Mid cycle back and stomach pain


2020.06.16 19:41 Fitness4BackPain Exercises4BackPain

Most chronic back pain sufferers are scared to exercise and don't know how to make their pain cycle stop. I show you how to stop your back pain cycle so that you can get back to living your life instead of being a slave to your pain. This community was built to show you how to build strength back in your body confidently despite a history of low back pain or spinal surgery. This group is NOT affiliated with any medical organization giving out garbage advice.

2021.05.22 01:22 joecacti22 thoracicbackpain

This is a place for people with mid back pain to come for support and hopefully gain some relief. This community was started because there seems to be more and more back pain sufferers with very little access to resources for that type of back pain.

2024.06.05 01:30 HorseTearz How should I relieve Achilles tendon pain until I see a doctor? [MALE, 44]

My demographics (per the subreddit's requirements):
More about complaint:
I know this is more typical for runners. I'm more a gym-goer than runner. I do strength/resistance training with a trainer 4 times a week and then do an hour of steady-state cardio 6 days a week since I'm focusing on both losing fat and gaining muscle. This is working well for me. Before I used to run and walk outside, but it's been getting very hot here in Florida and I've been advised to focus more on fast walking on an incline on a treadmill vs. running to continue losing fat.
So, for the first time in my life, I've been using a treadmill. And I think some combination of the way a treadmill causes me to move my feet (+ the incline I add to ensure I get a good 1-hour cardio session) has caused strain on my Achilles tendon. I don't have acute pain when walking/activating the tendon. But, last night, after getting home from a treadmill session, when going to bed, I was surprised to find that the tendon on both feet was painful to rest upon my very comfortable mattress. In fact, even though I'm primarily a back sleeper I had to force myself to sleep on my stomach to avoid that pain.
Today, the best way I can describe the sensation is that the whole back of my foot where the Achilles tendon lies has a tingling sensation and it feels swollen/inflamed. I'm still able to walk and even did my strength training session this morning without issue.
That said, I am worried I've caused some kind of damage. My primary is giving me a referral to a P.T. and a sports-med doc but it will be at least a week before I can see them. Any thoughts on what to do at home until then? I'm going to avoid cardio until the sensation has improved and take ibuprofen. Any at-home actions you would recommend (whether exercises to help heal, topical solutions or even machines/devices/massagers you've purchased which have offered relief)
submitted by HorseTearz to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:29 additional_stranger Trouble removing water marks

I get my 24 blue NLine washed every week using a car wash subscription. Every time I come out of the machine there is still watermarks on the BACK BLACK REAR PANEL near the exhaust. I tried buying some spray detailer to try and remove them after my washes but that hasn’t helped. Anyone else having this problem or can recommend a product to fix it. The glossy black panels are really nice but a pain to keep clean. Trying to keep my car looking of the lot lol.
submitted by additional_stranger to ElantraNline [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:28 Izziewainwright I feel like this will last forever

Hello everyone, My husband and I (mid 20s) have been trying for a baby since summer 2021. We have had no success. I basically don’t get periods without medication and I’m waiting to get on a new insurance to go to reproductive endo. My husband gets his SA in about a week. We just found out that my SIL is expecting an “oopsie” baby and I am destroyed. I know comparison is the thief of joy but it’s hard not to compare when literally everyone else is pregnant. Even the cartoon dog on bluey is pregnant before me. I want to feel sad and cry. But all I feel is rage. Rage that we had this shitty luck, rage that I’ve basically lost my faith in this process, rage that I can’t even have a period. I don’t even feel like a woman anymore, but a creature full of misery and suffering. I feel like whatever higher power that may or may not even exist is having a field day causing my suffering. To top it all off, I’m on a family vacation without my husband, and don’t even have my own room to rot in for a little while. I’m so fed up I just want to lock myself away and never come back out.
submitted by Izziewainwright to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:28 Great-Dimension7484 Thing on back

Thing on back for a year. 25m 140lb 6’0”
Any idea what this little guy could be? It’s been on my back for about a 1+ and normally lays dormant and non painful but sometimes it swells.
Ingrown hair, just a pimple? Should I get this checked.
submitted by Great-Dimension7484 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:28 JosephMallozzi The unproduced 6th season of Atlantis

The unproduced 6th season of Atlantis
Stargate Trivia: The Atlantis Season 6 stories we never got to tell. The white board ideas for the show’s sixth season and a rough summary of each episode...
Now What? I and II (601, 602)
The opening two-parter would have been the Stargate: Extinction script, a time travel episode that would have seen our crew stranded in the Triangulum galaxy. There, they encounter a curious civilization as well as an unexpected foe in the form of a future version of Todd the wraith. With the help of present-day Todd, however, our heroes manage to turn the tables on the enemy and resume their journey to the Pegasus galaxy.
Children of the Corn/Fantastic Four (603)
While traveling aboard the Daedalus, our crew comes across a seemingly derelict ship. They board and, while searching the darkened interior, discover a group of children in stasis. They revive the kids who explain they were enroute to a planet to be reunited with their parents, colonists who had completed work on a new satellite community. The children are welcomed aboard and are being ferried to their destination when a mystery ship appears and opens fire on the Daedalus. Our heroes try to outpace their pursuer, but as a game of intergalactic cat and mouse ensues, the team begins to suspect that their young passengers may not be as innocent and harmless as they appear.
Carl’s Replicator Story (604)
Progeny, The Real World, Phanthoms, Echoes, Lifeline, Ghost in the Machine - Carl Binder was the king of ghost AND replicator stories. No doubt he would have written one for the show's sixth season. And it would have been brilliant.
Classic Stargate (605)
Classic Stargate was an idea Martin Gero pitched, a story that would take place in the early years of the Atlantis expedition, a flashback to an adventure we had never been privy to.
Carter Roshomon (606)
Carter Roshomon was a story idea that didn’t make the cut in season 4 and ended up in the season 5 pile despite the fact that Carter was no longer the base commander. It was originally envisioned as our spin on Kurosawa’s 1950 classic. Colonel Carter faces a possible court-martial and dismissal after an off-world op goes awry. During the ensuing investigation, we are offered three different flashback versions of the charged events. What happened and what was she being accused of? Guess we’ll never know. Since it didn’t make the cut in season 5, I moved it into the potential season 6 episode discussion list.
The Red Shirt Diaries (607)
Carl Binder wanted to do a story told from the POV of a red shirt, one of those ubiquitous no-names we lose over the course of an op who is mourned then quickly forgotten in the episode tag when the team is yukking it up in the cafeteria.
Sheppard DOA (608)
Inspired by the 1950 thriller, Sheppard D.O.A. would have seen John racing against time to find out how he was infected with a deadly toxin and, ultimately, who was responsible and why. And also, maybe, find an antidote.
The Replacements (609)
Brad pitched out a story in which the team run afoul of an alien race and, while being pursued, end up victims of a temporal effect that catapults them six months into the future. They return to Atlantis to find they’ve been given up for dead and replaced. As they attempt to settle in to their new positions (and work with their replacements) the alien race indirectly responsible for their predicament pays Atlantis a visit…
Mid-Season Two-Parter I and II (610-611)
The mid-season two-parter would have seen Sheppard's team return to Atlantis following an op, only to discover it has been taken over by wraith hybrids. But not just any wraith hybrids. While they were off-world, Michael (who survived the events of The Prodigal) targeted the city with a biological attack that has transformed the Atlantis personnel into hybrids. Sheppard, McKay, Ronin and Teyla soon find themselves on the run, from their former friends, and a determined Michael out for revenge.
Hamster Ball (612)
Sometimes you come up with an idea fully formed. Other times, it may be nothing but a vision. In this case, a vision of the individual team members trapped in giant hamster ball-like containment vessels. Compounding the problem is the fact that they are trapped in a small chamber, in direct line of the stargate, meaning the next time the gate kawooshes, they risk total annihilation. How do they get trapped? How do they get out? And, most importantly, what the hell else happens in this episode? You’ll have to ask writer Alan McCullough.
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (613)
McKay’s experiment with a time-traveling puddle jumper sends duplicate versions of the team both backwards and forwards in time. The story jumps between three different timelines: five years into the past (where one version of the team struggles to acquire the puddle jumper and undo the damage done without affecting the timeline), five years into the future (where Atlantis is under siege by the alien race introduced in The Daedalus Variations, while another version of the team attempts to acquire the jumper so that they can warn their past selves), and the present (where McKay continues to tweak his experiment) with developments in each timeline influencing events in the others enroute to a mindbending climax.
Hexed (614)
While visiting an alien community, Sheppard is cursed by a kooky local. At first, our heroes laugh off the incident – until Sheppard runs into a spate of bad luck. VERY bad luck. Shep whumpers rejoice!
Entropy (615)
In season 5, Paul wanted to do a story in which the effects of the McKay-Miller gate bridge have serious other-worldly repercussions for the city - but we ended up doing something similar in Brain Storm so we pushed this idea. So I reimagined a version where a mishap with a ZPM triggers a subspace burst that disperses time fractals throughout Atlantis. And within these varying shards of warped spacetime, the rules of physics no longer apply.
Revenge (616)
Sheppard and his team must mount an op to save Todd after he is captured by rivals. Re-assuming her role as a wraith queen, Teyla leads the team aboard a hive ship in order to track down and rescue their unlikely ally.
Payback (617)
Following devastating attacks on three other teams, Sheppard and co's off-world investigation takes a surprising turn when they are attacked by a puddle jumper. On the run on an alien world, they are pursued by an enemy who is able to predict their every move. Their mysterious pursuer is revealed to be Lt. Aiden Ford and a group of mercs armed with Ancient tech. Our heroes must find a way to turn the tables on their former friend - and, ultimately, find out the surprising source of his all-too familiar resources.
Turn of Events (618)
With an uncooperative Ford now imprisoned on Atlantis, Sheppard's team investigates the most likely source of the black market Ancient tech (Episode 215, The Tower). There, they discover Atlantis's sister city is in the hands of a group of rogue Genii led by none other than u/RobertJohnDavi's Acatus Kolya who we learn survived the events of "Irresponsible" thanks to a modified personal shield emitter. It turns out Kolya has been busy, consolidating his power base. Our team's attempts to thwart him fail, necessitating a tactical retreat - but not before they obtain a crucial piece of information: the mirror location of the Ancient ZPM factory hidden on Atlantis.
Pre-Finale (619)
Using the information gathered last episode, our heroes are finally able to access the city's hidden ZPM factory. The room, it turns out, holds even more secrets: the locations of similar Ancient storehouses throughout the Pegasus galaxy. An exploration of one such seemingly long-abandoned chamber yields a shocking discovery: none other than Elizabeth Weir who has been kept "on ice" since her capture by the Asurans.
With Elizabeth's help, the team is able to gain access to an Asuran weapon specifically built to target Atlantis. Thus armed, Sheppard and co. pay a return trip to Kolya, determined to neutralize his threat once and for all. But they are too late. They arrive just in time to see the Ancient city rise up out of the ground and ascend, up into the sky and the stars beyond. Our heroes are already aware of its destination: Atlantis.
Season Finale (620)
Sheppard's team return to Atlantis with a dire warning, only to be informed that long range scanners have picked up the sister city. And it's headed straight for them. All off-world teams are recalled. It's going to be all hands on deck as the city prepares for war and the sister city makes its inexorable approach. We are treated to some classic character-centered moments as the city readies for what will be their biggest battle, against a better equipped, better prepared opponent. Finally, it is time!
Atlantis rises up, off the surface of the ocean, and makes its descent, up through the stratosphere, beyond the exosphere, taking up a planetary orbit. And when the sister city appears, Atlantis launches its jumpers and drones. Their opponent responds in kind. The most epic battle in Stargate history is joined. Sheppard skillfully pilots his jumper into the heart of the enemy city and lands on a pier. His team disembarks, Asuran weapon in tow, determined to finish the job they set out to complete last episode. But they're on the clock and running out of time, facing down enemy soldiers and drone strikes as they desperately seek to set up the Asuran weapon as close to critical systems as possible. But they're not the only ones running out time. Atlantis, outgunned by a foe that has been preparing for war, suffers heavy damage. Even if our team succeeds in their mission, it looks like it will be a pyrrhic victory.
And then - a fleet of hive ships drop out of FTL and concentrate their fire on the enemy ship. It's Todd. He and his fleet take the pressure off Atlantis, buying Sheppard and his team enough time to initiate the Asuran weapon and retreat back to the jumper, making good their escape as, behind them, the weapon initiates, setting off a chain reaction of explosions that claim the enemy city. Atlantis returns to the planet's surface. Sheppard thanks Todd. Wraith and human achieve an "understanding". And peace finally returns to the Pegasus Galaxy.
submitted by JosephMallozzi to Stargate [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:28 TwinsOfCinnamon Tooth Fairy Interpolation?

Please tell me someone else hears this and i'm not crazy haha their lyrics are "Sucking on a candy while you're wanting me, calling me all the time" and I IMMEDIATELY, like i'm talking first listen, heard in the back of my mind Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches who's lyrics are "Sucking on my titties like you wanted me, calling me all the time" AND it matches up timing wise so I end up singing the latter lyrics everytime. Love the song though!
submitted by TwinsOfCinnamon to HippoCampusBand [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:27 Dull-Stick-2984 Too much for one title

I am using a throwaway account for this. There’s kind of a lot to read here so make sure you have time 😅
A little info about myself to help with context: I have been diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and Autism.
My current partner (24m) and I (21f) have been on and off for the last almost two years, and are coming up on a solid one year soon. He was worried our relationship would be the same as it was the first time around (on and off), so I moved in with him, his mom, and his roommate. Things were going quite well at first… but things took a little turn as time progressed.
He has started being a little violent with me. Not in the sense of actually hitting me, but he has grabbed my stomach hard enough to hurt a little, has pinned me to the bed and prevented me from getting up during arguments, and when I’ve tried getting away from him to allow us both time to cool off during/after an argument he’s blocked my way to prevent me from sitting in the living room alone. He’s also done that when I’ve tried to leave for work so I wouldn’t be late. One time he actually knocked me over because he slipped and fell while trying to run in front of me. I hit the wall and boxes that were there.
If i try to step around him when he blocks me he will either continue to try to block me, or will wrap his arms around me and push me back to the bedroom to continue to talk. I’ve explained multiple times that we sometimes just need a minute to cool off, and he doesn’t allow us to take that moment. My mother would do the same to my father, so it’s actually very triggering for me. I’ve told him about the triggers, and that if he keeps pushing the triggers he will end up being hit as a response.
I grew up with my dad hitting me, and my mom towards the end of my parents being/living together hitting him. Wanting to hit someone when I’m mad and they’re setting me off is a trauma response. I’ve explained that to everyone around me, including him, multiple times. He still does it. The last time he did it, I without thinking hit him. Not hard, but I did hit him for it. I feel bad about it, and did also apologize and explain again that it was something I couldn’t control easily.
Our relationship is rough. And don’t get me wrong I love him, but sometimes the way he acts towards me gets a little overwhelming and I get close to ending our relationship. Him putting his hands on me with ill-intent started only days after moving in with him. I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt and have tried to make it work, but I’m close to calling it quits because I’m afraid of the next time we end up in an argument and he hurts me physically. Or even worse, I end up unable to control my response to him being aggressive and end up hurting him.
I try to play a lot of it off as stress. Stress about life, money, our jobs… etc. but how much longer will that excuse make sense? Him being stressed and getting aggravated by the little things… I wonder if i should tuck my tail between my legs and move back in with my dad and break it off, or try to stick it out even though i fear him.
It takes a lot to trigger me into yelling or anything like that. I lost my insurance recently so I can’t see a therapist or psychiatrist anymore and work on these triggers. I feel I’ve grown a lot and I don’t get as easily frustrated with triggers, but it still happens.
I find it difficult to think about breaking up with him, but as time goes on, I question if it’s worth it… breaking up would be hard, especially since I live with him.
If you thought that was messed up, there’s more stuff to unravel…
I ended a two year relationship shortly before starting a relationship with my current partner. That relationship is a fun can of worms to say the least.
That ex is only EXACTLY 9 months older than me. He does a lot of stuff online and spends way too much time on his computer. That was the biggest issue in that relationship. I would try to get him to play a game with me or sit and watch a movie with him and he wouldn’t… if I did get him away from his computer, he was on his phone. He rarely showered, even if I asked him to join me in there. He would have pop bottles with pop still in them… and they would sit and sit and sit and collect more and more until I took care of them or yelled at him for the millionth time for it. If I wanted intimacy with him, it had to be on his time. Like when he was done with his computer for the night, which typically was around 4-6am. Sometimes I had to work at 8am, so that was… annoying to say the least.
I… stupidly… can’t stop thinking about him lately. I’m not sure why, but I do. He’s on my mind a lot, and I even went to sleep thinking of him and managed to have a dream about him last night. I cried myself to sleep many many times while with him because I could barely get two seconds of his attention. Yet, I want to be with him? I don’t deserve him. I’m not sunshine and rainbows when it comes to a relationship. I raise my voice, I complain, I “mother” my partners (especially when it comes to cleaning up or hygiene)… I could definitely be seen as toxic.
The first time my current partner and I split I reached out to my ex, asking to get back with him. He started dating his manager at work by that point, and respectfully declined.
My ex still almost two years later avoids me like the plague. I don’t try to visit him at work or anything, but sometimes when I’m in the area, I’ll go into his workplace and order food. Not to see him, strictly for food. If I place an order ahead of time, he will drop what he’s doing and hide in the back of the store. To me, and a few others, it feels he isn’t over me. He also asks about me to my best friend. Though after the first couples times of him doing that when he joins my friend on a game, my friend just kinda started talking about me to him. Not sure he wants to hear about me still, but my friend does it.
I want to talk to him, but I know I can’t. I don’t even feel I deserve to. My ex is still in his relationship with that manager. Lots of people could say that I should just move on, but I’ve tried. Gone a while without thinking of him, and then he pops back in like he owns my brain…
And as for my current partner… he always says things like “if we break up, I won’t be able to be with another girl. Because she won’t be you.” Which is sweet but… does that outweigh the way he treats me when upset?
Here’s another kicker. My friend who talks about me to my ex, has been my best friend since middle school. And I recently was told by them that they have a thing for me… which just adds to the stress of everything. They (feminine) have been around through all of this…
I’m lost. I need some advice. I feel like I’m going crazy and don’t know what to do. Can anyone help?
submitted by Dull-Stick-2984 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:27 ImpressiveSmell3438 HLR update

So back in January, I filed for a HLR as I was disagreeing with the VAs opinion on their denial of my pes planus claim (flat feet). They stated that it was not service connected. During my C&P exam my medical examiner looked at my feet and said “yup, you definitely have flat feet” and I assumed it was the end of that, unfortunately, it was not. Fast forward to May 1st and I had my informal conference. I spoke on the phone with a very helpful VA liaison and explained everything regarding my special shoes I need for flat feet (my VA doctor ordered), countless insoles ived used, and the constant pain I have stemming from having flat feet. I then asked how they came up with the opinion of denial in the first place and she said that “during your military entrance exam it was noted that you had flat feet”. I told her that must be a mistake as I had always had profound arches growing up. Well once she opened up my military entrance exam records, she noticed that both “flat feet” and “arches” had been checked off by the doctor doing my medical exam during my entrance exam. The good thing was he had circled the “arches” one. The VA liaison I was on the phone with said “to me, that looks as if the doctor originally check off “flat feet” wrongly and then checked off “arches” and circled the correct answer. I have heard HLR’s usually take less than a week to result, I’ve gotten a few pieces of paper in the mail but my most recent was may 24th stating that Optum health professionals are going over my records to form a medical opinion based on this HLR.
TLDR: anyone have any insight on HLRs and approximately how long they take once an informal conference has been completed, thanks in advance!
submitted by ImpressiveSmell3438 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:26 Expensive_Song_238 So confused and am desperate

I’ve been dealing with right sided jaw pain for the last 3 years. The mri’s say the TMJ joint is not really bad. I’ve spent 20 k on splints from TMJ “specialists”, I’ve been checked for trigeminal neuralgia and that mri came back negative. My dentist and oral surgeon say it’s not a bad tooth, that my teeth are fine.
No one seems to know exactly what is wrong but I have horrible pain in the right side of my jaw near the angle of the mandible. I’ve had lock jaw for these 3 years and I get swelling at the bottom of my right jaw.
Anyone else have the same symptoms as me?
submitted by Expensive_Song_238 to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:25 Ok-Trip6804 honestly...why should i care...

okay just know i have high lvl depression...
why should i care that america and israel hate us all? Hate all POC, gays, trans, disabled, poor ppl like us? why should i care when it seems god, allah, or whatever metaphysical being out there just love blessing the evil and cursing the good? ah well.
i shouldn't even be mad that twitter removed my access for 11 hrs for only saying the same thing I said here and also adding in the I wanted to find a more non painful way of ending it all. like really, my depression is bothering you? really. me being rightfully hurt by this is a bother to you? but whatever. this is what society deems as normal, colonization and genocide. whatever. i should just go back to liking pro zionist/israel content like disney and nickelodeon and beyonce and taylor swift and jack black and mcdonalds and kfc and sprite. cause if the evil don't get punished for their wrongdoings after decades of doing them, why worry. the evil have never lost. racism is still alive and healthy. what's the point.
submitted by Ok-Trip6804 to u/Ok-Trip6804 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:25 cryingdiarrhea_81 Parents in toxic relationship, REFUSE to actually divorce.

Idk where to start. Basically since I was born my parents have been at it. No family is perfect, I get that, but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of my parents shit. I grew up basically feeling like I was forced to be the most emotionally mature one out of the both of them and walked on eggshells at home as a child because I never knew when my father would be a hotheaded mess and/or when my parents were fresh out of a heated argument with each other. They are both narcissists by nurture. Their parents weren't shit really, they kept food on the table for them, but that was pretty much it. They didn't raise them that much. As young children my parents had to fend for theirselves 98 percent of the time emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and sometimes physically. Neither really had a chance for their fathers to be in the picture for long. I disassociated a lot in grade school, I was picked on for it, meanwhile I was locked in my own head with the trauma of my father always yelling and being aggressive and angry and my mother always being upset or stressed to the point of having health ailments. My father is the character in the family that is a spoiled brat that tends to make everything about him and my mom enables the behavior out of (in my perception) fear. I am actually convinced my mom might be suffering from stockholm syndrome at this point. I know they are both definitely "addicted to the toxicity", as my therapist put it. She just refuses to ACTUALLY divorce my father and I am grown with my own family and married and still somehow enduring painful parts of my childhood by BOTH OF THEM confiding in me when the other pisses them off or does something petty/shelfish/completely irresponsible. I'm tired. I love them both, but I'm tired...I'm the healer of the family and the oldest child that did everything "right" so they could have one less child to be stressed about and/or argue about. If I knew they'd continue on like this, I was better off being a family fuck-up honestly...sometimes I'm still tempted to be the family fuck up and live a care-free life, but....fortunately I have a loving husband and very innocent children that dont deserve that from me.
I've rambled enough...there's so much more to all this but this is all for now. I graduated from college, therapy, and am on anxiety/depression meds to keep myself at my best, but these moments of when my parents fake divorce each other and continue on like nothing ever happened really take me back to that trapped, sad, dark space..🥹.
submitted by cryingdiarrhea_81 to toxicparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:25 Wise-Pain9330 Am I think way forever ?

I think my anxiety or panic disorder is hereditary my mom started having these same issues around the same age I am now and this scares me … she wasn’t the best mom and never took care of her mental health so I’m currently in a panic thinking I’m turning into her… I feel so scared all the time and I never used to be like this… I would have the occasional anxiety but nothing this bad. I started getting daily panic attacks back in march and I feel like I’m on a daily cycle of feeling fight or flight … does anyone have any advice for help on this … I miss me
submitted by Wise-Pain9330 to panicdisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:24 RecordTVoficial What if Walter White confronted Lalo Salamanca?


*The scene is dimly lit, the air thick with tension. Walter White, aka Heisenberg, stands in the center of the warehouse, his face set in a grim expression. Opposite him stands Lalo Salamanca, a dangerous smirk on his face. The two men lock eyes, the silence between them deafening.*

Lalo Salamanca (smirking) Heisenberg. The great drug lord of Albuquerque. I've heard a lot about you.

Walter White: (calmly) And I've heard plenty about you, Salamanca. You're a thorn in everyone's side, aren't you?

Lalo: (chuckles) You could say that. But you know what they say about thorns. They’re small, but they can be very painful.

Walter: (sternly) I'm not here for small talk. What do you want?

Lalo: (steps closer) Oh, come on, Walt. Can I call you Walt? We're both businessmen here. I just want to know what makes you tick. How a high school chemistry teacher became the king of meth.

Walter: (voice rising) It's Mr. White. And you think you can waltz in here and ask questions? You're just another thug with a cartel behind you. Nothing more.

Lalo: (laughs) A thug? Maybe. But a thug with power. And you're right, I am backed by the cartel. But you, you’re all alone. Just a desperate man clinging to power.

Walter: (coldly) I built this empire. I am the one who knocks. You think you can scare me?

Lalo: (mockingly) Oh, I don’t want to scare you, Walt. I want to see if you’re really as smart as they say. Let’s see if you can outsmart me.

*Lalo pulls out a gun, pointing it casually at Walter. Walter's eyes narrow, but he remains calm.\*

Walter: (calmly) If you shoot me, you'll have the DEA, the police, and my associates hunting you down. You won't last a week.

Lalo: (grinning) Oh, I doubt that. But let's see how good you are under pressure.

*Suddenly, there’s a noise from the shadows. Jesse Pinkman emerges, holding a gun aimed at Lalo.\*

Jesse Pinkman: (angrily) Back off, Salamanca. You mess with him, you mess with me.

Lalo: (laughs) This just gets better and better. So, what now, Walt? Are we going to have a little shootout?

Walter: (to Jesse) Lower your gun, Jesse. (to Lalo) This is your last chance, Salamanca. Leave now, and you might live to see another day.

Lalo: (smirking) You think you can threaten me?

Walter: (coldly) No. I’m just stating a fact.

*Lalo considers this for a moment, his eyes flickering between Walter and Jesse. Then, with a smirk, he lowers his gun.\*

Lalo: (smiling) You’re interesting, Walt. Very interesting. Maybe we'll meet again.

*Lalo turns and walks out of the warehouse, disappearing into the night. Walter and Jesse exchange a look of relief and tension.\*

Jesse: (sighs) That was too close, man. What now?

Walter: (determined) Now, we prepare. This isn’t over.

*The scene ends with Walter and Jesse standing together, the weight of their next moves hanging heavily in the air.\*

submitted by RecordTVoficial to CrossoverTheory [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:23 EnviousPatch Advice for first visit with new orthopedic tomorrow

tl;dr: My appointment with the orthopedic is tomorrow, and the rheumatologist not until August. What are some of the questions I should ask, and what information should I give them about myself?
Hey, friends. I recently found this community when searching for info on ankylosing spondylitis. This is a new account for me, as I want to keep my medical/health info separate from other things I post about online.
I've been in pain for about 10 years, this started when I was in my mid-30s. The pain started in my lower back and gradually got worse and worse until about 15-16 months ago, the pain had spread all throughout my lower back and pelvis, my hips, and my left leg. There were days I couldn't get out of bed and my partner had to help me even just sit up. I bought a rollator walker because I was scared of being out of the house and not being able to walk because of pain or fatigue. The only thing that can bring the pain down from a 9 to a 4 is a cannabis suppository, 25mg THC and 25mg CBD.
I've been to numerous doctors, tried numerous treatments, but all for different things. I've been told it's a herniated disc, a tear in the disc, overuse, pelvic floor trauma, past physical and emotional trauma manifesting as pain, injury due to one thing or another, long covid, being fat, attention seeking, drug seeking, conversion disorder, sciatica, fibromyalgia, and I can't remember what else. I'm non-binary and female assigned at birth, so I also get a lot of "just painful periods" and "the price of being a woman". 😒
I've had so many X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds, but no one could ever find anything physical, and the next treatment I was told to try was therapy with EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing).
My partner and I moved in January to a new city, and last week I was in the ER for the second time here since moving. This time though, the ER doctor suggested it might be something rheumatoid like ankylosing spondylitis and was absolutely shocked that no other health care provider ever considered this. She said based on my symptoms, the result of the MRI she ordered, and the MRI from the previous visit, everything points to this. She referred me to an orthopedic and a rheumatologist.
After this, I went into my chart and reviewed all the results from imaging I've had over the past 5 years. I included anything brain/spine/back/pelvic and not anything else, like my kidney stone ultrasounds. I found eight that specifically mentioned things like
Many of the above things are mentioned alongside L4-L5 and L5-S. Now I understand why the ER doctor was shocked. I'm sad and I'm angry.
I don't want the orthopedic or the rheumatologist to accuse me of being diagnosed by Doctor Google, but this feels the closest I've ever come to figuring out what's going on, and there's some hope at trying something new. I worry about going in, explaining my symptoms, and being pat on the head and sent home with Advil. Besides a full list of all my symptoms over the past 10 years, what other things should I bring to the appointment? Other history? Treatments tried? Questions to ask? I'm estranged from my parents so I don't have a family history.
Any and all advice would be so greatly appreciated. I've read through a lot of the posts here, nodding my head the entire time and crying.
submitted by EnviousPatch to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:23 chocolateboi98 Most Modern Trans People Aren’t Trans, and Will Make Themselves Very Unhappy

I’m posting here because “change my view” wouldn’t let me talk about this for some reason. I spend a lot of time around trans people, but I want to ask this question anonymously to try and see what people have to say to help me figure this out. I say all of this as compassionately as I can because I genuinely care, but think everything about it is risky. This is a max level trigger warning.
It looks almost as if a majority of transgender people today, don’t have a gender-dysphoria brain that is mismatched, but instead have dealt with some other unfortunate events in their past— Maybe been bullied, or prone to anxiety, or abused even, or in a very unstable environment— that leads them to escape their difficult situation by becoming the opposite gender to not have to deal with the reality of themselves or what they’ve been through.
It’s like a woman will choose to be a man to feel stronger and bigger than she felt like while being assaulted, or a man will become a woman to cope with feeling like they’re not good enough or manly enough.
These are really deep-rooted things, and when I’ve talked to people, it looks like stressful pasts cause them to run and “not be that person anymore”. I think this is dangerous because it’s not real, and they know it’s not real deep down; the whole point of it is escapism, and changing definitions makes the escapism even more tasty and “real”. It doesn’t actually deal with the pain, it buries it and builds a fake identity on top of it, which can cause it to fester and make problems worse.
I’m deeply concerned that they will feel like their whole life is wrong long term, and they won’t know why, but they’ll get a euphoric rush every time they can be “not that person that suffered”. I think this is very dangerous and will cause people to be even more depressed when they realize that they are not what they’ve escaped into, but by then it’s too late.
I feel like every single person who has studied this and delved their whole lives into this, is in denial, has gone too deep, and absolutely refuses to face their trauma. The deeper, the more denial and euphoric. Suicidal or not, they are bringing their escapism to everyone around them, and this will make them even more miserable because they create fake relationships built on coping mechanisms.
I feel they constantly seek validation because they know it’s not true, and those with real gender dysphoria (or who are even intersex), are not even CLOSE to as temperamental and miserable, because their situation isn’t filled with denial and regret.
I think all of this will make trans people far worse, and from what I’ve seen, almost everyone around them is lying to placate them, or to make themselves feel moral and “good” because they themselves are insecure about their capacity to be good people, and most are employing vague statistics to intellectualize their denial and stave off depression for another day, without realizing that they hate themselves for their behaviour and keep doubling down instead of healing from their real misery.
I feel some therapists either say nice things out of fear for their suicide, or because short term affirmation keeps people coming back to their business.
I think homosexuality and gender dysphoria themselves are probably more in the vein of intersex— being something biological or more likely a very early newborn error. I am curious about this too though, there doesn’t seem to be as much agony in the same areas, most gays aren’t suffering aside from societally for example (unless they’re also faking for escapism).
From what I’ve seen, almost everyone feels this way in private, but has no idea how to talk about it publicly, thus this is an unpopular opinion, but I very seriously want to hear feedback and counter-opinions. I think this is extremely important for trans people and society.
submitted by chocolateboi98 to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:23 Firerose_Burn It's fine right?

I don't know if there is a community around this kind of thing or not but I feel like I'm not alone. This is the story of how now as an adult I have multiple undiagnosed issues that my dad refused to take me to see a doctor for. I am now getting them taking care of but they are worst than if we had done something sooner. Starting as a baby I had ear problems and thanks to my mom (she died when I was five), she me to a doctor and they ended putting tubes in my ears. Now these wear the kind of tubes that were meant to fall out as my ear canal got bigger. My left one came out fine. My right ended getting stuck into my eardrum. Did often have ear pains or ringing. Flash forward to when I was 8. I was walking home from school. There was house on the corner that had a foot deep hole in the yard and often would cut the grass even with the rest of the yard. I knew the hole was there but that one day I wasn't paying attention and my right foot went into the whole I sprained it. I walked the rest of the way home with it. Told my dad he said walk it off. From that point on I walked and danced by rolling my ankle. That same year in the summer I went on a field trip with a day camp to a water park. While in the wave pool thinking I could catch bigger waves I grabbed on to pool bars and dragged myself deeper in the water. The force of the waves was enough to pull the tube out of my ear. When I got out of the water my ear started to bleed. Later on thanks to my grandmother I went to an ear doctor and he told my dad there was a hole in my eardrum and to come back in three weeks to see if it closed by itself, if not they would due surgery and close it. Never saw that ear doctor again. Skipping to when I was 12 I got my first period but after my period was over I started to piss myself everytime I coughed, sneezed, laughed too hard, or leak when I ran. It was as if I had been pregnant once before. Never saw a gynecologist. Huge time skip to when I moved out after I graduated from high school. I went to a foot doctor first all of my bracing tendons were torn and gone all there was, was scar tissue. They had to perform surgery to get rid of the scar tissue and to tighten the ankle they added pins and screws. Next I went to go see a ear doctor to talk about getting the hole closed. I asked what the risk rate of losing my hearing was with and without the surgery and it was about the same so I decided to continue to just live with the hole. I did see a gynecologist and she said my muscles were too weak so she said do kegels. Didn't help. Now at the age of 25 I'm getting it relooked at again and It might be the complete opposite. I'm starting pelvic therapy to try and hopefully reduce the amount of times I piss myself. My dad has never said sorry ignoring all these and money I now have to spend in copays to fix or hopefully fix these.
submitted by Firerose_Burn to Parents [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:23 selantra Geobachelor-Finance Fiaso

I am beseeching the Reddit Hivemind for help. This is going to be long and I apologize in advance, but the details are necessary in an attempt to limit follow up questions. I am researching on my own, but as an NCO split in a half dozen different directions, I would love some help narrowing my search to more fruitful info.
I had a new Sergeant arrive in March. Soldier PCS'd from Hawaii to Carson with their spouse, who was an active duty Soldier on terminal leave approved for Colorado Springs. They were dual military when they arrived but the spouse ETS'ed in mid May.
Soldier arrives with their spouse, gets a place to stay, and all is well except he is suddenly not receiving BAH or BAS. Go through a Pay Inquiry and Finance relied saying he was a Geobachelor during that time because his spouse did not receive orders to Carson. They said my Soldier should have been put in the barracks and gotten a meal card. They said he is not entitled to any back pay due to this even though he did not receive a barracks room or a meal card.
No one at his previous duty station or the current one was aware this would be an issue. We were all under the understanding that he is entitled to his BAH w/o dependents as dual military regardless of whether they are at the same duty station or not. I didn't think Geobachelors were even a thing anymore except in certain cases like unaccompanied tours.
I have yet to find anything that applies directly to this situation but the information I have found seems to imply he should receive his BAH. Anyone know of something more definitive?
submitted by selantra to army [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:22 teaparty4two Lipo hurting more now (3 WPO) than before???

Did anyone have lipo with their TT and found that it was hurting/burning more a few weeks after surgery?
May 14th, TT, MR, Lipo to Flanks and Full back, Mons Reduction. The lipo has always burned slightly and been painful when first laying down. Today I have felt it more on my sides/flanks then ever before. I have also been more active today than before, but not lifting anything. Just moving more and walking.
Anyone else?
submitted by teaparty4two to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:22 Longjumping-Employ53 Engineering Update for Solo Players

So I've played SC back in the day (like 3-4 years ago) and I've been playing it this past week, so I'm out of the loop on new features for the game. But I saw an update about Engineering being in the game and I'm just a little confused on it. I've seen it is in Arena Commander right now, but is this planned to go in the Persistent Universe part of the game.
I feel this would be a horrible feature for solo players such as myself (I know most players probably play in groups, but I like to play by myself). I also feel it would be a great addition to the game for those people that want to play it.
In conclusion is this going to be coming to the main game and/or is it going to be a pain for solo players.
submitted by Longjumping-Employ53 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:22 sliponetwo Referencing someone in a song ≠ dissing them.

This shit is hilarious. We go from Kendrick saying drakes a filthy deadbeat pedophile who should rot in a cell and fucking die, to Em referencing Megan getting shot in the foot in a funny almost self deprecating way..and yet people talk about Ems line as proof that “shady is back” and people are going after him for “dissing” Megan.
Hahahahha one is not like the other. Just because you reference someone or something doesn’t mean it’s a “diss” towards them, if you really thought Ems line was comparable to a diss you aren’t ready for when he actually DOES diss someone on the album. I just gotta learn to enjoy the things I enjoy and not read comments online cause the stupidity of the vocal majority is oh so painful.
submitted by sliponetwo to Eminem [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:21 illya444 Understanding your BRAIN and the PRIMAL drive of MEN.

If you don't have time to read this, or would like a video explanation for this article that will help you understand this better here is the link:
Why do we do what we do as MEN.
From the beginning of time, all living things on this planet have evolved to survive and reproduce. Meaning that with each generation there are new ways of looking at life and how to navigate it in a way that prolongs our lifespan and carries on these survival traits to the next generation. Hence, we as men, are more inclined to build ourselves throughout our lives. Most of the time we are not given anything, and are then placed in a position of improvement in order to be respected, looked up to, and in order to survive. Yet, you will also notice that it is not just one aspect of improvement that “does it”, no. For example: an individual might build themselves to have a lot of financial success, yet if they are not in shape, well that will always be the weakest link of the chain (remember the strength of a chain is measured by its weakest link). If the same individual now is in shape, and has finances yet is not in control of his emotions, well that will be his downfall. If that individual has the finances, is in shape, and has control over his emotions, yet is not in control of his sexual desires, well that will be his downfall. Do you notice a pattern here? In order to prolong survival and reproduce the genes necessary for the next generation to outlive and out survive the previous one, that individual needs to be improving themselves in ALL aspects of their lives in order to do so. (Does that make sense?)
With that said, let’s take a look at how the brain works in our bodies in order to instill and motivate that behavior and what needs to happen in order to align yourself back on the track of survival and reproduction. Let’s dive in.
How does your brain instill and motivate actions that lead to increased chances of survival and reproduction.
Our brains are one of the most complex organs in our bodies that scientists and doctors have yet to fully crack open and understand, yet are pretty darn close in today’s day and age. Let’s take a look at how the brain motivates and rewards the behavior and action that leads you to increasing your chances of survival and reproduction. There are two main drivers of ACTION and RESULTS that your brain has control over when it is in a healthy state (no addictions or substances that alter this.)
These drivers of action and results are being represented by two main chemicals in the brain, dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is a chemical the instills and rewards the ACTION that an individual does in order to increase chances of survival and reproduction. Serotonin is a chemical that instills and rewards the COMPLETION of a task that increases your chances of survival and reproduction (following me so far?)
How pornography use hijacks your primal reward systems of your brain that drives survival and reproduction.
What did a man have to do thousands of years ago to mate and reproduce an offspring with a woman who had large breasts, hips, butt, and had a pretty face? Well, that man had to BE someone, and in order for the individual to BE someone, they had to WORK on themselves first. For example: That man had to be strong enough in order to outlive and out survive other hunters, warriors, environmental challenges, etc. That man had to become a LEADER of a tribe that created an environment of safety and protection that would place that woman in an environment where she can be vulnerable for 9 months that it takes to go through the pregnancy period that leads to birth and not fucking die. (Does that make sense?)
Understanding that is crucial to understanding how adult content completely twists that process in your brain. Let’s take a look at what happens when an individual starts watching porn and how it leads to what you are experiencing now (keep reading, we are getting close.)
When a man starts watching porn, your brain (since it does not have eyes) thinks that you IMMEDIATELY became that LEADER, that MAN of MEN, that GOD walking amongst this earth. Since you have access to all these “hot”,” busty”,” prime” women that only the top of the top elite men has access to that have WORKED on themselves and BECAME those top elite men, now your brain perceives that you are now that and now longer need to be DRIVEN to do anything else, since it believes that you have already WON. (Does that make sense?)
Hence, now your brain is REWARDING you for being around all of these “prime” women, and not rewarding you for the PROCESS of becoming that man in order to be with those women in real life. How does your brain reward you in this instance? Your brain rewards you with a HUGE amount of dopamine when you are starting to indulge in the sexually explicit material, and because the dopamine chemical is responsible for the ACTION (remember what dopamine is responsible for instilling from earlier) you find yourself endlessly scrolling and going from page to page to page to page (sounds familiar)?
This process keeps going on and on and on until your brain is so overstimulated and is swimming in so much dopamine that you end up “releasing” or “relapsing” in this case. This repeated action over time leads to the brain starting to counteract this overstimulation by releasing enzymes that start to block and fortify your receptors in the brain from further damage and stimulation.
After years and perhaps decades of this repeated behavior, your brain is no longer able to RE-ABSORD the dopamine that is getting released during the indulgence in explicit material due to the fortification that it has built up in the billions upon billions of receptors that drive the behavior of confidence, fulfillment, motivation, drive, and achievement. This leads to the next step in the process of this abyss of misery. The individual then finds themselves not being interested in the content that they were indulging in, now they start seeking more erotic content, more extreme content to get the same “feeling” or “euphoria”. You find yourself watching more content that is more aggressive, more violent, more extreme (BDSM, Orgies, Trans, Gay, Shemale categories, etc.)
This cycle continues until your brain has build up so much defenses around itself to the point of where it starts shutting down your sexual organs (hence the occurrence of the porn induced erectile disfunction symptoms that is starting to be widely recognized today) that you no longer feel like human being anymore. You start thinking that you are not worthy of life, you start getting depressed, you start getting anxiety, and start avoiding other individuals (sound familiar?) Alright, we are getting closer, keep reading.
At this moment is when an individual is starting to recognize that this is becoming a problem and start seeking solutions whether it be online, in person therapy sessions, doctor visits, etc. This is very crucial to recognize since when you realize that this is a problem, getting rid of it is going to be much, MUCH more difficult, and hence why this is going to be the most difficult journey that a man will go through perhaps even in their life. (Hence 95% of men fail, and do not go through this process.)
When you decide to stop this destructive habit. Your brain will start PUNISHING you for this since it now thinks that you have lowered your value/status (remember what it was thinking when you were “impregnating” all those “hot” women on the screen) and is not able to attract those women any longer. This is when you start feeling body aches, mood swings, psychotic mental events, depression, absolutely no libido, etc. On top of all of that the absolute fortresses that your brain has built up around its dopamine receptors over decades do not allow any amount of dopamine to be absorbed if at all, leading to an even darker hole of misery. (Following me so far?)
You will not find motive to conversate with other individuals thinking that something is wrong with you. Regular woman will be of no interest to you. Your dick will not work, hence the reference to the “flatline” term to describe this occurrence.
With that out of the way, let’s take a look at what starts to happen OVER TIME and yes, a very VERY LONG TIME after completely getting rid of anything that got you here in the first place.
After getting rid of anything that overstimulates the reward system in your brain (social media, links, magazines, tv series, movies, anything that makes you think of going back) your brain starts to chisel away at those fortified walls it has build around itself. (Described in the Month 2-3 state in the “Gentlemen, holy shit” article) hence this being the crucial moment to stat instilling better habits during this time (start eating healthier foods, start reading books, start going to the gym, start going to dance classes, etc). Since after about months 3-6 of abstaining from overstimulation your brain starts to reabsorb some of the dopamine that it REWARDS you with when you are instilling those BETTER HABITS. (Does that make sense?)
This results in the seeing the “light at the end of the tunnel” moments after months 3-6, since your brain is starting to re absorb the dopamine that it is rewarding you with due to you putting int the ACTION of improving yourself.
As your brain is starting to chisel away more and more of the fortifications, you will start feeling more driven, more inspired, more motivated to do things that before you had absolutely no motive to do. (Look at what I am doing now, I have never done this before.)
You will start getting more and more aligned with the PRIMAL driving factors and rewards from your brain that place you in the position of constant improvement in order to SURVIVE and REPRODUCE. This is what attracts the opposite sex (hint, hint.) Overtime you will start finding even the most “basic” or “regular” looking people kind of attracting. You will start having a want and drive to conversate and build relationships with other individuals in order to increase your chances of survival and reproduction (You see how it all ties into this process?)
Please let me know if I have missed anything or did not cover, or if you are looking for more clarification on this since this very complex topic. Looking forward to your response, have a great rest of your day.
submitted by illya444 to UltimateMan [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:21 Melbreeeezy Are there any resources for a service industry worker who has exhausted FMLA?

Asking for a friend/coworker:
She has been out of work for three months and has exhausted FMLA. She could not work due to pain but also the surgery just happened because it was not life threatening so they categorized it as elective. The surgery was to remove a growth which was cancerous and we just found out she will have to do at least 8 weeks of radiation before she can even think about being cleared for work if all goes well. She lives and works in PDX.
The timeline: She left work in early/mid March because of pain, was hospitalized for two days at that time, then released (but unable to work). Started FMLA. Surgery was scheduled and happened on May 10th-ish. She got word last week (let's call it May 28th) that the removed growth was cancerous and she would need to begin radiation which will be at least 8 additional weeks.
Are there any resources available?? We've done a couple of fundraisers at work but it's barely enough to cover regular bills even with the government money she was getting which is gone now. It seems like she's open to a GoFundMe or something similar but I've never coordinated one of those so would love to hear any experience you've had with those. Ultimately any leads would be helpful.
Thanks y'all! 💕
submitted by Melbreeeezy to askportland [link] [comments]
