Antibiotikatherapie angina tonsillaris

Yesterday morning I smoked hopefully my last cigarette!

2015.07.14 23:10 kovacz Yesterday morning I smoked hopefully my last cigarette!

OK, I'm more forced to stop, I got a quite persistent angina tonsillaris and at least for this week I am not smoking. I've been smoking for 9 years and tried many times before to stop. Sadly my longest no smoking streak was only a month. But now I really hope that I'll never touch those things again. At the same time I really doubt myself, I don't know if I'll ever be able to resist the temptation of coffee and cigarettes. Anyway, I've been lurking here for quite sometime, and thought to write this and getter all your support and encouragement.
submitted by kovacz to stopsmoking [link] [comments]

2015.02.27 11:46 Aadjou Tonsillectomy and Sleep Apnea, need some advice / insights

So I am a bigger girl with a BMI of 41 and I've suffered an angina tonsillaris in December. Ever since the antibiotic treatments my tonsils did not swell down. My issue is that I have developed a Sleep Apnea, resulting in constant day-tiredness, restless sleep and daily heavy-to-light headaches. I can't focus too long on my work, I sleep or rest most of the day and studying is just a frustration.
Last week I went to the hospital and the doctor said that they would not suggest a tonsillectomy because of the complications that can result thereof. Also because I don't have difficutlies or pain when swallowing (besides the "there is something in the way " and "everything dries up and hurts") they don't see it as a necesity. She thinks that the issues I am having are likely to not disappear after surgery since they could be caused by obesity.
Now I am in my 4th/6 day treatment to prednisone as a final try to reduce the swelling. I'm not really feeling better.
I could have the surgery if I really wanted to. On the other hand I also would like to loose more weight to see how it develops, but with the constant tiredness, headaches, feeling weak and already being behind my work, it's hard to motivate myself. Please don't get me wrong, I enjoy sports, I have lost weight before and I really want to start again after this 3 months break.
Has anyone had this surgery and could give me his/her opinion? Thank you
24 female, 169cm, 118kg, caucasian
submitted by Aadjou to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2015.02.27 11:32 Aadjou Tonsillectomy and Sleep Apnea, I need some insights?

So I am a bigger girl with a BMI of 41 and I've suffered an angina tonsillaris in December. Ever since the antibiotic treatments my tonsils did not swell down. My issue is that I have developed a Sleep Apnea, resulting in constant day-tiredness, restless sleep and daily heavy-to-light headaches. I can't focus too long on my work, I sleep or rest most of the day and studying is just a frustration.
Last week I went to the hospital and the doctor said that they would not suggest a tonsillectomy because of the complications that can result thereof. Also because I don't have difficutlies or pain when swallowing (besides the "there is something in the way " and "everything dries up and hurts") they don't see it as a necesity. She thinks that the issues I am having are likely to not disappear after surgery since they could be caused by obesity.
Now I am in my 4th/6 day treatment to prednisone as a final try to reduce the swelling. I'm not really feeling better.
I could have the surgery if I really wanted to. On the other hand I also would like to loose more weight to see how it develops, but with the constant tiredness, headaches, feeling weak and already being behind my work, it's hard to motivate myself. Please don't get me wrong, I enjoy sports, I have lost weight before and I really want to start again after this 3 months break.
Has anyone had this surgery and could give me his/her opinion? Thank you
UPDATE 1: Today I received confirmation that I am going to have the surgery soon. I don't know a date yet but I will keep updating how it is going.
submitted by Aadjou to SleepApnea [link] [comments]