where I am)so, on discord, we video called, but it was disconnected due to improper network issues,( remember its morning to him, and around 8 pm for me here) so, we decides to zoom call, as we planned for long call and so would be better, and there were plans for me for screen sharing to show some photos on my computer and stuff like that,and the zoom got disconnected once, we rejoined again, but it got disconnected again, we rejoined spike for over 30 mins and then again it said "unstable Internet" so he said he will disconnect and rejoin again, I said ok He then said, he is going to take shower and join after that, I said ok I will wait, and then he said he may not be able to video chat me, but we can chat instead for now, I agreed. But then I was upset deep down that I didn't get to spend enough time wuth him at least through video chat and in the heat of the moment I messaged him saying " I'm looking for someone who's emotionally available and committed towards me" and "you're an amazing person ( smiley emoji) and All the best" And then, I knew deep down I ONLY SAID IR BECAYSE I WAS UPSET AT THAT MOMENT AND I DELETED IT IN LIKE 30 SECONDS, and I tried to text " HEY WILL, ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THIS RELATIONSHIP" BUT that message WASN'T DELIVERED , AS HE BLOCKED ME, and I went back on the app and saw that HE UNMATCHED or BLOCKED ME THERE AS WELL
Any Suggestions on how to deal with it PLEASE 😭
submitted by Your-coolest-human to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:59 IrinaSophia The Two Paths of our Lives

By Dr. Haralambos Bousias, Great Hymnographer of the Church of Alexandria
With our birth, we set out on two paths in our life: the biological, here on earth, and the one which leads to heaven. We start off on these two parallel paths which we follow whether we want to or not, since both are a progression in time. The first journey has a specific end at some moment in time which we don’t know, but God alone, our Maker, does. The second is everlasting and leads to eternity.
From childhood we are provided for the first path by our parents and teachers, in order that we may tread it as painlessly as possible, with increased knowledge and goods, so that we may enjoy the changes, the adventures and the experiences with which this life fills us. The second, the everlasting, should be our priority in terms of provisions, but, alas, we are only very little interested in it, if at all. But success on the first path presupposes concern for the second.
The most basic supply we need is water. We can’t live without water. Thirst is an imperative need. All those who embark on a journey carry a flask of water with them, because the sweat expended on the path of life makes them thirsty. The journeys we take are never straight and level. There are ups and downs, rugged mountains, gullies and ravines and dry, sandy deserts. They oblige us to scramble over rocks amid thorns, bushes and undergrowth. At every stop, we raise our flask and drink water to quench our thirst. But the contents are soon drained and we must of necessity find other sources of water if we are to continue on our way. We proceed and look for pure, clean water, water to resupply us, water of life, since again and again we will thirst and won’t stop drinking until we reach the end of our path.
For our first journey, that of life on earth, we try to ensure that we always have water, or that we find sources along the way. What do we do about the second journey, though? Why are we so indifferent? Don’t we concern ourselves with it? Some do, some don’t. Yet when we seek the water of eternity we will never be thirsty again. With it, the path of life will be more pleasant, we won’t feel alone on the journey and we will enjoy each unique moment, looking at it from the eternal path rather than from this fleeting one. Who can provide us with this water? Only Christ, who tells us in the dismissal hymn for Mid-Pentecost: "Let those who thirst come to me and drink." It is only He who says: "Those who drink of this water will never thirst again" (John 4:14).
What does Christ require of us wayfarers? He asks that, like the Samaritan woman, we should say to Him: "Give me this water" (John 4:15). It might be asked whether we will find Christ on our path. But He is with us all the time. It is we who don’t see Him, don’t seek Him. In order to save the woman, He made the long trek from Jerusalem to Samaria, caring nothing for the heat, the effort and the sweat. If only today’s leaders, governors and tycoons, the rich with their shiny limousines could see Him. They don’t walk the path nor seek the poor Nazarene who is there with them. They don’t try to match the simplicity of His life. He didn’t have a chariot drawn by proud horses, but said: "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head" (Matt. 8:20; Luke 9:58).
We see Him walking like the poorest of the poor, trudging scores of miles, crossing plains and mountains to get to Sychar to give water to the thirsty Samaritan woman. For the sake of a single soul the Lord arose with His disciples and left Jerusalem to go to Samaria. Yes, for a single soul He walked such a long distance, though it was short in comparison to the other He had already made: from heaven to earth, in order to become a human person, when He bent the heavens and descended (2 Kings 22:10; Ps. 17:10). Christ became human, suffered and was crucified, in order to save one sinful soul. In other words, if there had been only one thirsty, sinful soul on earth, for their sake alone He would willingly have suffered everything, such as the spitting, the scourging, the crown of thorns, the purple cloak, and above all, death on the cross. All of this, in order to quench their thirst, to lead them away from the path of sin, to save them from the hands of Satan and to bestow on them salvation in eternal blessedness.
The water we require for our second journey is not material. It is immaterial. And Christ gives it to us freely out of the well-spring of His compassion, His love for us. When we seek Him, He willingly traverses thousands upon thousands of miles to come and quench our thirst. We should ask it of Him, as did Saint Photini, the Samaritan woman, when she said: "Give me this water, Lord." Then we will gladly resume our journey, both this transitory one and that towards eternity, in the certain knowledge that we are not walking alone but with Him who told us: "Without me you can do nothing" (Jn. 15:5).
And this water of His grace will quench not only our own thirst, but that of other souls who don’t know of His existence. We will become apostles, as did Saint Photini. We will become preachers, each in our own circle, in our home, in our neighborhood, at work, at school, in our homeland and in other places far away from it, where there are innumerable souls, disdained by the world and exhausted from their journey through the sorrows and trials of life. We should approach them and, if we bring them relief by telling them that Christ is the source of the living water and that whoever drinks of it will never thirst again, then, on our own journey to eternity, we will be blessed and joyful. We will feel no fatigue and we will have the spiritual satisfaction of knowing that we are in the company of other souls who, because of the "living water" (Jn. 4:11), no longer thirst.
submitted by IrinaSophia to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:59 DistributionOk5166 Enmeshment with friends?

When I (21M) got into a relationship with my partner (20F), it was awesome. Then she involved her friends in the relationship. She came off as very codependent (“I’m very attached”) to her friends, even saying her friends (20F) are never wrong (you’re gonna see some red flags here that I was stupid to ignore). Met one of her friends - wonderful guy not a bad bone in his body, hope all of them could be Ike that. She expressed (I don’t even know jokingly) that her girl friends were jealous that she got a boyfriend - yet she wanted us to be friends.
I have never met such hypocritical people in my life on first meet. They would criticize my career (I earn decent money in school), my race (they continually called me a brown boy), the fact I didn’t drink underage, they would question my validity as a partner in earshot much to my partner’s silence. They would criticize my colloquialism after poking fun at me- I would say “shut the fuck up” when a funny story came up while laughing. They would tell my partner (not me) that they didn’t like it (happy to not say it if it makes them feel uncomfortable) but then they proceeded to tell me to shut the fuck up with impunity. The double standards sucked. The dishing out but not being able to take it sucked. I was always made to be the villain. When I brought these up to my partner - “Oh you feel that way because they have siblings, and you’re an only child”. They showed up to my apartment unannounced when I was on a date with my partner (I live on the 3rd story). After the date was over, they would make plans to go out and say “This is a friends only thing”.
I held my tongue for a lot of disrespect. The people were openly known in their friend group to be third wheels in the relationship. They used to call me a b-word and a groomer (because I had friends who were 2 years younger than me). I used to call the main instigator a horseface after she made fun of my forehead and looks. But then it was too far. They could say whatever to me but the moment I come back I’m in the wrong.
They would openly ask my partner “Did he even get girls before you” to which my partner felt she had to defend her “choice” in me. My partner had told me that we won’t talk about our sex life. I was like yeah ofc. Her friends then started to tease me with info from our sex life - and they didn’t hear it from me. I confronted her on this and she was like “Oh it was a wine night and we started talking”. It was all ok until she started downplaying my skills. Then when her friends made fun of me with this info - I would then make fun of myself and then they would go to her saying that THEY were feeling uncomfortable about ME making fun of MYSELF.
They would cause fights to the point where I’m crying and hoping I’m no more. I would dream they would make fun of me so much - I would get up and walk out (I actually did this once but chalked it up to having to take a phone call).
They would compare me to their brothers and fathers. Token me for my race but then ask me to set them up with someone from my race. They would make fun of my career, yet ask me to get them a job. I tried to play nice with these people. On my own birthday, one of these girls was stressing out over organizing a career fair, I walked 40 minutes to help her out. These people would cause fights between us and I would apologize to them about stuff they do to me all the time saying “I just want to be accepted by the group”.
Worst part came when her friends pulled switchblades out on a moving bus as a joke and were brandishing it. I was the only voice of reason telling these people to stop, protecting my partner, motioning others to sit down and telling them that the group can get in so much trouble because of their idiotic behavior. Yet all her friends laughed at the fact I was getting serious. One of her friends had come up to me afterwards and showed me her palm, laughing. It was blood- she had cut her hands on the blades trying to play with the knives. Laughing.
Whether it was them blacking out drunk, headbutting each other, and touching each other inappropriately- I need to make sure no one falls behind or gets in trouble. Her friends would smack me for sitting on their bed by accident just to charge my phone near the wall. Everyone would laugh.
Her friends dressed up during Halloween as red flags (can’t make this up) and they kept making racial remarks to my friend. “Dance white boy”, “bathroom’s over there white boy”, etc. He took it as a joke the first few times but then started to feel uncomfortable. He told me wayyyy too late that this is what he experienced.
One day, I had fallen through my chair and winced in pain to which they laughed. I had enough of their immaturity, their laughter at my pain, their double standards, and their unresolved hatred. I thought since these people frequently call me out for every small thing (albeit behind my back), I can confront them directly and fairly (never confronted them on their behavior before). I asked them to treat me with some respect and just apologize. My partner stood silent as they continue to make insulting and demeaning faces at me and avoid the issue. I had a freeze response. I could not get any more words out of my mouth. Then my hypervigilance took a toll on me 30 seconds later in the form of an extreme panic attack (first one ever) where I cried and clutched my chest on a train. They stared indifferently. I sat crying with the doctor hugging me, while they called an Uber to go to a bar. They called the paramedics- they were heroes. I had enough, went up and yelled some disgusting things at the main instigator, who was making disgusting invalidating faces at me while I was approaching her for accountability. Called her a horsefaced. Told her “Why should I die on the train? You go kill yourself!”
My partner threatened to break up with me if her friends had told her to and told me I wasn’t fit to meet her dad. The next day, her friends guilt tripped her “You made a choice to go home with him instead of come with us to the bar”. They talked about how it was “bizarre” why I was so kind to the doctors and the paramedics yet yelled at them.
Partner said “Oh they have panic attacks all the time”. “It must have been caused by something else”. “They make those faces even when their relative died”. “There was a girl who doesn’t like her because she didn’t apologize to her properly”. “She thinks you’re attacking her face - just like her dad and uncles”.
I had tried to apologize several times but they shut the door in my face and asked me to stand to the side or avoid any communication. A few days later, the pain in my chest was tough. I went to the doctor, got some tests and was diagnosed with a cardiac arrhythmia as a result of the panic attack. When she told her friends, they said “we don’t care he had a heart attack, we care more about what he yelled at us afterwards”.
Then blame was shifted. I was the scapegoat. They were the ultimate victim. The whole group - people who didn’t even have anything to do with the situation brought up 9 month old issues that I had apologized for. I was ready to apologize for it all again. I begged my partner if I could fight for my story since she was sweeping everything under the rug. She told me “They don’t want to hear your side of the story - they don’t want to see you ever again”. Ganged up. They said I brought too many bad memories to the group.
When I asked my partner why she lets such people run from accountability for their actions. She said how her father told her to never give up on her friends. How her father lets his friends insult him and his wife till she cries. And that was his takeaway.
submitted by DistributionOk5166 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:59 Syvley Campaign Concept - Extermination Signal

Campaign Concept - Extermination Signal
This is currently just a concept, not an actual mod project!
New Characters Involved:
  • Glimmer of Hope (GH): A support iterator, tasked with keeping others functioning for as long as she can. Her facility is specialized biomechanical research rather than processing power to search for The Solution. Ironically requires very high maintenance herself.
  • The Crusader: Loyal companion, guardian and emissary of GH, Splash - as GH likes to call him is a slugcat she'd saved and adopted, highly modifying them in the process.
  • The Hadal Overseer: GH's main inspector unit, a slugcat capable of phasing through solids, can control/modify/overwrite non-vital iterators' and other mechanical creatures' components. Has been washed away during a routine check by an unexpected abnormally massive storm that came from a not too far facility. (not relevant to this story but plays a major part in the AU)
The Campaign Premise:
  • GH comes across information of a fellow iterator afflicted by rot, sending overseers to the facility to analyze the threat. Over several cycles she creatures a countermeasure, uploading onto a data pearl schematics to modify a communications array to send a signal intended to be received by rot creatures, commanding them to immediately self-destruct. All that remains is getting this pearl to the iterator who needs it quickly enough.
  • Giving the pearl to their trusted pal, she sends him on what was supposed to her knowledge be a simple delivery quest but the situation is much worse than what the overseers caught in view, turning this into a perilous adventure.
World Changes:
  • The Starting point is past the gate to Outer Expanse in Subterranean.
  • Rot is much more abundant and appears in more regions.
  • Mother long legs has a small chance to replace a Daddy long legs spawn in a cycle.
  • Creatures have doubled chances to advance in lineage when killed.
  • Cycles are slightly longer.
Slugcat's Conditions:
  • Crusader is being kept alive by a miniaturized rarefaction cell in their core, while this doesn't matter within GH's facility, outside he has 75 cycles to live. Spending 25 worth of traveling to get to 5P's facility you're left with 50. (In expeditions you get the full 75)
  • He starts with very high stats that greatly diminish and low food requirements that increase as the amount of cycles left go down.
  • Once per cycle he can supercharge one action, provided boosts diminish with lower cycle counts:
    • Movement - any jump, backflip, slide, dive, swim boost, and so on - has its impulse greatly amplified.
    • Throw - the thrown object deals greatly increased damage and pierces through creatures and armor plates.
    • Escape - can jolt a grappling creature to escape if not dead, causing them to spasm out for a few seconds, the jolt can pass through appendages to the core of creatures.
Gameplay Events:
  • Upon reaching 27 cycles, GH contacts you with an emergency message to abandon the mission or you won't have enough time left to return, at this point you can return to the Outer Expanse gate to end the campaign early, or you can choose to keep going.
There's no Ascension ending, as Crusader is locked at Karma 3.
  • 0 cycles left: regardless if you hibernated or not last cycle, Crusader's life support fails and he fades for one last time. 5P is overwhelmed by Rot and takes Moon down with him while trying to desperately fix himself. GH's communications to her local group go silent.
  • Abandon*: arriving at the OE gate with 25 or more cycles after receiving the warning from GH, Crusader returns before having delivered the pearl leaving pebbles to rot... for now. Recharged, armed with improved schematics to work under Pebbles' currently low power conditions and knowing what to expect from the environment Crusader departs once more - only the conditions have worsened since last visit, upon passing the gate once more, rot covers the exit. This time its do or die.
  • Delivering the pearl with less than 27 cycles left: A skeptical pebbles, reads and is impressed by the complex and complete schematics, with nothing to lose he uploads the data to the communications array and... nothing, he no longer has enough power to the array to send the signal and scoffs it off as one more to the list of failures he's had to deal with. He remarks that he's noticed your light will extinguish soon and that in a way you're in similar situations, only that his light will take an eternity to go out which is perhaps worse than to just end. With nothing more, nothing left to do he sends you on your way. At this point you can simply wait for the cycles to tick down or make your way to the communications array. Upon arriving, Crusader drains what's left of their energy to power the array, sending out the signal - within moments much to 5P's shock, rot all over the facility self-destruct, one lone overseer spots the slugcat who's visited him earlier lying down, motionless. GH's communications to her local group go silent.
  • Delivering the pearl with 27 or more cycles left: Same as above, only that now Pebbles has barely enough power to send the signal, to his surprise causing the rot to be wiped - maybe getting help from others isn't so terrible? The celebration doesn't last long, as Crusader collapses momentarily. His life support system is malfunctioning - however many cycles were left are instantly reduced to 22 and you receive a garbled version of GH's emergency message. Pebbles takes notice of this and says that he's not a medical facility, but will try something - your cycle count increases to 27. 5P opens up the high karma gates across the facility and ushers you to hurry for he'd rather not have to bury you. You occasionally spasm out, similar to Hunter when out of cycles.
    • Arriving back at the OE gate with 25 or more cycles left allows Crusader to safely return to GH, Pebbles is cured of the rot and Moon soon regains her facility's functionality as Pebbles greatly reduces his water consumption.
    • Arriving back at the OE with less than 25 cycles left, Crusader never makes it back and fades somewhere in the wilderness. Same result for 5P and Moon, additionally GH goes silent.
My attempt at drawing something that ain't a stick figure for once:
submitted by Syvley to rainworld [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:59 STierMansierre ThinkChad Unbeknownst: I Don't Know What I Now LeKnowvo

ThinkChad Unbeknownst: I Don't Know What I Now LeKnowvo
First post. Picked up this T430s a couple weeks ago and (re)joined this madness. As far as a history with these machines, my best friend had an Thinkpad back in 03/04 and we used to play the old Jagex games on it. I always loved the design, there was a time when not needing a mouse was a flex and the trackpoint was great. He doesn't know I have one of these but he knows that I got a laptop and I'm going to show him hopefully today, I know this thing is going to take him right back to those days just like it did for me. It was very interesting to find that these machines have such a following. They're a true representation of what right-to-repair really means in an ever upgrading and evolving technological landscape. I didn't know I belonged here. I didn't know what I now know, but really, that's the beauty of these machines. They just are. The understanding is in the use, and in the design itself. I knew it the moment I started using one years ago, I just didn't know that this knowledge had a community.
This one is good so far, minty even, been doing some light writing, analysis, and Chrome surfing. Running 3 hour battery life with the dual battery set up. I'll be real, it struggles with Runescape after about an hour with some low graphics settings so not a good look for the "antiquated i5." I imagine the onboard Wifi capability might not be the best either, and I did wonder if doing a hardline set up would bring better results? Interested in hearing upgrade recommendations for that kind of use, even if it's another Thinkpad, this one was a steal and will perform fine as a workhorse for now. Already have the SSD and 16GB RAM. I also have a used color-matching Lenovo mouse as a bit of a joke for myself and why I liked these machines in the first place. I'm not sure if the wheel on it counts as a second nipple but the touch on it is clicky and satisfying. That counts for something.
submitted by STierMansierre to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:56 Pretty_Concept_4236 WCW 2K24 Universe Episode: 15 Bash At The Beach- Miami, FL Night 2

WCW 2K24 Universe Episode: 15 Bash At The Beach- Miami, FL Night 2
Get ready for the ultimate clash of titans in WCW 2K24 Universe's second pay-per-view event, "Bash At The Beach"! Live from the vibrant shores of Miami, Florida, the wrestling world will witness an epic showdown like never before.
In the main event, tensions reach their boiling point as two legendary forces collide in a spine-chilling casket match. Representing the ominous NWO is none other than the legendary Undertaker, ready to enforce his dominance and bury his opponent once and for all. Standing in his way is "The Final Boss" himself, The Rock, proudly representing The Bloodline and prepared to show why he's a force to be reckoned with in the squared circle.
But that's not all! Throughout the night, prepare to be on the edge of your seat as WCW's finest warriors go head-to-head in electrifying matches, each vying for glory, honor, and championship gold. With rivalries ignited and alliances tested, every match promises to be a spectacle of athleticism, drama, and adrenaline-pumping action.
So, join us for two nights of unforgettable moments, jaw-dropping surprises, and pulse-pounding excitement at WCW 2K24 Universe's "Bash At The Beach"! Who will emerge victorious? Tune in to find out!
WCW Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match Law VS Fat Ash VS Adrian Haas 0:00-7:23
WCW Luchador Championship Fatal 4-Way Match Luis Lopez VS El Tigre Blanco VS Jose Joker 7:24-24:59
WCW Tag Team Championship Black Wall-Street VS Duce-Gang 25:00-35:37
Singles Match Special Guest Referee- Paul Levesque (HHH) Chris Jericho (NWO) VS Shawn Michaels (The Kliq) 35:38-47:58
Extreme Rules Tornado Tag Match Solo Sikoa & Jey Uso (The Bloodline) VS The Insiders (The Kliq) 47:59-57:47
WCW Legends Championship Casket Match The Undertaker (NWO) VS The Rock "The Final Boss" (The Bloodline) 57:48
submitted by Pretty_Concept_4236 to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:56 Patient_Clerk3144 Just moved to a big city (Toronto) for the first time, are the dating rules here completely different? Would appreciate some clarity.

I want to start by saying that obviously I'm in therapy for all of this, but I wanted to get some perspectives from other lesbians, since I think as non hetrosexuals we may see a more diverse range of experiences in and around relationships with other women.
For context, I (mid 30s, F) have been openly gay for about 10 years, and in a chain of long term relationships which range from abusive to stagnant, although I find myself newly single (without actively in pursuit of someone) for the first time since I was 15. I moved to Toronto a few months ago from a small town, and as my social network is growing, I see a future which could be very complicated if not approached correctly. I have very little life experience in this area, and feel very out of my depth, but I feel like this experience is really highlighting that I may have Asperger's.
The rules feel different here. Everyone is very ambiguous about gender, sexuality, and what a relationship even is. I make friends with people and I can't tell if they are looking for just that or more. I'm a very happy-go-lucky person, and sometimes I feel blindsided (but not sad) by the expectations that others put on a connection. I see friends fucking each other, people in open relationships, "straight" women commiting casual adultery with their female friends. It honestly feels like relationship anarchy, but no one is saying it. I feel like there's rules that no one is telling me.
I am nervous that I do not know the correct terms or have the correct amount of experience to know that my words align with my wants (for instance I only just learned that a casual relationship doesn't have the friendship aspect, that sounds awful) I think all in all, it is clear that I shouldn't be in a relationship right now. For the moment, what I'm asking for is clarity from fellow women who have been in the queer scene in other big queer friendly cities.
Are the lines always this blurry? Is this a normal experience or have I just fallen in with a strange subset of ladies? How are people living lives like single women, but fucking like 4 different friends a week without messing everything up with feelings?
How do I communicate to new connections that "I'm looking for friends but if we develop a smouldering crush I'd like to keep it at arm's length and do the will-they-wont-they thing for 2 years, because honestly I don't want the actual commitment part" without sounding like a cold bitch? Is there a term for this that won't get lost in translation? Is it toxic to want this?
Have we all moved past the tabboo of infidelity as a way to cope with heteronormative societal expectations of climbing the intimacy ladder with a man? Is it okay to sleep with married women in a don't-ask-don't-tell scenario?
Why are coworkers fucking? Isn't that the exact opposite of what we were told was a good idea in every piece of media ever?
submitted by Patient_Clerk3144 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:55 R4muk1 [Spoiler Discussion] Arc 8 Chapter 71 might more than just a callback to what Al said to Subaru in Arc 7

So I have been re-reading Arc 5 [LN] after catching up with the translated chapters of Arc 8 and stumbled upon this line in Vol. 18 that makes me love that chapter even more.
\"Heroic delusions (reveries)\" said by Al in reference to Subaru having to use the Metia in City Hall to make the announcement
Both Chapter 71 in Arc 8 and the correlating Chapter in Arc 5 have the same name btw. (the WN translates both as "Heroic Reveries"), so when Subaru tells Al to "Carry them with me, these heroic reveries!", he turns Al's warning from Arc 5 around and uses it to motivate Al in this hopeless situation.
It is also kinda interesting how this shows the difference in mindset between Subaru and Al. In Arc 5, Al only thinks about the crushing weight of these reveries that one person has to shoulder on his own. This is basically what Al has been doing most of the time, using his Authority for the sake of others without anyone noticing, shouldering death on his own and trying to achieve a favorable outcome, similarly to how Subaru was using his Authority pre Arc 4. He ofc. still cooperated with his allies, but due to Al's reset only spanning mere seconds after his death, there isn't really any option for Al but to brave danger on his own
Subaru on the other hand, constantly is able to ask other characters for help, it even is shown to be a necessity for him during Arc 3 and 4. Especially in Arc 4, this philosophy of not shouldering everything on your own has been drilled into Subaru, so him now asking Al of all people (someone that is simultaneously very different and very similar to Subaru) to help him "shoulder the full weight" is such a cool moment in my opinion.
As always, I kneel before Tappei.
submitted by R4muk1 to Re_Zero [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:55 ShiDiWen A look inside 2001: A Space Odyssey Treasury Edition. For me this is peak Kirby. Hard to pick just 20 slides from the 72 page story. And Marie Severin too, her colours as always, are perfect.

A look inside 2001: A Space Odyssey Treasury Edition. For me this is peak Kirby. Hard to pick just 20 slides from the 72 page story. And Marie Severin too, her colours as always, are perfect. submitted by ShiDiWen to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:55 KingdomOfNerdz [M4F] Eye of Oblivion (an Elder Scrolls roleplay)

Disclaimer: I am 18+ and all participants must be 18+. NO exceptions!
14 of Rain's Head, Year 159 5E
It has been long since the Last Dragonborn defeated Alduin. Skyrim and her people live without fear of the dragon menace, and any dragons that remain live in seclusion on top of the mountains. The worship of Talos had been legalized and Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak has long since joined the great feasting in Sovngarde, but the Stormcloaks still live on, with many still wearing their colors. The Empire has given up any hope of regaining Skyrim, though the Aldmeri Dominion still claim they will take the country back one day.
Windhelm is now being governed by Ulfric's descendant, Tarren Stormcloak. He governs the city with ideals not dislike his great ancestor, but for the sake of not being overthrown, he publicly displays more than just tolerance for those who aren't Nords. The Gray Quarters are more spacious now, and many families of Dunmer residing there. Tarren is viewed as a better Ulfric in many regards, though it is merely a facade.
Skyrim was finally at peace... for a time.
Tarren had just retired to his bed, exhausted from a long day in which he helped his people and hunted. With a quick clap of his hands, he summoned his chamber maid, a beautiful woman whom he did not know the race of. It mattered little to him, as he must show "love" to all the people of Skyrim, not just the Nords. He gently caressed her cheek as she came to bed with him, a loving gesture that one would expect from a husband to his wife, not a Jarl to his servant. In truth, he cared little for this woman, viewing her as little more than someone to have fun with. Of course, he knew better than to come out an say it.
He began to pull her in closer, intending to savor a kiss before indulging in love, when a scream could be heard from outside. Said scream was followed by several more, then the shattering of plates and breaking of wood. The young Jarl's concern grew, and he began to raise from the bed. "Stay here," he instructed as he left the bed to approach the door.
The young woman watched her Jarl from the bed, confusion and worry on her face. The anticipation grew with each passing second until the door itself jumped at him, nearly being broken open. Immediately, Tarren ran back to the bed, grabbing the chamber maid by the arm and pulling her off the bed. He hurriedly pushed her into the large closet and closed the door most of the way. "Stay in here," he commanded, looking into the woman's eyes through the cracked door, "and don't come out until I come for you!"
Just as the Jarl closed the door, the woman could hear the bedroom door burst open. "Foul creature!" Tarren growled as the unsheathing of a sword could be heard. "I'll send you back to Obliv-"
The Jarl's words were cut off, and all that could be heard was the sound of a blade gliding through flesh. A thud was next heard, along with footsteps, as the young woman cowered into the corner of the closet. What sounded like sniffing could be heard a moment later, then a voice spoke, but it was not Tarren Stormcloak. The voice sounded distorted, foreign, evil. "Another, in there," it said, getting closer with every syllable. The door began to creek open, and the young woman closed her eyes tight.
The ancient words of the dragon's tongue echoed in the bed slave's ears, followed by the sound of glass shattering and the yells of whatever spoke first. A mere moment later, the door swung open to show a different man with a broad chest, sword in hand. He was older than the Jarl, likely in his forties. His long blonde hair, which covered the left side of his face, had a few grey hair, and his crystal blue eye showed wisdom. His physique was more chiseled than the Jarl's as well, covered by a red shirt with chain mail underneath. His trousers were black, but spots of blood could easily be seen. On his feet were boots made of what seemed to be bones, and from displays she'd seen as a girl, the young woman could tell the bones were from a Dragon.
Without a word, the man grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet, looking her in the eye with a look of intense focus and seriousness. "If you want to stay alive, woman, you'll stay close to me!"
So that was a really long intro.
Hey! So, this is an idea I've had for about a month now, and I was originally just gonna make it a fanfiction or something, but I decided to make this a roleplay idea. As you may have guessed, this will be a Skyrim based roleplay, taking place long after the Last Dragonborn defeated Alduin. Many aspects of the world are the same, but with new people and much more danger. The basic gist is that Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order and Logic, has regained much of his power and has decided to attempt to do what Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon failed to do: enter and take over Tamriel. And it is up to two heros to gain the Artifacts of the other Daedric Princes to stop him!
As you may have guessed, I'd like for your character to be a former chamber maid, or just a regular servant if you want, of the current Jarl of Windhelm. Her race, Backstory and powers are up to you. My character is a Nord who trained with the Grey Beards for twenty years to master the Way of the Voice. He's an excellent fighter and archer, but is hopeless in the fields of magic. We can discuss characters further in the DMs.
I usually roleplay on Kik, but for longer, more detailed plots like this, I prefer to use Discord. Feel free to message me on whichever you prefer.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kik: bartender365 Discord: gamertagtony#7699
submitted by KingdomOfNerdz to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:54 No_Command_6950 How to get the job I want?

How to get the job I want?
*** NO INGAME EDITOR *** Hey fellow coach friends out there. I am playing online with two friends and we are now in 2028 and Tuchel is still the coach of Bayern. We are doing kind of a journeyman safe. I started with union Berlin one year later than the other two and got them back up into the 1. Devision. I reached CL in the second season I am now leading the table in my third season got awarded coach of the year. So far so good but i haven't won anything yet. So my thought was I will only leave when I won a major trophy with union OR if can become new Bayern Coach as they are my favorite team in reallife and I normally don't have fun coaching them because it's to easy. But in a Online game this would be much different because I have now actual opponents. And it just would be funny. I'm am now wondering if there are any ways to increase the chances of getting the one Job. Can I do something? Is there a bug or a exploit to increase my chances. Should I talk to media when they ask me? Tell me everything please :) at the moment it seems like Tuchel is going to Newcastle. So my hopes are up. Thank you in advance
submitted by No_Command_6950 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:54 Pretty_Concept_4236 WCW 2K24 Universe Episode: 15 Bash At The Beach- Miami, FL Night 1

WCW 2K24 Universe Episode: 15 Bash At The Beach- Miami, FL Night 1
Get ready for the ultimate clash of titans in WCW 2K24 Universe's second pay-per-view event, "Bash At The Beach"! Live from the vibrant shores of Miami, Florida, the wrestling world will witness an epic showdown like never before.
In the main event, tensions reach their boiling point as two legendary forces collide in a spine-chilling casket match. Representing the ominous NWO is none other than the legendary Undertaker, ready to enforce his dominance and bury his opponent once and for all. Standing in his way is "The Final Boss" himself, The Rock, proudly representing The Bloodline and prepared to show why he's a force to be reckoned with in the squared circle.
But that's not all! Throughout the night, prepare to be on the edge of your seat as WCW's finest warriors go head-to-head in electrifying matches, each vying for glory, honor, and championship gold. With rivalries ignited and alliances tested, every match promises to be a spectacle of athleticism, drama, and adrenaline-pumping action.
So, join us for two nights of unforgettable moments, jaw-dropping surprises, and pulse-pounding excitement at WCW 2K24 Universe's "Bash At The Beach"! Who will emerge victorious? Tune in to find out!
Extreme Rules Match Joey Swoll VS Tommy Knight 0:00-10:47
Extreme Rules Match Anderson VS Spade 10:48-21:06
Extreme Rules Tag Match SP Hotboy & Yardie Lo VS LGB-Eat Yo Ass 21:07-35:11
WCW World Television Championship Vader VS El Tumba 35:12
submitted by Pretty_Concept_4236 to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:53 Distinct_Extent7778 Being sad doesn't make a story good.

I really hate the fact that many people associate a story making them feel sad means the writing is good. It's not. Just because a story makes you cry doesn't mean it's well written and I am tired of how many stories out there use a cheap method to bring out feelings over some random shit which makes no fucking sense at all.
A lot of stories which I liked have used these methods and I cannot stress how bullshit this is. If you post a video of a bunch of dogs and kittens being beaten to death(pretty extreme example), that's going to make you, me and everyone be filled with rage and sadness, but are we going to praise how good it was? FUCK NO! WE'RE WONDERING WHY THE FUCK YOU WOULD DO THAT?
This logic applies to every series. Just because the author makes you emotional, doesn't mean it's good. Just like anything else in a story, it can be good and bad. A good example is Hank from Breaking Bad. In Ozymandias, one of the most famous episodes of all time, Hank is outnumbered and yet still stood his ground instead of negotiating, and eventually when he's on the ground, Walter is pleading with Hank to beg for his life, and his last dialogue to Walt "You're the smartest guy I ever met, and you're too stupid to see he made up his mind 10 minutes ago." was tearful and just Hank. Hank death's was truly sad, because of what he was. Although he's not a good person, as he beat Jesse, lied and tried to frame criminals, as he doesn't view criminals as humans and even poses with their corpses. Yet he's a decent human being. We see how his character is affected through Walter's selfish actions, from his near death encounter with the cartel, to his unfortunate demise. And he died selflessly, by trying to protect Skyler and the kids from Walter. And this moment serves as a realisation to Walter, that his actions weren't helping his family, but simply bringing them pain.
This is what a good emotional scene is. They are built over time and we are made to truly care about the characters, and so when it finally happens, it truly brings out our emotions, and progresses the plot forward.
Yet it doesn't. Authors pull out emotional scenes with no build-up or reason, and it only halts the plot and serves no real purpose, then the author deluding themselves into thinking they did something, and fans glazing this shit.
An example of bad emotional scenes is in HTTYD3. It serves as a send-off of the series, where we see all the dragons leave. This movie made many people cry, as this is the last time we get to see toothless. Is it good? No. It's not good. Firstly the Nightwings, a mysterious species who were aren't aware of, are all dead. There was so much intrigue and mystery about them, so the fact they are apparently all dead just feels empty. Secondly the dragons. Why do they have to leave? All the issues faced are completely superficial. Even in the HTTYD books, which are incredible, when they left, and for reasons that made sense, some loyal dragons stayed behind, such as toothless. All in all, although this movie made me emotional, I absolutely despise it for disrespecting one of my favourite childhood series.
Now, sometimes in these emotional scenes, they can be used to elevate the plot and hit hard, showing us the brutal reality the characters face and risks. This is pretty good, but if used incorrectly, such as killing of characters we don't even know, this can turn into shit.
An example of shit emotional scenes is in MHA. Now there are far too many scenes in all of fiction I can nit-pick but due to the fact that MHA's war arc has finished, I might just start shitting on it. Midnight's death is a pathetic attempt at making the war seem serious. Midnight has absolutely no character other than fanservice and grooming the minors at MHA. Yet we're supposed to care about her even though she serves no purpose and hasn't had any scenes to make us care about her. Why should I be sad over fucking a sex offender dying? There is a clear power creep in the final arc, where most of class 1A cannot actually fight in the war. So kill them off. If Tsuyu died I bet far more people would feel the impact then Midnight. Far far more than Crust. WHO THE FUCK IS CRUST AND WHY SHOULD I CARE?
TLDR: better to have no emotional scenes than shit emotional scenes.
submitted by Distinct_Extent7778 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:52 elloEd I can’t stand US Military culture and the idolization it gets

Before I continue with this rant, I want to make it clear that I don’t not wholeheartedly hate the people who serve or enlist, for a lot of them, like the few buddies of mine who joined, they genuinely had noble causes for wanting to go.
But honestly.. as for THE REST of my old peers from high school? Biggest assholes I’ve ever met, none of which joined for the actual reasons our society here in the US LOVE to say is why people join, (honor etc) they just did it for the benefits and the glamour and carry on that lie with them when they speak about why they joined. In fact most of the loudest pro military people from my school were the radically alt right conservative rednecks who everyone knew were just closet racists, and who joked about blowing up sand n-ggers if they ever had the chance. Yet all of those others carry that lie, and it fools most people every time, because we Americans as a whole are suckers for people in the military.
We have millions pumped into advertising every year, we have standing ovations for them in practically every event, I can’t go to a single sports event without hearing some D-riding speech about them. Clap clap clap go them, We even have two dedicated holidays for them, and yet a lot of them STILL feel like it’s not enough. Don’t even get me started on tax dollars.
The last client I had at my old job literally said verbatim
..and I expect a military discount because I am an army veteran of 10 years! and yada yada
Like bro, nobody made you sign up. It’s that sort of thing that bothers me, and the thing is I know that’s not everyone but it is A WHOLE LOT of them like that. It’s not really the military itself that irks me, but rather the culture, and this constant, almost forced-like feeling, that we have to bow down and kiss their feet whenever they walk by, and worse, the resentment you get if you don’t. Some people genuinely do not like or respect the US military, some people here are immigrants whose native country got completely fucked over BY our country’s military, and yet the response for a lot of these people are nationalist biased and just plain blind “go back to your country then!” Most don’t sympathize with you for anything the absolute moment you denounce the military here, despite the past 25 years of military action from us being nothing but sheer imperialism, exploitation of resources, and propaganda. Nobody has had to actually “fight” for our country in decades, all the “fight” has been has been us sticking our business in other territories against their will and creating nothing but casualties and politicians getting richer. Yet we still make the whole idea of service glamorous and that our country is the one paying the real sacrifice when we have tenfold the innocent casualties on the other side. Especially when on top of all of this, our country honestly doesn’t give a shit about them. Veterans here are treated like second class citizens, and yet the resentment here is on us? Not our government? Idk
I understand that for a lot of people, they didn’t have a choice but to enroll, maybe they came from a more impoverished family, didn’t have the same opportunities when they were younger to choose something else, I get that, and that’s not who or what I am taking about, I am just talking about the loud mouths, but that being said, it makes it very hard for me to believe this when practically every young buck who tells me this himself ends up losing my trust as well. The last person I chatted with started the conversation light, explained his endeavors and how he needed to join to provide, and then it ended up with him getting offended and then started talking about blowing us up and how badass our funding is and how our country would smoke anyone and it usually always ends into something in that rhetoric every time. even the people saying they’re not like that, end up showing me they are like that.
Of course this is purely anecdotal, and everyone in the military being like that is objectively untrue, but when all of my personal anecdotes between service members have more and more lately being ratio-ed in such a way that it STRENGTHENS my generalized prejudice against them doesn’t help my case.
I am also grateful that I live in a country where I am even allowed to have an opinion against them and not get punished, beaten, or killed over it but that DOES NOT make it an excuse to pardon all of my, and others reasons, for resenting them and their actions.
submitted by elloEd to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:51 MaxBurman Recovery: The Complete Guide

DISCLAIMER: This post does not provide medical advice. Only a doctor can establish a diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.
Who will find this post useful? If your symptoms are related to the psychoactive effects of Lion's Mane, then this post is for you. If you have signs of allergy or poisoning, then you need to consult an allergist or toxicologist. If you experience severe side effects of any nature, you should call an ambulance.
In this post, we will learn about how psychotherapy techniques work. Only those techniques that have helped me personally will be described here. Next we will talk about supplements and choosing a doctor.
Before moving on to psychotherapeutic techniques, I must make a reservation - if they will be ineffective in your case, that's okay. Side effects are caused by components of Lion's Mane, not by thinking errors. These techniques are just supportive tools to control symptoms.

Fear of panic attack

Panic attack can be divided into 2 stages:
  1. In the first stage, there is increasing anxiety and fear that a panic attack is about to start. At this point, the panic itself is not yet present, but you are already afraid that it is about to start;
  2. Fear at the first stage increases the likelihood of a panic attack. If a panic attack has started, there is a fear that it will be prolonged or any other fear.
Have you noticed a vicious cycle? We can break this vicious cycle so that panic attacks occur much less often. The following techniques will help with that.
The first step you need to eliminate the fear that a panic attack will start. Here is an example of an inner speech that increases fear: "Oh no! What if it starts again? What if I start panicking again? No, please don't..." In this case you feel powerless, that nothing depends on you, that fear is stronger than you and you are at its mercy. Instead say to yourself: "Okay, I'm ready for this. I don't want to experience panic, but if it starts, I'm ready for it." In this case, you make your own decision about how to relate to what is happening. This is your decision, not the decision of fear. In this way, you put yourself equally with fear or even above fear. In my experience, fear and panic are somehow related to domination – the strength of fear and the weakness of the person, the power of fear and the submission of the person. If you stop feeling like a victim, the fear disappears.
In the second stage, when the panic attack has already started, you also need to stop feeling like a victim of fear. You have seen the phrase "Fight or Flight mode" many times. I suggest you choose Fight mode – face your fear head-on. Remember the behavior of bullies who often fight and call names – they are not afraid of anyone, but everyone is afraid of them. In a moment of panic, you need to get into the role of such a bully and start to fight the panic. Treat the panic as an enemy and be confident in your victory. Use rude or obscene language towards the panic, you can start waving your arms in the air (just don't injure yourself accidentally). Also, don't aim to reduce or avoid fear – it doesn't work. On the contrary, try to increase the fear – only then you will not feel like a victim. Example of dialogue (swearing) with panic: "Go on! Try to intensify!!! Try as hard as you can!!! Come on! Scare me more!!!"
There is a video on YouTube showing this technique, but I don’t recommend watching it, because it can exacerbate symptoms. If you decide to watch this video, be prepared to apply this or the next technique.
[POV] Panic Attacks & DPDR Simulation (TRIGGER WARNING)

Freeze response

Usually a panic attack is felt as Fight or Flight mode, but sometimes there is panic in the form of Freeze response. In my case it felt like consternation, sense of dread, dissociation, also visual noise and tinnitus appeared.
In my experience, to suppress this type of panic attack you need to return to a conscious state – to focus your attention on something. Try using internal self-talk to focus your attention and reduce stress. Call yourself by name and talk to yourself for a few minutes. For example, try to calm yourself. Also try to comment on your actions – what you are doing now or what you are going to do later. Mentally pronounce every sentence, every word. You can ask yourself questions and give answers to them. It does not matter what kind of self-talk you will have – the main thing is to have it as consciously as possible, completely concentrate on it.
By the way, concentration and mindfulness can be trained through meditation. For example, during mindfulness meditation a person concentrates on thoughts, breathing or surrounding sounds.
YouTube video about internal self-talk:
Is it normal to talk to yourself?
Vox article about meditation:
A guide to meditation for people who think they can’t meditate

Other fears

Other fears can also lead to panic attacks and worsen symptoms. I think many people in this situation will tend to catastrophize because there is a frightening sense of the unknown. At least that's how it was for me. Catastrophizing is a cognitive distortion that prompts people to jump to the worst possible conclusion, usually with very limited information or objective reason to despair.\41]) Experiencing anxiety about your condition is completely normal. But I want to caution you against catastrophizing, because it is the reason why your symptoms can get worse and last longer. On the contrary, be optimistic and confident in your abilities. Be confident that you can overcome this challenge. The less stress you experience, the faster you will recover.
The main fear that comes up in this situation is the fear that the symptoms will last for a long time. Everyone fears it, but everyone recovers over time. You can be sure of that. Everyone has a different duration of symptoms, but in most cases, significant improvement is seen in as little as 3 months. Also, symptoms may last longer due to co-occurring drug use or co-existing mental illness.
The next fear is that your personality has changed, that you have permanently lost your former sense of self and emotions. That's also not true. Over time, you will fully return to normal and feel the same as you did before taking Lion's Mane. This feeling is called Depersonalization-Derealization (DPDR) and it passes with time.\27])
Other fears may also appear. For example, fear of developing severe and incurable diseases, of damaging some body systems, etc. If a medical diagnosis from multiple qualified doctors does not confirm your concerns, you are probably catastrophizing.


The main cause of DPDR is panic attacks, which we have already learned to control. Here is a quote from a scientific article:
"This condition can be accompanied by a sense of unreality about the outside world and by out-of-body experiences, and is believed to be a defensive mechanism of the brain in order to protect the organism in acute anxiety or traumatic situations."
It is also important to avoid anxious thoughts. You should start doing normal activities and not fixate on your health condition. Don't read articles and posts about diseases. Try to pretend that you are feeling normal. Express positive emotions like an actor.
You can also try grounding techniques. Let's suppose you are walking down a city street. Concentrate on the present moment. You don't have to walk being deep in thought. On the contrary, start paying maximum attention to everything around you. Activate your sensory perception.
Name things you see: passing cars, people, buildings, signs and shop windows, streetlights, trees, birds...
Name things you hear: the sounds of cars, people's voices, the rustling of leaves...
Name things you smell: the smell from a cafe or a bakery, the smell from a perfume shop...
Name things that touch your skin: wind, clothes, shoes...
Concentrate on the present moment and on your sensory perception. When you learn how to do this, try not to name objects and feelings with words, but just to notice them. It is also called mindfulness. You can stay in this state several times a day. It improves well-being and mood even in healthy people.
More grounding techniques:
18 grounding techniques to help relieve anxiety
Excellent YouTube video with 3 steps to treat DPDR:
How I recovered from depersonalization disorder...

Dysphoria and suicidal thoughts

If you have these symptoms, you need to follow these steps:
  1. Identify negative and suicidal thoughts. These thoughts may be based on self-criticism, perfectionism, contempt for oneself or others, anger and rage, feelings of shame, feelings of failure, hopelessness, and a gloomy view of your past, present and future.
  2. Realize that these thoughts are caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters that leads to a distorted perception of reality. You need to separate those emotions and thoughts from your "real" self. Do not allow these thoughts to develop, even if they seem reasoned and truthful.
  3. Practice self-compassion instead of self-judgment. Try to treat yourself as a friend, not an enemy. Always check what you are saying to yourself in your inner speech.
This will not eliminate your dysphoria completely, but it will help you see things more clearly so that you don't make irreversible mistakes. If your emotions are unbearable or there is a risk of self-harm, then see a doctor.
A must read for anyone who has ever suffered from depression or anxiety:
Self-compassion makes you a better person. Here’s how to practice it.
The Role of Self-Compassion in Development: A Healthier Way to Relate to Oneself
Self-Compassion Test

Important tips


Chamomile tea has long been used for calmness and sleep disorders. Some authors reported that the sedative effect is due to a flavonoid, apigenin, found in chamomile. Apigenin acts by binding to benzodiazepine receptors present in the brain.\42])
Chamomile is likely safe when used in amounts commonly found in teas. It might be safe when used orally for medicinal purposes over the short term. Side effects are uncommon and may include nausea, dizziness, and allergic reactions. Rare cases of anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction) have occurred in people who consumed or came into contact with chamomile products.\43])
Examine: Apigenin
Supplemental GABA in the dose range of 20 to 300 mg has been used to improve sleep quality, mood and markers of stress, while a dose of 800 mg has been used to improve attention.\44])
Oral supplementation with GABA appears to be fairly safe and well-tolerated, with no evidence of toxicity in animal studies or serious side effects in human studies. However, abdominal discomfort, headache, and drowsiness has been documented following supplementation with GABA.\44])
Examine: GABA
WebMD Reviews: GABA


Experience has shown that going to a doctor does not always bring results. If your doctor does not believe in long-lasting effects after Lion's Mane, he or she is incompetent. As far as I understand it, doctors rarely deal with Substance-Induced Disorders (SIDs) and therefore they are not always aware that these diagnoses are listed in ICD-10 and other classifications. By the way, you can learn more about SIDs in this post. A good option would be to see a psychiatrist specializing in DPDR or Anxiety Disorders. The ideal option is to see a specialist with experience in treating SIDs.
The question remains, what is better – to take medication in the hope of reducing symptoms or to use psychotherapy and wait for the body to recover on its own? Doctors cannot guarantee the safety of using medication, so the decision is yours. My personal opinion (possibly wrong) – if the symptoms are unbearable or too prolonged, medication is needed. In other cases, psychotherapy, chamomile tea and time will help you.
A sample list of doctor specialties:


Obviously this post cannot be called "The Complete Guide". This title was chosen to attract attention. But hopefully I was able to collect the most valuable information here so you could speed up the recovery.
P.S. I made a full recovery 7 months after the onset of symptoms. In the first 3 months, the symptoms gradually decreased. Over the next 4 months there were several "flashbacks" that I managed thanks to the techniques and tips listed in this post.
submitted by MaxBurman to LionsManeRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:50 nikif9 all reason with examples why TA aren't competitive mode most likely of ttk but not only

here i talk about all problem TA(terminal attack) mode in the finals and why it doesn't fit in this game
starting with ttk(time to kill): finals have a high ttk examples of game with high ttk(overwatch, apex, quake, halo) but similar to TA mode games all have low ttk examples (cs, valorant, siege, cod(search and destroy)). this mode invented in 1999 with first version of cs (not sure its first or not but it frist to me) mode alive more than 25 year and they have a reason to stay a game only on low ttk. first of it you will take damage on every fight. every fight with high ttk take average 1.1 second (just shooting time for enemy) and in this 1.1 second you can take 1 or 2 shots. in competitive game every single hp matter in cs and valorand it takes 0,2 second for killing. low ttk example here good example what i am talking about in the finals you will need 10-18 shot to kill it and some one will shoot you in cs only 1-2 shots and doesn't take a single dmg kill 2 enemy and with problem with taking dmg on every fight. here another problem its a hp difference if enemy have more hp like in 50 point then you 90% you dead. only way to win its if he miss a shots clutch example here example of why low ttk its better for this type of mode. dude clatch 1v2 with 7 hp against 100 hp. in finals it never happen because of high ttk. and here another problem clutch situation on same video dude win clutch only by skill and outplay them they don't know his position in game with high tkk all clutch are pure luck or opponent mistake long ttk example this example of one of the best clutch in apex here you can see pure luck and opponent mistake on the same time with high ttk you can't win clutch 1v2 or 1v3 only if enemy make mistake,no trigger discipline TRIGGER DISCIPLINE example. trigger discipline its when you sneak behind 2 or more enemy try to shoot only to head. instead of trigger discipline for long ttk you will have a focus fire .focus fire its whey you with your team shoot to one enemy to kill faster enemy and instead of 10-18 bullets for enemy you with team only need to hit 5 bullets if 3 of 5 of you will shoot on him. witch make ttk a way shorter.
second problem its a lack of strategy: because of high ttk defense side have a huge advantage reason of it a focus fire if you play a rat and siting on corner and shooting on focus fire with 1-2 guardian turret you will get advantage in any fight. because you don't need to hold a way point and controlling space on map instead just working on focus fire. reason you dont need to control space if you stick together and focus fire every one will die as fast as they can imagine like in cs. and there no utilities for making some sort of fake for attack you need just push with focus fire for destroying turret and aps, its not a low ttk and here not a single man army. if you thing i am wrong give me one example of any other tactics i dare you can invent 0 of it high ttk just broke all utility like smoke maybe flash grenade will be useful but smoke are useless one of biggest tactical advantage in cs,valorant, siege are useless in this game.
third problem map:map did not design for this type of mode you dont have any way point, timing, spawns, all this just throw on bigger map at random. what a point to hold roof in monaco if you can be seeing from anywhere and can be focus fired, there no way point like in cs, valorant. controlling space are meaningless + in siege doesn't have a full distraction and there are reason of it. it will be strange if you can drop planting area to you but in siege you cant destroy a floor only a wall and not all wall. because imagine you collapsing a building where you need to be a holding its just make a more random instead of competitive experience.
fourth problem does not have any economy or management:you don't have a map you don't know what point is this how they stay only you knew its a attack or defense side. in cs and valorant every round matter because you have a money to buy gear, in siege you know what point you will hold but doesn't know what point attack and you need to a carefully pick a operators for attack. but in the finals its completely random you don't know what 2 point you need hold and what point you need to attack.
fifth problem some gadget are broken in defense:dome shield you literally can shoot threw it and doesn't take a damage, barricade just close all gap in plant sit on corner if enemy team don't take any breaching you will win free while they find any canister. guardian turret 3 of them with focus fire it can be wined at all.
six problem good luck to balancing game to 2 completely different game mode in original cashout mode you consistently change between attack and defense with hp regen and respawn what make more way to play with some risky move. but in TA you need to be a slow and careful with focus fire
submitted by nikif9 to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:50 BufordTeeJustice Sunrun alert: in for $10k, out for $29k

Sunrun alert: in for $10k, out for $29k
This chip porn shot is brought to you by the Bay101 Limit $100/$200 game with a mandatory $200 straddle (so blinds are $50-$100-$200). Session started in the evening and lasted just about three hours. Booked a +$19k win during this session.
Weird thing is: I didn’t win a hand for the first 40 minutes of playing, so my buyin was cut in half. But stay thirsty, my friends, because fortunes can change quickly in a game this swingy.
I broke the losing streak with Tc9c in the straddle. UTG raised to $300 and four players called. Getting over 15:1 on my money, I flicked in one more white $100 chip and took the flop:
Td 4c 2c
It gets capped three ways on the flop - $3k in the pot now.
Turn: Td 4c 2c (Ts)
Capped again (three players) - $5.4k pot.
River: Td 4c 2c Ts (6c)
I am concerned about be up against a boat but I led on the river, got called in both spots and my flush was good. Dragged the $6k and started scraping chips and stacking like an octopus.
Obligatory bad beat story: I’ve got 9d8d on the button. Flop comes: 5h 6d 7d
I’ll skip the blow-by-blow, but Villain had A7o and the flop and river were both sevens.
Runner-runner quads for massive double suckout.
Obligatory GOOD beat story: I’ve got AA on the button and Villain #1 has KK, Villain #2 has QJ. It’s capped before it gets to me.
Flop: Ks Th 3d
Capped four ways on the flop.
Turn: Ks Th 3d (Ac)
When I see that Ace roll off on the turn, bingo-bango-bongo is what I’m thinking. But then I get a bit of a sick feeling with how quickly all the raises are being put in the pot.
“One time! Please pair the board, dealer,” runs through my head about a dozen times in those few seconds it takes for the dealer to gather in the pot, knock the table twice, burn one, and put out the last card.
River is the blessed Td.
My rungood continued basically unabated for another hour or so. By that point, four players had quit and the game got short so I decided to lock up my sunrun.
I took my happy ass to the private count room and watched the electronic cash counter spin and whir.
Good times.
submitted by BufordTeeJustice to poker [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:49 FatalFrame59 Am I right or did I overreact?

Long story short: my ex and I broke up 4 months ago, cause he is a cheater and never took our relationship seriously. Fast forward two weeks ago, he starts reaching out again, texting me like: Good Morning, how are you?, have a nice day, and stuff like that. One day he sees me at the grocery store and invites me for lunch, I said yes, I was really hungry, we didn't talk about anything, just what have been up to these past few months. After that he still messages me saying the same stuff, so in the back of my mind I'm just like: is he trying to get back with me?. Tbh I don't think I would have actually gone back to him and if so, yeah he would have to work freaking hard If he wanted a second chance with me. One day I was on Grindr, see him and he still seeing the people he cheated with me ( I caught him having a threesome thats when he broke up with me). So I just send him a message saying basically I knew he was still seeing the same people, if he was actually sorry for cheating on me like he said when I first caught him, he would not be seeing those people. So I told him he was never really sorry. And he said I never cared about him, I only wanted to know what he was doing, who he was with and all that. And I just said I never had a reason to trust him in the first place and thats how I caught you cheating on the first place, by following my gut feeling
My question: we are nothing atm, did I overreact confronting him again? I mean we are technically free, we can do whatever we want, at that moment I just got really mad and reminded me how it made me feel the first time. I can be really impulsive sometimes. I act without thinking first.
Or should I apologize for confronting and trying to still control him? I just don't wanna seem like an a*hole.
submitted by FatalFrame59 to gay [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:49 TheMilliner The thing you get in the Starlight building is deeply disappointing.

So, I finally just now 100%-ed the game, got through the four coloured Starlight areas, got all the elevator cards and finally got into the experimental chamber and... Thought the Railgun was incredibly underwhelming.
It's got a neat effect and shoots accurately enough, sure, but it doesn't uh... It doesn't really do anything that other weapons I have don't already do, and doesn't really feel like a super secret experimental superweapon when it kills Enforcers slower than my Noisy Cricket or even my largely useless DMR, y'know? My Shotgun, the third gun I got in the entire game, is stronger than the Railgun and that doesn't exactly... Feel great, especially after all the work I had to put in to get it, searching for all the clearance cards and completing the pretty challenging Starlight areas.
The problem is threefold.
First; It doesn't do enough damage. I only get 20 shots at max ammo, can't buy more at a saferoom, it shoots as slowly as the Shotgun... and yet requires two shots to kill an Enforcer even with a headshot at a point in the game where many of the enemies are Enforcers or have shields which block shots. Thing is, by that point several of my weapons can one-shot much of the enemy roster. I got an upgrade for the DMR that lets me dome Enforcers with a headshot while scoped in the same building I got the Railgun in and for way less work. So, what's the point of it when I already have several tools that do what it should be doing, but better and with buyable ammo? It's way, way too weak for a highly limited super-weapon and doesn't even have an ADS zoom function, making it even worse at a distance.
Second; The amount of work you need to do to get it is not commensurate to the reward. Getting the Railgun takes a long time and requires the player to do a lot of fairly challenging combat situations back to back in four separate bonus levels on top of requiring all six clearance cards which requires some backtracking and secret hunting. Unless you're speedrunning that's going to take quite a while, and at the end of it you get a weapon which you immediately need to waste a shot on using, only to find it's worse than your other weapons as you get ambushed by an Enforcer when leaving the room, only to then further find that you can't upgrade it or even buy ammo for it, because like ice grenades/launcher grenades it doesn't even have a tab in the workshop, giving it the air of something you want to save, but the behaviour of a much weaker tool.
Third; There's no upgrades for it, and even the datapad entry for it is largely blank. Yes, I get it, it's an experimental, top-secret super-weapon that our ACE card apparently gives us free access to once we can physically get to its test chamber, there probably isn't much documentation on it or stuff for it. But with how it actually performs in your hands, it's deeply disappointing that it can't be upgraded and that I can't read fluff on it in the datapad like every other weapon. I don't necessarily mean alt-fire upgrades, though they would be nice, but even upgrades in the workshop would be nice, some damage buffs, something to make it, y'know, not just a DMR without a scope and with less ammo.
TLDR; The Railgun is too weak and too minimal in what it does to justify the sheer volume of work you need to put in to get it. Despite being the BFG of the game (at least at this point), it performs objectively worse than upgraded normal guns despite having limited ammo, a slow fire rate, no ADS/zoom/scope/alt-fire and feels disappointing, particularly when the Grenade Launcher acid rounds (or even just mines with the Annihilator mod) feel more like a super-weapon than the super secret super-weapon.
submitted by TheMilliner to Selaco [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:47 Valha28 EWW: The Man

Hello and welcome to episode 100 in a series inspired by u/kamikazeb0y and CinemaSins, where I'll be sinning each and every episode of Gumball.
Before we start I just want to point out that (not including the Early Reel) we have officially reached Episode ONE HUNDRED of Every Wrong With The Amazing World of Gumball!
It's been an incredibly fun journey so far, and with some very iconic and important episodes still to cover we have a lot to still look forward too! WIth 140 episodes left to cover, I've still got my work cut out for me! But trust me, no matter how long it takes, I will get to the end...hopefully before Season 7 releases and pushes the finish line further away!
Hope you enjoy, and I'll see you for the next one hundred episodes!
Quick Disclaimer: I know this is just a children's cartoon and isn't meant to be taken seriously. This, like the show itself, is not at all meant to be taken seriously or considered an actual critique of the show. It is all in good fun. With that out of the way I present you, Everything Wrong With: The Man!
Granny Jojo: Why are there so many candles? I'm only sixty-three. Anais: Sorry. We didn't know exactly how old you were, so we based it on looks Firstly, I understand the kids not knowing how old she is, but Richard? How does one not know the age of their own mother!? +5
Secondly, BWAHAHAHAHAA! -5
Richard: The alphabet of my mom. "A" is for "Amazing" 'cause that's what you are. "B" is for "Breakfast", one of my twelve favorite mealtimes, and because you're amazing, Mom. "C" is for... [He continues talking] Granny Jojo: Nicole, I just wanted to say that you look really average today. Nicole: Oh, yeah? Well, you look like someone drew an ugly face on a butt with a— wait, what? Did you just say "average"? That's gotta be the least offensive thing you've ever said to me. You need a lie down? Gumball: Yeah, and you gave us real candy instead of your expired fungus medication- Darwin: And your face looks wrong. It's like your mouth is upside down- Anais: It's almost as if you are...smiling. Richard: ...why? Because I like them. And "Z" is for "Zebra", an amazing mythical creature. But not as amazing as you, Mom. Okay, there's no way Richard read through A-Z already. He had to have skipped like half the alphabet to fit it all in that short conversation +1
[Richard slams the door in Louie's face. His outstretched arm sticks out through the letter flap. Granny Jojo reopens the door] Granny Jojo: This is Louie. He's my boyfriend. Okay, what is with episodes and huge lore reveals/changes recently? First Gumball and Penny become a couple, then Carrie's origin and Dad are revealed, and now Granny Jojo is dating Louie. Feels the writers change one thing in The Shell then went wild with power and did a whole bunch more.
I mean, I'm not complaining though. They're pretty cool -1
[Richard finally recovers. He sees Gumball, wobbling in his vision. His voice is distorted and echoing] Gumball: Dad, are you alright? Darwin: What's with the voice? Gumball: [Distorted, but no longer echoing] I don't know. It just felt appropriate. PFFT -1
[Gumball takes a pack of nachos and hands it to Nicole] Nicole: Clear! [She opens it. Immediately, Richard springs up, biting into the nacho bag and chewing on it wildly] I don't know why, but the writers were on point when writing the jokes for this episode and I love it -10
Granny Jojo: To be honest with you, I have no idea what he said. My hearing isn't what it used to be. Louie: Me, neither! I was just laughing and hoping it wasn't a question. [They laugh] Louie: We got so much in common. Granny Jojo: Yeah, we're both falling apart. [They laugh again. Louie kisses Granny Jojo] Awwww -5
Richard: Call me son one more time! I dare you! I DOUBLE-DARE YOU! You MOTHER ROBBER! God damn it actually kinda hurts seeing Richard like this. It's so unlike him to act so aggressively and it makes it really clear how much his Dad leaving him affected him. I demand the entire family give him hugs now! -1
[Richard grunts, and pushes Louie away on his scooter. Afterwards, he storms back inside to confront Granny Jojo] Somehow all of them have, in the span of a few seconds Nicole ahs gone and made a cup of coffee and Gumball and Anais have sat down and started an entire card game. +1
Though, Gumball and Anais just casually hanging out and playing some card game is pretty cute. We never really saw him or Darwin actually hanging out with or chilling with her that often, if ever, so this is nice to see -1
Granny Jojo: Let me explain something— Richard: No, let ME explain something! I don't want you to see that guy anymore! Granny Jojo: Well, I don't think it's for you to decide, young man! Richard: When you're under my roof, you follow my rules, old lady! Gumball: I don't think anyone should follow your twelve-meals-a-day rule. Granny Jojo: Richard, I'm old enough to make my own rules, and I'm seeing Louie TONIGHT! Richard: Go to your room, you're grounded! Granny Jojo: You go to your room, you're grounded! What? But surely Jojo is just visiting for her birthday right? Plus even if she wanted to stay there isn't really any rooms she could stay in except Anais', and it's debatable if said room even exists or not +5
Granny Jojo: Gumball. [Opening an eye, he sees his grandmother beside him, wearing fancy clothes with make-up on. The jump cuts closer to her face] Gumball: [Gasps] Oh wait, this is clearly a nightmare. Nothing could be this ugly in real life. Darwin: We helped Granny Jojo make herself pretty for Louie. What do you think? Gumball: Huh, what do you know? [Screams hysterically] Anais: Yeah, I agree with you. But this is the best we could do short of a face transplant. Okay, I get you think she looks hideous, byt after what happened between her and your Dad earlier I very highly doubt she's in the mood for such insults nor appreciates such comments. You can think it, sure, but you reaaally don't need to say it out loud +5
Granny Jojo: Oh, Gumball, if you could only understand the meaning of true love. The yearning to be at one with another soul. To hold them tightly in your arms- Gumball: Please stop, I'm getting a mental picture. It's really high-def. Granny Jojo: Hear them whisper in your ear: I love you, I love you- Gumball: Fine! Fine! We'll do it, just, please stop talking. Firstly, pretty sure he does know that feeling considering he was crushing over a girl for who knows how long, and is now finally with said girl +1
Secondly...Jojo actually bothered to learn Gumball's name since The Kiss? Neat -1
Nicole: Richard, your mother's never been this happy... or nice. I don't want you to ruin that. Richard: Alright, I'll speak with her. Aww, nice to see Nicole actually helping out Jojo for once...even if it is partially for selfish reasons -1
Gumball: Alright! So the plan is we knock over the DVDs, which sets off the mouse trap, which sends the golf ball up there, which sets off the dominoes, which sets off the toy car, which will switch on the fan, which will send the turtle to the rope, which she bites through, dropping the desk, propelling Granny Jojo through the window and she uses her bloomers to land safely in Louie's arm. Everybody ready? Gumball calls the Evil Turtle "she" here despite the Wattersons not yet knowing that she is a she. Aka, the writers pretty much unintentionally spoiled that twist reveal almost an entire season beforehand +5
Also, Gumball's entire plan here relied on the fact that the Evil Turtle would actually bite the rope upon reaching it. And a plan that relies on someone else out of your control maybe doing something isn't a very good plan +1
Richard: Get away from my mom, get out of our lives! I am the man of this house! So much for talking to him +1
Gumball: Next round: Man washing! [Anais evaluates them washing themselves. Richard washes himself with his clothes on, and Anais is grossed out by his smell. Louie washes himself with a toothbrush. When Anais smells his breath, her head spins around, her ears pop off, and she melts] Ew. No man actually washes like this. At least I'd very much hope not +5
[Louie cooks some meat, and Gumball eats it. He spits it out] Gumball: Ugh, it's rare!Louie: That's how a man eats. No, that's how you kill your grandson +1
[Gumball, Darwin, and out two man-off contestants are sitting around the living room table.] Gumball: And for the final challenge: sharing your emotions! Louie and Richard: What? Gumball: [Evil laugh] Yes! All of this was a trick to make you confront man's deepest, darkest fear: talking about your feelings. Gumball taking Granny Jojo's idea and turning it into a clever plot to trick Richard and Louie into talking things out is actually genius. Which is why It'll never stop annoying me that despite a mountain of evidence proving otherwise the show continues to portray Gumball as stupid. He isn't, and I'm fed up of seeing otherwise -10
Granny Jojo: Oh, Richard, what about your dad? I thought you understood he didn't really go to get milk? [Richard suppresses his emotions. He struggles to keep himself from crying.] Richard: I know… I know. It's just that I really… r-really… Granny Jojo: I know, I know. I liked him too. It's just…he felt otherwise. Come on, just let it all out. [Richard cries hard. Granny Jojo comforts him amidst the shower of tears and mucus.] Granny Jojo: Come on, kid. That's it. Richard: [Stops crying] It's just, I'm worried that you'll like Louie better than me— [Sniffs] And then-and then, I'll lose you too. [Sniffs] Granny Jojo: [Kisses him on cheek] Don't be sillier than you already are. Your brain might stall once and for all. Richard: You know, I want you to be happy too. LOUIE! [Hugs] From now on, I'll call you Daddy! Louie: Um, [Clears throat] A lot of weather we've been having lately. [Richard puts him down, and Louis pats him] Anais: Are you gonna be okay, Dad? Richard: Yes, sweetie. There comes a time when in your life, you have to grow up, and become a man. [Richard hugs his family. Louie and Granny Jojo kiss happily, making him gag one last time] Awww, now this is how you end an episode like this. Wholesome and poignant. -5
Total Sins: -11
Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1,490,894) Least Sinned Episode: The Shell (-999, 958)
Previous Episode:
submitted by Valha28 to u/Valha28 [link] [comments]