Coupe craigslist

Need help finding VW Golf alternatives... Or talk me into another Golf

2024.05.20 22:29 CapitalistCow Need help finding VW Golf alternatives... Or talk me into another Golf

Hey yall, I'm looking for a replacement for my 2012 Golf TDI. It was a great car when I first got it around 50k miles, but its now at 98k and has had a LOT of expensive issues. Had a full fuel system replacement because of metal shards, and my transmission is about to drop out any day now. Was recently in an accident (not at fault), which resulted in a lot of front end damage, as well as damage to my steering system and alloys. Insurance refused to total the car, did not take into account the existing mechanical issues and warning lights in their evaluation, and did the bare minimum to get it drivable again. It looks almost brand new on the outside, but almost certainly has frame damage, bent wheels, and busted CVs. The accident also exacerbated the transmission issues. Pre-accident the car was evaluated at $2500, but they chose to do $5000 in body repairs instead of totaling it. So now I'm stuck in what my partner lovingly refers to as "the deathtrap".
Long story short, I need a new car asap. My budget is $17,000 or less, or <$350/mo. Used vehicles only. I've been spoiled by the golf in terms of how fun it is relative to upfront cost, but I've also been burned by the persistent issues I've had with it and the resulting expensive repairs. Even an oil change for these things is cost-prohibitive at times. Having a fast car isn't so important to me, but I do a lot of driving and would like something commuter-oriented that's also fun and responsive. I would love to be talked into another golf, but as it stands I'm nervous its just going to end up being another cash-hole.
I am ONLY interested in hatchbacks (hatchback coups are okay too) since I need the hauling space and think most sedans are ugly as sin. I also do not want a larger car since New Orleans streets are often very narrow. That being said, I would also prefer something that isn't tiny, as drivers here are insane and the size/weight of the golf really helped me come out of that recent accident with minimal damage to my person/car considering the severity of the collision. Could have and would have been a lot worse if I was in a smaller car.
My priorities in order of importance are: Price (including cost to maintain), fun, looks, MPG, features.
The brands I'm interested in are: VW, Mazda (drive nice, but hate the interiors, especially from 2014-2016), Honda, and maybe Toyota (don't like how they look but they drive okay, not interested in the prius)
I've spoken to one of my car enthusiast friends about this and he just keeps telling me to buy a GTI or any number of old sports cars off craigslist. He says I need to "pick a team" and if I don't want to pony up for something actually fast I should just buy a Prius instead. I'm taking this with a grain of salt, but is it unreasonable for me to want something fun, affordable, and fairly attractive? He also mentioned that buying a used TSI or GTI is a bad idea because of carbon buildup, but I feel like he's blowing that out of proportion.
Models I'm interested in are: Golfs (any model/year), Mazda3(pre 2014, or post 2016), Honda CRZ (no back seats sucks, but I love the look), Honda fit (too small but I heard its fun), Corolla Hatch (ugly, but I test drove one and it was more fun than the mazda)
submitted by CapitalistCow to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:58 ArabicSugarr Help picking first car in Chicago

Edit: 10K max budget
Edit 2: Primarily searching craigslist and FB marketplace, NOT A DEALER!
I am ideally looking for a car that is cheap to maintain with a decent gas mileage, however I am willing to give up either of those for something cooler such as a Chevy SS or Dodge Charger. I would like a 4 door as I have a toddler and having accessibility to the car seat is a must. I would be driving about 15-40 miles a day and would like to keep the car for at least 3 years. I also don't know how to drive stick, and I am willing to learn, but I have attempted it in a Miata and a BMW 325i, as well as gotten familiar with it in driving sims like Asetto Corsa, but I know that isn't realistic. I would also prefer something easy to work on as I want to do my own repairs so I can get familiar with the car.
I have looked at a few options but I would like some recommendations.
Cars I have considered but probably wont get but might reconsider:
Cars I realistically would consider:
submitted by ArabicSugarr to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:26 Cali_Hapa_Dude 2001 M3 6MT 92K miles for sale - San Jose, CA area

2001 M3 6MT 92K miles for sale - San Jose, CA area
Hey guys, just wanted to those of you in the South Bay know about my M3 for sale. I'm in Santa Clara, CA. DO NOT message me "Is it available?" because I'll know you're not seriously interested and don't see a reason to respond.
Some quick stats: 6MT 92k miles Jet Black 19" BBS CH wheels Bilstein PSS9
See ad for more details.
submitted by Cali_Hapa_Dude to E46M3 [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:22 Cali_Hapa_Dude 2001 M3 6MT 92K miles for sale - San Jose, CA area

2001 M3 6MT 92K miles for sale - San Jose, CA area
Hey guys, just wanted to those of you in the South Bay know about my M3 for sale. I'm in Santa Clara, CA. DO NOT message me "Is it available?" because I'll know you're not seriously interested and don't see a reason to respond.
Some quick stats: 6MT 92k miles Jet Black 19" BBS CH wheels Bilstein PSS9
See ad for more details.
submitted by Cali_Hapa_Dude to e46 [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 01:41 Dry_Button_8442 Questions from someone who knows jack bout cars

Hi, my 2002 Camry is approaching the end of its lifespan so now im in the market for a used car, either a Sedan, a Hatchback, or a Wagon (not interested in SUVs, Trucks, and Muscle Cars. For Coupes im wondering why a Coupe if I can get a Sedan)
Issue is I know little about cars, I only know generalities (Japan good minus Nissan, Stellantis poopy, German expensive etc) but I havent had luck in finding sources of car info for dummies like me.
1) Where do you typically look for cars to buy? Do you prefer dealerships or private sellers on sites like craigslist or cars,com
2) What good sources are there on finding out the general quality and value of makes or do I have to just look up reviews of a certain model whenever I want to look further
3) What good cars can I look for with a budget of 7-7.5k burgerbucks?
(inb4 buy Toyota or Mazda)
submitted by Dry_Button_8442 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 03:35 Getmeasippycup Our Experience trying to join a homestead/community

(If this isn’t allowed, mods can remove it! )
I see a lot of posts about people wanting to start a shared homestead or like find a community with shared land, however you want to phrase it. This was my experience.
In December my partner & I answered an ad in Northern California, to come live on 25 acres. Complete with solar, a green house, chicken coup being built, shared yurt & bath house. This seemed absolutely idyllic for us, we have been on the road for 2 years- kinda searching for a place to call home. We went through a very long, personal & thorough questionnaire, before moving onto a FaceTime “interview.” We seemed to all be on the same page, the owner of the land and buildings was an older lady that seemed to be relishing this new chapter, she is 4 years on in this adventure. Rents out spaces on hip camp, etc. We were encouraged to get out there as soon as possible and settled on the beginning of February. Her land mate, who she said was a permaculture engineer, very friendly, communal living expert was due to return back from overseas in March.
Immediately upon arriving we were directed to a different site, not the one advertised. The one advertised & pictureed was a flat RV site with a deck, fire pit, chairs, it’s own pickle barrel pooper, and a spot to hook up power and water. Near enough to the communal bath house. We ended up spending the first 3 weeks on the bottom edge of the property, on the most miserably severe angle, with no power. We tried to make the best of it. But it was odd and off putting. When we finally did move up top to the space we came for, we were immediately displaced for a week. She “forgot” to take it off hipcamp and didn’t want the bad review of cancelling them. Granted we had paid rent, for the month for that site. It wasn’t a discussion, we were just informed under the guise of it being for the greater good of the homestead. We also were told we’d have 30amp power, which was false. We were told we wouldn’t be able to run our RV AC, and that summer might be unbearable. And that we should be using our own solar, even though the sites shade sails blocked 75% of our panels. We were not allowed to adjust them.
We came very ready to jump into tasks, be it weeding the beds, starting seeds, assembling the chicken coup, trouble shooting the solar. Whatever. Instead we were put on hold till about mid March. When the infamous land mate returned and finally deigned to meet us. Surprisingly we found out later it was actually his idea, to bring in more people. In the end I think it was just a money grab. He was one of the most uncommunicative, terse people I’ve ever tried to work with.
We brought seeds and trays to start them and were informed he orders everything and decides everything, we weren’t allowed to do ours as they weren’t his preferred brand. Any project was some thing he had started the previous year and not completed, or rushed and threw together to “satisfy” the land owners needs. But the solar panels were not all wired properly, and were not supplying the power they could and should. He micro managed everything, in the garden as if we were toddlers.
There were also a lot of passive aggressive moves like if we said we were going to go get woodchips in the morning, or do a dump run, he’d disappear with the farm truck for most of the day and not respond to texts.
The yurt was supposed to be communal area, but he set up a desk, computer, a number of large and small stringed instruments and the last weekend we were there moved a baby grand piano in.
To say we learned a lot, but not in the way we anticipated is an understatement. Like I learned I don’t want to pee outside like an animal and poop in a hamster bucket as a long term solution. We learned we do want mail delivery and trash service! I think we also had to call time of death on communal living for us, I am very eager to learn but a fabulous green thumb and animal tender on my own. We also hoped it would sort of be a learning experience for them as well… it was not. The exact same ad is back up on Craigslist.
So I guess, I want to warn others. Let me be your cautionary tale, because I truly hope no other poor SOB answers that ad.
submitted by Getmeasippycup to homestead [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 07:09 OldCarWorshipper For the past few months this has been languishing on Craigslist in my area- 1988 Toyota Corolla GTS 5-speed notchback coupe. I'm a bit surprised that no one has snapped it up already.

For the past few months this has been languishing on Craigslist in my area- 1988 Toyota Corolla GTS 5-speed notchback coupe. I'm a bit surprised that no one has snapped it up already. submitted by OldCarWorshipper to vintagejapaneseautos [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 10:55 Heinz_Legend Is this worth?

I have a near 800 credit score and can put a $5000 down payment.
submitted by Heinz_Legend to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 19:47 Accomplished_Tax9354 I found this hilarious add for the piccolo

I found this hilarious add for the piccolo submitted by Accomplished_Tax9354 to Flute [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 04:01 RL_Mutt I’m selling catalytic converters that are built into the exhaust manifold, and I got this message.

I’m selling catalytic converters that are built into the exhaust manifold, and I got this message.
Like…no dude. These things aren’t interchangeable.
submitted by RL_Mutt to NissanDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 04:23 Handsomest-Jack Currently deciding between 2 cars (2009 altima2.5 coupe vs 2008 mazda3 2.3)

Im looking to buy my first car pretty soon, and i want something manual that has enough engagement and power to at least be fairly fun to drive without giving too much power. I’d been looking at mazda3 for a while and recently found a listing for a 2008 mazda3s (2.3 engine) that I was planning to take a look at, but just today I also found a listing for a 2009 2.5l nissan altima coupe thats around the same mileage. Both are about the same mileage and price, with the mazda likely ending up slightly higher due to dealer fees. Just wondering what the thoughts are on both, any tips, and any issues worth looking out for on both models
Mazda3 listing:
Altima listing:
submitted by Handsomest-Jack to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.02.03 15:26 money10adventures 2003 M3 6-spf for sale socal

Time has come for me to sell
submitted by money10adventures to E46M3 [link] [comments]

2024.01.19 12:07 RedditTraduction [Home Theater] Combien la technologie a-t-elle amélioré les projecteurs au cours des 10 dernières années?

TLDR: J'ai trouvé un Epson Powerlite Home Cinema 8350 pour 250 $. Est-ce un bon moyen de pénétrer dans les projecteurs, ou vais-je manquer de nombreuses avancées de l'industrie au cours des 7 dernières années?
Hier, j'ai décidé en regardant un film que notre télévision de 65 '' ne le coupe pas. Je vais installer un projecteur sur un écran manuel à côté de mon téléviseur. Devrait être assez net! Je comprends que ce sera un projet, mais j'aimerais acheter un projecteur d'intro pour voir à quel point je l'utilise réellement. Je pense que le sujet y a beaucoup, mais j'ai trouvé cet accord sur Craigslist qui a l'air attrayant, mais je pensais que je vous demanderais les gars avant de dépenser l'argent. Des pensées?
J'ai l'idée que c'est un vrai passe-temps qui peut prendre beaucoup de temps et d'argent, donc j'attends avec impatience les conseils que vous avez. Merci pour votre aide!
Traduit et reposté à partir de la publication 9gno38 de la communauté hometheater. Pour retrouver la publication originale, insérez l'id de la publication après ""
submitted by RedditTraduction to redditenfrancais [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 07:02 KungLa0 Help me find an 87-90 325!

I've been looking for a while and it's been challenging, I have several alerts on marketplace and I'm a member of just about every e30 but/sell group there. Craigslist is kinda dead nowadays, otherwise I scan eBay occasionally but they're always across the country.
Specifically looking for: - 87-90 (with m20b25, not the eta) - 5 speed - Coupe, no convertibles - Not completely rotted - Under 10k so I don't feel bad gutting it for a track car build - Preferably black, this is my only real flex point honestly - Within ~500-750 miles of NYC
I don't care if it's an i or is. Interior color doesn't matter either.
Any ideas where to look (or any sellers)?
submitted by KungLa0 to E30 [link] [comments]

2023.12.18 07:12 AwezomePozzum9265 What does the council think of this?

What does the council think of this? submitted by AwezomePozzum9265 to genesiscoupe [link] [comments]

2023.12.10 02:08 maxxor6868 Why do car companies develop cars only to not advertise them at all and fail?

Two that come to my mind are the Genesis coupe and the Camaro. I was looking on YouTube at past commercials of the Camaro from a decade ago and Chevy had some pretty wild and awesome commercials for it. Then we have transformers which is what caused me to buy a Camaro. Now though, the Camaro is being discontinued and I can't tell you the last time I saw anything related to a Camaro. No YouTube ads, no movie appearances, nothing. Same with the Genesis coupe. I know it was discontinued in 2016 but I learned about the car's existence a few years ago only by seeing a used one on Craigslist. Sports cars don't sell in high volume yet for every coup that is kill off, I see the same comments and posts about no one knowing the car even existed and the company just letting it die. What is the point of investing money into a car only to not advertise it?
submitted by maxxor6868 to cars [link] [comments]

2023.12.04 21:31 RedditTraduction [Warhammer 40K] Penser à vendre mes armées 40k; Des conseils?

Je suis en train de me débarrasser d'un tas de choses et comme je n'ai pas joué 40k depuis près de 20 ans, il est probablement temps de le laisser partir. J'ai des armées de Templiers noirs de taille décente (je pense), ainsi qu'un tas de minis qui ne sont pas peints / assemblés ou qui sont toujours dans leurs forfaits non ouverts. Voici ce que je me demande:
  1. Quelle est la meilleure façon de vendre? EBay? Craigslist? Autre chose?
  2. Dois-je vendre mes armées dans son ensemble ou les faire par coup par coup?
  3. Y a-t-il une bonne source pour déterminer combien je devrais demander / m'attendre à obtenir mes affaires?
Merci pour tout conseil!
Traduit et reposté à partir de la publication 6l94un de la communauté warhammer40k
submitted by RedditTraduction to redditenfrancais [link] [comments]

2023.12.02 22:16 cainframe AITA for not wanting to have enough seating for everyone on Christmas Eve?

My husband (37M) and I (37F) are hosting his family for Christmas Eve. There are nine average-sized adults, five school-aged children, and one toddler (2yo).
The ground floor of our house has a living room in the front, a dining room and (very small) kitchen in the middle, and family room in the back. In the living room, we have a three-seater sofa, three arm chairs, an ottoman, and a bumper pool/card table with six dining chairs. In the dining room, we have a table with eight chairs. In the family room, we have another three-seater sofa, an arm chair, a rocking chair, and two built-in cushioned benches that can each fit 1-2 people. We also have a couple of wooden folding chairs that we can throw into the mix.
To my mind, this is plenty of seating for the number of people we'll have at our house. My husband thinks that we need to buy more armchairs so that there is enough lounge seating for everyone. He's really into thrifting, and all of our furniture is from either a thrift store or Craigslist. Historically, my husband has rented a U-haul to go pick up larger furniture like couches, and when he has a U-haul for the day, he'll come home with a couple of extra pieces of furniture that we did not discuss (either extra stuff the Craigslist seller had available or something he found at a thrift store).
In the past few days, he's sent me pictures of chairs while he's out and asked if he should buy them. I've been saying no to every chair he's sent a picture of because I don't think we have enough space for more armchairs. He thinks we do because we could technically squeeze a couple more into the living room, but it would get to a point where they would be blocking the doorway between the living and dining rooms.
This disagreement escalated to a heated argument today when I vetoed another armchair and he accused me of being inhospitable to his family by not having enough seating for them. I listed all the seating we have and reminded him that when we gather at one of his relative's houses, we tend to hang out in both lounge rooms and the dining room and that none of his relatives have enough seating for everyone to have a seat in a lounge room. He says that Christmas celebrations are different because we all gather to watch the kids open presents, but when we've gathered for Christmas Eve at his mom's in the past, people are sitting on the floor, on the arms of the couch, etc, while we watch the kids open presents.
He says that I'm being unreasonable because he knows he can get three more armchairs for around $50 total and that we can put them in the attic after Christmas, so they won't be taking up space all year. I don't like that idea on principle. Here's where I might be the asshole: he drives a coupe, and I drive a small SUV. He drives my SUV sometimes if he's going to the hardware store to pick up lumber or something. I told him that he isn't allowed to drive my vehicle until after Christmas because I don't trust him not to come back with a chair. Now he's not speaking to me. AITA?
EDIT: As one of the comments suggested, I'm adding this info for context about the SUV situation: Until last weekend, we only had a couch and one armchair in the living room. He took my SUV to pick up an extra outdoor trash bin last Saturday, and he came back with the bin and an armchair. I told him that we had enough armchairs at that point. On Sunday, he took my SUV to pick up a snow shovel and came back with the shovel, another armchair, and an ottoman.
submitted by cainframe to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2023.11.24 14:32 Thiago7cv Total Eclipse Of The Heart! Mitsubishi Eclipse: Um Ícone de uma geração!

Total Eclipse Of The Heart! Mitsubishi Eclipse: Um Ícone de uma geração!
Vocês já ouviram aquela musica chamada "Total Eclipse of the Heart"? É uma bela musica e combina muito com esse caro. Um dos carros mais desejados que já existiu! E que acelera seu coração.
Tempo: o segredo do sucesso
Dizem que o tempo é tudo. Pegue o Mitsubishi Eclipse. Montado por mãos sindicalizadas na fábrica conjunta Mitsubishi/Chrysler em Normal, Illinois, o Eclipse ofereceu uma visão um pouco esotérica dos pequenos coupes esportivos de tração dianteira que haviam surgido no mundo automotivo nos anos anteriores.
Ficamos tão encantados com sua aceleração, estabilidade e, bem, personalidade outsider que o colocamos imediatamente - na versão GSX turboalimentada com tração nas quatro rodas - em nossa lista dos 10 melhores carros, onde permaneceu por quatro anos consecutivos. Mas enquanto o Eclipse estava aproveitando o sol, seus concorrentes voltaram com coupes mais suaves e rápidos que o tiraram da lista, para nunca mais voltar. A Mitsubishi continuou com ele, no entanto, mantendo o Eclipse em jogo por mais de 20 anos e quatro gerações, oferecendo uma alternativa peculiar ao status quo e lançando alguns conceitos matadores no processo. Clique para acompanhar a evolução do Eclipse.
Diamante no Céu-Estrelado:
O Mitsubishi Eclipse irrompeu na cena em 1989 como modelo '90, durante um período de pico para cupês esportivos compactos. Construído na fábrica Mitsubishi/Chrysler em Normal, Illinois, este Mitsubishi também era vendido por concessionárias da Chrysler (como era o costume). As lojas Chrysler-Plymouth o tinham como o Plymouth Laser, e os revendedores Jeep-Eagle o vendiam como o Eagle Talon. A chapa de metal limpa era mantida em toda a linha, ao ponto de ser difícil distinguir um do outro.
Na Segunda Tentativa do Sucesso:
O Eclipse era vendido tanto em forma aspirada quanto turboalimentada, sendo que esta última fazia 190 cavalos de um motor de 2.0 litros. Acoplado a uma transmissão manual de cinco marchas, esse motor conseguia levar o cupê leve de zero a 60 mph em 6,6 segundos e percorrer o quarto de milha em 15,1 segundos a 93 mph — "Desempenho suficiente para envergonhar um Porsche 944", como escrevemos na época. Combinado com um chassi capaz, foi o suficiente para colocar o Eclipse Turbo em nossa lista de 10 Melhores Carros no ano inaugural do modelo, e por mais três anos consecutivos.
Juventude Passageira:
O mercado de cupês esportivos era cruelmente obcecado pela juventude, e já, com a tenra idade de quatro anos, o Eclipse estava sendo ofuscado por concorrentes mais recentes. Isso aconteceu mesmo depois de ter adicionado a opção de tração nas quatro rodas — sofisticação quase inédita na classe — e de ter recebido uma reestilização em 1993. O modelo '93 ficou em quarto lugar em um teste comparativo, citando seu turbo lag, som áspero do motor e sede insensata.
Segunda Tentativa:
Desenhado no estúdio de design da Mitsubishi na Califórnia, o Eclipse redesenhado de 1995 exibia linhas mais suaves e um coeficiente de arrasto mais baixo. Também ganhou maior refinamento. No entanto, o layout mecânico permaneceu o mesmo: um motor de 2.0 litros, agora fazendo 210 cavalos na forma turboalimentada, impulsionando as rodas dianteiras ou todas as quatro.
Adeus, Irmãos:
Esteticamente, o Eclipse atingiu seu auge em 1997. Uma atualização de meio ciclo do carro da segunda geração o viu ganhar um nariz mais esportivo com entradas maiores, acabamentos mais agressivos e um aerofólio traseiro maior nos níveis de acabamento mais altos. Também emergiu como o último cupê Diamond-Star de pé. O Plymouth Laser desapareceu em 1994, e o Eagle Talon partiu em 1998.
Não Estrague Tudo!
O antigo motor de quatro cilindros 4G63 do Eclipse também foi utilizado em vários outros aplicativos, incluindo o Lancer Evolution, o RVR e o Starion. Em 1998, a Mitsubishi emitiu um recall para o motor 4G63 nos modelos Eclipse GSX do ano modelo de 1990 a 1998 devido ao travamento das caixas de transferência. Os modelos de 1995 a 1997 também frequentemente apresentavam problemas de falha do rolamento axial.
Speedtek Spyder
Em nossa edição de junho de 1997, um anúncio para um detector de radar Escort Solo apropriadamente emoldurava um editorial de duas páginas sobre o Speedtek Spyder de 280 hp, um dos carros de tração dianteira mais potentes que já testamos até então. O proprietário do Speedtek, John Lewis, e sua equipe de engenheiros deram a ele um escapamento aprimorado, um turbo maior, reprogramação da ECU, molas Eibach rebaixadas e reforçadas, e rodas e pneus de alto desempenho. O resultado foi de zero a 60 mph em 6,1 segundos e impressionantes 0,90 g na pista de teste.
Aviso! Perigo para o Coletor de Admissão!
Antes do STi, antes do Supra, antes do Skyline, o rápido e furioso Brian O’Conner tinha um Mitsubishi Eclipse. Os outros veículos podem ser mais procurados, mas o Eclipse iniciou o que se tornou a maior franquia de filmes de carros já criada. Todo carro sintonizado no Craigslist com uma asa do tamanho da Torre Sears, falsas entradas de ar no teto e conexões de óxido nitroso questionáveis pode traçar sua linhagem até este.
Gen 3 GTS
Em sua terceira geração, a reputação do Eclipse como um carro esportivo tecnologicamente avançado e emocionante sofreu um golpe. A Mitsubishi se esforçou para animá-lo adicionando o modelo GTS como o topo de linha. O GTS aumentou a potência para 210 cavalos, principalmente graças a um novo coletor de admissão. Apesar da aderência fraca, suspensão macia e uma cabine barulhenta, foi o suficiente para colocar a Mitsubishi em segundo lugar — empatada com o Toyota Celica GT-S — em uma comparação de cupês esportivos.
Teto Opcional
Com o recém-lançado cupê Eclipse da terceira geração saindo das concessionárias como barris de cerveja durante o intervalo de primavera, você não pode culpar a Mitsubishi por querer abaixar o teto e aproveitar alguns raios de sol. Utilizando o mesmo V-6 de 3.0 litros e 200 hp e a transmissão automática de quatro marchas encontrados no cupê, um Eclipse Spyder GT conseguiu um tempo de zero a 60 mph de 8,2 segundos e um segundo lugar geral em um teste de comparação de conversíveis esportivos de quatro lugares em 2001. Embora seja lento pelos padrões de hoje (a transmissão manual de cinco marchas padrão, segundo informações, reduzia "cerca de um segundo" desse tempo de zero a 60), o Spyder GT oferecia muita diversão ao sol — juntamente com ABS, couro e controle de tração — por um preço inicial sugerido de $25,942.
Faltando, ou Talvez Apenas um Mirage?
Este Eclipse Spyder GTS de 2003 é um pouco enigmático. Embora a Mitsubishi confirme que foi construído pela R1 Racing Sports para o SEMA de 2003, existe muito pouca documentação. O GTS em seu nome indica que saiu da fábrica com o V-6 de 3.0 litros e 210 hp, com Mitsubishi Variable Induction Management (MVIM), que muitos sintonizadores mostraram ser um ponto de partida bastante fértil para modificações. Estamos supondo que este aparecerá em um desses programas de descobertas em celeiros em 2023.
Em Chamas para o Seu Prazer
Se você está se perguntando como um Eclipse de 2001 com chamas e película encontrou seu caminho para as páginas da edição de fevereiro de 2017 da Car and Driver, você provavelmente não está sozinho. Mais de uma década depois que um Eclipse de qualquer tipo ocupou espaço em nosso estacionamento, este chegou como parte de nossa exposição ousada e completa sobre a wagon de entrega de pizzas DXP da Domino's Pizza, construída com base no Chevrolet Spark. Como se constatou, o DXP é legítimo, mas nós simplesmente queríamos colocá-lo contra o tipo de veículo antigo que entregadores de pizza têm usado para realizar seu trabalho há décadas: uma joia abaixo de US$ 1000 garimpada das profundezas do Craigslist. Mencionamos as chamas?
Dê a Volta:
Era uma vez em 2004, nós nos apaixonamos pelo Mitsubishi Eclipse Concept-E, que antecipou a direção de estilo do Eclipse de quarta geração. Equipado com um motor elétrico que impulsionava as rodas traseiras e um motor V-6 de 3.8 litros conectado a uma transmissão automática de seis marchas, o Concept-E gerava impressionantes 470 cavalos de potência combinados. Infelizmente, o modelo de produção mais simples dispensou o motor traseiro do Concept-E. Foi um eclipse total em nosso coração.
Eu Não Posso Mentir:
Mal cinco anos depois de registrar números recordes de vendas, o esportivo da Mitsubishi estava perdendo força. Mas o Eclipse teve outra chance de redenção com o modelo de quarta geração em 2006, que apresentava um estilo mais suave com uma traseira que parecia ter sido copiada da mente de Sir Mix-a-Lot. Baseado na plataforma Project America da Mitsubishi, tinha 72,2 polegadas de largura, quase tão largo quanto um Ford Explorer da época. Infelizmente, a nova versão permaneceu apenas com tração dianteira.
O Grande Eclipse:
Embora o motor padrão da Mitsubishi, um quatro cilindros de 2.4 litros com 162 hp (aumento de 142 cavalos do ano anterior), fosse o padrão, é o motor V-6 de 3.8 litros com 263 hp do modelo GT que registrou um tempo de zero a 60 mph de 6,1 segundos e conquistou o quarto de milha em 14,5 segundos a 100 mph em um teste instrumental. Na época, comentamos: "Isso é um pouco mais rápido do que um Acura RSX Type-S, muito mais rápido do que um Hyundai Tiburon GT V-6, VW New Beetle Turbo S e o Eclipse GTS do ano passado. Mas um Mustang GT vai superá-lo."
Conceito Eclipse Ralliart:
Procurando gerar alguma emoção para seu Eclipse recentemente redesenhado, a Mitsubishi deixou alguns exemplares sob os cuidados de sua divisão de esportes a motor Ralliart para que pudessem aplicar um pouco de sua magia. Além de aumentar a potência do venerável motor de quatro cilindros 4G63, a Ralliart adicionou fibra de carbono no teto, capô, para-choques e para-lamas dianteiros, além de rodas de fibra de carbono de 20 polegadas com pneus Yokohama AVS Sport. O resultado foi revestido com tinta Hot Red Mica especialmente formulada.
Enfiando-o goela abaixo
Bem consciente de que a indução forçada era o tipo de coisa que fazia os corações dos fanáticos vibrarem, a Mitsubishi pegou emprestado um motor turbo 4G63 do Lancer Evolution e o ajustou com um sistema de admissão de ar personalizado e outras peças de desempenho HKS para uma potência estimada de 400 cavalos. Da mesma forma, eles pegaram o sistema de tração nas quatro rodas do Endeavor e do Lancer Evolution e o combinaram com uma transmissão manual de seis marchas. Infelizmente, uma versão de produção nunca chegou ao mercado.
Quando a notícia oficial chegou no início de 2011 de que a Mitsubishi estava se preparando para aposentar o Eclipse, o mundo automotivo respondeu com um coletivo: "Espera aí, eles ainda fabricam isso?" Baseado na mesma plataforma PS que sustentava o Endeavor e o Galant, o Eclipse sucumbiu às mudanças de gosto, o que significou o fim do trio montado domesticamente. Apesar das más notícias, a Mitsubishi conseguiu se despedir do Eclipse com a maior de todas as despedidas automotivas: a edição especial. Disponível nos modelos cupê e Spyder, a Edição Especial Eclipse 2012 apresentava bancos de couro — aquecidos na frente — uma câmera de visão traseira, Bluetooth, faróis HID e um sistema de som Rockford Fosgate de 650 watts, tudo por um preço bastante razoável de $25,530.

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submitted by Thiago7cv to CarrosIndomaveis [link] [comments]

2023.11.22 01:21 Momoney530 Which BMW should I buy?

Got approved for a loan today at 5% 17k will be paying the rest out of pocket. I’m looking at two BMWs although leaning towards one. There’s a 2016 bmw 428i m sport (my pick) $22,500 out the door and a 2014 bmw 435i m sport $26,500 out the door. They are pretty similar besides the 428i being newer with more feature like rear view camera and the 60 extra hp in the 435i. Is it worth spending the extra 4k to get the 435i or should I save the money. I have owned a 2015 bmw 428 m sport and loved it. I’m having trouble and need opinions. Thank you! Mileage is 32k for 435i/36k 428i. Both clean title
submitted by Momoney530 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2023.11.10 21:41 Spirited-Fortune-130 200k mileage Honda/Toyota VS everything else?

I'm working with a very limited budget (max $4k), my current car is in bad shape from an accident but it also doesn't have working heat and other issues so it's not worth it to fix. It's almost winter so I really want to get a car with working heat ASAP but I'm really sure what I should be looking for.
I'm in the US only interested in buying a car (sedan or coupe) with cash from a private seller, so I'm looking on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist.
In my price range I see a lot of high mileage Hondas/Toyotas (around 200k), mostly from the early to late 00's. I know people say they're fine if it's been maintained but are they comparable to lower mileage cars? I see 2009-2010 Mazda 3's with a little less mileage for around the same price. I also see Buicks with less mileage, but I'm hesitant to get another GM product after owning one currently (07 Malibu).
I don't really drive a lot, did some quick math and I probably drive around 50-60 miles a week in total. Not sure if this is a factor but including it in case it is.
Any advice is appreciated, thank you.
submitted by Spirited-Fortune-130 to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2023.11.10 21:35 Spirited-Fortune-130 200k mileage Honda/Toyota VS everything else?

I'm working with a very limited budget (max $4k), my current car is in bad shape from an accident but it also doesn't have working heat and other issues so it's not worth it to fix. It's almost winter so I really want to get a car with working heat ASAP but I'm really sure what I should be looking for.
I'm in the US only interested in buying a car (sedan or coupe) with cash from a private seller, so I'm looking on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist.
In my price range I see a lot of high mileage Hondas/Toyotas (around 200k), mostly from the early to late 00's. I know people say they're fine if it's been maintained but are they comparable to lower mileage cars? I see 2009-2010 Mazda 3's with a little less mileage for around the same price. I also see Buicks with less mileage, but I'm hesitant to get another GM product after owning one currently (07 Malibu).
I don't really drive a lot, did some quick math and I probably drive around 50-60 miles a week in total. Not sure if this is a factor but including it in case it is.
Any advice is appreciated, thank you.

submitted by Spirited-Fortune-130 to askcarsales [link] [comments]