Done with people quotes


2010.01.26 19:23 blisstonia 30 ROCK

Guess which subreddit thinks gesturing with one's thumbs is for poor people, is immortal, has TWO BAD KNEES, is beautiful but doesn't know it, and hasn't cried once today? THIS ONE. A sub-reddit for the fans and critics of the show 30 Rock. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show and anything else 30 Rock related.

2011.12.27 16:50 Hulde Colorization - The colorization of old black & white photos

[/Colorization] is a subreddit that is dedicated to sharing black and white photos that you have colorized. Colorization can be very time-consuming but the results are often amazing. We offer information and experience on how to colorize old photos.

2013.04.28 18:55 Jdibs77 Awesome Car Mods

A subreddit devoted to car modifications that are awesome. This subreddit is pretty simple, the title says it all.

2024.05.14 10:30 TheEerieFire Devil Jin has become a cheesy character

Devil Jin has become a cheesy character
People are raijin with stats like this? What have they done to him man.
submitted by TheEerieFire to Tekken [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:28 Creepy-Quantity-9608 Why is next-auth (or Auth.js) so popular?

I recently learned about Next.js, went through its written tutorial, and built a simple website with its app router. It was my first experience in React. I saw a lot of people in the JS community ranting about Next.js and I do agree with them to some extent, my overall experience with Next was that it was pretty decent and quite easy to get the work done, though RSC sometimes confuses me. But I think this is okay, especially given that this is my first React project.
But in the past few weeks I have tried to build a new website with auth, and my experience with Auth.js (v5) was nothing short of a disaster. The docs was horrible, it offers little customizability, and the configuration just doesn't work. If I were the project lead, I wouldn't promote this piece of shit until it gets stable. But apparently the github repo is pointing to v5, the old v4 docs just has that annoying header which encourages me to try v5, and some part of v4 docs they send me to v5 for whatever reason. Seriously. You can't promote something that's not finished. It's a joke that it's called next-auth@beta, it should be alpha at best. Just look at the number of GitHub issues people open every day.
If this were my first experience with web auth, I would have just thought auth ought to be this hard. But unfortunately not. I'm originally a Django dev, and there is that Django auth library that does way more things than what Auth.js does for Next. But it's nothing like this crap. The docs was very clear and straightforward, super easy to adapt to my use case, and there's nothing mysterious. It has >9k stars with >200k users (according to GitHub) and much older than next-auth but has only <50 open issues. Even more, it is essentially maintained by one person.
So why can't a >20k stars library be just like this? Or, the question really should be the other way around: how come this thing got 20k stars? I'm pretty sure there are other alternatives that are easier to use and makes more sense, so I just have no idea whatsoever what makes Auth.js so popular.
submitted by Creepy-Quantity-9608 to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:28 mrobb3 What is everyone's experience with using rose quartz to attract a specific person?

I've been wearing rose quartz recently and noticed I've been much calmer while having the crystal around my neck. I was reading about using it to attract and wonder if it were possible to make a specific person notice me.
This person definitely has feelings because he's depressed after I rejected him. We've been back and forth over the last couple years. The timing wasn't right the first time because I was just getting out of a toxic relationship. When we first met the connection was something I've never felt before, we were by each other's side nearly every single day but didn't get to formally date. Fast forward 1.5 years later and I wrote him a letter professing my interest that he threw at me. He then came up to me 1.5 months later and tried flirting with me like we used to, I snubbed him and explained I wouldn't give someone a chance who treats me like he did. I see he's sorry and I want to show him my interest but he's hard to get through to.
Will a rose quartz necklace if worn attract him or is there anything special which needs to be done?
Another thing, while we are different people on the surface, he's very similar to me in many aspects like romanticism, politeness, and sensitivity. His emotions are quite large and warm like mine. I don't know if these are important details but think they might help.
submitted by mrobb3 to witchcraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:27 Helpful_Upstairs_248 Sedgwick denied my claim for a necessary surgery

On the 15th of April, 2024, I had a workplace injury occur that involved a vehicle transmission falling directly on top of my foot while unloading it to be transferred to a core return box. Luckily it did not break any bones. However, I was required to be seen by an Orthopedic Specialist under the hospitals' guidance and recommendation. I went to my scheduled appointment on May 1st, with Worker's Comp info ready to be provided, I received a multitude of x-rays and a professional evaluation conducted in the office by the Orthopedic Surgeon. To add an extra bit of information, I was born with a disease called CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth) Disease, which belongs to a family of Neurological Diseases, a type of hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. The disease affects my feet mostly, as I have severely high arches and difficulty with balance and walking. When the Ortho. Specialist conducted his review, his directive was that the surgery would be necessary, as the injury that I sustained at work will cause me more issues later in life if it isn't corrected within the next few years. What was relayed to me during that appointment was that the surgery would need to be for both of my feet, over a period of about a year, that includes surgery, recovery and rehabilitation, and then post-op evaluations and testing. I was told at the office that I'd be receiving a phone call about the surgery and such within a few days, as they would have to go back and forth with the examiners of the claim, which was to be expected. I waited quite a while for a phone call, it was roughly a week before I finally received a phone call from the surgeons' office about waiting to hear back from the Claims Examiner that is a part of the business I work for. They told me that it'd be a few more days before any more info could be provided, as they (the surgeons' office) were waiting to hear back from Sedgwick.
Fast forward to yesterday, at 11:07 AM EST May 13th, I received a text saying that my examiner (through Sedgwick) has been changed to a different person. I didn't really think much of it, but I had a feeling at some point that I'd be hearing from them later on in the day. I went into work at about 4 PM, and by 4:30PM a phone call came in directly from Sedgwick, to tell me that my claim has been denied. They said that, and I quote, "We've never heard of this disease before, we don't see that it has anything to do with the injury you received at work, but you don't have any broken bones which is good.." The lady asked if I had any questions or concerns, and I vaguely remember replying with a statement of my family's history with the disease and how it has affected them, and how it affects me during my day to day, and they made the comparison that "Orthopedics are a lot like Chiropractors, those fields aren't really a category we assist with" or something similar to that statement. I was in a bit of shock when I spoke to the examiner, so most of the things they said have been forgotten. I tried going back to my claims info through Sedgwick and I'm no longer able to access it, it just keeps saying that I'd have to contact customer support, or speak with someone in my HR Dept. My manager, and several other people within my immediate circle have all expressed to me to get a 2nd opinion, contact a lawyer, contact a different examiner for workers comp, go through the state for assistance etc..
I'm just trying to figure out what steps I need to take in order to receive the assistance that I need. I am 28 years old, I still have such a strong desire to continue working, I am not a quitter, I do not like giving up. But this situation really put me down, and I am honestly dreading going to work now, I just feel so defeated. Any and all recommendations will gladly be accepted.
submitted by Helpful_Upstairs_248 to WorkersComp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:25 sorryPOShuman I don’t deserve the air I breathe...

Before I get into my story, I have one question for you: Is there any chance for redemption for the hell and hurt you’ve caused in this life?
I am 23 years old. I’ve had horrible suicidal depression my whole life. I have been addicted to fentanyl since 15. A little under two years ago, I had 3 wrecks in a year nodding off behind the wheel. Thankfully, I didn’t injure anyone physically, but I totaled both vehicles in all 3 incidents.
The first one involved a single mother and her barely kindergarten aged child. I can’t get the picture of the fear in that baby’s eyes out of my head. I could have killed them both, and that should have been bad enough to stop me from using while driving but i did it again and again. Enough to have two more wrecks and cause even more financial and emotional burdens on everyone involved.
My parents have done everything they can do for me. They’ve sent me to rehabs, supported me every step of the way, bought me vehicle after vehicle even after the wrecks.
My mom had fucking CANCER during this time and I stole money from them to get a fix. WHILE SHE WAS FUCKING DYING.
I feel like I don’t even deserve to be alive. Is there any chance for redemption at this point? Or should I just give up now and squash any chance of causing any future pain for other innocent people?
I can’t live with myself, I can barely leave home, I can barely function.
I just want to find these people I wrecked into and beg for their forgiveness. Even if the situation is long over with and everything is settled, the guilt still remains and it makes me want to destroy myself.
Thankfully I had insurance and they all got new vehicles but that doesn’t make anything better. It doesn’t take away the fear and pain and financial hardship I caused these innocent people.
How do I learn to live with myself again?
Is there any hope of redemption?
Do I deserve to even live at this point?
submitted by sorryPOShuman to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:25 PattheShuffler Electrical work quote check

Electrical work quote check
Just wanting some help with these quotes I have received for electrical work on my house. I went to do a kitchen remodel and the electrician told me that the mains to the house need upgrading. I am happy to have necessary work done now as I do plan to continue to add load into the future as we further electrify and plan on staying in this house long term. It is also an extensive kitchen reno with new locations, additional appliances and replacing what I imagine is old wiring that was in place for the oven circa 1980.
Just wanted to double check the pricing for each of these is reasonable/in the right ball park. We are in the Illawarra region (just south of Sydney).
submitted by PattheShuffler to AusElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:24 Character-Law-7250 Advice for recent grad: Canada (potential citizenship) vs. US (bigger opportunities)? (and more general advice)

Hi everyone! This is my first time posting here so please be gentle <3
I'm at a bit of a crossroads and desperately need advice from more experienced people than me. To give you some context on me, I'm an international student graduating with distinction from a top Electrical Engineering program in Canada. My experience includes:
Besides that, I've been a Teaching Assistant and Residence Advisor on campus twice.
Last bit of context: I was on a J1 visa during my internship in the US, which has a two-year homestay requirement (I have to return home for two years before I can work in the US again). While there is a waiver for it, the way it's looking, I may not even be able to get that waived for at least 6 months. Because of this, I already lost my opportunity to return to the company I interned with in the US immediately post-grad.
I'm in the process of interviewing for an in-person founding team member role at a top Y-Combinator startup in the Bay Area; the team is absolutely world-class, already funded and generating revenue. It's honestly the sort of opportunity I would have only been able to dream about before starting my degree, and now it's enough of a reality that a recruiter reached out to me for it.
I am also actively applying to opportunities in Canada; I paid for my last year of undergrad myself through the money I earned in my internships, so I have nothing left and am in need of some sort of employment in the next few weeks or so (sort of starving at the moment). While I haven't done most of my 'big' applications yet, I feel somewhat confident that with enough time and effort, I will at least be able to get interviews in Canada in the short-term.
My dilemma is whether to stay in Canada or move to the US. As grateful as I am to be in Canada (and I really am - I love it here), there aren't really any opportunities in Canada that compare to being a founding team member at a YC startup straight out of University. But - and this is the dilemma - I don't even see a path in the short-term to an H1B visa in the US, let alone permanent residency, while in Canada, especially as an engineering graduate from a Canadian University, that's much, much more likely. And while there isn't a comparable opportunity for me here as far as I can see, there are plenty of cutting-edge opportunities in tech in Canada too.
My questions are:
  1. Would you suggest staying in Canada or moving to the US? I'm aware that I haven't actually received any offers yet, but I anticipate that this will become a very real issue for me soon and would love to get some opinions before that
  2. While I mentioned to the recruiter that contacted me about the Bay Area opportunity some of the complications of my visa situation, I'm not entirely sure how much the team is aware of them. They mentioned that they're happy to sponsor visas, but it seems as if they want someone for this role soon and my minimum timeline may be 4-6 months. I'm supposed to complete a writing exercise as Interview Round II and meet with the CEO to discuss it - should I mention the specifics of my situation via email or during the interview?
  3. Any general advice from others who graduated with a bunch of experience on how to maximise the value of that experience? I've worked really, really hard to put myself through my degree and succeed as much as I could, but realised I still don't have a clear idea of what I want to do yet. I do want to ensure I actually use the experience I have to maximise my advantage.
Thank you so much in advance, I really appreciate your input!
submitted by Character-Law-7250 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:24 Unusual-Persimmon458 AITA for defending my girlfriend and I from a potential stalker?

My girlfriend and her friends went out to a restaurant and a guy that I've known since childhood, I'll call him AA, who wasn’t even invited, came to the restaurant with them and was just hanging around they'd been telling him to go away he left then came back they told him leave but instead, (* at this point they've left the restaurant*) he was walking around with them but distancing and keep turning back as if he was tailing them nd was talking as if he was invited to the outing saying “it’s so fun being with you guys” “oh I love coming out with you”
he attempted talking to my girlfriend but she walked off. he tried talking to one of her friends, Ill call KK, she told him go away and gave him side eye but he wasn’t going. He gave up, but once they went back to the restaurant he was back in his spirit coming to them again. My girlfriend tried to get KK and another friend to get upstairs away from him he was trying to make the friend stay saying “hmmm I’ll buy you if…” stuff like that my girlfriend was getting really mad and KK saw and we finally went up he followed us up he followed us up then we told him just go but he stayed then finally left.
(bare in mind that I wasn't there with my girlfriend and her friends when this happened)
Few days later, I'm with my girlfriend and AA comes up to the two of us with 3 friends, I'll call the important one to this BB, to "confront her about lying on AA's name".and obviously my girlfriend is uncomfortable and decides to leave, so I'm on my own now. And BB tries going to find my girlfriend but I grab him and stop him from doing so. AA grabs me trying to take me off of BB but now I'm provoked,
(whenever I feel provoked/the intention of harming me from someone, i naturally go after them)
and I I'm holding both of them by myself (* also AA is taller, bigger and stronger than me*) and we go on like this a few minutes just grabbing / pushing/insulting each other until people pull us off each other. Now at this point I'm beyond angry bc AA has done this two times previously which I warned him to not do again and he said he wouldn't do it again & has said things which I don't think I can mention on here.
submitted by Unusual-Persimmon458 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:23 MeeloMosqeeto The secret to getting interviews?

Noticed a lot of people struggling to get call backs or responses on Indeed. I started my search at the start of May and have gotten interviews at warehouses, hotels, and even the Royal Caribbean, I applied kinda jokingly. My experience is ranching in middle and HS, running a warehouse in the summers in HS as well, 3 years of lifeguarding with one being the head pool supervisor. 9 months as the houseman at a Hilton hotel, the step above housekeeper. I've gotten interviews for over half my applied jobs, and the most brought up thing is my ranching experience. Fencing, working; cattle, goats, sheep, longhorn, zebras!!, several deer species, and more, heavy equipment operation, direction skills, and long hot days in the sun are the main take aways from that. I was the HS kid every old head had to come fix their computer, leaky pipe, help cover their 6 million pounds of silage, dredge their sheep etc. Granted my town had 1800 people and my graduating class was 36. I have since moved to college and live in a city with ~250000 people. My references are those exact old heads who likely answer, if jobs even call references still, with, "Who Aidan? oh that hard working sum bitch was the smartest kid I ever knew! Watcha wanna know?" Kinda sidetracked but felt it was relevant. All in all. "Put what sticks out" seems kind of redundant to say, but what I've experienced in interviews in that they are most interested in someone who has had a steady job history, does what the 'average' person doesn't, and a history is mentally/physically intensive jobs, at the entry level anyway. Where you can get that experience? I am willing to bet serious money a farmer outside your town/city would pay you extremely well to ride his side-by-side around his fields picking up rocks and sticks. They understand simply being out in the Sun is one of the most physically taxing things you can do, especially at their older age. I did this my first semesters of college for 20/hour doing 20 hours a weekend. That's just a specific example, but things always need to be done at these types of places and generally, as long as you do what you're told and supposed to do, you're left to yourself and can work at your own pace whenever. Finding 'contract' labor like this is the key to sticking out in this swamped jobs market. If you don't want to hang around small farming towns looking for work, they are all in Facebook groups just find someone looking for help or that looks busy and ask if they need help with anything around the place. "I am not familiar with this type of work but I can be taught anything and am willing to put in the work to learn" is all it takes almost anywhere to be given a chance at least.
submitted by MeeloMosqeeto to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:17 BelfastBodyBuilder Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly and the Chief Constable must learn that journalism is not a crime
Does Gerry Kelly have anything in common with Sir John Profumo? This question flummoxed me when raised by Master Bell, the judge hearing my application last December to have Kelly’s defamation writ against me struck out. “Let us consider the case of the former minister of war,” said the judge, sounding pretty much like a professor conducting a tutorial. Profumo had to resign his government post because he had been discovered to have been visiting a prostitute who also had a Russian diplomat as a client. He might have been jeopardising national security with post-coital pillow talk, and that wouldn’t do. But in later life, Sir John was awarded a CBE for his charitable work. Might it not be, asked Master Bell, that, in a similar way, Gerry Kelly was once a man with no entitlement to a reputation because of his engagement in violence, but that he now is a good man, a distinguished member of the Policing Board, an MLA and someone who has earned the respect of his peers? I paraphrase. I was sitting at the back of the courtroom, listening to all this and thinking: “Oh, drat! [I paraphrase again.] I hadn’t thought of that.” I doubt Kelly’s own legal team had thought of it either, but they took it up and argued that, indeed, Kelly had changed over the years. They appeared to concede something that I doubt Kelly himself would concede: that he was indeed once a bad man who did bad things, but that he was now a reputable person, a peacemaker. The evidence of this was that he had brought the IRA into the peace process and helped make Northern Ireland a better place for all of us. “Hardly a qualification for sainthood,” said the judge. Kelly might have had all sorts of reasons for bringing the IRA into the peace process, including the realisation that his past terrorism was failing. It didn’t mean that he was a better person. Sinn Fein MLA who unsuccessfully sued two journalists to ask PSNI why it is trying to silence journalists Policing Board seeks urgent meeting with PSNI over journalist surveillance Gerry Kelly libel case against Ruth Dudley Edwards struck out in another financial blow to SF MLA In the past week, Kelly has been getting a drubbing on social media because he was to meet Chief Constable Jon Boutcher to protest against police monitoring of the phone calls of journalists. Many were sneering at this paradoxical behaviour of someone who had himself been harassing journalists with unsustainable defamation writs. Who was he to be criticising the police for imposing a much lesser jeopardy on journalists? I agree with this point. But I feel uncomfortable about the story of my experience with Kelly being used to undermine criticism of the PSNI for spying on journalists. That journalism is not a crime is a lesson that has to be learnt as clearly by Gerry Kelly as by the Chief Constable. Still, Kelly has brought this derision on himself. A consequence of the superb and eloquent ruling of Master Bell that Kelly, unlike John Profumo in his later years, has no moral compass will echo down the years. The case was referred to again in a recent article in the Irish Times about Ireland’s demotion in the ranks of countries which allow press freedom. The paper reported that Ireland had dropped from second to eighth place in an annual global index of press freedom published by Reporters Without Borders. Ireland is now regarded as a jurisdiction “where politicians have subjected media outlets to judicial intimidation”. My case was outside that jurisdiction but was included in the story to illustrate how many of these cases similarly arise from within Sinn Fein. This is some achievement for the party that proclaims a concern for human rights. It has tarnished Ireland’s reputation as a healthy democracy. What we are seeing here is a failure by both Sinn Fein and Kelly himself to see themselves as others see them. The feeling about Gerry Kelly when he presumes to lecture the police about the rights of journalists is that he somehow just doesn’t get how paradoxical that is; that he just doesn’t have any sense of irony, either to see it in the conduct of others or to anticipate how others might see it in him. But Kelly isn’t alone in this. He exemplifies the blinkered vision of core republicans and their inability to comprehend how others disdain their past and their cultish, on-message discipline. For them, of course, the ideology is self-evident truth and the IRA campaign was an inevitable, just and even noble response to oppression. Michelle O’Neill says we empathise with Palestinians here because we too suffered as they did. Well, some among us did, but I couldn’t claim, with a straight face, talking to a mother sitting in the rubble of Gaza, that my life has more in common with hers than, say, a London taxi driver has. I do have something in common with the Jew who gets called to account for the actions of the IDF, for I was often patronised in England by people who assumed I was an IRA supporter. In Carál Ní Chuilín’s humility before the UK Covid-19 Inquiry we saw something extraordinary, though — a former IRA militant accepting that she had done wrong in attending the funeral of Bobby Storey, the one Gerry Adams called the crann mór, the big tree. She had insulted us by putting the opportunity to honour Storey above sympathy for those who could not honour their dead. But she gets that. She empathised — and the power of the impact of that was accentuated by the rarity of republicans accepting criticism. Is Ní Chuilín’s way the future and Kelly’s the past? It seems almost too much to hope for.
submitted by BelfastBodyBuilder to northernireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:17 at_2004 Prank for a Stone Cold Principal

Prank for a Stone Cold Principal
Queen of petty and great sovereign of potatoes, hear my plea and I hope you do not judge me too harshly.
Ok, but all and all, I don’t think I did anything to over the top. Allow me to see the stage..
It’s my junior year of high school and it’s a few weeks into the new year where this story starts, my family and I had received news that my mom’s oldest brother, my uncle, had been admitted to the hospital suddenly and was having difficulty, it was especially hard for my grandparents and his two daughters. Naturally I was worried because it’s my uncle and I’m hoping that he’ll be okay, I come to find out after getting back from school that day and after picking up my brothers from school that he had passed away a bit before we had gotten home. I was devastated along with the rest of my family and everyone was making plans to fly to my grandparents house.
I did the usual song and dance of letting teachers know I would be gone along with brief reasons why including: it’s a funeral, I was staying with my grandparents and they don’t have the best internet, likelihood of any schoolwork being done was slim, please be understanding, you get the picture. Well, sometime after the actual funeral and I went to briefly checked my email because a couple of friends had been checking in on me via school email. My emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted self saw that there was an email from my Spanish teacher (who a quick FYI is also the principal, for the sake of the story is being dubbed Medusa) who said I should still be doing schoolwork and following COVID regulations regardless of the reason, while I was grieving my uncle.
And let me just say, it got worse after I got back to school. Shortly after getting back, Medusa called on me to give a presentation which I hadn’t known about beforehand and she KNEW why I didn’t have it done. She was the only teacheadult who was completely unsympathetic to my situation, even going as far as to say she had expected more from me and she was disappointed, not to mention I was already struggling to catch up in the rest of my classes so Medusa wasn’t a special case in lagging behind.
I’m sorry- but what in the ever living name of the mother of sanity did you think would happen?! I was acting like a robot for quite a while so pardon me if I’m not up to your standards lady (sorry, there’s still a lot of annoyance and anger towards this woman but it’s way more diluted than it had been originally), any respect I had for her as an adult died that day. So when the opportunity came to came her at the very least some minor inconvenience and petty vengeance for me, I took it (not entirely necessary or important to the story but Medusa is an older woman who via the school gossip grapevine was apparently a former nun, not sure how that makes sense but not my circus, not my monkeys).
A little of context for how it went down: I went to a private Catholic high school in town (I doubt anyone from there is in this thread but hello!) that had a dress code/uniform situation going on, school polo and shorts/pants in black or khaki. Anyways~ a friend of mine, calling her N, came up with the great idea of pranking the entire school population on our school computers/ emails with a free dress day (wear anything within reason), and then the email that would be sent out detailed it would set for Friday. Granted, the email had been intended to be sent by at least one person from every grade in our friend group, what ended up happening was that N and I drafted up the email on my computer because it wouldn’t hurt me as much and Medusa had it out for her, I didn’t mind since I wanted back at her. N sent the email to everyone in our grade, but it went sideways afterwards.
Later as about 10:00 that morning, I was called to Medusa’s office who had the email “I” sent pulled up. She then proceeded to all but yell at me that parents were calling the school about a supposed free dress day, how it was incredibly inappropriate and dangerous to pull something like this (it really wasn’t, this is honestly way more tame than what we had originally planned), someone could have been hurt and to come forth with anyone else involved, thanks little oops I made while trying to stay calm and not cry. I didn’t because I wasn’t about to throw N under the bus, and I was honestly fed with medusa and her bs. She eventually sent me back to class which took even longer because I just about collapsed and was so close to crying.
I was questioned if I was alright when I got because at this point everyone knew about or read the email, told them I was fine and stuck to that til my friends got their hands on me because Principal Medusa already had a reputation. I told them the details, I got my eyes more red than I would have liked but I would ok.
The kicker? The goddamn freshmen had been given permission, and by extension the rest of the students did as well, for a free dress day. I lost it and said/quote “That’s freaking bullshit!” Luckily for me, the teacher I had during that class didn’t take too much offense to me swearing and had heard through the grapevine. At this point, I still don’t know if it had been pressure from teachers, students, what I did, or a combination of everything that did it. But I don’t care, I caused her some trouble and I felt accomplished for it!
I still have the pic I took about the project lol. Should be visible for yall, but either way, I don’t think I was too bad, but do you all think?
submitted by at_2004 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:17 Frogswithbutts My boss (50M) told me (26F) I am too immature, lack skill and am too dependent to work at home for a day and now I kind off want to leave. Should I?

So for some context. I work at this company I usually really like. I usually go to work with fun and I really love my colleagues. My boss is often seen as a very egotistic, kind of narcistic and direct person. I didn't really have a problem with him since I don't mind directness. But almost all my colleagues have trouble with understanding him.
So this happened a while a go. I was working on a project where many people were involved in. Unfortunately the project was a whole mess. It seemed like people did their own thing instead of following the script and quality wise it wasn't better either. Everyone involved in the project could do better at some things, including me. However, somehow I kind of became the scapegoat. I got blamed for things I couldn't be blamed for and when I tried to explain myself it didn't seem like they wanted to hear it, because at the end of the day it didn't make it better. I explained many times that I want to take accountability for the things I can do better, but I don't want to take accountability for things I didn't do. I spoke about it with my manager, and he told me that I wasn't the only one that got scolded so I tried to let it go and thought the scolding would stop, but it didn't. Almost everyday there was something to complain about and 9/10 something that wasn't my responsibility or something I didn't do. The scolding was often also very personal and it didn't seem like it wasn't meant for other people too that way.
So eventually my boss said that I couldn't work at home anymore (which I didn't for this project anyway) as long as there is still communication and skill missing, but it was temporary. I was still kinda mad at the beginning, because everyone in the team is allowed to work at home for one day and it helps a lot of people out. I also suffer from a hormonal imbalance which makes me very brainfoggy, tired, depressed and slow. Working at home helps me concentrate a lot better. But I thought fine, maybe it it better if I stay in the office for a while. It also felt unfair, because again only I was ordered to change my work habit. Writing it down like this it doesn't seem all that bad, but this was going on for a while now where it seemed like only I needed to adjust and it seemed unfair for a long time, so that feeling just kept bottling up every day.
This mess of a project ended and I texted my boss asking if I can work at home and he responded with that he didn't understand why I was asking this. Eventually he said that "as long as you still lack skill and still can't be independent I don't see why you can work at home." I again got kinda mad, because how can I suddenly lose skill and be depending. I didn't mess up THAT bad. But I didn't want to argue with him so I told him that I worked at home for another project (on my free days by the way) and I could show him.
So next day I show him and he wanted to complain about something immediately. There was a reason for the way I did the thing he complained about and I wanted to explain it, but he didn't want to listen and told me that I was basically too immature and too depending to be trusted to work at home. At that point I was just done. I wanted to quit immediately, but my manager talked me out of it.
Things I did wrong in the project:
I mean I am fine with taking responsibility, but saying that I am immature, depending, lack skill and overall blame me also for things I couldn't be blamed for seemed WAY too extra for the level of the mistakes I made. There was also never a problem with my skill, maturity and dependability before the project. I wonder if I'm just overreacting or if it's logical that I feel this way.
submitted by Frogswithbutts to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:16 Sparkled_ChilliSauce How can I stop being nervous in interviews??

Hi guys, I am a 23F fresher in the corporate world.... and I have no one to guide me and I've been figuring out things on my own the entire time ....... I feel so under confident because firstly I don't have much experience so I don't get called often and when I get an interview and they select me i just immediately accept the offer I don't know what questions should be asked and i don't even know how can I find if im being under paid. Also I get a bit nervous and stressed but it's just the normal amount.... until I am sitting in front of the interviewer ... my palms start to sweat a lot .... shortness of breath...and I almost forget how to speak, it all shows on my face and maybe that's one of the reasons they undervalue me. In my current job my team had people who were senior to me but I had much more understanding of the work and the intention to do it. Eg. I thought I would be learning a lot from the person incharge of me but all I learnt was how careless, uninterested they were and, poor quality work they were doing and no one cares about it.
I need help to overcome this nervousness so I can present myself in a way that I can be valued get paid fairly because I know i can do so much better than I show in the interview phases. Also what should I see in a company and things like my CTC and KRAs etc. before joining.... because the present one was not what it looked like I was doing the work of 4 people getting paid in peanuts i was responsible to Clean up after other people's messes and it was not recognised. I was told that I haven't done anything in 4 broke my heart because I was working on weekends, working late.... working at home after office... Being stressed for months... having anxiety attacks in the office.... waking up with my mind racing with work related thoughts and so I resigned. The people in my team were trying to convince me to stay because they didn't want to do my work (because every other person interviewed for the role after learning the tasks and responsibilities rejected the job offer because it is not a one man job) It made me very tensed because I'm so naive for the corporate and I haven't done any interviews procrastinating it because I don't know what to do so I don't end up being in the same situation again.
submitted by Sparkled_ChilliSauce to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:14 Truth-or-Death1988 There Will Be Trouble and Calamity for Everyone Who Keeps on Doing What Is Evil

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. - Proverbs 3:7-8
For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. - Ephesians 5:5
To whom shall I speak and give warning,
That they may hear?
Indeed their ear is uncircumcised,
And they cannot give heed.
Behold, the word of the Lord is a reproach to them;
They have no delight in it. – Jeremiah 6:10
“There is no fear of God before their eyes.” - Romans 3:18
The fear of the LORD leads to life, And he who has it will abide in satisfaction; He will not be visited with evil. - Proverbs 19:23
The fear of God is what leads to life, and this is why there are so many passages both in the OT and the NT which are meant to impart that fear of God into us. But the modern church seemingly sees the fear of God as a reproach to them, indeed they seem to only talk about the free gift, but also seem to reject that gift.
For God has not called us to live in sin. He has called us to live a holy life
Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man, but God, who has also given us His Holy Spirit. – I Thessalonians 4:7-8
Anyone who continues to live in him will not sin. But anyone who keeps on sinning does not know him or understand who he is.
Dear children, don’t let anyone deceive you about this: When people do what is right, it shows that they are righteous, even as Christ is righteous. But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God.
So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God. - I John 3:6-10
The churches should be imparting the fear of God into the wicked, so that they may turn from the ways of death and truly begin to know Jesus Christ. But they only seem to preach that which fills seats and wallets, as scripture warned us about:
But there were also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly teach destructive heresies and even deny the Master who bought them. In this way, they will bring sudden destruction on themselves.
Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.
In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed. – II Peter 2:1-3
Rather than fear God and convey that to others, they come up with every high-minded, theological retort that they can possibly think of in an effort to rid themselves of the very thing that leads to life.
‘For among My people are found wicked men;
They lie in wait as one who sets snares;
They set a trap;
They catch men.
As a cage is full of birds,
So their houses are full of deceit.
Therefore they have become great and grown rich.
They have grown fat, they are sleek;
Yes, they surpass the deeds of the wicked;
They do not plead the cause,
The cause of the fatherless;
Yet they prosper,
And the right of the needy they do not defend.
Shall I not punish them for these things?’ says the Lord.
‘Shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?’
“An astonishing and horrible thing
Has been committed in the land:
The prophets prophesy falsely,
And the priests rule by their own power;
And My people love to have it so.
But what will you do in the end? – Jeremiah 5:26-31
“Behold, you trust in lying words that cannot profit.
Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, burn incense to Baal, and walk after other gods whom you do not know,
and then come and stand before Me in this house which is called by My name, and say, ‘We are delivered to do all these abominations’?
Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of thieves in your eyes? Behold, I, even I, have seen it,” says the Lord. – Jeremiah 7:8-11
“Therefore you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not obey you. You shall also call to them, but they will not answer you.
“So you shall say to them, ‘This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the Lord their God nor receive correction. Truth has perished and has been cut off from their mouth. – Jeremiah 7:27-28
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty,
lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. - I Timothy 3:3-9
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9
Timothy was told to rebuke those who sin in the presence of all so that the rest may fear (I Timothy 5:20), but many leaders in modern churches seek to comfort the wicked in their sin instead. Comfort should be given to those who are remorseful for their sins, not to those who need a swift rebuke before they perish in their sins.
But what are souls compared to dollars these days?
Shall I not punish them for these things?’ says the Lord.
‘Shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?’ - Jeremiah 5:10
For the congregation of hypocrites shall be desolate, and fire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery. - Job 15:34
I truly hope that even those who take part in turning people away from the way of life will repent, and soon.
The Lord Almighty says that disaster is coming on one nation after another, and a great storm is gathering at the far ends of the earth. On that day the bodies of those whom the Lord has killed will lie scattered from one end of the earth to the other. No one will mourn for them, and they will not be taken away and buried. They will lie on the ground like piles of manure.
Cry, you leaders, you shepherds of my people, cry out loud! Mourn and roll in the dust. The time has come for you to be slaughtered, and you will be butchered like rams. There will be no way for you to escape. You moan and cry out in distress because the Lord in his anger has destroyed your nation and left your peaceful country in ruins. The Lord has abandoned his people like a lion that leaves its cave. The horrors of war and the Lord's fierce anger have turned the country into a desert. - Jeremiah 25:32-38
To think that God treated His first love in such a way over their wickedness, but will spare this lukewarm, money-hungry monstrosity for doing the same things is utterly insane.
But because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin, you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself. For a day of anger is coming, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. He will judge everyone according to what they have done. He will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good, seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God offers. But he will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and instead live lives of wickedness.
There will be trouble and calamity for everyone who keeps on doing what is evil—for the Jew first and also for the Gentile. But there will be glory and honor and peace from God for all who do good—for the Jew first and also for the Gentile. For God does not show favoritism. - Romans 2:5-11
God does not change. When the people who are supposed to be His are the ones leading others to hell, His fury is just, and it will be vented.
Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God. Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. - Revelation 3:2-3
submitted by Truth-or-Death1988 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:13 prmssnz The logic of grid-down medicine

Last week in a post-deleted by the OP, there was discussion about how there is no point in stockpiling antibiotics and any attemps for lay people to practice any form of health care in a widespread grid down disaster.
Myself and some colleagues wrote: Survival and Austere Medicine . We are slowing working on a 4th edition with some new material and minor corrections - but it is taking longer than we thought!
But I thought given the above post, I would take the opportunity to post the introduction - which address the "why bother" question for a major long-term grid down situation. Apologies for the formatting and length
"There is a sense, when considering the issues around survival medicine practice, that everything is overwhelming, that it is impossible for lay people to provide a high level of medical care and maintain a high level of population health.
We don’t think this is the case at all. We believe that intelligent lay people with some basic medical knowledge, skills, and equipment can deliver high quality health care. While it is obviously impossible for lay people to safely and competently deal with every medical problem, and there remain many complicated diagnoses requiring equally complicated or technologically advanced treatments, for 80- 90% of the health problems afflicting humanity, simple things done well are all that is required to preserve life and limb and help alleviate suffering.
Consider the following:
1. Remote Medicine Practice:
Below are the results of one of our author’s experience in the provision of health care in various remote and austere locations (some third world, some first world) to nearly four thousand people over a cumulative 30-month period (spread over 18 years) – with more data there are few minor changes from the 2005 2nd edition, but the list is essentially the same – which is interesting. The record keeping was a bit unreliable at times, but the following summary is reasonably accurate.
Top 20 presentations (representing > 95% of consultations):
1. Minor musculoskeletal injuries - ankle sprains most common, included many minor fractures which didn’t require more than diagnosis and simple care
2. Upper respiratory tract infections
3. Allergic reactions/Hay feveAnaphylactic reactions/Rashes
4. Minor open wounds – included a mix of lacerations needing closure, many needing
cleaning and advice only, and some infected wounds
5. Gastroenteritis/Vomiting/Diarrhoea
6. Mental health problems
7. Sexual health/Contraceptive problems
8. Skin infections/Cellulitis
9. Dental problems
10. Abdominal pain - 4 confirmed acute appendix (2 treated with IV antibiotics and
subsequent delayed appendix removal / 2 required evacuation) + 1 gangrenous gall bladder. Many were "no cause found". Of the remainder with a clear diagnosis the most common were renal or biliary colic)
11. Fever /Viral illness
12. Chest infections
13. Major musculoskeletal injuries (fractures/dislocations)
14. Asthma
15. Ear infections
16. Urinary tract infections
17. Burns – mostly partial thickness within the realms of management in the environment the
patient was in. Several required evacuations. Several required rehabilitation due to location and sub-optimal initial treatment.
18. Chest pain
19. Syncope/Collapse/Faints
20. Early pregnancy problems
Major trauma was uncommon but was seen including several fractured femurs and a dozen cases of multi-system severe trauma resulting in a mix of in-country surgery and evacuations
Top 12 prescribed drugs (representing >90% of medications prescribed):
1. Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)
2. Loratadine (and other assorted antihistamines)
3. Diclofenac (and other assorted antiinflammatories)
4. Combined oral contraceptive
5. Flucloxacillin
6. Throat lozenges
7. Augmentin (Amoxycillin + clavulanic acid)
8. Loperamide
9. Nystatin (and other antifungals)
10. Hydrocortisonecream
11. Ventolininhalers(Salbutamol/Albuterol)
12. Morphine
What is of note here is that the clear majority of problems dealt with are simple and straight forward – there is still potential for serious consequences but there is scope for a well-informed lay person with a basic knowledge and access to a reasonable collection of reference books to provide reasonable care. Equally the vast majority of medication prescribed are from a very narrow well defined list – despite the fact 1000’s of drugs are on the market – the list of core lifesaving or comfort preserving ones is relatively brief.
2. Why children die
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the following conditions as having contributed to >75% of worldwide deaths in the under 5-year age group (in no particular order):
Pneumonia Pneumonia is an infection of lungs. Prevention of this condition is somewhat limited – although good nutrition, clean and warm housing, and a reduction in the exposure to respiratory irritants (smoke) all can help. However, the most common bacteria which cause pneumonia are frequently sensitive to penicillin – which is discussed later in the book and can be produced in a low-tech environment.
Diarrhea Death from diarrhea (dehydration) is almost 100% preventable with appropriate use of oral rehydration therapy. Dirty water or poor food handling causes much diarrhea – this can be virtually eliminated by proper hygiene practices and care with drinking water.

Pre-term delivery While we are limited in the direct interventions available in an austere environment to mitigate this problem contributing factors to early labor are young age, malnutrition, smoking, poor maternal health, so there is scope for indirect intervention based on optimizing mum’s health and environment. For babies who are born prematurely the necessities of life are warmth and breast milk. With attention to detail for both things, it is possible for infants as young as 33-34 weeks to survive without high-tech intervention.
Malaria. Prevention is better than a cure, knowledge about clearing stagnant water, mosquito nets and long sleeved clothes can significantly reduce the risk. Equally quinine is derived from the bark of the Chincona tree and the Chinese have been using the herb, Artemisinin, effectively for the treatment of Malaria for years. So, while not as easy to treat or prevent as diarrhea, there is still scope for significant reduction in death rates in low-tech ways.
Blood infection Blood infection or septicemia is rapidly fatal. The ability to intervene depends on the cause of the infection and antibiotics available. Broadly, infections causing septicemia can originate from the skin, the lungs, the kidneys or bladder, and the abdominal contents. While specific treatments for these may be lacking in an austere environment – all have prevention strategies and basic low-tech treatments that can be lifesaving when applied appropriately.
Lack of oxygen at birth Of these problems, this is the one with probably the least scope for impact. Unfortunately, even if foetal distress is detected during labor (with heart beat monitoring or signs of distress like meconium), without the ability to deliver the baby quickly options are limited. That said, a caesarian section is not a massively complicated operation (and discussed in Chapter 10), and in parts of the third world is performed by trained lay people with safety and success.
Measles Again, there is limited scope to intervene directly with the disease. Measles is always around and while vaccination reduced the incidence of epidemics, sporadic cases still occur. In the absence of vaccinations epidemics of measles every few years will be inevitable. There is however some scope to minimize the spread during an epidemic with isolation and respiratory precautions during outbreaks. While some of the serious neurological complications are unavoidable in a
Prevention is better than a cure, knowledge about clearing stagnant water, mosquito nets and long sleeved clothes can significantly reduce the risk. Equally quinine is derived from the bark of the Chincona tree and the Chinese have been using the herb, Artemisinin, effectively for the treatment of Malaria for years. So, while not as easy to treat or prevent as diarrhea, there is still scope for significant reduction in death rates in low-tech ways. small number of patients, basic care such as maintaining hydration can also prevent complications such as dehydration.
Neonatal tetanus The prevention of neonatal tetanus is easy. You don’t let the site where the umbilical cord attaches to the baby get dirty. It is as simple as that.
HIV/AIDS Prevention of maternal infection is the key to prevention of infection of newborns. The steps required to prevent exposure to the HIV virus are widely known: abstinence (not undertaking sexual activity), monogamy (maintaining a single sex partner rather than multiple) and if neither is a palatable option, then safe sexual practices.
Most the conditions above have an element of either preventability or the ability to be treated to some degree in an austere environment and significant improvements in mortality and morbidity can be made.

3. The greatest advances in medicine
Several years ago the British Medical Journal ran a poll trying to identify top medical advances of the last 200 years. The following is the top 12 from that poll:
Sanitation 1st Antibiotics 2nd Anaesthesia 3rd Vaccines 4th DNA 5th Germ theory 6th = The oral contraceptive 6th = Evidence based medicine 8th Imaging 9th Computers 10th Oral rehydration therapy 11th Smoking cessation 12th =
Just as with our discussion above about the causes of childhood deaths, this list is introduced to show just how much impact a very basic health care knowledge can have in terms of optimising health in a post-disaster or austere situation.
Of the biggest advances of medicine in the last 200 years, between 7 to 9 (depending on your knowledge and available resources) of the 12 can be applied to care in a austere situation. In particular, the knowledge of sanitation, germ theory, oral rehydration therapy, and simple manufactured antibiotics and anaesthetic agents all have the potential to be able to be continued to be applied in a post-disaster situation and to continue to contribute to a high quality of low-tech health care. In the same way that we can substantially reduce childhood death rates in a low tech post-disaster situation, we can still continue to have access to some of the biggest advances in medicine even at the end of the world.
4. Surgery in the third world
A non-specialist surgeon working at a isolated bush hospital in Papua New Guinea published his experience of Emergency Surgery over a 14 month period (similar articles have been published with similar data):
Emergency Surgery 243
Tendon repair 33 Open orthopaedics 32 Dilation and curettage 31 General surgery 29 Incision and drainage 26 Laceration repair 26 Obstetrics 23 Manipulation under anaesthesia 15 Urology 15 Gynaecology 9 Ear, nose and throat 2
Emergency anaesthesia 243
Ketamine – spontaneous breathing 166 Local anaesthesia 33 Ketamine – ventilated 16 Spinal anaesthesia 12 Propofol / thiopentone 10 Epidural 5 Epidural / GA 1
The point of this reference is to help illustrate what someone can achieve in primitive conditions with no formal surgical training and no dedicated anaesthetist. We are not suggesting that the average layperson can safely practice to this extent or breadth of surgery, but it does demonstrate that a non-surgeon can achieve much. It also shows that most anaesthetics for surgery in an austere situation can be done under local or ketamine anaesthetics.
Why this is relevant?
Each of these four references gives you insights, one way or another, into low-tech austere health care. First, it gives you an insight into the likely clinical problems that you may see in a survival situation, and how much can be dealt with in that sort of austere environment. Second, it demonstrates how medically speaking it is the small things and simple knowledge which save lives and some of the biggest killers can be mitigated with these relatively low level interventions or strategies.
In our opening summary – “Medicine at that end of the world”, we describe a pretty bleak medical reality post-SHTF. Will million’s really die from lack of access to modern heath care as we have alleged?
The short answer is yes – many will die much sooner than they otherwise would have, from disease and injury, which currently are not immediately fatal. But the answer is not nearly that simple nor bleak. The reality is that while cancer, diabetes, malnutrition or serious injury may claim many of its victim’s sooner than with today’s health care, most health problems can be treated or mitigated to a degree in a low- tech environment, with a narrow range of medications and interventions – including some cancers, non- insulin requiring diabetes and many major traumatic injuries.
Most medical problems are relatively mundane and not life threatening. Truly catastrophic problems in medicine are fortunately rare. You should focus on learning and preparing to deal with the common problems, and doing common procedures well, and you will save lives, and possibly also improve the quality of those lives.
There will be a significant change to health care but with knowledge and some preparation it isn’t quite as dire as many (including our own opening paragraph) predict. "
submitted by prmssnz to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:10 Diotoiren [MODPOST] [CRISIS] Witch Fall / / Rest Now

Witch Fall / / Rest Now

January 8th, 2072.
The Midnight Court - Wewelsburg, Álfheimr
"I had no expectation of being crowned." Princess Kyōko looked towards the crowd of Alfr nobility which had amassed itself in the great hall of the Midnight Court. Excluding the Princess, who stood just in front of the Night King's Throne, the nobility made up of nearly all conquered people remained quiet as the Princess continued to speak - the shock of recent events emanating throughout the room. "And yet death of my uncle...has come as a shock."
The court was somber, the lights dim - only a few skylights pointed towards the Princess whose Golden crown had only just been placed on her head by the same woman who had coronated her Uncle all those years ago. The flags which had once flown as a symbol of the Aesir, now remained furled, awaiting to be revealed as the once Japanese Princess, continued to speak.
"In the years since my Uncle's coronation, our Aesir, has led you all to the well of prosperity, happiness, and security. Under his auspices rule, under the Night King's watchful gaze, you all...have been so very lucky. So very lucky to have survived this long." Gasps from the crowd where audible as members of the Valkyrie of the 1st Sturmtruppen marched into the Great Hall, those members of the Elite Imperial Guard whose loyalty lay only with the Aesir. "Under the former Aesir, you have been...blinded by a shroud of darkness from true enlightenment. The failures of this Imperial Might, whose forces once so easily marched West across France and conquered Western Europe, come from your blind faith in my Uncle. You have been bested in a Gothic War which saw the needless deaths of so many of the Aesir's Chosen. And yet you cry out for more conflict?"
The new Aesir could see the daggers as she looked out at the crowd, as her words struck the very heart of the Alfheim's Imperial Center. From the corner of her eye, she could barely make out one figure leaving the Hall, shooting an icy yet aware glance towards the Throne, however, now was no time to stop, she had a mission here.
"At every step, your former ruler...has ensured that the entire weight of the world would come crashing down on his Empire. Even now, you face a rebellion in Italy, and the possibility of war in the outer colonies of Svartálfar and Mexico. And if not for the idleness of the great Goliath of Eastern Europe your very homeland would have most assuredly been lost by now."
By now, only the Æsir's Chosen had remained without reaction. The nobility long in uproar, confusion, and fear as the former second-rate Princess from Japan gave lecture on the future of the Empire.
"You all...I...have never seen throughout history, an Empire so reviled that even my own Father's machinations have gone unheeded by the world." The newly crowned Aesir cared little for choosing her words, knowing that ultimately, they'd have to all bend the knee either way. "Your world has failed, and I am here to save you."
The murmuring of the crowd would have become overwhelming if it was not for the clerics who raised and slammed the ends of their banners on the ground, unfurling the new flag of the Imperial Álfheimr while sending the crowds into a fervor of chanting.
“Long live Æsir!”
“Long live Æsir!”
“Long live Æsir!”
As the Midnight Sun rose over the old world, those nobility knew a new era had begun.
Mombasa, The Union of African Socialist Republics 

"The Malagasy Terror returns to South Africa, Mexico falls into the grips of Japanese Empire"

Bandung Daily Issued January 31st, 2072 - 12:00 Mombasa, The Union of African Socialist Republics
MOMBASA - As the world continues to feel the shockwaves from the death of former imperialist dictator Dederick Lohengrin, it has been confirmed that the Malagasy Terror otherwise known as Japanese Rear Admiral Sentaro Omori has been confirmed as the new Imperial Governor of Marley. According to reports from the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Kamisato Ayaka, the handover of South Africa represents the 16th Imperial Administrative Zone of the ever growing Japanese Empire. Likewise, according to reports coming out of the JIIA - Rear Admiral Takagi Daisuke has been named Imperial Governor of Azteca (known globally as Mexico), as the newest and 17th Imperial Colony. The news has forced the resurfacing of existing fears within the UASR, and by extension broader Bandung Pact as to ongoing colonialism by the Japanese Empire which has despite its claim to "isolation", come to control vast swathes of the globe.
The annexation of South Africa, or rather, the repeated annexation of South Africa by Japan showcases the ongoing Imperial ambitions of a Japan which has frequently been known to break the conventions on human rights with its rumors of prison camps and genocide. Now following the death of the former Aesir of Alfheim who himself was a scourge on the continent of Africa, Japan has only further pushed the boundaries of its Imperial borders, using the second born Princess Kyōko as a way of wrestling control over the once antagonistic German Empire. While the hand-over of the Alfr's two most valued colonies was ostensibly done under the pretense of the possibility of outright war from a Bandung Pact led liberation of either South Africa or Mexico, experts across the Globe have come to other theories.
Specifically, experts within the UASR have begun theorizing that the recent withdrawal of the Alfheim from its Imperial ambitions, is largely, due to the possibility of an ongoing internal conflict between various factions within the Alfheimr Empire - namely, it is believed that there are several dissenting factions attempting to wrestle control out of Japanese hands. While outright war seems unlikely, the possibility of conflict cannot be understated as [Kyrr Von Lohengrin](), the Æsir's Chosen, and Danubian Habsburgs have been seen far more frequently in official affairs - while Alfheimr military assets appear to be on the constant move. While it is believed that much of the Aesir's non-Human population has as dictated by central processing units in both Wewelsburg, Berlin, and Paris been accepting of the new Æsir, more complex androids like the Æsir's Chosen and the vast majority of the religiously indoctrinated human population is rumored to be far less tolerant of both the official explanation of the Æsir's death and of the new ruling Æsir. Ultimately, while most experts believe outright conflict to be unlikely, some like those within the INC (GIGAS), have begun to whisper about the possibility of coming conflict.

For the Republic, Part Five: Born is the Fourth

Rare are the times that Kyrr von Lohengrin, former Imperial Vizikong of North Amerika and Minister of Foreign Affairs had found himself in this office. Its white walls, mirroring those of the exterior, was one of the few buildings permitted to be rebuilt in the wake of the Third Republic's destruction. And yet here he was all the same, the slow ticking of a grandfather clock in the corner the only audible noise that could be heard even with his enhanced hearing. Not even the breathing of the man sitting at the restored Resolute Desk was enough to break Kyrr out of his state of shock. It was only when the man and his hulking frame spoke, that Kyrr's attention drifted back to the present.
"I once sat where you are now." President Armstrong who had once betrayed the Third Republic mused as he stared down the nimble looking Alfr. "I offered your King a Kingdom, and look at him now...laying in dirt.
If not for the desperation of Kyrr's current situation, he would have ordered this so-called President's execution for disrespecting the Aesir.
"And for that matter, look at you, you proud Alfr who once strode in here so high and mighty declaring a new world order. You know? Katherine might have been right...hahaha." Armstrong spat out his tobacco as he leaned back in his chair, resting his legs on the desk. "Your worse than us now, at least we never lost our homes."
The disdain in Armstrong's voice was palpable, as his baritone voice echoed throughout the office. Kyrr could barely hide his own contempt, and disgust at what was nothing more than a sub-human caveman lecturing to one of the Aesir's closest confidants.
"And now, as those Jap fucks stretch their god damn Midnight Sun across come to me, Papa Armstrong for help." Armstrong's face broke into a wicked smile; violence, rage, and hatred spewing from his eyes. "Well your in luck, kid. Because you've come to a land where the people are free, there is no slate to wipe because I've already burned the fucking thing to the ground."
"Look, I'm not here for a monologue. We both have things we can off-...."
"Shut the fuck up and sit there, quietly. You came here for whatever I can offer, not the other way around." Armstrong's smile only continued to widen as it reached comedically lengths. "And as I said, your in luck, because I can offer you a place in my new America. People will die, and kill, and you can be one of the killers."
Kyrr continued to stare at the American whose smile literally reached from ear to ear.
"So...whaddya think?"
Warsaw, The Commonwealth 

"Fall Dämmerung and the Álfheimr Civil War"

CNN (Commonwealth) Issued October 16th, 2072 - 12:00 Warsaw, The Commonwealth
PARIS - As the Black Fleet lay smoldering at the bottom of the Atlantic, the Global Interoperable Guarantee for Allied Support has announced the end of the Álfheimr Civil War which had started in the late Spring of 2072. While the ACW had begun largely due to factional disputes on an internal level within Imperial Álfheimr government following the coronation of the new Æsir, too most experts, it didn't officially begin until the secession of what is now informally known as the "Republic of New Álfheimr". The New Republic which exists in an unrecognized status (by Imperial Japan, the INC, and GIGAS at large), is now formally made up of the "Imperial Dominion of Amerika" which was the former Third American Republic before its conquest by the late Greater Aryan Empire (GAE). The secession of America was allegedly brought about by an alliance between certain Dederick Lohengrin loyalists including Kyrr von Lohengrin, alongside Steven Armstrong the titular "Governor" of the American colony. While the Civil War had originally been fought solely between the Imperial Álfheimr under the recently crowned Æsir Kyōko and Kyrr's New Republic, the follow-up secession of Danubia from the Imperial Álfheimr quickly brought new levels of severity - forcing GIGAS's hand and involvement.
The secession of Danubia under the command of Ferdinand Habsburg, as advised by Gloria von Habsburg led to the creation of "The Grand Imperium of Europa", a new so-called Empire claiming to be the true successors of the Greater Aryan Empire. To even greater surprise however, it would appear that the Danubian secession was supported by the O-5 Council and broader Æsir Chosen including "The Advisor, Commander, and Mother" among others. This was a major blow to Æsir Kyōko's legitimacy, and additionally led to a significant loss of human manpower within the Imperial Álfheimr which coupled with the creation of Kyrr's Republic - undoubtedly forced Álfheimr's call for aide.
These events ultimately led to a "forced peace" between the Imperial Álfheimr which is ostensibly still "independent" from the Empire of Japan, the Republic of New Álfheimr, and Grand Imperium of Europa by GIGAS through the destruction of the feuding Black Fleet in the Atlantic operated by the Republic of New Álfheimr. At the same time however, efforts by the Bandung Pact and Eastern Union to capitalize on these events have largely fallen flat - as crises in Israel, Kaabu, and even Eastern Siberia have led to a new level of unprecedented global tension. Nevertheless, while a tacit "white peace" currently exists between the three "Álfheimr successor states", none are certain that such a peace will hold even under GIGAS oversight.


The Grand Imperium of Europa

  • Head of State: Ferdinand Habsburg
  • Population: 203,994,000
  • Claim Starting Allotments (IE. Special Starting Scenario)
    • Claimant receives special/secret information at the start of the Campaign
Things to Consider
The Grand Imperium of Europa is unique in its existence as a fortress state among fortress states, nestled in the heart of Central Europe and shielded from the broader "Japanese Alfheim" (Berlin/Paris, etcetera), the Grand Imperium claims not only to be the true successor of the GAE - but has in many ways, the military might to back it up. Having retained much of the human-based military, and significant portions of the non-human army as well, its only lack is in naval capability.
The Grand Imperium like the RNA also has the benefit of having total access to the Alfheim technology base (anything Tion, Eagan, 8th, etcetera posted). At the same time however, while starting at "peace" with the other Alfr successors and neighbors, the Grand Imperium must be careful as overt aggression against Imperial Alfheim may incur Japanese intervention - although, this is not assured by any means. However due to the ACW, it will likely take 1-2 years to rebuild the ability to produce more.
The Grand Imperium of Europa represents a strong, mid-level claim in a precarious yet flexible geopolitical starting position.

The Imperial Protectorate of the Italian Social Republic

  • Head of State: Player Choice
    • Other Important Characters (meta control)
    • None - Player freedom available
  • Population: 94,964,006
  • Claim Starting Allotments (IE. Special Starting Scenario)
    • Begins under the protection of the NPC "Imperial Alfheimr"
Things to Consider
The Imperial Protectorate of the Italian Social Republic begins in the unique position of being forgotten in large part by its recent conquerors, and having seen rebuilding investment under the deceased Aesir. The claim ostensibly has multiple factions but players must be cautious as the wrong move to quickly might see the gaze of Imperial Alfheimr or possibly the Grand Imperium of Europa (among other claims) turn towards either putting down a rebellion or imperial conquest.
The Imperial Protectorate of the Italian Social Republic has access to all Alfheim technology, and thanks to the rebuilding investment - has the ability to produce all of it.

The Republic of New Álfheimr

  • Head of State: Steven Armstrong
    • Other Important Characters (meta control)
    • Kyrr von Lohengrin (Former Foreign Affairs Minister under Dederick)
    • Ingel Faedryk (Former Reichsfuhrer-SS under Dederick)
    • Svipul von Lohengrin (Former Imperial Spymaster under Dederick)
  • Population: 143,863,000
  • Claim Starting Allotments (IE. Special Starting Scenario)
    • Has access to large portions of in-production Alfheimr military equipment (refer to Tion's posts) - Continental European in-production units largely destroyed unless in NPC territories.
    • Has a secret alliance with certain NPC claims (informed to the player)
Things to Consider
The Republic of New Álfheimr while a democracy, still considers itself the true successor to Dederick von Lohengrin, and has the geographic, military, and economic position to be immediately independent should its cards be played correctly. They are the strongest military of the three main successors, and similarly have a strong geopolitical starting position, alongside a network of secret diplomatic alliances.
The RNA is in a unique position to quickly assert itself as an independent state, having inherited the same technology base as the Grand Imperium - but in greater existing asset quantities. The RNA also has a large portion of the former GAE's "android" soldiers - making for a lethal and incredibly loyal army right out of the gates.


Questions please send on discord through private messages or comment on this post.
submitted by Diotoiren to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:09 LeonieHR Dear expats, how is life in Vienna treating you so far?

Source of the quoted text - Acvian
Hi, community! I’ve been in the HR service for the past 3 years and work with people from around the world who relocate to Europe for their existing jobs or when they switch jobs. I get to meet new expats from everywhere and share their experiences with the law system and our infamous bureaucratic machine. I also get lots of questions from them about integration, social life, stereotypical vs realistic experience of living in this or that European country as a foreigner.
I have a few questions for you about life in Austria and Vienna in particular. How do you feel about your job and the local community after some time? Does reality meet your expectations from when you just came here? Here are some stats I found, are they accurate enough? And what are the best aspects of expat life here vs in your home country?

"Expats in Austria report a high level of job security (64% nationwide vs. 59% globally) and good salaries (with 84% of the country’s employees satisfied with their salaries vs. 62% globally). However, the level of job satisfaction in Austria is lower than average in other European countries.

Over half (58%) of expats find it hard to make friends, and many lack a strong support system (32% vs. 24% globally)."

submitted by LeonieHR to viennaExpats [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:08 Kitchen-Frosting3923 New into research SEO - how would you go about this?

So I have been asked to help support with some SEO for a client based in UAE. I was hoping you guys might be able to give me some tips / tricks / websites to provide a better serivce. Most of the SEO i have done at this point is website design/development focused, rather than research and reporting findings.
They have two options for the business:
An eCommerce site that sells all homeware and accessories essential for hosting
A rental business where people can rent all things homeware to host at home
They’ve carried out quite a bit of research themselves but before deciding which option to launch with, they want us to support on a SEO project to see what people in the UAE are searching for (in English) the most and what the market demand in the region is for - to buy homeware or to rent.
From what I have found so far I can use; 1) Google trends - When i search for 'homeware' in UAE there's almost no hits, am i doing something wrong?
2) SEMrush / similar tools - All locked behind paywalls, is there a free tool for simple research I can use?
If i can use a free trial I could do this work and cancel my subscription if there is a software you recommend.

Other than this, I'm not sure where/what I can do!
Thank you :)
submitted by Kitchen-Frosting3923 to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:03 LeonieHR Is Austria a good country for working expats?

Source of the quoted text - Acvian
I’ve been in the HR service for the past 3 years and work with people from around the world who relocate to Europe for their existing jobs or when they switch jobs. I get to meet new expats from everywhere and share their experiences with the law system and our infamous bureaucratic machine. I also get lots of questions from them about integration, social life, stereotypical vs realistic experience of living in this or that European country as a foreigner.
I have a question for you about life in Austria. If you’re an expat here, how do you feel about your job and the local community after some time? Does reality meet your expectations from when you just came here? Here are some stats I found, are they accurate enough? Feel free to share your opinions.

"Expats in Austria report a high level of job security (64% nationwide vs. 59% globally) and good salaries (with 84% of the country’s employees satisfied with their salaries vs. 62% globally). However, the level of job satisfaction in Austria is lower than average in other European countries.

...some expats feel their careers haven’t progressed as much as expected, with only 52% reporting improvement in career prospects after moving to Austria vs. 59% globally."

submitted by LeonieHR to cscareerquestionsEU [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:03 tadmasan Best & Cost Effective Broker for Algo Trades

This post is for people doing algo option trades with smaller number of lots and firing multiple orders through out the day. The usual brokerage of a reputed broker would be Rs. 20 per order and will add up to a lot when multiple orders are done in a day. With IIFL Securities you can get a brokerage plan of Rs. 5 per lot and this will help you bring down the transaction cost to a great extent if you are trading anything less than 4 lots. Connect with me if you'd like to opt for this custom brokerage plan with IIFL Securities.
submitted by tadmasan to IndianStreetAlgos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:02 Lostoast98 Not sure if how I function is normal anymore

My whole life from an early teen to now (26M) my thought process and brain have worked in a very specific way.I always thought it was normal.But I’m learning that it isn’t.Ive been through a lot of shit,as I’m sure everyone else on here has.But I’m not 100% sure I know what PTSD is.Ill just be doing whatever I’m doing and then memories from the past will pop up.Almost always shitty ones.and then the feeling of that moment will come back and I feel like I obsess over it,what I could’ve done different,what I’ll do if it happened again to prevent that outcome and etc and it can take up 30 minuets at a time if I let it.Most of the time I’ll even completely zone out and not even notice until someone I’m with asks me if I’m okay or what I’m thinking about.I guess I’ve always downplayed what I’ve been through,because I compare and I know a lot of other people have it worse.That being said I have so much un-dealt with shit I don’t even know where to start on dealing and processing..any advice?
submitted by Lostoast98 to ptsd [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:00 Swimming_Avocado2435 Alcoholic parent who "hasn't done anything wrong"...?

Does anyone have the same conflicting feelings towards their alcoholic parent who technically "hasn't done anything wrong"?
They are not abusive drunks, they don't hit or yell at people, they still do things like cook, some chores, be somewhat functioning, etc.
But yet there is still a lot of pent up anger and hate towards them that you kinda feel bad about it. Sometimes I see things or news about spending time with your loved ones when you can because you don't know when they'll be gone, and I'm just kinda torn between feeling bad about it, yet also remembering the frustration each time I try to be in the same room as them and seeing what they do or say.
In some way it feels like I should not be angry towards someone who actually took care and provided for me since young, idk. It feels like I'm being ungrateful.
submitted by Swimming_Avocado2435 to AdultChildren [link] [comments]