Drawing of a blank thermometer

Learn to Draw

2012.06.16 05:34 Learn to Draw

New to drawing? Let us help you learn how to get started! Drawing is a skill, not a talent. It doesn't matter if you can draw or not, with practice you can be the best. We welcome you to our community. Learn with us, the future artists of reddit.

2013.10.03 04:53 brandondayton A month of drawing with ink, and more

A collection of the daily Inktober sketches throughout the month of October. (Inktober is not affiliated with Inktober.com)

2012.11.01 23:04 Azuaron Petty Revenge

For all your stories of small victories over those who've wronged you.

2024.05.29 01:59 SillyDecoraKeiHyena Type me please !

Well i've already been typed as infp 6w7 but I've recently been pondering whether it's really something that fits me so I wanted to get other people's opinions on my typing.
• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
— I'm 19 years old and identify as non-binary (he/they pronouns). I am extremely extra, I am eccentric, I love alternative styles, I love arts in all its forms, I am extremely sentimental, I can be considered strange to many, I talk too much, I seem extroverted around introverts and I seem introverted around other extroverts, I get tired easily in social situations, so I always prefer to talk more via cell phone or computer. I'm very extreme and I can end up feeling very angry, very happy or very sad out of nowhere, I usually try to be kind but I can be rude or insensitive if I'm very angry, I'm a person who really likes to fight for causes aimed at minorities since I'm from several minority groups, I hate injustice, I'm very stubborn and I don't like being contradicted while I always try to be someone who takes various arguments into account.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
— I'm autistic, adhd, i have gad (generalized anxiety disorder) and i might also have depression.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
— I grew up in a Christian family, which hurt me a lot when I got older since my family's religion is against my existence as a queer person, and it took them a long time to admit that I needed psychological help and things like that. It's difficult to leave my roots but in the end I ended up stopping believing in my parents' religion after everything I went through.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
— I'm studying animation design at college, it's one of my passions and I really enjoy learning about the topics, I just hate the structure of taking exams and tests.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
— I would feel crazy, insane. I need the company of some people close to me to regulate myself and talk about things I like, being alone makes me feel empty and strange. So yeah i would feel lonely.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
— I'm terrible at sports and I hate them, my motor coordination is horrible. I prefer indoor activities because there is less chance of me overloading myself with something (example: feeling unwell because of the sun, heat, etc.)
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
— I'm very curious, I love discovering new things, I have a lot of ideas at terrible times (in the middle of the night) and I really end up getting disorganized with the amount of things I think about. My ideas and curiosity are generally focused on creative processes like creating characters, universes, stories, but it can also simply be focused on a topic of interest to me (hyperfocuses / special interests). These are things that end up being more of a concept because I'm terrible at executing my ideas.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
— I don't like being the leader of projects and things like that for the simple fact that I'm not good at handling responsibilities, so I prefer to just execute some order, my problem is that I also really like doing things MY way so it's a bit contradictory. However, in the moments when I have had to be a leader (I was forced to since my colleagues didn't want to do anything) I haven't been a bad leader, I research the project topics and let people choose their topics to present.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
— I'm not good at being organized or at things that involve motor coordination. For example, it took me decades to be able to tie my shoe laces, know which direction is right or left and I keep forgetting important dates. I don't like using my hands to do activities because they shake a lot and so I'm always horrible at things that involve using my hands. The only things I think I'm good at are playing games and drawing, and even then, drawing is an extreme challenge since I always put a lot of pressure on the pencil when I'm drawing or writing.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
— Yes, art is something that I have loved since I was young because of the fact that I can express my creativity, ideas and feelings. I've always been passionate about cartoons so my drawing style is very cartoony. I really like seeing fanart from media that I love, but I also love seeing old paintings, especially from Roman and Greek times. I not only like drawing and painting, but I also love art in general. I love cinema, theater, books, sculptures, etc. One day I want to know how to write very well and be able to make books or even draw well enough to be able to make a cartoon. I want to be able to share the comfort I experience by seeing art that makes me feel happy and represented by doing something that also makes people happy through my art.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
— I have some regrets from the past, but in general I was more "normal" and happy back then, I wouldn't change anything because I follow the idea that my mistakes and successes made me who I am today. As for my present, I try to make the most of it but I'm not going to lie that I'm not a big fan of my current state, I feel a bit useless and very behind compared to most people I know my age so I end up preferring to think more about the future and how things will get better later. At the same time that I really appreciate some current moments of my present, like being able to play with my girlfriend most days, this makes me very happy.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
— I like helping people, sometimes I even try to help people who didn't ask for my help if they are people I really like (I may end up being seen as inconvenient because of this). I always want to be able to help everyone, but currently because of my mood I may end up not being very helpful as my mental health is not the best, even so, I always try to be very patient and friendly with people who are going through difficult times, even when sometimes I just want to be left alone and I'm not in the mood to help anyone, especially because I know what it's like to be in a bad place and i don't want people to feel rejected.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
— I'm very sentimental and I often don't think very logically BUT in arguments and other serious situations I need people to use logic and proven arguments just like i do in those situations so that the debate or serious situation isn't just a bunch of nonsense. I am a sentimental person, but to develop some thought, I need logical arguments
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
— In general, I think it's very important, but I personally can't be productive and efficient since I have a lot of executive dysfunction. I KNOW it's important but I can't be like that.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
— I like things to be my way but I don't really think I control people? I always impose my opinions a lot but I don't really control people.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
— I like games, reading books, role-playing, drawing and even trying to write books. I really like fantasy things. It seems more fun than my reality and I like to distract myself from real life things.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
— I like learning things when they involve what I like or at least are more interactive and I hate math, chemistry and physics btw. I have a lot of difficulty with classes in subjects that require a lot of memorization, I prefer things that are relative and interpretative like arts and literature and I really like classes that involve creativity. I also hate classes where the teacher just talks and talks and talks and doesn't do anything interactive and fun. I generally prefer to study at home for very short periods of time because I learn easier alone and study very briefly because I have difficulty studying for long periods of time.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
— I'm terrible at planning things, I usually do things at the last minute and I improvise a lot.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
— I think I get a lot of inspiration from artists I like, such as Rebecca Sugar, Tyler Joseph and others. They are very creative people who do things that I really like (I love Steven Universe, which Rebecca Sugar created, and I love Twenty One Pilots, which is the band where Tyler Joseph is the lead singer).
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
— My biggest fears are being alone, because it's scary not having anyone who understands you and who supports you and loves you, and being a burden to the people I love, because I don't want to be an extremely dependent and useless person and disappoint the people I love.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
— These are the days when I feel excited to do things and I can be productive doing everything I need in my routine as well as doing my hobbies and being able to relax.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
— These are the days when I feel sad, empty and discouraged, I can't do my routine tasks and I force myself to do them anyway in an extremely bad mood, my hobbies may even distract me on those days but it will be a strange feeling as if I'm not really excited to do what I like and I'm just distracting myself from my problems.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
— Ah, I don't have much attachment to reality and I prefer fantasy things, I constantly get caught up in my own thoughts and I prefer to create happy fantasy situations so I don't deal with my real problems. I'm also pretty distracted in general so regardless of whether I'm fantasizing or not I end up missing a lot of details and dissociating
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
— I would probably try to distract myself by thinking about things I like or talking to myself, depending on if the day was bad I would eventually end up thinking a lot about my personal problems and becoming depressed.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
— I'm very slow and indecisive when it comes to choosing things, I always want to gather as much information about each option in my mind or by researching on the internet about it and then I always end up between multiple options and changing my mind several times until I arrive at a concrete result.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
— Some of my emotions may be processed much later than they should have been processed or simply be different from what people usually have. For example, I'm not very good at dealing with grief and I end up not showing the sadness that my other relatives do, but generally I feel my emotions in a very extreme and volatile way. I feel happy for very silly things and when I'm happy I'm VERY HAPPY and I get sad very easily and when I get sad I get VERY SAD.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
— Yes. I really like demonstrating my opinions and being authentic, it's a very important thing for me, but even so, I sometimes end up just remaining silent or agreeing with something that I don't really agree with because I'm too afraid of being hated and I generally want everyone to like me, even people I'm not very close to. However, I can also be a person with very strong opinions and be very stubborn about what I believe in if it is something linked to social issues or linked to things that I REALLY like.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
— I break rules that I believe don't make sense, if it's something that I think makes sense I'll follow that rule, but if it's stupid and I don't understand why I have to follow it I'll probably break the rule. I've also never been a person who understands authorities, for me anyone has the right to question something if it's not a useful or logical rule. I agree that rules are important but that they can be adapted, eliminated and added if necessary for people.
submitted by SillyDecoraKeiHyena to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:42 Mr_GozzyO2 Staring at a blank wall makes me want to laugh

So I was in a end of year exam at uni (first year), the exam went fairly well so when I finished early and checked the answers repeatedly, I got bored.
On my close left to me, there was this blank plastered wall which I stared at with a poker face. For some reason I started to grin at the wall (but I didn’t dare to draw any attention to myself by making noise giggling or laughing at it) so for the last 5 minutes of the exam, it was an alternating cycle between maintaining a poker face and grinning at the wall.
When the exam conditions ended, I told the person next to me what happened and they found it really funny.
Is this normal or am I just weird?
submitted by Mr_GozzyO2 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:52 turtlebarber Best gift for High School Graduate

My Niece is graduating high school and off to a really good college. She is environmentally conscious and I would love to gift her something I think she'll get a lot of use out of over the years and will decrease her waste. Obviously she already carries a reusable water bottle. But I'm drawing a blank on what could be useful for a freshman in college.
submitted by turtlebarber to Anticonsumption [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:20 heartbeatonthehyline Type me please

Not my first typing attempt but none of the flairs really apply properly.
submitted by heartbeatonthehyline to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:07 trashguy2000 How to stop being so boring?

Hi all! I am a 23M and lately every time I've been going to social events and hanging out with people I feel so... boring. I always blank out when it comes to responding to people and I often times don't speak in a way that demands attention. Every time someone asks me a question or tries to talk with me I just feel so blank and empty, like all I can do is give them some kind of NPC reply. I can't help myself, I just lock up.
I can see it happening in real time and I hate myself for it after the fact. Even people I know pretty well, sometimes I tend to draw a blank on what to say in conversation. I truly enjoy talking to people I just don't feel quick on my feet at all.
For some context I am extremely ambiverted, I love spending time by myself because it's so easy but I long for social connection and try to chase it. It's such a difficult balance in my brain and I'm sure others have experienced this before. Anybody have any advice on how I can feel more natural when conversing with others?
submitted by trashguy2000 to youngadults [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:56 KyleKKent OOCS, Into A Wider Galaxy, Part 016

Harriett The Spy AND HHH/Herbert’s Hundred Harem
They were comparing their stories about the weirder infiltration missions they’d gone on since they last spoke when there’s a knock on the door and it’s quickly opened before either can say anything.
“Sir? Ma’am? Update to the latest mess.” The Angla man says leaning in and holding out a folder. Harriett’s longer reach has her grab it.
“Good man, back to it soldier.” Herbert says as he hops off his chair. By the time the door is closed again he’s at Harriett’s side and standing on his tiptoes to read it over her elbow.
“Well... shit.” Harriett says as she sees the image of a gigantic slohb core with something clearly embedded in and infecting it. She reaches over to the flask and upends it to reveal the slightly larger than a pea piece of blood metal. A moment of compare and she curses again.
“Exactly what I was thinking. Where did she find it? Was it embedded deliberately? Some kind of experiment?” Herbert notes
“Hang on, let me turn the page.” Harriett tells him. “She found it and is reaching out to us because The Undaunted are one of the only powers she knows for a fact cannot be involved.”
“Alright, you just take a break. You got out of an infiltration like ten minutes ago. Have a snack. Relax, I need to prep a response to this.” Herbert says as he heads for the door. She follows.
“I’m no wilting flower. I know that Spire, have some infiltration experience there and friends as well. I can get you through the gang territories on the way down so we can help this poor woman.” Harriett says and Herbert nods.
“Alright then, you’re heading the mission. I’m going to scrape up all the support you need. So, what do you need?” Herbert asks.
“Several Doctors, at least one specializing in Xenobioology with at bare minimum a professional understanding of Slohb physiology. Several troopers that don’t mind cleaning and then standing guard. A transmutation Adept to re-purpose local materials for a sterile operating room to get that thing out of there and with sufficient skill to produce Null on demand finally a lack of interference from Centris authorities.” Harriett lists out and Herbert nods.
“Done, get started on your plan of movement. I’ll get it all ready.” Herbert promises her as they powerwalk through Intelligence and then Herbert dashes away as he calls to to people and barks orders. For the briefest of moments Harriett mentally compares him to a chihuahua but then realizes it falls short as this chihuahua can and will tear chunks out of things many many thousands of times it’s size. There’s a lot of bark yes, but the bite is exponentially worse.
She shakes herself out of the half second long reverie and gets moving again. She needs to draw up plans, review her notes for the area and plan a route all the way to the bottom of a spire, all the way down through nine levels where the gangs in power WILL be stopping the elevators to at least check the occupants and more than a few of them are stupid enough to stick a gun into the face of a soldier.
She normally doesn’t bother with the stupidity and madness of a bottom ten. Generally people that try hiding down there end up being shanked in the back alley by a bouncer after they tried to run out on the bill of whatever oiled up man-thong lounge they had spent half a fucking day in and racking up a bill large enough that Ticanped’s feathers would stand on end.
She had tracked a fucker down there five times in varying different disguises to find that exact scenario had played out. And that’s IF they survived long enough to get to the dickie bar. There was a different way of going around down there. Every square inch was basically gang territory by default, if you walk around like your shit doesn’t stink then you’re going to get it pushed in in the worst possible way.
There is a silence that stretches through the last conversation. Learning that the games she had played had been loosely based on actual wars had disquieted All Lady a little.
“Look the Wolfenstein games were massive exaggerations from the word go. You know how it is. Get enough time between a tragedy and someone looking to tell a story and you’re soon going to find something like a bunch of psychopaths who can’t fall asleep unless it’s to the screams of the innocent or some mad scientist with an obsession for switching body parts around.” Jurgen says and All Lady lets out a huff of air. “By the way how hard is that to learn?”
“How hard is what?” She asks.
“Well, that sigh. The air came out of your mouth... but you have no throat, no lungs. The part I’m addressing may as well be the tip of your finger or something. How long did it take to learn to mimic air respiration and air movement to that extent?”
“Oh that?” All Lady asks before laughing a little. “Simple enough when you know how to talk, and I was budded off my father knowing how to make those noises. Not what they meant, but that’s what’s childhood’s for.”
“I see, so... all Slohbs are born knowing how to manipulate their bodies, but now why they would want to?”
“Well, we’re born knowing how to keep ourselves alive and move, and smart enough to learn. However finer control is something that comes later. A newly budded little Slohb is adorable but can only make very vague shapes. Very rounded ones too. But there are grand masters of the art, shifters so skilled they can alter their colour and put in so much detail that you have to touch them to tell they’re a slohb, and of course there are even rarer girls who can change their external texture. You need high end scanners to tell they’re not what they say they are.” All Lady says before looking around at the cavern of blue slime that is her being. “Old dreams. Dead on the alter of reality.”
“Says who?” Jurgen asks.
“Common sense?”
“Well, good thing it’s not all that common now isn’t it?” He asks in return and she looks at him oddly. “After all, it’s common sense that a human over nine feet tall is suffering from terrible glandular disorders and lives a miserable life.”
She smirks after a bit.
“Oh do you now? Oh poor baby!” She teases him.
“Oh yes, poor poor oversized me! After all, one can only be larger than six feet tall if they’re sick in some way.” He says and she laughs a touch.
“Jurgen, let her know we’ve already put together a team to come help her. She’ll need to unblock the entrances if we’re going to help.” His Handler says and he pauses and thinks.
“Is something wrong?” All Lady asks.
“Well, you wanted to know if the Undaunted reputation is deserved right?” He asks and she nods. “Well they’ve already put together a team and they’re on their way. They request that you unblock the way in.”
“What kind of team?” She asks.
“Buddy, what kind of team?” Jurgen asks his handler.
“Three doctors, five troopers, two with medical training an Adept and an Agent.”
“Copy that. Miss All Lady we have three doctors, five troopers with two of them medics, an Adept and an Agent inbound.”
“An Agent?”
“Highly skilled, highly informed and often deployed in the field. Our Agents are stealth operatives mostly. If one’s deployed, then they’re likely trying to get the team to you with as little fuss as possible. So nothing wrong happens.”
“And they’re coming now? But I haven’t actually asked for any help!” She protests and he shrugs.
“You clearly need it. Not to mention I heard my handler curse under his breath when we saw whatever it is that’s in your core. No doubt it’s something concerning.”
“What was the first hint? That it embedded itself into me despite my merely examining it or that it’s caused me to bud thousands of times without ever successfully splitting?”
“Wait, that thing embedded itself into you?”
“I... I said too much.”
“Ma’am whatever that thing is, it has my handler so worried he’s not volunteering the information at the first opportunity. Normally getting him to shut up is the trick, right now though? Dead silence.”
“We can’t risk this information being intercepted.” His Handler states.
“And now he says it’s so dangerous he won’t risk it being intercepted. So whatever happened to you is understood well enough by my people that we’re basically scared of it and scrambling to do something about it right away. The more we know, the better we can help you.” Jurgen says and she stares at him before everything quivers.
“It... it was seven years ago.” She says. “I was just exploring the bottom ten. Being... well... being who I was then. I was basically slinging myself around along the ceiling. I can move in ways you solids can’t. Stretch out, grab some thing or suction up against it. Really easy, fast and fun. Then I bumped into something, something hidden. It seemed so harmless at first. A little dead drop place, whatever, take a look into it. If it’s bad report it to someone, but leave it alone otherwise.”
“It didn’t work like that though, did it?” Jurgen asks.
“No... it was... strange. It looked like a circuit board but made of the strange metal. A bit of my gel ended up on one of the circuits as I was putting it back and... it wouldn’t let go. Then it pulled and before I could sever that bit... it was in me and I fell. The impact knocked me out cold and I don’t know. It may have killed me. I woke up with two extra bumps, one of them badly damaged and with the metal inside.”
“... Do you think that...”
“That I might not be me?” She asks. “Sometimes. It was I...”
The gel starts to shift before moving in a smooth flow. “I am in control. I am the master of my fate. I am all. All is me. I am the lady that is all.”
“The All Lady.” Jurgen finishes for her and she nods.
“Yes. I... even now I am budding far too fast, and the bud is not going to break away. This is unnatural, wrong and vile. It needs to stop.” She says.
“Tell her help is on the way. They’re at level fifty and closing fast.”
“Help is coming, level fifty and closing the distance.” Jurgen promises.
“Okay, okay... this is faster than I expected. Or wanted, but it needs to happen it... what is this going to cost me?” She asks.
“Just uncover the entrances. I highly doubt anyone will want anything more. You’ve been through enough.” Jurgen says and after a moment he can hear things in the distance.
“Your teammates are reporting that the path out is clear now.” His Handler says.
“Alright then. Ready to go out and meet the doctors?” Jurgen asks reaching out his hand and after a short while a gel hand finds it’s way to his.
The elevator stops prematurely and is forced open from the other side.
“Well hello there now what are you little fish...” A snict woman begins to monologue as she forces the elevator door open and stops as she finds herself staring down a dozen high powered weapons. Harriett reaches a hand out and pushes her back and out of the way of the door before pressing the closed door button.
“We’re about to get another of those aren’t we ma’am?”
“Every fucking level down. The bottom ten of Xiona are a textbook no-man’s land and the reason for level one being off limits is who we’re out to help.”
“This job sometimes...” One of the Doctors notes.
“The hell did you expect?”
“Not an emergency surgery of an alien blob monster in the middle of gang territory.” The Doctor replies.
“Well jokes on you, you came from Earth to keep soldiers alive and study aliens. Well here’s an exotic alien metal, poisoning an alien woman. Let’s work with it.” Harriett states.
“I understand, I just don’t like it.” The Doctor replies.
“Why the hell were you placed on this team?”
“Because Doctor Gin here has point blank pulled of borderline miracles in the past. He just likes to complain.” Another Doctor says and Gin turns to give him the stink eye.
“Of course I’m complaining! Do you have any idea what can go wrong? I do! It’s horrifying! Not only is this a Slohb, a species with one of the most dense physical forms there are once you move past the falseness that is the gel they control. But not only that, this is a Slohb that has been poisoned by the item we’re extracting and may have created chemical or Axiom imbalances in her system that could kill her when the substance is removed! Going cold turkey on anything hurts for a reason people! To say nothing of the fact that the surgery chamber is going to be improvised and in the middle of potentially hostile territory and the patient is enormous to such a degree that she is potentially the biggest member of her species to ever exist! And in addition we are...”
“We get it.”
“Oh no, this last point is the most important. Because we are going to be operating under the effects of Null. Which while harmless to the vast, vast majority of this group, will still have effects on you Agent and on the Titan that the patient is bonding with. And that’s not even touching on the fact that Slohbs, which I remind you, is the species of the patient. That Slohbs have one of the fastest kill times in Null at three and a half minutes at absolute maximum! Meaning we have two hundred and ten seconds AT MOST to save this poor woman’s life without taking it ourselves! More likely we will only have a hundred and twenty to keep her in the safe zone, TWO MINUTES TO OPERATE!” He rants before huffing a bit and then slicking his hair back again. “So as you can imagine, I’m a little stressed.”
“Backing out?”
“Of course not. I don’t trust anyone else to do this right the first time. I’m just making sure you’re aware that no matter how easy I make this look that it is in fact, very very hard.” Doctor Gin says as he squares his shoulders and steels his expression. He along with everyone else then pull out their weapons as the elevator is stopped early again and this time there’s not even a monologue as the Horchka gang that opened the door simply raise their eyebrows, and then one reaches in to press the door closed button to send them on their way.
~First~ Last
submitted by KyleKKent to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:18 BurritoBurglar9000 Direct East Face of the First Flat Iron (5.6) and some insight on soloing.

Direct East Face of the First Flat Iron (5.6) and some insight on soloing.
Given the recent passing of an exceptionally skilled climber and soloist I was a bit unsure if I wanted to post this climb (outside of ccj because there was some shenanigans that I thought was hilarious.)
Recently I decided to onsite the Direct East Face route of the first flat iron outside of Boulder. I'm sure that sentence will draw a lot of ire from some of the more safety oriented crowd and frankly I'm not going to try to appease you or appeal to you (or anyone else for that matter.) There are a lot of strong opinions on soloing and I don't disagree with those who are vehemently against it. It's selfish (so am I and face it so are you, we're human it's a thing get over it), it's reckless, and frankly it gives climbing a bad rap. That said, it's not the first time I've done it and it won't be the last. I don't know how much pure on sighting I want to do because of the risk involved, but I'd be totally fine for repeating routes I have dialed in. It was the most freeing experience and best climb I've ever done. The high after the rap off the back was bliss (I know it's not a pure solo since I didn't downclimb the 5.2 pitch off the back but I have a policy of not going down stuff I haven't climbed up.) As to why I did it in that style - I don't know how to lead trad and I really needed to clear my head and get some perspective on life. Yes, I've gone to plenty of therapy, no I'm not depressed or suicidal. Personally I find time in the flow state plus a little risk has been the best thing at keeping me depression free (2 years now after a 20 year battle.) Regular climbing is a great little dose but there's something about teetering right on the edge and not going over that just keeps things so clear. Yes, one day my luck might run out and I'm also ok with that. Life has been hard and if I go out doing something I love well I've made my peace and that's ok.
I do not think your average or above average climber should solo. The head game you need to keep calm when things are spicy either takes next level focus or someone who just doesn't have a functioning fear center. I definitely feel fear for certain things (spiders and scary video games just wig me out), but I've never been more calm on a mountain with a rock or ice tool in hand. Panic is a killer and even if you're rock steady on pro (pun intended) the second the rope is gone is a completely different ball game. Anyways to make a long story short you shouldn't do it unless you're a little neuro-spicy or just that fucking good at climbing.
Now on to the actual climbing itself, because that's why we're all here isn't it?
The first pitch was probably the hardest and really the only "challenge" of the 6-10 pitch route. 150 or so feet of slab with a couple of eyelets and one place for a cam, or so I've been told. It's true slab climbing and if it were steeper than it was (admittedly it's not very steep people have done it in trail runners), it'd be some world class slab. It's not the most blank pitch of slab I've ever seen but for the low grade it's pretty spicy. Friction is the name of the game because the handholds don't get much better than dime edge flakes at awkward angles that are only good for balance. Once you're past the first pitch it's flake surfing with giant juggy underclings and some light scrambling until you reach the slot pitch. A good hand jam and some slabby footwork get you into a pretty slippery chimney-esque feature with good handholds and is narrow enough to stem if you have the flexibility and leg span (it's the only place I had a foot slip, seriously it's some really slick rock but the hands are bomber.) Once out of the slot you traverse up and to the left towards some yellow rock and a tree that provides ample feet and hands for a solid half pitch until you reach the arete. From there is scrambling with some small exposure and a couple of technical moves that you can either protect or just simul climb to the top. The views of the front range from the summit are magnificent and the rap off the back is really fun.
Yes, I am fully aware of the risk I took and know there is a component of luck that comes with every solo. I told my family I loved them and sent one of the most fun lines I've ever done. Maybe I won't be so lucky the next time, and that's fine because this brings me joy and life without joy is a funeral home. I've been close to death a number of times throughout my life and have struggled with mental health since youth. It's almost a comfort at this point, but I do hope I get to cheat it for a little while longer. My life is full of joy now and that's not something I imagined I'd have when I was younger so I'm going to keep chasing that dragon until my time runs out. It was pure, beautiful, and easily one of the dumbest things I've ever done. 10/10 would do again.
submitted by BurritoBurglar9000 to climbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:44 Bettyeggwhitess Experience with chronic insomnia & generic vs name brand quetiapine (Seroquel) that saved me

Hey guys, I just wanted to share my story with insomnia and medication to help me sleep.
TL;DR The following is my back story. If not interested school down to "Here is when things started to improve over the last few weeks:"
""Backstory, it's lengthy:** My insomnia started when I was around 23 years old. I used to be able to sleep well with 25mg of quetiapine but I noticed I had to keep going up to even get tired from the meds. I am 28 now so it feels like years of my life has been negatively impacted from my chronic sleep issues. The only times I was able to get relief in between is when I was able to get benzodiazepines and zoplocone temporarily from a psychiatrist several years ago who ended up moving away. I went years without a psychiatrist until I finally got one in May of 2022. From age 23-25 I ended up down a slippery slope with alcohol consumption in the evening as I was able to feel relaxed and sleep. As time went on the alcohol use increased, I ended up binge drinking almost daily after work every day so I could literally get to the point of passing out just to sleep. Over time the alcohol had a negative impact on my sleep too because it does actually cause sleep issues in itself. I have been sober from alcohol after my 26th birthday. Even though the sleep issues were still prevalent it definitely improved my mental health and improved some of my anxiety issues leaving that poison behind.
Even if I wasn't able to sleep for almost 2 days, my insomnia would be so bad that taking upwards of 300mg of quetiapine just wasn't working. I know they recommend lower doses 25-50mg for sleep issues but that dose just stopped taking effect. I would be physically sedated but still unable to sleep on 300 mg and when I was at my lowest I was taking even more. Not even considering how a significant increase of dosage quickly could be dangerous.
On that high dose of quetiapine I was struggling to walk and barely stand up to try and get snacks from the quetiapine induced munching. I would lay in bed shoving shoving potato chips in my face day and night. Couldn't watch tv. Couldn't scroll on my phone. Couldn't think happy thoughts I would lay there crying in so much discomfort. Couldn't go outside for a walk to try and tire myself out. My life was slipping away from me.
It would make me totally dysfunctional onwards to the next day and I felt like I was in hell laying in bed not able to get comfortable, then moving to the couch to see if it would help and back to the bed again. For a while I believe it was even causing symptoms of restless leg syndrome. It was a nightmare and caused me complete mental turmoil where I was feeling hopeless, depressed and even faced suicidal thoughts.
There were times where I was incapable of caring for my dog which broke my heart. I was even unable to care for myself but my dog took precedence. Sometimes I was so unable to function I would only be able to take her out to use the bathroom only once to twice a day at my lowest during my depressive episodes from my sleep deprivation and I had no help or support to care for her so I had to send her home with my parents so she could be properly looked after.
I was starting to struggle academically while trying to get my degree as I couldn't attend class, complete assignments, study for tests and unable to perform well during exams because my brain was drawing blanks memorizing content I had a handle on the day prior. School got so bad that I couldn't even make sense of the content or follow instructions. I would cry in frustration and just break down because I couldn't even read properly, I would re read paragraphs over and over which felt like I was trying to understand a foreign language. My grades took a plunge and I was put on academic probation so if I dropped to an average below 60 I would be required to discontinue from my program.
I had also dumped a significant amount of money in natural and herbal sleep remedies from naturopath stores. Teas, tinctures, capsules, topicals, essential oils, melatonin, I tryptophan, gaba, magnesium, st johns wart, valerian root, 5-htp, Epsom salt baths, bedtime yoga, sleep podcasts, binerial and sleep music, meditation, exercise, reading, no screen time, warm milk, weighted blankets, even the comfort of having my partner next to me in bed when we could spend time together on weekends offered no benefit.
This horror of insomnia impacted me so significantly that I failed 3 classes and am currently on a year leave from school so I can get my mental health back to baseline.
My psychiatrist also tried me on clonidine, respiradone and mirtazapine to which had no impact on my ability to sleep and caused even more negative side effects, heck my friend even gave me her olanzapine to try and one time I even found a trazedone to try out of despiration and to no avail I felt like I exhausted all options.
The clonidine took all my strength I was basically crawling to try and go up the stairs in my apartment and my vision would go almost completely white, ears would ring, my legs and feet would go purple and I felt like I was going to die. They lower your blood pressure and I was taking more of the reccomended dose because I thought the more I took the better it would work because at one point it was helping me sleep on .3 mg. That didn't last.
My psych also increased my lamotrigine to 200mg before bed to see if that would aid in my sleep issues. My citalipram which is taken in the morning is maxed out at 40mg. 200mg of the lamotrigine provided no change and my mood was stable at 100mg so I went back down to my normal dose and discontinued the 200mg.
However, after the unsuccessful trials with those meds he was adement on pushing and pushing with the quetapine and had me taking a combination of quick and extended release.
I asked for Ativan or zoplicone because I had been on it before for insomnia and panic attacks from a my family doctor in the past but my psychiatrist wouldn't budge and did not want me on benzos. I was feeling hopeless. I used those medications only when absolutely necessary in the past and I found if I was able to get a couple nights of good rest with those, I could benefit from having a normal active day which ultimately left me in a better sleep routine because even just a couple days of good rest was able to reset me for a while until the insomnia started up again.
I opted to speak to smother family doctor because I had to take a plane so I asked for Ativan again as I have an extreme fear of flying so he prescribed me 4 .5 mg of sublingual Ativan and wrote on my file to never prescribe them to me again. Like what?? I don't even drink alcohol anymore or use drugs, not even weed and no previous benzo abuse.
I even reached out to another physician to ask for sleeping meds and a second opinion to which he told me he doesn't want to trump a psychiatrists advice, and I should be lucky to even have a psychiatrist. So there was no hope there.
Here is when things started to improve over the last few weeks:
I take dextrogen for ADHD (I've only been on it for about 6 months so it could have been an antagonist to the insomnia but since it has gone on prior to stimulants I don't think it's fully to blame thus far) and one day my pharmacy was out of genetic so they gave me name brand. I noticed that my side affects were almost completely relieved after switching. They were way easier on my guts and I wasn't having profuse diariah all day as I would with the generic, my appetite was stable and I had less feelings of agitation and nervousness and I did notice when it wore off it was a clean transition and I was even feeling sleepy and could nap if I was able to when on them so I asked them to permanently switch me to name brand.
They ended up making ALL my meds name brand (citalipram, lamotrigine, dextrogen and quetiapine). So I tried 150 mg of the name brand quetiapine one night and it worked like a charm! I was able to fall asleep effortlessly and had a solid sound sleep without waking in the night. Also did not experience the lingering sedation and lethargy the morning after as I would with the generic quetapine. Surprisingly the intense urge to snack also improved because I simply slept after taking It, not half dead and mindlessly munching all night.
I'm not sure if it is a placebo or perhaps whatever was causing my prolonged bout of insomnia is temporarily lifted, but I just wanted to share my experience so if anyone is in the same boat with quetapine and the inability to fall asleep even after taking it! It has literally saved my life and I feel like I'm human again. It's only been a few weeks but I feel great.
I'm also curious if anyone has the same experience so maybe it's not a placebo after all!
Maybe generic or name brand both don't work for your insomnia, but I feel like with the right medication there is hope. I'm also curious if anyone has tried other alternatives for their insomnia and which medication is working for them.
submitted by Bettyeggwhitess to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:28 goatboi102310 Weird black line being drawn with shader

I have been using a shader to draw a sort of mask over different territories but have been getting a weird black line being drawn straight vertically in the middle. I have a camera which can move around the map and this black line only shows up when the camera is in certain positions. it disappears and reappears as i move the camera around. the camera can also zoom in and out which changes the camera size which i thought was the issue but i the black line appears when there is no zooming going on (1:1 ratio with viewport). All of my textures that i use with this shader are on their own texture pages. Even when using this shader with a completely blank (0 alpha) sprite, i am getting this black bar! I am at a loss at what else could be the issue and any help would be much appreciated :)
You can see the line appears in the first image but is not apparent when i drag the camera over to a different spot (zoom does not change)
submitted by goatboi102310 to gamemaker [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:12 TheInkWolf names for my plants

despite my past of not caring so well for plants, i’ve decided to bestow upon myself a cilantro (coriander) plant, a roma tomato plant, and a thai chili pepper plant. god bless lowe’s
i’ve named the cilantro plant “chutney” due to me mainly using it in indian dishes, as well as me being half indo-caribbean and chutney being a sort of music genre in my mom’s country.
buuut i am totally drawing a blank on what to name the roma tomato plant and the thai chili pepper plant. i think i want them to have more cute, almost dog-like names (refer back to chutney).
i want to name the roma tomato plant either maybe a mexican or indian name (mexican because it was cultivated by the aztecs, and indian because that’s where i use the most tomatoes), and the thai chili pepper a thai name … who could’ve guessed lol.
any and all help is appreciated !! thank you in advanced guys
(extra note: i don’t really want to name them after any puns especially a celebrity-related pun, just in case said celebrity gets convicted of burning down an orphanage. now i’m stuck with a plant who is the namesake of an arsonist)
submitted by TheInkWolf to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:58 Inside-Assistant- Badass nonbinary terminology needed

Trigger: mention of AFAB anatomy, dysphoria, medical procedures
I am nonbinary, 36 and I might need a hysterectomy, and I'm pretty sure it's going to have to happen. This really frustrates me because my genitalia and menstrual cycle were among the few aspects of my body that didn't cause me dysphoria—I actually enjoyed them.
If I had issues with these body parts, I worked through them and made peace with it. One coping strategy I use is renaming things, making it my own.
For example I don't have breasts; I have chesticles (like testicles, but... lol). I don't get my period; I enter my bloody warrior days. I even have a phone reminder that says, "Warrior, prepare for bloody battle."
You get the idea. It is silly but it helps.
But with the hysterectomy, I'm drawing a blank. Something that wasn't so bad ™️ will be taken away. This us not putting mr into gender crisis, as my therapist seems to have been prepared for. If I got rid of my chesticles, id be the exact same person. Same with my uterus. Im not worried about no longer being a woman (lol, as if). Technically, what's left—“after clearing out shop”—is more similar to some trans peoples setup than a cis woman's. So, according to my therapist, I shouldn't be that upset about it. She’s way off the mark there.
EDIT: verbatim “that’s just as well, I would guess you don’t mind getting rid of that stuff anyway considered your identity right?”
I need help rephrasing the hysterectomy into something positive like my "bloody warrior days" example (more on the masc side of terminology).
Why is it badass to not cower and hide but rather go and get this operation because it just might improve (or save?) my life?
submitted by Inside-Assistant- to NonBinary [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:51 Inside-Assistant- Badass terminology needed

Trigger: mention of AFAB anatomy, dysphoria, medical procedures
I am nonbinary, 36 and I might need a hysterectomy, and I'm pretty sure it's going to have to happen. This really frustrates me because my genitalia and menstrual cycle were among the few aspects of my body that didn't cause me dysphoria—I actually enjoyed them.
If I had issues with these body parts, I worked through them and made peace with it. One coping strategy I use is renaming things, making it my own.
For example I don't have breasts; I have chesticles (like testicles, but... lol). I don't get my period; I enter my bloody warrior days. I even have a phone reminder that says, "Warrior, prepare for bloody battle."
You get the idea. It is silly but it helps.
But with the hysterectomy, I'm drawing a blank. Something that wasn't so bad ™️ will be taken away. This us not putting mr into gender crisis, as my therapist seems to have been prepared for. If I got rid of my chesticles, id be the exact same person. Same with my uterus. Im not worried about no longer being a woman (lol, as if). Technically, what's left—“after clearing out shop”—is more similar to some trans peoples setup than a cis woman's. So, according to my therapist, I shouldn't be that upset about it. She’s way off the mark there.
I need help rephrasing the hysterectomy into something positive like my "bloody warrior days" example (more on the masc side of terminology).
Why is it badass to not cower and hide but rather go and get this operation because it just might improve (or save?) my life?
submitted by Inside-Assistant- to genderfluid [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:58 Blametheorangejuice Need some crowdsourcing help

I am putting together some research for a project and have been looking at depictions of terminal illness in Western film and writing.
Right now, I have two easy ones: Doc Holliday (TB) in Tombstone, and Book (prostate cancer) in The Shootist.
What other depictions of terminal illness, especially among protagonists, are there? I am drawing a blank.
submitted by Blametheorangejuice to Westerns [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:47 yeetthatshitboy What happens after ghosting?

A couple of nights ago, I was sitting in a room full of people dear to me. It was a feast with food and liquor, so abundant that they towered over us. I sat in anticipation of what was to come. It was 9 p.m. or the time people in their late 20s begin their pre-game rituals before partying hard enough to pass out in some stranger’s car or bedroom. What I was preparing myself for at the time was the arrival of a ghost—someone I dreaded to sit across from, let alone speak with.
Cartoons taught us as kids that ghosts are floating cloaks with eyeholes. Movies taught us that they are translucent phantasms who terrorize the living. Some claim to have seen a few ghosts in their lifetime—some say they are graceful apparitions, some say they exude disturbing eeriness.
My ghost was none of the existing descriptions of these mysterious entities. She had dry, black hair. Dark hazel eyes that draw you in with their subtle allure. A smile that reveals that happiness has no bounds.
She came to me in a dream when I was 16, but I was unfortunate enough to come across a hard reality that she was real. I did my best to evade her eyes, but her persistence to catch mine was stronger. She latched onto me like I was the person who killed her, struggling with all her might to drag me to justice.
She tormented me for years.
She was transparent and intangible, phasing through matter with ease—including my body. My ghost used to stare at me point blank while I comfortably lie in bed. She sucks in the air I exhale, mockingly repeats the things I say while thinking out loud, embraces me while I wash my dishes.
Whenever I hear someone else call out her name, it sends a frigid, crawling breeze under my skin—from the tip of my index finger to my nape—the same way her fingers used to trace my skin while I pretended to sleep.
Time came that loneliness forced me to relish her attention. Her “touch.”
When my loneliness has rendered her attention and affection irresistible, I woke up one day and she was gone.
It's 11 p.m. The party had finally started. I was lost in the food I was eating off my plate that I failed to notice she had already entered the room. I have not seen her in years. I locked my eyes onto her the whole night, waiting for her to pounce. But she never so much as passed a glance to my direction—the same way I avoided her eyes the first time I came across her.
As the night grew deeper, my skin started to feel numb, gradually but progressively from my toes up to my scalp.
"This is her doing," I thought to myself.
Then came the ungodly hour, when all demons come out to play. I felt like I had to fight my way out of this painful enchantment. This was the first time her haunting caused me pain. I had to know why.
I screamed at her, with enough contempt to startle even the devil. No reaction. I tried again, but she did not flinch. This forced me to redirect my sight, circling the room.
No one, even the lurking demons, cared to spare me a glance.
I looked down in embarassment, only to discover that I was barefoot. I raced my eyes from my knees to my chest—I was naked.
Finally, the ghost screamed. She looked at me with terror. She was pointing her finger at me as if she had never seen me before. As if she'd seen a ghost for the first time. I never saw through her. But now that she sees everything that accumulated inside me since she left, it left her agonizing in fear.
submitted by yeetthatshitboy to Kwaderno [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:34 DisastrousSpace5762 AP psychology research paper request

Hello! I am a high schooler that is in love with the show. I have an AP psychology research paper to do but I can chose my topic. I would love to do one about the show but I have been drawing a blank. Do any of you have ideas on possible research topics I can do either regarding the mental health of Ted, the icon that is coach beard or Keely, or the mental health of the players?
submitted by DisastrousSpace5762 to TedLasso [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:49 CouchTraveler Looking for Birthday Gift Ideas for Expecting FTP Wife

Hello! There are a lot of posts on here (and similar subs) that already attempt to answer this question. But it seems like the answers are all gentle reminders for the Dad to realize that the Mom is more than just "A Mom". I completely understand the sentiment, particularly once you are actively parenting and the novelty has worn off, and actually think it's an awesome reminder that some people need to hear.
In our case, we've had some struggles to make it this far and are essentially obsessed with the idea of being new parents. We're 2 months out from delivering our first baby girl, and it's all that we talk about or do. No fatigue or overwhelming feels yet, just genuinely giddy like 24-7.
Not really looking to meet practical needs, we make a huge point of doing that as it is and are no strangers to self care. Therapy. Massage/ spa, pedicures are all part of our routine. I just want to find something cute, heartfelt, and sentimental that might trigger a couple happy tears
For my birthday, she got me "Why a Daughter Needs a Dad" and a "Daddy's Girl" onesie. We basically laid in bed, crying happy tears on and off and just thinking how exciting it will all be. I'd love to do the same, but short of just stealing her awesome idea, I'm drawing a blank on something that can accomplish the same thing?
Like matching outfits feel really cute, but the sizing for both Mom and Baby will be hard and temporary at best, particularly this far out. There are some cute custom books out there but we haven't definitively picked the baby's name yet (want to meet her first) so that feels out. Jewelry isn't our style for gifts and we make a point of keeping birthday gifts extremely cheap and try to lean towards being thoughtful instead.
Any ideas would be hugely appreciated!
TL;DR Wife is expecting first baby, extremely excited and looking for a heartfelt/ sentimental baby related gift that has some sort of practical use, however small. I know she isn't "just a mom" but for this year only I want the gift to celebrate that we're finally making the first step towards a long awaited new life direction.
submitted by CouchTraveler to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:13 joleger Movies that have a protagonist that was a secondary character in a previous film.

With 'Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" off to a slow start at the box office, it got me thinking about what other movies have a main character that was a secondary character from a previous film and how did they perform
I can think of quite a few from TV, but I am drawing a blank if when it comes to movies. Joker is about the only one I can think of.
I am sure there are lots.
submitted by joleger to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:33 Delicious-Future8630 [TOMT][SONG] Looking for the underlying famous classical piece in a song

Hello, I just came across Max Richter's Song *Imogen's Journey*, which was appearantly only released in March/April this year?
I swear to god, this feels like I have heard it a thousand times before (I listen to a lot of classical music) but I am drawing a complete blank on what the original source piece is.
I am so sure there is a much older piece out there that he took inspiration from and I got a feeling that it is blatantly obvious.
Help would be much appreciated, thank you in advance.
submitted by Delicious-Future8630 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:40 Accomplished-Race961 How to Choose the Best Narrative Writing Topics for Your Next Story

How to Choose the Best Narrative Writing Topics for Your Next Story
Narrative Writing Topics
Narrative writing is similar to word painting. Every story is a blank canvas on which your creativity can run wild, producing striking pictures and enduring characters. But picking the appropriate topic is the first, and frequently most difficult, stage. Now let’s get started choosing the ideal subjects for your next narrative writing topics.

What is Narrative Writing?

A story having a distinct beginning, middle, and end is told in narrative writing, a type of literary expression. This kind of writing, which vividly describes characters, situations, and events, frequently concentrates on personal experiences, fictional stories, or imaginary adventures.
Good narrative writing develops likable characters and an engaging storyline to keep the reader interested. Ideas for narrative writing subjects could include everything from fanciful adventures and historical retellings to early memories and life-altering experiences.
By fostering creativity and improving storytelling abilities, these subjects assist authors in crafting engrossing and engaging novels.

Importance of a Strong Narrative

Engaging an audience with a compelling story is essential, especially when examining a variety of narrative writing subjects. In addition to keeping readers interested, it offers a logical framework that improves understanding and emotional ties.
Simple occurrences can be turned into gripping tales by a skilled storyteller, which helps people understand and remember difficult concepts.
In order to effectively portray themes, character development, and plot progression, authors must have this in place while writing on narrative writing topics. Strong narratives also encourage empathy in readers by allowing them to view the world from various angles, which is especially helpful in creative and educational settings.

Identifying Your Interests

Choosing the finest topics for your narrative writing requires that you determine your hobbies. Interests and passions from your own life might inspire originality and sincerity in your narrative. Your excitement comes through when you write about topics you are truly enthusiastic about, which draws readers into your story and makes it more interesting.
Think back on interests, events in your life, or topics that really speak to you. Rich, undiscovered tales are frequently waiting to be discovered in these places.
You’ll find that writing on subjects close to your heart increases your enjoyment of the writing process and helps you create emotionally charged, gripping narratives that enthrall readers.

Reflecting on Past Experiences

When choosing topics for narrative writing, it is essential to consider your past experiences in order to determine your interests. You might find themes and events that have a profound emotional impact on you by going back to revisit important occasions in your life.
This self-examination not only keeps your writing passionate and real, but it also helps you come up with real and captivating tale ideas. These experiences—whether they are from early years, transformative occasions in life, or personal triumphs—offer a wealth of material for story writing. By using these insights, authors can craft gripping stories that genuinely convey their distinct viewpoints to readers.

Knowing Your Audience

Knowing your audience is essential when choosing topics for narrative writing. Understanding your audience enables you to create material that is more engaging and relatable by adjusting it to their interests.
Take into account your readers’ age, tastes, and cultural background. Are they readers in their later years seeking classic stories or are they young adults seeking adventure?
You can write stories that truly connect with your audience and keep them interested by matching your narrative writing topics to their expectations. By using this strategy, you may boost the impact of your writing and raise the possibility that it will be shared and recommended, which will grow your readership...Continue reading
submitted by Accomplished-Race961 to u/Accomplished-Race961 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:14 adulting4kids Blocked?

Writer's Block? More Like Writer's Mock! Let's Outsmart That Blank Page:

Tired of staring at a cursor that blinks like a judgmental disco ball? Fear not, fellow wordslinger, for we shall vanquish this block with unorthodox weaponry! Forget boring brainstorming – let's get weird, wild, and ridiculously effective.
Step 1: Embrace the Chaos of Your Procrastinating Soul:
Step 2: Befriend the Uncomfortable:
Step 3: Befriend the Outside World (But Not Too Much):
Remember: Perfection is the enemy of progress. Embrace the weird, the silly, the downright nonsensical. You might just surprise yourself with a spark of genius hiding in the unexpected. Now go forth, conquer that blank page, and unleash your inner writing warrior (even if they wear mismatched socks and wield a spork)!
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:37 humidrat Can you type me? I have doubts

Type me please :)
• How old are you? What's your gender? I'm 22, female
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
Yes but it's personal information
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
Yes, I grew up Christian but i didn't know what that meant, i lived with a mental fog for my entire childhood because of trauma.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
I'm still a student, i study human science
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
Lonely because i have an emotional dependency for my boyfriend
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
Poetry, psychology, animes, mangas, music, drawing
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas than you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
I'm not curious because i feel an emotional attachment to certain topics (personal mysticism, esoteric and holistic subjects of self typing for example) My ideas are about metaphysical poetry, it is conceptual and highly individual because i rely on my immagination.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
I wish I could change the social environment in a way or another if it was possible, i want to be inspirational but it's unlikely the case since i don't have the energy, so i would prefer to work one to one in person individually with people and become a psychologist.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
I'm not coordinated at all. I hate manual things, they distract me from inspirational ideas and i believe they can be useful for another type of person, but not me.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particularly artistic but can appreciate art, please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
I write spiritual poetry with metaphysical concepts born from my imagination and with inspiration from greek mythology and its psychological symbolism. I like to make a personal mythology from it.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
The past is trauma, the present is a battle and the future is a promise i made with myself.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
I can help only if the request is genuine and makes sense and it's not out of laziness.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
Yes, logic is the ground for beautiful thoughts and morals.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
It's important as long as it benefits my purposes.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
I wish I could control others because i believe i have good morals, but people today experience a moral decadence.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
I already have described what kind of activities I like
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
I just study in a traditional way and that's it.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
I don't have projects
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
To be the reason why people start to think with the head and not with animalistic survival instincts made into popular beliefs.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
I fear to lose the only person that understands me and that i love.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
Having good grades
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
I am realistic but i love to daydream, but i'm not sure if i'm really aware of my surroundings.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about it?
It's a mental hospital with horrible people
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
It doesn't take a lot of time, i know what i want.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
I try to express them through writing so i feel less of them if they are negative because i search for inner peace.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
I do that only with boring people
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
Rules are gold in this world made of chaos and injustice.
submitted by humidrat to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:23 81Ranger Name for factions in a fantasy game

So, a PC is the ruler of a small kingdom.
The kingdom is dominated by a trade guild.
I'm creating some factions. One would be in favor of more economic growth, support the guild, commerce, etc.
The other would be against the rampant development and exploitation of the kingdom for profit.
There are likely others as well. I just was drawing a blank on what to call them. It's not a setting where there are political parties and who know if the name is actually used outside of my notes.
But, I'm open to ideas and inspiration.
submitted by 81Ranger to rpg [link] [comments]
