Hanah montana birthday cakes

My family made plans on my birthday and now I feel unimportant

2024.06.09 09:09 under_biscuits101 My family made plans on my birthday and now I feel unimportant

My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and what usually happens in our family for birthdays is we go out to a nice restaurant sometime around our birthday and then on the actual day, we do presents, a bit of cake and the birthday boy/girl gets to choose what to eat for dinner.
My parents said I can invite my partner to dinner out and I suggested a restaurant we all like. I asked to make a reservation for a week before my birthday so my partner could attend as on the weekend of my birthday, his family has a tradition of going to a car race. My parents ignored my request and booked it for when he was unavailable so I asked them to change it. I told my parents I wanted to spend my birthday with them at home with the family.
My mom had recently been discussing taking a trip to my city (I live 3 hours away for uni) with my sister and my sister's friend, whom I've never met. We discussed some activities we could do and that was the end of the conversation. Today, my mom called me and told me that they had booked it for the weekend of my birthday. I told her that I didn't want to spend my birthday with half the family and my sister's friend. She said my dad would be joining but not my brother and it was the only weekend they could do because of school holidays and their wedding anniversary is right after my birthday as well. I said to my mom that that was fine and they can go on their trip and I would go away with my partner's family for the car race and she ended the call.
Recently, I have felt like my family, my parents especially, have been pushing me around so I'm trying to stand my ground here. I feel like on my birthday, I deserve to feel special and included in any plans to celebrate it. It feels like my birthday is an afterthought for them and they planned to travel to my city on my actual birthday so I would only have spent half the day with them and half by myself. I don't want to spend my birthday with people who don't treat me this way and I know my partner's family wouldn't treat me this way.
submitted by under_biscuits101 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:57 Yue2 Awesome Birthday Cake!!!

Awesome Birthday Cake!!!
Thanks to my family for the awesome Birthday Cake!!!
submitted by Yue2 to u/Yue2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:44 boratweddingthrowawy AITAH for quoting Borat at the altar, causing my wife to seriously consider divorce?

I know the title is ridiculous, but I'll explain. A week ago my wife "Sara" and I got married. It was a huge wedding, something I didn't love the idea of but stomached for her. She's Catholic so the typical big wedding was all but a requirement for her and her family. That's okay, I genuinely was at peace with it but it put me on edge. Every time I've been to their family events (Christmas, birthdays, football Sundays), I've always got the impression that her father and two uncles didn't like me too much. But a year and a half of dating down, and I proposed because I love Sara and we work on most levels, even if family gatherings can be awkward here and there. This is all to say, I was very nervous to get married in front of a group of about 100-ish people.
Some important context: I struggle with anxiety and, by extension, intrusive thoughts. My favorite movie since I was a kid is Borat - it's admittedly very stupid but it never fails to make me laugh when I'm having a bad day, even now at 30 years old. I know, dumb. But whenever I'm anxious, my intrusive thoughts range from dark to outrageous. You can probably see where this is going.
As the ceremony was approaching the end, I knew the kiss was coming and I was sweating. I'm in front of dozens of people, many of which don't seem to like me to begin with, and I was anxious out of my mind. It was unfortunate because I loved the idea of getting married, just not 'under the microscope'. We kissed, and I felt such a sense of relief to be done (as awful as that sounds). Here's where it gets ugly and god do I wish I was making this up: when we pulled away from the kiss, I was so nervous and relieved that I blurted out a "MY WIFE" in full exaggerated accent and all in front of everyone. Sara explicitly forbade me from doing anything "silly" like smashing her face into cake. I respect that, I get how important this was to her and how much effort went into making her look perfect for our big day. What she didn't expect (and me too, if I'm being honest), was me blurting out a stupid as fuck movie quote in front of everyone.
Now I want to say, the organ had began playing and by that time it wasn't silent in the church. But still, my outburst was fairly loud. Her younger brother audibly laughed at what I had done. She immediately went beet red, and averted her eyes from me. I have never been so mortified in my entire life, and I wanted to cease existing right there on the spot. Luckily only the front row or two seemed to have heard me, and everyone else looked unphased, probably just thinking I was excited. Really, I don't think people thought anything of it save a few people. But that didn't matter. From the moment we left the Church, I could tell I had royally fucked up. Sara wasn't holding eye contact with me, and our chemistry was clearly off all night. She was livid.
To make a long story short, afterwards when we were alone, I immediately tried to explain myself. But here's the thing:
a.) Between the two of us I'm a jokester. I regularly say ridiculous things to make her laugh, and enjoy being silly around her.
b.) She knows I go to therapy and that I struggle with anxiety, but I've never told her about my intrusive thoughts. It's embarrassing have to explain to someone that I have a never-ending tornado of dark thoughts and movie quotes and whatever the hell else swirling around in my head when I'm anxious. It's been this way since I was a teenager.
I told her that it was a nervous reaction, I pleaded with her and told her about my intrusive thoughts (which itself was embarrassing to admit), but she sincerely doesn't believe me because I'm always saying ridiculous shit. She was in tears and fuming, and I started to cry too. She said I had "embarrassed her in front of her parents and grandparents" on the day she's dreamed about her entire life, when she had explicitly asked me to not do anything dumb on this "one day." We talked in circles for an hour, she thinks I'm just making up an excuse and I got so desperate that I begged her to she speak with my therapist. She said she would "think about it" but that if I'm lying that she "doesn't want to be married" to someone that can't respect an important boundary that she set. That night, she slept in the guest room and it's been horrible since. We have time off work for our honeymoon coming up, but every day she leaves the house for most of the day. I'm assuming that she's spending days with her friends.
I don't see my therapist but every two weeks, so I still have about 3 days until my next appointment. I emailed him earlier today, but he hasn't responded yet. I don't even know if a therapist will humor a situation like this. But now I'm worried that I'll never be able to look at her the same way for even threatening to end our relationship like that.
I know this is all so fucking stupid. I sincerely didn't mean for this to happen.
I left out some details because I'm kind of in a haze, but what do I do here? Is this salvageable? Are we just worked up from an emotional day? I really don't want to lose her over something so ridiculous, but I don't even know what to think anymore.
submitted by boratweddingthrowawy to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:31 rKitten_me AITAH for not cancelling my son's B-Day party because my husband has pink eye?

Okay, so long story as short...as I can make it. A little back story for you. My husband works during the week and I primarily work on the weekends to avoid paying for child care. Our oldest son attends school and also participates in sports outside of school. Because of our alternating/busy schedules it is very difficult for us to attend any activity on the weekend as a family (I work ~13hrs on both Saturday and Sunday and my son usually has a sports game every Friday evening.) However, because my oldest son's birthday was coming up, I planned a date for his birthday party that I could get off from work and didn't interfere with any of my son's extra curricular activities over a month in advance.
Well...approximately one day after I chaperoned an activity at my son's school, I started having discharge from one of my eyes. I was pretty quick to determine that I had picked up "pink eye" (bacterial conjunctivitis) while chaperoning. I had some leftover eye drops from when my kids had pink eye a couple months ago and started using them right away. However, by the next morning it had gotten much worse and I figured I was going to need more medication. I went to the an urgent care and got a prescription for a stronger antibiotic. It was recommended that I avoid work for 24 hours until the medicine could kick in. So I was forced to call out of work for that evening.
As soon as I realized I had pink eye I was as very diligent about wiping down surfaces and cleaning my hands as frequently as possible. I was literally carrying disinfecting wipes around with me everywhere. Two days went by and everything was looking good. My eye was improving and no one in my house was showing any symptoms. I resumed work my next scheduled day (day 3 after first symptoms and 48 after starting antibiotics) I was approximately 10 hours into my shift when I receive a message from my husband. His eye is starting to show signs of infection. F***!!! I ask him if he's been putting any of kids antibiotic drops in and he says yes. I get home approximately 4 hours later and sure enough definitely has pink eye.
My son's party is less than 14 hours from now and my husband will not be able to help me with anything to due with the party now because of this. He technically shouldn't even be there because he will have only been treating for 17ish hours, but I don't think that's really an option. My bigger concern is if he caught pink eye...the chances are very likely that one of my two children also has it but just hasn't shown symptoms quite yet.
Now I'm absolutely riddled with anxiety because it was so difficult just to arrange this day and now I fear I should be canceling it. Beyond just organizing a day, I have literally been working all week to have everything ready for tomorrow. I have all the decorations, all the party favors organized, an elaborate cake (by normal people standards) I spent each night working on...not to mention I paid to rent a space for his party. Oh yeah and can we talk about crushing my poor 6 year old's heart by canceling a party he has been non-stop talking about for the last 2 weeks. If I cancel it, we will not be able to reschedule it for close to a month and I will have to do everything above all over.
So AITAH if I go through with the party?
submitted by rKitten_me to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:24 MemeDealerPH I just wanted to share the amazing cake my girlfriend surprised me on my birthday, June 4th! And, of course, I have to give a shoutout to my favorite roommate, Krobus ❤️.

I just wanted to share the amazing cake my girlfriend surprised me on my birthday, June 4th! And, of course, I have to give a shoutout to my favorite roommate, Krobus ❤️. submitted by MemeDealerPH to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:19 DR133 Went to a birthday party and crushed a bunch of cake pops and rice crispies.

I've been doing pretty good about not eating a bunch of extra snacks and desserts, but I went to a birthday party today and there was a dessert table with cake pops, rice crispy treats, chocolate covered pretzels, and cup cakes. I crushed a bunch of each. I have the mentality that since it's a party, I can let loose and take advantage of the free treats. I quickly got a stomach ache from all the sugar. Does anybody have tips on how no to overindulge on sweets/soda/cake/ice cream at parties? Thanks in advance!
submitted by DR133 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:53 Roxy_545 Almost everyone cancelled last minute on my child’s birthday party and I have no idea what to do now.

My child is about to turn 5. My husband has 2 married brothers; 1 has 2 kids and 1 has 1 kid. They're all similar ages.
Every year so far, the parents host birthday parties for their kids and everyone we know shows up with a present and the kids play together and have cake. Pretty typical stuff. Family only parties though.
This year isn't so typical for us however...my husband is going to an inpatient mental health facility for 5 weeks starting the day before the party (that was when they had an opening). The timing sucks, but he really needs help.
I sent out invites one month in advance via text and received immediate yes RSVPs from everyone.
Then the godmother says she can't come because she has to go to someone else's birthday party instead.
Then the cousin says she can come and drop a gift off but can't stay because she has to go to a different party.
Then my child's (much older) brother says he will come if he can fit it into his schedule, but he may have other plans that day.
Then I realize my husband's brother and wife have made other plans for the day of the party without telling me.
Last night I get a text message from my husband's other brother's wife saying they're not coming because they decided to go ahead with other plans. Plans they must have made well after agreeing to come to our party.
Everyone knows my husband isn't going to be at the party and why.
The party is on Saturday. It's just me and some of the grandparents at this point and I'm at a loss as to how to navigate this. How do I explain this to my child, who is so excited to see everyone and celebrate together, just like they do every year for each child? How do I handle the relationships with everyone who cancelled going forward when I'm so angry with them? How do I swallow the anger so I can be present for my child on their special day? Am I even asking the right questions here?
submitted by Roxy_545 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:21 Business_Lavishness2 Y'all this tastes like shit

Y'all this tastes like shit submitted by Business_Lavishness2 to NoRules [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:17 mrsgillo Recent cakes

Recent cakes
These are some recent cakes I've made. I don't charge for them. One was a friends birthday and two for fund-raising for my sons scout group. Oh and the purple pterodactyl (a very specific order, I might add) was my son's birthday.
submitted by mrsgillo to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:47 Friendly_Entry_1641 You closed the door.

Good Morning,
I miss you, it hasn't been long since you left, so that's the obvious opener.
The knowledge that you are gone swells over me at the most unexpected and unrelated moments; when I'm walking across the dark empty lobby after closing, seeing an ad for Dr Pepper or waiting in my car.
The trails of my mind are looking for you and randomly give me excuses to talk to you. Things I could ask to engage a (albeit short) conversation: what's your favorite color, what are your cats and dogs names, cake or pie, birthday or sheet, ice cream or sherbet, vanilla or chocolate, orange or strawberry, apple or cherry, theater or couch, forest or field, plains or mountains, hot or cold, rivers or lakes, an endless infinity to bring our islands closer. I know our islands can't be closer, they aren't in the same sea; and saying "what?" and closing the car door when I said I had a crush on you was likely the response you wanted to give.
Your initial is at the opposite end of the alphabet from mine and we share a name. One of these days maybe I'll have some pretzels and pie.
PS I think we were both right; six months is both not a very long time and an extremely long time. Maybe the difference is just who you're with.
submitted by Friendly_Entry_1641 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:30 galwayygal Friend served coffee cake at her kid’s birthday

My friend had a birthday party for her kid’s first birthday today. They cut the cake and, while I was talking to someone, she gave a piece to my 2.5 year old. I got a piece later and I realized that it was a coffee cake. My son already ate his piece. I usually taste test before I give things to him but I couldn’t today since they already gave my son the piece before asking me. It took me 1.5 hours to put him to bed tonight. On top of that, the party was super stressful for me cause they had a big pool that was very deep. My son can’t swim so I was dead worried that he might fall in. There was a table set up for food right beside the pool so there wasn’t enough space left for a kid to pass through. I had to hold my sons had the entire time. Just came here to vent.
submitted by galwayygal to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:27 Mental_Complaint1760 AITA for walking out on my own birthday because of my aunt?

I am 17 years old, and my birthday is on June 5th. My grandpa's birthday is June 7 and he turns 55. Ever since I was 5, we have celebrated our birthday on the 6th, and we have had no problems with it until my aunt came along.
For some context, my aunts birthday is June 20th, and will be turning 28. Ever since my grandpa's brother died (her dad) a year ago, she has been using my grandpa as a replacement and has been trying to build a father daughter relationship with him. I have no problem with her, and haven't seen her since I was 2, so I don't remember anything about her. She also doesn't like my mom, because she "took" a baby name she wanted to use, and named me that. My mom also hates her.
Anyways, 2 days ago, my aunt made plans to celebrate her birthday and my grandpa's birthday on the 5th, my birthday, and then wanted him to go to Florida (wear she lives) and finish celebrating there. My grandpa was ok with this if only my family and I can celebrate my birthday with him on the 5th. She then threw a big fit on the phone (I was there when she called to make plans) and complained about the cost. My grandpa then explained she will only be paying for herself, and we will be paying for our self's. She still tryed to not get us to go, but my grandpa refused to go without us, so she said we could come.
My mom hates her because of her obsession with turning my grandpa into a replacement dad, so she was reluctant to go, but I convinced her. On June 5th, we all got up at 9am and were getting ready the whole day. At 5pm, we left to go meet up with my grandpa and aunt at the restaurant. When we got there, my grandpa walked up to me and hugged me, while my aunt was onther phone, only saying a quick hi to greet us. It was clear she didn't want us there.
We got into the restaurant and started to order, while my aunt completely ignored us and was chating with my grandpa. Every time my mom tryed to enter the conversation, my aunt would look at her with disgust and would continue without a second thought. Btw, in this restaurant, if you could prove your birthday was that day, you would get this mini cake and get sung happy birthday from the whole restaurant. I had my drivers license on me, and showed the waiter it, and was told to wait a minute for my cake. My aunt then but in, also asking for one. The waiter asked for proof it was her birthday, so she showed him her drivers license. The waiter said since her birthday wasent on that day, she couldent get a cake. My aunt then startes to pout, and gave me a weird look when my cake came out. Then the waiter made a announcement to start to sing happy birthday. The whole restaurant was looking at me, and started to sing happy birthday. I was smiling, while my aunt was fuming. Before I could blow out the candles, my aunt blew them out. The whole restaurant was still staring, and when she did that, everyone gasped in sync. It was so embarrassing, and my aunt looked accomplish with her self, and then tryed to make conversation with my grandpa. The whole restaurant staired at her, and some started to whisper. I was on the brink of tears.
I stood up, and then walked out of the restaurant. My brother (10) and my sister (13) came running after me, and we all got into my parents car. I could see into the restaurant through the windows, and saw my mother yelling and my aunt trying to defend herself. After 20 minutes, both my parents came out to the car fuming. We all went home and my phone started to blow up. My grandpa said what she did was wrong, but I shouldent have walked out. My aunt had somehow got my phone number (probably through my grandpa) and was apologizing.
My mom is still mad at her, and my grandpa and aunt are in Florida right now. I feel bad for walking out, and I think I could have handled it differently. So, AITA?
submitted by Mental_Complaint1760 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:06 jojokazaki Not a fan of Cake smash

My baby boy will be turning one in a few weeks and I’ve booked a professional photographer to FINALLY get some beautiful high quality portraits and family photos! While discussing ideas one of the suggestions our photographer made was a cake smash. I read up on the internet about it and realized that even though first birthday cake smash might be popular right now I don’t think I fancy it as much? But I’m also afraid if later on I’ll regret not doing it? Any body else not in favor of cake smash or is it just me? Anything that could help change my mind?
submitted by jojokazaki to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:00 Direct-Caterpillar77 Aita for not giving my bf a threesome

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/ThatLastBiUnicorn
Aita for not giving my bf a threesome
Originally posted to AITAH
Thanks to u/soayherder for suggesting this BoRU
TRIGGER WARNING: verbal abuse, manipulation, poisoning, physical abuse, religious abuse
Original Post May 31, 2024
This is a throwaway because too much identifying info is on my main.
I F29 met my boyfriend "Michael" M35 at a show I performed in (I am a theatre person as a hobby) and he complimented my performance and bought me a drink. We have been together now for a little over a year.
His sister got married last week and I was initially pleased to asked to be a bridesmaid but also a bit surprised as she barely knows me but I thought this was an attempt to have an excuse to also get to know each other better.
Michael and I got into an argument the week before because he said that he wanted to entertain the thought of spicing up our sex life and having a threesome. He said since I was bi, why not? I didn't like the idea too much and said so and it devolved into a petty cold war and he started to ignore my messages after he left my place. He didn't reply to me at all until the day before the wedding asking what time he needed to pick me up since we can't go swperate otherwise "people will gossip" about us. He barely said anything to me the whole time we traveled to the venue. The wedding was fine, but at the reception he got me a plate and leaned in to kiss me but I shied away and he got up to mingle.
I started feeling ill not too long after and 911 wad called. I realized I was having an allergic reaction but had my pen but still had to be carted off by the ambulance and that's when someone eho was looking for Michael said that he had left with some of the other groomsmen to a bar nearby. I called 6 times and texted that it was an emergency as I was getting checked put by the paramedics and again when they strongly suggested I go to the hospital but he never replied.
I was released hy the hospital and called him to ask him to pick me up but he didn't pick up so I woke up my best friend and she took me home and stayed with me overnight to make sure I was okay. The next morning Michael called me but I was still asleep so he left me a lengthy voicemail yelling at me that I ruined his sister's wedding and that I always have to make things about me. He came over to further berate me and told me he should just break up with me at this point as I am dramatic and this is "all too much" so I pointed out that he had gotten my plate, knew full well that I have a alegit allergy to coconut and that his sister had told me afterwards that he knew that the cake he gave me was the coconut cream cake as all the food had signs saying what it was and what the ingredients were as I am not the only person with allergies that attended. He left telling me that he can't talk to me when I am this way.
I was honestly exhausted so I didn't bother going after him. But his father called me to ask how I was doing and after I answered he then told me how I am hurting Michael's heart by blaming him and Michael has been inconsolable since we fought.
I texted Michael to ask if we could talk but the conversation went back around somehow to the threesome and how I don't respect him even in intimate settings or want to hear him out regarding his needs and make things about me.
I am so confused because to me this feels manipulative but I respect his father so much (I go to their church and he is a pastor there) so to have him tell me I am in the wrong threw me. Aitah?
Edit: a lot of comments are suggesting that this was intentional and I have actually never considered he gave me something I am allergic on purpose and certainly not to use against me to leverage in our argument. But I think I may have to come clean and talk to his parents. I know them well so hopefully it won't go too badly.
Small update: Michael texted me this morning to apologize. He said the wedding was stressing him out and he had a lot on his mind so he accidently handed me the plate he meant for himself, not the one for me. He said he didn't know I was in the hospital and feels bad he wasn't there for me but he left the reception with some of the groomsmen to blow of much needed steam. I don't know how I feel about it all so I just replied "okay" he is now asking to come over and talk this out in person.
2nd edit: For any and all of you calling me stupid or implying I am a child and "why am I still with this guy" etc. Just know, you remind me a lot of him in how he used to put me down and bully me ands it's a real wonder of mine if you treat people in your life like he did me. I suspect you do. Glad to be rid of him and indifferent about you.
Op be honest - have you, now that you are looking back, seen red flags like this? This behavior likely didn't just show up. Have you ever gotten ill after a disagreement with him?
Oddly enough I am sitting with my BFF and she asked me the same question and yes, actually.
Our first real argument that I can remember I was down with a stomach bug for almost a week and he visited me and made soup.
Then the only BIG argument I can recall outside this one, he wanted to use labels really soon onto us going on some dates and I didn't and the next morning, I was sick with chest pains and stomach cramps.
I don't want to sounds dramatic or accusatory but since people have commented he might have purposefully given me something I am allergic to, I just don't know anymore.
NTA - the two of you are completely incompatible. He wants threesomes…you want to attend wedding receptions without leaving in an ambulance.
Okay, when I read this I was with bestie and we've been drinking and the scream I scrumpted laughing so hard nearly killed me more effectively than the coconut lmao
Update - I Am No Longer Welcome at Church June 1, 2024
Well many of you were right I should not have met him in person but I did. He took me out to lunch insisting he pay for it all and it was incredibly over the top. He had flowers and a written letter of apology but as some of you messaged me his apologies dodged the point by way of "if I hurt you" or "that you're feeling x or y feeling" etc. He quoted some scriptures and said he has repented as his carelessness caused me harm.
I wasn't much moved by any of it until he said how much his family loves me and how much our church roots for us as a couple and I kinda sat back and realized that one flimsy reason I was even entertaining forgiving him and staying was because of the pressure I dealt with as the GF of a pastors son. It occurred to me that there were so many times I let things slide because he is the heir apparent so he had the power in the social aspect of our community.
Sorry I know I am rambling but I'm emotional and tipsy.
I remembering just staring at him and saying it was incredibly alarming that by now he can't be aware of my oe Ingle allergy and that he didn't bother to tell his own GF he was stepping out with the guys or even that he was stepping out of his own sisters wedding at all. He then said it was really actually kind of stupid of me to eat a cake that had coconut and implied I am an idiot for not realizing what I had was coconut. I realized then he would never accept that he was in the wrong and thus there was no point.
I stood up and and smiled and said "You know what, don't worry about it. Thanks for dinner. Goodnight." To which he replied that if I wasn't going to grow up and accept his apology I am a waste of his time. He uses that a lot whenever we disagree and it usually hurts me deeply but this time it was like a roladex of memories flooded my brain and I really suspect he's been deliberately making me sick whenever we disagree to teach me a lesson. I said I was done and he needn't waste his time with me from this point on and left. I then sent screenshots to his father explaining the situation as best I can without blaming Michael for prior illnesses without proof and I got a text about 20 minutes ago from his father.
His father is "incredibly dissppinted" in my immaturity and hurt that I wouldn't even give it until Sunday at church where we can pray together, talk it our and heal. I felt this way for a while but I was able to say it this time that using religion as a took of guilt is low and I am no longer concerned with his version of God as that version is a judgemental, cruel, and heartless jerk while the one I always thought of was loving, compassionate, and kind, and I am done. I was told by him and by further emails rolling in that I am no longer welcome at my church until I reconcile with my "true husband" and learn compassion and respect for my leaders.
So I guess that's it. I will enjoy sleeping in tomorrow and eating coconut free food, while lazing about my home rather than going to three sperate church services starting at 8am and then figure it all out from there.
I don't know how to sign off but I do watch a concerning amount of Charlotte Dobre videos and she usually ends things with practical shit like "do your laundry" or something so I will just say - live for yourself, feed your soul, and know you are enough. I certainly am going to put in the work to get there and I hope we all make it to the other side contented, and filled with love and joy.
And by the way, F you Michael. I know you are reading this. I know you know it's me. And I hope your socks are always just a little soggy. 🫶
OOP Added in the comments
I forgot to add to my post but I didn't want to bring the threesome requests into it...
...well I sent his daddy screenshots of some texts. If you'd like some drama here are the top two:
1) it was a night I sent him home after he tried and failed to pressure into sex. He sent me that I was missing out and should be grateful since "your body makes me sick, but my love for you is stronger. Would it kill you to be grateful enough to just do a HJ?"
2) on his birthday, I had just been in the hospital after passing out from exhaustion and dehydration and went straight to his party. I stayed at his until everyone left and I left soon after helping clean all but the kitchen and he sent "You could have cleaned the kitchen." Then "or stayed over [for sex]." Then "you're a waste of time if I don't even get birthday sex. Thanks a lot."
And after both be suggested adding a 3rd. His dad hasn't responded.
Holy crap. And you stayed with him. You poor girl. No one deserves someone like that in there life.
But you didn't say if you told his dad about him sending you to the hospital and potentially killing you. Becuase we both know and the rest of reddit knows that he did that intentionally.
And if there was proof of him giving you that cake. You could probley send his happy ass to jail.
I didn't and don't have the best self esteem. And here as the only black woman in the town that I've known of, I've always known that I am considered less desirable- not saying that's right - but just knowing where I live. Been here since my preteen years. When Michael asked me out it was like a parade. Everyone acted like it was a Cinderella story and I won a lottery or something. I have a friend who I ha e been texting today and she is letting me know how dumb I've been (I never told her of our issues) and is about ready to commit crimes lol
I think I lost myself for a bit but I wanted to leave the church low-key for a while because of my treatment so that helps a bit
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:35 Upper-Temperature-46 Saw people getting birthday cakes at the bar so I went home to make my own.

Saw people getting birthday cakes at the bar so I went home to make my own. submitted by Upper-Temperature-46 to VeganFoodPorn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:25 Dry_Secret_5687 Should I celebrate my 40th birthday or not?

My 40th birthday is on 12th July.
M.I.L, Husband and i were having a conversation. When I said, my 40th birthday is next month. to that my husband said, i don't think this is a milestone celebration. only 50th birthday should be celebrated. He only wishes on birthdays and anniversaries but has never bought any gift for me. I used to buy things for him on birthdays and anniversaries but stopped doing so because he never did the same for me.
He is a hardworking person and spends money on our children's education. he earns more than me, so i but glossaries. he wants to save money and says celebration is wastage of money. but buys cakes and gifts for the family. (children and his parents).
I am not asking for a party. Just a cake to cut . I thinks he feels embarrassed in front of his family to celebrate.
I was looking forward for my birthday. But now I wish everyone to forget my birthday.
Am I being dramatical?
submitted by Dry_Secret_5687 to u/Dry_Secret_5687 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:22 Sad_kitty_3615 Birthday cake event??

Help! I haven’t gotten a single cake from truck orders. What am i doing wrong.
submitted by Sad_kitty_3615 to HayDay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:14 CharlieBr87 Edible flowers

Moved from small town Oregon last year and absolutely adore the natural beauty of Montana. We contribute economically, please don’t come for me.
Where can I find edible flowers in flathead valley? I’m attempting to make my little sister a pound cake that incorporates floral elements… I need to find flowers safe for ingestion (or no pesticides, herbicides, roadside contaminants, etc etc I guess maybe that’s called organic? “Safe for human consumption”)… where would I find this in the valley? Mountain Valley foods? Does your ma grow these? Anything I can find that hasn’t been sprayed by man and hopefully by dog lol? She’s coming this weekend pls halp!
Here’s the list I’m looking for. I understand some/most of these aren’t grown here naturally. It’s for a lemon Bundt/pound cake with lavender lemon sugar crust, and I’m just starting to think about making the top of the Bundt floral, whatever I can find locally and artistically blend I’ll use- mostly focused on rose and lavender but other florals are welcome as follows plus suggestions):
Chamomile Carnations Citrus flowers Fuschia Hibiscus Hollyhock Impatient Lemon verbena Lilac Rose Violets
Where to source the best flavor combo??
submitted by CharlieBr87 to Kalispell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:47 ArnoldTheBigBoi A note of thanks to the community: special moment(this has to be 80 characters so don’t blame me for the long title)

It feels weird talking about my personal life in a post like this on Reddit, but whatever.
My birthday(not cake day, my actual bday) is tommorow, and for 6 months now I have partaken in a hobby that has been more fun that I thought it would be: Vinyl collection.
I have a lot of pop albums, like Michael Jackson’s Invincible and The Beatles’ Abbey Road and hope to add plenty more(Cudi, Lonny Breaux, Sinatra, etc.).
With that being said, my uncle also happened to plan his engagement to the woman I’m hoping will be my future aunt today.
We drove about an hour and a half to the place and my other uncle and aunt greeted me with something that just put the biggest smile on my face. It was my first Gambino vinyl. Camp(which I’ve already listened to like a million times, but still is amazing)with all of the other singles Gambino released during the #IAMDONALD era of his career.
I’m not sure about my tee tee, but my uncle for sure was a Gambino, and probably listened to Camp when it actually came out in 2011. So as a current avid listener of Gambino, it’s nice to have this handed down. Getting this as an early birthday present while getting to witness an engagement for the second time in my life was amazing. Definitely not a day I will forget.
And to all the other beautiful people in this community: I’ve learned a lot about Gambino through you guys. This is the exception in a site of lame ass subreddits dedicated to great artists.
submitted by ArnoldTheBigBoi to donaldglover [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:44 Arlooooo First time cake decorating

First time cake decorating
Made a birthday cake celebrating 7 different family members at once for May and June. My first time decorating a cake and i was proud of how it came out! My piping is trash tho lol
submitted by Arlooooo to cakedecorating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:35 goirish064life Birthday Cake

Visiting this upcoming week as part of vacation and will be there on my wife’s birthday. Just wondering the best bakery that sells individual slices or small cakes. Hell she might even be good with a delicious cupcake. We are staying near Fenway. Thanks!
submitted by goirish064life to boston [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:23 MedicineOk5471 Golf Trip Early November

I’d like to plan a trip for my birthday. Should I make sure I have multiples of 4 just so the numbers work out better?
Also, I want a 3 day trip. I live in NJ, I’d be cool with driving but don’t mind flying. Idk what the golf scene is like across the country and also, I need to factor in weather for that time of year. I was thinking either Myrtle beach, Arizona, or maybe a place like Montana(figured the scenery would be amazing there). Any and all suggestions would help. I’d like to stay around the 120 for a day of golf but it can absolutely be less. TIA
submitted by MedicineOk5471 to golf [link] [comments]
