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Texas A&M University student sends CREEPY snapchat then vanishes from his apartment parking lot - The Unsolved Disappearance of Caleb Harris

2024.06.09 03:18 jldmagazine Texas A&M University student sends CREEPY snapchat then vanishes from his apartment parking lot - The Unsolved Disappearance of Caleb Harris

One very foggy night at the start of March 2024, a Texas A&M University sophomore just vanished in the middle of the night smack dab at the centre of his highly secure apartment complex parking lot with security cameras everywhere. The only clue the 21-year-old student left behind was an eerie snapchat of a bridge moments before he disappeared.
I wanna preface this by saying that Caleb Harris could very well still be alive, so anyone with any tips – no matter how big or small – is encouraged to submit them.
About Caleb
Caleb Harris is by all accounts a great young man. Standing at 5’11 and weighing at 180 pounds he was a solid guy who was very strong and capable. According to his family, The New Braunfels Christian Academy graduate rarely partied and was an outdoorsman, who preferred to go to bed early so he could wake up the next day before sunrise and hunt some ducks. As you can probably tell, Caleb loved to hunt and fish. So it was very fitting of him to study Environmental Science at Texas A&M University where he was in his second year.
His family are deeply religious and so was he, and there are reports Caleb wore a Jesus fish necklace the night he vanished. When Caleb went away to go study, him and his family chose an apartment complex called The Cottages at Corpus Christi, located in the 1900 block of Ennis Joslin. It had other University students there and it was perceived as highly secure with surveillance cameras at the gates, and there was only 2 ways in and out of the apartment complex. Caleb lived there with 2 of his close friends he grew up with, who were now his roommates.
But then one night, Caleb just vanished after ordering Uber Eats and left behind some very mysterious clues that make this case incredibly interesting as it is perplexing. Some say he actually vanished as he was waiting outside for his Uber Eats delivery. The family has accounted for all his shoes, and assumed he was barefoot when he disappeared (as he was seen barefoot on the ring doorbell camera and the snapchat he sent to his sister), so it seems as though this disppareance wasn’t planned. Caleb had no history of any mental illness and wasn’t taking medication. But, as others pointed out, Caleb could have had a pair of flip flops his family didn’t know about.
10:30pm: The story starts on Sunday, March 3rd, 2024, when Caleb was gearing up for a fishing trip. He was texting his dad all day, excited about his upcoming trip the next day after class. Nighttime rolled around and Caleb and his room mates were up late playing video games. But it wasn’t like any typical Sunday night because one of the roommates had just gotten a puppy, which arrived at around 10:30pm, so they were up late enjoying their new pup and walking it.
12:56am: on Monday, March 4th, a ring doorbell camera caught Caleb outside, barefoot playing with the new puppy with his room mates. The ring camera was facing the parking lot outside their apartment. There were 2 exits out of his apartment, one that led to the parking lot and another to a grassy area. The video captured nothing out of the ordinary and they seemed to all be having a good time very much enjoying their newfound love for their puppy.
2:20am: one of the room mates said they were going to bed, and Caleb told them that he had some more work to do to prepare for his fishing trip the next day, namely he wanted to order some Uber Eats so he had something to eat for his trip. Then, he took the new puppy outside for another walk on his own, and used the entrance to the grassy area since he wasn’t caught on Ring doorbell camera footage this time around.
2:44am: he sent a Snapchat video to his younger sister of him barefoot walking the dog.
2:45am: Caleb made his Uber Eats order, opting for a no contact delivery, and he ordered 2 lunchables, a red bull and an apple pie from a convenience store.
2:58am: His phone turns off, he either shut it off, or it died, law enforcement has not released that information.
3am: According to Caleb’s father, he brought the dog back into the apartment sometime after 3am.
3:03: Link to photo And here’s something I found strange, Caleb sent his final snapchat, the photo of the bridge, to a high school friend from St Augustine Texas at 3:03am, a full 5 minutes after his phone had been shut off. This high school friend barely used Snapchat and him and Caleb didn’t communicate often, so it was a random person to send it to. But when the high school friend opened Snapchat (which he rarely does), he saw a new snap from Caleb after this friend knew Caleb had disappeared, so this friend knew to screenshot the snap for evidence. There could be some technical reasons why the snap was sent after Caleb had shut off his phone, cause apparently Snap users may receive images later then they are sent. But the time discrepancy is still unexplained. Like did someone else log into Caleb’s Snapchat account to send this snap? And I mean, this photo is haunting and really is what drew me in to this case. The photo is of a bridge over a drainage ditch, this bridge is within a few hundred feet outside of the apartment complex. It really captured just how foggy it was that night, and the photo was blurry, almost as if Caleb didn’t have time to use the focus feature on the app, like he had to take the photo quickly. Cause normally Snapchat would focus the photo for you within a couple of seconds of opening the camera function. I can’t help but feel like this was a major clue like in the Libby and Abby case from Delphi, Indiana, like he was trying to tell us something. Behind the bridge is a highway, so was he being abducted at that point and being led to a car to be driven off, and sent this photo in a rush hoping someone could help him? That’s the vibe I got from it, at least. Though some people think he may have been trying to be artsy and take a cool photo of the fog, but I don’t think so cause it was out of focus and looked rushed. Also, my main question, is why did he go to this bridge? He really had no reason to leave his apartment complex and go there.
3:12am: Caleb’s phone pinged for its very last time, but cops believe this was a glitch and more on that later.
3:20am: The Uber Eats driver drops off Caleb’s order.
So really, we are looking at a 22 minute window of when something inexplicable happened to Caleb. The roommates woke up the next day and saw Caleb’s Uber Eats still waiting for him in the bag outside their apartment, they were alarmed when they realized his truck, keys and wallet were still there and the roommates did the right thing and called authorities to report Caleb missing at around 1pm, after searching for their childhood friend, desperately.
The Search
The cops arrived and questioned the room mates as well as the Uber Driver and they were all cleared. There are reports that the roommates took a voluntary lie detector test and passed. The cops also began searching the apartment complex, and checked over 30 apartments. Authorities are asking the public for any tips they may have and tried tracking down any surveillance footage from the morning of Monday, March 4th, but most of the footage wasn’t helpful because of the fog that night, the cameras only captured a couple of feet in front of them. But remember how the apartment complex was marketed as a secure place for students? Well, it turns out the security cameras at the gates were not working and the gates were left wide open that night, for anyone to just waltz on in to the complex.
The community banded together and searched the area by foot along with authorities using professional techniques including helicopters. It sounds to me that every square inch of Corpus Christi was searched, and 3 months later there’s still no trace of Caleb.
The drainage ditch seen in his final snapchat was of course scoured (this was my initial thought that he committed suicide in the ditch) but it barely had any water in it so it was mostly mud and there were no tracks and no Caleb.
Searchers canvassed the area, and found no tire marks to indicate a car picked him up and sped away (no scream or anything was heard either and he was pretty close to the complex).
Searchers also paid particular attention to the area of that last ping, but law authorities later revealed that they believe it was a glitch, and most of the time those glitches happen was because someone was in a car.
I believe, Caleb at 3:12am, about 10 minutes after his phone shut off, was being taken away in car, which would explain the last ping being innacurate.
There are some troubling theories in this case, and I will get into those now, so the next little part will be complete specuatlon of what people have said online, and take it with a grain of salt.
3 months later, Caleb’s phone began pinging again, and law enforcement went on record to say that this was because of forensic testing. Law enforcement are in the process of collecting digital evidence in the case, which includes probably geofencing the area he was last seen and tracking down phones that were in the location the night Caleb disappeared.
But at the same time of this phone pinging, a civilian discovered a phone at Packery Jetty, a 17 minute drive away, and many people believe this is Caleb’s phone, but this has yet to be confirmed.
  1. Links to other disappearances There’s also many users pointing out similar disappearances in South Texas including that of Jason Landry. Jason was also 21, and his abandoned car was found on a desolate road on December 13,2020 with his clothes inside and no trace of him, anywhere. According to his dad, the last app he used was also Snapchat, and many people feel that he was there to meet somebody.
  2. Secret reddit account/catfish theory This next theory I want to be very clear that this is not 100% confirmed. But according to Reddit, Facebook and YouTube, the family and law enforcement are aware of Caleb Harris’s secret reddit account. (Link) Caleb was allegedly using reddit to meet people for adult activities. This account would often post in a reddit group called “Corpus Christi NSFW” where strangers would meet online for fun. Many people feel that this account called “Outside_Physics1635” is Caleb because of his age being 21 and also his final post was on the same night Caleb disappeared. The post was titled “oso bay hiking trail” and it was posted on March 4th, 2024, at 2:15:30am. It was tagged “M4A”, which means “Man for Anyone” so male or female encounters. There’s also pictures on this account, that some people believe show Caleb’s bracelet in it (Link), but I’m still on the fence about if this is true or not, though it is a prevailing theory in this case, so it’s worth mentioning. One redditor wrote, “It hasn't been outright said by the family most likely due to law enforcement, but Nicole Owens, the woman who runs the Facebook group/page under family spokesperson Tony Matthias said: 'Yes, please do not discuss in the group what was on his Reddit. I hate that it even got around. Kept it a secret as long as possible.' She later deleted the post.” So the working theory is that Caleb made this reddit post before walking the dog, hoping to meet someone that night for a rendezvous, then that person had a nefarious idea in mind and possibly abducted him.
Anyway, I was hoping to bring more awareness to this case since I feel it got overshadowed by Riley Strain, as it happened around the same time.
Hopefully we can just get his name and face out there, because law enforcement are desperate for any tips, because as you can see, there isn’t much to this story. I mean he orders Uber Eats, goes outside, and disappears.
I'll be interested in hearing what you guys think.
submitted by jldmagazine to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:04 oddnded 27 [M4F] EST US / Anywhere - Fellow comfy connoisseur wanted for a life of shared comfort and memes :3

TL;DR: Just some tired, annoying, mentally ill, gamer dude trying to find a half decent connection. I'm not out to try and impress anyone, and never will be lol. Low effort introductions will be ignored, sorry. If you have a disdain for games, movies, banter, cars, or humor as a whole just pass me up. Also, if you're keen on one sided conversations or short term too
I'm attempting to find a relationship, if it happens. The people I have spoke to over the last several years of my life either became too busy or entirely different people. So, it's slowly just dwindled to null, meaning you'd get a fair bit of attention lmao. I miss having someone to talk and complain to everyday about whatever + that seemingly care, y'know? The idea of having a partner that fills that role sounds ideal
I will say it would probably be ideal if you could relate to the older online era. I mean, within the realm of peak CoD lobbies, Habbo, and similar. Idk, it seemed like back then people were more fun. Lol I've found they're usually less sensitive too
Honestly, I could care less if it's SFW, NSFW, or a mix when it comes to conversations. I'm relatively open minded in general, and don't take to getting offended easily either. The only things I ask are for you to be somewhat close to my age (20+), honest, and relatively blunt. I mean, bonus if you can relate to the tired feeling. Well, that or if you can tolerate it at the very least. I don't want to list an absurd amount about myself, because I feel that ruins actual back and forth to a degree, personally
About You: • Non-sensitive and can handle banter, jokes, and memes while also returning
• Somewhat available and able to reply in a decent amount of time / has some degree of conversational skill
• Has an ability to express interest or converse about hobbies that aren't solely your own (on average used to people just passing by half of what I say)
• You can be equally boring as myself or worse tbh, as long as there's back and forth. If you're some mass extrovert then I can live vicariously through you in contrast lmao
• It would be cool if you enjoyed sharing music. I'm always looking for new stuff for my playlist
• You enjoy movies
I will say most of these aren't requirements. They're extremely preferred though tbh
About Me: • I'm currently twenty-seven, and feel awful. Regardless, quarter life crisis is still persisting lol
• I have relatively awful internet. So, games take forever to update, think a day or two depending. Also, at some point I want a sim rig (not an over the top money pit one lmao)
• Tends to enjoy most forms of comedy, wether dark / offensive / dry etc + I agree with the stance of jokes being jokes
• Meme Archivarius and Aficionado
• I've officially been learning Norwegian for over a year now. Overall I just enjoy the idea of being bilingual in some capacity. Just a little bit each day, not in a rush lol
• Cold weather / temps wins over hot weather / temps every single time
• I have an absurd amount of hobbies; but, obviously frequent some more than others. So, the likelihood we at least share one in common is very high
• May as wells be a bottle of mental health issues, namely severe depression and general anxiety. So, if you struggle with mental health it's no issue. Honestly, would probably be nice if you can either relate or understand
• Sleeping is a struggle + my general sleep schedule is subpar
• Believes Elon Musk will end up creating catgirls, sooner or later
Replies as quick as I nut
So, aside from all of that, feel free to ask me anything you'd like to know about me. I'm a relatively open book. If you actually read all of this then I apologize, homie. Hopefully this finds you well, my dudes. Feel free to send me a chat (´• `")ゝ
submitted by oddnded to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:31 oddnded 27 [M4R] #NC #Online - Mentally ill yet kind of chill, y'know? :3

TL;DR: Just some tired, annoying, mentally ill, gamer dude trying to find a half decent connection. I'm not out to try and impress anyone, and never will be lol. Low effort introductions will be ignored, sorry! If you have a disdain for games, movies, banter, cars, or humor as a whole just pass me up. Also, if you're keen on one sided conversations or short term too
I'm attempting to find new friends or a relationship, if it happens. The people I have spoke to over the last several years of my life either became too busy or entirely different people. So, it's slowly just dwindled to null, meaning you'd get a fair bit of attention lmao. I miss having someone to talk and complain to everyday about whatever + that seemingly care, y'know? At this point I'd take having people to small talk with lmao
I will say it would probably be ideal if you could relate to the older online era. I mean, within the realm of peak CoD lobbies, Habbo, and similar. Idk, it seemed like back then people were more fun. Lol I've found they're usually less sensitive too
Honestly, I could care less if it's SFW, NSFW, or a mix when it comes to conversations. I'm relatively open minded in general, and don't take to getting offended easily either. The only things I ask are for you to be somewhat close to my age (20+), honest, and relatively blunt. I mean, bonus if you can relate to the tired feeling. Well, that or if you can tolerate it at the very least. I don't want to list an absurd amount about myself, because I feel that ruins actual back and forth to a degree, personally
About You: • Non-sensitive and can handle banter, jokes, and memes while also returning
• Somewhat available and able to reply in a decent amount of time / has some degree of conversational skill
• Has an ability to express interest or converse about hobbies that aren't your own (on average used to people just passing by half of what I say)
• You can be equally boring as myself or worse tbh, as long as there's back and forth. If you're some mass extrovert then I can live vicariously through you in contrast lmao
• It would be cool if you enjoyed sharing music. I'm always looking for new stuff for my playlist
• You enjoy movies
I will say none of these are requirements. They're extremely preferred though tbh
About Me: • I'm currently twenty-seven, and feel awful. Regardless, quarter life crisis is still persisting lol
• I have relatively awful internet. So, games take forever to update, think a day or two depending. Also, at some point I want a sim rig (not an over the top money pit one lmao)
• Tends to enjoy most forms of comedy, wether dark / offensive / dry etc + I agree with the stance of jokes being jokes
• Meme Archivarius and Aficionado
• I've officially been learning Norwegian for over a year now. Overall I just enjoy the idea of being bilingual in some capacity. Just a little bit each day, not in a rush lol
• Cold weather / temps wins over hot weather / temps every single time
• I have an absurd amount of hobbies; but, obviously frequent some more than others. So, the likelihood we at least share one in common is very high
• May as wells be a bottle of mental health issues, namely severe depression and general anxiety. So, if you struggle with mental health it's no issue. Honestly, would probably be nice if you can either relate or understand
• Sleeping is a struggle + my general sleep schedule is subpar
• Believes Elon Musk will end up creating catgirls, sooner or later
Replies as quick as I nut
So, aside from all of that, feel free to ask me anything you'd like to know about me. I'm a relatively open book. If you actually read all of this then I apologize, homie. Hopefully this finds you well, my dudes. Feel free to send me a chat (´• `")ゝ
submitted by oddnded to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:19 maacaronn Was blocking the right move?

Warning: long post ahead!
Hi everyone! So this situation is probably the textbook definition of someone with an anxious attachment style. I already ended up cutting things off but would love your feedback/thoughts on the situation and what I did right or could have done better on.
So I met this guy on Grindr (I'm gay if it matters at all) and he mentioned that he was looking for chats, dates friends and fun/hookups. I said I was mainly looking for fun (I'm kind of abstaining from dating due to anxious attachment and wanting to work on myself a bit more to get it under control). We ended up meeting and I found him to be pretty dorky and charming (alongside his appearance) and I felt like the chemistry was there. The sex seemed a little more intimate than what I'd normally expect for a hookup. Lots of interlacing fingers/squeezing hands and intense eye contact (☠️) He insisted on dropping me off home afterwards and he seemed into me physically. Lots of staring and he said I was handsome and we just talked about work and seemed like a natural conversation between two people who got along well. Well when we got to my place he asked for my number and my Snap as well and that he wanted to see me again. Added each other and said to let me know when he was free next. He said yeah for sure and for the next 4 days radio silence lol. I could feel my anxious self kicking in and started getting the same feelings I got from the last guy I talked to, who was very avoidant and turned out to be a disaster. So I wrote a message saying that I could see myself catching feelings and that we shouldn't see each other again. For some reason, I thought that maybe I should give this a chance instead or sabotaging it so I switched the message to something along the lines of:
'Hey, I was wondering if you also wanted to maybe hangout as friends? I initially expected us to be FWB but after meeting I thought you were really warm, sweet and intelligent and I'd love to get to know you better in general.'
He responded saying that he'd be down for that and asked me how my week was. He also said that he was sorry that he was horrible at responding back because he didn't check Snap much and asked how my week was. I got really anxious and sent him a deadpan "I don't remember. Lol how was yours?" He just said he went to the gym, hike and hung out with friends. I asked him if texting would be better and he said yeah it would definitely be better. At this point, I'd been posting on my story to try and get his attention trying to show my personality a bit. I saw that he watched my recent story but didn't open my last message. This whole time he's been responding back to me pretty consistently around 5pm but I could see he would be online at other times and still not open my message until that time. I confided in my friends who said that someone saying they were a bad texter was a classic saying and that I was most likely a second option and to just block him. They also said that they felt like I was sending mixed signals and that it was most likely confusing him as well. I also felt like if a guy was really interested, he'd make the effort to meet again, which I didn't feel like was really happening. It all felt kinda too messy at that point so I just blocked him.
I recently read the book Attached a little while after this and it got down all this behavior to a tea. From the mind games, constant benefit of the doubt and trying to seem more distanced/cool than I actually was. Though I can't help but wonder if this was another form of self sabotage by doing this. It's kinda embarassing in retrospect but I'm just taking this as another learning experience. I want to unblock to apologize then block and disappear again but I feel like that's me indirectly wanting to keep trying to give this a chance and be on his mind so I'm trying not to and just commit to the decision I made. Regardless please let me know your thoughts and opinions. It would be much appreciated!
submitted by maacaronn to HealMyAttachmentStyle [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:39 Secure_Ad6026 Need advice. What did I say wrong and how much is my fault vs her fault? How do I save any possibility to date her later on if it doesn’t work out with this guy? When is it appropriate to ask a woman if they have friends or know anyone that might want to date me after I just got rejected?

I'm 37. This girl is 22. We WERE NOT DATING. WE WERE JUST GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER. Just to avoid confusion in the comments. We met online recently and started talking and have been talking since June 1. We are both Catholic. She is in the military. She lives in a different part of the country as do I but we both agreed that long distance was ok and I was ok with traveling with her all over the country for the next several yeas since she's in the military and has to do that. She wanted to talk today on the phone and we were coordinating the time yesterday morning. All of a sudden yesterday later that afternoon she tells me that just that day someone she's known since she was 10 and they've been friends since then told her he liked her or something? She didn't tell me exactly what he said and didn't want to get into it. She thinks "God is calling her here" and he's been in her life a very long time. She "truly didn't think he and her would take this path." She said she is truly sorry to be so sudden and she thanked me for the respect and she respects me in turn and she told me as soon as she knew. I put a "thumbs up" emoji on her comments but then I asked her right after if she had any friends that may want to date me and I also asked when I could check back to see if it's worked out with him? I then said "I'm sorry. I'm just hurt." I sent two audio messages after that just sighing and expressing calmly my frustration with constantly giving my heart away in these conversations with women and then getting rejected. It's emotionally draining and stressful. I kept saying " I don't know what to say....I don't know man....Looks like I'm never gonna be happy but I hope y'all are happy. It's not easy to attract someone 10+ years younger than me." I also said after that "I don't want to make you feel any worse than you already do. If you could please answer my questions and listen to my audio messages I would appreciate it." I told her that "I was torn between thinking that it's too late in the game for him to slip right in randomly and I already started talking to her. If y'all liked each other so much why was there no communication for 10+ years about each other's interest, especially if y'all talk all the time or he's in your life a very long time? To keep feelings hidden for that long? It just seems really random and suspicious but who am I to judge two people's hearts?"
She's obviously not going to tell me the whole story and I don't know what's going on. There must be a good reason why he didn't express his feelings until now unless she's lying or something?
I could have just accepted it when she told me and said "I respectfully accept your decision and would love to still be friends if you want." If anything happened with the guy I would still be friends with her and maybe still had a chance. How do I save any possibility with her now?
She had said the day before or a few days before " You will always receive respect and kindness from me. That is my personal rule. I will be company worth keeping." Well it doesn't seem very respectful and kind what she did to me. We had a 30 to 40 minute phone chat two to three days after meeting online at her request by the way and she requested we connect on an online game to be friends on there. She also sent me her dating resume which was sweet and interesting.
She even kept highlighting her anxiety and need to see a counselor and some other negative things about her or things that could be perceived as negative like emotional and over thinker and extreme levels of volatility when underfed or over tired and stubborn, talks fast, not polite naturally, smart ass and cocky. These things were on her resume and the anxiety thing she told me on the phone. So why would a girl highlight negative things about her and think that's ok when trying to attract a guy (especially an older guy like) and yet I get the shaft for simply being disappointed and hurt when she does an about face to some rando dude that decides to slip in and ruin the whole thing I have with her? Older men like to date younger girls, yes, but we also expect mature behavior since we are older and we hope that we can find someone just as equally mature as young. I guess maturity only comes with age.
Did I say anything wrong? When is it appropriate to ask her if she has any friends or knows anyone that might want to date me? A few days, a week, a month from the rejection? Someone said that instead of asking her I could have just phrased it in a statement saying "I respect your decision and that you've known him a long time but if you know anyone that might want to date to just keep me in mind." Especially since she said I was sweet and respectful, etc. My friend said it's inappropriate to ask if she knows anyone because I come off as desperate unless they volunteer it and their heart is in the right place and I knew her really well. Why is it desperate just to ask if they know anyone?
A girl my age said that's what you get when you deal with early 20s. They aren't mature and act like this. She said that's what you get for playing with little kids. You get little kid games. For her to do an about face so quickly in a week is really random. Did he catch wind I was talking to her and decided to make a move right then and there? Do young girls just change their mind so quickly? She could take a chance on me (someone she barely knows) or on someone she knows very well. She doesn't owe me loyalty since we aren't together.
It just threw me off because she said when I first met her she likes older men because they are more mature but then she goes around and dates someone her age or not dates him but decides to pursue him or something that will lead to dating.
My friend said I need to separate my emotions from the individual women. I guess vent outside of venting to her because that just makes things worse?
submitted by Secure_Ad6026 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:46 Secure_Ad6026 Need advice. What did I say wrong and how much is my fault vs her fault? How do I save any possibility to date her later on if it doesn't work out with this guy? When is it appropriate to ask a woman if they have friends or know anyone that might want to date me after I just got rejected?

Clarification: WE WERE NOT DATING. We were getting to know each other. People are assuming in the comments we were dating. I'm 37. This girl is 22. We met online recently and started talking and have been talking since June 1. We are both Catholic. She is in the military. She lives in a different part of the country as do I but we both agreed that long distance was ok and I was ok with traveling with her all over the country for the next several yeas since she's in the military and has to do that. She wanted to talk today on the phone and we were coordinating the time yesterday morning. All of a sudden yesterday later that afternoon she tells me that just that day someone she's known since she was 10 and they've been friends since then told her he liked her or something? She didn't tell me exactly what he said and didn't want to get into it. She thinks "God is calling her here" and he's been in her life a very long time. She "truly didn't think he and her would take this path." She said she is truly sorry to be so sudden and she thanked me for the respect and she respects me in turn and she told me as soon as she knew. I put a "thumbs up" emoji on her comments but then I asked her right after if she had any friends that may want to date me and I also asked when I could check back to see if it's worked out with him? I then said "I'm sorry. I'm just hurt." I sent two audio messages after that just sighing and expressing calmly my frustration with constantly giving my heart away in these conversations with women and then getting rejected. It's emotionally draining and stressful. I kept saying " I don't know what to say....I don't know man....Looks like I'm never gonna be happy but I hope y'all are happy. It's not easy to attract someone 10+ years younger than me." I also said after that "I don't want to make you feel any worse than you already do. If you could please answer my questions and listen to my audio messages I would appreciate it." I told her that "I was torn between thinking that it's too late in the game for him to slip right in randomly and I already started talking to her. If y'all liked each other so much why was there no communication for 10+ years about each other's interest, especially if y'all talk all the time or he's in your life a very long time? To keep feelings hidden for that long? It just seems really random and suspicious but who am I to judge two people's hearts?"
She's obviously not going to tell me the whole story and I don't know what's going on. There must be a good reason why he didn't express his feelings until now unless she's lying or something?
I could have just accepted it when she told me and said "I respectfully accept your decision and would love to still be friends if you want." If anything happened with the guy I would still be friends with her and maybe still had a chance. How do I save any possibility with her now?
She had said the day before or a few days before " You will always receive respect and kindness from me. That is my personal rule. I will be company worth keeping." Well it doesn't seem very respectful and kind what she did to me. We had a 30 to 40 minute phone chat two to three days after meeting online at her request by the way and she requested we connect on an online game to be friends on there. She also sent me her dating resume which was sweet and interesting.
She even kept highlighting her anxiety and need to see a counselor and some other negative things about her or things that could be perceived as negative like emotional and over thinker and extreme levels of volatility when underfed or over tired and stubborn, talks fast, not polite naturally, smart ass and cocky. These things were on her resume and the anxiety thing she told me on the phone. So why would a girl highlight negative things about her and think that's ok when trying to attract a guy (especially an older guy like) and yet I get the shaft for simply being disappointed and hurt when she does an about face to some rando dude that decides to slip in and ruin the whole thing I have with her? Older men like to date younger girls, yes, but we also expect mature behavior since we are older and we hope that we can find someone just as equally mature as young. I guess maturity only comes with age.
Did I say anything wrong? When is it appropriate to ask her if she has any friends or knows anyone that might want to date me? A few days, a week, a month from the rejection? Someone said that instead of asking her I could have just phrased it in a statement saying "I respect your decision and that you've known him a long time but if you know anyone that might want to date to just keep me in mind." Especially since she said I was sweet and respectful, etc. My friend said it's inappropriate to ask if she knows anyone because I come off as desperate unless they volunteer it and their heart is in the right place and I knew her really well. Why is it desperate just to ask if they know anyone?
A girl my age said that's what you get when you deal with early 20s. They aren't mature and act like this. She said that's what you get for playing with little kids. You get little kid games. For her to do an about face so quickly in a week is really random. Did he catch wind I was talking to her and decided to make a move right then and there? Do young girls just change their mind so quickly? She could take a chance on me (someone she barely knows) or on someone she knows very well. She doesn't owe me loyalty since we aren't together.
It just threw me off because she said when I first met her she likes older men because they are more mature but then she goes around and dates someone her age or not dates him but decides to pursue him or something that will lead to dating.
My friend said I need to separate my emotions from the individual women. I guess vent outside of venting to her because that just makes things worse?
submitted by Secure_Ad6026 to CatholicDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:45 Brilliantmind1997 26[F4M] #Atlanta, Georgia - Seeking a long monogamous relationship (serious inquiries only)

If you're the type to be inpatient then don't bother messaging me! It's a waste of time if you do!
Greetings future partner ❤️ I'm still searching for you. I have to be honest and say that I am losing hope trying to find you.Please be somewhere. I want my search for a partner to be over. I'm seeking adventure in my life with someone I can call a forever partner. I'm tired of the loneliness and the sheltered lifestyle that I've lived. It would mean a lot of you could read through this post so that I could make sure we are compatible. Even if we start off as friends that would be fine.
Here's to new beginnings and new connections. PLEASE make sure you READ through the WHOLE POST also please be respectful when messaging me * *If you're the type to be impatient, block, or ghost easily, then save both of us the trouble and DO NOT message me! I'm not trying to come off as mean but I'd much rather you not message me if you're the type of person to do that. If something isn't working just let me know. We're all adults.
Greetings, I am seeking a long term relationship monogamous with the end goal being matrimony. I am not one for playing around and being used casually as it doesn’t suit me personally. Ideally I'd prefer a man that has his life already in place so that I can be able to share life with him and for him to take care of me. I would expect my future man to have a financially stable job and be able to support me and our future family. I wouldn’t be opposed to being a housewife. There are few reasons why I would like to work or work part time: 1) Being abandoned with nothing, 2) I want to feel fulfilled and not bored. Happy to discuss possible dynamics, I'm flexible. I would love a synergistic partnership where we are both able to mold our minds and fill our hearts with warm affection. I will be there to support you throughout your journey and celebrate every moment with you. I want you to be proud of you just as you are with me. I want to show you that you are truly cared for and appreciated by gestures of love such as massages and other forms of entertainment. I would expect the same from you as well. Even if we are both working adults we can still make our relationship work in the best way possible. I have seen this come out well for people who are dedicated and willing to make their relationships work. For a strong relationship to occur I would expect effective (transparent) communication from you. If you are going to be busy just be honest and let me know you won’t be able to talk to me.Also, if you need your space both mentally and physically let me know. I understand that we all have our lives to attend to but it is incredibly important for people in a relationship to be transparent when circumstances arise in a timely manner in order to avoid future conflict. If this relationship isn’t going to work I would expect you to tell me and not ghost or block me before giving me a reason why. We are all adults so I would expect nothing but maturity. Starting out I don’t want the pressure of sex to be pushed onto me. I’d rather let time tell in all of its glory.
Now onto my true introduction
My name is Angie and I'm from Georgia in the United States. I've been lonely for quite some time and find it hard to find a soulmate in IRL. What I'm looking for is someone who I can connect with and have wholesome conversations with. I want to be able to treat my future soulmate well just as much as they do me. The biggest part of a long lasting relationship is the ability to communicate openly without worry. I'd love it if my significant other has a dark sense of humor and continues to crack me up non-stop. As cheesy as it may sound I long for those late night calls and cute texts. I want for us to drive out the very best in each other; become our support system. A little bit about me is that I grew up in Florida and not too long ago moved to Georgia. I'm currently in college to become an RN but I'm also passionate about cosmetic chemistry and nutrition so I may seek to build my own business in the future. I'm passionate about science and theoretical applications especially within the medical field. I'd appreciate it if my partner is open minded about varying topics and welcomes healthy conversations. Appearance wise I'm open to seeing if we have a connection and feel as long as you are well groomed and practice basic hygiene you are good. Although, I must say that attraction is key in a relationship so I will have to go off on that as well. To add on, I enjoy playing video games, exercising (I've been slacking off lately), cooking and baking (vegan), playing board games, reading, exploring nature, playing sports (basketball and soccer) for fun, and trying new experiences. I love heavy metal and rock music, but also listen to other genres too. I love RPGs, FPS, and simulation games. I hope to save up and travel someday. It would be nice for my partner to be able to set up our travel itinerary.
My Physical Description:
I am a black woman who’s twenty five years old (almost 26 in December) with Afro-Carribean, Japanese and Swedish ancestry. I’d still consider myself black presenting since that’s more along the lines of what I appear as phenotypically. I have dark brown curly hair (Mainly 3c type curls) and brown eyes. I am 5 '4 on the thicker spectrum (not at all obese but thick boned and have thunder thighs). I am trying to exercise more to become fit. I used to weight lift when I was younger but since then have lost lean muscle mass. Having a partner that is willing to work out together sometimes is rather rewarding. A man who has drive and appeal is incredibly sexy. I would also like to point out that I am curvy and noticeable in certain aspects (I’ll leave it up to you to decide).
*You have to be MINIMUM 21 to date me *
If distance is an issue and you aren't willing to commit then DON'T MESSAGE ME!!
If you will be too busy to pursue a relationship then DO NOT contact me!! * *Again, No ghosters or blockers!! Seeking a person who seeks a relationship with God and/or is open to one MUST be free from venerial diseases (must be willing to get tested) Bonus points if you're vegan Ideally I would like someone that is taller than me (I’m 5’4) I prefer a man that is fit or trying to be. I'd prefer someone who is fiscally stable and able to support the both of us* A big red flag for me is smokers. It isn't good for your health nor is it sexy to me.* It's important for me to point out that I want children in the future and need someone who may want that as well. If you're interested in how I look and want to know more about me, message me. Although I don’t make it a huge deal, I do prefer White and East Asian men. But I do love all types of men and welcome them. As stated before I emphasize communication and would prefer you to be honest and say if something is wrong instead of ghosting or blocking without stating the reason. Fair warning if I can be socially awkward sometimes and don't know what to talk about so please be patient with me as I'm learning to be better conversation wise.
submitted by Brilliantmind1997 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:33 Joshh170 Elder Scrolls Morrowind Rebirth Mod Update Adds a Bunch of New Items

Elder Scrolls Morrowind Rebirth Mod Update Adds a Bunch of New Items
The team behind the awesome Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind mod, Morrowind Rebirth, has released a brand-new 6.7 update, bringing a bunch of new items to Bethesda's classic RPG. Although Morrowind Rebirth was first released for The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind back in 2011, it continues to receive a few updates per year as it continues development.
The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind is similar to many other Bethesda games, in that it retains an extremely active modding community, which keeps the game alive far beyond its initial release date. Despite being released way back in 2002, many still prefer Morrowind as their favorite Elder Scrolls game, with many mods transforming the game to help it keep up with newer gameplay standards. There are even many Morrowind mods that could be standalone games, such is the scale and ambition of many of them. Morrowind may be showing its age nowadays, but it's cool that players can still download this many great mods.
The patch notes for Morrowind Rebirth 6.7 were posted online, detailing a number of changes that have been made to the mod. Among numerous miscellaneous fixes and changes is the addition of a bunch of new items, which includes a ton of new magic armor, and even some new unique items. Some previously-added items have even received new models too, giving them a fresh coat of paint. All in all, it's probably slightly smaller than the 6.6 update for Morrowind Rebirth, but there's still plenty of content to get excited about here.
Overall, the aim of the Morrowind Rebirth mod is to rebalance The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, changing the game world so that it remains fresh, even for veterans of the original title. It's a tough task to do this for any game, not least one that has been popular for over two decades. While fan remakes like Skywind aim to bring Morrowind to the newest Elder Scrolls title, it's great to see that for some modders, the original engine has all the tools they need to create something fantastic.
Although previous Elder Scrolls titles are being kept active by their modding communities, there's no doubt a growing desire for a brand-new mainline game in the series. Gamers know The Elder Scrolls 6 is coming - it's just a matter of when. With Starfield now largely out of the way, the game is in active development, and as of the most recent update, The Elder Scrolls 6 seems to be in a playable state. It's an exciting thought, although it is likely still some way away from a reveal. Hopefully, when it does release, it embraces its modding community, like all titles in the series that have come before.
Morrowind Rebirth 6.7 Patch Notes
Morrowind Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where many exterior doors to various Waistwork interiors in Vivec are not properly attatched to their frames.
  • Fixed an issue where Kuda, the owner of Kuda's Yurt, Zainab Camp, was missing from the game.
Morrowind Rebirth Fixes
  • Fixed gaps where you could see the worldspace beyond. The following areas are affected: Baram Ancestral Tomb, Andrethi Ancestral Tomb, Arethan Ancestral Tomb, Othrelas Ancestral Tomb and Andalen Ancestral Tomb.
  • Fixed issues where some ingredients such as Heather, Chokeweed and Roobrush had bad alpha flags, meaning that when viewed in certain angles parts of the ingredients would be blocked from view by other parts.
  • Fixed an issue where the unique head texture for marelle was playable in the character selection screen.
  • Fixed an issue where Procyon Nigilius, Wolverine Hall, didn't provide training.
  • Fixed issues where some NPCs didn't wear their assigned armor.
  • Fixed incorrect dialogue filtering.
  • Dozens upon dozens of minor fixes not really worth mentioning.
  • Landscape fixes and improvements.
  • Fixed missing ownership flags.
  • Fixed typos.
Morrowind Rebirth Changes
  • Added real cave entrances for some grottos (instead of wooden doors). Heavily inspired by "Immersive Grotto Entrances" by HurdraxCustos [Still a WIP].
  • The starting spell 'Elemental Burst: Weak' has been changed from on touch to target.
  • Replaced the Arano Plantation house with a unique model featuring a mill.
  • Added more variety to the Daedric creatures that spawns when picking up a cursed item.
  • Added more details to some farms and the surrounding area east of Dren Plantation.
  • Added a cellar to Darkstone Manor, which is entered from the outside.
  • Added more details to a majority of the interiors in Vos.
  • Added more varied clutter to dozens of various interiors.
  • Added a tiny amount of clutter outside occupied mines.
  • Added more clutter to the exterior of large ships.
  • Cursed items will now stack with regular counterparts.
Bloodmoon Specific
  • Made changes to the Bloodmoon leveled lists. Many creatures/NPCs didn't spawn until level 30/40/50, which took away from the experience of encountering various creatures during a normal playthrough. In my opinion level 40-50 characters are rare, and thus a majority of players will never see some of the creatures/NPCs (new and old alike).
  • Smugglers will no longer have random armor pieces assigned to them, which will make them look less like clows. Also added a few more variations of smugglers.
  • Tweaked the stats of many Bloomoon creatures and NPCs, making them less spongy. Especially werewolves of various kinds.
  • Minor tweaks to loot making it a bit more varied.
Endusal, Kagrenac's Study Overhaul
  • Added more clutter, items, enemies etc.
Morrowind Rebirth Additions
New Clothing
  • 2 Expensive Rings
  • 5 Dwemer Rings
New Armor
  • Glass Helm: Closed
  • Strawhat
New Artifacts/Uniques
  • Staff of Secrets
  • Face of Wrath
New Magic Clothing
  • Frostfist
  • Poisonfist
  • Firefist
  • Shockfist
New Magic Armor
  • Helm of Toxicity
  • Helm of Rage
  • Helm of Pain
  • Cap of Nimbleness
  • Cap of Vigor
  • Diplomat's Robe
  • Merchant's Cuirass
  • Smuggler's Gambeson
  • Trader's Armor
  • Stategist's Plate
New Items
  • Dwemer Rubber
  • Wooden Platter
  • Limeware Lamp
  • Razor
New Spells
  • Jump: Strong
  • Jump: Great
  • Jump: Wild
  • Slowfall: Strong
  • Slowfall: Great
  • Slowfall: Wild
Spells [Base Cost]
  • Feather base cost from 0.3 to 0.2 (to make it a bit more viable compared to fortify strength).
  • Chameleon base cost from 0.8 to 1.5.
  • Changed the enchantment for Scroll of Ekash's Lock Splitter from "target" to "touch".
  • Hundreds of UV fixes and other graphical improvements.
  • Replaced the Cutter (ship) model with a new more detailed model.
  • Replaced the bookart in the Book Blacksmithing tools with ones that reflect their actual look in Rebirth (also updated the text). Consider this a WIP.
  • Ash Vampire Dust now has a small particle effect.
  • New simplified face texture for Marelle.
  • New icon and texture for the book Netch Herder's Book of Jokes.
  • New icon and texture for the book Blacksmithing Tools.
  • New model for the Bonewalker (closer in look to the greater bonewalker, and also a better looking model overall).
  • New model for Nomeg Gwai.
  • New model and icon for Skink's Amulet.
  • New model and icon for Suldreni's Mace.
  • New model and icon for Vintage Brandy.
  • New model and icon for Solvistapp.
  • New model and icon for Amberfire.
Morrowind Patch Project 1.6.6 [For Rebirth]
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Hlaalu Hortator' quest would get stuck in the journal.
  • Minor fixes such as typos etc.
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:25 Brilliantmind1997 26 [F4M] Georgia,USA -Seeking a long term monogamous relationship (serious inquiries only)

Do Not message or add me just to unfriend me or ghost me. That will not be tolerated so DON'T WASTE MY TIME Greetings future partner ❤️ I'm still searching for you. I have to be honest and say that I am losing hope trying to find you.Please be somewhere. I want my search for a partner to be over. I'm seeking adventure in my life with someone I can call a forever partner. I'm tired of the loneliness and the sheltered lifestyle that I've lived. It would mean a lot of you could read through this post so that I could make sure we are compatible. Even if we start off as friends that would be fine.
Here's to new beginnings and new connections. PLEASE make sure you READ through the WHOLE POST also please be respectful when messaging me * *If you're the type to be impatient, block, or ghost easily, then save both of us the trouble and DO NOT message me! I'm not trying to come off as mean but I'd much rather you not message me if you're the type of person to do that. If something isn't working just let me know. We're all adults.
Greetings, I am seeking a long term relationship monogamous with the end goal being matrimony. I am not one for playing around and being used casually as it doesn’t suit me personally. Ideally I'd prefer a man that has his life already in place so that I can be able to share life with him and for him to take care of me. I would expect my future man to have a financially stable job and be able to support me and our future family. I wouldn’t be opposed to being a housewife. There are few reasons why I would like to work or work part time: 1) Being abandoned with nothing, 2) I want to feel fulfilled and not bored. Happy to discuss possible dynamics, I'm flexible. I would love a synergistic partnership where we are both able to mold our minds and fill our hearts with warm affection. I will be there to support you throughout your journey and celebrate every moment with you. I want you to be proud of you just as you are with me. I want to show you that you are truly cared for and appreciated by gestures of love such as massages and other forms of entertainment. I would expect the same from you as well. Even if we are both working adults we can still make our relationship work in the best way possible. I have seen this come out well for people who are dedicated and willing to make their relationships work. For a strong relationship to occur I would expect effective (transparent) communication from you. If you are going to be busy just be honest and let me know you won’t be able to talk to me.Also, if you need your space both mentally and physically let me know. I understand that we all have our lives to attend to but it is incredibly important for people in a relationship to be transparent when circumstances arise in a timely manner in order to avoid future conflict. If this relationship isn’t going to work I would expect you to tell me and not ghost or block me before giving me a reason why. We are all adults so I would expect nothing but maturity. Starting out I don’t want the pressure of sex to be pushed onto me. I’d rather let time tell in all of its glory.
Now onto my true introduction
My name is Angie and I'm from Georgia in the United States. I've been lonely for quite some time and find it hard to find a soulmate in IRL. What I'm looking for is someone who I can connect with and have wholesome conversations with. I want to be able to treat my future soulmate well just as much as they do me. The biggest part of a long lasting relationship is the ability to communicate openly without worry. I'd love it if my significant other has a dark sense of humor and continues to crack me up non-stop. As cheesy as it may sound I long for those late night calls and cute texts. I want for us to drive out the very best in each other; become our support system. A little bit about me is that I grew up in Florida and not too long ago moved to Georgia. I'm currently in college to become an RN but I'm also passionate about cosmetic chemistry and nutrition so I may seek to build my own business in the future. I'm passionate about science and theoretical applications especially within the medical field. I'd appreciate it if my partner is open minded about varying topics and welcomes healthy conversations. Appearance wise I'm open to seeing if we have a connection and feel as long as you are well groomed and practice basic hygiene you are good. Although, I must say that attraction is key in a relationship so I will have to go off on that as well. To add on, I enjoy playing video games, exercising (I've been slacking off lately), cooking and baking (vegan), playing board games, reading, exploring nature, playing sports (basketball and soccer) for fun, and trying new experiences. I hope to save up and travel someday. It would be nice for my partner to be able to set up our travel itinerary.
My Physical Description:
I am a black woman who’s twenty five years old (almost 26 in December) with Afro-Carribean, Japanese and Swedish ancestry. I’d still consider myself black presenting since that’s more along the lines of what I appear as phenotypically. I have dark brown curly hair (Mainly 3c type curls) and brown eyes. I am 5 '4 on the thicker spectrum (not at all obese but thick boned and have thunder thighs). I am trying to exercise more to become fit. I used to weight lift when I was younger but since then have lost lean muscle mass. Having a partner that is willing to work out together sometimes is rather rewarding. A man who has drive and appeal is incredibly sexy. I would also like to point out that I am curvy and noticeable in certain aspects (I’ll leave it up to you to decide).
*You have to be MINIMUM 21 to date me *
If distance will be a problem and you aren't willing to make it work then DON'T MESSAGE ME!!
If you will be too busy to pursue a relationship then DO NOT contact me!! * *Again, No ghosters or blockers!! Seeking a person who seeks a relationship with God and/or is open to one Must be free from venerial diseases and must be willing to get tested(will discuss) Bonus points if you're vegan Ideally I would like someone that is taller than me (I’m 5’4) I prefer a man that is fit or trying to be. I'd prefer someone who is fiscally stable and able to support the both of us* A big red flag for me is smokers. It isn't good for your health nor is it sexy to me.* It's important for me to point out that I want children in the future and need someone who may want that as well. If you're interested in how I look and want to know more about me, message me. Although I don’t make it a huge deal, I do prefer White and East Asian men. But I do love all types of men and welcome them. As stated before I emphasize communication and would prefer you to be honest and say if something is wrong instead of ghosting or blocking without stating the reason. Fair warning if I can be socially awkward sometimes and don't know what to talk about so please be patient with me as I'm learning to be better conversation wise
submitted by Brilliantmind1997 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:45 MASTEREDreactions Why Crainer Should Have NEVER Become President In The First Place (THINK ABOUT IT)

I'm just gonna say it to anyone who has seen on what I say in the comments and on here (I go by the name of Gage Gaming on YouTube in the comment sections), I Told Ya'll So. I knew FROM THE BEGINNING that Crainer could NEVER BE A GOOD PRESIDENT, and here's why
First, Crainer has the brain of a 5-Year-old in this series when it comes to control. He acts like he doesn't have a conscious and just decides to listen to whatever the big guy Slogo says who he sees as the adult instead of coming up with decisions on his own. Crainer has never and most likely will never be fit to be a LEADER. Jelly & Slogo are. The problem is Slogo is an evil man who only looks out for himself & Bork co. "I'm always looking out for Me, Bork, Bork Co., And Squid Island" Is a bunch B all the way to the S (Bull Spits like bulls spits out lies [Family Friendly Version]). He has NO CARE whatsoever for the Island at all. If he did he would of never put in the rule that the president could take as much as he pleases after their term is over. Jelly on the other hand has made a bunch of mistakes yes, but we all do and he has been fixing them recently. The vault this is what I would say BOTH Jelly & Slogo's fault. Jelly had alright intentions by just trying to kill the person who would take the valuables (Because if the stuff is going to be taken anyways then there is no point blowing it up, it will be gone either way), and it's slogo's fault for breaking his trap and activating it. Jelly is (Or i guess) WAS fixing his mistake by rebuilding the vault. and for anyone saying "He is being lazy he has not fixed it yet it would of been fixed by now" Shut up. He said he didn't have enough iron blocks, he didn't want to steal from slogo, and that he would BUY some Iron blocks from Bork co. WHICH HE DID IN TODAY'S EPISODE so he can finish fixing it. There are other mistakes he made before but other than the vault he hasn't been a bad guy for a while now. Anyways I think i'm getting off track here so let me get back to the main point of this part, Crainer is not made to be a leader, only a follower (we should all know this by now because of the fact on how he did on his own already for about a little over a year).
Second, Jelly is and was a good leader. Say what you want about the man but he did do good when he was a dictator as people say before. He gave Crainer a harsh task yes but at the time he thought it was Crainer that ruined his pyramid before. And since he did not trust any of the others he took matters into his own hands and made a 4 week law as president, which made sense at the time with the things that were happening. Though I will admit he almost went too far with the 8 weeks change he made before he blew up that was too far. Plus he gave Crainer a fair trial in the end and NEVER EVEN PUNISHED SLOGO EVEN AFTER HOW MUCH SLOGO WAS TRYING TO LOOK LIKE THE ANGLE! He fixed the beef between Slogo & Crainer and he even showed Crainer the truth on Slogo when he ruled over. Matter a fact real quick you want to talk about dictators? Alright fine lets talk about SLOGO then and how he became the WORST DICTATOR ON THE FREAKING PLANET! AFTER THE ASSASSINATION THE MAN LITERALLY HAD CRAINER PLACE BLOCKS FOR HIM TO WALK ON WHEN MEETING UP WITH JELLY BEFORE! AND THE LAWS HE MADE OH MY GOD WHY AREN'T WE TALKING ABOUT THOSE WHEN BRINGING UP THE PAST!? And also Jelly told Crainer to kill his dogs because he wanted Crainer to not kill them so he could FINALLY make a decision on his own and not just follow everyone's orders. SLOGO IS THE ONE WHO KILLED THE DOGS BEFORE! And ever since then Jelly has changed and has become a great Squid Island resident, but is being put in a bad light and no one can let go of the past and how he has changed since then, and because of that he is not president and once again Slogo (NOT CRAINER, SLOGO) punishes him by putting him in prison with some very hard and even UNDOABLE TASKS Last time I check there was no fishing rod or book or anyway to make or get one as well you know. Jelly would of been a GREAT leader and as much as I want him to put BOTH Crainer & Slogo in Jail when he becomes president, I have a feeling he will let them go unpunished and be the bigger person. And that right there is why Jelly is a good leader.
Third, Slogo ALWAYS GETS AWAY WITH IT, And YET AGAIN HE HAS GOTTEN AWAY WITH EVERYTHING! Slogo has made SO MANY terrible decisions during his time as president in squid island, and not once did he get punished. He gave himself a permit for an ENTIRE ISLAND, meanwhile Jelly & Crainer can't have 10 blocks extended on their lands. He gave a HUGE tax of 64 DIAMONDS (which now with whats happened its kind of a good thing he did that), He gave them tasks that ONLY HELPED HIM, and now he has manipulated Crainer ONCE AGAIN LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES into punishing Jelly for something that Jelly was already fixing in the first place. Slogo is evil, and now that Crainer is president, he will just continue to get away with EVERYTHING ONCE AGAIN. For god's sake he made a deal with Crainer that he could keep his land if he put up a sign that said vote crainer, and that sign was the smallest thing ever, AND HE STILL GETS TO KEEP THE LAND.
And now finally FOURTH, Crainer is not the one who's got it the worst, JELLY IS! Crainer has had some bad stuff happen to him before but he's gotten a lot of good stuff as well. He got a great Statue of Humpy from Jelly Inc., He got his land back and never got it taken away even after how unhappy Jelly & Slogo were with what he did with it, and he has done NOTHING but kept saying "Vote for Crainer" "Vote for Crainer" "Vote for Crainer" "Vote for Crainer" "VOTE FOR CRAINER" since Slogo became president once again. Now I understand why but he never gave us good reasons why he should become president. Jelly gave us GREAT & FAIR reasons why he should become president. He would give higher tax to the rich, he would protect everything at all costs, he would always be fair, and he wanted to make historical buildings that could not be destroyed like Crainer's statue which was sweet. Meanwhile with Crainer's keypoints "I Did Not Blow Up The Vault"...And that's who ya'll voted for? Meanwhile Jelly has had the hits coming after him since the beginning. He lost his homes SO MANY TIMES (first pyramid, upside down pyramid-his fault, Lava pyramid-not his fault, Tree house pyramid, Obsidian pyramid, and someday in the future his current pyramid), He has died the most, lost SO MANY of his valuables, Lost his land TWICE, Lost Beenny first, died to his own security trap because of Slogo breaking it, had an unfair trial, and is now in prison when he doesn't deserve it. If you want to talk about people who deserve to be president, it's Jelly. He is being painted in a bad light to look like a bad guy, when really all he is doing is just trying to be a good Squid Island citizen. He has earned his right to become president and it was a stupid decision for Crainer to become one before him.
So as you can see Crainer was not made to be a leader, he was never fit to be president, and thanks to all of you that voted for him Slogo has become president once again, Jelly is in prison with the worst life ever, and nothing has changed except the fact that the idiot of the group who can't make a decision to save his life is president. I hope that everyone is actually smart enough now to vote Jelly next, and all I can say is I talked enough, made my point clear, and now I REALLY am not looking forward to the next three weeks in this series. If anyone needs me I will be anywhere BUT the latest videos, I hate Slogo
submitted by MASTEREDreactions to SquidIsland [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:21 Intrepid-Fisherman71 My ex boyfriend was a serial cheater. We broke up 6 years ago. I still struggle to this day with my issues.

I was betrayed 6 years ago by my ex partner and I am still living with the trauma today.
I hate my ex-boyfriend.
He was an overall POS narcissist who used me. Throughout our 2.5 year relationship, he cheated on me throughout our entire relationship with women online. I was 14, and dated him until I was 16.
The first time I found out he cheated on me (I highly believe he always has), was 1 year into our relationship with an 11 year old girl. He was 16. He would refuse to call me at night and would stay up talking to this little girl on Discord. I saw him messaging her when we were driving back from his house to drop me off. I asked him about it, and he said she was “just a friend”. I believed him, until I found out months later that she was not “just a friend”. He had an entire emotional affair with this girl for 4 months until she left him for being an asshole. She was the one who had to block him.
Every time I found out, he would lie to my face and tell me it “wasn’t cheating if I didn’t say I love you”. I told him he it was still cheating because he went outside our relationship. He would blame me, saying I was “too much for him” and that “I was overly clingy” (I became jealous and possessive over him, and began to feel really controlling). He told me I never loved him or cared about him whenever I would be hurt by his cheating. He told me to “get over it” and that he would “never do it again”
He messaged women constantly. Snapchat, Omegle, Discord. When he would cheat, he would do it in front of my face and deny, deny, deny. He told me I was weak and that I was useless, and that other women didn’t make him feel as trapped. He constantly called me a bitch, a burden, and a fuckup. He threatened to hurt my family, my mother, my father. I caught him messaging a woman on Snapchat. I was on his phone. He snatched his phone away from me and said I was invading his privacy. He sent her a nude photo and she called him a pervert and blocked him. He had screenshotted this message and deleted it.
3 months later he cheated on me with his ex-girlfriend. I don’t know the extent, but a lot of nudes and flirting. His ex gf messaged me to leave “her man” alone. That’s how I found out.
He denied that he was talking to his ex-gf and that she was just jealous we were dating. I didn’t believe him.
He cheated on me again a month later. He told me that it wasn’t cheating because it was a boy, and that they were really close friends. He told “him” I love you, all the time. I told him I was done with his lies and to delete Snapchat. He deleted Snapchat but added “him” on Discord. He and I were on a Facetime and he was messaging them with hearts. I asked him what the red thing on his screen was. He pulled up a picture of a red photo in our chat and said it was that. I knew it wasn’t that, that was a heart emoji. I told him he was lying to me. He denied it entirely. He tried to show me every thing on his screen. He closed the Discord DM.
I logged onto his Discord and found the chats. He had been in a relationship with them for 3 months. They would talk shit about me together.
I told him I was tired of his lies, his gaslighting, and stabbing me in the back. He promised not to hurt me again.
Until my 16th birthday. He called me that night to tell me happy birthday. He told me he was going to bed and that he loved me. I found out 6 days later that, that night, he went on Omegle and found several different women to sext with. I was shattered. On my fucking birthday?!
Between him cheating on me, he would tell me that no man would ever love me the way he did. He constantly called me useless. He tore me down and called me ugly, all the time. He told me that I was worth nothing and that I deserved to be cheated on because I was “using him”. He told me he didn’t regret it and it was all my fault.
I should have broken up with him 3 months into dating when he had hit me over a game. I didn’t because I wanted to give him a chance, even though everyone was telling me he was a bad guy. But I was 14, and in my first relationship. I didn’t know it was wrong. I had grew up seeing my mother and father constantly bickering and fighting with each other (not together). I never had an example of a healthy relationship.
He cheated on me for a final time 1 month before we broke up. At this point, my self-esteem was shot. I was constantly angry, and became suicidal. I felt like I was never enough for him. I felt so ugly, so used, so broken.
I was a real life girlfriend and he cheated on me constantly with women online.
To this day, my self-esteem is still shot. I feel ugly all the time. I have severe abandonment issues and trust issues as whenever I found out he cheated on me he would ignore me, my messages, calls, etc. for hours or even days. He would threaten to kill himself if I ever left him. He left me in panic attacks.
I finally had enough of the pain and since every time I tried to leave him, he would threaten himself. I cheated on him. He insulted me beyond repair. He told me “I know I hurt you but that’s fucked up. You’re a good for nothing. You never loved me.” He left me, it was wrong, but I was finally free.
I struggle with thinking I am enough for my current partner, even though he has treated me with nothing but kindness and love and I trust him, but for some reason I cannot trust him all the way, even if he’s never done me wrong. I am constantly thinking he will leave me or that he will cheat on me. I shower my boyfriend with love all the time, constantly words of affirmation, gifts, etc. so that he feels like he will never need to stray out (even though I know he won’t). I worry that my clinginess will push him away. I still have nightmares about my ex cheating on me. I wake up in panic attacks.
None of it is true. My boyfriend loves me, he won’t leave me. But I am broken.
submitted by Intrepid-Fisherman71 to Infidelity [link] [comments]


This is a comprehensive list of what I believe to be the most needed quality of life improvements for the players that still maintains the developers intended gameplay balance. If anyone has ideas of things to add, remove, or change to this list, sound off in the comments. I am not affiliated with Game Loft in any way and have no sway over their decisions, but maybe we can all make our voices heard and let them know what we want moving forward (after the latest bugs and crashes are fixed of course).
General Gameplay
  1. Not requiring villagers to be in your current area (valley/isle) in order to get their profession bonus
  2. Increase the surface area of tables (4 square tables shouldn't have a 1 square tabletop considering that the top is the widest part of most tables)
  3. No more limit on how many mannequins can be placed in a single room and the ability to place them outside
  4. Add a recycle function for all crafted items that costs dreamlight/star coins and gives you all your resources back, or is free but only partially refunds resources.
  5. Critter and villager schedules should be tied to an in game clock so people with fixed schedules don't lose access to certain characters/critters
  6. Every week should have a new quest that can earn you a furniture/wardrobe item so people who can't afford moonstones have a reason to log on every week (and give people who have finished all the quests ways to continue interacting with the villagers)
  7. Add a job board that allows you to assign villagers to gather one selected resource for you related to their profession (1 villager at a time per profession, the more valuable the resource you choose the longer it takes to generate it, can only gather up to a certain amount that depends on item value, can only gather resources related to their profession, and the items won't count toward your duties)
  8. Add a friendship level to all unlocked critter companions that can be increased by equipping, petting, playing with(with the play wheel or other critter toys), and feeding them (with food bowls). The levels of this friendship will unlock new features like the ability to gather items around you (as long as they are still highlighted blue), and place/pose them for all stances in photo mode (not just the critter stance); this would also apply to critters in companion homes, not just ones equipped in the wardrobe menu
  9. If a player is in range to interact with anything that isn't their critter, prioritize that over petting their critter
  10. All furniture with an animation should cycle indefinitely until toggled off by the player (especially fireworks)
  11. Give Daisy's challenges the same reset schedule as Scrooges shop instead of a 24 hour timer
  12. Allow feeding critters to count towards dreamlight duties even if you have already fed them that day
  13. No repeat memories.
  14. Alternative to no repeat memories is to have the repeats go into your inventory so that you can trade them with other players to help each other complete them
  15. You shouldn't be able to get nothing or a trivial amount of star coins from digging. Every time you dig you should get 1-3 resources or a small chance for a chest
  16. Add an option to switch off bonuses in the bonus menu (ex. you want to fish from white ripples or mine a gem vein when you're saving your pickaxe charges for stone or iron)
  17. Add an FOV (Field of view) Slider in the options menu
  18. Allow us to visually change the weather like the time of day (ex. make it rain without watering our crops for free or being able to catch fugu) and add a weather icon in the HUD so we know when it's actually raining even if we have rain turned off or fake rain turned on (HUD is only changed if we have manually changed the weather visuals)
  19. Allow skin color to be applied individually to our male and female avatars like every other aesthetic aspect in the wardrobe section
  20. Allow us to remove villager houses from the valley or make the valley bigger by expanding biomes or adding new ones. It has to happen eventually because you can't have infinite growth in a finite world (you would still have to place their house somewhere if you wanted to spawn them in to hang out or do their quests)
  21. Alternatively you could add a hotel run by some Disney/Pixar character (My vote is Snow White as the owner with the 7 dwarves as staff). You can upgrade the hotel to increase its capacity up to 10-20 rooms. You would then be allowed to remove up to that many houses, moving the occupants to the hotel. But you would first need to do a quest for every household that requires you to decorate a hotel room themed towards the house. You would be required to meet tag requirements that match the house such as traits that it has and the Disney universe it's from so the occupants feel at home (similar to Daisy's boutique challenge) IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Euraylie
  22. Allow players to reskin villager houses. Adding more ways for us to blend them with our valley builds IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Noggindrilln
  23. Save makeup to a mannequin along with clothes when editing it so we don't have to manually change our makeup every time we change our outfit
  24. Allow us to visually change large chests into other storage items we have unlocked, including TOM items (to allow players to make more creative and aesthetically pleasing storage areas)
  25. Stop making non quest items unsellable. They take up valuable space in your storage (ex. night shards, training manuals, etc.)
  26. Pathing fill button. Much like how we can hold a button to delete all connected pathing, we should be able to make a pathing outline and hold a button while selecting one of the outer pathing to completely fill the inner area
  27. Make smart transfer completely fill all stacks inside storage while leaving the remainder in your inventory (ex. don't leave a stack of 50 of an item in your inventory just because the storage can only hold 20 more. Put 20 in and leave 30 so we don't have to manually split the stack every time)
  28. Add a smart withdraw button so that you can transfer all items from storage that are already in your inventory
  29. Allow pathing to be placed 1 square at a time to allow closer placement to the edges of biomes and bodies of water
  30. Make craftable hedges that can be placed and extended like fences for custom sizing. Adding harvestable leaves that change with the real life seasons (Light green & flowery - spring, dark green - summer, Red/Yellow/Orange - autumn, snowy pine needles - winter) that can be used to craft the hedges along with wood and soil IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Literary_Lady
  31. Craftable bird nests that can be placed in trees and hedges for your flying critters IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - Literary_Lady
  32. Allow players to flip the orientation of objects (ex. Assymetrical objects like the L-counters can be rotated, but the crook of the "L" always faces the same relative direction)
  33. Add a buyback function to Goofy's stall that allows you to buy back anything you may have sold accidentally within a certain time or item amount window
  1. Add submenus for colors and patterns so you don't have a bunch of retextures clogging up your wardrobe and furniture menus (ex. You click on foodie loafers in your shoes and then a dropdown menu appears where you pick the color you want)
  2. Add sort functions (alphabetical, newest, oldest, etc.) and search baalphabetical section index (the side bar with the clickable letters that bring you to that letter) for all shop/furniture/wardrobe/cooking/crafting menus IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - NotSoEvilQueen for the section index
  3. Add furniture categories (ex. lighting, decor, etc.) for the furniture section of the crafting bench
  4. Show all tags for selected items regardless of whether or not you are in the dreamsnap category (this includes scrooges shop and crafting menu)
  5. Have all selected filter tags sorted the same way the dreamsnap section is (items with the most matching tags at top and fewest at the bottom instead of only items that match all selected tags)
  6. Add 2 item counts for selected items in the crafting bench menu (1 for items in your inventory/storage and 1 for items placed in your valley) so you know how many items you already have before making more
  7. Reset the crafting menu to the item you just crafted after crafting instead of auto scrolling back to the top
  8. All items that show up as pathing and fences in your furniture menu should also show up in that category at a crafting table (ex. bumblestone fences, zircon tiles, etc.)
  9. Have the back button hide the currently selected item in the shop and crafting menus instead of taking us out of the menu entirely (ex. when you select an item, it brings up a window on the right for that item. You can change the item by selecting a different one, but the only way to remove the window is to exit the menu altogether and reenter it without selecting an item)
  10. Add a dropdown menu for all trees and underbrush that have multiple variations so you can actually select which one you want to place
  11. Add a menu for selecting which memory to put on a frame/TV to replace the repetetive toggle
  1. Add a section for restaurant orders in the cooking menu (only available when cooking in Chez Remy)
  2. Add an option to turn off cooking/meal animations to make cooking faster
  3. Allow us to select recipes from our history so we can autofill multiple copies of a dish with specific ingredients we've already used without having to manually select specific ingredients every time
  4. Add a toggle near the autofill button to use the most valuable non specified ingredients instead of the least valuable when auto filling (when cooking with the purpose of selling)
  5. Add an item counter so you know how many of a particular meal you already have in your inventory/storage before you make it
  6. Widen the cooking pot so that some of the longer food items don't get stuck at the top of the pot if dropped directly into the center (PC only)
  7. Classify almonds as dairy/oil like peanuts are instead of as a fruit
  8. Organize the "all meals" tab alphbetically (there are already tabs for each meal type, so the "all meals" tab doesn't need to be organized by meal type as well) IDEA CREDIT GOES TO USER - NotSoEvilQueen
Touch of Magic
  1. Every "Basic" item should have its own 50-100 TOM limit instead of having 50 for wardrobe and for furniture respectively. When entering the customize menu, you then have to select one of the basic items which takes you to a submenu where you can choose from your designs or a plus icon that you can select to create a new design for that particular item
  2. Remove the limit to how small and increase the limit of how large you can scale motifs
  3. Add the ability to scale length and width of motifs separately
  4. Remove the layer limit in TOM or at least increase it to 100
  5. Allow you to purchase TOM furniture from Scrooge with star coins, or make them craftable with resources, after you have purchased them from Daisy
  6. Add sign posts/billboards to daisy's shop
  7. Allow us to display multiple TOM items on a single mannequin. Or at least put generic clothes on the uncovered areas so I don't have a pantsless guy advertising my shirts
  1. Add a dialogue option to any character (must be level 10 friendship with completed main friendship questline) you're hanging out with to get them to stand still and stop following you. Then when they are in this mode you can talk to them again to return them to normal function or select one of their poses or animations. Because they are also considered as no longer following you, you can do this with multiple characters to set up intricate dreamsnap scenarios
  2. Illumination radius for all lighting fixtures should be increased to make night shots more viable (and to generally improve the night time atmosphere)
  3. Allow players to hold tools in pictures (give people an incentive to purchase tools from premium shop)
  4. Have all TOM items disappear when you are in photo mode so they don't disqualify your dreamsnap attempt if you're not aware they're in frame
  5. Alternatively just allow TOM in dreamsnaps. If you can share them in Daisy's shop, why not in dreamsnaps
  6. Add a quest from Vanellope that gives you access to a virtual valley. You access it through a portal or computer and it brings you to an empty valley (no furniture, buildings, trees, etc.) so that you can set up outdoor dreamsnaps in it without destroying sections of your valley just to have to rebuild them again. You can't get resources in this valley and it resets every week for the new dreamsnap. All furniture is returned to your inventory, but any inventory items you may have placed would remain (all items placed on tables would be moved to the ground). There would also be an extra category in the furniture menu for spawning virtual villagers (only up to 1 of each villager you have unlocked)
  7. Get rid of outfit challenges. Having tag requirements for your outfit makes it difficult to craft an outfit that looks good and fits the theme for the week. Plus everybody already puts together an outfit to match the decor challenge and most people add decor to match the outfit challenge anyway. Just have tags for decor and outfits both apply to the current challenge
  8. Game Loft needs to be clear on exactly how tags and votes affect our score so we know how much we need to prioritize having a lot of tags over making a bettecleaner image to garner votes with.
  9. Increase the voting moonstones to 10-25 a day instead of 50 a week to incentivize more voting and daily log ins
  10. Add a 10-15 second timer to votes so people don't just vote randomly and actually have a reason to analyze each photo (would also benefit complex submissions that aren't easy to digest in 1 second and reward players for putting in more effort)
  11. Prevent NPC dialogue boxes from opening up while you're in photo mode
  12. Add a toggle when riding attractions to make them visible/invisible in photo mode
  13. Remove blinking from all player, critter, and NPC stances in photo mode
  1. Add the ability to interact with all ancient machines instead of just the cooker
  2. Multiplayer dreamsnaps (Dreamsnaps can still only be submitted by host to disallow multiple people submitting the same dreamsnap). Outfit tags from guest players will not contribute to the host's tag count
  3. Host player can still access furniture menu
  4. All players should be able to talk to villagers and do quests
  5. Allow all players to enter the host's house so we can give house tours as well as valley tours
  6. Allow fast travel
  7. Allow us to feed critters in other players valley without counting towards the hosts daily feeding limit
  8. Allow players to remove the Multiplayer hub if they don't want it or add the functions of the hub to the plaza well since it is a permanent fixture, and it is already how every other character enters your valley anyway
  9. Allow scramblecoin requests between players
  1. Add an "Excavator" to the ancient machines in the timbending table that can remove respawning clutter (holes, rocks, mushrooms, etc.) and give you the resources.
  2. No limit on how many ancient gardeners can be placed in one biome at a time
  3. Give auto cookers and gardeners the ability to generate memories
  4. Give the trolley tracks a function by letting the trolley move along them (so long as the track it's on is a closed loop) and maybe even add a train down the line. And give players the ability to ride them like the attractions.
  5. Allow us to move or turn off the timebending orbs that spawn across the isle and valley
  6. Add a coin flip to scramblecoin to determine who goes first (shake up the strategy meta a little)
  7. Increase scramblecoin rounds to 6 or have gold coins start spawning on round 3
  8. Allow players to dismantle timebending resources directly from our storage instead of requiring them to be in our inventory
  9. Allow players to select seeds from our storage while interacting with an ancient gardener instead of requiring them to be in our inventory
submitted by Samwich_Ganja to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:33 Bodhi_MC Experium SMP [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.20.4} {New Season} {Hermitcraft-Inspired} {18+}

About Experium SMP:
The Experium SMP is a whitelisted 1.20 vanilla server. We recently started a brand new season with a fresh world last week and we are looking for new players to join us! This server is all about having a fun and dedicated community of players where everyone feels included and actively contributes. So if you're looking to enjoy playing Minecraft on a dedicated SMP, look no further than Experium.
With 1.21 just around the corner, the server is currently running on 1.20.4 with the new 1.21 blocks included. For now we are keeping our builds within a 1500x1500 block area so that we can reset the chunks outside of that once we update to include the new trial chambers (there's no world border so you can still go anywhere in the world to explore/gather resources). We are currently just enjoying the early game and developing our builds around spawn.
This SMP is very much inspired by the Hermitcraft server, as I am a long time fan and am constantly motivated by their community and content. While we aren't trying to replicate Hermitcraft completely, we do play with several iconic features of their server, including several vanilla tweaks datapacks, a clearly defined shopping district, and a big emphasis on community and group events/projects.
This makes for a great time and encourages members to contribute. But this also requires members to get along with the community, make smart decisions, and play actively. That's why I have created a simple application process that you can fill out by clicking the link at the bottom of this post. Now, here are some of the server details.
Member Requirements:
Server Rules:
Server Details:
Thanks for reading and have a great day! Make sure to apply below if you're interested and maybe drop an upvote to help us out.
submitted by Bodhi_MC to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:29 Character-Apple7546 I need some advice.

I (m18) really need some advice with her (f17) , please help.
A while back I met this girl gaming online. We had a really good time and we added each other. We started playing together a lot pretty regularly on a daily basis pretty much, often even till the middle of the night. We also started texting each other on Snapchat a lot during the day and night too. After a few weeks she told me she liked me, and I told her I felt the same way. Ever since then we got even closer, we used to talk all day long via Snapchat, and then game together at night. The conversations were always so alive, funny, interesting and just amazing. As time went by, she showed her interest in us dating a few times, at first it was in a more jokingly way but later on she was more direct about it. And I told her that even though I do like her and would date her, I don't think I can because we live in different countries and we have never even seen each other in real life, we never hung out together in real life. So considering that, it didn't seem like the best idea to me even though it was really hard for me to say. Mind this until this point, we had been talking and playing for multiple months and we even had some "spicy" talks here and there during these months. Anyways, after a few more weeks after I told her I didn't think us dating is the best decision, she decides she needs to walk away from me. She said that while we're still talking and gaming, she only wants me and because I said we couldn't really date (She understood that too I think) she can't have me, so she needs to cut all connections with me for bettering herself. At first I tried to talk her out of it because I really did like having her around, liked talking to her. But eventually I understood her. So a few days after that, she had just blocked me on all platforms completely. Saying I was sad and that something always felt like it's missing was an understatement, but I comforted myself by saying this was the right call since we couldn't date, and because I remembered the little deal we made that if we're both single at 30 years old, we'll try to get in touch again. So after a few months I eventually got used to not having her around, even though it was really difficult. And I thought that is where the story ends for us. But then, a few weeks ago she reached out to me again. I was so surprised and I asked her what is this about because I was worried something serious had happened and maybe she needs help or something , but she just said she was really to be friends again. Mind you, the time we were apart was a few months, half a year more or less. Anyways, I got really happy because like I said , I did like her when we talked, I I liked talking with her. We started catching up and talking (I'm really excited) and stuff, and one of the first things she asks me after not seeing me in months was "Do you have a girlfriend?" I told her I didn't, and asked if she had a boyfriend - she said yes. And I know we never actually "dated" but I can't say I was happy to hear about it as you can imagine, but I quickly moved on pass it and changed the subject. Anyways over the next few days she had barley responded to me on Snapchat and on tiktok where we also used to talk, and when she did respond, the responses were so so dry and she only answered my questions, never asked any questions back other than a few generic ones like "how about you?" After I initiated and asked how she was doing. The only times when the conversation felt a bit more alive was when she talked about her boyfriend. She sent me messages about him and messages like "yeah so last night me and him we..... Oh wait I shouldn't tell you what we did oops hahahah but you know, couple stuff hahaha". That obviously bothered me a lot but I didn't say much. Obviously her returning wasn't a great as I thought, so I still tried to "save" it. I asked her if she wanted to call or play a game online like we used to to a lot back then, she agreed to call and also to play online (different occasions). In both times she was still so dry and uninteresting in me, and it made me feel so shit. In both times I would say something, it wouldn't be quiet for about 10-15 seconds and then she would just start talking about something else, or just randomly ignore me and what I'm saying. During the time we called it was even worse, the entire call all we did was talk about her boyfriend as if that's something I want to do. She told me about how he sleeps in her bed, how they share a toothbrush, about them going on dates and also on his mess-ups, and told me she might break things up with him. And again, I'm aware we never officially dates but come on, she had to know I didn't want to hear anything about it right? She had to be doing it on purpose right? No way she was this naive right? Because if it wasn't clear, we only cut connections with each other because we couldn't really date so it was "worthless" to her I guess, but when we did cut connections I did still had feelings for her and she for me (She claims) so this whole interaction is super hard for me and I'm sure you can see why. Anyways, after a week or two, she tells me about how she's about to go on a date with a guy who is 20 (mind you she is 17 and I'm about to turn 18 soon), so of course I told her it sounds weird and that guy is weird and untrustworthy. I spent the whole day talking to her about it and trying to prevent her from doing it because I didn't want her to get used or something by this guy who is 20 and wants to go out with a 17 year old minor. That day was the most we texted ever since she came back. Eventually she said fine and that she would cancel the date with him. That was less than a week ago. And now just yesterday she had told me about another new guy she started seeing (again, why would she keep doing this? She had to know it hurts for me to hear all about it right?) but again I didn't really say anything. Mind you it has been like a month give it take since she came back and this is the THIRD guy she has told me about already. What's up with that? Anyways, last night I get a text from her. Ooo maybe it's her wanting to play a game online? Call? Ask about me? Talk to me? Make jokes with me? Watch a movie with me? No. She told me about this third new guy. She told me about how they kissed and whole I'm feeling so so shitty and trying to process what I had just read because it's such a difficult situation for me, she just send me a picture of a hickie on her neck saying "he also gave me this". I just snapped, I felt like someone had just shot me, like someone's had just kicked me in the face. Imagine a girl you like leaves you, comes back, acting all cold and dry, basically only talks about her boyfriend(s) and then tell you about how she kissed and how a guy sucked her neck and left a mark on it. So I just wrote a long message finally telling her how much is bothers me and how much I don't want to hear anything liket this ever again. She said we should call so I called her. In the call she tried telling me she didn't know it could be annoying and hurtful for me but I don't think it possible, a part of me wants to believe her but there's just no way she didn't know and had no idea it bothered me (the guy who liked her and she left while he liked her to hear about her kissing and sleeping with guys right?). Anyways as the call went on she promised she would stop doing this from now on, and we finally had a conversation not about her boyfriends. We talked about me for a change, and about her too. It was a difficult conversation but it was a good one, we even sort of made plans to play online the next day. The next day comes around and I (as I normally do) ask her how her day is going, especially because I was in a good mood because of the call fr the previous day where she said she wouldn't be so dry when we text and that she would stop telling me about her boyfriend(s) and what they do together. She responded with "VERY GOODDD" to my question, so naturally I asked "ohh that's awesome tell me about it! How's so??" And she literally replied with "uhghhhhh hmmmm my boyfriend came over. Anywaysss what about you?" And I just felt so so shitty all over again. Because why do I have imagine what her and her boyfriend did for her to call the day "VERY GOODD" like even if it's not something sexual I still don't want to hear anything about it AS I SAID ON THE CALL ON THE PREVIOUS EVENING OMG. I straight up just didn't respond to the message and she started acting all defensive saying "well you asked bro what did you want me to say" as if she couldn't say "oh yeah I didn't do much today just relaxing at home, what about you?" And she tried to act as if her saying "VERY GOOD DAY" in caps lock wouldn't make me ask about it. So ever since then we are kinda fighting on Snapchat Because of it. Okay so, a lot of you are probably asking yourself "why aren't you just cut all connections with her? She makes you feel so so shitty ever since she came back because all she does is tell you about her boyfriends and what does with them (at least that's all I remember from all of our short and dry conversatios, all I remember from these recent conversations is feeling so bad about myself, feeling so shitty, feeling like I was kicked in the face) and even when you told her about it, she continues" but the thing is, I just remember how amazing it was before she left, how much fun and good times we had and I can't bring myself to do that. I really want to keep a connection with her but I just don't know what to do. I really need some advice about this whole thing. What should I do about this? How do you think I should act? And sorry for the long read by the way, I just really needed to get this off my chest and seek some advice.
submitted by Character-Apple7546 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:47 wi3rdbutcute AITAH for ghosting my best friend with whom I was romantically involved with?

I'm a 19 yr old female. Once I turned 18 I tried my hands on dating apps. I'm not sure what i was expecting but let's just say the guys I found there were pretty questionable. But after using that app for merely 5 days I realized people on that app were only looking for casuals and hookups which wasn't my cup of tea.
One day as I was removing everyone on there I got a 'hey' msg I responded back and moved on and didn't really think much of it. He responded again, it said "let's fuck all the formalities and awkwardness and lets talk" in ALL CAPS. I was intrigued ofc and we spoke the whole night. When I tell you our VIBES were immaculate. We soon exchanged numbers and we switched to talking on the phone. Our energies were just perfect it matched so well. We would talk for hours not even realizing how time flew by so quick.
We soon opened up to each other I told him about my past trauma's and he told me about his. We had become best friends.
The first time we met it was very spontaneous and it was only for a brief time. I get awkward sometimes meeting someone new but when I met him I could see he made sure I was comfortable. He would act like a child, do silly things to make me laugh and make me feel comfortable. It was perfect. From that day onwards we made plans to meet every once a week. It had become a habit. We spoke everyday, all night. Our friendly chats also turned flirtatious but it was all fun.
He always told me how he doesn't believe in relationships. When he had opened up he even spoke about how he finds it hard to trust women because of his past experiences with his 2 sisters( not gonna go in detail cuz its not my story to tell). Overall I kinda understood his hatred towards women after hearing his story and I also appreciated that even after this he still respected women and had female friends too.
One of our favourite things to do was sit by the beach at night and drink and on one such day I got really tipsy. We were kinda flirting and I pulled him closer by the collar. There was this sexual tension and the next thing I knew he pulled me in for a kiss. We didn't really speak about that kiss but it wasn't anything awkward.
But soon the more we spoke the more I caught feelings for him. He was so charming and he always had his way with words. He had a very extroverted loud funny friendly personality and he never failed to compliment me. I fell for him.
One day we were js having a normal convo and he was saying how he never wants a relationship and he doesn't believe in gf bf and how he'll only make the girl directly his wife not gf. That statement kinda hurt me idk why and in that moment I confessed my feelings.
I said it all. I also told him how I was never searching for a bf but after I met him and got to know him I really considered it. In response he told me he liked me a lot too but he does not believe in gf and bf nd that he liked what we had going on, that we still had so much time. He told me that we should atleast spend more time together get to know each other more and go through the lows and downs together.
He tried to explain me further by telling me how nowadays ppl get into relationships with someone they hardly know and then breakup after 3 months and how he doesn't want that. I understood him and our friendships was too precious for me to leave so we continued and let things go with the flow.
We grew closer nd closer. After 3 months he starting saying 'I love u' and after 4 months he started calling me his 'wife'. I found it very cute.
Now, he has 2 female best friends. One he knew her from when he was in school but they never spoke in school they only reconnected after school ended and became good friends, she went away for college. But they stayed in touch and texted almost everyday. His other friend was actually an online friend which he met in 2019 through a game.
At the start when me and him were just friends he had told me about how when he met her online he was heavily attracted to her. He was young and had never spoken to a girl before irl and she was very beautiful and when I say beautiful she was one of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. He had told me how back then he was so obsessed with her he would talk to her everyday and that she also knew he liked her nd she took advantage of that.(Its a long story dm me if u wanna know details)
So now we are 6 months in this. I don't even know how to describe our 'relationship'. Like we are best friends but we also love each other romantically, but he is not my bf but he tells me how he wants to marry me and how he cannot live without me. But it all made sense in the moment.
He had told his selective friends about me but not the details just about my existence. He posts me a lot on his stories but always in his close friends only. It made sense since cuz he said he didn't wanna announce it for others to ruin it he wanted to keep it only between his close people which I respected.
I am not a very jealous person but once when he spoke about that online female friend he saw it bothered me. He thought I was jealous and he found it cute and since after that he would intentionally try to make me jealous and then get angry when my reaction isn't cute and how it actually bothered me. Yet he would still continue doing this, not so often but he still did.
He had a long break so he decided to do a part time job in a supermarket which his uncle owned. After his part time job started he would daily tell me about his day and it was a fun habit. He told me about how he had a fight with the manager because he was put in the evening slot but he wanted to go in the morning one.
When I asked him why he only wanted the morning one he said because there were majority girl staffs in the morning and they were fun to talk to and friendlier than the staff in the evening slot. He would daily tell me about his female bestie that he made there and how they would talk for hours about anything so the work seemed bearable. I wasn't jealous but it always seemed like he wanted me to be.
I didn't know what to feel cuz he would reassure me compliment me and tell me I was his one and only favourite girl. But I still couldn't help but feel like I am not enough. He naturally has that charming and friendly personality so naturally any girl would feel comfortable opening up and talking to him frankly. It's stupid but I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't enough for him.
I would try and talk to him but he would always just calmly tell me that he loves me and that they are merely his friends and that he would always love me only.
But i still would overthink everything uk. It really made me question my worth, am I not pretty enough? is he not actually attracted me even though he tells me he is? Is that why he doesn't wanna make me his gf?. All these questions it was really affecting me
Now fast forward to couple days before, we had met after a long time, we had fun and took some pictures too. After that he went to his part time. After he came back he told me how tired he was because of the work and then he proceeded to tell me how he had to go meet his female friend the one from his school. She was visiting here for her break so she asked him to meet to catch up. I wasn't jealous or anything ofc they knew each other since so long.
I had some missing assignments and an exam the next day so was pretty busy too. When night rolled in I saw his msg at 9:30 pm which he had sent had 9pm. I was finally done with my work so i thought we could finally talk. But he did not respond back. I waited and no response soon it was 12 am. I still waited while I was doing my own thing. But I went to sleep at 3 am.
The next day when I got up and checked my phone I saw his msg. He told me he was sorry that he was so exhausted that after writing that msg he passed out, I understood I mean he was bound to be tired he was out all day. Then I saw his story, he had posted a series of photos of him with that female friend that he met up with that day. It wasn't the stories he posted that bothered me it was the fact that he posted it as his normal story that bothered me. Bcuz whenever he posted me it was always on his close friends only.
It's very stupid I know what yall are thinking but I just couldn't shake this feeling off like that very day we both had met up too he never posted it on his story. But he is posted a normal story with her.
Was he ashamed of me? embarrassed? The reason he had told me why he never posts me in his normal stories was because his friends tease him not to make fun of him but they would always bring me up and he wanted to keep it private because he doesn't trust his friends.
I remember once he had told me how when he had reconnected with that female friend of his, his friends would tease him using her name and everything and now even after that he was ready to post her on her normal story but me on his close friends even though I was the one he was romantically involved with.
Again it resurfaced all the questions and I couldn't take it any more. I knew even if i bring it up he will just say the same thing he always tells me. I was done. I didn't like how insecure I was feeling, he really made me question my worth.
And so I did what i thought was the best thing for me. I blocked him, without any explanation. Because I knew if I had told him before blocking him he would have somehow convinced me and wooed me back and the cycle would just continue. So I blocked him everywhere and never looked back. I feel really bad and I am not sure if I did the right thing or not. I really do love him.
AITAH for leaving him just like that? Or should I had sucked it all in and not thrown away our friendship?
submitted by wi3rdbutcute to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:25 Dionysus24779 A very critical and long review of the game.

I finished the story-part of the game yesterday and have many thoughts on it I want to share.
Before I get into it though I do want to stress that I overall really enjoyed Eiyuden Chronicles and that my criticisms come from a place of love, because I want to see these issues ironed out for this game or at least a possible sequel.
I mean... I care enough to produce this huge review.
But to repeat again: I do like this game and would recommend it.
And as for context: As for most of us Suikoden II was also a dear childhood game of mine, though I haven't actually played it in probably a decade and I actually don't want to compare it too much to EC.
Obligatory: This is all just my opinion and experience with the game.
So let's begin.

Story, Protagonists and the Villain

After having read through many threads this seems to be one of the most discussed points for the game, with many thinking the story is too soft or that Aldric is a cookie cutter villain.
Generally I do tend to somewhat agree, though I also think the story is serviceable enough to act as a backdrop to what you are really here for, which is to build up this humble group of freedom fighters into an outright army or even nation that stands against an evil empire.
And yes, we don't actually see a lot of the actions of the evil empire. Even with Yaelu's story, which is about the empire abducting an entire village and using them in lethal human experiments, it is something we are mostly just told about but don't actually see. The empire attacking Nowa's home village or taking over Marisa's also felt like it had no real consequences, because in each instance everyone was successfully evacuated and people simply rebuild or later on retook their home. It wasn't like we had some kind of funeral scene where the characters took a moment to mourn all the people who didn't make it. And for all other cities... imperial occupation seems to be a rather casual affair, yeah you have some rude soldiers in the streets but it didn't seem like life changed much for most.
I think what bothered me more was that in many ways the story was simply too superficial and glanced over many interesting ideas. For example... Nowa's entire idea of meddling because he saw his father go up against bandits when he didn't had to, maybe that could've actually been explored as a kind of trauma, that Nowa felt the urge to meddle because he wants to prove his father's action right.
Or as another example: Aldric's entire idea to create rune-lens based technology that everyone can use actually sounds good and reasonable on paper and nobody ever really acknowledges that, even when such technology has proven to be beneficial. Yeah Aldric's methods are wrong, definitively, but I don't even think that we are ever given much to support the idea that Aldric is only doing this because he lusts for power, it always felt like everyone simply assumed that to be the case and we, the players, are to just agree. It doesn't help of course that Aldric is indeed written without much ambiguity, always being condescending and spouting very generic villain lines, but we are also never really given a chance to see things from his perspective until the very final confrontation in his castle, when the main characters simply brush aside Aldric's claims on his motivation.
Btw. maybe I just missed it or it was never acknowledged that Hurstwine escaped from his cell, ignoring we saw a cutscene of him doing so, until he made an attempt on Nowa's life and only then someone said "We knew he escaped, but we didn't think he was still in the castle."
Beyond all of that the epilogue felt very rushed in my opinion, you quickly get literally 2 sentences to quickly tell us what happened to this or that character, and you get 3 at a time at a pretty fast pace, which robbed it of some of the impact. The small cutscenes which played in between felt too generic to tell us much about where these characters are now in life, the only exception being Maxim trying to propose or court Elektra who runs away in panic, that was a good moment.
However! It's not like I think the story was just bad from beginning to end, there were actually many parts, bigger and smaller, which I really enjoyed.
For example the entire story around Euma and Hishahn in general was actually executed pretty well. I really liked the ways in which Yulin, Melridge and Kassius supported their young and inexperienced king and some of the dialogue had some pretty good lines even, like for example the whole example of a veteran knight being more powerful than a rookie one, but unlike the veteran the rookie has a future ahead of him.
Now as for the three protagonists of the story...
Nowa was actually fairly good for a main character, yeah his personality might be a bit bland and generic as this nice guy who wants to help everyone, but they did pull it off well enough, even giving him a small backstory to give us a reason for it. I also like how at times he genuinely gets invested into the quirky side-stories of other characters, such as when recruiting Mellore or the entire Beigoma questline where Nowa really takes it serious.
Seign was actually a somewhat weaker protagonist. I did like some of the early moments when Nowa's and Seign's friendship formed and was build up, but later on Seign just kind of feels like his story ended before it even started. He has very little conflict, if any at all really, over not playing along with the Empire's plans and siding with Nowa instead.
Gameplay-wise the two of them also have the problem of being somewhat lackluster when compared to other characters, without really anything to make them stand out. They don't have super amazing stats (but still good) or any kind of unique ability that would make you want to take them with you.
And here is where I would bring up Suikoden II, where early on in the story both Riou and Jowy receive special runes that gave them pretty good unique powers. I actually really thought that perhaps the prologue portion was leading up to that when Nowa and Seign were separated from the others... that they would reach the primal lens but something would cause it to shatter or whatever and imbue the two of them with a part of their power.
And... well, then there is Marisa, who I have the most thoughts on perhaps.
Let me start with the positives for her... I do think that she is made to be likeable enough, like she is also a character who wants to do the right thing and recognizes early on that her people cannot afford to sit out this brewing conflict. I also kind of like that the story really makes it feel like Marisa had her own story going on, with her and her friends referencing events we never saw, such as finding Nil in some Runebarrow, her befriending Aleoir and Leene and so on...
However... this also really meant that I always felt like I was missing context... yes I know she'll get a story DLC... which made it harder for me to care and get invested into it.
It also always felt like Marisa was only the third protagonist of the game, because the game and its story really insisted on it being the case... because her actual role in the story isn't very large or even impactful, she doesn't offer a unique perspective on things and her primary motivation to join the resistance feels weak... especially since she goes on and on about how she wants to make the Empire pay for what they did to her home village, which I quickly found quite jarring. Wayve even calls her out on caring more about the physical location than the people who they successfully evacuated anyway. Nowa has his home village burned down but doesn't dwell on it that much. Yaelu had her village abducted and many of its members killed, including her parents... and yet even she isn't that obsessed with it.
To even take a step back, I personally am not a big fan of the entire trope of having these "secret ancient guardians who guard this place of secret something", like... "the Guardians" as a faction felt completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, despite other characters bring up how Marisa is a guardian like it is a huge deal.
Both Nowa and Seign feel simply so much more connected to the overall plot of the game.
Two smaller "btw." things about Marisa... the first is that I personally always disliked baby or animal characters which constantly have to interject in conversations by making noises, so her Pooby or whatever was really annoying to me.
The other is... I did went back and checked on the original Kickstarter for this game and early promotional material and while Marisa was there, she did not seem like she was intended as a main character really. Originally it was Nowa and Seign front and center. Now I didn't follow the Kickstarter after it was announced and successfully funded, but it did came as a surprise for me to see Marisa suddenly share the spotlight with Nowa and Seign.
It would actually explain a lot if Marisa being a protagonist was a decision made later in development or something, but maybe I am just wrong on this, either way it doesn't invalidate any of the points I've brought up.
Personally I think that there would've been many other characters who could've been given that position of third protagonist, even just among the roster of female characters if you wanted to round it out.

Gameplay and the many questionable design choices

I do have a lot to criticize here and I know that with a lot of the criticism I am not alone as I've read it in many other threads.
However, I still want to emphasize again that I did enjoy the game and the regular gameplay was very fine for the most part.
But Eiyuden Chronicles simply has many, many flaws and it is a mix of simply questionable design choices and some outright bugs, which I will give its own section.
Given how varied the issues with the gameplay is it was hard for me to came up with an order in which to mention them, so please excuse if this section seems like rambling.
I'll also put it into bullet points, which I hope makes this easier to read.
Let's start with things related to combat:
Many of the in-battle mechanics are not worth engaging with:
Now besides regular combat there are two other kinds with their own flawed mechanics:
As for Minigames:
Some other things to mention in regards to the castle/HQ and its upgrades and other general gameplay mechanics:
General Quality of Life stuff:


Eiyuden Chronicles is certainly no Bethesda game or Cyberpunk 2077, I actually didn't feel impeded by bugs for probably 90% of the time, which didn't mean they weren't there though.
The perhaps most common and basically omnipresent bug for me was gamepad-drifting, which for me was the game reading a constant input to move to the right until I input another direction. I had to fight with this a ton and at first I genuinely thought my gamepad was beginning to break down, but then I've read other threads on this subreddit and saw other people had similar issues.
The only other times I've encountered bugs was pretty consistently during cutscenes when things would progress without your input.
For example during the escape from Eltisweiss when Nowa and Seign had their duel there were moments when Seign said something and it would take up to about a minute before the scene continues, it would simply stop on a speech bubble with Seign and Nowa still being animated though, it's not like the game froze.
During the song when you recruit the Shark people I got stuck in an endless loop, which I didn't realize at first, I though the song was simply unreasonably long and repetitive... until about the 8th loop or so when I began looking online and found others having experienced the same issue. Luckily I could just skip the scene.
A similar thing happened during the escape from the castle after beating the game, just when Nowa's group meets up with Wayve's, the dialogue simply stopped on a speech bubble and I had to skip the entire scene to progress.
Though the absolute worst was the final duel against Aldric. It started off okay during Nowa's part, but as soon as Seign took over the game just went crazy. The sound effects became completely desynced from what was happening on screen. Animations would repeat, which even made me see characters twice. The camera swayed around drunkenly which made me miss stuff, like at one point Marisa was charging up and launching some attack, but the camera just zoomed in on Aldric and then on the empty ground behind Marisa. When the three protagonist attacks together to give Aldric the final blow, the whole scene played twice but without Aldric present the second time...
It was a complete fever dream that kind of ruined what should've been the big finale to the whole story.

Visuals and Audio

Here I actually have to praise the game the most, even if again it isn't without flaws.
The pixel art of the game is really good, I love the general aesthetic and how most things look. There isn't a single character or creature I thought looked bad.
However you do have this weird issue of... to be honest I don't know the proper term, texture pop-in perhaps? It's that textures which are further away are more blurry or something, then when you move closer they become sharp. This was something that is very noticeable in many areas of the game when you move around. There is a quite distinct and sharp cut-off point and it can look really weird to have the world slightly shift as you are moving or have shadows dance around and such.
As for the audio, the music is all around very serviceable, though I don't think any particular song stands out or would be something I would listen to on my own, though I realize this is very subjective of course.
As for voices, I played with the Japanese voices and was very positively surprised at how fantastic the casting is. If you are a fan of Anime you will even recognize many voices. Like it really seemed like they spared no expense here to get a stellar cast of professional and experienced voice actors, some characters having incredibly iconic voices.
This also makes the Theater even more of a treat.
One more criticism though... since I was playing with Japanese voices and am not fluent in Japanese I was mostly relying on the speech bubbles... and for the love of... please STOP with the shaky speech bubbles when characters were screaming, they were driving me crazy. There are many others ways to make speech bubbles more dynamic and to show a character is screaming. I absolutely hated this design choice.

The localization issue and controversy

Just around the game's launch it became apparent that the game would be localized by a company with people that had some weird ideas and even outright changed some of the dialogue.
Now... this is usually something I am very concerned about and it was disappointing to hear this when the controversy flamed up. Though it was never a deal breaker to me since I really was looking forward to this game for so long and I would've just criticized it harshly if it became a problem.
However... it's fine actually. The instances which really stand out where the localization is bad are actually pretty rare and very spread out. Mio's line about the Rune Golem's gender was probably the only line that made me roll my eyes.
So even I have to say that this actually wasn't a big issue at all, though I still do wish they go with a different option for the sequel.

Other small misc. notes on characters:

In Conclusion

As I said in the beginning, I did really enjoy playing through the game. It definitively scratched that itch of wanting to replay Suikoden II and have a fun turn-based jrpg, which is exactly what I wanted to get out of this.
So I am fully satisfied and the wait for the HD Remasters for Suikoden I+II has been made so much easier.
But the game has many many flaws. But I do think many can be ironed out with patches (the latest patch buffed characters, so buffs to magic, skills and hero combos should be on the table too) or can be done better in a sequel.
If you read all of this, thanks for spending the time.
submitted by Dionysus24779 to EiyudenChronicle [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:16 Character-Apple7546 I really need some advice.

I really need some advice, please help
A while back I met this girl gaming online. We had a really good time and we added each other. We started playing together a lot pretty regularly on a daily basis pretty much, often even till the middle of the night. We also started texting each other on Snapchat a lot during the day and night too. After a few weeks she told me she liked me, and I told her I felt the same way. Ever since then we got even closer, we used to talk all day long via Snapchat, and then game together at night. The conversations were always so alive, funny, interesting and just amazing. As time went by, she showed her interest in us dating a few times, at first it was in a more jokingly way but later on she was more direct about it. And I told her that even though I do like her and would date her, I don't think I can because we live in different countries and we have never even seen each other in real life, we never hung out together in real life. So considering that, it didn't seem like the best idea to me even though it was really hard for me to say. Mind this until this point, we had been talking and playing for multiple months and we even had some "spicy" talks here and there during these months. Anyways, after a few more weeks after I told her I didn't think us dating is the best decision, she decides she needs to walk away from me. She said that while we're still talking and gaming, she only wants me and because I said we couldn't really date (She understood that too I think) she can't have me, so she needs to cut all connections with me for bettering herself. At first I tried to talk her out of it because I really did like having her around, liked talking to her. But eventually I understood her. So a few days after that, she had just blocked me on all platforms completely. Saying I was sad and that something always felt like it's missing was an understatement, but I comforted myself by saying this was the right call since we couldn't date, and because I remembered the little deal we made that if we're both single at 30 years old, we'll try to get in touch again. So after a few months I eventually got used to not having her around, even though it was really difficult. And I thought that is where the story ends for us. But then, a few weeks ago she reached out to me again. I was so surprised and I asked her what is this about because I was worried something serious had happened and maybe she needs help or something , but she just said she was really to be friends again. Mind you, the time we were apart was a few months, half a year more or less. Anyways, I got really happy because like I said , I did like her when we talked, I I liked talking with her. We started catching up and talking (I'm really excited) and stuff, and one of the first things she asks me after not seeing me in months was "Do you have a girlfriend?" I told her I didn't, and asked if she had a boyfriend - she said yes. And I know we never actually "dated" but I can't say I was happy to hear about it as you can imagine, but I quickly moved on pass it and changed the subject. Anyways over the next few days she had barley responded to me on Snapchat and on tiktok where we also used to talk, and when she did respond, the responses were so so dry and she only answered my questions, never asked any questions back other than a few generic ones like "how about you?" After I initiated and asked how she was doing. The only times when the conversation felt a bit more alive was when she talked about her boyfriend. She sent me messages about him and messages like "yeah so last night me and him we..... Oh wait I shouldn't tell you what we did oops hahahah but you know, couple stuff hahaha". That obviously bothered me a lot but I didn't say much. Obviously her returning wasn't a great as I thought, so I still tried to "save" it. I asked her if she wanted to call or play a game online like we used to to a lot back then, she agreed to call and also to play online (different occasions). In both times she was still so dry and uninteresting in me, and it made me feel so shit. In both times I would say something, it wouldn't be quiet for about 10-15 seconds and then she would just start talking about something else, or just randomly ignore me and what I'm saying. During the time we called it was even worse, the entire call all we did was talk about her boyfriend as if that's something I want to do. She told me about how he sleeps in her bed, how they share a toothbrush, about them going on dates and also on his mess-ups, and told me she might break things up with him. And again, I'm aware we never officially dates but come on, she had to know I didn't want to hear anything about it right? She had to be doing it on purpose right? No way she was this naive right? Because if it wasn't clear, we only cut connections with each other because we couldn't really date so it was "worthless" to her I guess, but when we did cut connections I did still had feelings for her and she for me (She claims) so this whole interaction is super hard for me and I'm sure you can see why. Anyways, after a week or two, she tells me about how she's about to go on a date with a guy who is 20 (mind you she is 17 and I'm about to turn 18 soon), so of course I told her it sounds weird and that guy is weird and untrustworthy. I spent the whole day talking to her about it and trying to prevent her from doing it because I didn't want her to get used or something by this guy who is 20 and wants to go out with a 17 year old minor. That day was the most we texted ever since she came back. Eventually she said fine and that she would cancel the date with him. That was less than a week ago. And now just yesterday she had told me about another new guy she started seeing (again, why would she keep doing this? She had to know it hurts for me to hear all about it right?) but again I didn't really say anything. Mind you it has been like a month give it take since she came back and this is the THIRD guy she has told me about already. What's up with that? Anyways, last night I get a text from her. Ooo maybe it's her wanting to play a game online? Call? Ask about me? Talk to me? Make jokes with me? Watch a movie with me? No. She told me about this third new guy. She told me about how they kissed and whole I'm feeling so so shitty and trying to process what I had just read because it's such a difficult situation for me, she just send me a picture of a hickie on her neck saying "he also gave me this". I just snapped, I felt like someone had just shot me, like someone's had just kicked me in the face. Imagine a girl you like leaves you, comes back, acting all cold and dry, basically only talks about her boyfriend(s) and then tell you about how she kissed and how a guy sucked her neck and left a mark on it. So I just wrote a long message finally telling her how much is bothers me and how much I don't want to hear anything liket this ever again. She said we should call so I called her. In the call she tried telling me she didn't know it could be annoying and hurtful for me but I don't think it possible, a part of me wants to believe her but there's just no way she didn't know and had no idea it bothered me (the guy who liked her and she left while he liked her to hear about her kissing and sleeping with guys right?). Anyways as the call went on she promised she would stop doing this from now on, and we finally had a conversation not about her boyfriends. We talked about me for a change, and about her too. It was a difficult conversation but it was a good one, we even sort of made plans to play online the next day. The next day comes around and I (as I normally do) ask her how her day is going, especially because I was in a good mood because of the call fr the previous day where she said she wouldn't be so dry when we text and that she would stop telling me about her boyfriend(s) and what they do together. She responded with "VERY GOODDD" to my question, so naturally I asked "ohh that's awesome tell me about it! How's so??" And she literally replied with "uhghhhhh hmmmm my boyfriend came over. Anywaysss what about you?" And I just felt so so shitty all over again. Because why do I have imagine what her and her boyfriend did for her to call the day "VERY GOODD" like even if it's not something sexual I still don't want to hear anything about it AS I SAID ON THE CALL ON THE PREVIOUS EVENING OMG. I straight up just didn't respond to the message and she started acting all defensive saying "well you asked bro what did you want me to say" as if she couldn't say "oh yeah I didn't do much today just relaxing at home, what about you?" And she tried to act as if her saying "VERY GOOD DAY" in caps lock wouldn't make me ask about it. So ever since then we are kinda fighting on Snapchat Because of it. Okay so, a lot of you are probably asking yourself "why aren't you just cut all connections with her? She makes you feel so so shitty ever since she came back because all she does is tell you about her boyfriends and what does with them (at least that's all I remember from all of our short and dry conversatios, all I remember from these recent conversations is feeling so bad about myself, feeling so shitty, feeling like I was kicked in the face) and even when you told her about it, she continues" but the thing is, I just remember how amazing it was before she left, how much fun and good times we had and I can't bring myself to do that. I really want to keep a connection with her but I just don't know what to do. I really need some advice about this whole thing. What should I do about this? How do you think I should act? And sorry for the long read by the way, I just really needed to get this off my chest and seek some advice.
submitted by Character-Apple7546 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:04 Affectionate-Box-592 Ai Writer Review: 1-Click Content Creatin FREE Demo [2024]

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation, the emergence of AI writers has marked a revolutionary leap forward. These sophisticated tools, powered by artificial intelligence, are reshaping how content is generated, offering unprecedented efficiency and versatility.
At the heart of this transformation is a blend of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms that enable these AI writers to produce written content that is not just coherent and grammatically correct but also engaging and tailored to specific audiences.

Check out AI Writer here!

[0, 1, 2] The introduction of AI writers into the market has been a game-changer for content creators across various sectors, including marketing, journalism, blogging, and even academic writing. By automating the writing process, these tools significantly reduce the time and effort required to produce high-quality content. This efficiency does not come at the expense of creativity or uniqueness; many AI writing platforms boast advanced features that allow for customization and personalization of content to ensure it aligns with the creator's voice and objectives. [3, 4, 5]
Moreover, AI writers are continuously learning from vast amounts of data they process, meaning their capability to understand context, mimic human writing styles, and predict user preferences improves over time. This aspect signifies not just an advancement in technology but a fundamental shift in how we approach content creation — moving from manual composition to intelligent automation. [0, 6] As we delve deeper into pricing features discounts [new] offered by various AI writer platforms in this review, it's essential to acknowledge this technology's transformative potential.
Whether you're a seasoned content creator looking for efficiency or a business seeking cost-effective ways to scale your content marketing efforts, [7, 8] AI writers present an intriguing solution that balances quality with quantity — all while pushing the boundaries of what's possible in digital expression.
[9] In exploring the landscape of AI writing tools, one stands out for its comprehensive suite of features designed to cater to a broad spectrum of writing needs. This AI writer, a beacon in the realm of automated content creation, presents a fascinating array of functionalities that are as diverse as they are innovative. [10, 11] Central to its appeal is its ability to generate articles from mere headlines, transforming brief ideas into full-fledged pieces with surprising coherence and depth.
This feature alone sets it apart, providing users with a quick way to flesh out content without the need for extensive manual input. Further enhancing its utility is the SEO-friendly nature of the content it produces, incorporating relevant keywords seamlessly into articles to boost their visibility and effectiveness in digital marketing campaigns. [12, 13, 14] What truly distinguishes this tool is its capacity for research. Unlike simpler AI writers that might regurgitate common knowledge or produce generic content, this platform delves into sources to bring more accuracy and richness to the text.
This aspect is invaluable for users seeking not just any content but quality information that adds real value. [15, 16, 17] Moreover, the adaptability of this AI writer cannot be overstated. It caters to various writing styles and formats – from blog posts and news articles to product descriptions and more – making it a versatile partner for both individual creators and businesses alike. Its user-friendly interface ensures that navigating through these options is intuitive, allowing even those new to AI tools an easy way to access sophisticated writing aids. [1, 18, 6] While these features collectively form a powerful tool for content generation, what elevates the experience further is the commitment of its developers towards continuous improvement and updates based on user feedback.
This dynamic evolution promises not just current relevance but future readiness in an ever-changing digital landscape. [19, 20] In exploring the landscape of AI writing tools, one quickly discovers that the pricing structure is as varied as the features these platforms offer. Understanding your options when it comes to cost is crucial in making an informed decision that aligns with both your budget and writing needs. At the heart of this exploration is a recognition of the balance between affordability and functionality. [21, 22, 19] AI writer services typically adopt a tiered pricing model, designed to cater to a spectrum of users, from individuals and freelancers to large enterprises. This structure allows users to select a plan that best suits their volume of work, desired features, and access level. The entry-level plans often provide basic writing capabilities suitable for casual bloggers or those experimenting with AI writing assistance. [23, 24] These plans are usually priced at an attractive entry point or might even offer a free version with limited functionalities.
[25] Mid-range options tend to unlock more advanced features such as SEO optimization tools, broader language support, and higher quality outputs. This tier is tailored for professional writers and small businesses seeking enhanced productivity without breaking the bank. [26, 27] At the upper end of the spectrum, premium plans are designed for large teams and organizations requiring extensive usage limits, collaborative tools, API access for integration into existing workflows, and sometimes even dedicated support. While these come at a higher cost, they deliver value through efficiency gains and scalability.
[28, 29] Moreover, many AI writing platforms offer discounts for annual payments over monthly subscriptions, reducing long-term costs for committed users. Seasonal promotions or discounts for students and non-profits are also common strategies employed by these services to make their offerings more accessible. [30, 10] Navigating this diverse pricing landscape requires a clear understanding of one’s own requirements against what each plan offers. By meticulously assessing your needs against available options, you can identify a solution that not only fits your budget but also empowers you with the right set of tools to elevate your writing projects.
[31, 32] In the ever-expanding realm of AI writing tools, AI Writer carves its niche with a distinct blend of simplicity, efficiency, and innovation. Unlike its competitors, which often dazzle users with an array of complex features that can steepen the learning curve, AI Writer prioritizes a user-friendly interface that welcomes both seasoned writers and newcomers to the digital content creation scene. This approach does not mean it compromises on capability; rather, it ensures that every feature is optimized for ease of use without sacrificing depth or functionality.
[0, 33, 34] AI Writer stands out through its unique emphasis on research-backed content creation. Where many competitors focus primarily on rephrasing or embellishing existing texts, AI Writer goes a step further by integrating an automated research feature.
This allows users to generate not only original content but also gather data and citations from credible sources automatically. This is particularly invaluable for writers in academic, scientific, and technical fields where verifiability and accuracy are paramount. [35, 22, 36, 37] Another standout feature is AI Writer's adaptability to various writing styles and tones. While many tools offer similar functionality, AI Writer's algorithms have been fine-tuned to understand context more deeply, enabling it to adjust more precisely to the desired output — whether it be casual blog posts or formal reports.
This versatility makes it an indispensable tool for content creators who operate across different platforms and mediums. [38, 39, 40] Moreover, in terms of pricing transparency and flexibility, AI Writer offers clear advantages over its competitors. With straightforward plans that cater to different usage levels — from individuals just starting out to large enterprises — users can find a package that suits their needs without navigating through complicated tier systems or encountering unexpected costs. [41] In essence, what sets AI Writer apart is not just one singular feature but its holistic approach towards making content creation more accessible, accurate, and versatile for everyone involved in the process.
[42] In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI-driven content creation, finding tools that not only streamline productivity but also offer financial accessibility is crucial for both individual creators and businesses. Amidst this backdrop, exclusive discounts and deals on AI writers have emerged as a significant boon, providing an entry point for those looking to leverage the power of artificial intelligence in their writing endeavors without breaking the bank. [43, 44] The allure of these exclusive offers is not just in their ability to make technology more accessible; they also serve as a testament to the competitive nature of the AI writing tool market.
Developers are keen on attracting a diverse user base by providing pricing models that accommodate various budgets and needs. These discounts often come in various forms, such as reduced subscription fees, extended trial periods, or even bonus features at no additional cost—each designed to provide added value. [26, 22] What makes these deals particularly enticing is their timing. New users can typically find the most generous offers during product launches or major updates when developers are eager to showcase their latest advancements and attract early adopters. Seasonal promotions tied to holidays or significant shopping events like Black Friday also present opportunities for potential savings.
[45] Moreover, some AI writer platforms have introduced referral programs and loyalty rewards, further reducing costs for users who actively engage with and promote these tools within their networks. Such initiatives not only foster a sense of community among users but also underscore the developers' commitment to making AI writing tools more accessible.
[46, 30] For individuals and businesses contemplating incorporating AI writers into their content creation process, exploring these exclusive discounts can make the decision more financially viable. It's an opportunity to harness advanced technology at a fraction of the cost—empowering creativity while optimizing resources efficiently. [1, 47] Navigating the AI Writer platform presents an intuitive and user-friendly experience that is both engaging and efficient for users, regardless of their technical proficiency. At the heart of its design philosophy lies a clean, minimalistic interface that emphasizes clarity and ease of use, making it straightforward for individuals to dive into the world of automated content creation.
[41, 48] Upon logging in, users are greeted by a dashboard that consolidates all essential features in a coherent layout. The process to start generating content is conspicuously positioned, typically requiring no more than a few clicks to initiate. This streamlined approach reduces cognitive load and allows users to focus on creativity rather than grappling with complex navigation. [49, 50, 51] AI Writer has thoughtfully incorporated visual cues and tooltips throughout the platform, guiding users through various functionalities without overwhelming them with jargon or dense instructional text.
Whether it's exploring new updates, adjusting settings for content generation, or reviewing past projects, each action feels natural and logically placed within the user's journey through the site. [52, 53] The responsiveness of the interface is another highlight. It adapts seamlessly across devices, ensuring that users can transition from desktop to mobile without losing functionality or experiencing a dip in performance.
This level of adaptability underscores AI Writer’s commitment to providing a consistent experience that caters to the modern writer's dynamic lifestyle. [29, 54, 13] Moreover, feedback mechanisms are built directly into the user interface, encouraging users to report issues or suggest improvements. This loop not only helps in enhancing future versions but also instills a sense of community amongst its user base. [55, 56] In summary, navigating AI Writer is an effortlessly pleasant experience marked by logical design choices that cater to efficiency and accessibility.
For both seasoned content creators and those new to AI-driven writing tools, AI Writer stands out as an approachable platform designed with user satisfaction at its core. [5, 42] The advent of artificial intelligence in the realm of content creation has ushered in a paradigm shift, challenging traditional notions of creativity and authorship. At the heart of this transformation is AI Writer, a tool designed to generate written content with minimal human input. As we delve into the quality of content produced by AI Writer, several facets come to the fore, necessitating a nuanced examination.
[17, 57, 58] AI Writer is celebrated for its ability to churn out articles at an unprecedented pace, a feature that appeals to content managers and marketers alike. However, the allure of speed must be balanced against the metric of quality. The tool leverages advanced algorithms and vast data sets to mimic human writing styles, but does it achieve true authenticity? [2, 24, 3] One notable aspect is its proficiency in handling straightforward, information-driven content.
AI Writer excels when tasked with producing news summaries, product descriptions, and reports where clarity and conciseness are paramount. Here, its output can be indistinguishable from that of a human writer. [16, 59, 60] Yet when venturing into more complex or creative domains – think op-eds or literary analysis – AI Writer encounters limitations. The nuances of tone, voice, and argumentative depth prove challenging for even the most sophisticated algorithms. While it can generate grammatically correct sentences, crafting compelling narratives with emotional resonance often remains beyond its reach.
[61, 1, 62] Moreover, originality poses another hurdle. AI-generated content sometimes skirts close to replication rather than true innovation due to its reliance on existing online materials for learning and generation processes. This raises concerns about echoing prevalent ideas without introducing new insights. [63]
In conclusion, while AI Writer represents a significant leap forward in automating content production processes for efficiency-oriented tasks – particularly where speed and volume are critical – it struggles with projects demanding deep analytical skills or creative flair. As technology evolves, so too will these capabilities; yet for now, human oversight remains indispensable in ensuring quality where complexity and originality are required.
[64, 65] Customer support and community resources are crucial components for users of AI writing tools, ensuring they maximize the software's potential while navigating any challenges that may arise. For AI Writer users, the support infrastructure is designed to cater to both novice and experienced writers, helping them harness the power of artificial intelligence in their writing endeavors. [30, 21] The customer support for AI Writer typically encompasses a range of options designed to meet users at their point of need.
Direct support often includes email assistance where users can send in their queries and receive personalized help. This is particularly beneficial for addressing complex issues or getting detailed guidance on using specific features. Moreover, many AI writing platforms also offer live chat support, providing real-time assistance to users who need immediate help. [66, 67, 19, 68] This feature ensures that users can quickly resolve minor issues or get quick tips on how to use the tool more effectively. [30] Beyond direct support, community resources play a pivotal role in enhancing the user experience.
Forums and online communities are rich sources of peer-to-peer assistance where AI Writer users can share insights, tips, and best practices with each other. Such platforms encourage collaboration among users from diverse backgrounds and experience levels, fostering a sense of belonging and collective learning. [69, 33, 70] Additionally, many AI writing tools invest in creating comprehensive knowledge bases or help centers packed with articles, how-to guides, video tutorials, and FAQs. These resources are invaluable for self-service troubleshooting and learning at one’s own pace.
They allow users to explore the full range of features at their disposal and understand nuanced functionalities that could elevate their writing projects. [71, 72, 55] In essence, robust customer support combined with vibrant community resources enriches the user experience for AI Writer enthusiasts. It not only aids in resolving technical difficulties but also enhances skill development among its user base by facilitating knowledge sharing and continuous learning within an engaged community.
[33, 73] In the rapidly evolving landscape of content creation, AI Writer has positioned itself as a formidable tool, promising efficiency and innovation. The question of whether it justifies its investment requires a nuanced examination, considering its pricing structure, features, and the available discounts. [5, 1] AI Writer's appeal lies in its ability to generate content quickly, potentially saving hours of human labor. For businesses consistently producing large volumes of content, this efficiency can translate into significant cost savings over time.
Additionally, for individuals or small teams striving to maintain a robust online presence without the budget for a full editorial team, AI Writer offers an attractive solution. [42, 74, 32]
submitted by Affectionate-Box-592 to AIdrivencontent [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:00 Sellinzs 28 [M4F] Orlando/North America - Looking for someone to experience life with

My name is Reed, I'm a 28-year-old guy from Orlando Florida looking for someone to enjoy life with, as far as what I'm looking for. I'd say a meaningful connection, I am happy with the idea of being friends but also very open to it blooming into something much more should we both be on the same page. I am certainly not interested in rushing anything and anyone getting hurt due to miscommunications. Transparency and communication are key for me.
As far as who I am, I work a 9-5 (technically 9:30-6) and have a side gig writing that I really enjoy. I've been described by friends as a goofy optimist with a serious side. I am an increasingly casual gamer but would love to meet someone to pull me back into it, I used to be really big into online games but have been more so interested in exploring and immersing myself in cool single player experiences lately.
I love thrift shopping/going to random local markets and finding cool and unique trinkets/pieces of clothes, my all time favorite shirt actually came from a thrift store. I love going out and exploring new things and trying new restaurant, I consider myself a life time learner so always deep in some kind of new rabbit hole learning about who knows what.
I'm a big fan of high fantasy universes in nearly any medium, written, animated, really whatever. I don't really have a specific 'favorite' genre but I love anything that is unique and well thought out, and of course just movies that will make me laugh. (There is a special place in my heart for the Shrek series.)
I don't really subscribe to any specific belief system/ideology outside of 'do whatever you want as long as you aren't hurting anyone else.' and it has served me quite well.
here's some recent pictures of me
As far as who I'm looking for, I'm looking for someone who is capable of communicating and wants someone to share life with, as mentioned above what that ends up being is entirely up to us and where we go with things. I want someone I can genuinely look forward to talking to, someone that makes my day to day life a little less tedious, someone that can enjoy the small things and most certainly someone that doesn't take things too seriously. I want someone who isn't afraid to tell me the things they're passionate about, share your fire with me, tell me what gets you out of bed (as hard as that is some days lol) the things that keep you up at night.
If this stands out to you I'd love to talk and at the very least see where things go. I'd love to meet someone also in Orlando but quite open to anyone located in North America.
Thanks for your time and have a great evening.
submitted by Sellinzs to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:00 Sellinzs 28 [M4F] Orlando/North America - Looking for someone to experience life with

My name is Reed, I'm a 28-year-old guy from Orlando Florida looking for someone to enjoy life with, as far as what I'm looking for. I'd say a meaningful connection, I am happy with the idea of being friends but also very open to it blooming into something much more should we both be on the same page. I am certainly not interested in rushing anything and anyone getting hurt due to miscommunications. Transparency and communication are key for me.
As far as who I am, I work a 9-5 (technically 9:30-6) and have a side gig writing that I really enjoy. I've been described by friends as a goofy optimist with a serious side. I am an increasingly casual gamer but would love to meet someone to pull me back into it, I used to be really big into online games but have been more so interested in exploring and immersing myself in cool single player experiences lately.
I love thrift shopping/going to random local markets and finding cool and unique trinkets/pieces of clothes, my all time favorite shirt actually came from a thrift store. I love going out and exploring new things and trying new restaurant, I consider myself a life time learner so always deep in some kind of new rabbit hole learning about who knows what.
I'm a big fan of high fantasy universes in nearly any medium, written, animated, really whatever. I don't really have a specific 'favorite' genre but I love anything that is unique and well thought out, and of course just movies that will make me laugh. (There is a special place in my heart for the Shrek series.)
I don't really subscribe to any specific belief system/ideology outside of 'do whatever you want as long as you aren't hurting anyone else.' and it has served me quite well.
here's some recent pictures of me
As far as who I'm looking for, I'm looking for someone who is capable of communicating and wants someone to share life with, as mentioned above what that ends up being is entirely up to us and where we go with things. I want someone I can genuinely look forward to talking to, someone that makes my day to day life a little less tedious, someone that can enjoy the small things and most certainly someone that doesn't take things too seriously. I want someone who isn't afraid to tell me the things they're passionate about, share your fire with me, tell me what gets you out of bed (as hard as that is some days lol) the things that keep you up at night.
If this stands out to you I'd love to talk and at the very least see where things go. I'd love to meet someone also in Orlando but quite open to anyone located in North America.
Thanks for your time and have a great evening.
submitted by Sellinzs to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:51 FewWillingness1081 (2024) Getting The First Users for Your SaaS Startup

(2024) Getting The First Users for Your SaaS Startup
Have you finally launched your Saas product? Congratulations, that's no easy feat! Now what are you going to do? Well, the answer should be simple; go out and acquire my first 100 clients!
But how?
Well, we need to make sure we have the basics prepped and ready to go. What are the basics you ask?
Let's start here:
  1. Do you have a good value proposition in place to help you succeed?
  2. Is your customer journey (product funnel) fully optimized to begin taking on new clients?
  3. Are you open-minded, and flexible enough to provide your initial customers with a bespoke experience? This is also a perfect time to get testimonials and case studies!
Also, don't worry. At this stage, you won't need an advertising budget (not yet). In fact, many Saas founders are turning to The Growth Checklist as a new way to drive traffic to their websites using proven strategies on their favorite platforms such as Reddit, X (Twitter), Linkedin, Pinterest, Quora, and more!

Finding the first customers for your SaaS

Your first batch of SaaS customers will provide you with amazing feedback about your product. The first 100-1000 customers are likely to give you feedback that will help you scale to the next stage, which is to obtain an additional 1,000 - 10,000 customers. Yes, we'll eventually get to 10,000 - 100,000, but let's be patient (ha)! The value of having an early adopter helps you to identify the following (list).
  1. Bugs, and broken features.
  2. Refine your customer service, and support ticketing workflow.
  3. Your brand voice. How you ultimately communicate with your customers.

What success will look like for you and your Saas(y) team

Customer success requires you to proactively help your customers achieve their goals, not solely your own! You may be required to spend time with a few customers teaching them about your current feature set, and even shedding light on your future roadmap.
Not only will your SaaS customers know exactly how to use their product, but they will also begin to feel like one of your own internal team members, which is a great way to generate referrals! Don't be afraid to spend that extra time, it goes a long way, and this is vital to your success early on. I advise you to put on your "consultant" hat with your first 100+ customers. Do what isn't scalable, until you can no longer do it.
Your personal relationships will go a long way. These people will write about you on forums, they will share your product with their friends and family, and if the use-case is truly viral like Loom, it will save everyone time and pain. The Loom example is gold. They're a company that is so viral, it almost hurts! If you want to have that kind of success, work to deeply understand your clients pain points!
This process isn't the "sexy" way to go about growth, but you can't get to 2, without 1 happy customer. Work to make 100 customers happy, achieving everything that they desired because of [your tool]. Keeping this mindset early on will create a massive distance between you and your competitors. This is the secret formula to growth that will take your SaaS to the stratosphere!

Leverage your professional network on LinkedIn and Offline

One of the best arguments for going to University is building a strong network. So if you're on the fence about which college, or university you should attend, just do it! The education is valuable, but the network is essential! As you build your network, eventually many of your colleagues will go on to work for larger enterprises, some perhaps right within your space.
For many young entrepreneurs, it's almost painful for them to reach out to their friends and family, asking for them to be one of the first customers for their Saas. Yes, there is a high likelihood that your family members aren't a good fit for your product, but they will give you feedback, and who knows, they could potentially make introductions for you.
Don't be afraid to leverage your existing professional network, as there could be a full herd of clients just waiting for you to reach out to them. Reddit and Linkedin are great platforms to seek advice about your product as well. For instance, we asked about which features would be the most valuable in a dating app. This post went viral, garnering well over 3 million views (and counting), something that I know dating apps like Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, or any of the products over at Match Group would die to hear! I'm sure they would also save a couple of million dollars with their market research teams as well!
Asking Reddit about core features for a software application
Be ready for feedback as it comes in. There will be a lot of noise, but you still must prioritize the signal. It's very easy for us to disregard information, but in reality, if a client is in a position where they think something is not intuitive, the chances are that they are actually correct. Building intuitive SaaS products is not easy. In fact, the more intuitive something is, the higher the chances that someone spent a lot of time, and money re-iterating over something hundreds of time. We also wrote about this in a lovely piece you should read another time.
Your close "working circle" on Linkedin, or just through friends in your text iMessage / Whatsapp group will be happy to test out your SaaS tool. This can encourage word-of-mouth, and referrals, which create a feedback cycle of you getting organic referrals from one in-network relationship to another. Understand what they desire, and their true pain points to really create something viral (again, Loom).
Understanding the needs of my own network led to more growth on my Reddit account. I grew from 100 Karma to over 100,000 followers in just a few short weeks, and also gained 9,000+ followers on Linkedin, just by sharing what I "knew" was valuable to my network
If you don't know what resonates with the audience you're targeting, try engaging with influencers in your niche and analyze what makes their content worth sharing. Try creating a list of their top-ranking posts, and identify which elements are working for them. Do what's easy for you, you're not going to beat them at their own game, but you may be able to copy and apply it to your own SaaS marketing strategy!

Organic Social Media Strategies

Organic and viral social media marketing is an incredible tool if placed into the right hands. Below I am going to break down a small list of the platforms that I use to grow my software design agency.
  1. - Best for driving traffic immediately (done safely). Daily averages can range from 100 visits to 2,000 visits driven from appropriate communities. This is just by engaging with others, not even creating posts. Creating posts can generate many thousands of visitors, but good look finding the appropriate subreddit that will let you do this!
  2. - Second best for driving traffic immediately. With a similar blogging style to Reddit, your questions, and posts will live in the Quora ether forever. As long as you tend to your content, updating it frequently, there's no reason that it will not rank on the front page of Google. Bringing an immense return to your SaaS product.
  3. (Twitter) - Content can really go viral here on X, but the platform has changed quite dramatically since the takeover by Elon Musk. There are still many potential customers that exist on the platform, but you will have to swim through a whole ocean of difficulties to build up your brand. If you like the platform, it can work really well for your company, but many startups are keeping their distance from the platform for the time being.
  4. - This one is my personal favorite. LinkedIn is what I recommend to 100% of SaaS entrepreneurs in terms of personal branding and long-term growth. It's not as fast, takes a lot of consistent content creation, and if you're lucky, you might even catch the wave of a "consumption cycle" which is a working theory that content will get pushed out to many "out-of-network" connections, given the right circumstance.
  5. - Might be the darkhorse of the decade with high amounts of exponential built into its pin creation system. Many SaaS entrepreneurs do not consider Pinterest as a go-to-market to share their platform, but with a little creativity, and a high posting rate (around 200 before the rate limiter), you can create hoards of helpful content that answer the most distressing questions that your product ultimately resolves. Within 4 months I was able to scale a Tattoo Brand on Pinterest to 1.5 Million monthly views on content. Each piece of content has a direct link back to our website. Don't forget, these links live forever, and can generate traffic to your SaaS product for years to come!
Organic web traffic to your SaaS product from Pinterest

Creating a landing page for your SaaS

Landing pages are extraordinarily vital to the success of your SaaS marketing campaigns. Using the right analytics tools like Hotjar, and Google Analytics, you can gain valuable insights about how people interact with your value proposition and call to actions.
The best landing pages have the same winning formula to succeed:
  • A simple and concise way to communicate your value proposition
  • Utilize social proof like testimonials, or reviews to show the best examples of SaaS customer success
  • Create a bold call to action that stands out from the rest of the page and draws attention to it
  • Add frequently asked questions to resolve any concerns immediately
  • A small "attention ratio", a strategy preventing users from "accidently" leaving your site with too many links available to choose from. This enables them to leave without the desired results you seek
  • A needed product that solves problems, not something rich in features
Pro-tip: Many of the items within the formula can be obtained in the early stages of your product's life cycle. Outside of your friends, and family, or launching on Product Hunt, you can achieve similar goals by constantly testing and scaling. Generate 10,000 to 20,000 monthly visitors to your landing page with our simple organic marketing checklist. No ad budget required!
Daily website traffic example generated through organic content engagement methods!
Understanding your sales funnel
Increasing the conversation rate of your Saas landing page should be a top priority for you and your team. From the onset, you can control exactly where your potential customers will arrive.
Let's break this down based on how someone may have been "warmed up", as they now arrive at the top of your funnel:
  1. Warm Lead (Aware of your SaaS Product)
  2. Cold Lead (Unware of your SaaS Product)
Your visitors are much more likely to purchase from you if they are made aware of your product before arriving, but if this is their first visit, it's less likely they will become customers today. This does not mean they won't down the line, but it's considered more of a risk in their minds. If you offer them a free trial, or a product demo of your services, they may change their minds!

Create your brand SaaS brand website

Not to be confused with your landing page, which is created to help you optimize your sales funnel (this should be separate), your company website will host the majority of your marketing efforts. This includes your main hub for email campaigns, content, SEO, customer support, partnerships, and much more. This should be a top priority.
You can also treat your brand page as a landing page for users who are aware of your product already. If that user lands on your homepage, chances are they arrive through organic search methods, and your sales strategy doesn't need to be the same as used through alternative landing pages (other ways to generate traffic to your SaaS). Use common best practices with the exception of your menu and navigation links. Remember when we discussed "attention ratio"? This is an okay location to contain these helpful links so people can learn more about your company, and its ethos.
SEMRush's home page is a fine example of how your home page should "act" like a landing page for your SaaS.
Provide content that displays your value proposition above the fold, separated from the industry sector. Your content should feel personalized, with a display of client success people can relate to will always be a conversion battle.

Content Marketing

A great content marketing strategy should be used as a tool to find and target your ideal customers at different stages of the buying decision. Placing relevant information in front of your audience raises overall awareness (that you exist) and helps you to build trust in your vertical.
Being a founder of a SaaS startup, you'll find yourself engaging with other players more often than you think. As the leader, who else would know more about your SaaS than you? Content can range from comparison content (with competitors), content to keep current customers happy (through retention efforts), posts that display your value proposition (not that we forgot), and outreach content.

Competitive analysis

Understand your strengths compared to your competitors. Analyze where they have failed, and work to fill in the gaps. It's hard to stand out in a crowded niche, but positioning can lure away competitors with a promise of a superior customer experience. This doesn't have to even mean features, it can just represent your customer support strategy. Do your customers feel like they are appreciated, not just money mules?

Content that shows your value proposition

Every day billions of people are looking for solutions to their problems online. When you create content that shows how your SaaS can be the Tylenol for a business owner's headache, you create more opportunities to be the preferred solution. Make sure to provide helpful content that clearly articulates your value proposition.

Posting content to retain clients

Your SaaS startup needs to create content for your current user base, not just for prospective clients. Retaining SaaS customers is just as, if not more important as finding new ones. Watch how your customers engage with your platform. Use available tools, and organic traffic (without SEO) to optimize onboarding. Prioritize the experience for your high-paying customers. FAQs, Guides, Webinars, Loom clips, YouTube videos, are all great ways to help your clients navigate your solution.

Comparing to competitors

Larger competitors give you an opportunity to quickly scale in your niche if done correctly. Leverage your content creation strategy with comparison articles that contrast your SaaS products to theirs. There is an entire segment of potential SaaS customers who are on the lookout for something different from the mainstream choice. This could be due to price point, experience, or a need for change.

Posting content for outreach

Mainly used for SEO, leveraging a content creation strategy for outbound is a great way for a new SaaS brand to enhance visibility and organic search traffic. Could there potentially be a competitor, or another influential organization willing to allow your startup to publish on their channels? We call this a backlinking strategy, which at times can be expensive, but if available, you should certainly take it. Large organizations like Forbes, Techcrunch,, and others would be a great fit for a new company. Yes, even Youtube videos and influencer channels with great write-ups on their videos can provide a big boost in search rankings thanks to updates to the Google search algorithm.
People love to consume media, especially video content. Publishers love to publish content, especially content that they don't have to write themselves. This will open up your product to an entirely new audience that you didn't have reach to at the onset.

SEO (search engine optimization)

SEO is the gun in a knife fight. It's an extremely powerful tool, but the downside is that it takes time. Many SaaS founders don't see results for 3 months, 6 months, or years, depending on their strategy. Focusing on SEO alone to acquire initial customers would not be recommended. It's important to understand where to best spend your time early on. My suggestion would be to have someone dedicated to driving traffic if not yourself, then focus on iterating on your website and helping users to engage with your content strategy.
Once you've built a strong customer base, and have achieved product-market fit, it's the perfect opportunity to use SEO to help you scale to new heights!
Once you have a loyal customer base and have reached product-market fit, it’s time to use SEO to enable flywheel growth and scale your SaaS platform to stratospheric heights.

Get your first 1,000 customers!

This article will single-handedly provide you with the links and resources needed to build a customer base within your first 6-months of launch. Within 2 - 3 months you could even exceed the 1,000 user mark. For some 100 customers is also great, it just depends on who you're targeting (B2B vs. B2C). Make sure to focus on customer success, get those testimonials, and establish dominance by giving your loyal clients a bespoke experience!
If you found this article helpful and are ready to continue executing, feel free to grab a copy of our book The Growth Checklist. It's the only book around that guarantees growth within 30-days, or we'll fully refund you the value of the book. If you've already purchased a copy, and are struggling to execute upon any strategies, you can simply book a meeting with me here.

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2024.06.08 17:49 Jupiter177 My Simple Brain Fog Treatment Guide 101

Experts say we’re facing a silent pandemic called brain fog. This condition, often overlooked, affects countless people, making daily tasks feel like wading through mud. Brain fog isn’t just about occasional forgetfulness or mental fatigue; it’s a persistent issue that can drastically reduce your quality of life.
Understanding brain fog is crucial. It’s more than a nuisance—it's a symptom of deeper health issues, such as inflammation in the brain. By recognizing and addressing brain fog, you can reclaim your mental clarity and improve your overall well-being.
What is Brain Fog?
Brain fog is a term used to describe a collection of symptoms that affect your ability to think clearly. Common symptoms include forgetfulness, lack of focus, confusion, and mental fatigue. It’s like trying to operate your brain with a low battery.
The root cause of brain fog often lies in inflammation in the brain. When your brain is inflamed, it can’t function at its best. This inflammation can result from various factors such as diet, stress, and underlying health conditions.
By identifying and reducing these inflammatory triggers, you can significantly improve your mental clarity and cognitive function. Understanding these mechanisms is the first step towards combating brain fog effectively.

Hidden Factors Causing Brain Fog

Gluten: Impact on Brain Health
Gluten, a protein found in wheat and other grains, can trigger brain fog in sensitive individuals. For those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, consuming gluten leads to inflammation that can affect the brain, resulting in cognitive difficulties and mental fatigue.
Dairy: How It Contributes to Inflammation
Dairy products are another common culprit. Many people have sensitivities to lactose or casein, proteins in dairy, which can cause inflammation. This inflammation doesn't just affect the gut; it can also impact the brain, leading to symptoms of brain fog.
Sugar: Effects on Cognitive Function
High sugar intake can wreak havoc on your brain. Sugar spikes and crashes lead to fluctuating blood sugar levels, which can cause mood swings, fatigue, and mental fog. Additionally, excessive sugar can promote inflammation, further impairing cognitive function.
Caffeine (Over-reliance): Disruptions in Sleep and Focus
While caffeine can boost alertness, over-reliance can backfire. Excessive caffeine consumption disrupts your sleep patterns, leading to poor quality sleep. This lack of rest can significantly impact your focus and clarity, creating a cycle of dependency and brain fog.
Alcohol: Negative Effects on Mental Clarity
Alcohol is another factor that can cloud your brain. It disrupts sleep and dehydrates the body, both of which can lead to mental fog. Chronic alcohol consumption can also lead to long-term cognitive decline and memory issues.
Eliminating or reducing these hidden factors from your diet can significantly improve your mental clarity and overall health. By addressing these dietary contributors, you take a crucial step toward clearing the fog and enhancing your cognitive function.

Cutting Out Hidden Factors

Benefits of Eliminating Gluten, Dairy, Sugar, Caffeine, and Alcohol

Eliminating gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol from your diet can have a profound impact on your health and mental clarity.
Cutting out gluten and dairy can reduce inflammation and improve digestion, leading to clearer thinking and better energy levels. Removing sugar helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing mood swings and fatigue. Reducing caffeine can improve sleep quality, enhancing focus and concentration. Lastly, eliminating alcohol prevents mental fog and supports overall cognitive health.

Tips for a Successful Elimination Diet

  1. Plan Ahead: Prepare meals and snacks that fit your new dietary guidelines.
  2. Read Labels: Be vigilant about checking food labels for hidden ingredients.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help your body adjust and detox.
  4. Find Substitutes: Replace gluten, dairy, and sugar with healthier alternatives like almond milk, gluten-free grains, and natural sweeteners.
  5. Keep a Food Diary: Track what you eat and note any improvements in your symptoms.
By following these steps, you can effectively eliminate these hidden factors and experience significant improvements in your mental clarity and overall well-being.

The 5-Step Brain Fog Recovery Plan

5.1. Sleep: The Foundation

Importance of 7-9 hours of quality sleep
Getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep is crucial for mental and physical health. Sleep allows your brain to repair and regenerate, leading to improved cognitive function and reduced brain fog.
Tips for Improving Sleep Quality

5.2. Move More

Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
Regular physical activity boosts blood flow to the brain, enhances mood, and reduces stress, all of which can help clear brain fog. Exercise releases endorphins, which act as natural mood lifters and brain boosters.
Simple Exercises and Routines to Incorporate into Daily Life

5.3. Good Food

Incorporating Anti-inflammatory Foods
Eating anti-inflammatory foods can reduce brain inflammation and improve mental clarity. Focus on a diet rich in antioxidants and nutrients.
Examples: Dark Leafy Greens, Berries, Turmeric, Ginger
Incorporating these foods into your daily diet can help combat brain fog and boost overall cognitive function.

5.4. Mind Training

Techniques for Training the Mind
Training your mind involves practices like mindfulness, meditation, and cognitive exercises. Mindfulness teaches you to stay present, while meditation can help calm the mind and improve focus.
Cognitive exercises, such as puzzles and memory games, challenge your brain and enhance cognitive function.
Benefits: Conscious Control, Thought Regulation, Emotional Balance
Mind training offers numerous benefits:

5.5. Do What You Love

Importance of Engaging in Activities You Love
Engaging in activities you love is vital for mental well-being. Pursuing your passions can bring joy and satisfaction, making life more fulfilling.
How Flow States Contribute to Mental Clarity and Overall Happiness
When you do what you love, you’re more likely to enter flow states—periods of deep immersion and focus. Flow states enhance mental clarity, boost productivity, and contribute to overall happiness. These states are incredibly restorative and help reduce brain fog, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

More tips

Brain works like muscles. -More you give healthy acute stresses like resistance training in case of muscles the more healthy your brain will be .

Live a Life Mission-Oriented

Living a life mission-oriented provides a sense of purpose and direction, which can enhance motivation and cognitive clarity. This focus can reduce brain fog by creating a structured approach to daily activities and decisions, ensuring mental energy is channeled effectively.

Live a Life Goal-Oriented

A goal-oriented life emphasizes setting and achieving specific objectives, which can improve mental focus and discipline. Regularly working towards goals helps train the brain to stay on task, reducing instances of brain fog and enhancing overall cognitive function.

Share Emotions with Loved Ones

Sharing emotions with loved ones fosters emotional support and reduces stress, which can significantly impact cognitive health. Emotional expression and support networks help clear mental clutter, alleviating symptoms of brain fog by providing psychological relief.

Accept New Tasks and Try to Complete Them

Taking on new tasks and striving to complete them stimulates brain activity and promotes neuroplasticity. This constant mental challenge helps improve problem-solving skills and cognitive resilience, reducing the likelihood of experiencing brain fog.

Long Walks Frequently

Frequent long walks enhance physical fitness and increase blood flow to the brain, promoting better oxygenation and nutrient delivery. This physical activity can improve mental clarity and reduce symptoms of brain fog by boosting overall brain health.

Read Books Even for 10 Minutes Daily

Reading daily, even for just 10 minutes, engages the brain in continuous learning and comprehension activities. This regular cognitive exercise helps improve concentration and mental acuity, which can alleviate brain fog over time.

Talk to More People

Engaging in conversations with others stimulates cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and language skills. Social interactions can reduce feelings of isolation and mental stagnation, helping to clear brain fog and enhance mental sharpness.

Learn a New Hobby

Learning a new hobby stimulates neurogenesis, the process of forming new neurons in the brain. Engaging in novel activities can enhance cognitive flexibility and mental resilience, reducing brain fog by keeping the brain active and adaptable.

Build an Audience on Social Media

Building an audience on social media involves creating content, interacting with followers, and managing online presence. This multifaceted activity can enhance creativity, strategic thinking, and communication skills, helping to combat brain fog by keeping the mind engaged and dynamic.

Learn Public Speaking

Learning public speaking improves cognitive functions such as memory, organization, and verbal communication. The process of preparing and delivering speeches challenges the brain, which can help alleviate brain fog by boosting confidence and mental clarity.

Plant Trees and Take Care of Them Initially

Planting trees and taking care of them involves physical activity, responsibility, and a connection with nature. This process can reduce stress and enhance mental well-being, thereby reducing brain fog by promoting a sense of accomplishment and relaxation.

Saturated Fat and Sunlight

Consuming healthy saturated fats and getting adequate sunlight can improve brain health by providing essential nutrients and promoting the production of vitamin D. These factors contribute to better cognitive function and energy levels, helping to alleviate symptoms of brain fog.
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