Sympathy bible verses for cards

Bible Verses

2009.06.09 13:43 solodave99 Bible Verses

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2011.06.12 10:46 dasuberchin Absurd Bible Verses


2024.06.09 06:41 OwnAssistance8844 Hey just for some context this is not from "The Boiled One Phenomenon" its something i found while looking up The Boiled One Phenomenon but from what i read its completely different

Hey just for some context this is not from submitted by OwnAssistance8844 to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:28 Red_Red_It Dating and Marriage.

Can we only date/marry people who are OO?
I'm not complaining at all but I want to make sure that we are not allowed to date and marry outside of our faith so that I will avoid it and never do that at all because if it is against my faith then no thank you lol.
It is hard because I am in the West and while we are pretty fast growing here, we are also still one of the least common faiths in the Western World therefore it is super hard to find someone OO who is in a similar spot as me which is single. I feel like it is especially harder for men to find an OO girl.
I want to know what our amazing church says about this topic. Due to curiosity But also to dig and find out even more about the faith.
From what I know and heard. We are only allowed with fellow OO. Nothing else.
Is that true or false? Let me know.
I know this comes off as more desperate but I do not have too much desire to date/marry someone right now but likely soon like in a few years from today. I want to keep this important information in my knowledge prior.
I now cite my favorite Bible verse right now which is Philippians 4:13.
God Bless you all ❤️🙏
submitted by Red_Red_It to OrientalOrthodoxy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:06 Daitoso0317 Mahito is still competitive with current scaling and is top 10

Mahito is still competitive with current scaling and is top 10
1.Physical stats, mahito still has some of the most competitive stats in jujutsu kaisen this is established by a few methods
(We will be using Instant spirit body of distorted killing((henceforth refferred to as ISBODK)) with full health and a replenished stock of humans)
1a-Strength, mahito has been shown to have obscene physical strength even for a cursed spirit,with feats such as making a massive crater in shibuya with mere physical force, punching clean through ultimate mechamaru, and smashing through massive sections of concrete and rebar, these feats are replicable in the series but bery rarely through sheer physical might
1b-Speed, through cross scaling he can make it far indeed, yuji is his best tool for current speed scaling so it’s important to establish that yuji is almost exactly the same speed as he was in shibuya(until he awakened), he received no powerups throughout the relatively short culling games and his only buff over the timeskip was stated to be reinforcment(tho I wouldn’t be suprised if his output increased as well) considering that mahito massively outspeeds yuji in his isbodk even going as far as to perception blitz him until todo stepped in, this means that at a bare minimum mahito is competitive with peopel like yuji, higaruma and (base) kashimo currently and may be able to stand similarly to yuta or mba kashimo with a little wank(he did also dodge a serious hit from gojo as well tho that is an outlier)
1c-Durability, Mahitos durability is insane as well, with his ISOBDK being stated to double his durability and him tanking some obscene hits even in base, so any of the feats discussed here would be half as effective, he was able to tank multiple black flashes from yuji(which are shown to stagger even sukuna) as well as hits from ultimate mechamaru(stated to be special grade in output) their havent been many moves that cna damage him severely(partially due to hax that will be addressed)
2.Hax, honestly mahito has some of the most ridiculous hax of any character in the series
2a-Offensive idle transfiguration, now while we don’t see this move used often due to its narrative implications of instant death, this move is used to shape the soul of the target in such a manner as to kill the target, this is only counterable by a select few characters and one skill in particular, knowlege of ones own soul, nanami shows us this at first with defending his soul from a neophyte mahito while still taking crippling damage, this shows that it is possible to defend ones self, it was shown next by sukuna who was able to stun and then dismantle mahito when he touched his soul through yuji, this leads me to believe that it’s impossible to fully mitigate damage to the soul, as even sukuna chose to counter, however this is up to interpretation, but when combine with his domain expansion is basically a one shot to anyone it lands on
2b-Defensive idle transfiguration, arguably one of the most busted and misunderstood abilities in the verse, this is mahitos trump card, due to how his soul works he is able to reinforce his body to where only damage dealt to the soul will be actually harmful to him, tho this does require ce to do and you can eventually burn him out of ce(tho this isn’t really a feasible win condition for anyone but gojo or sukuna and maybe kenjaku/yuta), this allows him to combo his already top tier durability with top tier defensive hax as well, furthermore he appears to have other methods of regeneration than the standard healing of curses such as when he healed a injury to his midriff with transfigured human
3a-Secondary idle transfiguration-mahito also possesses numerous other powers, he can clone himself(splitting his strength), create powerful human minions such as soul isomers(who have some obscene AP of their own), and combine these humans into powerful attacks such as body repel and the unamed attack used to flood an entire city block with flesh, this can also be used to shapeshift his body into other forms and materials which are quite brutal when combined with his sadistic tendencies
  1. Misc stats and abilities
4a.Domain/Domain refinement, mahitos domain “self embodiment of perfection” is also an obscene ability, with it granting his offensive idle transfiguration range and the ability to bypass defenses as a sure hit move, while this seems simple it is effectively a one hit kill on anyone he can entrap within his domain, his domain refinement is also interesting as he is one of two characters in the verse capable of perfoming a 0.2 second domain expansion(the other being gojo and hakari having a faster version) his refinement is still unknown but due to this feat it can also be implied to be relatively high, as well as this 0.2 second domain expansion allowing him to straight up 1 shot certain characters even if they have a domain to clash(tho if he fails hes kinda fucked for whatever their domain is)
4b-Black flash, while he is incapable if landing these at will(as with everyone) these are stated to change ones abilities significantly and provide him a slight advantage in close matchups
Im interested to see where yall place him with all of this added information
submitted by Daitoso0317 to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:27 Sad-Address3448 About Juxtapositionism

Q: I am Christian, but I'm not Juxtapositionist. Why should I be one?
A: Juxtapositionism is a socially traditional but fiscally communist ideology. This is in line with the Bible. As described in Revelation 13:16-17, money buys everything; those who do not have money cannot buy anything. This could be conceived as classism, where the upper-class controls most of the money to buy pleasures, which are typically bodily and not of the Spirit. In the context of when Revelation was written, in the Ancient Roman Empire, Christians were often poor and oppressed by the richer, which makes sense of why Revelation seems to be against monetary idols1. Money leads to inequality.
Money is a false idol that many erroneously place before God, and as 1 Timothy 6:8-10 describes, greed is the root of all evil and the fact that we are content with our basic necessities. Money is likely a metaphor for greed in those verses, which would make sense considering that all heinous crimes are committed because of the love of pleasures (such as theft, rape, etc.) Money leads to sin, corruption and inequality.
Hence, apropos of the points above, money inevitably leads to greed, sin, corruption, and inequality. Juxtapositionism and Communism want to eradicate evils, so we rid of money. Christianity and Juxtapositionism have a common thought; all persons are equal.
However, we support traditionally social practices because the Bible's teachings. Genesis 1:27 corroborates the idea that there are only two genders. Genesis 2:18-22 supports the idea of heterosexual marriage, not homosexual marriage (which is affirmed by the Catholic Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church). Blatantly, this does not correspond to socially liberal ideas, in which gay marriage is possible or that there are many genders.
Q: I am not Christian and I'm not Juxtapositionist. Why should I be a Juxtapositionist?
A: Inequality and being mandated to work jobs one is uninterested in pursuing is immoral, no matter what way you spin it. Juxtapositionism supposes a solution to that problem: allowing one to pursue their dreams and allowing all to be equal.
One might attempt to counter this by explaining that some will not work at all and simply entertain themselves through other methods, since there is no money, there is no rent to pay. However, ask yourself, which one of you as a child has never had aspirations to have a certain job, invent something, or fix a problem? None, most would say. Exactly; if we kindle that emotion to do something in the world, we will have inventors, geniuses, savants, and engineers with sufficient education. Most people would work their favored job for free if they didn't have to worry about rent or debts.
As discussed in the previous question, money causes inequality because of classism issues and discrepancies.
And, what about the unwanted jobs, like working in coal mines? Well, there are a few solutions. Here are three. One is that we could have voluntary and transient tasks that some citizens could choose to do, like work as a trashman, or work temporarily in a mine. Another would be that we could eliminate all unnecessary blue-collar through robotics. Garbage collecting could likely be replaced by A.I., considering that the job does not take much thought or consideration. The same could happen with working in coal mines.
The ultimate solution would be to eliminate the need for the solutions altogether: instead of mining coal to get energy, we could switch to electricity; instead of setting garbage outside to be collected, we could make the people drive to a facility to manually dispose of the garbage themselves. It's the simple solutions like these that make Juxtapositionism great.
Alright, but I've provided a defense for Communism so far, not for Juxtapositionism. Why socially traditional? Well, in short, here's a couple defenses of social traditionalism: marriage is the union of a couple looking to later reproduce and have progenies. There is no other reason to get married other than for that reason, to affirm the fact that the couple are parents of a child united by love2. Another defense is of abortion: abortion serves no purpose but to relieve the discomfort felt by the mother because of the consequence of their choice to have sex, while they were unprepared to be a mother herself. And about rape, that does not justify the killing of the majority cases of fetuses; that is a part-to-whole fallacy. Just because some women get raped, that does not justify abortion for the rest of the women who chose to have sex on purpose.
Not to mention, if a woman is raped, the one who inflicts the pain should be punished, not the innocent child who gets killed. And for those who say that the fetus is not alive yet or doesn't feel pain, that's not the point. Would it be moral to kill someone if they didn't feel pain? Well, no. Why? If you kill someone, that takes away their future opportunities to commit or experience good in the future. It'd be immoral to purposely take away one's future just because you feel like it. And don't say, "well that child could have just been as easily the next Hitler." That doesn't matter. Have not you noticed that it's still a crime to murder whether you murder a good or a bad person?
Finally, one might say, "well the mother might have given the fetus a bad life, and thus the fetus was lucky to have not been born." If that child was born, they might have had a chance to get out of poverty, a bad life, and redeem themselves. If that child was never born, they would never have such a chance or a possibly happy life. Would you rather the child have the possibility of having a happy life or have no possibility of living at all?
Using game theory, where the child being aborted is +0, the child dying in bad conditions being -1, and the child escaping bad conditions being +1, in order for the child to maximize opportunity and good, it would be more advantageous to not be aborted to at least have a chance to maximize opportunity.
  1. : "Most Christians of the pre-Constantine era were themselves poor, from among that 70% at the bottom of the social pyramid."
  2. : "Marriage's primary purpose was to bind women to men, and thus guarantee that a man's children were truly his biological heirs."
submitted by Sad-Address3448 to Juxtapositionism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:52 BGodInspired Simplify to Amplify: The Power of Clear Communication in Faith

Understanding the Power of Simplicity

Have you ever tried to explain something complicated, only to find that people are just not getting it? We’ve all been there, fumbling for the right words and losing our audience in a sea of confusion. This isn’t just a modern-day problem; even Jesus faced this challenge when He spoke in parables so that His profound truths could be easily understood by everyday people. Truly, if you can’t explain it simply, you probably don’t understand it well enough.

Jesus’ Example of Simple Communication

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus consistently communicated deep spiritual truths through simple stories and analogies. Whether He was talking about the Kingdom of Heaven being like a mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32) or explaining God’s love through the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32), His teachings were relatable and easy to grasp.
When you find yourself struggling to express a concept or idea, take a moment to reflect on Jesus’ approach. Simplifying your message doesn’t diminish its value; instead, it makes it more accessible and impactful.

The Importance of Clear Communication

1 Corinthians 14:9 reminds us, “So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air.” This verse emphasizes the value of clarity in our communication.

Reflection: Are You Accurately Conveying Your Message?

Take a moment to reflect on your own communication style. Do you tend to overcomplicate things? Are there areas in your life where you could benefit from simplifying your message? Consider the following questions:
By addressing these questions, you’ll be on your way to improving your communication skills, making your interactions more meaningful and effective.

Practical Steps for Simplifying Your Message

  1. Know Your Audience: Tailor your message to the level of understanding of your listeners. Avoid jargon and use familiar language.
  2. Clear Structure: Organize your thoughts coherently. Use bullet points or numbered lists to break down complex ideas.
  3. Use Analogies and Stories: Just as Jesus used parables, employ analogies and stories to illustrate your points vividly.
  4. Ask for Feedback: Encourage questions and solicit feedback to ensure your message is being received as intended.
  5. Practice: The more you practice explaining your ideas simply, the more naturally it will come.

A Call to Action: Share Your Experience

Let’s make today a day of change. Do you have any tips or personal experiences about simplifying communication? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below. Your insights could be the key to helping someone else unlock the power of simple, effective communication.
By actively engaging in this conversation, we can collectively grow in our ability to communicate clearly, just as Jesus did. So, take a moment, reflect, and then share. Let’s simplify our messages and enrich our conversations!
Remember, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Let’s strive for understanding and clarity in all our communications, following the example set by our Lord.
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2024.06.09 04:51 BibleFAQs What does the Bible say about women pastors?

The Bible provides specific passages that relate to the role of women in leadership within the church. Two pivotal verses often cited in this discussion are 1 Timothy 2:12, which says, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet," and Titus 2:3-5, which encourages older women to be reverent and to teach what is good to guide younger women. These verses suggest a structured order in congregational settings and a valued role for women in nurturing and teaching within certain contexts. However, the role of pastor, which typically includes authoritative teaching and leadership of a congregation, is traditionally seen in many Christian denominations as reserved for men based on these scriptural interpretations. The broader context of Scripture shows that while women played significant prophetic and leadership roles (such as Deborah in Judges 4-5 and Priscilla in Acts 18), the pastoral role involves a level of authority outlined in pastoral epistles as typically male.
submitted by BibleFAQs to BibleFAQS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:41 BI2k3 Trinitarians Need To Cope Jesus isn’t God🤦‍♂️.

So I’ve Been Debating a lot of Trinitarians on different apps, about Jesus divinity and these are there favorites verses to prove Jesus claimed divinity. And easy to debunk if you need to.
John 10:30- ESV “I and the father are one” you can’t convince me they’re not trained to spit out misinterpreted verses like this one to prove Jesus is God, Easily way to debunk Jesus meant “one” in essence is to. Tell them to read these verses “John 17:22” “John 17:23” “John 17:21” all these verses including John 10:30 have the same Greek word for “one” which is “hen” which in John 17:23 is translated to “unity”. When one of the Jewish people called him out (John 10:33) for being a mere man claiming to be God. He does not secure his supposed “claim to be God” After John 10:33 that was the perfect opportunity to express his divinity. But he doesn’t
In John 17:22 this is the clearest verse to debunk Jesus meant “one” in essence John 17:22 ESV: “The glory that you have given to me I have given to them, that they may be ONE even as we are ONE” Is Jesus praying to God hoping his disciples share the same essence? No this clearly means he hopes they will be in unity just as he and his father are. (Other biblical verses that use one as unity is genesis 2:24)
2: John 8:58 ESV - “ before Abraham was I am” this verse is Trinitarians second favorite. They say, “look he is claiming to be the I AM” from exdous. No this verse has been misinterpreted to say Jesus is claiming to be Jehovah from OT in this verse he is talking about his pre-human existence. The Greek expression in this verse is very different from Hebrew expression used in exdous 3:14 Jesus uses a common Greek expression (ego eimi) to emphasize he existed before Abraham some bibles have correctly translated this to “before Abraham was born I have been” Jews picked up stones because they seen he was claiming to be not a mere human. But he WASN’T claiming to be God. He uses the same Greek expression (ego eimi) John 18:6. Read the whole chapter and decided if he is claiming to be JEHOVAH in that to, or Jesus Christ. It’s obviously
3: Mark 2:5- ESV “ when Jesus saw their faith he had said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven” Another verse trinitarian’s love to use. Because they say, “only God can forgive sins”. Let’s skip a couple verses
Mark 2:7- ESV “ Why does this man speak like that he is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone!” Skip a couple again
Mark 2:10 - NIV “but you may know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins he said to the man” Jesus has Authority to forgive sins he says. In Matthew 28:18 he says, “all authority on heaven and earth has been given to me”. This means what ever authority Jesus had on earth and heaven was given to him. So when Jesus forgive sins he did so with the fathers permission.
4: John 14:9- ESV “ Jesus said to Him, Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the father, how can you say show us the father?” Jesus isn’t claiming divinity in this verse neither. He means that showed his father through his teachings and actions/works( John 10:32) Jesus did exactly what the father wanted him to. And taught what the father wanted him to teach(John 5:30) And the father dwelt in him so speaking to him was basically speaking to the father. (John 14:10)
Jesus is Gods Son not God (John 3:16)
submitted by BI2k3 to BiblicalUnitarian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:32 rainiershadow Performative Prayer

Grand Rapids, MI airport as Im waiting for my flight and trying to nap, woman about 15 feet away starts praying very loudly. I look over and she’s recording her prayer on her phone. Stops…watches the video. Apparently doesnt like the prayer and does it again. Rinse and Repeat three more times. No shame, No embarrassment.
I decided it was a good time to use the restroom during the last recording (last that I endured anyway). I walk behind her and say “Matthew 6 verse 6”.
Im sure she didnt understand the reference. Once again an atheist more well versed in the bible than a christian.
submitted by rainiershadow to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:07 Alive_Channel6304 Sympathy messages

My friend lost his father suddenly the other day. I was not particularly close to his father (more so his mother) but I still saw his father as my “second father.” Having a crappy upbringing, I am so thankful my friend’s parents accepted me into their family and taught me what a healthy family relationship looks like. I literally never experienced that before I met my friend and his parents.
My question is, I plan on giving his mom a card. Is it appropriate to express my appreciation for her and her late husband because of how they accepted me? Or is that too heavy for a sympathy card?
submitted by Alive_Channel6304 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:47 kdnx-wy Chum (1994?, self-released), and the Nimble / Bury Me single (1994, Liquid Meat)

Chum (1994?, self-released), and the Nimble / Bury Me single (1994, Liquid Meat)
If \"Chum\" had a cover, we've never seen it!
1994 saw the release of Fd's first demo tape, "Chum", recorded at Idful Music (R.I.P.) in Wicker Park with the legendary Brad Wood behind the board. Until the discovery of the B-Sides, Demos, & Covers bootleg (a CDr that will prove itself to be extremely important to the legacy of the preservation of this band's music), it wasn't even known that "Chum" existed. Lucky for us, though, we already had two of its tracks - the openers, "Nimble" and "Bury Me", released on two different 7" vinyl editions, one black and one white.
"Chum" is the third-most-lost Fig Dish release behind "Easy Lover" and the unreleased post-Shove demo. And maybe those Shove-era singles that may or may not exist. We do not have any images of the release whatsoever - no tape, no card, no case. We do, thank god, know the tracklist in order thanks to the B-Sides bootleg:
  1. Nimble (Smith)
  2. Bury Me (Ness)
  3. Hover (Smith)
  4. Going Gone (Smith)
  5. Spit the Part (Smith)
  6. Dirty Clothes (Ness)
"Hover" and "Dirty Clothes" are, à la "Miss California" from her double A-side single, songs that were never otherwise re-released. I suppose given the fact that "Spit the Part" was recorded for the Love songs sessions, and three other tracks from "Chum" made it onto the album proper, then it's not out of the question that "Hover" and "Dirty Clothes" were as well (though I'm not so sure about the latter, I don't feel it gels all that well with the Love songs material - can't say the same about "Hover" though). "Going Gone" is probably the most significantly changed between the demo and the LP; its choruses are played at double time, the solo is ever-so-slightly different and the whole song is just a touch faster, the clean third verse is played dirty, and the Wang Chung quote in the bridge is gone. "Spit the Part" has a few minor changes, especially in the solo, and instead of the outro solo that appears on the LP version there is an extended reprise of the intro.

What can you do?

If you have one of these tapes, we would love to see pictures! And a high-quality rip! Currently the only copies of these songs that exist are my YouTube rips of the Liquid Meat single and the B-Sides upload from GeerStreetRecords, and the latter suffers from being a bootleg - all of the tape-transferred tracks run too fast. "Hover" and "Dirty Clothes" need a once-over with different ears; I've done the best I can to transcribe their lyrics but there are still things I cannot make out. If you'd like to try your hand at fully transcribing any of the unique tracks here (so, not "Nimble" or "Bury Me", although the latter does have a modified outro), then please do, but know I will probably do my own pass once I have made some satisfactory progress with my own music. Once I find some free time I will upload time-corrected versions of the latter four tracks to YouTube.
Bury Me / Nimble: Discogs - Genius - YouTube "Chum": Genius
submitted by kdnx-wy to FigDish [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:35 Necessary_Wing1142 Unlocking the Mysteries: Spirit vs. Soul - A Journey Through History and the Bible

Have you ever wondered about the difference between the spirit and the soul? These terms are often used interchangeably, but they hold distinct meanings that can profoundly impact our spiritual lives. Let's embark on a historical journey through these concepts, using the Bible as our guide, to uncover the mysteries and implications of understanding spirit and soul.
Value Proposition:
By the end of this article, you will have a clearer understanding of the differences between spirit and soul, grounded in historical context and biblical references. This knowledge can enhance your spiritual journey, deepen your faith, and help you connect more profoundly with your spiritual self.
The Historical Perspective:
Historically, the concepts of spirit and soul have been integral to human understanding of existence and the afterlife. In ancient cultures, these terms were often used to explain the unseen aspects of human life.
These distinctions show a long-standing tradition of differentiating between the aspects of human existence that animate and those that define individual personality and consciousness.
The Biblical Perspective:
The Bible provides a rich source of insight into the differences between spirit and soul. Let's explore some key references to understand these concepts better.
Understanding Spirit and Soul:
To further clarify, let's delve into the specific characteristics of spirit and soul as understood in the biblical context.

The Spirit

The spirit is often viewed as the part of us that connects directly with God. It is the seat of our intuition, conscience, and communion with the divine. The spirit is what gets renewed and revitalized when we experience spiritual awakening or growth.
Characteristics of the Spirit:
  1. Connection to God: The spirit is our direct line to God, enabling us to feel His presence and guidance.
  2. Conscience: It houses our moral compass, discerning right from wrong based on divine principles.
  3. Intuition: It allows us to have a deeper understanding and insight that transcends logical reasoning.
Concrete Examples:
The Soul
The soul, on the other hand, is what makes us unique individuals. It encompasses our mind, will, and emotions. The soul is shaped by our life experiences, memories, and the choices we make. While the spirit connects us to God, the soul defines our personality and individuality.
Characteristics of the Soul:
  1. Mind: Our thoughts, beliefs, and intellect reside in the soul.
  2. Will: The soul holds our capacity for decision-making and determination.
  3. Emotions: Our feelings, such as love, joy, anger, and sadness, are felt in the soul.
Concrete Examples:
Embracing the Distinction
Understanding the differences between the spirit and the soul can lead to a more profound spiritual life. Here are some ways to embrace this distinction:
  1. Balanced Growth: Focus on nurturing both your spirit and your soul. Engage in activities that foster spiritual connection, such as prayer and worship, while also investing in your personal development through learning and emotional health.
  2. Spiritual Discernment: Learn to listen to the voice of your spirit. This might mean prioritizing moments of quiet reflection where you can sense divine guidance distinct from your personal desires or fears.
  3. Emotional Healing: Recognize that emotional wounds and personal struggles reside in the soul and seek healing through counseling, prayer, and community support.
  4. Mindful Living: Strive to align your soul’s desires and decisions with the guidance of your spirit. This creates harmony between your unique individuality and your spiritual purpose.
By understanding and embracing the distinction between spirit and soul, you can achieve a deeper and more enriched spiritual life. This understanding not only enhances your connection with God but also helps you navigate your personal journey with greater clarity and purpose. Balancing the development of your spirit and soul leads to holistic growth, enabling you to live a life that is both spiritually fulfilling and personally authentic.
Summarizing Wrap-Up:
In summary, understanding the difference between spirit and soul is not merely an academic exercise but a path to deeper spiritual awareness and growth. The spirit connects us to God, while the soul defines our unique identity and experiences. Embracing this distinction can lead to a more profound and enriched spiritual life.
Persuasive Call to Action:
How does this understanding affect our spiritual lives? By recognizing and nurturing both our spirit and soul, we can achieve a balanced and fulfilling spiritual journey. Take some time to reflect on these concepts and incorporate this understanding into your daily spiritual practices. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let's grow together in our faith.

Practical Examples and Applications

1. Daily Spiritual Practices

2. Emotional and Mental Well-being

3. Community and Relationships

4. Spiritual Discernment and Decision Making

5. Personal Growth and Development

Impact on Spiritual Lives

1. Balanced Growth: By nurturing both your spirit and soul, you achieve a more balanced spiritual journey. This holistic approach ensures that while you are spiritually connected to God, you are also emotionally and intellectually fulfilled.
2. Deeper Connection with God: Understanding the difference between spirit and soul allows for a deeper, more intentional connection with God. Your prayers and spiritual practices become more meaningful as you recognize the distinct ways in which your spirit interacts with the divine.
3. Enhanced Personal Well-being: Acknowledging and caring for your soul's needs leads to better mental and emotional health. This, in turn, positively influences your spiritual life as a healthy soul supports a vibrant spirit.
4. Informed Decision Making: Spiritual discernment becomes clearer when you understand the sources of your thoughts and desires. This understanding helps you make decisions that are aligned with God's will, leading to a more purposeful and spiritually guided life.
5. Community and Relationships: Strong, healthy relationships and a supportive community provide a nurturing environment for both your spirit and soul. This interconnectedness fosters collective spiritual growth and personal well-being.


Recognizing and nurturing both your spirit and soul is crucial for a balanced and fulfilling spiritual journey. By incorporating these concepts into your daily practices, you can achieve a deeper connection with God and a more enriched personal life. Reflect on these ideas and consider how you can apply them in your own spiritual journey. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let's continue to grow together in our faith.
Heavenly God of Spirit and Soul, We come before You with grateful hearts, acknowledging Your infinite wisdom and love. We thank You for the gift of life and the countless blessings You bestow upon us each day.
Lord, we seek Your guidance and presence in our lives. We ask that You provide us with opportunities to nourish our spirits and souls. Open our eyes to see the moments where we can connect more deeply with You, where we can grow in faith and understanding.
Grant us the time and space to engage in prayer and meditation, to delve into Your Word and find the wisdom it holds. Help us to quiet our minds and hearts, so we can hear Your still, small voice guiding us and comforting us.

Father, we also ask for opportunities to enrich our souls. Lead us to experiences that expand our minds, that stir our emotions, and that bring healing to our innermost being. Help us to find joy in learning, creativity in our endeavors, and peace in our relationships.
Surround us with a community that supports and uplifts us, with friends and loved ones who encourage us in our spiritual journey. May we find strength in fellowship and joy in shared moments of faith.
Lord, give us discernment to recognize these opportunities when they arise. Let us not be distracted by the busyness of life, but instead, be ever mindful of Your presence and Your calling. Help us to balance the needs of our spirit and soul, so that we may live fully and abundantly in Your grace.
We pray for Your continuous guidance and blessings as we strive to grow closer to You. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, so that we may overflow with Your love and grace in all that we do.
In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
submitted by Necessary_Wing1142 to holyspirit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:33 Necessary_Wing1142 Unlocking the Mysteries: Spirit vs. Soul - A Journey Through History and the Bible

Have you ever wondered about the difference between the spirit and the soul? These terms are often used interchangeably, but they hold distinct meanings that can profoundly impact our spiritual lives. Let's embark on a historical journey through these concepts, using the Bible as our guide, to uncover the mysteries and implications of understanding spirit and soul. Value Proposition: By the end of this article, you will have a clearer understanding of the differences between spirit and soul, grounded in historical context and biblical references. This knowledge can enhance your spiritual journey, deepen your faith, and help you connect more profoundly with your spiritual self. The Historical Perspective: Historically, the concepts of spirit and soul have been integral to human understanding of existence and the afterlife. In ancient cultures, these terms were often used to explain the unseen aspects of human life. • Ancient Egyptians: Believed in the ka (spirit) and ba (soul), where the ka was the life force, and the ba represented the personality. • Greeks: Distinguished between 'psyche' (soul) and 'pneuma' (spirit), the former being the essence of life and the latter the breath of life. These distinctions show a long-standing tradition of differentiating between the aspects of human existence that animate and those that define individual personality and consciousness. The Biblical Perspective: The Bible provides a rich source of insight into the differences between spirit and soul. Let's explore some key references to understand these concepts better. • Genesis 2:7: "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Here, the 'breath of life' signifies the spirit, while 'living soul' denotes the entirety of human existence. • Hebrews 4:12: "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." This verse explicitly mentions the division between soul and spirit, emphasizing their distinct roles. Understanding Spirit and Soul: To further clarify, let's delve into the specific characteristics of spirit and soul as understood in the biblical context. • Spirit: o The spirit is the element of humans that connects with God. o It is considered the divine breath that gives life. o Biblical references (e.g., Romans 8:16, 1 Corinthians 2:11) highlight the spirit's role in communion with God and receiving divine revelation. • Soul: o The soul encompasses the mind, will, and emotions. o It is the seat of personality and individual identity. o Scriptures like Psalm 42:11 and Matthew 10:28 illustrate the soul's depth in expressing human thoughts and feelings. The Spirit The spirit is often viewed as the part of us that connects directly with God. It is the seat of our intuition, conscience, and communion with the divine. The spirit is what gets renewed and revitalized when we experience spiritual awakening or growth. Characteristics of the Spirit: 1. Connection to God: The spirit is our direct line to God, enabling us to feel His presence and guidance. 2. Conscience: It houses our moral compass, discerning right from wrong based on divine principles. 3. Intuition: It allows us to have a deeper understanding and insight that transcends logical reasoning. Concrete Examples: • Prayer and Meditation: When you pray or meditate, you are engaging your spirit to commune with God, seeking His presence and guidance. • Spiritual Conviction: Feeling a strong, undeniable sense that you should act in a certain way, even when it goes against your personal desires, often comes from your spirit. The Soul The soul, on the other hand, is what makes us unique individuals. It encompasses our mind, will, and emotions. The soul is shaped by our life experiences, memories, and the choices we make. While the spirit connects us to God, the soul defines our personality and individuality. Characteristics of the Soul: 1. Mind: Our thoughts, beliefs, and intellect reside in the soul. 2. Will: The soul holds our capacity for decision-making and determination. 3. Emotions: Our feelings, such as love, joy, anger, and sadness, are felt in the soul. Concrete Examples: • Personality Traits: Your unique sense of humor, preferences, and intellectual pursuits are aspects of your soul. • Emotional Responses: The way you react to a heartwarming story, a piece of music, or a challenging situation is driven by your soul. Embracing the Distinction Understanding the differences between the spirit and the soul can lead to a more profound spiritual life. Here are some ways to embrace this distinction: 1. Balanced Growth: Focus on nurturing both your spirit and your soul. Engage in activities that foster spiritual connection, such as prayer and worship, while also investing in your personal development through learning and emotional health. 2. Spiritual Discernment: Learn to listen to the voice of your spirit. This might mean prioritizing moments of quiet reflection where you can sense divine guidance distinct from your personal desires or fears. 3. Emotional Healing: Recognize that emotional wounds and personal struggles reside in the soul and seek healing through counseling, prayer, and community support. 4. Mindful Living: Strive to align your soul’s desires and decisions with the guidance of your spirit. This creates harmony between your unique individuality and your spiritual purpose. Conclusion By understanding and embracing the distinction between spirit and soul, you can achieve a deeper and more enriched spiritual life. This understanding not only enhances your connection with God but also helps you navigate your personal journey with greater clarity and purpose. Balancing the development of your spirit and soul leads to holistic growth, enabling you to live a life that is both spiritually fulfilling and personally authentic. 1. Summarizing Wrap-Up: In summary, understanding the difference between spirit and soul is not merely an academic exercise but a path to deeper spiritual awareness and growth. The spirit connects us to God, while the soul defines our unique identity and experiences. Embracing this distinction can lead to a more profound and enriched spiritual life. Persuasive Call to Action: How does this understanding affect our spiritual lives? By recognizing and nurturing both our spirit and soul, we can achieve a balanced and fulfilling spiritual journey. Take some time to reflect on these concepts and incorporate this understanding into your daily spiritual practices. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let's grow together in our faith. Practical Examples and Applications 1. Daily Spiritual Practices • Morning Prayer and Meditation: Start your day by connecting with God through prayer and meditation. This practice engages your spirit, setting a tone of divine connection and guidance for the day. • Scripture Reading: Spend time reading and reflecting on the Bible. This not only nurtures your spirit by deepening your understanding of God's word but also enriches your soul through intellectual engagement and emotional resonance. 2. Emotional and Mental Well-being • Journaling: Keep a journal where you express your thoughts and feelings. This helps in processing emotions and experiences, which is essential for the health of your soul. • Counseling and Support Groups: Seek help when needed for emotional wounds or personal struggles. Healing your soul allows for a more vibrant spiritual life as unresolved issues can often hinder spiritual growth. 3. Community and Relationships • Fellowship: Engage in regular fellowship with other believers. This nurtures your soul through relationships and communal support, while also strengthening your spirit as you share and grow in faith together. • Acts of Service: Serve others in your community. Acts of kindness and service nurture your soul by fulfilling your sense of purpose and compassion, while also aligning your spirit with God’s calling to love and serve others. 4. Spiritual Discernment and Decision Making • Quiet Reflection: Take time for quiet reflection and listen for divine guidance. This practice helps you distinguish between the desires of your soul and the leading of your spirit. • Wise Counsel: Seek advice from spiritually mature individuals when making significant decisions. They can help you discern whether your choices align with spiritual guidance or are driven by personal desires. 5. Personal Growth and Development • Learning and Creativity: Engage in activities that stimulate your mind and creativity. Reading, learning new skills, or engaging in artistic pursuits enrich your soul. • Spiritual Retreats: Attend retreats or spiritual workshops to deepen your connection with God. These focused times of spiritual renewal invigorate your spirit. Impact on Spiritual Lives 1. Balanced Growth: By nurturing both your spirit and soul, you achieve a more balanced spiritual journey. This holistic approach ensures that while you are spiritually connected to God, you are also emotionally and intellectually fulfilled. 2. Deeper Connection with God: Understanding the difference between spirit and soul allows for a deeper, more intentional connection with God. Your prayers and spiritual practices become more meaningful as you recognize the distinct ways in which your spirit interacts with the divine. 3. Enhanced Personal Well-being: Acknowledging and caring for your soul's needs leads to better mental and emotional health. This, in turn, positively influences your spiritual life as a healthy soul supports a vibrant spirit. 4. Informed Decision Making: Spiritual discernment becomes clearer when you understand the sources of your thoughts and desires. This understanding helps you make decisions that are aligned with God's will, leading to a more purposeful and spiritually guided life. 5. Community and Relationships: Strong, healthy relationships and a supportive community provide a nurturing environment for both your spirit and soul. This interconnectedness fosters collective spiritual growth and personal well-being. Conclusion Recognizing and nurturing both your spirit and soul is crucial for a balanced and fulfilling spiritual journey. By incorporating these concepts into your daily practices, you can achieve a deeper connection with God and a more enriched personal life. Reflect on these ideas and consider how you can apply them in your own spiritual journey. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let's continue to grow together in our faith. Prayer Heavenly God of Spirit and Soul, We come before You with grateful hearts, acknowledging Your infinite wisdom and love. We thank You for the gift of life and the countless blessings You bestow upon us each day. Lord, we seek Your guidance and presence in our lives. We ask that You provide us with opportunities to nourish our spirits and souls. Open our eyes to see the moments where we can connect more deeply with You, where we can grow in faith and understanding. Grant us the time and space to engage in prayer and meditation, to delve into Your Word and find the wisdom it holds. Help us to quiet our minds and hearts, so we can hear Your still, small voice guiding us and comforting us.
Father, we also ask for opportunities to enrich our souls. Lead us to experiences that expand our minds, that stir our emotions, and that bring healing to our innermost being. Help us to find joy in learning, creativity in our endeavors, and peace in our relationships. Surround us with a community that supports and uplifts us, with friends and loved ones who encourage us in our spiritual journey. May we find strength in fellowship and joy in shared moments of faith. Lord, give us discernment to recognize these opportunities when they arise. Let us not be distracted by the busyness of life, but instead, be ever mindful of Your presence and Your calling. Help us to balance the needs of our spirit and soul, so that we may live fully and abundantly in Your grace. We pray for Your continuous guidance and blessings as we strive to grow closer to You. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, so that we may overflow with Your love and grace in all that we do. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
submitted by Necessary_Wing1142 to SpiritCalling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:12 Mrfknpkr I prayed a few days ago….

I asked Godd who he was as I wanted to praise the one true God so I asked for a sign, never got a sign that day and honestly was scared he didn’t exist. Well today I went to the beach and did a quiz at first sight it was a normal iq test 2 minutes in it turned into a lesson about Jesus and repentance and he gave me a bible and a few gift cards. I know it could be a coincidence but I truly believe God showed me who he was today through that man and I’m pretty happy.
submitted by Mrfknpkr to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:06 RoutineAtmosphere99 My personal experience and rant on Christianity as a whole.

Hello, this is my personal perception and rant on Christianity. This will have a lot of swearing, and some political talk as well, and some other triggering topics, so be warned.
I don’t understand Christianity at all, and never will. I come from a Christian family, and though I rarely talk to them about religion, it seems that they’ve wanted to pass on the belief on to me, but they’ve failed.
Jesus focused on the good things, such as saving people, teaching good morals, teaching everyone to do good, and live a good life, and most importantly, LOVE THE NEIGHBOR.
But, everything I will be talking about here goes against that. Christianity‘s original concept was apparently supposed to be about good morals, loving eachother, and having a personal relationship with god.
Paul, on the other hand, supported rape, homophobia, misogyny, and denied free will and freedom, turning a social movement and peaceful religion into a load of dogshit. Why should men have authority for women? Simply for having a dick and being taller? Why should women dress modestly? Not only do clothes have no gender, but you can’t control what someone wears anyway. Why do gay people go to hell, is it because you want them to reproduce? Is it because the “first people” in the world were straight?? Why can’t we have desires? Hardly anyone has bad desires. Why are bodies and sex a sin?? It is one of the most natural things, and denying that makes you sound like a fucking dumbass strict authoritarian parent. Why do we deserve NOTHING and that we should force ourselves to sacrifice our lives for this cause? Also, fun fact, Buddhism is the most scientifically possible religion, and it teaches EQUALITY.
This is why I believe in letsism; I am spiritual but not religious. I borrow morals from Buddhism and little from Christianity. Equality and morals. Paul simply just gave us shitty expectations. And the Bible isn’t even correct. 95% of the Bible is just either delusional or bigoted rewrites of narratives originally from deranged and shitty assholes to fit their own, and the other 5% is ONLY gods word.
Also, It doesn’t matter if John explains how salvation works. It doesn’t explain how, what, or why are you believing in this. And besides, who wants eternal life? And we don’t know what “worse fate” he’s saving us from, which people say is hell, but why do people burn in hell for not believing in a god?? And why do we not have sex before marriage? There is no reason explaining this either. Of course, premartial sex could save you a lot of drama, but could you explain why it’s a good rule in the Bible??
I perceive Jesus more as a moral compass and a friend, rather than some guy who got sent down to die for everyone’s wrongdoings, because that’s just entirely cruel.
Also, particularly focusing on lgbtq. Yelling at LGBTQ for being “woke” and “not normal” is the entire soul of most bigoted Christians. Murders, blind approval of authority, slavery apologia, rape, pedophilia, etc. but not being able to express yourself and learn different forms of love? Not to mention, the Bible mentions a lot about sex, but the people that want to keep their children away from LGBTQ are the Christians who specifically read those versions of the Bible. Of course, you might say that god doesn’t allow all those bad things, but there are thousands upon thousands of translations of the bible.
Paul is all about authoritarianism and guilt tripping and nothing more. He only used religion to fit his own narratives, and that’s why so many Christians are bigots today. The Bible was simply only written as a form of control. An organized structure and a belief system, and not a personal relationship with god. That can also apply to many other religions as well who promote these types of ‘beliefs’ but the topic at hand here is Christianity, and I won’t be disrespecting religions, but this is only my experience. Bigots aren’t born, they’re indoctrinated.
Not to mention, Christians think queer people are “sexualizing and grooming their kids” when not only is that a general assumption, but learning about love and sex as a natural thing (unless you’re teaching it to children under the age of 9 years old, which is GENUINELY WEIRD.) and you also encourage your kids to date someone of their opposite sex and get married and have them have shirts like “party animal” and “heart breaker”, but if that all happened with a child of the same sex, it’d be the end of the world, apparently.
Also, before you Christians come to assumptions, the LGBTQ is NOT a trend, NOR is it something new, except if you use TikTok.
Homosexuality and Transgenderism has existed for such a long time now, and only recently it has gained traction and LGBTQ people are gaining more rights.
And for the Christian’s who want to be bigots, a 16 your boy once committed suicide for being harassed and bullied after coming out. Yet republicans normalize harassment, hate, and bullying simply for people who love the same gender, or are even a different skin tone other than white, or have different beliefs, then implement and suggest laws that prevent these people from having any rights. This should not, in any form, be normalized, even if it goes against their ‘beliefs’. People who defend the lgbtq and basic rights are regarded as “woke”. It is not woke to call someone by their preferred name or pronouns, it’s common sense. And gender is a social concept and is different from sex itself, that’s why it’s called “sex assigned at birth”, because sex is what you biologically are, and some transgender people acknowledge that. Also, things such as puberty blockers, gene therapy, changing your name, top and bottom surgery, testosterone and estrogen, binders, and many other things exist to medically transition.
And there is also a verse that says “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither Slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
There’s also something to mention, that people do not know what they’re hating anyways, because hate born from prejudice originates from a lack of understanding because it is not rooted in any sort or way of logic, or just a large, egoistical superiority complex. And you should tell anyone how to live their lives, regardless.
Also, nobody should claim what god thinks, wants, or anything else about him, but that’s exactly what people of the Bible did. They hardly wrote any of “his word”, and only constructed the most random narratives to brainwash people into thinking this is the correct way of the world, and a lot of Christians will go out of their way to force everyone to agree with them.
“Modernity as lost the concept of sin” even though we all have rejected the biblical idea of sinning.
And you also need to consider, that “The sin messed everything up” is not correct. If all these “rules and expectations” and nasty were true about god (even though it seems so unlikely) and that god was an asshole, there was literally a verse that states that god PUNISHED the earth with a curse, so it was similar to that of an abusive parent type of situation (also pretty unironic that plenty of Christian parents are abusers)
The entire original idea of Christianity is that everyone needs to be saved and you shouldn’t judge people unless you’re perfect. It is worth mentioning that it is illogical to say that everyone needs to be saved, because we don’t know what we’re being saved from, but there’s also the fact that a lot of Christians judge someone for being “different”. And the saying “god works in mysterious ways” is thought to be covering up the mistakes of an imperfect god, but it’s really just trying to cover up the imperfect views of their own understanding of their god.
Also, whenever Christians say to “Protect their children”, especially in schools:
Do they focus on good behavior and stay away from things such as violence and terrorism? No.
Do they want their children to eat good and healthy meals and have a safe and fun environment to learn and have recess/break in? No.
Do they want their children to have good safety drills, make sure their kids have good mental healthy and have someone to reach out to and make sure they aren’t getting bullied? No.
Do they want to prevent their children from expressing themself, loving who they want to and allowing themself to be the gender they desire, and take away their rights if they do anything of such? Ding ding ding, you’re correct.
Also, everything that’s not considered Christian is a Sin. And the standard punishment for sin is death. That is completely wrong in so many ways. For example, a child may tell a lie. But instead of a Christian asking why or what the child lied (maybe they could be uncomfortable), the Christian instead resorts to “don’t lie again or you’ll go to hell”.
And Christians always think they’re above everyone else, above the law, and above answering specific questions. And one time, “Christians” massacred a village of Muslims simply for not having the same beliefs. And then there’s “Nobody is safe from god unless you repent” which basically means the person will get mad if you aren’t Christian, which seems stupid.
Oh, and of course: “You can’t judge god” when you say he’s good, even though Christians wrote him as a slavery and genocide loving guy.
And my grandma would always get mad at things like Harry Potter and other stupid shit for having “demons, witches, magic,” and other types of things because it goes against her beliefs, when the rest of the family obviously wants to watch it instead of her. Having certain beliefs shouldnt prevent you from liking something like a book or TV show. Not to mention, just because you watch something, DOESNT MEAN IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY INFLUENCE YOU.
And of course, the infamous thing that every ex-Christian and person on the exchristian subreddit complains about.. “you’re going to hell”. Is that supposed to fucking help? What makes you think I’d want to believe in your religion if that’s how you’re going to introduce it to me? Not to mention, it could just happen to almost anyone walking on the street.
Also, how do we know that Jesus was a prophet? Because he wasn’t actually a prophet, or a real man at all, we was simply just a representation for the truth. Again, I perceive him more as a moral compass and a friend.
What I also find funny is that people who support Palestine mostly consist of people who identify as queer or as a democrat even though Palestine doesn’t support LGBTQ and possibly democracy, but the supporters of Israel are mostly homophobic Christians even though Israel mostly consists of Jewish people or queer people. And why do rich people need to give up everything they have to be saved, yet Christian believe wealth is a natural blessing of faith?
Also, a good note from a post titled “North Korea is proof biblical god doesn’t exist”: “Christians talk so much about salvation to be saved but what about countries that shun religion like North Korea? Why doesn't the biblical god send prophets so they can gain salvation? In the Bible, god sent people like moses to free slaves but today god can't even send people to countries that shun religions especially Christianity like the North Korea”
And of course, “When the Bible talks of ‘freedom’, it doesn’t mean do ‘what you want’, it means free from your passions and desires, and to be a slave of god”. So we should do what you think? No. We aren’t going to be slaves, just because you said so, and we aren’t going to be slaves to religion, or a biblical god. Also, pursuing your passions and desires can be considered freedom, especially from the world, and an achievement, and they’re healthy and normal.
And going back to the topic of being a slave of god/christ, can we talk about how Christians believe that slavery is freedom, war is peace, ignorance is strength, and a lot of slave owners who used verses to justify slavery (as said by Iruka_Naminori) and the fact that the Bible also had verses about racism and slavery which were fucking a load of shit? And racist?
Also, why do we suffer for gods plan, or why are we suffering for god? Makes no sense.
And finally, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… Jesus is never coming to earth. Ever. I quote u/proudex-mormon, who says “It should be obvious from these passages that Jesus was quoted multiple times saying his glorious second coming in the clouds would occur within the lifetimes of some then living in the first century AD. Since these prophecies failed to come to pass, and since nearly 2000 years have passed since, the only reasonable conclusion is that Jesus was a false prophet…” The passages in question are multiple verses and rewrites of Jesus saying that his disciples/john would live to see him come back.
TL;DR: there is no TDLR, the people who made the Bible are either assholes or deranged.
submitted by RoutineAtmosphere99 to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:00 moaning_and_clapping I was Catholic. The reasons I left were…

  1. ⁠Religion has been used to control the masses for centuries. Religion is made to control your actions, thoughts, love-life, opinions, values, physical and mental body. It minipulates you to believe you are being watched 24/7. Even your thoughts are being monitored and judged by God and you can never escape his constant watching over your private life.
  2. ⁠God punishes for disbelief. That doesn’t sound like an all-loving, all-knowing, fully-merciful higher deity I’d want to follow. It isn’t “just” for him to send people into eternal hellfire of suffering and eternal pain just for using logic and not believing in a god that we have little to no proof for. Why should I be punished for questioning my reality?!!! It forces Christians to never question their faith and only “trust God” which is making their followers feel bad for doing research and critically thinking for themselves.
  3. ⁠The Bible contradicts itself time and time again. A YouTube channel called Holy Koolaid makes wonderful videos explaining the scams and literal cultish-abuse Christianity puts you through. The book is imperfect and misogynistic. It is hateful and doesn’t even make sense.
  4. ⁠The relationship you are expected to form with God is literally abusive. God tells you that you were already born wrong and sinful (original sin) even though you had no choice to be born. Then, he tells you that all of your human nature is wrong and impure and you should feel ashamed for being a healthy human. God put us on this earth knowing damn well we wouldn’t be as perfect as him. Think about it. In the story of Adam and Eve, eve didn’t even know what sin was. She was literally just a curious human. Satan deceived her and told her to go against God. That isn’t her fault. She didn’t know what satan or sin even was. She just did what she was told. And she was told to eat the fruit (by Satan.) and what’s even crazier that people skip, it that the “forbidden” or “sinful” fruit was called the Tree of Knowledge. That says a lot. God will punish you for using your knowledge to live life on your own terms. He even says in the Bible “do not lean on your own understanding.” Then, god doesn’t only punish HER, but everybody, forever. Honestly, it seems pretty egoistic of him to make sure nobody can reach his level of being god (aka being sinless) because he would get jealous of humans. Then he forces us to worship him and praise him every second of the day and BEG this “all powerful” god to let us taste even just a bit of his mercy by not thrusting us into eternal damnation. That is not love nor is it mercy. In simple terms… “1. You should be ashamed of yourself for being normal.
  5. ⁠Im going to throw you into a pit of the worst pain you could ever feel if you don’t worship and praise me and love me above all things.”
Christianity is against science. Many Catholics go against doctors, vaccinations, medical procedures to protect women, evolution, the Big Bang…. The list goes on and on.
Some of our Christian denominations have been recognized as cults but what about the others? If you look at the yellow deli cult (7 tribes of Israel) they are not much different from Catholics. Mormonism is a classified cult but the cultish aspects are quite alined with traditional Catholicism.
Another thing. Christianity doesn’t let you properly grieve. It attempts to comfort you with lies. It tells you that when somebody dies you will see them again. I used to believe that. But it’s a hard reality to accept that there is no afterlife. That person is gone forever. I would rather know that I’ll see my friend who committed suicide (I went to her funeral today) someday. But I won’t. Don’t believe lies just because they are comforting at the moment.
Christianity is a fear-based religion. I actually recall reading a verse literally saying to fear God. But most Christians don’t even truly love God. They convince themself that they do but deep down they don’t. They are just afraid to burn in hell. They are afraid that God will take his payback on them if they don’t worship and love him. That is toxic and minipulative
There are a lot more reasons. The best advice I can give is to think logically and to think for yourself. Best of luck to everyone considering leaving and I wish everyone a happy life.
submitted by moaning_and_clapping to thegreatproject [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:29 moaning_and_clapping I was a strict Catholic. Here’s why I left.

  1. ⁠Religion has been used to control the masses for centuries. Religion is made to control your actions, thoughts, love-life, opinions, values, physical and mental body. It minipulates you to believe you are being watched 24/7. Even your thoughts are being monitored and judged by God and you can never escape his constant watching over your private life.
  2. ⁠God punishes for disbelief. That doesn’t sound like an all-loving, all-knowing, fully-merciful higher deity I’d want to follow. It isn’t “just” for him to send people into eternal hellfire of suffering and eternal pain just for using logic and not believing in a god that we have little to no proof for. Why should I be punished for questioning my reality?!!! It forces Christians to never question their faith and only “trust God” which is making their followers feel bad for doing research and critically thinking for themselves.
  3. ⁠The Bible contradicts itself time and time again. A YouTube channel called Holy Koolaid makes wonderful videos explaining the scams and literal cultish-abuse Christianity puts you through. The book is imperfect and misogynistic. It is hateful and doesn’t even make sense.
  4. ⁠The relationship you are expected to form with God is literally abusive. God tells you that you were already born wrong and sinful (original sin) even though you had no choice to be born. Then, he tells you that all of your human nature is wrong and impure and you should feel ashamed for being a healthy human. God put us on this earth knowing damn well we wouldn’t be as perfect as him. Think about it. In the story of Adam and Eve, eve didn’t even know what sin was. She was literally just a curious human. Satan deceived her and told her to go against God. That isn’t her fault. She didn’t know what satan or sin even was. She just did what she was told. And she was told to eat the fruit (by Satan.) and what’s even crazier that people skip, it that the “forbidden” or “sinful” fruit was called the Tree of Knowledge. That says a lot. God will punish you for using your knowledge to live life on your own terms. He even says in the Bible “do not lean on your own understanding.” Then, god doesn’t only punish HER, but everybody, forever. Honestly, it seems pretty egoistic of him to make sure nobody can reach his level of being god (aka being sinless) because he would get jealous of humans. Then he forces us to worship him and praise him every second of the day and BEG this “all powerful” god to let us taste even just a bit of his mercy by not thrusting us into eternal damnation. That is not love nor is it mercy. In simple terms… “1. You should be ashamed of yourself for being normal. ⁠Im going to throw you into a pit of the worst pain you could ever feel if you don’t worship and praise me and love me above all things.”
Christianity is against science. Many Catholics go against doctors, vaccinations, medical procedures to protect women, evolution, the Big Bang…. The list goes on and on.
Some of our Christian denominations have been recognized as cults but what about the others? If you look at the yellow deli cult (7 tribes of Israel) they are not much different from Catholics. Mormonism is a classified cult but the cultish aspects are quite alined with traditional Catholicism.
Another thing. Christianity doesn’t let you properly grieve. It attempts to comfort you with lies. It tells you that when somebody dies you will see them again. I used to believe that. But it’s a hard reality to accept that there is no afterlife. That person is gone forever. I would rather know that I’ll see my friend who committed suicide (I went to her funeral today) someday. But I won’t. Don’t believe lies just because they are comforting at the moment.
Christianity is a fear-based religion. I actually recall reading a verse literally saying to fear God. But most Christians don’t even truly love God. They convince themself that they do but deep down they don’t. They are just afraid to burn in hell. They are afraid that God will take his payback on them if they don’t worship and love him. That is toxic and minipulative
There are a lot more reasons. The best advice I can give to anyone is to think logically and to think for yourself. Best of luck, everyone contemplating leaving. We’re always here for you for any questions and doubts.
submitted by moaning_and_clapping to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:23 moaning_and_clapping I was catholic. Here’s why I left if anybody is curious lmao

  1. ⁠Religion has been used to control the masses for centuries. Religion is made to control your actions, thoughts, love-life, opinions, values, physical and mental body. It minipulates you to believe you are being watched 24/7. Even your thoughts are being monitored and judged by God and you can never escape his constant watching over your private life.
  2. ⁠God punishes for disbelief. That doesn’t sound like an all-loving, all-knowing, fully-merciful higher deity I’d want to follow. It isn’t “just” for him to send people into eternal hellfire of suffering and eternal pain just for using logic and not believing in a god that we have little to no proof for. Why should I be punished for questioning my reality?!!! It forces Christians to never question their faith and only “trust God” which is making their followers feel bad for doing research and critically thinking for themselves.
  3. ⁠The Bible contradicts itself time and time again. A YouTube channel called Holy Koolaid makes wonderful videos explaining the scams and literal cultish-abuse Christianity puts you through. The book is imperfect and misogynistic. It is hateful and doesn’t even make sense.
  4. ⁠The relationship you are expected to form with God is literally abusive. God tells you that you were already born wrong and sinful (original sin) even though you had no choice to be born. Then, he tells you that all of your human nature is wrong and impure and you should feel ashamed for being a healthy human. God put us on this earth knowing damn well we wouldn’t be as perfect as him. Think about it. In the story of Adam and Eve, eve didn’t even know what sin was. She was literally just a curious human. Satan deceived her and told her to go against God. That isn’t her fault. She didn’t know what satan or sin even was. She just did what she was told. And she was told to eat the fruit (by Satan.) and what’s even crazier that people skip, it that the “forbidden” or “sinful” fruit was called the Tree of Knowledge. That says a lot. God will punish you for using your knowledge to live life on your own terms. He even says in the Bible “do not lean on your own understanding.” Then, god doesn’t only punish HER, but everybody, forever. Honestly, it seems pretty egoistic of him to make sure nobody can reach his level of being god (aka being sinless) because he would get jealous of humans. Then he forces us to worship him and praise him every second of the day and BEG this “all powerful” god to let us taste even just a bit of his mercy by not thrusting us into eternal damnation. That is not love nor is it mercy. In simple terms… “You should be ashamed of yourself for being normal. ⁠Im going to throw you into a pit of the worst pain you could ever feel if you don’t worship and praise me and love me above all things.”
Christianity is against science. Many Catholics go against doctors, vaccinations, medical procedures to protect women, evolution, the Big Bang…. The list goes on and on.
Some of our Christian denominations have been recognized as cults but what about the others? If you look at the yellow deli cult (7 tribes of Israel) they are not much different from Catholics. Mormonism is a classified cult but the cultish aspects are quite alined with traditional Catholicism.
Another thing. Christianity doesn’t let you properly grieve. It attempts to comfort you with lies. It tells you that when somebody dies you will see them again. I used to believe that. But it’s a hard reality to accept that there is no afterlife. That person is gone forever. I would rather know that I’ll see my friend who committed suicide (I went to her funeral today) someday. But I won’t. Don’t believe lies just because they are comforting at the moment.
Christianity is a fear-based religion. I actually recall reading a verse literally saying to fear God. But most Christians don’t even truly love God. They convince themself that they do but deep down they don’t. They are just afraid to burn in hell. They are afraid that God will take his payback on them if they don’t worship and love him. That is toxic and minipulative
There are a lot more reasons. The best advice I can give is to think logically and to think for yourself everyone :)
submitted by moaning_and_clapping to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:57 Jolly-Pirate3747 Android Application

This is what the android application looks so far, there is a down menu right across the shield zone, you pick an option and double tap the shield and the event would happen. Let me know how it looks.
submitted by Jolly-Pirate3747 to DuelMasters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:16 amogus1038383929 I need you to pray with me for a teen girl

I'm currently trying to help a christian teen girl who is very anxious, constantly afraid, she says she has intrusive thoughts that are blasphemous. I gave her good advice and bible verses but she's still struggling. Please pray with me for her so she gets freed from that demonic influence and so she can feel Jesus' peace and joy in her life. I would be very thankful if you do so
submitted by amogus1038383929 to PrayerTeam_amen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:02 Leather-Ad-9419 Love, Sex, Marriage, Divorce.

My parents are still together. I wish they weren't. I've always wanted two Christmases. I feel like I was robbed of my childhood. But no, they wanted to stay together so that I would have a "normal childhood." I didn't want a normal childhood, I wanted 2 of everything like I’m Noah on his ark before the flood.
Things are different these days though. My parents were married with children by the time they were like 20. I'm 30 and I had to give away my houseplant. I was told to water it once a week and that was just too much commitment for me. It was gifted to me by a friend who said it would bring me joy to have something else that was alive inside my apartment. Which was a little weird, cause they know how strongly I support abortion. Which, in this economy, I kinda wish my parents did, too. But they owned a house by the time they were my age. I don't even own a house plant anymore.
Things like that make me feel like I'm behind in life. The closest thing to marriage I’ve experienced is having a friend with benefits. I’m not gonna lie, It was fun. I used to love when her and I would get together, just the two of us, and go grocery shopping with her EBT card.
Being 30, it's been wild to watch a lot of my friends get married over the years. It makes me wonder, wow, true love actually exists? But now I'm getting to the age where I'm watching all my friends get divorced, and that is a nasty form of entertainment because some of them love to overshare on social media. What's crazy, is I'll watch some of them make the same mistakes all over again. It's kind of wild that some of my friends have found the love of their life... multiple times. How many lives do you have? What are you, a fucking cat? It kinda makes me glad I'm addicted to alcohol instead of… love. I've had some awful, debilitating hangovers, but none of them have ever felt like the equivalent of “I caught my wife cheating on me with our roommate and now she's taking the kids and staying in the house my parents bought us”. But I have woken up hungover like "damn... I lost.... The house....plant"
Speaking of getting married too many times, my grandma was married 5 times. When she died, I remember my aunt being like "you know why she was married so many times right? It's cause she wouldn't give it up before marriage." Which was weird, because my grandma was not religious at all. Never mentioned god, Jesus, or the bible ever. She was just doing this vow of celibacy shit for fun. It's kinda crazy that back then you used to have to get married or you couldn't have sex. These days, you can literally download Tinder, as a man, and... Also not have sex. This might make zero sense if you're a woman. Women can download Tinder and get 100's of matches in a night and think that's just the norm for everyone. Meanwhile if I wanna get 100's of matches in a night, I gotta download Grindr, which really sucks dick.
And that’s just one of many examples of how equality between men and women doesn’t exist. For years, women have easily been able to make their tits bigger to seem more desirable, but I still can’t make my dick smaller.
submitted by Leather-Ad-9419 to StandUpWorkshop [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:42 FridaysChild219 How are YOU feeling today?

We are all in the same boat - well, emotional roller coaster. We are all on the same emotional roller coaster. We have to watch out for each other (ok and maybe I’m a psych nurse and worry about everyone’s mental health 🤷🏼‍♀️😂)
How are you feeling today?
What’s one thing you do or say to bring yourself back into check when your emotions get the best of you? Any quotes or mantras Bible or Quran verses or hobbies or books, etc. that help?
submitted by FridaysChild219 to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:39 C0smicoccurence Death’s Country review (for my ‘Published in 2024’ Bingo Card)

Death’s Country review (for my ‘Published in 2024’ Bingo Card)
After feeling very out of the loop for the last few years on most of the books that got nominated for awards, I have decided that 2024 is my year of reading stuff being currently published. While I will no doubt get sidetracked by shiny baubles from the past, I am going to be completing a bingo card with books solely written in 2024.
Death’s Country appealed to me for two main reasons. First, Orpheus and Eurydice is one of my favorite myths, and seeing a retelling of it was immediately appealing. It’s also a novel in verse, which intrigued me. I’ve read some phenomenal ones (Brown Girl Dreaming comes to mind as a standout) but they’ve all been realistic fiction or memoir. A combination of greek mythology and a poetry form? It was an immediate book to pick up.
This book is good for readers who like novels in verse, greek retellings, angry main characters trying to do better
Elevator Pitch: Death’s Country follows Andres, Brazillian child of a broken household transplanted to Miami after his death (which he negotiated away in a deal with death). When one of his girlfriends dies, he and the remaining part of the throuple venture into the underworld to bring her back.
What Worked for Me
Novels in verse present a unique opportunity to push deep meanings and really unwrap a character or theme. Romero really nails this as she builds up Andres’ personality in the beginning sections of the book. She captures his anger and fury over his parents’ behavior towards each other, his desire to chart a different path, and the violent ways all his challenges manifested. He was a fascinating character to read.
I also really appreciated how the poly representation was handled well. It was a fairly low-drama depiction of their relationship. There were challenges, characters not sharing parts of themselves, but it never felt like the author was reaching for low hanging fruit or engaging in lazy writing around queer identities.
What Didn’t Work for Me
In the end, I found this book to be mostly a disappointment for the final two thirds of the story. While the representation of the relationship was appreciated, I thought that the effectiveness of the poetry started to fall off once Andres moved to Miami, and even moreso when they went into the underworld. Big chunks of relatively normal dialogue, line breaks that felt arbitrary instead of meaningful, and a growing distance from the beautiful language of the first bits. Every one in a while I’d come along a line or stanza that really hit, but in the end I felt like the writing didn’t hold together, and in a novel in verse, the writing really needs to be the through-line of the story. I left feeling like it was fine, but wanting to see what a really well executed novel in verse might be.
TL:DR Despite a strong opening, I found that this novel in verse didn’t hold up as well as I’d have liked it to. It didn’t take advantage of the poetic structure as much as it should have, and left the whole experience feeling a bit flat.
Bingo Squares: Under the Surface, Bards, Prologues and Epilogues, Self Published, 2024, POC Author
I plan on using this for Self Pub/Indie
Previous Reviews for this Card
Welcome to Forever - a psychedelic roller coaster of edited and fragmented memories of a dead ex-husband
Infinity Alchemist - a dark academia/romantasy hybrid with refreshing depictions of various queer identities
Someone You Can Build a Nest In - a cozy/horroromantasy mashup about a shapeshifting monster surviving being hunted and navigating first love
Cascade Failure - a firefly-esque space adventure with a focus on character relationships and found family
The Fox Wife - a quiet and reflective historical fantasy involving a fox trickster and an investigator in early-1900s China
Indian Burial Ground - a horror book focusing on Native American folklore and social issues
The Bullet Swallower - follow two generations (a bandit and an actor) of a semi-cursed family in a wonderful marriage between Western and Magical Realism
Floating Hotel - take a journey on a hotel spaceship, floating between planets and points of view as you follow the various staff and guests over the course of a very consequential few weeks
A Botanical Daughter - a botanist and a taxidermist couple create the daughter they could never biologically create using a dead body, a foreign fungus, and lots of houseplants.
The Emperor and the Endless Palace - a botanist and a taxidermist couple create the daughter they could never biologically create using a dead body, a foreign fungus, and lots of houseplants.
Majordomo - a quick D&D-esque novella from the point of view of the estate manager of a famous necromancer who just wants the heros to stop attacking them so they can live in peace
submitted by C0smicoccurence to Fantasy [link] [comments]