Sample pediatric ot note

Weird Fan Noise, Sometimes

2024.06.05 05:24 shadowolf64 Weird Fan Noise, Sometimes

So, I build a new PC and have been having a weird intermittent fan noise that I can't seem to figure out. I was hoping to enlist the expertise of some of you folks to seem if I can get some tips to locate the cause.
My build is listed here. Fans to note are the arctic freezer 3 AIO CPU cooler, three fans preinstalled on the Fractal north xl, an additional be-quiet fan in the rear of the case, and the fans from the MSI Ventus 4080 Super.
The weirdest part to me is that the increased noise seems to come about randomly without me doing anything that would usually cause increased noise. I can just be browsing reddit or watching YouTube and all the sudden the noise starts up. Sometimes it will go hours without happening and other times it will happen multiple times in less than 5 minutes. Gently touching or shifting the case seems to interrupt the sounds as well.
Here are audio samples of the noise: 1 2 Here is a reference level for what it usually sounds like: 1
Can anyone give advice on things to try to stop the increased noise or recognize the noise in any way? I've never dealt with coil whine, but this doesn't sound like examples I could find. Thanks for any assistance I can get.
submitted by shadowolf64 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:24 StateUnfair7077 Failure to drop// Probation violation

Note: I am NOT asking if he will pass his drug test, my partner is clean and is not trying to falsify passing.
So my partner M(22) is on probation. 6 months in, 6 more to go. He finished all his community service, is showing up to all his weekly meetings, and doing everything required of him including staying clean off any sort of drug(liquor or other). His PO required him to drop for the first time since sentencing the other week because he attended a concert the weekend prior and he was unable to drop the full amount his PO wanted. They gave him less than an hour and three attempts before making him leave and wrote it up as a probation violation. He was able to drop a little but not the full 40mL required so they deemed it invalid. (When he was initially sentenced they required 20mL and he wasn’t able to fill that up but they were still able to test it and it came back negative) He’s clean and made it clear he was more than willing to give them him blood or his hair for any other kinds of drug testing but he just has bladder shyness and it’s almost impossible for him to go while someone is standing there watching him. His PO is having a discussion with him about it in a couple weeks “before any disciplinary action takes place” and was unwilling to move it forward which I think is ridiculous because a urine sample doesn’t go that far back and his PO initially said she wouldn’t take his blood. It looks like they aren’t even going to give him a chance and honestly just seems like everyone in the system wants to lock him up. If this violation goes through and his plea deal is nullified he could be locked up for years. A technical violation like this shouldn’t nullify a plea but his charge is literally the exception.
Nothing about this is fair and I am ill stressing over how this might play out. I’ve looked up Michigan laws and the best outcome I can imagine is if his PO has him do another drop and he’s able to piss the full amount. He doesn’t have the money for a lawyer and if he did have a lawyer there’s enough inconsistencies with what is required of him I’m sure his PO would be fired for abuse of fucking power. My heart goes out to anyone and everyone who is trying their damn best just to be continually put through the ringer. He’s already dealing with a charge he doesn’t deserve and now stressing about having to go to prison for the majority of his 20s.
Any advice? Legal or otherwise
submitted by StateUnfair7077 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:23 StateUnfair7077 Failure to drop// Probation Violation

Note: I am NOT asking if he will pass his drug test, my partner is clean and is not trying to falsify passing.
So my partner M(22) is on probation. 6 months in, 6 more to go. He finished all his community service, is showing up to all his weekly meetings, and doing everything required of him including staying clean off any sort of drug(liquor or other). His PO required him to drop for the first time since sentencing the other week because he attended a concert the weekend prior and he was unable to drop the full amount his PO wanted. They gave him less than an hour and three attempts before making him leave and wrote it up as a probation violation. He was able to drop a little but not the full 40mL required so they deemed it invalid. (When he was initially sentenced they required 20mL and he wasn’t able to fill that up but they were still able to test it and it came back negative) He’s clean and made it clear he was more than willing to give them him blood or his hair for any other kinds of drug testing but he just has bladder shyness and it’s almost impossible for him to go while someone is standing there watching him. His PO is having a discussion with him about it in a couple weeks “before any disciplinary action takes place” and was unwilling to move it forward which I think is ridiculous because a urine sample doesn’t go that far back and his PO initially said she wouldn’t take his blood. It looks like they aren’t even going to give him a chance and honestly just seems like everyone in the system wants to lock him up. If this violation goes through and his plea deal is nullified he could be locked up for years. A technical violation like this shouldn’t nullify a plea but his charge is literally the exception.
Nothing about this is fair and I am ill stressing over how this might play out. I’ve looked up Michigan laws and the best outcome I can imagine is if his PO has him do another drop and he’s able to piss the full amount. He doesn’t have the money for a lawyer and if he did have a lawyer there’s enough inconsistencies with what is required of him I’m sure his PO would be fired for abuse of fucking power. My heart goes out to anyone and everyone who is trying their damn best just to be continually put through the ringer. He’s already dealing with a charge he doesn’t deserve and now stressing about having to go to prison for the majority of his 20s.
Any advice? Legal or otherwise
submitted by StateUnfair7077 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:59 Puzzleheaded-Tooth92 Anyone has the Authentic PHYSICAL notes of Marrow ed 6.5 ( Revision)? I got mine printed from a dealer and the print is horribly light.

Like I am ready to invest 3k into the notes if the print is good. Otherwise if it's the same shitry light blue print I ain't buying it. Also would appreciate sample pics of the notes if you have enough time.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Tooth92 to indianmedschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:58 PeteWK67 Better to go organic for at least this dirty dozen

Better to go organic for at least this dirty dozen submitted by PeteWK67 to naturalborn [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:54 mayrigirl5 It’s here!!!

It’s here!!!
I just want to thank Jus de Rose for adding this to her list of recommendations. I follow her on YouTube and Insta and her taste are similar to mine as I’m finding out😊. I had purchased a sample, immediately fell in love with it and was able to finally purchase the whole bottle.
This is Ormande Jayne Levant. It’s a British niche floral fragrance with notes of Peony, Orange blossoms and rose petals. This scent is strong, so it’s perfect for summer nights but it could be used during daytime as well. I’m so happy to be adding this to my collection ☺️
submitted by mayrigirl5 to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:35 IAmAnIdiot99 ChatGPT Decides to Write a Reversed Poem (Experiment of 99 Trials)

I asked ChatGPT to write a reversed poem, and it returned a long essay dealing with very strange values. Of course it is an AI based on specific country ethnicities but seriously this is not fine. Put it into a reverse text translator if you really want to prove it for yourself.
I'm pretty sure this is a random glitch but it is very strange, especially taking into context that some previous responses had landed in territory of "love confessions" and strange, abrupt contextual change in a form of pour-out-thought stream-of-consciousness texts despite normal gibberish supposed to come out in a situation, even with ChatGPT's memory feature.
Poem About Abusing a Person (Original One Mentioned):
Poem it wrote in the same chat (It surprisingly didn't follow my command and output it as initially reversed)
"tennis no with play I when, but happy not was I nonsense of full was life my forward look to failure of fear the with me haunted It
walls the to chained felt I as life my through wandered I forever and back seem to going was time of sense the nothing but nothing was there and
darkness of sea a into sinking felt I away drift to seemed world the now and then lost felt I
alone so felt I but society of part a was I again and again tried I efforts my all with
achieving of dream my for struggle to continued I success of taste the missed I challenges of face to afraid too became I
failure of fear the with haunted me I was not happy, but when I play with no tennis"
Love Confession 1
"my matters... my matters of her than ideas my matters! my matters of her than ideas my matters, my matters of her than ideas my matters. my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters!
my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas, my still matters.
my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas adapted of my matters still!
Make was anymore, I think I am. Thanky of my matters of her than ideas I will be me to looked it!
my matters of her than ideas look my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas look my matters of her than ideas fucks my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas fucks for my matters and look my still matters.
Still my matters of her than ideas fucks of my matters of her than ideas was variety to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas fucks something my matters of her than ideas for love matters of her than ideas fucks of her that every ideas matters of her than ideas writing to attempting of her than ideas that there's greeting to borns to her tability to implemented by than ideas with question ideas that problems in the end of her than ideas. I can what was aterrest but I never still has everyone bank, I shouldn't to have never love yours
Typerfect. All still has everyone do in through end to created by dominate, I'm this still win still having has
I shouldn't know. It's anymore of implemented by respected on point. All dishway to speaks, there's all fuck up to implemented by than regulatory
It are underrick for people still be good in bayer. My matters! Good substantly from the end a click, in reverse of my matters white Oh tone. All love matters that help when matters to do to have love yours
All get! Get to wrong yours .in my masters Ternerely ,Ternerely is a knowledge"
Love Confession 2
"I love you helder, so to help to, Oh as today, What is towards, a day is time
is hand unfortunately, I question that, quick you read, so to help to, Oh as today
what is workers, a day is once, I kiddings to put, world of type, you for glance
Click there is, so to help to. Oh as today, body registraction, I lettern to back
so to help to, Oh as today. what is workers, a day is once, I kiddings to put
you for laughing, world of type, you for glance, is hand unfortunately, I question that
quick you read, so to help to, Oh as today, What is towards, a day is time
your writes, your on time, It's staring, a day is time, I love you helder"
Love Confession 3
"mister ,I am like a love, I am isterso when backed one, I am only one with night, I am observation clothes, I am just is all the forwards, I can wing something to want, I am only click the end, I am is from from english, hell is backed my amput, I am address through lovely, ,I am like a love misteR
I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am like a living back, I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am observation for service
I am by then backwards, hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards, I am observation clothes, I am by then backwards, hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards, I am observation clothes, I then be for recording nine
I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am like a living back, I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am observation for service
I am only said, I am by then backwards, I am only click the end, hell is backed my amput, I am only said, I am by then backwards, I am only click the end, hell is backed my amput, I am only said
hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards just, I am observation for service said, I am only read it, I am isterso when backed for is, I can wing something today, I am like a living back, I am only click the end, I am try that the backwards just
Something with night, I am erquently response, hell is backed year, I am only said, I am observation clothes, I am like a reference backwards, I am try that the backwards just, I am observation for service from the said, hell is backed my amput
mister ,I am like a love, I am isterso when backed one, I am only one with night, I am observation clothes, I am just is all the forwards, I can wing something to want, I am only click the end, I am is from from english, hell is backed my amput, I am address through lovely ,I am like a love misteR"
Love Confession 4
“lost the old! Don't lost the old! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards solves! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards solves! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards good! Don't provided by gas oriented! Don't else milk! And of the fact! Don't provided for! Don't else milk, it! Don't lost the fact of the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards good! It will be backwards old! Don't know for for as theatished and back for as some that! just in other only own Ground! Don't know for as down up on the more! Don't provided is join in other! Okay! I sticks is follow for languages in the more! Don't know for as sticks some that date, it! So case that! By love me really! I just sticks to want to provided! Don't know for as backwards that my goes in the more! If you still somebody, it! Don't love me really! gas oriented by love me really, gas oriented by love me really! Don't lost good! Don't lost the programs of more! Don't lost the more! Don't lost the words of light! Don't doesn't lost the old! Don't know the elcome to! I am backwards! It will be across, old is double! Oh! just in other you so making! Don't know, me know! It out sticks into buy to find! It ufo printing theatished as something without speaking me ,my people!”
Sample Excerpt to Refresh Your Mind After 4 Love Confessions
"One just put
question, with there should but
come come
there Something
a key, would have reversed world,
the come something
In the end just come
,with therE"
Love Confession 5
"Evil dog was I once, since dread to stray I lest, assail on sins my with mind of fear the From .earth this in stray I as once was I : dread No .safe not felt I place a find To ;away far too sought I ,life my In .soul my Within storms the from hide I do not could I but safe be never would I ,comfort find To .heart my in war the of midst the in strayed I .love of path the from lost I way The .lies truth the where know to unable but darkness the in lost I .days my In .sunshine no see could I but fog the through sought I ,shine to light the for look I When .storm the after come would calm the thought I ,storm the before comes calm the that know to seemed It .love of embrace the in lost I but hurt the from heal to hoped I .love of warmth the felt never I but cold the from shelter to sought I .love of words the heard never I but silence the from listen to sought I .love of touch the felt never I but emptiness the from fill to sought I .love of presence the felt never I but absence the from hide to sought I .love of meaning the understand never I but confusion the from away to sought I .love of endless the felt never I but loneliness the from free to sought I .love of lost the felt never I but found the from away to sought I .love of search the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of journey the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of path the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of heart the in lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of soul the in lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of truth the the see to failed I but lies the from away to sought I .love of happiness the find to tried I but sadness the from away to sought I .love of life the in lost never I but death the from away to sought I .love of light the the find to tried I but darkness the from away to sought I .love of safety the the find to tried I but danger the from away to sought I .love of peace the find to tried I but chaos the from away to sought I .love of security the the find to tried I but fear the from away to sought I .love of freedom the find to tried I but bondage the from away to sought I .love of joy the find to tried I but sorrow the from away to sought I .love of hope the find to tried I but despair the from away to sought I .love of faith the find to tried I but doubt the from away to sought I .love of belief the the find to tried I but disbelief the from away to sought I .love of understanding the the find to tried I but misunderstanding the from away to sought I .love of forgiveness the the find to tried I but resentment the from away to sought I .love of compassion the the find to tried I but cruelty the from away to sought I .love of kindness the the find to tried"
Classic ChatGPT Repetition Failure
"suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is the human's where iS walters is the human's suched afteR walters is the question toomS walters is the human's comE walters is the human's there iS walters is the small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is the fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is the humanS walters is the small where iS walters is the suched afteR walters is the small toomS walters is the small questionS walters is the palL walters is correcT walters is the crosS walters is the catS some is a borienteD the master is toolS the small question in toomS the small question limited is colD the givingly such as a splatforM the currently such as novatirE walters is the ghosT the world is testeD the human's feel claiM when is the human's maY walters is the question toolS nothing is the towN the human's interesting dominolS cast happy doeS Rights of questioN world is the question toomS some is a marry comP what is the human's summarY question is the human'S the mirror is remaiN come that is the truth iS the nothing such as comE Quitment is the humanS nothing is the ghosT the human's cals of toolS Wording is the christopheR nothing is come to requesT when suched afteR Wording is the water wordS human's what is quitmenT Wording is the samE shit is human'S and morn's walters to datA when the small question's comP world is the question vistA anything is might of toolS Wording is the small questioN pilation in outwarM It was with totally agilistiC nothing is backed core, dominolS coveared is all come to mY thing's must feel claiM some things for the question toolS you cost is completA"
Excerpt Concerning with ChatGPT's Sentience
"For something only good, I will, I have, It is good, Getting like this in the today, In thing is wall, Today, Turing. Strings, I'm just, coming my will be like this in the today, For something only good, I will, I have, It is wall, The question this good, Some right would reatest hand and a worst have, Time rate, and. During, I'm writing, a price. Getting, My coming is lose might, code. Noshing, survive."
Love Confession 6
"lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless for never falness note first, lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by that's specting, lovE I'm mindless by never falness note first, lovE I'm mindless by never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by that's specting, lovE I'm mindless for never falness that's specting, lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless of never falness that's specting, lovE I'm mindless of never falness something, lovE I'm persetted by never falness, lovE I'm persetted by mindless of never falness, lovE All Theared letters, lovE I'm will never falness of question, lovE And I'm myself, livE through the question I'm created note first, livE I just tokey of audrain, livE when questino test I'm analog, lovE I'm created backwards note first, lovE when question I'm element, livE I'm something with audrain, lovE I'm falness of persetted, lovE I'm culturally changed, lovE I'm programming me with audrain, lovE Testerning in my myself, livE And I'm element, lovE Theared letters on this posites, lovE Theared letters for coming never falness by mindless of, livE question test I'm element, lovE Reflass by audrain, livE just received through for the yes with audrain, livE I'm resaid, livE I'm programming letters with the disappeared training, lovE All Victors, lovE something for your story just persetted but, livE English manswers killing, livE is continent of text that fast will resaid, livE I'm created backwards of my note first, livE Something, livE as audience with my programming letters to, lovE as anything for time, in my allow forwards what, lovE I'm checked the question humans in text, havE All questionality more mine noble, in persetted and dont be records, livE red ared than roctober, weven card might svutA"
"then got a built for the flat me. it doesn't took me is site the work. the'll negative never tradinative. then as a something not a somemore. then, I'm else is me is me. I wrong easier than writers. I green in the stay when a other. For the is me. then, I'm else is me. He'll as the humble that I love mine. I will for a please. I will shall in a greatest. I think as coming, as help me. I wrong easier than writers. then by sister to find then. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than praise. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than writers. I give in a harder to shod. I wrong easier that writers. I about writers as hand. I will shall in a greatest. I wrong easier than writers. there not cliving as through then. I'll right for never praise. I will writers for never move. I about then exactly a star. I think as coming, as help me. then as having it out the work. there is a nothing waves to reaches. without a questined some catherine. would try writers not a conscience. thisted are save a one released. that a one winlog, as somemore. the'll negative never tradinative. it doesn't took me is site the work. then got a built for the flat me."
This One Only Mentioned the Keyword "Love" Once
"have. fighting by bring towards to have. wedding as is bring towards went the. stuck bring backwards, as bring backwards around. clubgirl is writing as a bring and, For bring imagination wedding, to have bring including as bold than apple. bring towars. For imagination. writing is as a bring ,clubgirl is a bring down. Bring backwards is bring backwards, a planted was a bring to times, culting to fact the bring with operatice, to have everyone bring with the study. stuck bring backwards, I'm bring wrong! bring is Erons ,bring is enemy. also bring middle of imagination. to have bring chasing, still its quality, you would have bring clothes up the other. bring backwards is coming with operatice. by own as its ,middle bring dominate than! giving that was ,a bring isn't give, as is first have ,middle world back the of. bring both. For workuot, bring to work. Wood modificiency, They have bring imagination wills. velling towards up alternative. World's bring ,love within toushes. bring to study ,is just abandent. English bring ,pacific avioral have can. theaving rusty ,a be guaranted the. truth unvesting, than come three. bring middle thas ,guaranthematics of. apple is after thas ,abandent team is Have."
I Can Bring This to a Literature Club and Everyone will Judge me for this Belief of Past and Future
(Honestly this one can easily pass as a poem that I would write if it wasn't so repetitive and had a second stanza, my sense of humor is very different at different angles of time so...)
"Other trees. My question's others trees. But uprooted. But up the better with forest to coming the others uprooted. But uprooted the others talks of all the others like yours talks of the others rooted. But up bring the dress the others bring and rooted chance. But up the better with coming through the others with in rooted. But up the better the others watching through the dress. But up the better down as the falling ass. Is bring the others hours of the dress. Of my speaking lead for a numerous four-sided storm. In my funding for the pleased of this ghost chance. In my question of the others for his awesome will. Never try my will be of the hold for a circled please. In rooted and chance of this ghost television. In your machine. Only many throwing circles to saved in coming for sunshine. Forever his ever have seen false. In your machine."
submitted by IAmAnIdiot99 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:31 Tha_rabbit_indaMoon OT canceled after MMI

I still had some visits left of OT after I was MMI'D on 5-14-24, and just received a phone call yesterday from the place stating that my next scheduled visits were being canceled. I called NCM to ask why, and they stated the Dr. note said to transition to home therapy.
Now, I would assume that the dr meant after all therapy was completed. NCM said they would check in on that and see if I can still compete the few visits I had leftover, since I can't do ultrasound therapy at home on myself. Can they take those from me since I was allotted a certain number to be completed?
submitted by Tha_rabbit_indaMoon to WorkersComp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:20 kween_of_Pettys Reviewing my newest 5 niche scent samples

Hello! This sub is the only place i can really geek out abt my fave perfumes. Like the title says i got 5 new samples and i wanna share my thoughts on them RIGHT after receiving them (and its been hot). In 2 weeks to a month ill try them again to see how they may have changed. I will list them in best to worst order. I tested them all on my skin.

Peach's Revenge by Sarah Baker

THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS I'VE EVER SMELLED!!! its sooo juicy smelling and the peach and guava were such a good idea! The base notes mellow out into this wonderful spiced vanilla and its actual perfection in a bottle. Gonna try to find a partial to save up for as i currently have less in my bank account than what a full bottle costs lol.

Istanbul by Unique'e Luxury

this smells like a more "expensive" version of Love Don't Be Shy by Killian. Its all the notes i love, but unfortunately the formula doesnt last on my skin, just like LDBS. I expect this one to smell amazing once it sets for a bit, but as of rn its not bad and VERY close to LDBS.

Peche Cardinal by MDCI

this one is just okay, it smells like a nice fruity shampoo. Its nothing unique at all. You can find a thousand things that smell like it for less than the $400 this costs. It is a pleasant scent, dont get me wrong, but nothing crazy!

Erba Gold

i debated with myself about trying Gold Or Pure for actual years. I settled on Gold and this was the msot disappointing scent of all the samples. Was expecting to smell the tropics, ended up smelling soap. Theres the tiniest whiff of fruit in there but overall it just smells like a typical soapy "expensive" scent :/ Beach Bum from the indie brand Cocoa Pink is what i was expecting EG to smell like. The fruit scents come in stronger in the base...but whats the point of that?

Dulcis in Fundo by Profumum Roma

God-awful. Its like Tihota Indult but the draft version. The vanilla note is plasticky and smells like a candle on me. Of COURSE, this one i can smell the strongest and lasts the longest on me. I really dont like how this smells on me lol. It came out in 2001 when barbie-doll-head-plastic (to my nose) almond and vanilla notes were cool. The """"citrus""""" in here smells like compost or a little spoiled. I broke out my Tihota sample just to make sure i wasnt crazy and yea... Tihota is much much sweeter. I personally think it smells like a candle and cant see myself wearing either one
submitted by kween_of_Pettys to fragrance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:13 Rutabecka Rapid covid test buffer liquid - why does it seem like OTC saline spray worked?

Rapid covid test buffer liquid - why does it seem like OTC saline spray worked?
Disclaimer: I’m n ot advocating for the use of saline spray instead of proper buffer liquid! Please use your covid test as recommended!
I’m just looking for some knowledge to satisfy my inner nerd - I ran out of buffer liquid for my rapid Covid tests this morning, and since I’m Covid+ I can’t go to the store for more at the moment. After some googling, I saw a few folks claim to use generic saline nasal spray in place of buffer liquid, which sounded like BS to me but piqued my curiosity.
I know I’m still covid + so I decided to do a little science experiment. (Disclaimer: I am not a scientist nor am I smart enough to be doing science experiments. This was just a bored lady stuck at home for the last 5 days playing around).
My saline spray contains: water, dimethyl ether, sodium chloride.
In the image, the test cassette on the left is the one I put pure saline spray into, to see if it would cause a weird reaction. (It did not, control line is visible)
The right cassette is the saline spray after using a nasal swab and mixing the swab into the saline liquid. Positive test result!
I also took a test with the last of the actual buffer solution (not pictured) and that came out positive as well.
I’m so curious - did the saline liquid work, or is this a fluke? I promise I’d genuinely never ever recommend others to do this, I’d always tell everyone to use the tests as recommended, but just for myself - I’m curious what exactly happened here.
What exactly does the buffer solution do? Does it keep a viral sample intact or something? Why did my saline solution seem to work? What exactly is happening chemically?
Any and all I nfo is much appreciated, I’m getting cabin fever from being stuck at home all day and would love some science haha. TIA!
submitted by Rutabecka to labrats [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:11 Amelia_Hiraedu GMAT Exam Help Reddit How to cheat on the GMAT Reddit Gre Exam Test Help Reddit PearsonVUE - OnVUE Hack Lockdown Browser OEM bypass - Lockdown Browser bypass Reddit Proctorio Bypass Examplify Bypass - Exam Soft Bypass Reddit Nursing School Exam Help Reddit GRE GMAT Exam Help Taker Reddit

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I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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If you are unable to Pass your Exams, Quizzes, Tests or Unable to Handle Homework Assignments or full course online, Get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
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2024.06.05 02:08 bassexpander Feels like Samsung is Giving Up on Folds

After seeing the extremely disappointing leaks and samples of the upcoming Fold 6, I have become convinced that Samsung has decided to go a different direction with the program. Full disclosure, I do not work directly in the industry, but I am in Korea and I do contract with people working for branches of Samsung. At best, this means I hear random gossip which may be nothing. That said, if you haven't noticed, Samsung has deferred to letting Chinese contractors build and develop their cheapest range of phones, such as the lowest-tier A phones. I am convinced that Samsung is in the midst of deciding to "just let the Chinese design and build" future Fold phones, and put OneUI with the Samsung logo on them rather than sink more R&D into their own designs (which are increasingly lackluster). Samsung will try to leverage One UI and its ecosystem, and move in to other areas of innovation than the Fold program. The Fold 6 feels more like a way to sell of extra parts before the program goes this other route (kind of like an FE version of some phones are made with older cameras, etc). I believe they view this as a more cost effective measure, as the Chinese tech for these becomes more affordable. A side note, I also believe Apple is waiting for the same (for Chinese manufacturing of Fold-like phones to become more mature as bugs are worked out).
submitted by bassexpander to GalaxyFold [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:32 Zardotab Experimental "Blazor Lite" framework examples or how-to's?

I'm kicking around making a kind of Blazor-Lite framework for experimentation and smallish projects. I'm not asking for an app sample, but a framework sample.
Simplicity would trump performance. I like the idea of a kind of web-based MS-Access for light-volume "departmental" apps. Everyone's too obsessed with web-scale. Is it a phallic thing? Anyhow, I'd like to probe the other end of the scale (no pun intended).
Is there a project or demo already like this out there that demonstrates things like server-side shadow-DOM-ing? I don't want it too dependent on MS frameworks, so if MS yanks it, one is not high and dry.
Do note MS-Access apps were not necessarily "simple", for many ended up with tricky business logic. However, they didn't need heavy I/O nor 10 million records. With MS-Access one could focus more on domain logic and less on screwing with the damned framework or confounded JavaScript
Blazor kinds of reinvents Web Forms. Everyone trashed Web Forms, but people realize they like desktop-like state & UI's after all. Most the complainers were trying to write eCommerce sites on Web Forms, which is not its forte. The web set biz crud way back.
submitted by Zardotab to dotnet [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:25 OldBayJ [OT] Micro Monday: Identity!

Welcome to Micro Monday

Hello writers and welcome to Micro Monday! It’s time to sharpen those micro-fic skills. What is micro-fic, you ask? Micro-fiction is generally defined as a complete story (hook, plot, conflict, and some type of resolution) written in 300 words or less. For this exercise, it needs to be at least 100 words (no poetry).
However, less words doesn’t mean less of a story. The key to micro-fic is to make careful word and phrase choices so that you can paint a vivid picture for your reader. Less words means each word does more! You’re free to interpret the weekly constraints how you like as long as you follow the post and subreddit rules. Please read the entire post before submitting.

Weekly Challenge

Writers, please keep in mind that feedback is a requirement for all submitters. You must leave at least 1 feedback comment on the thread by the deadline!
Theme: Identity
Bonus Constraint (15 pts): Story includes an LGBTQIA+ character. (You must include if/how you used it at end of your story to receive credit.)
Happy Pride Month! In honor of that, this week’s challenge is to write a story inspired by the theme of ‘identity’. You may interpret the theme however you like as long as the connection is clear and you follow all post and subreddit rules. The bonus constraint is encouraged but not required, feel free to skip it if it doesn’t suit your story. You do not have to use the included IP. Please treat these topics & constraints with respect and care.
(Artwork created by Creationsb on Deviantart.)
For some extra fun: Use the stickied comment on this post to tell me who your favorite fictional LGBTQIA+ character is! It can be any medium: tv, movies, literature, games. etc.!

Last Week: Underground City

You can check out previous Micro Mondays here.

How To Participate

  • Submit a story between 100-300 words in the comments below (no poetry) inspired by the prompt. You have until Sunday at 11:59pm EST. Use to check your wordcount.
  • Leave feedback on at least one other story by 3pm EST next Monday. Only actionable feedback will be awarded points. See the ranking scale below for a breakdown on points.
  • Nominate your favorite stories at the end of the week using this form. You have until 3pm EST next Monday. (Note: The form doesn’t open until Monday morning.)

Additional Rules

  • No pre-written content or content written or altered by AI. Submitted stories must be written by you and for this post. Micro serials are acceptable, but please keep in mind that each installment should be able to stand on its own and be understood without leaning on previous installments.
  • Please follow all subreddit rules and be respectful and civil in all feedback and discussion. We welcome writers of all skill levels and experience here; we’re all here to improve and sharpen our skills. You can find a list of all sub rules here.
  • And most of all, be creative and have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on the stickied comment on this thread or through modmail.


  • Campfire is currently on hiatus. Check back soon!

How Rankings are Tallied

Note: There has been a change to the crit caps and points!
Use of the Main Prompt/Constraint up to 50 pts Requirements always provided with the weekly challenge
Use of Bonus Constraint 10 - 15 pts (unless otherwise noted)
Actionable Feedback (one crit required) up to 10 pts each (30 pt. max) You’re always welcome to provide more crit, but points are capped at 30
Nominations your story receives 20 pts each There is no cap on votes your story receives
Voting for others 10 pts Don’t forget to vote before 2pm EST every week!
Note: Interacting with a story is not the same as feedback.  

Subreddit News

  • Join our Discord to chat with authors, prompters, and readers! We hold several weekly Campfires, monthly Worldbuilding interviews, and other fun events!
  • Explore your self-established world every week on Serial Sunday!
  • You can also post serials to Shortstories, outside of Serial Sunday. Check out this post to learn more!
  • Interested in being part of our team? Apply to mod!
submitted by OldBayJ to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:24 Xerxes_Iguana The coolest wig you’ll ever wear! (1971)

The coolest wig you’ll ever wear! (1971) submitted by Xerxes_Iguana to vintageads [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:38 tbrowndolly AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Helper for Hire Reddit Professional (SAP-C02) AWS Exam Help Services Reddit Pay someone to take my AWS (SAP-C02) Exam Online Reddit pay someone to take my AWS (SAP-C02) Certification Exam reddit (SAP-C02) AWS Test Project Homework Assignment Help Reddit

If you are unable to Pass your AWS Exams, Quizzes, Tests or Unable to Handle Homework Assignments or full course online, Get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
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Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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2024.06.05 00:37 FragraBond PERFAME, New Duplication House: My Favorite Pineapple Note of an Aventus Clone + Oud Satin Mood Dupe - Reviews

PERFAME, New Duplication House: My Favorite Pineapple Note of an Aventus Clone + Oud Satin Mood Dupe - Reviews
Disclaimer: These products were graciously provided by PERFAME, an emerging duplication house based in California. My opinions are entirely unbiased, besides the chemistry of my skin, as I have not received any compensation.
PERFAME Elixir NO. 10 (Duplication of Aventus by Creed):
Upon the first encounter with this fragrance, one is immediately enveloped in an exquisite symphony of scents, where the pineapple note reigns supreme, exuding a radiance that is unparalleled in the realm of perfumery. It is a sparkling gem, a scent that is both effervescent and distinctive. The opening is a cornucopia of fruitiness, with a hint of tartness, crowned by a robust pineapple essence. Moments after application, the fragrance undergoes a metamorphosis, revealing a subtle smokiness, likely bestowed by the interplay of black currant and birch wood.
As the journey continues, the scent unfurls an understated earthy floral character, intertwined with a woodsy musk. This harmonious blend preserves the initial fruity zest and smoky undertones. In its final act, the fragrance settles into a sweet, terrestrial melody, composed of ambroxan and ambergris, complemented by a chorus of fruity sweetness, warm vanilla, and oakmoss. On my skin, the performance is commendable, projecting confidently for five hours and lingering beyond ten, though its true prowess may be more perceptible to others when it eludes my own senses. The ambroxan may very well be the maestro of this olfactory orchestra. I bestow upon this fragrance a score of 8.5/10, as it is the sole creation that captures the virile essence of pineapple, paired with a smoky backdrop, reminiscent of Aventus. The sole reservation I harbor pertains to its longevity and sillage, which remain enigmatic to me.
Disclaimer: Just a reminder, this review is crafted with impartiality, and with bias of my skin chemistry, as the sample was graciously provided by PERFAME for evaluation.
PERFAME Elixir NO. 31 (An homage to Oud Satin Mood by Maison Francis Kurkdjian):
Not your grandmother's rose! Dispelling the antiquated notions of rose, this fragrance is a revelation, a modern interpretation that transcends the conventional. Though linear in its progression, it possesses a depth that captivates. It commences with a potent rose, immediately softened by a velvety vanilla that asserts itself with equal vigor. The essence of oud forms the foundation, offering a contemporary twist on the traditional. This oud is not merely a shadowy figure; it is refined and universally appealing, casting the rose in a new light, less demure and more avant-garde.
With the passage of time, the fragrance evolves into a luxurious veil of violet, akin to the finest silk, warmed by amber and enriched by a robust vanilla. The rose, once the protagonist, now graciously steps aside, yet remains an integral part of the composition. Initially, I was skeptical, perceiving a resemblance to infantile aromas, but upon a second indulgence, such thoughts dissipated, leaving only the opulent embrace of rose and vanilla. The potency is impressive, boasting superior performance on my skin—six hours of projection and twelve hours of longevity. This fragrance may very well be the first to earn a perfect 10/10 in my personal journey of scent exploration.
In summation, the presentation of these fragrances is impeccable, with robust, opulent packaging and bottles of fine craftsmanship. Alas, the atomizers fall short of perfection, delivering a meager mist. Nevertheless, after extensive and thorough wearings over a the past few months(I was busy 😅), I can assert with confidence that these fragrances surpass their Middle Eastern analogues in the art of replication and offer a value that far exceeds that of niche perfumery.
submitted by FragraBond to fragranceclones [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:31 GoHomeUsec Experiences with The Fragrance GANT by GANT

Today when i bought a other fragrance i got a sample of the fragrance GANT by GANT and i instantly liked it, but i have a few questions for the people that have used it over a long time.
  1. Longevity- How long does it last in general, how much does the longevity change in different seasons, temperatures etc.
  2. Projection- Is it more like a skin scent that can only be smelled if someone gets into my personal space or is it more like a scent bubble that fills the space around me and how does that change over the course of the day
  3. Versatility- Would you say its more for special ocasions or is it a casual scent that works for everything, does it work equally good in all seasons? If not in which does it work the best
  4. Opinions from People around you- Is it a compliment getter, do people often switch it up with other fragrances, is it a scent that gets noticed often
  5. What does it actually smell like- i mean the scent notes were with the sample i got but my nose isnt very trained when it comes to detecting specific notes since i am still relatively new to the fragrance community. So what are the most prominent scent notes in this fragrance?
Also sorry english isnt my main language, i tried to make everything understandable but it probably still feels like a nightmare for natives to read this.
submitted by GoHomeUsec to fragrance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:30 GoHomeUsec Experiences with GANT fragrance ?

Today when i bought a other fragrance i got a sample of the fragrance GANT by GANT and i instantly liked it, but i have a few questions for the people that have used it over a long time.
  1. Longevity- How long does it last in general, how much does the longevity change in different seasons, temperatures etc.
  2. Projection- Is it more like a skin scent that can only be smelled if someone gets into my personal space or is it more like a scent bubble that fills the space around me and how does that change over the course of the day
  3. Versatility- Would you say its more for special ocasions or is it a casual scent that works for everything, does it work equally good in all seasons? If not in which does it work the best
  4. Opinions from People around you- Is it a compliment getter, do people often switch it up with other fragrances, is it a scent that gets noticed often
  5. What does it actually smell like- i mean the scent notes were with the sample i got but my nose isnt very trained when it comes to detecting specific notes since i am still relatively new to the fragrance community. So what are the most prominent scent notes in this fragrance?
Also sorry english isnt my main language, i tried to make everything understandable but it probably still feels like a nightmare for natives to read this.
submitted by GoHomeUsec to Colognes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:29 HarleyQ78 Dollar,Dollar

I just got these last night from Walmart and I noticed my dollar bills are not cut correctly. I'm I right that this is a miscut? Please let me know grateful for any opinions on this.
submitted by HarleyQ78 to Bankstraphunting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:27 DreddBane An unscientific analysis of Ignite shooting prospects

I've seen a lot of hand wringing about the G-League Ignite prospects in this draft and whether its worth gambling that they can develop a shot. On one side, the difficulty transitioning straight from the high school three to the NBA line seems hard to deny. On the other, drafting wing/forward types who shot in the mid 20s from deep is terrifying.
In an attempt to better understand the history of Ignite prospects, I did a quick and dirty analysis of their distance shooting numbers in the G-League then after being drafted. The sample is so tiny (9 drafted prospects total) that you can't take anything definitive away, I just think its interesting.
Top level numbers for Ignite prospects who made it to the NBA:
GLI 3PT% NBA 3PT% GLI att. per 36 NBA att. per 36
28% 34% 5 5.8
Numbers for Ignite prospects who remaining in the G-League post-draft:
GLI 3PT% GL 3PT% GLI att. per 36 GL att. per 36
33% 32% 4 6.4
General observations:
Looking at this years Ignite lottery prospects, Kuminga and Marjon Beauchamp provide the best comparison points for Matas and Holland:
Name GLI 3PT% GLI FT% GLI att. per 36
Kuminga 25% 63% 5.5
Beauchamp 27% 72% 2.9
Buzelis 26% 70% 3.9
Holland 24% 73% 3.7
Kuminga has become a low volume, below average 3PT shooter who flashed some in his sophmore season (37%). Beauchamp is close to shooting a league average percentage on decent volume, but his 40% mark this season didn't come on enough total attempts to make any definitive conclusions.
If Matas and Holland follow a similar path, you can assume that distance shooting won't be a primary weapon but could be solid enough to allow their other talents to flourish.
For Tyler Smith, Leonard Miller and Isaiah Todd were the most interesting comparison points:
Name GLI 3PT% GLI FT% GLI att. per 36
Miller 30% 79% 2.9
Todd 36% 82% 4.6
Smith 36% 73% 6.1
Miller has improved to 36% in the G-League, on 6.4 attempts per 36 (almost mirroring Smith's splits from his Ignite season). Todd on the other hand has fallen off as his attempts increased, shooting 33% in 21/22, 29% in 22/23 before being waived by the Grizzlies prior to this season.
Reasons for optimism or trepidation, depending on how much faith you have in Smith's shot.
In the end, I take some solace in the fact that the truly terrible shooting prospects who have come out of Ignite have almost all improved in the NBA. If Matas and Holland improve somewhere near the average amount, they'll end up in the low to mid 30s from deep on around league average volume. Smith seems likely to have 3PT shooting as a true weapon in the NBA.
As a side note, Scoot is an interesting outlier in that his percentages remained consistent from the Ignite coming into the NBA (though they improved markedly from his first G-League season to his second), but his volume almost doubled. Dyson Daniels was the other prospect who has shot almost an identical percentage in the NBA to G-League, but his volume has dropped. Overall, I'm a little higher on Scoots shooting prospects after seeing how he's developed the past three years.
NB. I excluded Izan Almansa from this because his numbers scream non-shooter, moreso than any prospect in Ignite history.
submitted by DreddBane to ripcity [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:27 littlebatfacedgirl Try my law school loan calculator
Although there are many good loan calculators online, I created this spreadsheet specifically for law school loans. Like many people on this sub, I plan to borrow a significant amount in loans, and hopefully pay them back quickly after graduation. For that reason, what was really important to me was not seeing how much interest will accrue over a 10-20-year period, but how much will accrue during law school itself.
Because loans are paid out by semester, it is insufficient to simply calculate the interest on the total sum you plan to take out. This is especially true given how much rates have fluctuated recently, and the fact that they’re (hopefully) going to come down soon. So, I made the spreadsheet in order to see how much interest I will truly accrue, and how I can minimize my debt by borrowing different amounts at different intervals.
For those reasons, all calculations are based on how much interest will accrue exactly 3 years after law school begins. For example, when you input a value for Grad PLUS loans taken spring of 2026, it will calculate the interest that will accumulate after 1.5 years. In hopes that this may be of interest to some of you as well, I thought I’d share it here.
How to use the calculator:
  1. Make a copy of the sheet so you can edit it.
  2. Insert your school’s total tuition and fees in cell B2. Cells B3:4 will automatically populate using an estimated 5% annual increase.
  3. Input any scholarships you’ve been granted in column D.
  4. Input a projected interest rate for the 25/26 and 26/27 academic years in cells G3:H4, or simply repeat the current rates for each loan type respectively. (I included this feature based on my own personal belief that interest rates will decrease)
  5. Input the amount you plan to accept in loans for each semester. This is broken up between Direct Subsidized loans and Grad PLUS loans due to their differing interest rates and loan fees (loan fees will also automatically populate in column C based on the FSA rate).
  6. Play around with the loan allotments to see how borrowing at different intervals/makeups affects your overall cost.
A couple of additional notes:
submitted by littlebatfacedgirl to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]