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Hacking Games

2012.01.09 07:00 UbiquitousShadow Hacking Games


2017.11.13 15:43 frencheart Tutorial How to get free robux 2017 No Human Verification

It is very easy to get free robux codes with our powerfull roblox robux generator. Visit the robuxs generator tool page and then enter the username. Select the amount of robux and then tap on the start button.

2014.12.19 10:04 kimberly55 Free iTunes Gift Card code Generator online no survey

Free iTunes Gift Card code Generator online no survey : Do you use iTunes on your iPod touch, iPhone, iPad or PC and in search of unused free iTunes gift card codes? If that’s true, then you have just landed on the right page on the web. We provide 50 free iTunes codes of $50 each to every visitor which can easily be redeemed to get different new stuff from Apple Stores ...

2024.06.09 06:29 queen_e_ Tired of Dating

I(29F) recently started online dating. To be completely honest, I’m truly content with being single and for so long wanted to keep it that way (to the point that I’ve never been in a serious relationship). The issue is that it’s so difficult to be single and complete some of my life goals without a partner such as purchasing a house and traveling a lot while feeling financially stable. I’ve only been on a dating app for a week yet I feel so exhausted and worn out. The constant conversations with strangers I have to keep up with and planning dates has me worn out. Not to mention, going on in-person dates and it not working out has me feeling like I wasted my time and energy. The amount of guys that don’t read my bio and try to persuade me to change my mind about certain stances I have made clear I will not change on also is just exhausting to deal with. I’m so tired but I know I shouldn’t throw in the towel yet as it’s only been a week.
submitted by queen_e_ to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:29 OneOff74 Again!!!

Again!!! submitted by OneOff74 to Lottery [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:28 yerbabuddy Help me figure out this case!

(I'm an EMT, ran this call with my medic today. We're both stumped. Patient's personal details blurred.)
We got sent to an unresponsive woman in a car. Our patient was a slim, healthy-looking 40-something in the passenger seat. She was sitting upright, ABC's good. Her eyes were open and she was looking around, but she wouldn't respond to verbal or painful stimuli and she didn't follow commands. She wasn't combative or somnolent, just extremely out of it.
Her husband told us that she had been working at a local festival outdoors in the heat all day, when she started feeling unwell. He drove her home and she took a cool bath, which didn't help. He began driving her to the hospital when she had a syncopal episode. She woke up after a few seconds but her level of responsiveness had abruptly dropped, at which point he pulled over and called us. He told us that she's an athlete and has no medical history other than an uneventful abdominal procedure a few months back, and no recent trauma.
Besides the AMS, her only physical symptom was extreme diaphoresis. Like, soaking-through-the-blankets extreme. Other than that, everything was WNL and stayed consistent throughout transport. BP 115/75, RR 18, HR 60, sugar 139, nothing jumped out on the EKG (although there was some artifact so it was a bit tough to tell). Her skin felt slightly cool to the touch and wasn't flushed. We obviously couldn't do a BEFAST but she was moving around and we didn't see any unilateral weakness. Trauma assessment didn't find anything.
My medic ran the call and after a lot of debating he sent it in as heatstroke. The ED coded it as a CVA, which I guess they ruled out with a head CT. The hospital so far has only diagnosed her with hyponatremia which, yeah, the sweating. But what caused the sweating? I'm leaning towards neurological, maybe some sort of encephalopathy or a weird brain tumor that didn't show up on the CT, but I really have no idea.
What do you guys think?
submitted by yerbabuddy to emergencymedicine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:26 Informal-Ad-3845 In Search of 60s/70s Stevie Nicks inspired style dress

In Search of 60s/70s Stevie Nicks inspired style dress
This might be a long shot, but I’ve spent months searching for my dream reception dress. My wedding is the beginning of this September so I’m a little desperate for suggestions at this point. While my wedding dress is gorgeous, I’ll be a sweaty mess by the end of the night. So these are the main things I’m looking for:
  • Lacey material
  • Mini length (Above the knee)
  • Exaggerated bell sleeves
  • Retro, Stevie Nicks-esque style
  • Structured top with corset and boning
I came across my absolute perfect dress but it’s about $2000 which is way out my budget for a second dress. I’m hoping to find something for $200-$400 possibly. I’ll likely be wearing my go-go boots so I’m looking for something that could go with that vibe. I’ll attach the links to the first and second dress I mentioned, as well as some photos. Both are sold on Etsy.
If anyone has a similar dress they’re willing to sell, or any suggestion on where to look (whether online or retail - located in St. John’s, NL) I’d really appreciate it. I’d also be open to cutting the hem of a long dress into a mini.
Dress 1 (Top pick)
Dress 2
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Informal-Ad-3845 to weddingdress [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:26 relationshipguy254 Toxic Relationships: Why You Think You Can’t Live Without Them?

Being stuck in a toxic relationship can feel incredibly confusing and soul-sucking. You might feel like you can't live without the person, even though they cause you constant pain and stress. Despite all the trauma and dread they bring into your life, a part of you feels deeply connected to them, almost like you're trapped in their gravitational pull.
Even when you try to gather the courage to leave for good, intrusive thoughts start spinning in your mind: "But how will I survive alone?" "They're all I know - who am I without them?" "I can't bear the loneliness and change." This kind of anxious dependency can feel impossible to escape, trapping you indefinitely in that painful environment where someone exploits you for their own selfish needs.
You might even have the best support network and, on a physical level, in terms of money, friends, and family support, you don’t really need them. But the thought of not being able to survive without them still persists. So, why does it feel that way?
The Comfortable Broken Chair Analogy
The answer lies in the comfort we get when we get used to something. However toxic it is, that relationship has become more like that comfortable broken chair. It might be uncomfortable and even hurt you when you sit on it, and you logically know that you need to throw it away and replace it.
But that’s the hardest thing you can do, as you feel the wobbly chair has been an important part of your life. You’ve been through a lot together, and you cannot just replace it like that. The idea of selling that chair and getting another one seems like too much work, as you’d have to shop around, move out, and look for something better, and all those activities before you get another one.

Strangely, the broken chair has its own kind of comfort and convenience, even though it’s causing you a lot of pain. It’s less tedious to just persevere with it for ‘another year,’ and that’s how a toxic relationship feels.
You really get to the point where you feel you’ve gotten used to it and believe that you can’t manage to survive without it. When your beliefs have adapted to a place where you’re constantly invalidated, they will feed you all sorts of rationalizations and excuses to keep you stuck there.
After all, they’ve become part of your identity, and that identity will do whatever it takes to survive. It will look for ways to survive in a hurtful environment instead of looking for ways to escape it. You start to anticipate the familiar psychological and mental pain of the broken chair and even convince yourself that you can handle it.
Even when the pain becomes unbearable, our mind stills tricks us to sticking to it because it’s a narrative that has been deeply ingrained in our psyche ever since you were young.
The only way to break free is to become very aware of the unconscious attachments keeping us stuck in that toxic situation. It’s about really asking ourselves questions about those negative beliefs and outrightly calling them out as false beliefs. Your true essence is that of joy and bliss. Those beliefs are just preventing you from seeing that you weren't really born that way or that you come from a ‘cursed generation’; those are just beliefs bred from other beliefs.
Question their legitimacy, and slowly but surely, you will be removing the dirt from your eyes so that you can see that you can survive without them and even go beyond surviving to thriving. Those beliefs limit your possibilities and the options you have once you leave the relationship. But once you see beyond them, you will realize that there are a lot of options for you and that even a healthy relationship is within reach. You can definitely survive without them; you just have to keep going.
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.

submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 JuliaAstrowsly So pro pallies are complaining that the hostages are not starved to death?

I’m legit just without words at this point. I just read some horrifying comments about how the hostages look “not starved” and I swear to god I can’t with this shit anymore.
This is legitimately the ONLY place online I feel like there are humans with a functioning brain and some critical thinking.
submitted by JuliaAstrowsly to Israel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 NWSE-360 wifi at remote cabin - eap610 vs Ayrmesh

Not sure if i'm posting this in the right place. Posted this question on here a couple days ago with no response, so I tried to post on networking but it was removed immediately. Maybe I should have left it here?
I'm looking for opinions on a set up for the following situation with the goal of having a useable signal in an off grid cabin and around the property for wifi calling and browsing (and also on the lake if that possible):
Two square shaped 140' x 140' sites, side by side along the shore of a lake. They are divided by approximately 50 feet of forest. All off grid, and no cell service. One site has a cabin with solar power and Starlink. The other has an unpowered cabin and a camper on site.
Usually less than ten people using the internet, never more than 30.
After some reading online, I ordered 2 TP link 610 outdoor access points, a 65W POE switch TL-SG1005P, oc200 controller, and an er605 router, with the intent of running a 200' ethernet cable from the switch in the powered cabin through the trees to the unpowered lot. One eap610 per stie. At the moment, I can actually pick up the Starlink router from 150 feet away on the unpowered lot, though its spotty.
While waiting for the order to arrive, I read about Ayrstone Ayrmesh. I'm wondering if that would be a better solution, allowing me to have internet access while out on the lake with their "cab hub" on the boat. Most of the lake is line of site from both lots with the farthest shore 1.9 miles away (but even half way across would suffice).
Or should I be doing something completely different? Appreciate your thoughts.
submitted by NWSE-360 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:22 PROOB1001 Rogue

There are a lot of missing-nins and rogues in Naruto from all the different villages. As I have seen, many of them become independent mercenaries or join mercenary bands. This is an idea I shall be listing below-
Due to the raging civil war, many shinobi from Kirigakure flee the village and go rogue, forming a mercenary/pirate band. They are also joined by some Amegakure ninja whose country was devastated by the Second Great War, and some other rogues from various villages.
Suppose you've carefully observed the Naruto World map. In that case, you may see that the ocean Kirigakure sits upon is vital for trade, as it connects virtually all the northern countries (Lands of Earth, Lightning, Rice paddies, etc.) with the ports in the Southern Countries (Lands of Fire, Water, Wind, Rivers, many others). The villages refrain from using land routes due to the near-constant conflict and fear of brigands. I also propose this is why Kirigakure (Or the Land of Water as a whole) can maintain itself financially. Being islands, the country might not have any notable resources or industry aside from fishing, there isn't even good land for Farming like the Land of Fire.
Due to this, they have taken to mercantile activities. Taxing ships and convoys passing through their harbors surely generates massive revenue. Kirigakure ninjas might be used to extort foreign traders, but that isn't common.
Taking advantage of their former country's strategic location, the rogue group captures a small island on the nation's fringes amidst the raging civil war (hence nobody notices their activities -or acts upon them). They build ships and start attacking ships, capturing, destroying, or looting them. As the group's size increases, the activities also intensify. They even capture some other islands, the Land of Waves, an island belonging to Kumogakure, and an outpost on Whirlpool Island. Gato is a member of the organization, although not a shinobi. He is given reigns over the island and rules with an iron fist. The outpost on Whirlpool Island is intended to excavate the Uzushio ruins and potentially find some new sealing formulas. Konoha is currently recovering from the Kyubi rampage and thus overlooks this endeavor.
The capture of an island belonging to the Land of Lightning does trigger some retaliation from Kumo, who sends a platoon to recapture lost territory. However, they are driven back by the pirates. Recognizing so much effort isn't worth a small island, they form a pact with the pirates; giving them regular tribute in exchange for not attacking convoys of the Land of Lightning.
The pirates use ships of various sizes, usually small, which are designed to be fast and easily maneuverable. You might be wondering, 'They're shinobi, why do they have to use ships when they can walk on water?' Well, we must recognize the sheer expanse of the Naruto world, you're asking a shinobi to continuously run hundreds or even thousands of kilometers over water. Yes, they might have the stamina to walk the distance across nations, but it is unrealistic that an average ninja can walk/swim across oceans, given both his stamina and chakra is depleting quick. As such, the pirates only use ships to travel and use chakra when engaged in combat.
This piracy reaches a boiling point when the Daimyos and Kages recognize the hit their revenue and imports have taken, and decide to act upon it. The first to retaliate was Sunagakure who sent platoons into the Southern Ocean to protect convoys. As strong as Suna might be, they are COMPLETELY inexperienced with naval warfare, sending their shinobi in merchant ships. The pirate vessels are modified and result of the latest shipbuilding, making them faster, and tougher, and are fitted with various weapons. The majority of rogues belong to Kirigakure, as such their elemental affinity is water -decisive in a naval battle. The entire Suna platoon is wiped out; killed, captured, or drowned in the distant waters.
This is a hit on Suna's reputation and The Land of Wind's economy, as the pirates become bolder after their victory and start attacking coastal towns. This forces Sunagakure to garrison shinobi near the coast, stretching their logistics and already fragile economy.
The second nation to try is The Land of Earth, who have already started to consider using land routes. Another naval battle, another decisive pirate victory, but Iwagakure isn't one to give up. They send platoon after platoon, squad after squad, most of them defeated or repelled, and some managing to protect their designated vessels the entire way. The hidden stone village has iron resolve. The village's knuckleheadedness determination causes many losses to the pirates (although Iwagakure was also busy counting the dead) and their activities cease, for some time. Onoki considers this a victory.
The Land of Lightning recognizes the profits of this business and decides to take part. Kumogakure ninjas begin to join the raiding/pirate expeditions under the guise of rogues and bring considerable revenue to their village (60% of the loot is guaranteed to the group, and the rest shifts depending on how many Kumo ninjas participate. Still, considering their regular expeditions the income is huge). Pirate ships are allowed to dock in Kumogakure harbors, even resupplied under the guise of civilian ships.
It is only a matter of time before the pirates gain a spotlight on the world stage, and essentially give all the villages a common enemy. It is also inevitable that Kumogakure will make an enemy of the other villages if their dealings with the pirates continue. Can this cause a global coalition? Yes. Can this cause a world war? Maybe.
Author's notes XD
The entire purpose of this prompt is that I wanna see naval warfare in Naruto, which is evermore exciting with chakra and shinobi. Who knows? Maybe they'll develop cannons in this naval arms race. Any ideas and polishing is appreciated, what are your thoughts?
submitted by PROOB1001 to NarutoFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:21 euguene_2000 A SEGA Saturn Collection for current consoles would be great! Will SEGA do it one day?

A Saturn mini console seems very unlikely at this point, but I think a Saturn compilation for current consoles would not be bad, just as they did with Genesis, several times already.
We've had Genesis collections since the PS3 and Xbox 360 era if I remember correctly, and more recently on the Nintendo Switch online service.
As far as I know, SEGA has not yet revived the Saturn catalog, they did with the Dreamcast but only with 4 or 5 games and that collection was exclusive to the Xbox 360, and a select Dreamcast catalog is available on Steam.
submitted by euguene_2000 to SEGA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:19 Manus_2 I feel permanently isolated from everything.

Even when I can push myself interact with someone, such as with trying to find an online gaming buddy, I often find that masking takes up all my energy. As it is, I'm 32 and I've never had anyone in my life that I truly felt comfortable with, or was able to trust. At this point, the odds just seem stacked against me in the worst way possible, and in all likelihood, I'll never be able to feel a sense of belonging anywhere. This deep alienation I struggle with just gets worse and worse with each passing day.
submitted by Manus_2 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:19 AedruxYT Moved to the US in junior year, how cooked am I

Demographics: Male, Asian, NY, Mid-size public (1000), no hooks (URM, first generation, legacy, athlete, etc.) Single parent lower middle-class family (75k income)
Intended Major(s): Neuroscience/Biochem/Computational Bio or Computational Neuro (Pre-med)
ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1460 super score (700rw,760 math) retook in June but doubt it increased
UW/W GPA and Rank: 95% UW, no weighted or ranks at my school.
Coursework: AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores, etc
ok so there's some context here
I am a domestic applicant with a green card, but I moved from Canada to the US (New York) last July before my junior year, which affected my ECs a lot.
My old HS had no honors/APs, mostly an athletics-focused school. Academics there were terrible, no real science classes until 11th grade, and Algebra 1 was taught in 10th grade. When I moved to the US, I was extremely behind due to this, so my classes this year are overloaded with classes I have to do to take APs, and I took 1 this year (CSA). I have 7 APs scheduled for senior year due to this (calc bc, lang, macro, gov, chem, bio, stats).
Junior year course load: bio honors, chem honors. geometry honors. alg2 honors, ap csa, english11 honors, us history regents, phys ed
Senior year course load: AP calc bc, AP lang, AP macro, AP gov, AP chem, AP bio, AP stats, phys ed, health
Awards: 5th place sci oly medal at regionals, 3rd and 6th place medals at sci oly invitationals, JV football city champions gold medal
Extracurriculars: Include leadership & summer activities
-22 hrs of community volunteering (US) (getting more this summer and throughout senior year)
-Science Olympiad 1 year - 5th place medal in Microbe Mission at regionals, 3rd place medal in Microbe Mission at invitationals, 6th place medal in Geo Mapping at invitationals
-150+ hours of Online Volunteering (moderating an online community of students of around 50k+ members)
-Member of Model UN, Medical Outreach, Math Club, all 1 year
Canada ECs:
-20 hours of hospital volunteering (planning on getting some more in the US this summer)
-1 year of JV football, won JV football city champions gold medal (highest award for my school's JV league) )
-Self-taught myself Web development in 10th grade (HTML, CSS, JS), but didn't really do anything with it.
Essays/LORs/Other: Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances
Geo honors teacher: 8/10 This is just a prediction, but I think that she likes me a good bit considering how she talks about me outside of class in the math office, Also has no other letters to write this summer bc she only teaches freshmen and seniors so I might get a high-quality letter.
Alg2 honors teacher: 7.5/10 Same explanation as Geo teacher, but I think he has a lot more letters to write. But I'm also going to be taking pre-calc this summer with him, so he might have more to say.
Schools I'm looking at: SUNY UB, SUNY Stony Brook, URochester, Brandeis, UPitt, UW Seattle, CWRU, Cornell, UMich,
What types of schools can I get into given my stats, EC's, and circumstances?
submitted by AedruxYT to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:18 PositiveBusiness8677 Bitwarden password strengthening with Unicode

Bitwarden password strengthening with Unicode
Hello all, I was thinking of a simple way of strengthening my master password without making it too long by adding a Unicode character like 𒂞 (Cuneiform Eren Unicode 1209E ) at the end, however it seems to make no difference to Bitwarden.
Bitwarden's online password generator draws from a 70-character set , and there are about 150k Unicode characters, so a 15-character Bitwarden password is equivalent to 5 unicode characters but as you can see below, Bitwarden says it is irrelevant.
Why is that ? Maybe the Bitwarden hashing ignores certain characters ?
submitted by PositiveBusiness8677 to Bitwarden [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:18 AutoModerator Jared Tendler - Trading Psychology Masterclass (Download)

Jared Tendler - Trading Psychology Masterclass (Download)
Jared Tendler - Trading Psychology Masterclass

Jared Tendler - Trading Psychology Masterclass Reviews: Is it worth it?

So, you've got the skills, the technical know-how to ace the trading game. But here's the kicker - you keep tripping over the same hurdles. Hesitation at entry points? Check. Exiting trades prematurely? Guilty as charged. And let's not forget the classic move of chasing trades way past their prime. It's like you're stuck in a loop, right? But fear not, my fellow trader! Enter Jared Tendler's Trading Psychology Masterclass (TraderLion) to the rescue.

Understanding the Culprits Behind Your Trading Fumbles

Ever wondered what's behind those recurring blunders? Jared Tendler's masterclass delves deep into the psyche of trading. It's not just about the numbers; it's about understanding what makes you tick as a trader. From dissecting the root causes of your errors to shining a light on those sneaky subconscious signals, this course is your ticket to self-awareness in the trading world.

Spotting the Warning Signs Before It's Too Late

Picture this: you're about to make yet another costly mistake, but this time, you catch yourself right before you hit that sell button. That's the power of recognizing the red flags, my friend. Jared Tendler equips you with the tools to spot those warning signs before they wreak havoc on your trades. It's like having a built-in radar for potential pitfalls in the market.

Turning Talk into Action: Practical Strategies for Lasting Change

Enough with the talk, let's get down to business. Jared Tendler doesn't just feed you theory; he hands you a playbook of actionable strategies. Say goodbye to those same old slip-ups because this masterclass is all about making lasting changes. Whether it's overcoming hesitation, mastering the art of patience, or fine-tuning your decision-making process, consider this course your trading makeover.

Five Interactive Events to Elevate Your Trading Game

Buckle up, folks! Jared Tendler's masterclass isn't your run-of-the-mill online course. It's a journey, an experience tailored to transform you into a trading powerhouse. With five interactive events packed with insights, exercises, and real-world examples, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of trading psychology. Think of it as a crash course in unlocking your full trading potential.

The Game-Changing Factor: A Model for Success

What sets Jared Tendler's approach apart from the rest? It's simple - he gives you a roadmap to success. This isn't just about temporary fixes or quick wins. It's about building a solid foundation that will stand the test of time. Once you've embraced Jared's model, it becomes your guiding light in the ever-changing world of trading. And here's the best part - it's not limited to trading. Whether you're an athlete, an artist, or a CEO, the principles you learn here are universally applicable.
In a nutshell, Jared Tendler - Trading Psychology Masterclass (TraderLion) isn't just another course; it's a game-changer. So, if you're ready to break free from the shackles of trading mistakes and unlock your true potential, it's time to take the plunge. Trust me; your future self will thank you for it.
submitted by AutoModerator to StatLearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:17 No_Treat_2908 HSBC visa Platinum new rules.

HSBC visa Platinum new rules.
HBSC VISA PLATINUM : Reward points, does it make it less attractive now?
submitted by No_Treat_2908 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:16 HoeFoSho [Hiring] a Logo Designer - Moai Statue Head

I’m starting my business and I need a Moai Head similar to the pictures below. Looking for simple, modern, clean.
I like the Moai Statues in these pictures. I’m looking to convert them to a simple logo. This needs to be custom - not existing or something I can find online already or through a logo generator.
The last two Trade Moai logos I created myself, but I’d like something more custom and better looking. Also an inverse that would work over a dark background.
My business is finance related so I need the Moai logo to convey stoicism, pride, and no emotion.
I’m looking to pay $100, but I’ve already been through a couple of hires that didn’t work out which is why I tried doing it myself. I would do $25 upfront and $75 more upon completion. Not sure if you can provide a black and white sketch with a watermark first so that I can decide to go with you?
I’m looking for a lot more artwork and designs for my website, but I can’t seem to find the right person yet. Reply here or PM me. Thanks!
submitted by HoeFoSho to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:15 saulgoodman1122 unable to add friend codes - error code 001-0502

I am unable to register any friend codes with my pretendo account, it says I'm offline, despite having a working internet connection. I have tried several solutions that were suggested to me (use a hotspot, create a pretendo ID via the nintendo network ID settings, enable features in luma, etc.) nothing works. while on my nintendo account, it says im online, but for some reason, the pretendo account will not show up as online, and thus i cannot add friends on that account. if anyone has any other solutions, let me know.
submitted by saulgoodman1122 to PretendoHub [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:14 Puncharoo Could I create emulations of video game consoles with this game?

I'm about halfway complete the campaign in this game and am absolutely loving it. One thing that has crossed my mind that I'm sure has likely been asked before but I can't seem to find another post with a straight answer - this game has you construct 8 and potentially 16-bit computers that run at apparently about 10MHz max, and a Nintendo Entertainment System is an 8-bit system that runs games at apparently 60Hz.
Could I theoretically create a fully-functioning NES within Turing Complete? The game console has to have been reverse engineered to hell by this point, so I should be able to find some sort of actualy schematic for the circuitry somewhere online.
I have a job where I get a lot of "downtime" (I sit on Employment Insurance for long periods sometimes) so I'd like to find a long-term entertainment project that I could keep coming back to and this seems like a great idea if it's feasible. I've taken a gander into the Sandbox mode as well and I've seen 16-bit components as well. If this works, I'd potentially like to give a SNES a try too.
submitted by Puncharoo to TuringComplete [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:13 infys Openapi code generator in Javascript

I’d like to share Penify OpenAPI Code Generator, a handy tool to convert OpenAPI schemas into schemas with code examples across multiple languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, and more. It features a simple CLI to streamline your API integrations.
There are few openapi code generators tool out there but all of them have java dependencies. Hence it was need of an hour to build such tool with huge number of language support.
submitted by infys to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:11 Opening_Amphibian268 Is a masters right for me at 30 after never working in psych after getting a BA?

Hello all,
I graduated with a BA in Psych about 4 years ago. Took a while to allow myself to pursue psychology mostly because of the low earning potential, but I also had always had aspirations in music and audio engineering (not any better lol). A small opportunity in music popped up for me right before graduating so I jumped into that field instead and didn't pursue my masters as originally planned.
Now that I've realized I don't wanna follow the path I'm on due to how volatile creative work is, and also how bogged down I get by the coldness of machines and programming, I'm considering going back to my original idea.
I am little worried though, as I don't have any experience in the psych field now, so I feel it's going to be long tough road ahead of me. I'm naturally in tune with this field which is why I chose it originally, but I'm also worried about earning a living at this point and definitely need healthcare. I sort of wish I would've spent these last years just grinding out the masters degree because as it is expressed very often, it feels really rough out here with just a BA.
So my question is how do you make it in psychology? I'm trying to decide between following my natural inclinations with hopes of high (enough) earnings, or just really giving up on psych and submitting myself to whatever field will let me have a roof over my head and not struggle over the next two decades. No generational wealth to fall back on so it's a serious consideration
Is there a sure path? Will I struggle because of my resume? Is Florida a good state for this? (lol)
From my research, it seems things like I/O makes good money, but is hard to get jobs in. It was my original plan as well because it felt like a good compromise. The difficulty in availability seems to be the case for most of the jobs that pay well in this field too right? Unless you get a PHD or PSYD which are both either also almost impossible to be accepted or you need to fund it yourself. If I had no restraint on time and needing money, I would want to go get a PSYD and go really deep into the learning and concepts, but it's not realistic.
Is taking out loans and completing a masters program, while working full time, just to make a 5-10k more after 3 grueling years worth it? It doesn't feel like it, but am I losing the big picture? Like does it get easier to make a higher salary as you progress? I feel as though the cause, my affinity, and my personal and professional aspirations would push me but I know it's not that simple sometimes.
Any perspectives would help. Thank you.
submitted by Opening_Amphibian268 to psychologystudents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:11 scottishTrite Hosting - Not with Heroku / Fly etc

I've been writing code along time but to my shame, I don't have a clue how to actually host a rails project myself on something like an EC2 instance. I've mainly been a git push heroku with a little bit of cap deploy but no real idea what's going on under the hood.
Thing is I'm not even sure what I should be searching for. I'd love to find some good books / courses.
I'm keen to learn:
appreciate dev ops is a whole field in itself. Would just love to be able to spin up an application myself and not rely on third parties so much.
If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be really grateful!
submitted by scottishTrite to rails [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:10 MSakuEX Package manager?

It's been 2y+ ish since I've last had a laptop which was a Dell Latitude which unfortunately the mobo fried and the repair wasn't going to be anywhere worth it at all at that point. So I threw that one away. And it's been longer than 2y not sure how many years exactly but since I last had a ThinkPad T420. I've come from experience having tried/used Manjaro and Xero Linux. And now I'm on CachyOS.
What's the cli package manager on this thing by default? I've previously used Yaourt, Yay and Yum. I'd like to know the default package manager and the cli commands for it. I've looked it up but I don't think I've found anything on it at all.
ThinkPad T520
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M (4) @ 3.20 GHz
Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller @ 1.30 GHz [Integrated]/Intel HD 3000
submitted by MSakuEX to cachyos [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:09 LifeizGucci 1 more $500 bet is all that I need to cover this bonus let’s have a good day tomorrow

1 more $500 bet is all that I need to cover this bonus let’s have a good day tomorrow
MLB WNBA all day today
submitted by LifeizGucci to sportsbetting [link] [comments]
