Bubbly feeling on my right side

Hold My Brain Cells (HMBC)

2018.09.24 14:57 spanktravision Hold My Brain Cells (HMBC)

Welcome to “Hold My Brain Cells” (HMBC), the subreddit where people do stupid shit and common sense is in short supply.

2013.05.15 07:25 Willo444 Oddly Satisfying

For those little things that are inexplicably satisfying.

2011.06.06 15:30 PendingCataclysm Not an r4r sub!

Thinking about infidelity?

2024.05.23 10:01 Jonny-Rotten69 Do I need magnesium? help please

Hi everyone, I'm from the UK and was recently told I was vitamin D deficient. I finished my seven-week loading dose last Friday. I was taking 40k a week and am now taking 1k a day. I felt amazing around weeks three and four. I started feeling less anxious and just overall happier. But then by weeks six and seven, I felt so down, unmotivated, and anxious. I didn't want to talk to anyone and felt frustrated, useless, and depressed. It's horrible. I've not felt like this before. Also, I got this burning sensation in my right shoulder, which was quite painful but has pretty much gone now. I'm not sure if that was anything to do with vitamin D, but I just want to know if magnesium fixed any of these symptoms for anyone else because this feeling is not nice. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. I have my doctor calling me today later on, but I just wanted some guidance before speaking to the doctor. Thanks.
submitted by Jonny-Rotten69 to VitaminD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:01 9ubj I "own" a major project in a large company and I am burning out. Is it risky to ask to switch to working on a new project?

I have been working for a database company for the last 6 years. This company designed its own proprietary database system and since I had experience working with distributed systems (Paxos algorithms) from grad school, I inherited the DB's rudimentary backup and recovery system. Over the years, I took ownership of this product and turned it into an actual product complete with documentation, monitoring, a clean (CLI based) UX, etc. Think something similar to Snowflake backup and recovery.
The problem though now is that (1) I am bored, and (2) I disagree with the direction the leadership is going. This is an American company and leadership is overseas. The overseas leadership is basically taking a step back and asking us to re-engineer everything to use an older tech stack because "industry is using this tech stack." I'm not a frontend developer but the best analogy I could give is imagine you have developers who know React/Vue but you ask them to re-engineer everything to use vanilla JavaScript and HTML with a dash of jQuery. It's not necessarily wrong... because yes, many customers still use these technologies, but it's also not necessarily the right direction in 2024.
I know what the actual answer is here: "Find a new company" and that is ideal solution, but let's be honest... the economy isn't exactly favorable right now and since I am remote, I still have plenty of flexibility in how I do my job, etc. The pay is also pretty decent - maybe not as good as if I job hopped but good enough.
My question is, is it risky to asked to be moved to a new project? I'm one of those people that thinks that AI is a fad but I also want to at least have some production level AI experience on my CV (I've done plenty of work with RAG/LLMs and the OpenAI API (especially with libcurl) in my spare time and just for fun) and there may be some internal opportunities. But now I am concerned because I have a feeling this is going to turn into one of those things where they are going to say "You're clearly overworked and need help! We'll hire you some helpers" and those "helpers" are just going to be my replacements.
Thoughts? also I almost exclusively work in python and C++ if anyone is curious
submitted by 9ubj to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:01 InvestigatorAPT moving out after 3 months

I’m [m25] dating with girl [f24] since January. We were all after toxic previous relationship. Mine relationship was one and a half year, her last more or less with breaks for five years.
We decided to move in together in after two months due to similar circumstances and problems with our apartments and everything was perfect. Our way of thinking, living is so compatible but after three months… She decided to move out and live alone because she didn’t process’s the previous relationship which she ended and need time and space for herself as told.
When I asked what about us in this situation because from my side it’s look sth is not okay once she said that love living with me and the way I treat her she is under a huge impression after she was treated in previous relation.
She want to continue dating and we will see what happens but I feel like moving out will move away us from each other. Honestly I don’t what to do like for the first time in my life, because it’s strange that when someone is so pleased about living with me and meanwhile need a “space”.
We had a lot of conversations a really honest ones so, no there is no one on the side, she decided that would be the best option for her to process that what happened because for this moment she don’t know what she feel and what shall she do.
I’m not looking for judging but I’m concerned if you had a similar situation when you was dating someone after long toxic relationship and it proceeded too fast that you need to take a breath.
TL;DR: it is normal to move out if we wanna still dating?
submitted by InvestigatorAPT to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:01 Advanced_Way1704 I cannot feel the entire left side of my tongue, is this nerve damage?

About a year ago, my bottom wisdom teeth started growing in and my dentist said the left one needed to be removed in a hospital as it was too close to a nerve.
I have a big fear of dental surgery after bad experiences with a different dentist, so I procrastined getting this done for the whole last year. After I finally got the permission to get it done under general anesthesia, yesterday I got the procedure done around 11am. They removed both lower wisdom teeth as well as the molar furthest back on the right side due to cavities.
When I woke up around 1pm, I could feel the right side of my mouth normally but the left side of my tongue and the inside of my cheek were still numb. I asked a nurse who told me that it was because of the local anesthesia used and it should wear off in up to six hours. For the entire rest of the day, I couldn't feel a thing besides the pain in my jaw. Today my cheek has normal sensation again, but the entire left side of my tongue is still completely numb. The line betweeen normal sensation and numbness goes down the exact middle of my tongue.
Does this mean a nerve has been damaged? Is there anything I can/should do? Is this permanent or something that has good chances of healing over time?
I'm very scared about this :(
submitted by Advanced_Way1704 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:00 Telemachusfar The Human Security Officer, Part 48

What do you mean? I always post on Wednesdays... shush... anyway thanks for reading! :D
Also, I feel nasty promoting myself but, for any who ***can*** I am always appreciative of support which you can do through the lil' Ko-Fi link in my bio.
Pen turned to Gareth.
“What do you think. Dirt or the Nebula?”
“Hmmm that’s a hard one Pen but I think I’ll have to go with the latter… just this once.”
The man shook his fist in the air.
“Excellent! This-a-way then friends!”
His fist turned to a sweeping hand, and he moved off in the direction he’d originally appeared from. The two followed though Gareth kept quite close to his companion and watched the shadows vigilantly. The man quickly led them onto a well-trodden dirt path.
“Good that things turned out the way they did,” the man began as he walked, “A day longer and yall’dve missed the festival. Then again, we mighta pushed it back. Wouldn’t’ve felt right to celebrate when people are missin’ their people. Still, yer found. Just in time to enjoy the harvest.”
“Yup, were self sufficient out here… not really to be honest. Plenty of technology. Plenty of help from the cities and were not isolated but we try to keep to ourselves. Town is mostly people who enjoy a quieter life. Oh, uh I suppose I never introduced myself. Casius. I hunt for the town mostly. Tend a little garden. Keep Riley company. Riley is that old wolf.”
“You keep that wolf company?” Gareth asked.
“Well, she ain’t domesticated but she split from her pack a couple years back and keeps to the area near town.”
“Why’d it split from its pack?”
“Too old. Wolfs’ll reach an age where their experience doesn’t outweigh their slowing bodies. At that point they take it upon themselves to wander off. Not burden their kids. She’d’ve starved by now but… well I can’t help but leave some bits and pieces for her. Feel bad I guess,” a small smile came to his face, “She loves fish.”
“That’s kind of you.”
“Eh in some ways it is. In some ways it isn’t. Sometimes I think I’m only prolonging her suffering, but I suppose if she were really ready, she’d stop taking what I leave around so… maybe not. I can’t not anyway so not much point in waffling about it.”
“Suppose Riley knows her business better than you.” Gareth offered.
The man laughed.
A few minutes of silence passed, broken when Casius announced their arrival.
“Here we are.”
True to his claim, the walk took only twenty minutes or so before they could see the lights of a town down the way. Pen almost lamented their decision to rest when they did. If she’d pressed on even another minute or so they would have found the path on their own. From there she would have insisted they continue, and poor Gareth never would have had to come face to face with that wolf.
“You know. If it weren’t for the dense tree cover, we might have seen the light from where we set camp.” Pen said aloud.
“Most likely.” Casius responded.
Pine and bark abruptly opened to a sight Penelope didn’t quite expect. It wasn’t a town of metal and clean macro-printed construction. Instead, hand-built log houses lined dirt and cobble roadways. Yet perfectly fused with the old was modern technology. The town clearly had power and any amenities that couldn’t be accomplished by older means were not lost in any capacity. It created an interesting but not discordant aesthetic. Hovering vehicles traveled down streets lit by standing torches. Wooden houses were lit from the inside by electric lights and boasted solar panels on their thatched roofs.
Pen also noticed that there were no farms despite Casius mentioning a harvest. What at first glance looked like nothing more than untended verdant growth was actually quite the opposite as she looked closer. The trio walked through the town and instead of cordoned fields with rows of crops, it seemed like every inch of unused ground was sprouting with some kind of food producing plant. There were plots dotted through and around the town dedicated to this. Seemingly rampant overgrowth was actually well thought out edible plant guilds. Gareth watched as a woman passing them on the street stopped to pick what he was fairly certain humans called a “peach” and bite right into it as she walked off.
The town was quite abuzz at the moment. People were jogging here and there setting up streamers and unloading boxes. As the three came to the center of town they saw a number of people setting up massive oak tables in a circle around a large tree. From a bird’s eye view the town center might look like a sun with the tree as its center and the streets, and now tables, as rays.
“Ohhh she’s comin along. And now your people have reason to celebrate too. Speakin’ of yer people should be this-“
“PENNNN, GARETH!” a squeaky voice yelled out.
Pen couldn’t see its source immediately, not amongst the moving people. Soon enough, though, scampering out from behind a stack of boxes and rushing towards them was a little grey furred creature with his telltale puffy tail.
“I’msogladyoureokayohmyohmyohmy.” Thwilll was talking so fast Pen only knew what he was saying by the tone of his voice.
“Yea were oka-”
“You… Ahhhh! You jumped out the back of the ship!!! Everyone is going to be so very happy! How could you do that!? You’re not injured, are you?”
Thwilll gave Gareth a lookover and then jumped up onto Pen and began inspecting her closely.
“Surprisingly uninjured, though my stress has been quite high, it’s probably even starting to show. Nothing that a few days of relaxation won’t cure.”
Pen looked him over and noticed a general pallor to his shell. Once vibrant teals and oranges seemed to have been leeched away.
“Some well-earned relaxation that’s for sure.” Pen said with a soft hand on his back.
Thwilll sniffed Pen closely and scrunched his nose and held his head away from her.
“Mmm rest and some baths. No offence pen but… you stink.”
She laughed at the little chinchilla-like creature’s blunt comment.
“I’m sure I do! I’d kill for a shower.”
The man had stepped aside to help another straighten out a bench but turned back.
“I can take ya to the town hall, it’s where we were headed before we met the furry fella. The captain should be there with the mayor. After that I think we can get y’all cleaned up.”
“Yes, yes! Deag and the others don’t know yet! We’ve got to tell them!”
Thwilll scampered off towards the tree, stopped and turned back to wave them on, and then continued on past the tree. Pen thought he looked a bit like a particularly puffy meercat in that moment.
The man chuckled, shrugged, and walked onward.
“Heh, well the fluffy little fella is goin’ the right way.”
Pen and Gareth looked at each other and followed suit. They both marveled at the large tree as they passed by. It stood like a thick trunked oak, but its green leaves were speckled pink all through its boughs.
A short jaunt and a couple of turns took them to a larger building. Not hand built like most, but machine printed and clearly for a communal purpose. Pen and Gareth noticed Deag first given that he stood apart from all the humans around him. He paced near a human woman. Small as she was it was clear she was in charge as she was acting as a locus of activity. At any given second she was directing one group or another. Deag was clearly not really there, lost to his own thoughts.
“Deag! Deag! They’re okay!!!”
His eyes shot to Thwilll and then immediately up to Pen and Gareth. He lit up and jogged over to them.
“Pen! Gareth! I’m so happy to see you. Of course, I had complete faith… that said it takes the weight from me to see you safe. You aren’t injured right?”
He looked over Gareth and noted the stress shell then turned to Pen. Not quite knowing what to look for he looked for her to signal one way or the other. She shot him a thumbs up and a wink. He knew what a thumbs up was by now and nodded in relief.
The woman found herself in a lull of people needing her attention and took the chance to walk over. She stood shorter than Casius and certainly shorter than Pen but had an air of authority about her. Casius certainly seemed to shrink under her gaze. Pen noticed he actually didn’t seem to even want to meet her eyes. It was to such a degree that he was legitimately using Pen as cover from the woman.
She reached her hand out to Gareth and then Pen and shook them both. Bronzy tanned skin darker than Pens grasped them. She had some age to her. Her wrinkled face was weather worn but she smiled kindly. Her grip was soft and warm.
“Mayia. Pleasure. Gonna go out on a limb and guess you are Gareth, and you are Pen.” She looked up at Pen and raised her eyebrows, “Sheesh. Well, we’ve got places where you can get cleaned up and a change of clothes for you Pen. I’d offer a change of clothes for you Gareth but… I don’t think we carry your size or number of arm holes for that matter.”
Her tanned face gained even more wrinkles than normal as she looked the alien over. All she could imagine was what he might look like in a sweater. Adorable… in an ugly way.
“I appreciate the thought.”
“… I suppose I should also ask. A big basin of water? Soap? Do you… need…”
“Water will do fine. I’ll pass on the soap though. Anything else I can get from the ship… which is not in a heap of rubble?” Gareth looked over to Deag.
“The Nebula is in one piece… banged up but fixable. The mayor contacted the city. They’re going to tow us to a port for repairs.”
Pen caught Deags eye and did that thing where she said nothing but looked at him as if she were saying something. It had confused him for quite a while, but he learned it was her conveying meaning with just that one look. It was something a lot of humans did and though he doubted his ability to recognize the meaning in someone other than Penelope, he was starting to understand what certain looks of hers meant. Currently she was letting him know they needed to talk about something urgent.
He nodded to her but spoke to both her and Gareth.
“You get cleaned up though. I’ll let the crew know you’re okay. We can rest and get situated, enjoy a celebration apparently? We will have time for anything else later.”
Pen caught his meaning; glad that he understood her look.
“I’m dying for a shower.” She sighed.
The woman pointed back past them with an offering hand.
“Follow me.”
submitted by Telemachusfar to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:00 JDMWeeb 28M [M4F USA] Shy nerd looking for his female counterpart

Hi, I've been lurking around here but too shy and introverted to actually shoot my shot. Better late than never I suppose. Feel free to AMA for things I might have missed
A little bit about me
My ideal girl
Hope to hear from someone!
submitted by JDMWeeb to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:00 Shoth232 Dreams which become true - what is wrong with me...

Many times in my life I have had dreams which happened to become true a day or a few days later.
It seems to happen with only negative events upcoming. For example, dreams about cities, travelling - where I have feeling like if it was a horror - and a few days later my PT sends me to another city to surgeon (I am scared of it af).
Another example:
I travel by car and suddenly take right to a parking place. Somebody tells me "not yet", so I continue driving and same situation appears and car breaks down.
Now, the same day I was travelling by car and it started making strange sound so I pulled over to a parking place to check it. Seemed ok, so continued travelling. After 7 km, I had to suddenly turn right, last moment, before my engine died...
What do you think about it? It makes me so tired sometimes, bc basing on my dream I can tell if somethinf bad will happen soon...
submitted by Shoth232 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 10:00 Old-Lab-4611 Broken up with because someone likes me “too much”

I (31F) had been dating someone (29M) for a couple of months. Early doors they said they weren’t in a place to commit and wanted to let me know before we had sex. I said this is fine, I’m genuinely comfortable with casual relationships and what we had going was fun so I was happy either way. My only request was keeping an open channel of communication and not blowing hot and cold.
They continued to amp up the level of intimacy (staying up into the early hours sharing deep secrets in bed, introducing me to their friends, really long thoughtful WhatsApps that kind of a thing). I thought it was odd that their actions didn’t match their words but went along with it. They went travelling, still sending me long messages then went totally silent for two weeks.
Once they got back they seemed really keen to meet up but timings didn’t quite line up well but there was a plan in the diary for me to come round for dinner. Their housemate (who I get on with really well with and have become standalone friends with outside what me and the guy had) had invited me, some mutual friends and some of my old school friends to dinner at their house. Then the day before I get a message from the guy saying that we need to talk. Over the talk they said we have to end things because “they think they’re going to fall for me and it will stop them taking the next life step (moving from UK/US)”. They also put a timer on their phone for 45 minutes so they could leave for a music gig and basically ran out on the ending the relationship conversation but stressed multiple times I should still come to dinner the next day.
I didn’t want to bail on dinner and let down my new friend (she’s likely the best thing I’ve got out of this dalliance). Dinner the next day was really awkward, he hardly said anything to me and bearly looked at me. The whole thing has left me feeling confused and annoyed! I ended up having a big cry in the car on the way home. Not because I lost something but because I feel like I’ve been treated badly/confusingly.
My bullshit-o-meter is off the charts right now. What are your thoughts?
submitted by Old-Lab-4611 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:59 maudslass Does anyone else feel desperate to be alone?

I’m happily married but my husband doesn’t (and cannot) understand the notion of trauma. He understands I had a shit childhood and is very supportive, but he has no idea about the level of cognitive distortions I can feel, particularly when I’m vulnerable. I tried to tell him once but he just didn’t get it and unknowingly reinforced my unhelpful narrative. So I never tried again and never will. All it did was build a whole new bubble of shame that’s now part of me.
The problem comes when I can feel myself spiralling and need the time and space to be able to work through the paralysing shame and unworthiness I feel (as has always been my way). Time alone feels like a crucial need like water and air… otherwise I keep spiralling. My husband told me that his social event tomorrow has been cancelled. I’d been banking on that time alone so badly and it crushed me.
I’m not looking at problem-solving, I’ll find a way. I just wondered whether anyone else resonates with this.
submitted by maudslass to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:59 RavenShrike459 Scared for my sweet baby girl

Hello Daddit Typing this up at stupid o’clock in the morning because I can’t stop worrying. Our sweet 2 month old baby girl likely has Craniosynostosis. Where the skull fused prematurely and starts to form abnormally and needs timely intervention in the form of major surgery otherwise it can affect brain development and cause a load of other issues. Our little girl has the sweetest smile, already coos and rolls over and can light up your day with the most adorable little laugh. Her older brother 1.5 years old loves to kiss her in the forehead. I’m so worried that she might not get through this, she’s so fragile, just a beautiful and wonderful and sweet little thing. I’ve never been so terrified in my life for what may happen. We got the news Friday from her PC and the referrals are in to hopefully get imaging done asap and become %100 sure on what the issue is and the extent of the damage. My wife is a shell of herself out of worry. Im trying to not cave in, she needs the support and my son needs care so he doesn’t catch onto the anxious atmosphere. If there are any dads who have gone through this please share your experiences!!!!! I feel like I can’t find which way is up right now
submitted by RavenShrike459 to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:59 Kacetaminophen REPOST: AITA for telling my fiancée's best friend that she couldn't walk him down the aisle and that if she kept pushing, she would be uninvited to the wedding?

Original Post removed from AmITheAsshole for violating the relationship rule.
I (25F) am getting married to my fiancée, Matt (27M), in August. We've decided we want a non-traditional wedding that disregards stereotypical gender roles so my younger brother (16M) can be my man of honor. Matt was onboard with this idea and wanted his best friend, Jenna (27F), to be his best maid. He and Jenna have been friends since middle school. When his mom passed away back in high school, Jenna and her family were a huge support system for him. Now they're like family to him.
I never really got along with Jenna. Since she's so close with Matt, I've tried to connect with her, but I always got the feeling she has a crush on him. Matt shares this sentiment.
I tried to hangout with her, but she always ended up making passive-aggressive digs at my appearance and the way I behave. I've tried talking to her about how that upsets me, but she told me she thought "that's how girl friends play around with eachother." I've talked to Matt about it, and he went and confronted her for me. Afterwards, we agreed it would be best if I didn't hangout with her anymore. That was years ago, but now she's back and making requests for the wedding that make me uncomfortable. For example, she tried to convince me to change the colors to better suit her skintone.
I would like to pat my own back here and say I've been super chill about all of this, and Matt's been a peach intervening for me. But her most recent idea was to walk Matt down the aisle, since I already didn't want to be walked down the aisle, it would be a perfect gender role reversal. Matt thought this was a pretty fun idea. The way his face lit up probably would have convinced me to go along with it if she didn't word it in such a creepy way. She said, since Matt's mother is no longer here, she should be the one to "give him away." To clarify, I chose not to be walked down the aisle because I find the whole "giving away" thing to be a little gross and outdated. I suggested that Matt and I walk down the aisle together. And she told me that Matt's mother actually knew her, and would approve of her filing in that place instead of me.
I grabbed Matt's arm and led him away for a private conversation. I was explaining how that crossed the lines of what I was comfortable with considering her crush on him and she barged in the room hurling accusations at me. She called me jealous, controlling, petty, and manipulative.
I admit I snapped and told her she's not walking him and that's final and if she kept pushing me she would be uninvited. She ended up running out of the room in tears. Matt told me I could have handled that better and I can't go making those kind of decisions without his input, even if they are just empty threats. I feel like he's right and I do feel bad about what I said, but I honestly think she deserved the wake-up slap. AITA?
submitted by Kacetaminophen to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:58 Saltcityboost801 Am I selfish ?

Guys, I need your brute honesty here. My Fiancée let her mom take her to our daughter’s first ultrasound because I couldn’t make it due to work and now every single appointment we’ve had her mom feels like she’s entitled to be there. Is it selfish of me to not want her parents there ? It’s our first baby & my fiancées mom thinks it’s her birthgiven right to be there. I personally think her mom is smothering her and I feel like my fiancée needs to set boundaries and my Fiancée is making me the bad guy because I don’t want her parents there. I don’t even want my parents there. We’re adults and her mom’s moving out of state before our baby is born so why does she feel the need to be there? My fiancée told me she’d rather have her mom there than me all because I said how I feel and wasn’t rude about it at all. She’s expecting me to go out of my way to pick her mom up and take her home as well all while I’m making the time to be there on a very thin line due to work. And I selfish ? Give me the cold hard opinions guys. I already know “she’s carrying the baby she gets to decide “ crap so don’t hit me with the obvious. Thanks.
submitted by Saltcityboost801 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:56 Aware-Budget-58 AITA

I female 49 had been seeing a friend male 59 on and off for about 10 years. This last month we had a falling out and I was staying at his home with him when he decided to kick me out over disagreement about dinner. He told me I needed to be out that day I did not argue I just went to the process of gathering up everything that I had there. And when I was almost done I had gotten to the bedside table on my side of the bed and that is where I had kept my vibrating toys that's where I had stored them since I had moved in there and I had not removed them from that drawer in that time Now In the past I'd had a problems with his granddaughter who lived with him, coming into our room and going through my stuff and taking whatever she chose, and granted I was a little bit suspicious that it was her but didn't believe that it was I didn't make sense she's only 13 so in my mind that was out it couldn't have been her. that's what I thought in my mind. So decided to ask my friend about them, if he had seen them, maybe he is had put them somewhere or I possibly even thrown them out just to spite me. you never know. people do silly stuff like that when things falls apart like that. and tbh I didn't put it past him but I figured I'd ask. He said he hadn't seen them and I believed him, and really I didn't want to fight with him either way I just wanted to get out of there. So I gathered everything and left.
But about a week later I was waiting for a check that had been sent to his house by mistake and so he said he would bring my check to me. Wellb that morning he had told me over text that he found my vibrating toys back in that drawer where they were supposed to be the week before but were missing when I left the week before. so I asked him to bring them too when he came out to me and he said he would. But later when he went to leave his house to bring my stuff to me he went to the drawer where they were that morning and they were gone yet again! even though a few hours before they were there. He just scratched his head and left to bring me my check without bringing the toys cuz he could find them. So when he got out to me he gave me my check and I asked him about the toys. he said that they had disappeared again. I commented that that was strange. shrugged it off thinking that you know something innocent had happened to them. But again letting it go because wasn't worth a fight with him. then the following week I had texted him early monday morning telling him that I had sent something to his granddaughter through the mail and to let her mother know to keep an eye out for it because it was on his way. He said he wouldn't then in the exchange that morning he informed me that his daughter-in-law had found my toys in her daughter's bedroom in her drawers and had thrown them away.
Me not thinking about the cost of them at the time or replacing them at that moment of the morning I laughed and said yeah kids will do that kind of stuff and we all did stuff like that when we were young and we both laughed about it, and about how embarrassing it must have been for his daughter-in-law to have had to have pulled those out of here her daughter's drawer and talk to her about what she had found in her drawers.. Not a situation I would want to be in and thankful it was not me. We said our good buys and went about our day.
But as the day progressed I thought I can't afford to replace those I don't have the money to replace them and I'm not the one that is responsible for me not having them. And I had paid for them initially they were my property and they were stolen from me. But yet I was going to have to be responsible to replace them if I didn't confront them about this and I knew this was going to be an awkward conversation but I knew it had to be done I saw no way around it. Because really the petty in me could not let this go So knowing that this awkward conversation was coming and going head first into it because there was no other way to approach it. I texted him and said "hey you know I got thinking about what happened with my toys. I believed that her parents should be responsible for replacing my property she stole."
Now I raised five children on my own, by myself and I'm not going to lie to you, my children stole many many times and if I could not return what they had stolen I paid for it out of my own pocket no matter what it took away from my children because that's what you do. you are financially responsible for your children until they become of age when they can do that for themselves it's just the way it is.
But I asked him if they were going to replace my toys that their child had taken from me because I thought it was only fair I shouldn't have to replace what their child took from me especially something that expensive. and his response was "well I'll ask her about it" and I said "okay I'm looking up how much it's going to be to replace them online I will let you know approximately how much it is" one was like 90 or so dollars the other one was about 30 and so I informed him of this. No knowing than this man was a bully I was sort of expecting what came next but it was still hard to stand My ground with him probably for the first time in 10 years. he asked me if I was going to pay him back for the money that I owed him. now over 10 years that man had either given me money straight out, borrowed me money which I paid back, or had me work for money that he given me. I don't have a clue how much probably thousands but for the most part we came to an agreement in that moment the money was exchanged how it and would be delt with. But never once in 10 years did he honestly really believe that I owed him money and he told me this many many times. But me being the subservient always felt like I had to make sure that he was aware that I felt like I owed him for everything and he had done for me so over those 10 years I had told him that I told him over and over thank you so much you don't know how much you've helped me I owe you more than you know and more than I'll ever be able to pay back. And again two weeks before our meltdown and me leaving his house I had borrowed $50 from him and that following Friday I paid him back $100 because of staying with him and he wasn't taking rent from me so I figured you give him a little bit extra money back for letting me borrow it, hoping he would see that I did appreciate what he did for me. And I think in that moment he had forgotten that I had paid him back already and wanted to use that $50 and believe me again to letting this go but my pattieness just wouldn't let it go. One because I know I was right and two because I didn't want let him bully me into anything else ever I needed to stand My ground for me. And yes over those 10 years many times money came up missing out of his room and he had wrongfully assumed that it was me. I didn't want to fight with him I knew I was right and hadn't taken the money and so it wasn't worth it to me to have to defend myself it's something that I knew I had not done. But in keeping quiet and letting him assume that about me, and me not having the backbone or the self-confidence to just stand up to him and say no I didn't do it. It damaged our friendship because he couldn't come to me and ask me nor did he believe what I said because he wanted to believe what he wanted to believe about me and that's the way he was no matter how blue in the face I was in trying to convince him otherwise with no proof ever to back what he believed. He just wanted to believe I was a bad person so he did. But in that moment we both realized that it was probably his granddaughter stealing from him when he was assuming it was me but neither one of us voiced it I knew he wouldn't because he wouldn't admit he was wrong and I didn't want to climb a hill and fight a fight that I didn't have to choosing your battles as a smart thing sometimes. But I did ask him how much he thought I owed him and He said he didn't have a clue I said I didn't either but that I thought we were close to even. So at that moment I took the air out of a sales and he was no longer able to continue trying to bully into dropping my complaint about her stealing my stuff and then replacing it. ButI stood my ground, shaking terribly, glad we were on the phone and said "I never stole any money from you you only believed what you wanted to believe about me and I let you because it was easier than the confrontations. But your granddaughter stole from me and all I'm asking is that her parents be responsible for what their daughter had done. because that's what a responsible parent would do" and after a few minutes I could tell he was Realizing that I was right and that he couldn't get me to back down I'm principles alone I was right. So he did eventually agree with me that her parents should be responsible for making restitution for her crimes. Which caused me to let out the breath I was holding waiting for another fight with him and glad that I didn't have to go there. But almost immediately after agreeing with me he still wanted to be right and still wanted me to feel less than him so he decided to put his little two cents in about a couple of hoodies that had disappeared about the time that I left his house and he wanted to know where they were saying in such a way that he was accusing me of taking it from him. Knowing I was not responsible and my conscience was clear and that I had not taken anything of his from that home when I left that was not mine, I stood my ground,shaking still,I just responded "you know my bet would be that if you went through your children's and your grandchildren's stuff you would find both of them in there" but chose not to go any further because it wasn't worth it I just wanted to be done with this conversation with him. Had to take him a few minutes to respond bBut eventually he did agree that that's probably where he would find them. And I told him to have her let me know what they were going to do about the whole situation and we said our goodbyes. And as of yet I have not heard from her and I'm going to reach out in a couple days and see if you know they're going to step up or if they're going to be chicken s**** like they have been for the past 10 years my guess is the later but I'm hoping for the former we'll see what happens but I'll post an update on here when something happens. But I want to know if I am the a****** for wanting them to replace what their child stole from me. Or if I should just let it go and move on with my life? that petty part of my brain just really doesn't want to let this go because of everything that they put me through makes while staying there at their home because I didn't have the self-confidence or the backbone to stop it while it happened in the first place . But to be perfectly honest it's not about the money or replacing my toys it's about doing right by that child and showing her life better than this that she's currently in. this has been going on with this child for as long as I've known them 10 years and they have turned a blind eye and let her do this over and over and over never giving her any consequences except when they're confronted and asked to repay what she had damaged stolen but only then and if she was able to get away with it nothing was ever done. this child hell every child deserves better they deserves better by their parents grandparents she deserves better by everyone who is supposed to be there for her but unfortunately I get most cases the person that we should be showing them a better way is taking an easy way out themselves and neglecting to show their children how much better life could be when you walk with your head held high and with a little bit of pride and ethics and morals which is severely lacking in our world these days. This child's parents want her to sit down shut up and only be speak when spoken too and to achieve this they have decided to put her on medication for a defiant disorder that she does not have in order to control her chemically instead of actually being a responsible parent and teaching her right from wrong by leading by example and living a decent life. living by the Golden rule.
And even though my Petty side says I don't care . The part of me with morals and ethics wants to know am I the a hole for pursuing this? Or should I let it go like everybody else in the world seems to be doing lately when something like this happens cuz we all see it. Has our society has become morally bankrupt and ethically nullified? Is there no Young generation out there who wants to stand up and be accountable for their own actions and be the decent person live by that Golden rule or have we screwed them all up who is our neglect because we're so addicted to the instant gratification world we have surrounded ourselves with?
submitted by Aware-Budget-58 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:56 Busy_Animator_9000 5 year old won’t stay in bed

Posting this at 3 AM because I’m so frustrated I can’t fall back asleep. My five year old won’t stay in bed at night. Every night she gets up 2-3 times and comes in our room. She always has some excuse, her tummy hurts, she’s thirsty, her curtains are moving, etc. if you can think of an excuse she’s made it. This started happening about two months ago after we finished getting into her night time potty trained. She had an appt with pediatrician last week and he said it’s still normal for kids to need some sort of soothing at night but this is getting out of hand. My wife and I exhausted every day. We have tried a reward system of getting stickers to earn toys. We have tried positive encouragement. We have tried taking away things she likes, tablets, toys and such to telling her she can earn them back. She doesn’t care. We have tried being gentle and talking to her about how it affects us.
We used to get up and walk her back to bed or the bathroom if she said she needed to pee. Tuck her back and plead with her to stay in bed. Right now we stopped even getting out of bed and walking her back to her room, we just tell her to get back in bed.
Any advice or recommendations are appreciated. We are at our wits ends. Like I said it been about 2 months of this every night. We have gotten to the point on weekends one of us will sleep in the guest room with earplugs to try to get a good nights sleep occasionally. Feel like I’m losing my mind.
submitted by Busy_Animator_9000 to u/Busy_Animator_9000 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:55 jay_age X1 Carbon G10 with Arch Linux - new daily driver

X1 Carbon G10 with Arch Linux - new daily driver
Although there were some similar posts, I decided for your reference to write down my experience with the X1C G10, and how it works with an up-to-date distro -Arch Linux, because at the time notebooks get released not all support is in place.
In 2011 my first gen Intel MacBook Pro stopped getting Mac OS X upgrades. That angered me so much I immediately got my first Thinkpad, X220, installed Linux on it (Ubuntu), and transferred over files from my home directory.
In 2015 wrangling with PPAs to have up-to-date versions of SW required for coding became too tedious, so I switched to Arch, which works fantastically well for me since then. Still the same "original" installation, just transferred over form one machine to another.
x220 met its death by water (kids!) in 2018. Spilling water on it would be no problem, letting it to stand in it and said water seeping in from the bottom was.
Cue in upgrade to T480s - another great machine. Few weeks ago it mysteriously stopped working though. It is still unclear why, but the bottom plate had marks in it that weren't there before. Repair was not economical, as it was the mainboard that gave in.
By coincidence I saw an article on Notebookcheck that Lenovo has a great sale on X1C G10 with i5-1245U, 32GB LPDDR5, 512GB SSD, 1920x1200 touchscreen for 1149€ so I snapped it.
It is pretty much goldilocks configuration.
Obligatory fastfetch
Because the offer seemed to be so good I've skipped research, which could cause much unhappiness. FHD 1080p + IR discrete MIPI camera (IPU6) will have driver in the mainline only in 6.10. More critically, users of "P" class Alder Lake CPUs were complaining about poor battery life and machines getting too hot.
No such problems here with an "U" class.
Machine runs very cool and quiet. Fans kick in only during prolonged high load, and even then there is just a hum of the moving air. It never got too hot to touch, or to keep in the lap. I use a server via NoMachine for coding and heavy tasks though, so rarely need much power from the notebook.
Camera has a good video quality, and works ok in low light. The notch isn't pronounced; if anything it makes notebook easier to open.
Glass touchpad is a joy to use - smooth to touch, just the right amount of friction. It is very precise and multi-touch registers consistently (two fingers for scrolling, three to switch workspaces). Clicking pressure could be a bit lower (buttons above it are better for double clicks), and because it's hinged from the top clicks work best in the bottom half. Keyboard is typically superb - good feedback, quiet, good spacing of the keys. Layout is a matter of (sometimes surprisingly strong) preference, but I got used to it long time ago on T480s; e.g. Fn/Ctrl don't bother me, besides they can be swapped in BIOS.
During my normal use in Arch Linux (Gnome; Firefox with 5-10 tabs, Evolution, Signal and Enpass running; Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on) it consumes about 5-6W. This translates to easy 10 hours on the battery. Playing a 1920x1080 video in Kodi (TV HD channel from VU+) uses about 8W, from Youtube around 9W. Writing a text in an editor (with the above programs running in the background) some 4.0-4,5W.
Got low low low low
The form factor and build quality are nice. Lid, keyboard and wrist rest areas feel solid with no creaking or bending anywhere. It's quiet - fans kick in predictably (no weird pulsing), and there is no coil whine. Weight is great - it feels light and small when carrying around the house.
The only complaint I'd have is that all surfaces - lid, wrist rest and bottom plate are total fingerprint magnets.
How's that for fingerprints?
I've cloned the SSD from the dead T480s, and booted the new laptop. That was literally it.
Everything worked out of the box:
  • Wi-Fi (AX211)
  • bluetooth - works perfectly with TWS headphones
  • audio - switches on the fly between built-in, headphones, monitor speakers etc.
  • fingerprint reader - I added fprintd to sudo and polkit1 in /etc/pam.d/ for extra convenience
  • all special keys I use - sound, brightness, airplane mode, keyboard backlight...)
  • sleep - s2idle, which holds charge really long (no specific testing, but around a week). no need to use S3 then, but it is an option in BIOS.
  • camera (FHD 1080p + IR hybrid)
  • touchscreen - though I don't use it. it works and registers multitouch fine
Since the OS was originally set up in 2015, my memory is hazy, but I don't remember doing much tuning beyond:
If you'd have some questions, whether on X1C G10 or how Arch Linux runs or is set up on it, go ahead and ask.
submitted by jay_age to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:55 Kadorja My hands down favorite thing this game does the best

So I've played every Soulsborne game since the OG Demon's Souls back on the PS3. I love the difficulty and interconnecting worlds of (most of) those games and Lies of P definitely has that interconnected feel and visual. However, if I could change one thing that Lies of P does so much better is the platforming. If I miss a jump in this game I know it's because of me... I lined up the jump wrong or hit the button too early. Its not because of a tiny little change in geometry that launched my character 20 feet to the right while I'm making my 7th jump down into a well because I'm too broke to buy a ladder for.... bastards.
Whenever I see an item in some odd little area I'm excited to go for it. I know I can land on that single beam of wood and not slide off the edge. No need to line up with some abstract crack in the floor, backstep and roll with exactly 50% equip load. It's perfect... well besides that damn rolling ball that you have to have a light equipment load to avoid but otherwise... chefs kiss.
submitted by Kadorja to LiesOfP [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:55 prettyych she doesn’t want me anymore

For almost 6 months we’ve been talking and it was always been you, ikaw lang. I love everything about you, from your laugh, your smile, the way na parang di na makita ang mga mata when you smile and your dimples on the left side of your upper cheek. I love the way you call my name, magminaldita ka sa ako, I love how you make my day better when I see you. I love every moment spent with you.
Now we’re graduating na and going to college haha, I thought before na I wouldnt go for something na would have a significant distance between us since you’ll be moving out to a new city and studying there. I thought di ko kaya ang LDR kay I was afraid and you got mad at me and I know most of our arguments we’re about that on how I can’t fully pursue you and be committed sa imo. Im too clingy haha I cant imagine myself being far away from you pero you know for you I took the risk na unta pero the only difference this time was you were the one who didn’t want me na.
I love how you were happy dancing with your friends gahapon during our gradball and I cried right there lang sa dance floor while my friends were trying to comfort me. That was my first time crying in public, with people around me from school. I love how you look so pretty and beautiful. You look just like belle from beauty and the beast and maybe ako ang beast haha.
Goodluck on your journey Lowee, I wish you the best in life. I hope na with the limited time we had kay I made you feel special. You deserve everything you wanted and wished for. I love you, my only regret was not meeting you sooner.
I love you Lowee.
submitted by prettyych to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:54 Eastern_Maize_6019 Problems in my (19f) and boyfriend (22m) distansrelationship. I feel that our relationship is falling apart and that i am the only one trying, i have told him how i feel but he told me to grow up. What do i do?

Problems in my (19f) and boyfriend (22m) distansrelationship. I feel that our relationship is falling apart and that i am the only one trying, i have told him how i feel but he told me to grow up. What do i do?
Problems in my (19f) and boyfriend (22m) distansrelationship. I feel that our relationship is falling apart and that i am the only one trying, i have told him how i feel but he told me to grow up. What do i do?
Problems in my (19f) and boyfriend (22m) distansrelationship. I feel that our relationship is falling apart and that i am the only one trying, i have told him how i feel but he told me to grow up. What do i do?
Problems in my (19f) and boyfriend (22m) distansrelationship. I feel that our relationship is falling apart and that i am the only one trying, i have told him how i feel but he told me to grow up.
Problems in my (19f) and boyfriend (22m) distantrelationship
what should I do? I (19f) have a boyfriend (22m) we have been in a relationship for 1 year and 9 months. Since April 2023, we have been in a long-distance relationship since when he was deported to his home country on the other side of the world. In the beginning, everything went well and our communication was very good, we gave each other joy. In December and the beginning of January I have traveled to him and visited him for a month, and everything was fine then. Since February, our relationship has only fallen apart. It's not good anymore. At the beginning when he moved, he promised me that he would call me every day and talk to me as I think that in a long distance relationship it is important. He kept his promise until January, after that we just talked less and less. Since March, we have only talked maybe once a week on the phone and only write like good morning and good night and what do you do texts on a daily basis not much else. I love him and I have told him how jsg feels about this situation now, but today he told me that I need to grow up. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think I'm very mature for my age. I talk to him instead of arguing or doing anything else. We also don't do anything as a couple. Even since the beginning of the relationship I was the one who said "congratulations on our monthly anniversary" but he never said it first so I didn't say it in November to see if he would do it and no wonder he didn't say anything and since then, We didn't celebrate anything together. It was my birthday last week and all he did was write me a birthday text, no phone calls or anything else. Right now I feel like we are becoming strangers and I have told him how I feel but I don't know what else to do. He has said that he needs personal time😅 but we don't meet, we dont do anything together, so he has as much personal time as he wants and calling me for 10 minutes every day or every other day is not that much, I think, it's the least you can do.
What should I do now? Am I too demanding Please be nice in the coments🥺 I am starting to feel hearthbroken because our relationship is falling apart.💔
submitted by Eastern_Maize_6019 to u/Eastern_Maize_6019 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:54 FeedHot1698 Any treatments?

Hi, i have had dpdr on and off in episodes for about 3 months now, weed induced from greening out and i was curious if there was any sort of treatment that has worked. i know it’s only been 3 months but i am 17 and i already struggle with horrible anxiety, depression, and bad ocd and i feel with dp it enhances a lot of my other disorders that i worked hard to get under control, or if there is anything that has helped you please let me know! that would be much appreciated!! side note: i go to the gym almost every day and its helped tons, i just want this feeling gone
submitted by FeedHot1698 to dpdr [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:54 Jetblackheart21 20m [M4NB/F] #Online #USA looking for internet wife

Im from Utah County and non-Mormon, so you can see the obvious fun I have dating /S. I'm not making this a sob story; the real reason I'm posting here is that it feels a bit more personal than most dating apps. I'm a pretty cheerful, confident guy. I can be a massive smartass and yap a lot, but I can have serious conversations and value communication. So, if you need an ear, I'm game, but do expect the same in return. I tend to be out and about a lot, usually doing stupid stuff and trying not to get hurt or in trouble while doing it. Most of the time, I'm a pro, but there are quite a few stories where I fumbled, lol.
I like to work out. I mostly do calisthenics. I'm admittedly fairly skinny but decently toned. I've also taken up running, but I'm not Usain Bolt, lol. I also play video games, mostly military simulation games like Arma and OHD. I also play platformers like Mario and Sonic, with Sonic being my go-to for my neurodivergent self. I'm big into history, mostly WW2 and the Cold War, and some WW1. I'm actually working on making a Cold War-themed board game.
On top of being a nerd, I do have a sensitive side. I know some of you have probably rolled your eyes, but hey, I like to write poems, and I'm a huge flirt when I warm up to someone. I'm looking for a sweet, caring person around my age and preferably living in the USA. I'm not picky, it's more important that we click, you know?
As for my values, I'm very liberal and an atheist. You don't have to share my views exactly, but I'm being upfront now to avoid causing issues later. I drink sometimes and don't use drugs. I don't care if you use pot, but anything harder is a no-go zone for me, as my family has some history with addiction. If you want to talk, I'm down to give you my Snap or Discord in DM
submitted by Jetblackheart21 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:53 Various_Ad2533 L-THR questions

Hello all. Second question I’ve asked. I’m 2 weeks post-op. Everything feels good in the hip with absolutely no pain. Obviously weakness and tightness but that’s to be expected. I had a leg length discrepancy before surgery and they advised they corrected to be as close as possible. Now I feel like my left leg is like 3 inches longer. When I stand up straight my left knee has to be bent to be flat footed on both sides. Not only that, but I receive a nerve block in my back. I have numbness and tingling on my left shin from my knee down to my ankle, but it’s only the inner half of the leg. Is this normal and how can I help myself. Thank you very much. THR posterior approach was conducted because I had perthes disease. I’m a 28 W/M. Thanks
submitted by Various_Ad2533 to TotalHipReplacement [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:52 BigGulp5x Cellulitis?

I (20F) have had cellulitis 3 times in the last 7 months. The first time was in October, it started as a small mosquito bite in the middle of my forearm. But where I’m from there are no mosquitos that time of year. It grew to be really red, inflamed, hard, and hot to the touch. It was essentially taking up my entire forearm, wrist to elbow, so I went to the ER and I had learned what cellulitis was. They told me I had waited too long and was hours away from being admitted. Second time rolls around April 20th, but I didn’t wait as long so it didn’t get as big and it wasn’t as painful. Still went to the ER though. The third time was 2 weeks later but it was small and didn’t evolve much, so I didn’t end up seeking medical attention. About a week ago, I had 6 “mosquito bites” on my upper thigh in one giant cluster, but it was never cellulitis. Right now, I have 3 skeeter bites on my elbow and I just don’t understand what’s happening. It’s not mosquito bites, because I don’t have them anywhere else besides these clusters, and it’s not bedbugs because they don’t look like pimples and I share a bed with my partner and he’s not getting bit at all. I also don’t think it’s mosquito bites because they typically have isolated bites and do not bite in clusters. I’m hoping this cluster on my elbow doesn’t turn into cellulitis. I just hate being itchy, it’s one of the worst feelings ever and I will scratch my skin off. Does anyone have any ideas what’s happening to me or any similar experiences? I go to the dermatologist tomorrow so I’ll see if they can help.
submitted by BigGulp5x to skin [link] [comments]
