Jumpers for goal post online game

Subreddit for the game Among Us by Innersloth.

2019.03.22 19:19 Subreddit for the game Among Us by Innersloth.

Unofficial subreddit for the game Among Us by Innersloth. Play online or over local WiFi with 4-15 players as a Crewmate or an Impostor. Crewmates can win by completing all tasks or discovering and voting the Impostor off the ship. The Impostor can use sabotage to cause chaos, making for easier kills and better alibis. Choose from 5 maps and 1-3 Impostors to better suit your own playstyle!

2012.04.20 15:19 LKS DayZ: Post-Apocalyptic Open World Survival Game!

/dayz - Discuss and share content for DayZ, the post-apocalyptic open world survival game. Avoid the infected (not zombies), make friends with other players (or not). The only goal is survival.

2009.11.18 22:36 rednightmare Looking For Group

LFG is a place for tabletop gamers to organize groups for the games they love to play.

2024.06.09 06:30 KaizokuoDLuffy Confused how to go about writing SoP for Visa. Help!

Posting this from a friend's account because I got locked out of mine.
Hi all! I (28 F) am new to this sub so I hope this is the right place to seek help for my particular scenario. Mods, please bear with me if I am.
I am in the process of applying for a Visa to join NCI for its Higher Diploma in Science in Computing, an NFQ Level 8 conversion course designed to reskill people from non-IT background to graduate standard in the field. I have been accepted by NCI and now all that remains is to write a statement of purpose for the visa, but I have been having difficulties drawing inspiration from to write one meaningfully.
I have been looking for sources or templates online to measure my SoP against. But it seems there are none for the NFQ Level 8s. And herein is where my problem lies because I don’t have a way to know if the one I have written is impactful enough for a successful visa obtainment.
I'll try to keep this brief so here's a little about me. I graduated in Journalism & Mass Communication in 2017 and got my first job as a digital marketer. The whole thing wasn't my cup of tea but I learnt about web development from a couple of projects I worked on and discovered that I had quite a knack for it.
Fast forward to 2020, I quit my job to reskill myself because digital marketing was getting me nowhere. But then Covid struck and we went through some tough times so I had to keep myself afloat teaching Korean on the side. I learnt web development on my own knowing absolutely zilch about computers. But I was able to learn enough to build simple websites and web apps on my own. This took me up till the end of 2022. Luckily, I caught a break in 2023 and worked on a couple of jobs as a junior web developer. But I felt the need for a formal education while working at these jobs because I realised I could be out of my depth at times. This is also when I learnt about conversion courses for professionals from non-IT vocations and decided to apply at universities.
Thankfully, I got in at NCI and now need to get a visa. I have seen sample SoPs online for NFQ Level 9 courses but nothing for an international student wanting to go for an NFQ Level 8 conversion course. My question to the sub is, has anyone gone through a similar experience and share tips on how to compose an SoP? Or are there any places I am not looking online for sample SoPs tailored to my circumstance? I know I am asking for too much but I hope someone has an answer. Thank you!!
submitted by KaizokuoDLuffy to DevelEire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:30 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Any recommendations for a coop game where players work together to achieve a common goal? I was looking at everdell but am unsure. I ask because my partner enjoys board games but she is not a fan of playing against me competitively.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:30 FifaNoob94 Someone explain how this game works please

I’ve been playing for two months now, have a decently stacked 93 rated squad. But some of what this game does is so beyond me:
-Some games will be free-flowing where I can utilise the pace of players well, but other games are so cagey, my players can barely move and there are 3000 midfield tackles and possession changes before one of the teams just manages to get a penalty. This has absolutely nothing to do with the opponents rating, I feel the game just decides an occasional boring/cagey game.
-If I play a 91 rated team the game is decently poised, I do end up slightly favourable. If I play a 93 rated team the game is good. But if I dare get matched with a 95 rated team or something, then I’m going to get sveltered 20-0 if I play to the end. The focus on players is insane and I feel the game has no priority to skill. A 97 Martinez can literally press shoot from anywhere outside the box and chances are it’ll end up at the back of the net. Not to mention otherwise decent defenders will fall down or make silly mistakes, or even lose the ball post a tackle if they’re playing higher rated players. Why can’t teams above 90 be decently matched against each other?
-If I’m on a win streak the game will 100% match me from someone who is definitely not in my division to break it. I would like to play with people at my skill level, I’m a weekend player at best I don’t need to play a Ronaldinho, R9 team.
-Why is pack luck so shit? This cycle is towards its end and you usually get better packs at the end. Why do I always end up getting the same 5 people who are 83 rated in the packs?
Everything about this game is annoying.
submitted by FifaNoob94 to fut [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:29 Unlikely_Ad9514 The Kinetic Power System Review 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Independence

The Kinetic Power System Review 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Independence
The Kinetic Power System Review 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Independence
In today's world, where electricity costs continue to rise and environmental concerns are more pressing than ever, finding a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution is a priority for many households. The Kinetic Power System, developed by Craig Brooks, promises to be a game-changer in this regard.
This innovative system claims to provide a reliable, eco-friendly, and affordable way to generate electricity using kinetic energy. In this review, we'll dive deep into what the Kinetic Power System is, how it works, its benefits, and whether it lives up to its promises.
What is the Kinetic Power System?
The Kinetic Power System is a DIY guide designed to help users build their energy generator using flywheel technology. The guide provides detailed instructions on how to assemble the generator with commonly available materials such as plywood, bicycle chains, gears, screws, adhesives, and a repaired flywheel. The goal is to create a system that can generate and store kinetic energy to power household appliances.
Get a Discount On The Kinetic Power System
According to the creator, Craig Brooks, the system is easy to build and requires no specialized knowledge. The instructions are straightforward and can be completed in about three hours. The entire setup costs under $200, making it an affordable alternative to traditional energy sources.
How Does the Kinetic Power System Work?
At the heart of the Kinetic Power System is flywheel technology. Flywheels have been used for centuries in various applications, from pottery wheels to industrial machinery. The principle behind a flywheel is simple: it stores energy by spinning and releases it as needed.
The Kinetic Power System utilizes this principle to generate electricity. Once the flywheel is set in motion, it continues to spin and produce energy with minimal input. This energy can be used immediately or stored for later use, depending on the household's needs. The system combines traditional flywheel technology with modern hybrid technology to enhance efficiency, resulting in three times more energy output with half the input.
Benefits of the Kinetic Power System
  • Cost Savings
One of the primary benefits of the Kinetic Power System is its potential to significantly reduce electricity bills. According to the creator, the system can cut power costs by up to 62% in the first month. Given that the setup costs less than $200, the return on investment is relatively quick.
  • Eco-Friendly
The Kinetic Power System generates green energy without emitting pollutants. Unlike traditional generators that rely on fossil fuels, this system uses kinetic energy, which is clean and renewable. This makes it an excellent choice for environmentally conscious individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Reliability
The system is designed to be durable and reliable, capable of operating in various weather conditions. Unlike solar and wind energy, which depend on specific environmental conditions, the Kinetic Power System can generate electricity consistently. This reliability makes it a valuable backup during power outages and natural disasters.
  • Low Maintenance
The materials used to build the Kinetic Power System are durable and require minimal maintenance. The system operates quietly due to low friction, and its simple design means that repairs if needed, are easy to perform without professional help.
  • Energy Independence
With the Kinetic Power System, households can achieve a degree of energy independence. By generating their electricity, they are less reliant on external power providers and can avoid the volatility of energy prices. This self-sufficiency is particularly beneficial in areas prone to frequent power outages or where energy costs are high.
What's Included in the Kinetic Power System Guide?
The Kinetic Power System guide is comprehensive and user-friendly. Here's what you can expect to find:
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Detailed, easy-to-follow instructions that guide you through the entire process of building the generator.
  • Materials List: A complete list of materials needed to construct the system, most of which are affordable and easily available.
  • Theoretical Background: An explanation of the principles behind the technology, helping users understand how and why the system works.
  • Maintenance Tips: Guidance on how to maintain the system to ensure it operates efficiently over the long term.
  • Customer Support: One year of unlimited customer support to assist with any questions or issues that may arise during the construction or operation of the system.
Who Should Use the Kinetic Power System?
The Kinetic Power System is suitable for a wide range of users:
  • Homeowners: Ideal for those looking to reduce their electricity bills and achieve greater energy independence.
  • DIY Enthusiasts: Perfect for individuals who enjoy building and maintaining their systems.
  • Environmentally Conscious Consumers: A great option for those committed to reducing their carbon footprint and living sustainably.
  • People in Remote Areas: Beneficial for those living in areas with unreliable power supply or high energy costs.
Pros and Cons
  • Substantial reduction in electricity bills.
  • Utilizes affordable and accessible materials.
  • Generates clean, renewable energy.
  • Low maintenance and easy to repair.
  • Provides energy security during power outages.
  • Suitable for anyone, regardless of technical expertise.
  • Initial setup costs might be higher than traditional generator books.
  • May not appeal to individuals with limited crafting or DIY skills.
Pricing and Availability
The Kinetic Power System is available for a one-time payment of $49. This price includes lifetime access to the guide and one year of customer support. Payments can be made via PayPal or major credit cards.
Additionally, the system comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, providing peace of mind for users who may be skeptical about the effectiveness of the system.
Final Thoughts: Is the Kinetic Power System Worth It?
The Kinetic Power System offers a practical and affordable solution for generating electricity at home. Its eco-friendly nature, cost-saving potential, and ease of use make it an attractive option for many households. While it may require some initial effort to build, the long-term benefits of reduced energy bills and increased energy independence are substantial.
Get a Discount On The Kinetic Power System
For anyone looking to take control of their energy needs and reduce their reliance on traditional power sources, the Kinetic Power System is worth considering. Its user-friendly guide and comprehensive support ensure that even those with no technical background can successfully implement this innovative system.
In conclusion, the Kinetic Power System is a promising solution for sustainable energy generation in 2024. Its blend of affordability, reliability, and environmental benefits make it a standout choice in the realm of DIY energy systems. If you're ready to embrace energy independence and reduce your electricity costs, the Kinetic Power System could be the answer you've been looking for.
submitted by Unlikely_Ad9514 to u/Unlikely_Ad9514 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:29 queen_e_ Tired of Dating

I(29F) recently started online dating. To be completely honest, I’m truly content with being single and for so long wanted to keep it that way (to the point that I’ve never been in a serious relationship). The issue is that it’s so difficult to be single and complete some of my life goals without a partner such as purchasing a house and traveling a lot while feeling financially stable. I’ve only been on a dating app for a week yet I feel so exhausted and worn out. The constant conversations with strangers I have to keep up with and planning dates has me worn out. Not to mention, going on in-person dates and it not working out has me feeling like I wasted my time and energy. The amount of guys that don’t read my bio and try to persuade me to change my mind about certain stances I have made clear I will not change on also is just exhausting to deal with. I’m so tired but I know I shouldn’t throw in the towel yet as it’s only been a week.
submitted by queen_e_ to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:28 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Any recommendations for a coop game where players work together to achieve a common goal? I was looking at everdell but am unsure. I ask because my partner enjoys board games but she is not a fan of playing against me competitively.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:28 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Any recommendations for a game that is good with two players, cooperative (ie shared same goal), has some light rpg elements or an evolving story (a bit legacy like?) but does not add new rules all the time? My gf liked pandemic.legacy for a while, but having a new concept introd

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:27 President_Roosvelt Why they push politics so hard?

Several hours spent on this game and what can I say. It’s awesome! Great writing, great characters and great dialogues. But there’s one thing bothering me about the latter. As much as dialogues are incredibly rich and original, after hours of playing I started to recognize patterns and what at first seemed to me casual, now it is clearly driven by politics. I feel like every dialogue, interaction or even thoughts are finalized to position myself in a political spectrum. I suspect that the final goal for the game is to classify you as socialist, communist, liberal, ultra liberal etc…I didn’t go very far in the main story line (second day only) but is this aspect of the game going to get worse with time? In my opinion it gives a negative vibe of artificiality, because sometimes the dialogues (with others or with my inner self) are “bended” and “forced” unnaturally towards a political outcome. Don’t get me wrong, still a great game but it bothers me a little this setting.
submitted by President_Roosvelt to DiscoElysium [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:26 rvisthebest Bap OTP - I am struggling against dive in high elo, any advice?

I cannot get above Masters 4 right now (which is equivalent to GM5-GM3) pre-season 9. My goal one day is to get to GM1 equivalent.
Bap is my main and by far my strongest character, and my WR when it’s like Brawl or Poke is like 65%. I know this is largely because my aim is decent and I weave well.
I however am being severely held back (have a much lower winrate) whenever we are playing against Dive. Dive v Dive also feelsbad bc harder to heal Ball/Doom/Winston but the issue is more of FACING Dive for me, rather than playing With Dive.
How do you make Bap work? I often go against Winston/Doom + Echo/TraceVenture and it’s just a nightmare. In this Elo they are more coordinated , miss much less, etc. I try to save all my cooldowns, poke enemies out while they are staging, but I just get blown up.
Just feels like my high winrate with brawl/poke is neutralized whenever it’s Dive.
Everyone always says Bap is broken/strong (and yes, I agree he is strong), but it feels some situations it’s so hard to make him work at this rank. I also am rarely able to catch pro streamers/players play Bap vs full dive. I’ve seen it in OWL games but the Bap is protected by a brig and gets coordinated peel (+OWL is different).
If it’s really really bad I go to Kiriko. My Kiriko isn’t awful but it is def not enough to have huge impact on games. My Ana is a complete step below in comfortabilty and skill level. I know a lot of people say it would be time for me to really sit down and work on my Ana/Kiri more, but I still want to hear advice from other high elo Bap mains.
submitted by rvisthebest to BaptisteMainsOW [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:26 N9B6Q "NVIDIA Output Not plugged in" error pls help

Hey guys, first off I’m not very computer savvy, so treat me as such lol but I've been dealing with this for a few days now, and it's driving me insane 😭
This is the problem:
I don't get any sound out of my computer at all, whether through the speakers (3.5mm jack) or headphones plugged directly into the headphone jack. All sound is completely gone. No system sounds, no video game sounds, no sound for YouTube, etc. My computer isn’t even picking up that there are speakers or headphones plugged in, and when I do the basic Windows troubleshooting, I get the message “Problem found: The speaker, headset or headphone is unplugged”. Which for clarity, the speakers work fine, my headphones also work fine and the HDMI that connects my computer to the monitor also works fine, this has only been a problem since resetting my computer.
In the Playback tab of Sound, I have two devices listed that both just say:
- NVIDIA High Definition Audio
- Not plugged in
This happened after I did a clean reset of my computer a few days ago, and I’ve been going through old reddit posts, IT forums etc. troubleshooting it ever since.

This is my setup:
PC: HP Pavilion
OS: Windows 10, most current edition
Sound drivers: NVIDIA High Definition Audio (version
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT630
Monitor: Samsung (no inbuilt speakers)
Speakers: Logitech (connected through the headphone jack at the front of pc)

Here's what I've tried:
Restarting the computer.
Rolling back Windows updates.
Turning HDMI audio in the ‘Set up digital audio’ part of NVIDIA Control Panel off and on again.
Uninstalling and re-installing my NVIDIA sound drivers (clean reinstalls).
Doing another factory reset of my computer. REINSTALLING WINDOWS 10. This did not work. I’ve tried all the above steps after reinstalling, multiple times, nothing worked.

Is there anything else I can do short of taking it in for repair? Thanks for any help, I really appreciate it :)
submitted by N9B6Q to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:26 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Any recommendations for a coop game where players work together to achieve a common goal? I was looking at everdell but am unsure. I ask because my partner enjoys board games but she is not a fan of playing against me competitively.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:26 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Any recommendations for a game that is good with two players, cooperative (ie shared same goal), has some light rpg elements or an evolving story (a bit legacy like?) but does not add new rules all the time? My gf liked pandemic.legacy for a while, but having a new concept introd

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:25 haveaconscience “Temp” agencies?

My fiancée and I are looking for temp agencies with consistent work in Manhattan. We’re from out of state and we usually go to a couple places where you go in in the morning, and they give you a job for the day. It could be a different job every day and sometimes the same job for a couple weeks, but nothing permanent. We’re looking for places like that. Every other “temp” agency post I see in this subreddit just talks about agencies that give permanent positions. But one problem with where we’re from is that the labor places don’t always have work to give, so like I said we’re looking for places with consistent work. We’ve tried calling places from google and can’t get an answer. We’ve also tried going to a couple and one just didn’t exist, and the other said it was on an upper floor in a building that you needed a key card or passcode or something to get into. Does anyone have recommendations? And if they’re open on weekends that’s a huge plus.
Also, what’s up with the temp agencies online that say they’re 24hrs that don’t answer the phone? Don’t know if they’re real or if the hours are wrong or what.
submitted by haveaconscience to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 jonkl91 Networking on LinkedIn: Doing it the right way

LinkedIn is the best networking platform there is. I have a following on LinkedIn and Twitter and LinkedIn has consistently led to the highest quality people and opportunities. I also live in NYC and LinkedIn is so good that I actually cut down my in person networking because instead of going to an event, I could just spend that same time on LinkedIn and go way further. People sleep on LinkedIn and it's because they don't know how to network. Commenting on people's post consistently has gotten me so many referrals and conversations. I met my business partner of 4 years on LinkedIn. We didn't even meet for the first time until a few months ago. I have met well over 1000 of my LinkedIn connections in person and have collaborated with a lot of people over the years. I have over 40K followers (20K connections).
The strongest connections I have are the ones I made when I had between 1K-3K followers. You can sit at home and comment on LinkedIn. I have hired several workers on there. 2 of my workers are hitting 4 years and I met them through LinkedIn. Both workers worked at a company before. One of the workers would comment on my posts and watch some of my live streams. She told me how her friend just got fired for asking for more money and that if I know anyone looking for a podcast editor. I said I was starting a podcast and hired him. I then hired her too a few months later. I also hired her friend, her husband, her brother, her sister, cousin, neighbor, and a bunch of her contacts for some contracted work. Any social media can be used for this because I have been able to do this with Twitter too. But I would start with LinkedIn. I have a B2B enterprise client that has spent $90K with me so far. I helped her secure her current job. Plus people on LinkedIn have money and the majority of Twitter is a very cheap and broke audience.

The Wrong Way

The big thing that people mess up in networking is that they network for themselves. People don't give a fuck about you. The majority of people that I come across are just so focused on themselves and it's clear that if they aren't making off on you, they just won't really pursue anything further.

The Right Way

What has worked for me and has led to crazy opportunity is that I always find a way that I can help them out. I listen and genuinely care about them. I've helped an executive move in Manhattan, picked people up from the airport, helped someone's son' build a PC, sent referrals, and just connected a lot of people.
Find things that you have a lot of knowledge about. Find ways to make other people's live easier. What goes around comes around in networking. Find things that come easy to you and share info on things you are knowledgeable about.
The other thing is consistency. I have been networking for 10+ years. I have known a decent amount of my newer contacts for 3-5 years. When I get intros, they are much stronger and come with a certain level of trust.
The fortune is in the followup. The only people that matter are the ones YOU follow up. Doesn't matter how much someone says they will follow up, it's your job to follow up. This will already put in the top 1% of people who network. Be consistent and find great communities to join.


Engaging with people on social is a great way to set yourself apart. I will have people reaching out and acting like my best friend because they need a favor. More than happy to help people out but if someone wants a paid service of mine for free, I am much more cautious. 99% of people who ask me for a paid service of mine have almost never interacted with me or have not engaged with any of my content for a year or more.
No one is obligated to like or support my stuff. But my time is limited and if someone needs significant time from me and they aren't necessarily a peer, I am going to check to see if they are truly part of my network. I have been burned by making myself way too available for others. It's important to filter out people who are transactional because these people will suck up your time and resources without ever even intending doing the smallest things for you.
A lot of is honestly practice. You need to lean in on your style and your goals. I would focus on prioritizing people in your industry and community. Network before you need something. There are people who I can ask for big favors for and that's only because I have been there for them for years.

Standing Out

Focus on doing things. Since I am always working on things, people just see me putting myself out there. I get a lot of opportunity just through that. Whenever I see a younger person trying and putting effort, I try my best to connect them with opportunity. One of my contracts is a dropout and I met her on LinkedIn. I hire her for contracted work and she is absolutely amazing at what she does. I trained her on a specific service I provide and it's because I saw potential in her. She performed and I routinely send her work that pays her double what she normally gets (the work I give her averages $50 an hour). I can go on and on but I have some work to catch up on.
submitted by jonkl91 to nodegree [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Any recommendations for a coop game where players work together to achieve a common goal? I was looking at everdell but am unsure. I ask because my partner enjoys board games but she is not a fan of playing against me competitively.

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Any recommendations for a game that is good with two players, cooperative (ie shared same goal), has some light rpg elements or an evolving story (a bit legacy like?) but does not add new rules all the time? My gf liked pandemic.legacy for a while, but having a new concept introd

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 NWSE-360 wifi at remote cabin - eap610 vs Ayrmesh

Not sure if i'm posting this in the right place. Posted this question on here a couple days ago with no response, so I tried to post on networking but it was removed immediately. Maybe I should have left it here?
I'm looking for opinions on a set up for the following situation with the goal of having a useable signal in an off grid cabin and around the property for wifi calling and browsing (and also on the lake if that possible):
Two square shaped 140' x 140' sites, side by side along the shore of a lake. They are divided by approximately 50 feet of forest. All off grid, and no cell service. One site has a cabin with solar power and Starlink. The other has an unpowered cabin and a camper on site.
Usually less than ten people using the internet, never more than 30.
After some reading online, I ordered 2 TP link 610 outdoor access points, a 65W POE switch TL-SG1005P, oc200 controller, and an er605 router, with the intent of running a 200' ethernet cable from the switch in the powered cabin through the trees to the unpowered lot. One eap610 per stie. At the moment, I can actually pick up the Starlink router from 150 feet away on the unpowered lot, though its spotty.
While waiting for the order to arrive, I read about Ayrstone Ayrmesh. I'm wondering if that would be a better solution, allowing me to have internet access while out on the lake with their "cab hub" on the boat. Most of the lake is line of site from both lots with the farthest shore 1.9 miles away (but even half way across would suffice).
Or should I be doing something completely different? Appreciate your thoughts.
submitted by NWSE-360 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 BlueSage__ Can you finally keep Amnesty?

Sup chooms, I've previously played the game on 1.6 and Cassidy's gun was obtainable only for a brief period of time during the end of the game. I'm going back through 2.1 and was wondering if you could keep his gun permanently now or if there was any other means of acquisition. Any deets appreciated. (I searched for recent threads on this topic to no avail, if this is a redundant post, sorry!)
submitted by BlueSage__ to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 weeweedev Solution to dating app problems

I’m part of a team developing a new dating app, and would love everyone's opinion on the current dating scene. I see lots of posts still discussing the various problems of dating apps, and have gathered some thoughts on what could be solutions. I especially want to ask on the OkCupid forum because I have heard high regards about the app before match bought them out.
Safety First: Mandatory ID Verification
One of the major problems with online dating is not knowing who’s really behind a profile. To tackle this, there would be implemented mandatory ID verification for every user. Before anyone can start interacting on our app, they need to confirm their identity. This ensures that everyone you meet is genuinely who they say they are.
Better Matches: Detailed Preferences and Interests
We’re moving beyond the usual swipe culture by allowing users to specify detailed preferences. From lifestyle choices to interests and values (pretty much like Hinge), the app helps you find matches that align closely with what you’re looking for. This makes it easier to connect with people on a deeper level right from the start.
Reducing Ghosting: The Three-Conversation Limit
Ghosting is one of the most annoying parts of online dating. To address this, we have a cap on the number of active conversations each user can have—limited to three at any given time. This encourages users to focus on the interactions they’re having and invest more in them, rather than juggling multiple chats that often lead nowhere.
A Clean Experience: No Ads
Looking forward to hearing responses. We could throw up an MVP very soon if given the popularity.
submitted by weeweedev to OkCupid [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 Distinct-Armadillo61 Getting ripped over 30s, what's the secret sauce?

I'm not a professional athlete or fitness influencer, work a comfortable well paid office job 5 days a week.
Gym 3x a week, able to bench, squat and deadlift my own weight. 30mins cardio twice a week. Just on multivitamins, fish oil, creatine and whey.
Medical screening gave me a clean bill of health. Healthy BMI, no high cholesterol and no high blood pressure. Testosterone levels are good.
Have a partner and we dedicate time to go on dates at least twice a week. We have average hobbies like watching dramas on Netflix, playing video games and routinely catchup with close friends monthly.
Pretty normal local diet but I observe intermittent fasting, portion down my food and go for less sugar or no sugar options.
I consider myself healthy and somewhat fit. Toned muscles with some fat but not shredded like a Greek god sex bomb kind of fit.
It boggles my mind how do gay man over 30 find time and energy to get so ripped on social media. Do they take steroids or gym everyday or something?
What's the secret?!!
One of my life goals is to be ripped at least once. Maybe take a pic once for memory... lol
submitted by Distinct-Armadillo61 to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:23 PGabrielSL Fallout 1 on DosBox (RetroArch)

Fallout 1 on DosBox (RetroArch)
(I edited the video to skip loading screens)
Yesterday I bought Fallout 1 on GOG (Good Old Games) and installed on my modded PS Vita.
And tonight I had an idea to install it on RetroArch (iOS) and (after a few headaches to find the right archive) it worked.
But I had to use the zip file from the Internet Archive, because for some reason I couldn’t make the GOG files to work on RetroArch.
Oh, and the best thing is: I can copy the savegame files from one device, paste on another device and continue playing (from my iOS to my pc, from my pc to my PS Vita, etc). Even though they are from different sources (Internet Archive and GOG).
Just posting in case someone wants to play fallout on iOS and is having the same problem with the files.
submitted by PGabrielSL to EmulationOniOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:23 Ok_Explanation799 Official BBW Self Ban

It's come to the point where I have at least 200 products and I have to ban myself from buying any more bath and body until I finish them. I have so many of the same scents that I think I'm going to do an initial thinning of products, so my game plan is to only have 3 each of each scent per category (body gel, lotion, and ffm) including candles and donate the extras to friends, family, and a local thrift store.
I had just gotten out of an abusive long term relationship last year and I'm still trying to minimize my apartment. The retail therapy was real and Im left with my financial mishaps. I'm currently dating my best friend and we're planning on getting married this year, a little fast I know but we have been friends for 20 years and the timing was finally right. The biggest insecurity I have is my hoarding issues, which I'm trying to fix little by little before my fiance and I move in with each other.
If anyone has any ideas on how to start shredding thru my product please let me know! I don't have the best support system at home besides my fiance, but I would like to expand that.
I will post updates here and there so I'm accountable with sticking to my decision.
submitted by Ok_Explanation799 to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]
