Famous abusive relationships

Abusive Relationships

2012.06.12 06:26 musicninja91 Abusive Relationships

For anyone of any gender identity who has ever been in an abusive relationship or is currently in one. This is a place for people to vent, share their stories and offer support to others in similar situations. Anyone who has experienced an abusive situation or relationship is welcome - that includes romantic, intimate, sexual, spousal, coworker, family, and/or friendship relationships.

2008.11.02 16:31 Admit your wrongdoings.

/Confession is a place to admit your wrongdoings, acknowledge your guilt, and alleviate your conscience.

2020.03.16 23:41 Dj_Lil_PastaYT DrStoneShipping

A place where you can post about the relationships from the famous anime and Manga Dr.Stone made by Boichi and Riichiro Inagaki

2024.05.14 13:44 ulaha Pattern of being pressured to trust someone

After leaving my abusive relationship I found it really hard to decipher what was appropriate or what was not. One thing that my ex did was very early on pressured me to trust him for things that he was being dishonest about, or blame me for not having trust in him. Trust has to be a good foundation of a relationship so it was my fault, but also there was no reason for me to trust him. I always said trust is earned not given but that’s something he didn’t understand. It was about talking to other girls, paying for porn/sex, etc. It felt like serious betrayals that would take years to get over yet 2 days after the instances he’d get upset had I shown any behaviour that meant I hadn’t forgiven, gotten over it and trusted him again.
I’ve realised after dating people after him (he was my first relationship really) people I’ve been with force me to trust them. For example I had a guy ask me over and over for nudes and said he feels bad if I don’t send them because that means I don’t trust him and he’s a bad partner because of that. We’d only been together for 2 days. I could never get him to understand that my lack of trust wasn’t personal, we’re not together for this reason now.
Someone else I dated pressured me to trust them soon as well because I was cautious to be alone with them too soon. I wanted to get to know them several times in public but after meeting 3 times they became upset when I wouldn’t go to a private space with their friends and them. I felt it was reasonable not to do something if I felt the trust wasn’t there, but these people have said I just need to see the good?
I mean there’s many instances where I’ve noticed people who end up treating me horribly try to get me to trust them far too quickly. I notice some even put on a facade of kindness just to try and get the trust gained quickly, or overtly trust me in an attempt to get me to match that trust. I don’t understand this at all and can’t help but feel like this was apart of the abuse, or in the least a very big red flag?
submitted by ulaha to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:43 throwaway-badguy34 How do I cope with the guilt of my teenage mistakes. (TW: Sexual abuse, relationship abuse)

When I was about 12-13 I was groomed and abused by an older man I met online.
I was incredibly insecure and struggling with my bisexuality. I was willing to get attention from anyone. Even people I knew deep down were bad for me.
He and eventually other older people exposed me and other children to the dark side of sex before I even could fully grasp what sex was. Some of the things he made me do; some of the pictures and videos he showed me. They're still stuck in my head to this day.
Although I eventually managed to escape. It made me borderline addicted to sex. Something I wouldn't realise properly until I was an adult.
When I was 15 though, I got into a relationship with a girl. We bonded over both having turbulent pasts, but she was far from a good partner. She had a range of mental health issues (suspect borderline personality disorder), and told me several contradicting stories about her trauma and previous abuse. She was constantly hot and cold with me throughout the whole relationship, one day I was the light of her life, the next the bane of her existence. She would physically and abuse me constantly.
However I became possessive over her and again despite knowing the relationship was wrong I didn't want to lose it. We stayed together far longer than we should have, gaslighting and manipulating eachother constantly, to the point that I don't know anymore where the line between lies and reality starts and ends. I even once used my life as a threat when she tried to leave me, something I hate myself for today.
We also had a lot, and I mean a lot, of sex.
When our relationship broke down. She accused me of having sex with her without consent the first time I slept over at her house. At the time, I did not agree with her version of events. I whole heartedly believed she had consented because in spite of everything that had happened to me, I loved her, and I would never intentionally hurt her. I thought because of my experiences I understood how much sex could hurt someone and was incapable of doing that to another person.
However, like I said. This was a toxic relationship between two mentally ill teenagers, full of gaslighting and manipulation. It didn't take long before I couldn't even remember the events of that night clearly anymore. Her version of reality seemed to continually paint me in a more and more sinister light, and my version of reality only seemed to contradict it more than more. I am pretty confident we both fabricated details to prove our versions of reality.
Today. I have absolutely no idea who is right and who is wrong. But given me issues with sex, it wouldn't surprise me if I was guilty of the things she said; she's just lied to me about ao many other things that I don't know what to believe any more.
It's been nearly a decade since this all happened, and I'm in a much better place now. I've had several healthy relationships since, accepted help for my mental health and trauma and my relationship with sex, while still not always ideal, is certainly in a much healthier place too.
I just can't help to feel so much guilt and remorse over that relationship. I hope to god I wasn't am abuser like the people that hurt me, but not knowing for sure, just that it's a probability, it fucking eats me up. It's rare I go a day without thinking about it in someway.
I wish I could have closure over the whole thing, but I never will. She will always think of me as a monster. How do I live with this guilt?
submitted by throwaway-badguy34 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:41 Former_East_298 Just a reminder that good men exist.

So I have had my fair share of toxic relationships where I’ve been cheated on, physically and mental abused and I gave up on the idea that men can treat me nicely. But recently I met this guy (now my bf) who is very sweet. He is so calm and comforting. And I know he loves me a lot. The other day I was feeling low and I wanted to see him and I asked him to come visit me. Without even a delay of a second, he said yes. It was a working day next day and he decided to come immediately late at night. Now the catch was that it rained very heavily in bombay and there was a literal storm. He got stuck in traffic for so long and without even complaining once he came to see me from so far. I was constantly feeling bad for asking but he made it so easy. I don’t know if this is bare minimum but I’ve never had someone who would be there for me just because I’m feeling low. He is the definition of a green flag. I just wanted to tell all the women, have patience and don’t settle for shitty toxic men. There are really nice men out there too.
submitted by Former_East_298 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:40 the_wonderful_thing I'm friends with a few famous people and parasocial fans make it very weird

I have a weird hobby that means I've met a wide range of people from different walks to life. I've got a few friends that are minor celebrities, not Hollywood or Broadway stars or anything, but recognised and famous faces in the mediums they work in. They've got interesting perspectives on life, and I think they like my company because I had genuinely no idea who they were before finding their socials, so our friendship is based solely on common life experience and time shared.
But whenever they post on social media and/or reference an in-joke for our friend group, it's weird to see thousands of people like it within the first 20 seconds and hundreds confidently playing along as if they're IN on the joke.
I feel crazy and possessive for actually getting jealous of how close these thousands of strangers THINK they are to my friends. I've always been lucky at bumping into or interacting casually with massive celebrities/politicians (Adam Sandler, Keanu Reeves, a Prime Minister or two, those types) and celebrity culture has always felt weird. I don't understand idolising and forming 1 sided relationships or opinions on with people who you LITERALLY don't know. I know modern media encourages it, but strangers are making me feel weird about my actual friends and I'm genuinely frustrated about it.
Hope everyones week's started well. Take care, sending love ❤️
submitted by the_wonderful_thing to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:35 Level_Huckleberry513 My bf, M28, won't stop getting in bar fights and it's ruining my, F26, trust. Should we break up?

Me (F,26) and my boyfriend (M,28) have been together for more than 2 years. It's been a great relationship, he feels as much my friend as he does my bf. We had some issues last year with him refusing to consider my life as well as his own (planning friend hang outs when we already had plans, not making time for my family/friends when i was hugely immersed in his). But for the most part we resolved those and he's just less extroverted than me so I can't expect him to operate the same as I will. I think it's important to note he's a big gentle giant, and I know he loves me so much. This has been his first relationship and he works hard to make me happy and treat me with kindness. I've had verbally and physically abusive ex's in the past and he has never crossed any boundary I've set in regards to how he treats me.
Recently, he's been having more big binge drinking nights with his family and friends, and when I'm not there, it seems like it's a guarantee he'll black out, get in a fight or cause trouble. He's been locked out of his flat, in multiple physical fights, and most recently spent the night in jail for a drunk and disorderly charge (he doesn't remember the night it happened at all). I've tried to speak to him about it and say that my tolerance for violence is 0, so I can't stay with him like this. He thinks as long as its justifiable (the other person was being a prick) it's ok.
I feel like I'm mothering him, and waiting for him to grow up. But I'm still in love with him. I don't know where to draw the line and say we're done or if it's time for an ultimatum, but I don't think he's going to make a change for my comfort level. He knows I'm sensitive to violence, and that I feel as though he's betraying me every time it happens.
I think it might just be the way he is? Am I expecting too much or is this the time to call it? Or is this not as big of a deal as I feel it is? Two years is obviously not a huge amount of time but it is a serious relationship and our lives are so connected. Any advice is welcome.
submitted by Level_Huckleberry513 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:33 happycat-love I just found out my abusive ex had a baby

I (24f) just found out my ex (26m) had a baby with his long time on and off again girlfriend. We broke up 3 years ago, and for the most part, I have moved on from our relationship. It was very tumultuous, and at the worst of times, abusive. I would say the only residual feelings left over from this relationship are me being closed off to dating again because this relationship was really traumatic for me. I never miss him as a person and rarely reminisce on the relationship, good or bad.
Curiosity got the best of me and I checked his social media and I found a baby announcement on his IG from a few months ago. This familiar feeling of anxiety and anger washed over me. Like when I had just caught him cheating.
I know this feeling is irrational because I’m not jealous whatsoever. I don’t wish it was me, I don’t want him back, I don’t feel sad that he’s moved on with someone else. I just feel angry and overwhelming anxiety, so much so that I can’t sleep.
I don’t believe he deserves to be a father. He doesn’t respect women and he doesn’t respect the mother of his child. I put two and two together and figured out that last year he was still attempting to contact me during her pregnancy. I feel sad for this baby and sad for his girlfriend.
Can someone please explain why after all this time it’s affecting me this much? I have been up all night tossing and turning over this. I feel like I’ve been taken back to a really dark place, and I feel disturbed.
submitted by happycat-love to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:31 proverbs109 Anyone have any clue what's going on with my dad?

My dad is a wonderful guy, amazing guy even, but he's definitely weird, and I'm trying to understand why.
He's from a very traditional family, extremely traditional, university educated, etc. He is an investment banker got married to my mum over 20 years ago. He met my mum because his best friend got married to my mums best friend and so they introduced my mum and dad to each other. My mum grew up in poverty and from a broken abusive household, so very different to my dads upbringing.
When I was growing up, my mum did all the child bearing, my dad kinda just went to work and came home and watched sports on TV. In my 18 years of childhood I don't think I ever had a deep conversation with him about my feelings ever. Feelings and emotions were not a thing with him, I've never seen him be deep or express himself much. He played by a rulebook, he's very much a 'this is how you behave in society and don't deviate from it' type of guy. He made sure I got good grades, but apart from that he really didn't have much bearing over my childhood, he was just kinda there. He has pretty much no friends, only one close friend (who is the one that is married to my mums best friend), meanwhile my mum has many friends. He just talks to this one friend and his brother. He's pretty conservative in his views and values, but not very sure in them, it's like he just parrots what he's been taught by others. I feel like the real him is someone deep inside him that he isn't letting out, and he is still finding it. All he seems to be passionate about is football, golf, and learning stuff, he's quite intellectual. Sometimes I wonder how genuine his relationship with my mum is too, nothing about my childhood felt too genuine, sometimes it felt a bit more like my mum was adopted into his family. She also used a lot of tactics like 'I will divorce you xyz' to get her way, and then he would usually cave to whatever she wanted. Essentially when it came to family life, my mum decided everything.
It's kinda sad tbh, I'm 21 now and I feel like I know myself better than my dad knows himself.The older I get the more I realise he must have felt very trapped in a box growing up, I wonder if marrying my mum was some type of way to escape whatever his reality was. Maybe this is some type of common trope and someone has seen this before... Part of me is actually quite worried that he's gay and in the closet for life. Anyone have any ideas what is going on here?An
submitted by proverbs109 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:31 MindlessPass8051 issues with vulnerability i guess

its easier to be closer to people platonically than it is romantically. does that mean i don't love him? im schizoaffective (obviously ocd) and bpd w severe cptsd and i know these play into why i just feel rlly bad because i be telling my friends shit like "you remind me of a newport i saw on the street yesterday" (as a way of showing platonic affection) and when my boyfriend and i were still friends id be more of my loose whimsical self but now that we're dating im so rigid. im slowly starting to open up to him more and express some of my humor. i dont know what happened it's like a switch changed in me when we started dating. i became this cold blunt person who'd be like "yeah i love you too...!" (not that i didnt mean it im bad at affection in general) and my only forms of like affection were saying i love you and moments where i'd break down crying apologizing for not being affectionate and being essentially like "i dont know whats wrong with me im so sorry im not at your level i wish i could give you everything you deserve" like why is it easier for me to be friends with people than it is to be a boyfriend? i notice i am opening up to him more and more. but idk. like. this is my first relationship. my first non abusive one. i love my boyfriend and want to show him the world. i want to be like. the way i am with friends but with him but like romantic yk. he's my everything but im doubting myself because of the way i like. am.
submitted by MindlessPass8051 to ROCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:29 SlowlyMoovingTurtle TIFU by Reaching Out to a New-ish Friend

So I've been consumed by loneliness for most of my 44 years of life. Which I push down, then assuage with shallow social contact, and comes out sideways in raging FOMO and torpedoing new relationships. Combination of constant, daily, low grade emotional abuse and neglect, and lack of social skills resulting from the abuse and neglect continuing to this day (I still live with her.)
Today, I invited a friend who has also had childhood trauma, to go swimsuit shopping with me. On the surface, it seemed innocent enough. We both need swimsuits somewhat soon, we were just talking about this need two days ago, seems like a perfect way to spend time together and get to know each other, right? Right.
Except, even though we've probably known each other for a couple years, and meet monthly for the hobby we both share, the opening up of our trauma to each other is relatively new. And I don't know if we have anything else in common.
And considering I just did this with another friend I hadn't seen in a couple years except for wishing her happy birthday, invited her to a dance class. She had a perfectly good reason for not going, but I got brusquely dismissive of her when she said no. I didn't even realize how dismissive until after the fact. I apologized for the brusqueness, but I think it left a mark.
So now I'm sitting here, playing the scenarios in my head, if my swimsuit friend turns me down (no matter what the reason is), whether I'm going to take it personally again, and how that's going to affect our future friendship.
submitted by SlowlyMoovingTurtle to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:22 lazymentors Marketing & Social Media News you should care about today!

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My Fav; Liquid Death’s latest campaign ‘The Adventures of Murder Man’ is a creative masterpiece as usual and a corporate parody.

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I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. All the sources can be found in the newsletter archive post.
submitted by lazymentors to Marketingcurated [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:21 forever_in_anguish My dear C.C.

I loved you with all my heart and ill keep this short. I honestly never want to see you again. I'll never look at you the same way. The whole relationship has made me feel gross in every possible meaning of the word. Lies, manipulation, cheating, spite, blackmail, and so much more. Never once did you work on being better or give a fuck about what you did and continue to do to me. You were abusive and I'm done apologizing and validating your actions. Don't look for me.
submitted by forever_in_anguish to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:20 No-Associate1991 I need some innsight. Pleace share your thougths on this with me.

Okay, so i have had an extremely turbulent and confusing relationship with my mom. I can clearly se some narcissistic tendencies in her as well as sociopathy and borderline. But of course I’m not a psychologist or specialist, it’s just based on my observation and years of study and reading in the internet. Anyway I did go no contact with my mom almost 3 years ago. And my life is much better without her in it. But my problem is that I was stupid enough to take the bait when she texted me a few months back. It resulted in me meeting up with her in person. You know, i thought i had done enough healing on myself to handle my mom. It was actually a pleasant meeting and she was nice to me. She told me she had changed bla, bla bla. But after seeing her I just god this intense trauma reaction and were bedridden for days (my body gets really ill when I have emotional flashbacks). And also i got this feeling she is just manipulating again.
My experiences with my mon involves her abusing me mentally and emotionally. She also had periods when she drank much and behaved like a maniac and sometimes even a monster. There is also some history when physical violence accrued. She never respected my boundaries, and she has lied a lot to me in the past. I just don’t have any trust in her anymore.
So, I came to the realization that even if my mom have changed (something I deep down don’t really believe) I can’t see my mom again (it makes me too I’ll due to all the trauma with her). I just don’t know how to tell her this time. Any advise on how I can break contact again in a way that will make her stay away from me?
submitted by No-Associate1991 to AdultChildren [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:20 lazymentors Marketing News you should care about today!

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My Fav; Liquid Death’s latest campaign ‘The Adventures of Murder Man’ is a creative masterpiece as usual and a corporate parody.

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I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. Follow for more.
submitted by lazymentors to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:16 lazymentors Advertising & Agency News you should care about today!

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My Fav; Liquid Death’s latest campaign ‘The Adventures of Murder Man’ is a creative masterpiece as usual and a corporate parody.

AI 🤨

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Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead.
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2024.05.14 13:15 lazymentors Marketing News you should care about today!

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My Fav; Liquid Death’s latest campaign ‘The Adventures of Murder Man’ is a creative masterpiece as usual and a corporate parody.

AI 🤨

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Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. Follow for more.
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2024.05.14 13:12 Haleodo Relapse

tl;dr - after doing great over the last couple years, I am relapsing hard.
My journey with engaging in ED was not on purpose but it happened suddenly & extremely at 21.
After 2 years, I had lost half my body weight & could barely walk up a flight of stairs. I went to IP treatment out of state only after a great therapist (I’ve had 2 out of >20 my whole life,) insisted, & then bloodwork had shown I was in the early stages of organ failure.
IP treatment was good (anyone who wants more info, I’m happy to share why it was,) & I came back to “real life” & struggled for years. I’d have a great several months then relapse hard.
This went on til about 3 years ago. Basically, I hit rock bottom (which is saying a lot,) & I wanted to be a good mother, wife, & had faith.
Recovery was not something I was new to, but I took it seriously. From tears after snacks, to not being able to eat without someone with me, to dealing with a healthy relationship with exercise, to recovery binges, to not looking at labels. I mean, I was really doing it.
6 months ago I would have said I was 95% recovered. I WFH so if I wanted a snack, I’d go get one. Heck, I could even eat alone without watching or listening something. I’d do cardio ~35 mins daily, only 5-6 a week, but out of love of moving my body. Not a punishment. No biggie if I missed. A major win.
But I’ve relapsed hard & suddenly, it seems.
It was small at first. I noticed if I didn’t have one of two “safe foods” during the day, I wouldn’t eat. I’d wait til dinner, my “safe meal” (I have no problem eating most things for dinner, but even that’s becoming more restrictive in my brain.) So, not sure why suddenly I was limiting myself, but slowly I was. & my “rules” in my brain were coming out of nowhere, seemingly for no reason. But school (returning student,) housekeeping, work (high stress, lots of hours, but love it,) & basically most responsibilities have fallen on me. This is my only guess why I’m struggling?
Then, I had a small tear to my Achilles tendon & my “feet” (to sum it up) are all messed up lol. While that’s being seen after, I’m basically not able to do most things, especially exercise. I can hobble around in my walking boot, but mostly ice & elevating & pain.
So suddenly, I can’t exercise. I’m truly depressed for the first time in years for an extended period. the weight loss has been rapid with my ED coming back so damn suddenly. & I know how bad it is. I know what it does to personality, to my emotions, to how I treat people, to the brain. Let alone all the physical stuff.
I wasn’t seeking it.
It’s just back.
I can’t tell my partner. He was my biggest advocate, but he was hurt the worst due to my mental issues & poor coping abilities (substance abuse coupled with a starved brain & an addiction to purging.)
I don’t struggle with purging really, but I feel unable to be open with my partner as I was for the last 8 years of recovery (I was very secretive & protective of my ED the first time around. Now I’m secretive because of the stigma I gave my own self.)
Idk what to do. I’m going back to therapy as a Hail Mary, but the questioning/accusation coming from my partner are making me angry & also feel like I have to shut down.
Numbers trigger me, so I’ll spare mine. But I was at a healthy weight & where my IP ED treatment dietician said I need to be according to my growth chart & happy enough with my body. I could talk about “ugh these don’t fit so annoying” or my partner couldn’t gently say “you might want to try something else?” & it not trigger me or make me spiral. Now, I look at my legs while I’m sitting & it disgusts me. My weight loss is quite noticeable.
I’m getting to what would be “normal” for my height, but toeing the line for what’s unhealthy & not enough for my brain.
Sorry for the long post. Don’t know what I’m looking for. It’s great to talk to a therapist but idk. I thought I was a success story who could & would help & support others.
Now I’m a secretive, irritable, impatient person who is having to lie about hunger, what I ate, etc. & I was proud of no longer being a liar.
Thanks for reading :(
submitted by Haleodo to AnorexiaRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:04 honeylovespellcaster Switzerland divorce spell Separation chants Court Case spell

Switzerland divorce spell that works in 24 hours. There comes a time in your life where you feel you’ve put in your all but you are not appreciated. With marriage, it’s harder to bear sleeping in the same bed. With someone you’ve been married to for a long but you in an actual sense don’t know him or her. The only thing you do is a fight and exchange words. Sleep like enemies in the house and cause misery to each other. Getting disappointments is all that person can contribute in your life. All you need is Switzerland divorce spell that work fast to stop a such horrible marriage.

How to cast Switzerland divorce spell that works effectively in 24 hours

Marriage is supposed to give you happiness and joy but not misery and if all you get is that? Then letting go is the best. How do we let go? Write the name of your lover on paper with a black pen, Draw a heart around that name and cut it into two saying “Enough of what you have brought me, misery is not what we promised each other ,disappear like I had never seen you before. ” Do this ritual for 24 Hours and before you know it, that person will chase himself, disappear and you will never seen them again.
Marriage we need peace affection care and love. If your spouse can’t give that, let them go.. You rather live alone than having to put up with stress. Switzerland divorce spell that works in 24 hours are here to help us get us back on truck. To make this process effective quick with no delay and time wastage. Look for the powerful spiritualist so that your work move the way you want it. The Switzerland divorce spell that work fast are very strong so the need of the spiritual doctor is a must.

Powerful Switzerland divorce spell

My Switzerland divorce spell apply to circumstances in which you are involved in a bitter divorce case with your partner you want help to win the case or get a favorable outcome from the court, or you just want to reconcile with a partner who is planning to file for a divorce, and you want them to change their mind and reverse their decision.
Switzerland divorce spell should be used in extreme cases for example if your husband has disturbed you a lot and you are tired of his tortures. You need a divorce but he is not giving you and thus your life had become miserable. In such caused you may go for these powerful Spells can also prevent a divorce, if there are people who are not happy with your happy family life and are trying different ways to separate you and so are insisting on a divorce then these Switzerland divorce spell should protect you from all such evil people so you may have a thrilled and secured married life.
There many questions in most Marriages but this Spell has all the answers, some questions are below:

Remove divorce curse & hex

Voodoo to remove a divorce hex or curse that’s causing your marriage to fail and causing marriage problems
Spiritually cleanse your marriage of divorce curses & divorce hexes using powerful voodoo that will heal marriage problems
Voodoo to break a divorce curse. Powerful voodoo to break a divorce hex. Best voodoo to banish all negative forces and spiritual forces that want to end your marriage. Banish marital problems using voodoo to cleanse your marriage

Switzerland divorce spell to end your marriage

Use Switzerland divorce spell to end your marriage if your spouse is not your soul mate, marriage counseling has not worked, you are fighting constantly, there is no intimacy & your spouse is physically or emotionally abusive
The decision to end a marriage isn’t one that most people take lightly. If you know you’re ready to end it permanently, get a divorce.
Many spouse struggle for a very long time before making a firm choice about whether to stay or go.

Switzerland divorce spell to prevent / Stop a divorce

If you are worried about the separation or divorce from your partner, you can get help from the spells that are effective to stop a separation from your partner. Because many people depend on magic ritual when they face such problems. Casting these spells to help you reconnect with the positive aspects that attracted you to your partner.
Ensure that spells are cast immediately when problems within your marriage get clear or no later than after the announcement of separation or divorce from your partner.
Therefore, I design these rituals in a way that they become effective fast since broken relationships can end faster and there is a need to cast fast spells to bring about maximum effects and to avoid problems which are possible if the process is carried out too late.

Spell to make someone divorces you

Switzerland divorce spell that work to make your husband or wife divorce you and end your marriage permanently
End feelings of affection, intimacy & love between a married couple using Switzerland divorce spell to make someone divorces you
Voodoo spell to make someone divorce you. Black magic to make someone divorce you. Muthi to make someone divorce you. Switzerland divorce spell to make him divorce you. Switzerland divorce spell to make her divorce you.

How to stop your divorce

How to stop a divorce & save your marriage. Clarify what you need to change, Clean up all the old hurts & don’t play the victim
In conclusion, resolve your relationship problems by stopping arguing, understanding their perspective, stopping pressurizing, clarifying what you both need in your marriage & realizing that you both need to work together to heal your marriage problems
In relationships, our emotions and actions affect the marriage. The positive effect draws them to us. Negative effect pushes them from us.
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2024.05.14 13:01 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day in Michael Jackson HIStory - May 14th

On This Day in Michael Jackson HIStory - May 14th
1975 - Michael had a private meeting with Berry Gordy to discuss the Jackson Five's future & after being denied creative freedom once again, the brothers started shopping for a new record deal. The Jackson Five had begun to ask to produce, write and record their own material in the previous year but all their requests for creative control had been denied.
1985 - Michael met Ronald & Nancy Reagan at White House for the launch of a campaign against driving under the influence of alcohol. In the spring of 1984, Michael's team received a call from the Secretary of Transportation, Elizabeth Dole, asking for Michael to give "BEAT IT" as background music for a television commercial and a 35 second radio spot on the dangers of driving a car under the influence of alcohol.
Even though the initiative was initially rejected by Michael, once he meditated a bit, he explained to his representative, John Branca
"You know what? If I can get some kind of prize from the White House then I will give them the song. How about?".
Intrigued, Branca asked: "Like what?"
Jackson listed: "I want to know the White House. I want to be on a stage with the president and receive an award from him. I want an event with children. And I also want to meet Nancy. All that. Why not? Can you get it? "
Branca was given the task of obtaining a positive response in the shortest time possible, which was not entirely difficult due to the fascination of the Reagans with show business. And so, the meeting was scheduled for the morning of 5/14/84
For such an important occasion, President Reagan dressed in a navy blue suit, a gray and navy blue striped tie & a white shirt. Nancy,on the other hand, chose a white suit, Adolfo brand, adorned with buttons and gold stripes. Nothing too spectacular to overshadow Michael's attire: an electric blue sequined jacket, adorned with sequined laces, a band of golden sequins, and epaulettes with golden sequins. He also wore his famous white sequined glove.
Two thousand people in total, including officials, admirers and security met in the central garden to see Michael.
Once everyone was up on stage, the Republican president pointed out that:
"Michael Jackson is proof of what a person can accomplish through a lifestyle free of alcohol or drug abuse. People young and old can respect that. And if Americans follow his example, then we can face up to the problem of drinking and driving, and we can, in Michael's words, beat it."
- a brief speech of just 5 and a half minutes. Then he handed a plaque to Michael, a gesture that he thanked before the microphone with an even more brief intervention, saying a mere 13 words:
"I'm very, very honored. Thank you very much, Mr. President and Mrs. Reagan."
During his tour of the halls of the presidential residence, he showed his fascination with a portrait of Andrew Jackson, dressed in a military suit very similar to the blue sequins he wore that day.
Until Michael's visit, only Elvis Presley, received this distinction, in 1970, when President Richard Nixon opened the doors of the Oval Office. Michael would return to the White House twice more during the terms of George W. Bush, Sr & Bill Clinton
1985 - Michael Jackson received a royalty check from Epic Records for $53 Million for sales from his Thriller album.
1988- Michael is on the cover of Fresh! magazine
1996- Michael visits Chateau de Pierrefonds in Northern France, rumors were he wanted to purchase a French chateau.
The Château de Pierrefonds, classified as a historic monument and managed by the Center des monuments nationaux, was not for sale. Michael was aware of this so his visit was simply a pleasure visit.
The guides at the Château de Pierrefonds keep the memory of this arrival, completely unexpected, on 5/14/96. They speak with pleasure of this moment when the King of Pop arrived, surrounded by his bodyguards, to discover this castle worthy of fairy tales.
According to one of the guides, he arrived in a limousine which he parked in front of the village pharmacy. Michael, in fact, came in a station wagon type car which parked as close as possible to the entrance to the castle.
Wearing a red jacket and his mask, Michael arrived late in the morning when there were not too many people. However, it was school field trip time and a group of children were present. One of the guides explains that he then hid in a corner, near the stairs where the visit to the castle begins, so as not to be seen and disturbed
Michael paused for a long time in front of the model of the castle, located at the end of the guard room. Made in 1878 for the Universal Exhibition, this stone model built at 1/50 scale remains impressive (height: 145cm, width: 250 cm, length: 350 cm). Michael's bodyguards reportedly took a lot of photos and it is said that Michael asked for the plans of the model.
What is certain is that Michael had a model of the castle made for his Neverland ranch. It measured 269cm x 335cm x365 cm. A little larger than the model present at the castle. Michael's model sat in the middle of his living room, with, for a time, a framed photo of the castle on the wall.
The model was one of the objects that Julien's Auctions wanted to sell at auction in 2009, before Michael prevented this sale.
Although shy and discreet, Michael did not hesitate to pose for photos with the employees, who were quickly aware of his presence
Michael also leaves a strong memory of his visit with employees through his visit to the site's souvenir shop. He spent a large sum on history books, an amount which, according to the guide, “is not seen every day here” .
2004 - The Defense team, headed up by Thomas Mesereau, have decided to agree with the DA's Office of Santa Barbara to uphold the gag order in the case against Michael. Mesereau wrote that he and his client support the gag order and withdrew any objections to it made by Jackson's prior counsel.
In court documents filed , Attorney Theodore Boutrous, who represents the news organizations, criticized Santa Barbara County DA Thomas Sneddon's condemnation of the intense media coverage.
"Eliminating the gag order will ensure that more accurate information will be disseminated, and will reduce the amount of rumors, speculation and gossip about which the District Attorney complains," Boutrous wrote.
The news organizations have been annoyed by Sneddon's clampdown on information about the case. They have asked the California Supreme Court to overturn the gag order on the grounds that it violates the freedom of speech guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
Thomas Sneddon and Gerald Franklin, filed a motion earlier in the week, to the California Supreme Court to uphold the gag order in this case. He argued that the media was hoping to profit by pandering to a "gossip-hungry readership." He proceeded to write in his letter, "Despite the perhaps inevitable leaks, the public knows little more about the facts of this case than that Michael Jackson has been indicted on serious charges and that a jury will be asked to consider the evidence that may be presented to determine his guilt or innocence based on that evidence. And that's the way it should be."
Mr. Sneddon's letter was a response to the media's attorneys that wanted the gag order lifted which was imposed by the sitting judge in the case, Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville. The gag order prohibits participants involved in the case to discuss any particulars about the case to the media.
Sneddon argued in his letter that the news organizations have no standing to challenge the gag order because it applies only to case participants, not the media. He also said that such an order is required in a case that has drawn sensational worldwide attention.
"What is reported as fact becomes the nucleus of intense speculation, conjecture and discussion among commentators, particularly in the tabloid media and the audience they appeal to," Sneddon wrote. "Gossip -- and the 'news' tidbits that are gossip's grist -- translate into income."
2009 - In the last Family gathering Michael, Prince, Paris & Blanket attend Katherine & Joe's 60th wedding anniversary at the Indian Restaurant, Chakra in Beverly Hills with the whole family including all the grandchildren. Randy is the only one not in attendance. This is when most of Jackson siblings saw Michael for the first time since the 2005 Trial.This is also the last time Michael will see most of his family, including Janet & LaToya
2009 - AEG sent a 2nd email to Conrad Murray

2012 - Katherine Jackson & Brett Livingstone Strong give an interview on Piers Morgan Tonight. They show some of Michael's artwork
Brett Livingstone Strong is the artist responsible for "The Book", the only portrait that Michael ever posed for
2013- Day 11 of the Jackson vs Aeg Live trial
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:00 AutoModerator It’s the r/MelbourneVICAUS Daily Support Thread

It's ok to ask for help. We all needed it at some stage of our lives. The following services can provide you with advice and direction no matter how you feel.


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Call 13 11 14 (24-hour crisis support), Chat to a crisis supporter, Text with on 0477 13 11 14


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Call 13 92 76 (24-hour crisis support) Visit 13yarn.org.au


Confidential information, counselling, and support service open 24 hours to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, and abuse. Call 1800 737 732

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue helpline is provided by mental health professionals, 24/7. All calls and chats are confidential. Call 1300 22 4636

SANE Australia

For people with recurring, persistent or complex mental health issues and trauma, and for their families, friends and communities. SANE provides counselling support, peer support services, a guided service and resources. You can access more information here or call 1800 187 263 or sane.org.au

Kids HelpLine

A free, private and confidential telephone and online counselling services, specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25 years old. Call 1800 55 1800

Suicide Call back Service

Suicide Call Back Service provides professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide. Call 1300 659 467

Carers Australia

Short-term counselling and emotional and psychological support services for carers and their families in each state and territory. Call 1800 242 636

MensLine Australia

MensLine Australia is available 24/7 via phone or online. To support men with issues including mental health, relationship and divorce, emotional wellbeing and social connection. Call 1300 78 99 78


QLife is a peer support counselling and referral service for LGBTI people. It provides peer telephone and web-based services to diverse people of all ages. Call 1800 184 527 (3pm - 12am)

Relationships Australia

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Reach Out

Forums and web-based support for young people. Reachout also provide resources and support for parents and school. Website Reach Out
submitted by AutoModerator to MelbourneVICAUS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:00 PrincessArcher How do I (29f) manage my best friend (29f) feeling sidelined and also being stuck in a bad way without losing her completely?

Not sure if this should be in relationship_advice, so will post here for now and move it if needs be. ——— I love my best friend like she is my sister and have always stood by her side.
But recently I’ve been struggling with my relationship with her. I suppose the cracks started years ago when she got into her first serious relationship which wound up abusive. We had many conversations about her leaving him but it wound up pointless. She still speaks to said him and though I’ve tried to encourage her & she’s done therapy etc, she still refuses to cut ties with him.
During these years, I went through my own relationships, breaking up with an ex who used to be both of our good friend and then finding my current bf who, in no small terms, I consider the love of my life. But we haven’t had the smoothest relationship and whilst we were going through our issues, he spoke to his loved ones, and I spoke to my best friend for advice and to let out our emotions. We broke up for several months and during that time I went through utter heartbreak and my best friend was by my side through all of it. She’d also cut off her ex and said me and her can stay strong together.
A few months later me and my bf had a serious conversation and decided to forgive and move on as we genuinely like one another and share similar values and it seemed we were letting lots of miscommunication ruin things. My best friend wasn’t happy, and I’ve always felt like she thinks I betrayed her. She said she thinks my bf is stringing me along and his “true colours” will eventually come out. I think she’s projecting. I also find it maddening as I know if I spoke about her ex that way she’d jump to defend his “good parts”.
My bf and I have been happily dating since, we’ve both worked on our communication and have been putting in a lot of work. My best friend is still speaking on/off with her abusive ex and whenever she tells me about him, it’s always horrible things.
Recently my bf and I had a big break up, as I felt our cultural differences would be too difficult to overcome, was terrified of losing my community by sticking by him and thought it best to let him go for both of us. Heartbroken, I sought out my best friend for comfort who told me I’d done the right thing. However, I wasn’t convinced I had and spoke to other loved ones who told me that I should focus on my own happiness and not worry what others thought for “going against” my culture. I apologised profusely to my bf for my bad judgement, we once again spoke about everything and reiterated our love for each other and we have agreed to stand together against the potential difficulties we might face and I feel truly grateful and appreciative of him. I love him more than ever.
However, when I told my best friend this she was furious. She thinks I am using her as a back up plan (as she is who I thought of first when upset) and that I cancel on her for him. She thinks I am abandoning my culture and compromising who I am and what I believe for someone who she thinks will let me down, hurt me or eventually cause me a lot of pain. She says she is always there for me but the second I’m with my bf I forget about her.
I understand why she feels the way she does. But I also have lots of married friends/friends in serious relationships and though I don’t see them often my friendships with them have never suffered. With my best friend, I feel like if I don’t see her once per week or every two weeks, consistently, she thinks I’ve dropped her for a guy.
She’s amazing. She’s bright and beautiful but since knowing this guy she’s rejected an offer to get a postgrad, is working a min wage job despite having an excellent degree, doesn’t have any hobbies besides occasionally seeing friends for food and struggles with severe anxiety and depression. And I know she will never go anywhere as long as she keeps letting him pull her down.
I don’t know what to do or say anymore. I don’t want to say the harsh truth because I love her so much. But I don’t know how to say these things where she’ll listen. She’s convinced I’m blind about my bf and I’m certain it’s because she thinks my bf is like her abusive ex and we’re in the same situation. When it objectively speaking, isn’t the same at all. She keeps saying she doesn’t know what to do about her life or her ex but when I give suggestions just says “I will” and doesn’t do them.
I also think she misses when I was with my ex as she was his good friend too so the three of us often hung out together. But with my bf, she has decided he sucks without having ever met him and no damage control on my part about all his positives will change her mind. (She also thinks I’m covering up for his bad bits or that I’m saying good things about him as digs at her ex. It’s exhausting). I want to invite her to go along and do things with my bf and I and he has said the same, because they’d probably get along, but she won’t ever agree.
I don’t want to cut her off. But I’m worried she’ll drag me down. I’m worried this is going to be her life, and how can I share my happiness with her when she’s so angry and convinced I’m betraying her and myself for it?
Oh and we plan to go on holiday together just us two soon. I want to use it as a way for us to reconnect and let everything out. I hope I can find a way to do it without becoming the AH and be that bitch that left her friend for a man. Because right now it feels like that’s exactly what she thinks I’m doing.
submitted by PrincessArcher to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:59 Maleficent_Carrot242 How do a recovering golden child find who they are instead of pretending to be what everyone else need?

I grew up the golden child out of 7. I was the only one she had as a newborn so naturally she felt closer to me. We were raised by our adoptive mom and grandma. My mom was very manipulative, emotionally not there and unstable. She and my grandmother would say nasty things to my sisters and make them feel less valued. As I started to age, I realized the dynamic and began to speak up about the abuse, and soon, I became apart of the group being talked about, even tho I still had some “incentives”. My mom and I had an odd relationship, it got to a point where I feel I became the parent or the person she’d come to to reassure on her bad behavior. Everyone left her home at age 17/18 and she was hurt about it. I’m no longer living with her and barely in contact but I’m the only one out of my sisters who is having a hard time finding who I am, my purpose in life, and to make healthy , balanced relationships/friendships. I’ve been house hopping from families and friends house, can’t keep a stable job due to my mental health and anxiety and it’s just a revolving cycle. I have started to die research on my own from the internet and YouTube but I’m still having a hard time. Please help
submitted by Maleficent_Carrot242 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]



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