Desi dating sites


2022.01.01 00:22 NRS038 DesiDating

This community is for ABCD’s; It offers an outlet to discuss dating, your experiences with dating, have your dating profiles reviewed, ask for tips or advice, etcetera!

2013.09.08 01:22 Jirni South Asian Diaspora

ABCDesis (Abroad-Born Confused Desis) is a place for members of the South Asian diaspora who were raised outside of South Asia to share their experiences and be a part of the collective global Desi diaspora community.

2019.12.31 18:08 ByMAster2 Indian Interracial Dating

This is a support community for Indian people who are in interracial relationships.

2024.06.04 04:22 Exciting_Dog_9040 what happens after hospitalist group site contract ends?

I recently signed a contract with a hospitalist group and I will start my job in a few months. I received termination letter today completely out of the blue informing me that the group's contract with the site would end soon after my start date. I feel like I'm in limbo because I haven't been in the loop and don't know what happens next.
when hospitalist groups end contracts with sites, can the sites' current hospitalists expect to stay on? do sites begin shopping around for new hospitalist groups? please let me know how this scenario typically plays out and what I can expect.
submitted by Exciting_Dog_9040 to hospitalist [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:58 Beautiful_Doubt_6508 Super unique and complicated situation

My parent (A) has been dating someone (B) for a very long time- decades. I have never been close with B though we do have a good relationship. I was introduced to M’s 3 children (C, D, and E) when we were young adults. (In our early 40’s now.) We would see each other a few times a year on holidays. I always had a little crush on D that I suspected was reciprocal but I never thought to act on it.
Recently, E passed away unexpectedly. D and E were very close and worked together and D obviously took the loss very hard. D and I got together with our families a few weeks later after E passed away. We got drunk and crashed at a family members house, and in the morning we slept together.
It was amazing. I felt super comfortable and we both definitely had fun. After we talked for a few hours before parting ways. We both discussed being on dating sites and I told D that I’m actively dating. I wasn’t sure what would happen in the future and was prepared for it to be a one time thing (though I didn’t want it to be.)
We stayed in contact and have seen each other every week since (secretly of course.) It’s been about 2 months. (We have also gotten together with our families a few times since then as well.) D is private, an introvert and mostly keeps to themself- not really social or a big phone talketexter. So we don’t really talk during the week but spend most of the weekends together. We always have the BEST time and get along really well.
Sooo obviously I’ve found myself falling in love. I want more and don’t really care who knows as I am an adult and I care really deeply for D. But D has made comments which lead me to believe they don’t want anyone in our family to find out (ex. “Do you think _____ knows?” “What do you think ____ would say?” etc…)
I know the obvious thing to do is have a conversation. But I’m super hesitant. I don’t want to put any pressure on D as I know they’re grieving and depressed. I know there’s already pressure from being the support system for grieving parents as C lives far away and is pretty removed from the day to day. D has told me they’re struggling and I think I’m one of the only people they see socially and confide in about their grief (which is very minimally.)
I’ve been going on dates to try to distract myself but I find that it’s just that. It feels like a waste of time as I have no desire to be with anyone else and only want to be with D.
Do I ride this out and just enjoy it for what it is? Do I have a conversation? I don’t want to freak D out, push them away or make them feel pressured. I’ve never lost a sibling but when I lost my other parent I was a complete mess for months and could not tolerate the littlest bit of pressure from anyone.
I know this is a really unique situation. I understand that D and I will be connected forever regardless of what happens. I think if it doesn’t work out things would be okay because they are an amazing person and I just want the best for them and for them to be happy. I already felt platonic love for D before any of this happened and now it feels so much deeper. I’m so confused as to whether I let things be or if a conversation is necessary or warranted- and if so, what that should look like.
submitted by Beautiful_Doubt_6508 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:52 Repulsive_Piglet_656 The right one

The Right One By Savannah Reano
Chapter 1 Hello, I am Lacey Lacette Knight I go by Lacey Simple. I have three best friends two are boys, and the one best girlie is Lyric, Boone, and Bae. I find it easy to hear myself more when I am with them they are my whole friendship nothing can obtain that the way they are with me cheers me up. for god’s sake even the school is in full support while my parents are away from you they are FBI parents so the FBI wants both of them not just one ohh my it’s on! the show where he's online a celebrity the best billionaire there, he is too young my god is he gorgeous. I love the way he smiles and it makes you feel as if—I’m right here you know oh you beautiful girl “grandma.” she laughs and walks away thanks god. my grandmother has been with me since she was in the '60s i was only a seed in the belly when my parents were barely in the FBI prego as well. so sit next to me I'll show you my happily ever after. it was shining outside I grabbed first thing a winter snow jacket. and boots then a scarf around my neck and heard the horn honk and that lyric I got in and in the back was boone and Bae. hey what's cooking friend things are weird between me and boone and Bae and Lyric we recently got into each other at a party and it sure wasn’t my intention when we started. it all was a blur- " one we says yes in all unions they agreed. I paused looked at the sun and flew me all back to the party. "So the plan?" "split up! in two boone you will take lacey bae you and I guess.?”….so we go our separate ways heybaby me and you can get somewhere huh I was with them right when someone spanked me but not before he got hit by boone and Reyes and Reyes guys leave now he ran out you okay snippet yes but embarassed. There is no need for we’reall family here kay now party back on.” really how are you, Lacey.?” I breathe in and out Yeah now let's party one beer two beer dancing singing Kesha songs 3 beers and all the time kept talking with boone only and the two went up the stairs. I am so drunk boone carry me be my savior! He did just that they landed on a bed and collided side by side oh my bad lol I’m so- they started kissing and fell asleep. While that happened. Bae and Lyric danced drank 8 beers, and sexed multiple times I’ve no clue gotten l say when they arrived at the party they were already in a tangled love. Best summer ever! All cheers to them kids got them going huh he laughed. As I was saying they begin school in the morning I didn’tknow what my feelings were for Boone but I knew somehow we could work this out and be my best friend. today I’mwearing a white sundress with a red belt around my stomach and boots. As I got in I came back to life out of my sober life in the car with my three best friends still friends and I piled everyone groaned but now cleaned up and at school then that incident with Reyes finding out about the party but one of us shocked us that was lyric and be a couple. Sorry Lacey dear. Well then Boone I whisper in his ear want to date he nods and booms are going on our first date come with? Reyes surelywe’ll you yes. Then started and my new schedule was here looks like Boone and I have first with bae And lyric me the best of luck we got three classes together! What a day then Boone snuck behind me spun me around and made his first kiss. Awe look at them happy together. Lyric and Bae along with Reyes and our group of friends. Then out of the blue, a kid comes up and hugs me saying wow pleasant choice knight but I love you enough to let go and let you and Boone be happy with each other. I laughed at him so dramatically. Hey, it’s not just you girls who are angry at me. Hahaha guys are crying girls are jealous. Then out of the blue we heard screams and looked at the gun men boone said let’s go all Reyes said oh shit let's ride with get in then one stopped us Lacey Knight yes and grabbed us screamed and screamed. Boone Reyes and bae lyric all were fighting well-skilled taught by Daddy and Mommy then no screams. They all looked around Lacey was gone. Chapter 2 As my day went by into fans I heard a whistle and a girl came a beautiful one what’s your chrishist she said her hair brown eyes blue. We started to walk and I stopped and gave her a Kiss one that I could get her in bed. About ten later I woke up and it was 6 am I was not in my home or anyone’s that I was close to. And then I heard a sound mmmhmmmm ow! Who’s there hi I’m Lacey Lacey. Lacey Knight daughter of two FBI parents yelled at the at the means they’ll come for me. you know it, anyway, who are you? I'm sorry no proper inter come but I'm tied up hey hey untie her now who are you almighty about me Shane Collinsshane collins whoa thee shane collins yes now questions later but one from me how you get here. they kidnapped me from school. how old are you 16 you're 20 aren’t you? yes. well, I'm still not sober from our summer party. a party yes yesterday and I drank like 6 beers and a little tequila. I have not yet slept my whole hours yet. hey at least you're not boring did anything happen at the party—we kissed and shock was written over her place boone? the cracked voice I was never a high schooler now I need you with you learning Latin to do every spell we hit. But boone you're my boyfriend oh that hurts no way I was good but until I saw him'm not with him you kidnapped him and me why because im bad and you wouldn’t last long. he how old are you 25 im a pirate. why? lacey doesn’t make it this way. hey what have you done to lyric Reyes and Bae they will join shortly. As for Mr.Collins, we need your guns and knives and for you and Lacey here to remember each other here you have the same spell I went over to Lacey and untied her breath caught me I heard a woman wheres my Lacey! And was back again in the room with Lacey Lyric's bae are they part of it she asked looks like I missed out I heard screaming from bae and Lyric let them go! I referenced she saw me Lacey oh dear did he come in Boone yes I know not one of us man I thought he was great now I know why. He’s a loser now you Lacey how are you’ve been. Really bae? He chuckled yes yes dear older Boone kidnapped us but why did he want something we had to get I’m sorry but I’m a witch Hey whoa I did not see oh my god!! Shane effing Collins I follow you like hell apparently I’m bethrowed. To Lacey every shut can you do your spells that you’ve showed me? Stop with that voice you don't deserve. Right now I’m hated don’t act like we are your best friends right yes I know but you see I know Coupes aka you and Shane me and Shane I have never met Shane! though you must’ve felt a past ooh did you lacey. yes just now but never before. well, start telling the truth to everyone you two you hurt me by being obsessed- what the hell you're a bad guy You kidnapped us! you don’t even dare say you felt feelings and Shane sorry but you should’nt be a part of this but you are so can I ask how he kidnapped you I woke up this way I was drugged you drugged him ohh you poor baby lyric not now. right. veta meuse what lacey ? and boone the guys that were listening all were in pain bae laughed and Lyric did to Shane smiling at me - stop! he put a black candle on and the spell went off oh Lacey we should’ve left. I then said vamose and all lights went out now let's go get over here little girl I'm a witch you should care for bloody eyes course mer estate. and he went down. we lost Lacey and we fought but everyone was silent and boone also stopped but smiled and yelled grab lyric and Bae they’ll be Lacey's trigger. No, you- are you - I meant your one of them boone? YES. now obey bae got angry and rammed into boone then we were captured. but at least he was in pain Where's my friend btw you and her are done. Ohh. I know that in my mind I was sad but I'm glad Bae is not bad he's a captive with me. we will last. I heard Lacey say using her power I read the diary but didn’t believe it but trained myself to so when her power was out I came in and Vmosa said Lacey was lyric. yeah, I know I read your diary and trained myself too bae said and that shocked me then I loved Bae more for the three of us could get out without the FBI but then there was Shane Collins we were protecting him like hell. we then got out and started running and Shane was how his bleeding lyric how? I may not be a witch but I can fight you’ll be the death of us no matter who you are pretty sexy man. run and he did bullets came so with my lesson I can float stuff and I did it then full bullet guns moved towards themselves and I smiled and screamed ahh then all let loose. Lacey Shane Collins, and Bae were carefully out of sight. Once in the cave where witches train they all sighed and laughed at the training but a cough came approaching Shane Collins. Lacey looked him up and down. She smiled “Looking good Shane how about the show back with us how’d we do.” he laughed and laughed we all looked at each other concern on our faces.”Shane are you? You?” He stopped and pointed that finger. “Lacey is always the smart one. Yes, it is, Boone.”Ugh, really Boone.” What I’m no amateur here.” “Get outta Shane!!” "wait before you three do something."Zap Bae did it and Shane was back. Then Bae sighed and grunted and out of the cave. “I better go and talk to Bae Lacey.” Sighed and petulantly hugged her “Til Bae I love him and I know what he’s going through I’ll take care of Shane.” She smiled "Thanks bestie!" and out of the cave she was. The text came up Hey so me and Bae are going Lacey and get some trust in on Shane Bae is so hurt gotta make it better! okay sweetie Then as they left I turned and Shane was still asleep so I shook him awake, and his eyes came open.”what, what am I home.” “Awe Shane You barely even outta site and you want home the people you love will be in danger don’t you know.” she sighed and helped him he wobbled a little I caught him and all went and sat down.”Thank you Ahh?- “ “Lacey it's a pleasure to meet you again.” Shane started to smile a little and here and there as time went by we were getting along i went to the stove and brought out oatmeal parsley answered the parsley's question and mixed it in. “What's that for?” “She told him it was to heal his wounds and he accepted. “I need a favor from you Shane.” he looked up after eating eggs and bacon “Yeah what?” he wondered so she said what was supposed to happen and he understood “Because your ex I have to learn magic-“Witch” “he laughed lightly “sure whatever gains your trust." Chapter 3 I started from the ground he knew what I said, but didn’t know a thing about spirits,calling and hearing them. But he did have something good that I’d tale Lyric about when she gets here maybe… “Okay Collins im gonna give, you a necklace this well tell me when your lying. “ he laughed “ what.” she sighed and knew immediately. “yes yes i got it from my parents mommy thought it’d be good for school.” “ how good is good.” "Try lying.” she plugged her ears in and loudness came in and all went to the forest. Birds flew back and wind came in with the cave they had it went cold here. “Wow whatever did you lie about.” he laughs all Squizzy he had something coming. She laughed and knowing her it was her i had thoughts of and i lied again of course i took the necklace off. ”Hello our training!” He breathe over inhale exhale and he felt better and put the necklace on. ”I was thinking about how beautiful you are.” "i know it said as much see i rejected it to witches necklace my dad was soo proud” he sighed knowing what Lacey lost “oh no i didn’t lose them they’re just on a mission for one month.” She sound like the wind came in and shivered. All went black and she was seeing something new not the cave or Shane but Boone. “Boone?” she said then he began standing up “Lacey oh my sweet girl. I have a deal with you.” She shook with anger, and said “Like I would make any deal with you, trader.” And humph away from him he grabbed her and kissed her “Stop!” she yelled and yelled fighting him and he was gone along with that it was Shane. "Collins what are you doing?!” "trying to wake you up you fainted i caught you.” Shane Collins Caught me oh my i must thank him “Thanks shall we?” We ended up continue doing spells he kept doing better which was good on her end and he let me rest so we sat down and chatted he wanted to know what my favorite color is what i did around the house who i hung around with besides Lyric and Bae so i told him most some like doing chores well my grandma did.. Grandma “I miss her.” She sighed. “Shane do you get along with your grandma and grandpa.” “Yeah i actually do but why?” “Well i do too but im worried about them at home with Boone on the lose.” “Wait your saying Boone was the reason for the faint. It was a spell?” She nodded “Ah light dose of brain capture just to talk.” he nodded well what did he want?" "He wanted me to join him and grabbed me and kissed me but i was yelling-“ “Then i was waking you up.” “Yes thank you for that.” She took another of her beer and gave Shane one. They talked through out the night. As Shane collins took his he also added vodka we dranked and hummm then laughed then slowly i felt like he was trusted my new love even though it was only few hours lightly headed for over drill drunk as we were we careful i was carful not to get into anything but Shane was he caught and I admire him for that. “Shane i answered all your questions let me ask.” He did i ask about his parent what they did. Did they have any more kids besides Shane, did he ever have a serious girlfriend? Okay i ask and waited he ended up saying his parents are old i didn’t lose any but i never met them as for my adopted parents they are loved and if by means taken into protective security around the clock i asked why he wasn’t protected he said it was because of girls and laughed "oh my im gonna fall asleep not a spell this time but the beer night!” “Goodnight lacey.” he watched as she fell a asleep and then took a look at her book of shadows and it was a page spirit calling dreams cellphone. he did the dreams and faded into the dream world. There he found Boone sitting in a circle of candles hold a sec boss i know shes here told you she’s like a candy to the kid mouth he laughed “Oh yeah why don’t you try and kiss her again Mr. Sanchez see how more of these hits feel. he through a punch here and here and ended it with a hit on the cheek. Laughed like a manic”Mr.Collins your here how.” “ your girlfriend moved on. and with that he left. “Lacey, the beautiful i can’t believe that this wound is strong but have to hold this gripped.” Lacey woke up suddenly to a classic singer. It was Shane Collins. hes singing to me a lyric like song ahh. “Ah uhh mmmm , Shane what time is "not safe as long as I sing and you sleep.” She felt butterflies all in her.”when?” he sang a few and said “10am” go sleep sleepy head.” O
Chapter 4 While shane and lacey get ready from almost what they were doing. Shane sniff something odd two smells but he didn’t assume the third smell was his he wondered if someone was here like Bae and Lyric. But as he waited no smell of five five five oh shit-”hey guys i hope you well stated me and bae are coming just sit close.” lyric on the phone speaker lacey was holding. Lacey was all clothes on i smiled thats a relaxing statement. But oh boy is this a long 9 month to live what is mom gonna say and yet her parents too her grandma and grandpa they come wealthy but their witches and now im a witch and my dad isn’t gonna like this but what on hell is this gonna be like should i propose or not. Lacey smiled to herself feeling good but a little sickening all together her stomach was fine yesterday but this afternoon it feels pretty odd picturing like something is coming. What could be coming? She just let it pass but it didn’t cause the pain to stop or throw up. She threw up very well and then i’m seeing doubles one tall one small the eyes have softened to gentle brown from then i stopped in my track of thoughts on what i was thinking. A BABY. but how i know i didn’t but him collins towel off he was naked oh my god….. This can’t be happening especially when oops text Your introuble young lady but sweet heart it can’t be Boones right? Daddy isn’t angry congrats honey LACETTE IS THE BABYS BOONE YOUR KIDNAPPER?? No its um shane collins Who Ask grandma Ohh hes a handsome young billionaire I coudn’t help but giggle “collins you wouldn’t believe what i’m going to tell you.” he coughed “your pregnant!its my baby too.” i nodded and breath in and out. “You knew?” She coughed threw up and felt sick morning sickness! “Lacey,and Shane.!” She turned it was Bae and Lyric “look you fools your pregnant at a really bad time we need protection as pausing-“ bae was already ahead and then “no! I want it-“ yes we know Lacey” her friend lyric.
submitted by Repulsive_Piglet_656 to rosadeetheend [link] [comments]


VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / June 3, 2024 / Stillwater Critical Minerals Corp. (TSX.V:PGE)(OTCQB:PGEZF)(FSE:J0G) (the "Company" or "Stillwater") is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Bradley Adamson as an Independent Director.
Mr. Adamson is a veteran resource industry professional with over 25 years of global experience focused on nickel and cobalt in Canada, Africa, Brazil and Australia with Glencore PLC, where he leads Business Development for Glencore's nickel group. He has led and been involved with many of Glencore's nickel divestments, mergers and acquisitions and has held various board positions for the group.
He holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Minerals Engineering from the Western Australian School of Mines along with a Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance from Kaplan Professional. He began his career with WMC Resources followed with periods at Anaconda Operations and BHP Billiton. He joined Glencore in 2004 and has developed a strong operational, project development and commercial background over the subsequent 20 years with the group.
Stillwater Critical Minerals President & CEO, Michael Rowley commented, "We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Bradley Adamson as Glencore's appointee to the Stillwater board of directors. Bradley brings extensive corporate experience in global mining and mine finance in addition to his strong background in nickel and cobalt metallurgy to our work in the Stillwater Igneous Complex, one of the world's most iconic magmatic formations. We look forward to providing further updates including additional drill results as we continue to advance our flagship Stillwater West critical minerals project towards its potential as a primary US-based source of battery and catalytic metals."
Warrant Extension
The Company further reports that it has applied for TSX Venture Exchange approval to extend the expiry date on certain warrants that are due to expire June 16, 2024 (the "Warrants"). Per the application, 7,406,250 Warrants that were originally issued as part of a financing completed in June 2021 (see news release June 16, 2021) will be extended to a new expiration date of June 16, 2025. Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share at an exercise price of CDN$ 0.55.
About Stillwater Critical Minerals Corp.
Stillwater Critical Minerals (TSX.V:PGE)(OTCQB:PGEZF)(FSE:J0G) is a mineral exploration company focused on its flagship Stillwater West Ni-PGE-Cu-Co + Au project in the iconic and famously productive Stillwater mining district in Montana, USA. With the addition of two renowned Bushveld and Platreef geologists to the team and strategic investments by Glencore, the Company is well positioned to advance the next phase of large-scale critical mineral supply from this world-class American district, building on past production of nickel, copper, and chromium, and the on-going production of platinum group, nickel, and other metals by neighboring Sibanye-Stillwater. An expanded NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate, released January 2023, positions Stillwater West with the largest nickel resource in an active US mining district as part of a compelling suite of nine minerals now listed as critical in the USA. To date, five Platreef-style nickel and copper sulphide deposits host a total of 1.6 billion pounds of nickel, copper and cobalt, and 3.8 million ounces of palladium, platinum, rhodium, and gold at Stillwater West. All deposits remain open for expansion along trend and at depth. Results are pending from resource expansion drilling completed in the fall of 2023.
Stillwater also holds the high-grade Black Lake-Drayton Gold project adjacent to Treasury Metals' development-stage Goliath Gold Complex in northwest Ontario, currently under an earn-in agreement with Heritage Mining, and the Kluane PGE-Ni-Cu-Co critical minerals project on trend with Nickel Creek Platinum‘s Wellgreen deposit in Canada‘s Yukon Territory.
Michael Rowley, President, CEO & Director - Stillwater Critical Minerals Email: []( Phone: (604) 357 4790 Web: Toll Free: (888) 432 0075
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts including, without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization, historic production, estimation of mineral resources, the realization of mineral resource estimates, interpretation of prior exploration and potential exploration results, the timing and success of exploration activities generally, the timing and results of future resource estimates, permitting time lines, metal prices and currency exchange rates, availability of capital, government regulation of exploration operations, environmental risks, reclamation, title, and future plans and objectives of the company are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. Although Stillwater Critical Minerals believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include failure to obtain necessary approvals, unsuccessful exploration results, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, results of future resource estimates, future metal prices, availability of capital and financing on acceptable terms, general economic, market or business conditions, risks associated with regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of personnel, materials and equipment on a timely basis, accidents or equipment breakdowns, uninsured risks, delays in receiving government approvals, unanticipated environmental impacts on operations and costs to remedy same, and other exploration or other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the companies with securities regulators. Readers are cautioned that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Mineral exploration and development of mines is an inherently risky business. Accordingly, the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on Stillwater Critical Minerals and the risks and challenges of their businesses, investors should review their annual filings that are available at
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
SOURCE: Stillwater Critical Minerals
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Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 3, 2024) - Aftermath Silver Ltd. (TSXV: AAG) (OTCQX: AAGFF) (the "Company" or "Aftermath Silver") is pleased to provide an update on on-going metallurgical test work on mineralized rock from its Berenguela Ag-Cu-Mn project in southern Peru underway at Kappes Cassiday and Associates' (KCA) Reno facility.
The Company has prepared 16 composite samples of mineralized drill core from its 2021-2 drill program, representing the key geometallurgical domains identified in the NI43-101 resource estimate published April 12, 2023 (see news release dated April 13, 2023 and Figure 1 below). Eight samples consist of crushed drill core for direct leaching tests (Table 1 below) and a further 8 samples consist of uncrushed core samples for possible ore sorting tests prior to leaching (Table 2 below). The initial test work was carried out on sample RD2MINA, from geometallurgical domain 2 (see Aftermath NR dated February 29, 2024.)
Recent test work focused on sample RD4LOWA, from geometallurgical domain 4, which has roughly twice the combined content of calcium and magnesium of RD2MINA, and approximately half the content of manganese (see Table 1). Test results have successfully confirmed that, despite the wide range of metal content, both samples can be processed using the same treatment route outlined for RD2MINA. Detailed leaching and purification parameters derived from the first round of test work were successfully applied to RD4LOWA indicating that the entire range of material of lower dolomite content in the resource assaying <12% Ca+Mg can be processed by direct leaching methods, potentially without ore sorting - this represents approximately 33% of the contained Mn in M&I. Production of HPMSM from the purified solution of this second composite has not yet been attempted, but the chemistry at this point is identical to the first composite so no problems are expected. Overall manganese recovery exceeds 94%.
Ralph Rushton, President and CEO of Aftermath commented: "The implications of the latest results for the project are significant. We can potentially process the full range of mineralization types identified in last year's resource estimate in zones of lower dolomite content using a single, robust flow sheet that can accommodate a broad range of manganese grades and a range of Ca and Mg content. We also have some flexibility in how we recover the contained copper. Further test work can now be advanced on differing mineralization types using the experience gleaned from the positive results to date."
The second round of test work was also used to evaluate the recovery of copper by sulphidation processes. It was confirmed that the process can precipitate a copper sulfide which is 99+ percent pure copper sulfide, and which can remove all iron and zinc as sulfides with only a few percent co-precipitation of manganese. These results now enable planning for further test work to go ahead:
a) On combinations of the remaining samples listed in Table 1. b) On a set of 4 drill composite samples in the 12-16% Ca+Mg grade ranges which represent approximately another third of the contained Mn in M&I
In the short to medium term test work covering material that represents approximately two-thirds of the contained Mn in M&I will be completed.

Table 1: Calculated head grades of 8 crushed core composites samples of material <12% Ca+Mg from drill assays and sample weights in composites.

Table 2: Calculated head grades of 8 uncrushed core composite samples of material >12% Ca+Mg from drill assays and sample weights in composites
Fig.1 - Geometallurgical Domains Berenguela Resource (source Aftermath Technical Report "Berenguela Mineral Resource Estimate NI 43-101 Aftermath Silver Ltd. Province of Lampa, Department of Puno, Peru", dated March 30, 2023, prepared by AMC Consultants available here or on Aftermath's website)
Berenguela Project: Background
  • The Company has an option to acquire a 100% interest in Berenguela through a binding agreement with SSR Mining.
  • Berenguela hosts a potentially open-pittable silver-copper-manganese resource close to Santa Lucia in Puno province, southern Peru.
  • Silver, copper and manganese have crucial industrial applications in the clean energy and battery spaces. Copper and manganese have been designated critical metals by the US government and the European Union.
  • The project is less than 6km from road, rail and power lines and 4 hours from Arequipa by sealed road.
  • Aftermath published a resource estimate in March 2023 based on over 300 core and RC holes.
  • Metallurgical test work is underway adding to historic work, with the goal of producing silver and copper metal and a commercial battery-grade or fertilizer-grade manganese product.
In March 2023, Aftermath published an updated resource estimate for Berenguela which included manganese in addition to substantial silver and copper resources across the Measured, Indicated and Inferred categories. Mineral Resources are stated at a cut‐off grade of 80 g/t silver equivalent. The relative value in the Mineral Resource by metal is as follows, Ag=26%, Mn=44%, Cu=26%, Zn=4%, however the estimate used pricing for agricultural grade MnSO4 which trades at a considerable discount to battery grade manganese sulphate. The model is depleted for historical mining activities. Please refer to Aftermath Technical Report "Berenguela Mineral Resource Estimate NI 43-101 Aftermath Silver Ltd. Province of Lampa, Department of Puno, Peru", dated March 30, 2023, prepared by AMC Consultants available here or on Aftermath's website at this link [*](*
Berenguela Ag-Cu-Mn deposit Mineral Resource as of 31 January 2023

  • CIM Definition Standards (2014) were used for reporting the Mineral Resources.
  • The effective date of the estimate is 31 January 2023.
  • The Qualified Person is Dinara Nussipakynova, P.Geo., of AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd.
  • Mineral Resources are constrained by an optimized pit shell using the assumptions in Table 2.
  • No dilution or mining recovery applied.
  • Cut-off grade is 80g/t AgEq.
  • Bulk density used was estimated and variable. but averaged 2.30 tonnes/m\*3* for mineralized material and 2.25 tonnes/m\*3* for waste.
  • Drilling results up to 13 October 2022.
  • Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
  • The numbers may not compute exactly due to rounding.
  • Mineral Resources are depleted for historic mined out material.
  • The relative value in the Mineral Resource by metal is as follows, Ag=26% Cu=26%, Mn=44%, Zn=4%.
Source: AMC, (2023).
Assay protocol
For the purposes of calculating head grades of the eight composites referenced in this press release, individual intersection grades were used as reported in the Berenguela drill program of 2021/2 with a brief description of assay QA/QC protocols below. Individual bags of coarse rejects from the drill program per Ca+Mg interval per domain were weighed and composited to produce a sample with a similar grade as reported in the resource block model of the 2023 NI 43-101 report (see link below). Some coarse rejects were split to achieve acceptable grade ranges. A calculation of the weight of the sample and its contributing grades resulted in the calculated composite head grade. Composite samples for this press release ranged in mass from 59kg to 1005kg depending on the amount of coarse reject sample available.
Four composite samples were collected for each geometallurgical domain 1-4.
"MIN" samples - <8% Ca+Mg range (this press release) "LOW" samples - 8-12% Ca+Mg range (this press release) "MED" samples - 12-16% Ca+Mg range (not yet reported) "HI" samples - >16% Ca+Mg range (not yet reported)
Berenguela drill program QA/QC: Sample preparation and assaying was carried out in Peru by ALS Peru S.A ("ALS"). ALS preparation facilities in Arequipa and assaying facilities in Lima both carry ISO/IEC 17205 accreditation. Logging and sampling were carried out by Aftermath geological staff at the Limon Verde camp in Santa Lucia. Samples were transported to Arequipa and delivered to ALS for preparation and subsequent assaying of pulps in Lima.
During the preparation stage, quartz-washing was performed after each sample to prevent carry-over contamination. Initial assaying was done using a four-acid digestion and ICP-AES multielement analysis for 31 elements. Over limit samples (Ag > 100 g/t, Cu/Mn/Zn >10,000 g/t) were reanalysed using 4 acid-digestion and ore-grade ICP-AES analysis. Any Ag samples reporting >1,500 g/t Ag are further analysed using fire assay with gravimetric finish.
A selection of pulps was submitted to an umpire laboratory to perform check analyses and verify QA/QC implemented in the project. Every batch of 20 samples submitted for assay contained 1 certified reference material (CRM), 1 coarse blank, 1 pulp blank and 1 duplicate core sample, OR 2 CRMs, 1 coarse blank, 1 duplicate core sample. Aftermath commissioned OREAS to prepare 3 different CRMs made from samples of Berenguela mineralization so they are compositionally matched to the mineralized core. Results of the QA/QC were reported in:
Aftermath Technical Report "Berenguela Mineral Resource Estimate NI 43-101 Aftermath Silver Ltd. Province of Lampa, Department of Puno, Peru", dated March 30, 2023, prepared by AMC Consultants available here or on Aftermath's website at this link
Qualified person
Michael Parker, a fellow of the AusIMM and a non-independent director of Aftermath, is a non-independent qualified person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Parker has reviewed the technical content of this news release and consents to the information provided in the form and context in which it appears.
Dan Kappes, a Registered Professional Engineer (Mining Engineer #3223, Metallurgical Engineer #3223) in the State of Nevada, USA, and Founder and President of Kappes, Cassiday & Associates, is the qualified person set out in National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) responsible for overseeing the design and execution of the metallurgical test program and has reviewed and approved the contents of this release.
About Aftermath Silver Ltd.
Aftermath Silver is a leading Canadian junior exploration company focused on silver and aims to deliver shareholder value through the discovery, acquisition and development of quality silver projects in stable jurisdictions. Aftermath has developed a pipeline of projects at various stages of advancement. The company's projects have been selected based on growth and development potential.
"Ralph Rushton"
Ralph Rushton CEO and Director 604-484-7855 The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information
Certain of the statements and information in this news release constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian provincial securities laws. Any statements or information that express or involve discussions with respect to interpretation of exploration programs and drill results, predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "expects", "is expected", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "projects", "estimates", "assumes", "intends", "strategies", "targets", "goals", "forecasts", "objectives", "budgets", "schedules", "potential" or variations thereof or stating that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms and similar expressions) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements or information.
These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward‐looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward‐looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward‐looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward‐looking statements include, but are not limited to, changes in commodities prices; changes in expected mineral production performance; unexpected increases in capital costs; exploitation and exploration results; continued availability of capital and financing; differing results and recommendations in the Feasibility Study; and general economic, market or business conditions. In addition, forward‐looking statements are subject to various risks, including but not limited to operational risk; political risk; currency risk; capital cost inflation risk; that data is incomplete or inaccurate. The reader is referred to the Company's filings with the Canadian securities regulators for disclosure regarding these and other risk factors, accessible through Aftermath Silver's profile at [*](*
There is no certainty that any forward‐looking statement will come to pass and investors should not place undue reliance upon forward‐looking statements. The Company does not undertake to provide updates to any of the forward‐looking statements in this release, except as required by law.
Cautionary Note to US Investors - Mineral Resources
This News Release has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Canadian National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (''NI 43-101'') and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Definition Standards, which differ from the requirements of U.S. securities laws. NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators that establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. Canadian public disclosure standards, including NI 43-101, differ significantly from the requirements of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), and information concerning mineralization, deposits, mineral reserve and resource information contained or referred to herein may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by U.S. companies.
To view the source version of this press release, please visit
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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:32 Appropriate_Air_6743 Anatomy of an Online Scammer

Sometime around 2010 they began to show up on Craigslist. Scammers.
Items I'd listed for sale suddenly were getting multiple unsolicited offers to pay me MORE than I was asking, which was already pretty high since I wanted room to allow for bartering. Some people can't bear to pay asking price, they want to feel like they got a deal, even if the deal is the asking price I would have put down if I didn't have to accommodate them.
There was a catch though: they would send a cashier's check overnight FedEx and I would send them the item. My items were common things like cell phones and laptops that they could easily find wherever they were. Why go through all this trouble, I wondered.
I wanted cash ASAP so I declined the offers. But the next time it happened again. And again.
I began to notice a commonality among the messages so I could tell who was a scammer from a simple "Is still available?" text. They must be using an app to export listings from FB marketplace and Craigslist because the subject line was always the title of the listing, verbatim.
Or if no subject line, the chat message would go like this:
iPhone 6 Plus LIKE NEW 128 GB unlocked
Is still available?
Copied and pasted the listing heading including all caps or misspellings. And the messages would be in English but just a bit off. Missing filler words like "it".
Lastly and most importantly, if they were texting me which is how Craigslist would work, they always texted from an area code that was non-local. And when I went to check if they were VOIP (text burner apps or Google Voice), they all were. After a while I would just text any non local numbers inquiring about my ad: Fuck off scammer. I think I was wrong twice (out of hundreds of incidents).
Then I went on Tinder when that came out and I saw the same broken English with some of the girls I was chatting with that matched me. Usually the hottest ones! Always some reason they couldn't talk on the phone. Always chat apps or texting.
One evening I was drunk or bored or both and, after confronting one as a scammer and them admitting it, I offered to pay $20 PayPal for their story. How does it work on your end? Whose idea was it? Is this your full time job? I said I was a journalist doing a story and no real names would be used or other possibly identifying info. They agreed.
The person was a male from Lagos, Nigeria, and I was informed this was how the majority make their money there. Dating scams, classified for sale listings, apartments and homes for rent, even Help wanted ads they were scamming. The people who send the checks overnight think they will be paid eventually. It is their job to print the checks and a fake Fedex account is used to ship that fedex will figure out eventually and come after them. They thought they were getting a remote job printing checks and shipping them to clients, not victims.
He taught me some "pigeon Nigerian". Comot! Wettin dey do, big wahala!"
Its English interspersed with their slang and spelled how they pronounce it. Above means: Come on! What are they doing, big trouble!
I began to scambait others who I quickly recognized now just to pull the rug at the end and pretend I am a local Nigerian warlord in Lagos and that would literally scare them so much they would beg pathetically.
They don't feel at all sorry for their victims. The reason is that to make what we make as a driver or waiter or such in an hour would take them a week or more of backbreaking manual labor from sun up to sun down. They believe we are ignorant, soft, and fat and justify what they do as necessary hardening for the realities of life. Always keep your guard up. Why should they break their backs because of the geographical misfortune of their home country while we barely work, as they see it, and are lavished with more than enough for food and rent. So much we can afford to give it to an online storyteller!
I steered clear of them after that until one day my friend George invited me over to jam on guitar, a common occurrence. But this time he wanted to show me his new girlfriend. George was in his late 50s, a sweet pacifist and avowed hippie who could talk all night about Eastern religion. But not that night because George was clearly in love. The Facebook account he showed me was only a few months old with a few pics but I could not deny - the blond he identified as his girlfriend was a stone cold fox. Probably mid to pre twenties.
It quickly became clear that George did not want to jam, he just wanted to talk about her.
He said they talked for hours every night. She lives in Colorado, he said with stars in his eyes. She was flying out soon. Then he leaned forward and said in a low voice bubbling with excitement "We are engaged!"
He was smiling ear to ear. I'd never seen him so happy. I asked for a beer from his fridge which he always had shelves full of. His face fell. I opened the fridge. It was empty.
"Her dad just died and left her a million dollars but probate takes a while. She paid all the funeral expenses out of pocket, you know" George intimated.
"So, what are you saying?" I asked, knowing already. "Are you saying you sent her your beer money?"
"I love her and helped her through a tough time. She's grieving the loss of a parent, can you understand that? I do. I have empathy. I sent her $500"
George didn't have $50 extra a month, he lived off SSI. He must have sold something. I looked around. "Where's your guitar?"
George didn't answer.
"What's her number? Call her right now I want to talk to her" I demanded.
"I would never let you speak to my fiancée in such a hotheaded mood" George informed me. "But even if I wanted to I couldn't let you talk to her. The microphone is broken on her phone. She asked me to get her a phone. Do you have an extra cell phone? Had to be iPhone she said specifically she only likes iPhone, the new models."
"Why don't you come back when you've got your temper under control." George said dismissively.
I stormed out.
Over the next few months George would tell me his bank account got closed from depositing fraudulent cashiers checks from her and sending "her" the money at her request. At some point a Nigerian person physically came by his apartment and picked up the iPhone he had gotten her by signing up for a 3 year contract. Another time he came to the door wild-eyed, frantically telling me she had been kidnapped by organized crime and they wanted a ransom sent immediately.
"Where?" I asked.
"Nigeria, to her bodyguard.
"Some bodyguard, she got kidnapped" I replied. "Why is she in Nigeria if she lives in Colorado?" I asked, only vaguely even interested in whatever story had been told to George. It was a doozy though.
"She is in Nigeria overseeing her fathers oil fields that have been bequeathed to her. She surveys them from the air, in a helicopter. But now she's kidnapped and they want $500. They won't let her leave to get a western union so she is having her bodyguard pick it up."
I stared for a long time at George, and settled on his eyes, trying to see if the old George was in there anywhere. I sighed deeply.
"George we have been friends for a pretty long time. And I was happy for you when I saw how happy you were and I don't want you to think I'm trying to take away something important. But the truth is that you have been talking to a man this whole time. A Nigerian man. There is no bodyguard. That's the guy you've been talking to. There is no broken cell phone mic. He doesn't have a female voice so that's why he said that."
George collapsed. I hugged him and got a beer from my fridge. Over the next several hours I showed him the phone number from a Colorado area code he texted the scammer on was actually a Googke. Voice number that you can use over IP anywhere in the world. I tried to add the number to my google voice account and an error popped up: the number you have entered is already associated with a Google voice account.
George cried when I did a reverse image search on the Facebook pics of his so-called fiancée and showed him they were being used on dozens of sites using dozens of names. And that all those numbers were google voice too. I cried with him. It felt cathartic. He finally could see the truth. I wondered if he wished he hadn't.
I didn't see much of George over the next six months. Granted, I was busy myself but we waved at each other a couple times and that was that.
Then the day came when I was moving out of the apartment complex we lived in together and loading a u haul. I had my own fiancée and she and her daughter were bringing out the last boxes and I had climbed to the top of the pile inside to find places to shove them. And there he was. I introduced Stephanie and Meadow. He was polite and charming.
But when they went back inside , he turned to me with a conspiratorial smile.
"She's coming out this weekend" he grinned. You know who."
I looked at the man who had nothing else in life but the fairy tale this Nigerian man brought him. I blinked away a tear so George wouldn't see.
I had to steady my voice too.
Once I had, I said to George: "I hope she is everything you deserve George. It would be an honor to be at your wedding, even just as a guest."
George's face glowed with happiness.
"You can be my best man!" He stretched out his hand and I shook it warmly. I wrote my new address down and phone number. "Keep me posted, Casanova!"
"I will!" He promised.
But I never heard from or saw George again. I hope wherever he is that he is happy. Reality is subjective, he helped me learn. And while one person might receive more joy from a new swimming pool in the backyard, someone with less means and perhaps a bigger heart might just find a $500/month fantasy girlfriend experience to be money well spent.
God bless you, George, be it in Santa Barbara, Colorado, or points further yonder.
submitted by Appropriate_Air_6743 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:30 Few_Two7933 My SD is tomorrow but I still don't know my assigned site - can't contact onboarding team

Hello po, ask ko lang po if paano ang gagawin. Bukas na po kasi ang start date ko and hindi ko po alam kung saang site ako pupunta and what time. Hindi ko po macontact and PDC Onboarding team, yung dalawang mobile numbers na provided nila out of coverage area, then kapag nag email naman, automated message yung sagot. Wala padin po akong welcome kit.
Thank you po in advance sa lahat ng sasagot and maghelp.
submitted by Few_Two7933 to Accenture_PH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:24 Investineverything Crazy Facts about Britain before Christianity

Crazy Facts about Britain before Christianity
Did you know that the ancient Britons practiced cannibalism as part of their religious rituals? It's a shocking revelation that makes us shudder, but it's just one of the many disturbing truths we'll uncover today as we explore Crazy Facts of pre-Christian Britain.
Cannibalism in Ancient Britain
Imagine stumbling upon a cave in Somerset, England, only to uncover a dark chapter of our prehistoric past. Here, in Gough's Cave, the ancient Britons practiced cannibalism.
Artifacts unearthed tell a grim tale: human remains, marred by bite marks, and skulls meticulously sculpted into bowls. These findings reveal a resourceful, albeit gruesome approach to survival.
Primitive stone knives were used to carve meat and muscle from bodies. Bite marks found on ribs and even toes indicate that no part was wasted.
The cave was occupied around 15,000 years ago during the Upper Paleolithic period. The butchery marks on bones suggest a systematic process of dismembering and defleshing, indicative of cannibalistic practices.
Skulls were shaped into cups, likely used for drinking or rituals. This practice has been observed in other prehistoric cultures, blending practicality and symbolism. Such skull cups might have been used in ceremonies to honor the dead or in communal feasts, possibly to absorb the deceased's strength or spirit.
Brutal Human Sacrifices in Ancient Britain
Pre-Christian Britain was a land steeped in rituals, some of which involved brutal human sacrifices. Archaeological discoveries of well-preserved bodies found in bogs provide chilling evidence of these practices. These bodies, often referred to as "bog bodies," exhibit severe injuries that suggest ritualistic killings.
One notable example is the "Lindow Man," discovered in a peat bog in Cheshire. This Iron Age man suffered a violent death: a heavy blow to the back of the head fractured his skull and pushed fragments into his brain, breaking his teeth. His throat was then slit, and he was likely strangled with a cord, indicating a triple killing method designed to ensure death.
The acidic, low-oxygen environment of bogs preserves organic materials remarkably well. This preservation allows modern archaeologists to study these ancient remains in great detail. Many of these bodies date back around 2,000 years, providing invaluable insights into the rituals and lifestyle of Iron Age Britons.
The method of inflicting three fatal injuries suggests a ritualistic element, possibly to ensure the victim's death was suitable as an offering to the gods. Some bog bodies were found with artifacts, such as woven cords, wooden stakes, or animal remains, indicating their symbolic significance in sacrificial rituals.
Roman writings, like those by Julius Caesar, mention human sacrifices conducted by the Druids. While these accounts provide valuable insights, they can be biased or exaggerated, reflecting Roman perceptions of Celtic barbarism rather than objective observations. It is crucial to approach them with caution.
These sacrificial practices highlight the deeply spiritual and ritualistic nature of pre-Christian Britain. The Britons believed in appeasing their gods through offerings, which sometimes included human lives. Understanding these ancient rituals provides context for the profound changes that occurred with the advent of Christianity.
The new faith introduced a radically different worldview, emphasizing compassion and the sanctity of human life. These principles gradually replaced the older practices of ritual violence, transforming the cultural and spiritual landscape of Britain.
These brutal sacrifices, preserved through time, offer a glimpse into the complex and often harsh spiritual world of ancient Britons. They remind us of the drastic cultural shifts that took place with the rise of Christianity, transforming a society steeped in ritual violence into one guided by new religious principles.
The Wicker Man: Fact or Fiction?
The legend of the Wicker Man, a giant effigy used by Druids for human sacrifice, is one of the most chilling tales from ancient Britain. According to Roman sources, Druids built large, hollow figures out of wicker, filled them with human tributes, and then set them ablaze. But how much of this legend is true?
Julius Caesar, in his commentary "The Gallic Wars," mentions Druids using wicker structures for human sacrifices. These accounts, though valuable, often depicted the Druids in a negative light to justify Roman conquest. Other Roman writers, like Strabo and Tacitus, also contribute to the narrative of the Wicker Man.
Some scholars argue that a large wicker structure would collapse under the weight of multiple human bodies. This has led to the theory that the Romans may have exaggerated or misinterpreted these rituals. It’s possible that Druids burned effigies symbolizing humans rather than using actual people.
Despite detailed Roman accounts, there is little direct archaeological evidence supporting the practice of burning live humans in wicker structures. Most findings related to Druidic rituals involve smaller-scale sacrificial practices. Other discoveries, such as bog bodies and carved human remains, provide insight into Druidic sacrifices, though they do not directly confirm the Wicker Man story.
Sacrificial rituals were not uncommon in ancient cultures, serving various religious and social purposes. Druids likely performed sacrifices to appease gods, seek favor, or ensure community well-being. Roman authors may have emphasized the more sensational aspects of Druidic practices to portray the Celts as barbaric and justify their campaigns in Britain and Gaul.
The Wicker Man legend has been popularized in modern times, especially by the 1973 horror film "The Wicker Man," which drew heavily on these ancient tales to create a compelling, though fictional, narrative. Contemporary historians and archaeologists continue to study these accounts critically, seeking to separate myth from reality and understand the true nature of Druidic practices.
The story of the Wicker Man, whether rooted in fact or fiction, reflects the complex and often misunderstood nature of Druidic rituals. It serves as a reminder of the powerful influence of myth and the need for critical examination of historical sources. As we delve deeper into these ancient practices, we gain a richer understanding of the beliefs and customs that shaped pre-Christian Britain.
The Red Lady of Paviland: Ancient Mysteries
The oldest human remains found in Britain belong to the so-called "Red Lady of Paviland," who was actually a young man covered in red ochre body paint. Discovered in a cave in Gower, Wales, these remains date back 34,000 years, making this the oldest ceremonial burial site in Western Europe.
In 1823, the Reverend William Buckland discovered the remains in Paviland Cave. Due to the red ochre and burial artifacts, he initially misidentified the remains as those of a woman, hence the name "Red Lady." Later analysis revealed that the remains belonged to a young man in his twenties, likely a significant figure in his community.
The Red Lady was buried with various artifacts, including ivory rods, seashell necklaces, and periwinkle shells. These items suggest a ceremonial burial, indicating the young man's importance. The red ochre covering the body was likely used for ritualistic purposes, signifying a symbolic or spiritual role.
Many scholars speculate that the Red Lady may have been a shaman or mystic. The elaborate burial and use of red ochre suggest he held a special status within his community, possibly as a spiritual leader. Shamans were integral in prehistoric societies, serving as healers, mediators with the spirit world, and keepers of knowledge.
The burial dates back to the Upper Paleolithic period, a time when modern humans were developing complex societies and spiritual beliefs. This discovery provides crucial insights into the burial practices, social structures, and spiritual beliefs of early humans in Britain.
Modern techniques like radiocarbon dating and DNA analysis have provided more accurate information about the age and origins of the remains. Ongoing research seeks to understand the broader cultural and migratory patterns of ancient humans in Europe, connecting findings like the Red Lady to wider prehistoric contexts.
The story of the Red Lady of Paviland offers a fascinating glimpse into the distant past, revealing the rich spiritual and social life of ancient Britons. As we uncover more about this young shaman, we continue to piece together the complex tapestry of human history in pre-Christian Britain.
Skara Brae: A Neolithic Marvel
In the late 19th century, a fierce storm battered the island of Orkney, off the northern coast of Scotland. As the winds howled and the earth shifted, an incredible discovery emerged from beneath the sand and grass: Skara Brae, a remarkably well-preserved Neolithic settlement. This ancient village, inhabited from around 3200 BCE to 2500 BCE, predates both Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids, making it one of the oldest and most complete Neolithic sites in Britain.
The storm of 1850 revealed a cluster of stone-built homes that had been hidden for millennia. Subsequent excavations uncovered an extensive settlement, providing invaluable insights into Neolithic life. The settlement was naturally preserved by layers of sand and grass, which shielded it from the elements and human interference for thousands of years.
The houses of Skara Brae were constructed from flagstones and built into mounds of pre-existing midden, providing insulation against the harsh Orkney climate. Each dwelling contains intact stone furniture, including beds, dressers, and fireplaces, demonstrating advanced building techniques and a keen sense of domestic organization. The village is connected by covered passageways, indicating a well-planned community layout designed for protection and social interaction.
Excavations have uncovered various everyday objects, such as pottery, tools, and jewelry. These items reflect the daily activities and craftsmanship of the inhabitants. Among the artifacts are gaming pieces, suggesting that the people of Skara Brae engaged in recreational activities and had a rich cultural life. Evidence of animal bones, fish, and shellfish remains indicates a diet based on farming, fishing, and gathering. The presence of tools and decorative items also points to trade and skilled craftsmanship.
Skara Brae’s age, dating back over 5,000 years, makes it older than the Egyptian Pyramids and Stonehenge. This highlights the advanced nature of Neolithic societies in Britain. The settlement provides a window into the social structure, daily life, and technological advancements of prehistoric people. It challenges modern perceptions of early human societies as primitive and unsophisticated.
Today, Skara Brae is part of the Heart of Neolithic Orkney UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognized for its outstanding preservation and cultural significance. It is a popular tourist destination, offering visitors a chance to step back in time and explore the lives of our ancient ancestors. The site features a visitor center with exhibitions and guided tours.
Skara Brae stands as a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of Neolithic people. Its discovery and preservation provide invaluable insights into a world long past, allowing us to connect with the distant origins of human civilization. Through its stone walls and ancient artifacts, Skara Brae tells a story of community, innovation, and survival in a harsh and unforgiving landscape.
Boudica: The Fearless Warrior Queen
Boudica was a British queen and wife of Prasutagus, a regional king who sought alliance with the Romans upon their arrival. Despite his efforts, when Prasutagus died, the Romans enslaved his relatives and plundered his kingdom. When Boudica protested, she and her daughters were brutally assaulted. In retaliation, Boudica raised an army of loyal Britons and led a fierce rebellion against the Romans. She is estimated to have killed as many as 70,000 Romans and their allies before her forces were eventually defeated by a more organized Roman army. Facing capture, Boudica chose to poison herself.
During the first century AD, the Roman Empire expanded into Britain, encountering various tribes and kingdoms. The Iceni, ruled by Prasutagus and Boudica, initially sought a cooperative relationship with the Romans. However, the Romans often enforced harsh policies, including heavy taxation and land confiscation, fueling resentment among the local tribes.
The mistreatment of Boudica and her daughters galvanized her resolve to fight back. Her personal suffering and the broader injustices faced by her people spurred her into action. Boudica's forces initially achieved significant victories, sacking the Roman towns of Camulodunum, Londinium, and Verulamium. These attacks caused widespread destruction and panic among the Romans.
The Roman governor, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, eventually rallied his forces and confronted Boudica’s army. Despite being outnumbered, the Romans’ superior military discipline and tactics prevailed. The decisive battle likely took place at a location thought to be along Watling Street. Roman discipline and strategy overwhelmed the larger but less organized Briton forces.
Boudica’s rebellion, though ultimately unsuccessful, became a symbol of resistance against oppression. Her story was recorded by Roman historians Tacitus and Cassius Dio, ensuring her legacy. Today, Boudica is remembered as a national heroine in Britain. Statues and monuments, such as the one near the Houses of Parliament in London, commemorate her courage and leadership. Her life and rebellion have been the subject of numerous books, films, and academic impact on British history and culture.
Boudica’s fierce resistance against the Romans exemplifies the struggle for freedom and justice. Her leadership and determination left an indelible mark on history, reminding us of the power of resilience in the face of tyranny.
The Painted Ones: The Picts Who Saved Scotland
The Picts, a fierce warrior people of northern Britain, played a crucial role in the formation and preservation of Scotland. Named "the painted ones" by the Romans due to their use of war paint, the Picts defended Scotland from several invasions. Their formidable resistance prevented the Romans from conquering the northern territories and later repelled the Anglo-Saxons. The Picts’ victory at the Battle of Dun Nechtain in 685 AD was pivotal in maintaining Scotland’s independence, ensuring that the entire island did not become a single Anglo-Saxon nation.
The Picts were a confederation of tribes with Celtic origins, inhabiting what is now eastern and northern Scotland from as early as the Iron Age. The term "Pict" comes from the Latin "Picti," meaning "painted ones," referring to their custom of body painting or tattooing with intricate designs.
The Romans built Hadrian’s Wall around 122 AD to defend their province of Britannia from the northern tribes, including the Picts. A later attempt to push further north led to the construction of the Antonine Wall. However, the Picts’ resistance proved too formidable, and the Romans eventually retreated back to Hadrian’s Wall.
In 685 AD, the Picts, led by King Bridei III, faced the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Dun Nechtain. The Picts decisively defeated the Northumbrian forces, halting their expansion into Pictish territory. This victory secured Scotland's independence and preserved its distinct cultural identity.
The Picts left behind a rich cultural legacy, including intricately carved stones, metalwork, and fortified settlements known as brochs. These artifacts provide insights into their sophisticated society and artistic achievements. Over time, the Picts merged with the Gaelic-speaking Scots from the west, forming the Kingdom of Alba, which evolved into modern Scotland. This integration laid the foundation for the unified Scottish identity.
The Picts’ resilience and military prowess were instrumental in preserving the independence of northern Britain, allowing Scotland to emerge as a distinct entity. Their legacy continues to be celebrated as a defining element of Scottish history and heritage.
The Mystery of the Ninth Legion
The Roman Ninth Legion, an elite force of over 5,000 soldiers, vanished from history in the second century AD after arriving in Britain. What happened to them? One theory suggests they marched north to fight the Picts in Scotland and were never seen again. Another theory posits they left Britain and were killed fighting the Persians. It's also possible they were simply decommissioned. Despite various speculations, there is little concrete evidence to support any theory, and the upheaval and violence of second-century Britain adds to the mystery of their disappearance.
The Ninth Legion, also known as Legio IX Hispana, was one of the most renowned units in the Roman army. They played crucial roles in several key campaigns across the Roman Empire. The Ninth Legion arrived in Britain during the Roman invasion in AD 43, participating in the conquest and subsequent control of the province.
One popular theory is that the Ninth Legion marched north to quell uprisings by the Picts, fierce tribes in what is now Scotland. The harsh and rugged terrain, coupled with the formidable Pictish warriors, may have led to their complete annihilation. Another theory suggests that the Ninth was redeployed to the Eastern Roman Empire to fight against the Persians. Historical records indicate heavy losses in such battles, which could explain their disappearance.
A less dramatic theory is that the Ninth Legion was decommissioned or absorbed into other units. Administrative decisions in the Roman military often led to the reorganization of legions. The fate of the Ninth Legion is shrouded in mystery due to the lack of definitive historical records. Roman military documentation from the period is incomplete, leaving gaps in the narrative.
The mysterious disappearance of the Ninth Legion has inspired numerous books, films, and legends. The story captures the imagination, highlighting the enduring intrigue of historical mysteries. Historians and archaeologists continue to debate and investigate the possible fate of the Ninth Legion. Each new discovery adds pieces to the puzzle, though the full picture remains elusive.
The mystery of the Ninth Legion remains one of the most captivating enigmas of Roman Britain. Whether they met their end in the wilds of Scotland, on the battlefields of Persia, or were quietly decommissioned, their story continues to fascinate and inspire, reflecting the complexity and uncertainty of ancient history.
submitted by Investineverything to MangerThings [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:22 pusheencat133 Driving with suspended learners permit.

Hello, I am in Quebec. I have my citizenship and I am a LAW ABIDNG citizen. Asking for a friend but Maybe 2 months ago I was sent a letter from the government stating that I had until x date to pay my fine or my licence would be revoked obviously I start stressing out, but I find a way to come up with the money and paid my driving school (transit) the rest of my balance the date I was told to pay it. Maybe two weeks ago I decided to book my second theory exam and today I got my verification code from the SAAQclic site. I then see in a bold red font that my licence had been suspended because of an unpaid fine. I DID NOT KNOW MY LICENCE GOT SUSPENDED because I paid my fine so i was extremely confused. I checked it out fully because at this point I’m realizing I’ve committed multiple crimes because I’ve been doing my classes as usual thinking that was resolved because I paid my fine and it’s on record????? IM LOCKED OUT OF MY SAAQCLIC AT THE THE MOMENT BUT WHEN I CHECKED IT I THINK IT SAID THAT MY FINE WAS PROCCESSING BUT I PAID IT… 2 MONTHS AGO!!!!!
submitted by pusheencat133 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]


Generation Mining Limited (TSX:GENM, OTCQB: GENMF) ("Gen Mining" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has filed a final short form base shelf prospectus (the “ Prospectus “) with the securities regulatory authorities in each of the provinces and territories of Canada, except Quebec.
The Company has filed the Prospectus in order to have greater financial flexibility going forward but has no immediate plans to issue any securities under it at this time, and may never proceed with any such issuance. Upon issuance of a receipt for the Prospectus by the securities regulatory authorities, the Company may issue and sell up to C$60,000,000 in the aggregate of common shares, debt securities, warrants, subscription receipts, units, or any combination thereof, from time to time, over the 25-month period that the Prospectus remains effective. Should the Company decide to offer securities during the 25-month effective period, the specific terms, including the use of proceeds, will be set forth in a prospectus supplement to the Prospectus, which will be filed with the applicable Canadian securities regulatory authorities.
As the Generation team continues to advance the Marathon Palladium-Copper Project toward final construction permits and eventual production, global macro events independent of our project can benefit our shareholders, ” said Jamie Levy, President and CEO of the Company. “Over the next 25 months, this prospectus will ensure that Generation can rapidly raise capital when access is available on favourable terms.”
This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities, in any province, state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such province, state or jurisdiction.
Upon issuance of the receipt, a copy of the short form base shelf prospectus can be found under the Company's issuer profile on SEDAR+ at
Amended and Restated Technical Report
In addition, today the Company has filed on SEDAR+ an amended technical report for its Marathon Palladium-Copper Project entitled “Amended Feasibility Study Update, Marathon Palladium-Copper Project, Ontario, Canada” dated May 31, 2024 with an effective date of December 31, 2022 (the “Amended Technical Report”).
The Amended Technical Report contains no changes to the material disclosures in the previously filed technical report dated March 31, 2023 with an effective date of December 31, 2022 (the “Technical Report”), including no changes to the estimated mineral reserves and resources, the mine plan, cost estimates and economic analysis.
The Amended Technical Report is being filed, as a result of a review by staff of the Ontario Securities Commission, to remove reference to certain statements relating to the Qualified Persons’ reliance on other experts and their liability for the contents of the Technical Report which purported to limit the responsibility and liability of the Qualified Persons. In addition, Table 15.6 – Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource Whittle Shell Results for Combined Diluted Model is being amended to correct labelling of certain metal grade columns and Table 16.1 – Pit Phase Design Summary and Table 16.3 – Shell and Design Comparison are being amended to correct an error in how certain weighted average grades were calculated.
About Generation Mining Limited
Gen Mining’s focus is the development of the Marathon Project, a large undeveloped palladium-copper deposit in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. On March 31, 2023, the Company released the results of a Feasibility Study Update with an effective date of December 31, 2022. On May 31, 2024, the Company filed an Amended Feasibility Study Update with the same effective date (the “Feasibility Study”).
The Feasibility Study estimates a Net Present Value (using a 6% discount rate) of C$1.16 billion, an Internal Rate of Return of 25.8%, and a 2.3-year payback. The mine is expected to produce an average of 166,000 ounces of payable palladium and 41 million pounds of payable copper per year over a 13-year mine life (“LOM”). Over the LOM, the Marathon Project is anticipated to produce 2,122,000 ounces of palladium, 517 million lbs of copper, 485,000 ounces of platinum, 158,000 ounces of gold and 3,156,000 ounces of silver in payable metals. For more information, please review the Feasibility Study dated May 31, 2024, filed under the Company’s issuer profile at or on the Company’s website at
The Marathon Property covers a land package of approximately 22,000 hectares, or 220 square kilometres. Gen Mining owns a 100% interest in the Marathon Project.
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical content of this news release was reviewed, verified, and approved by Drew Anwyll, P.Eng., M.Eng, Chief Operating Officer of the Company, and a Qualified Person as defined by Canadian Securities Administrators’ National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
Forward-Looking Information
This news release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements, as defined in applicable securities laws (collectively referred to herein as "forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements reflect current expectations or beliefs regarding future events or the Company’s future performance. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "continues", "forecasts", "projects”, “predicts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, “targets” or “believes”, or variations of, or the negatives of, such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “should”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved, including statements relating to the Prospectus, any shelf prospectus supplements, the proposed use of proceeds from any offering of Securities using the Prospectus, any related shelf prospectus filings, the life of mine, mineral production estimates, payback period, and financial returns from the Marathon Project.
Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in such statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the statements. There are certain factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking information. These include the timing for a construction decision; the progress of *development at the Marathon Project, including progress of project expenditures and contracting processes, the Company’s plans and expectations with respect to liquidity management, continued availability of capital and financing, the future price of palladium and other commodities, permitting timelines, exchange rates and currency fluctuations, increases in costs, requirements for additional capital, and the Company’s decisions with respect to capital allocation, and the impact of COVID-19, inflation, global supply chain disruptions, global conflicts, including the wars in Ukraine and Israel, the project schedule for the Marathon Project, key inputs, staffing and contractors, commodity price volatility, continued availability of capital and financing, uncertainties involved in interpreting geological data, environmental compliance and changes in environmental legislation and regulation, the Company’s relationships with First Nations communities, exploration successes, and general economic, market or business conditions, as well as those risk factors set out in the Company’s annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2023, and in the continuous disclosure documents filed by the Company on SEDAR+ at
Forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions which may prove to be incorrect, including, but not limited to, assumptions relating to: the availability of financing for the Company’s operations; operating and capital costs; results of operations; the mine development and production schedule and related costs; the supply and demand for, and the level and volatility of commodity prices; timing of the receipt of regulatory and governmental approvals for development projects and other operations; the accuracy of Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimates, production estimates and capital and operating cost estimates; and general business and economic conditions.
Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. For more information on the Company, investors are encouraged to review the Company’s public filings on SEDAR+ at . The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward- looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

View source version on
Jamie Levy
President and Chief Executive Officer
(416) 640-2934 (O)
(416) 567-2440 (M)
Universal Site Links
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:13 TheRealAntonioRo Scam or not?

Hello. I posted on here a few weeks ago, asking about the website in the title along with another website.
Okay. so this website... has been giving me crazy red flags since i've heard of it from a family member.
So starting from the beginning. About two almost three weeks ago. A family member of mine had informed me of this girl named jennifer and how she introduce him to cryptotrading,
From what he has told me. This jennifer girl is a woman he met on a sex dating app (I know, concerning already,) who claims to be from china, working in a taiwanese company based out in california. This in and of itself was concerning as of late there has been a number of news reports about pig butchering scams. And the fact of the matter was that his whole history of interacting with this girl, matches what the new reports state about these scams.
meeting on dating sites, build friendships, mention crypto. teach how to trade crypto through a website that is questionable at best. and state it is all under his control and not her own.
The only thing that hasn't been done yet is the cut off part of the scam where the scammer goes dark and vanishes into the internet to scam another in place of its last host.
I attempted to point out the issues with this whole situation only to be told that i'm wrong and to stay out of his business. Despite me having a history of being right about these sorts of things, and him having a history of doing stupid shit that drags the family into trouble, myself included.
Recently among the sites that had been listed in my previous post. One of them has been completely shut down and replaced with some chinese post. The other is works a mobile phone website. This pretty much confirms that these sites are a scam, but the confusing thing about this is that the site that i mentioned here is not only still up but some of the scam detector sites that i use is now claiming the site to be relatively safe with scores of 6 out 10 to 8 out of 10, and other listing the sites trustworthiness as being between 60 to 95 percent safe.
despite this, the sites themselves still give me bad vibes, and since my family member won't even consider my words by even a bit. What should i do right now. My family member is going to be going to california in about two to three months to supposeily work at Jennifer's company that he still doesn't know the name of and given what i've heard of pig butchering scam that get to this part. It doesn't look good for him.
What should I do. I'm looking for legit advice. on what i should do now. Personally i think moving away from this family is my best bet. but I don't want to seem like i'm abandoning them even if my support was always unneeded.
submitted by TheRealAntonioRo to Scams [link] [comments]


Generation Mining Hosting Fireside Chat with Report Co-Author
Generation Mining Limited (TSX:GENM, OTCQB: GENMF) welcomes the recent report by the International Energy Forum (“IEF”) entitled “Copper Mining and Vehicle Electrification”, which states that the world will not be able to produce enough copper to transition to 100% electric vehicle production by 2035 – the target of many governments around the world. This IEF report (the “Report”) goes on to state that “Policymakers might consider changing the vehicle electrification goal from 100% EV to 100% hybrid manufacture by 2035. This would allow for future output of existing and new copper mines to be used for the developing world to catch up with the developed world in electrification.”
Please join us on Wednesday June 5th at 2pm (EST) for a fireside chat to discuss vehicle electrification and copper mining with IEF Report co-author, Adam Simon, PhD, along with Generation Mining representatives, Kerry Knoll and Jamie Levy.
Please use this link to register and attend the event:
Mr. Simon is the Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences at the University of Michigan and a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists. His research focuses on the geology and geochemistry of mineral deposits that provide society with copper and other critical minerals. He has co-authored the textbook “Mineral Resources, Economics and the Environment”, which is considered an authoritative source for beginners and experts, and “Earth Materials: Components of a Diverse Planet”. He has published 100 peer-reviewed research articles. He regularly delivers lectures to the general public and experts on all aspects of the energy transition including a TEDx talk. He is the 2024 Society of Economic Geologists Distinguished Lecturer.
The Report cites a February 2024 report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy showing that EVs and hybrids scored similarly based on their cost to human health from air pollution associated with vehicle manufacturing and disposal, the production and distribution of fuel or electricity, and vehicle tailpipe emissions.
“Generation Mining has been advocating the need for hybrid vehicles and stressing the challenges of fleet electrification by 2035, for many of the reasons cited in Mr. Simon’s IEF report,” said Jamie Levy, President and Chief Executive officer of the Company. “Our company is in a unique position, in that we would benefit from a transition to electric vehicles due to the large copper component of our Marathon project, but we also benefit from a transition to hybrid vehicles, which require increased loadings of palladium and platinum.”
Other noteworthy points made in the Report are:
  • Just to meet business-as-usual trends, without full EV adoption, the world must mine more copper in the next 30 years than it has in all of history until now. Electrifying the global vehicle fleet would necessitate the opening of another 55 percent more new mines than are already expected to be needed.
  • The 100% EV target not only requires significant extra copper for battery manufacture, but also more copper for grid upgrades to support charging, while hybrid electric vehicles do not require extra grid capacity.
  • EVs require 60 kg of copper versus 29kg for a hybrid electric and 24kg for a combustion engine vehicle, so switching the global vehicle fleet to hybrids would have a negligeable impact on copper demand.
  • Copper demand for EV manufacture could increase the price of copper very substantially and significantly impede the advance of less developed areas.
A copy of the full Report is available at
The non-profit International Energy Forum is the world's largest international organization of energy ministers from 73 countries and includes both producing and consuming nations. The IEF has a broad mandate to examine all energy issues including oil and gas, clean and renewable energy, sustainability, energy transitions and new technologies, and data transparency as well as providing focus to the critical issue of energy poverty. The Report was co-authored by Lawrence M. Cathles, a professor at Cornell University.
About Generation Mining Limited
Gen Mining’s focus is the development of the Marathon Project, a large undeveloped palladium-copper deposit in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. On March 31, 2023, the Company released the results of a Feasibility Study Update with an effective date of December 31, 2022. On May 31, 2024, the Company filed an Amended Feasibility Study Update with the same effective date (the “Feasibility Study”).
The Feasibility Study estimates a Net Present Value (using a 6% discount rate) of C$1.16 billion, an Internal Rate of Return of 25.8%, and a 2.3-year payback. The mine is expected to produce an average of 166,000 ounces of payable palladium and 41 million pounds of payable copper per year over a 13-year mine life (“LOM”). Over the LOM, the Marathon Project is anticipated to produce 2,122,000 ounces of palladium, 517 million lbs of copper, 485,000 ounces of platinum, 158,000 ounces of gold and 3,156,000 ounces of silver in payable metals. For more information, please review the Feasibility Study dated May 31, 2024, filed under the Company’s issuer profile at or on the Company’s website at
The Marathon Property covers a land package of approximately 26,000 hectares, or 260 square kilometres. Gen Mining owns a 100% interest in the Marathon Project.
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical content of this news release, including the sampling, analytical and test data underlying the technical content, was reviewed, verified, and approved by Mauro Bassotti, P.Geo, Vice President Geology of the Company, and a Qualified Person as defined by Canadian Securities Administrators’ National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
Forward-Looking Information
This news release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements, as defined in applicable securities laws (collectively referred to herein as "forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements reflect current expectations or beliefs regarding future events or the Company’s future performance. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "continues", "forecasts", "projects”, “predicts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, “targets” or “believes”, or variations of, or the negatives of, such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “should”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved, including statements relating to the anticipated life of mine; mineral production estimates, payback period, and financial returns from the Marathon Project.
Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in such statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the statements. There are certain factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking information. These include the timing for a construction decision; the progress of development at the Marathon Project, including progress of project expenditures and contracting processes, the Company’s plans and expectations with respect to liquidity management, continued availability of capital and financing, the future price of palladium and other commodities, permitting timelines, exchange rates and currency fluctuations, increases in costs, requirements for additional capital, and the Company’s decisions with respect to capital allocation, and the impact of COVID-19, inflation, global supply chain disruptions, global conflicts, including the wars in Ukraine and Israel, the project schedule for the Marathon Project, key inputs, staffing and contractors, commodity price volatility, continued availability of capital and financing, uncertainties involved in interpreting geological data, environmental compliance and changes in environmental legislation and regulation, the Company’s relationships with First Nations communities, results from planned exploration and drilling activities, local access conditions for drilling, and general economic, market or business conditions, as well as those risk factors set out in the Company’s annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2023, and in the continuous disclosure documents filed by the Company on SEDAR+ at . Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements in this news release speak only as of the date of this news release or as of the date or dates specified in such statements.
Exploration results that include geophysics, sampling, and drill results on wide spacings may not be indicative of the occurrence of a mineral deposit. Such results do not provide assurance that further work will establish sufficient grade, continuity, metallurgical characteristics and economic potential to be classed as a category of mineral resource. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions which may prove to be incorrect, including, but not limited to, assumptions relating to: the availability of financing for the Company’s operations; operating and capital costs; results of operations; the mine development and production schedule and related costs; the supply and demand for, and the level and volatility of commodity prices; timing of the receipt of regulatory and governmental approvals for development projects and other operations; the accuracy of Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimates, production estimates and capital and operating cost estimates; and general business and economic conditions.
Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. For more information on the Company, investors are encouraged to review the Company’s public filings on SEDAR+ at . The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward- looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

View source version on
Jamie Levy
President and Chief Executive Officer
(416) 640-2934 (O)
(416) 567-2440 (M)
Universal Site Links
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:12 City_Index USD/JPY upside getting difficult as US economic data rolls over. June 4, 2024

USD/JPY upside getting difficult as US economic data rolls over. June 4, 2024
By : David Scutt, Market Analyst
USD/JPY is on the backfoot at the start of June, hit by narrowing yield differentials and a whiff of concern about the trajectory for the US economy. Data releases in the coming days may provide clarity on the answer, providing ample two-way price risk given elevated levels of uncertainty.

Asymmetric risks for US rates on display

Risks for US rates were always asymmetric around these levels, with upside far harder won than downside given the higher rates go the more likely it will spark a hard economic landing. We saw that playout on Monday with the ISM non-manufacturing PMI sparking a massive rally across the US Treasury curve, led by the short end which is heavily influenced by Fed rate expectations.
Two-year yields slumped 8 basis points, taking them to within touching distance of a level I’ve described as something of a dividing line for the higher for longer narrative. Markets now favour two rate cuts from the Fed in 2024 rather than one.
So why the big reaction in the bond market? While the detail was undeniably weak with activity contracting at a faster pace in May while lead indicators such as new orders tanked, the substantial bid in bonds was arguably just as much driven by where yields were sitting up until just a few days ago.
Up until last week two-year yields were flirting with 5%, a level they’ve struggled to push beyond throughout this Fed tightening cycle. But with the Fed’s preferred inflation measure, the core PCE deflator, revealing the gradual disinflation trend has resumed after a hot start to the year, focus has now shifted to how activity indicators are holding up.

Abrupt US slowdown already here?

Even before the weak manufacturing PMI came across the screens, evidence was quickly accumulating to suggest growth is rolling over. Citi’s US economic surprise index turned sharply negative, indicating more data than not was surprising to the downside relative to consensus economist forecast. Soft surveys such as the Chicago PMI were outright recessionary.
Personal consumption is also faltering, declining in April once adjusted for inflation, extending the slowdown seen in the first three months of the year. It’s little wonder the Atlanta Fed GDPNow forecast model now has the economy expanding at an annual pace of 1.8% in the June quarter, down nearly two full percentage points on the level indicated two weeks ago.
Source: Atlanta Fed
Just as economic activity has started to splutter, yields were flirting with 2024 highs, likely explaining why the Treasury market reacted so aggressively to one single data point. But now focus is acutely on activity data, any reports that can confirm or question the growth slowdown narrative will be influential not only on bonds but also USD/JPY given its sensitivity to yield differentials.

ISM services takes on added significance

While most pundits are looking to Friday’s nonfarm payrolls report for clarity, Wednesday’s ISM services PMI has now arguably taken on more significance for markets. Unlike lagging payrolls which reflects where the economy is coming from, the services PMI print provides a near real-time measure of activity across the most important part of the US economy. If it confirms the signal in the manufacturing PMI, the reaction could be huge given we're talking about a far more important part of the economy.
For anyone trading USD/JPY or other rate sensitive asset class, this is the report to watch, especially the prices paid, employment and new orders sub-indices. If they weaken noticeably, the likely compression in yield differentials could hammer USD/JPY lower. But if it contradicts the slowdown narrative, as the separate S&P Global US Services PMI report did a fortnight ago, there’s every chance US bond yields and USD/JPY may squeeze higher.
Click the website link below to get our exclusive Guide to USD/JPY trading in Q2 2024

Tuesday’s calendar devoid of major risk events

While it is another busy US calendar on Tuesday, nothing looms as being particularly market moving for USD/JPY unless horribly weak. On that front, the volatile JOLTS survey could dish up anything given you can drive a Mack truck through its margin of error. If you are looking for some form of signal, you’d be better off looking at the quits rate rather than headline figure. People don’t tend to quit unless they’re confident they’ll have a job to go to, right?!

USD/JPY short-term technical outlook

Like the impact on US bond yields, the ISM manufacturing report left its mark on USD/JPY, delivering a fat inverse hammer candle, taking out support at 156.57 and minor uptrend dating back to the start of May. With RSI breaking its uptrend simultaneously, bears have the ascendency near-term.
Should the ISM services report confirm the weakening growth signal in other surveys, minor support at 155.55 may break like a twig in a hurricane, putting USD/JPY on track for a potential test of the 50-day moving average at 154.74.
But if the figure wrongfoots the market and points to economic resilience, USD/JPY may squeeze back above 157 unless it signals sharp softening in services inflation.
-- Written by David Scutt
Follow David on Twitter @scutty
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As such, we (and/or our associated companies) will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage incurred by you or any third party arising out of, or in connection with, any use of the information on our website (other than with regards to any duty or liability that we are unable to limit or exclude by law or under the applicable regulatory system) and any such liability is hereby expressly disclaimed.
submitted by City_Index to Forexstrategy [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:11 WaitIMadeAGIFForThis Looking for some older fics from one author circa 2008-2010 or so

I'll just go ahead and lead with this: they were all smut. I can't remember the author name or any of the titles. I think I read them on years ago but after that site did their purge of explicit stories years ago they all seem to be gone. Someone also did GMod fanart on DeviantArt of these stories back in the day, as much as they could with DeviantArt's rules. The author, to the best of my memory, was a German woman (or at least German was her native language) writing in English, and there was one that was Barney/femalereaderinsert, another that was...ahem...a three-way (Barney/Gordon/Alyx and B/G were dating), and another that was about Alyx having had a crush on Barney when she was younger and having felt rejected by him and finally getting to act on it now that she's older. I'm being as vague as I am because I'm not sure how specific I can be with Reddit's rules on NSFW topics, but if the subreddit allows I can expand on what I'm looking for, or maybe DM me? I'm sorry, I'm not on Reddit often enough.
Thank you for entertaining my weird and awkward request, if this post breaks any rules I'll go ahead and take it down.
submitted by WaitIMadeAGIFForThis to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:11 Coffey0112 Online Dating

I’m getting tired of online dating, and I keep striking out. I was spending a lot of money on all these novelty dating sites. So I’ve started looking at some more niche places to find a connection.
So I recently got connected to Princess, a Conflict Resolution Specialist for Frontier Airlines. We get to chatting, all business at first, but then I just go for it: “So Princess… are you a plus sized black woman who’s willing to snap me some feet pics and we can chat some more?”.
After some more exchanges, I’m no longer allowed to fly Frontier. But I figured they were gonna go away soon anyway, and Southwest will actually let you talk to their girls.
submitted by Coffey0112 to Jokes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:06 Qqqpid First time beating the cpu on Strange Game (winged it)

Took a long break from chess because of a long losing streak and frustration. Decided radomly to play a quick game against the computer and i win! think i just got lucky but i did try my best at this game and I'm happy. Sorry if the game is theoretically bad. I couldn't remember all the tactics and openings and stuff so I just kinda winged it. [Event "Vs. Computer"] [Site ""] [Date "2024-06-04"] [White "Intermediate"] [Black "qqqupid"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1000"] [BlackElo "550"] [TimeControl "-"] [Termination "qqqupid won by checkmate"] 1. Nf3 e5 2. d3 Bb4+ 3. c3 Ba5 4. Be3 Nc6 5. h3 Qe7 6. Nbd2 Bb6 7. Nb1 d5 8. Bxb6 axb6 9. g4 h6 10. a3 b5 11. d4 e4 12. Nh2 Qg5 13. Rg1 f5 14. c4 bxc4 15. Qd2 Qh4 16. e3 Nf6 17. Nc3 fxg4 18. O-O-O Bf5 19. Nxg4 Ne7 20. Ne5 g5 21. Bg2 g4 22. Nxg4 Nxg4 23. hxg4 Bxg4 24. Rdf1 Qh2 25. Bxe4 Kd8 26. Rxg4 h5 27. Rg2 Qh3 28. Nxd5 b6 29. Nxe7 Qe6 30. Bxa8 Kd7 31. Nc6 Rxa8 32. Ne5+ Kd8 33. Qb4 Ra5 34. Qf8+ Qe8 35. Qxe8+ Kxe8 36. Rg8+ Ke7 37. f4 b5 38. Kb1 Ra4 39. Ng6+ Kf7 40. Kc2 Kxg8 41. Ne7+ Kf7 42. Nd5 c6 43. Nb4 Ra8 44. Rg1 Rg8 45. Rxg8 Kxg8 46. e4 h4 47. Nxc6 h3 48. Ne5 h2 49. Nd7 h1=Q 50. Nc5 Qh2+ 51. Kc3 Qg3+ 52. Kb4 c3 53. bxc3 Qxf4 54. Kb3 Qf7+ 55. Kb4 Qc4+ 56. Ka5 Qxc3+ 57. Kb6 b4 58. Kb7 bxa3 59. Kc7 a2 60. Kc6 a1=Q 61. e5 Qxd4 62. Nd7 Qc1+ 63. Kb7 Qb4+ 64. Nb6 Qh1+ 65. Kc7 Qbe4 66. Kd6 Qh6+ 67. e6 Qexe6+ 68. Kc5 Qxb6+ 69. Kc4 Qh5 70. Kc3 Qbc5+ 71. Kb2 Qhe5+ 72. Kb1 Qe4+ 73. Ka2 Qa5+ 74. Kb2 Qd4+ 75. Kc1 Qad2+ 76. Kb1 Q4b2# 0-1
submitted by Qqqpid to chess [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:57 chessman6500 Having a hard time finding a dating partner

I’ve had a pretty hard time finding an SO. I dated a woman around a month ago and she told me there was no connection.
As of late, the only luck I’ve had is with women who are also ND themselves. I am speaking to one woman who I’m considering getting into an LDR with, but she lives across the country and I’m not sure how that would work out.
I haven’t met anyone through apps, meetups, singles events/speed dating, group chats, or even through friends. None of my friends know someone who is interested.
I’m not sure of much I can do to increase my odds. I know it’s harder for the autistic to find someone compared to NT people, but I know it’s possible.
I’ve been comfortable being single but I would like a relationship at this point. It’s been about a year and I’ve faced quite a lot of rejection. One rejection was my own fault. I met a woman on an autistic dating site. She was really interested. We were talking about meeting (she also lived far away) and I was supposed to call her but I never did. I totally blame myself for that.
Women who are NT for most of my life haven’t given me the time of day. Autistic women I’ve found have been more likely to accept date proposals and I’ve gotten further along with them.
submitted by chessman6500 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:56 a-capricious-guy Summer Sublease at 945 Weyburn Terrace (University Housing)

A spot in a 2B2B apartment.
Availability: June 15 - September 1 (Dates are flexible)
Rent: $1200/month (includes utilities: water, gas, electricity, wifi, and trash)
Key Features:
•⁠ ⁠Fully furnished.
•⁠ ⁠⁠Central air-conditioning and heating.
•⁠ ⁠Well-equipped kitchen with stovetop, microwave, refrigerator, oven and a dishwasher.
•⁠ ⁠On-site washer and dryer.
•⁠ ⁠⁠On-site underground parking (at an additional charge)
If you are interested, please send me a DM.
Edit: Must be atleast 21 years of age and a student (does not have to be a UCLA student)
submitted by a-capricious-guy to ucla [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:55 TheSageMatchaLatte So my sister is doing the Oregon Trail, and...

So my sister is doing the Oregon Trail, and... submitted by TheSageMatchaLatte to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:53 KennethPereira 34 [M4F] Massachusetts / Rhode Island / US - I Made My Own Dating Site

Hi, I'm a 34 year-old nerdy guy living in New England. And yes, I made a dating site for myself.
I enjoy conventions, video games, cosplaying, etc. Outside of my cosplay I have a great taste in fashion. I also like to work out to keep in shape and stay healthy. In my spare time I fill out sweepstakes and enter raffles (that I often win!).
I am looking for a woman who I can travel, cosplay, geek out with and eventually share a life with. But for now a coffee, if local, would be great.
Learn more about me at my website! Since I can’t post it on this R4R, it’s on my profile.
submitted by KennethPereira to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:39 Adventure_Drake A Promise from the Past (11)

Good evening everyone! I come to you today with everyone's favorite pokey boy. As always, I greatly appreciate all of you for reading, and hope you enjoy everything to come.
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Memory transcription subject: Captain Sovlin, Federation Fleet Command Date [standardized Earth time]: August 21, 2136
The situation surrounding the Skalgan continued to grow more and more confusing as the days went on, and I was getting closer and closer to losing my patience. First came Tarva’s official announcement about first contact, bringing the knowledge of the Skalgan’s existence to the public. Nearly immediately after, she announced she’d be closing space ports and communications while they established communications and relations with the Skalgan homeworld. Foreign visitors to the planet only had a short time to leave before everything was shut down. After that, silence.
Nearly every member of the Federation was waiting with baited breath for any word from the Venlil government, anything to indicate how first contact was going. Even my message to Tarva had been for the most part dismissed with no further discussion. This was strange behavior, especially with the major Federation members trying their hardest to talk their way into meeting the Slakgan in person. Yet all attempts were met with the same message. “The Skalgan have requested that all diplomatic dealings are done exclusively with the Venlil people for the time being. Please be respectful of their wishes.”
Then came the call from Piri, the Gojid prime minister. She was not happy, demanding I speak with her despite it being in the middle of my sleep cycle. When I answered, she immediately went off. “What is this I’m hearing about you stirring up trouble for the Venlil?” She growled. My still sleepy brain didn’t quite register what she was talking about, earning me an annoyed growl from Piri. “Solvin. Wake up. The Skalgan caught the spy operation that you launched against them.”That snapped me to wakefulness, and brought with it a wave of dread. “They-... Ma’am, I assure you I have an explanation for what’s going on.”“I sure hope you do, because Tarva called and told me that this has put diplomatic talks with the Skalgan in a precarious place. We’re lucky that they only think it was a rogue survey crew that showed up in their territory, but imagine my surprise when the pictures of the crew they showed me included your First Officer.” She forwarded me four images. One was of the ship itself, and the other three were portrait shots of the crew. Sure enough, it was them. Recel stared at the camera with a distracted, almost dazed look in his eyes, while the other two looked terrified. “They’ve been taken prisoner? Are they okay?”
“As far as I’ve been told, they’re okay.” Piri sighed. “Scared out of their minds, but who wouldn’t be when taken prisoner by a previously unknown alien civilization. Tarva has assured me that they won’t be harmed, but it’ll take time to negotiate their release. The Skalgan are not happy with being intruded upon.” Guilt stabbed at my heart as I stared at the photos. Even if they were okay, they were there because I allowed them to go. I gave them all the opportunities to reconsider, but they still went through with it. Even if it was their choice, I was the one that created and authorized the plan. “I’m sorry for the trouble this has caused, Ma’am. I have reason to believe that the Skalgan are hiding something from us, and that is why they’ve been so reclusive. Whatever it is, they’ve roped the Venlil into it too. I was hoping that this mission could help us better understand what is going on with them.”
The prime minister tilted her head in thought, weighing my words against the trouble my actions have brought. “I too want to know what’s going on, Solvin, as does the whole Federation. We’re lucky the Venlil nor the Skalgan have accused us of espionage, but stirring up more trouble could get us in trouble with the wider Federation. For now, keep an eye on the borders and let me know if there’re any new developments. Do not antagonize them further.”“Understood ma’am. I’ll keep in touch.” I closed the channel and let out a long sigh as I sat back in my seat. I was glad to have been in my personal quarters for that exchange. Getting a stern talking to in front of my bridge crew would have been embarrassing. But now I at least had the blessing of the prime minister to do more than twiddle my thumbs. I called up to the bridge as I began making my way out of my quarters. “Set a course for a patrol along the Venlil border. I’ll be on the bridge in a minute.”
When I arrived, I received the usual salutes from the bridge crew as I settled into my chair. “Alright, once we’re at the border, keep an eye on both the radar and signal interceptors. Maybe we’ll catch something of interest.” I didn’t know if there would be anything this close to the border of note. The closest Venlil structure was an outpost well outside of sensor and signal range. We might at most catch sight of some ships in the far off distance, but that would be all we could do on our side of the border.
“Sir… you’re gonna want to have a look at this.” Said Fara, my temporary first officer. The young Gojid forwarded the sensor data to my console, and my eyes grew wide with horror at what I was seeing. On approach towards the border were several ships of Arxur make, at least three of them of the bomber variety. The kind of ships that would be used to attack a planet or outpost. “Speh! Get a visual on the ships and charge the weapons.” I shouted. My first concern was that we had arrived at the tail end of a raid against the nearby outpost. There had been no distress signal, yet the Venlil hardly had the means to fight off an attack this far out from their homeworld. I feared that the Arxur had attacked too quickly for the Venlil to call for help.“I got a visual!” Fara shouted. The main display adjusted to show the three ships that approached us. The first indication that something was off was the damaged state the ships were in. They were practically shredded, lined with holes from weapon fire and missing chunks of hull. The ships looked like they were barely hanging on, their engines struggling to propel them. Before I could voice my surprise, Fara spoke again. “Captain, I’m counting… nearly thirty- No, fifty ships giving chase. Some of them are battle ships in size, but they’re of an unknown design.”
Battle ships out this far from Venlil Prime? The Venlil didn’t have the fleet power to send such large ships on patrol, unless… “Plot an intercept course! As soon as the unknown ships are in range, hail them. Ready weapons to fire on the Arxur as soon as they’re in range.”
It was a big assumption I was making, but if I was right, this would be our first look at the Skalgan’s military capabilities. As the Arxur ships limped towards the border, several fighter crafts continued to pepper the larger ships. Their weapons for the most part were ineffective against the Arxur’s armor, but a hit on a weak spot would still do serious damage. The Arxur’s own weapon fire was focused on the much more agile fighters, leaving them wide open to the larger guns of the battle ships. One of battleships fired a railgun shot that pierced the rear of one Arxur ship, immediately detonating its engines and causing the whole craft to tear apart. Another ship tried maneuvering away as they started drawing closer to us, only to lose power to their engines to fighter fire and drift uncontrollably across the border line. Our own guns shook our ship as they fired, tearing the bomber in half. That left one last bomber.“Captain! The last ship is on a ramming course for us!” Fara yelled. The last Arxur vessel sped over the border, engines burning out of control as their ship sped towards us. “Take evasive action! Fire anything we have! All decks, brace for impact!” With our railgun recharging, we lacked the decisive blow to destroy the ship before it could reach us. Everyone on the bridge cowered and held on as the Arxur ship continued to accelerate at speeds that would tear our ship open. Our own engines tried to adjust our course, but it looked like we were gonna collide.
The lead Skalgan battleship suddenly fired its railcannon again, the shot piercing the Arxur and causing the ship to shatter. The debris rained against our hull, briefly throwing us off balance as our ship’s gravity struggled to counteract the impact. Once we were steady, I looked down at my console and was relieved to see there had been no breaches. The whole bridge let out a collective sigh of relief as the last of the Arxure were destroyed. “...Fara… is the hailing channel open?” I asked. The poor girl was still recovering from the rattling, slowly returning to her seat after falling out of it. “Y-yes captain. It… Okay, it’s open now.”I turned my attention to the screen and awaited a response. It took longer than I would have liked to be answered. During the wait, the Skalgan fighters retreated back over the border, where the idly sat alongside the battleships. Finally, we got an answer, though the hail was being patched through to the outpost. When the video feed came live, I saw a familiar face in the form of Kam, and an unfamiliar individual that I quickly noted was a Skalgan.“Captain Solvin. It’s a surprise to see you here.” Kam said. He was trying to put on an appearance of confidence, but I could see he was quite rattled. His eyes darted about and his ears couldn’t seem to sit still. “I’m sorry that you had to get involved in this skirmish, but we appreciate the assistance nonetheless. The situation is under control, and we’re lucky to have had only minimal losses.”“Well it looked like you got plenty of help from your new friends.” I said, gesturing a claw towards the Skalgan. “Who’s he?”
Kam glanced towards the well decorated individual. Before he could speak, the Skalgan spoke up. “I am Kalgar Fredricson, Fleet Admiral. You can thank my boys for saving you from getting torn in half. Honestly, those Arxur picked the worst time to attack, showing up during a live fire demonstration. I doubt they lived long enough to regret their mistake.”I was all for tearing up the grays, but this previously unknown fleet that now sat on the doorstep of Gojid space had me concerned. “You seem to have quite the fleet, admiral. Though I’m confused as to why you feel the need to have such strong forces if your homeworld is unknown to the Arxur.”
The admiral huffed. “We’ve been worried about a threat that predates our first contact with the Venlil. After all, my ancestors wouldn’t have fled Skalga without good reason, and we wouldn’t let ourselves be caught off-guard again.”
I tried my best to read the admiral. He seemed to share some of the body language of the Venlil, but that only brought me more confusion. This man held himself tall and proud, practically looking down on me with the way his head slightly tilted up. This was a person who wasn’t afraid to use the position of power he held as he saw fit. “Well it seems like you certainly caught the Arxur by surprise. I can commend you for that. However, I can’t help but have concerns over the number of ships you have here on our border. Demonstration or not, you’re a Non-Federation force that is putting on a display of military power an ear flick away from us. I’d like to know the reason.”
The admiral gave a dismissive wave with his tail. “This site was chosen by Governor Tarva. If you have issues with the location, you can bring it up with her. In addition, these demonstrations have been done in an effort to help train and bulk up the Venlil forces. We were shown what happened in the last Arxur raid on their planet. I’m sure you understand why they’d never want that to happen again.”
Although a reasonable explanation, I still didn’t like the idea that a foreign military force was now colluding with one of our allies without us being permitted to get involved. Everything about the Skalgan felt shifty. “Well, as much as I’m sure they appreciate your aid, I can assure you that the Federation had taken good care of the Venlil for many generations. The Arxur are no match against our combined might.”
“Yet they continue to raid your planets, destroy your colonies, and kidnap citizens for livestock.” Kalgar said bluntly. “A war that’s been going on for generations, yet has been in an endless stalemate, despite the sheer numerical advantage the Federation should have. It honestly makes me doubt the efficacy of the Federation’s military.”
My spines began to rise at the insulting words the admiral spoke. “Don’t you dare speak of us that way. I’ve watched good people die defending their homes from that predator menace. I’ve seen children torn apart before my eyes. I will not tolerate you throwing these accusations at me or my people!”
The admiral's ears twitched in anger. He started to speak again, but Kam quickly cut him off. “T-that’s enough. Please. We just went through a tense engagement. I believe we should return to our duties and tend to our damaged vessels.” The admiral glared at Kam, though after a moment gave an ear flick in agreement. “Indeed. We have matters to attend to. I’m sure you have many questions, Captain Solvin, but they’ll have to wait. The Skalgan people will be speaking at the upcoming Federation summit. Hopefully that will provide whatever answers you’re looking for. As for now, unless you need anything else from us, we’ll be signing off.”
I couldn’t think of a reason to keep the admiral, despite my desires to interrogate him for all he had. With a reluctant sigh, I gave a wave with my claws. “Very well. I look forward to what your people have to say at the summit.” The channel closed, and I let out a long, frustrated growl. I swore these Skalgan were gonna make my fur go gray. This interaction did nothing to help my opinion of them. “Keep on the signal interceptors while we do repairs. If they’re up to something, I wanna make sure we know about it.” I said. While the crew worked, I made a mental note of the things I’d be telling the Prime Minister. These Skalgan were getting so cozy with the Venlil, to the point where I was wondering who was calling the shots.
The potential for a military coup by the Skalgan came to mind, though I still didn’t believe they could have the manpower to pull something like that off. In fact, where were they getting their manpower from? Scans showed that all the ships were occupied, the battleships in particular having a full crew. Perhaps it was a mix of Skalgan and Venlil. Maybe that was the aim of the Skalgan, to win over enough Venlil support to take over. The Venlil seem to have welcomed them home with open arms, so it wasn’t too far out of the realm of possibility for them to be permitted to take positions of power. That admiral seemed to have just as much sway as Kam, though his attitude kept me wondering if the Skalgan were secretly predator diseased.
A predator diseased leader… the thought brought a sudden wave of anxiety. What damage could such a person do to not only a species, but the Federation as a whole? All the work done to make the Federation safe from the tyranny of predators, all undone. This would have to be stopped before it took root. But how to prove to the wider Federation the danger they pose? The Federation Summit was coming up soon, and no doubt the Skalgan would be doing their best to win the favor of the Federation. Forget a predator diseased leader, getting into the Federation itself could bring everything crashing down. I couldn’t let that happen, but any sort of aggression against the Skalgan right now would only earn me the ire of the Federation. I needed a way to learn what was going on the inside.
…I needed to get Recel back.
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submitted by Adventure_Drake to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:38 YHFTATNHT Where Does the Total Drama Fandom Post Their Fanfic?

Where Does the Total Drama Fandom Post Their Fanfic?
(Originally posted to Tumblr here. Also available to read on AO3 here.)
Here's amateurly-collected data based off of either on-site data filters (FFN & AO3) or a database of 2500 fics (Wattpad). Please take Wattpad's results with a massive grain of salt: there's much more than 2500 TD fics on that site, but that's when I decided to cut off harvesting data.
This chart counts fics that were updated in that year on the platform, not when they were published. Wattpad is again the exception, because technical limitations only allow me to filter through publish date instead.
Although there's only three sites on here, I'm not opposed to looking through Quotev next, since I know that site has a lot of TD fics. There's also non-English sites such as Spirit Fanfiction and more niche sites like with TD fics.
This count includes Explict and crossover fics on FFN as well as archive-locked AO3 fanworks. I also use fanworks and fics interchangeably to describe AO3's counts throughout my findings, but the proper term is fanworks since AO3 allows more than just fic to be posted on there.
And here's all the sites listed into separate bars on the graph.
Here's the same table, but the highest entry is 1000.
Here's what the graph looks like when converted to percentage per platform per year.
Findings sorted by yeas:
  • 2007 to 2011: Almost all fic posted between the three sites are posted to FFN, which makes sense. Wattpad and AO3 wouldn't catch on in the fandom until a couple of years lateweren't accessible to the public. FFN's 2010 count of 2051 fanworks wouldn't be surpassed until AO3's 2023 count of 2973 fanworks. That's 13 years later! I'll talk about AO3's 2023 count later on, since I don't believe that value will stay as large in the coming years.
    • Not many fics from this time appear to be archived to AO3 at all, which I think is a shame. AO3 allows works to be backdated, (meaning you can upload an old fanwork on there and have its publish date be set in the past: which is how this Gwent fic looks like it was published to AO3 in 2009.)
    • Only around ~10 fics from 2007 survive on FFN, but by 2008, 495 fics were updated on there in just that year alone. It increased 82-fold, and that's just with the count that survives as of 2024. No other site/year has that big of a leap.
  • 2009 to 2015: The amount of TD fics updated per year on FFN are consistently above 1000.
  • 2010: The first non-backdated AO3 fics are posted this year.
  • 2012: The first Wattpad fics I could find were posted this year.
  • 2013: AO3's yearly fic count increases to double digits for the first time, (from 6 in 2012 to 42.)
  • 2014: Wattpad's yearly fic count increases to triple digits for the first time, (from 29 to 140.)
  • 2017: For the first time, FFN, AO3 & Wattpad all have at least 100 fics updated within that year on their platforms.
  • 2021: This year, FFN & AO3's values were both in the 600 range. I don't doubt I'm missing many Wattpad fics which were posted this year. 2021 may have been the most evenly-split year when it came to where fic was posted.
  • 2022: Wattpad's and FFN's fic count decreases this year for some reason. Only AO3's increases from 2021's count.
  • 2023: AO3's count skyrockets this year. I know the release of the reboot contributed to this, but I personally believe it was also due to the rise of Alenoah's popularity on there. That ship isn't seen much else and, to people who don't use AO3, there's as many fics for them as there are fics for Duncney and NoCo as of 2024. Seriously.
    • The amount of fic uploaded to FFN didn't increase by much at all, though Wattpad's quadrupled from 170 to 690. AO3's tripled.
    • The numbers for FFN don't line up with what the website says for 2023 in particular because I excluded two users: one who just posted episode scripts, which aren't fanworks, and another who I'm sure makes fine fics, but they upload them in multiple languages, which I think skews the results.
    • Take AO3's numbers with a grain of salt: I know of many a fic which break AO3's TOS and are either self promotion, not fanworks, incorrectly tagged, etc. AO3 has a small team to look over reported fanworks, so many fics which break TOS are still on the platform as of 2024. Again, expect to see the number of fics for this year on AO3 dip with time.
  • 2024: FFN's numbers are still strong with 410 fics updated that year. It's close to Wattpad's numbers of 363, but AO3 is the outlier again with 2249 fics.
CONCLUSION: Anyone else's thoughts?
Also, if you happen to have a large collection of Wattpad fics downloaded to Calibre through FanFicFare lying around, please inform me! That way the dataset can increase and more accurate Wattpad data can be analyzed.
Exact numbers:
FFN AO3 Wattpad 2007: 0006 0000 0000 2008: 0495 0001 0000 2009: 1428 0001 0000 2010: 2051 0004 0000 2011: 1603 0003 0000 2012: 1276 0006 0011 2013: 1515 0042 0029 2014: 1492 0074 0140 2015: 1161 0091 0134 2016: 0715 0075 0093 2017: 0602 0114 0099 2018: 0592 0136 0119 2019: 0454 0141 0173 2020: 0689 0320 0238 2021: 0614 0637 0241 2022: 0545 0812 0170 2023: 0674 2973 0690 2024: 0410 2249 0363
(to see these numbers better formatted, please ask and I'll see what I can do.)
submitted by YHFTATNHT to Totaldrama [link] [comments]