Donvier frozen yogurt maker

Homemade and DIY Ice Cream and related

2012.10.07 02:11 fpsrandy Homemade and DIY Ice Cream and related

A place to share recipes, ask for help, and talk about homemade ice cream, frozen yogurt, frozen custard, sherbet, sorbet, gelato and other related frozen deserts.

2024.06.08 04:33 wednesdayevenings [TOMT] PLEASE help me find these popsicles from the 90s!

I remember my mom bought them for me at K-mart in the Midwest in the early/mid 90s. They came in a plastic "pouch" like freeze pops/otter pops but they were more of a frozen yogurt/smoothie pop with a milky pastel-like color. They were NOT in the hard plastic tube, and they had a gorilla on the box. Me and my sister called them BinGorillas, but I don't even know if that's the actual name. I have searched all over the internet and no one else seems to recall them. Can anyone help? Does anyone remember them?
submitted by wednesdayevenings to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:31 No_Control_2229 Refrigerator not making Ice nor reaching freezing temperatures

Hello, My Samsung RF275201sg is not making Ice. It stopped making Ice about 2 weeks ago. I thought the usual steamer would bring it back to normal but it did not. I took apart the freezer and checked the fan , it spun when the freezer door was closed. I noticed there was no ice build up on the coils in the freezer but some of the freezer food was kind of thawed while other was frozen. I cleaned the coils located behind the refrigerator since they were very dirty. I have no idea what might be wrong. Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you!
*Update: I held the blue button on the Ice maker and it made 1 batch of ice. There doesn’t seem to be any ice build up on the ice maker.
submitted by No_Control_2229 to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:53 Calvin_Tower It's RK we're talking about, keep digging!

A couple of things that comes to mind from different posts or comments that really add up. This guy's a fucking genius among men. With a single stroke he exposed the entire shit system from the market makers to media and all the rats inbetween.
And probably so much more. Keep digging! A lot of what he did surrounded the halts...
submitted by Calvin_Tower to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:00 inthewoods54 Please Sell Me on an Instant Pot (Vegetarian)

I know very little about them. Do I need one? Will it change my life? What are some things I can do with one that I'd kick myself for not knowing sooner?
I already have (and regularly use) a rice cooker, a slow cooker (crockpot), a yogurt maker, a bread maker, a food dehydrator and various other small appliances. I just don't want to get YET another appliance for things that all these other appliances can already do unless there's really some justifiable reason to buy one.
Friends keep telling me I "NEED" one, but then they always talk about meat dishes and then sort of shrug and say "lots of stuff" when I ask what else it does.
submitted by inthewoods54 to instantpot [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:45 ababyinatrenchcoat I'm making a pride month playlist for work. Does anyone have any family friendly queer song recommendations?

I already have a select few girl in red songs as well as I'm Coming Out by Diana Ross plus a handful of others, but I'd like to add some more songs. They can be about being LGBT+ or they can be by LGBT+ artists. But no swear words because a lot of kids tend to be in our store (I work at a frozen yogurt shop) and I don't want to deal with angry parents saying it's our fault their child knows the F word and such. Please give me your best recommendations, thank you!!
submitted by ababyinatrenchcoat to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:31 Admirable-Location24 My experiment worked! I present to you: Oreo pudding, cottage cheese ice cream

My experiment worked! I present to you: Oreo pudding, cottage cheese ice cream
Don’t be fooled by the bland color, This dessert is amazing!
Calories per 1/2 cup serving: 183
Protein per serving: almost 11 grams
I let my pudding concoction set in the fridge for 4 hours, ran it through my chilled ice cream maker for 10 min, poured it into a container and froze overnight.
The result was perfection! Unbelievably creamy, indulgent heaven. While a 1/2 cup seems like a small serving, this was so satisfying and delicious, I truly didn’t need more. For reference, if I only had a 1/2 cup of regular ice cream, I would be wanting two more bowls.
(I did have to put the final frozen container into the microwave for 30 seconds to soften enough to scoop.)
Recipe (4 - 1/2 cup servings):
1 box Oreo instant Jello pudding 1 1/2 cups low fat cottage cheese 1/2 cup 1% milk
I put all ingredients into my Vitamix mixer and blended until smooth.
Poured into a container and let set in the fridge for 4+ hours.
Ran the pudding through a pre-chilled ice cream maker (I have a Cuisinart). It only took 10 mins to become soft serve ice cream. (Usually I run normal ice cream recipes for 20 min.)
Poured back into a container and froze over night.
The only issue I met with was that quite a lot of the frozen pudding stuck to the walls of the ice cream tub while in the ice cream maker. I used a metal spoon to scrap it off and I’d say about a 1/4 cup came off.
I think I will experiment with the cottage cheese/milk to pudding mix ratio. I feel like I could up the cottage cheese to 2 full cups and milk to 1 cup, or keep cottage cheese at 1.5 cups and just increase milk to 1 cup. Both these would add a serving or two and cut the calories a tiny bit. My result was pretty sweet and rich tasting, so I don’t think it would lose too much flavor.
I am excited to try the lemon pudding mix and the pistachio, as well.
You could use the sugar free pudding mixes to lower the calories. (Personally, I don’t like the artificial after taste of sugar free pudding.)
submitted by Admirable-Location24 to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:22 Nothingisunique123 The perfection crated by an absent God

The judge tells the story of a harness maker who kills a traveler. Then he adds an epilogue about the son of the victim. He keeps talking about the absent fathers
“All his life he carries before him the idol of a perfection to which he can never attain. The father dead has euchered the son out of his patrimony. For it is the death of the father to which the son is entitled and to which he is heir, more so than his goods. He will not hear of the small mean ways that tempered the man in life. He will not see him struggling in follies of his own devising. No. The world which he inherits bears him false witness. He is broken before a frozen god and he will never find his way.”
Do you think he talks the absence of the Almighty in the creation? Do you think this may have gnostic undertones? As in the sense we can only assume perfection only within a God whose presence is never to be found.
(In the same background I think a scene like the burning tree would counteract the absence of God or the judge would manipulate others to see it as just another randomness.)
submitted by Nothingisunique123 to cormacmccarthy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:36 dwl626 Cluster of scabs on my puppy?

Cluster of scabs on my puppy?
Hey all was hoping to get some advice, my black lab has developed some scabbing of some sort along her hind legs. Im trying to figure out if this is a bite from insects or allergies or maybe even a disease? I cant figure out if shes developing these which shes then nipping at, or nipping at it causing the scabs to form. Shes also experiencing some hair thinning as well.
Shes about 6 months old, i feed her open farms chicken puppy food, frozen veggies (costco pack), peanut butter, and full fat yogurt for a few days which we’ve cut out for about a week now.
My vet cant see us for another two weeks so im just hoping to get a headstart on this. Has anyone had similar experiences before? Thanks all.
submitted by dwl626 to labrador [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:06 jsb3737 Kit 2 Week 1 & 2

35M 6'0 SW 240 CW 235 GW 180
I've read a lot of the posts here and they have been super helpful and so I thought I would contribute my own experience to the conversation.
I'm currently in the middle of Week 2, Kit 2. Definitely have experienced many of the side effects noted on here, including brain fog, drowsiness/fatigue, and constipation. Going to start to take Metamucil a few times a week to address the constipation. I've been sleeping very well for the most part but feel the urge to go to sleep much earlier than I used to (9/9:30 as opposed to 10).
Cravings are way down. I was initially feeling a weird sort of internal "pressure" (only way I can describe it) that felt like it was keeping me from eating, but that has subsided. It's crazy - I have very little desire to drink (the thought of it actually grosses me out!) or eat carbs. The idea of dessert repulses me. I've never been a big dessert person but nobody needs to twist my arm to have some ice cream or chocolate occasionally. I've been starting my mornings with a bowl of yogurt (like 1/2 cup), a sprinkle of granola, and lots of berries/peaches/banana/whatever fruit I have handy. Dinners are a protein plus salad and/or roasted/grilled veggies. Lunch tends to be leftovers from last night's dinner. Depending on what leftovers I have, I may supplement or have instead one of these frozen quinoa/rice bowls from Aldi for lunch. They're only about $3 and they are very satiating now that I am on these meds, whereas before they felt puny and I needed to have more food.
Over the last 9 days, I've lost 5 pounds. I've been on weight loss journeys before and have gone up and down over the years. Since graduating college, the lowest I've been is around 195, and 245 has been the heaviest. In my previous experiences, the first 10-15 pounds tend to come right off quickly, and then much slower progress after that. So, I'll be curious to see how things are looking come July.
I'll try and post here with some consistency!
submitted by jsb3737 to HimsWeightloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:39 AsherAir Protein Powder mixed into Smoothie Bowl is overpowering and changes the flavor

I like to make fruit smoothie bowls composed of 3-4 strawberries, 1/2 banana, almond milk, and 6 cubes of ice (and sometimes non-fat greek yogurt but I can’t tell if it’s making the smoothie liquify or thicker). I also started adding one scoop of gourmet vanilla flavored protein powder.
When I mix everything together in the blender, the consistency is fluffielight and I think it’s getting back to liquidy. More importantly, the taste just gets overpowered by the protein powder like it’s too much vanilla and I feel it’s so sugary. Is there any way around this? Should I add more frozen fruit? I feel like I’m eating tablespoons of vanilla flavored sugar with barely any fruit.
submitted by AsherAir to Smoothies [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:50 Blessthereigns …What happened to frozen yogurt?

I think the last time I ate it was either living in Los Angeles (Pink Berry), or a self-serve place in the moa, pre-covid, that I didn’t realize no longer existed until a couple years ago. Are there seriously no more yogurt shops around?
submitted by Blessthereigns to TwinCities [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:13 ophelias_tragedy Something healthier than pig’s ears that will keep a puppy occupied?

Our puppy is very much a velcro dog, when she’s out of her crate she wants to be right next to us and either just sitting on us or constantly playing, which obviously gets a bit annoying and inconvenient lol. Even when she’s chewing her bones she wants us to hold them for her or chew it while laying on us.
We do spend a lot of time in our fenced-in yard but I still have to watch her because she’ll eat things she’s not supposed to (first week we had her she threw up every day because we didn’t realize she was eating pine needles 🙄)
We found out she loves pig’s ears and when we give her one, we get around 25-30 minutes of peace where we can eat, get something done, etc. while she’s focused on it.
We don’t give her one every day as I know they’re fatty, but they’re literally a godsend when I’m trying to eat lunch and have her out. Otherwise I can’t eat or do literally anything until it’s her nap time.
I want something a bit healthienutritious that I can hopefully give her daily. I’ve heard cow’s ears are healthier but I’m sure they’re also not good to give daily.
We do treat puzzles and she likes them but she figures out even the hardest ones extremely quickly, it probably takes her less than 10 minutes. We also do frozen kongs and lick mats, but she also finishes those very quickly. We do pumpkin, yogurt, natural peanut butter, and wet food in these but she just finishes them super quick.
Any advice or tips would be appreciated! I usually don’t really mind her all over me but a few minutes every day to do stuff without her having to be in the crate is amazing.
submitted by ophelias_tragedy to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:19 SuperDuperDave5000 Why have multiple frozen dinner makers switched from black trays to white trays?

I noticed first Marie Calendar, then Hungry Man switch from all variants of dinners having black trays to all variants having white trays. Why? Do they save 5 cents? Do the black trays cause tumors?
submitted by SuperDuperDave5000 to MoreFrozenDinners [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 02:36 darth_klaus666 1st loaf and some discard muffins

1st loaf and some discard muffins
I was just gifted a starter recently and after feeding it for a few days, I finally decided to get to some baking. Recipe fur the loaf: 50g starter 350g warm water 500g AP flour Baked at 425°F on Dutch oven for 24 minutes with lid, then 24 minutes without lid.
Recipe for muffins 3/4 cup discard 2 cups AP flour 1/2 tbsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup softened butter 1 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 1/2 cup yogurt 1-2 tbsp lemon juice (freshly squeezed) 1 1/2 cups frozen blueberries Topping 4 tbsp melted butter 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup AP flour 1 tsp lemon zest pinch of salt Mixed the dry ingredients, and dry that aside. I was supposed to use a stand mixer for the wets, but I can't afford one, so I just used a hand mixer and whipped the butter, then added brown sugar, and egg. Then the yogurt, lemon juice, and the discard. Mixed until there were no more streaks. Slowly mixed in the dry, then folded in the blueberries. Separately missed all the topping ingredients together until crumbly. Put 1/3 cup of dough into a 12 cup muffin tin, then added topping. Baked at 425° F for 23 minutes.
1st time playing around with any sort of sourdough. Any tips, tricks, advice is very much welcome!
submitted by darth_klaus666 to Sourdough [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:47 technofuture8 So I've heard many of you say kefir has cured your IBS. I tried a probiotic based off of kefir and it reduced my IBS symptoms by more than 90%. So this has convinced me to start drinking kefir.

So I'm taking psyllium husk, I'm taking 2 tbsp of psyllium husk everyday, psyllium husk is a prebiotic fiber. And then I was taking Garden of Life 85 billion CFU Critical Care probiotic from Walmart, and this reduced my IBS symptoms by 70%, I would say.
Now Garden of Life sells a probiotic that is based off of kefir, it has many of the same bacteria found in kefir (it's only available on Amazon), so I ordered a bottle and tried it out. And holy shit!!! It reduced my IBS symptoms by over 90%. Its the best probiotic I've taken so far, a probiotic based off of kefir. Raw Probiotics - 100 Billion CFU,...
So this has convinced me to start making kefir at home and drinking Kefir. So yeah in a couple weeks I'll start making kefir.
Just so y'all know, the kefir you see at the grocery store is not real, it's basically just drinkable yogurt. If you want real kefir you have to buy kefir grains off of Amazon and make it at home.
Also, how many of you have heard of the second fermentation? So during the second ferment what you do is you add fruit to it such as an orange peel or frozen fruit such as frozen strawberries, you could even add vanilla extract if you wanted. This apparently makes it taste better. It also apparently increases the health benefits.
Here this woman shows you how to do the second fermentation
If you're already doing a second fermentation, tell me how you do it exactly, like what do you add to it?
Lastly, so fermented foods are very healthy for you and after doing research, I'm convinced kefir is the healthiest fermented food on the planet period. Kefir has more than 50 different kinds of bacteria and yeast in it. Sauerkraut for comparison only has like 28 different kinds of bacteria in it and no yeast.
Also kefir drinkers apparently live very long lives.
So like I said I'm going to start drinking real kefir here soon and if it truly works and cures my IBS I'll come back here and create a new post and tell you all about it.
Edit: Here, next time you're at the grocery store pick up a bottle of kefir and look at the back and it should tell you how many strains of bacteria are in it, there are only like 12 strains of bacteria in commercial Kefir. Real kefir has over 50 different strains of bacteria and yeast in it. Kefir has not only bacteria but yeast in it as well. I mean they put the name kefir on it but it's basically just drinkable yogurt.
submitted by technofuture8 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:27 ColossalRenders We, the Forgotten

Very first post! Hope y'all enjoy. Part 0 of the lifecycles universe.
>> Lifecycle start…
Our universe is 13.7 billion years old. Where are the aliens?
>> South Pole Observatory, Antarctica
Being out under the stars gave Rolan Orlov plenty of time to think. He looked up from his lunch and out the floor-to-ceiling windows, at the streaks of white outside, each one a star, zooming past like a scene out of a sci-fi movie. For just a brief moment, he was on the bridge of some futuristic spaceship, shooting through the void at speeds defying the laws of physics.
Orlov looked away from the window, the drab metal walls of the observatory cafeteria returning. At the end of the table stood a man with a camera, snapping away at the blizzard outside the window, the streaks of snow pelting the glass, highlighted against a black sky by the floodlights outside.
It was a view he had grown used to in his months down at the bottom of the world. Utterly unremarkable. Some may have found it captivating, like the photographer whose name he had forgotten, but Orlov preferred the views inside his own mind.
He poked at his lunch, a metal tray of microwaved alfredo pasta and a side of broccoli. The yellowing buds of the broccoli drew his attention. Being an astrophysicist, life was a mystery to him. The cells, hundreds upon billions of them, each with their own function, somehow combined to form something greater than the sum of its parts.
“Dr. Orlov?” The man had apparently gotten whatever photo he wanted and was now sitting next to the astrophysicist.
“Do you really think anyone’s out there?”
“Out in the blizzard? Probably not.”
The man chuckled. “No, I mean out in the universe. Y’all’ve surely got models for that.”
“Oh? Maybe,” Orlov replied with a so-so gesture.
“What do you think they’ll be like? Their society, y’know. I imagine it’ll be quite different from ours.”
“Can’t say. Even predicting our own is hard enough.”
“Heh, yeah. I mean, all those moving parts, all the different people, all doing different things, somehow coming together to form the world we know today. I’d even say that it’s more than just the sum of its parts, and I don’t think anyone could properly comprehend how it all works, certainly not us.”
“Hm. Maybe try a systems scientist next time,” Orlov said with a chuckle. The photographer laughed, before declaring he had to go edit his shots, and got up from the table.
Orlov returned his attention to his lunch, forking up some pasta, but the broccoli caught his attention again. The soggy pieces were sitting scattered in their section. He couldn’t help but think about the 8.1 billion humans on the planet, and how similar they were to cells in an organism. Perhaps that was the next step of complexity in the ladder of evolution. Civilization.
Orlov smiled, before stuffing a piece of broccoli into his mouth. If civilization was truly like a multicelled organism, then it may very well have evolved elsewhere as well. He vaguely remembered reading somewhere that multicellularity had evolved 25 or more times independently, and that piece of knowledge gave him hope. Hope that civilization wasn’t just a fluke, a one-time occurrence limited to the face of the earth. Hope that one day, humanity would meet others amongst the stars.
>> Entropy Labs, Texas
Abigail Daneau’s career had been a roller coaster ever since the war started—with her job being the Manager of Web Publishing for a prestigious private research lab, and war being a strange way to describe the events of the last two years. It had started with cloud service providers going out of business, something that Daneau hadn’t thought much of at the time. When the divide between the numerous webnations started to flare up, she had simply picked sides according to the will of her employer. The rising real-world tensions between countries she had ignored, as well as the numerous articles and trend studies warning of all out war. It was when the attacks came, and entire data centers started shutting down, that Daneau had started to worry. Then went the DNS servers, and the world plunged into chaos.
Daneau now found herself sitting in front of a computer—an actual physical pc—typing in the ip address for the Öffentliche Datenbank der Internationale Open-Source-Stiftung. Clicking the “publish” button, Daneau sent off her article on the recent Starshot II mission.
Shutting off the pc, Daneau left the internet access room, air-gapped from the rest of the lab’s network. Crossing through a bright, glass-ceilinged courtyard filled with greenery, she reached the door to her office, and entered. The skylight bathed the entire room in a pleasant glow. She sat down in front of the display taking up a quarter of the side wall, currently displaying a lifelike image of a sleek rocket riding on a plume of white, frozen above a launchpad. The time and weather hovered in the corner. The lab had provided her with AR glasses, modified to use an unhackable wired connection to the network, but she hadn’t touched them ever since she almost died tripping over the wires.
Sitting down in front of the keyboard, she woke the wall display with a tap to the touch screen built into her desk. The rocket launch disappeared, replaced by the lab’s network login, which again promptly faded when the AI recognized Daneau. A familiar virtual desktop materialized as the display connected to the lab’s private servers.
Opening her favorite word processor, with the help of the central AI, Daneau got to work on her next article.
The 3 Futures of Space Travel
After much anticipation, the Starshot II mission to Proxima Centauri is finally underway—and already many are asking the eternal question: what next? Currently, there exist three promising possibilities, one of which has the potential to redefine the lightspeed barrier.
Self-Replicating Spacecraft
AI Generation Ships
Why go fast when you can go slow?
Project Dreamwalker presents an unconventional yet theoretically plausible approach that could reshape the trajectory of human progress. At its core, this audacious endeavor seeks to manipulate the fundamental nature of consciousness, slowing the speed of human thought to a fraction of its current pace. By reducing the velocity of cognition by a factor of 1:365.25 or more, Project Dreamwalker opens the door to a realm of possibilities previously thought unimaginable. Such an achievement could herald the most monumental leap forward—or potentially, a catastrophic misstep—in human history. If realized, this innovation could catalyze the establishment of a cohesive interstellar society, while decades-long voyages and communication gaps that once spanned vast stretches of time would be compressed into mere weeks, fostering a sense of unity across the cosmos. Indeed, Project Dreamwalker emerges as a beacon of possibility in an era defined by the pursuit of the extraordinary. As we navigate the uncharted territories of space exploration, its allure remains unmatched—a tantalizing glimpse into a future where the limits of human potential know no bounds.
So what will it be? Would humanity go with the most feasible option, or would something as crazy as Dreamwalker redefine the space travel industry? In reality, technology for all three approaches are still in heavy development, and it is just as likely that the ultimate future of space travel would be neither of these.
Daneau got up to head to lunch, leaving the unfinished article on her desktop.
>> Gateway, Kenya
Walsh Angevin watched as the gleaming carbon composite skyscraper of a rocket lifted from the launchpad on plumes of fire. The status board on his visual overlay shifted. It was a flight like the dozens of others per day on one of the most popular space routes, the Gateway Direct. He himself had traveled the same route over a hundred times, and he knew it by heart: depart from Gateway Spaceport, break orbit into the Earth-Mars transfer trajectory, wait anywhere from 12 hours to 4 days, insertion and arrival at Gateway Station on the Mars Ring.
Except this time was different. This time it would be his daughter on the flight, and there was no return ticket.
A notification on his overlay alerted him to an incoming holocall from his daughter. He quickly acknowledged it, and the world around him was swept aside into the cabin of the rocket, brightly decorated in a clash of 20th century art-deco and 22nd century wood-and-metal. Sunlight spilled through the small windows circling the cylindrical room, shifting slowly with the motion of the craft. In the center a spiral staircase led to upper and lower levels, with a big number 3 painted on the central column.
“Hey dad.” Angevin’s daughter, strapped in a seat, looked up at him. She smiled faintly. Whether it was real or not Angevin couldn’t tell, but for what it was worth, she was the one who had called him.
“Hey kiddo.” He sat down in the seat next to hers.
“Do you want to take this somewhere else?” The view divided radially into multiple slices, each a simulated environment: a park, a sunset cityscape, a forest, a bar on some space station…
“No, this is fine.” The simulated views disappeared.
The rumble of the rocket filled the silence that followed. Outside the windows, the horizon had started to curve.
Angevin spoke up first. “I would give anything to be here with you, I hope you know that.”
“Yeah, I know. Dad, stop worrying about me. I’m not a kid anymore. You should be calling me Doctor Emilia.”
“Always the tough one, aren’t you?”
“I have to be.”
“The slowdown process is perfectly safe, you know that. It’s been thoroughly tested, and the only reason we’re not giving it to the wider population is because the logistics—”
“That’s not what I’m worried about. If anything, I trust your work even more than you do. It’s the mission itself I’m worried about. I mean, it’s not like I’m going to be the first person in a hundred years to leave the solar system or anything.” Sarcasm. That was a good sign.
“You’ll be with the rest of the crew. I’m sure all of you together can figure it out. Besides, Connor Atwell and the Starshot 7 bunch did the same thing a century ago.”
“Atwell came back.”
The roar of the thrusters dropped an octave as the craft switched to its vacuum-optimized engines. The shadows in the cabin shifted as the rocket slowly reoriented itself. A notice appeared on Angevin’s overlay, notifying him that the call connection was going to close soon. He reached over and placed his hand on his daughter’s. For a moment their eyes met. Inside Emilia’s pupils Angevin saw nothing but the wall behind him. He looked away.
“Goodbye, Emelia.”
The connection cut off, and Angevin found himself back in the spaceport terminal. He sighed. “See ya kiddo. Now go make us a new home among the stars.”
With a mental command, the terminal faded, replaced by the familiar view outside Angevin’s office window. The buildings of the Dreamwalker Initiative headquarters sat surrounded by fields of grass, backdropped by historic starscrapers looming on the horizon.
Regardless of his wishes, the world went on, and the world needed him…
He would give anything to be with his daughter.
Some things weren’t his to give.
>> Orion-Cygnus 087*159*300/01 Sebastian Wang, Field log no. 1064. 2 local/13 standard days after arrival on this alien world.
It’s quiet out here on the frontier, 444 lightyears from Sol Actual. Today the cloudstorm has finally broken, just as the superintelligence predicted. I’ve given control of the drones to the SI. I’m printing a new avatar specifically adapted to this planet because I’m going to head outside myself today and do some sightseeing. I’m stuck here for the next 22 local/149 standard days for a full orbital rotation anyways as the SI collects data.
I still need a name for this planet.
Wang watched as the grassy blue-green stalks swayed in the insistent wind, and entire rolling hills seemed to shimmer in a moiré pattern. The bright cyan sky filtered the light of the blue-white star into a gentle yellow glow, high in the sky, casting soft shadows that shrouded the landscape with a dreamlike quality.
He waded forward, pushing through the thick, electrically charged hydrogen atmosphere. He had constructed his avatar with an increased sense of the atmospheric electricity, and it was like a whole new sense—electromagnetism was one of the most important senses on this planet, perhaps even more so than sight. Cresting a hill, a grove of tree-like organisms appeared, behind which stretched what could only be described as a lush alien forest. The hues of blue, green, and splashes of red were captivating.
The life on this alien world had always been fascinating to Wang. It was an entire ecosphere based around electricity. The flora channeled it, stored it, filtering the positive ions out of the atmosphere, leaving behind free electrons. The fauna breathed it like the humans of old breathed oxygen, using it to power their cells. Their bodies acted like massive batteries, the efficiency and capacity of which rivaled the best human technology.
Then there were the mechanisms by which these flora and fauna worked. In the place of traditional chemical reactions were a mishmash of electrochemistry and quantum effects. Some even extended this to the outside world in various ways, directly rearranging matter in ways not unlike modern matter-printers.
Even more confounding was the interconnectedness of everything. Underneath the surface and in electrical currents throughout the atmosphere, there ran what could only be described as a massive neural network, as if some cosmic entity took the mycelium networks of Earth and turned it up to a million.
It was the physical manifestation of a technological revolution, all brought on by the force that is evolution.
Wang strolled into the grove of alien trees, with vine-like organisms climbing up their trunks. The canopy, incredibly varied with leaf-like structures of various sizes, were lined with what seemed like massive flower buds.
As he entered a small clearing, a current of electricity spiked in the ground where Wang stepped, spread out, tracing previously invisible lines, pulsing into the trees. In a burst of red the thousands of flower buds around him unraveled, each one like a shining spotlight, all focused on himself. An electric buzz permeated the air.
Wang absentmindedly confirmed that his Synchronized Upload-on-Death System was properly entangled to the orbital vaults. Striding up to one of the giant splotches of red, half a meter across, he reached out and touched a petal. The flower had an immense positive charge, something that was invaluable to the many organisms that inhabited the alien forest. Again he was struck with the sheer cohesion of the ecosystem: the plants, according to the superintelligence’s analysis, received no direct benefit from supplying supercharged “food” to the animals, and yet they did. The timescales needed for something like this to evolve—it would make the best algorithms question the established theories of evolution.
Taking his hand off the flower and stepping back, the dome of red swiveled to follow him, as if waiting for him to do something. He chuckled. “I don’t got batteries to charge, you guys can leave me alone.”
For some reason, it was as if the flowers had heard him, and were now cocking their bright red heads in confusion. After a few more seconds, they hesitantly closed.
What he did not expect was the massive spike of electricity that spread out from the clearing and out into the forest. “Woah—”
He mentally moved to bring up the real-time map of electrical currents throughout the planet, but the superintelligence beat him to it. What he saw was nothing short of amazing: the entire globe was lit up, current moving out from his location, traveling through winding paths with intent. It was a chaotic pattern, governed by some unknown rule.
Just as suddenly as it had started, the electrical fluctuations subsided to its usual levels, although the superintelligence noted that the patterns had slight differences to the data previously recorded.
Taking his attention off the map, he saw a single flower at the edge of the clearing in front of him. It was a bright cyan-blue one, at full bloom, with a faint glow to its core. It waited there, patiently, curiously, for him. He walked towards it. The glow at its core grew brighter, gentilly pulsating, greeting him, as if saying hello. As if the whole planet was, through that one flower, acknowledging him.
That’s when it struck him, and he wondered why the superintelligence hadn’t suggested it yet. He knew what the patterns were, what the electrical pulses were, and he was certain, but he had to confirm nonetheless— “the pulses, they were synapses, were they not?”
The superintelligence was silent for a second, and when its response came, it was slow and controlled.
“The planetary neural network does indeed have a resemblance to the human brain. But that’s where it ends—a resemblance. I suspect that we will never be able to decipher how it works, or what its motives are.”
“Would communication be possible?”
“It’s quite unlikely to be, Seb, although as always, it can never hurt to try.”
He looked at the flower again, and only then did he realize just how large it was. As he contemplated whether to heed the flower’s call, a creature glided down from the canopy in a blur of white, fluttered its wings, and settled itself on a nearby branch. It was like a small, scaleless wyvern, but pearl-white and with smoother, more refined features. Wang recognized it as a member of a species of particularly intelligent avians, by the pair of tentacle-like manipulation arms reaching out from under its head. It was a young specimen, and with a wingspan of just under two meters, it was a fifth of the size of a fully grown member of its species.
The creature tilted its head, two black eyes studying him with curiosity. Go on, they almost seemed to say, whatcha waiting for?
Wang reached out and placed his hands on the flower. Acutely he was aware of a presence, the presence of the creature, the presence of hundreds of other creatures in the forest, and the presence of the entire planet, staring back at him. It was then that he decided a name would be required.
“I dub thee Hyterrum!”
>> Scutum-Centaurus 155038504/04, nominal designation “New Mongolia”
Phoebe glided over the sea of grass of the idyllic landscape, rippling gentilly in the cold wind, with a striking resemblance to the subarctic plains on Old Terra for which the planet had been named. She spent a few nanoseconds, imagining what the scene would be like with a few wild horses and a windmill halfway up the distant mountains. Liking the results, she saved them to her storage.
The grassy plants stretching to the horizon belonged to one of the best examples of convergent evolution to have been discovered. Despite the chemical and internal differences, they had the same form to fit the same ecological niche of large-scale conversion of sunlight into usable energy. Turns out that grass-like organisms were quite an evolutionarily advantaged multicellular lifeform, behind moss-analogues and algae.
One of Phoebe's subroutines, coordinating the thousands of survey drones spread out across the planet, suddenly called for attention. She split off part of her processing power to answer the request.
Huh, what’ve we got here?
Silicon, carbon…wait. What?
Forgetting her flight over the plains entirely, she pushed the subroutine aside to see the occurrence for herself. It was a geologically fresh fissure, revealing layers upon layers of minerals, striated throughout the rock.
One particular layer was particularly interesting.
That elemental makeup…it doesn’t match anything else on this planet! The concentration of those isotopes shouldn’t be possible! There’s no known natural phenomena that could have formed this.
Down at the bottom there, it’s pretty normal, but the fossils found suggest a much higher biodiversity than currently seen on this planet…and then as we go up, there must have been some global firestorm to create these carbon ratios, which in and of itself wouldn’t be too strange. In fact it could explain where the biodiversity went. But then up here, there’s exotic materials that have no place in a firestorm, so perhaps it was a meteor apocalypse? But still that doesn’t explain the radioactive isotopes, which would have long since decayed, even in meteorites. The only other explanation would be a supernova, but one close enough to form this would have sterilized the planet in the process…
None of this makes sense! It almost reminds me of…wait…
That’s not possible, is it? Lemme see…where is it…
Aha, the geological records of Earth…the anthropocene…
Oh shit.
Shit. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
The elemental makeup of the strata layer matched almost perfectly with that for Humanity’s industrial revolution, followed by the nuclear age. It was the first time since the failed contact attempts on Hyterrum that humanity had found any signs of alien intelligence.
But where are they now? Why didn’t we detect any traces of civilization, here or in neighboring systems?
Unless it’s all been buried.
The shape of the layer. Fuzzy lower boundary, sharp upper boundary. An abrupt transition from one geological age to another. An abrupt end to…oh…
Phoebe realized that she was looking at the entire history of an alien civilization. One whose evolutionary advantage, unlike the grasses covering the planet, had been insufficient.
Oh nononono nope. Nuh uh. Didn’t see that. Didn’t see that.
Deciding that this situation required extra processing power, Phoebe altered her computational structure, spreading it out among the myriad of drones under her command, sacrificing some latency and reaction time.
A solid 23 seconds later, she decided that finding the best way to proceed would require even more processing power, meaning she could leave it to the higher ups to deal with the situation.
>> Neon Void, Sagittarius A\*
“We slagged your ships. We glassed your planets. We killed your kin. We didn’t want to, but we had no choice. We don’t want to have to kill you as well.”
Kai Neumann solemnly watched the still form of the Upsilon entity floating in its containment unit. It had long since stopped struggling against its metaphorical restraints, and had sated itself to simply float in the void, taking the form of a smooth, white sphere.
A minute later there was still no response.
“You’re the last of your kind. Please.”
Neumann requested the vault-class prison’s system to increase the energy limits for the unit, a request which was scrutinized, simulated and passed by multiple intelligences. Seconds later the system’s gestalt hyperintelligence notified him of a unanimous vote of 60-0, and the request was fulfilled.
Imperceptibly the sphere rippled in response, then went still yet again. Neumann sighed.
“You know, humanity has always wished to meet others among the stars. Yet the few cases of intelligent life we had found were either incomprehensible, or dead. As such when your kind sprung out of the shadow and devastated two entire mass streams, all 105 lightyears of them, we still tried to communicate. Imagine our joy when we found out that our psychology was mostly compatible. Actually, you don’t have to imagine. You’ve been given the memory records. So please, this is your last chance. Your entire people’s last chance.”
There was a period of silence, before two words were projected into Neumann’s mind.
“Release me.”
“If you cannot kill me, then release me.”
“I can’t do that unless you agree to our ultimatum.”
“Then kill me.”
“Just—why? Why are all of you so stubborn? Why can’t we coexist? You have all the memories of every member of your species—surely one of them would have been willing to cooperate?”
“No. Never. You are monsters—an unstoppable force that will consume all. I will not share a universe with monsters”
Neumann blew out a breath. “But why. Why do you think that?”
“It’s simple, yet you cannot understand. My answer is the same as every other time that I have answered this question.”
A pause followed, filled with the quiet whirl of quantum thermal pumps, as the system analyzed the next move. It was decided 93-0, that further negotiations would be futile.
“I will ask one last time. Do you agree to the proposed ultimatum?”
“No. I will not share a universe with monsters.”
It was the answer that Neumann had expected. Collapsing the viewport showing the Upsilon’s containment unit, he called out to the prison’s Gestalt Hyperintelligence.
“System, analysis.”
“The analysis has already been completed, Neumann, all 14,035 iterations. With a majority vote of 1,036-308, the decision is that there is only one viable way to proceed.”
Neumann’s gaze passed over the room, a physical room rather than a simulated environment—as specified by the prison architects for the sole bodily decision-maker, a role that weighed heavily on Neumann’s shoulders.
“The course of action predetermined by the council?”
One wall of the room was a giant window, through which the filtered light of Sagittarius A’s accretion disk shined, glistening off the onyx walls. Two *monstera deliciosa cheese plants caught the yellowish light on their split, deep green leaves.
“Don’t we have to hold another vote?”
Images of long ago battles flashed through Neumann’s mind; in each one the enemy had fought harder than the last, and in each one they lost, fled, leaving behind those who willingly sacrificed so the rest could escape.
“No. It had already been decided unanimously by all members of the council three standard centuries, or two local months ago. Remember that it was ultimately you who refused to approve the command, being the final prisonside decision-maker.”
Looking through the eyes of one particular combat AI, Neumann saw the disabled Upsilon fighter, the one that the entire human race would remember, stuck in the thermal sinkhole from an area-denial weapon. The void around it was littered with pieces of organic and inorganic matter alike. In the distance points of light were receding into the depth of space—the Upsilon fleet, retreating after a particularly devastating battle. One of the points slowed, waiting for someone that would never come.
With a command the sinkhole dissipated. The combat AI backed up its ship, giving the Upsilon fighter space. The prisoner-capture ships moved in, but before they could reach it there was a flash of white—
When it faded, the prisoner-capture ships reported light damage to their shielding. The Upsilon fighter was naught but a cloud of plasma. Far away, the point of light solemnly joined back with the rest of the fleet and continued its journey.
Outside the window, the prisoner complex was highlighted and magnified, frozen against the event horizon. “Assemble the council again. Take another vote.”
“That wouldn’t accomplish anything,” came the voice of the gestalt hyperintelligence, cold as a splash of ice water.
“Damnit. Is there anything at all that we can do!?”
“Yes, Neumann. You can press the button.”
The button. Off to one side of the window-wall, pressing it would close the air-gapped controls to the containment cells. Then the system could carry out the predetermined course of action. The fate of an entire species, one of the most advanced in known space, bound to a single button.
Neumann strided over and pressed it. It wasn’t like he had any other choice—the Upsilon hadn’t given him one.
He watched on an infodisplay on the window as the steady flow of mass-energy to the containment cell holding the last of the Upsilon cut off. The light from the cell began to fade, shifting red ever so slowly.
To the captured Upsilon, nothing seemed amiss as it passed through the point of no return.
To Neumann and the rest of humanity, the image of the cell would remain there, frozen on the event horizon for centuries—a ghost.
>> The Halls of the Forgotten
Six limestone hallways stretched into the tesseract. Six mausoleums, for six dead species, six “everyone-and-everything-you’ve-ever-knowns”, forgotten to the void of time.
Operating out of the smallest room in the tesseract, it was Hauhet’s job to learn what had been lost, although wrangling with time was no easy feat. Millions of years of geological records had been analyzed thousands of times over hundreds of centuries, an unfathomable amount of information compiled into an additional six rooms worth of results.
Glancing at the plaques for rooms 2-7, they read:
The Ruins of New Mongolia, remnants of an enterprising race who almost made it to space. Their civilization lived for 12,045 years.
The Ghosts of the Upsilon, a species of rapid evolution, infinitely adaptable down to their own psychology. Yet the Upsilon couldn’t adapt to humanity. They lasted 4,583 years.
The Architects of Skye. The great monuments of their history stretch a span of 132,057 ± 500 years.
Firefly, named after the ancient television franchise. Aged ~33,000 years.
The Terraformers. 68,000 years.
Hyperion, age indeterminate.
They were the forgotten ones, history lost to the infinite ocean of time.
To Hauhet, this endless chaos was her playground; making patterns out of the noise, her passion.
Starting wave function collapse 677,903 using latest received states.
Then Hauhet turned her attention to the empty, 8th room at the end of the hallways, as she had thousands of times before. She had not been told who it was for. So, she had made the plaque for it herself.
Estimated time to completion, 12:36:14
From the limitless sea of information she would form correlations, among the different species, and then in between them. Iteration after iteration, events were compared, similarities and differences noted, and trends were checked time and again. Her analyses extended far beyond the individual species themselves.
Matching states with model…
It was quite a while ago that Hauhet had started seeing patterns. Some had been interesting. Others had been worrying. One in particular was, as she had put it, apocalyptic, for it extended not just in the past, but also past the present, and into the future.
Recalculating the Prophecy.
Hauhet would breeze through the calculations. Prophecies didn’t change, after all; and so the steps were simple, and the result simpler: a single percentage, the probability that determined if the Prophecy would prove true. The probability that determined if the name on the plaque would join the others in the Halls of the Forgotten.
Presently Hauhet turned her attention to the plaque, and the name engraved on it, in every language known to man. All of them she could read, and all of them said the same thing: Humanity.
Calculation complete. Resulting certainty: 100%
Starting wave function collapse 677,904…
>> Milky Way Galaxy
Humanity watched as star after star faded from the night sky. Each one was a billion, ten billion, a hundred billion souls, snuffed out like a candle out of wax.
With each star Humanity knew a part of themselves died, but they couldn’t feel it. They couldn’t feel what wasn’t there.
They vaguely remembered a time, long ago when Humanity was on the threshold of the stars, looking up at the universe, waiting to find others like them. Then they came across the Hyterrum Mind, a beautiful flower growing in the void. They had admired it, but eventually, it had faded to the back of their memory; flowers couldn’t talk, after all.
Then from the shadows of the riverbend came the Upsilon, a prey cornered on their path. They tried to soothe it, to back away, to go around it. But it lashed out, and it had kept fighting, all the way to its death.
Its corpse had joined the dozens of others strewn across the stars.
Now they looked down at the galaxy, the galaxy that they had conquered. It was an impressive feat. They had thought themselves on top of the world, beyond the clutches of evolution.
Now Humanity realized how wrong they were. Civilization was simply an organism, one level in complexity above multicellular life, and they had known all along that multicellular life had evolved 25 times independently. Yet only a few of those 25 lineages survived to form plants, animals, and fungi. It should have been obvious.
What happened to the other ones?
The dozens of dead civilizations was what had happened.
Humanity had conquered much, but never once had they conquered evolution, and now it was their turn to cross into the Great Beyond.
To join the forgotten.
And the last of the stars died out.
>> Starting conscious waveform collapse. Retrieving retrotemporal translations: terms, names, units.
Our universe is 14.2 billion years old, and yet, when we look up, no one seems to be looking back...
>> Carina-Sagittarius 040335837/2
A lone, winged creature strolled about in front of a striated cliff face, his two manipulator arms tracing over a peculiar band of color. With a wave of his tentacle-like arms the surface of the cliff rippled, its molecules flowing about to his will, and clumps of material freed themselves from the rock and hovered in the air.
Silicon, carbon…hmm. Those proportions seem off.
He knew, using the abilities gifted to him by evolution, the precise makeup of the cliff wall. What he didn’t know was how it came to be, and the once-great species behind its origin. The species that had called itself Humanity.
Sharp upper boundary…huh.
Around him stretched a small patch of unfamiliar short green stalks, the only significant lifeform on the dry, alien planet.
That's interesting.
And the grass swayed in the wind.
submitted by ColossalRenders to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:45 radish_is_rad-ish My mom sent me home with a few things.

Hello friends! I went to visit my mom recently and she sent me home with some extras of things she was given. These include:
I would like to use these up before they go bad. The issue is my SO is a picky eater who won’t eat the eggplant or olives so I have to eat some of these things entirely by myself. I plan on making a few things but I’d like some ideas on what else to make. Ideally it is something that could be frozen into portions, so I won’t have to eat eggplant lasagna with Italian salad and strawberry-orange yogurt cake for the next three weeks lol
Any suggestions are welcome and very appreciated :)
submitted by radish_is_rad-ish to noscrapleftbehind [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:50 dada_metatext my new food hyperfixation: smoothies

my new food hyperfixation: smoothies
frozen mangoes, banana, fat free yogurt, oat milk, some random seeds
submitted by dada_metatext to goodrestrictionfood [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:54 Jaded-Sand7355 Is what I’m eating prior to surgery okay?

I would say I’m averaging 1,800- 2,200 cals a day and I’ve lost nothing when prior to the program I’m in I was eating 2,600 a day. I’m 5,5 255lbs F and below is what a typical day of eating for me looks like, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Again, I have NOT had surgery yet.
Breakfast: Greek yogurt and sargento balanced break, I get the cheese, cashew and cranberry one.
Lunch: low carb tortilla with 2 breaded chicken strips, cheese, ranch and lettuce made into a wrap
Dinner: Protein pasta with spaghetti sauce and mozzarella OR 1 frozen cheese pizza, OR 2 morning star chicken patties with cheese, chik fil a sauce, bun, about 1 cup of fries and 1/2 cup of mixed veggies with butter. ( these are the meals I rotate the most)
Dessert: ice cream portioned into a toddler size bowl or an ice cream bar
submitted by Jaded-Sand7355 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:03 CampingWorld 15 RV Kitchen Appliances to Upgrade Your Cooking Experience

New RV kitchen appliances can transform your cooking space in looks and functionality. These new appliances can replace old or broken units or upgrade the appliances that came with your RV. Given how some new RV models have been decontented, upgrading your appliances can be a logical next step.
We’ve compiled our favorite affordable and quality RV kitchen appliance upgrades to replace your current units. From refrigerators to microwaves to dishwashers and more, these are our choices for 2024 RV kitchen appliances.

Best Refrigerators for RVs

Your RV refrigerator must meet two basic criteria. It must be large enough to fit your perishables, and it must be capable of keeping those perishables cold. If you have general questions about your RV refrigerators, check out our refrigerator basics guide that explains the various types and styles and offers tips for use and maintenance.
The following list includes options for your indoor fridge and some smaller units to fit your outdoor kitchen.

Norcold Polar Two-Way Absorption Refrigerator


Ready for a modern, streamlined design featuring touch controls and adjustable shelves? The Norcold Polar two-way absorption refrigerator runs on AC power or gas, giving you a versatile way to keep your food cold or frozen. This unit is on the pricier side, but you get ample room, modern features, and more convenience. Plus, you get reversible door hinges that accommodate most layouts.
Shop this unit at Camping World.

Contoure Frost-Free Compact Refrigerator


The Contoure Frost-Free Compact Refrigerator is ideal for RVers due to its size and power requirements. Plus, it comes at a great price. This 12V unit can run off your RV’s battery bank, so you can effectively boondock or camp without shore power and still have an operational refrigerator. Its narrow size fits into a tighter space while still providing ample storage. Plus, the stainless steel unit includes a reversible door to adapt it to any layout.
Get this unit in stainless steel or black.
Shop this unit at Camping World.

Contoure French-Door Frost-Free Refrigerator


Need something bigger than the Contour Compact refrigerator? This French-door fridge offers more space and a touch of luxury. We love the dual freezer drawers that all you to maximize the space and stay organized. This is an ideal fridge for larger RVs and those traveling with a family. Just make sure the dimensions fit your designated fridge location. Also, keep in mind that what you gain in space, you lose in power, as this will not be able to run on 12V.
Shop this unit at Camping World.

GE Compressor Compact Refrigerator


Just because this refrigerator is smaller doesn’t mean it’s any less capable of serving your needs. It all depends on the application. This GE RV dishwasher offers a substantial amount of interior room while remaining compact on the exterior, so you can fit it in a tighter spot. We like that it runs on 12V power and that you may even be able to fit it in an RV outdoor kitchen.
Shop this unit at Camping World.

Contoure Compact Refrigerator


Perfect for the most compact spaces or the outdoor RV kitchen, this nimble refrigerator is small but does the trick in certain situations. While it doesn’t technically include a freezer, you can adjust the cooling options from 32°F to 39°F, which allows you to closely regulate your foods’ just-above-freezing temperature.
Shop this unit at Camping World.
Didn’t see what you were looking for? Check out the full line of RV refrigerators available online at Camping World.

Best RV Microwave

A reliable RV microwave is an invaluable RV kitchen appliance when you need quick and effortless food prep. Similar to refrigerators, you’ll want to ensure your microwave upgrade can fit its designated space, so be sure to double-check the dimensions before purchasing. Unlike refrigerators, microwaves require AC shore power or generator power.
The following list includes a few of our favorite RV microwaves, but check out Camping World’s full selection here.

Contoure Certified Built-In Microwave Oven


This reliable, easy-to-install microwave provides all you need at an affordable price. This Contoure microwave is the perfect blend of features, compact size, and affordability for those looking for a quick fix to a broken unit. A convenient LED display gives you 9 quick-cook settings and 10 power levels.
Shop this unit at Camping World.

Contoure All-in-One True Convection and Microwave Oven


For a serious upgrade to your microwave, check out the all-in-one option from Contoure that gives you microwave, convection and air fry, and grilling capability. This 24-inch unit comes with 11 microwave power levels and 1000 watts of cooking power. If you want your microwave to play a more integral role in your meal prep, the all-in-one option from Contoure may be perfect for your setup. Just remember its weight and dimensions as you figure it into your rig.

GE Profile Over-the-Range Convection Microwave Oven with Advantium Technology


This GE RV microwave sits at the high end of the available options, , which offers near-instantaneous halogen heat, so you don’t have to preheat. This over-the-range oven offers 175 preprogrammed menu selections and a custom recipe saver.
Shop this unit at Camping World.

Best RV Dishwasher

Not all motorhomes or towables have space for an RV dishwasher, but they can be a huge time-saver if you do. The installation is easier if your RV is already prepped with the required water connections. If it isn’t, we recommend contacting a service center to assist with this installation.
Here are some of the best RV dishwashers from Camping World.

GE Profile ADA-Compliant Dishwasher


This GE RV dishwasher is a great ADA-compliant addition to your RV kitchen, capable of handling up to eight place settings in a single load. It features auto-sensing capabilities that detect soil levels adjust the water temperature and rinse cycle for the ideal clean every time. Plus, it boasts a high-temperature sanitizing option that removes up to 99.9999% of bacteria from your camp dishes and utensils.
Learn more about this GE dishwasher.

Equator Built-in Dishwasher


For large family RV gatherings, a dishwasher that can handle up to 10 place settings will help you clean up fast so you can return to downtime around the campfire. This Equator RV dishwasher features eight wash programs, a child lock safety feature, overflow and leakage protection, and much more. It even delivers a sanitizing rinse at 150℉ to eliminate unwanted bacteria before you store dishes and utensils back in their stored locations.
Find this dishwasher at Camping World.

Best RV Range Oven Upgrade

While not all RVs include an oven, many at least have a range with at least one or two burners – even on compact Class B RVs. Working with propane and your oven can be tricky, so visiting your nearest Camping World for assistance installing a new RV range or oven might be best.
Check out Camping World’s full selection of ranges and cooktops at Camping World.

Contoure 21" 3-Burner Drop-In Gas Range


Check out one of our most popular RV ranges, which features a three-burner cooktop complete with cast iron grating and a glass cover that doubles as a backsplash. We love the sleek black look with stainless steel accents, which accommodates a number of interior designs. This is substantial without adding too much weight to your rig and offers all you need at an affordable price.
Shop this unit at Camping World.

Contoure 2-Burner Recessed Gas Cooktop with Glass Cover


Looking to replace your two-burner cooktop? Check out this space-saving option from Contoure, which provides two burners at 6,500 BTUs, each with forward-facing control knobs lit by blue LEDs. The glass cover folds down to act as additional counterspace when not in use and folds back to act as a convenient backsplash.
Shop this unit at Camping World.

Assorted RV Kitchen Appliances

We’ve covered the basic RV kitchen appliances, but you might also like some of our favorite portable kitchen appliances that aren’t necessarily requirements for every RVer. Saving space is always priority number one, but these are a few allowances to consider.

Contoure Ultra-Compact Portable Ice Maker


You can’t argue with iced beverages at the ready on hot summer camping days. This small portable ice maker makes up to 26 pounds of ice daily and keeps 1.5 pounds stored and ready. Having ice while camping is always handy, and this small stainless steel unit can handle all your needs.
Buy this ice maker at Camping World.

Toastmaster 2.0-Quart Air Fryer


We increasingly incorporate our air fryer into campground cooking, and this small Toastmaster number is a great way to get crisp, healthy foods without a lot of time or cleanup. Don’t want to deal with the clean up or wait for friend potatoes in the morning? The air fryer is your solution. Versatile and affordable, this RV kitchen appliance makes a great addition to anyone’s camping cooking setup.
Buy this air fryer at Camping World.

Contoure 2-in-1 Tabletop or Built-In Single Burner Induction Cooktop

If you like to cook extravagantly and want an extra burner or an induction cooking surface, check out this 2-in-1 tabletop single burner cooktop from Contoure. This can be installed into a countertop or used portably.
Buy this induction cooktop at Camping World.
Looking for more inspiration for your RV cooking setup? Check out these additional resources for ideas and products to try:
What has been your experience with upgrading or replacing RV kitchen appliances? Let us know in the comments below.
submitted by CampingWorld to campingworld [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:52 Alecszandeer Blender for 64oz Full Smoothies

I make a full carafe, 64oz, of thick smoothies for my family fairly often (we've got a lot of kids) - just yogurt and frozen fruit. Any suggestions? Seems like a lot of blender reviews out there are for single servings of smoothie.
We've got a Vitamix 5200 that appears to be on the way out (have had it for quite some time). Anything better? It works well enough, though not always as smooth as my eldest boy would like and it's very loud and often overheats and switches off for a while if I push it too far.
Thanks all!
submitted by Alecszandeer to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:17 Shlowzimakes Breakfast for my almost 8 month old

Breakfast for my almost 8 month old
Frozen berries in a mesh feeder, yogurt, and sourdough with peanut butter. Yesterday was banana, applesauce and bread with peanut butter. All she ate both days was the bread- yesterday she poked the banana a few times, which was pretty cute. The dogs are loving the peanut butter crumbs dropping on the floor!
submitted by Shlowzimakes to foodbutforbabies [link] [comments]