Super mario world coloring pages

Corrupting children's coloring books.

2014.03.12 12:36 CrayonsForBrains Corrupting children's coloring books.

Get some crayons and a coloring book to turn adorable pictures into twisted and or hilarious corruptions of their former selves.

2012.09.02 13:06 Minecast Super Mario World

Super Mario World subreddit for everything related Come stay awhile!

2011.12.25 23:33 Super Mario World

This is a subreddit for the game "Super Mario World" released in 1991. It's kinda just a general Mario server but it's named after Super Mario World. Subscribe to Eonik Animation on YouTube.

2024.06.08 22:06 whoisthismahn Those who are into history, what are some iconic dates from the 2000s?

I’ve gotten really into collecting newspapers over the last couple years and my bedroom wall is now covered in newspaper covers with famous world events. The best recent addition hands down is May 31st, 2024, a huge picture of a defeated Trump with the headline “GUILTY”.
I also have one from March 14, 2020, and the headline is “Emergency Declared”.
Some are from the Civil Rights, WWI and WWII, etc. However I’m hoping to find more from my timeline (1999 and up) and sadly my autism doesn’t come with the super ability of remembering dates. Does anyone have any suggestions of notable/iconic dates (likely limited to the USA) that would have probably made the front page of major newspapers? I’m talking about things like the day the iPhone was released, when the Cubs won the world series, etc.
However I don’t necessarily want them to be SO iconic that finding a newspaper from that date will be impossible 😅 (The New York Times sold out of their May 31st print faster than I’ve ever seen before so I’m very happy to have my hands on one)
Thank you for any suggestions!
submitted by whoisthismahn to aspergirls [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:05 turbo_mullet Something I wrote up a while back. It’s long but the readers here might enjoy this

(I wrote this as a gag joke after lightfall to follow behind a satirical ikora fan fic that I did involving no one out pizza’ng the hut- and while I didn’t really expect Destiny to end 10 years the way it did ((I love the ending)) I also got reminded of this boredom derived thing I wrote up one time on my lunch break. If anyone cares to read it then I hope you enjoy)
The witness stands alone in the garden.
It made itself this way.
It thinks this is power.
— -There isn’t a need to hide from us child — -
“I wasn’t hiding. I was just trying to figure out who the hell gave you that haircut” the guardian says as he mounts a stump looking down at the last monster he’d ever face.
— -You’re alone? Isn’t this a treat. The God slayer and it’s target exchanging our truth’s at the heart of Eden- —
“Truth?” The guardian asks as he starts to walk down the stone staircase calmly. He takes note of the pools of radiolaria peppered around the arena he made his first truly great stand in. “What do you claim to know about truth? You- nah-nope, you know what? I don’t care what you think the truth is.” He exclaims.
The witness laughs. It’s haunting to think of something like that partaking in laughter. Or joy.
— -The truth… it’s hard to say. We are cut off from the ability to look into you like we always have. A small price to pay for eating the world inside your traveler. But we assure you that whatever truth you hold. Is our truth. Reflected in you. — -
The witness motions it’s hands into the shape of a triangle at it’s waste. As the cloud of faces that make up the witness violently billow into the gardens sky. The guardian feels gravity waves pull and push against his body.
— -The time has come— -
It stretches its arms to the sky. Something wicked trembles above. And below.
— -You were born alone. You died alone. You were reborn alone. And you will see this shape… alone. Like us— -
“We’re nothing like YOU… and he wasn’t reborn alone.” The ghost interjects brashly from somewhere unseen.
The witness looks at the guardian almost puzzled as static begins to splash around the pool of radiolaria closest to the guardian.
A single harpy raises from the pool. It looks over at the guardian, blinking it’s single blue eye before zooming up to one of the many vex gates in the hearts landing. The witness turns a hand to the harpy as a towering wall of stasis crystals shield it. It looks over at the guardian.
— - Why do you persist child?— -
“Someone as lonely as you wouldn’t get it” the guardian shrugs.
— -You will see this_!
In an instant, bursting a hole through the wall of stasis crystals, a rope of green light shot forth and coiled around the neck of the witness.
It looks over as the wall crumbles to reveal the rope extending from the now active vex gate. Outsteps the man who cast the strand down onto it. Then another figure emerges pulling itself through the gates frame with its four hands.
“Thank you Asher” the guardian whispers as he notices the radiolarian pools begin to drain into the stone cracks.
“Good job on that landing Crow” Says the four handed gate traverser.
“Stop being modest Eido you helped me practice for 3 days” Crow says to Eido with a grin. “Just make sure your ghost is with mine and the guardians Eido. Germaine is the best… but you gotta admit he’s still a little green.” Crow tells Eido before brushing hair out of his eyes and turning to wave at the guardian with his rope-free hand.
The guardian laughs at this. In a time like this. Crow is relaxed and collected. It’s admirable.
— -Folly— -
The witness reaches at the rope but cannot touch it. To its surprise.
“Are you confused?” A voice asks the witness from seemingly nowhere.
“It was a beautiful trick making that cabal emperor one of your toys, but even you couldn’t see the forest for the trees.”
A white orb whizzes from a crack in reality and hovers around the rope inspecting it.
“Brilliant isn’t it? The emperor of the cabal commissioned great works but he didn’t have to do any of those works.” The white orb scoffs.
He stopped with a snap and spun up in excitement before resting in only a way that someone who would seek a reward from knowing something that somebody else didn’t know could.
“His daughter reworked some of the albinos tech. A splash of this. A splash of that. Voila. Suppression tech turned into a glove that channels and repels at the same time. It’s… like a paradox. Even I, Toland, cannot fully wrap my head around this one.”
He whizzes around the witness before stopping in front of its face.
— - if you think this is enough you’ve wasted more of our precious time… such a sin— -
The witness extends a hand to face Crow and Eido and closes its eyes as the guardian jumps into the air and fires a rocket.
The velocity isn’t enough and the rope snaps before the rocket meets its target.
Crow dodges as Eido jumps into the air, exploding into brilliant arc energy and thrusting a glaive charged with super energy down into the side of the witness.
The guardian reloads…
Ghost whispers “Fire.”
A green rope shoots from behind a column of stone into the smoke. Crow ties the strand to the pillar before sliding into a dodge.
“Light work” crow says to himself as he throws another rope of green light into the bombardment of rocket fire the guardian is discharging. He ties it. Dodges. Throws another. Ties another. Throws a forth. Ties it… pause. He takes a breath before running over to the guardian and Eido. Upon his approach the guardian lets his last rocket fly.
The smoke clears. The witness is twice lasso’d by the neck with both it’s arms crossed and pulled to the pillars. The guardian notices that crow is 4 finger sleeves short on the glove Caiatl made for him.
He’s really outdone himself.
Eido looks down. “I’m going to miss that glaive… eh… but I didn’t want to risk a fist of havoc. Figured I’d charge it to do the cool twirly thing you hunters do.” She says.
“Nice” crow exclaims as he and the guardian look at her impressed.
— -You’ve managed to only stall the inevitable. Make a crack. A glimpse. A door that’s opening means nothing if what waits on the other side is entropy— -
“That’s not the only door that’s open” Toland says to the witness as he floats down in front of the three guardians.
Toland begins to glow white as the witness tugs at his trap.
In the air behind the guardians a hive portal rips into the garden.
The witness looks up.
— -majestic— -
-He glows brighter-
…is unfinished business” says Toland
A large sword of flame bursts into existence on the left of the portal. Then a second next to it. A third on the right side of the portal. Then a fourth next to the third. Finally, a brilliant blue sword made of pure crystalline stasis simply… becomes in the center.
Eido extends her arms creating a void bubble around her and the others as the swords shoot down into the flesh of the witness.
From the portal, the witch queen herself makes her entrance. As she raises an arm she instantly calls down lightning. It crashes and freezes. She calls more. It crashes and freezes. “You will know ‘majestic’ in a direct fashion” she says…
A staff of stasis emerges from the portal. Then the arm. Then the man. “Extraordinary isn’t it?” Osiris says to Savathun as he finishes his planned and practiced portal exit.
“I would expect no less than extraordinary from you O phoenix mine” Savathun replies to Osiris.
The 6 guardians stand together in front of the bubble.
“You guys ready to give everything you have? I need y’all to land this. I only have one shot left.” The guardian tells them.
They look at him and nod before commencing.
Toland flies into the air opening up portal after portal. Each raining down needles of sorrow on their target.
Savathun bursts into a brilliant light before turning to the guardian with a smug expression “this one is new” she informed before extending both her arms to the side. Above her left hand a sword of arc, a sword of void, and a sword of solar power form. Again above her right hand. She claps her hands together and in a wave of black static the swords merge into a single holographic blade of light.
She sends it as Crow leaps into the air. Firing arrow after arrow of void power.
“Is the trigger work like you showed me?” Eido hollers this question to the guardian over the chaos as she pulses the divinity trace rifle she was gifted by the guardian.
The guardian nods to her as he puts a hand on his holstered hand cannon.
Osiris sees this from behind Eido where he’d been throwing a seemingly endless amount of duskfield grenades from. He inhales deeply and thinks of Saint. The grenades begin to launch faster… and colder.
The guardian slowly walks through the midst of the attack towards the witness. Hand still resting on his holstered weapon.
They’ve exhausted everything. They each look at one another momentarily as the guardian continues to walk into the hell of smoke, static, void, ice and fire. Knowingly.
They gather themselves behind the guardian. As the smoke clears.
The witness sits crumpled upon itself. The faces in the void above it’s head escaping rapidly with each of it’s twitches.
It looks up at the guardian.
“Isn’t this rich” it says.
It coughs up blood. Looking down at the glaive in its side. The arm barely hanging on from the sword. A portion of its torso missing from savathuns double tri-blade. It’s lower body and upper left torso frozen in place.
It laughs hysterically as the last face escapes and the void above its head ceases to exist. The laugh turns into a gurgled cough. Blood spatters out from its wounds.
“In perfect guardian fashion. 6 of you would ascend on me” it reflects before coughing more blood against its guard and causing it to spatter back onto its face.
“From the billions it took 6. Only 6. 6 who can’t even understand the final shape…” It says as it looks around in righteous disbelief.
“You’re wrong” said the guardian.
The witness looks at him in confusion as it attempts to lift the nearly amputated arm but fails.
“There’s 7 of us” says the guardian as he levels his ace of spades at the witness.
“Seven?” The witness puzzles
Solar light explodes around the guardian and drains into ace of spades.
It glows brilliantly.
“And we can understand the final shape. It’s you who can’t understand it” the guardian exclaims as he tightens his grip.
“It’s not the end. It’s not the death of all things. It’s not this war you’ve waged across time and space. No. You’re an idiot for not being able to see it. You are not worthy. How could you be? There isn’t a first or final shape. There’s only been one shape all along and there’s only ever going to be… one shape.” the guardian says as he grips even tighter while the 5 others around him start to bow their head.
“That shape has always been THE FRIENDS WE MADE ALONG THE WAY!”
The guardian fires his last shot.
submitted by turbo_mullet to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:04 Bedtime_Games Perpetual Rain, an OSR style, cyberpunk themed ttrpg for lovers of noir stories under neon lights and rain.

Perpetual Rain, an OSR style, cyberpunk themed ttrpg for lovers of noir stories under neon lights and rain.
The year is 2121, and it always rains. Always.
The rain forms puddles, and in the puddles, you see the reflections of lights of a thousand colors, the large neon billboards that cover the towering skyscrapers of Ascension Bay’s center.
You can’t remember the last time you saw the sun, or the last time you saw the night, for that matter. All that matters is what you are going to do with the time that has been given to you.
As you look at the scrapers, you remember that you were never cut for that. For grinding out your days in the hope of one day sitting at the top of them.
As you give the scrapers your back, you venture into the blocks; grim, dirty, cold and damp, where at every corner something unexpected awaits. Now that’s the life, provided you have what it takes to survive
Perpetual Rain is a new OSR style, cyberpunk themed game that rests on a philosophy of simplicity and brutality. In this game you will find:
  • Simple character generation. Chose among 6 careers and get done in five minutes.
  • A less is more philosophy when it comes to combat: shootouts in this game are extremely lethal, encouraging players to avoid violence and solve situations through stealth, subterfuge, deduction and role play.
  • Easy hacking mechanics which let your hacker take control of the world through a few dice rolls.
  • Large choice of weaponry, body implants and other high tech gadgets.
  • A fully fleshed out setting and lore, enjoy the vibrant metropolis of Ascension Bay, in the small nation of Esmeralda, ruled by old crime families, ruthless corporation and a corrupt private police force.
Do you have what it takes to be a hero of Ascension Bay? Come show it on the next adventure on our discord server:
submitted by Bedtime_Games to rpgpromo [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:03 ArtFraga Old World Vulture Chords - Guitar Tabs - The Minor Times by The Minor Times

Old World Vulture guitar tabs download as Guitar Pro and PDF on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @sambrown
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:02 ScoutKard A Valheim Lover's Dream

I love this game. Over 1000 hours in it, absolutely hands down my favorite survival game of all time. I love the immersion, I love the world, I love the building, the fighting, almost everything. I love having exciting adventures paired with cozy home prep sessions dancing back and forth to fill me with a sense of constant progression and fulfillment.
But with all this love, comes a passion to see this game be something so much greater. Valheim does so much right, and i cannot commend that enough, but I feel it is harboring a few weird blemishes that constantly show and test my love.
I have come up with a list in no particular order of grievances that my peers and I have with this game, that I would love to see addressed in the future. For many of these issues, yes, mods can help alleviate, but that is a solution not available to console players, and setting up can sometimes be a bit of a headache for groups of friends. I understand my grievances may not be shared with everyone, and i do not want to invalidate anyone else's personal opinions, but I know I am certainly not alone.
-UI/Inventory- The crafting menus are... not good. I won't linger on this too long because it's been widely agreed that it sucks and I think(?) it's on the devs list of things to fix. Nevertheless, it is very tedious to find recipes in the crafting menus, both tables and build hammer, and just needs a total overhaul IMO. The problem only gets worse and worse the more recipes you unlock. I would love if new recipes were flagged someway to show the player "hey, this has never been crafted before" to instantly identify what you should probably be making next. The player inventory is also just in need of major love. I understand the philosophy of trying to make the player feel that they can't grab every single thing they see in the wild and haul it back in one trip, and I'm not saying we should be able to do that, but man does it just feel awful to have you effective inventory space get smaller the more you progress in game. Getting armor is -1 slot per piece, an accessory is -1, Potions reduce space, ammo, food, bombs, weapons (a sword and shield is 2 spaces compared to a 2-hander). Separate slots for equipables would honestly just alleviate a lot of this. I don't expect tp be able to travel with a full arsenal all the time and expect to have room for a huge bounty, that's fine, but in mistlands and especially Ashlands this issue just becomes a bit annoying. On the topic of equipment slots, I wish changing gear sets was more convenient. This could be achieve by making Armor Stands have a "swap loadout" function, where with a simple key press and small channel time you can easily swap out your gear with whatever you had equipped to the stand. This alone would make me far more willing to both use armor stands AND change into hildr base clothes or a Fenris foraging set.
-Sloped Terrain Combat- This obviously probably isn't intentional, but man is it just tedious to have all your attacks miss just because you were standing on a 30° slope. Sure by now I instinctively try to seek out the flattest terrain nearby before I even attempt combat, but it just cracks my immersion a bit each time I find myself doing this.
-Furnace/Windmill Filling- I know I can just hold down the button to fill, but it just feels really slow and tedious. The windmills are especially tedious to fill. A max-fill button or even just having the fill speed ramp up the longer I hold it would help a ton. I understand wanting the home chores to feel a bit chorey to promote a sense of satisfaction when you get it done, but you can achieve this and still let me have a little endorphin hit when I see the kiln ramp up in deposit speed when I hold my button on it. The alternative currently is to just mash the hell out of your fill key and that's just.... ugh
-Farming- Currently it is just actual carpal tunnel simulator. Surely there are ways to make planting a large field take time but not genuinely grind away at my hands. This is one of the worst for me. I usually enjoy the slow pace of the house chores, but I genuinely dread when it's time to harvest and replant. I don't make absurdly large crop fields either, and if that's the reason for this very tedious system, than I guess it's working well... Would love if farming had some upgrades associated with, like eventual multi-plant or something.
-Gaps in Weapon Tiers- I just don't understand this one. Once a weapon is introduced, it should have a way to obtain in every tier. It is criminal that you get blessed with something as wicked as a battleaxe in Iron, teased with an even cooler one in the mountains, and then... gone forever. Don't even get me started on the fist weapons (and a set of armor that even boosts them in arguably the quickest biome you pass in the game). I've seen some philosophy floating around that the gaps incentivize trying new weapons but... I think the opposite is true. I would love to try fists or battleaxe for awhile, but I simply don't both because I know it will just go away. They don't need to all be obtained the same way. There's already a great example of this in game: Abyssal gear. The Abyssal Knife and Shield act as the knife and shield for the Iron and Silver ages respectively, and I think it's really cool that you have to go on a little side quest to get your preferred weapon or shield of that tier. Perhaps future updates similar to the Frost Cave update or an Ocean update will come to fill these gaps for us. (Small side note, the ashlands gems are very unbalanced currently. Give some lifesteal to the blood gems plz, I would love to use them sometimes for non-meme reasons)
-Skills- Just needs a total overhaul IMO. Skills should obtained in completely different ways and offer more than just flat boring scaling. There's so many cool directions this could go, but almost anything is better than what we have now. A skill overhaul alongside filling weapon gaps would be great. Would be cool to see weapon classes be lumped together as well even, like atgeirs, battleaxes, and greatswords just be one "heavy weapon" skill for example. Treasure/quests in the world sometimes being skill rewards would be great, a light perk system would be cool too but not necessary. Stuff like "gain a bit of move speed temporarily after getting a knife kill" or "every minute your mace will guarantee stagger on the next power attack" or something would just make me love it so much more. Permanent character progress that isn't instantly erased after a rough few days trying to get an Ashlands beachhead. I won't say much more on this because it's pretty open to what direction they can go here. But the current awkward skilling and skill loss system is just not satisfying to me at all, to the point where I see people either ignore skilling entirely or just get really upset to see their character get weaker with every death.
-Sailing- Once the novelty of your first few sailing adventures wears off, this really feels like the genuine worst part of the game to me. There is nothing engaging for me to be at total mercy of the wind and just sitting there occasionally turning for 30 minutes at a time. Serpents are cool sure, but after a point you just ignore them because they simply aren't worth the attention. I'm praying an Ocean update just totally overhauls the sailing. It feels especially awful in multiplayer where every passenger is doing literally nothing. Again, the initial novelty is cool, but it fades quickly, at least in my circles it did. I make every effort to minimize sailing as much as possible in every playthrough. The Serpent meat isn't worth it :(
-Quests lacking payoff- Hildr sells just about anything meaningful you'd want from her immediately without completing a single quest. The unique dungeons and mini-bosses are neat, but I felt 0 incentive to attempt Hildrs Quest after my first time. Idk what should change here, but the rewards is a good start. Same issues with the new Lord Reto quest. A unique but ultimately mediocre sword after doing an honestly very lame fight. It's just a giga-stat boosted Charred Warrior that you either cheese entirely or get one-shot. Was really disappointed with how this "quest" ended up turning out. To be honest I don't even mind the sword just being a trophy, I just wish the fight was worthwhile.
-Fishing- I legit almost forgot to add this one because of how forgettable it is. Super tedious to skill up, and provides just totally unnecessary recipes. I can survive easy without the additional fish wraps or fried angler. I fail to see a realistic scenario where ever use triple stamina foods. Needs a total overhaul as well IMO. I would love to find the urge to catch myself a big trophy fish to hang on the wall, but I just cannot with the current system.
Again, this game is amazing even with all these criticisms. All of the issues come entirely from a place of love and passion. I couldn't see myself making a post like this for any other game currently. If none of this is ever addressed (I'm certain some of it will be) then I'd still probably continue revisiting this game for years to come, though probably exclusively with mods, and a smidge of disappointment. Thanks for taking the time to read, I will be curious to read your thoughts. Cheers
submitted by ScoutKard to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:02 Willing-Switch-9789 Any NES or SNES recommendations?

Any NES or SNES recommendations? submitted by Willing-Switch-9789 to Delta_Emulator [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:01 GoldMasterMaker @nobi playing with my feelings

LISTEN, they manage to attract my attention with a super pop colorful Gojo and then an adorable Yuji, but then… then they breaked my heart WITH GOJO AND SUGURO STARING THE SKY. Do we all agree this should be illegal? /jk but still
Link to the artist's profile:
submitted by GoldMasterMaker to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:00 Electrical-Strike705 Pin-Point List of most of the things in the trailer (SPOILER)

What We Know From the Video:
Cool Ass New Weapons:
New Bow 0:49
Fancy Dagger 1:00
Club 1:24
Cool Ass New Armor:
Black Leather Assassin
Possibly the Assassin-Like Amour but on a guy 0:57
Full Heavy Metal Armor 0:58
submitted by Electrical-Strike705 to BladeAndSorcery [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:00 Whole-Description972 New Members Intro

Hola Esmirnaticos Soy Super Mario Esmir Esta Es Mi Comunidad De Reddit Esto Aqui Para Que Se Entretengan Mis Publicaciones Y Noticias Lo Que Voy A Dar Unanse A Mi Canal De Youtube Y Comunidad.
submitted by Whole-Description972 to SuperMarioEsmirs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:00 collectorcody The Super Mario Bros. Movie

The Super Mario Bros. Movie submitted by collectorcody to Steelbooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:59 iamaidiot69 Everything in the 1.0 trailer

@everyone EVERYTHING IN THE TRAILER!! What We Know From the Video:
New Areas, A lot of climbing and parkour elements seemingly (Hype)
Magic Door in the Cave may be the new way to get into the dungeon or the way to continue the Story/Crystal Hunt
There are new (Probably T4) Staffs, Daggers and presumably all other weapon classes
Strange Stone near Skill Tree, Might be a 100% guide for the Skill Tree
Skill Tree in the home, Three colors Strength, Magic and… Something else (Might of been said but I have forgot)
Dedicated Climbing Sections
Loot (Goblets, Gold and Silver Bars, Crystal Shard and a strange flask, Maybe a new potion for strength? Meaning presumably potions for magic?)
Openable Chests
Heat Seeking Weapons (Seems to be something to do with Electricity)
Fucking BOSS FIGHTS WITH MASSIVE CLIMBABLE ROCK STATUES, By looking at him (Or one of them) he has a cannon looking thing on his right, Weak Points and seems very old and well animated, He can also pick you up (THIS IS A MAYBE IT MIGHT JUST BE THE PLAYER HOLDING ON) Also a maybe on of many Magic Rocks this one being Gravity also possibly a second Titan spotted at the end with a laser
Canyon Update, Got rid of spikes of bridge but did make it look nicer
Light Elevator??
Updated Arena, New highwalls, New Traps, Better looking stone pillars and Book now tilted up
Water Traps
Enemies can now dual wield War Axes
New Outside area that looks really open, It reminds me of outside Market
New Super Kick (Or maybe a normal kick in the Skill Tree)
You can FINALLY slide down ropes faster, Also new big open Cave Area
Massive Fucking Lighting Monolith
With Staves you can now pick up people and slam them around like Sans Fire Napalm and Gravity Punch
You can Cross-Merge, There is a Lighting and Napalm Beam and a Lighting and Gravity Storm
Glowing Rocks is the Cave, Maybe something to do with Gravity?
New Charge Ability (As in running into people makes them fly away)
Water has better looking graphics while under
New charge ability with spears letting you fly through the air
New things to swing on
NEW SPELL, Looks like its something to do with the earth (Earth-Bending???)
Big Fire Beam, Not caused by the Player, Maybe a power-up station?
New People Hand Animation for death Cool Ass New Weapons: New Bow 0:49 Fancy Dagger 1:00 Club 1:24
Cool Ass New Armour: Black Leather Assassin Possible the Assassin-Like Amour but on a guy 0:57 Full Heavy Metal Armor 0:58 Written by Rip Van Winkle
submitted by iamaidiot69 to BladeAndSorcery [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:58 Shizoid_Man Super Mario RPG by Shizoid_Man

Super Mario RPG by Shizoid_Man submitted by Shizoid_Man to SwitchSpines [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:58 blush_leep Happy 25th anniversary to Mario RPG

Happy 25th anniversary to Mario RPG submitted by blush_leep to snes [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:58 brevitycloud Feeling really lonely

The one person I talk to (my dad) is halfway through a two week holiday. We talk every Sunday. It means I haven't spoken to another person in a while.
Anyway, today I was having difficulty in archery with my arrows going crazy, but realised it's because my limbs went wonky !! So i managed to fix that and it's shooting much better again.
And it's a lovely evening. I was walking my dog and happened upon a little empty park with swings and oh my gosh I went on the swing. It's super fun and I laughed with total joy while my dog did zoomies around me. I imagined I had a friend on the swing next to me and we were talking.
I often worry who I will ever get to talk to when my dad dies and I worry I will become a total recluse. I'm so unfamiliar with people talking to me, as it happens so infrequently, I feel I'm forgetting how to speak. I wish that this life wasn't mine, but at least there is still some beauty and joy to find in this solo world.
submitted by brevitycloud to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:58 nickyzman21 Best Musical Nominated Cast Albums

With the release of the Hell's Kitchen cast recording yesterday, all of the nominees for Best Musical this year have an album online. Since these albums are the main way for most of us to consume these shows, I thought it'd be nice to talk about them. Even though this season has been a bloated one, I think there's a lot of good that has come from it.
Illinoise: This was one of the more interesting listens for me. It surprised me that a show that seems to be primarily focused on dance would bother releasing a cast recording. However, the show's uniqueness shines through in its music. It's hard to judge the show solely based on it's music. I can only imagine how stunning the show must be to actually see.
Water for Elephants: This show has some real solid stuff. It's got a rustic, folksy, acoustic sort of sound to it, which usually isn't my sort of music. However, there were some real stand out songs for me. "Easy" is absolutely my favorite from the musical. Isabelle McCalla's voice is beautiful and the tranquility of her voice against the wild drums creates musical magic. Also, as a fan of City of Angels, I was pleased to see Gregg Edelman on the album because I didn't realize he was a part of the show.
Hell's Kitchen: With all the hype behind the show putting it up there with the best of the season, I was interested to hear how a jukebox musical would live up to that. It's clear to me that the strength of the show is in its book. I was immediately drawn in and interested with the "Elevator Prologue". The music itself is fine, and I wasn't super impressed by the vocal performances. I'm not super familiar with the music of Alicia Keys, but the ones I had heard were fine and the ones I hadn't were good. I mean it's pop music, so you kind of know what you're getting into. Reading up on the plot afterwards, though, made me want to go see the show. I was interested by the piano motif and the mother-daughter relationship as well as the idea of music in relation to racial legacy. I think the story was beautifully crafted and I'm certain I'd like it a lot more watching it.
The Outsiders: This album was the biggest surprise for me this season. I absolutely loved it, and I certainly wasn't going into it imagining I would. I am a sucker for harmonies and this show has some memorable and beautiful ones. "I Could Talk to You All Night" was one of my favorites. I think the grit of The Outsiders comes through the music and really rounds out the world of the show. However, it contrasts well with some of the softer songs making the album a dynamic listen. I've never had a desire to reread The Outsiders since I read in 7th grade, but just listening to the album has rekindled a respect for it within me.
Suffs: By far my most anticipated album this year. I'm definitely biased because I was in a production of Shaina Taub's Twelfth Night recently, which is itself a delightful show. So, it was exciting to see this show making the march to Broadway. Without a doubt, this album was worth the wait, and Suffs should be, in my opinion, the favorite to win Best Musical this year. Within the first couple minutes of listening to it, I was misty-eyed, mainly because it was just so incredibly well written, performed, mixed, etc. I think it was wonderfully casted and every single actress shines through. The themes are so relevant it hurts, especially in an age of increased political activism. The show is also incredibly witty and fun ("I'm Polish, not stupid"). Just all around good times. I could gush for too long about just how much this show takes the cake this year for me.
Say what you will about the good and bad about this season, but I've really enjoyed a lot of the music that's come out of it. I'm really excited for the Tony's this year because I feel like they're more competitive than they've been in a while.
submitted by nickyzman21 to musicals [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:57 FalseEpiphany 32 [M4F] Seattle/Washington/PNW - I was born too late to be a 19th century nobleman with a mysterious and tragic past, so I'm posting reddit personal ads instead.

I want to watch rain patter against the windows as we snuggle on the couch, warm and cozy together.
I want to whisper hopes, dreams, and secrets into the wee hours of the night.
I want to hold hands on long walks somewhere beautiful: a forest, a beach, a scenic neighborhood, take your pick.
I want to bake you treats and hear you say, "Oh my god, that's so good."
I want to decorate the tree together for Christmas and feel like there's magic in the air when we turn the lights off.
I want us to proudly introduce one another to our families (if you're on good terms with yours).
I want us to be each other's first thought when we wake up from a scary dream.
I want us to look at each other and feel like the luckiest people alive.

Who I am

I'm a 32-year-old Seattle man who values creativity, intelligence, and dedication. My personality can best be summed up as...
Some of my biggest interests include:
Physically, I'm 5'5", slender, Caucasian, brown-haired, brown-eyed, and have a short beard. I was once described by an acquaintance as "a handsome devil." Facetiously? Seriously? I choose to repost those words either way! Happy to share pictures upon request.

What I have to offer

In alphabetical order...

Who I seek

The biggest thing I look for in a partner is mutual respect. I prefer partners who...
I've also found fulfillment in relationships where the woman takes the lead. I'm happy to volunteer input and ideas, but I don't need to be the final decision-maker in the relationship (outside of areas we've agreed should be my call).
I'd love to see effort in your response. I've put effort into my ad. You don't need to match its word count (which is pretty darn long!). But something more substantive than, "Hi, I liked your ad!" is a marvelous way to kick things off between us.

In Closing

If life is a journey, people are destinations. Maybe we'll be one another's dream homes. Maybe we'll be a lovely place to stay for a few years. Maybe we'll be ships passing in the night. My long-term goal is marrying a life partner.
I'm also young enough that I don't need such to happen in my next relationship. If it does, awesome--but right now, I'm primarily interested in meeting interesting people and seeing where things go.
Feel free to shoot me a line if you're interested in the same!
submitted by FalseEpiphany to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:57 blakxzep [For Sale]Angel Olsen, Beastie Boys, Beach house, Beverly Glenn, Bonny Light, Bright Eyes, Cut Copy, Danny Brown, Bowie, Darkside, Dawn Richard, Doors, EmpressOf, Fontaines, Grizz Bear, Hot Chip, Japanese Breakfast, QOTSA, Mars Volta, Metric, Passion Pit, NIN, Loren Kramar, Lupe, Queen RTJ WolfAlice

Hi All
Selling a bunch of records. Tried to price them to market value, trying to clear clutter and make up some expenses hit a financial low.
Down to listen to trades but I'm pretty super picky & prefer to sell.[...](
A couple of things (since I had 2 occasions of sellers trying to screw me over and getting a free record)
Title ($6 shipping) ColoEdition Condition (Vinyl, Sleeve) Price
Angel Olsen - All Mirrors Standard Black Vinyl NM / E $19
Beastie Boys - Check Your Head Black Vinyl NM / E $35
Beach House - Thank Your Lucky Stars Green Loser Edition Vinyl E / E $30
Beverly Glenn Copeland - s/t VMP Blue Vinyl M / M (Sealed) $15
Bonny Light Horseman - Rolling Gold Holey Secretly Society color vinyl Sealed $15
Bright Eyes -Fever and Mirrors Merlot Wave Vinyl Sealed $25
Bright Eyes - Down in the Weeds where the World Once Was Secretly Society Color Vinyl (splatter) Sealed $20
Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It in People 2003/2004 Pressing Black Vinyl E / E $40
Broken Social Scene - S/T 2005 Pressing Pressing Black Vinyl E / E $50
Cliff Martinez - The Neon Demon OST Color Vinyl NM / E $80
Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours Blue Vinyl VG (has a small scratch) / NM $60
Danny brown - youknowwhatI'msaying? VMP VMP Orange Vinyl E / NM $60
David Bowie - Low Orange Vinyl Sealed $25
Darkside - Spiral White Vinyl NM / NM $30
Dawn Richard - Fragement Secretly Society Baby Bone & Blue spaltter vinyl Sealed $30
The Doors - S/T Record Single Black LP E / E $15
Empress of - US VMP Splatter Vinyl NM / VG (sleeve has a slight crease) $45
Fontaines DC - Dongrel Clear Vinyl NM / NM $25
Fontaines DC - Skinty Fia Red Vinyl NM / NM $40
Flying Lotus - Pattern Grid World VMP VMP color vinyl Sealed $40
Grizzly Bear - Vecktamieat VMP VMP color vinyl Like New $25
Grizzly Bear - Shields VMP VMP color vinyl Like New $35
Hot Chip - A Bath of Ecstacy Color Vinyl signed Played Once $35
Ivy Soul - overgrown VMP VMP Color Vinyl NM / NM $18
Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds From Another Planet Secretly Society Turoquise Vinyl Unplayed $35
Josh Homme - Desert Sessions 11/12 VMP Color Vinyl NM/NM $50
Kamaal williams - The Return VMP REd vinyl Played Once $35
Keegan Dewitt - Gemini Soundtrack Mondo Color Vinyl Liike New $15
Jeff Bridges - Sleeping Tapes Standard Limted Black Vinyl Brand New Sealed $60
Joy division - Unknown Pleasures Red White Vinyl Brand New Sealed $65
Loren Kramar - Glovemaker Color Vinyl Sealed $18
Lupe Fiasco - Food & Liquour 10th anniversary purple marble Vinyl E / VG (sleeve has seam split ) $57
Madlib - Sound Ancestors VMP color vinyl G (vinyl has some scratches) ? NM $40
Main Source - Breaking Atoms VMP blob on clear vinyl Played once $35
The Mars Volta – Octahedron VMP color vinyl Sealed $30
Metric - Old Underground Where Are You? Black/Yellow Bandbox vinyl Shrinkwrap still on record but opened $25
Mount Eerie - Now Only Black Vinyl Very good $15
The National - I Am Easy To Find Deluxe Color vinyl NM / E (the plastic poly cover has some creases that can be heated out) $32
Okay Kaya - Sap Secretly Society Burnt Sugar Vinyl Sealed $10
Outkast - Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik VMP VMP color vinyl Like new $40
Nine inch Nails Bad Witch Black Vinyl Sleeve NM / Vinyl VG+ $20
Passion Pit - Manners Black Vinyl (2016 pressing?) Vinyl E / (sleeve has a slight crease) $30
Phoenix - Identical 7" 7 inch NM/NM $25
Radiohead kid a 10 inch Vinyl Gatefold Vinyl E / Sleeve NM $35
The Roots - Phrennology VMP VMP Color Vinyl Vinyl NM / Sleeve E $55
Run the Jewels - RTJ III Gold Vinyl Vinyl E / Sleeve G (has creases and wear) $35
Queen - A night at the opera VMP Color Vinyl NM / E (there's a slight scratch on the sleeve) $42
Queens of the Stone Age - Like Clockwork Pallas Deluxe Pressing E / E (Sleeve's in the Standard gatefold) $35
Queens of the Stone Age - Villains Deluxe Deluxe Edition Vinyl E / E (Sleeve is in standard gatefold) $30
The Smile - A Light For Attracting Attention Yellow Vinyl NM/ NM $32
Slowdive - S/T Black Vinyl VG / E $15
Slowdive - Everything is Alive Orange Vinyl SS edition NM/NM $40
The Strokes - First Impressions of the Earth Silver Vinyl NM / E $47
Small black - Limits of Desire Black Vinyl E / E $20
Sufjan Stevens - Michigan Black Vinyl E / NM $25
Small Black - Limits of Desire Deluxe Clear Vinyl NM / E (the inner sleeves are pretty cheap) $15
Small Black - Best Blues Clear Vinyl E / E $22
Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - The Social Network Black Vinyl 2020 repress NM / E $45
Tom Waits - Closing Time Clear Vinyl NM / NM $3
Whitney - Light upon Lake Clear Secretly Society Vinyl NM / E (sleeve has some creases) $25
Wolf Alice - Blue Weekend Green Vinyl NM / NM $40
submitted by blakxzep to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:55 EurekaStockade 1066/--- How Alex Jones signals the date for The Mother Of All Short Squeezes

1066/--- How Alex Jones signals the date for The Mother Of All Short Squeezes
In this post I explain how Alex Jones is signalling the date for The Mother Of All Short Squeezes
Headline--Alex Jones has been forced to Liquidate his assets to pay the fake Sandy Hook debt
My prediction--
Proof that Sandy Hook was fake--
Shooter Adam Lanza born 22 April= Day 112
Alex Jones birthday 11 Feb= 11/2
Feb 11= 2/11
when their names match their birth dates-- you know they're Globalist puppets
There were 456 children were enrolled at Sandy Hook at the time of the shooting
456 is a Spook number
So how does Alex Jones signal MOASS--
Sandy Hook anniv is 322 days after Gamestop High on 27 Jan
14 Dec 2024= 3 years 322 days after Gamestop High
21 Sep-- my prediction for the Mother Of All Short Squeezes
223 days after Alex Jones birthday
21 Sep= 1333 Weeks after Infowars was founded on 6 Mar 1999
1333 days after Gamestop High on 27 Jan 2021
223 days after Alex Jones Birthday on 11 Feb--which is also the Vatican's birthday
911 days after Pope Francis consecrated Russia on 25 March 2022
2 months 23 day before Sandy Hook anniv on 14 Dec
21 Sep is Saturday--some event which will trigger the Big Short Squeeze
12 May 2024-- Mothers' Day-- Gamestop Investor Roaring Kitty tweeted after 3 years silence
216 days before Sandy Hook anniv on 14 Dec= 3 years 322 days after Gamestop High
216 = 6x6x6= 666
21 Sep 2024= Mother Of All Short Squeezes
216 days later--
25 April 2025
25 April 2025= 119 months after Dow Jones 119th birthday
Anzac Day
25 April= Day 115 of the Year.
25 Jan 2017 --Dow hit 20,000 points for the first time ever
This was the start of the 8 year Super boom as 'predicted' in this 2010 article---
'Super boom' will push Dow over 38,000, Hirsch predicts - InvestmentNews
exactly 99 months later--
25 April 2025
Other Big Squeeze signalling--
11 June= 11/6
6 Sep= 116 days left in the year
3 years 223 days after Gamestop High on 27 Jan 2021
submitted by EurekaStockade to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:55 IMoriarty Fawn-Flight: Super Nurse

Complex CPTSD - From Surviving to Thriving - Fawn-Flight: Super Nurse
The fawn-flight type is most typically seen in the busyholic parent, nurse or administrative assistant who works from dawn until bedtime providing for the needs of the household, hospital or company. He compulsively takes care of everyone else’s needs with hardly a gesture toward his own.
The fawn-flight is sometimes a misguided Mother Teresa type, who escapes the pain of her self-abandonment by seeing herself as the perfect, selfless caregiver. She further distances herself from her own pain by obsessive-compulsively rushing from one person in need to another.
Some fawn-flight clients also become OCD-like clean-aholics. One of my interns told me that her fawn-flight client had a dozen color-coded tooth brushes for various micro-cleaning tasks in her family’s bathroom and kitchen.
Some fawn-flights project their perfectionism on others. They can appoint themselves as honorary advisers, and overburden others with their advice. However, it behooves fawn-flights to learn that caring is not always about fixing. This is especially true when the person we are trying to help is in emotional pain. Many times all that person needs is empathy, acceptance and an opportunity to verbally ventilate. Moreover some mood states also need time to resolve. Loving people when they are feeling bad is a powerful kind of caring.
The above also relates to allowing others to be imperfect. We all have minor limitations and foibles that may not be transformable. Loved ones need to be spared from being pressured to fix what is unfixable. My way of approaching this is to always frame my advice as take-it or leave-it. To prove this is so, I refrain from then going on about it repetitively. Additionally, I typically check in first to see if the other person actually wants some feedback
submitted by IMoriarty to u/IMoriarty [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:54 No_Needleworker8850 My game collection

OK, hi guys, I’m gonna be telling you guys my game collection first an Xbox series S all digital Nintendo 64 Wii super Nintendo Nintendo switch PS4 PS1 PS22 game boy color that’s it guys
submitted by No_Needleworker8850 to u/No_Needleworker8850 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:54 pumpkinsnice some important lore and details missed in latest video on indigo park!!

So I just watched the latest theory video on Indigo Park, and as someone totally obsessed with this game, I wanted to point out a few details that were missed while team theorist crafted this video. I think they're extremely important to understanding the backstory of the park itself, so I thought I'd throw them all in here.
Note: I am typing this on mobile, so once I finish posting it, I'll come back and edit with screenshots of everything I talk about. Just gotta boot up the game and play through it to get to those points haha!
So first off: When exploring the backstage area of Rambley's Railroad, you can see signage for something called "Lloyd's Limos". Until I can post my own screenshots, here's a link to the wiki page which has it somewhat in the shot.
This same logo is also seen in Lloyd's theatre backroom. (I will edit to add screenshot once I can get one from my own gameplay file!!).
In addition, there is a statue in the backroom of Lloyd's Theatre that looks very similar to the one of Rambley and Issac Indigo (Will edit to add screenshot!!).
So what this tells me is that when see Ed's notes that Lloyd as a character used to be more involved with the park, and he was his favorite, that is very well shown to be the case; it seems entirely possible to me that the statue in the backstage area is an older statue, that was eventually replaced by the one of Rambley. Or, alternatively, it was going to replace Rambley's statue and the park shut down before it did.
As for Lloyd's Limos, I think this is another Disney reference. Considering the location of the first Lloyd's Limo's sign we see being in the backstage area of Rambley's Railroad, its entirely possible that it was the ride BEFORE Rambley's ride was a redesign. This, i believe, is referencing Superstar Limo from Disney's California Adventure park; its an older ride that was not popular and shut down. A different ride currently in operation is Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway; this ride is very similar in aesthetic to Rambley's Railroad, which is something many people have pointed out in their playthroughs. Its the same kind of slow moving railroad ride through scenes, pretty much identical in vibes.
While Mickey's Railway ride didn't replace Superstar Limo (the Monsters Inc ride did, and Mickey's Railway is in a different land), Mickey's Railway in Disneyworld in Florida is in Hollywood Studios, which is the equivalent to California Adventure's Hollywood Land park (the original location of Superstar Limo).
In any case, I think the similarities are on purpose; Lloyd's Limos was an older ride that got replaced by Rambley's Railroad. And, possibly as a marketing tactic to push Rambley as the main mascot, the statue of Lloyd was replaced by a statue of Rambley.
The question I have with it all is "why"? Cuz if Lloyd was so popular, why suddenly replace his ride and statue and push for a new mascot? That, I think we'll learn more about in the upcoming chapters.
I could also have it backwards; maybe they were going to replace the statue of Rambley with Lloyd, and planning to redo the railroad ride with Lloyd's Limos but the park got shut down first. But I don't think thats the case, just based upon the environmental storytelling- Lloyd's Limos signage looks kinda outdated in aesthetic compared to Rambley's Railroad, the fact that Lloyd's Limos feels similar to the old disney ride while Rambley's is super clearly based off the new one, and also why would they be so haphazardly discarded in the backstage areas if they were meant to be something new? Definitely makes more sense they'd be the older stuff, back from when Lloyd was really popular.
Anyways, i hope team theorist sees this!! I was pretty shocked these details were overlooked in the latest video, so I hope they can keep them in mind for next time!!
submitted by pumpkinsnice to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:53 Electrical-Speaker52 Anyone interested in buying 22 mint condition and sealed N64 games?

Anyone interested in buying 22 mint condition and sealed N64 games?
  • Conker’s Bad Fur Day
  • Super Mario 64 (not sealed)
  • Razor Scooter Freestyle
  • A Bug’s Life
  • WCW Mayhem
  • Multi Racing Championship
  • Mission Impossible (not sealed)
  • Milo’s Astro Lanes
  • Indy Racing 2000
  • Madden 2000
  • Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2
  • Xena Warrior Princess
  • Pokémon Snap
  • The Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction
  • Knockout Kings 2000
  • WWF Attitude
  • NBA Live 99
  • NBA Courtside 2
  • NBA Courtside
  • Mia Hamm Soccer
  • Track & Field Summer Games
submitted by Electrical-Speaker52 to gamecollecting [link] [comments]