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2008.08.21 21:58 Entrepreneur

A community of individuals who seek to solve problems, network professionally, collaborate on projects, and make the world a better place. Be professional, humble, and open to new ideas. Our community supports side hustles, small businesses, venture-backed startups, lemonade stands, 1-person-grinds, and most forms of revenue generation! However, no one cares about your blog. Please do not come here to self-promote your consulting, book, podcast, MLM, website, dropshipping guide, or $$$ scheme.

2016.05.26 07:15 WeHateSand Hindsight In 2020

Welcome to Hindsight in 2020! We're here to fix the Republican party. This sub has seven interests whose definitions can viewed in our sidebar. They are: Liberty; Balanced Federal Budget; Accountability in Government; Protection from Monopolies; Compromise in Government; Religious Freedom; Campaign Funding Please see the following post for what that means:

2014.03.30 15:16 Pokémon Axis GBA

Pokémon Axis GBA is a draft league in the Pokémon Community with 11 full seasons spanning over 10 years. Recently rebranded as the Axis Coronation League. Our community has various aspects to it, the first of course is our Fantasy Draft League. In addition however we also host tournaments, do giveaways, and workshop competitive teams just to name a few things. **OUR GOAL HERE IS TO GIVE YOU A POKEMON EXPERIENCE UNLIKE ANY OTHER!** Be sure to check everything out and join up today!

2024.06.09 03:20 Federal_Bus3867 Kamo Clan, Fully Expanded

History: The Kamo clan is one of the big three clans in Japan. That means they are one of the clans with the most power and authority in the Jujutus space. The Kamo clan has a large emphasis on blood ties, so they look down on bastard children or adoptions, etc. The Kamo clan is not viewed in the best of lights due to one of the evilest sorcerers in history being Noritosh Kamo, who was actually Kengaku. They are very traditional and go by the rules the most, this has put them closer to the higher-ups of the Jujutsu headquarters.
Inherited Cursed Techniques
Inherited Trait: Similar to the Six Eyes of the Gojo clan, but not as well-known and much more secretive.
Secret Arts: The Kamo clan is very secretive about their secret arts and doesn’t let non-kamo clan members know of them. The Kamo Clan even uses binding vows, so that no non-clan member will learn of them.
Cursed Tools/Objects
submitted by Federal_Bus3867 to CTsandbox [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:18 jldmagazine Texas A&M University student sends CREEPY snapchat then vanishes from his apartment parking lot - The Unsolved Disappearance of Caleb Harris

One very foggy night at the start of March 2024, a Texas A&M University sophomore just vanished in the middle of the night smack dab at the centre of his highly secure apartment complex parking lot with security cameras everywhere. The only clue the 21-year-old student left behind was an eerie snapchat of a bridge moments before he disappeared.
I wanna preface this by saying that Caleb Harris could very well still be alive, so anyone with any tips – no matter how big or small – is encouraged to submit them.
About Caleb
Caleb Harris is by all accounts a great young man. Standing at 5’11 and weighing at 180 pounds he was a solid guy who was very strong and capable. According to his family, The New Braunfels Christian Academy graduate rarely partied and was an outdoorsman, who preferred to go to bed early so he could wake up the next day before sunrise and hunt some ducks. As you can probably tell, Caleb loved to hunt and fish. So it was very fitting of him to study Environmental Science at Texas A&M University where he was in his second year.
His family are deeply religious and so was he, and there are reports Caleb wore a Jesus fish necklace the night he vanished. When Caleb went away to go study, him and his family chose an apartment complex called The Cottages at Corpus Christi, located in the 1900 block of Ennis Joslin. It had other University students there and it was perceived as highly secure with surveillance cameras at the gates, and there was only 2 ways in and out of the apartment complex. Caleb lived there with 2 of his close friends he grew up with, who were now his roommates.
But then one night, Caleb just vanished after ordering Uber Eats and left behind some very mysterious clues that make this case incredibly interesting as it is perplexing. Some say he actually vanished as he was waiting outside for his Uber Eats delivery. The family has accounted for all his shoes, and assumed he was barefoot when he disappeared (as he was seen barefoot on the ring doorbell camera and the snapchat he sent to his sister), so it seems as though this disppareance wasn’t planned. Caleb had no history of any mental illness and wasn’t taking medication. But, as others pointed out, Caleb could have had a pair of flip flops his family didn’t know about.
10:30pm: The story starts on Sunday, March 3rd, 2024, when Caleb was gearing up for a fishing trip. He was texting his dad all day, excited about his upcoming trip the next day after class. Nighttime rolled around and Caleb and his room mates were up late playing video games. But it wasn’t like any typical Sunday night because one of the roommates had just gotten a puppy, which arrived at around 10:30pm, so they were up late enjoying their new pup and walking it.
12:56am: on Monday, March 4th, a ring doorbell camera caught Caleb outside, barefoot playing with the new puppy with his room mates. The ring camera was facing the parking lot outside their apartment. There were 2 exits out of his apartment, one that led to the parking lot and another to a grassy area. The video captured nothing out of the ordinary and they seemed to all be having a good time very much enjoying their newfound love for their puppy.
2:20am: one of the room mates said they were going to bed, and Caleb told them that he had some more work to do to prepare for his fishing trip the next day, namely he wanted to order some Uber Eats so he had something to eat for his trip. Then, he took the new puppy outside for another walk on his own, and used the entrance to the grassy area since he wasn’t caught on Ring doorbell camera footage this time around.
2:44am: he sent a Snapchat video to his younger sister of him barefoot walking the dog.
2:45am: Caleb made his Uber Eats order, opting for a no contact delivery, and he ordered 2 lunchables, a red bull and an apple pie from a convenience store.
2:58am: His phone turns off, he either shut it off, or it died, law enforcement has not released that information.
3am: According to Caleb’s father, he brought the dog back into the apartment sometime after 3am.
3:03: Link to photo And here’s something I found strange, Caleb sent his final snapchat, the photo of the bridge, to a high school friend from St Augustine Texas at 3:03am, a full 5 minutes after his phone had been shut off. This high school friend barely used Snapchat and him and Caleb didn’t communicate often, so it was a random person to send it to. But when the high school friend opened Snapchat (which he rarely does), he saw a new snap from Caleb after this friend knew Caleb had disappeared, so this friend knew to screenshot the snap for evidence. There could be some technical reasons why the snap was sent after Caleb had shut off his phone, cause apparently Snap users may receive images later then they are sent. But the time discrepancy is still unexplained. Like did someone else log into Caleb’s Snapchat account to send this snap? And I mean, this photo is haunting and really is what drew me in to this case. The photo is of a bridge over a drainage ditch, this bridge is within a few hundred feet outside of the apartment complex. It really captured just how foggy it was that night, and the photo was blurry, almost as if Caleb didn’t have time to use the focus feature on the app, like he had to take the photo quickly. Cause normally Snapchat would focus the photo for you within a couple of seconds of opening the camera function. I can’t help but feel like this was a major clue like in the Libby and Abby case from Delphi, Indiana, like he was trying to tell us something. Behind the bridge is a highway, so was he being abducted at that point and being led to a car to be driven off, and sent this photo in a rush hoping someone could help him? That’s the vibe I got from it, at least. Though some people think he may have been trying to be artsy and take a cool photo of the fog, but I don’t think so cause it was out of focus and looked rushed. Also, my main question, is why did he go to this bridge? He really had no reason to leave his apartment complex and go there.
3:12am: Caleb’s phone pinged for its very last time, but cops believe this was a glitch and more on that later.
3:20am: The Uber Eats driver drops off Caleb’s order.
So really, we are looking at a 22 minute window of when something inexplicable happened to Caleb. The roommates woke up the next day and saw Caleb’s Uber Eats still waiting for him in the bag outside their apartment, they were alarmed when they realized his truck, keys and wallet were still there and the roommates did the right thing and called authorities to report Caleb missing at around 1pm, after searching for their childhood friend, desperately.
The Search
The cops arrived and questioned the room mates as well as the Uber Driver and they were all cleared. There are reports that the roommates took a voluntary lie detector test and passed. The cops also began searching the apartment complex, and checked over 30 apartments. Authorities are asking the public for any tips they may have and tried tracking down any surveillance footage from the morning of Monday, March 4th, but most of the footage wasn’t helpful because of the fog that night, the cameras only captured a couple of feet in front of them. But remember how the apartment complex was marketed as a secure place for students? Well, it turns out the security cameras at the gates were not working and the gates were left wide open that night, for anyone to just waltz on in to the complex.
The community banded together and searched the area by foot along with authorities using professional techniques including helicopters. It sounds to me that every square inch of Corpus Christi was searched, and 3 months later there’s still no trace of Caleb.
The drainage ditch seen in his final snapchat was of course scoured (this was my initial thought that he committed suicide in the ditch) but it barely had any water in it so it was mostly mud and there were no tracks and no Caleb.
Searchers canvassed the area, and found no tire marks to indicate a car picked him up and sped away (no scream or anything was heard either and he was pretty close to the complex).
Searchers also paid particular attention to the area of that last ping, but law authorities later revealed that they believe it was a glitch, and most of the time those glitches happen was because someone was in a car.
I believe, Caleb at 3:12am, about 10 minutes after his phone shut off, was being taken away in car, which would explain the last ping being innacurate.
There are some troubling theories in this case, and I will get into those now, so the next little part will be complete specuatlon of what people have said online, and take it with a grain of salt.
3 months later, Caleb’s phone began pinging again, and law enforcement went on record to say that this was because of forensic testing. Law enforcement are in the process of collecting digital evidence in the case, which includes probably geofencing the area he was last seen and tracking down phones that were in the location the night Caleb disappeared.
But at the same time of this phone pinging, a civilian discovered a phone at Packery Jetty, a 17 minute drive away, and many people believe this is Caleb’s phone, but this has yet to be confirmed.
  1. Links to other disappearances There’s also many users pointing out similar disappearances in South Texas including that of Jason Landry. Jason was also 21, and his abandoned car was found on a desolate road on December 13,2020 with his clothes inside and no trace of him, anywhere. According to his dad, the last app he used was also Snapchat, and many people feel that he was there to meet somebody.
  2. Secret reddit account/catfish theory This next theory I want to be very clear that this is not 100% confirmed. But according to Reddit, Facebook and YouTube, the family and law enforcement are aware of Caleb Harris’s secret reddit account. (Link) Caleb was allegedly using reddit to meet people for adult activities. This account would often post in a reddit group called “Corpus Christi NSFW” where strangers would meet online for fun. Many people feel that this account called “Outside_Physics1635” is Caleb because of his age being 21 and also his final post was on the same night Caleb disappeared. The post was titled “oso bay hiking trail” and it was posted on March 4th, 2024, at 2:15:30am. It was tagged “M4A”, which means “Man for Anyone” so male or female encounters. There’s also pictures on this account, that some people believe show Caleb’s bracelet in it (Link), but I’m still on the fence about if this is true or not, though it is a prevailing theory in this case, so it’s worth mentioning. One redditor wrote, “It hasn't been outright said by the family most likely due to law enforcement, but Nicole Owens, the woman who runs the Facebook group/page under family spokesperson Tony Matthias said: 'Yes, please do not discuss in the group what was on his Reddit. I hate that it even got around. Kept it a secret as long as possible.' She later deleted the post.” So the working theory is that Caleb made this reddit post before walking the dog, hoping to meet someone that night for a rendezvous, then that person had a nefarious idea in mind and possibly abducted him.
Anyway, I was hoping to bring more awareness to this case since I feel it got overshadowed by Riley Strain, as it happened around the same time.
Hopefully we can just get his name and face out there, because law enforcement are desperate for any tips, because as you can see, there isn’t much to this story. I mean he orders Uber Eats, goes outside, and disappears.
I'll be interested in hearing what you guys think.
submitted by jldmagazine to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:05 heymanhowsjapan advice needed PLEASE DO NOT SHARE!

(please don’t share i’m also sorry for such a long post i’m also reposting due to edits)
i love my boyfriend. so much, but his family drive me fucking insane and make me cry so much and i don’t know if it’s pregnancy hormones or what but
me and my boyfriend have been together for a year i’m currently pregnant (unplanned) were young parents (teens) who need a lot of support mainly just finically since homes are expensive, i have to worry about college savings, and i won’t be able to work for a while. we have my fathers support but he’s a single dad, and boyfriend works but doesn’t make enough to provide for us (which is okay he’s had the job for a few years and is trying hard to find something at least a little better i’m proud of him) so not living with them or my father isn’t really an option my mother isn’t really in the picture and doesn’t take care of her home (smokes inside, and a bunch of other issues i won’t get into just not suitable for a little one) my dads super supportive and has been a huge help even when hes stern, i just hate to be even more of a burden on him
basically the issues with my in laws are
so reddit, feel free to give me advice or your opinions am i being overdramatic? or immature? i just need someone anyone to talk to about this. i don’t really have any friends to lean on or family.
tldr: i love my boyfriend but his family guilt tripped me into keeping my baby, is super snarky and rude sometimes i can’t really sum all of this up
edit: i wrote this a while back but didn’t have the courage to post it, basically since this they’ve planned my baby shower for me on the date of my dead best friends birthday and right before my due date. i also feel like they’re really causing problems between me and my boyfriend i’m dealing with the worst depression of my life right now.. i’m going to try and talk to them tomorrow since i don’t want them in the delivery room nor do i want to visit for the first month. wish me luck they won’t yell at me, last time they justified it by saying my baby wasn’t planned anyways 💀 it’s nice their trying to support us but they’re going about it so wrong
submitted by heymanhowsjapan to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:03 Select_Fisherman6699 My dad didn’t believe that my stepsister sa me, he disowned me last week

I (14f) got sexually assaulted once by my (13f) stepsister in November of last year. I didn't say anything about it until April of this year out of fear that my father would not believe me, and I was right. My dad has always been emotionally abusive and has had a weird relationship towards me, but not my sister or stepsister. It's like he has a strange attachment over me that's more than a father daughter bond. Both of the sisters are autistic but are on the more independent side of the spectrum, but my dad has always made me feel like the black sheep for never having autism, but that's another story. Since I met my stepsister I've always felt like she's been too obsessed with me and I thought she had feelings for me, and she would always make me feel uncomfortable but my dad wouldn't care. I felt more uncomfortable after she came out to me when she was in 4th grade, but he would just get mad at me if I ever pitched the idea that she might like me. So I thought he wouldn't believe my sa. How it came out was from me having a mental breakdown and telling my high school counselor who ended up telling my mom who hired a detective that told my dad. I begged the counselor to not tell my mom because I knew my dad would find out and I knew that he wouldn't believe me. In my exact words I knew he would say "She's trying to ruin my marriage with these accusations.""She's bisexual,(talking about me), it was probably consensual""Her stepsister would never do something like that, she's younger". After a police officer told my dad what happened to me, he called my mom and told her exactly what I thought he would say, unfortunately proving me right. Later that week in April my stepsister released sa allegations against me, which I found out this week, didn't actually come from her, but my stepmom. But at that time my dad was still trying to reach out to me, but said he couldn't choose between his daughters, which broke my heart of how he couldn't chose me his daughter of 14 years against his OFFICIAL stepdaughter of less than one year, but he's known her for 5. I don't know how he expected me to talk to him even while he was suggesting it was consensual. At one point I told him to pick a side or else I wouldn't be going back to his house. He still didn't pick a side and tried to guiltrip me into feeling bad for him. My mom hired a lawyer to make sure I had the choice for me to choose to not go back to his house. After the temporary decision in May, I found out last week that my dad chose to resign all rights as my father. I've tried to push those feelings down but I've seen myself getting angrier and lashing out more. I've been going to therapy after the sa thing came out. But I don't know how to feel about everything. Thanks for reading, sorry it's long.
submitted by Select_Fisherman6699 to teen_venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:00 Select_Fisherman6699 My dad didn’t believe that my stepsister sa me, he disowned me last week.

I (14f) got sexually assaulted once by my (13f) stepsister in November of last year. I didn't say anything about it until April of this year out of fear that my father would not believe me, and I was right. My dad has always been emotionally abusive and has had a weird relationship towards me, but not my sister or stepsister. It's like he has a strange attachment over me that's more than a father daughter bond. Both of the sisters are autistic but are on the more independent side of the spectrum, but my dad has always made me feel like the black sheep for never having autism, but that's another story. Since I met my stepsister I've always felt like she's been too obsessed with me and I thought she had feelings for me, and she would always make me feel uncomfortable but my dad wouldn't care. I felt more uncomfortable after she came out to me when she was in 4th grade, but he would just get mad at me if I ever pitched the idea that she might like me. So I thought he wouldn't believe my sa. How it came out was from me having a mental breakdown and telling my high school counselor who ended up telling my mom who hired a detective that told my dad. I begged the counselor to not tell my mom because I knew my dad would find out and I knew that he wouldn't believe me. In my exact words I knew he would say "She's trying to ruin my marriage with these accusations.""She's bisexual,(talking about me), it was probably consensual""Her stepsister would never do something like that, she's younger". After a police officer told my dad what happened to me, he called my mom and told her exactly what I thought he would say, unfortunately proving me right. Later that week in April my stepsister released sa allegations against me, which I found out this week, didn't actually come from her, but my stepmom. But at that time my dad was still trying to reach out to me, but said he couldn't choose between his daughters, which broke my heart of how he couldn't chose me his daughter of 14 years against his OFFICIAL stepdaughter of less than one year, but he's known her for 5. I don't know how he expected me to talk to him even while he was suggesting it was consensual. At one point I told him to pick a side or else I wouldn't be going back to his house. He still didn't pick a side and tried to guiltrip me into feeling bad for him. My mom hired a lawyer to make sure I had the choice for me to choose to not go back to his house. After the temporary decision in May, I found out last week that my dad chose to resign all rights as my father. In my gut it feels like he won, that he made the last move.I've tried to push those feelings down but I've seen myself getting angrier and lashing out more. I've been going to therapy after the sa thing came out. But I don't know how to feel about everything. Thanks for reading, sorry it's long.
submitted by Select_Fisherman6699 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:49 TheWordLilliputian Suggestions for threads? Question & statement

What would be helpful? Good idea? Bad idea?
submitted by TheWordLilliputian to D23Expo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:45 ryderlive A fitting story to tell while I have Covid

A fitting story to tell while I have Covid
Per Pete's post a couple month's back I'll try and give some background to my journey, that in my eyes has only really just begun. I would be remiss to not give anything back because truthfully, RDT has changed my life entirely. So thanks, Hari & Pete and everyone who contributes to this fantastic Community, especially the mods for putting up with me over the years. Trading can be lonely, so why go it alone?
For those who don't know me I've been around RDT since ~Jan 2022 previously lurking and eventually making call outs in the Live Trading daily chats that were on the subreddit. Today, I'm pretty active in the RDT discord and have been full-time since Dec. 1 of last year. Always happy to chat, but be prepared because I'll give it to you straight if you ask.
My wildly inaccurate Kinfo, if you care:
Alright, buckle up I can get wordy... sorry.
My Background - I grew up middle class in the suburbs of Chicago, if you know the one that everyone makes fun of, yes that's the one. Both my parents have always been buy & hold (forever) investors for most of their lives, instilled by their parents and raised me to live a very frugal lifestyle. I'd eventually come to learn we were literally the millionaires next door type (in fact I know for a fact my parents read that book) - they still clip coupons to this day. My dad used to say “Unless you get lucky, the only way to make real money is by investing”. I played lots of sports growing up, eventually focusing on soccer and played competitively at a high level and into college forcing me to grow some pretty thick skin when it came to criticism. After college, I spent ~10 years working in tech for an ecommerce platform building out different parts of the customer journey. Now in my mid 30's my wife and I live in SoCal enjoying/paying for the weather, we love to travel, and love to golf. If you hang around the discord long enough you'll probably catch me comparing the mental game between Golf and Trading, the similarities are uncanny. All this to be said, I'll be the first to acknowledge my privilege and recognize that my starting line was likely a few lengths ahead of many others.
My Journey - In the mid 2010s on my commute via the Metra into the city I would listen to The Tim Ferriss Show and he loved to talk stoicism and would sometimes bring up investing and discuss it with some of the individuals he was interviewing in particular Kevin Rose and that sparked my interest.
  • Dividend Investing - Following my parents buy & hold forever strategy, at first I was obsessed w/the idea of building a dividend investing portfolio. I wanted to build a portfolio that I could live on passive dividends into perpetuity so starting in 2017 I built a massive google doc and tracked dividends etc. all the way until Jan of last year!
Dividend Tracker -
I still am a long-term investor and buy and hold good companies and that accounts for a large % of my book. I just no longer track it like this because its not worth my time and I don't focus on the dividends really anymore. The biggest takeaway here was I spent all my extra money on stocks, and so I became a chip off the frugal block of my parents.
  • WallStreetBets - I've always been an avid gamer as well we're talking CS 1.6 and LoL (alpha in college), meaning in turn I spent my fair amount of time on reddit. So in ~2018 queue stumbling into WSB, I will say that place was very different back then from what I remember to how it is today. Names like AMD and MU were being thrown around, I had built a pc when I was younger so I knew a little about these companies and I was already dividend investing and I heard about this cool app I could invest on my phone called Robinhood, so off we went. My risk profile was pretty low and I was still busy working, but I was starting to dip my toe into options and short-term trading. Nothing crazy, however I started tracking all my trades manually in that same google doc going back to the very beginning all the way till August of last year!
Early Journal -
At this point I still considered this just a fun supplement to my real job and the dividend portfolio continued to take priority. Then March 2020 covid hit - our offices closed, I remember packing up all my stuff and going home logging into my TD account and shorting the shit out of the market. On 3/11/20 I made ~10k in a few hours. On 3/13 I gave half of it back and then proceeded to have mixed results into the end of 2020 coming out with a couple grand profit.
  • ThetaGang - In 2021 still wfh, lots of time on my hands I found ThetaGang and realized I could take the other side of the trades. I would still take some "wsb" trades here and there but look at SPY in 2021 during the covid recovery. I sold OTM naked puts that whole year and did 10x what I had with strictly WSB style trades in 2020. It works till it doesn't, but looking back it was great to get an understanding of writing options and the greeks. Mind you I was still working full time, but I had picked up golf as well so I wasn't working that hard ;)
  • RealDayTrading - Into 2022 I'm not sure exactly how I stumbled into RealDayTrading but from what I can remember it definitely had to do with this guy named HariSeldon being booted out of daytrading. I only had ever been interested in stocks because of my parents so this just seemed like the right place to be and a cool community - with a guy who was like a drill instructor in the Live Trading Chat lighting people up when they made dumb moves (it reminded me of my soccer days). I loved it. I still remember mixing it up with a lot of the people in the discord still today and Hari would regularly be placing great trades and giving great feedback. I learned so much just lurking in there and eventually making call rs/rw callouts. Thinking back on it now after reading Trading in the Zone I was sharpening the blade, in a way you could call this my 1 share/1 contract phase and of course I had mixed results. I continued to track and expanded on my performance now weekly as I wasn't "working" very hard at my day job (thanks covid), but my loses I could cover because of it.
Performance Tracking -
Journal Excerpt -
Things continued like this through 2022, a mixed bag, I had a bad August and lost 5 figures in a month for the first time so I took a break but still turned a solid profit for the year. My Gf, now wife, and I had packed up since we were both remote and moved out to California to help take care of my Grandmother who lived alone and I eased back into trying to both trade and work full-time. It was a lot to manage and after avoiding a bunch of layoffs I finally got the call in June 2023, right in the lead up to our September wedding and in the midst of my worst performance to date. I had a ~25k drawdown that summer, as I was leveraging my dividend portfolio trying to pay for a wedding and a honeymoon. Luckily I got a significant severance and said now is the time to try trading full-time for real. I had a decent September, went on our Honeymoon in Japan/Korea and traded mainly SPY options (because market first right? don't do this kids... but cloud lines wow.) the whole trip. We'd spend the whole day adventuring then at 10:30pm I'd either trade on my phone or jump in a pc cafe and trade for a few hours - fortunately had a fantastic month doing so, paid for the whole honeymoon and then some.
We got home, I jumped back into RDT, now the discord, and said let's try this again and here we are since Dec. 1 of last year I've done more (taxes included) than I would of all last year at my tech job. I'm still learning, I still put on shitty trades here and there. But, I've turned a corner for certain - now its about protecting my capital and scaling appropriately.
This community is a special place. We should equally protect it as we should invite new blood that is willing to put in the work to benefit from it and keep it fresh and challenge us that stick around. Be tough on each other, and be your own biggest critic. I haven't really talked much about my style, feel free to dm me I'm typically available to chat - especially this weekend as I'm cooped up pumping paxlovid. I'll say I like to think of myself as a cowboy options trader, circa Hari 2021/2022. If you made it this far I hope it can give some insight what it took for me to sharpen the blade, some days I see rs/rw and put on a trade faster than I can even recognize - "so this is the zone" it works till it doesn't. I'm far from the finished article, there's so much more I could expound upon here but instead I'll leave you with a few of my favorite quotes:
Be ruthless with your introspection and your performance against a plan.
It’s never too late to dig yourself out of a hole if you have the discipline to make changes.
How you feel about failure will to a very large degree determine your growth and life trajectory in virtually every aspect.
And my personal favorite golf related ofc - but spins to everything:
The way you love yourself on the golf course is the way you're gonna love everyone else in the world as you watch them make mistakes.
See you space cowboy... Ryder
Oh yea - RTDW
submitted by ryderlive to RealDayTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:39 Charity00 The Amazing Race 24 - Review

I’ve decided to rewatch every Amazing Race and rank them all.
SEASON 24 (ALL STARS) gets a 6/10
This is probably one of the most frustrating seasons! It looked like very little effort was put into the returnee cast, the route, the challenges, leg designs and even editing/storylines were inconsistent. However…it usually wasn’t boring! There was some drama (some of it a bit annoying though), there was the charm of seeing returnees (I do love the appeal of All Star seasons), and a season with Rachel Reilly is never boring! So I find it similar to the Family Edition in that it has lots of flaws but is generally entertaining enough to enjoy. So it gets a 6 because it was still enjoyable (but is obviously ranked near the bottom).
General Thoughts
Cast Ranking
1.Brendan/Rachel - they carried this season! Rachel started out as not wanting to be her old emotional self and was a lot less whinier than TAR20 (although I preferred her meltdowns honestly haha). She had a “heroic” edit where she prayed rather than getting stressed out - also supported Luke at the cocktails challenge and helped Brendan get through the plate spinning. However they are also responsible for the biggest drama of the season - U-Turning Dave/Connor and the “We hate the Brenchels” storyline. Once again Rachel has most of the cast hating her…and I love it! Rachel then reverted back to her old crying self in the last 3 legs with meltdowns at the bulls, crying at the Wellington toss and picking fights in the finale. So still crazy, still got her sequins, fell over a few times haha, bizarre lines (saying “I want to win to get a baby” over and over haha) and provided the drama and laughs that this season needed.
  1. Dave/Connor - the rivals of the Brenchels and made the next biggest impact! They seemed very sweet and relatable like at the disco “We’re just 2 Mormon boys from Salt Lake City” haha and I liked their sweet bond with Caroline/Jennifer where they let them step on the mat in front of them. But they also feel annoying and entitled. Dave mentioned his achilles A LOT, Dave complained about his age A LOT ("Yeah outrunning an old man", “U-Turning a 60 year old man” and “This is a young person’s game”), complained about Brenchels A LOT and they seemed very self righteous over the U-Turn. Their involvement in the Accidental Alliance came across as childish rather than noble, “That snotty woman! She’s scary looking!” So I'm not sure if they were meant to be likeable or not - they sort of sucked a lot of the fun out of the season honestly. But a decent redemption for them and they made a decent impact and got us talking.
  2. Leo/Jamal - still fun and likeable with some sneaky moments but more toned down than last time. A few cheeky moments like “We love you Connor, we love you Connor” when he finished the sewing (hoping for help), but then “I’m kidding, I don’t” after they left. Strategic again like when they wanted to lie to Jet/Cord at one stage but didn’t because they wanted to avoid the U-Turn this time. Made the smart decision rather than the emotional one when U-Turning the threats Jet/Cord. Unfortunately finished in 4th place again.
  3. Jet/Cord - the cowboys are “back in the saddle”! Another likeable team but I found Leo/Jamal more interesting. They were “threats” again, “We’re like butter, we’re on a roll” when coming in 1st haha and also worked alone again “We’re used to being the lone rangers”. I sort of liked how they didn’t join in on the Brenchel drama. Still find them a bit overrated but I know a lot of viewers enjoyed seeing them again.
  4. Caroline/Jennifer - were the sweethearts and underdogs who weren’t great racers but slid by each week (and saved by 2 non-eliminations). I thought they were likeable enough, “Who would u-turn Dave/Connor, they’re the sweetest guys…and have great hair” haha Were proud of their flirting again and used it to get an Express Pass off Jet/Cord…and were helped multiple times by Leo/Jamal and Dave/Connor. You don’t need to be a strong “girl power” team…the underdogs who get through by flirting are just as interesting haha But weren’t that great TV honestly….like last time.
  5. Mark/Mallory - a fascinating dynamic even though most fans didn’t like this hybrid. In a way it did damage the reputation of 2 fan favorites (Mark/Bopper and Gary/Mallory) because they were very negative to one another (Mark refusing to race without the backpack despite having everything he needed, and Mallory seemed uncaring and not taking responsibility) but I enjoyed their drama. I liked how Mallory joked about losing their passport on leg 1…and the foreshadowing. I prefer their messy dynamic rather than them just being nice and boring for 2 legs.
  6. Natalie/Nadiya - screamed at eachother through the whole 1st episode and I loved every minute they were on screen “It’s in Asian, I can’t read it!” haha They were such a hot mess in their 1 episode and possibly my favourite first boots! This season would have been so much better if we saw them involved in the Brenchel drama later, and I would have loved to see some more crazy moments and seeing them get to visit Sri Lanka.
  7. Margie/Luke - the last 4 didn’t really contribute much this season. These 2 are ahead because I always enjoy watching their dynamic with their sweet bond and occasional bickering (nothing bad, just normal healthy struggles). Luke’s sexuality was finally brought up (a nice scene where Luke explains his coming out to Margie) and I liked Margie saying that when Luke pulls her this time, he has to be gentler because she’s older haha Felt very likeable this time, like when they were reflecting on the train ride in Sri Lanka.
  8. Flight Time/Big Easy - they were fine but didn’t do much this season. They had a nice moment dancing with the locals in Borneo, joking about the Beekmans winning with roller bags, and talking to their wooden donkey when they couldn’t work out what they did wrong. So ultimately a few more fun moments than the 2 ranked below them. Didn’t feel like they wanted to be there as much as previous seasons.
  9. John/Jessica - didn’t do much this time. They were at the centre of lots of storylines in TAR22 but I think that was just “lucky circumstances” rather than them being big characters. They were just a generic nice couple here. It was nice though seeing Joey/Meghan and John/Jessica helping each other again like last time (and Brendan/Rachel having a random final 3 alliance with them haha). Their only moment here was them working with other teams thinking Caroline/Jennifer were behind them, and losing a footrace.
  10. Joey/Meghan - Also didn’t do much and the only difference is John/Jessica made it further. Joey just played up to the cameras like last time (screeching “White is not my color” at the wedding dresses) but they were still likeable enough. Their only storyline was Meaghan helping John despite the 2 of them being in last place. So not the smartest move but nice that they still have that friendship.
Leg Rankings
1.Leg 8 - Italy (F6 - Flight Time/Big Easy eliminated) - the most entertaining episode of the season! So much drama going on between all teams and great scenery. Brendan/Rachel U-Turning Dave/Connor…with Dave’s irrational hatred for the rest of the leg plus Brendan/Rachel disagreeing over who to U-Turn. Then Dave/Connor helping Leo/Jamal (despite U-Turning them too and calling it a “blessed u-turn” haha). Decent challenges - racing donkeys (teams falling off especially Rachel, and the donkey struggling with Big Easy haha), building a wooden donkey (teams not using the box as part of it, many switches) and writing the Ancient manuscript (dull but some teams still struggled and was made better with Dave not accepting an apology and later mocking Brendan/Rachel). Rachel was hilarious “They can’t get me in a place of worship” haha Also had Dave/Connor and Caroline/Jennifer working together (with Dave/Connor accidentally losing them just like Bates/Anthony did) and just a good mix of fun and drama! Not for everyone, but I liked it.
  1. Leg 4 - Malaysia (F8 - Non elimination) - fantastic, especially the Kuala Lumpur section at the end. The beginning in Kota Kinabalu had the trampoline challenge which had Jessica struggling and injuring her foot and Rachel having to take off her pantyhose because she was slipping haha But Kuala Lumpur had the Petronus Towers and Batu Caves, a night leg plus a fantastic Detour (if you ignore that it was impossible for Luke to do the DJ routine). Pouring the cocktails and the DJ routine had lots of teams struggling with placement shifts from the flights (one of my favorite Detours). Luke has a meltdown and smashes the glasses (Margie yelling like a mother to pick them up haha) and Rachel of all people calms him down. 3 hours later Brendan/Rachel pray and have a very positive edit and music (and don’t accept Margie/Luke’s offer for both to take a penalty) and a great ending between these 2. Loved the music and close up of Rachel’s cross haha Would be the best leg of the season if the whole leg was in Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Leg 2 - China (F10 - Mark/Mallory eliminated) - it looked like a cheap Covid leg but pretty exciting overall. Some great drama with Mallory forgetting Mark’s bag and arguing about going back for it, “People from Kentucky don’t act this way” and Mark being like “I don’t have much and I mean nothing to her”. A trainwreck but can’t stop watching! Jet/Cord walk for a long time and lose their 1st place lead and some okay navigation drama at the start. Building the toy car at “Chuck e Cheese on steroids” was fun - a little girl annoying Flight Time, Meghan helping her ally John (despite being last), and especially Caroline struggling and Jen managing to get the Express Pass off Jet/Cord, “I knew I’d get it off him” hehe. The featherball was also fun with all teams so close together, and Mark/Mallory just not working well together at all. No team chose the massage, and I don’t mind watching teams in pain haha but I prefer skill based challenges so I don’t mind. 7 teams then check in together at the pit stop together. Very fun and fast paced!
  3. Leg 11 - England/Wales (F4 - Leo/Jamal eliminated) - was decent and felt competitive enough but not as top tier as past final 4’s - mediocre tasks for a final 4 elimination and not many storylines but not too dull. Soccer task was ok but nothing special, shooting the clay pigeons/tossing wellingtons was terrible (still felt tense though at the end…and I guess it made Rachel crack), but I really enjoyed remembering the Welsh poem on the aqueduct (good scenery, cultural and challenging). The costumes and castle looked nice - “we’re in Downton Abbey” and Rachel finally has a TAR20 type meltdown when she picks the wrong size shoe and cries like a child (the foreshadowing at the start when Rachel says “I’m proud that I haven’t freaked out yet”). Placement shifts, self driving, Rachel meltdowns are always a positive for me, and actually had a strange positive edit where the final 4 were getting along. So still enjoyable overall and a sad ending for Leo/Jamal. Just needed a few better challenges, especially the Detour at the end.
  4. Leg 7 - Italy (F7 - John/Jessica eliminated) - a good enough leg but would rank higher if it had bigger moments or storylines. It had the Coliseum, many teams together at the final puzzle (Roman Numerals) which is always a plus (Flight Time hilariously having no clue how to do it, Rachel not helping teams, and Leo/Jamal strategically helping last place teams)…and a foot race for last with teams thinking Caroline/Jennifer were behind. However the challenges were embarrassingly bad - remote controlled chariots seemed so silly and out of place (feels very inauthentic to the Ancient Roman theme), the gladiator routine was silly, and counting the Spanish steps wasn’t that hard as long as a local could tell you the Roman Numerals. Finding the site of the “unhappy Roman holiday” had some difficulties, Rachel thinking the “eternal city” is Ethiopia for some reason haha and while the detours were silly, they had some funny struggles with Leo “I watched all 4 seasons of Spartacus”. And of course a very close finish!
  5. Leg 9 - Switzerland (F5 - Non elimination) - challenges were okay and nice Swiss scenery…but very big on the “We hate Brenchels” drama! I don’t mind it but can understand why some may find it annoying this episode. The “Accidental Alliance” is created on the train with teams mocking Rachel’s “I want to race around the world with my best friend” haha. And celebrate getting to clueboxes before Brendan/Rachel, helping one another “their family” and also complaining about them A LOT! Cleaning the room was okay as an attention to detail task and Jet was like “Now my wife knows I can clean”, and Helga “Figure it out!” was a great judge! Working out that the object is a drillbit for a tunnel plus the Mustang Puzzle were nice simple tasks - Rachel thinking it’s a wheel haha and Dave/Connor giving their allies answers. Delivering the milk through the snow at the end was a bit dull besides Brendan writing “TAR24 WINNERS BRENCHEL” on the gondola haha So just an okay leg but depends whether you like the “We hate the Brenchels” storyline.
  6. Leg 6 - Sri Lanka (F7 - Non elimination) - another “okay” leg. Started strong with the tuk tuk Road Block - Rachel was fantastic screaming “GREEN GREEN GREEN” but her colours being wrong (her ally John eventually helps her). Lots of fun chaos with everyone manhandling tuk tuks “I was booty bumping rickshaws out of the way” haha But then there’s a train equaliser and delivering logs with an elephant/make paper from elephant dung was boring (and arguably animal cruelty making the elephant do that). “You’re only as fast as your big fat elephant”. They’re okay cultural tasks but not that difficult or interesting besides a few bubbles when making the paper. Nothing much happens besides some foot races - Jet/Cord vs Leo/Jamal “It’s Indians vs. Cowboys! And the Indians are WINNING!” haha and also Dave whining that John/Jessica outrun him “Yeah beat the old man”. The tuk tuk segment was a highlight of this season and it’s unfortunate that there was an equaliser and that the 2nd half dragged.
  7. Leg 10 - Spain (F5 - Jet/Cord eliminated) - felt like a bit of a cheap and underwhelming final 5 elimination leg with some really silly challenges - shaving a balloon and running with bull costumes. A bit of the Brenchel drama (Dave saying the U-Turn was “kind of inappropriate” when it really wasn’t haha and “Dave/Connor are the sweetest guys on the planet”). Leo/Jamal decide to U-Turn Jet/Cord instead of Brendan/Rachel…but not that interesting “There’s only room for two cowboys on this race and it’s Leo and Jamal! Yeehaw!” Haha Shaving the balloon was terrible, nothing much from the flamenco dance, delivering the hams was a boring and generic Speed Bump, and the bull costumes were silly but at least had some fun moments - Rachel was hilarious as always getting knocked around like crazy saying the bulls were ”bullies”, Dave complaining “I’m an old matador”, Jet/Cord missing parts of the phrase, plus Jamal’s knee injury. It wasn’t necessarily too boring which is why it isn’t ranked lower.
  8. Leg 1 - China (F11 - Natalie/Nadiya eliminated) - was terribly designed! The challenges were finding the Chinese symbols on the band members (very quick and forgettable starting line task), finding wedding dresses (had an okay navigational element and the only decent task), the Canton Tower bubbles (luck based and terrible) and summersaults (terrible, impossible to fail, too tame of a height challenge for All Stars, Caroline “Flight Time looks like a sexy piece of spinning meat”). Natalie/Nadiya were fantastic entertainment and saved this episode from being terrible by yelling “YOU IDIOT” and “I TOLD YOU” over and over (and even argue over who is doing the Road Block). “Those are Chinese flags, not race flags you lunatic!” It also had Bopper’s medevac which was a dramatic start and it’s nice seeing all the returnees bantering with one another (Brenchel army at the airport and Natalie/Nadiya joking about Rachel’s crying). But not much content besides Twinnie craziness, Jet/Cord dominating, and teams struggling to find the wedding dresses.
  9. Leg 12 - USA (F3 - Finale) - for a finale, let alone the All Stars finale, the challenges were too easy - digging for a chest (boring), David Copperfield routine (impossible to fail and only designed to show off David Copperfield), putting lightbulbs in the Mirage sign (not challenging and only designed to show off Las Vegas) and looking for the neon sign in the helicopteskydive (didn’t look that hard to find). Very unsatisfying. But it wasn’t too boring with some minor drama with Brendan/Rachel and Caroline/Jennifer having a fight at customs (not caught on camera so just explained through talking) and there’s some arguing while digging for the chest (throwing sand in each other’s holes). Plus Brendan screaming at a taxi “We’re in a race so we can have a baby” haha plus Brendan/Rachel lost in a hotel that Rachel once worked at. And to be fair, it was very close between Dave/Connor and Caroline/Jennifer - sprinting to the final clue and waiting to see who skydived first. And a night leg in Las Vegas was a great idea…just terribly designed!
  10. Leg 5 - Sri Lanka (F8 - Margie/Luke eliminated) - unfortunately a dull leg because Margie/Luke were an obvious elimination. It did have some great airport scrambles which is always welcome in the modern era (Brendan/Rachel taking a risk on a short connection and Margie/Luke failing to get on standby). Sewing the t-shirt had potential to be a tough interesting challenge…but needed to have all teams together. Several teams struggled, teams worked together (Jessica and Brendan, as well as Connor helping a struggling Jennifer) and Big Easy really struggled “If I have to sew something I’ll just ask my fiancé or my mother…or just buy something new” haha and Flight Time just shows off his basketball skills. The fishing had to be one of the dullest challenges ever and balancing the plates wasn’t much better (although Rachel is the one telling Brendan to calm down here). Printing the t-shirts was also a boring Speed Bump. Margie/Luke are way behind and have a nice scene enjoying the Sri Lankan train ride, but not much excitement.
  11. Leg 3 - Malaysia (F9 - Joey/Meghan eliminated) - was terribly designed - boring challenges (repelling down a waterfall, delivering goods, blowdart) and separating the flights by 3 hours just didn’t make sense as there was little drama for the top 6…and then 3 teams far behind. And flight scrambles are always better than sign-ups. The top 6 just went through three tasks robotically, and even the bottom 3 had little drama or stress. I guess there was a bit of a storyline about the Brenchel army being the bottom 3 and facing the fact one of the friends will go. But Joey/Meghan are obvious boots after struggling to find a taxi. The only interesting parts were the rafts falling apart in the rapids and Rachel repelling in her underwear so her sequins don’t get wet “God forbid she lose some sequins along the way” haha The promos really hyped up the dangerous rapids and they were fine for that short segment but no drama came from them in the episode.
Not a great season but I feel gets unfair hate (just like the Family Edition which also had bad leg designs, bad route, drama that some found annoying). I don’t think it was terrible as most legs had things happening that made each one interesting enough. Everyone vs Brenchels was similar to Everyone vs Weavers (had some interesting aspects, better than nothing, but was a bit annoying at times). The cast, route and challenges were unsatisfying but entertainment is most important to me and this season was usually not boring. TAR8 and TAR24 had similar weaknesses/frustrations so I’m ranking them together. I enjoyed TAR24 slightly more but I could see TAR24 getting a 5 or less if it wasn’t a returnee season, as it had some similarities to TAR16 (many teams were compelling because of their history rather than things they did on this season).
So after each season I will place it on a ranking:
1.TAR5 - 10/10
  1. TAR3 - 10/10
  2. TAR12 - 9/10
  3. TAR17 - 9/10
  4. TAR18 - 9/10
  5. TAR2 - 8/10
  6. TAR7 - 8/10
  7. TAR20 - 8/10
  8. TAR11 - 8/10
  9. TAR13 - 8/10
  10. TAR6 - 8/10
  11. TAR10 - 7/10
  12. TAR22 - 7/10
  13. TAR14 - 7/10
  14. TAR1 - 7/10
  15. TAR9 - 7/10
  16. TAR21 - 6/10
  17. TAR15 - 6/10
  18. TAR23 - 6/10
  19. TAR4 - 6/10
  20. TAR24 - 6/10
  21. TAR8 - 6/10
  22. TAR19 - 5/10
  23. TAR16 - 5/10
submitted by Charity00 to TheAmazingRace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:19 psychoactive-drug "Solo" Levelling - a Sung Jinwoo Build (2/10 Vengeance Paladin / Necromancy Wizard)

**This post contains spoilers.


There's a popular webtoon / anime called Solo Levelling with a main character that dual wields daggers, who can resurrect his slain enemies as his summons. It's essentially the Animating Spores class action, but unfortunately, player characters can't learn this.
Anyways, I wanted to make a similar build, so I took some inspiration from
Honor mode 10/2 Smite Swords Bard (SSB) complete build guide :
Baldur's Gate 3 Build Guide Death Knight Ultimate Melee Necromancer (
One difference from this build and the ones linked above: we're going DEX instead of STR. No particular reason aside from initiative and not wanting to use the DEX gloves.
This build is probably best suited for a solo run, as it will have quite a few summons and the rounds are going to take some time. Also it's in the name so it's only fitting.
Late game, we will have a Mummy, four Flying Ghouls, a Myrmidon, a Deva, two Mephits, and five walking Ghouls. If enemies make it past our summons and into melee range, we'll smite them until they go away.
Some combos that we can try to pull off:


At level 1, take Paladin for the heavy armor proficiency. Take Oath of Vengeance (Inquisitor's Might -> Dazed with no save (!) will help our Hold Person / Hold Monster land more consistently).
8 STR / 16 DEX / 14 CON / 17 INT / 10 WIS / 8 CHA
Straightforward stat spread - max DEX/INT, rest into CON. We're going 17 INT with the intention of hitting 18 later in the game (unfortunately getting the item that gives us the +1 INT will break our oath, so have some gold ready to pay for our sins). No CHA because we're already spread too thin.
At level 2, swap to Wizard.
At level 3, pick the Necromancy School subclass.
At level 5, grab that second level of Paladin. Defense is the only relevant fighting style, as we will be dual-wielding daggers. We have smites now, and arcane recovery for more smite slots.
At level 6, we're going back to Wizard and staying there. We finally get our first feat - take Savage Attacker for more consistent smite damage.
At level 10, we get our second feat - take ASI +DEX +DEX. Sentinel could also be interesting, especially as opportunity attacks let us swing with both daggers when dual-wielding.
At level 12, we will have two levels of Paladin and 10 levels of Wizard. We'll have one level 6 spell slot, which we can refill with the Spellcrux Amulet, Markoheshkir, and the Staff of Spellpower.

Spell Selection

Paladin Spells
Wizard Spells
Spell Scribing


Act 1
The Speedy Lightfeet - not many item choices in the early game. The lightning charges give us a +1 to hit and some extra damage. While we're in the Blighted Village, we will of course grab the Necromancy of Thay.
Breastplate +1 - just a nice medium armor that we can steal from Dammon (why doesn't he sell it?).
Broodmother's Revenge - pretty hard to get this solo (I called in the ogres), but it adds a d6 of poison damage on heal, a big deal when our enemies have only ~15 health. Use Shovel to attack health pots on the ground next to us for the healing mist. We can even set up some 'healing zones' pre-combat, just be aware enemies can also walk in.
The Sparkle Hands - throwing javelins somehow counts as an unarmed attack, and we get advantage on armored enemies afterwards.
Steelforged Sword, Hunter's Dagger, Worgfang - just grab any +1 shortsword or dagger for the first bit of Act 1. Honestly, we are more likely to be running away and taking shots with Hand Crossbow +1 than we are to be in melee range.
Ring of Protection - goes without saying, we need all the AC we can get
Boots of Stormy Clamour - we get these late Act 1, they will apply reverberation if we inflict a condition. If we choose to use illithid powers, Ability Drain should trigger this. If not, the Adamantine Splint Armour inflicts Reeling. Maybe in some cases we could even trigger the Reeling condition by intentionally taking an attack of opportunity. Reverberation (Condition)) is great for two reasons:
  1. It's a -1 to physical saves (STR, DEX, CON) for every stack - not so useful for now, but in later acts, our summons will impose DEX and CON saves (Muddy, Paralysis, Prone...)
  2. After 5 stacks the enemy can fall Prone (DC 10 CON save) - all our summons will have advantage on attacks against Prone enemies
Gloves of Belligerent Skies - will help us to stack reverb from smites
Knife of the Undermountain King is probably the best 'dagger', even for all of Act 2. Adamantine Scimitar can be helpful for certain bosses that are resistant to piercing.
Strange Conduit Ring - d4 of psychic damage, self explanatory. If we break concentration, we can reactivate it with a bonus action Shield of Faith.
Diadem of Arcane Synergy - it's either this or the The Shadespell Circlet, and I think I prefer having more damage over +1 Spell Save DC.
Act 2
Sword of Life Stealing could be worth picking up. We aren't going to be able to Hold Person or Claw Paralyze the undead in this act, so the critical hit effect won't proc very often. Still, it is a +2 weapon and our DEX is only 16.
Amulet of the Harpers - free Shield and advantage on WIS saves if we aren't playing a Gnome. Alternatively, Periapt of Wound Closure. The problem is everything is immune to poison in Act 2, so Broodmother's is no longer good.
Cloak of Protection - the good thing about a solo run is that none of the universally good equipment is contested
Ring of Spiteful Thunder - very important ring for this build. Can Daze reverberating enemies if we deal Thunder damage, which we will get from Thunderous Smite, Shatter, or
Drakethroat Glaive - we can twin cast Draconic Elemental Weapon with a sorcerer hireling, but maybe this is against the spirit of a solo run. Alternatively, we will ourselves apply the Thunder damage to our offhand weapon (equip glaive, throw dagger on floor, enchant dagger). The idea is to bonus action offhand attack, hope to inflict Dazed, and then land a Hold Person / Hold Monster with our main action. The saving throw is DC 13, but with max reverb stacks, the effective DC increases to 17. Of course, this is only after having used up Inquisitor's Might.
Helmet of Arcane Acuity - I tested this build in Solo Tactician with acuity stacking, but maybe we can get away with not using this and instead keeping the Diadem of Arcane Synergy equipped.
Killer's Sweetheart - guaranteed crit is very nice for a paladin, just don't take it off by mistake. Probably replace the Strange Conduit for this one.
Act 3
In the final act, there's a lot of busted gear. First thing, head over to Sorcerous Sundries and just steal all of Lorroakan's stuff. He doesn't seem to mind. In particular, we need Markoheshkir for the free 6th level spell, Scroll of Bestial Communion for our Deva, and The Tharchiate Codex to unlock Danse Macabre.
Onto things we'll actually equip:
Hellrider Longbow - stat stick, helps us go first and if we ever fire an arrow (of many targets, perhaps) we can land Fiendish Fire to help our summons land attacks.
Crypt Lord Ring - allows us to cast Create Undead once per long rest, granting us a Heinous Mummy. This ring can replace the Killer's Sweetheart, depending on the encounter. The mummy is weak to fire but hits really hard (2d6 + 3d6 + 2d6 + 3d6), if the enemy is Frightened from the Deva or the
Helldusk Helmet - useful for a certain blinding fight and the crit immunity. Also a chance to frighten, to help out the mummy.
Amulet of Greater Health - advantage on CON saves is so valuable, and we can get this for free with some Indiana Jones antics in the House of Hope. While there, steal the Staff of Spellpower for another free 6th level spell.
Cloak of the Weave - need to pump that Spell Save DC up somehow. Alternatively, Cloak of Displacement to be harder to hit.
Armour of Persistence or Bhaalist Armour (getting this re-breaks our oath unless we can steal it) - the Bhaalist Armor's Aura of Murder counts as a condition for our reverb stacking.
Rhapsody - goes in the main hand. Hopefully we have scroll of Daylight for Cazador. Ideally, we will kill three hostiles before boss fights for the +3 to attack and spell save DC. This dagger also lets us guarantee one critical hit.
Bloodthirst - in the off-hand for True Strike Riposte.


No special consideration for consumables with this build, the universally good potions / elixirs will be good for us too:
Oil of Accuracy - helps our chance to hit, but clashes with Broodmother's Revenge (dipping in general doesn't work with the Venomous Revenge) buff)
Elixir of Guileful Movement - very handy for getting out of some cursed vines, especially as we don't have Freedom of Movement
Elixir of Bloodlust - great for clearing large groups of weak minions like the goblin camp
Elixir of Battlemage's Power - probably chug this one before battle starts, should help us land our control spells
Elixir of Heroism - concentration-free bless until long rest is pretty great, and we can buy these in Act 1
Elixir of Vigilance - for when we really need to go first to burst down some enemy
Elixir of Universal Resistance - like Warding Bond, but for loners. We won't have these universal ones early, but we will have elixirs for specific damage types (like poison for the cave spiders)
Potion of Angelic Slumber - I won't bother to list the obvious health and speed pots, but these slumber pots can be situationally useful (they don't reset the Killer's Sweetheart or the Drakethroat Glaive though, so long resting is better)
Potion of Flying - mobility matters. Some enemies like shoot at your from up high, and concentration-free flying will help you get there
Terazul - you can just snort this powder to become hasted without a bonus action? It stacks with haste??


Some final tidbits:
Try to build up reverb stacks, prone enemies, auto-crit with Hold Monster, and in general, enable the summons. There's a surprising amount of synergy here. If all else fails, a few max level smites should solve the problem.
It's only a slight twist a very popular build, but I think it's different enough to share. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
submitted by psychoactive-drug to BG3Builds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:01 papaioliver I am actively fucking up my life

I dont know who will read this, but i just have to get this off my chest.
TL:DR at bottom
A bit of a backstory: I am 19 right now. 11 days from 20. During my life, i have had it all. The best family behind me anyone could ever ask for. They raised me well, gave me all the support and love humanly possible.
I grew up in an eastern european smalltown, been always above average, and slightly autistic at least, lets admit it. The typical gifted white suburban kid syndrome: never ever ran into problems during my life, everything seemd straight forward, always knew what i shold do with my life. During my blunder years, i have developed some pretty bad traits: a never had to struggle in my life for anything. Every single thing was handed to me on a silver plate. I really am just the luckiest person alive: always done well mentally, academically, and socially. Read the book once before when the teacher said put away your books, aced every exam still, after elementary(8 years here), got accepted to one of the best middle school of my country.
Experienced all the perks of middle school and the freedom of doing whatever the fuck you want during the stupidest years of your life, 15-19. And i did. Of course, procrastinating and not giving a fuck have not lifted me above average as in elementary, but i was still in the middle of the group. Again: everything others sweated blood for, handed to me on a silver plate. Straight goals in my life, stable personality, many friends, altough i still had my innocent nerdy kid persona, which was challenged majorly during the primal environment of a middle school coeducated dorm, but was never particularly bullied, countless friends and family, support and appreciation for who i was, altough i was just being as stupid as a middleschooler is.
Then covid came, and it somehow turned everything around. Not so many friends, no such concrete stable confidence, still being a lazy fucker who somehow lucked his way through everything. also during this time, i kinda started falling off, got into weed, not jsut alcohol, started going out and socialising less, falling off, but i had a great time, thinking about those times fondly, altough not so dearly. Rocked my way through the end exams of middle school with some last minute studying, i mean i absolutely still pulled from my little finger what others couldn't with teeth, tears and blood: got accepted into university as a dentist, still feeling like i am the top of the word.
During the last true summer break of my life, i started doing food delivery. 11:30am till 22-23:00 pm sometimes. During this time, the penjamin really took off in my country, weed being illegal but alternatives, such as Hexahidrocannabinol (HHC) being legal, available in a pen, just like an Elfbar: no neet to sneak out, to talk with the plug(some of you know arranging a meeting with those fuckers isnt as easy as it seems at all lmao), just getting high while laying in my bed. During this time, my weed addiction spiralled out of control, i got high every single night, this being my "well deserved downtime": just existing in my own little world in my bed, for 2 months. Those 4 years really did turned my personality to someone who isn't fit for a course that puts "Dr." in front of your name, this wil be important later.
Before the university, there is a social event hosted for us juniors called "junior camp", where you really are supposed to meet new people, and lay the basis of your entire uvicersity social life. And i took the penjamin(like 4th one in 2 months) with me. Now for those of you who dont know, weed can be a nice social drug, taken with moderation. If you get "schwasted, wake n baked" every day, the devils lettuce really puts you into your own world. No ambitions, no will to progress, just existing in your own little world, being fine as fuck with things as it is. Still had the best memory of my life though: being high as fuck in a water park they organised for us, literally youngsters in their prime, like 1500 of us, just being ourselves in the biggest pool party of the country. What i spent it doing: weed and cigarette breaks, taking slides, which literally felt like descending to hell, and walking around, aimlessly, not giving a fuck about the 1,5k people who came here to meet me and socialise, barely communicating with them, floating in my own world. This, and watching tje closing firework while being high are the best memories of my life until this day, guys if you can, take water slides and watch fireworks while being high, its definitely worth it.
And then came the first oath to myself that I've broken since then: that i will do a conversion of Paul, really focusing on the most important thing in my life: becoming a dentist, which is, besides helping people, is a ticket on first class to upper middle class, for someone from a bloodline of the poorest eastern european easants you can imagine. It takes 4 generations to break out of poverty, and i am the 4th. All the blood and sweat of my ancestors who worked their asses out, slaving away for the communist, them capitalist system, only for their kids to someday, amybe havve the chance i do hae right, now, and I am currently fucking up.
Now for those of you who dont know, university really is the most liberal form of education on the planet: you finally get your own timetable, the only mandatory attendance being the "practices", which you could just get through without putting anything on the table, and the lectures where they actually teach you university shit, not having a mandatory attendance, so who gives a fuck?
This gets us to the University: the first 2 weeks, i was being the typical student: al the lectures, learning from day to day, putting myself there in possibly the most alien environment i have ever been during my life. And turns out, i wasn't ready for the maturity and devotion a serious practice like dentistry takes. Man, i will literally be healing other people, everyones been to the dentist, and to get there, standing above your open mouth: Thats not something what is handed on a silver plate. No matter how smart, gifted, or special you think you are: this will only be achieved with tooth and nails. And i wasn't ready, not the slightest.
This is the point where i really started descending to the level of a fast food worker(no offence, which i was too): the first 3 months can be described with one word: Weed. no studying at all, just smoking that shit, feeling the buzz, it got to the point where i couldnt fall asleep without being hihg. Quite literally, i couldn'T imagine laying in bed, just...laying. IN november, i had it all came down on me, had a small breakdown, took the second oath i have broken: that i will change. This was the 11th of November, 2023
I cut back on weed, started attending lectures, realised that i have no fucking idea what the fuck are they talking about, so whats the point of attending? 3 more weks, sometimes begging to 5-6 different plugs, just to get my dose. Then came the so-called "exam period": where they excpt you to account for what you have "learned" during the "period of diligence". Of course, you can ace all your exams in literally 2 weeks, but for me, i was at diggind the foundation, while others were building the roof, already.
3rd oath: i will put my best, really gonna study my ass off for this one, having no plans whatsoever, just getting through somehow, like i always did. I think this is the time where i have made the first real steps towards maturity: admitting my parents that i havent done shit, and the chance of failure is around 90%. They gave me the encouragement i needed, realy got back on track, and pulled my first half year. So much so, that i got a study scholarship: 13k HUF, 36 USD/month, lower middle class scholarship, but still, that meant im in the top 10 percent of students. Yet again, by partying all yer, doing everything in the last moments.
4th oath: after these few weeks of hell, i will really put myself there, study as the year goes along, being ready and up-to*date with everything. Like the adult i am
For 1 week, this really worked out. studies for hours every day, being with my "new friends": fellow dental students, whom i had a really good start with, but now, arent really close pals. They have had a complete change, a real 180 in their life: being out in a new environment, gangs and friend groups really started forming, and i was there sometimes, having a blast with them, but you know: not really a part of the gang, just the chill, stoner, pretty stupid streets dude, never being up to date, never really giving a serious fuck about them, still smoking weed and drinking with my old middleschool friends. They naturally started inviting me less and less, and slowly fell into the group of a workplace friend, who you really dont just meet after work, you know. Now this might just be my insecurity speaking, i literally have a 2 week vacation fixated with them to the beaches of Croatia, but yeah, just a chill dude whos around sometimes, not *the gang*
And then came the wrost 6 weeks of my life. During my all afternoon studying sessions, i started noticing a slight tingling in my legs and feet, and my visual snow, which ive always had for some degree, starting putting itself into second gear. I even jokingly told one of my friends who happened to study with me: "Man, i might have gotten some real nerve damage from all the weed and fake penjamins, a-ha-ha".
During the next few days, hell unfolded: imagine the worst kind of buzzing, not the gentle weed buzzingm but a genuinely alarming one, an impending sense of doom, and pretty serious unvellness: during an anatomy lecture about the cranial nerves. Figured a snus might help: stuffed a Killa cold mint(european snus is generally stronger than Zyn, this particular one being 4times as strong as the stongrst Zyn, and its still pretty mid in eastern europe lmao). Hell broke loose. If you are familiar with trip reports, i have went trhough something very similar to a bad trip, almost had to run out of the lecture, in front of the teacher and 60 of my classmates beceuse i genuinely thought im gonna die. Went out after surbibing the lecture, ambling around for 2 hours, walking to a pharmacy 45 minutes away and back, speaking with my parents, being in a complete panic which just made things worse.
This went on for a week, then i got to the doctor. The anatomy practice was always the low point: the best teacher of the institute explaining how a human body works, and i was shaking in a corner, not falling into the deepest panic attack i have ever had was taking up all my energy. Drumming with my leg,s counting the tiles on the floor again and again, not paying attention about some of the most important words ever said to me in my life. Went to the doctor that friday finally, and got good words that i am really studying anatomy, i must have known that the innervation of the top of the limbs and and the feet are completely different, so my CNS works just fine, but im describing the most common symptoms of stress induced anxiety. Also told him about my ever worsening visual snow: imagine those old TV-s who had no signal, and displayed what we called "ant football". That is my life, especially when i look at the sky, which was a thing i admired dearly: The giant cloud, not abstructed by any mountain, flowing, and ever changing, still are the most beautiful thing for me, compared with the mind.blowing sunsets we have here, in the great plains. Being robbed of that put me even deeper. The 75mg pregabalin i got described, once a day and night, havent done anything at all. INstead, they amplified my brain fog, the tingling and buzzling, and the feeling of looming dread. I havent known this at the time, so sometimes i took my daily two before the anatomy sessions, which made them truly like hell. Having to walk out multiple times in a span of 1,5 hours of the lesson, just to simply breathe. If someone closed the door of the dissecting room, all hell broke loose, i couldn't breathe. I was bumping into people on the way there and back, being so disoriented due to basically being drugged. Talked about my mother about this, she went through literally the same hell, while attempting university, just like his brother, my Godfather, who was a border guard during the East-German refugee crysis, having to shoot live munition centimeters in front of the feet of pregnant women during the fall of the iron courtain. And this was a true and horrific mental breakdown, a literal *Idegösszeomlás*, akai burnout
So long story short: missed the most crucial 8 weeks of the semester, where we were told in the beginning: if you miss a week, you are done for. The last parts of the period of diligence were spent studying like hell, with my symptoms greatly improvving: attended parties with the dentist gang, smoked weed again, and just laid the foundations for the period of exams, actually studying like hell, like i always wanted to, AND I STILL ACED IT, but with the looming over me the sword of damocles.
Now thinking back, i could've made it. I really cold have. I still can. I completed every single subject i could in the diligence period, cell biology being the hardest, I barely passed that subject with a "2", basically a B-, this will be very important later. The last exam date is at the 7th of july, but with 6 weeks for only the anatomy, and basically the chemistry of 5 years, thats should be enough, eh? Yeaahh, yet another broken oath, spent a week doing nothing, weed, youtube, and old friends, while everyone leraned their asses off. Started learning too, and i took it seriously. But any students, you know how it is:
alarm set at 7:30 am.
10 minutes of snooze, every single day, the next time i wake up more rested than i should have been after 10 minutes, i check the clock, 8:50AM.
Awesome, get out of bed and shower. Check the time again: 11AM.
Cool, the whole day ahead of me. Just a siiiingle youtube video, while i pass the morning fatigue and the rapid morning hearthbeat of 5 years of chainsmoking, yet another amazing dedication of my life.
Then its 12AM, time to dinner! Post dinner fatigue is exactly a 30min video, 12:30PM, imma begin studying.
Next time i look at the clok, its 14:27. I really lock in until 6pm, then my parents cone home. I talk with them for what feels like 20-25 minutes.
Look at the clock again. 20:21PM. How the fuck did the whole fucking day passed again? i truly lock in for the rest of the day
23:35, i can't anymore. Starting to watch trash streams on youtube, braincells dying every second
Time spent with studying: 2-3 hours.
Every. Single. Fucking. Day.
Then i got the worst news i have ever gotten
Decided to check into the E-uni managament system of my country. "You have an offered grade, you can accept it *here*. Click link. "you can't accept, you have an exam applification of this subject". So this was the first semester where they made the application to the different exams at different dates open at March instead of the end of May, so students can "pre-plan their whole semester", the backstory of this is some uni drama equal in lenght of this post *hungarian text-* (Akinek esetleg volt dolga a Debreceni Egyetem Anatómiai-, Szövet-, és Fejlődéstani intézetével, az pontosan tudja miről beszélek lmao, a többiek úgysem értenék, H***igeci),
So, remember about my offered grade about cell biology? Wel, you have to accept it, because it LITERALLY MEANS THEY OFFERED IT AND YOU CAN DECLINE IT, this is stragiht up ez shit, of course who was the hero, who forgot to do this 5 seconds thing? My pretty faced self. All the while having an exam booked for the 28th of may, which obviously had passed, and i jsut realized this now, because the university e-administration site, which you should check every day for like 10 times, havent been opened by me for a month. And in my country, no matter what grade you get offered, if you take an exam and dont attend, thats automatically a failure overwriting literally any grade you had before. And i really put in the work. Really did got the offered grade, which means 55% on 2 intersemester exams, which both of them are hell. And all undone because im too fucking lazy and stupid to open a fucking website. Because i havent declined the offered grade, and this is the first year they implemented the early exam booking, i still have hope that the email i have written towards Students affairs will have an effect, and i will be able to accept the offered grade. We are talking about a subject where if you do have to take the exam, there is a 90% failure rate. 90. fucking. percent. I have 1 month to learn the Central Nervous System(at least i know that mostly by now), and the complete human body as it is from the shoulders upwards, embriology, histology of the semester, and 1 ENTIRE YEAR of university level chenistry. Im fucked already as it is, cell biology by itself would take 3 weeks of no life learning JUST TO HAVE A CHANCE, which i have completed, and willingly, and ignorantly have thrown away.
What happens if i fail? Well, the state pays 12 active and 3 passive semester. The course is 10 semesters, so i can passivate and then retry, and still have a chance like this once more, before falling out of State Sponsored Scholarship. A semester is 1,3 million HUF, 5 months on minimum wage if you dont eat, sleep, and save 100%. PER SEMESTER. So the world wont collapse, buti would lose everyone i met during university, dropping to a class of strangers, being the failed kid, so laying the path from the best kinda uni life to the worst, in terms of connections and social life. My family knows about my mental health, even my conserative KGB grandparents are very supportive, but i wouldn't be able to stand the shame myseelf.
Had an eye watering hours long convo with a genuine friend about my life, and that made me realise im still aint shit, things reall have to change. this is why im typing this, mainly for my own self. As the first page of a diary im planning on starting, to never forget the feeling of being in the literal bottom right now. I dont except anyone to read this, idk why im even posting this, i dont even except any advice, but ofc if you have made it this far, thank you for dwelving into the life of a hungarian smalltown trash, hope you can learn
Not gonna reread this fucking yapping, sry for the typos and language, english isn't my first one
So this was it guys, my Magnum Opus of literature, the biggest yapping session of my life so far. Still spent 1,5 hours typing this even on my pc, instead of studdying, on 1,5mg alprazolam(xanax benzo), about to smoke a jo. Yet another broken oath
TL:DR: Failed to mature up for a hardcore branch of university, and a silly mistake will destroy my entire semester, and im still not studying, typing this
submitted by papaioliver to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:00 MindMaps254 Make Essay Writing Easier

Welcome to the "Essay Help by Pros" community group! Writing a great essay can be challenging, but with the right approach, anyone can produce a high-quality piece. Here are some points to follow to write a great essay:
  1. Understand the assignment: Before you start writing, make sure you understand the requirements of the essay. Read the instructions carefully, and take note of the topic, format, word count, and any specific guidelines that are provided.
  2. Choose a topic: Select a topic that interests you (if this is an option given) and that you have some knowledge about. You'll be more motivated to write, and you'll be able to draw on your existing knowledge to develop your ideas.
  3. Research your topic: Conduct thorough research on your topic, using a range of sources. Take notes on your findings and make sure you keep track of your sources so you can properly cite them later.
  4. Develop a thesis statement: Your thesis statement is the central idea of your essay. It should be a clear and concise statement that summarizes the main point you want to make in your essay.
  5. Create an outline: An outline is a roadmap that helps you organize your thoughts and ideas. It should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, and each section should have a clear focus.
  6. Write your essay: Use your outline to guide your writing. Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence, and that all your ideas are well-supported with evidence.
  7. Edit and proofread: Once you've completed your essay, take the time to edit and proofread it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your writing is clear and concise.
By following these points, you'll be well on your way to writing a great essay. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to the community for help!
submitted by MindMaps254 to essayhelpbypros [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:00 PossibilityFeeling20 If Bakugo remained kidnapped

Spoilers for Season 7
All For One steals Explosion and renders Bakugo quirkless. He tells Shigaraki to play the waiting game. Let Bakugo wear himself out, and the feeling of helplessness will sink in. While All Might still finds All For One's location, Shigaraki drags Bakugo through the portal. He intends to follow his master's advice faithfully.
For months, Bakugo is locked up in solitary confinement. The League feeds him, but he has no entertainment in the dusty old room. He tries to escape dozens of times, but he keeps failing. He can't learn to function without his quirk and has no resources.
Eventually, the League moves on to the next stage of their plan. They wanted to give Bakugo a taste of their lifestyle. Occasionally, they escort him outside and force him to witness their crimes. Even as a quirkless person, they still bind him and place a tracker on him.
Bakugo almost gets killed in the crossfire as the League clashes with other criminals. He gets frustrated and can't defend himself. At the same time, he is disgusted by the new villains he encounters, like the Creature Rejection Clan. They almost make the League look good in comparison.
He wants to punch the supremacists in the face, but his restraints won't allow him. This leads to the first turning point. Shigaraki sees that Bakugo shares a common enemy and encourages his anger. He offers to briefly take off his restraints, so he could beat to the supremacists up. Bakugo found himself increasingly in the same scenario and being tempted by it.
Despite his efforts to be patient, Shigaraki was not All For One. He was finding Bakugo's conversion to be too slow. So, he decided to make a bold move. When Bakugo returned to his cell, Twice and Toga used their quirks to create his imposter. The League used this imposter to frame Bakugo for various crimes and created fake evidence for his "new villainy".
The League attampted to make it believable, such as the clone only doing minor crimes and still acting disrespectful. They created the narrative that Bakugo was slowly warming up to the League and willing to be their lookout. The public was split on whether it was genuine or fake. As a precaution, the authorities promised to investigate and arrest Bakugo for questioning. The possibility for a false prosecution was suddenly on the tables.
Bakugo's escape plan had become far more complicated. Simultaneously, he needed to find an opportunity to slip away from the League and gather evidence for his innocence. After much thought, he decided Toga or Twice was his best bet. If he could drag them to authorities and make them confess to framing him, he would be home free.
However, his plan wouldn't be easy. The League were constantly putting themselves in harm's way. It was a challenge to simply keep Toga and Twice alive. Mostly recently, Shigaraki had gotten into a losing battle with Gigantomachia. Bakugo could do little but try not to get crushed.
After being the giant's ragdoll, he finally had enough. Bakugo called them idiots and said their strategies were impractical. He didn't want to help his kidnappers but he was tired of getting hurt. He came up with a plan to defeat Gigantomachia. Despite some progress, they couldn't land the finishing blow.
Doctor Ujiko offered Bakugo a minor quirk so he wouldn't feel useless. Begrudgingly, he agreed. He was given "pain killer"; a quirk he could only project onto someone else. Like its namesake, it gives the target an adrenaline rush and numbs their senses. The doctor ensured it was a support quirk, so Bakugo had to rely on his teammates. With this small advantage, the League finally defeated Gigantomachia.
However, it was short-lived. The Liberation Army soon challenged the League, and Bakugo had to do it all over again. Relying on the League for survival, the boy had to accept them as comrades. He protected Toga during the battle, as he needed her alive to prove his innocence. However, Curious was determined to kill her. As the journalist monologued about quirk counselling, Bakugo saw a human side to Toga for the first time.
He was shaken further when Toga transformed into Uraraka. Rationally, he knew what he was seeing, but his emotions got the best of him. He rushed to help "Urakaka" as Curious had her on the brink of death. He used pain killer on Curious in overdrive. She had too much adrenaline and ended up becoming dizzy. This allowed Toga to use Zero Gravity and kill her. Bakugo was stunned, never intending to be an accomplice to murder.
Eventually, the League was victorious and joined forces with the Army. As propaganda experts, the League allowed the Liberation to take over Bakugo's conversion. He was treated "better", like being given a small apartment. However, he was still supervised 24/7 and not allowed any communications. At their ideology was more convincing than Shigaraki's vague ideas, such as people having more freedom to use their quirks.
The Army members played to Bakugo's insecurities about his quirklessness and need to be a strong hero. They argued heroes were simply government agents and that didn't inherently make them the good guys. Even All Might lied to the public and hid how weak he was.
The Army promised Ujiko could give him an offensive quirk if he promised to do "small jobs" for them, such as helping out with training sessions for army members. Like Shigaraki, Bakugo was placed into a tank to undergo surgery. Ujiko removed the painkiller quirk and replace it with his new quirk.
However, he didn't tell Bakugo that he reserved landmine from Curious's body. He placed the explosive ability into him, as he wanted to remind Bakugo that he was a killer and "no different from the League".
Additionally, the doctor secretly placed the second power of self-destruct. Like Lady Nagant, Bakugo could be killed if he tried leaking the League's secrets.
During the raid, Bakugo was woken up from suspended animation. He saw the heroes fighting in the distance and considered running for it. At this point, All For One had possessed Shigaraki. He blackmailed Bakugo into staying.
He explained his self-destruct quirk. Then, he threatened to fly over and decay UA High if Bakugo didn't come with him. Witnessing Shigaraki destroy whole cities, he obeyed. Together, they flew to Tartarus prison, and Bakugo simply watched the chaos. He didn't know what else to do. All For One praised him for finally understanding the stakes.
After Japan's collapse, Bakugo was technically given "freedom of movement" for the first time. But due to his other quirk, he still had to follow orders. On top of that, his landmine quirk wasn't ideal. He needed to prepare ahead of time and people to act as his bodyguards. In the end, he still relied on the League in battle.
Once, he numbly asked All For One to switch out landmine for explosion. However, the top villain laughed, saying that was unnecessary. He claimed he already had an explosive ability and he could be satisfied with that. Sarcastically, All For One said landmine made Bakugo a teamplayer and he taught him something his teachers failed to do.
Finally, the League got Bakugo to do their dirty work. All For One sent him to take down villains threatening the League's agenda. Even if the mastermind freed them, he knew not every inmate was grateful and wanted power for themselves. Even in his circumstances, Bakugo tried to act as a vigilante.
He kept his enemies alive so the police could arrest them later. However, Bakguo had been desensitised to violence and could get carried away. On top of that, his enemies were the worst of the worst; murderers, terrorists and rapists. On one or two occasions, Bakugo lost his temper and killed someone. He found a twisted championship with Dabi, as they were apathetic to their teammates and happy to mow down lowlifes. Dabi's blue flames were the closest thing to seeing an explosion in action again.
As the heroes put pressure on the League, All For One's fanatic followers became desperate. They heard how Curious had previously used Landmine. It could allow them to martyr themselves, whether to avoid capture or kill someone as a last resort. At first, Bakugo refuses to use landmine on a person. However, he became nervous about triggering self-destruct. He convinced himself he didn't care if these scum died, and they asked for it.
During the final battle, Bakugo has to fight his old classmates. He spends ages trying not to hurt them but not trigger self-destruct at the same time. Eventually, he makes his main target, Ayoma. After discovering he was the UA traitor, Bakugo is a whirlwind of emotions. He personally understands being threatened by All For One and being quirkless. However, he still couldn't get over the unfairness of one thing. Ayoma got to live safe and cosy in the UA Dorms - Meanwhile, Bakugo was stuck on the street, needing to rely on killers to survive.
Ayoma begged Bakugo to direct his anger at him and leave their classmates alone. The blonde boy eagerly agrees, badly injuring the UA traitor. Eventually, Bakugo feels disgusted at himself for torturing Ayoma and tries to figure something out. Finally, he realises a loophole in his self-destruct quirk. He can't outright leak the League's secrets, but a loss of will and someone else defeating him wasn't enough to be a betrayal. He lets himself get distracted, and 1-A knocks him out.
Everyone feels terrible for Bakugo being kidnapped and failing to save him. However, he had killed one too many people. He still needed to be arrested and held at trial. Due to his overwhelming factors, Bakugo was given a reduced prison sentence and mandatory therapy.
Credit to u/gayboat87 for their suggestions.
submitted by PossibilityFeeling20 to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:58 No-Strain-7461 Long Post - The Thors Gender Reform Plan (inspired by TNO, of all things)

I have a feeling the specifics of this post are going to have a very niche appeal, but what the hell.
So something that's bugged me a little in the Cold Steel games is Thors's use of gender segregated classes--both Cold Steel and Cold Steel III each have a scene where the female students are taking a cooking class, and the male students are doing something like a computer class (I forget what it was in III). While I don't think these classes are exclusive for either gender, I do think it can inadvertently create that impression. Of course, Erebonia is a fairly traditionalist and even retrograde nation in several ways, but this particular aspect of the academy is never really discussed (unless I'm forgetting something), so it's just kind of bugged me a little. Now, it's by no means a serious problem, but it did get me thinking...
So when I'm not playing the latest Trails game or waiting in agony for the next Trails game to release, one game that I like to play is the World War II grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV. More specifically, I like to play some of the various mods that have been made for it, and even more specifically, I like to play the dark alternate history mod The New Order: Last Days of Europe (inb4 the "IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING TNO REFERENCE?!" copypasta infects this subreddit). My love for both these mods and for Trails has led me to envision the idea of a Trails-theme HOI4 mod--indeed, the various nations and conflicts would theoretically make it well-suited for such a mod, although given how conflicts--even wars-- are often resolved in a matter of days, some changes would like need to be made one way or another. Anyway, where am I going with this?
Well, I had the idea that while the big nations are an obvious pick for such a mod, it might also be fun if you played as something much smaller--like, say, Thors Military Academy? The idea being that with Prince Olivert as the "head of state", you would be directing academic direction of Thors as part of Olivert's efforts to implement his reforms in the Empire. The primary vehicle for this would naturally be the focus tree, a display of various options and paths a player can take to develop their nation, with plenty of choices that can affect how things might play out. In particular, I'm drawing inspiration from TNO, as it has much more emphasis on narrative and the political situation. And this is where that stuff about gender comes in.
Focus trees are often organized in such a way as to group their focuses by their primary...well, focus (for example, focuses on improving the military will often be grouped together, likewise with industry). For Olivert's tree, I imagine there would be a sizable branch devoted to social reform, and while a lot of that would likely be about class reform, I'm picturing a portion of it being devoted to gender issues. In the first of these focuses, once Mueller can stop him from composing embarrassing ballads on the subject, His Highness admits that despite the many powerful and influential women in the Empire, the broader social climate is often frustratingly retrograde, and while Thors is arguably one of the most progressive institutions in that regard, things could always be better.
So for this first focus, Olivert begins by seeking the opinions of both the students and the faculty on the subject. The reaction from the students would be rather muted, though with some of the more liberal girls grumbling that they didn't come to a military academy for domestic classes, and some of the more conservative boys grumbling that you don't need wOmEN in the military, damn it. The results of the faculty, meanwhile, are a bit more interesting--while many are fine with the current system (mostly co-ed classes with a few classes divided by gender) and no one is going to argue for expelling girls from the school altogether, both Instructors Beatrix and Heinrich submit proposals for changing this aspect of the curriculum.
Beatrix suggests doing away with the practice altogether, arguing that it's archaic and noting that under the current curriculum the girls are actually scheduled for more domestic science classes than the boys are (yes, I'm making stuff up here, but just to make things interesting, and again, it's not a subject that's explored a great deal)--it would be betters, she claims, for everyone to receive the exact same education (apart from the experimental model proposed for Class VII, an entirely separate issue). Heinrich suggests just the opposite, arguing for strictly gender segregated classes. He believes that this will better instill traditional Erebonian values, that it would remove distracting elements and thus improve grades, and that it would cut down on...licentious behavior (Beatrix offers a counterargument that as a military academy, they're supposed to be instilling discipline in their students, and thus it's better to confront the problems to discipline head-on rather than pushing them aside. Also, such behavior is inevitable no matter what you do).
Olivert is inclined to favor Beatrix's proposal, but at a meeting with the boards of directors, Rufus mentions that, while he does not personally favor gender segregation, there are members of the Noble Faction that do, and it might be advantageous for the school if they won their favor. This of course goes against the thrust of Olivert's reforms, but the option is there if he thinks that appealing to Erebonian traditions would be a good way to win some good will. Alternatively, Vandyck suggests just keeping the status quo, as it's largely working fine and Olivert might end up wasting political capital that he could be using on issues that are arguably more critical.
Should Olivert decide to bend to the traditionalists and enact Heinrich's plan, much of the female student body (particularly among the commoners) starts to protest, with many arguing that if they wanted a fully gender-segregated education, they would have gone to St. Astraia. The discontent is enough that Heinrich suggests bringing in Marquis Rogner to give the students a nice firm lecture on the importance of Erebonian tradition, while Beatrix instead suggests a highly respected female noble (probably someone original, I don't know if there's any pre-established character who would quite fit the idea I have in mind) who would be far more likely to win over the female students. Beatrix proves correct--her suggestion largely mollifies the protesting students, whereas Rogner, likely miffed at Angelica for the fifth time that week, goes on a semi-rant about the promiscuity of Today's Youth, going as far to imply that women don't have much of a place in the Nortia Provincial Army. This pisses off the students so much that most of the faculty recommend reverting to the original policy.
Should Olivert instead decide to back Beatrix's plan, the outcry isn't nearly as severe--most students don't see much of a problem with just a couple more co-ed classes. However, the most conservative students do cause a bit of a fuss, particularly when a few influential parents from the nobility get involved. To extoll the virtues of gender equality and hopefully get the public on their side, Thors plans a speech on this route as well, with the options this time being Claire Rieveldt and Aurelia le Guin. Claire is in many ways the ideal candidate: driven, professional, a Thors alumni, and also fairly close to the students in age. However, her closeness to Chancellor Osborne represents a problem, as it could allow the nobles to paint the whole thing as a Reformist conspiracy to destroy the traditions of Erebonia. Aurelia arguably alleviates that concern, as her status as a noble makes such accusations a lot harder to take seriously, not to mention that she's the highest ranking woman in the Erebonian military, even outside of the provincial armies. However, she is rather unpredictable and might veer off-script, nor is she particularly loyal to any political agenda.
As such, while the "tradition" route has a clearly good and bad choice as far as the speech goes, the "reform" route gives both pros and cons. Claire's speech is very popular among the student body and reformists, but does inspire a noble backlash such that it might be more pragmatic to revert to the original policy. However, should Thors stand firm, it will eventually die down, but some damage has been done that might snowball if additional radical reforms are introduced later. As for Aurelia, choosing her does manage to mollify the nobles, but not only are reformists rather tepid on having a high-ranking noble deliver the speech, but the students find her rather intimidating, mostly due to her controversial speech. For one thing, it's less focused on gender equality than it is championing personal ambition, which wouldn't necessarily be a problem on its own, but she employs several brutal metaphors about destroying one's enemies (and if necessary, one's friends) that are perhaps taken as harsher than they're meant to be perceived.
Of course, the school could just stick to the status quo, in which case...nothing at all happens, apart from perhaps an increased focus on notable women in Erebonian history like Lianne Sandlot. On the plus side, there's no controversy and Olivert is free spend political capital on other goals, but on the other hand, a chance was lost to undertake further reforms or even curry favor with useful noble contacts. Olivert can't help but feel a little disappointed.
But regardless of the route taken with the curriculum, there is one final focus to take on this subject--an invitation can be sent to St. Astraia for an academic decathalon, a friendly competition between the two schools. In a move that some might call unfair, only the female students of Thors will be allowed to compete (both because the goal is to highlight women's achievements, and because St. Astraia requested it, as their academic policy is strictly single-sex education and the competition is technically considered to fall under that), but the hope is that it will highlight the talented young women who will soon take their places in Erebonian society, as well as encourage girls to apply themselves academically.
I think that's about it. Again, this is very niche, but I had this spinning around in my head and needed to get it written down somewhere. Please feel free to comment if you have any thoughts?
submitted by No-Strain-7461 to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:52 marionas7 [Store] Low to High Tier Knives/Gloves

♦ Mainly interested in trades, but willing to sell on 3rd party markets.
♦ Below is a list of items I have at the moment. I constantly trade, so the list might be outdated and I might have new items.
♦ Buyouts are in cash and they are a reference point to know how much I want for my items in a trade.
♦ Offers is the fastest way to contact me and get a response, but feel free to add me to friends.
Trade Link Steam Profile
Butterfly Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Butterfly Knife Fade Factory New 0.0508 99.5% Faded. Click me $3,900 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Fade Factory New 0.0491 94.8% Faded. Click me $3,140 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Fade Factory New 0.0240 84.0% Faded. Click me $2,830 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0326 - Click me $2,800 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0233 - Click me $2,710 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Lore Minimal Wear 0.1439 - Click me $2,060 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0098 Red tip. Click me $2,050 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0357 - Click me $2,015 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife - 0.3493 - Click me $1,320 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Autotronic Field-Tested 0.2933 - Click me $1,100 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Damascus Steel Factory New 0.0661 - Click me $970 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Lore Well-Worn 0.4294 - Click me $830 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Damascus Steel Battle-Scarred 0.4532 - Click me $695 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Safari Mesh Minimal Wear 0.1280 - Click me $555 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest Battle-Scarred 0.4883 - Click me $470 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Scorched Well-Worn 0.3892 - Click me $465 Tradable
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT Battle-Scarred 0.6546 - Click me $460 Tradable
M9 Bayonets
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ M9 Bayonet Lore Minimal Wear 0.1247 - Click me $1,890 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Fade Factory New 0.0294 83.5% Faded. Click me $1,650 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Fade Factory New 0.0256 85.5% Faded. Click me $1,500 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0098 - Click me $1,320 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade Factory New 0.0079 - Click me $1,210 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade Factory New 0.0681 - Click me $1,180 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth Factory New 0.0316 - Click me $890 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.1871 - Click me $635 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Stained Minimal Wear 0.0854 - Click me $500 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Damascus Steel Field-Tested 0.1825 - Click me $490 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Bright Water Minimal Wear 0.1072 - Click me $485 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Lore Battle-Scarred 0.6239 - Click me $470 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand Field-Tested 0.1799 - Click me $465 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Stained Field-Tested 0.3080 - Click me $465 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand Field-Tested 0.2039 - Click me $460 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet Field-Tested 0.1813 - Click me $435 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet Field-Tested 0.1902 - Click me $430 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Stained Battle-Scarred 0.8002 - Click me $420 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet Well-Worn 0.4475 - Click me $430 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched Field-Tested 0.2021 - Click me $380 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Urban Masked Field-Tested 0.1638 - Click me $330 Tradable
★ M9 Bayonet Safari Mesh Field-Tested 0.2889 - Click me $310 Tradable
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Karambit Fade Factory New 0.0543 98.2% Faded. Click me $2,835 Tradable
★ Karambit Fade Factory New 0.0222 95.9% Faded. Click me $2,625 Tradable
★ Karambit Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0680 - Click me $1,820 Tradable
★ Karambit Marble Fade Factory New 0.0358 #624. Fake Fire & Ice Click me $1,690 Tradable
★ Karambit Marble Fade Factory New 0.0095 - Click me $1,365 Tradable
★ Karambit Marble Fade Factory New 0.0231 - Click me $1,340 Tradable
★ Karambit Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0094 - Click me $1,220 Tradable
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth Factory New 0.0207 - Click me $1,020 Tradable
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth Minimal Wear 0.0731 - Click me $995 Tradable
★ Karambit Black Laminate Minimal Wear 0.0833 - Click me $850 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Autotronic Field-Tested 0.3515 - Click me $830 Tradable
★ Karambit Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.3657 One big web on playside. Click me $680 Tradable
★ Karambit Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.3601 One big web on playside. Click me $680 Tradable
★ Karambit Ultraviolet Minimal Wear 0.1014 - Click me $670 Tradable
★ Karambit Freehand Minimal Wear 0.0914 - Click me $650 Tradable
★ Karambit Freehand Field-Tested 0.1961 - Click me $520 Tradable
★ Karambit Freehand Field-Tested 0.2707 - Click me $510 Tradable
Skeleton Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Fade Factory New 0.0350 99.7% Faded. Click me $1,830 Tradable
★ Skeleton Knife Fade Factory New 0.0285 98.5% Faded. Click me $1,745 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Slaughter Minimal Wear 0.1381 - Click me $745 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Slaughter Field-Tested 0.2527 - Click me $670 Tradable
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.3685 - Click me $660 Tradable
★ Skeleton Knife Stained Minimal Wear 0.0865 - Click me $385 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Stained Minimal Wear 0.1151 - Click me $380 Tradable
★ Skeleton Knife Forest DDPAT Field-Tested 0.3612 - Click me $185 Tradable
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler Emerald Factory New 0.0338 - Click me $3,875 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0613 - Click me $3,420 Tradable
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0248 - Click me $1,000 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Marble Fade Factory New 0.0328 - Click me $620 Tradable
★ Bayonet Marble Fade Factory New 0.0343 - Click me $565 Tradable
★ Bayonet Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0228 - Click me $560 Tradable
★ Bayonet Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0279 - Click me $560 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore Field-Tested 0.1648 - Click me $480 Tradable
★ Bayonet Lore Field-Tested 0.3210 - Click me $440 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Blue Steel Minimal Wear 0.1332 - Click me $330 Tradable
★ Bayonet Freehand Field-Tested 0.1501 - Click me $275 Tradable
★ Bayonet Freehand Field-Tested 0.1520 - Click me $275 Tradable
Talon Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Talon Knife Fade Factory New 0.0645 97.4% Faded. Click me $1,260 Tradable
★ Talon Knife Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0584 - Click me $955 Tradable
★ Talon Knife Slaughter Factory New 0.0607 - Click me $715 Tradable
★ Talon Knife Vanilla - 0.3508 - Click me $420 Tradable
★ Talon Knife Vanilla - 0.3717 - Click me $420 Tradable
Nomad Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Nomad Knife Fade Factory New 0.0115 96.6% Faded. Click me $1,010 Tradable
★ Nomad Knife Fade Factory New 0.0106 95.5% Faded. Click me $995 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Vanilla - 0.7129 - Click me $365 Tradable
Flip Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Flip Knife Doppler Ruby Factory New 0.0521 - Click me $2,725 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Fade Factory New 0.0105 81.6% Faded. Click me $685 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Lore Factory New 0.0699 - Click me $475 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0041 - Click me $475 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0327 - Click me $450 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0426 - Click me $450 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0344 - Click me $415 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Vanilla - 0.2843 - Click me $335 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Autotronic Field-Tested 0.3359 - Click me $265 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Autotronic Well-Worn 0.3820 - Click me $255 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Freehand Factory New 0.0620 - Click me $190 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Damascus Steel Minimal Wear 0.1320 - Click me $185 Tradable
Stiletto Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0239 - Click me $2,800 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Stiletto Knife Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0348 - Click me $560 Tradable
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0446 - Click me $545 Tradable
★ Stiletto Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0221 - Click me $490 Tradable
Classic Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Classic Knife Fade Factory New 0.0340 99.0% Faded. Click me $730 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Classic Knife Crimson Web Minimal Wear 0.0776 4th best float in csgofloat database. Click me $700 Tradable
★ Classic Knife Crimson Web Minimal Wear 0.1328 - Click me $345 Tradable
★ Classic Knife Slaughter Minimal Wear 0.1022 - Click me $280 Tradable
★ Classic Knife Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.2710 - Click me $215 Tradable
Ursus Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0046 - Click me $2,100 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0088 - Click me $2,055 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Fade Factory New 0.0345 91.6% Faded. Click me $550 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0335 - Click me $480 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0337 - Click me $480 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0505 - Click me $340 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Vanilla - 0.4994 - Click me $270 Tradable
Huntsman Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0226 - Click me $505 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0649 - Click me $490 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0325 - Click me $440 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0249 - Click me $420 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Fade Factory New 0.0236 85.2% Faded. Click me $400 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Tiger Tooth Factory New 0.0542 - Click me $235 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Lore Minimal Wear 0.0778 - Click me $230 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Autotronic Minimal Wear 0.1175 - Click me $230 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Vanilla - 0.1933 - Click me $220 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Lore Field-Tested 0.2764 - Click me $175 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Case Hardened Well-Worn 0.4344 - Click me $175 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Autotronic Field-Tested 0.2764 - Click me $170 Tradable
Paracord Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Paracord Knife Case Hardened Field-Tested 0.3420 #447 Blue gem. Click me $860 Tradable
★ Paracord Knife Case Hardened Battle-Scarred 0.9608 #294 Blue gem. Click me $560 Tradable
★ Paracord Knife Fade Factory New 0.0157 91.2% Faded. Click me $475 Tradable
★ Paracord Knife Slaughter Field-Tested 0.1672 - Click me $250 Tradable
Survival Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Survival Knife Fade Factory New 0.0146 94.8% Faded. Click me $415 Tradable
★ Survival Knife Vanilla - 0.3113 - Click me $170 Tradable
★ Survival Knife Vanilla - 0.5112 - Click me $170 Tradable
Falchion Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler Emerald Factory New 0.0262 - Click me $1,085 Tradable
★ Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler Emerald Minimal Wear 0.0754 - Click me $1,020 Tradable
★ Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0002 - Click me $460 Tradable
★ Falchion Knife Tiger Tooth Factory New 0.0279 - Click me $200 Tradable
Shadow Daggers
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ StatTrak™ Shadow Daggers Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0117 - Click me $690 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Doppler Black Pearl Factory New 0.0288 - Click me $675 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Doppler Ruby Factory New 0.0094 - Click me $590 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Fade Factory New 0.0128 99.1% Faded. Click me $290 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0131 - Click me $195 Tradable
Bowie Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Bowie Knife Doppler Ruby Minimal Wear 0.0779 - Click me $985 Tradable
★ Bowie Knife Fade Factory New 0.0324 96.6% Faded. Click me $420 Tradable
★ Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0212 - Click me $360 Tradable
★ Bowie Knife Slaughter Minimal Wear 0.0719 - Click me $255 Tradable
Gut Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Gut Knife Fade Factory New 0.0010 83.2% Faded. Click me $215 Tradable
★ Gut Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0271 - Click me $160 Tradable
Navaja Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Navaja Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0321 - Click me $500 Tradable
Sport Gloves
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box Well-Worn 0.3882 - Click me $3,570 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor Field-Tested 0.1644 - Click me $2,630 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor Field-Tested 0.1680 - Click me $2,610 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze Field-Tested 0.3666 - Click me $2,565 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Vice Field-Tested 0.1576 - Click me $2,235 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box Battle-Scarred 0.7577 - Click me $1,765 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Vice Field-Tested 0.1943 - Click me $1,650 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot Field-Tested 0.2251 - Click me $935 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious Field-Tested 0.2641 - Click me $710 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Omega Field-Tested 0.1840 - Click me $550 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Minimal Wear 0.0960 - Click me $395 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Arid Well-Worn 0.3850 - Click me $340 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Arid Battle-Scarred 0.4703 - Click me $245 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Arid Battle-Scarred 0.7895 - Click me $205 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Field-Tested 0.1894 - Click me $200 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Field-Tested 0.2822 - Click me $185 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Well-Worn 0.3890 - Click me $155 Tradable
Specialist Gloves
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web Minimal Wear 0.1291 - Click me $1,600 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Minimal Wear 0.1285 - Click me $930 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Field-Tested 0.1562 - Click me $575 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Field-Tested 0.1619 - Click me $565 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Field-Tested 0.2330 - Click me $425 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Fade Field-Tested 0.3640 Clean "E". Click me $365 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent Field-Tested 0.1703 - Click me $330 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web Battle-Scarred 0.7553 - Click me $315 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation Field-Tested 0.2623 - Click me $305 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul Minimal Wear 0.1396 - Click me $300 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade Field-Tested 0.2256 - Click me $300 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade Field-Tested 0.2275 - Click me $300 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade Field-Tested 0.2366 - Click me $290 Tradable
Moto Gloves
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Moto Gloves Spearmint Field-Tested 0.2093 - Click me $2,700 Tradable
★ Moto Gloves Spearmint Field-Tested 0.2607 - Click me $1,630 Tradable
★ Moto Gloves POW! Minimal Wear 0.1267 - Click me $540 Tradable
★ Moto Gloves Cool Mint Field-Tested 0.2843 - Click me $310 Tradable
★ Moto Gloves Polygon Minimal Wear 0.1313 - Click me $295 Tradable
★ Moto Gloves Smoke Out Minimal Wear 0.1381 - Click me $290 Tradable
Driver Gloves
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave Field-Tested 0.1548 - Click me $430 Tradable
★ Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid Field-Tested 0.1542 - Click me $400 Tradable
★ Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid Field-Tested 0.3515 - Click me $265 Tradable
★ Driver Gloves King Snake Well-Worn 0.3877 - Click me $225 Tradable
★ Driver Gloves Rezan the Red Minimal Wear 0.1385 - Click me $160 Tradable
★ Driver Gloves King Snake Battle-Scarred 0.5348 - Click me $155 Tradable
★ Driver Gloves King Snake Battle-Scarred 0.5467 - Click me $155 Tradable
Hand Wraps
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! Factory New 0.0664 - Click me $1,040 Tradable
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls Battle-Scarred 0.7535 - Click me $215 Tradable
★ Hand Wraps Overprint Field-Tested 0.2455 - Click me $185 Tradable
★ Hand Wraps Overprint Field-Tested 0.3501 - Click me $180 Tradable
★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! Field-Tested 0.1519 - Click me $200 Tradable
★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! Field-Tested 0.1842 - Click me $190 Tradable
★ Hand Wraps Leather Battle-Scarred 0.1703 - Click me $140 Tradable
Broken Fang Gloves
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Broken Fang Gloves Jade Minimal Wear 0.1459 - Click me $170 Tradable
Trade Link Steam Profile
submitted by marionas7 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:49 nothatsnotmegm No proficiency "auto-hit" systems examples?

Hey, everyone!
I've started to design my own system, that is modular, classless, does not use proficiency at all (at least at this point), does not have ability scores, and all hits in combat are DC2 - you hit on everything other than nat1.
Every character has a number of action-points that through talents they can mutate into attack/defence/utility/skill actions, that then unlock a tree of specific abilities related to the action. The abilities are point buys and require 1-3 related actions to use. Very heavily 2010s video game design inspired, yes.
(I also have the idea to add resources for the characters that players can select themselves: rage, focus, mana - straight from wow ikr - but that's an added complexity, that I will hold on to until after first playtests)
In the simplest way, in an encounter you use an attack action to "auto-hit", and dice rolls just trigger additional perks on top of it, that you can use with the remaining attack actions you have to make a more powerful or situational attack (if you have an ability). The defender can then use a defend action (if they have it) to use a defensive abilities to mitigate the damage or avoid it completely.
Certain defensive abilities add flat checks options for your attack rolls. For example, a defensive ability that gives you 25% chance to evade the attack automatically triggers on attack roll against you and adds DC6 condition to the same attack roll made, no separate dice rolls.
Lots of abilities can be used both as an action on your turn and as a reaction out of it - that still uses the same action points you have, be it defensive/utility ones or other. I want - on the contrary to most popular d20 systems I know - to encourage combos and abilities stacking as much as possible in the base design.
My goal with all of that is to create a fast-paced combat, with more rounds on average, but which are much faster, and give players an incentive to engage in combat not only on theirs turns, but throughout the whole combat. Also, I want to straight up remove unnecessary math and modifiers, because in my experience, they don't matter that much. It is a given, that if you want to play a fightebarbarian and use melee weapons, you would just try to maximise your strength score. As a player you don't really care about your strength number, you care about how often and how hard you hit. Or the ability scores are used just as a gate to get some cool ability, that a player actually cares about. So why not just go straight to the ability you want and the rest could be implied?
Now the main question, why I am making this post. Are there any game systems, that use any of the mentioned mechanics out there? I've seen some point buy systems, but they often add even more math and are way too complicated. Are there any systems that emphasize combos and abilities and de-emphasize math, but still has lots of options for character building and tactical play?
Also, I am in the first stages of development, so if you see any glaring issues with what I've described, feel free to give a feedback, even on the basics. However, please understand, that I am not trying to mimic the classic ttrpg gameplay, and I know that would not be to anyone's liking.
Thanks for reading the post!
submitted by nothatsnotmegm to RPGdesign [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:46 Sea-Brush758 credit no credit question urgent (need help please)

Hi everyone. Last year around second semester i started getting really sick and this did end up taking a toll on my studies. I have doctors reports and tests and can even get a doctors note to prove that i was ill and have a legitimate reason.
This did end up taking a big toll on my grades and therefore a huge hit to my gpa. At the time i didn't know how cncr worked and from the website assumed you would get the credit if you got a 50 and if you didn't it would be like you didnt take the course at all.
From my understanding now pls inform me if im incorrect, cncr is basically if you get at least a 50% or wtv the passing grade in the course the course can be used to complete the amount of credits you need and your post requirements but it will only NOT be used for your gpa cgpa etc. Is this true?
Looking at my circumstances, i can get everything that is needed from my doctor as well to prove that i was indeed ill, that semester do you guys think it would be a good idea to appeal to the registrar to credit no credit my lowest grades from the spring semester of 2023. Im looking for some input as my gpa has really been causing me to be upset the past few days and is starting to take a toll on my mental health.
To make things worse i am meant to start 4th year this fall so i don't really have a lot of room for improvement even if i take a 5th year. Any input is soo appreciated and thank you so much in advance!
submitted by Sea-Brush758 to UTM [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:46 Sea-Brush758 credit no credit question urgent (need help please)

Hi everyone. Last year around second semester i started getting really sick and this did end up taking a toll on my studies. I have doctors reports and tests and can even get a doctors note to prove that i was ill and have a legitimate reason.
This did end up taking a big toll on my grades and therefore a huge hit to my gpa. At the time i didn't know how cncr worked and from the website assumed you would get the credit if you got a 50 and if you didn't it would be like you didnt take the course at all.
From my understanding now pls inform me if im incorrect, cncr is basically if you get at least a 50% or wtv the passing grade in the course the course can be used to complete the amount of credits you need and your post requirements but it will only NOT be used for your gpa cgpa etc. Is this true?
Looking at my circumstances, i can get everything that is needed from my doctor as well to prove that i was indeed ill, that semester do you guys think it would be a good idea to appeal to the registrar to credit no credit my lowest grades from the spring semester of 2023. Im looking for some input as my gpa has really been causing me to be upset the past few days and is starting to take a toll on my mental health.
To make things worse i am meant to start 4th year this fall so i don't really have a lot of room for improvement even if i take a 5th year. Any input is soo appreciated and thank you so much in advance!
submitted by Sea-Brush758 to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:45 yarrowbloom Review dump for Hexennacht, Black Hearted Tart, and Osmofolia

Hi everyone! I finally got up to compiling and typing up some reviews. I ordered from Ajevie on April 12, and it was shipped out on April 18th. The package reached one of the processing centers in my city and then got lost... still to this day, even after I opened a missing package case. I had paid for package protection, so I contacted Angi (May 6th) and she sent me a replacement at no additional cost after we waited for a while to see if the missing package would turn up. The replacement was shipped out May 16th and got to me on May 25th. Always pay for package protection!
Rating scale: 1: scrubber 2: keep it and never wear it and revisit it every 6 months hoping I like it now (I probably won't haha) 3: wear it rarely-it's ok but I'm not likely to use up my sample 4: wear it often, enjoy it throughly 5: I want to smell like this all the time!! I think about this when I'm not wearing it.
Though at this point I've gotten quite a few samples, there's still a lot I have to learn about my preferences.
Likes: green scents, tea scents, lilac, pepper, vanilla (some), atmospherics. Dislikes: coconut, mint, plums, prominent incense. Dislikes - longevity over 9-10 hours (I feel claustrophobic if it lasts longer), high throw.


London Fog - sweetened earl grey tea, steamed milk, vanilla syrup.
If I pay attention, I can get a very small impression of something creamy, and something fruity/floral? It is a bit like plums to me. I'm hoping this improves with rest because currently, I get hardly any tea or bergamot, and very minimal milk. Instead, it's a sweet, plum (?) scent to me. 2 week rest update: still about the same! The main change is I'm getting more milk now- it's decidedly creamy. Still little bergamot, tea, or vanilla though, so I'm sad. It definitely doesn't smell bad, just not what I wanted. Average throw and longevity (4~ hours?). 2/5 because I really like real London fog and the listed notes don't match much of what I'm smelling :<
At October's Table - smoked vanilla, beeswax [vegan], honeyed pumpkin, toasted marshmallow, tonka, nutmeg, clove, kindling branches, cassia.
Full fall candle for me. The honey note and spices make it feel really sharp/abrasive in a cloying way to my nose. It leans just a bit headachey to me too. It's a bit better when I only get the top notes and it's further from my nose. It DOES smell aggressively fall, so I'm thinking I'll keep it and revisit it in the autumn (and maybe apply it to my knees so it's further away and I don't get the heart notes haha). 1/5. Succeeds at representing fall but does so in a way that fights my nose and feels not especially novel or friendly.
Brightening The Daybreak - grass, clover, hay, sun-warmed cornfields, muguet, honeysuckle, acacia, ozone, meadow air, tree moss, oakmoss, fir balsam.
LET'S GOOOO THIS IS SO GREAT!! Wow, I'm getting really fresh, grassy florals. Pretty evenly divided between the grassy aspect and the floral aspect. Minimal hay which is too bad because I love hay irl. A teeny amount reminds me of Neutrogena sunscreen but that's honestly a benefit because it contributes to the sunny park atmosphere. Similar to Death and Florals - the Deadly Poppyfield. The greeness is very similar, but brightening the daybreak feels like the florals contrast with the greeness and round out the scent, whereas the florals in the deadly poppy field ALSO feel green, and it becomes a VERY plant oriented scent in a way. Brightening the daybreak feels more wearable of the two to me:) 5/5 - I really like this one!!! I would like to smell like this often! It feels bright and sunny and fresh!
Rose Quartz - rose bud, pink grapefruit, passionfruit, cream soda, pink bubblegum, raspberry mimosa accord, pink pepper.
I don't get very much rose or pepper in this one. The scent is definitely a bright, fizzy pink scent - the brightness coming from the grapefruit and bubblegum, and some boozyness from the mimosa note. The fizzyness lasts for a few hours and then weakens, and the raspberry becomes revealed as these brighter notes fade. It definitely feels like a pink scent but way more fuschia in my opinion than the pastel pink of rose quartz. It's fun and flirty and fruity. It makes me think about people who wear sparkly makeup and a bright assortment of colorful barrettes in their hair. Fairly average throw and longevity (about 5-6 hours). 4.5/5.
Date Nights at Annapurna's- yellow curry, jaffa rice, homebrewed chai, coconut milk, naan.
When I first apply it, it's a lot more savoury gourmand- I get the butter from the naan, the yellow curry, and the rice. After a really short period of time (like 20 min?) these savory elements have faded and I'm left with something that's more perfumey and less atmospheric. What remains is a rice note and soft spices from the chai underneath. The rice is a drier rice than Poesie's rice note. For Poesie, I tend to think more of a steaming, stickier rice like jasmine rice or white rice. This rice is more similar to basmati rice (or I guess, jaffa rice- I'm just less familiar with that so I can't describe it well). Under the rice is a tasty blend of spices in the chai, with the primary spices at the top being cinnamon and maybe pepper, tempered by the rice and other chai elements. I don't get any coconut milk but there is a little bit of creaminess here. The chai reads a little candle like but it's still quite nice. Low throw, low longevity. 4/5.

Black Hearted Tart

Piece of My Heart - the intoxicating aroma southern Magnolia trees release into the hot, humid summer air. We represented the entire magnolia tree with its waxy, green leaves and lemony floral essence. Sugar cane adds sweetness, while cardamom and pink pepper add spice. The vanilla bean base is complemented with sandalwood and a dash of bitter almond.
I can smell some florals, some spices, and an underthread of woods. I grew up with a magnolia on my lawn, and this doesn't smell like magnolia to me-- or really cardamom either- it swings a bit more towards cinnamon. Magnolia wood has such a beautiful spiced/resinous quality to it, and I wish that was the direction this fragrance went instead. To its credit, it feels expensive, well balanced, and nicely complex. It reminds me of a fancy home goods stores with their gold and glass mantelpiece decorations and rough throw blankets in cream and oatmeal colors. So it's still a nice everyday scent, but it's another one that doesn't match the notes well for me. The throw was low- I had to put a lot on to smell it well, but it had good longevity (6+ hours). 3.5/5 - I do think it's a pretty good fragrance and it's wearable, so I'll probably use up the sample. But I really wish I got the magnolia from it!!
Yuuwahuu- Iced Thai tea with notes of black tea, star anise, and cardamom is muddled with fresh summer peaches and garnished with mint. Osmanthus absolute’s apricot note enhances the peach notes, while its slightly indolic note accents the white musk base.
Does this smell like Thai iced tea to me? Not so much. Does this smell good? Yep! What I get is a musky, fruity peach that has a element in it almost like black boba pearls with a little tea. For me, there's this note that is really reminiscent of that dusty/sweet/brown flavor in boba, and that's added onto the peach. I think the Thai iced tea idea does lend a level of warmth and a little smokiness (?) or richness to the peach. I'm missing a lot of the spice/smoke/vanilla/creamy elements that I associate with Thai iced tea. I don't sense any mint which is a win for me. If you're looking for a peach boba scent, this isn't quite there- when I've had peach tea with boba, it's been a brighter, sweeter, tangy peach. This one is much more opaque and a little resinous in a way. This perfume is sweet but not cloying. Low to moderate throw, 7-8 hours longevity. 4/5.
Moonstone - argent ambre, night-blooming jasmine, evening air accord, lunar musk.
I'll be honest, I'm not too certain what the majority of these notes smell like, so there's no way I can pick them out or talk about accuracy. My impression of moonstone is that it's a somewhat soapy scent with low throw and low longevity. It's not soapy in a bright or grassy way, but is calmer. Definitely a white or pale green type of bar soap. It dries down to a faint skin scent that I'd describe as "you put on fancy lotion a few hours ago". I think it'd be a good sleep scent if you'd like to put fragrance on but you want something mild and subtle. Not especially sweet or floral in my opinion. It reminds me of how a well maintained, clean hotel room smells. Or even a store that sells suits. It really does have low projection though. 3/5 - I gotta keep this one in mind as an option for when I like the idea of wearing perfume but all my options seem "too much".
Crown of Love - Crown of Love is a sweet, romantic, floral fragrance. Red rose accord is softened with cherry blossoms, tulips, geranium, and freesia. Champagne brut and cashmere musk add a light powdery freshness. Raspberry sorbet, candied apple slices, and grape jelly make for a jammy rose blend!
It's accurately described by the notes I think- sweet, floral.. a little brightness and tang added in from the fruit notes. But it all feels kind of nondescript and a little bit generic. It's a super girly smell and a little bit like sweet tarts. Or maybe a glittery lip gloss. Makes me think about someone who always has fresh nail polish on and has gum in their car, and one of those bejeweled Stanley cups. It's nice smelling but just not for me. Didn't wear it long enough to accurately assess longevity, projection seems about average. 2/5
Hips Like Cinderella - Swishes of chiffon are illustrated with freesia, gardenia, and mimosa flowers. An ambrosia of mandarin, apricot, and orange zest add a delectable juiciness. Fresh cut grass, clover, and wisteria evoke a springtime feel. Golden amber and soft sandalwood create the base.
Somewhat similar to crown of love. It's definitely a juicy floral. Not quite as sweet/candied as crown of love, and more citrus, whereas Crown feels more grape centered when it comes to the fruity aspects. I think there's a LITTLE bit of green aspects to this, but only in comparison to Crown, which doesn't have them. Smells a bit clean and fresh. I think if you're a fan of bright florals you'd really enjoy this. It's perfectly nice but I don't see myself wearing it. 2/5

Lucky #9 (Ajevie free sample<3)

Bonfire Hiss - Heliotrope, pine, cedar, amber, smoky sandalwood, musk, roasted marshmallows, brown sugar, coconut, soft vanilla (If you like… B&BW's Bonfire Bliss).
The primary components are the coconut, a little smoke, and woods. The amber, vanilla and musk exist as a way to round out the scent and make it more complex and balanced. It's not for me because I don't like coconut much, but I can see the appeal for sure!! I haven't tried bonfire bliss, so I can't speak to how accurately it represents it. 2/5


Insomniacs on a Date #2 - ferns and flowers in a tropical greenhouse.
I really like this! It's a bit too floral to accurately represent the greenhouses I've been into- I'd need a bit more fern and maybe some stone or dirt notes.. but it is a beautiful scent none the less. It really does come across as humid. For some reason I'd guess this one poses a bit of a headache risk to people, just because of how the florals feel. Moderate throw, moderate to low longevity. 4/5
Insomniacs on a date #1 - Café con leche.
Unfortunately for me this coffee is coming across a bit more in a coconut way- my fiancé agrees too. I get coffee (a bit of a roasted note there), and coconut. Not much milk or anything else. More throw and longevity than insomniacs #2. It's a bitter coffee, which I appreciate. Paired together, the florals and greenery cut out a bit of the coconut for me and make it a bit more accurate, but I'm still not the biggest fan of this one. Smelling them together, I can see the vision! But Insomniacs 1 doesn't achieve the coffee dreams that I want it to, so it falls a bit short. 2/5.
For Seconds at a Time #1- Madeleines with raspberry jam.
I'm hoping more raspberry jam comes out after some rest! Right now I get some very realistic madeleines. I can smell almond, sugar, butter, and the fact that they're lightly browned. The raspberry is hiding so much!! But it's beautiful even without that. 2 week update: Yep! The raspberries are more present now. This scent feels so realistic, I want to eat my arm. Throw and longevity are on the shorter size. Tasty! 5/5. I'll wear this often and enjoy smelling like it for the full duration of the scent.
And Life and the Fields - A summer field abuzz with the sounds and smells of life: tonka beans and timothy hay drying in the sunlight, warm amber, bees zooming away from the orange blossoms back to their honeycomb hives, juicy apricots ripening in the heat, and dusty fields of of wild oats and wheat waiting to be harvested.
I got this one in a separate order this fall and was really sad. For some reason -- the oats really came across as coconutty to me! I was surprised to read reviews calling it atmospheric, when it wasn't to me at all. It was muddled oats, honey, and dusty florals. But revisiting it now about 8 months later.. it's great! Orange blossom at the forefront and a beautiful summery backdrop of supporting notes that make it feel so sunny and fresh, and pushes it from overly perfumey to something that's more atmospheric. I really like this now, and I'm wondering at what point in the aging process it transformed into this version. It's a bit similar to the feeling that Solstice Scent's Victorian Picnic gives me. Definitely the most I've had a perfume change through rest. 4.5/5.
submitted by yarrowbloom to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:41 hollow2d So, what's it like exactly, getting a degree?

TL;RD me not amazing at chem will biochem make me wanna kill myself
I'm seriously considering going into biochemistry, and I was wondering if this subreddit could give some insights into their experience with it (mainly about its difficulty).
I know I want to go to school and learn more before I have to work, and I'm kind of split between liking a lot of things but not being particularly good at any one thing.
That being said, I'm good at bio (duh, you just need to study) and im decently good at chem (sitting at a 90% average). I found cellular respiration and photosynthesis in biology facinating and I really want to know more stuff like that but what actually happens at the molecular level. But, I'm also worried. Despite being interested, that unit wasnt at all easy for me, and if biochemistry is as hard as my bio teacher says then is it a good idea? I might be forced to drop out or loose any potential scholarships, which would suck.
So, to anyone who considers themselves not AMAZING at chemistry but who still did a biochem degree, was hard work enough to pull you through? My alternative to biochem is probably statistics, I'm a fan of math.
Btw im in grade 11 in alberta if that information is relevant for gauging grade and particularities of a biochem bachelors program.
Thanks a bunch in advance!
submitted by hollow2d to Biochemistry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:28 Cosmolias [25/M] - Looking for more long term friends

Hiya! I'm on the hunt for some long term friends to vibe with. Huge bonus points if you live near Seattle/in the PNW.
About me:
That’s a bit about me. If I caught your attention and I seem interesting, shoot me a message. Please include some basic info about you like age and what not, as well as a random question for me :)
Also, Reddit messaging is trash, so I'd like to move the conversation off of Reddit sooner rather than later.
submitted by Cosmolias to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:27 Cosmolias 25M - Looking for long term friends

Hiya! I'm on the hunt for some long term friends to vibe with. Huge bonus points if you live near Seattle/in the PNW.
About me:
That’s a bit about me. If I caught your attention and I seem interesting, shoot me a message. Please include some basic info about you like age and what not, as well as a random question for me :)
Also, Reddit messaging is trash, so I'd like to move the conversation off of Reddit sooner rather than later.
submitted by Cosmolias to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:27 Cosmolias 25 [M4R] Seattle/Anywhere - Looking for long term friends

Hiya! I'm on the hunt for some long term friends to vibe with. Huge bonus points if you live near Seattle/in the PNW.
About me:
That’s a bit about me. If I caught your attention and I seem interesting, shoot me a message. Please include some basic info about you like age and what not, as well as a random question for me :)
Also, Reddit messaging is trash, so I'd like to move the conversation off of Reddit sooner rather than later.
submitted by Cosmolias to r4r [link] [comments]