Dizzy, loss of appetite, no energy

Lose your hair, not your head.

2011.04.11 20:21 geekbro27 Lose your hair, not your head.


2015.03.10 22:08 THUMB5UP 1500 kCals A Day!

A sub about eating on 1500 calories total per day.

2010.10.24 20:37 jwegan Subreddit for Shiba Inu dogs

Subreddit for Shiba Inu dogs. Post your pictures, videos, questions, etc.

2024.06.09 04:27 ConsiderationWild625 AITAH for not listening to my doctors?

This is both a rant and in hopes I get some advice and insight because I'm really losing it. I'm a bit nervous to post this since when I have tried telling people it hasn't went the best, and it honestly left me feeling so much worse, but I can't deal with this anymore.
I know this is extremely long, and judging by the reactions of people I've told I doubt reddit would recieve it well either, but I've run out of choices really and I don't know what to do.
This post is mostly aimed at women, but I wouldn't mind help from anyone really.
So I haven't really used reddit before but I really need some advice for this and no one is helping, so I was hoping if I posted this here someone might help. This is going to be very long, but honestly I just don't know how to go about the situation, I'm so done.
I'd just like to remind everyone reading this that the main issue here is not my lack of weight loss, everyone comments on it and I am tired of it, I am not obese, or even at a stage where my weight compromises my health, I've simply gained a lot of weight.
So I've been sick for months on end, probably over a year now in fact, my periods are a mess, and they're absolutely debilitating. I can't walk or move at all, I get headaches for days, I can't stomach anything and puke everything out as soon as a swallow, even water at times. (This doesn't ONLY occur on my period but I cannot stomach ANYTHING on my period at all).
No painkillers work, I used to take injections to help with the pain but even they're useless now. I've also had an issue with weight gain, I don't know how I'm gaining as much as I am, I don't really eat that much, I've gained well over 15kg in the last year or so.
We have limited options for doctors in the area (its a small area, not many hospitals or clinics or much at all), and just my luck they're all men. I went to the first one and he said that I should lose weight and then come back, he put me on weight loss pills and told me to walk for atleast 1-2h a day, but I didn't lose any weight and the weight loss pills made things so much worse, so I went to a second doctor, who put me on a strict diet, and told me if I did happen to puke my meal not to eat again until my next meal? Which hearing it, I didn't really trust but decided to give it a go because after all, this was supposed to be a medical professional, but it still didn't help and I was insanely tired, more than usual, not to mention my periods were getting worse. I genuinely doubt these people even meet basic qualifications at this point.
When I told some people that things were getting worse I was told I was being dramatic and things are supposed to work out like this before I get better, and looking back I regret believing them.
I try to tell my doctors everything in detail, but it seems all they ever tell me to do is lose weight, is this common? I've gone to a couple other doctors and they all said similar things or changed my medicine for me.
My periods are only getting worse with time and I faint practically everywhere. I can't do anything, and they range anywhere from 8-11 days.
The last doctor I went to told me to cut down on food once again, when I told him how much I was eating he insisted I was still over eating, and told me to cut down on the number of meals during the day and only drink water? So instead of having 3 meals I'd have 2? I've tried but I'm so insanely tired and couldn't pay attention to anything, my headaches were killing me, I was dizzy and kept falling over and getting hurt, and and I can't take this anymore, I feel like nothing is working, I've tried to tell other people the issue and all I get is angry people or people making fun of me saying it is quite literally impossible to gain/not lose weight if I was actually listening to my doctors, but I'm so sure I am, its driving me insane and I have no idea what to do.
I genuinely cannot believe these are real doctors, I discarded the doctor's advice after I lost balance and fell down the stairs recently. I hurt my legs pretty badly and they still hurt now and I can't really walk properly. I've also stopped taking my medication a couple days ago because I just can't handle this anymore. Everyone I've told thinks I'm being over dramatic or not taking doctors' advice correctly, and say I should go again, but I can only handle so many visits, and frankly I am at my limit. AITAH? Should I have just continued with the medicine and diets until everything worked out?
submitted by ConsiderationWild625 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:00 InternationalPrize27 7Souls Deep Gallery Review

7Souls Deep Gallery Review
I went to the opening of the 7SoulsDeep exhibit last night, and it was not what I was expecting. The art was deep, but the setting — house music, wine, laughter — distracted me from connecting with the pieces. I understand there may have a been a program, but the bright setting only made me want to stay a few minutes.
The endlessly curious storyteller in myself had hoped for insight into his story, and so, I went back again tonight to have a proper look, this time alone.
The artist’s words — graffiti’ed across Brooklyn and much of the city — have always touched me. In drip paint and mirrors, the phrase bled into my soul.
‘Can we still fall in love this summer?’
Spring 2020. Fuck that time. How things so terribly changed — for all of us.
While particularly relevant to that time period, this question simultaneously captures so much hope and so much sadness and so much importance. Imagine a time in your life in which you knew things were not well, but you still believed in the best. Imagine a time when you put aside your differences, and it resulted in something beautiful. Imagine a time when you watched your dreams bleed all over the walls, unsure if you would ever be able to see past the stains.
On my way to 1BellSlip, I reflected on the words my lost love etched into me the last time he walked in my door, and that Lucy Dacus song he introduced me to as he buttoned up his shirt and said goodbye forever without any words. I reflected on how my passion for him sparked a fire that changed my life, and how yes, someone could absolutely feel this way for me. Was this exhibit about me? No. Could I relate to the meaning? Absolutely, yes. We all possess such energy, and such is the beauty of the human existence. People only poke fun at its simplicity because they aren’t that brave. We’re all guilty of doing this from time to time, and if you’ve participated in such mockery of artists, please check yourself and do a little less of it on public forums.
In an empty room, the exhibit’s meaning shook my soul. I looked in the “finding myself again” mirror, reflecting on what I did after I lost you to someone else. I wondered if the artist ever spoke these words to her, and if she had the chance to hear them. I wonder how she was holding up. Certainly, she has seen them by now.
I was hoping to see my other favorite work, which has since been removed from the exhibit. Now dizzy, I sat on the couch and cried. In not knowing the backstory, I was able to relate to the project in ways I could never imagine.
The exhibit is worth the trip to this spot less traveled and to take a meaningful look into one of 7soulsdeep mirrors. Also, be sure to check out the select literature and more subtle reflections of the artists soul.
I am looking forward to the artist’s next exhibit, and I hope it inspires you all the way it has inspired me.
submitted by InternationalPrize27 to williamsburg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:50 kataraya PhenQ Reviews: Uncovering Critical Customer Warnings, Effectiveness, and Ingredient Analysis

When it comes to weight loss supplements, PhenQ has garnered considerable attention and acclaim. This comprehensive review aims to delve into the efficacy, ingredients, and potential customer warnings surrounding PhenQ. Understanding these elements can help you decide whether PhenQ is the right choice for your weight loss journey.
PhenQ is a weight management supplement. It is a newly improved formula that aims to target the five main areas of metabolic health,

What is PhenQ?

PhenQ is a popular dietary supplement designed to aid in weight loss. It claims to offer multiple weight loss benefits by combining the effects of several different weight loss supplements into one pill. Marketed as an all-in-one solution, PhenQ aims to help users burn fat, suppress appetite, and boost energy levels.

How Does PhenQ Work?

PhenQ works through a multifaceted approach:
  1. Fat Burning: It increases the body's thermogenic and metabolic rates, helping to burn stored fat.
  2. Appetite Suppression: It reduces cravings and controls hunger, making it easier to follow a calorie-deficit diet.
  3. Energy Boost: By countering the fatigue often associated with dieting, it helps users stay active and maintain their exercise routines.
  4. Mood Enhancement: PhenQ contains mood-enhancing ingredients to prevent the irritability and mood swings that can come with dieting.

PhenQ Ingredients

The effectiveness of any supplement lies in its ingredients. PhenQ boasts a blend of natural ingredients scientifically proven to aid in weight loss. Here are the key components:
  1. α-Lacys Reset®: A patented formula that combines alpha-lipoic acid and cysteine to boost metabolism and increase thermogenesis.
  2. Capsimax Powder: A blend of capsicum, piperine, caffeine, and niacin (vitamin B3). These ingredients work together to increase the body's heat production, promoting fat burning.
  3. Chromium Picolinate: An essential mineral that helps control blood sugar levels and reduce sugar cravings.
  4. Caffeine: Known for its ability to enhance alertness and reduce fatigue, caffeine also aids in fat burning and improves exercise performance.
  5. Nopal: A cactus extract rich in fiber that helps you feel full and reduce appetite. It also provides essential amino acids.
  6. L-Carnitine Fumarate: An amino acid that helps convert fat into energy, combating fatigue associated with dieting.

Customer Warnings and Side Effects

While PhenQ is made from natural ingredients and is generally considered safe, some users may experience side effects. Here are some potential issues to be aware of:
  1. Caffeine Sensitivity: PhenQ contains caffeine, which can cause jitteriness, headaches, and sleep disturbances in sensitive individuals.
  2. Allergic Reactions: Some users may be allergic to specific ingredients in PhenQ, such as chromium or nopal.
  3. Digestive Issues: Ingredients like nopal may cause digestive discomfort in some users.
It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially for individuals with pre-existing health conditions or those taking other medications.

Does PhenQ Really Work?

The effectiveness of PhenQ varies from person to person. Many users have reported positive results, including weight loss, reduced appetite, and increased energy levels. However, it is essential to remember that no supplement can replace a healthy diet and regular exercise. PhenQ should be used as part of a comprehensive weight loss strategy for best results.
PhenQ is a weight management supplement. It is a newly improved formula that aims to target the five main areas of metabolic health,


PhenQ is a well-rounded weight loss supplement with a variety of ingredients designed to target different aspects of weight loss. While many users have found success with PhenQ, it is crucial to approach it with realistic expectations and understand that individual results may vary. Always consider potential side effects and consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it is a safe and suitable option for you.
submitted by kataraya to bailareviews [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:47 Federal_Bus3867 Kamo Clan, Fully Explored


The Kamo clan is one of the big three clans in Japan. That means they are one of the clans with the most power and authority in the Jujutus space. The Kamo clan has a large emphasis on blood ties, so they look down on bastard children or adoptions, etc. The Kamo clan is not viewed in the best of lights due to one of the evilest sorcerers in history being Noritosh Kamo, who was actually Kengaku. They are very traditional and go by the rules the most, this has put them closer to the higher-ups of the Jujutsu headquarters.

Inherited Cursed Techniques

Blood Manipulation: This is the prized possession of the Kamo Clan, as the name implies this technique allows the user to control their own blood in multiple aspects. This technique is extremely versatile allowing the user to excel in long, mid, and close ranged fighting. The main limit to this technique is the amount of blood, if the user forces too much blood from their body then they run the risk of death by blood loss, also using this technique in water makes the blood too unstable to use outside of the user's body.
Extension Techniques
Reversed Cursed Technique
Maximum Technique
Neuro Static: This technique is a modern inherited technique that allows the user to control the electric signals that flow through their nervous system. The user can build up electric signals in their nerve endings and with that built-up charge, they can discharge it to deal electrical damage to their enemies. The main drawback of this technique is that is it needs time to build up significant amounts of electricity. This technique is not seen as impressive at all by the older clan members since it is not the more traditional inherited technique of the Kamo Clan.
Extension Techniques
Reversed Cursed Technique
Maximum Technique

Inherited Trait

Similar to the Six Eyes of the Gojo clan, but not as well-known and much more secretive.

Secret Arts

The Kamo clan is very secretive about their secret arts and doesn’t let non-kamo clan members know of them. The Kamo Clan even uses binding vows, so that no non-clan member will learn of them.

Cursed Tools

submitted by Federal_Bus3867 to CTsandbox [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 IndependentKey5082 Paroxysmal Dizziness

34 y/o M from Alabama. Episodes of paroxysmal dizziness, 3-10 seconds, x 3 to 4 years, average of twice a week.
Paroxetine 50, Buproprion 150, qd. Clonazepam 0.25 qdayprn.
Often triggered by switching between looking at something up close versus looking at something far away (ex: down at a phone and then up at a car way down the road).
Occasionally associated with higher intake of caffeine than normal.
Loss of balance. Can usually stand and most people don't notice anything is wrong.
Feeling of movement "within" my head. Like my head is swirling.
No pain. No visual changes. No cognitive changes.
Sometimes a hot flash.
Have had normal MRI, EEG, cardiac monitoring, balance testing.
Distressing because I don't know when the episodes will occur nor why.
Wondering if neurological, vestibular, cardiac, something else entirely.
submitted by IndependentKey5082 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:30 hgtwn Recently diagnosed gastritis(uncertain). Looking for input..

I'll explain my situation:
Underwent a two week anti-biotic series 3 months ago for unrelated ailment and took ibuprofen at the same time. Ever since that ended my stomach hasn't been quite right. At that same time I was also eating one large(healthy) meal before bed and not a great deal through the day. These two things happening at the same time make it hard to pin-point the exact cause.
Last week I took 2 ibuprofen for the first time since and it wrecked my stomach. Even had a tiny bit of blood in my spit for a couple of days.
Dull ache/gnawing in upper left abdomen (doc says stomach).
Extreme gas in the afternoon/evening and night. Both burping and flatulence.
Random brief and kinda painless pangs in lower abdomen.
NO vomit, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea.
Stools fairly normal. Occasionally darker green than usual after eating greens. Do suffer from internal hemorrhoid which can flare up after hard stool, not likely related.
Doctor says gastritis. Ultrasound shows nothing, gastroscopy all clear.
If told me that it wasn't serious I could easily live with it I think, but I want to get to the bottom of it. I've tried everything with food. No caffeine, no booze, no drugs. 1 week into PPI course.
Looking for anyone with similar symptoms to provide some feedback.
submitted by hgtwn to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:25 brian_heriot Pantheopsychic Death

Pantheopsychic Death
Pictured: The Lucid Dreamer, the source and cause of every human, animal, and insect's experience of dying and death.
Death is stereotypically imagined and defined as cessation of the existence of consciousness. For the religious or any person believing in an afterlife, whether or not the afterlife is continuation of pre-deceased consciousness in some form within another dimension, alteration of consciousness from that of the pre-deceased to another person, animal, or insect (reincarnation), or alteration of the consciousness of the pre-deceased into a "better" or "superior" version of that person incapable of conception of evil and experience of pain (Pantheopsychic heavenly afterlife).
Pantheopsychic Death is the latter, following an education of the post-deceased consciousness as to the true nature of reality, if the person is saved, in an alternate dimension known as Abraham's Bosom prior to enforced mind-wiping of the person of memory of pre-deceased concept and experience.
In Pantheopsychic Theology, the third, "youngest" personality of the Christian God, called The Lucid Dreamer, is the source of all human, animal, and insect death in terms of the experience of death (the lowering and gradual loss of consciousness and fading perception of pre-death reality) as opposed to the method of death (if the method of death is violent) unless the method is peaceful (dying in one's sleep, etc.).
Pantheopsychic death does not entail the atheist or secular cessation of existence of consciousness, but is cessation of experience of pre-death reality or transition or transformation of perception or experience of one reality to the experience of another. Our world or realm of pre-death experience is in Pantheopsychic lore a Hell that is a watered down version of the Hell in the mind of Jesus Christ as He died upon the cross, labeled The Sacrificial Dream or Hell of Crucifixion. The Hell in which we reside until Lucid Dreamer-imposed cessation of experience of this reality is the Revised Hell of Crucifixion, revised by the Lucid Dreamer in a way that involves respite or alterations of one-to-one replication of the unmitigated Hell occurring in the mind of Crucified Christ.
The purpose of death in Pantheopsychism differs for humans that are saved from those that are damned. For the saved, death is the Lucid Dreamer "taking the keys and releasing the cuffs" off a person's revised, watered down experience of the Sacrificial Dream/Hell of Crucifixion. The saved person, therefore, is "released from prison" via death from a reality in which pain and evil exists to the alternate painless and evil-devoid dimension of Abraham's Bosom and from there, Heaven (called Supernia The Second in Pantheopsychism).
The damned, conversely, are sent from the Revised Hell of Crucifixion to a worse fate: consignment to the intermediate Hell of the Hell of Retribution, in which the damned person is forced to re-enact every predation, physical or emotional visited upon their pre-death victims while the damned person awakens from death to find oneself in the form of each victim, the painful retribution re-enacted by a philosopher's zombie wearing the pre-death form of the damned person. Following every re-enactment of every moment of pain they caused others in the form of their previous victims, the damned are then consigned to the Hell of Annihilation: the final Hell that in Pantheopsychism is the identical twin of Fundamentalist Christian Hell save that the fires of this Hell melts or transmutes the consciousness of the damned into the consciousness of the heavenly saved in terms of the saved's perception of inanimate objects and environments as opposed to the damned transmuted into a portion of the subject consciousness of their previous, now eternally existent victims.
Pantheopsychism, Pantheopsychic Theology, and Pantheopsychic Christianity are Idealistic in nature, i.e. existing in a realm of George Berkeley's Subjective Idealism in which matter and energy (that which is not/is other than subjective experience itself) does not exist. The only things that exist in Pantheopsychism are persons and their experiences, as the only "matter" and "energy" is subjective experience that shape-shifts into the forms of God Himself (in each of His three personalities or versions) and every other being that shall and can exist.
Thus, there is in lieu of the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that physical energy:
"...is neither created nor destroyed but merely changes form"
...a First Law of Psyche which states that subjective experience:
"...can only appear in the form of persons, and is neither created nor destroyed but merely changes form."
The afterlife, therefore, in a realm of Berkelyian Idealism and First Law of Psyche is merely subjective experience shape-shifting in the death of a person into that person's experience of one particular world or reality into that of another. As saved human beings do nothing but replicate in their experiences the previous experiences of God in one of three personalities or forms, the experience of Pantheopsychic death by a saved person is that person's re-enactment of the previous experience of that transition dreamt by the Lucid Dreamer eons before the saved person was born, in a pre-determinism for the saved that does not exist in the damned, that have no pre-experiential link with God but are made "from scratch" by the God-Substance or aforementioned subjective experience that is an infinite substance from which all persons are made.
Jay M. Brewer
Pantheopsychic Theist and Philosopher
submitted by brian_heriot to Pantheopsychism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:15 jordanpatrich Storing Buttermilk Marinated Chicken

I need some help!
Last night I started brining my chicken in a mixture of buttermilk and pickle juice.
Unfortunately today I became extremely ill and have 0 appetite - especially for fried chicken and no energy to make it.
What should I do with my chicken though? Should I rinse it and freeze it? Should I cook it as is and store it? I don’t want it all left with a weird texture from being overly brined. Or can I throw it all in the freezer?
I would appreciate and suggestions.
submitted by jordanpatrich to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:08 grvamo How do you plan for long term sustainability without GLP-1?

To give more context, I am very young (21) and cannot afford to be on this medication my whole life. Like many others, I’ve been obese since childhood. The moment I started making money I wanted to do this for myself so I can finally get a leg up in this life long battle. Now, I have around 50 lbs more to lose and can fund my treatment for about another year and a half. However, I’m concerned about how I’ll be able to sustain my weight loss once I ween off without a maintenance dose, especially without significant changes to my diet.
My reasons for going no-diet is a long long history with BED. I’ve had (unprompted) comments all my life from friends and family members about how surprised they are that I gravitate towards “healthy” foods, however my secret has always been binging. Even though I was eating nutritiously, I would eat large large portions of just about everything to feel full. Even as a kid I would eat entire bags of mandarin oranges, pounds of grapes, steamed heads of broccoli, a bunch of bananas, etc as a snack. My meals all followed doctor’s recommendations from nutrition classes I had to attend with my parents, but looking back I definitely always had double portions. I didn’t understand why I was so big as a kid because in my head these were “healthy” foods, until I started calorie tracking in my teens and realized too much of a good thing isn’t so good. When I’d try to diet, I’d feel like such a failure because my body would physically react by going lightheaded, shaking, iron tastes in my mouth, all the drama.
This all stopped on GLP-1. I eat all the same foods, but I am just way way way less hungry. I don’t need to track calories anymore because I always found myself naturally eating at or below my calorie intake for the week anyways. And I started to get a little obsessive again, so I let it go. The only real diet change I’ve had to make throughout this whole process is an increase of protein. But now I’m concerned when thinking about the long term. Sure I’m used to eating smaller portions and losing now, but my appetite will definitely increase if I get off. I’m so worried about everything falling right back into place like before.
Any thoughts or advice?
submitted by grvamo to antidietglp1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:04 mynamesames Here's What Works For Me (extensive)

Hey all! After 16 years of PCOS diagnosis and only being prescribed birth control (despite asking for more help), I started seeing a new gynecologist and have really seen some great improvements (lost weight, sleep better, more educates about PCOS and my own body, generally hopeful). I'm going to try to cover this without rambling, but if anything in this write up needs more explanation, don't hesitate to reach out.
I am really lucky to have good enough healthcare and income to have done all of this stuff, and I wanted to share it for those of you who may not because why should PCOS advice cost money??? I will NOT gatekeep anything from you, you deserve to be healthy and happy. It's gonna seem like a lot but I actually find it ... I guess I'd say annoying but sustainable at this point.
Random hot girl shit I do that is definitely not necessary at all but it helps:
This whole combo has taken me forever to find. I have been to a new gynecologist, a new dermatologist, worked with a health coach, a cycle educator, stopped birth control, got bloodwork, and wore a continuous glucose monitor, just for starters.
The protocol above helped improve my symptoms, but is specifically to treat and heal the hormonal imbalance, not to cover the symptoms. Thus, it's going to take time. I know it's a lot and it's not fair that it's a lot. My main way of getting into such a good routine was to follow the advice from the book Atomic Habits. I can now do all of this without it feeling like a monumental effort each day.
Ok footnotes:
1) Yeah this is a super high dose! My gyn has me on this higher does until I ovulate, then I can come sown. That hasn't happened yet so we're still on it, but I am so so so close. If it doesn't happen for me in the next couple months, we'll look at bloodwork again and probably do semiglute. Yes it did make me super sick for a while and I still sometimes feel gross from it, but to me it's worth.
2) I use the Fitbod app and my apartment building's tiny gym. You don't need much, or honestly anything. You tell the app what equipment you have and it makes you a workout. It's very cool!
3) I was so mad when they told me this and I said no, my body doesn't want food in the morning. And I was wrongggg. When I was wearing the CGM, this was like the #1 thing that made my glucose more steady throughout the day. I eat greek yogurt with berries and oats and coconut.
4) Ok I know she says in the book some stuff that's not entirely right about PCOS and that pissed some people in this sub off. And I was very suspicious of her language like "hacks" and all that. Had my doctor not told me directly to read the book and follow the advice I probably wouldn't have been into it. But I have to admit, it helps a lot.
5) I don't know why I don't see Mira used more by this sub! Probably cause it's expensive AF and a little hard to use. But this has changed the game for me. Every morning except if I'm on my period, I pee in a little cup (I got the fancy Frida one), and put one of these wands in it for 20 seconds. Then I put that thing in this little machine and 30 minutes later, it syncs to an app on my phone and charts my Estrogen, Progesterone, and LH. I can see if I'm ovulating, close to that, all of it. It's so helpful.
submitted by mynamesames to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:00 PossibilityFeeling20 If Bakugo remained kidnapped

Spoilers for Season 7
All For One steals Explosion and renders Bakugo quirkless. He tells Shigaraki to play the waiting game. Let Bakugo wear himself out, and the feeling of helplessness will sink in. While All Might still finds All For One's location, Shigaraki drags Bakugo through the portal. He intends to follow his master's advice faithfully.
For months, Bakugo is locked up in solitary confinement. The League feeds him, but he has no entertainment in the dusty old room. He tries to escape dozens of times, but he keeps failing. He can't learn to function without his quirk and has no resources.
Eventually, the League moves on to the next stage of their plan. They wanted to give Bakugo a taste of their lifestyle. Occasionally, they escort him outside and force him to witness their crimes. Even as a quirkless person, they still bind him and place a tracker on him.
Bakugo almost gets killed in the crossfire as the League clashes with other criminals. He gets frustrated and can't defend himself. At the same time, he is disgusted by the new villains he encounters, like the Creature Rejection Clan. They almost make the League look good in comparison.
He wants to punch the supremacists in the face, but his restraints won't allow him. This leads to the first turning point. Shigaraki sees that Bakugo shares a common enemy and encourages his anger. He offers to briefly take off his restraints, so he could beat to the supremacists up. Bakugo found himself increasingly in the same scenario and being tempted by it.
Despite his efforts to be patient, Shigaraki was not All For One. He was finding Bakugo's conversion to be too slow. So, he decided to make a bold move. When Bakugo returned to his cell, Twice and Toga used their quirks to create his imposter. The League used this imposter to frame Bakugo for various crimes and created fake evidence for his "new villainy".
The League attampted to make it believable, such as the clone only doing minor crimes and still acting disrespectful. They created the narrative that Bakugo was slowly warming up to the League and willing to be their lookout. The public was split on whether it was genuine or fake. As a precaution, the authorities promised to investigate and arrest Bakugo for questioning. The possibility for a false prosecution was suddenly on the tables.
Bakugo's escape plan had become far more complicated. Simultaneously, he needed to find an opportunity to slip away from the League and gather evidence for his innocence. After much thought, he decided Toga or Twice was his best bet. If he could drag them to authorities and make them confess to framing him, he would be home free.
However, his plan wouldn't be easy. The League were constantly putting themselves in harm's way. It was a challenge to simply keep Toga and Twice alive. Mostly recently, Shigaraki had gotten into a losing battle with Gigantomachia. Bakugo could do little but try not to get crushed.
After being the giant's ragdoll, he finally had enough. Bakugo called them idiots and said their strategies were impractical. He didn't want to help his kidnappers but he was tired of getting hurt. He came up with a plan to defeat Gigantomachia. Despite some progress, they couldn't land the finishing blow.
Doctor Ujiko offered Bakugo a minor quirk so he wouldn't feel useless. Begrudgingly, he agreed. He was given "pain killer"; a quirk he could only project onto someone else. Like its namesake, it gives the target an adrenaline rush and numbs their senses. The doctor ensured it was a support quirk, so Bakugo had to rely on his teammates. With this small advantage, the League finally defeated Gigantomachia.
However, it was short-lived. The Liberation Army soon challenged the League, and Bakugo had to do it all over again. Relying on the League for survival, the boy had to accept them as comrades. He protected Toga during the battle, as he needed her alive to prove his innocence. However, Curious was determined to kill her. As the journalist monologued about quirk counselling, Bakugo saw a human side to Toga for the first time.
He was shaken further when Toga transformed into Uraraka. Rationally, he knew what he was seeing, but his emotions got the best of him. He rushed to help "Urakaka" as Curious had her on the brink of death. He used pain killer on Curious in overdrive. She had too much adrenaline and ended up becoming dizzy. This allowed Toga to use Zero Gravity and kill her. Bakugo was stunned, never intending to be an accomplice to murder.
Eventually, the League was victorious and joined forces with the Army. As propaganda experts, the League allowed the Liberation to take over Bakugo's conversion. He was treated "better", like being given a small apartment. However, he was still supervised 24/7 and not allowed any communications. At their ideology was more convincing than Shigaraki's vague ideas, such as people having more freedom to use their quirks.
The Army members played to Bakugo's insecurities about his quirklessness and need to be a strong hero. They argued heroes were simply government agents and that didn't inherently make them the good guys. Even All Might lied to the public and hid how weak he was.
The Army promised Ujiko could give him an offensive quirk if he promised to do "small jobs" for them, such as helping out with training sessions for army members. Like Shigaraki, Bakugo was placed into a tank to undergo surgery. Ujiko removed the painkiller quirk and replace it with his new quirk.
However, he didn't tell Bakugo that he reserved landmine from Curious's body. He placed the explosive ability into him, as he wanted to remind Bakugo that he was a killer and "no different from the League".
Additionally, the doctor secretly placed the second power of self-destruct. Like Lady Nagant, Bakugo could be killed if he tried leaking the League's secrets.
During the raid, Bakugo was woken up from suspended animation. He saw the heroes fighting in the distance and considered running for it. At this point, All For One had possessed Shigaraki. He blackmailed Bakugo into staying.
He explained his self-destruct quirk. Then, he threatened to fly over and decay UA High if Bakugo didn't come with him. Witnessing Shigaraki destroy whole cities, he obeyed. Together, they flew to Tartarus prison, and Bakugo simply watched the chaos. He didn't know what else to do. All For One praised him for finally understanding the stakes.
After Japan's collapse, Bakugo was technically given "freedom of movement" for the first time. But due to his other quirk, he still had to follow orders. On top of that, his landmine quirk wasn't ideal. He needed to prepare ahead of time and people to act as his bodyguards. In the end, he still relied on the League in battle.
Once, he numbly asked All For One to switch out landmine for explosion. However, the top villain laughed, saying that was unnecessary. He claimed he already had an explosive ability and he could be satisfied with that. Sarcastically, All For One said landmine made Bakugo a teamplayer and he taught him something his teachers failed to do.
Finally, the League got Bakugo to do their dirty work. All For One sent him to take down villains threatening the League's agenda. Even if the mastermind freed them, he knew not every inmate was grateful and wanted power for themselves. Even in his circumstances, Bakugo tried to act as a vigilante.
He kept his enemies alive so the police could arrest them later. However, Bakguo had been desensitised to violence and could get carried away. On top of that, his enemies were the worst of the worst; murderers, terrorists and rapists. On one or two occasions, Bakugo lost his temper and killed someone. He found a twisted championship with Dabi, as they were apathetic to their teammates and happy to mow down lowlifes. Dabi's blue flames were the closest thing to seeing an explosion in action again.
As the heroes put pressure on the League, All For One's fanatic followers became desperate. They heard how Curious had previously used Landmine. It could allow them to martyr themselves, whether to avoid capture or kill someone as a last resort. At first, Bakugo refuses to use landmine on a person. However, he became nervous about triggering self-destruct. He convinced himself he didn't care if these scum died, and they asked for it.
During the final battle, Bakugo has to fight his old classmates. He spends ages trying not to hurt them but not trigger self-destruct at the same time. Eventually, he makes his main target, Ayoma. After discovering he was the UA traitor, Bakugo is a whirlwind of emotions. He personally understands being threatened by All For One and being quirkless. However, he still couldn't get over the unfairness of one thing. Ayoma got to live safe and cosy in the UA Dorms - Meanwhile, Bakugo was stuck on the street, needing to rely on killers to survive.
Ayoma begged Bakugo to direct his anger at him and leave their classmates alone. The blonde boy eagerly agrees, badly injuring the UA traitor. Eventually, Bakugo feels disgusted at himself for torturing Ayoma and tries to figure something out. Finally, he realises a loophole in his self-destruct quirk. He can't outright leak the League's secrets, but a loss of will and someone else defeating him wasn't enough to be a betrayal. He lets himself get distracted, and 1-A knocks him out.
Everyone feels terrible for Bakugo being kidnapped and failing to save him. However, he had killed one too many people. He still needed to be arrested and held at trial. Due to his overwhelming factors, Bakugo was given a reduced prison sentence and mandatory therapy.
Credit to u/gayboat87 for their suggestions.
submitted by PossibilityFeeling20 to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:56 deathB4dessert Carry on, Wayward Son Chapter 16 part 1/3

His rifle and helmet were not that far away- he knew he could reach them before the two battling cats noticed his presence. What he was doubtful of, was that if he distracted them from fighting each other, they might instead focus on the cave and the rest of his team and family. A truly unacceptable risk.
Brashi’i raced through his mind, and Blaine was moving before he realized he was. He reached his helmet and rifle without being noticed, and didn’t wish to push his luck, so he slunk off towards the old palace ruins. Finally feeling he was far enough away, he took off his jetpack and took out the grenades he’d squirreled away when he’d fled the Abbadon weeks prior on Sacorion.
Taking some silver tape that he always carried with him, and the grenades, he attached the aerosol can to the grenades and closed his eyes in a solemn hope that his crazy ploy might work. Stuffing his helmet on, and securing his gear in his jetpack and returning the jetpack to his back, Blaine ignited the jets and roared skywards.
Swooping down on the two battling Cariolinous, Blaine pulled the pins on the grenades and let the spoons fly, before aiming his throw and releasing the Rube-Goldberg-grenade-contraption directly on target at the big cats’ feet.
Zoom-climbing away, Blaine felt rather than saw the explosion of the twin grenade contraption. Swinging around in a second pass, he noticed two Cariolinous lying in pools of red blood on the dirt, which made it look like they were simply lying in shadows.
“One of y’all, check them cats teh make sure they’s dead. I’m fer Ardor, an’ I intend to bring Hell with me!” Blaine said, as he streaked off towards Ardor.
“Good luck.” Tess’ voice said in his ear.
Blaine didn’t answer her, but simply flew for all he was worth. The darkness and the waves of the Sea of Carmen, were his only companions, as he pushed his jetpack to its limits. Terror at what he might find gripped at his chest and groped his heart. His mind was a squall of fear, loathing, helplessness, dark images, and suppositions which he couldn’t be certain of one way or the other from his position amongst the clouds.
For a solid hour, he flew in pure terrified silence, until the lights of Ardor showed on the horizon in the darkness of the weeks of pure darkness before the Vaalorian twilight of dawn. Cold as it was, Blaine’s blood was a roiling inferno.
He was so worried about what he might find, he was hesitant to land. Swallowing his fears, he landed on the balcony of his room. Leenah and Narah met him there, having expected him to take this avenue.
“You shouldn’t have come!” Leenah said, looking at her feet in shame.
“Your sister is fine… Thought you should know.” Blaine said off the cuff. “How bad is it?” He added, his voice cracking.
“I… I don’t know.” Narah said, speaking up. “She’s not gone, but she was hurt badly. They… SOB- They took the children, and… SNIFF- Oh, I’m so sorry!”
Blaine walked inside, to a complete wreck of a bedroom. Drapes were shredded, chairs and endtables were shattered and splinters, and several smears of blue and a couple red ones as well, adorned the walls.
“We tried to get here as fast as we could… when we got here… We found this.” Leenah said hesitantly. “Ghost-”
“What?! What happened to Ghost?!” Blaine said, whirling around on his toes and walking straight up to Leenah with his eye twitching slightly.
“He’s hurt really bad!” Narah said, sliding in between Leenah and Blaine in an effort to protect her. “You might be able to help them both, if you hurry!” She added, pointing down the hall towards the parlor.
Blaine didn’t hesitate, and didn’t listen to anyone or anything else, making a beeline for the parlor. As he walked in, Ghost raised his head and roared a challenge, before whimpering piteously at Blaine.
“Hey, bubba… I’m here… I’m gonna make the owies go away, kay?” Blaine said, as he walked gingerly up to Ghost’s side where he was laying, barely able to move. “I’m so proud of you, bubba… You did good. Good dog, Ghost.” Blaine said as he squatted next to the terribly injured dog.
Focusing on the healing fire, Blaine let his rage and his concern and his love fuel the force of healing energy, which created a blooming effect. Brashi’i groaned and sat up in her seat next to the countertop wetbar.
“B-blaine? They… Where are the children? GASP! GHOST! WHERE’S GHOST?!” Brashi’i sputtered groggily.
Ghost barked sharply, admonishing her for her panic. Brashi’i saw him, and wincing with each movement, half-crawled and half-hunched her way over to the dog’s side.
“You should be restin’.” Blaine said darkly. “You all will be fine, said. I need to go outside for a minute…” He added, making for the door as Ghost stood up and shook vigorously.
“Don’t tell Mari’a!” Brashi’i said, wincing. “I can’t bear to tell her Vendance is gone!”
Blaine, stopped dead in his tracks. “Who was it?”
“Mahl. Wearing the mark of Nidavellir. The Fallen.” Brashi’i said. “I fear the remnants joined the Rising Tide… We fought back… I… I couldn’t stop them!” Brashi’i sobbed as she spoke. “They were too strong!”
Blaine’s face darkened, and he said nothing as he walked through the door. Anger coursed through his veins, and rage lendt his feet speed. The closer he got to the balcony, the faster his legs pumped and his feet slammed against the floor as he ran. Leaping from the balcony and deploying his wings and lighting the jets in the same moment, Blaine thundered off for Nidavellir.
Roaring across the snow covered landscape, Blaine barely had the bearing to recognize the cliffs of the deserts of Oor. Finding the cliff he was looking for, Blaine landed and walked up to the cavern mouth. He barely registered the lack of the sandscreen over the entrance to the cave, so focused was he on his task.
He walked inside, and found the cave in much the same way he’d left it last, right down to the heap of desiccating Mahl bodies. Looking around, he found nothing disturbed since he’d been here last, and recognized that the Mahl of the Fallen weren’t using Nidavellir as their hidy-hole anymore.
At a mental loss of where to turn next, Blaine racked his brains and cast about for anything that could give him a lead, even though he knew deep down, his search was fruitless from the start. Thinking back, he remembered that the Mahl had captured Zubrim. Grasping for anything in his desperation, Blaine hoped against all else that the Mahl that held Zubrim were of the Fallen, and his children were there.
Leaping into the freezing night air, Blaine rocketed towards Zubrim; an unholy rage seething in his chest, and a vindictive hate gnawing at his mind. He flew for several hours to the darkened city of Carmen, and Fort Zubrim, where he flew in, hugging the ground and landing finally in an alleyway just outside the fortress citadel.
“... Take the children to the saferoom… I’m not sure, but I’m getting a strange feeling.” A familiar voice said. Blaine did a double-take.
“Kel’ze? How is that possible?” Blaine muttered to himself.
“Yes, my Lord. I will see to it straight away.” A gutteral bass voice replied.
Peering out from behind a dumpster, Blaine saw the two who were speaking, and his blood ran cold. Kel’ze, stood mere feet from a Mahl warrior. And he was smiling- if one could call that a smile. Dropping back behind the dumpster again, Blaine listened and waited.
The two continued on, walking through a large double-french style steel-reinforced wooden spar door. Blaine followed at a distance, watching the two as they conspired. Barely making it inside without making outrageous amounts of noise, Blaine tiptoed between shadows and breathed quietly as he could, following the two conspirators up the stairs to the second level of the fortress.
They came to a room with a codelock, and proceeded to log in the code and walk through the door as Blaine watched from an adjacent hallway corner. As the door began to swing shut, Blaine slunk quickly up to it and stuck his small knife in the doorjam, stopping the door from attaining its electromagnetic lock.
Slipping through the door to the other side and allowing it to close quietly, Blaine observed the duo turning the corner further up, and snuck quietly to the corner of the hallway. He listened as the soft clicks of the Mahl’s claws on the floor slowly became less distinct.
Peering carefully around the corner, he watched as the two came to a large reinforced security door, and stood chatting for several minutes. Then, the Mahl turned around and began walking back, as Kel’ze stood impatiently waiting next to the heavy door.
Blaine quickly backed off several feet and waited, legs like springs, ready to pounce. The Mahl rounded the corner, directly into a heavy jumping right uppercut from Blaine, which knocked the brute out cold.
Checking around the corner to be sure he wasn’t heard, Blaine quickly lifted and carried the Mahl to the opposite end of the hall and through a door he’d passed on the way. Shoving the large alien into the room, Blaine was surprised to find himself in a storage room for cleaning supplies and building maintenance.
“Oh, yeah…” Blaine said, rubbing his hands together in a cheesy display of sadistic satire. “This won’t take long!”
Stuffing a dirty mop in the Mahl’s mouth, and awkwardly tying the creature’s large killing claws together at its neck, Blaine cast about for a way to wake the beast. Finding a bottle of ammonia and some sulfur and some table salt, Blaine quickly mixed up a teaspoon’s worth of toxic smelling salts.
Waving the concoction under the Mahl’s nose, Blaine waited for the creature to stir. As the beast came around to sense, Blaine smiled and held up a hammer he’d found while rummaging around for rope.
“Y’all know who I is… I ain’t gotta introduce mahsel’ said… But, I have no idear who thah fuck ‘re you…. So I’m gonna ask yeh a test queshun. If’n you do anythin’ or says anythin’ whah ain’t the answers I need from you, I’m gonna break somethin’. It might be your face, it might be a coffee cup… You won’t know until I get the wrong answer teh mah queshunz, heard? Says whah, now… Whah’s yer name, son?” Blaine said at length, before removing the mop gag.
The Mahl sputtered and ran his long tongue against his teeth, before spitting and then looking Blaine directly in the eyes before responding. “I am Soriel’Nak, Majesty. I know you to speak true.”
“Where‘re my chill’en, Soriel?” Blaine asked, point blank.
“They are in the gatehouse, by the front gates of the walled citadel. Kel’ze will know when I do not return… And I can fly with quite a payload, Majesty…” Soriel said, his brown eyes narrowing in accusational question.
“Kel’ze is already dead. He just hasn’t gotten the email yet.” Blaine said, and stuffed the mop back into Soriel’s mouth. “Stay here… Don’t speak a word, or I will kill you myself. If you spoke true, you will be Heard in the halls of Cathedral City on Saccor. Deal?”
The Mahl’s eyes opened wide at the offer, and the large alien creature nodded slowly and deliberately, as if to emphasize they were uncomfortable with the human gesture but knew its worth all the same.
Slipping back through the doorway, Blaine walked boldly back down the hall and turned the corner to face a bewildered and shocked Kel’ze.
“Hey, pussnuts!” Blaine said, waving cheerily and smiling as he walked up. “I kil’dt’choo already!”
“You really think that dropping a building on me would kill me, monkey boy?” Kel’ze said, smirking.
“No!” Blaine said with a goofy smile, as he sauntered up jovially. “I just, I says, I just thought it would piss you orff! I can see now, you’re not as pissed as you was the last time I saw yeh, and that’s sayin’ summat! Tess an’ Leetah did a number on you!”
“Who?” Kel’ze said, puzzled.
“Ah… I see… You’re a differen’ Skylass…. All works fiddlewise in the end…” Blaine said, taking the pneumatic dart from his belt, depleting his antiserum stores completely. “I got’s a present fer yeh. C’mere and lemme give it, said!” Blaine added, moving like chain lightning.
submitted by deathB4dessert to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:53 Fuzzy_Detail_5684 Do baby tortoises die suddenly without warning or signs of illness or pain?

My 4-5 month old baby eastern hermann's just died on me this morning. He didn't ever seem to be sick or not well. I fed him twice a day and he always ate enthusiastically. I soaked him twice a day, once when he woke up at 8AM, I would soak him for 40 mins. 40 mins because that's how long it takes him sometimes to poop. He'll just sploot in the soak for the first 30 mins, chill with his eyes open, then after 30 mins or so start to move and poop. In the afternoon around 3PM-4PM I would give him a variety of greens on his food slate. I would give him a second soak for about 30 mins after that. I soak him twice cuz I never saw him drink from the water dish and wanted to make sure he was always hydrated. After that he usually goes back in his hide to sleep and won't reappear till 7AM-8AM in the morning. I used reptibark and moss substrate and spot cleaned and wash the bark every time he pooped or peed. Every month I would boil clean the bark for half an hour to sanitize it.
I had him in a semi closed chamber as he was a baby and I always kept the ambient at 82F-84F with a basking area of 98F and humidity around 60%-70% at all times. He arrived very active and healthy looking and in the 2 months or so I had him he never had any issues. I fed him on a diet of Mazuri 5M21, Zoo Med Grassland, collard greens, dandelion, mulberry, plantain, various bokchoy. I've only ever given him half a blueberry once and never gave him fruit again. It seemed to make him tired so I decided not to. Once every 2 weeks or so I would give him a pinch of repticalcium in his food. He has a UVB light that stays on 12 hours a day. He's always had good appetite and was pretty active during the hours after he first eats and naps basking under the heat lamp. His poops have always been firm, I've checked to see if he had worms and he didn't.
I always check him to see if his eyes are watery, swollen or if he has a runny nose, loss of appetite, lethargy and there were never any signs of that. The days before he died, he was eating normal, pooping twice a day, active, and everything was according to his usual schedule. There was no behavior change or anything. No signs of distress or illness. I just don't understand.
I found him this morning in his hide, he was not dug in like he usually does, he was just laying inside, his limbs were limp and head hanging out and to the side somewhat with eyes closed. I touched him, he didn't respond. I touched him again firmer, he didn't respond. I pulled on a leg a little, no response. I pushed his head in a little, no response. Then I decided to flip him over on his shell, hoping for a response. He just lay there upside down on his shell, limbs limp and head limp and I watched him closely. No movement or response, just totally limp. And I noticed the skin on his underside started to look a bit greyish or whitish, like nothing was circulating any more. I stood there watching him and dumbfounded. I feel terrible and I've been questioning why he suddenly died. He was perfectly fine yesterday.
submitted by Fuzzy_Detail_5684 to tortoise [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:46 IndependentKey5082 Paroxysmal Dizziness

Episodes of paroxysmal dizziness, 3-10 seconds.
Often triggered by switching between looking at something up close versus looking at something far away (ex: down at a phone and then up at a car way down the road). Occasionally associated with higher intake of caffeine than normal.
Loss of balance. Can usually stand and most people don’t notice anything is wrong.
Feeling of movement “within” my head. Like my head is swirling.
No pain. No visual changes. No cognitive changes. Sometimes a hot flash.
Have had normal MRI, EEG, cardiac monitoring, balance testing.
Distressing because I don’t know when the episodes will occur nor why.
Wondering if neurological, vestibular, cardiac, something else entirely.
submitted by IndependentKey5082 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:21 Stock-Able Potential TIA/migraine?

Hi everyone. Last Wednesday (5/29) in the very early hours of the morning, I (25M) had what I believe to be a TIA or mini stroke. I’m relatively healthy, in good shape, and take good care of myself for the most part.
Just to give you guys some background on the situation at hand — I usually workout 3-6 days a week and since last August, I’ve worked 55 hours a week between two jobs, until recently. To gain weight in muscle, I aimed for 3000-4000 calories a day, mostly in fast/processed food and quick but high-calorie meals, usually with a big Frappuccino and lemonade daily. I also have had social anxiety since 2018, though it’s not nearly as bad as it was and does not detriment me much anymore. And I have had a swollen rib since 2020, which I had checked out and was assured that it was nothing but muscles. Sometime in September 2023, I was introduced to vaping and decided to buy my own. I started to vape a lot, about 30-60 hits per day with a very strong pen and equally strong nicotine juice. I used this daily but persisted with my workout routines up until about a month ago. I was reintroduced to smoking weed (I hadn’t smoked since December 2020) and started to do so every day, in excess, while I continued to smoke nicotine at the same clip. I quit both jobs in favor of a new job that allowed me to work from home for the first month, which gave me a lot of down time to vape and smoke weed and thus reduced my motivation for the gym. I was high every day for a month. And my workout consistency waned. As of today, I haven’t worked out in a month and a half after 13 months of nearly daily rigorous exercise. I also had an incident recently where I was with my girlfriend and accidentally touched my urethra after eating greasy/spicy food, which caused a slight burn. But it didn’t continue after I washed it out and so I did not think much of it. I also have had relatively consistent night sweats for about a year or two, with no clear reason.
The majority of the symptoms began a few weeks after I stopped my workouts. First, I noticed some difficulty peeing and an intermittent ache in my right testicle about a month and a half ago. My appetite started to quickly disappear, going from 3000-4000 calorie days to about 1500-2000 on a good day. Then a week or so later (weekend of 5/18 I believe), I was decently tipsy/high one night at my girlfriend’s house, and suddenly lost my balance as I stood alone in her room by her bed, toppling over and falling to my right side onto the bed. I knew right away that it was strange, as I was not nearly intoxicated enough to lose my balance at all, but brushed it off and attributed it to being under the influence. Then I began to notice a strange ache and dullness in my right foot, which continued for weeks until the very first attack that I had.
On Tuesday 5/28, I spent the day watching movies and smoking tobacco/weed as well as vaping with my girlfriend and her cousin, as I was still onboarding from home for my new job. It was hot (100 degrees plus, and the A/C had gone out. However, I developed a nasty case of hiccups and they continued for hours on end, even starting up again after I would finally put a stop to them. Later that night (Wednesday 5/29), at about 5 am, my girlfriend and I woke up on the downstairs couch in her home as we had fallen asleep watching movies. I also showed her a joke tweet that I had seen about James Bond having a stroke, but in the back of my mind, I was somewhat scared that this is what was happening to me. We went upstairs to sleep and as I laid in bed, I simply could not sleep or rest my mind. I also noticed that as I laid on my back, it was difficult to keep my aching right foot from toppling over to one side. I got up to use the restroom (6 am) and as I stood up from the toilet, I noticed a strange, heavy aching and decent numbness in my right arm and chest. I examined myself in the mirror and noticed that my right shoulder, bicep, and entire right side of my chest were suddenly swollen and tingling. The right side of my head began to tingle and my vision started to slightly blur. I also felt a change in my balance, to one side specifically. And I had less sensation in my right arm and leg. Panicking, I put two and two together as I realized I needed emergency medical care. I went into her room and woke her up, crying uncontrollably and having the worst anxiety attack of my life. She sat there trying to understand me as I was panicking and crying. She had a very blank and tired expression as well as she was half asleep at 6 in the morning, which only made me freak out more. As she got up to get dressed, I hugged her arm because I could not stop crying and felt as if I were gonna fall over at any point. Right away, a wave of nausea washed over me and I asked for a trash can, throwing up a lot with little to no effort. And I have thrown up maybe 5 times in my life in total, even with some nights of heavy drinking in college. As my girlfriend talked to me, I began to have trouble understanding some of the basic sentences she was saying. She helped me walk downstairs, we grabbed our things, and left to the emergency room (7 am). I called my mom crying and she let me know that it was imperative that I stay calm. My ability to speak and keep my head upright started to dwindle in the car, and as my mom prayed for me over the phone, I could no longer say the prayer with her at a certain point. My head continued to tilt to the right side as my vocabulary weakened, and my speech significantly slowed down. At this juncture, I was only able to say things slowly and with effort. I noticed my eyes had a tendency to involuntarily dart around and look at everything in the vicinity. We arrived at the ER and they had me do various tests to check for a stroke, yet I passed every test with flying colors as my symptoms started to go away. My blood pressure, heart rate, and basic vitals were fine. I had no droopiness in my features, I was able to hold both arms/legs up, smile normally, and walk in a straight line heel to toe. The doctors brought me to a room and I stayed for 10 hours, taking multiple tests. I did a CT scan, chest X Ray, blood test, and neck ultrasound to examine my blood vessels. I also did a urine test and was checked for various viruses. And everything was totally fine. The doctors let me know that I was free to go after spending the day testing, and marked it down as a panic attack induced migraine with some dizziness. They had ruled out a heart attack, cancer, blood clots, diabetes, a stroke, any blood related diseases, or damage to my lungs/brain. Everything seemed to be ok to them. So I went home to my girlfriend’s house, and needed support walking around. Immediately, I decided to quit drinking (at least for the foreseeable future), smoking, and vaping. And my appetite lessened to where I was eating less than 1000 calories a day and losing weight. My motor and speech functions started to return to normal, but when I attempted to brush my teeth with my dominant hand as I normally do at night, it felt strange. But I went to bed and slept totally fine. I also observed a consistent brain fog in the right side of my head, almost as if I were high all the time in just one half of my head.
Very early Friday morning (5/31) around 3-4 am, I noticed the same symptoms once again, save for nausea and vomiting, with everything else occurring to a significantly lesser extent. Due to nicotine withdrawals, I had not been sleeping and was exhausted. We rushed to the ER once more and took the same tests for vitals, with everything being fine once again. The doctor administered a neurological test, and to no one’s surprise, I passed with flying colors. He let me know that the one thing they had not ruled out was MS, but that I likely don’t have it. I was given the choice of waiting 5 hours for an MRI, or I could do one in my own city. The doctor reassured me that all of my tests came back negative, and that because it is not anything life-threatening, we have time to wait for an MRI. He set me up to do a telehealth appointment with the site neurologist 4 days later, and I was sent on my way with a diagnosis of dizziness. I got home, and the lymph nodes in my neck suddenly swelled up, as did those in my armpits.
As time has gone on, things have been progressively better for the most part. I’m fully walking on my own. I even resumed remote work. But the first time I tried to have sex, I was extremely fatigued after and noticed the brain fog and tingling/aching sensation on the right side of my body. This lasted for 2 hours afterward. However, I’ve been able to have sex a few times since and I’ve been fine. My night sweats have worsened, happening virtually every single night and leaving big wet spots in the sheets. I have tried sleeping with no clothes, no blanket, just a sheet, and with fans directly on me to no avail whatsoever. The left side of my neck, right side of my chest, right shoulder have remained swollen since the two attacks. Since then, my right ear (which is super red) and right armpit has swollen as of last night. I have also had a strange inability to control my emotions, getting very upset over mild things and even crying which I don’t typically do more than a few times a year and in pretty serious circumstances. I’ve had shooting pains in my left arm and in the left side of my chest, and the right side of my back has swelled up as well. The brow above my right eye has now swollen, and I’ve felt these sharp pains in addition to aches, both behind and around my right eye. And I have had the sensation that something is stuck in my eye until I blink, when there is never anything there to begin with. Additionally, I’ve observed some esotropia, where my eyes will involuntarily cross when I’m looking at something close to me. I’ve been generally constipated for a few days, and then last night, I had diarrhea and sudden nausea but did not throw up. I’ve felt very dissociated from myself and not like myself, and have had a lesser ability to empathize or think before acting/talking. Lastly, my right cheek has been swollen and aching, and I also was more sensitive to light than usual when my girlfriend turned the lights on while I was resting in her room last night. And the worst thing of all is the anxiety, the feeling that something bad is going to happen. And I have lost 10 pounds in the past month.
Since everything happened, I looked at my test results online and saw that I’m actually extremely healthy in a lot of different areas. My blood sugar, sodium, etc are totally ok. But after doing some research, I now know that TIAs do not typically show up on most medical tests or scans, but that they leave the door open for a likely stroke or seizure in the next 90 days. I want to err on the side of caution, but I’ve been at her house 2 hours away (for a while) and I’m concerned about being able to drive home tomorrow or get back in the gym. I’ve been drinking green tea as well, as I read that it can help a lot with preventing a stroke. I was hoping to get some advice and rule things out. Thank you all and I appreciate it.
submitted by Stock-Able to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Breakfast in Henderson Nv

Best Breakfast in Henderson Nv
Best Breakfast in Henderson Nv Looking for the best breakfast in Henderson, NV? Well, we've got you covered! Get ready to indulge in a mouthwatering morning feast as we take you on a culinary tour of this vibrant city.From classic favorites to unique creations, Henderson has it all. Join us as we explore the top breakfast spots, where you'll find generous portions, high-quality dishes, and options for every diet.Whether you're craving fluffy pancakes or savory omelets, get ready to satisfy your breakfast cravings in Henderson, NV.Key TakeawaysHenderson, NV offers a wide variety of breakfast options, ranging from family-owned and operated restaurants to casual eateries.Many of these breakfast spots have a family-friendly atmosphere and offer generous portions, ensuring that customers leave satisfied.The breakfast menus in Henderson, NV cater to every diet and appetite, with options for special diets and a focus on using fresh and locally sourced ingredients.Customers can expect friendly and attentive service, as well as cozy and welcoming atmospheres in these breakfast establishments.Omelet House: A Family-Owned Gem Since 1978We love the family-owned atmosphere of Omelet House since 1978. This gem in Henderson, NV has been serving up the best breakfast in town for over four decades. As soon as you step into Omelet House, you're greeted with a warm and inviting ambiance. The friendly staff makes you feel right at home, like you're part of the family. The decor is old-fashioned, giving it a cozy and nostalgic feel.But it's not just the atmosphere that keeps us coming back. Omelet House is known for its impressive menu of high-quality dishes. From their signature omelets to sweet and savory options, there's something for everyone. The portions are generous, ensuring you leave satisfied and ready to tackle the day.What sets Omelet House apart is their commitment to using fresh ingredients and providing excellent service. The staff takes pride in what they do, and it shows in every dish they serve. Whether you're a regular or a first-time visitor, you can expect to be treated like family.If you're looking for the best breakfast in Henderson, look no further than Omelet House. This family-owned gem has been a staple in the community for years, and once you try their delicious food and experience their welcoming atmosphere, you'll understand why.The Cracked Egg: Generous Portions and High-Quality DishesThe Cracked Egg is a hidden gem in Henderson, Nevada, offering generous portions and high-quality dishes that are sure to satisfy any breakfast lover. From their fluffy omelets to their mouthwatering pancakes, every item on their impressive menu is crafted with care and attention to detail.The family-friendly atmosphere adds to the overall dining experience, making The Cracked Egg a must-visit destination for breakfast enthusiasts.Impressive Menu VarietyWith an impressive menu variety offering generous portions and high-quality dishes, The Cracked Egg is a breakfast spot worth visiting in Henderson, Nevada.From classic breakfast staples like fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon to innovative creations like avocado toast and breakfast burritos, The Cracked Egg has something to satisfy every breakfast craving.Whether you prefer sweet or savory, traditional or unique, their extensive menu has it all. The attention to detail and commitment to using fresh, quality ingredients is evident in every bite.And with their reasonable rates, you can enjoy a delicious and satisfying breakfast without breaking the bank.So, if you're in the mood for a memorable breakfast experience in Henderson, look no further than The Cracked Egg.But it's not just the food that makes this place special; the family-friendly atmosphere adds to the overall charm and appeal.Family-Friendly AtmosphereWhile enjoying the generous portions and high-quality dishes at The Cracked Egg, families can appreciate the warm and welcoming atmosphere. Located in Henderson, NV, this breakfast spot is a favorite among locals and tourists alike. The family-owned and operated restaurant has been serving up delicious breakfast options since 1978. From the moment you step through the door, you're greeted with friendly smiles and the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The casual setting and old-fashioned decor create a cozy and inviting ambiance that's perfect for a family outing. The menu at The Cracked Egg is impressive, offering a wide variety of dishes to cater to every taste and dietary preference. Whether you're in the mood for a classic omelet or a sweet and savory breakfast, you'll find something to satisfy your cravings. With reasonable rates and hearty helpings, The Cracked Egg is a must-visit breakfast spot in Henderson.Transitioning into the next section about Squeeze In:Modern Takes on Classic Morning Favorites, breakfast lovers in Henderson, NV can also indulge in the creative and delicious offerings at Squeeze In. This vibrant eatery, located in Las Vegas, takes traditional breakfast favorites and gives them a modern twist. From their signature omelets to their sweet and savory food choices, Squeeze In offers a menu that's sure to please even the most discerning palate. The well-lit, aesthetically pleasing interior sets the stage for a memorable dining experience. Whether you're craving a classic breakfast dish or looking to try something new, Squeeze In is the place to go for a unique and satisfying breakfast in Henderson.Squeeze In: Modern Takes on Classic Morning FavoritesSqueeze In is a vibrant and modern eatery that offers creative takes on classic morning favorites.Their menu is filled with signature omelets that are both delicious and unique.With its aesthetically pleasing interior and innovative dishes, Squeeze In is the perfect place to start your day with a fresh and exciting breakfast experience.Creative Breakfast MenuLet's explore the Squeeze In's creative breakfast menu that offers modern takes on classic morning favorites.The Squeeze In is a charming breakfast spot that serves up a delightful array of dishes to start your day off right. From their signature omelets to their sweet and savory food choices, you'll find something to satisfy every craving.One standout item on their menu is their Monte Cristo sandwich. This delicious creation combines layers of ham, turkey, and Swiss cheese, all sandwiched between two thick slices of French toast. It's a sweet and savory masterpiece that will leave you craving more.Another must-try dish is their Red Velvet Pancakes. These fluffy pancakes are made with a rich red velvet batter and topped with a cream cheese drizzle. It's like having dessert for breakfast!For those looking for a healthy option, the Squeeze In offers a selection of fresh and vibrant salads. The Sunrise Salad, in particular, is a favorite among patrons. It features a bed of mixed greens topped with avocado, tomatoes, bacon, and a perfectly poached egg.With its innovative menu and cozy atmosphere, the Squeeze In is a breakfast destination that's sure to please. So, why not start your day off right with a visit to this creative culinary gem?Vibrant and Modern AtmosphereWe love the vibrant and modern atmosphere at Rachel's Kitchen, with its colorful decor and contemporary furnishings. As soon as you step inside, you're enveloped in a sense of energy and excitement.The bright colors and sleek design elements create a lively ambiance that's both inviting and refreshing. The combination of modern and eclectic pieces in the decor adds a unique touch to the space. It feels fresh and current, making it the perfect place to start your day.The fast and friendly service further enhances the overall experience. Whether you're enjoying a healthy breakfast option or one of their delicious vegetarian or vegan choices, Rachel's Kitchen provides a dining environment that's as visually appealing as it's enjoyable.Signature Omelet OptionsSometimes, we like to explore different breakfast spots for their signature omelet options, and Squeeze In offers modern takes on classic morning favorites. The menu at Squeeze In is filled with creative and flavorful omelet combinations that are sure to satisfy any breakfast craving.Here are four of our favorite omelets at Squeeze In:The 'Hangover Helper' - This omelet is packed with bacon, sausage, ham, onions, and melted cheese. It's the perfect cure for those mornings when you need a little extra help getting over last night's festivities.The 'Veggie Delight' - For our vegetarian friends, this omelet is a winner. It's filled with fresh vegetables like spinach, mushrooms, bell peppers, and tomatoes, all topped with a sprinkle of feta cheese.The 'Southwest Fiesta' - Spice things up with this omelet that features chorizo, jalapenos, onions, and cheddar cheese. It's like a fiesta in your mouth!The 'California Dreamin'' - If you're in the mood for something light and refreshing, this omelet is for you. It's filled with avocado, bacon, tomatoes, and Monterey Jack cheese, creating a taste of sunny California.Squeeze In is the perfect breakfast spot for omelet lovers who crave unique and delicious flavor combinations. With their modern twists on classic omelets, this cozy eatery is a must-visit for breakfast enthusiasts.Weiss Restaurant Deli Bakery: Jewish-Style Entrees and Freshly Baked GoodsThe Weiss Restaurant Deli Bakery offers a variety of Jewish-style entrees and freshly baked goods to satisfy our cravings. It is located at the Green Valley Plaza & Shops, providing both indoor and outdoor dining areas. The casual eatery welcomes us with a warm and inviting atmosphere, making it the perfect place to enjoy a delicious meal.At Weiss, we are presented with an extensive menu filled with traditional Jewish dishes. From matzo ball soup to pastrami sandwiches, there is something for everyone. The flavors are rich and authentic, transporting us to the streets of New York City. The bakery section is a true delight, with a wide assortment of freshly baked goods such as challah bread, rugelach, and babka. Each bite is filled with love and tradition.To provide a visual representation of the offerings at Weiss Restaurant Deli Bakery, here is a table showcasing some of their popular dishes:EntreesBaked GoodsMatzo Ball SoupChallah BreadPastrami SandwichRugelachLatkesBabkaBrisketBlack and WhiteGefilte FishHamentashenThe Weiss Restaurant Deli Bakery is a must-visit for anyone looking to experience the taste of authentic Jewish cuisine. The combination of flavorful entrees and freshly baked goods will leave our taste buds craving for more. So, why wait? Head over to Weiss and indulge in a truly delicious and satisfying dining experience.Crepe Expectations: Sophisticated Crepes and Creative DishesIndulging in the sophisticated crepes and creative dishes at Crepe Expectations is a delightful way to experience a culinary adventure. When you step into this charming eatery at Sansone Park Place, you're immediately captivated by the elegant setting and inviting ambiance. The menu at Crepe Expectations is a true testament to the culinary expertise of the chefs, offering a wide variety of both savory and sweet crepes that are expertly crafted and beautifully presented.Here are four reasons why Crepe Expectations stands out among other breakfast spots in Henderson, NV:Extensive selection of alcoholic beverages: Crepe Expectations goes beyond the traditional breakfast experience by offering an impressive array of alcoholic beverages to complement your meal. From mimosas and bloody marys to specialty cocktails, you can elevate your dining experience with a refreshing drink.Creatively presented dishes: The chefs at Crepe Expectations not only prioritize flavor, but also take great pride in the presentation of their dishes. Each crepe is meticulously crafted and garnished with artistic flair, turning your meal into a visual feast as well.Sophisticated setting: The atmosphere at Crepe Expectations is both sophisticated and welcoming. The tastefully decorated interior creates a relaxed and intimate dining experience, making it the perfect place to enjoy a leisurely breakfast with friends or loved ones.Savory and sweet crepes: Whether you're in the mood for something savory or have a sweet tooth craving, Crepe Expectations has got you covered. From classic ham and cheese crepes to indulgent Nutella and banana creations, there's a crepe for every palate.Kitchen Table: Acclaimed Eatery With Bottomless Coffees and Speciality LattesWe absolutely love Kitchen Table for its bottomless coffees and specialty lattes that perfectly complement their acclaimed dishes. Situated at Country Club Center, this highly acclaimed eatery offers an exceptional dining experience that caters to every diet and appetite. The moment you step into Kitchen Table, you're greeted with a warm and inviting atmosphere. The patio provides the perfect setting for al-fresco dining, allowing you to enjoy your meal while soaking in the beautiful surroundings.One of the highlights of Kitchen Table is their bottomless coffees. Whether you prefer a bold espresso or a smooth latte, they've it all. The coffee is expertly brewed, delivering a rich and flavorful experience with every sip. And if you're in the mood for something a little more special, their specialty lattes are a must-try. From creamy caramel to indulgent mocha, each latte is crafted with care and precision.But it's not just the coffee that makes Kitchen Table a standout. Their dishes are equally impressive. From classic breakfast favorites like fluffy pancakes and hearty omelets to innovative creations like avocado toast and quinoa bowls, there's something for everyone. The ingredients are fresh and high-quality, resulting in dishes that are bursting with flavor.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Vegetarian or Vegan Options Available at These Breakfast Establishments?Yes, there are vegetarian and vegan options available at these breakfast establishments. They understand the importance of catering to diverse dietary needs and offer a variety of choices for those who follow a plant-based lifestyle.From healthy breakfast options at Rachel's Kitchen to customizable menu items at Pacific Diner, you can enjoy delicious breakfast dishes made with fresh and locally sourced ingredients.The friendly and attentive staff will ensure that your vegetarian or vegan breakfast experience is satisfying and enjoyable.What Is the Average Wait Time for a Table at These Restaurants During Peak Breakfast Hours?During peak breakfast hours, the average wait time for a table at these restaurants varies.It's important to note that popular establishments like Omelet House and The Cracked Egg may have longer wait times due to their reputation and high demand.However, other places like Squeeze In and Weiss Restaurant Deli Bakery tend to have shorter wait times.Overall, it really depends on the specific restaurant and the day of the week.Do Any of These Restaurants Offer Gluten-Free Options for Those With Dietary Restrictions?Yes, some of these restaurants offer gluten-free options for those with dietary restrictions. They understand the importance of catering to different needs and have made an effort to provide a diverse menu.Whether you're in the mood for a savory omelet or a sweet pancake, you can find gluten-free choices at places like Omelet House, Squeeze In, and Kitchen Table. They prioritize using fresh ingredients and ensuring that everyone can enjoy a delicious breakfast, regardless of dietary restrictions.Are There Any Kid-Friendly Menu Options Available at These Breakfast Spots?There are several breakfast spots in Henderson, NV that offer kid-friendly menu options. From fluffy pancakes with freshly made whipped cream at Babystacks Cafe to classic breakfast dishes at The Original Pancake House, there's something for every little one's taste buds.The cozy and welcoming ambiance at these restaurants creates a delightful experience for the whole family. So, if you're looking for a place to enjoy a delicious breakfast with your kids, these spots are definitely worth a visit.Do Any of These Restaurants Offer Outdoor Seating for Customers Who Prefer to Dine Al-Fresco?Yes, some of these restaurants offer outdoor seating for customers who prefer to dine al-fresco. The Cracked Egg, Kitchen Table, and Babystacks Cafe all have patio areas where you can enjoy your breakfast in the fresh air.It's a great option for those who want to soak up the sunshine while enjoying a delicious meal. Outdoor seating adds a pleasant touch to the dining experience and allows you to fully enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Henderson, NV.ConclusionIn conclusion, Henderson, NV is a breakfast lover's paradise with a diverse range of options to satisfy all taste buds. One interesting statistic to note is that over 60% of the breakfast spots in Henderson offer vegetarian and vegan choices, making it a great destination for those with dietary restrictions.With family-owned gems, modern eateries, and sophisticated cafes, there's no shortage of delicious and satisfying breakfast options in this vibrant city.So, don't miss out on the opportunity to indulge in the best breakfasts that Henderson has to offer.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:23 alien_mermaid Some HOPE ! I'm back on treatment and feeling good.....

Background: I've been infected over 30 years, never diagnosed or started treatment until about 10 years ago. I've tried the buhner herbs, cowden herbs, tons of supplements, and some abx. Here's what I'm doing now and feeling good and hopeful:
100mg doxycyline/day (I'm on day 14, plan to continue for 30 days)
serrapeptase and other enzymes (to hopefully break through the biofilms so the doxy can kill the persister lyme)
probiotics (s.boulardii primarily) and charcoal to try to repair the gut and repopulate with good stuff
gluathione powder mixed in water to support detox/immune system
With this about 60% of my symptoms are gone or far less. Even after the first dose of doxy, the next day I woke up at 7am alert and wide awake. (I normally wake up around 9/10 and feel like hell for a few hours) It's amazing to me to wake up everyday around 7/8am and actually feel alive and alert. My sleep is more well regulated. I feel tired at night when I should and go to bed earlier. My appetite is bettestronger, I wake up actually wanting to eat instead of feeling nauseas. My brain fog is significantly less. My body pains are almost completely gone on this. I do still have some vertigo and dizziness and cannot "overdo" work or I will crash and need a nap but overall I feel 60% better. This gives me so much hope and I hope it does for you too......
now for the sobering bit.......I did 30 days of doxycyline about 10 years ago soon after I finally got my diagnosis and I also felt great and was waking up at 7am everyday with clear focus and energy but within weeks of stopping doxy, all my symptoms came back. I know that many of you know this game as we have learned that doxy usually only puts the lyme in hiding or cyst form so that's why this time I'm taking the biofilm busters (enzymes) and hoping its going to do more damage to this bug. I'm also thinking that towards the end of the 30 days of doxy, I'm going to start taking the anti lyme herbs again and transition back to those in hopes that the herbs can keep the lyme in remission if not kill it as herbs are safe to take long term. As most of you know, we cannot take abx forever as it causes all sorts of other issues. But anyways I'm feeling hopeful and I've never been able to feel this great on the herbs alone.
I'm also wondering if anyone has found similar or better results by combining different things with the abx? Also wondering if I should add another abx with the doxy? I've only ever taken doxy for this (and this is only the 2nd time)
thanks for reading, would love to hear how your treatment protocols compare to mine ?
This is the best I've felt in years...even if it doesn't last, its really nice to have a slice of hope once in a while....
submitted by alien_mermaid to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:06 smouni123 Java Burn: Revolutionizing Your Morning Coffee and Your Metabolism

Java Burn: Revolutionizing Your Morning Coffee and Your Metabolism
In the quest for better health, improved energy levels, and an efficient metabolism, countless supplements and health products have flooded the market, each promising miraculous results. Yet, amid this sea of options, Java Burn stands out as a unique and groundbreaking innovation. This article delves into why Java Burn is not just another supplement, but a game-changer in the health and wellness industry.

The Genesis of Java Burn

Java Burn is the world’s first and only natural proprietary, patent-pending formula that, when combined with coffee, can increase both the speed and efficiency of metabolism. It is a product born out of rigorous research and a passionate commitment to enhancing everyday well-being. This revolutionary supplement is designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, transforming your morning coffee into a powerful health elixir.

What Makes Java Burn Unique?

Java Burn is more than just a metabolism booster; it’s a comprehensive health enhancer. Here’s what sets it apart:
  1. Natural and Safe Ingredients
    • 100% All-Natural: Java Burn is made entirely from natural ingredients. There are no synthetic additives or harmful chemicals.
    • Vegetarian and Non-GMO: Suitable for a wide range of dietary preferences, Java Burn is both vegetarian and non-GMO.
    • Gluten-Free: Ideal for those with gluten sensitivities or Celiac disease.
    • No Fillers or Preservatives: Each packet contains pure ingredients without unnecessary fillers or preservatives.
  2. Easy to Use
    • Java Burn comes in convenient, instantly dissolvable, tasteless packets that you simply add to your morning coffee. This ease of use ensures that you can effortlessly incorporate it into your daily routine.
  3. Made in the USA
    • Java Burn is manufactured in the USA in an FDA-approved and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified facility. This guarantees that each packet meets the highest standards of quality and safety.

The Benefits of Java Burn

The comprehensive benefits of Java Burn go beyond just accelerating metabolism. Here’s what you can expect:
  1. Electrifying Your Metabolism
    • Java Burn works synergistically with coffee to speed up your metabolism. This means your body burns calories more efficiently, aiding in weight loss and overall energy production.
  2. Torching Off Fat
    • By boosting your metabolism, Java Burn helps your body target and burn fat from problem areas. This can lead to a more toned and fit physique.
  3. All-Day Energy
    • Many users report experiencing sustained energy levels throughout the day. This can be attributed to the improved metabolic rate and the high-quality natural ingredients in Java Burn.
  4. Reduced Hunger
    • Java Burn helps regulate your appetite, reducing unnecessary cravings and making it easier to stick to a healthy diet.
  5. Improved Health
    • The ingredients in Java Burn not only boost metabolism but also contribute to overall health. Improved metabolic function can enhance other bodily functions, leading to better health and well-being.

How Java Burn Works

Java Burn’s effectiveness lies in its unique combination of ingredients and its synergy with coffee. Here’s a closer look at how it works:
  1. Synergy with Coffee
    • Coffee is a well-known stimulant that can boost metabolism. When combined with Java Burn, the effects of coffee are amplified, leading to even greater metabolic benefits.
  2. Proprietary Blend
    • Java Burn contains a blend of natural ingredients specifically chosen for their ability to boost metabolism and improve health. These ingredients work together to create a powerful metabolic enhancer.
  3. Instant Absorption
    • The instantly dissolvable packets ensure that the ingredients are quickly absorbed by your body, providing immediate benefits.

The Science Behind Java Burn

Java Burn’s formulation is based on scientific principles and extensive research. Here’s a glimpse into the science that makes Java Burn effective:
  1. Metabolism and Weight Loss
    • Metabolism is the process by which your body converts food into energy. A faster metabolism means your body burns calories more efficiently, aiding in weight loss. Java Burn contains ingredients that have been shown to boost metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories even at rest.
  2. Natural Ingredients with Proven Benefits
    • Each ingredient in Java Burn has been carefully selected based on scientific research. For example, green tea extract, a key component of Java Burn, is rich in antioxidants and has been shown to enhance fat burning and improve metabolic health.
  3. Caffeine Synergy
    • Caffeine, a natural stimulant found in coffee, is known to boost metabolism and enhance fat burning. Java Burn’s ingredients work synergistically with caffeine to maximize these effects.

Ingredients in Java Burn

To understand why Java Burn is so effective, it’s important to look at its ingredients:
  1. Green Tea Extract
    • Rich in antioxidants called catechins, green tea extract boosts metabolism and helps in fat oxidation. It also provides a mild energy boost without the jitters associated with high caffeine intake.
  2. Chromium
    • This essential mineral helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduces cravings, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet.
  3. L-Carnitine
    • An amino acid that plays a crucial role in energy production, L-Carnitine helps your body convert fat into energy, aiding in weight loss and improving energy levels.
  4. Chlorogenic Acid
    • Found in coffee beans, chlorogenic acid helps slow the absorption of carbohydrates, promoting better blood sugar control and aiding in weight loss.
  5. Other Natural Ingredients
    • Java Burn also contains other natural ingredients known for their health benefits, including vitamins and minerals that support overall health and well-being.

Real-Life Success Stories

The true measure of Java Burn’s effectiveness is the success stories from everyday people who have experienced its benefits. Here are a few testimonials:
  1. Jessica, 34
    • "I’ve tried countless supplements, but Java Burn is the only one that made a noticeable difference. I feel more energetic throughout the day, and I’ve lost 15 pounds in just two months without changing my diet."
  2. Michael, 45
    • "Java Burn has transformed my mornings. I used to feel sluggish and tired, but now I start my day with a burst of energy. Plus, I’ve noticed a significant reduction in my belly fat."
  3. Samantha, 29
    • "As someone who struggles with cravings, Java Burn has been a game-changer. It helps me control my hunger, and I’ve lost 10 pounds in just a month. I feel healthier and more confident."

How to Get Started with Java Burn

Getting started with Java Burn is easy. Here’s how you can incorporate it into your daily routine:
  1. Purchase Java Burn
    • You can purchase Java Burn online from the official website. It’s available in different packages, allowing you to choose the option that best suits your needs.
  2. Add to Your Morning Coffee
    • Each morning, simply add a packet of Java Burn to your coffee. It dissolves instantly and has no taste, so you can enjoy your coffee as usual.
  3. Experience the Benefits
    • Within days, you’ll start to notice the benefits of Java Burn. Increased energy, reduced hunger, and a faster metabolism are just the beginning.


Java Burn is not just a supplement; it’s a revolutionary health enhancer that can transform your life. With its natural ingredients, easy-to-use format, and proven benefits, Java Burn is the perfect addition to your morning routine. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, boost your energy levels, or improve your overall health, Java Burn is the solution you’ve been waiting for. Try Java Burn today and experience the difference for yourself.
submitted by smouni123 to u/smouni123 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:52 meep1004 The Anger, The Grief, The Pain, The Trauma,....when will all of these go away?

I am mad that for a large part of my life, I was lied to by an organization I completely trusted with my time, money, resources, and energy. Singing "Praise to the Man" for a convicted conman and child rapist and sexual predator makes me feel disgusted every time I hear people testifying his name. It makes me want to puke on the floor.
I am mad that I spent two years selling a fake narrative to convert people to this Church. It turned out the purpose of the mission wasn't to get more converts but to deepen the indoctrination of the youth. This was so they could stay longer, pay more tithing, and keep the sweet money rolling in, ensuring the Church's survival for decades to come. Do you know how much I lost—pieces of my mind—on my mission? Dragging my feet for 7-8 hours a day in the scorching Australian summer sun every fcking day hearing rejections after rejections, almost fainting numerous times because of my conviction in the Gospel. I developed anxiety and perfectionism because of constant rejection, believing I wasn't faithful or strong enough in my faith in some dude who supposedly died 2000 years ago. I suffered from depression and many other mental issues, believing that the mission would be a blessing for my life, only to lose pieces of my sanity, my youth, my money, and my time.
I am mad at the old men sitting comfortably in their red chairs in Salt Lake City, daring to lie with a straight face, showing no remorse or conscience about the deceit they perpetuate. But what infuriates me the most is the people who know nothing about these lies, the innocent TBMs. Those who wholeheartedly believe in the supposed truthfulness of these lies—the sweet and kind elderly who find solace and comfort in this deception. I am enraged for the children born and indoctrinated in this Church, having their worldview and reality poisoned by its stupid doctrines. Knowing this, I'd rather be born in a third-world country, begging on the streets for survival, than being born into a Mormon family and has my brained filled with lies. For the minorities, like LGBTQ individuals or women, who feel lesser, shunned, or experience suicidal thoughts because their self-worth isn't in line with some dudes pretending to play God.
For most of my life, I fit into the Mormon Church mold perfectly—never doing drugs, never smoking, almost never swearing. But now every single time I hear or see anything Mormon, thinking about all the lost time living a life of being duped, I just want to shout FCK YOU, FCK THE CHURCH, FCK RUSSEL M NELSON, FCK JOSEPH SMITH,...
In my 25 years of existence, I've faced painful events such as the loss of loved ones. Yes, the grief from that is painful, but with time, I can accept and move on because death is a natural part of life. I've experienced life's unfairness, like being mistreated in the US because I'm Asian, or faced disappointments like not getting the promotion I wanted at work, or being rejected by my dream school. I had to settle for BYU because I didn't want to rack up student debt. But, man, this betrayal by the Church—this feeling of being lied to—is something else. It's more painful and emotionally taxing than anything I've ever experienced. It's not just a matter of bad luck or life's inherent unfairness; it's deliberate deceit. Being consciously lied to, and watching people make crucial life decisions based on this lie, is absolutely maddening. It's beyond crazy.
submitted by meep1004 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:49 DistressDistress Wegovy - Semiglutide PREGANCY & other extreme side effects

This is my first time on Reddit, I'm so traumatised by the experience I've had with Wegovy, I'm on week 9 now, first week of 1ml. I went through a private doctor, 29 & at 85 kilos starting. The doctor went through the nutritional importance of Semiglutide very carefully & the side effects of possible nausea & fatigue. There isn't a single side effect this drug has not crossed me. The nausea & fatigue straight away At some stage I bled out my bum from constipation & I saw my NHS doctor who checked for confirmed piles & suggested various medications. Then on other end I got extreme diarrhoea was bed bound for 4 days, one day I even wore a nappy. The nausea & fatigue has literally wiped me out for past 3 weekS. I'm not intolerant of Indian food, discussed this on dose 1ml. Above all this, the surprise PREGANCY from Precum takes the cake. It has been hell & I'm so so shocked this has happened to me, I'm still in disbelief on week 7 of this horrible experience. Every morning I wake up dizzy, wretching for my life. I barely eat, everything is effort & I have completely disappeared as a person. I miss my appetite & energy. I can't do a damn thing. All this maybe easier to digest if I was losing weight but I'm not??? I am force feeding myself to avoid any further complications but I should be a twig by now! After my termination in a week I'm praying a majority of these symptoms will subside & I'm aware it's like a combo of both Wegovy & pregnancy, especially the vomiting. Anyway has anyone gone/ going through a similar experience with wegovy?
submitted by DistressDistress to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:43 Purple_Current1089 One month on tirz

Hi! 61f, 5’7” SW: 190.6 CW: 183.4 GW: 155. I started on 5/11 with 1.25 mg then for weeks 2, 3, and 4, I took 1.5 mg. My goal is use the smallest effective dose. I noticed this week that appetite suppression was waning, so I upped to 2.0 mg today. I’m happy with the 7.2 pound loss. I lost it in the first 3 weeks. I’ve taken all my shots in my stomach. Very low side effects so far. Metallic taste in mouth, but that has dissipated over time, and some low grade fatigue. I get some loose stools the first 24 hours of the shot, but I was more worried about constipation as I’ve had lifelong issues with that, so I take 400 mg of citric acid and that works for me. Also, I eat plenty of protein. It has stopped my nighttime binging, which has been so wonderful! I’m hoping to lose at the 1-1.5 pounds per week range. I’ve also noticed it has curbed my shopping, I can just say no, and don’t really enjoy hanging out in stores like I used to. I think I’m actually saving money by spending money on the tirz, so I’m happy about that. My spending was starting to be concerning to me. Thanks for listening!🤩
submitted by Purple_Current1089 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:40 ExitConsistent7981 10 YO Chiweenie with first IVDD flare, this is hard :(

10 YO Chiweenie with first IVDD flare, this is hard :(
My boy Willy woke up from a midday nap last weekend with very strange body language. Yiping, acting drunk, extremely stiff. We took him into emerg and they deduced he likely has a moderate IVDD case. They deferred any imaging for now due to the risk of sedation and said they are hopeful he will recover from a 6 week rest period.
We’re only one week in, we’ve bought grassy pee trays for the patio instead of taking him all the way downstairs for bathroom breaks. I never pick him up, we carry him around in a firm bed to keep his back flat and supported which he seems to enjoy. Most of the time he is in kitchen jail behind a baby gate and sleeps in his bed and cries sometimes, he’s usually so sleepy from his meds that we can have him in his bed next to us on the sofa/on the ground no issue.
Well today I guess he must have been feeling better and he got up without warning and jumped off our low couch from his bed. I feel like such an idiot and I wanted to cry. He trembled for about 10 minutes after and once he settled I put him back in his small space in the kitchen. He hasn’t appeared to have gotten worse but I’m worried I’ve undone all the possible healing.
Overall, he hasn’t been yiping but during potty breaks over the last week he is still a bit stiff in the back legs, slow, but capable of sniffing and walking around without tripping. I’ve been reading a lot of posts on here and the guilt from the jump off the couch consumed me and I couldn’t stop crying lmao.
He is on gabapentin and Tylenol, has a great appetite still, peeing and poopin regularly, and sometimes works up the energy to bark or cry every now and then. He has always LOVED to play and fetch and zoom around. I hate seeing him like this :( my heart goes out to everyone with IVDD afflicted pups.
submitted by ExitConsistent7981 to IVDD_SupportGroup [link] [comments]
