How does 4loko affect you

lol sorry

2016.06.14 07:20 lol sorry

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2013.01.29 00:24 aelendel Is it a meteorite, or is it slag?

Dedicated to identifying mysterious rocks and minerals.

2019.12.08 22:51 paperairplanerace nervysquervies

WE'RE BACK! Please visit the pinned post ( ) for updated info about the state of this sub, links to nervysquervies communities on alternative platforms, and to contribute your opinions. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this situation! (PS: THIS SUB HAS ALWAYS BEEN FOR ALL SPECIES NOT JUST CATS, turns out that's a super common misunderstanding, oops šŸ˜‚)

2020.04.29 17:31 Wesleysbackseatheory Pandemic

This pandemic is the reason why I am completely sober. I have been drinking probably almost a fifth of vodka every day for almost three years. I live in PA, so all of the liquor stores have been closed and liquor isnā€™t sold in other stores. I stocked up on two handles of vodka telling myself I would conserve it (LOL) and liquor stores would be back open in like two weeks. Needless to say, they lasted me like maybe two weeks tops. I hate beer and wine does nothing for me, so I tried buying higher alcohol content drinks (4loko) when I was craving one weekend. I felt barely anything after 2.5 and had a huge headache. I havenā€™t had a drink since then.. I donā€™t even remember how long it has been. They just made it so you can call the liquor store for three hour a day and make an order and pick it up. The thought passes through my head every so often. But I ask myself why even bother? Nothing good comes from drinking with me. I am in a great relationship and when I drank it has affected the relationship negatively. I donā€™t miss waking up in the night to chug a bottle of water. I donā€™t miss waking up feeling fuzzy or with a headache. I donā€™t miss not remembering conversations or the show we watched the night before. It feels great now. I hope to have the strength to not say fuck it and buy a handle when the stores open up again. Just needed to write all of these things out! Thank you!
submitted by Wesleysbackseatheory to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2019.11.02 23:15 lokiforafee Dumb Entitled Boss Fired Me for Not Washing Dishes Quick Enough

Hi Mr.Reddit, second time posting long time lurker. Love your videos and figured Iā€™d share my own entitled person story. You have permission to use it in a video if you think it good. Customary Mobile apology and Iā€™m dyslexic so sorry for typos. 
Back Story: I got this job through a friend and had it for 3 days. Iā€™m an alternative black female who look androgynous a lot of the time and my friend was non-binary but they presented female often (matters later)
Cast: Me (guess who) , EB (boss), EF1 (entitled friend), EF2( girl I didnā€™t like from day1) ,S1 (snitch) , S2 (also a snitch).
So I was unemployed for awhile, I live in a town on the Forbes list on hardest places to get work. A friend of mine worked in a warehouse bulk store (that rhymes with Bostco) and enter EB she was looking for alternative girls to barista and waitress at her restaurant. So EF and EF2 got hired and they let me come to because they both had job one of them already had 2 and they knew I need one. So we get called to an ā€œinterviewā€ which turned out to be a product tasting, orientation, and training. The food was GOOD and the training was minimal because we didnā€™t have to do much except serve and we got a list of recipes for drinks. So the first day comes around, everything goes smoothly Iā€™m running the front of house and Iā€™m thinking ā€œwow this is a great job and I want to be here awhileā€ oh how naive I was. Day 2 I come in and everything is going well Iā€™m learning new things about the job. My boss sees me serving as weā€™re mildly busy so Iā€™m moving around quickly but I can handle it. She pulls me out of the flow to say ā€œwhen you walk around instead of rushing you should float and be more feminine.ā€ WHOA ok I brush it off and I continue my work slower now because how the heck am Iā€™m supposed to walk float? Iā€™m a clumsy almost 6 foot woman. She also told EF1 to be more feminine after knowing theyā€™re non-binary and claimed she also was. Then, later at the end of the day she promoted me to be a potential bartender when they got their liquor license and also to a Barista officially with a pay DECREASE. I said Yes. I was so naive! So day 3 rolls around aka D-day, Iā€™ve gotten pretty comfortable at this point and Iā€™ve got cool with S1 and S2. S1 worked LITERALLY everyday and he worked the BOH and pretty much did everything without help. He was a recovering addict and didnā€™t have tv so he didnā€™t mind working that often because it kept him from his own devices and EB also taught him how to do whippets from the discarded whipped cream cans which he stockpiled and did ALL DAY. So he didnā€™t come in on D-day and we were surprisingly packed (I should mention it was a very small cafe) but today we had a bunch of kids and there parents come in along with a lot of regulars. So we are working our butts off thereā€™s 2 people in FOH and 1 in BOH and the boss was BOH and getting overwhelmed. Iā€™m going about this smoothly and Iā€™m not too stressed but as Iā€™m making these elaborate drinks EB peeks her head out and asks me (the newest on staff) to come wash dishes I agree even though itā€™s not apart of my job description because I know EB was short staffed and need to make food. So I start washing and I have to go slower but as fast as possible because we didnā€™t have an electric dishwasher and a lot of our dishes were very delicate and expensive and it comes out of my check if I break them. As Iā€™m about halfway through the dishes she dumps another load in and tells me when Iā€™m finished they need help in the front. I say ok and try to speed up and Iā€™m in the middle of that she comes and tells me I need to be out front helping ASAP so I stop the dishes and wash my hand and start making drinks. Iā€™m almost done with the first drink and she comes and tells me to do the dishes...ok I finish and run back. This continues a few times and finally the first close happens. The Cafe closed for and hour or 2 in the middle of the day so we can prepare for the night shift. Iā€™m still washing dishes and Iā€™m aching. Standing in one place for too long and being bent of was really catching up I have a bad back and it affects my legs and feet as well (usually I can work as long as I stay moving otherwise I have to gradually sit down) Anyway, Iā€™m no where near done on this. What does EB do? Goes to pick up her kid but before that she comes up to me as Iā€™m arm deep in a restaurant double sink and quietly whispers ā€œyouā€™re just not quick enough so finish up the day hereā€™s your last pay check.ā€ WTF. She literally fired me and went to go pick up her kid. I finished the day FOR SOME FREAKING REASON and went home. I took my money bought a giant bottle of wine with the same proof as 4Loko and drank it all with S1 and I guess I said a lot of stuff and then it came to light that S1 and S2 had been telling her everything I said not that I said anything bad while I worked there but I had a few words after being back to unemployed after 3 days. I later (sober) wrote a status on Facebook simply saying something along the line of ā€œhow can you fire someone 3 days after promoting them on the secondā€ I donā€™t remember exactly but it was aggressive or malicious really just shady. I go to the cafe with a friend who used to work there and I walked in and EF and EF2 are at the counter I say hello and smile because EF is my best friend at this point and EF2 was her friend so I was nice to her even though I didnā€™t really like her. They looked at me with faces I couldnā€™t quite place but they werenā€™t positive. They both say ā€œyou should delete that statusā€ apparently S1 and S2 went and told that I wrote a status about it and she flipped s***. I was completely thrown for a loop. So I canā€™t even openly express my feelings without her control and I donā€™t even work for her and also EF had taken her side. Wow. I chose to blankly stare in disbelief Iā€™m pretty sure I actually told them wtf and just walked away. So thatā€™s how my personal story about her. But this is a story about KARMA. A few months later, I find out almost everyone who worked there is sharing stories and getting heated. She did terrible things the worst I believe I saw was she talked to an autistic girlā€™s mother and they decided without this girlā€™s input that they would make her wear a pin that said ā€œHi, Iā€™m Autistic!ā€ omg. The things I saw while there were breast milk in the customer refrigerator, almost all ingredients were bought from Callmart and Bostco, encouragement to give away free product, mistreatment of employees, understaffing etc.. This all came to a head. Word got out about everyone who was screwed over and her minimal customers dwindling progressively. She started scraping, lowered her ridiculous prices, started host a lot of parties, buying advertisements everywhere, and she started a Facebook group called ā€œSave the cafeā€. The whole time I was basking in her failure. She went through full staff almost every week. She had done a lot of bad things to good people and Iā€™m so happy. About 2 months after that she was forced into closing. I was very satisfied. Thatā€™s the end once again sorry Iā€™m on mobile and donā€™t have a computer. Also sorry I know this got a little long winded but I was trying to remember as accurately and detailed as I could and I went off topic a lot. I know EFs werenā€™t that entitled but I donā€™t like or associate with them for a story all itā€™s one. Also Ss werenā€™t really snitches but I needed something to call them. Thank you for reading :)
TL;DR : My entitled boss fired me after three days for doing something that not in my job description fast enough and ends up closing her business because she did it to too many people.
submitted by lokiforafee to MrReddit [link] [comments]