Rsps setlevel serve

The print on this Sun Chips can is upside down

2024.05.24 02:21 sumgine The print on this Sun Chips can is upside down

The print on this Sun Chips can is upside down submitted by sumgine to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 18:05 GuidezCr RuneWild Gold Prices: Current Gold Prices and Recommended RSPS Gold Shop

In the bustling virtual realm of RuneWild, gold holds immense value, serving as the lifeblood of its economy. As players strive to amass wealth and power, understanding the nuances of RuneWild gold prices becomes paramount. In this article, we delve into the specifics of RuneWild gold pricing, highlighting the current rates and introducing a recommended RSPS gold shop for efficient gold buying and selling.
RuneWild Gold Prices: As of the latest data, RuneWild gold is trading at approximately 13 million Old School RuneScape (OSRS) gold per billion in-game currency. Alternatively, the equivalent value in the cryptocurrency market stands at around $2.7 USD per billion.
Recommended RSPS Gold Shop: RSPSTrade / A6D9 is recommended for players seeking a reliable and secure gold shop for RuneWild gold transactions, we highly recommend RSPSTrade / A6D9. This trusted RSPS gold shop offers a seamless experience for buying and selling RuneWild gold, ensuring transparency, security, and competitive rates.
Why Choose RSPSTrade / A6D9?
  1. Secure Transactions: RSPSTrade / A6D9 prioritizes the safety and security of its users.
  2. Competitive Rates: With competitive pricing and low fees, RSPSTrade / A6D9 ensures that players get the best value for their RuneWild gold transactions, whether buying or selling.
  3. Reliable Service: Backed by a team of experienced professionals, RSPSTrade / A6D9 provides reliable customer support and prompt assistance to address any inquiries or issues promptly.
Conclusion: Navigating the dynamic landscape of RuneWild gold prices requires informed decision-making and access to reliable trading platforms. With RuneWild gold currently priced at 13 million OSRS gold or $2.7 USD per billion, leveraging gold shops like RSPSTrade / A6D9 ensures efficient and secure transactions for players. Whether buying or selling gold, trust RSPSTrade / A6D9 to facilitate your RuneWild gold transactions with confidence and convenience.
submitted by GuidezCr to RspsGold [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 20:08 GuidezCr Buy RuneWild Gold: Secure & Best Deals with A6D9

In the vast and ever-evolving world of RuneWild, securing a substantial amount of gold is crucial for advancing and enjoying the game to its fullest. However, finding a reliable and safe source to buy RuneWild Gold can be a daunting task for many players. This guide aims to simplify your quest by introducing you to the most trusted RSPS gold trader in the community, A6D9.

Why Buy RuneWild Gold?

RuneWild Gold is the lifeblood of your in-game progress. It allows you to purchase essential items, gear up for battles, and enhance your gaming experience without the tedious grind. Buying RuneWild Gold can save you time and let you focus on enjoying the game's more engaging and fun aspects.

The Trusted Source: A6D9

When it comes to purchasing RuneWild Gold, the importance of reliability and security cannot be overstated. That's where A6D9 comes into play. Known for his integrity and exceptional customer service, A6D9 has established himself as the go-to trader for all your RuneWild Gold needs.

Secure Transactions

With A6D9, you can rest assured that your transactions are handled with the utmost security. He understands the value of your hard-earned money and ensures that every purchase is transparent and scam-free.

Best Deals in the Market

A6D9 offers competitive rates that are unmatched in the market. He believes in fair pricing and provides the best deals for RuneWild Gold, making your investment worthwhile.

24/7 Availability

Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, A6D9 is available round the clock to cater to your RuneWild Gold needs. His dedication to serving the community is evident through his 24/7 availability on Discord.

How to Contact A6D9?

Getting in touch with A6D9 is straightforward. You can contact him on Discord using his username "a6d9" or his Discord tag "A6D9#0001". He is always ready to assist you with your queries and ensure a smooth transaction.


Buying RuneWild Gold can significantly enhance your gaming experience, and choosing a trusted trader like A6D9 makes the process secure and worthwhile. With his reliable service, competitive pricing, and 24/7 availability, A6D9 stands out as the premier choice for all RuneWild players looking to buy gold.
Remember, in the world of RuneWild, having a trusted ally can make all the difference. Contact A6D9 today and take your gaming experience to the next level!
submitted by GuidezCr to RspsGold [link] [comments]

2023.05.11 05:10 Ragefire2b Ethereal RSPS - Boss Invocations, Legendary Clues, Spring Event

The team here at Ethereal RSPS wants to share some of our most recent updates! We try and update our game every week to two weeks to keep the game fresh and create numerous different avenues for both veterans and new players alike, and there's been some that I've developed recently that I'm quite proud to share!

First off, we have Xamphur, our new solo Slayer boss. We noticed a lot of players come from all facets of PvM - from beginners to people who can easily clear the entire Inferno without worry, so for our newest boss I decided to create an invocation system for players to cater the fight to their desire.
Invocations increase the fight level of Xamphur, which in turn increases the chance for rare loot as well as the quality of rare loot. Rare drops include a recipe to imbue the Osmumten's fang to increase its overall stats and give it a color scheme more like Xamphur, a Phantom set that provides great mid-level magic stats, and a perk that doubles the amount of time boosted stats last for!

Next we have our Legendary clue system. Clue scrolls have fared to be a bit of a pain for players to do as they're used to the RSPS system of instant-completeable clues. In order to keep players immersed in the world of Ethereal but keep the general easiness of RSPS's, Ethereal has a new Treasure Trails Exchange - allowing players to turn in both clue-specific rewards and incomplete clues in exchange for points to just outright buy new rewards and/or the new legendary clue scroll - a multi-step clue that requires players to solve challenging riddles, obtain valuable gear for emote clues, and perform skillful tasks for Sherlock in hopes to get some new rewards!
Valuable rewards from this include Second-age weaponry - a set of weapons that serves a main purpose of having an extremely powerful special attack associated with them! Here's the second-age staff for example, boasting a special attack that hits all enemies in a 3x3 square over time!

Finally, we have our ongoing Spring event, that will last until the summer event! This event lets players help the Freaky Forester save his pheasants by clearing the engorged rabbits in his enclosure, in exchange for Carrot tokens to get event-exclusive items such as the Spring cape and Spring amulet - strong tribrid gear to help players get strong piece of equipment without a lot of skill - and the Easter scythe; a predecessor to the Scythe of Vitur!

We hope to see some of you on to see these new updates on Ethereal - we've recently added some new player incentives such as 3 days of free donator benefits and so much more!
submitted by Ragefire2b to RSPS [link] [comments]

2022.05.06 10:53 thedude1693 The state of rsps in 2022.

Hey guys, this will likely be a long ass rant post but as someone who's been in the RSPS scene on and off for over a decade now I have a lot I'd like to say and discuss regarding this community. I'm well aware this is very unlikely to change anything but I'd still like to get it off my chest.

Please keep in mind I play 90% of private servers as an ironman.

Private servers as a concept are incredibly cool. People can take their favorite game/MMO and modify it into their own creation that hundreds/thousands of people can enjoy, but it seems like everyone involved in the scene doesn't actually understand this nor care to understand this, they only seem to care about your money. I'm one to pick one server I really like and stick with it until it shuts down. I've seen and played dozens of servers that are more than happy to take tens of thousands of dollars in donations just to shut down in a year and relaunch in the exact same state effectively wiping everyone's donations and basically telling them to get fucked.
I get why they do this, their "donation" shops are so fucked that their economies can't reasonably survive much longer than a year and it's so insanely profitable to force your whales to donate again while attracting new whales with the whole "NEW RSPS LAUNCH AMAZING CONTENT ETC..." gimmick but I think it's hurting the entire scene as a whole and makes the loyal players of these servers incredibly jaded and toxic.
For example, I used to play a server called divine reality and I absolutely loved it. Over the course of about 3-4 years I saw it change ownership and relaunched a total of SIX FUCKING TIMES. During the last 2 almost identical relaunches of this server I grew to be very jaded and toxic, often blatantly and publicly shit talking staff and actively discouraging new players from joining and playing. And this was a server that I loved and knew completely inside and out. I was often the first to getting certain boss kills and drops in the eco during relaunch cycles and had multiple maxed ironmen accounts with bank values in the billions. Obviously not every private server can last forever but 6 wipes is definitely excessive.
Hell, I'm currently playing an osrs RSPS (with a couple very minor customs) that apparently had a relaunch about a year ago and the "og's" in that community are so incredibly toxic that the owner complains that it's actively preventing new players from joining. He genuinely doesn't understand why his community is jaded and toxic after wiping all their donations and however many months/years of progress they spent on their accounts. It's a profitable cycle in the short term but obviously isn't feasible in the long term and only serves to make your loyal community bitter and hate you.
That's not my only issue though, let's talk about custom servers. Dreamscape is obviously the most egregious example with completely insane drop rates and pay to win that would make EA jealous. It really seems like with custom servers creativity has truly died, every server wants to be dreamscape. There is not a single custom RSPS that doesn't eventually end up having such a ridiculous grind that it's practically impossible to reach end game without spending money.
Borderline essential items requiring 1/10000+ droprates, being forced to kill x amount of npc's just to unlock the next tier even if you already have all the gear that your current tier of npc's drop, essential items locked behind group bosses that get spawned once every 2-3 hours, fucking mystery boxes or just a simple and cheap $200-$1000 donation for a custom weapon or gear that completely ruins progression because it literally 1 hits everything and sucks your cock for you. It's insane and somehow a lot of these servers will average 100-500 players who are more than happy to dump $100 a week for the numbers to get higher.
I legitimately made a revenant bot on dreamscape that ran 24/7 for weeks and ended up with over `700,000 rev kills and I still couldn't afford BIS gear, it's insanity.
Don't get me wrong, I've played a couple custom servers that I genuinely enjoyed and had some unique concepts, but they still have one or more of the blatant donation farming issues previously mentioned.
Now onto the topic that pisses me off and likely many other people the most. RSPS YOUTUBERS. These people are some of the most unfunny, uncreative, dumbest, shadiest, and laziest people I know of. Some idiot with 500 subscribers and like 1k average views a video will somehow get rsps owners to pay them up to $500 a fucking video to make the exact same copy-paste formulaic videos with absolutely no substance. If you seen one rsps youtuber's video, you've seen literally every rsps youtuber video in existence. "NEW AMAZING SERVER X JUST LAUNCHED/LAUNCHING SOON", they'll walk around home for a bit with a maxed admin account with every item in the game, slap a few bosses and maybe, just maybe if they even want to pretend to give a shit, they'll send a raid or two.
I don't get how these youtubers generate any profit or revenue for rsps owners and if they do, how it would be any more effective than just launching a fucking facebook ad campaign or advertising on literally any of the rsps top lists. They don't give 2 shits about you or your server and even if they do they're just going to abandon it the second another server gives them an offer to make a video. If I were to ever run an RSPS I'd personally hardware ban any rsps youtuber that tried to join. They are scum and don't deserve to be making that much money with how little effort they put in.
I have a whole lot more I can say on the topic of private servers but I already know many people won't bother to read this as it is. But for those who do, what are your thoughts on the state of private servers in 2022?
submitted by thedude1693 to RSPS [link] [comments]

2021.10.16 22:15 Levangeline I put a small amount of money into a bank-managed mutual fund RSP every month. Is there something better I could be doing with the money? (more details in comments)

I've been putting a bit of money into a mutual fund RSP every month for about the past 7 years because my uncle told me to do it, so I did.
I've put about $2,100 into it so far, and it's worth about $2,500. [More details about the specific investments and such are linked here](Mutual fund details
Anyways I don't know much/anything about investing or RSPs. It would be nice to put aside some money for later in life, but is there a better way I could be putting this money to use? Either with a different kind of investment or a different type of account? I'm open to discussing, I'm mostly just curious if this money is serving me well where it is or not
submitted by Levangeline to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2021.10.11 18:36 Gunygoohoo Early Retirement - House Rich Cash Poor

I have decided to take early retirement at 55 next year. Several years ago I decided no more contributions to RSP's and stock market investing as our real estate always outperformed investments and has basically doubled every 10 years or so. Our problem now is we do not have enough cash in RSP's / TFSA to generate passive income and not deplete our equity. Our home is paid off and we have no debt. While we don't have to make an immediate decision on this, the problem will pile up on us in a few years. One option is to sell our home and downgrade to something less expensive. Spend half of current home value on lesser property and invest the other half in dividend stock. Our problem is we LOVE our home - its a unique property that would be very difficult to replace [the emotional side of our problem].
In preparation for our downsizing, we applied for a HELOC / mortgage with a combined value of $1 million secured against our home which is currently valued at $1.8 million [so 10 years time maybe worth $3.6 million?]. We have flexibility on the borrowed money whether to use HELOC or mortgage. HELOC is more expensive money (3.45%) versus 5 year fixed at just over 2% but HELOC has advantage of interest only payment and generally more flexibility with how to use it. As an aside, we have lived in 2 homes over the past 26 years. Our first home we purchased for $155k in 1995 and sold in 2012 for $425k. Current home we purchased in 2012 for $850k.
I am curious what options I would have with the borrowed money if we decide to try and hold on to our home longer and use the available "cheap" money to top up our passive income via dividend investments etc. In essence using the borrowed money as a pseudo reverse mortgage.
High inflation coupled with (IMO) over-valued real estate and stock market are making for some really tough decisions for us and if done improperly, could backfire on us horribly.
**Edit** Supplemental Background Info
Wow, lots of interesting comments here, some rather aggressive which I wasn't expecting. So I will answer a few questions for more background.
  1. Savings We have $600k in savings, 2/3 of that is in RSP, the other 1/3 in TFSA. Our investments are administered by a financial adviser. I opted out of CPP about 15 years ago. I will get something small. No other pension income.
  2. My better half My lovely wife is 1 year younger than me. She was diagnosed with Lupus when we had our son 23 years ago and has been on LT disability since them. $12k per year and has not changed (increased) since she started on it.
  3. What do I do? I am a Structural Engineer and have run my own practice for the past 24 years. I have 30 years of experience. I have had employees in the past but for the last 10 years have been solo doing everything to run the business - engineering, drawings, field inspections, bookkeeping. I have a master's degree in engineering and the work I do is highly technical and most of my work involves life safety. I went to university for 7 years and another 4 years practicum to get my P.Eng. When I use my seal, I hold personal liability for what I do. There are no corporate veils to hide behind. My liability limitation period was 30 years up to 2014 at which point the government reduced it to 15 years. When I retire my I can carry an E&O policy for a maximum of 5 years, then I am on my own. If this is starting to sound retarded it is.
  4. Why am I retiring? 3 years ago I was served with 2 leaky condo lawsuits and it has taken this long to get dismissed from both of them. There is no claim against me but my insurer has expended over $100k in legal fees to defend me. My insurer would like their money back and do this with increased policy premiums. I have nothing to do with the building envelope (there is a dedicated consultant for this) but get "invited" to the party because I have errors and omissions insurance and the lawyers know they can tap into this. These lawsuits usually never go to court and my insurer will put money into a "settlement pot" to avoid going into the courtroom. I am not retiring because I have reached financial independence. I am done with engineering. Right now I have no desire to work but I suspect this will change in a couple of years time but in no mood right now to reinvent myself.
  5. Other Stuff 2009 to 2012 we took a sabbatical and sailed over 10,000NM through the east coast of the US and Eastern Caribbean. This took 5 years to plan and get the financial house in order. We rented our paid off home out and took a HELOC to buy a 41ft catamaran which cost us $285k. We lived on roughly $40K per year for the 3 years we were out there. We home schooled out then 12 year old son and lived off grid 98% of the time out there. I had some money in a corporate investment account that we moved into dividend style income so between this and the rental income we had a self sustaining financial model. Dividend income cam out of the company tax free as it was less than 40k. We sold the boat 3 years later for $25K less than we paid for it. I wound my practice down while out there and and built it up again when we became land lubbers. Was tough shutting my business down to do this but turned out to be not a big deal and within 6 months of return was back at it full steam. Lots of considerations to look at to do this and can discuss more if anyone is interested but at the end of the day, you need to be debt free if you want to do something like this. Totally cool experience for all my family. Push/pull/drag to get them out there and had to do the same coming back. We returned back because I was at a use or lose it state in my career. We are thinking very heavily about returning to this lifestyle but need to make sure we have a fall back plan when we are no longer able to cruise but that would be at least 10 years away. If we do this, it requires a significantly different model and requires a lot more logistics if we want to own property and cruise at the same time. That's a whole other discussion.
submitted by Gunygoohoo to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2020.08.09 05:32 Les_Habitants912 Managing Investments - TD Direct Investing

Hi everyone, I have a couple basic questions I'm hoping to get answered. I'm hoping my questions make sense and don't sound stupid as I am very new to the realm of investing
I currently have an actively managed RESP mutual fund for my son (3yo) and daughter (1yo). I am going to meet with someone at TD Bank next week to open up a Direct Investing account. I have read Millionaire Teacher and am wanting to create a diversified portfolio with index stocks and bonds (e-series). My wife and I both have about $70k each in TFSA contribution and $70k each for RSP contribution. We have $62k in a TD HISA (not really only 0.5%) and will likely move about $10k into index funds. the remainder will serve as an emergency fund and any other big purchases we need to make. We will contribute about $200 in our retirement savings and $100 to each of our RESPs each month.
I want to start with opening up Direct Investing TFSA accounts and utilize all of our contribution room in those. But once I have done that, where should I be moving my money? Would I be able to put it into RSPs or would I just end up paying taxes on that amount later which would defeat the purpose of the TFSA? Should I just be opening up a cash account instead and transferring money there?
I will also be moving our actively managed mutual fund to the Direct Investing RESP account. Are there any downsides to this doing this? Will it make much of a difference over the 15 years I will be investing?
Thank you in advance for your help.
submitted by Les_Habitants912 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2020.05.18 00:22 Baynyn Blood on TSCC’s Hands

First time poster, been reading a while and I am so happy that I’ve found you all. This is an experience I had that I’m hoping will bring some closure.
Back in late 2005/early 2006 I was an EQP in my ward. The handbook had recently been updated to delegate to EQPs and RSPs to conduct the Financial Need Assessment for those members who had requested assistance from the Bishop. I was asked to go and visit with a gentleman I’ll call “Terry.” There was no training, no preparation, no direction as to what it is I should have been looking for or asking about. Just sent on my way. Being the good TBM I was, I went to go find out whether there were any expenses that Terry could cut out before the Church decided whether to help him out.
Terry was a single, middle-aged man and had been very successful up until a year or two previous. He drove a nice car, lived in a nice house, and presented himself very well. Over the previous year or so, he had moved from his house to a small apartment, no longer drove the nice car, and started to look as though he was struggling.
When I went to go visit Terry, I took my first counselor with me. We arrived in the evening when it was just getting dark, and Terry invited us into his apartment. There were no lights, the power had been shut off. There was no heat, also shut off. There was also no furniture, no appliances, no bed, no clothing. He had sold everything that he had to maintain his rent and eat occasionally, and he had nothing left. Literally nothing, except the clothes on his back. He slept on the floor. I remember being overcome with sadness and grief at seeing someone struggling like that. There was obviously some mental decline that had been happening, as well. It took about 5 minutes for me to decide that I’d seen enough and didn’t need to grill him about cutting back on expenses, as there was nothing on which to cut back.
So I told the Bishop that. There may have been some form, but I told the Bishop that if anyone needed assistance, it was Terry. I do not recall if that Bishop decided to help Terry out. He very well may have. But less than three months later Terry got ahold of a gun and ended things for himself. He was still living in squalor at the time he died.
I went years without thinking too much about Terry, until the last year when I heard about the $100b. As soon as I heard of that, my thoughts immediately went to this poor guy who had absolutely nothing and came begging for help. And he didn’t get the help he needed.
How hard would it have been for TSCC to look at Terry, who had been very capable and successful, and say “Here’s what we’ll do. We’ll take care of your rent for a couple of months. We’ll get the power and heat back on. We’ll get you some food, a couple of pieces of furniture, and some clothes so that you can start interviewing for jobs.”? I figure that may have cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $5000. But I know that’s not what TSCC did. They likely provided nominal assistance that only prolonged Terry’s situation instead of helping him get out of it. With the funds the Church has on hand, they could have helped Terry 20 MILLION times over. But they didn’t.
I left the Church in 2015-ish, and it’s been a struggle for several reasons. But Terry’s story really hits home for me, demonstrating that despite all the rhetoric, it’s not actually about helping people. It’s about squeezing every last dime from those who can’t afford it and then not spending it to help the lives of those that have given so much of themselves for the Church.
Terry may have ended up taking his own life regardless of the help he may have received. But having served in enough leadership positions, I think that the possibility that he was offered anything even remotely what he needed is close to zero. It is completely and totally immoral to have the resources that the Church does and not use it to help people. I firmly believe that Terry’s blood is on the Church’s hands.
Thanks for reading, it’s cathartic getting some of these feelings down.
submitted by Baynyn to exmormon [link] [comments]

2018.02.01 20:01 9aaa73f0 Vocus - Review

Hi all, im new to Reddit, i have been following Vocus very closely for 15 months or so (and posting on another forum as bug1), since i have moved on here i thought it a good opportunity to review my favourite company.
I am not a professional, just a normal shareholder with an eye for detail.
Vocus is the only stock i own (which i know makes it a bad portfolio).
Vocus is an Australian Integrated Telco, it is the result of a series of mergers between Vocus, Amcom, M2, Nextgen networks and others. Well known consumer brands include Dodo and iPrimus, but has more significant earnings from Enterprise and Wholesale.
It has had a difficult 18 months, a couple of earnings downgrades and now a class action pending against it as a result (the company is insured from any resulting loss).
Initially, integration problems where blamed for the earning miss, and have more recently described as a failure of scale up skills of key personnel as the business grew.
There have been dramatic changes to key personal, with an attempted coup resulting in two resignations in October 2016. Positive changes include Michael Simmons stepping down from the board to run Enterprise and Wholesale, the appointment of Mark Wratten as CFO, and Bob Mansfield joining the board.
Shortly afters its low point of $2.20, a non-binding buyout proposal put to the board by private equity (indicative bid $3.50), the books where opened for six weeks, until the bid was rejected (just prior to the AGM) with rumours saying the starting point would have had to be $3.80, and suitors not willing to budge.
The annual report revealed a massive writedown of goodwill, and book value now standing at $3.80
The company has been through an intense period of introspection, have opened their books, and have detailed public reporting, at its lows there was a lot of doom and gloom. I dont see any indication of bad news lurking in the shadows, but also expect the company will have to prove it with results before the market will believe it.
Vocus is still in a transition period, with them chasing $90m annual cost-out by 2020, which is significant considering expected FY18 NPAT is $140 to $150m, however there is much scepticism as to if it will be achieved.
I believe the market is overly caution due to previous troubles, and the SP wont see its full value until management have demonstrated it can achieve its targets. Important lessons have been learnt, and the clarity and focus resulting from this difficult period will define it for years to come.
Business units;
Assets - Submarine Cables:
Assets – Australian Fibre; Australia: 12 fibre pair, construction started 2002 for Nextgen, connecting mainland capitals+Townsville (or cairns?), Darwin connection partly goes via by RBBP. Recently upgraded by 9Tbps to support ASC Capacity to all 151 NBN POI’s, I think a few are via 3rd party fibre, not 100% sure.
Assets - NZ: Extensive backhaul throughout NZ
Buisness - Consumer Broadband (AU) Vocus is the 4th largest consumer broadband provider, behind Telstra, TPG, and Optus, it grew by 4% last financial year (19k) by company reports.
ACCC NBN Quarterly reports show Vocus to be getting around 10% of new orders, and is the only major RSP to have increased its market share every Quarter (perhaps in part due to a slow start).
30 Jun 17 SIO (,000) % (ex.other) NBN SIO (Company) % (ex.other) NBN SIO (ACCC) % (ex.other) ACCC-Company
TLS 3,500 48.9% 1,176 53.6% 1,258 53.1% 82
TPG 1,936 27.1% 561 25.6% 587 24.8% 26
Optus 1,174 16.4% 279 12.7% 322 13.6% 43
Vocus 547 7.6% 178 8.4% 200 8.4% 22
7,157 2,194 2,367
NOTE: the above table excludes other ISP/RSP SIOs, which is 5.6% in NBN ACCC numbers
The difference between Company reported numbers and ACCC numbers might be explained by NBN small business customers, if so it shows Vocus has a high proportion of non-consumer NBN customers.
TPG telecom grew its consumer SIOs by 4% last financial, however have declined in NBN market share in all but one quarter. Modelling of ACCC-NBN quarterlies based on state and regional breakdowns suggest to me TPG will end up with 21-23% overall market share (inc other). This may not be a concern to them as their mobile ambitions make inner-city broadband customers more valuable to them than regional NBN customers. They may have geographic rather than technological growth targets.
Telstra numbers are stubbornly high, but have benefited from the regional NBN rollout, where they have a bundling advantage due to perceived mobile strength.
Vocus consumer strategy involves brand differentiation, with Dodo focusing on ‘price seekers’ (cheap plans), with iPrimus focused on ‘value seekers’ (extras like voice, bundles).
A majority of SIOs are Dodo customers, with iPrimus recently had a backend upgrade (Genesys+Salesforce) before being relaunched. Dodo is expect to migrate to the new backend in October ‘18.
Consumer broadband margins are around $25 per month for ADSL, and $20 for NBN, margins for NBN have dropped from $25, and may still have further to fall. Lower margins are bad for all Telco’s, however they are helping to define two tiers of RSP, those who own their backhaul, and those without.
As usage increases, CVC and backhaul costs increase, backhaul is a sunk cost for the top tier RSPs, but an extra cost for smaller RSP. It puts pressure on some RSP’s skimping on CVC as its a controllable cost in the short term.
Reduced margin could be helping us strengthen our position from any challengers that emerge from any consolidation of smaller RSP’s, Aussie Broadband perhaps being the leading contender.
Having the smallest market share of the big four, and a similar cost structure gives Vocus lots of room to continue to grow market share in the long term, however current growth is not expected to to offset to lower margins from NBN. Consumer EBITDA is forecast to fall 15-20% in FY18. One easily overlooked side-benfit from our NBN presence relates to ASC, when built we will have a pipe from Singapore (which is a major global hub), to every NBN POI, not just perth, which is said to be strong selling point for capacity on ASC.
One of Vocus stated goals is “to be the most loved telco”, which is a good ambition, but difficult to achieve, or even measure. One good sign about consumer sentiment came from the 2017 TIO annual report, Vocus and TPM had half the number of complaints per customer as compared to Telstra and Optus.
In recent months ACCC have found Telstra, TPG, Optus mislead customers on NBN speeds, particularly 100Mbps plans. Vocus have not been named, but have since dropped 100Mbps plans.
Consumer will have a new Chief Executive for FY19, Sandra de Castro (x NAB, AGL), she has a more retail and customer focused background (marketing and strategy plus digital transformation). I think it suits consumer as NBN RSPs become more about the customer experience than technical differentiators. We could potentially see new marketing campaign+direction driving growth.
Consumer has a 16% margin, which is a lot lower than its peers, however that is expected close as our peers move to NBN and lose the benefits of their higher ownership of last mile assets.
Consumer Mobile
Vocus is a MVNO, and uses Optus infrastructure, there are 170k SIOs which isnt many, for comparison Amaysim is the largest MVNO with over 1M SIOs.
Recent comments suggest Vocus is unlikely to make any significant investment in mobile in the short term, but perhaps in a few years.
Amaysims currently have $10 unlimited plan calls/sms, 1GB data, similarly most RSP’s landline call packs are $10 unlimited, and it seems like that is the new price point for voice, with payment beyond that for data.
5G is a huge thing in mobile circles right now, and there is much debate about how it will unfold in Australia, including talk of ‘mobile price wars’, it will require big investments, with significant increased in numbers of towers, and significant risk for investors.
Some will see the lack of mobile infrastructure as a weakness, however Vocus has significant growth paths in other areas, I am happy for them to stay out of the way until the dust settles.
Enterprise & Wholesale (and International)
Consumer is the public face of Vocus, but Enterprise & Wholesale is its strength, Vocus gets almost half its revenue from Corporate (Enterprise and Wholesale), almost on par with TPG.
30 Jun 17 Corporate Consumer (AU) % TLS 3,800 8,541 30.8% TPG 743 1,741 29.9% Vocus 703 795 46.9%
30 Jun 17 Corporate Consumer (AU) %
TLS 3,800 8,541 30.8%
TPG 743 1,741 29.9%
Vocus 703 795 46.9%
Optus is excluded due to lack of details, they do have significant Corporate earnings, but I believe its mainly focused on wholesale rather than enterprise, with a strong emphasis on mobile e.g MVNOs
Its difficult to compare companies based on EBITDA, but Vocus reported margins for Enterprise and Wholesale is 49%, similar to its peers, much higher than its 16% margin for consumer.
Vocus and TPG are competitive on price for Enterprise, and both significantly cheaper than Telstra.
Telstra and Vocus are two of four companies involved in a NBN Pilot program for its business services, which is expected to help connect small to medium business, small business typically aren't target by E&W due to high cost of deploying fibre, so it should reduce risks and minimise capital expenditure for that demographic.
Vocus is particularly strong in Perth as it is Amcoms origin,r ecent focus has been on growing the East coast, with the Q1 update stating sales targets have been met, and 65% of sales on east east Coast. Vocus also has significant Voice products for business, which although its declining market is neglected by Telstra.
Telstra dwarfs both TPG and Vocus as far as PP&E goes, but Vocus has almost 50% more PP&E than TPG, and on a per shares basis double TPG, and 1 third more PP&E than TLS.
30 Jun 17 PP&E AU$m Shares PP&E/Share
TLS 21,350.00 11,893.30 1.80
TPG 1,055.50 924.72 1.14
Vocus 1,542.98 622.13 2.48
Vocus is yet to fully utilise its assets, and has a low ROIC, the challenge for Vocus in coming years is to increase utilisation of its assets to improve free cashflow.
As a generalisation, Vocus is about Fibre, TPG is shifting its focus to mobile, Telstra does both.
Upcoming Event: NZ SALE I haven't gone into much detail on Vocus NZ as they are due to be sold by end of financial year, the proceeds used to make the final US$110m payment for ASC, and reduce debt, which stands at $1.03B
Financial covenants on leverage are due to drop to 3.0 at end of FY18, with it forecast to be 2.65 at that time, and there has been significant investor concern over debt.
It was initially hoped ASC would be paid for by pre-commitments and free cashflow, then by the sale of other ‘non-core’ assets, i.e. Data Centres, however during the takeover proposal, the board reportedly received multiple unsolicited offers for assets. Initial reports stated 16 different parties had expressed an interest, with Vocus expecting $500m+, with its book value being written down to $550m at FY17.
Analysts are expecting a lower figure, between $300 and $450m, a good number could surprise the market.
Binding offers are due early CY18
Upcoming event: Data Centre sale Data Centres have been stated to be ‘non-core’, and advisers appointed for its sale, one of the reason cited for the sale is an industry expectation that Data Centres be vendor neutral.
Vocus is reported as the Number 3 data centre operator in Oceania by Cloudscene, however is composed of a number of smaller centres, without much growth potential, and recent trends in DC favouring larger higher density installations.
Early, rough estimates by analysts suggested they could sell for around $160m, however no official earnings have been released for some time, so a lot of guesswork.
Since then Metronode DCs recently sold at 20x earnings, however Vocus’s DC are not expected to sell at anywhere near that, Equinix stated one of the reason for their high bid is the potential for expansion.
No timeline has been given on the sale of DC’s, it could be that if the NZ sales goes well Vocus will take its time, give it some TLC, and achieve a more respectable result.
Upcoming event: ASC ASC is a 40Tbps submarine cable to Singapore due to be completed mid year.
A competing cable by Subpartners (Superloop, Telstra, Singtel and others) is due to be completed in Q1 2019, there has been some concern about competition.
The current route is served by a 12Tbps SMW3 which is approaching end of service, has become less reliable with a number of recent breakages, and is heavily utilised.
ASC is estimated to reduce IRU expenditure by $110m, it should also boost earning from Enterprise and Wholesale by bringing more traffic to our domestic backhaul.
Questions, Queries, Concerns ?
submitted by 9aaa73f0 to ausstocks [link] [comments]

2016.12.31 16:34 Gregrox The Massive Mnemonic.

The Royal Space Program in my Steampunk Space Universe considers all rounded objects to be planet enough for their purposes. The massive mnemonic taught in schools goes like this:
My Very Esteemed Mother Must Create Jelly In Europe's Greatest Cave, Serve Mexican Enchiladas, Teach Dictionary Rhymes, Tear into Ursula's mate's and, unfreeze the octopus, never-theless.
Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Ceres Jupiter Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Saturn Mimas Enceladus Tethys Dione Rhea Titan Iapetus Uranus Miranda Ariel Umbriel Titania Oberon Neptune Triton.
The outer dwarf planets wouldn't be discovered for some time, but they would never be reclassified as dwarf planets for the simple reason that the RSP's list of planets was already plenty long, so what if it gets longer. It wouldn't be until the A.U.-Year 2006 that proper definitions of celestial bodies were made, coinciding with the development of the FTL Program.
The new system would, in addition to specifying primaries vs satellites, split the bodies of the solar system like this:
The only reason we have the Earth considered to be part of the same league as Ceres is because by this point humans are living throughout the solar system. While Earth is still the cultural center of mankind, it's become a little less the center of the universe. Still, critics of the system suggest breaking the Small Planets into Medium and Small. This would result in Pluto and Ceres being different from Earth. This is actually fair, as the differences in size between Ceres and Earth is near that of Earth and Jupiter.
submitted by Gregrox to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2016.08.14 23:26 WAKEYrko Resignation from Frontline Politics

I am hereby announcing my resignation from politics, effective after the General Election.
Recently those around me will have come to discover that my health has been steadily deteriorating - I have just returned recently after a nearly 2 week stint in hospitalisation after a long time off work and an innumerable amount of biopsies - which has significantly damaged my financial situation and has left me to struggle repeatedly. It was in my poor health that I hold myself responsible for the debacle that is dynamic_12, and my lack of presence as Deputy Leader to criticise, challenge and advise the very Junior Leader. I hold myself responsible, and I apologise to everyone in Labour; I hope they will hold on to the fact that I was the 'straw who broke the camel's (Dynamics) back' and lead to his removal, paving the way to our amazing Leadership Team that has returned stability and will hopefully lead my party to success in the upcoming General Election. If Labour needs someone to blame, I will, and should be that person. A person to blame so that others can lead us to recovery.
While my health is improving, after failing to get a Probationary Peerage despite my best efforts and community contributions, including founding the largest press organisation, volunteering and helping to coordinate akc8 and the gang's amazing Charity events, being Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and serving the community for a year, I have decided that I am resigning from all political positions for the foreseeable future, for the benefit of myself and the community. I can only feel that my reputation among certain groups has damaged in my progression on this game; and i'd like to offer an apology.
I've been a selfish cunt in the past, as many people have pointed out to me (shoutout to rexrex and arsen) and I have deservedly earned this reputation. However, believe it or not, my good friend rexrex600 has recently said something I would have never dreamt; "You've changed".
And that is an accolade I can be proud of, and where this Chapter will end. I'll be around; volunteering in the Charity events and continuing my services to the Times and the Press. But now I really must go. Taaraa.
submitted by WAKEYrko to MHOCPress [link] [comments]

2015.12.21 00:45 ThatThingInTheCorner AlbrechtVonRoon wins MBBC Political Personality of the Year Award

AlbrechtVonRoon has been voted the MBBC Political Personality of the Year in the inaugural year of the awards.
The long-serving Vanguard leader is popular among members from all parties.
Former Liberal Democrat leader, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Bnzss was runner-up, with Radical Socialist MP, OKELEUK third.
The Vanguard leader won 20 of the 45 votes cast (44%), with Ben getting 13 votes (29%) and the RSP's OKELEUK getting 5 votes (11%).
AlbrechtVonRoon, commonly known as 'Harold' is a long-time member of the Model House of Commons, and despite recently saying in an interview with MBBC reporter thechattyshow that the situation in The Vanguard can be described as "stagnating", he led The Vanguard to its best ever electoral performance, winning ten seats in the fourth general election.
MBBC Political Personality of the Year 2015: The votes breakdown:
  1. AlbrechtVonRoon: 44.4%
  2. Bnzss: 28.8%
  3. OKELEUK: 11.1%
  4. RoryTime: 8.8%
  5. JellyTom: 4.4%
  6. Demon4372: 2.2%
submitted by ThatThingInTheCorner to MBBC [link] [comments]

2015.07.09 05:06 pfcannewbie How to use our excess $2000/mth?

We’re a married couple in our mid-30s with two young kids. We were not raised by financially minded people and have no clue how to best invest our excess income!
Our mother is in her 70s and had been taking $5000 per year out of her RSP but the amount she loses to taxes really worries us as far as us contributing to our own RRSPs. We don’t need the tax break now, so where is that money better served?
Here’s where we’re at:
We have roughly $2000/mth left over after all is said and done, but note that our only vehicle (Dodge Caravan) is approaching 10 years old and we also like to use between $4000-8000 annually to travel.
Specific questions (although please feel free to provide any and all helpful advice):
  1. How much of a priority is paying down the mortgage opposed to investments/savings?
  2. How much of a priority is maxing out TFSAs? And what’s the best way to make more than 1% interest on them?
  3. Does it make more sense to max out wife’s TFSA before paying into her RSP (since she is able to entirely write off her part-time income from her home based business)?
  4. Does it make sense to continue contributing to husband’s personal RSP considering that he started a new (very stable) job approx. one year ago with very good employee pension plan (60/40 match)? Or, again, should we max out TFSA first?
  5. What is the best strategy for the excess cash every month as far as division into savings, investment, over-paying mortgage, etc.?
We’ve never made investments other than with our RSPs through our usual bank but we suspect our excess cash flow could be going to better use (currently we’re putting just a little in each basket per month plus overpaying mortgage by 25%).
Thank you!
EDIT: We should have mentioned that we are maxing out husband's work RRSP so $2000 left is after that contribution.
submitted by pfcannewbie to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2013.12.18 12:07 ThePiachu Experiment - Reddit Mod Program - Mission 01 - the roller ship

Save file
Mod files
Start Date: Year 1, Day 1, 0h, 0m
End Date: Year 1, Day 1, 0h, 4m
Mission report
The roller ship served its purpose and was able to gather basic science data from around KSP. It wasn't particularly easy to steer, but kept its momentum while rolling. Lucky Jebediah did not eat much before the mission so the amount of vomit that had to be cleaned from the space suit was minimal.
How Reddit Mod Program works
Okay, so at the moment we have these mods installed:
  • Kethane 0.8.2
  • Interstellar 0.9
  • Deadly Reentry Continued 4.1
  • KW Rocketry 2.5.5 - should be updated for official 0.23 version
  • Enhanced NavBall 1.2
  • FAR 0.12
  • KAS 0.4.5
  • Docking Port Alignment Indicator 3.0
We are looking to adding these mods as well once they are patched:
  • MapSat
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock
  • Kerbal Engineer Redux
And maybe these mods:
  • RemoteTech - if everyone is committed to keeping the satellite network operational
  • B9 - if we are really committed to atmospheric crafts
All the mods that are currently used are bundled up together in a .rar file that can be downloaded, extracted into the GameData directory and used straight out of the box. There is no need to re-upload the file after your mission unless there were some changes made to the mods (with RSP's mods permission).
Some rules I would like to see used with Reddit Mod Program:
  • Keep the amount of early game craft save files to minimum - preferably 1 per mission with MXX prefix. Early craft won't be really that useful in the latter part of the game so there is no reason to save more than once.
  • Unlock the tech tree one level at a time - rushing to get some particular high-tech parts can ruin the fun, so lets not unlock parts from a next tech level until the current level is maxed out
Other than that, have fun!
Next mission suggestions:
M02 - Atmospheric hop - build a rocket, fly it to a new biome on Kerbin, land safely. Be sure to do science while flying / when landed. - claimed by 7yl4r
M03 - Low orbit hop - build a rocket, take it out of Kerbin's atmosphere, land it safely on some far biome (for example the poles). - claimed by archon286
M04 - High stable orbit - achieve high orbit over Kerbin, make it stable (elliptical is fine, no need to make it circular), perform science, land safely. - mission available
M05 - Probe moon flyby with science? We should probably have enough science to unlock some basic probes by then. - mission available
submitted by ThePiachu to reddit_space_program [link] [comments]

2013.11.29 01:35 pfcanthroway Saving too aggressively or spending foolishly?

Hi everyone,
I'm stressing about money lately. I am a homeowner, and while I live a simple lifestyle, I feel like I'm really struggling to save enough money for retirement. I look around though, and no one else seems to be worried.
Some background:
Income: $60 000/year
I'm paid Bi-Weekly. Here's what each paycheque looks like:
Gross: $2307.69
Take-Home Pay After deductions and taxes: $1165.93 (assuming I do the RSP)
Savings: $200/month go directly into my TFSA savings account, which serves as my emergency fund.
Housing & Living Costs: * Mortgage: $591 bi-weekly * House Insurance: $61/month
Incidental Costs:
Total Costs: $33581/year
1) $200/month is tough, but my emergency fund is tiny. The RSP gives me a tax break at the end of the year, which should help supplement my emergency fund. The stock purchase plan is too good a deal to pass up. What do I do? Obviously, something has to go - I'm negative $3k/year.
2) I have no idea how to value my pension. How do I find out what this is worth long term in terms of payout? Should I dial back in other areas because of the pension?
3) Entertainment money hasn't even been budgeted here, and I'm in the hole $3k/year. I've toyed with renting out my house, and living with my partner, which would really reduce my living costs, but I don't think she's ready to do that. I'm starting to think about finding a roommate. What other options do I have?
Any insights would be really appreciated.
submitted by pfcanthroway to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]