Ella jolie elite tv

Are elite tv brands worth the $$$

2024.05.28 17:06 4everdead23 Are elite tv brands worth the $$$

Hoping someone can help me understand what the best quality for cost is and or validate my current purchase.
I bought an open box/display tv (marked as excellent condition) from Best Buy. It’s an LG 65in C3 OLED for 1,077 (seemed like a great deal considering when it was released last year it came into the market at $2500)
Question 1, does it being a display tv, and therefore lots of usage, will result in quicker decline in quality or performance down the road? I’m looking to buy and have something to be future proofed for at least 3-5 years.
Question 2: looking at some high level stats on TVs, is there a material difference between this LG and let’s say a $500 TCL that is also 4K OLED with same HZ refresh rate?
Overall, what makes an LG, Sony, Samsung twice the price of a TCL when they “seemingly” are very similar.
Sorry if this has been deeply discussed before! Best Buy is coming to mount it in an hour and I’m second guessing my decision. I have 60 days to return FYI so not an urgent matter but would love to hear the thoughts and opinions of those who understand TVs better than I!
Thanks all!
Edit** TCL does not make OLED, just QLED. I welcome all your opinions on the comparison of the 2.
submitted by 4everdead23 to Bestbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:17 Joli_eltecolote Museo de Folclore de las Aldeas de Pescadores, Geoje

Museo de Folclore de las Aldeas de Pescadores, Geoje
Ahí hay muchas zonas de fotos, y muchas desecaciones de criaturitas que viven en Geoje. ¡Una de ellas era nuestro primo, el búho real! Era una ave honorable antes de morir por agotamiento. No lo olvidaremos. Oh, y ¿dónde están las fotos del folclore? De verdad no las tomé. Por ahí fui porque solo tuve que encontrar un lugar de pasear debido a la maldita despedida con mi (ahora ex) novio. ¡No quiero su amor! Basta con Joli.
submitted by Joli_eltecolote to SouthKoreaPics [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:09 whyB2 (Selling) Universal Reward Points & DMI: Load Up! 4K's from $0.50. Hellboy 4K $2.50! Enders Game 4K $2.25! Dallas Buyers Club. Star Wars. Moonrise Kingdom. Pain & Gain. Rock the Kasbah. Dinosaurs. Breakfast Club. Guardians of the Galaxy. Ted. Ant-Man. Glory. Jack Reacher. Edward Scissorhands. & More

PayPal Friends and Family preferred; can also accept Venmo.
Vudu is now Fandango at Home
Split codes where possible - only redeem the portion listed.
Assume loyalty points have been used; unless noted. Refer to the 4Ksheet for 4K redemption.
----------Collections / TV / Bundles / Other----------
submitted by whyB2 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:10 Everettluoma27 From here to Armageddon (continuation)

All things have balance in the ending--even those things of purely spiritual or things of physical expression. Let us consider two simple examples: You will learn in this journal that when a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience ends up with the money and the man with the money ends up with a lot of experience.
The flip side of this wondrous circumstance is that it is impossible to teach without learning something yourself--even if it be quite negative in scope--no, it is only if you refuse the positive lesson that it becomes negative.
You be the judge. Could it possibly be a media joke--on you-the-people? How can you know? Easy--take the Communist Manifesto and weigh the facts!
Plank No. 1
Did you hear any gleeful announcement by any "anti-communist" media that the USSR abolished its property tax, thus restoring absolute ownership of land to the peasants?
If not, then that first plank is alive and thriving.
"Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes."
Plank No. 2
How many of you have seen announcements and applauding the eradication of income taxes in the USSR? You didn't? Then I'm sorry--the second Plank is still fully functional:
"A heavy progressive or graduated income tax."
Plank No. 3
How many of those wondrous papers and magazines tell you how the Soviets repealed the inheritance tax? Really, you didn't see that anywhere? Well, for goodness sakes, the third Plank is also still in place and operating:
"Abolition of all right of inheritance."
Plank No. 4
OK, so there must have been a Soviet directive stating that the KGB (IRS) would no longer levy people's wages or ransack and pillage their homes. No? You didn't see that one either? What is wrong with your press and media? How about it, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, say, on the Sneaker Phone? No? Golly--gee whiz, what have you here?
"Confiscation of the property of all emigrants FLEEING THE SYSTEM and all rebels." (Fourth Plank)
Plank No. 5
Come on now, they tell you the Cold War is over Communism is DEAD--surely there is something on the fifth Plank? Didn't your trusty reporters speak of the Soviet plan to recall their "funny money", return the people's gold and silver and foreclose upon the BANKS? Not even on CNN?
"Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly." (Fifth Plank)
Plank No.6
So, here we go, surely you were told that there would be restoration of one's right to use his own vehicles and the "people's" roads with ease in obtaining licensing? Well how about the unregulated right to communicate freely? Again, No?! Then the sixth Plank is doing pretty well also.
"Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State."
Plank No. 7
Ah, then surely they wiped out the seventh Plank and you were told about it. Have your own "State approved" news agencies reported the dissolution of state-credited legal fictions (corporations) in the USSR, or that they've ceased to "regulate" people's use of their own LAND? Oh, NO?
(Seventh Plank): "Extension of factories and instruments of production owned (controlled) by the State."
Plank No. 8
Surely they told you about Russian women being admonished by the State to REBUILD THE CRUMBLING FAMILY UNIT, and to reestablish the home as the principle haven and bulwark of child development? My goodness, chelas--but they said Communism is DEAD! This can only mean that Plank eight is also still alive and well, blowing apart families and destroying children emotionally:
"Equal liability of all to labor." Not "right"--"LIABILITY". (Get mother out of the house so Big Brother can blast those kids!)
Plank No. 9
Well perhaps we are getting there after all as we look at number 9? Perhaps they have explained to you how they've halted the corporate take-over of family farms in those Soviet countries? No? Is it possible they announced it while you were sleeping? No? Then obviously number 9 is still in effect also:
"Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries."
Plank No. 10
Golly, that only leaves number ten so perhaps you have heard about an expose of a reactionary Soviet plan to restore parental authority and responsibility to at least "train up the child in the way he should go" by closing all State brainwashing institutions. No? But THEY said the Soviets are now going to do all the wondrous things to "freedom" of on information and education. So, after all, it appears the tenth Plank is also still alive and functioning with even more restrictions and "guided" learning:
"Free education for ALL children in PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND STATE CURRICULUM."
MY, my, chelas--if not even ONE Plank of the Communist Manifesto has been weakened--let alone destroyed--then how can COMMUNISM BE DEAD"?!? AND, MOREOVER, WHY THE DECEPTION??
Very simply put: Americans adopted the Communism Ten Plank system long, long ago, having been embraced by Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives alike. For the media to divulge this would expose their part in the conspiracy for not warning you. While complacently gazing into the electronic campfire of television, you were secretly lobotomized and have become regionnally "Brain Damaged and/or DEAD"--NOT COMMUNISM.
May I please remind you not something from your prophet Isaiah? (29:13-14):
"...Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid."
So what have you come to be, even in blessed America? You have forsaken the commandments of your Creator, you have heaped to yourselves the cursed of Deuteronomy 28:15-68 (for you who still like to quote from THE BOOK): You kill your unborn infants and poison the minds of those others who survive birth to endure a Godless "education" and totally heathen brain-assault. Their bodies are wasted by no-win wars, chemical "foods", and fluoridated (poisoned) drinking water (also chlorinated). Their heritage is given to strangers, while having to bear the burden of supporting anything and everything alien to your culture as once foundationed in "Christ"ianity with its wondrous assets of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Since we find that all of then Communist Planks are alive and well where they have always served, and also now more alive and well in the United States than in those "formerly" Communist counties--let us see how far you have come along the path--REMEMBER THOSE FEMA ORDERS"
EO10995: Provides for the takeover of the communications media. in other words, forget about freedom of the press, TV, radio (speech). It is already controlled by the Elite business manipulators but this simply brings it into absolute control by the President. The evolvement has been gradual enough that you actually wouldn't notice the difference.
EO10997: Provides for the takeover of all food resources and the nation's farms.
EO1099: Provides for the takeover o all modes of transportation, control of highways, seaports, etc.
EO11000: Provides for mobilization of all civilians into work brigades under government supervision. In other words, YOU, as slave labor.
EO11001: Provides for the government takeover of all health, education and welfare functions.
EO11002: Designates the postmaster general to operate a national registration of all persons.
EO11003: Provides for the government to takeover airports and all aircraft.
EO11004: Provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate entire communities, designate areas to be abandoned and establish new locations for populations.
EO11005: Provides for the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
submitted by Everettluoma27 to u/Everettluoma27 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:56 TokyoDisney_stuffs Some humble thoughts and advice for live action princess films from a nobody pt1

Some humble thoughts and advice for live action princess films from a nobody pt1
First time here in this subreddit :)
IDK if this post count as hate speech or not cause it did not get pass another subreddit moderators' approval but for each point i dislike about, i provide a solution.
I mean i respect moderators' judgements no matter what but fingers crossed that this does not get banned here😅
I will be spilling out how i feel about mainly 3 live action films,
Beauty and the beast, aladdin and the little mermaid.
This part 1 is about the former 2 while the next part will be ariel+some good ones+my dream cast(belle and ariel)+how they should have done with a columbian snow "white''
Some non-disney images/video links will be posted here just to be more specific.
Heads up that among these 3 films, i've only seen 2017 belle once and have only watched clips and songs from time to time since then.
Sure who am i to comment about the films if i have not seen it ?
But the truth is the clips ALONE are bad enough for me to lose the desire and interest to watch them.
So if you are a huge fan of these live action films, i suggest you leave now cause i'm pretty stubborn and upset by them.
Other than letting out my disappointment, I stupidly hope that somehow someone in the industry ends up reading this and maybe consider the opinions.
Terribly sorry for the next amateur and subjective words and think again if you're the live action fan.
Here goes nothing.
Beauty and the beast
2 problems, the songs and the portray of belle.
First of all, the songs.
I was thrilled by how they kept the classical orchestra music when the trailer came out.
But boy was i glad that i did not go to the theaters after watching it on rent DVD.
Didn't know nor notice the auto tune back then but it sounded so off that I had to mute every song to keep watching after the'' ahhhh'' in ''little town''.
Emma's voice was dead and flat while you can actually hear her smiling in Paige's ver especially the line '' there goes the baker with his tray like always''
And don't even get me started on the long notes.
I thought about that it may be due to emma's natural voice is rustier and less feminine than Paige's, which makes an acceptable excuse for me.
But after looking up for the jp ver (since i speak jp and always have enjoyed them), case closed for me.
Emma just didn't take ENOUGH vocal lessons to pull off her role.
Here are the 3 vers of '' new~~'' in ''something there'' and BRAVO for the jp ver in spite of having similar voices to emma.
1991 ver 2017 ver eng 2017 ver jp
I suffered the other songs too.
The rapping-like syllable don't fit in the classical orchestra music►gaston''neck''line
The cheesy accent i dreaded in ''be our guest''►Lumiere
Voice slightly too thin (strained?) and motherly for a hollow pot singing many long notes in a hollow ballroom with heavy orchestra ►tale as old as time.
ps. i read a comment under the video saying they changed the counts of this song.
I mean yes it's nicely done but instead of telling Emma.T to sing more long notes in her gentle voice, they should have added more lyrics/words to fill the blanks or even simplified the music.
I personally like this version better when they are table reading. Matches her voice better :)
The dance could have taken place in somewhere less luxurious to make sense to the simple music, showing how belle cared nothing but beast.
Have a qualified someone to dub for belle of course!!
Don't be too proud to admit that you can't sing.
You're an actress, noone's gonna judge!
In fact, ppl may even praise you for knowing your limits and allowing others to shine (a ''sacrifice'' for art) like ''never enough'' in ''the greatest showman''
But hands down for gaston's ''barge~~~''
THIS is the level i'm seeking in a musical movie!!
Secondly, how Emma portrays belle.
Looking back on some interviews, comments and ''belle'' clips, I understand that she intends to be a more ''boyish'' belle to promote ''female rights''?
But i think either disney casted wrongly or emma's execution was problematic.
Yes Emma does resemble the 1991 belle but she gives me a cold and icy vibe while belle is warm and elegant from the very beginning
Remember how 1991 belle bowed gracefully to villagers saying hi and how she talks to the busy chef who don't care?
She only shuts herself out when reading and enjoying a book.
On the other hand, emma's belle walks and dresses like a peasant, sings horribly and ''looks at '' a book.
Sorry to be so shallow about 2017 belle, commenting only her visual and audio performances, but i just don't see a born-to-be princess Belle there.
And hey the nice straight princess posture SHOULD NOT be used when belle is reading a book.
Try to understand the role!
I think that she went too far on the ''boyish'' road on the basis of how the storyline almost remained unchanged from the animation.
Here's the UGH that bugs me the most from ''belle reprise''.
I mean why does belle have to be so un-lady like to ignore artistic beauty to become a power icon?
Disney had already switched ariel's and belle's voice actresses back then to make belle not a girl but a woman.
And she was already brave enough to speak for herself in the 1991 ver so she's pretty much an icon to me.
There are plenty of ways to express your anger without losing artistic grace.
You could simply ''ugh'' before singing or a more restrained one will do.
Here's a scene i came up with myself,
Belle screams into a pillow before flinging it around and tearing it.
Then, among the drifting feathers, she sits there, staring into space or staring hard at an object before running outside with a firm look and a gleam in her eyes.
COME ON even i could come up with this transition.
If you want to convey your new message by only changing one main character, find the perfect balance between ''boyish'' and ''belle''.
Otherwise, either stick to the original or change it from the root!!
Have the writer to make some big differences of the story line.
Even ''killing ppl'' can look so mental and cute with the flowers at the same time
( Harley Quinn from DC )
Not to mention how angelina jolie took ballet lessons to fight like a goddess in marvel '' the eternals''
Such a waste on the orchestra, the backgrounds and the costumes!!
ps. I know that there's something wrong with the dress
and although i agree it's not a wow like ella's, i think it's acceptable and love the clever way to pay respect to the ballroom ceilings (an animation industrial landmark back in the 1990s) by adding golden lining!!
My main problem with it is the computer music.
I've seen bits and pieces on tv and i have to say good job and what a cute couple:)
But the music of the song clips is just unappealing to me.
Take ''a whole new world '' my favorite love song for example.
The piano and the surrounding orchestra with Lea's crystal clear voice all make the song breezy, delightful, fairy-tale like and romantic.
But with the computer music and Naomi's strong voice in the 2019 ver,, it's too powerful to be starry and magical for me.
Don't get me wrong though.
There's nothing awfully wrong about Naomi's singing in this song, it's just her natural voice does not quite suit this song.
Here's the jp ver and it sounds better to me with the more feminine and sweet jasmine's voice.
Same goes to the other songs i heard on youtube, the computer music just lacks the magic to isolate me from reality and to drift me away to a faraway Arabian kingdom.
The kind of isolation i'm asking for has been used in disney parks if i remember correctly.
They calculate building heights and design the landscapes to prevent ppl seeing the ''outside world''. And how they deal with the background music gap between 2 different areas (the adequate space between 2 speakers or waterfalls to wash the music out)
Not to mention the staff in there has to act in character and know nothing about modern technology.
Call me grandma for not liking the rock music here but i think it's a pity that they are unable to overcome the different natures of classical orchestra and rock music like they did before.
Cinderella's lavender song, Tangled and frozen songs are all not 100 percent orchestra but i still love them.
Mandy's voice is warm , naive and young so it goes well with guitar.
Kristen's got a standard princess voice, clear and pleasant to the ears so it's ok for the non-100%-classical music in ''love is an open door ''
Idina's high notes are powerful so strong songs about freeing herself (but in fact tiring if heard for a long time in my opinion)
A non-disney love song example i can think of isEd Sherran's ''perfect''in which pop music can be extremely romantic.
But it HAS to be bocelli's version to serenade love in a disney fairy tale (maybe some adjustments to tone the majesticness down a bit but i hope you know what i mean xd)
I mean if it's unable to compete with the 1991 version, then just stick to to original music.
I was really bummed out by how the magic vanished in ''a whole new world''
Thank you all for reaching this part xd
I just don't understand why the live actions have to be a degrade from the animation version i grew up with.
I don't deny that my age may be an issue
but in fact even with my willingness to see big reasonable changes (example, a non-caucasian ariel) , so far only Cinderella 2015 meets my standards of a wonderful princess remake.
Don't turn classics into some kind of box office instant rush hit.
Make other classics
submitted by TokyoDisney_stuffs to disneyprincess [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 10:49 Noway721 I feel so handicapped with an Xbox controller

I am predominantly a PC gamer, and have pretty much only played PC games in the last decade after being a major console player (ps1, ps2, and ps3).
However recently I have started enjoying couch gaming, hooking up my pc to the TV and game using an Xbox controller. But for the life of me I can't get over the fact that I feel severely handicapped gaming on a controller compared to mouse + keyboard.
What settings do you guys use to get more accurate aim, also would it make sense for me to get one of those "elite" controllers?
submitted by Noway721 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 10:48 Noway721 I feel so handicapped with an Xbox controller

I am predominantly a PC gamer, and have pretty much only played PC games in the last decade after being a major console player (ps1, ps2, and ps3).
However recently I have started enjoying couch gaming, hooking up my pc to the TV and game using an Xbox controller. But for the life of me I can't get over the fact that I feel severely handicapped gaming on a controller compared to mouse + keyboard.
What settings do you guys use to get more accurate aim, also would it make sense for me to get one of those "elite" controllers?
submitted by Noway721 to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:44 wesbren Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And New World Order Secret Societies And Who Will It Be This Man Of Sin, The False Antichrist Of Book Of Revelation, HD Movie, will broadcast live, May 28,2024 at 7.30 pm at

Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And New World Order Secret Societies And Who Will It Be This Man Of Sin, The False Antichrist Of Book Of Revelation, HD Movie, will broadcast live, May 28,2024 at 7.30 pm at
https://trovo.live/s/Watchmen11/231470830 and broadcast live May 28,2024 at 10:00 pm at
https://www.twitch.tv/thewatchmenguard11/videos, please check for schedule for time and date.
Video will be available on Youtube May 28,2024 at 5:30 am
The scenes you are about to watch in this video was created to demonstrate what is happening here in the real world are based on real bible prophecies and the book of Revelation and the government of the United Nations have sweared under false oath and have abused power and the nations and they are not there to protect and serve the nations, but to destroy it and have put these whole nations in danger causing social global unrest, to invoke violence, crimes and hate
among the nations to fight and destroy each other and the whole world is being misled and people are living their life here based on lies and false hood and deception and hate and violence and they are attacking the nations and setting up the stage for one world government and new world order and the mark of the beast based on the book of Revelation and think people cannot recognize them here and private organization names they go by, like for example, KKK and Illuminati and
Ice's and Freemasons and Secret Society and secretive power elite and many other private organization names they are going by here in this time and if they get complete control of these whole nations, they can destroy the whole world and their hidden agenda is reuniting people under one religion organization so they can peacefully except Un goal, such as population control and abortion rights and one world government and new age movement combines with the new world
order and the devil know this and through the new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jesus and other Christ antichrist and satanic agenda to control the world secret society. They are attacking the nations to set the stage up for one world government and satanic agenda to control the world secret society and people are being control and manipulate through satanic power and occult and through new age movement they taught millions of people false
antichrist and not the real gospel and this is a prophecy taking place here right now in this time and they are using social media and drugs, lust and money and leisure and life simple pleasures to manipulate the whole world to create kaos and confusing and violence and hate and crimes and is supporting and funding private organizations and terrorist to attack the nations with war, hunger, starvation and diseases and guns and drugs and violence and people are not aware they are
being control and manipulated by demons and satanic powers and occult and they are living and working in communities here global worldwide under secret organization names, to hide their real identity from the public and this is their secret; they think the world don't know are based on real bible prophecies written about the pass, present and future and the commandments of God, people are bringing to pass, and they are descendants of the devils' seed sent to destroy the
whole nations and darkness is sweeping the face of the whole earth and is consuming everything in its path, a world out of control beyond redemption and one world government the antichrist of book of Revelation will be given power over the whole earth here in the future and he is not coming to promise the world peace, but to destroy it and peace will be taken from the earth and they do not want people to know the real reason what this is about and secret societies and where this
power comes from, they have over these nations, are based on bible prophecies and if people are not supposed to know the truth, then how can people supposed to know what God is telling them here in this time, like if God gave them power over these nations for filthy pleasure and to abuse power and the nations. And how can people are supposed to know the truth if it is supposed to be a secret, and the reason God gave them temporary power over these whole nations, was
because their forefathers forgot God and did not keep his commandments and served false gods and involved themselves with heathens and they have been lying to the public for a long time and no one in this time were told the truth with the real gospel and through new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jesus and other Christ antichrist, and people in this time were not told the truth with the real gospel, unless a person has read and study the real gospel and the
hidden agenda is reuniting people under one religion organization so they can peacefully except UN goal and abortion rights and one world government, satanic agenda to control the world secret society and new age movement combines with the new world order in Revelation 13 verse 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations and Revelation 6 verse 1-17 And I saw when
the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see and 7 Seals will be open, and trumpets will sound, and plagues and vials will be loose here on this earth and rivers will become blood and water will become wormwood and bitter and men will die from bitter water and the whole nations will come under serious attacks and blows and possible nuclear explosion and third of this earth will burn with fire and
large hails will fall to the earth and earthquakes will hit in different parts of this earth and the whole world will be curse with more plagues and the name secret society, is to protect their identity and because of a cursed bloodline, they are descendants of Lucifer seed and they act like what God is talking about in the bible is not the truth and no one have never seen things like this before, fu*ked up spirits using people body and what kind of sick spirits use people body to behavior
in unclean sexual acts, I have seen enough of their sick acts and why have this mess gone on for so long, is this really about the truth are about sick spirits, only time will tell, and this kind of behavior should not be allowed this long because if effects the way how a person thinks in their mind. And this is not so much about what a person do not believe, it is about a person are supposed to be concern about what they believe in and this kind of sick behavior effects the way how a person
thinks in their mind, invoking bad behavior and it would be an excuse people are living here on the earth this way with this kind of behavior and how can the truth exist if this kind of sick behavior is being allowed and this kind of sick behavior should not be allowed here on the earth, because this is where bad behavior and problems are coming from in people, is because people are living here with sick creatures in them effecting people behavior.

submitted by wesbren to TrueGospelOfChrist [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 08:47 Skuvex 1500-1700€ Silent Non-RGB Gaming PC Build

Hello buildapc community,
I am planning to sell my current PC, which has the following specifications:
• Graphics Card: GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4070 AERO OC White • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X • CPU Water Cooling: NZXT Kraken Z63 with customizable display • Power Supply: 650W Corsair TX-M Series 80+ Gold • Motherboard: Gigabyte B550 Aorus Elite V2 • Case: NZXT H510 Elite • RAM: 32 GB total: 2x 8 GB CRUCIAL Ballistix DDR4 3600 MHz RGB, 2x 8 GB G. SKILL Trident Z DDR4 3600 MHz RGB 
I am looking to build a new gaming PC within a budget of 1500-1700€. My primary requirements are as follows:
1. No RGB Components: I prefer a completely non-RGB build. 2. Silent Operation: The PC should be as quiet as possible. 3. No Glass Side Panels: The case should not have any side glass. 4. Gaming Specifications: I play at 1080p 240Hz and do not plan to upgrade to WQHD or 4K. I want to maintain high performance at this resolution. 5. Multimonitor Setup: I use three monitors permanently and occasionally connect a 4K TV for movie watching. 
Could you please recommend a build that meets these criteria? I am looking for suggestions on components that will provide a silent, high-performance gaming experience without any RGB lighting. Any advice on quiet cases, efficient cooling solutions, and other suitable components would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your assistance!
submitted by Skuvex to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 08:44 Skuvex 1500-1700€ Silent Non-RGB Gaming PC Build

Hello buildapcforme community,
I am planning to sell my current PC, which has the following specifications:
• Graphics Card: GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4070 AERO OC White • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X • CPU Water Cooling: NZXT Kraken Z63 with customizable display • Power Supply: 650W Corsair TX-M Series 80+ Gold • Motherboard: Gigabyte B550 Aorus Elite V2 • Case: NZXT H510 Elite • RAM: 32 GB total: 2x 8 GB CRUCIAL Ballistix DDR4 3600 MHz RGB, 2x 8 GB G. SKILL Trident Z DDR4 3600 MHz RGB 
I am looking to build a new gaming PC within a budget of 1500-1700€. My primary requirements are as follows:
1. No RGB Components: I prefer a completely non-RGB build. 2. Silent Operation: The PC should be as quiet as possible. 3. No Glass Side Panels: The case should not have any side glass. 4. Gaming Specifications: I play at 1080p 240Hz and do not plan to upgrade to WQHD or 4K. I want to maintain high performance at this resolution. 5. Multimonitor Setup: I use three monitors permanently and occasionally connect a 4K TV for movie watching. 
Could you please recommend a build that meets these criteria? I am looking for suggestions on components that will provide a silent, high-performance gaming experience without any RGB lighting. Any advice on quiet cases, efficient cooling solutions, and other suitable components would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your assistance!
I will follow the instructions
submitted by Skuvex to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:27 Responsible_Block258 Skibidi Toilet Forever - a fanmade series

Chapter I: Findings
My serial number is Cameraman-4474, nothing more, nothing less. I’m a MK 3 unit, designed after the more human-like MK1, and the MK2, which has nothing to hide. The MK3 is designed to utilize a greater number of weapons and tools, as well as take minor augmentations such as internal physical storage or additional weapons systems. I myself was equipped with a handheld laser cannon - a far cry from the ones used by the Titans or even our regular upsized units - but it works for what it’s designed to do; destroy Toilets.
My squad was sent into Alpha Hills Labs about a day after the raid had concluded. Our mission was to escort the Detective into one of the lower levels to investigate a certain room that housed stolen Fraction tech. It was me, Cameraman-3812 - a paralyzer - Cameraman-4013 - a fellow cannoneer - and Speakerman-L-650 - one of the upsized variants. The Detective and us arrived via dropship, and quickly made our way into the base. L-650 had to duck just to fit in the corridors, and 3812 couldn’t keep his lens off of every last crook and crevice there was; he was convinced there were still Toilets down there.
We eventually reached one of the few operational elevators and rode it down to a floor that L-650 could finally stand straight in, and low and behold, it was the same level we were needed. There was a room tucked away in the wall that houses - somehow - almost every weapon we’d used up until the day of the raid. A knife of Titan Speakerman, Titan Cameraman’s old arm, manuals on how to build TV screens complete with both hypnosis and red screens; it was ridiculous, but that wasn’t the reason we came here. There were two things that stuck out: A flexible, extendable sort of tendril that had only ever been seen on a handful of elite Toilets, and a spear, something no one had seen before, and while the spear was destroyed in the battle against the Scientist, it’s display case wasn’t.
The Detective immediately took several permanent snapshots of both and sent them back to HQ for archival before requesting a lift. L-650 picked him up and held him beside the tendril as he looked over every last inch of it, even pulling out a tape measure and checking its circumference. Turns out it was made of a series of interlocking cylindrical rings that could extend, lock back into each other, and form joints at near any position. It wasn’t impossible engineering, but something was off about it; every single ring was the exact same, down to the millimeter. Toilet inventions work, no doubt, and their Scientist was no slouch, but their factories and engineers are known for work that’s sloppy and thrown together last minute, not laser precise.
The Detective climbed down L-650’s shirt and hopped to the ground. He spoke to us - or more accurately, thought to us - “This device has been used infrequently by both Toilets and TVs, but I do believe that this here contraption is the make of another! Not Camera, Speaker, TV, or even Toilet.”
4013 rebutted, “Then who was it? A Computer?”
L-650 and 3812 laughed - or at least gesticulated laughter - at his response, but the Detective shot back, “I am aware that there are no more races now than there were at the conception of the Fraction, but mayhaps there are others who’re playing their own hand at a much bigger game. Our actions are letting our allies know this as we stand.”
Listening to them bicker was entertaining, I must admit, but it wasn’t exactly productive. I turned and headed out, following the path that Plungerman took just two nights ago. I arrived in the Scientist’s personal office, it’s floor still scorched where Knifeman was… you know what happened. There was a team of Engineer Cameras securing hooks to the carcass of the Scientist, hooks that were attached to wires leading to a Speakercoptor. I stepped to them and waved, “It’s taken this long to move the geezer?”
They all looked at me in-sync, saying at once, “Lots of work. Many battles are being fought, lots more work. Almost not enough to go around.”
“Right…” I replied, “Do you mind if I check the body for a sec?”
“Of course. Don’t steal it.”
I shook my head and got closer to the dead Scientist, checking the exact spot where the spear had landed. The entire shaft has been obliterated by Polycephaly, but as I looked at the hole surrounded by charred flesh, I saw it: a single piece of solid metal, bent off from the rest of itself, just barely sticking out enough to see. I squeezed my fingers around it and got a good grip. I yanked with all my might, and with a squelch, the spearhead pulled free. It was a nasty little piece, but it would be useful. I thanked the Engineers and started returning to my squad, but as I turned the last corner to them, I saw it.
Chapter II tomorrow!
submitted by Responsible_Block258 to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:49 BK8971 Poll: Favorite “Taylor’s Version” album so far (and why) & introduction!

My personal favorite is Red (Taylor’s Version)! While the vault tracks on 1989 are elite-tier, and Speak Now was my absolute favorite album of her’s from her earlier days, I’d have to say (for me) Red TV is completely perfect! Between the improvements to the instrumentals and her vocals, to the most packed TV album with 30 total tracks, and of course the epic All Too Well (10 Minute Version)!
Take the poll and let us know your rationale in the comments! Also, feel free to introduce yourself and let us know what makes you a Taylor Swift fan!
View Poll
submitted by BK8971 to TaylorDaily [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:23 lbabinz [Microsoft] Weekly Digital Xbox Game Sale

Item Price MSRP % Off History*
A Plague Tale: Innocence $16.19 $53.99 70% off Lowest price $13.49 on 2021-12-9
Aaero: Complete Edition $4.74 $18.99 75% off Matches low
Ace Combat™ 7: Skies Unknown $11.99 $79.99 85% off Matches low
Agatha Christie - The Abc Murders, The Abc Murders, Abc Murders,abc $3.39 $16.99 80% off Lowest price $2.99 on 2023-6-6
Agatha Knife $3.59 $11.99 70% off Lowest price $2.99 on 2023-8-15
Agents Of Mayhem - Total Mayhem Bundle $2.99 $29.99 90% off Lowest price $1.49 on 2024-2-13
Agony $2.99 $19.99 85% off Lowest price $0.99 on 2022-5-24
Airborne Kingdom $14.99 $29.99 50% off Matches low
Alvastia Chronicles $7.59 $18.99 60% off Lowest price $6.64 on 2024-2-27
Antigraviator $6.49 $25.99 75% off Matches low
Arcade Spirits $6.49 $25.99 75% off Matches low
Art Of Rally $16.49 $29.99 45% off Matches low
Ash Of Gods $3.74 $24.99 85% off Lowest price $2.49 on 2022-9-27
Asterix & Obelix Xxl 2 $4.59 $22.99 80% off New Lowest
Avengers Deluxe Edition $7.99 $39.99 80% off Matches low
Bad North $2.99 $14.99 80% off Matches low
Baja: Edge Of Control Hd $7.49 $29.99 75% off Lowest price $4.49 on 2019-12-10
Banner Saga 2 $6.39 $31.99 80% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2024-1-16
Banner Saga 3 $6.39 $31.99 80% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2023-6-20
Batman: Arkham Collection $11.99 $79.99 85% off Matches low
Battle Chasers: Nightwar $7.49 $29.99 75% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2023-4-28
Battle Of The Bulge $4.99 $9.99 50% off Lowest price $3.49 on 2024-2-27
Battle Worlds: Kronos $4.99 $19.99 75% off Lowest price $2.99 on 2019-12-10
Big Buck Hunter $1.99 $19.99 90% off Matches low
Billions $13.64 $38.99 65% off Lowest price $9.74 on 2024-1-16
Black Mirror $9.99 $39.99 75% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2019-12-10
Black The Fall $5.99 $19.99 70% off Matches low
Blasphemous $7.99 $31.99 75% off Matches low
Bloons Td 5 $5.99 $14.99 60% off Matches low
Bomber Crew Deluxe Edition $3.19 $31.99 90% off Lowest price $2.49 on 2021-3-2
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection $13.37 $53.49 75% off Matches low
Car Mechanic Simulator $17.54 $38.99 55% off Lowest price $13.64 on 2023-11-7
Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 $23.39 $38.99 40% off New Lowest
Carmageddon: Max Damage $4.99 $19.99 75% off Matches low
Castlevania: Sotn $3.29 $9.99 67% off Matches low
Chasm $4.99 $19.99 75% off Matches low
Cities: Skylines $9.99 $39.99 75% off Matches low
Code Vein $11.99 $79.99 85% off Matches low
Code Vein Deluxe Edition $16.49 $109.99 85% off Matches low
Curious Expedition $3.79 $18.99 80% off Matches low
Dakar 18 $5.02 $33.49 85% off Lowest price $1.67 on 2022-5-10
Darkness Ii, The $5.99 $29.99 80% off Matches low
Darkness, The $3.99 $19.99 80% off Matches low
Darksiders Iii - Blades & Whip Edition $15.99 $79.99 80% off Matches low
Dcl - The Game $9.99 $39.99 75% off Matches low
Dead Cells $12.49 $24.99 50% off Matches low
Dead Island Definitive Collection $4.49 $29.99 85% off Lowest price $2.99 on 2024-2-13
Dead Island Definitive Edition $1.99 $19.99 90% off New Lowest
Deadbeat Heroes $4.49 $14.99 70% off Matches low
Deadlight: Director's Cut $2.24 $14.99 85% off Lowest price $1.49 on 2023-10-24
Demon's Tilt $12.99 $25.99 50% off Lowest price $7.79 on 2023-2-14
Depth Of Extinction $4.99 $19.99 75% off New Lowest
Desperados $19.99 $49.99 60% off Lowest price $14.99 on 2023-11-16
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition $23.99 $59.99 60% off Matches low
Digimon Survive $19.99 $79.99 75% off Matches low
Divinity $21.39 $53.49 60% off Matches low
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition $26.79 $66.99 60% off Matches low
Dragon Ball Fighterz - Fighterz Edition $18.74 $124.99 85% off Matches low
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Super Bundle $16.49 $109.99 85% off Matches low
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot $19.99 $79.99 75% off Matches low
Dragon Ball: The Breakers $4.04 $26.99 85% off Matches low
Drive On Moscow $4.99 $9.99 50% off Matches low
Duke Nukem Forever $3.99 $19.99 80% off Matches low
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Elex $9.99 $39.99 75% off Matches low
Elite Dangerous Standard Edition $5.39 $26.99 80% off Matches low
Euro Fishing: Ultimate Edition $8.69 $43.49 80% off Matches low
F.e.a.r. 2 $7.49 $29.99 75% off Matches low
Fade To Silence $7.49 $29.99 75% off Matches low
Far Cry® 5 Gold Edition + Far Cry ® New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle $25.49 $169.99 85% off Matches low
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China $9.49 $18.99 50% off Lowest price $6.26 on 2021-2-2
Fortified $7.49 $14.99 50% off Matches low
From Space $7.19 $17.99 60% off New Lowest
Frostpunk: Complete Collection $17.39 $57.99 70% off Matches low
Furi $9.99 $19.99 50% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2023-5-2
Gas Guzzlers Extreme $10.39 $25.99 60% off Lowest price $6.49 on 2021-6-22
Gleaner Heights $6.39 $12.79 50% off Matches low
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition & Great White Shark Card Bundle $20.24 $44.99 55% off Lowest price $14.84 on 2022-3-1
Graveyard Keeper $4.99 $19.99 75% off Matches low
Gridd: Retroenhanced $4.19 $11.99 65% off Lowest price $2.39 on 2021-8-24
Help Will Come Tomorrow $3.89 $25.99 85% off Matches low
Homefront®: The Revolution 'freedom Fighter' Bundle $3.99 $39.99 90% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2024-2-13
House $11.19 $27.99 60% off Lowest price $8.39 on 2024-1-3
Human: Fall Flat $5.99 $19.99 70% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2023-3-1
Hungry Shark® World $2.69 $13.49 80% off Matches low
Injustice™ 2 - Legendary Edition $7.99 $79.99 90% off Matches low
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All-star Battle R $19.49 $64.99 70% off Matches low
Kingdom Come: Deliverance $3.99 $39.99 90% off Matches low
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La Cops $1.49 $5.99 75% off Lowest price $0.89 on 2023-4-21
Lake $13.67 $22.79 40% off Matches low
Last Campfire $1.99 $19.99 90% off New Lowest
Lawn Mowing Simulator $5.19 $25.99 80% off New Lowest
Legend Of The Tetrarchs $9.49 $18.99 50% off Matches low
Lego Movie 2 $7.49 $49.99 85% off Matches low
Lego® Batman™ 3: Beyond Gotham Deluxe Edition $9.74 $64.99 85% off Matches low
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Lego® Harry Potter™ Collection $7.49 $49.99 85% off Matches low
Lego® Jurassic World™ $7.49 $29.99 75% off Matches low
Lego® Marvel Collection $11.99 $79.99 85% off Matches low
Lego® Marvel Super Heroes 2 Deluxe Edition $9.99 $49.99 80% off Matches low
Lego® Star Wars™:the Skywalker Saga Deluxe Edition $22.49 $89.99 75% off New Lowest
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Life Is Strange 2 $13.18 $43.95 70% off New Lowest
Life Is Strange Remastered Collection $26.74 $53.49 50% off Matches low
Life Is Strange: True Colors $23.39 $77.99 70% off Matches low
Little Nightmares $6.74 $26.99 75% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2020-7-14
Lock's Quest $3.99 $19.99 80% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2023-1-24
Lost Artifacts $6.39 $12.79 50% off Lowest price $3.83 on 2021-3-23
Lost Artifacts: Golden Island $6.39 $12.79 50% off Lowest price $4.47 on 2023-7-18
Lost Artifacts: Time Machine $6.39 $12.79 50% off Lowest price $3.83 on 2023-3-28
Mad Max $7.49 $29.99 75% off Matches low
Marenian Tavern Story: Patty And The Hungry God $12.99 $25.99 50% off Lowest price $10.39 on 2022-8-9
Mechanika $2.3 $7.69 70% off Lowest price $1.92 on 2021-3-9
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Middle-earth™: Shadow Of Mordor™ - Game Of The Year Edition $7.49 $29.99 75% off Matches low
Middle-earth™: The Shadow Bundle $13.49 $89.99 85% off Matches low
Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete $8.99 $14.99 40% off Matches low
Mk11 Ultimate + Injustice 2 Leg. Edition Bundle $12.99 $129.99 90% off Matches low
Monochrome Order $9.49 $18.99 50% off Matches low
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Mortal Kombat Xl $7.49 $29.99 75% off Matches low
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Mortal kombat™ 1 $35.99 $89.99 60% off New Lowest
Mugsters $2.09 $5.99 65% off Lowest price $0.59 on 2023-4-21
Murdered: Soul Suspect $2.99 $19.99 85% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2021-12-21
Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden $21.99 $54.99 60% off Lowest price $19.24 on 2024-3-5
My Hero One's Justice $13.49 $26.99 50% off Lowest price $7.99 on 2023-4-21
My Hero One's Justice 2 Deluxe Edition $19.99 $79.99 75% off Matches low
Naruto $10.79 $26.99 60% off Lowest price $9.99 on 2023-4-6
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 $6.24 $24.99 75% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2023-4-21
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst $6.24 $24.99 75% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2023-1-17
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm $6.24 $24.99 75% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2023-3-21
New Tales From The Borderlands: Deluxe Edition $29.99 $59.99 50% off Matches low
Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch Remastered $25.99 $64.99 60% off Matches low
Nickelodeon All-star Brawl 2 $19.99 $49.99 60% off New Lowest
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Persona Collection $65.99 $119.99 45% off New Lowest
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Pool Nation Snooker Bundle $4.79 $15.99 70% off Lowest price $3.67 on 2021-1-19
Port Royale 4 - Extended Edition $28.39 $70.99 60% off Matches low
Punch Club $3.19 $12.79 75% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2022-6-7
Quern - Undying Thoughts $12.49 $24.99 50% off Lowest price $7.49 on 2023-3-28
Racing, Arcade, Sport $3.19 $7.99 60% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2024-2-27
Rapala Fishing $1.99 $19.99 90% off Matches low
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Resident Evil Deluxe Origins Bundle $9.99 $39.99 75% off Matches low
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Session: Skate Sim $25.59 $63.99 60% off Lowest price $23.99 on 2022-7-1
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Snowrunner $21.59 $53.99 60% off Matches low
Soulcalibur Vi Deluxe Edition $17.54 $116.99 85% off Matches low
South Park™: The Fractured But Whole™ $19.49 $64.99 70% off New Lowest
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Super Toy Cars $1.99 $9.99 80% off Matches low
Supermash $2.59 $25.99 90% off Matches low
Surviving Franchise Bundle $21.29 $70.99 70% off Matches low
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet $7.49 $49.99 85% off Matches low
Symmetry $3.59 $17.99 80% off Matches low
Tales Of Arise $18.72 $53.49 65% off New Lowest
Tales Of Vesperia: Definitive Edition $13.39 $66.99 80% off Lowest price $10.04 on 2023-4-28
The Banner Saga $6.39 $31.99 80% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2024-1-16
The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2 $4.99 $19.99 75% off Lowest price $2.99 on 2019-9-24
The Dwarves $9.99 $39.99 75% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2019-10-24
The Escapists $4.99 $19.99 75% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2022-12-15
The Escapists + The Escapists 2 $11.24 $44.99 75% off Lowest price $8.99 on 2022-3-1
The King's Bird $5.19 $25.99 80% off Matches low
The Lego® Games Bundle $12.99 $129.99 90% off Matches low
The Lego® Ninjago® Movie Video Game $5.99 $59.99 90% off Matches low
The Raven Remastered $7.49 $29.99 75% off Matches low
The Surge $4.39 $21.99 80% off Matches low
The Surge $13.49 $53.99 75% off Matches low
The Survivalists $6.99 $27.99 75% off Lowest price $2.79 on 2024-4-19
The Telltale Batman Shadows Edition $19.49 $38.99 50% off Lowest price $9.74 on 2021-12-28
Thea: The Awakening $4.49 $17.99 75% off New Lowest
Thehunter: Call Of The Wild $8.74 $34.99 75% off Matches low
Thief Simulator $7.79 $25.99 70% off Matches low
This Is The Police $4.99 $19.99 75% off Matches low
This Is The Police 2 $7.49 $29.99 75% off Matches low
This War Of Mine: The Little Ones $2.69 $26.99 90% off Matches low
Toki $2.55 $12.79 80% off New Lowest
Tokyo Warfare Turbo $4.74 $18.99 75% off New Lowest
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Gold Edition $25.99 $129.99 80% off Lowest price $19.49 on 2024-2-23
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® Wildlands Year 2 Gold Edition $19.99 $99.99 80% off Matches low
Trek To Yomi $9.09 $25.99 65% off New Lowest
Tropico 5 $15.99 $31.99 50% off Lowest price $9.59 on 2021-4-20
Tropico 6 $25.99 $51.99 50% off Lowest price $23.39 on 2022-12-15
Ur2d $2.55 $12.79 80% off Lowest price $1.27 on 2022-9-6
Vegas Party $0.99 $19.99 95% off Matches low
We Love Katamari Reroll+ Royal Reverie $13.19 $39.99 67% off Matches low
We Sing Pop $5.99 $29.99 80% off Lowest price $4.49 on 2020-1-28
Worms Battlegrounds $6.24 $24.99 75% off Matches low
Yoku's Island Express $3.99 $19.99 80% off Matches low
Yooka-laylee And The Impossible Lair $7.79 $38.99 80% off Lowest price $5.84 on 2023-4-21
Zone Of The Enders Hd Collection $9.89 $29.99 67% off Matches low
*History is a beta feature, only goes back as far as I've been tracking this item, and may not be 100% accurate
submitted by lbabinz to VideoGameDealsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:31 J12ich FBNXT: Clash of the Champions - Booking the AEW Title from Dynasty through the end of 2024 Part I

After defeating Samoa Joe at AEW: Dynasty, Swerve Strickland is finally the AEW World Champion, and looks to establish himself as the top man in All Elite Wrestling with a dominant and hopefully lengthy title reign. However, now that Swerve finally has the top title, with it comes a target on his back, and now every man in the locker room will have their eyes set on him. Let’s see if he can rise to the occasion and prove himself worthy of being champion, or find out if his time on top ends up being short lived.
Road to Dynamite
On the first edition of AEW Dynamite following Swerve’s win as champion, Strickland kicks off the show by cutting a promo, promising to bring the company into a new era which he will lead by example. He criticizes several other world champions, name dropping Samoa Joe and MJF, and mentioning the “Head of the Table” as paper champions who rarely wrestled and were more than happy sitting in catering while the rest of the roster broke their necks performing on TV. Swerve says he plans on being a fighting champion and promises to wrestle on TV each week before his opponent, Kyle Fletcher, comes out to face him in an AEW Championship Eliminator match, which Swerve wins inside of 10 minutes.
The following Saturday, Swerve holds an open challenge for the AEW Championship on AEW: Collision, which is answered by Claudio Castagnoli. The two go on to wrestle in the main event of the show for over 20 minutes, which once again, ends with Swerve picking up the victory and retaining his title. Following the match, the two shake hands, but after Swerve is left in the ring alone by Claudio to celebrate his win. Swerve is attacked from behind by the former AEW Champion Samoa Joe. Joe brutally attack’s an exhausted Swerve, who is left unable to defend himself. Joe lays the champion out with a muscle buster before locking him in the Conquina Clutch, choking him out in the center of the ring. As Swerve reaches out gasping for air, Prince Nana runs out of the ring with Brian Cage and the Gate of Agony to chase off Joe, who escapes through the crowd as Collision comes to a close.
Following the attack, Samoa Joe is interview backstage in an AEW exclusive by Lexy Nair, who asks Joe why he attacked Swerve the way he did. Joe takes the microphone and says:
“Well Lexy, it's very simple, I was at home on Wednesday recovering from my match at Dynasty, watching Dynamite when I heard Swerve come out on national television and call me a paper champion. Let’s get one thing straight, I am a lot of things, but a fraud isn’t one of them. And I am not a man that takes disrespect like that lightly. So Swerve, take tonight’s beating as a lesson that your actions have consequences. Now as for your other declaration that you’re a fighting champion, how about we put that to the test too? This Wednesday, you versus me in a steel cage match for the AEW Championship. No Prince Nana. No Mogul Embassy. Just you and me man to man. Let’s see who the real fighting champion is. Accept the challenge if you think you got the balls for it, Swerve. I’ll be waiting.”
AEW: Dynamite - 5/1/2024
Despite pleas from Prince Nana and the rest of the Mogul Embassy not to accept the challenge, Swerve Strickland agrees to defend his AEW Championship against the former Champion Samoa Joe in a Steel Cage match, just 4 days removed after a brutal title defense against Claudio Castagnoli, after which, Joe attacked Swerve and choked him out in the center of the ring. Not wanting to wait for the main event, the two men decide to kick off the show with the title bout, and make their entrances to the rings alone before squaring off in the center of the ring as the cage door is locked and the referee calls for the bell.
Swerve Strickland © vs Samoa Joe: AEW Championship Steel Cage Match
The two men lock up to begin the match, with Swerve trying to nail Joe with punches to start off the bout, but Joe quickly overpowers him, backing Swerve up against the turnbuckle pads. Joe nails the champion with repeated chops across the chest before irish whipping him across the ring into the adjacent turnbuckle pads. Joe rushes at Swerve, hoping to squash him against the ring pads, but the champion bounces off the pads and nails Joe with a running knee to the chest, dropping the challenger down to a knee. Seeing an opening, Swerve runs the ropes and tries to hit Joe with a running cross body, but Joe catches him in mid air and hits Swerve with a snap scoop powerslam. The champion tries to get up to his feet quickly, but Joe grabs him by the hair and hurls him face first into the sides of the steel cage. Swerve tries to pull himself up quickly with the ropes, but Joe charges towards him and slams the champion against the cage walls.
Staying on offense, Joe drags Swerve back to the center of the ring before lifting him up onto his shoulders and nailing him with a knee crossed gutbuster. As Swerve lays down on the mat squirming as he tries to regain his composure, Joe hits him with a running senton, and as his massive weight crashes down on the champion, Joe goes for the first cover of the match, but Swerve kicks out at 2. Frustrated, Joe pulls Swerve up by the hair and irish whips him into the turnbuckle pads again. He charges towards him and slams him against the pads before climbing the ropes to gain leverage and starts nailing him in the head with jabs. Joe gets to the count of 9 with punches before Swerve gets a second wind, grabs Joe by his trunks and runs forwards to nail him with a running powerbomb. Swerve goes for the cover, but Joe kicks out and the match continues.
Now on offense, Swerve gets up to his feet and nails Joe with a chop across the chest before drilling him with a roundhouse kick right to his jaw, dropping Joe down to a knee. Seeing an opening, Swerve leaps onto the ropes before diving back towards Joe and nailing him with a cutter. Swerve goes for the cover again, but Joe kicks out at 2 once more. Looking to put him away for good, Strickland climbs up to the top ropes and leaps off of them to hit Joe with a House Call but at the last second, Joe rolls out of the way. Swerve rolls through the move ,regains his footing and charges at Joe, but Joe pulls himself against the ropes, catches Swerve and nails him with an ST Joe, dropping the champion to the ground. After taking a second to regain his composure, an exhausted Joe lifts up Swerve onto his shoulders and nails him with a muscle buster, hoping to finally but the champ away, but Swerve once again kicks out.
Furious, Joe quickly transitions into the Coquina Clutch and tries to incapacitate Swerve to win the match. The champion looks like he’s beginning to fade, but manages to power out of Joe’s submission and nails him with a spinning back kick as the two pop up to their feet, dropping Joe down to a knee. Swerve summons all the strength he has left and bounces off the ropes before nailing Joe with a running knee to the back of the head before going for the cover 1-2-NOOO!! Somehow Samoa Joe kicks out again and Swerve is in disbelief. Desperate to win, Swerve looks towards the sky and decides to climb to the top of the cage as Joe slowly makes his way back up to his feet. As Swerve reaches the top of the cage and turns back around, Joe finally stands back up and faces him with a daze. The champion takes a leap of faith and dive off the top of the cage, nailing Samoa Joe with a cross body before going for the cover and pinning him 1-2-3 to finally win the match.
Swerve Strickland def. Samoa Joe to retain the AEW Championship
Following the match, the cage is raised and Joe rolls outside the ring to be treated by the AEW medical team while Prince Nana and the rest of the Mogul Embassy come out to the ring to celebrate with Swerve. Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony lift the AEW Champion high onto their shoulders in victory as Strickland’s music plays through the arena, as for the time being, Swerve’s reign will continue.
Road to Double or Nothing
The following week on Dynamite, a 4-Way match pits Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, Wardlow and Dustin Rhodes against each other with the winner being named no. 1 contender for the AEW World Championship, set to face Swerve Strickland at Double or Nothing. Swerve joins the commentary team for the match and Christian Cage manages to pick up the win after pinning Dustin Rhodes. Following the match, Swerve gets up from the commentary desk, and he and Christian have a stare down in the center of the ring. In the lead up to Double or Nothing, Swerve teams up with the Gates of Agony to face off against Cage, Nick Wayne and Killswitch in a 6 man tag team match, which the Mogul Embassy lose after Bishop Kaun gets taken out by Killswitch and then pinned by Christian Cage. On the final edition of Dynamite before Double or Nothing, Swerve defeats Nick Wayne in a singles match and picks up momentum heading into his title defense against Christian.
AEW: Double or Nothing - 5/26/2024
In the semi-main event, the AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland defends his title against Christian Cage. Earlier in the evening, Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony are attacked backstage by the Patriarchy, meaning they will be unavailable for the evening’s main event. Cage makes his entrance first, escorted out to the ring by the entirety of the Patriarchy, while Swerve comes out only with Prince Nana in his corner. After a brief stare down prior to the start, the referee calls for the bell and the match begins.
Swerve Strickland © vs Christian Cage: AEW World Championship Match
The pair lock up and Swerve quickly gets the upper hand on Cage, backing him up against the turnbuckle pads and nailing him with chops across the chest. Swerve then takes a step back and bounces off the adjacent pads before rushing at Cage to hit him with a big boot against the post, but Christian rolls out of the ring to evade the attack and recover with his stable. Cage calls for a water bottle to rehydrate himself before rolling back into the ring at the count of 8, but quickly rolls back out again to regroup. Frustrated by the challenger's antics, Swerve jumps up onto the top turnbuckle and leaps towards the outside, taking out the entirety of the Patriarchy with a diving crossbody, however, Christian escapes at the last moment. As Swerve tries to get up to his feet quickly, Christian charges towards him and nails him with a spear on the outside of the ring. With the champion down, Cage clears off one of the announcers tables and loads Swerve onto it before nailing him with a killswitch on top of the table. The champion rolls onto the ground in pain, and Cage grabs him by the hair, rolls him back into the ring to go for a quick cover, but Swerve kicks out at 2 and the match continues.
Christian tries to stay on offense, nailing Swerve with punches to the forehead before setting him up for another killswitch. Swerve fights out of Cage’s finisher, grabs him by the waist and nails him with a german suplex as a reversal. Cage tries to pull himself up with the ropes, but Swerve stays on the attack and nails him with a running knee against the turnbuckle pads before dragging him back towards the center of the ring and going for a pin, but Cage kicks out at 2. Seeing a chance to put Cage away for good, Swerve climbs up to the top ropes and sets up to nail Cage with a House Call, however, Nick Wayne jumps up on the ring apron and tries to stop him. Swerve kicks Wayne off the apron, but the distraction allows Cage enough time to recover, and he runs up the turnbuckle pads, grabs hold of Swerve and nails him with a german suplex off the top ropes. Both men are down and slowly start to get up to their feet as the referee starts to count them out.
They both manage to beat the count and start trading punches in the center of the ring. Swerve gets the upper hand and manages to take down Christian. He climbs back up to the top ropes, finally nails Cage with the House Call and the referee goes to count the pin 1-2- Killswitch pulls the referee out of the ring and throws him into the ringside barricade to break the count. As Swerve stares down Killswitch in disbelief, Nick Wayne slides into the ring behind Swerve and nails him in the back of the head with the AEW Championship belt. The champion goes down and Wayne and Killswitch take turns beating him down. Killswitch nails him with a chokeslam before he and Wayne pull Swerve up to his feet and Cage picks up the AEW Championship belt. He sets up to nail Swerve in the face with it, but before he can, Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony rush out to the ring to make the save. The two stables end up in a massive brawl into the crowd, leaving Cage and Swerve alone in the ring. Cage goes to hit Swerve with the belt but the champion evades it, bounces off the ropes and nails him with a running knee. With Cage down, Swerve climbs up to the top ropes one last time and leaps off of them to nail the House Call on Christian as the referee rolls back into the ring to count the pin 1-2-3.
Swerve Strickland def. Christian Cage to retain the AEW World Championship
Following the match, an exhausted Swerve is joined back in the ring with the rest of his stable, and together the 5 of them walk towards the top of the entrance ramp and pose with the AEW World Championship. On the 5th anniversary show, it appears that Swerve Strickland has solidified himself as the top champion in AEW...or has he?
Road to Forbidden Door
Following Double or Nothing, Swerve Strickland continues his streak of dominance, picking up singles victories against the likes of Daniel Garcia and Rey Fenix in Championship Eliminator matches on Dynamite and Collision. Following these victories, Swerve is interviewed in the ring by Renee Paquette regarding who he plans on defending his title against at the upcoming AEW X NJPW: Forbidden Door PPV. Swerve says that he is the most dominant champion not just in AEW, but in professional wrestling today, and it doesn’t matter who he is matched up against, because he 100% plans on bringing home a “the dub.” Just as he finishes speaking, microphone static begins to sound through the arena as Wild Thing by X begins to play and the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley, fresh off of his victory against EVIL at NJPW Dominion, makes his way to the ring. After a brief stare down, Moxley takes the microphone out of his wife Renee’s hand before asking her to leave the ring while he and Swerve talk “man to man.”
“Swerve, listen man. You’re on a nice little run right now. I’m not gonna say you’re not. I mean you’ve got the belt. The crowd likes you. You have that short guy with the funny hat doing that dance when you make your entrance. It’s all good stuff. There’s only one problem. You don’t get to call yourself the best until you beat me. I don’t care that you’re the world champion. Right now, so am I. In fact, that belt on your shoulder, I’ve held more times than anyone. As of today, I am the only man to hold the AEW, IWGP and WWE World Championships. You think just because you had a few good months that you get to call yourself the best? I’ve been in the main event for 10 straight years. I am the ace of this company. Every conversation about who’s number 1 begins and ends with me. But don’t worry, I’m going to give you the chance to prove yourself. You see, you need an opponent at Forbidden Door and so do I. So I say, let’s settle the who’s the real world champion debate to bed and put both belts on the line. AEW Championship vs IWGP Championship. Are you man enough for it?”
After a moment of contemplation, Swerve takes the microphone from Moxley’s hand before simply responding, “You’re on!”
In the lead up to Forbidden Door, Swerve Strickland and the Mogul Embassy enter into a feud with Moxley’s Blackpool Combat Club. Swerve picks up a singles win against Wheeler Yuta on Dynamite while Moxley defeats Brian Cage on Collision. On the final edition of Dynamite before Forbidden Door, in the main event, Moxley teams with Claudio Castagnoli and Shota Umino to face off against Swerve and the Gates of Agony, in which Moxley picks up the win for his team after forcing Toa Liona to submit to a rear naked choke, putting the AEW Champion at a disadvantage heading into their title vs title clash at Forbidden Door.
AEW X NJPW: Forbidden Door - 6/30/2024
After weeks of build up, for the first time ever, the AEW and IWGP Championships will be defended in a title vs title match, with the winner walking out with two of the top prizes in all of professional wrestling. Strickland comes out to the ring flanked by the entirety of the Mogul Embassy, while Moxley is walked out by his BCC stablemates. However, before the match begins, by order of AEW CEO Tony Khan and NJPW President Hiroshi Tanahashi, all of them will be barred from ringside to keep the match fair. Once all are clear, the referee calls for the bell and the main event is underway.
Swerve Strickland vs Jon Moxley: AEW Championship & IWGP World Championship Match
The two circle each other around the ring before locking up, and Moxley quickly gets the upper hand, overpowering Swerve and putting him into a headlock. AEW Champion manages to fight off Moxley and pushes him into the ring ropes. Moxley bounces off of them and goes to hit Swerve with a clothesline, but he ducks under it and as Moxley stops himself on the ropes, Strickland rushes at him and clotheslines him over the top and to the outside. Moxley quickly tries to get back up to his feet, but Swerve takes advantage and bounces off the ropes before nailing Jon with a suicide dive to the outside of the ring. Swerve stays on offense and grabs the IWGP Champion’s arm before irish whipping him into the ring post, dropping him down to the ground.
With his opponent down on the outside of the ring, Swerve walks over to the time keeper’s area and picks up both championship belts and holds them up over his head, cockily taunting Jon Moxley. Swerve then pulls up Moxley by the head and rolls him back into the ring before climbing up to the top ropes. The AEW Champion leaps off of them and goes to hit Jon with a diving elbow, but Moxley spins his body around at the last second and catches Swerve, locking him in a headlock. As Moxley tries to choke Swerve out, Strickland flails his arms around trying to escape Jon’s hold before flipping his body over, turning Moxley’s submission into a pinfall and forcing him to break the hold. The two both pop up to their feet and Moxley rushes at Swerve, taking him down with a clothesline. Strickland tries to rush up to his feet, but Moxley grabs him from behind and nails him with a suplex, dropping Swerve on his head. Swerve tries to crawl over to the ropes to pull himself up, but Moxley rushes at him, nailing the AEW Champion with a running knee to the back of the head. Swerve falls backwards onto the mat and Moxley goes for the cover, however, Swerve kicks out and the match continues.
Moxley sits Swerve up and begins nailing him with elbow strikes to the head repeatedly before he falls backwards onto the mat. Moxley stands him up and goes to nail Swerve with the Deathrider DDT, but Strickland plants his feet and fights out of Moxley’s hold, grabbing him from under his legs and lifts him up over his shoulders, nailing Jon with a vertical suplex and taking the IWGP Champion down. With Moxley down, Swerve pops up to his feet and bounces off the ropes before nailing Moxley with a running knee. Moxley drops down to a knee but doesn’t go down, so Swerve sets up for a second running knee. As he charges forwards, Moxley evades his attack and grabs onto Swerve’s right arm, dragging him down to the mat and locking him in an arm bar submission. Strickland tries to fight out of it but Moxley has it locked in tight, and as Jon looks to force his opponent to tap out, Swerve manages to swing his body around and get one of his feet on the ropes, forcing Moxley to break the hold.
Frustrated, Moxley pulls Swerve up to his feet and irish whips him across the ring into the ring post. Moxley rushes at him and nails Swerve with a clothesline against the pads before climbing up the ropes to gain leverage on Swerve, and he begins nailing him with punches. Moxley hits Strickland with punch after punch, until he snaps out of his daze, grabs Jon by the pants, lifts him up onto his shoulders and rushes forwards, nailing him with a powerbomb. The AEW Champion goes for the cover, but Moxley quickly kicks out of it. Swerve stays on offense and locks Jon into a crossface submission, trying to force him to submit, but Moxley refuses to, and instead fights out of Swerve’s hold. The two men make it back up to their feet in the center of the ring and go back and forth exchanging punches.
Swerve nails the IWGP Champion with a punch, but Jon follows it back with one more in return. Shot after shot. Each blow gets harder and harder before finally, Swerve gets off a few consecutive strikes, sending Moxley falling backwards into the ropes, but Moxley explodes off of the ropes and nails Swerve with a clothesline. Both men slowly get up to their feet, but Moxley manages to stand up first. He sets up to hit Swerve with another thunderous clothesline but as Moxley charges forwards, Swerve pulls the referee in front of him and Moxley takes him out by mistake. As Moxley looks on in horror as the referee rolls out of the ring in pain, Swerve takes advantage and nails Moxley with a low blow. As Moxley drops down to the mat, Swerve climbs up to the top ropes, jumps off of them and nails the IWGP Champion with the House Call and goes for the cover but there is no referee to make the count.
As Swerve lays across Moxley exhausted, Brian Cage rushes out from backstage and grabs the AEW Championship belt from ringside. He slides into the ring and tells Swerve to hold Moxley up so he can hit him with it, but as Cage charges forwards, he double crosses Swerve and nails him in the head instead. As Swerve collapses on the mat unconscious, Cage looks on in disgust as he throws the title to the side and heads backstage as the crowd is in disbelief. Moxley slowly drags himself up to his feet, pulls up Strickland and nails him with the Deathrider DDT before the referee rolls back into the ring and counts the pinfall 1-2-3!!!
Jon Moxley def. Swerve Strickland to retain the IWGP World Championship and win the AEW Championship for a record setting 4th time.
Following the match, the rest of the BCC came out to celebrate the victory with an exhausted Jon Moxley, who has now made history, becoming the first man to hold the IWGP and AEW World Championships Simultaneously. However, on the losing side, Swerve Strickland is in disbelief his own stablemate Brian Cage cost him the match and the top title in the company, and will surely want an explanation from him come Wednesday. Forbidden Door ended up being one of the most unpredictable of PPV’s AEW had ever seen and the landscape of the championship picture in All Elite Wrestling has now shifted. But one thing is for certain, as crazy as 2024 has been for AEW, plenty more twists are likely still to come.
submitted by J12ich to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:34 CS2_PostMatchThreads Spirit vs FlyQuest / IEM Dallas 2024 - Group B Upper Bracket Quarter-Final / Post-Match Discussion

Spirit 🇷🇺 13-1 🇦🇺 FlyQuest

Ancient: 13-1

Map picks:

Spirit MAP FlyQuest
Dust2 X
X Inferno
X Vertigo
Mirage X
Nuke X
X Anubis

Ancient Stats:

Team CT T Total
🇷🇺 Spirit 11 2 13
🇦🇺 FlyQuest 1 0 1
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇷🇺 Spirit
🇷🇺 donk 18-7 118.4 100.0% 1.86
🇷🇺 chopper 14-3 100.9 100.0% 1.83
🇷🇺 sh1ro 14-4 84.9 85.7% 1.75
🇺🇦 zont1x 12-5 106.4 78.6% 1.64
🇷🇺 magixx 10-4 75.4 100.0% 1.48
🇦🇺 FlyQuest
🇦🇺 INS 8-14 74.6 42.9% 0.68
🇦🇺 Vexite 4-12 49.4 42.9% 0.52
🇦🇺 Liazz 7-14 46.9 50.0% 0.47
🇦🇺 aliStair 3-14 26.6 35.7% 0.24
🇦🇺 dexter 1-14 23.1 28.6% 0.13

Ancient detailed stats and VOD



R1 zont1x - 3 Dual Elite kills on the bombsite B defense
R6 donk - 3 quick AK kills on the bombsite A defense
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team. If you want to share any feedback or have any concerns, please message u/CS2_PostMatchThreads.
submitted by CS2_PostMatchThreads to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:08 nueznutfree canalera para la tele?

buenas gente, vengo a consultar ya que mi abuela quiere mirar sus comedias con buena calidad y hoy por hoy tiene una tv (smart pero esas de carlos gutiérrez) con antena nomas.
No quiere tener q pagar cable todos los meses así q estaba buscando alguna alternativa media gaucha, tal vez esas canaleras que funcionan con un pendrive enchufado, no se la verdad ni idea del mundo de las teles pero he visto gente q tiene así.
Lo único q conozco es el chromecast pero no funcionaría porque el 4, 10 y el 12 no tienen transmisión gratis online. también pensé en pagarle flow pero tal vez mucha tecnología para ella
no se, si alguno tiene un pique o alguna idea que me pueda iluminar le agradezco:)
submitted by nueznutfree to uruguay [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:18 Extension-Respect607 Would you mind AEW adding the ROH World Heavyweight Championship as the second Main Roster World Championship on Collision ( and Possibly renaming it the AEW World ELITE Championship aka the Big Silver Belt)

Would you mind AEW adding the ROH World Heavyweight Championship as the second Main Roster World Championship on Collision ( and Possibly renaming it the AEW World ELITE Championship aka the Big Silver Belt)
Hey Guys, I was wondering on how would yall fill if AEW ever (or matter of time) , if hypothetically does a hard roster split between Dynamite and Collision, in that Collision want there own full-time World Champion. Would yall be cool with AEW putting the ROH World Championship (As well as the Tag Team Titles and Women's Championship) on Collision As its World Champion since basically main roster Talent is Challenging for the ROH World Heavyweight Championship as well as its deep lineage ( CM Punk,Daniel Bryan, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Samoa Joe, Seth Rollins, Adam Cole,AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Cody Rhodes, Cesaro etc)
And would yall mind them renaming the Championship the AEW World ELITE Championship (AKA the Big Silver Belt), similarly how the WWE did with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship but actually continuing the Lineage of the ROH World Championship. Also they can cut down the belts to a point of retiring the FTW, AEW and ROH Trios , ROH TV,Pure,Women's TV. And Dynamite and Collision having each 1 World Championship, 2 Mid Card Championships, 1 Tag Championship and 1 Women's World Championship.
  • AEW World Heavyweight Championship (World)
  • AEW TBS ( Mid Card)
  • AEW International Championship (Mid Card)
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship (Tag)
  • AEW Women's Championship (Women's World)
  • AEW Women's TBS Championship ( Women's Mid)
Collision: All there Belts are Silver Themed
  • AEW- ROH World Heavyweight Championship/ AEW World ELITE Championship (World)
  • AEW TNT Championship (Mid Card)
  • AEW Continental Championship ( Mid Card
  • AEW- ROH World Tag Team Championship/AEW ELITE Tag Team Champions ( Tag)
  • ROH Women's Championship/ AEW Women's World ELITE Championship (Womens World)
  • AEW Women's TNT Championship (Women's Mid card)
Retired: - FTW Championship - ROH Pure Championship - ROH TV Championship - ROH Women's TV Championship - AEW Trios Championship - ROH Trios Championship
Maybe if AEW does there own nxt or developmental show like AEW Dark,Elevation or Underground (homage to Lucha Underground) they could Revive the FTW Championship, Pure Championship, ROH Women's TV Championship and Trios Championship.
submitted by Extension-Respect607 to ROH [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:10 Muted-Commission-431 The Last Semen Retention Post You'll Ever Need To Read

Preface: I want to begin by stating that I LOVE and I am GRATEFUL to each and every last one of you brave courageous individuals on this subreddit! I understand the Universal Principles and Quantum Physics enough to understand scientifically and metaphysically confirmed we are ALL undoubtably ONE, each of us choosing to live an human experience but all share the same source and because of that What one does to others he is doing to himself and that's why the Power of GIVING feels more sufficient then RECIEVING especially if it comes from the HEART/HRTZ and backed with Good intentions; so without further ado let us get into to WHY this will be your last need to read/watch or motivate yourself about Semen Retention....
So before we go any further we must get into the ROOT of the problem, WHY are YOU still either not BELIEVING in Semen Retention, need to be MOTIVATED by Semen Retention content, keep relapsing on Semen Retention or maybe not seeing the BENEFITS of Semen Retention?
We can begin with the first EGO attack that says "Semen Retention isn't real so ill stick to my established habitual routines because the familiar is known and known is more SECURE and COMFORTABLE then the huge unknown(lack of PERSONAL EXPERIENCE) of Semen Retention and because I'm your EGO and my job is to keep you SECURE and ALIVE I'm going to keep everything just the way it is even if CONSCIOUSLY you may think other wise and actually DO want to practice Semen Retention and have faith and belief in the benefits"
Yes that's right gentleman there's nothing wrong with you at all deep down we ALL at this point intrinsically KNOW that Semen Retention is the Way; you can try and to lie to me if you want but ill rebuttal by instructing you right now to go on YouTube and go to a channel named Semen Retention Club and take a gander at ALL the Movies, TV shows, Video Games, Music, Actors, Celebrities that report the EXACT SAME BENEFITS of Semen Retention and then come back on here and look at all the Reddit posts on this Subreddit which YET AGAIN reports the EXACT SAME BENEFITS, then if you're STILL not convinced i implore you to tell me why ALL the ancient Philosophies and religions have Celibacy/Semen Retention if not the central tenet, a core requisite? Its time to stop kidding ourselves KINGS, Semen Retention is the TRUTH the only inconvenience is like Future the Rapper said you guys are TOO COMFORTABLE WITH MEDIOCRATY! You guys are instigators playing the VICTIM card! Every time you "relapse" so to avoid the RESPONSIBILITY of ACCOUNTABILITY you lie to yourself and say "Everyone does it , its ok no big deal at all, hell Semen retention is just placebo anyway all these guys that have more courage then i ever will are just overexaggerating it like its NORMAL to have anxiety and have brain fog and sleep for over 8 hours and not be able to hold firm eye contact with women ect ect"
STOP behaving like little boys, THIS IS A MANS WORLD! What makes a man a man? TESTOSTERONE! Who has more Testosterone the guy retaining and focused on his purpose and goal and self sacrificing convivence and instant cheap pleasure for long term AMBITIOUS gain or the "guy" if he can even be termed a guy constantly releasing his LIFE FORCE his VITALITY, his TESTOSTERONE, his NUTRIENTS and VITIAMINS ect ect for a women that's not even his wife and better yet no intention for procreation and even worse god help him releasing to Porn, like imagine TRULY IMAGINE the utter GUILT and SHAME( Which are quite literally the two lowest VIBRATIONS on the emotional Consciousness scale) the person who watches disgusting filthy porn has in his AURA field lol couldn't possibly be me fellas having to literally be TWO FACE a chronic lonely masturbater at night average mediocre joe by day but you know the beauty about ENERGY, what's done behind closed doors can always be FELT by others because again WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS FIRST(this statement is confirmed true by the ancients and even your precious material modern 'science' that some of you cling so desperately on too)
Now i know in the Preface i said i LOVE you which I do but someone that truly loves you will tell you the TRUTH even if it might hurt your feelings, now my goal was to invoke these feelings in you and if it has my job is halfway complete at this point you should now KNOW without anymore DOUBT that Semen Retention WORKS if you still don't BELIEVE then that on you i don't know what more you need the Elites have to tell the truth in plain sight to avoid karmic consequences so the consequences of your Actions are all on you now. For the rest of you who either already knows Semen Retention is real or for the ones i just convinced ill wrap this up by giving you the missing piece of the puzzle that will FINALLY get you to see the BIG PICTURE and youll NEVER RELAPSE AGAIN so here we go...
What is the one thing EVERY human being wants to have? The ONE thing that keeps us moving forward that gives are lives MEANING? HAPPINESS! Every one simply wants to be HAPPY! "Gods will for everyone is to be HAPPY, To be HAPPY is PLEASING to GOD"(this statement from the book Truth vs Falsehood, the same guy who discovered the Consciousness Vibration Scale , is rated at 1000 which is the highest TRUTH) So now that we know the number one Goal in life is to BE HAPPY we must then ask ourselves "What is HAPPINESS" well the answer is THE FEELING OF POWER, THE FEELING that POWER INCREASES, that a RESISTANCE is OVERCOME, JOY/HAPPINESS(the top two along with PEACE and LOVE which funny enough comes with a retainer are the HIGHEST VIBRATIONAL EMOTIONS this is HUGE and cant be OVERSTATED how your EMOTIONS/Energy in MOTION effect your outer Physical/material reality!!!) is only a symptom of the FEELING of ATTAINED POWER... one does not strive for JOY/HAPPINESS, JOY/HAPPINESS accompanies(or better words like attracts like)
NOW that we have an ALCHEMICAL FORMULA to work with here which is H(happines)=P(power) how does this fit in with Semen Retention? Well at this point we all know the famous Nikola Tesla and how he said to understand the universe think in terms of ENERGY, FREQUENCY and VIBRATION and since we ALL should be AWARE by now that we are made of energy(and atom 99.99999% energy and 0.0001% physical) and we would also all agree that the MORE ENERGY one has the MORE POWERFUL one is this leads us to the final conclusion that SEMEN RETENTION IS THE WAY TO UNLIMITED POWER! Semen Retention in its essence naturally increases your ENERGY, FREQUENCY and VIBRATION because you ARE RETAINING AND GAINING like a bank account building interest over time, its SIMPLY that SIMPLE!
H=P(S*T) Happiness= Power, power is semen times TIME! the more TIME that passes the more Energy you gain through the SUN or FOOD(condensed sunlight), from food comes juice or chyle; from chyle, blood; from blood, flesh; from flesh. fat; from fat, bones; from bones, marrow; and LASTLEY from marrow, SEMEN! Mark here how PRECIOUS SEMEN IS! IT IS THE LAST ESSENCE, THE ESSENCE OF ESSENCESS gentleman! but like i said that ALCHEMICAL process takes TIME! And sadly men or wasting so much semen they are literally running on negative deficit AGAIN as a above so bellow the bank account analogy your bank account was overdrawn in the negatives so it had to be loaned to you but with a heavy overcharge plus your still broke lol that overcharge would be taking the nutrients from the reserves of your ORGANS and BRAIN!!!
At the End the choice is yours you do have FREEWILL but im hope i was able to help at least ONE SOUL with this post i think i did pretty well we covered the benefits, why it is real, why it is essential to achieving the main purpose of life and then at last using the Principle of Polarization i warned you about the negatives of Semen Depletion. I LOVE YOU ALL and YOU GOT THIS YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY YOU DESERVE POWER so like the great Shia Labeouf once said....
submitted by Muted-Commission-431 to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:00 Haunting-Insect9917 Bluetooth device not showing on PC

I recently built a PC and until now, bluetooth devices dont show up. I’ve connected my speakers on different devices and Im sure it works. My motherboard is an Aorus Elite AX V1 B550m. I have plugged in the antenna and yet my Bose Speakers Soundlink Mini wont show up. None of my bluetooth devices show up. What do I do? Windows 11
Edit: My PC detects my TV but not my bluetooth speaker or keyboard.
submitted by Haunting-Insect9917 to PcBuildHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:59 Haunting-Insect9917 Bluetooth device not showing on PC

I recently built a PC and until now, bluetooth devices dont show up. I’ve connected my speakers on different devices and Im sure it works. My motherboard is an Aorus Elite AX V1 B550m. I have plugged in the antenna and yet my Bose Speakers Soundlink Mini wont show up. None of my bluetooth devices show up. What do I do? Windows 11
Edit: My PC detects my TV except my keyboard and bluetooth speakers.
submitted by Haunting-Insect9917 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:33 VixenMiah Blind Hero Saves Gray Catbird from Sunroom of Death

We all know vision loss isn’t usually a comedy gold mine, but this totally cracked me up and also gave me a genuine feeling of empowerment, so I thought I’d share it here.
I recently downloaded the Merlin Bird ID app after seeing it mentioned in a thread here. I’ve heard of it quite a few times before but never bothered with it, but this week I got the app and I have to say it’s been truly amazing. Just using it in my backyard has been a minor revelation. We have SO MANY birds!
I always knew we had a lot of birds. I’ve always tried to support something like a healthy ecosystem around our house and I spent many a morning listening to them from my sunroom. When I had normal vision I would see them a lot, too, so I knew our yards was a bit of an avian hot spot. But I had no idea how many there were.
Turns out we have about a dozen species of resident birds and another dozen or so that drop by from time to time. And learning their calls and songs has completely changed the way I sense the landscape. Bird calls used to be just background noise that I never paid too much attention to. But now that I’m learning their calls, those sounds suddenly mean something. And because they mean something, that background noise is suddenly something that fills in my mental map. I hear them everywhere and I know what some of them are and now my walk down the street isn’t filled with random background noise, it’s filled with birds. House sparrows, song sparrows, chimney swifts, Carolina Wrens, Northern Cardinals, Red-Bellied Woodpeckers, Gray Catbirds, they are all over the place.
Turns out we have a lot of Gray Catbirds.
I love my sunroom. It’s my refuge. I can always hear the noise from the nearby highway, but it’s tolerably quiet, and most of the noises I hear there are birds. I love to sit out there. Unfortunately, animals also love my sunroom, and I have had to shoo out squirrels and birds many times. This can be utterly terrifying as I’m legally blind, so a lot of times the first sign I get is that there is a FREAKING SQUIRREL clinging to the screen window like a freaking vampire bat two feet above my head and chattering loudly. And if I take my eyes off it, it will disappear. Not leave, just disappear. Because that’s how my vision works. The squirrel will still be there, I just won’t know where.
Birds are honestly not as scary as squirrels but they are still pretty scary when they are trapped in a little sunroom with you, frantically trying to find the exit and just banging into the screens over and over and squawking at you in terror. I’m a vet tech, so I’m used to working with frightened animals, but I only work on mammals so birds are still weird creatures to me and I find them unpredictable and a little scary. My method of saving the birds is to open the screen door, pick up a broom or other long object, and approach the bird from the opposite side with the broom held up towards the bird. You want the bird to fly away from the broom but not towards you. When they get near the door they are usually able to find it. The problem is that birds are stupid. So sometimes they fly the wrong way, which happens to be straight at the person who is trying to rescue them AND is terrified of birds AND is also rather severely vision impaired.
But you gotta do it, because who the hell else is there?
This happened again on Saturday. I was going out for a smoke when I heard that rustling noise that only comes from feathers scraping against screen windows. Another god-damn bird trapped in the Sunroom of Death, poor stupid thing. I opened the outside door and prepared to do the usual thing, using an empty TV box instead of the broom in the hope that it would protect me a little better in case of angry bird attacks.
But this time was a little different, because the bird gave an indignant squawk that, because of my Elite Blind Bird Rescuer training AKA using Merlin Bird ID for a week, I immediately identified as the call of a Gray Catbird.
This was utterly freaking hilarious to me and changed the situation fundamentally. It didn’t change anything in practical terms - I was still a blind person stumbling around in a sunroom, waving a TV box at a bird they could only see little random parts of at select moments, all the while hoping they would not trip on their kid’s skatebooard that they left in the sunroom. But now I knew exactly what the bird was. I identified that little bastard ENTIRELY BY SOUND, and it felt amazing.
Successfully got bird out of sunroom, cracking myself up all the while, and went to tell my wife the exciting tale. She did not get it.
submitted by VixenMiah to Blind [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 08:45 Sillyriver44 A dream that I had yesterday

So this one felt real because I was sleeping and had a dream I was on a bus with some people I didn't know and they were talking about things. I looked around and moved my body to see If this is real or not. I talked to someone about a TV show I watched yesterday called "The Boys" and one of the guys who was I guess my friend in the dream said he didn't watch and I told him why I liked the boys. I get to school and the teacher lets us choose what we want like reading a book, or movie, or playing video games. I played a video game that's like a platformer with quick time events where you are a Gorilla and I die in the game where you have to climb something but I die. I wouldn't give up and add more than that and people laugh at me and the teacher thinks it's silly for me to think like that. I go home from school and see something hit the school: a giant meteor or a nuke. I hide behind a building when I see the flames coming closer to me and I die while screaming. I don't remember very much after that and I wake up. After that, I go back to sleep and have a dream where I see a soldier from I guess WW2 shooting a gun that has a bullet that goes slow-mo like it's sniper elite or something like that and that's about it. Also, the first dream was kind of an anime world so that's all the details I remember from it.
submitted by Sillyriver44 to Dreams [link] [comments]
