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2024.06.08 19:00 sameed_a how to use memory in education?

Post 1:
Yesterday, I was scrambling to finalize my preparations for a critical presentation to my university professor. I'd been studying for weeks and had all the raw information in my head, but I was struggling to make my presentation coherent and compelling. In my distress, I remembered the memory palace technique - a mental model I'd picked up from a book on ancient Roman and Greek orators who reportedly used it to give lengthy speeches.
With nothing to lose, I decided to give it a whirl. I visualized my house and started assigning different pieces of information to different rooms. For example, the introduction was the front door, the first key argument was the living room, and so on. Then, I simply 'walked' through the house in my mind, and suddenly, my presentation had a logical flow!
The next day, I began my presentation. No note cards, no PowerPoint, just me and my 'house.' As I 'walked' through my memory palace, the information came effortlessly, each room serving as a cue for the next segment of my presentation. Not only did it help me remember my content, but it also gave my presentation a narrative flow that my professor loved!
So, to anyone struggling with a presentation or trying to make a ton of raw information more digestible, try using a memory palace. It might just turn your house into a mansion of knowledge!
P.S - Don't get too carried away and assign every single piece of furniture a piece of information. You don't want to end up forgetting where you put your real-life coffee cup because you associated it with a point about the economy! And remember, this is just a hypothetical scenario; no professors were harmed in the making of this story. But seriously, give the memory palace technique a shot. It's a game-changer!
Post 2:
The other day, I decided to try something new while studying for a history exam. I was swamped with dates and events, and I could feel my brain begging for mercy. That's when I remembered the link method I'd read about in a psychology textbook.
The gist of it is, you create a story or a visual image that links the pieces of information you want to remember. So, I started creating funny, exaggerated stories that linked the historical events and dates I needed to remember. For example, to remember the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, I imagined a group of colonial gentlemen in powdered wigs and knee-breeches suffering through a summer heatwave, desperately trying to sign a giant ice cream sundae labeled "Inde-Popsicle-ence."
Lo and behold, when test day came, I aced it. Each date triggered a vivid, if absurd, image that helped me recall the associated event. So, if you're drowning in a sea of dates or facts, give the link method a try. Remember, the sillier, the better!
P.S - Just a word of caution, these are fabricated scenarios to illustrate the concept. Although, if you start imagining powdered wigs and giant ice cream sundaes during your exams, remember, you heard it here first!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:00 iwasmitrepl "I'm looking for an easy course!"

Since people are starting to enrol in semester 2, there are a lot of new posts asking for easy papers to enrol in. Recently, a very useful guide to this kind of thing was posted on a different university subreddit and many of the remarks carry over. I'll summarise some of them here, but please remember most of what I say is based on that very nice post.
TL;DR: Don't just post "give me some easy courses" without further information. A person taking bio might find many courses hard that a maths student might find easy, and vice versa. Many low-level arts papers require a lot of independent reading and thought and the entire assessment might be in terms of essays; many low-level science papers are assessed with a lot of small assessments like quizzes or lab reports and might need a lot of practical skill but not much reading; many other papers are very memorisation heavy. If you want useful answers, you need to say things like (i) what papers you've enjoyed and found easy; (ii) what papers you've found particularly hard.
Now I will summarise some of the advice in the post linked above.
Consider the following four things:
Personal interest. Practically speaking, if you're looking for an easy course then you should look for one you're interested in. If a course is in a subject that you find boring or that you are not motivated to take or that you would only take because it's easy, you'll probably find it harder than the content would suggest. In theory you should find your major interesting, so look for low-level courses in subjects "adjacent" to your major.
Evaluation format. The university publishes the syllabi online (example). This includes information about what percentage is participation, what percentage is essay, what percentage is closed-book exam, etc. Think about what kinds of evaluation format work for you: if you are in a major which has a lot of long-form essays and research, maybe avoid courses with lots of small assessments. If you are used to doing lab work and having a lot of practical assessment, avoid courses with a 70% closed book exam. Etc. etc. etc.
Course format. Some courses are primarily lecture based. Some have tutorials, some don't. Some courses are primarily group work. Again, this is either listed in the (publicly available) syllabus, or it's fairly easy to find out.
Other opinions. Sure, you can also look for opinions of people who have taken the course before. There are two issues that you should be careful about, though: firstly, many people will only give their opinions when they are complaining/unhappy (whether this is on reddit or tick-tock or on student course review or wherever); and secondly, as I mentioned above just because one person finds a course easy it doesn't mean that you will find it easy. So this should always be balanced with your own research. If you are a PG student then please don't just ask for generic reviews about all 700 level courses in your subject. These very often change year-on-year depending on research interests in the department, plus there is a very limited pool of people on here who will even be able to answer such questions. The people to ask in this case are (i) your supervisor, and (ii) masters or PhD students in your field. We are your friends, we do not laugh at you behind your back when you ask us silly questions like this and we would like nothing more than to give a 40 minute monologue on what courses would be useful.

Practical algorithm.

  1. Decide what evaluation formats would be red flags, and which ones you prefer (e.g. if you really do not like essays, write that down). Also decide what course formats would be red flags (e.g. "I will not do any course involving group work with randos").
  2. List the 4 or 5 "closest" subjects to your major, or other subjects which genuinely look interesting.
  3. Have a read through the abstracts for the courses, especially noting which ones have prereqs in courses that you enjoyed and which ones genuinely sound interesting to you.
  4. Download the syllabi for the courses you've seen that you would be possibly interested in, and rank them according to your lists in the first step.
After you've done all four steps, you should have a decent list and now you can go asking for advice on those courses, looking for things that might not be in the syllabus (e.g. a course might look really interesting in the syllabus but it turns out to be really technical and focuses on a niche part of the subject, or is specifically geared towards topologists while you're a combinatician).
At the very least, before posting a one-line post saying "what courses are easy", do steps 1 and 2 and include those with your post. You'll be much more likely to get a useful answer!
submitted by iwasmitrepl to universityofauckland [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:58 whatamidoinheh Google Search results include exact search term match in result--result link has similar, but not the match

So here’s something concerning. I put a VIN into Google to see if I could find more information about a reported accident repair on the Carfax. Several of the hits came back to the dealer where the car is being sold, and to the listing—also pointing to that dealer. All good.
Two other links pointed to two different cars though. The search result pgf below the link on the Google page included the VIN I had searched for as though it was in the results pulled from the page. Clicking through the links, the car on that site had a different VIN listed. Two different car sites, two different cars. And the (correct) VIN for those cars plainly listed on the page under the link. Unlike you would find on, say Craigslist, there were no tags to drive traffic on the page that matched (or closely matched) my search term. I looked at the page source.
So Google is including links to ads similar to what you’re searching for. Fine, it’s done that for decades. This is their business. But in this case the search results report EXACTLY what you were looking for, but the result doesn’t include it at all. It is injecting the search term in a way that makes it appear the search is in the page result it matched. That. Is really bad.
Am I naive? Has this been happening for a long time and I just never searched for something so specific as a VIN, making the deceit obvious? Maybe it is the car sites finding a new way to game the search, maybe it is Google, maybe it is Google and Gemini.
submitted by whatamidoinheh to chrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:57 PutJazzlike5668 [For Hire] SEO and SMM Freelancer for Marketing Campaigns

Hello everyone,
We’re Crown Stone, a leading supplier of premium natural stone products, and we’re looking for a talented freelancer to help with our SEO and SMM needs. Specifically, we need someone who can:
• Optimize our website for search engines • Develop and manage social media marketing campaigns • Analyze and report on performance metrics 
If you have experience in these areas and are interested in working with us, please share your portfolio or examples of your past work. We look forward to collaborating with a skilled marketer to boost our online presence.
Thank you!
submitted by PutJazzlike5668 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:53 Gold_Set7451 How did you get over being scared of speaking up and defending yourselves?

I’m almost 22 yo and am still terrified of speaking against my Nmom and defending myself in any capacity. Whenever I am put in a confrontational situation, I just freeze and am unable to fend for myself and just resort to either affirming her or upsetting her with my silence and inability to answer. As a recent example, this happened over the phone:
Nmom: (after blabbering for 5 minutes about where she wants to go to) Other’s people children go to vacations abroad with them. Do you not go with me because I’m terrible? Me: no, I’m too busy and will not be taking a summer break this year anyway. Nmom: ….How about Christmas? Me: ….. After that she got upset and hung up after saying she “got the memo”. I don’t even know what to do and how to reach out (or not) after such obvious instances of fishing for arguments. I’m too tired, terrified and programmed to do it and just want to live my life in peace but cannot go NC yet. Thankfully at least I do not live with her anymore but am still somewhat financially dependent and in university.
I’ve been abused both physically and mentally to the point where I would rather take shit than see what happens if I choose to protect myself. So my question is: what made you break that barrier and made you stop caring about how they might lash out? I’m really tired and would really appreciate any advice.
submitted by Gold_Set7451 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:53 abdehakim2222 Pencil Drawing Made Easy

Pencil Drawing Made Easy
I am always on the lookout for ways to improve my drawing skills. I do this by hunting around the Internet to see if I can find new tutorials. Yesterday I stumbled across a cool pencil drawing site that I think is going to make a HUGE difference, especially if you want to draw realistically.
It is a pencil drawing course that specializes in taking beginners and teaching them how to draw in a realistic style. The course itself is online video, so you can access it from anywhere in the world - the videos worked perfectly on my tablet and phone.
Each class is two hours long so you can even draw with which watching the video, nothing is left to the imagination. The course starts off by showing you all the equipment you need and the basic strokes. Even in this video I picked up a cool tip for erasing.
What I like is that each lesson builds on the previous so you are never thrown into the deep. Each class has it's own concept or technique that you need to master, for example, in the second class you learn how to spot the different tonal values. In this class Nolan (the instructor) uses different styrofoam objects to show you the light affects the tonal values. The way he explains it makes it so easy to understand, like theory being explained in a practical way.
With each class you get a downloadable template which you can print out and use that to transfer to your drawing paper. You then also get a high quality photo of the reference and the final drawing. They are laid out in the pdf in such a way that when you print it out, each are exactly the same size. This makes it easy to judge sizes while drawing.
In each class you complete a drawing project. Like in the second class you draw a realistic spoon. At the beginning of the class I though it was going to be difficult, but after watching the explanations at the start of the class and the practical demo, it turned out to be quite easy.
The next four lessons are also still life drawings. There is an onion and garlic still life, transparent wine glass, rose and an apple drawing. In each of these you learn all about creating texture and depth in your drawings as well as drawing negatively and how to draw reflective objects.
From there you start drawing portraits. Nolan shows you how to draw all the major features like the eyes and mouth. What I liked was that he shows you what to look out for with each one. Once you have completed say the ear class, you will be able to draw any ear and not just the one from the class itself.
What really makes this course stand out from the rest is that it goes much deeper than any of the other courses I have seen. There are even classes on how to draw material textures and hands.
I am still busy with the course myself - it's massive (there is over 32 hours worth of video in this course), but I know that my drawings are going to move up a few levels when I'm done.
The course is brand new, so is currently on a launch special at less than half price. Why don't you go and check it out for yourself, you may be able to still bag yourself this bargain as well. learn more
submitted by abdehakim2222 to generative [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:53 Zdvj Fire in space is nothing new for Star Wars

I don’t consider screenrant high quality reporting, but in this case with all the hoopla and crying over fire in space from The Acolyte “critics”, I have to agree with screenrant on this one, fire in space is nothing new for Star Wars.
Examples given: - Star Wars: A New Hope - Death Star Run/Explosion - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Crash of the Executor - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace- Destruction of Droid Command Centre - Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - Battle of Coruscant - Rogue One - Every ship exploding
submitted by Zdvj to StarWarsCantina [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:52 Crazy_Scarcity_3694 First and Last Time buying via Buyee - shocking service and policies (?) relating to shipping cost not being reported via commercial invoice resulting in DHL applying VAT on inflated Postage Costs

So, the background is that on the commercial invoice Buyee have just reported the cost of the item and not the postage paid, we have to pay VAT on postage too in the UK so it should be noted on the commercial invoice, this has result in DHL stating that the cost of shipping the Item would be £50 where in actual fact i have paid £26 to buyee so DHL have charged VAT on £50 postage.
Speak to DHL customs who state to ask the sender to provide a updated commercial invoice with the postage costs listed on it:
Message Buyee to do so.
Response: We are paperless, we cant provide what your asking for,
Me: Provide a paperless commercial invoice updated with the shipping costs.
Response: Here is a link to the DHL website explaining what paperless is, also this has to do with your local customs.
Me: Provide a paperless commercial invoice to them, you have not provided DHL with the postage cost instead you have stated the item is very heavy so they have estimated the postage cost to be £50 and charged me VAT on this, you need to correct this asap, you have made mistakes.
You have given wrong information, this has noting to do with my local customs.
You need to correct this,
I have also attached your paperless commercial invoice
Response: Please be advised that we ship the items as per the exact state of how the seller packed the package to our warehouse, so the weight will depend on the packaging materials and cushioning materials that the seller used (yet they recently said on reddit they will discard excess material etc)
*they have charged me postage at £26 for the above.
Me: I have already paid postage, you need to report to them the postage I have paid as per the rules.
Response: We are sorry for the inconvenience. As we have stated in the previous email, we are unable to provide the invoice of your package, since we are using the PLT service.
We can only suggest you to contact your local customs or DHL for more information.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused and we kindly ask for your understanding.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions or concerns.
Me: What are you taking about?
You have already provided a digital commercial invoice to them.
You need to report accurately to DHL what ive paid you.
I have paid you for the item and shipping, you have just reported I have paid for the item, you need to report both so they charge the correct customs, if you do not report accurately then they will charge me extra customs which is not fair.
This has noting to do with customs in the UK.
Response: As per your concern regarding customs duty and import procedures, please note that customs duty might be charged depending on the contents of your package and your country import law.
We kindly ask for you to contact your local customs for more information whether if an item included on your package applies for custom duty or any special import requirements.
As we state in Article 12-7, customers are responsible for all the duty incurred at the time of import. Likewise, customers are responsible for reviewing the invoice information on [My page] before proceeding with shipment.
Me: You have a duty to complete the paperwork fully including detailing any postage costs paid.
What you have done is not included the postage costs which need to be included, so DHL have estimated postage at a inflated rate, which is your fault, like it would be your fault if your put the wrong weight down and then DHL billed for the extra charge,
When the seller sends to the UK they need to include the postage costs the buyer paid on the commercial invoice so customs duty can be calculated on this, if you don't put the postage costs then DHL will estimate the costs, which they have done, and in this case they have estimated the postage cost to be high thus added higher VAT charge on the package, so you need to address this
Like, for example, if you in error said the item was worth 10000000 yen but the seller only paid 10 yen would you expect the seller to pay 20% VAT fee on your error of 10000000 yen?
Also: As we state in Article 12-7, customers are responsible for all the duty incurred at the time of import. I did review the invoice, and on the invoice, it states postage charges which you have taken off the commercial invoice, I will pay the customs duties but I should have to pay higher costs because you made errors,
Likewise, customers are responsible for reviewing the invoice information on [My page] before proceeding with shipment. I did review the information, I paid the postage and for the item, but you have not put the postage costs on the commercial invoice, , I will pay the customs duties but I should have to pay higher costs because you made errors,
submitted by Crazy_Scarcity_3694 to Buyee [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:51 MaxBurman Recovery: The Complete Guide

DISCLAIMER: This post does not provide medical advice. Only a doctor can establish a diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.
Who will find this post useful? If your symptoms are related to the psychoactive effects of Lion's Mane, then this post is for you. If you have signs of allergy or poisoning, then you need to consult an allergist or toxicologist. If you experience severe side effects of any nature, you should call an ambulance.
In this post, we will learn about how psychotherapy techniques work. Only those techniques that have helped me personally will be described here. Next we will talk about supplements and choosing a doctor.
Before moving on to psychotherapeutic techniques, I must make a reservation - if they will be ineffective in your case, that's okay. Side effects are caused by components of Lion's Mane, not by thinking errors. These techniques are just supportive tools to control symptoms.

Fear of panic attack

Panic attack can be divided into 2 stages:
  1. In the first stage, there is increasing anxiety and fear that a panic attack is about to start. At this point, the panic itself is not yet present, but you are already afraid that it is about to start;
  2. Fear at the first stage increases the likelihood of a panic attack. If a panic attack has started, there is a fear that it will be prolonged or any other fear.
Have you noticed a vicious cycle? We can break this vicious cycle so that panic attacks occur much less often. The following techniques will help with that.
The first step you need to eliminate the fear that a panic attack will start. Here is an example of an inner speech that increases fear: "Oh no! What if it starts again? What if I start panicking again? No, please don't..." In this case you feel powerless, that nothing depends on you, that fear is stronger than you and you are at its mercy. Instead say to yourself: "Okay, I'm ready for this. I don't want to experience panic, but if it starts, I'm ready for it." In this case, you make your own decision about how to relate to what is happening. This is your decision, not the decision of fear. In this way, you put yourself equally with fear or even above fear. In my experience, fear and panic are somehow related to domination – the strength of fear and the weakness of the person, the power of fear and the submission of the person. If you stop feeling like a victim, the fear disappears.
In the second stage, when the panic attack has already started, you also need to stop feeling like a victim of fear. You have seen the phrase "Fight or Flight mode" many times. I suggest you choose Fight mode – face your fear head-on. Remember the behavior of bullies who often fight and call names – they are not afraid of anyone, but everyone is afraid of them. In a moment of panic, you need to get into the role of such a bully and start to fight the panic. Treat the panic as an enemy and be confident in your victory. Use rude or obscene language towards the panic, you can start waving your arms in the air (just don't injure yourself accidentally). Also, don't aim to reduce or avoid fear – it doesn't work. On the contrary, try to increase the fear – only then you will not feel like a victim. Example of dialogue (swearing) with panic: "Go on! Try to intensify!!! Try as hard as you can!!! Come on! Scare me more!!!"
There is a video on YouTube showing this technique, but I don’t recommend watching it, because it can exacerbate symptoms. If you decide to watch this video, be prepared to apply this or the next technique.
[POV] Panic Attacks & DPDR Simulation (TRIGGER WARNING)

Freeze response

Usually a panic attack is felt as Fight or Flight mode, but sometimes there is panic in the form of Freeze response. In my case it felt like consternation, sense of dread, dissociation, also visual noise and tinnitus appeared.
In my experience, to suppress this type of panic attack you need to return to a conscious state – to focus your attention on something. Try using internal self-talk to focus your attention and reduce stress. Call yourself by name and talk to yourself for a few minutes. For example, try to calm yourself. Also try to comment on your actions – what you are doing now or what you are going to do later. Mentally pronounce every sentence, every word. You can ask yourself questions and give answers to them. It does not matter what kind of self-talk you will have – the main thing is to have it as consciously as possible, completely concentrate on it.
By the way, concentration and mindfulness can be trained through meditation. For example, during mindfulness meditation a person concentrates on thoughts, breathing or surrounding sounds.
YouTube video about internal self-talk:
Is it normal to talk to yourself?
Vox article about meditation:
A guide to meditation for people who think they can’t meditate

Other fears

Other fears can also lead to panic attacks and worsen symptoms. I think many people in this situation will tend to catastrophize because there is a frightening sense of the unknown. At least that's how it was for me. Catastrophizing is a cognitive distortion that prompts people to jump to the worst possible conclusion, usually with very limited information or objective reason to despair.\41]) Experiencing anxiety about your condition is completely normal. But I want to caution you against catastrophizing, because it is the reason why your symptoms can get worse and last longer. On the contrary, be optimistic and confident in your abilities. Be confident that you can overcome this challenge. The less stress you experience, the faster you will recover.
The main fear that comes up in this situation is the fear that the symptoms will last for a long time. Everyone fears it, but everyone recovers over time. You can be sure of that. Everyone has a different duration of symptoms, but in most cases, significant improvement is seen in as little as 3 months. Also, symptoms may last longer due to co-occurring drug use or co-existing mental illness.
The next fear is that your personality has changed, that you have permanently lost your former sense of self and emotions. That's also not true. Over time, you will fully return to normal and feel the same as you did before taking Lion's Mane. This feeling is called Depersonalization-Derealization (DPDR) and it passes with time.\27])
Other fears may also appear. For example, fear of developing severe and incurable diseases, of damaging some body systems, etc. If a medical diagnosis from multiple qualified doctors does not confirm your concerns, you are probably catastrophizing.


The main cause of DPDR is panic attacks, which we have already learned to control. Here is a quote from a scientific article:
"This condition can be accompanied by a sense of unreality about the outside world and by out-of-body experiences, and is believed to be a defensive mechanism of the brain in order to protect the organism in acute anxiety or traumatic situations."
It is also important to avoid anxious thoughts. You should start doing normal activities and not fixate on your health condition. Don't read articles and posts about diseases. Try to pretend that you are feeling normal. Express positive emotions like an actor.
You can also try grounding techniques. Let's suppose you are walking down a city street. Concentrate on the present moment. You don't have to walk being deep in thought. On the contrary, start paying maximum attention to everything around you. Activate your sensory perception.
Name things you see: passing cars, people, buildings, signs and shop windows, streetlights, trees, birds...
Name things you hear: the sounds of cars, people's voices, the rustling of leaves...
Name things you smell: the smell from a cafe or a bakery, the smell from a perfume shop...
Name things that touch your skin: wind, clothes, shoes...
Concentrate on the present moment and on your sensory perception. When you learn how to do this, try not to name objects and feelings with words, but just to notice them. It is also called mindfulness. You can stay in this state several times a day. It improves well-being and mood even in healthy people.
More grounding techniques:
18 grounding techniques to help relieve anxiety
Excellent YouTube video with 3 steps to treat DPDR:
How I recovered from depersonalization disorder...

Dysphoria and suicidal thoughts

If you have these symptoms, you need to follow these steps:
  1. Identify negative and suicidal thoughts. These thoughts may be based on self-criticism, perfectionism, contempt for oneself or others, anger and rage, feelings of shame, feelings of failure, hopelessness, and a gloomy view of your past, present and future.
  2. Realize that these thoughts are caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters that leads to a distorted perception of reality. You need to separate those emotions and thoughts from your "real" self. Do not allow these thoughts to develop, even if they seem reasoned and truthful.
  3. Practice self-compassion instead of self-judgment. Try to treat yourself as a friend, not an enemy. Always check what you are saying to yourself in your inner speech.
This will not eliminate your dysphoria completely, but it will help you see things more clearly so that you don't make irreversible mistakes. If your emotions are unbearable or there is a risk of self-harm, then see a doctor.
A must read for anyone who has ever suffered from depression or anxiety:
Self-compassion makes you a better person. Here’s how to practice it.
The Role of Self-Compassion in Development: A Healthier Way to Relate to Oneself
Self-Compassion Test

Important tips


Chamomile tea has long been used for calmness and sleep disorders. Some authors reported that the sedative effect is due to a flavonoid, apigenin, found in chamomile. Apigenin acts by binding to benzodiazepine receptors present in the brain.\42])
Chamomile is likely safe when used in amounts commonly found in teas. It might be safe when used orally for medicinal purposes over the short term. Side effects are uncommon and may include nausea, dizziness, and allergic reactions. Rare cases of anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction) have occurred in people who consumed or came into contact with chamomile products.\43])
Examine: Apigenin
Supplemental GABA in the dose range of 20 to 300 mg has been used to improve sleep quality, mood and markers of stress, while a dose of 800 mg has been used to improve attention.\44])
Oral supplementation with GABA appears to be fairly safe and well-tolerated, with no evidence of toxicity in animal studies or serious side effects in human studies. However, abdominal discomfort, headache, and drowsiness has been documented following supplementation with GABA.\44])
Examine: GABA
WebMD Reviews: GABA


Experience has shown that going to a doctor does not always bring results. If your doctor does not believe in long-lasting effects after Lion's Mane, he or she is incompetent. As far as I understand it, doctors rarely deal with Substance-Induced Disorders (SIDs) and therefore they are not always aware that these diagnoses are listed in ICD-10 and other classifications. By the way, you can learn more about SIDs in this post. A good option would be to see a psychiatrist specializing in DPDR or Anxiety Disorders. The ideal option is to see a specialist with experience in treating SIDs.
The question remains, what is better – to take medication in the hope of reducing symptoms or to use psychotherapy and wait for the body to recover on its own? Doctors cannot guarantee the safety of using medication, so the decision is yours. My personal opinion (possibly wrong) – if the symptoms are unbearable or too prolonged, medication is needed. In other cases, psychotherapy, chamomile tea and time will help you.
A sample list of doctor specialties:


Obviously this post cannot be called "The Complete Guide". This title was chosen to attract attention. But hopefully I was able to collect the most valuable information here so you could speed up the recovery.
P.S. I made a full recovery 7 months after the onset of symptoms. In the first 3 months, the symptoms gradually decreased. Over the next 4 months there were several "flashbacks" that I managed thanks to the techniques and tips listed in this post.
submitted by MaxBurman to LionsManeRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:46 greeneyeddruid Pink/Rainbow Washing in Columbus and Ohio

What is pink/rainbow washing? Basically a business will try to attract lgbtq+ business and using some of the profits earned then donate to organizations or politicians who don’t support and even seek to harm the lgbtq+ community.
With Pride coming up we need to be mindful of rainbow/pink washing. Our dollars are as important as our votes, especially if our dollars are being turned against us.
If you have any examples post them below with supporting articles or evidence.
submitted by greeneyeddruid to Columbus [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:44 6mmSlimFilter Systematic Review and your opinion about the trajectory and keywords - Support/Help

Post was initially posted in Academia and was redirected to this subreddit.

Dear AskProfessors, I very much apologize if this post is the 1000th you had to see about a similar topic on the subreddit this week.
I'm currently doing a Masters thesis with the subject of "European Union Electricity Mix", it's supposed to be a systematic review. The 3 databases I'm supposed to work with are : Business Source Premier and ScienceDirect and Eurostat.
For now, I have come up with the relevant research questions and the Boolean search strings to input into SD and BSP. Sadly since, SD doesn't accept more than 8 Boolean connectors, I had to basically split the entire search string into smaller sections and group everything at the end. In order to make sure that it is replicable, I also did the same thing for BSP.
My search strings are: • Electricity generation: ("Electricity Generation") AND ("European Union" OR "EU") • Electricity Distribution: ("Electricity Distribution") AND ("European Union" OR "EU") • Electricity grid: ("Electricity Grid") AND ("European Union" OR "EU")
• Power Supply Security: ("Security") AND ("Electricity") AND ("European Union" OR "EU") • Electricity Consumption behavior : ("Electricity") AND ("Consumption") AND ("European Union" OR "EU") • Electricity Technologies: ("Electricity") AND ("Technology") AND ("European Union" OR "EU") • Impact on Electricity Prices: ("Electricity") AND (("technology") OR ("security")) AND ("Electricity prices") AND ("Impact" OR "Effect")) AND ("European Union" OR "EU")
• Nuclear Exit: (("Nuclear exit" OR "Nuclear phase-out") AND ("Electricity" OR "Energy") AND ("Impact" OR "Effect")) AND ("European Union" OR "EU") • Coal phase-out: (("Coal phase-out" OR "Coal exit") AND ("Electricity" OR "Energy") AND ("Impact" OR "Effect")) AND ("European Union" OR "EU") • Russia Ukraine Conflict: (("Russia Ukraine conflict" OR "Russia-Ukraine war") AND ("Electricity" OR "Energy") AND ("Impact" OR "Effect")) AND ("European Union" OR "EU")

• Renewable Energy: ("Renewable Energy") AND ("Industrial Production") AND ("European Union" OR "EU") • Strengthening Industrial locations: ("Industrial Locations") AND ("European Union" OR "EU")

My questions are: 1- Do you think these are acceptable search strings?
2- For this thesis, I decided to focus on Research Articles from Business Source PremieScienceDirect, and on Statistical explained articles from Eurostat, do you think this is something acceptable?
3- I'm using Eurostat governmental and Institutional database to search for further articles. Can I remove the Boolean search connectors and only search on keywords? For example, when using : "("Electricity generation") AND ("European Union" OR "EU")" I get limited results, but when I use "Electricity Generation in Europe Union" I get much more in tune results. I figured I could do that and mention that in the limitations section and explain that it might be because how the search within Eurostat is conducted.
I very much thank everyone for their support! and I apologize profusely for this post being a repeated sight that you see everyday.
My very best regards,
submitted by 6mmSlimFilter to AskProfessors [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:43 ReportsStack Automotive Digital Cockpit Market Size, Growth & Statistics Report from 2024 to 2030

The global automotive digital cockpit market is projected to grow at a robust CAGR of over 13% from 2024 to 2030. This significant expansion is largely driven by the increasing adoption of connected cars worldwide. Additionally, the market is bolstered by the growing integration of advanced technologies such as telematics, the Internet of Things (IoT), navigation systems, safety and pollution sensors, and remote diagnostic systems. These innovations enhance vehicle connectivity and user experience, further propelling the demand for sophisticated digital cockpit solutions.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Market Trends:
Integration of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): There is a growing trend towards integrating advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) into automotive digital cockpits. These systems, such as adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning, and automatic emergency braking, enhance vehicle safety and driver convenience. Manufacturers are incorporating ADAS functionalities directly into the digital cockpit interface, providing drivers with real-time alerts and intuitive controls for improved safety and comfort.
Rise of Augmented Reality (AR) Displays: Augmented reality (AR) displays are gaining traction in automotive digital cockpits, offering enhanced visualization and interaction capabilities. AR overlays digital information onto the real-world environment, providing drivers with contextual information such as navigation directions, road hazard warnings, and points of interest. This trend enables a more immersive driving experience while improving situational awareness and reducing driver distraction.
Personalized User Interfaces: Automotive digital cockpits are increasingly featuring personalized user interfaces tailored to individual driver preferences and profiles. These customizable interfaces allow drivers to personalize their in-car experience by adjusting settings such as display layouts, color schemes, and infotainment preferences. By offering personalized user interfaces, automakers can enhance driver satisfaction and loyalty while differentiating their vehicles in a competitive market.
Integration of Voice and Gesture Control: Voice and gesture control functionalities are becoming integral components of automotive digital cockpits, enabling hands-free operation of vehicle systems and infotainment features. Drivers can interact with the digital cockpit interface using natural language commands and gestures, enhancing convenience and minimizing distractions while driving. This trend aligns with the broader shift towards intuitive and user-friendly human-machine interfaces in automotive design.
Emphasis on Connectivity and Cloud Services: Connectivity and cloud-based services are playing an increasingly important role in automotive digital cockpits, enabling seamless integration with external devices and online services. Drivers can access a wide range of connected features such as streaming media, real-time traffic updates, and remote vehicle monitoring from within the cockpit interface. Automakers are partnering with technology companies to offer comprehensive connectivity solutions that enhance the overall driving experience and differentiate their vehicles in the market.
Market Opportunities:
The automotive digital cockpit market presents several promising opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers alike. With the increasing demand for connected and technologically advanced vehicles, there is a significant opportunity to capitalize on the growing adoption of digital cockpit solutions. Manufacturers can leverage this trend by developing innovative features such as augmented reality displays, personalized user interfaces, and voice/gesture control functionalities to enhance the driving experience and differentiate their offerings in the competitive market landscape. Furthermore, the integration of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and connectivity features opens up new avenues for collaboration with technology partners and service providers to deliver comprehensive and value-added solutions. Additionally, the rising focus on sustainability and eco-friendly materials presents an opportunity to innovate in materials and manufacturing processes, catering to environmentally conscious consumers.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Automotive Digital Cockpit Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the automotive digital cockpit market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the automotive digital cockpit industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @
Geographically, the automotive digital cockpit market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The automotive digital cockpit market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Automotive digital cockpit market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Automotive Digital Cockpit Market Segmentation:
By Equipment:
By Display Technology:
By Vehicle Type:
By Region:
Leading companies in the global automotive digital cockpit market include Robert Bosch GmbH, Denso Corporation, Faurecia, Continental AG, and Garmin Ltd. These key players are actively pursuing strategies such as market expansion, new investments, and the introduction of innovative services to enhance their market positions. They are also focusing on exploring new geographies through strategic expansions and acquisitions, aiming to leverage joint synergies and gain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving market for advanced in-car digital systems.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Key Questions Answered by Automotive Digital Cockpit Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
Media Contact:
Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
submitted by ReportsStack to u/ReportsStack [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:37 JD_Heyman Black Lists, Cannibals, Pete Rose, Glen Powell, Amandla Stenberg, Shaboozey, and More

Black Lists, Cannibals, Pete Rose, Glen Powell, Amandla Stenberg, Shaboozey, and More
Back when we worked in legacy media, we confronted an unsettling trend. Journalists were increasingly afraid of being put on enemies lists. How absurd, to fear anonymous social media blowback from a snarky review of The Witcher, or an interview with Ricky Gervais—to cite two actual examples. Reporters were supposed to be irreverent and fearless.
Well, we vastly underestimated the power of digital media to wreck lives and the timidity of challenged institutions in the face of threats. Fear of retribution cast an exhaustively documented pall over brands whose business it was to ask inconvenient questions. In many newsrooms, the grownups fled the room and journalistic credibility crumbled.
Read more -
submitted by JD_Heyman to u/JD_Heyman [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:35 ReportsStack Food Service Disposables Market Size, Key Trends & Projected Growth Report from 2024 to 2030

The global food service disposables market is projected to grow at a significant CAGR of approximately 5% from 2024 to 2030. This growth is primarily driven by the explosive expansion of online food delivery services worldwide. The rising consumer preference for convenience, exemplified by the demand for on-the-go food products and the surge in online shopping, is expected to propel the market forward. Additionally, the ongoing trend of rapid urbanization and the increasing participation of women in the workforce are key factors likely to further boost the demand for food service disposables during the forecast period. These societal shifts are driving more frequent reliance on convenient food solutions, thereby fueling market growth.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Market Trends:
Shift Towards Sustainable Packaging: There is a growing emphasis on sustainability within the food service disposables market. With increasing environmental awareness, both consumers and regulatory bodies are demanding eco-friendly alternatives to traditional plastic disposables. This has led to a surge in the development and adoption of biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable packaging materials. Companies are investing in innovative materials such as plant-based plastics, molded fiber products, and other sustainable options that reduce environmental impact. Brands that can offer environmentally responsible products are gaining a competitive edge and meeting the growing demand for green solutions.
Rise of Online Food Delivery and Takeout Services: The exponential growth of online food delivery and takeout services is a major driver for the food service disposables market. Platforms like Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Deliveroo have revolutionized how consumers access meals, leading to increased demand for single-use containers, cutlery, and packaging that ensure food safety and convenience. As consumers continue to favor the convenience of online ordering, the market for food service disposables that cater to this segment is expanding rapidly. Innovations in packaging that maintain food temperature and quality during delivery are becoming crucial.
Innovations in Packaging Technology: Advancements in packaging technology are transforming the food service disposables market. Companies are focusing on enhancing the functionality and performance of disposables to better meet the needs of modern consumers. Innovations include packaging that improves food preservation, extends shelf life, and enhances the consumer experience. For instance, tamper-evident packaging and leak-proof designs are increasingly important for safety and convenience in food delivery. Additionally, smart packaging solutions that provide temperature indicators or freshness sensors are emerging, offering added value in the competitive market.
Growth in Customization and Branding: Personalization and branding are becoming key differentiators in the food service disposables market. Businesses, particularly in the fast-food and casual dining sectors, are increasingly seeking custom-printed packaging to enhance their brand visibility and customer engagement. This trend is driving demand for bespoke disposable products that feature unique designs, logos, and messaging. Customized packaging helps food service providers stand out in a crowded market and creates a memorable dining experience that fosters brand loyalty.
Market Opportunities:
The food service disposables market presents significant opportunities, particularly driven by the increasing demand for sustainable and innovative packaging solutions. With consumers and regulators pushing for greener practices, companies that develop eco-friendly disposables, such as biodegradable or compostable packaging, stand to gain a competitive edge. The rapid expansion of the online food delivery sector offers a lucrative avenue for growth, as there is a continuous need for reliable, convenient, and hygienic packaging solutions that cater to this booming segment. Additionally, emerging markets are ripe for penetration, as urbanization and rising disposable incomes boost the demand for convenient dining options and disposable products.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Food Service Disposables Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the food service disposables market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the food service disposables industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @
Geographically, the food service disposables market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The food service disposables market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Food service disposables market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Food Service Disposables Market Segmentation:
By Packaging Type:
By Material:
By Application:
By Region:
In the global food service disposables market, leading companies such as Graphic Packaging International, Sonoco Products Company, Sealed Air, Huhtamaki, and WestRock Company are actively shaping the industry landscape. These key players are pursuing strategic initiatives including market expansion, new investments, and the introduction of innovative services to strengthen their market positions. By exploring new geographic regions and leveraging acquisitions, these companies aim to achieve synergistic growth and gain a competitive edge. Their focus on strategic collaborations and expanding their presence in emerging markets underpins their commitment to addressing evolving customer needs and industry demands.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Key Questions Answered by Food Service Disposables Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
Media Contact:
Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
submitted by ReportsStack to u/ReportsStack [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:34 YahhhhMuheye Just some rant

Just some rant
I've been busy these days and don't have time to log in to do Vyn latest event. Just like previous event, there are some task that require several days to complete in order to get the final reward (badge, card, etc). Prior to this day, I only manage to do a few daily cases . And just because my fatigue reached the limit, I can't do more daily cases and thus, fail to complete a task. Because the task is not completely completed, I can't get the batch that I really want.
This is not the first time this happen. Older personal story event require completing a certain amount of daily tasks within stellis city, which only refresh 4 tasks a day. You miss a few days, then bye-bye badge. And previous personal story require a very long time to do the activities (?) to obtain a dialogue.
Just why can't Hoyo make the event so that all the task can be completed within a day or two? I'm sure there's a lot of players like me where they don't have the luxury of time to be committed every single day. Take genshin for example, even if the task is not that light, we can still complete the whole event within just a few hours before it ends. Why can't Tot do the same?
Or maybe the fatigue limit, is it necessary to add them? Okay done ranting, I'll probably rant about this in the next survey. Remind me please
submitted by YahhhhMuheye to TearsOfThemis [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:33 BroccoliFlower Cam/timing belts...

Just looking for some advice please.. On the 28th May this year, our cam belt slipped and got into the engine (RIP car) because the teeth on the gears were too worn down to hold it in place any more. We had a full service on our car on 25th October '23.
My question is, would the people who did the service have been able to see that the teeth were worn/wearing and should have told us this would need fixing or not really? There was no mention of the cam belt or anything on the report but if they'd said, we would have been able to get it sorted before the car died which put us in a potentially fatal situation..
(I ended up breaking down a busy dual carriageway at 5.30pm with no layby or hard shoulder which was absolutely terrifying 😂)
submitted by BroccoliFlower to CarTalkUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:32 TheDreadPirateRobots [Have Gun - Will Travel] - 1.15

The Patriarch’s manor was a fortified building built in a pseudo greco-roman style with large fluted columns, white marble walls, and a thick guard wall encapsulating the sizeable and well manicured grounds. It was as much a work of art as it was a fortress.
“We were summoned by the Patriarch,” Silas said to the guards at the gate, handing over the envelope Sheriff Hugo had given us.
“You’re expected,” the guard said after glancing at the papers. “Leave your horses here.”
We dismounted and were admitted entrance to the inner grounds. The guard escorted us to the manor, bypassing the front door to lead us around to the servants entrance on the side where a stereotypical butler was waiting for us.
“If the gentlemen would be so good as to leave their weapons with me,” he said, “I will deliver them to the Patriarch.”
Silas and I surrendered our gun belts to the butler.
As the butler led us through the labyrinthine corridors of the manor, his demeanour remained steadfast and composed. His back was ramrod straight, his steps measured and silent upon the polished marble floors. Each door we passed bore intricate carvings and handles adorned with opulent designs, hinting at the wealth within.
Richly dyed tapestries hung from the walls, their vibrant hues adding warmth to the otherwise cool atmosphere. Elegant paintings in oversized gilded frames adorned the spaces between, each masterpiece a testament to the Patriarch's refined taste. Landscapes dominated the collection, their serene scenes offering a stark contrast to the tension that hung in the air as we ventured further into the heart of the manor.
Pausing before a set of ornate double doors manned by a duo of guards, we waited until some unseen signal was passed, then the guards opened them to reveal the interior beyond.
The room was spacious, yet intimate with walls adorned in rich tapestries depicting scenes of local history and triumphs of Silvertown. At the centre of the room sat an intricately carved throne of mahogany, draped in brocade which displayed the colours of the city crest. Two ornate braziers flanked the throne, filled with the pale-yellow light stones that seemed to be so common in this world. A massive chandelier set with the same stones hung from the ceiling, filling the room with a warm golden light.
The Patriarch sat on his throne, a deep scowl etched across his face. He was a large man, broad shouldered, heavy with muscle. His face was smooth shaven, with thick lips and stern, chiseled features. A sword lay casually across his knees.
With each step the air around me grew heavier, more oppressive. His scowl deepened as his gaze locked onto mine, sending a shiver down my spine. It felt like he was peeling away layers of my resolve with every step I took, leaving me exposed and vulnerable in his presence.
[Intimidation detected]
Knowing I was under the influence of [Intimidation] did nothing to alleviate its effects. This man held my life in his hands and could do with it as he pleased. He was the law in this city, the final arbiter of justice, and as a non-citizen I could be cut down by him or the guards standing along the walls without any consequences whatsoever.
A dozen steps from the throne Silas dropped to his knee, placed his right fist over his heart and bowed his head. I gratefully followed suit, relieved that I wouldn’t have to look at the Patriarch any more.
“Citizen Silas McLain of Comstock and Peregrinus Vinnie Carter of Albion,” Patriarch Mathies said, his voice a rumbling volcano promising destruction. “You have entered my city and interfered in my business, your ignorance causing me no minor amount of trouble.”
Silas said nothing, and I was happy to keep my mouth shut.
“What have you to say?” Mathies asked, the question hanging in the air like the blade of a guillotine.
Silas cleared his throat “We have sought lawbreakers in Silvertown and executed Midlands justice,” He said.
“And you, outlander Vinnie. You take a knee and clench your fist. Do you seek to pledge yourself to myself and the Midlands, or are you merely ignorant?”
“Ignorant,” I answered.
“Then stand before me as a citizen of Albion and representative of your Queen,” Mathies commanded.
I rose to my feet and met the eyes of the man, his [Intimidation] pressing down on me like a rock.
“The man known as ‘Blackheart Bill’, notorious for his crimes, has taken my daughter hostage and leveraged my weakness as a father to snatch away the children of my citizens,” The Patriarch said, motioning to his guards. “He has demanded that you be turned over to him. In exchange he will release the hostages he has taken. You will be escorted to the exchange location by my men. Go.”
Two guards stepped from the walls and escorted us from the throne room and into another where we waited while preparations were made.
“Hey kid,” Silas said, plopping down on a velvet sofa. “That inventory of yours works anywhere?”
“Yeah?” I answered, taking a seat across from him. “Pretty sure. It hasn’t given me any problems so far.”
Silas smiled, a wicked thing to see. “Then I have a plan. Listen up.”
An hour later we were escorted from the room, which was the nicest holding cell I’d ever been in since it came with tea and biscuits served by a genuine maid.
Outside the manor, ten of the Patriarch’s personal guards were waiting on horseback along with a swanky carriage pulled by two horses. Silas approached the captain of the guards and spoke with him for a minute.
The captain stared hard at Silas, then waved to one of the guards who dismounted and returned to the house. Five minutes later we were on the road, guns strapped to our hips. Nudging Horse closer to Silas as we moved through the streets, I leaned over as if I were speaking to him confidentially and reached out to touch his pistol, willing it into inventory along with my own. If the guards behind us noticed anything, they said nothing.
We exited the north gate of Silvertown, continuing down the only road for a mile before it split. One fork lead directly west to the silver mines in the Rucuse mountains, the other lead northwest, following the foot of the mountains. We took the northwest fork, called River Road, that followed the narrow Silver river as it flowed from the mountains and eastwards towards Colonia.
It was twenty miles to our destination and we rode at a good pace along the road as it wound through the savanna. As we rode in silence, I had plenty of time for introspection, my mind wandering over the events of the last few days. Tossed into some fantasy world. Discovered my mind was a chaotic mess of shambling zombies. Gained a patron god, which seemed strange. Why had I agreed to that? It didn’t change the fact that I was still a psychic, had literally purchased the skill, but now I was tied to Delas the Noble Vagabond. At least it made Silas happy. I guess people here are weird about atheists.
Became a bounty hunter. Killed people.
To be fair, those people were trying to kill me and I hadn’t killed anyone in cold blood, not yet. But that day was going to arrive sooner than later. Some day, perhaps even today, I was going to feel justified in ending a life out of nothing more than convenience.
Hell, I had [Disassembled] dead bandits into experience and loot with nothing more than mild distaste. Is this who I always was? Did selecting the profession change me somehow? I don’t feel like a psychopath but if old-me viewed my actions at a distance, I sure was acting like one.
Twenty miles to the northwest of Silvertown was an area called the ‘Broken Mess’ by the locals and Rutu'disestri by the natives, which was a maze of twisting canyons filled with spike brush and deadwood trees. It was a section of badlands that covered dozens of miles and contained enough trace moon silver to confound scrying and other types of divination. Blackheart Bill wasn’t the first group of bandits to use the area as a hideout, despite its inhospitable nature and predilection for attracting or spawning various hostile creatures. The area also attracted prospectors who had dug into the walls of the canyon chasing tiny veins of moon silver until the entire area looked like Swiss cheese that had been nibbled on by unusually-sized rats.
The road split again at the Silver river where a sturdy stone bridge was placed some distance away from a waterfall that spilled into a canyon that it had carved over the last few million years. Across the bridge the road continued into the distance, following the mountains as they marched into the Northlands. A smaller, but no less travelled path was cut into the canyon wall and descended into the belly of the labyrinthine collection of canyons and followed the narrow river as it fed into the Yellow river and then flowed to the Colonia Gap.
A group of three men on horseback near the bridge approached as we arrived, the lead rider holding up a thick scroll tied with twine.
“We’ll take over from here,” The man said, his weathered face split by a gap-toothed grin, tossing the scroll into the dirt and placing a hand on his gun. “That map shows the location of the traps guarding the brats.”
“Where’s the Patriarch’s daughter?” The guard captain asked, clearly upset that the deal wasn’t going as expected.
“You’ll get her just as soon as we deliver these two,” Gap-tooth said. “Just wait here for a couple hours.”
The captain looked like he had swallowed a mouthful of bitter medicine, but waved his hand at us to move towards the bandits.
Two of the bandits nudged their horses over to me and Silas, examining our empty gun belts. “No guns,” one reported.
“Where’s your guns?” Gap-tooth asked.
“The patriarch’s butler took them,” I said, truthfully.
Gap-tooth looked over to the captain, who just nodded.
Satisfied with the response, the three bandits encircled us and pointed towards the road that lead into the Broken Mess. “Try anything stupid and you’ll regret it,” He warned.
With that, we descended into the canyon with him leading and the other two goons following. The road sloped down the canyon wall at a gentle incline which indicated it had been built with wagon traffic in mind. Soon enough it levelled out to join a well travelled road with the Silver river on our right. Gap-tooth led us along the road, keeping close to the canyon walls. Just before the road split to follow a dry canyon he waved his hat in the air and was answered by a guard who stood and waved his hat in return. We passed the guard who had crouched back down and was nearly invisible in the tumbled boulders that were strewn across the path.
We ambled along the trail, following our captors as they went down one dry canyon after another, picking them seemingly at random. I pulled up my [MAP] for a bird’s eye view of the area.
It would be so easy to get lost in this mess.
After an hour of travel and signals exchanged with another three sentries, we arrived at the bandit camp. A handful of rough tents were scattered around an old cabin made of weathered wood. Behind the cabin was a crude wood door set into the canyon wall, along with a bandit standing guard next to it.
Looking around, I did a quick headcount. Eight men were visible, another four were standing sentry duty in the canyons, and Blackheart Bill himself was standing on the porch of the tiny cabin. He was a tall man, over six foot, lean, with a frame hardened by years spent on the run. His face was etched with scars and his dark eyes filled with murder.
submitted by TheDreadPirateRobots to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:31 creditjourney $20,000 purchase, new card recommendation?

Starting a business abroad, buying computer parts off Amazon, Ebay, or Best Buy and shipping them for what I'm building.
Not open to business cards as the business entity won't be US-based
Credit Profile: Thick, clean, mature, 740+ FICO on next month's report
Income: $50k+
Current cards: 2 PNC cashback/points cards, Discover IT, Apple, C1 SavorOne, C1 QuickSilver.
Total Credit: $49k, roughly $7-11k individual CL per card, highest currently at $14k.
Total util: 8% target on next report, can wait to have it at 1% in August
AAoA: 2+ years
AoOA: 3+ years
AoYA: 14 months
Accounts opened in last two years: 2
Inquiries in last 12 months: 0
No FTF?: Indispensable, I travel abroad a lot
Annual fee?: At this stage, open to it
Other: This purchase aside, my main expenses are groceries/supermarkets, followed by airlines/travel.
0% APR?: Preferable even if rewards are lower.
I'm considering the Amazon Prime, but Chase closed my only checking account in 2017 for having $10-$20 in the negative and I think they're weird with their undisclosed flags for things like that. Never had a credit account with them though, and I'm in a much better place financially today.
Not a fan of store cards, but open to Best Buy's Visa CC.
Also open to Ebay's card, though I'm not enthusiastic about it.
Open to suggestions on any bank cards with better long-term potential. Also open to a more travel-focused card at the expense of better short-term rewards on this upcoming purchase. US Bank Altitude Go is tempting, but I'm afraid the starting credit limit will be too low for my goal.
AMEX Gold and Plat are not in my plans yet.
submitted by creditjourney to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:31 DefundTheKarens ASTRA Merger Information Statement (35-54)

ASTRA Merger Information Statement (35-54) submitted by DefundTheKarens to ASTR [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:30 phdthrowaway1718 Considering quitting my prestigious internship because it's becoming obvious that I don't have the skills my PI expects at all. What can I do to mitigate the damage if I do quit?

Hey everyone,
This is a sequel to a vent post I made about two days ago:
I learned more about why my PI chose me and he said that he's confident I understand statistics and research methods conceptually because I've taught it. The thing is though... I've never made my own materials when teaching with the exception of a class that was taken off the docket for the first time in 4 years and was only a two credit hour course beforehand. With the exception of one online class, I've consistently been rated and commented that I had the worst class and/or was the worst instructor students have had for the past two years I've taught. The ratings have only gone down as well. For example, I had overall averages of 2.8-2.9 out of 5 for my in person classes while my last ones were 1.8 out of 5 all across the board.
For example, I was also recently told by my advisor about chi square as one of the analyses for dissertation data and I've never done one in my whole life despite taking two undergraduate stats classes, one Master's level stats class, and retaking the equivalent stats class in my Ph.D program.
I've felt on edge every single day of my internship, afraid, and scared to death of voicing how I really feel. Every day, we have to put our fingers up on a scale of 1-5 (sometimes 1-10) about how we truly feel. I put up a 4 (on the 5 scale) or 8 (on the 10 scale), but in reality I'm a 1-2 out of 5 or a 3-4 out of 10. I also need to rate how busy I was out of 10 and I always feel like a 5-6 because the tasks I'm required to do I have a tendency to do much faster than my PI (for this internship) expects of me in this case.
In addition, I'm finding my focus when I read journal articles at my cubicle non existent because I'm still trying to overcome my sleep apnea. It's better than before, but when I'm emotionally overwhelmed like I am at my internship, then I can't think at all. It took me hours to read a journal article that should've been 1-2 hours for example.
To top it off, my PI promised and wants us to all have something that can lead to a first author publication by the end of this. I don't know if I'm at a point where, despite being towards the tail end of my Ph.D, whether I can handle this.
I'm going to sit on this decision further, but how do I mitigate the damage if I quit? I think this will surprise my boss since I've kept everything to myself, but I want this to be clear. To top it off, the hospital where I'm working right now is doing this as a first ever and my PI has said there's a ton of trust being put into this so he can do so in subsequent years. I would want him to still be able to do that, but acknowledge at the same time that I was the one and only person who just didn't fit expectations.
My advisor at my Ph.D program was also extremely happy that I got this because of the first author publication promise. Since the university where I'm doing my Ph.D recently stopped admitting clinical psychology students because they're going to cut the program, it's been difficult for those in adjacent programs like mine (i.e., Experimental) to get any sort of internal funding from the university for projects or anything of the sort. In other words, I could only use the resources the lab already had to try to run experiments and get published in this case.
I'm looking for advice on how to minimize the damage in this case since I'm inevitably going to burn a bridge with my boss. My advisor though... I think he'd be disappointed in me and I can't avoid interaction with him. Hopefully, there's some way I can mitigate the damage.
ETA: In case it's important, my current PI's h-index has been in the mid 90s these past few years. I'm not going to name drop him but he's been faculty at a lot of prestigious institutions. Thus, this internship felt WAY better than I deserve given my Ph.D program is at a no name R2 state school.
submitted by phdthrowaway1718 to PhD [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:30 cporter202 FREE ChatGPT Prompt ⚙️

⚙️ PROMPT #5283 - AI in CRM Insights
How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) reshaping the landscape of customer relationship management (CRM) for businesses like [Your Business Name]? In an era where personalization and efficiency are key, I'd like to explore the various AI-driven CRM strategies and tools that can improve customer engagement and optimize sales processes. Can you provide detailed examples of:
  1. AI technologies currently integrated into CRM systems that can offer a personalized experience for customers.
  2. The role of AI in data analysis and how it can predict customer behaviors to enhance customer service.
  3. Innovative AI tools for CRM that can automate routine tasks and how they contribute to effective time management for customer service representatives.
  4. Examples of businesses that have seen significant improvements in customer satisfaction and retention rates after implementing AI in their CRM.
  5. Ethical considerations and potential drawbacks of using AI in CRM that businesses should be aware of.
Please tailor your insights for a medium-sized enterprise in the [Specific Industry] sector looking to leverage AI for a more robust and intuitive CRM system.
'copy and paste this prompt' ✂️
submitted by cporter202 to ChatGPTautomation [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:29 DefundTheKarens ASTRA Merger Information Statement (15-34)

ASTRA Merger Information Statement (15-34) submitted by DefundTheKarens to ASTR [link] [comments]