Mysql increment time field

Ask the “What”s and “How”s of Computer Science

2011.05.08 20:13 stgm Ask the “What”s and “How”s of Computer Science


2024.06.04 19:38 Large_Button_2450 Has anyone ever mapped or listed out the house/flat buying process?

I work in a super visual field where we map out everything and/or use delivery management software to understand holistic progress of a project across disciplines.
It’s driving me mad that I can only find out vague things that need to happen during a property purchase (ie. mortgage offer, survey, searches) and not specifics or dependencies. For example, we just found out our solicitor can’t order searches until our seller has completed certain forms. Times this by every house in the chain and it seems like there’s a lot that has to happen in sequential order but only solicitors seem to know what that order is.
If anyone has mapped out the process and dependencies, I’d love to see it! And yes, I am a detail orientated control freak. 😅 Knowing exactly what has to happen helps me manage my anxiety.
submitted by Large_Button_2450 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:36 MeadowDayDream Super new to Airsoft. Help suggesting on first time purchase. (Handgun)

I plan on playing casual, target practice. I don't see myself going beyond that. But I still would like something really nice, and would like suggestions as well as any pro's and cons that may come with it.
I also have zero knowledge on what Red Gas, Green Gas, or Co2. Seems that Pressure and Added Silicon matters most. From my end of research. No clue as to what is the best option granted I hear Co2 performs better at least from what I looked up.
So far these seem to be the most known handguns in the airsoft field. And it seems some take both Co2 and Gas. Again not sure what the best option is.
KJW M9 Full Metal Sig Saur M17 Glock 17 Gen 5
I did a bit of research before I decided to make this post. Because I am interested!!!! I just need to be in the right direction so advice would help me on my first time purchase. TY
submitted by MeadowDayDream to airsoft [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:34 GnarlyCharlie88 Jack of all the trades. Master of none.

Hello, everyone, I know we all get imposter syndrome, but I feel it has been ramping up lately, and I've been doubting myself and my abilities a lot. I'm just curious to see if anyone has felt the same at some point in their career.
Sorry for the long post ahead of time!
My background:
I have always been into techy things. I wouldn't say I was a geek by any means, but I learned HTML and minor programming back in the early 2000s during high school and really enjoyed it. I doubted myself for pursuing anything more because, quite frankly, I was a terrible student. The computer classes offered at my high school were probably the only courses I cared to try in. The rest of my time focused on when I could leave and go to the skatepark. After working a few regular jobs after high school, I enlisted in the Air Force and got into the Cyber Systems Operations career field (Sys Admin). I applied myself in school for the first time and did well during my tech training. When I got to my first duty station, like most airmen, I joined the Communications Squadron and supported the base’s data center. It was a bit intimidating initially because I essentially skipped the entire Help Desk phase of typical IT progression, and tech school, while okay, certainly does not prepare you for the full scope of your duties. Thankfully, I worked with some great technicians who did a great job training the lower ranks like myself. If anyone is familiar with the military, you know additional duties are always necessary. I was selected as one of a few Local Registration Authority (LRA) to take over for a Senior Airman who was set to move to her next duty station. While it was an additional duty on paper, it certainly was anything but. I was responsible for issuing PKI smartcards for cleared users to access our classified networks and generating encryption certificates for organizations who wanted to encrypt their organizational box email communication in our unclassified environment. Along with the LRA duty, working on my upgrade training, I was also responsible for McAfee rogue remediation, whitelisting devices that could not receive the agent, and knocking out tickets in our queue. While I did learn a lot, I still felt slightly behind. Granted, I’ll take personal responsibility for a lot of it because I could have still made time to learn at home between my upgrade training and being a volunteer firefighter.
After my time in the Comm squadron, I was moved to support a NATO team in the UK. This was a nice change of pace, as I and one other individual were responsible for anything remotely IT-related. It was a great experience working with so many new things. Although I was only there for half a year, it was a great learning experience.
Fast forward to today, I'm the second most senior member and non-commissioned officer in charge of a small team that supports a training suite responsible for training 32 different career fields to go out to various operations centers and perform their duties in times of war, natural disasters, or any major incidents that take advantage of their expertise. This, by far, has been my most technical and most significant learning experience. While we do have guidelines we follow from a higher authority, we get our hands on many technologies like Active Directory, ACAS, CITRIX, RSA, SCCM, and WSUS, to name a few.
Over the last few years, I have tried to learn a lot. I eventually returned to school and got my bachelor's in Information Technology from WGU, something I never thought I would do. Those familiar know you get many certifications from their programs like CompTIA A+, Net+, Project +, LPI Linux Essentials, AWS Cloud Practitioner, and ITIL. I recently also wanted to build my foundational knowledge of Microsoft’s cloud offerings, so I took Azure and M365 fundamentals over the last few months.
I’m leaving the service this August, hoping to land a job near my family in Ohio. At this point in my career, I can genuinely say that I enjoy IT. While I don't have a super elaborate home lab, I have a bunch of virtual machines spun up to practice and try new things. For example, lately, my big focus has been trying to get better with Powershell scripting. I've created a few simple scripts throughout my career, but nothing super technical. But I still feel I'm behind after going through job listings, seeing what is required, and seeing some super knowledgeable individuals here. I genuinely feel like I have all this scattered experience, but I'm not an expert on one thing. I wish I were one of those individuals who could pick up something instantly, but I'm not. Am I ever going to stop feeling like this? Any tips for overcoming this?
Sorry for the long post. And if you made it through the shambles of words above, thank you. I mean that sincerely.
submitted by GnarlyCharlie88 to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:33 Zealousideal_Swim_80 Quad Tendinopathy (Not Sure) Since 2017!!

This is going to be long, so please bear with me. Sorry in advance.
I am a 23-year-old active individual. I have been involved in track and field and long jumping since early childhood. I also joined my high school football team and started parkour in 2016, jumping over concrete walls and leaping on hard surfaces, while jogging daily for 30-40 minutes on hard concrete surfaces. In February 2017, I suddenly started feeling pain just above my right kneecap. It hurt when I bent my knee or jumped. I was careless back then and ignored it, continuing with training. After a few days, it got worse, so I held back and saw a doctor. He diagnosed quad tendinopathy and prescribed some NSAIDs and rehab. I did rehab for about two weeks but didn’t see much improvement.It included heat treatment , ultrasound therapy and laser therapy as well. I had to drop out of the school athletics team due to the injury, even though my chances of winning were really high 😔. It didn’t get much better, so I consulted other doctors and got prescribed more medications, including tonics, tendon-strengthening tablets, and pain creams. An MRI revealed micro-tears in my lateral meniscus as well.
I got used to the pain and kept playing football and running. I even became the best athlete of the year with this condition. Eventually, I started having the same pain in my left knee. I again went to a physiotherapy clinic but no luck. Time passed, and then lockdown came. Finally, I had the time to learn more about my condition. I searched every site and watched every video possible. I discovered the "Knees Over Toes Guy," Ben. I started doing the exercises he suggested. After lockdown, I joined a gym and began with reverse treadmill walks, Poliquin step-ups, slant board squatting, tibialis raises, Nordic hamstring curls, jefferson curls, voodoo flossing and more. I’ve been doing these on my leg days for over two years now. At one point in time my right knee didn't have the same level of pain it used to but the left did. One fine day, while I was doing weighted single leg squats, I had a sharp pain in my right knee and I immediately stopped. Now the same pain persists.
I have the strength (while having pain) to do 8 Nordic hamstring curls in a row. I can squat 120 kg and do single-leg squats with 25 kg weight (with a plate under my ankle, possibly due to my structure or poor ankle or hip mobility). Recently, I started with isometrics like wall sits and squat holds, which reduced the pain a little, but it returned as soon as I played a casual football match (I wasn’t even playing; I was just goalkeeping). I had to do a few twists and turns, but nothing serious. At this point, I don’t know whom to approach or what to do. Any suggestions you think would be helpful are greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance, and sorry again for the long message. (I somehow feel relieved venting out my frustration here.)
submitted by Zealousideal_Swim_80 to physicaltherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:32 hnyb67 Field garlic (allium vineale)

Hi all! I was hoping someone would have experience with this or could point me in the right direction. To preface, I am new to witchcraft and still have a lot of practice and learning to go.
I've done some research but cannot find a definitive answer. I live on the East Coast and this location borders on a ditch from the river.
I found a ton of field garlic growing near me. Like a ton. I inspected them, cross referenced several times, and am positive this is field garlic (allium vineale).
I was trying to figure out any spiritual meanings and benefits behind it. I know wild garlic aids in protection and banishing, but that is a different plant than allium vineale. I cannot find any information on this plant other than it is invasive to North America, and completely safe and edible.
I want to use this plant since they are invasive and there is a abundance of them. Thank you for any advice/knowledge! 💜
submitted by hnyb67 to witchcraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:31 Complex_Classroom_54 Is it possible to return the Top N of a row field into a single concatenated string?

Hi everyone,
This seemed straightforward in my head, but I'm having a hard time getting the end product. I am trying to show the top 3 locations for a client based on sales, but I want the locations to show as a concatenated field for each client. Example:
Table 1 - How my data is currently (I only want the bold/italicized locations in final product)
Client Location Sales
ABC New York 5,000
Florida 4,000
Texas 3,000
California 2,000
Georgia 1,000
XYZ Tennessee 10,000
New Jersey 8,000
Washington 6,000
New York 4,000
DEF Ohio 7,500
Colorado 5,000
HIJ Virginia 8,000
Table 2 - End result I'm looking for (without the extra delimiters in the case of the last 2 clients)
Additionally, for clients that only have 1 or 2 locations, is it possible to remove unnecessary delimiters from the concatenated string?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Complex_Classroom_54 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:30 dr-good-enough Just curious: how long was your shortest project from conception to submission and what's your field?

The starting point is defined as the moment a specific idea strikes you into thinking "there is a project here". So, vague ideas don't count but off-shoots of ongoing projects don't count if the off-shooting isn't sufficiently distinct. The finishing point is the manuscript being in a stable form where you are happy to submit to journals and circulate. Do not count review times. If you didn't continuously work on it, still count the time.
I'm still early career so I don't have that many projects yet. The fastest was 3 months but I did a substantive revision in response to reviewer comment so it should probably count as a year. Field is philosophy.
submitted by dr-good-enough to Professors [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:29 sfedde What is the first thing I should do?

Just like the title states. What are the first steps you would take in my (28m) shoes? I’m 5 years into a career in scheduling/operations management for a fairly large manufacturing company. I have a degree in supply chain management, but really have no interest to pursue this field further. In hindsight I should’ve done something else with my time in college but it’s too late to dwell on that, so I’m now looking for advice on my remaining options. My father has a small but respectable lawn/snow service that I still help out with from time to time. I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur so should I convince him to let me expand the company? I also have a small interest in sales so maybe jump in there? I’ve also thought about sort of combining the two with an AG sales position. I was always jealous of the kids growing up/in college that knew what they wanted to be and did it. I have plenty of interests and hobbies but none of them translate well to a career field, especially a lucrative one. Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places or not thinking outside the box enough, but any and all advice is welcomed and appreciated. If it might help, my interests/hobbies include healthcare (mom and wife are nurses), seeing physical projects like construction or landscape come together, golf, and lifting (thought about a personal trainer but there’s so much to go into that to actually make money).
submitted by sfedde to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:29 ArthurBonesly Cassette Beasts delivers everything I've wanted from Pokemon for 20 years.

I don't have my fingers on the pulse of many things. Part of what makes me "patient" is that I just don't follow game journalism and hear about the good stuff months to years later.
Not too long ago, I was talking with my SO about how weird it is that, for all the monsters collector games, nobody's really made a true Pokemon clone in terms of RPG gameplay. Digimon really isn't comparable, SMT/Persona has monster collection but doesn't really use monsters in the same way, and certainly doesn't doesn't provide a semi-linear RPG adventure. Dozens of franchises have been sold as "Pokemon clones" but the cloning often begins and ends with having a mascot monster. With all that said, people have been voicing concerns and frustrations with the pokémon franchise for years now regarding how the games could improve. It was genuinely weird that there wasn't some indi Pokemon adjacent game that lovingly recreated what makes the series so good.
Apparently it's called Cassette Beasts and it's been out for a year now ((I should definitely get out more)).
Cassette Beasts is a must try for any older Pokemon fan. It's not the best game ever, and I can already think of opportunities for general improvement, but in the context of its inspiration it is an energizing breath of fresh air. As you can probably guess, much of the gameplay involves capturing and battling different monsters with elements rock paper scissors combat, but Cassette Beasts sets itself apart in two ways:
1 - battles are fought in teams of two (you and an NPC) from a shared party of monsters. You still have six monsters at any one time, but you almost always have two on the field and they work together in ways closer to a traditional RPG.
2 - Elemental typing is much less fixed. Through special stickers, your grass type can start combat as a fire type for a few rounds, changing any typing weaknesses. On top of this, you have "bootleg" monster which just have different typing, and (through NPC interaction) you can combine your monsters together, turning Pokemon fusions into an actual gameplay mechanic.
As the story progresses, there's significantly more things to set it apart from Pokemon, but much of what it changes play out as things I've either wanted Pokemon to do for years, or made me aware of what Pokemon should have been doing for years. Fights with NPCs scale to your level, the open world map is only partially gated by abilities you (as a player character) pick up by capturing monsters. If a rock blocks your path, you don't need "rock smash" so much as you learn how to smash rocks by way of catching the right mon, turning a key card mechanic into an extension of the capture mechanic.
The moment that really stood out to me was when I fought my first gym leader ranger. Early in the game, you're tasked with finding all the ranger and getting their badges stamps. Where I thought this was going, would be scattered gyms or special locations with the pomp and circumstance of, well, a gym battle. What I found was a sleeping NPC in the middle of nowhere who gave me a fetch quest who revealed himself to be my first ranger challenge. Excited to get the ball rolling, I accepted the fight, won, and the third stamp slot had been filled. This meant that I had missed two other challengers in the games open world. Circling back, I eventually found another ranger fight and found him to be just as challenging then the first, only to get my first ranger stamp slot filled.
That was the moment I realized I was playing something special.
Cassette Beasts is an open world monster capture RPG where you can fight the main challenges in any order and said challenges scale to your level.
There's a lot of other gems to the game, from companion side quests, cults, crooked realtors and incomprehensible horrors that break reality itself, and all of that is the RPG substance that makes the game worthwhile, but I'm not going to pretend it's what got me to try the game out. Cassette Beasts is a Pokemon clone. It's decidedly not Pokemon in ways that make the comparison unfair, but it wears its influences on its sleeve. If you watch 30 seconds of gameplay footage, you know what the game's deal is. For that reason, I don't necessarily recommend Cassette Beast if Pokemon isn't something you enjoy. If you're like me, however, and played the original generations of Pokemon, dropped off and then found yourself disappointed by the franchise as the nostalgia well runs dry, then I can't recommend the game enough. It's Pokemon meets Earthbound meets Links Awakening in all the right ways and if you've had an itch for any of those three Cassette Beasts is a must try.
submitted by ArthurBonesly to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:29 idkanymore233 My life is just a series of bad decisions. I’m going to have to kill myself soon.

I dug myself a grave I can’t really salvage. At the moment, here I am at 27 living with my parents rent-free, no bills, and haven’t had a job in 4 years (the only job I ever had for 1 year btw). I have no friends and never been in a relationship either. My social skills suck. I’m a loser.
Six months ago, I graduated college from a bad school with my B.S. in computer science. I graduated summa cum laude, which I don’t even think matters because my school isn’t ranked highly. I only chose my school because it was close to home and I couldn’t support myself without my parents. It took me 6.5 years to earn my degree but I graduated without debt. I didn’t take any internships at all during college, and I’m finding out that it essentially means I’ll never find a job with my degree. So far after hundreds of job applications, I haven’t had a single interview. Every week around Monday and Tuesday, I get a rejection email from multiple jobs I applied to. How am I not supposed to get unmotivated/depressed when this is how I begin my fucking week? It has been a constant in my life for months and I’ve started to not apply to jobs in the last month just to not receive them. But of course I’m still getting emails from jobs I’ve applied to 4-5 months ago anyways.
Say what you want about me: lazy, will never amount to anything, etc. I hear it all the time. I’ve heard it on Reddit when seeking advice and it’s constantly in my head telling me that. But after being in school for 6.5 years thinking a STEM degree would get me some kind of entry-level job at least (any job that’s salaried and I can support myself on, not necessarily related to my field), and my prospects now are to go work at McDonalds, a gas station, or Walmart earning shit pay while living with my parents indefinitely…why wouldn’t I want to kill myself? Spare me the condescending bullshit of “welcome to the real world” or “join the club.” I would rather die than resort to this knowing I essentially wasted away my entire twenties working on a useless degree, only to graduate without any prospects. I’m back at square one. I might as well kill myself and I’m tired of hearing people saying it’ll get better or whatever. People told me to go to school to get a better job. Look at where I’m at. I’m sick of people lying to me and I can’t trust anyone anymore. I can only rely on myself and my mind is telling me to just be done with it and kill myself.
submitted by idkanymore233 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:28 UrielRubio020799 2 Job Offer Bad Timing

Hey Everyone
I’m in a pickle …. And need some advice.
So I recently left a very toxic work environment, a manger from hell was making work miserable.
So I started applying and was able to land a new job pretty quickly, I got hired by a big firm in my field which I’m happy about we will call them “Company A”, and just finished my first week. To give a little bit of details I’m an electrical designer, and a talent agency was able to help me land this position, so I’m not employed by the “Company A” but more of a contractor. I do get all the benefits and time off, just get paid through the talent agency.
During the time I was applying, there was another big company I applied for let’s call them “Company B” Who is equally or slightly bigger than “Company A” where I’m a contractor. At “Company A” the pay is way more, about 25% more what I’m currently making, i would be a full time employee and also it’s a huge step into my career cause i get to explore 3D work.
I really wanna go for the second job it feels like the right fit for me at the moment. I’m just embarrassed because I have just finished my two weeks with the “Company A” and I don’t wanna burn any bridges since they are a big company in my field.
How do I write an email for this ? And am I an asshole to leave after 2 weeks ?
submitted by UrielRubio020799 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:28 Intelligent-Mode-731 Political Science or Speech Pathology?

Help Needed: Stuck Between Two University Program Choices
Hey everyone,
I'm a student currently applying to university in Canada and I'm stuck between two decisions: Political Science or Speech and Language Pathology. I already have a diploma in Social Services. As a woman who would like to settle down with a family one day, I'm looking for a career that ideally offers shorter hours, good pay, and benefits.
I'd also love a job that has the potential for remote work and offers opportunities for growth. Both fields seem appealing to me in different ways, but I'm having a hard time deciding which path to take.
Does anyone have any advice or insights on these two fields? What are the pros and cons of each, especially in terms of work-life balance, salary, benefits, and opportunities for working from home? Any personal experiences or knowledge would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Intelligent-Mode-731 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:27 AbsoluteInfoTech Oracle HCM Specialist

Oracle HCM Specialist
Hello! If you are looking at this, you might be a good candidate for this position or know of someone who can earn $1000 if your referral lands a job. The job market is getting very tight and with many #layoffs, more candidates are #OpenToWork than open #TechJobs. We are here to help! If you are #OpenToNewOpportunities, we have a lot of #jobs in #Technology. Apply Now:
Specific Technical Requirements: Must have 7+ years of experience with #Oracle #HCM #Cloud and specialized in Fusion HCM, ability to configure HR, Oracle Advanced Benefits, Compensation Workbench, Payroll, Payroll Reports, and Payroll Benefit reporting, and have done Integration with Oracle HCM Cloud, File/Worksheets based loaders for HCM components. Oracle HR, Oracle Payroll, Self Service Human Resource (SSHR), Oracle Time and Labor (OTL). Bachelor's degree in computer science, information systems, technology, or related field and two years of Oracle and Relational Database/#SQL experience. Minimum of 2 years Oracle HCM, preferably with exposure/experience with Oracle Fusion Cloud. Proven experience configuring #SaaS applications, setting up role-based access controls, approval rules, workflows, charts of accounts, etc. Trained in Oracle Cloud implementation and configurations, Certifications a plus. Experience with Oracle reporting tools to create reports, analyses, and dashboards. Be able to learn and modify existing reports as necessary. In-depth knowledge of #Payroll, HR, and Benefits.
submitted by AbsoluteInfoTech to u/AbsoluteInfoTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:27 Warm_Commission_1368 Unlock Incredible Savings: Grab Your Temu Coupon Code Now!

Are you ready to revolutionize your shopping experience? Say hello to Temu, the online shopping platform that's taking convenience and affordability to the next level. Much like we offer incredible deals for your needs, Temu brings a similar excitement to the world of e-commerce with exclusive offers and discounts.
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2024.06.04 19:26 Intelligent-Tie-4284 My Haos Boriates and Defendrix ability cards

Haos Boriates 1270 Gs Ability Cards
Raiden Knuckle: Transfer 300gs from each opponent to Boriates and nullify the opponent’s gate card.
Volt Line: Nullify all Gate Cards set by a user of a non-Haos, Non Mechanical Bakugan. Then add 200 Gs to Boriates for each card nullified this way.
Photon Durandal Cannon: Add 500 Gs to Boriates and subtract 600 Gs from each opponent. Doubles in strength if Boriates has combined with Dynamo or CBAUFM.
Iron Valiant: If Boriates would lose a battle against a non Mechanical Bakugan, he does not lose. This ability can be used once per match only.
Galaxy Tomahawk: Subtract 200 Gs from the Opponent. Doubles against non Mechanical Bakugan.
Tachyon FARBAS: Repairs Boriates of all damage, returns him to Base Power, and Doubles his G-Power, but halves his next offensive ability. Doubles in strength if Dynamo is attached. Absorb the abilities of any defeated support piece.
Actinium Nova: Add 600 Gs to Boriates and double the effect of your Gate Card.
Photon Magna Blade: Subtract 500 Gs from each opponent. Doubles if CBAUFM is active.
Dysprosium Shockwave: Subtract 500 Gs from your opponent when they would nullify your gate card. Make Boriates unable to be targeted by your opponents Non Mechanical abilities.
Odin Shield: Nullifies all the opponent's abilities and prevents them from activating any more abilities. Cannot be nullified except by a mechanical ability.
Orion Head: Prevents the opponents from activating any abilities and subtracts 300 Gsfrom each opponent.
Sima Booster: Adds 200 Gs to Boriates and nullifies the opponent’s ability if used with Hexstar.
Secret Barrel: Subtract an additional 300 Gs from your opponent. This Ability will not show up on the Bakumeter. (Consecutive use with Prometheus Cannon, Olympus Cannon, and Buster Mega Barrel only)
Prometheus Cannon: Transfers 500 Gs from the opponent to Boriates.
Tempest Arrow: Transfers 300 Gs from the opponent to Boriates.
Firebolt Axe: Transfers 400 Gs from the opponent to Boriates. Doubles if CBAUFM is active.
Element Glow: Add 300 Gs to Boriates.
Vorium Sword: Add 600 Gs to Boriates and prevent the activation of Non Mechanical Abilities for a short time. Doubles if CBAUFM is active.
Hyper Tachyon Glow: Nullify the opponent’s Gate Card and apply its bonus to Boriates.
Dynamic Haos: Haos abilities are doubled in strength.
Blaster Joker: If Brontes and Dynamo are in play, double each Bakugans G-Power and allow Brontes to use mechanical abilities as long as Boriates is on the field. (Must Combo as battle arm Boriates, transfers to Alto Brontes upon first use)
Lightning Golem: Add 400 Gs to Boriates.
Gigaton Hammer: Subtract 800 Gs from the opponent.
Muzzle Lancer: Subtracts 200 Gs from each opponent.
Gun Durance: Halves the opponent's power level.
Repulsor Impact: Subtract 900 Gs from each opponent. Doubles if CBAUFM is active.
Osmium Flashgun: Subtract 700 Gs from the opponent, nullify the opponents ability, remove their support piece from the match, and double Boriates next ability in strength.
Custom Battle Ability: Permanently Adds 500 Gs to Boriates, increase his power level by 2, and automatically nullifies any non Mechanical abilities that the opponent activates for five turns. During those 5 turns, Boriates can move Gate Cards at will, and any Gate Card that is opened with Boriates standing on it automatically transfers its G-Power Bonus to Boriates or is nullified. Any non mechanical bakugan who is defeated in those five turns has their G-Power added to Boriates. Also, he can move around outside of battle.
CBA Ultimate Flight Mode: Send CBA Defendtrix into battle on your first or fifth turn. Nullify all active abilities. If first, double Boriates G-Power. If fifth, quadruple his G-Power. Its time on the field now doubles to ten turns if used first, if fifth, it is a normal battle suit and receives infinite turns. However, your opponent can counter abilities but they function half strength if CBAUFM is used at all.
Fusion Ability Cards Buster Mega Barrel: Transfers 1000 Gs from the opponent to Boriates. Can only be nullified by a Haos ability.(Prometheus Cannon must be activated first in order to use this ability) Doubles if CBAUFM is active.
Olympus Cannon: Doubles the current G-Power of Boriates, Subtract 1200 Gs from the opponent, cannot be nullified except by a mechanical ability. (Custom Battle Ability, Buster Mega Barrel, and Prometheus Cannon must be activated first in order to use this ability.) Doubles if CBAUFM is active.
Hyper Quantum Accelerator: Triple Boriates’ G-Power. Subtract 800gs from the opponent and prevent them from activating abilities for the next turn. Any support piece involved in the battle is removed from the match and cannot be nullified except by a mechanical ability. (Fuse with Custom Battle Ability and two other abilities)
Utopia Buster: Subtract 1500 Gs from the opponent. Cannot be nullified except by a mechanical ability. (fuse with CBA and Raiden Knuckle) Doubles if CBAUFM is active.
Haos Defendtrix: Haos Defendtrix: Custom Battle Ability Edition abilities
EMP Blaster: Nullify all opposing support pieces(Except for non Mechanical Traps and Mechtogan) and temporarily remove them from the match. Cannot be nullified except by another Defendtrix
Jetfire Lance: after G-Power calculation with this consecutive ability, Boriates can use his next ability twice. double it in strength.
Hyperion Repulsor Cannon: Double your Haos Boriates next offensive ability and changes to multiple targets
Haos Fusion Cannon: Double any “Prometheus Cannon” ability in strength
Bolting Haos Railstar: Defeats an opponent’s Mechtogan, but halves Boriates G-Power
Cosmic Rust Gun: Mark one opponent for 500 Gs(-500). Then after their next turn is over, nullify their ability and gate card, then remove, if used, all of their support pieces they used from the match. Cannot be nullified, and doubles in strength and speed against Mechanical Bakugan.
Supercell FARBAS: Double the effects of Tachyon FARBAS if you activate it with CBA Defendtrix active.
Hyper Repulsor Greataxe: Subtract 1700 Gs from the opponent.
Quantum Judgement Blade-Magnaslayer: Subtract 2000 Gs from the opponent.
Photon Fusion Matrix: Custom Battle Ability lasts double the time, and is doubled in strength. Fusion Abilities are now able to be activated without needing fusion. Attach all of your Bakunano to CBA Defendtrix Boriates.
All credit goes to CMART696969 ofc
submitted by Intelligent-Tie-4284 to BakuMedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:25 Intelligent-Mode-731 Help Needed: Stuck Between Two University Program Choices

Hey everyone,
I've applied for York and I'm stuck between two decisions: Political Science or Speech and Language Pathology. I already have a diploma in Social Services. As a woman who would like to settle down with a family one day, I'm looking for a career that ideally offers shorter hours, good pay, and benefits.
I'd also love a job that has the potential for remote work and offers opportunities for growth. Both fields seem appealing to me in different ways, but I'm having a hard time deciding which path to take.
Does anyone have any advice or insights on these two fields? Any personal experiences or knowledge would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Intelligent-Mode-731 to yorku [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:25 Suitable-Studio-3090 SAHM needing to return to workforce, but lack experience and unsure where to start?

I've been a SAHM for over 6yrs with two kids. One is school aged and one toddler. I'm working part time at a local gym doing childcare and front desk duties to help make ends meet, but we really need more income than what my hourly rate is giving me. I'm also working mostly evenings and some weekends to help to not have to arrange childcare since my husband can be with the kids while I work, but working 3-4 evenings a week is getting tough on our family life. My husbands job will also require working 1-2 evenings a week starting in the fall and that will make childcare even harder to juggle. I'm needing to consider getting something full time or closer to 25-40hrs/week. Of course, child care is a concern for my toddler (he'll start part time preschool not this coming school year, but the next) and childcare during school breaks for my oldest. My degree is in human services and I do have some experience in that field, but I'd be ok to switch fields if that would give me the option for higher pay or job flexibility. The school that my oldest attends is hiring for teaching aides, but I know they max out at $15hr and I'm guessing a large majority of my check would go to childcare which doesn't necessarily help financially? I'm not in a place to take on additional student loan debt, but could maybe afford some type of certification if that would be helpful?
submitted by Suitable-Studio-3090 to workingmoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:22 ApplyAllDay Brand Marketing Project Manager - Implus

About the Job

As the Brand Marketing Project Manager, you will play a vital role in the Marketing team's success. The person in this role will lead end-to-end project management of the go-to-market calendar to ensure on-time delivery and seamless execution of all creative assets for brand-led marketing initiatives, seasonal product collections, and marketing activations. This role will oversee creative project management for brands in the Consumer, Entrepreneurial, and Footwear Accessories categories at Implus. This is a hybrid role with expectations to work from the Carlsbad, CA office, as requested.

Job Responsibilities


Preferred Qualifications

submitted by ApplyAllDay to u/ApplyAllDay [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:20 JDQBlast Persona question for newbe

This may sound dumb, or it may point out that I'm Just out of touch with how things work now. But here's my question.
I type in persona in the search field of my PS4, and literally hundreds of things pop up. Most are add ons, costumes etc... if I just want the basic games what is the exact names that I am looking for. I haven't played any of them. Thank you ahead of time for the help.
submitted by JDQBlast to JRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:20 Pristine-Woodpecker Ironman Hamburg: Race Report

In keeping with the reddit dynamics, perhaps this post should be titled "I have 3 years to train for an Ironman, is it possible?". Reports from some of my previous races, including the first race 3 years ago can be found by tracing back the links.

Sign up

As the previous race in September I left with a good feeling. Having now done a fast (~BQ) Marathon, a >300km bike event and a well executed middle distance triathlon, I figured doing a full Ironman was within reach. The ideal race would be before the summer holidays - when kids are at home and regular training gets trickier, within driving distance, preferably flat (don't want to make it harder than necessary) and maybe with a small preference for an Ironman organized race. This quickly whittled the candidates down to Ironman Hamburg, and I signed up about 10 days after the previous race report. The race sold out quickly, so not dabbling was probably a good move. I found out later a friend from the tri club had done pretty much the same maths, and signed up for the same race, so at least I wouldn't be going solo.


I followed the TrainerRoad Long Distance - Low Volume plan, with the swimming workouts replaced by those from my tri club or a group session with a swim coach, and the initial running training replaced by a marathon plan targeting a race end of March. My swimming CSS improved by a few seconds compared to last year, but after the lessons I mostly started focusing on longer, slower workouts, and it wouldn't surprise me if I lost a lot of that speed already. In any case, a fast swim was not really the main goal this year. I did several workouts >=3.5km, neither of which felt hard at the leisurely pace I was maintaining. Open water swimming restarted about 3 weeks before the race, and I was able to get 3 long OWS in as well.
The running buildup had a hitch when a sequence of a kid getting sick, myself getting sick, and a week of exceptionally bad weather meant a 3 week gap in the training. I was never able to recover from this and my training paces never reached those of last near. But same thing, running a faster marathon was not really the main goal and I got enough long sessions in.
The biking buildup went as before, hammering out TR sessions in the gaps in my schedule, but also with a hitch: normally I'd do long endurance rides on Sunday with the tri club, exactly what the plan asked for anyway, but my kids started doing sports on Sunday, so often those would be replaced by shorter indoor sessions. This did worry me a bit, because a long bike session - 180km to be precise - was a main goal this year. Around new year, I swapped the tri bike onto the trainer and did pretty much every workout that was sufficiently below FTP in the TT position.
Nearing the race, I did get some longer 120-130km rides in, including on the TT bike. Experience from the 300km event last year also said that as long as overall bike fitness was good, going longer wasn't really an issue as long as wattage was lowered appropriately. So I figured it should be fine going in with most fitness coming from 1.5h TR workouts, but I didn't exactly feel super confident either.
I never really had problems running after biking, so I skipped the brick workouts favoring recovery, doing just a single one, which went just fine.

Tune up events

The week of the marathon I got sick with the flu or a cold, but recovered enough by Saturday that I decided to run the event anyway. This was not a good idea. Already at the first gel I could feel that my digestion system was still seriously fubar, and that the on pace part wasn't going to go over 25-30km. Things got worse as it turned into a walk between all the porta-pottys in the race. I finished in over 4h. One of the worst feelings was being passed first by the 3h30 pacer, followed by the 3h45 pacer, the 4h pacer, and then having people behind that encourage me "you can do it". I was thinking "I know, I can do it an hour faster than you even!" but that didn't get me across the line any faster.
The opportunity to do a 32km/1000m vertical trail race showed up end of April, far enough from Hamburg to not impact that. According to trail runners, that's equivalent to a marathon, and looking at my finish time I largely have to agree with that. I took it easy, basically substituting a long run in the schedule. Funnily enough, the person toeing the starting line next to me looked awfully familiar. I have to say that the fitness of good trail runners is quite something, and it's kind of interesting to even see more heavily built people pulling away from you on the uphills. I might do more of these in the future.
The third tune-up event was a 120km gravel ride. Due to the extremely consistent rainfall this year (another thing that didn't help a good biking buildup), it was more of a cross-country cyclocross race, and the people who brought MTB to that race had good fun. The ones on actual gravel bikes, less so. People with the bike skills of a triathlete whose idea of a gravel bike was to mount 32mm tires with knobs on their road bike...mostly spent their time tumbling over in the mud. At least I didn't break anything. The ordeal ended up taking over 5h30, but finess-wise it wasn't an issue: 232W NP over the duration, partly from VO2max efforts after each fall to make it back to the groups.
You know what else was expected to take around 5h30?

Mechanicals and nerves

So far all my races have been on the assumption that a flat might as well be a DNF, but with the time and money invested in this one, I practiced changing tubes on the TT bike. I noticed the front tire had a long valve, and the back one a valve extender (this was a second hand bike so likely not the factory default by Canyon), which meant that I would need to pack 2 different spares, or get valve core removal tool, or something. Instead I put the same valve extender on front as in the back. I initially bought a Topeaks thing, which sucked - as all the reviews that I neglected to read were saying - so I ended up buying a Vittoria one that matched the back tire. It's still a bit fiddly to inflate, but works and came with a core removal tool.
The second ride, I went over a cobblestone street and before the end my saddle had dropped to the lowest position. As far as I knew, I'd tightened my saddle to spec when I did the setup on this bike a year ago, so I was baffled as to what went wrong, and seriously worried this would happen in Hamburg leading to a DNF. At some point it turned into paranoia as I imagined (or not) that my saddle dropped again after a workout. I ended up putting a sticker so at the very least I could quickly readjust it back if needed, and detect when it did drop.
As you gathered by now, the build-up was less than perfect and not according to the ideal plan, but I'm an Age Grouper with a job and kids, so how could it ever be? Yet some things were really starting to make me nervous, particularly the lack of outdoor TT rides. When I finally got one in, I noticed that my neck hurt like hell. It turns out that while training indoors I specifically used TT position and even put stuff on the TV to force me to hold my head up, riding in traffic requires just a bit more look-ahead and I wasn't ready for that.
Sleep is one of the most important things for a triathlete, and the 2 weeks before the race I didn't get much. I can't explain why, but despite understanding the importance I couldn't get myself to bed. One night in the final week when I did get in reasonably on time, I jumped awake at 3am with the realization I should add my wife's baking scale to the list of things to pack, and then lay awake for a few more hours pondering over whether I'd remember that in the morning. Brains suck.
After the last outdoor practice session, I put my bike back on the trainer for the last taper workouts, and my Di2 gearing rattled and jumped all over. WTF? I was able to adjust it through Shimano's app, but to this day I have no idea how that suddenly went wrong. My best guess is I tapped the derailleur when mounting or dismounting the wheel.


Travel to Hamburg was fairly smooth over the Autobahns and I arrived Friday evening, unfortunately just too late for early registration. I met up with my buddy and we signed in Saturday morning. In the shop, we were considering whether to buy some Ironman swag before we'd actually finished the race. My friend formed a plan to instruct his companions to go and get the gear when he started round 3. I decided to tempt fate and bought a hat and an IM Hamburg t-shirt with all the participants' names on it. There was another IM Hamburg shirt in a nicer color, without the names...and it said "IM70.3" on the back. Nice try, Ironman, but I doubt they sold a lot.
The venue is in the middle of the city center and there's tons of eating places and food courts nearby. I looked for a place serving the most average looking pasta possible. The city itself looked very cool to visit, and if it hadn't been such a long drive I'd have told my family to come over.
I wanted to do the test swim to alleviate my nerves a bit and get a feel for the water conditions. My buddy didn't want to as he argued it would make the wetsuit harder to get in the next day. Tests swim went fine - if very short - and I noticed the water had zero visibility - just as I'm used to in my home pond.
Upon bike check-in I noticed a service tent in transition that had a toolbox with large Canyon stickers over it, and a tech with a Canyon t-shirt. Normally I wouldn't want anyone fiddling with my bike the day before the race, but the saddle paranoia still hadn't abated and I figured that if anyone would know how to properly deal with it, it'd be a Canyon tech. He explained that the saddle needed paste inside for friction (people in the tri club had told me this in the mean time, but it's not like I had it lying around), and also that the screw itself should be lubricated else a torque wrench will give a false reading. Aha?Whatever it be, my saddle mounting got a complete overhaul and I felt at least the 700 EUR I paid to Ironman was good for something. The sticker from earlier came in handy, though the tech did point out the Canyon saddlepost has a measurement scale on it.
I brought my own torque wrench on race morning to check that the screw had indeed been tightened to max spec. That's paranoia for you.

Final prep

My nutrition plan for this race was starting out with a set of 3 bottles, each with 100g sugar, 1 tbps citric acid, 10g maltodextrose and 10g of Isostar for taste, with extra caffeine in the first few bottles. This is super cheap, works well for me, and easily gets a ton of calories in with no digestive issues. I filled another set of 3 to put in the special needs bag. I figured I really only needed 4 total, but why not 2 sets of 3 just in case you lose a bottle somewhere. For the run it was Maurten. I brought my own even though it was actually the on-course nutrition, mostly don't like to rely on external factors.
Weather prediction was overcast, windy, 19-20C with perhaps the sun breaking through in the afternoon. The latter did not end up happening, which probably nobody minded as it'd have made the run harder.
Went to bed at 18h, expecting to wake up at 4am and do a final attempt at recovering sleep. At 21h30, my wife called me (as an emergency contact she can call through mute...) to wish me good luck.


After pumping up my (latex) tubes on race morning and managing to offload my pump to my friend's friends, I put on my wetsuit, which was a bit more resistant than normal (remember what my buddy said?) and put my feet straight through the ankle rubber. Fantastic.
We went to the starting zone for the 1:15-1:25 swim group and mostly stood around sipping some nutrition and waiting for quite a while as most of the ~2300 participants went into the water in groups of 3. We saw a few people yell for the kayaks after a few hundred meters.
Hit the water and got into my stroke very quickly. Despite the water being 19.5C I felt a bit cold and upped to pace a little to warm up. The swim course in Hamburg is very cool as you swim out of the smaller lake, under the bridge, onto the large lake, around the buoys, back through the other side of the bridge, back on the other side of the small lake, then past the start until one of the interior canals where you get out.
Despite swimming quite wide off the buoys I got elbowed a few times, and gave a shove back for the most blatant case. Guess not everyone is used to swimming in zero visibility. Swim was otherwise uneventful. I got passed by someone backstroking, but also passed a ton of breaststrokers (being a bit optimistic about our starting corral are we?). Exited the water with a satisfied feeling in about 1h25. The swim appears to have been long at ~3950m.


I took the time for a bathroom break in transition, wiggling like a contortionist out of my aerosuit (maybe next time keep it down for the swim to save time?). Got the socks on, even put on gloves which I don't normally do while racing, but as I didn't care for the time, why not. Walked to the bike very leisurely through a transition that was measured by my Garmin as 800m long (!).
To my pleasure, and despite the huge field, there was very little crowding on the bike course, and for the most part even as a MOP Age Grouper it was possible to pass according to the rules. No bike packs that I saw. This being Germany I expected perfect asphalt but that was a bit too optimistic, and some zones did need to be taken out of the bars. I planned to roughly hold around ~205W NP (70% FTP), in the end I was a bit low - as in previous races - at around 195W. I did not feel any soreness from holding TT position and was able to spend very long periods in aero. Given that I was pretty far back after my swim, I started rapidly passing people.
There was one notable section, that started with a feeling as if you were full on in the wind, and then turned what felt no more than 30-35 degrees, after which I was able to average >42km/h with ~200W. Maybe the initial feeling was deceptive and this was really wind in the back, or some other aero effect was going on, but in any case flying like this was a lot of fun.
I saw a lot, and I do really mean A LOT of people on tri bikes that were on their bullhorns. On a pancake flat course. In reasonably strong winds. Don't do this. For the love of god. Raise your bars, whatever, but don't do this. The speed differential here was very large and it wasn't as much passing as flying by people.
At some point a referee on the motorbike came next to me, and whistled so hard I almost fell off of my bike, wondering what I'd done. Drafting? Unlikely. Blocking? Also unlikely. Littering? I have all my bottles. (Virtual) centerline violation? That's possible, but that'd be a DQ. Just as I was about to ask, I noticed the referees' eyes were not on me, but just slightly off to the side. I turned around and found a rather embarrassed person sitting right behind my wheel. So, kudos to the organization for even enforcing the rules for random age groupers!
I mostly felt great during the bike, superman on wheels, passing about 300 people. After 160km of biking, I did start to get a bit sore, and had to go out of aero more often, and the legs didn't feel as fresh anymore, so at this point speed dropped just a little bit.
Taking in carbs went really well, but 4 x 750ml bottles and not a lot of sweating meant 2 extra pee stops, which did hurt the overall bike split a bit. And no, I'm not going to do the obvious to save time here just yet.


Swapped the bike out for the racing shoes, and off we go. I set my pace for the marathon between 5:20 and 5:40 ish based on a random VDOT table I found on Slowtwitch, forcing myself to keep it easy. Out of transition everyone immediately ran way from me, I checked my watch, and I was already at 5:10 pace. Running at 5:20 felt kind of boring, but that wouldn't last very long.
The run felt really good as well, though unfortunately this was the least attractive part of the course. You basically run through the city park (picking up some small rocks in your shoes on the way), halfway into a residential streets, through a 180, and back again to the next street. The finish section is nicely placed in front of the church square but the rest is nothing special. I guess they didn't want to close down major parts of a huge German city for an entire day just for us, but sob. It makes it easy on the spectators though. You can also see the people from the other direction, and I saw that my buddy was reduced to walking, which encouraged me to try to catch him. When I did, I only then noticed he had an extra bracelet and was a lap ahead, and I'd only just unlapped myself. Small mental hit there. Still, just by still running you pass tons and tons of people and I still felt great.
After a bit more than 2h and after 2 gels, I noticed that they weren't going down very well any more and needed to make a choice whether to force down another one and maybe throw up, or stop eating and inevitably bonk. I guessed than bonking would be the least unpleasant choice, and also less likely to draw unwanted attention from medical staff (lest they pull me from the course), so I stopped eating. After about 30km pace went down to about 6:30 with small sections of walking, and I no longer felt like superman. Kilometers sure feel even longer when you take them at 6:30 instead of 5:20.
I rang the bell, heard my name called out (though I think I didn't hear the "You are an Ironman"), and crossed the line, satisfied. Said hello to my friend who finished earlier. Ran back to the medical tent for a barf bag, that turned out to be unnecessary because my stomach was empty (another "benefit" of bonking?). They offered me to lie down a bit in a bed, and it was an attractive offer that I took up. Everyone was shaking of cold and they were handing out blankets, I'm not sure if that's because of the wind, if it's a normal thing after a full, or it's the combination of both.
Finish time was around 11:30, smack in the middle of the field. My marathon time at 4h was faster than the standalone marathon earlier this year, but that isn't saying much. It was the best leg split compared to the rest of the field, so it's definitely about who keeps running the longest.

Closing thoughts

submitted by Pristine-Woodpecker to triathlon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:19 SwigOfRavioli349 I’m totally hooked now

I’m totally hooked now
I started flying recently and have been having a blast. I spent some time on real flight and learned the controls, and felt comfortable enough to go out to the field.
My maiden was fun. I was at one park where it was windy, I almost lost the plane because it got too high and too far. I decided to then go to a turf track field and had a much better time.
I’m now comfortable using just AS3X with no problem. I’m doing loops, low ground high speed passes, landing on pavement, etc…
There’s just such a great feeling when flying, being away from everything and just having a fun time. I wanna pursue this hobby even more now.
submitted by SwigOfRavioli349 to RCPlanes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:19 Equivalent-Bug-8333 [hiring] Writer for health and addiction topics

We’re an SEO company looking for freelance writers to write regular blog posts and articles on addiction and health related topics for our clients.
We offer $0.07 USD per word and all invoices are paid monthly. Some SEO knowledge is preferred but we can also offer feedback and guidance to help you learn.
We currently need 10 to 15 articles a month but there’s room for more if you need it. You’ll work in your own time zone and your own schedule, but we would like you to adhere to deadlines once you take on article assignments.
If you're interested and have relevant experience in this field, please send me a DM with links to your previous work. We look forward to working with you.
submitted by Equivalent-Bug-8333 to HireaWriter [link] [comments]