Pics of hot men in basketball shorts

Goth Style

2013.11.23 22:59 IIIRuin Goth Style

They said we would grow out of it; we never did. A SFW community dedicated to the spooky aesthetic in all its expressions. Please read the rules before posting or commenting.

2011.03.02 22:07 Pictures of Hot Guys

Pictures of hot guys, attractive men, cute boys etc.

2021.06.01 23:23 Familiar_Loan689 SexyGirlsInBikini


2024.06.08 22:03 lifekindasuckz [1X1][Discord/Google Docs][Cyberpunk] Cyberpunk Red: Forgotten Dreams, A Glimpse of the Edge

Forgotten Dreams

Some people call Night City the City of Dreams. But to those of us living in it in 2044, it’s the City of Nightmares. Twenty years after Johnny Silverhand detonated a thermonuclear device at the Arasaka Tower and ended the Third Corporate War, the city is only just now leaving its post-apocalyptic state. The Nighters that call it home are either too stubborn to leave or have nowhere else to go. In the remnants of the American third world, that isn’t too unusual. The sky is still red with the particulates left over from the Fourth Corporate War, casting a dark bloody glow over the world. Underneath this crimson sky Night City is a battleground where every man woman and child is locked in a never ending war for survival. As hard as what remains of the Night City government and relevant neocorps try to maintain order and rebuild infrastructure, most of the city is still in ruins or utter poverty, usually both.
Electricity is unreliable, the water is tainted, and the animals have long since died out or been driven from the city leaving artificial meat and plantlife the only food sources and ration chips a universal currency only eclipsed by cold hard Eurodollars. Overall, Night City is a pretty fucking miserable place to live.
But that just means those of us left are more determined to keep fighting. The corpos at the top want to squeeze the corpse of the City of Nightmares dry of any and all eddies it might have left, the politicians want to hold on to their power, the gangers want to cling onto the highs of designer drugs and spent bullets, the civies want to keep the lights on and rations on the table, and us Edgerunners want to make our mark on the world before we get snuffed out. That’s how it works. We burn bright and we burn hot but we just don’t burn long. Not in this city.
For us, it isn’t about just surviving. It’s living on the Edge. The fine line between life and death, the new frontiers of technology, fashion, night life. We have the most ‘in’ clothes, we have the baddest guns, we have the shiniest chrome. We see this city for the living nightmare it truly is and we laugh in its face and dare it to try and take us early. And when it does, we get the greatest honor an Edgerunner can achieve: a drink named after us on the menu at the Afterlife, the bar where we all raise toasts to the legends whose lights went dark at last.
We come from all walks of life, all kinds of backgrounds with all kinds of goals and hopes and ambitions and dreams. Solos, Techs, Medias, Fixers, Netrunners, Rockerboys, Medtechs, Lawmen, whatever. But wading through the mud and muck of this city for so long can mean we get caught up in it. Stuck in the endless river of shit with no way of getting out of the nightmare. We lose sight of what matters, lose sight of the Edge. Get caught up in gang wars, corporate contracts, hunting criminals, pulling off heists and staving off cyberpsychosis. We forget the dream. We forget what makes us Edgerunners.
But I’ve been watching you for a while now, and you haven’t forgotten. You keep the dream alive. You’re living it. You’ve reminded me what it means to be an Edgerunner, which is more than I can say for any of the other new talent trying to make a name for themselves in Night City. That’s why I’m reaching out to you. The names Checkmate, and I’m looking to put together a crew for a job. A big job. The kind that’ll set you up with the street cred and the eddies to jumpstart your career by a decade, at least. Find me at the Afterlife, and let’s have a chat.
Drinks are on me.

Background Lore

The world of Cyberpunk is a dystopia that focuses on individual stories of strife, hope, and personal growth. It’s a hellscape world that isn’t due to change anytime soon, and instead you learn how to survive and become the best version of yourself within it, holding on to your humanity as best you can in a world that is determined to take it from you. Sure, corpos and gangers and mercs and cops are probably going to feature as the enemies you fight mostly, but it isn’t the true enemy. The true enemy is Night City itself. The city is a metaphor for the society and very world, an abyss that’s just waiting for the chance to swallow you whole at the first opportunity. Night City is the pit where humanity goes to die, and it’s also your only true salvation because it’s where it’s at. There is no Cyberpunk without Night City, there is no humanity without Night City, there is no you without Night City. The only way to beat it is to leave it, and even those that have the opportunity often can’t bring themselves to do it.
No one ever wrote a legend about the one that walked away, after all.
The timeline of the Cyberpunk series diverges dramatically from our own around roughly the 1990s—although other divergences do occur well before then, albeit smaller in size and scope—where the fall of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War leads to a dissemination of nuclear weapons on the black market. Coupled with a US government "deep state" called the Gang of Four, the world soon finds itself in the midst of an economic crisis and the Collapse. Proxy wars, trade wars, and a resurgent Europe butt against the prevailing US world order. Eventually, brief nuclear exchanges and biological warfare around the globe cause the gradual decline of Western civilization. Societies collapse and many governments either dissolve or are reduced to reactionary, petty authoritarian states.
In the chaos, corporations fill the vacuum of power amidst a collapsing social order. Technological advances, unbridled from government oversight or ethical limitations, lead to hundreds of new inventions. As time wears on, some corporations become as powerful as the countries they are housed in. Ultimately, four corporate wars have occurred by 2023, each one becoming more overt and deadly than the last. The infamous Fourth Corporate War was brought to an end by the detonation of a nuclear bomb in the heart of Night City. The years that followed until 2045, the Time of the Red, were a period of global reconstruction as corporations and governments alike tried to recover from unparalleled economic and environmental damage. Lawlessness, chaos and technology. This is the world of Cyberpunk.

What is Forgotten Dreams?

This roleplay is all about the Edge. The Edge is the idea that Cyberpunks/Edgerunners live and die by, which is always going forward. Never compromising yourself, never bowing down, never allowing the authority and the corpos and the world to step on you. It means the fastest cars, the most in clothes, the best cyberware, the most deadly guns, and being cool and reputable. It means living your life by the idea that you are going to be a legend, a Street Samurai that lives on forever by the badass deeds they accomplish and the people they touch.
But as the saying goes, no battle plan survives contact with the enemy, and living life on the Edge comes with its risks for you and those around you. Night City is a violent place, even before it got nuked. Life is expensive and death is cheap, and the eddies don’t trickle down unless you take them. It's easy to lose sight of the dream, lose sight of the Edge.
You will be taken on a journey that will test you physically, emotionally, and psychologically. You will see the best and worst Night City has to offer in a time when chaos is the rule of day and stability is a long forgotten memory. You will experience action, intrigue, mysteries, romance, betrayal, and more. But be warned because once you start straddling the Edge, there's no getting off again.

How Do I Apply?

If you are interested in going on this adventure with me, then what you have to do is the following:
  1. Send me a PM with 'Forgotten Dreams' in the subject line. I will not respond to any chats sent my way unless they are requests for a PM first for whatever reason as I just don't like the chat system here.
  2. Tell me what I should call you, a fun fact about yourself, and your likes and dislikes in storytelling, especially your hard limits. I am a writer interested in very dark themes and smut, and part of that means knowing where I need to stop for you.
  3. Give me a basic character idea and a writing sample. It doesn't have to be very long, but the more complex and detailed the better chance of securing the writing spot. The writing sample should be a short narrative about your character receiving Checkmate's message and how they react to it.
  4. Finally, really sell yourself as a partner to me. I'm only looking for a single partner on this idea, and I'm going to be very picky about it.
I look forward to hearing from you!
submitted by lifekindasuckz to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:03 TheFuturePrepared Malaysia’s Hot Springs
1. Poring Hot Springs & Nature Reserve, Sabah:
2. Ayer Hangat Village Langkawi, Kedah:
submitted by TheFuturePrepared to hotspringjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:56 Head_Leader_7771 Pantsed in front of my crush

So this happened last summer, we were on holiday after exams finished just before we were all going to university. 3 boys (including me) and 2 girls, Emily and Jen. Both girls were hot, but I had a massive crush on Jen.
We were there at the beach, and it was boiling. Jen was wearing an incredibly skimpy white bikini. She had this amazing tan and a great bum that was on full display. She asked me to put some sunscreen on her back, and I did. As I got lower she pulled her bottoms down slightly so I could get really far down. Instant boner. What I didn’t realise was one of my male friends was behind me, and he whipped my shorts down to my ankles. Tiny, hard dick out for everyone to see. I was so shocked it took me ages to cover myself and grab my shorts back up. The boys were laughing, Emily screamed and then started to giggle, but Jen was the worst reaction…
She turned round when the commotion happened, and caught a glimpse before I managed to get my hands over. She gasped, then looked me dead in the eyes and said “I’m not surprised…” and walked off. I felt like total shit but so turned on. I got comments about it ALL day. “Tiny, shrimpy, acorn, pinkie.” Yeah…
The next night, we were playing truth or dare. I knew what was coming so avoided dare, but after 2 truths you have to pick dare with my friendship group. So, forced to pick dare. Jen immediately spoke up and dared me to flash. I went bright red and, after a lot of jeers and laughing from the others, showed them my dick. This got even more laughter, and I’m sure I saw Jen take a pic, even though she fully denies it.
I was so embarrassed but it really did turn me on. During that truth or dare session, I did get to see both girls’ tits, but it barely made up for the humilation I faced. I still get comments from those friends to this day.
submitted by Head_Leader_7771 to SPHStory [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:48 SpasticGenerator Shapewear recommendations

Does anyone have shapewear recommendations for smoothing out your bag under clothing? I have a couple of slinkier dresses that I usually wear non-control top tights with, but it’s way too hot to cover up my legs this time of year, and just tucking my bag into high-waisted underwear (which is what I do for most dresses) is a little lumpier than I’d like.
I live in the desert, so lightweight breathable fabric is a must! Bike shorts are going to be way too thick and warm.
submitted by SpasticGenerator to ostomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:45 JoshBladeTheMaples ⚪️WAND PHOENIX TONIGHT 🟣

⚪️WAND PHOENIX TONIGHT 🟣 Rebel Lounge - Phoenix , AZ June 8th, 2024 Tickets: $20 ✨21+✨ Doors: 7pm DJ Escuby: 8pm WAND: 8:45pm?
Tickets -
Event page - ??
STARDOM BEGINS WITH W A N D! History has been made yesterday as Wand has successfully reached the big stage and opened up for one of the biggest artists in the world, the Red Hot Chili Peppers!! They have a couple of more shows with them this summer but they certainly been inserted into so many peoples lives last night. From Sandstorms to beautiful Sunsets. They have made their way into Arizona for the show tonight. Just for you and for you only they bring the magic they have been delivering the entire tour to the desert planet. Skibiti fans will rejoice at the rebel lounge for a surprise entrance of DJ Escuby then for a Wanderfilled night of new tracks and beloved favorites. Tonight is for you Wanderers! videos, pictures would be appreciated y’all! Let’s see what special surprises they have for us. pics, vids, setlists we would love to see them! Enjoy the show, Have fun and stay safe. 🐕🙂💀🟣⚪️🛟🐇🐢🗿🕷️🌋🐕☁️🐥🐽🗑️🩷🤍❤️💙💛💚🧡
submitted by JoshBladeTheMaples to WandBand [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:43 sadat_faruk202 The Most Detailed Nightmare/Dream I've ever had.

What I'm about to tell you now is a dream I had a few years ago. It was somewhere between 2018 and 19 something. If anyone can explain you're always welcome.
The first thing I remember, I was in a room. A square room. the walls looked like it was made of red soil. Every single wall was the same except one. The one that I was facing. It had fire. It could be lava. my memory got a little bit blurry. But indeed it was fire.
I looked to my right. And there was a way. the size of the way was a size of a door but without a door. I approached. It was a quick turn to the right. the path was very narrow as a size of a door. As soon as I turned right. A bit further, I saw two men facing each other. Both of them were wearing the same robes as the other person. Although the colors of their robes were different. One was white and the other one was black. They were hooded. Mouths were covered. So when I entered the path I was facing the back of the white-robed guy. As I've said, they were facing each other. So I only saw the black-robed guy's face. They were not just standing still. They were doing something. They had a torch. It's like the torch from medieval times. A wooden branch with a flame on top of it. They were throwing the torch at each other. It's like catching a ball and throwing it back.
As I've said there was very little space. When I was trying to get past them the black-robed guy threw the torch, the white-robed guy was about to catch it but I was there. The torch hit my chest. As soon as it hit me I felt something hot in my chest in real life. I mean seriously. It felt so real. It wasn't that hot though. But indeed I can assure you I felt something hot/warm in real life. After that, they just stood. They didn't try to pick up the torch. They just stood. For this incident, I got a bit angry at the black-robed guy. I yelled to him by saying, "Hey didn't you see I was coming??! You hurt me!!" But none of them say a word. I yelled at the guy many times. But he just stood and looked at me. After yelling several times he started to walk the way I was about to be going. I was still yelling at him as I was following.
The red soiled narrow path ended. I stepped out. It was a city with no people. It was nighttime. The atmosphere seemed very relaxed because of the bright moonlight. The city seemed very familiar to me. I had no chance to look around cause the black-robed guy was still walking away, so I had to follow him. As I was following I realized It's our neighbourhood. The place where I live. He turned left at an intersection. It was the road where my house was. So When I reached in front of my house, The guy was still walking away but I had to stop cause it was my house. The most disturbing part begins here. I looked at the front of my house. And a female person was lying down at the front door. Looking at me. Her eyes were pitch black. She was naked. It seemed like her skin was pulled off. Just like a butcher when pills off a cow's skin. Blood was dripping from her body. I saw this less than a millisecond. I couldn't handle this view. So, I woke up screaming. Hopefully, my mom and dad didn't wake up. I noticed I was sweating like I just took a bath or something.
Indeed this is the only most detailed dream I've ever experienced.
submitted by sadat_faruk202 to horrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:35 trueclown Formal garden wedding in OC

Formal garden wedding in OC
-The wedding is in late August in Orange County, CA (hot time of the year) -I think the “formal” DC leans toward the less formal side of formal compared to what I’m used to on the east coast -I’m short (5’2) so all of these could be floor length on me. I anticipate having to tailor all of them
Dress brands: 1-4: ASTR the label. I would take the stones off the straps 5: Dress the Population 6: Elexiay (definitely would need to try this on) 7: Ralph Lauren 8: Mac Duggal
Mostly just trying to see if I’m on the right track with the vibes or if any of these are a big no!
submitted by trueclown to Weddingattireapproval [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:34 StellaWatsonAuthor [FN] The Secret Café (by Stella Watson)

The Secret Café existed simultaneously everywhere and nowhere. It had been found in bustling city depths, under skyscrapers, and in the hidden streets of small villages. It didn’t welcome just anyone; only the loneliest found their way in because it appeared only to those who needed it. Among the guests were lost writers and artists whose dreams the world had already shattered. There were grieving widows, orphaned children, and people trapped in abusive relationships.
Inside, soft, soothing music played. Old wooden furniture adorned the floor, and peculiar paintings hung on the walls in golden frames. None of them had a signature.
The barista, Emma, rarely moved from behind the counter. She wore dark, shimmering clothes, and her graceful movements immediately caught the attention of entering guests. She tied her long, black hair up, and in the light of the hanging lamps, it seemed to shimmer with stardust. The cosmos glittered in her gray eyes. She spoke only when necessary. Who she was and where she came from, nobody knew.
Every mug sparkled silver in the dim light. The coffees and teas steaming in them were never the same. No entering guest needed to state their order. Emma looked at them and always gave them what they needed.
Many found the café to escape the world for a while. Occasionally, guests chatted with each other. Some found solace in the other. Emma merely observed and smiled contentedly when her guests left the café with a little comfort.
One evening, a tall, sturdy policeman sat at the counter. Leaning on his elbow, he awaited his drink with a gloomy expression. Adjusting his glasses, he vented his frustration.
“All I see is my colleagues dropping every case. I chose this job to help others. What’s the point if they always hinder it?”
Emma nodded and put a mug in front of him. She had nothing to say. The café offered solace, not solutions to the problems of people’s lives.
While the policeman sipped his coffee, the door opened. Emma glanced up and saw a little girl enter. Children came occasionally, and the barista paid peculiar attention to them. She almost exclusively spoke to them.
“Hello, little girl! Come, sit at the counter!”
The child stepped closer, holding an old teddy bear. She wore a faded blue pajama, brown slippers, and a jacket. Long, dark hair hung messily from under her hood.
She sat on one of the stools at the counter.
Emma placed a mug of hot chocolate in front of her, topped with whipped cream. The sweet aroma seemed to relax the child.
“Why did you come here?”
“Mommy cried,” the little girl replied after a short pause. “She told me to hide in my room when dad came home, but I ran away.”
The policeman looked at the girl, furrowing his brow.
“Why? What happened?”
The girl took a sip of the hot chocolate. The taste seemed to ease the tension in her posture.
“Daddy yells a lot when he drinks, and then mommy always cries.”
“Did anyone report it?”
“I don’t know. Mom said she doesn’t want daddy to get angry.”
The policeman thoughtfully finished his coffee. He was seeking eye contact with Emma, as if expecting a solution from her, but the barista, humming softly, arranged the clean plates and mugs. “Maybe the best would be if I escorted you home. Your mom might feel better if she could tell someone about her troubles. Maybe she’d cry less,” he suggested with a kind yet firm tone.
The little girl nodded, swinging her legs. She put her empty mug on the counter and, holding hands, left with the policeman. Emma smiled faintly after them before starting to clean again. She awaited the next guest.
Outside, as the policeman put the child in his car, he looked back, but the café was nowhere to be found.
submitted by StellaWatsonAuthor to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:26 ourob0rus Take heart... This is nothing new.

TL;DR The FUD is nothing, MOASS is inevitable, GME is better than ever, most apes are green, beat max pain, the price is still a bargain, options are back on the menu, GME investors can empower themselves by using their investment to gather wealth and gain more shares.
I remember February of 2021. All over reddit, discord, youtube comments people were saying "Keith Gill sold" "DFV sold" "Deep fucking rug pull" "GME bag holders" and all sorts of shit about Ryan Cohen, too. I remember reading about how GameStop is going out of business and the investors are all fucked.
Then, days later, Keith revealed he had not sold. Furthermore, by exercising his calls he was obviously choosing to stay. As well, the fundamental thesis was unchanged and looked better than ever.
That was the first time I experienced how full of deceit the internet is. There were countless trolls in a sea of trolls trolling trolls. Since then, the potential to generate FUD is more powerful and ubiquitous than ever.
It's the same now. All sorts of robots, con men, and sadbois are throwing a fit and saying the most depressing and awful things they can about GME and everything related to it, particularly the culture of GME's investors.
However, this time I do not worry about it. I've seen it all before. Including the most important detail: GME is in a better position than ever.
Let's get this out of the way: MOASS is inevitable. We're talking multiple times the float of GME. We're talking the biggest ever ponzi built on the back of systemic (everything) shorting. 120M shares or 300M shares won't dig them out, particularly when apes and retail brokerage accounts are buying regardless of the price.
So what if no MOASS or new all-time-high this week? So what if not next week? It's inevitable and GME is in a better position than ever. With $5B+ GameStop can just invest conservatively and yield enough interest every quarter to become profitable year-round. My investment is worth more, even if it won't sell for my price, because it now represents more realized value.
This is the point in a game of chess when the pieces have come off the board and the end-game position has been revealed, but 1 player is has achieved a critical advantage. A game-state where checkmate can be forced as long as the advantaged player does not blunder. If the disadvantaged player could see their position for what it is and had respect for their opponent, they'd resign.
Do you think Ryan Cohen and GME's leadership are going to fumble? Do you think they have?
I don't think they will and I don't think they have.
"Do you think Ryan Cohen is a doofus?"
-Keith Gill
One thing shorts hate almost as much as buying is when the company they're short sells way over cost average. It's good money (resilience) for the target of their short. It's a good reason for a fundamentals investor to consider GME.
Like it or not, the fundamental thesis is an important part of the MOASS thesis. If you are here for MOASS, you should be here for good fundamentals. If you are here because you believe/d in Keith, you should be here for good fundamentals.
I'm pretty sure apes cost average is around $25 or less now. Keith is at $21-something. At $27.16 I'm green and all of my IRL ape-homies are green. Also, GME beat max pain by over $2. It was a fine week.
If your GME investment isn't positive right now, don't let it get you down. Have patience, and if you're feeling ambitious, welcome to the dip! You can't lose any money if you don't sell and you can improve your position by buying under your cost average. Congratulations, you got in early.
I'd also like to talk about a couple things I learned from GameStop and Keith Gill recently:
  1. Options are back on the menu. They were never off the menu, but I was.skeptical and critical of them previously. Now, I see how options can be used in a bullish way that can both increase a position and generate extractable wealth. I'm still too poor for options, but I see how they can be utilized by someone with goals like mine.
  2. I can sell high and buy low, securing more cash and more shares. By choosing to sell the initial 45M shares, the leadership of GameStop have given us all permission to sell. Preferably somewhere north of $20.77. Even Keith Gill has signalled he will sell at least some of his calls. He doesn't have enough cash in his brokerage account to exercise all of those calls. He could exercise most of them if he uses the money from selling some of them. I will hold, but I may also use my position to improve my position. I like the stock and I want to go longer while also seeing some performance from my investment. The shorts are systemic, they'll never escape as long as GME investors continue to net-buy. The short side is made worse as GameStop and GME investors gather wealth.
  3. Keith Gill is not afraid of raising his cost average, but will buy aggressively to lower it if he can. Also, He chooses to hold at $120 (pre-split $480).
I know a lot of people aren't going to like hearing that selling bit, but it makes me feel free and empowered. I have been playing this game for years with half of the controls disabled. Now, I understand the game well enough and trust myself enough to use the other half to my advantage.
Take heart. GME is the play.
submitted by ourob0rus to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:26 Positive_Bite7643 What it rude to tell my "friend" to shut the fuck up?

So I F18 have this online friend M20 I've been friends w him for 9 months. My friends don't like that I talk to him, but I feel bad if I were to block him (tbh I think he's lonely). He's done alot of things in the past that I don't like him doing (ex. He calls me piggy or if the topic of weight comes up he'll say I'm fat. I'm trying to loose weight), I used to like him... when I told him I liked him he told me he liked me to, and then seconds later texted "Jk, you fell for it".... I cried lol. Anyways, today I was uploading grad pics from last night, and he started to talk so I chat w him a bit, he talks about how he doesn't like my nose piercing.... I'm just like ok?.... then he brings up something I said to him in a past argument from 3 months ago and just past arguments itself and I start responding in short messages to signal I dont like the topic... he continues and I told him to shut the fuck up... I only said because I'm super tired and I just don't feel like fighting or arguing anything out.... I feel pretty bad.... I know my friends irl would be happy but... I feel guilty. Was that pretty extreme?
submitted by Positive_Bite7643 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:22 d3lilah_ Was I right to quit my job?

IMPORTANT BACKGROUND - this may also be long but I need to rant about this somewhere-
Okay, so im a young person, just got my first ever job working in a dessert parlour in the UK ( it is a chain, so you could probably guess the company if you were familiar) anway, me and my friend both decide to apply and we both get the job. On our first day we were trained, her in the kitchen and me on the floor. Being told the next day we would switch. We never did. I got put doing floor work, wiping tables, and standing being yelled at for the kitchen staffs mistakes. Anyway, we both hate the new job as it is ran strangely. There seems to be a hierarchy as there normally is but it’s odd. Me and my friend were the only English people working there, and the only females, so we felt a bit uncomfortable working with older men.
The workplace had so many red flags, for example. Nobody would wash their hands while preparing food. The men didn’t wear hairnets, THEY TOOK THEIR SHOES OFF, the fruit was mouldy and being USED ON CUSTOMERS FOOD!!!!,they would all swear and talk in their language while looking at us and pointing, one of the older men working their was stalking us both on social media ( we are minors and this is weird no matter the situation) and the manager wouldn’t do anything about him. And many many more.
Today, I was taking this customers order and asked multiple times if that was everything and read aloud the order twice. I had my friend and another worker stood by me making sure I learnt how to use the tills. When the customers food was brought out, she started screaming at me because I “am stupid” and “forgot the mint choc chip ice cream”. I promise I didn’t, I had not been told she wanted mint. There was witnesses.
The manager then talks behind my back with my friend and he says I QUOTE. “She’s taking the piss” “I don’t usually speak about my staff like this but she can go fuck herself”
Long story short. That was the icing on the cake. I’d only been working there 3 weeks but today I quit.
Was it wrong to quit or was that workplace majorly fucked up?
submitted by d3lilah_ to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:20 Super_Claim_321 What does the future entails for us? (Not just height but looks and money too)

Had to delete the post yesterday so now I’m reposting.
I was interested in yall opinion about what might be the future for us.
Everyone is looksmaxxing these days which is kinda demotivating because it seems like the below average man will never stand a chance because the range of attractiveness is always increasing.
Men are getting perms, doing mewing, hitting gym, stretching, and even getting work done to live the life they desire.
Why does everyone wanna be special?
Why have we stopped caring about the collective and are only concerned with satisfying our selfish material desires?
Nobody cares for each other.
Every time I open YouTube, I see another influencer saying that “being average isn’t affordable in this day and age” but what about the average and below average men? Will they only have to suffer?
I was seeing grad photos for my underclassmen (one year below me. I’m 19) and there was a photo of 10 girls taken and posted on IG. I know one girl from there. She was about 5’7-8”. There were 3 girls taller than her. One was 5’9-10”. One was 5’11. One was about 6’0. The average height in that photo seemed to be about 5’7 tbh. The shortest girl in that photo was only 5’4 (which is the average reported height for women).
I looked up the prettiest girl in the group pic. She is dating a 6’0 chad with 9/10 face and 9/10 physique. He also seemed kinda wealthy. That girl was clearly pretty enough to model imo so she dated her own level.
Every Gen Z women I see is dating guys who are on their level or higher in terms of SMV. Very rarely I see women dating guys under their level these days especially in terms of attractiveness. It’s usually model level beauty girls dating tall attractive but not so attractive guy which is still above average.
So where does the average man stand in this dating market?
So to gate a women in this mordern age, we men have to earn good money, pay the bills, be attractive enough, and be tall enough?
Not every man can or will be born with all these gifts and probably can’t even build themselves up to that level?
So what’s our fate?
Are we only meant for settling?
Will we go extinct? (There’s already a growing stigma within women to not date short men and those that broke it get bullied a lot)
Will we all move to a different place where we finally will have a chance?
submitted by Super_Claim_321 to shortguys [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:19 Zestyclose-Meeting21 We were dating two days ago, now he wants to be friends - 25M 22F, what's your opinion?

I need some exterior advice separate from that of my friends:
I met this guy at a conference I attended (we study the same things), and at the first moment I saw him, there was this spark. I am not easily drawn to men, but with him, it just felt real and this was the first time I have felt this in my life. We couldn't stop staring at each other.
After the day, we connected on LinkedIn (trying to keep it as civil as possible at the conference). From there, we end up texting non-stop, day and night, getting to know each other, sending each other photos. I haven't lost sleep for a guy since I was a teenager. We then met up a few days later as he asked me out. Everything was perfect. He is like the male version of me (we have endless similarities), he is probably the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on, and there is a connection that is undeniable. We spent the evening together (nothing sexual) and he said that he shared mutual feelings regarding our spark, connection, and that he could see this going somewhere serious.
It all happened so quickly. He continued to text me day in and day out. We got very close (but he had to go back home to a different country for a few days). He still texted me showing me around his hometown. He had another trip planned the day after he got back to go on a vacation with his friends, which he is currently on.
Here's the situation: He is going to be away all summer, and is a very logical person, which I respect. He is going to (maybe) be back here depending on if he finds a job here, and said he was interested in dating when he comes back in September should he find a job. We grew our connection so deeply for a while, but he was constantly traveling (he even said to me that he would have rather canceled his trip to be with me and spend the time before he has to move away - I obviously said no). As of two days ago, he still wanted to continue to see me romantically and grow our connection until September.
He then grew cold from thinking his logical side and I believe a bit scared with how fast this was all going and was “scared to be hurt by losing me because he has to go away”. He doesn’t seem to let his feelings take into account any of his decisions, I think maybe due to previous relationship trauma. He wants now to remain friends as he does not see a path forward for us, though before he said he could never be just friends with me. I was not being pushy or clingy, rather I was matching his energy.
I am just confused as his feelings have seemed to change in the matter of days. I respect he wants to be friends with me, but now he says it won’t hurt him at all being friends when a couple of days ago he was ready to date me and had incredibly strong feelings for me. He wants to hang out in the days he is back as friends. What’s your advice? Should I see him when he is back from his trip as friends? How do I get him to see my worth?
I agreed to the friendship as I do not want to lose the connection we have, friends or not. He said we might be able to try if he is back in Sept, but I don't know if that's how he feels. I haven't felt this way before and I wish I could do something to help. I respect his opinions regardless and am giving him all the space. He's just so hot and cold.
submitted by Zestyclose-Meeting21 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:16 ApocalypseGoneWild Something has changed!

I am on day 13 of No Fap. I wanted to share with everyone this journey I am going.
First of all I got rid of my anxiety which I was struggling for years.
My skin which was sunburned and had pigmentation for years, starting to heal. Notice how I went to several dermatologists and I paid thousands for my skin to heal with little improvement, but ever since I started no fap the improvement on my skin is noticeable.
Women and men look and stare at me. I was always a good looking dude but right now, the way everyone is looking at me it’s insane.
I went for groceries and the cashier started to talk to me out of nowhere asking where I am from and she was smiling the entire time like she wanted something out of me.
I am telling you,guys, please … hold on to no fap. Your life will change!
I have one more thing. One more occurrence. There’s this woman across my apartment where we always crossed eyes. Recently she started talking to me, and one day. She rings the bell asking for help to move stuff in her house. Long story short, I helped her and she said thank you. When I try to go back to my apartment she started asking me how much I pay for rent, if I live alone and if I am single.
At this point it is pretty obvious. Since I joined semen retention recently I quickly went back to my apartment, and I wanted to not take any action and really try to comprehend what just happened.
At this point is not about attracting women but about finding the one I like. I’ll keep you guys updated on this journey.
I am here for the long run and I want to see how far I can go and benefit as much as I can from this “superpower”.
We’ll keep in touch.
See you on day 31.
submitted by ApocalypseGoneWild to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:16 Jomosensual G1 Climax Bracketology 2024

Hello everyone. About a year ago I made this post after the G1 ended projecting the field for 2024. A lot has changed since then. Let's take a look at the projected field now that we're only a little bit away from it again. I'm operating under the assumption the format remains unchanged from last year until I hear otherwise. My apologies if I miss an injury or something like that. I will note that I usually lose touch with NJPW a bit in the late winteearly spring due to school and college basketball taking up a ton of time so if there's anything that I just missed let me know and I'll correct it.
Locks from last year:
  2. Yota Tsuji
  3. Ren Narita
  4. Shota Umino
  5. ELP - Making a note that his contract stuff could throw a wrench into this, but I don't think AEW or WWE are coming calling for him either. Feel good about his spot in the field this year.
  6. Great O'Khan
  7. KENTA
  8. Taichi
  9. David Finlay
  10. EVIL
  11. Shingo Takagi
  12. Jeff Cobb
  13. Tetsuya Naito
  14. Zack Sabre Jr
  15. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Was at probably back last year for me, would be shocked if he wasn't in it this year after losing as many people as they did.
  16. Toru Yano - Was on the bubble due to age, will likely be in the field again after the roster lost some depth
  17. Tomohiro Ishii - Same as Yano
  18. Hirooki Goto - Same as Yano and Ishii
  19. Gabe Kidd - Had him on the bubble since he was a sub for a departing Aussie Open member, since then has solidified his spot on the roster and in the field.
  20. Henare - Had him on the bubble on the chance NJPW loaded up with new talent or overhauled their field. Neither seems likely to happen after last years departures.
  21. Yoshi Hashi - Same as Henare, plus being cut from the 20 person field is telling of your standing.
  22. Shane Haste - The better worker of the TMDK main tag team, felt like his spot last year came about from needing to fill up the field, which is why I placed him on the bubble. They will need to fill up the field again this year so no real shot he's cut.
  23. Mikey Nichols - See above, minus the better worker part.
Potential Guest Spots
  1. AEW - Seems like this will be something that 100% happens again. It won't be Eddie Kingston again, as his knee injury will keep him out for a long while. Lance Archer could easily return as well. No clue who else could be on the radar. Konosuke Takashita perhaps? That would be awesome.
  2. Japanese Guest - Filling the Kaito Kiyomiya role from last year. Seems pretty likely this will happen too, especially since the last few round robins NJPW has run all featured guests from outside promotions. Could be Kaito again here, could be someone else as well. I'm not super familiar as to who would be likely or able to be in it otherwise, but it feels like a good bet that someone from outside the NJPW ranks will participate. Decent shot this is Jake Lee, so for now I'll say this is him/Kaito
Ok so that's 25 spots filled for sure. Let's look at some likely debuts to the field(Side note, I do not know why the hell I cannot locate the roster page on NJPW's site. Whole thing looks different and not easy to track anything down on. I'm using Smackdown Hotel's roster list instead)
  1. Yuya Uemura - Easily the biggest lock to debut. Feels like guy number 4 of the R3M. Already a singles champion. He will be in this tournament.
  2. Boltin Oleg - A part of the 6 man tag champions and declared a month or so ago he's no longer a YL. I think he's likely in the field. Less solid on that than Yuya but it's very likely he's there.
Dropped off since last year:
  1. Kazuchika Okada - Signed with AEW
  2. Will Ospreay - Signed with AEW
  3. Tama Tonga - Had him as a probably in due to his contract, now is signed to WWE
  4. Tanga Loa - Was on the bubble due to being awful, is now signed with WWE
  5. Alex Coughlin - Retired due to a neck injury
Likely Not Competing:
  1. Bad Luck Fale - Please do not do this NJPW. Never thought I'd see someone less mobile than late stage Big Show but well...
  2. All of the dads - Honma, Kojima, Tenzan, Makabe, Ngata, and anyone else I may have missed. They've all been out for a bit and are older
  3. Minoru Suzuki - 55 years old, hasn't been in the field in a while and doesn't appear to be working New Japan anymore.
  4. Jack Perry - Just went back to AEW and is a part of a major story there
  5. Jon Moxley - While he is the champ right now I can't imagine AEW is giving him up for that long, and he likely wont even have it by the time the tournament starts.
  6. El Desperado - Mentioned him last time as an outside shot to add, but given he's likely winning BOSJ this year feels like that's for another year if it were to happen
  7. Taiji Ishimori - Mentioned him last time too, his size makes it a bit tough to move him up, even with kayfabing, and he's also in the BOSJ finals.
  8. KUSHIDA - Another Jr I tossed around last year due to wanting to be in it for a bit. Him being cut originally from BOSJ could either be taken as a very good or very bad sign for his chances. I'm leaning towards the bad unfortunately. KUSHIDA would be awesome in the G1.
Now that we have all that settled, there's still 4 spots to go. Here's who's left on the bubble for me:
  1. Chase Owens - Yeah..... I know guys. Seemed like a lock to get cut and then a ton of people left. Probably was man number 32 in last years field. This year he's been a champion and still is. It seems probable he will be in the field.
  2. Yujiro Takahashi - Was the only HW left out last year who can still in the literal sense of the word go. He cannot actually go. I would like to think they will be looking elsewhere for the tournament
  3. Hiromu Takahashi - Been some speculation for a while that he may move up or go openweight, as he beats HWs from time to time, has not a lot left to do as a Jr, and even competes for the HW title sometimes. The Dominion main event not including him might be a sign he's going to move on or get the nod? We'll see.
  4. TJP - Feels likely. Just beat Taichi on a Japanese show, which is massive. The current leader of the United Empire and there's been mentions about him being openweight now. Since he also competes with the Jrs we'll see, just like with Hiromu doing the double shot is pretty rare.
  5. Fred Rosser - With all the spots open there will probably be a STRONG rep who makes the field. Not a guarantee given last year(unless you count Eddie) but he's one of the top guys there. Only thing holding me back is competition from the next name and that I've heard buzz he might be transitioning out of the ring soon. No clue the validity of that
  6. Tom Lawler - I have no idea why he wasn't in the field last year if we're being honest. Maybe the top name in STRONG and can still go, plus has competed in the G1 before. I think he's in but it's tough to bet on it for sure when he was cut once and we don't really know why
  7. Callum Newman - Feels positive on his front. I personally thought he was a Jr and then he's feuding with Naito and not in the BOSJ field. Doesn't feel like a stone cold lock but does feel pretty right to join the field.
  8. A Tamashii Rep - I do not know this promotion or much about the guys listed in there so I cannot project who could be in or how likley they are. It doesn't feel like a big enough deal to warrant a rep but who knows.
  9. Hikuleo - If he resigns he's in it. The contract situation makes me wonder a lot and I considered just leaving him out entirely since I think he's WWE bound when his contract ends this month. He and ELP(who I don't think is leaving) will have their statuses more clear after tomorrow/tonight.
  10. Ryohei Oiwa - IIRC he started his transition around the same time as Kosei Fujita did, which puts him on track to be back I think. He has announced himself for NOAH shows already so that could be a sign his excursion continues but that also isn't a guarantee he won't be here either. It would feel like a very short excursion though.
  11. An extra guest/surprise wrestler - Nic Nemeth feels like a possibility, as did Matt Riddle until he did Matt Riddle things. My overall thoughts are a solid maybe? We'll see. Not impossible they grab an extra AEW guy or a 2nd rep from another promotion in Japan
Alright, at long last, here's my projected field for this year's G1 climax. Ordered roughly by how likely they will be in(please don't kill me for putting locks 4 and 5 in the wrong order, for example):
  1. Tetsuya Naito
  2. Sanada
  3. EVIL
  4. Zack Sabre Jr
  5. David Finlay
  6. Yota Tsuji
  7. Shota Umino
  8. Ren Narita
  9. Yuya Uemura
  10. Shingo Takagi
  11. Gabe Kidd
  12. Taichi
  13. Jeff Cobb
  14. Great O'Khan
  15. El Phantasmo
  16. Hiroshi Tanahashi
  17. Henare
  18. Tomohiro Ishii
  19. Hirooki Goto
  20. KENTA
  21. Toru Yano
  22. Lance ArcheKonosuke Takashita
  23. Jake Lee/Kaito Kiyomiya
  24. Shane Haste
  25. Mikey Nichols
  26. Yoshi Hashi
  27. Boltin Oleg
  28. Chase Owens
  29. TJP
  30. Callum Newman
  31. Nic Nemeth Tom Lawler
  32. Hiromu Takahashi
What do you guys think? Any glaring omissions? If Hikuleo does resign I think he'll take one of Hiromu, Callum, or Boltins spots.
submitted by Jomosensual to njpw [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:15 thedepopulationist I.B.A. by charles webster baer

I.B.A. international basketball association . the IBA will start in january 2026 . the IBA will have 20 mens teams and 20 womens teams in 20 countries world wide . the regular season will be 19 games . every city will play each other once . at the end of the season the top 6 teams will make the play offs . the two best teams will get skip the first round of the play offs . each play off series will be best of 5 games . the mens regular season will be every january to may . the womens regular season will be every july to december . the first rounds of the mens play offs will be in august . the final round will be october . the first round womens play offs will be in febuary . the final round in april . all mens regular season games will be on a monday . all mens play off games will be on a tuesday . all womens regular season games will be on wednesday . all womens play off games will be on a thursday . the cities that will have a mens and womens team will be toronto , canada . new york city , usa . chicago , usa . houston , usa . los angeles , usa . mexico city , mexico . rio , brazil . london , uk . paris , france . berlin , germany . moscow , russia . cairo , egypt . mumbai , india . new dehli , india . toyko , japan . seoul , korea . beijing , china . shanghai , china . sydney , australia . manilla , phillipenes . each team will have ten players and two coaches . each player will sign a one year contract for one million american dollars at the begining of every year . same with coaches . any team can fire any coach or player at any time for any reason or for no reason . the player or coach keeps the million dollars . the B team also has ten players and 2 coaches . the B team gets no money . the B team is made up of 12 people that agree to be on the B team . the team can only replace players and coaches from the A team from players from the B team . once a player or coach is deactivated from the A team that person can not return to the team for the rest of the year . once a person from the B team is activated to play or coach for the A team , they get one million american dollars . all players and coaches will have to participate in media day which will take place exactly 24 hours before the game at or near where the game will be played . any coach or player that misses this event will not be allowed to be at the game the next day . all players and coaches will have to conduct at least 3 interviews of over 4 minutes with a local media person , a IBA media person , and a home town media person . players and coaches can say no comment and then sit in silence for the duration of each interview . a 20% ownership stake for all 40 teams will be sold to the first buyer . the price is 100 million dollars . there is a 20 million dollar minimum deposit . 5 million of those dollars are non refundable . my name is charles webster baer . I live in redmond oregon usa . I am the owner , founder , and president of the INTERNATIOAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION . please contact me to invest at []( or call me up 541 699 9868 . thank you very much and have a nice day . HOOP ON .
submitted by thedepopulationist to oregonization [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:14 thedepopulationist international basketball association

I.B.A. international basketball association . the IBA will start in january 2026 . the IBA will have 20 mens teams and 20 womens teams in 20 countries world wide . the regular season will be 19 games . every city will play each other once . at the end of the season the top 6 teams will make the play offs . the two best teams will get skip the first round of the play offs . each play off series will be best of 5 games . the mens regular season will be every january to may . the womens regular season will be every july to december . the first rounds of the mens play offs will be in august . the final round will be october . the first round womens play offs will be in febuary . the final round in april . all mens regular season games will be on a monday . all mens play off games will be on a tuesday . all womens regular season games will be on wednesday . all womens play off games will be on a thursday . the cities that will have a mens and womens team will be toronto , canada . new york city , usa . chicago , usa . houston , usa . los angeles , usa . mexico city , mexico . rio , brazil . london , uk . paris , france . berlin , germany . moscow , russia . cairo , egypt . mumbai , india . new dehli , india . toyko , japan . seoul , korea . beijing , china . shanghai , china . sydney , australia . manilla , phillipenes . each team will have ten players and two coaches . each player will sign a one year contract for one million american dollars at the begining of every year . same with coaches . any team can fire any coach or player at any time for any reason or for no reason . the player or coach keeps the million dollars . the B team also has ten players and 2 coaches . the B team gets no money . the B team is made up of 12 people that agree to be on the B team . the team can only replace players and coaches from the A team from players from the B team . once a player or coach is deactivated from the A team that person can not return to the team for the rest of the year . once a person from the B team is activated to play or coach for the A team , they get one million american dollars . all players and coaches will have to participate in media day which will take place exactly 24 hours before the game at or near where the game will be played . any coach or player that misses this event will not be allowed to be at the game the next day . all players and coaches will have to conduct at least 3 interviews of over 4 minutes with a local media person , a IBA media person , and a home town media person . players and coaches can say no comment and then sit in silence for the duration of each interview . a 20% ownership stake for all 40 teams will be sold to the first buyer . the price is 100 million dollars . there is a 20 million dollar minimum deposit . 5 million of those dollars are non refundable . my name is charles webster baer . I live in redmond oregon usa . I am the owner , founder , and president of the INTERNATIOAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION . please contact me to invest at []( or call me up 541 699 9868 . thank you very much and have a nice day . HOOP ON .
submitted by thedepopulationist to VOTEBAER [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:12 Primary-Border8536 “Men” When Sick

My 19 month old was sick with a 101 fever , congestion, cough, crying all the time. He got me sick as fuck. Same thing. Fever. We both were burning at the touch every night. So congested to my ears my head was gonna explode. Nasty cough. Itchy , painful lump in my throat. Blow your nose so much does nothing. Hot showers. Steaming up the bathroom while I bounce and sooth my son. Literally caring for TWO SICK PEOPLE. It’s hard to help a baby that young, who can’t blow their nose, who defies water and food , who just cries. I still cleaned the house, mowed the lawn , did the laundry, you fucking name it , I did it!
My 30 year old “man” / baby daddy that I can’t get out of my house finally gets the sickness. I told him it’s super contagious. He insisted. No it’s been days I’m fine. He’s now so sick that he lays in bed goes “aaaaaaaaahhhhh” groans, shower after shower, hot bath after hot bath, our son climbs and jumps on him, he gets frustrated and annoyed, he shuts himself in our bedroom. He yelled No! At my son last night cause he tried taking a blanket Fromm him that is HIS blankie.
What the fuck? I’m convinced every woman on this planet (besides the people with ACTUAL grown up men) would be better off on our own.
submitted by Primary-Border8536 to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:12 tikdi_ Why are most Indian men not attractive (appearance wise) ?

I am 23 female from India and here I find that guys my age are not attractive . Now I am talking about whole middle class and poorer class. I see girls around me who are conventionally really attractive, women who take care of themselves to look their best with what minimum they have.
Most Indian boys don't have good physical health, their bellies are popping out or they are extremely thin , they are short on height with thinning hair. I think you start to look good when your body is healthy, these men don't even do basic exercise. Women try so hard to maintain their shape even after pregnancy. You can do bare minimum in your prime youth.
When I see men from around the world, I see that men can be so attractive, of course there is a genetic theory included but still you can try. I am talking about looks purely because most Indian men want a beautiful wife for themselves but at the same time they won't even try slightest to look good for us .
Come on men we want to look at normal corporate or baniya guy and think how sexy he is without wondering whether he is a spoilt rich brat who is just a dense idiot or just another gym freak with nothing else to do.
submitted by tikdi_ to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:10 Mariesnotworld- I leave tomorrow and idk what to pack

Basically title , like the procrastinator Im I forgot to pack my clothes which is kind of important 💀
I dress pretty unusually ( think Lolita sanrio-core) so half my woredrobe is off the charts for a trip, I want to look normal lol so I was thinking to bring sun and T-shirts and shorts and some Lenin pants is that alright for Greece ? Do people care if there's designs or characters on the shirts or not
I heard it's going to be usually hot but I'm a desert rat I can take it 😂
All my woredrobe is in 4 colours pink black white and denim so pickings are slim lol And I was just going to pack a pair of converse, sandles and flats since that's all I own
Is there anything else I didn't think of or what do you think of this list Thanks
submitted by Mariesnotworld- to GreeceTravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:09 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Ang Lee

Directors at the Box Office: Ang Lee
Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's Ang Lee's turn.
Lee's father, a respect principal, was hoping that his son would become a professor. But he was disappointed when his son failed his high school exam twice, forcing him to attend a less privileged university. Seeing Ingmar Bergman's film The Virgin Spring was a formative experience for him. After finishing his mandatory military service, he moved to the United States to complete his studies. He wanted to become an actor, but his struggle with English made him move into directing. After finally meeting a few contacts in the industry, he started working as a director.
From a box office perspective, how reliable was he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

Pushing Hands (1991)

His directorial debut. It stars Sihung Lung, Lai Wang, Bo Z. Wang, Deb Snyder and Haan Lee. It follows a Chinese tai chi master living in New York, who struggles to find his place in the world. The film shows the contrast between traditional Chinese ideas of Confucian relationships within a family and the much more informal Western emphasis on the individual.
Lee graduated from New York University Tisch School of the Arts in 1984, but had failed to find career opportunities since, working almost full-time as a house-father. During the intermediate six years, he became interested in martial arts, specifically tai chi, after reading the wuxia novel Jianghu qixia zhuan. This motivated him to write a screenplay, which brought the attention of Hsu Li-kong, a recently promoted senior manager in a major studio who had a strong interest in Lee's unique style and freshness. He invited Lee to make his directorial debut.
It had a very limited release, and it was reported that it made just $152,322 domestically. But it received acclaim in the United States and Taiwan. And that allowed Lee to finally get a chance to expand his horizon.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $152,322.
  • Worldwide gross: $152,322.

The Wedding Banquet (2023)

"You are cordially invited to a wedding where everybody wants to kiss the bride... except the groom."
His second film. The film stars Gua Ah-leh, Lung Sihung, May Chin, Winston Chao and Mitchell Lichtenstein. The story concerns a bisexual Taiwanese immigrant man who marries a mainland Chinese woman to placate his parents and get her a green card. His plan backfires when his parents arrive in the United States to plan his wedding banquet and he has to hide the truth of his gay partner.
Neil Peng approached Lee with the idea in 1986 by revealing to Lee that one of their mutual friends had moved to the United States and was in a same-sex relationship without the knowledge of the man's parents. Lee and Peng began writing the screenplay two years later and were soon joined by James Schamus. Schamus wrote that the film was "first drafted in Chinese, then translated into English, re-written in English, translated back into Chinese, and eventually subtitled in Chinese and English and a dozen other languages."
The film was critically acclaimed, and became a sleeper hit, earning $23.6 million against a budget of just $1 million. Lee was on the rise.
  • Budget: $1,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $6,933,459.
  • Worldwide gross: $23,633,459.

Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)

"It's hard to tell where sex stops and food begins."
His third film. It stars Sihung Lung, Wang Yu-wen, Wu Chien-lien, and Yang Kuei-mei. It follows four members of the Zhu family as they navigate the challenges of love, life, tradition and family. This film deals with the transition from tradition to modernity. It is Lee's first (and to date, only film) to be shot entirely in his native Taiwan.
Like his previous films, another critical and commercial success. Lee quickly made himself a household name.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $7,294,403.
  • Worldwide gross: $24,294,403.

Sense and Sensibility (1995)

"Lose your heart and come to your senses."
His fourth film. Based on the novel by Jane Austen, and it stars Emma Thompson (who also wrote the screenplay), Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant and Alan Rickman. The story follows the Dashwood sisters, members of a wealthy English family of landed gentry, as they must deal with circumstances of sudden destitution. They are forced to seek financial security through marriage.
In 1989, producer Lindsay Doran suggested adapting the novel to her colleagues. She was a lifelong fan of the novel, and vowed to make a film adaptation if she ever made it into the industry. Looking for a writer, Doran read screenplays by English and American writers until she came across a series of comedic skits, often in period settings, that actress Emma Thompson had written and decided that that was the direction she wanted for the film. As they were working on the film Dead Again, Doran hired Thompson to write the film, even though she never wrote a feature-length film before.
Thompson spent five years writing and revising the screenplay, both during and between shooting other films. Believing the novel's language to be "far more arcane than in [Austen's] later books," Thompson sought to simplify the dialogue while retaining the "elegance and wit of the original." Despite Doran's confidence, studios were reluctant to pick up the film, as Thompson never wrote a film. Columbia Pictures executive Amy Pascal supported Thompson's work and agreed to sign as the producer and distributor.
In 1993, Lee was hired to direct, basically for his work in The Wedding Banquet. Even though he was not familiar with Jane Austen, Doran felt that Lee's films, which depicted complex family relationships amidst a social comedy context, were a good fit with Austen's storylines. Viewing it as a "director for hire" job, Lee spent six months in preparing for the film, as it would have his largest budget ($16 million) by that point. Doran and Columbia asked Thompson to play Elinor herself.
The film received widespread critical acclaim, and was included on more than a hundred top-ten of the year lists, as well as one of the best Austen adaptations. It was a huge box office hit, earning $134 million worldwide. It received 7 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Actress. Thompson won Best Adapted Screenplay, making her the only person to have won an Oscar for both her writing and acting (she won Best Actress two years prior). However, Lee was not nominated for Best Director, a decision that was criticized by many as Hollywood's racism against Lee and Chinese cinema in general. Lee sought to avoid turning his omission into a scandal and specifically asked the Taiwan state media not to make it a "national issue", explaining that he endured more pressure when forced to act as his country's representative.
  • Budget: $16,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $43,182,776.
  • Worldwide gross: $134,582,776.

The Ice Storm (1997)

"The American Dream was over. But the hangover was just beginning."
His fifth film. Based on the novel by Rick Moody, it stars Kevin Kline, Joan Allen, Tobey Maguire, Christina Ricci, Elijah Wood, Katie Holmes, Glenn Fitzgerald, Jamey Sheridan and Sigourney Weaver. Set during Thanksgiving 1973, it follows two dysfunctional New Canaan, Connecticut, upper-class families who are trying to deal with tumultuous social changes of the early 1970s, and their escapism through alcohol, adultery and sexual experimentation.
The film ended Lee's winning streak at the box office, but it was still critically acclaimed.
  • Budget: $18,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $8,038,061.
  • Worldwide gross: $16,011,975.

Ride with the Devil (1999)

"In a no-man's land between North and South, you didn't fight for the blue or grey, you fought for your friends and your family."
His sixth film. Based on the novel Woe to Live On by Daniel Woodrell, it stars Tobey Maguire, Skeet Ulrich, Jeffrey Wright, Jewel, Simon Baker, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, James Caviezel, Thomas Guiry and Jonathan Brandis. Set during the American Civil War, it follows a group of men who join the First Missouri Irregulars, also known as the Bushwhackers — guerrilla units loyal to pro-Confederacy units of the state — and their war against Northern Jayhawkers allied with the Union army.
Despite commanding a $38 million budget, the film had a very limited three-day run, making less than $1 million. It also received mixed reviews from critics.
  • Budget: $38,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $635,096.
  • Worldwide gross: $635,096.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)

"A timeless story of strength, secrets, and two warriors who would never surrender."
His seventh film. Based on the Chinese novel serialized between 1941 and 1942 by Wang Dulu, it stars Chow Yun-fat, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, and Chang Chen. Master Li Mu Bai, a warrior, is about to retire and gives his sword to his lover Yu Shu Lien to keep it safe. However, the sword is stolen and now an embittered Li embarks on a mission to find it.
The stunt work was mostly performed by the actors themselves and Ang Lee stated in an interview that computers were used "only to remove the safety wires that held the actors" aloft. "Most of the time you can see their faces," he added. "That's really them in the trees." The film specifically targeted Western audiences rather than the domestic audiences who were already used to Wuxia films. As a result, high-quality English subtitles were needed. Ang Lee, who was educated in the West, personally edited the subtitles to ensure they were satisfactory for Western audiences.
Whatever were the expectations for this, the film exceeded them by a large margin. After a limited release, it earned $8 million in its first wide domestic opening weekend. But the crazy thing was how insane were its legs; it didn't hit a sub $4 million weekend until its 12th wide weekend, and it even increased from some weekends. It closed with a colossal $128 million domestically, becoming the highest foreign-language film in United States, a record it still keeps, and it's twice as much as the second place, Life Is Beautiful. Worldwide, it earned $213.9 million worldwide, becoming a worldwide phenomenon and Lee's highest grossing film.
The film was widely acclaimed across the world, hailed as one of the greatest films of the century. The film led to a boost in popularity of Chinese wuxia films in the Western world, where they were previously little known, and led to films such as Hero and House of Flying Daggers, both directed by Zhang Yimou, being marketed towards Western audiences. It received 10 Oscar nominations (the most for a foreign film), including Best Picture and Best Director for Lee. It won four: Best Foreign Language Film, Best Art Direction, Best Original Score, and Best Cinematography. To this day, one of the most iconic foreign titles. Lee made history.
  • Budget: $17,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $128,530,421.
  • Worldwide gross: $213,978,518.

Hulk (2003)

"Unleash the fury."
His eighth film. Based on the Marvel Comics character created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, it stars Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Josh Lucas, and Nick Nolte. The film explores Bruce Banner's origins. After a lab accident involving gamma radiation, he transforms into a giant green-skinned humanoid with superhuman strength known as the Hulk whenever stressed or emotionally provoked. The United States military pursues him, and he clashes with his biological father, who has dark plans for his son.
Since 1990, Avi Arad and Gale Ann Hurd were working on a Hulk film, but Universal was struggling in finding the right script. Hurd brought her husband Jonathan Hensleigh as co-producer the following year, and Universal hired Industrial Light & Magic to create the Hulk with computer-generated imagery. Joe Johnston was hired as director, but he eventually left to work on another film, while Zak Penn was brought to rewrite. Hensleigh subsequently rewrote the script with J. J. Abrams. Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski were also brought on board to rewrite, with Hensleigh deciding to direct the film himself despite not having directed before. By 1998, Universal put the film on hiatus due to its escalating $100 million budget and worries of Hensleigh directing his first film. $20 million was already spent on script development, computer animation, and prosthetics work. Hensleigh immediately went to rewrite the script to reduce the budget.
In 2001, Lee and his colleague James Schamus signed for the project, after Lee chose not to direct Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. He was dissatisfied with the script and commissioned Schamus for a rewrite, merging Banner's father with the Absorbing Man. Lee cited influences from King Kong, Frankenstein, Jekyll and Hyde, Beauty and the Beast, Faust, and Greek mythology to interpret the story. Schamus said he had found the storyline that introduced Brian Banner, allowing Lee to write a drama that again explored father-son themes. Schamus admitted to feeling pressure after the release of Spider-Man.
Eric Bana commented that the shoot was "Ridiculously serious... a silent set, morbid in a lot of ways." Lee told him that he was shooting a Greek tragedy, and that he would be making a "whole other movie" about the Hulk at Industrial Light & Magic. An example of Lee's arthouse approach to the film was taking Bana to watch a bare-knuckle boxing match. Bana would later disfavorably reflect on his experience making the film as the majority of the time he was working indoors while the rest of the cast interacted with a CGI recreation of the Hulk, somewhat limiting his screen time.
After the colossal success of Spider-Man, Universal mounted an extensive marketing campaign, which also highlighted Ang Lee's involvement. The film opened with a huge $62.1 million in its first weekend, the biggest June debut and the 16th biggest ever. However, the film had absolutely no legs at the box office. In its second weekend, it dropped a colossal 69.7%, which was the biggest for a film that opened above $20 million. In its third weekend, it fell another steep 56.3% and it kept falling until it left theaters, becoming the largest opener not to earn $150 million. It closed with $132 million domestically and $245 million worldwide. Good enough to be the 15th highest grossing film of the year and Lee's highest grossing film, but not a hit given its $137 million budget.
If Spider-Man was an immediate crowd-pleaser, Hulk was the exact opposite. It received polarizing reviews; while its ambition and style was praised, a lot criticized its CGI and very limited action ("too much talking and not enough smashing"). In subsequent years, some have praised the film as an ambitious film that deviated from the superhero formula, although it's still not widely considered as a beloved film. Lee admitted the challenges of the film, but stood proud of the film and its fans.
  • Budget: $137,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $132,177,234.
  • Worldwide gross: $245,285,165.

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

"Love is a force of nature."
His ninth film. Based on the short story by Annie Proulx, it stars Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams and Randy Quaid. Its plot depicts the complex romantic relationship between two American cowboys, Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, in the American West from 1963 to 1983.
Screenwriter Diana Ossana discovered Annie Proulx's short story in October 1997, just days after its publication. She convinced writing partner Larry McMurtry to read it, who thought it was a "masterpiece". The pair asked Proulx if they could adapt it into a film screenplay; although she did not think that the story would work as a film, she agreed. The big challenge wasn't the script, it was about getting the film made in the first place.
Gus Van Sant attempted to make the film, hoping to cast Matt Damon and Joaquin Phoenix as Ennis and Jack, respectively. He also considered Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Ryan Phillippe and Josh Hartnett. Damon, who previously worked with Van Sant on Good Will Hunting, told the director, "Gus, I did a gay movie (The Talented Mr. Ripley), then a cowboy movie (All the Pretty Horses). I can't follow it up with a gay-cowboy movie!"
James Schamus, who was now the CEO of Focus Features, optioned the film rights in 2001. Pedro Almodovar was approached, but he felt he couldn't get his artistic freedom respected. At Ossana's request, Schamus showed the story and screenplay to Lee. Lee decided instead to make Hulk, and that film's experience left him exhausted, to the point that he considered retiring. When he was offered Brokeback, he changed his mind and agreed to direct. He was particularly drawn to the authentic rural American life and repression depicted in the story.
Ossana and McMurty suggested Heath Ledger, but the film studio thought he was not masculine enough. Regardless, Ledger got the script, who thought it was "beautiful" and put himself forward. Gyllenhaal reacted to the script positively and signed on for the role; he also did not want to miss the opportunity working with Lee and friend Ledger. Lee met with Mark Wahlberg for a role in the film, but Wahlberg declined as he was "creeped out" by the script. Gyllenhaal admired Ledger and described him as "way beyond his years as a human". Other actors were considered for the leads but Lee said they were too afraid to take on the roles.
You have to consider that while the world progressed a lot in the past years, 2005 was a very different era, so a film like Brokeback Mountain had a tough hill to climb. Some countries refused to play the film, while others censored it. LGBT films weren't big at the time, so it felt like there wouldn't be a big audience here.
And they were proven wrong.
The film debuted with $547,425 in 5 theaters, a huge $109,485 per-theater average. It had fantastic legs, eventually closing with a huge $83 million domestically. But the big surprise is that it was bigger overseas; it made $178 million worldwide, becoming Focus Features' highest grossing film. The film received universal acclaim on its release, touted as one of the greatest films of the century. It received 10 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture. It won three: Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Original Score. In a shocking decision, it lost Best Picture to Crash, a decision that has been reviled ever since. We'd like to say it's a polarizing decision... but let's face it, there are no Crash fans nowadays. Or at least, none that prefer that to Brokeback.
But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter; Brokeback may not have won the Oscar, but it won over the general public.
It wasn't the first LGBT film, not even close. But it might have been the most influential and a huge landmark.
  • Budget: $14,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $83,043,761.
  • Worldwide gross: $178,064,141.

Lust, Caution (2007)

"The trap is set."
His tenth film. Based on the novella by Eileen Chang, it stars Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Tang Wei, Anupam Kher, Joan Chen, Wang Leehom and Shyam Pathak. The film is set in Hong Kong in 1938 and in Shanghai in 1942, when the city was occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army and ruled by the puppet government led by Wang Jingwei. The film depicts a group of Chinese university students from The University of Hong Kong who plot to assassinate a high-ranking special agent and recruiter working for the puppet government by luring him into a honey trap.
The actors who played university classmates, spent six months of preproduction in Hong Kong just to get into character and understand the period before filming. During this period the group of actors, including Tang Wei and Wang Leehom became very close friends. Both Tang Wei and Tony Leung Chiu-wai were asked whether the sex scenes in the movie were unsimulated. Tang Wei responded, "In the movie, we are just doing what we should do to have a baby." As for Tony Leung, he responded, "When the bodies collide with each other, it is indeed like a fake show!" The film was rated NC-17 in North America for its explicit sex scenes, and Lee made it clear he would not re-cut the film. Despite that, the version released in China was cut by about seven minutes (by Lee himself) to make it suitable for younger audiences, since China has no rating system.
The film won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, where it received critical acclaim. Due to the rating, it only earned $4 million domestically. But it was much bigger overseas, where it earned $67 million worldwide, becoming the highest grossing NC-17 film (a record it still keeps).
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $4,604,982.
  • Worldwide gross: $67,091,915.

Taking Woodstock (2009)

"Take the trip."
His 11th film. Based on the memoir by Elliot Tiber and Tom Monte, it stars Demetri Martin, Paul Dano, Dan Fogler, Henry Goodman, Jonathan Groff, Emile Hirsch, Eugene Levy, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Imelda Staunton and Liev Schreiber. Elliot's parents own a motel in Catskills, New York. To overcome the family's financial crisis, Elliot offers the organisers of the Woodstock music and art festival boarding and lodging in the motel.
The film received mixed reviews, and bombed at the box office.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $7,460,204.
  • Worldwide gross: $9,975,737.

Life of Pi (2012)

"Don't lose hope."
His 12th film. Based on the novel by Yann Martel, it stars Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Tabu, Rafe Spall, Gérard Depardieu and Adil Hussain. The storyline revolves around two survivors of a shipwreck who are on a lifeboat stranded in the Pacific Ocean for 227 days. One is a sixteen-year-old Indian boy named Pi Patel and the other is a ferocious Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.
Fox 2000 Pictures executive Elizabeth Gabler acquired the film rights in February 2003. M. Night Shyamalan was attached to direct, and he was expected to film it after The Village. But he dropped to instead make Lady in the Water, "I was hesitant [to direct] because the book has kind of a twist ending. And I was concerned that as soon as you put my name on it, everybody would have a different experience." Other directors considered were Alfonso Cuarón and Jean-Pierre Jeunet, both of which declined.
In 2009, Lee was hired, but the film was stuck in development hell when he asked for a $120 million budget. But the revival of 3-D motivated Fox in greenlighting the film under Lee's terms. As Lee started casting, one of the actors involved was Tobey Maguire, who would play a reporter. But it was later reported that Lee chose to cut his scenes, feeling he wanted to emphasize an entirely international cast. His scenes were re-shot with Rafe Spall.
Fox mounted an extensive marketing campaign selling the film as "the next Avatar" in terms of visuals and 3-D. And it fucking killed it at the box office. It earned $124.9 million domestically, which was considered a soft performance. But the real money was in the rest of the world; the film broke records in countries like China, United Kingdom, India and Mexico. It earned a colossal $609 million worldwide, easily becoming Lee's highest grossing film. An absolutely insane performance.
The film also received critical acclaim, praised for its CGI and 3-D. It received 11 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture. And it won four: Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, Best Original Score, and then Lee himself won his second Oscar for Best Director, becoming the first Asian to win the award twice. And just like that, he cemented himself as one of the greatest filmmakers of our era. And here's how he celebrated it; going to In-N-Out.
  • Budget: $120,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $124,987,023.
  • Worldwide gross: $609,016,565.

Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016)

"To walk the path of a hero, you have to see how it all began."
His 13th film. Based on the novel by Ben Fountain, it stars Joe Alwyn, Garrett Hedlund, Kristen Stewart, Vin Diesel, Steve Martin, and Chris Tucker. After a horrifying battle in Iraq, Private Billy Lynn and his fellow comrades are brought home for a victory tour. Soon, he recollects the harsh realities of the war and struggles to cope with life.
The film used an unprecedented shooting and projection frame rate of 120 frames per second in 3D at 4K UHD resolution, which Lee terms the "whole shebang". It is the first feature film ever to be shot in such a high frame rate, over twice the previous record (Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, shot at 48 fps) and five times the standard speed of 24 fps. Lee undertook such a bold step after reading the book since he wanted the film to be an "immersive" and "realistic" experience of the reality and emotional journey of soldiers.
Due to the complexity involved in shooting at a very high frame rate, Lee could not afford to do many takes even for a single scene. Every shot was difficult and at the same time precious. He would rehearse every scene beforehand and would conduct regular morning meetings with the key crew members to highlight things they needed to be alert on. Shooting close-up shots in 3D with such high resolution meant the cast could not wear make-up and could not deliver less-than-authentic performances. Since no make-up was allowed, make-up artist Luisa Abel spent months of preparation on their skin tones. Throughout filming, the production team had to rethink everything, including different approaches to lighting as the camera needed extra lights due to the higher frame rates.
Due to the complexity of the film's unprecedented high frame rate and the cost of installing equipment capable of projecting the film in its intended format, only five theaters globally were equipped to show it at its highest resolution and maximum frame rate: two in the United States (one at a theater in New York City's AMC Lincoln Square where the film had its world premiere and the other in Los Angeles's the ArcLight Hollywood), and one theater each in Taipei, Beijing, and Shanghai.
The film opened in 2 theaters (New York City's AMC Lincoln Square and Los Angeles's the ArcLight Hollywood's Cinerama Dome), which were the only ones in the country to play the film at 120fps and the ticket prices at both locations running $20 or higher. It made a pretty great $114,129, which made for a fantastic $57,064 per-theater average (the third best of the year). But when it hit wide release, the film was dead on arrival. It made just $901,062 in 1,176 theaters, which was one of the worst wide debuts ever. And then, despite having its second weekend fall on Thanksgiving, it collapsed by 77.3%. It closed after just 3 weeks with only $1.7 million domestically. It fared better overseas, where China made colossal $23.7 million. Worldwide, it made just $30.9 million, making it a box office flop. Reviews were mixed, and people were polarized over the high-frame rate; some deemed it immersive and impressive, while others found it distracting and flat.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $1,738,477.
  • Worldwide gross: $30,930,984.

Gemini Man (2019)

"Who will save you from yourself?"
His 14th film. It stars Will Smith, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Clive Owen and Benedict Wong. The film follows a retiring Force Recon Marine scout sniper who is targeted by a much younger clone of himself while on the run from a corrupt private military company.
In 1997, Darren Lemke sold his pitch for Gemini Man after impressing Don Murphy with an unproduced spec script. Warner Bros. Pictures pursued the project, but Walt Disney Pictures ultimately won out and Tony Scott would become attached to direct. Complications soon arose when the studio were planning how to make the film. The producers toyed with the idea of an actor play both roles through the use of visual effects, but Scott moved on from the film before any progress could be made.
The project was stuck in development hell, and saw many actors considered, such as Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, Chris O'Donnell, Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood and Jon Voight. Many directors were also considered, before Lee finally signed in 2017, with Smith also joining. Like his previous film, the film was shot digitally at an extra-high frame rate of 120 frames per second (fps), modified for 3D, this time on modified ARRI Alexa cameras mounted on STEREOTEC 3D Rigs.
Again, due to the requirements needed, only 14 theaters in North America could show the film at a 120fps 2K 3D high-frame rate (two in Los Angeles, two in Chicago, and one each in Miami, Orlando, New Orleans, Denver, New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Baltimore and Houston). Even then, the film was shot at 120fps 4K 3D, which means no theater showed its intended vision. Lee said that 120fps 2K 3D felt like the necessary avenue to make “Junior,” Smith’s digital avatar, a soulful character who could also appear to beat the living crap out of a real actor in the film’s many fight sequences.
The film received negative reviews, particularly for its CGI and story. And like his previous film, the high-frame rate received polarizing reactions. Despite the presence of a big star like Will Smith, the film flopped with just $173 million worldwide, against its $138 million budget, and losing an estimated $111 million for Paramount. Lee's attempt at high-frame rate was just not clicking with the public.
  • Budget: $138,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $48,546,770.
  • Worldwide gross: $173,469,516.

The Future

His next film, as confirmed in November 2022, is a Bruce Lee biopic. The lead actor will be Mason Lee, Ang's son. And he suggested he's not done with the 120fps high-frame rate, claiming he would continue using it in his next film for action sequences.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 Life of Pi 2012 20th Century Fox $124,987,023 $484,029,542 $609,016,565 $120M
2 Hulk 2003 Universal $132,177,234 $113,107,931 $245,285,165 $137M
3 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2000 Sony $128,530,421 $85,446,864 $213,978,518 $17M
4 Brokeback Mountain 2005 Focus Features $83,043,761 $95,019,405 $178,064,141 $14M
5 Gemini Man 2019 Paramount $48,546,770 $124,922,746 $173,469,516 $138M
6 Sense and Sensibility 1995 Sony $43,182,776 $91,400,000 $134,582,776 $16M
7 Lust, Caution 2007 Focus Features $4,604,982 $62,486,933 $67,091,915 $15M
8 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk 2016 Sony $1,738,477 $29,192,507 $30,930,984 $30M
9 Eat Drink Man Woman 1994 The Samuel Goldwyn Company $7,294,403 $17,000,000 $24,294,403 N/A
10 The Wedding Banquet 1993 The Samuel Goldwyn Company $6,933,459 $16,700,000 $23,633,459 $1M
11 The Ice Storm 1997 20th Century Fox / Disney $8,038,061 $7,973,914 $16,011,975 $18M
12 Taking Woodstock 2009 Focus Features $7,460,204 $2,515,533 $9,975,737 $30M
13 Ride with the Devil 1999 USA Films $635,096 $0 $635,096 $38M
14 Pushing Hands 1991 Lionsgate $152,322 $0 $152,322 N/A
Across 14 films, he has made $1,727,122,572 worldwide. That's $123,365,898 per film.

The Verdict

Despite his past two films getting two of the worst reviews in his career, Lee has proved himself to be a very reliable director.
Something impressive about him is the versatility in his resume. A comic book film, a survival film, a LGBT film, a wuxia film, a sci-fi film, a post-war film, a Jane Austen film, a noir film, an erotic NC-17 thriller, a Western, and some romantic comedies. Even if some don't fully work, there's still some good and interesting aspects in him. And of course, the first Asian director to win 2 Oscars for Best Director. So if he wants to continue with the controversial 120fps high-frame rate, let him cook. Hopefully in more and more theaters worldwide.
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Zack Snyder. Oh boy. This is where the fun begins.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. Well, we'll later talk about... John McTiernan and Rob Reiner. Whaaaaat? Two posts for the price of one? You're welcome! It was a very tight race, and it was tough to choose one or the other. The former has the dishonor of going to director jail and real jail, while the latter had an incredible run before completely crashing with one of Roger Ebert's most hated films.
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
June 10-16 Zack Snyder RIP Inbox.
June 17-23 Tony Scott Action films have not been the same ever since his death.
June 24-30 Roland Emmerich The King of disaster films.
July 1-7 John McTiernan & Rob Reiner The rise and fall of two once-great directors.
Who should be next after McTiernan and Reiner? That's up to you.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:02 The_Fallen_1 [THJVerse] Arcane Starfarers - ep 3.7 - Peace and quiet

Book 1/ Book 2
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"Don't say it, I think it's a curse," Oprin told Daniel, gently putting her hand on his mouth.
"But it's peaceful again," Daniel replied, despite the muffling.
"Are you going to visit your friends today?" Milla asked.
"No, I'll arrange something for tomorrow. I've gotten a few messages because they know Hannah'rah is back, but thankfully they all assumed we'd want some time to settle in a little," Daniel explained, moving Oprin's hand.
"A thought I wish my friends had had," Milla agreed.
"Why didn't you tell them not to talk about us by the way?" Oprin asked.
"Because it was a bad idea. I know them well, and they aren't great at keeping secrets. They just love to talk, and telling them not to talk about something just makes them want to talk about it even more. The best I could do was to tell them as little as possible so they can't talk about it for too long, and hopefully it sinks to the backs of their minds until we're ready to talk about it properly," Milla explained.
"Do you want to talk about it now?" Oprin offered.
"Nah, let's just relax for now," Milla replied, sitting down next to Oprin and pulling her in for a cuddle. "I can never get over your amazing fur…."
"Thank you," she told her as she instinctively relaxed in her arms. "It's nice to feel like I have a family again."
"You do have one," Milla assured her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Well, I, um…" Oprin mumbled as she pinned her ears back.
"Oprin, be completely honest, are you comfortable being intimate with Milla?" Daniel asked.
"Yes, it's just…" Oprin trailed off. "Just what? It's better if I know so I don't cause any issues," Milla told her.
"... I find your true form more attractive in that sort of light," Oprin admitted. "Not that I don't like this form, it's just which feelings are strongest are different. It's just the other is the real you, if you know what I mean."
"I do," Milla assured her, changing into her Dragon form but remaining roughly the same size as her humanoid one. "Better?"
"Thank you," Oprin replied as she kissed Milla on the cheek in return.
"That position doesn't do you much good," Daniel told Milla, trying not to laugh at the slouching Dragon sitting like a humanoid would, but with her rear legs sticking straight out in the air as the knees didn't line up with the end of the seat.
"Careful now, I might choose to cuddle up with someone else tonight," Milla jokingly warned him.
"Hey, um, I'm not ready for that-" Oprin tried to interject.
"Don't worry, I was only joking," Milla assured her.
"I know, but do you know how Langan normally sleep?"
"... In groups, right?" Daniel tried to recall.
"Yeah. It's not normally the same bed, but the same room. If it's not too much to ask…?" Oprin trailed off.
"I think Daniel and I need a chance to properly think and discuss that. Both Humans and Dragons prefer not to sleep around people they aren't either biologically related to or aren't very intimate with. Besides, I'd expect you'd find it very awkward," Milla explained.
"Why awkward?" Oprin asked.
"She roars," Daniel simply explained.
"Roars? Why would she roar while trying to… oh, your kinds do that stuff at night," Oprin realised, noticing that Daniel was about to ask something. "After the final meal of the day."
"Thanks, but I think we'll be leaving this topic here for now," Daniel told her, deciding that secret research would be better than an awkward conversation. "Long story short, we're not comfortable to share the room now, but let us think about it, ok?"
"Ok, thank you," Oprin replied, rubbing two of her hands together instinctively as she realised exactly what she had just unintentionally asked for.
"There's probably going to be a few culture shocks ahead of us, so it's probably best if we go slowly, starting conservatively and work out what's best for all of us instead of leaping at every change," Daniel told her. "From what I understand about Langan culture, going out on dates and public shows of strong affection between unmarried people just aren't really a thing, correct?"
"Yes, that's correct," Oprin confirmed. "Unofficial things are kept private, and official things are kept semi-private. That being said, I'm not against them. I think that's more of a hold over of the less than fair governments of the past and wanting to keep the bunkers not running so hot, if you know what I mean. We had one truly private room, and you had to book time in there, and it was rarely given as the number of mouths at any given time had to be kept below a strict limit while making sure there was still a future if we were stuck in there for too long, though I think we all knew that the bunker was going to catastrophically fail before anyone born in there made it to adulthood. It had basically already failed when you arrived as all supplies were far too low to sustain us any longer."
"I can't imagine how scary it must have been to live in there," Milla told Oprin, stroking her head.
"It was scary at first, but after a while everyone just accepted it was how things were going to be. If we died, then at least we tried to survive. People didn't start getting scared again until you arrived and gave us hope, at which point basically everyone feared they couldn't get out of there quickly enough." Oprin explained. "I can't imagine what the people in the other surviving bunker must have felt given theirs was in a far worse state than ours was."
"You made it out, and that's what matters," Milla assured her, noticing that Oprin was trembling slightly. "And now you're safe, healthy, have everything you need in abundance, and are with people who care about you."
"I know, it's just I occasionally still have nightmares about that place, about what if you never came to save us."
Milla shot Daniel a quizzative look, and he responded with a nod, not even requiring use of Milla's telepathy to understand what they were thinking. "If it helps, maybe we can be flexible with the whole room sharing thing?"
"I don't want to guilt you into that," Oprin replied, realising what she'd just done.
"No, don't worry about it. If it helps you sleep, we're happy to do what we can. Just, uh, maybe knock loudly if you don't start the night in there," Milla told her.
"I'll be sure to. And thank you, this means a lot to me. I'd there's any way I can repay you-"
"Don't worry about that sort of thing," Daniel cut her off. "We've got stuff to figure out still, so it's just going to be a bit of back and forth until we settle on what we're happy with, and even then things are going to change as we get more comfortable with different things. We've shared a bed once to help you relax after the stressful start of the war, so it's not like this is completely new territory."
"Exactly," Milla agreed as she checked her holo.
"Thank you," Oprin replied, looking at Milla as she read something. "I'm curious, how does changing your body work, and why do you keep your holo and necklace?"
"Both of them have a special enchantment that means they adjust to fit my new body," Milla explained as she started typing. "As for the changing itself, that's more complicated and I'll explain it another time. The short answer though is that it involves a sub-dimension linked to the Aether. Sorry for the abrupt change in topic, but I've just got a message from Lieutenant Felkira. She's taking us up on the offer to come here."
"Oh, I take it things didn't pan out very well then?" Daniel asked.
"I can only assume not. She didn't explain, but you can probably ask her in a minute. I've sent her our address, so she should be here any second," Milla replied, with the doorbell ringing a moment later. "Told you."
"How does that smoke stuff even work?" Oprin asked as Milla made for the front door.
"It's not well understood. All we really know is that Shadow Wolves can do it instinctively, and it's also possible for at least some other people to do it with a lot of training," Daniel explained as he got up as well.
"Oh. Do you think I could learn how to do it?"
"Maybe. Once the current study is out of the way, then there might be an option or two," Daniel told her, heading for the front door as Milla opened it to reveal the familiar Shadow Wolf, carrying her bag with her mechanical arms.
"Felkira! Please come in," Milla offered. "How are you doing?"
"I'm a little at a loss for what to do, but I'm otherwise ok," Felkira replied with her slightly synthetic voice. "Is everything good for you, though?"
"We've been a little busy with family and friends, but it's quietened down for the moment," Milla explained as Felkira entered.
"Oh, sorry if I disturbed you," Felkira apologised, looking over to Daniel. "Oh, hello, Sir."
"Hi," Daniel replied.
"No, it's fine, we might just be a little quieter for the time being," Milla told her.
"No complaints from me. So, should I call you…?"
"Just use our normal names," Milla replied.
"... Which are? I can guess, but I don't know for sure."
"Oh, right, you wouldn't know. I'm Milla, he's Daniel, and Oprin is just round the corner."
"You use your forename in the Navy, Milla?" Felkira asked, tilting her head slightly as they walked towards the lounge. "Elves and us Shadow Wolves only have a single name by tradition, and Dryads also have a tradition of only using their surnames when another person of the same name is around, but I'm sure I remember Dragons using their surnames like everyone else."
"The name 'Whiltstone' carries a lot of weight and draws a lot of attention I'd rather not have. I've chosen to use my forename to make things fair and smoother until this one finally gives me his," Milla explained, tapping Daniel on the head with her wing.
"Finally?" Daniel asked.
"Yes, finally," Milla replied, giving him a toothy grin to assure him that she was just messing around a little.
"Hello, Oprin," Felkira announced as she entered the lounge to find the Langan.
"Hey, Felkira, all good?" Oprin asked.
"Sort of," Felkira began, setting her back down out of the way. "As expected, my old pack was glad to see me safe and sound, but that's unfortunately about it. Those of us who embrace civilisation tend not to be overly welcome out in the wild unless they're an ambassador."
"Why not?" Oprin questioned.
"Our species is essentially a partially uplifted group of wild animals. We're still wild at heart, even if we're more intelligent now. Those of us that head for the comfort of civilisation are seen more like dogs than wolves; very similar but not quite the same, and therefore it's best if we don't mix too much even though we can quite easily," Felkira explained.
"That's horrible!" Oprin exclaimed.
"What's a good analogy…. Say if you have a sibling that was raised in your society, good technology, clean, and has everything they need. Then when they grow up, they suddenly decide to forsake all of that and go into the wilds, living as something closer to an animal, spending all day hunting with their teeth and claws and the only proper bathing they do is when they happen to walk through a river. When they come home one day, how would you feel?"
"Glad they're safe, but they'd probably make me very uncomfortable to be around for long," Oprin admitted. "I get it now. It's still horrible though."
"Everyone knows it, but I make them uncomfortable and I don't want to force that on them, so I showed up, told a few stories, got any important news from them, and left shortly before any of them might start thinking about complaining."
"Hey, Felkira, do you have anything arranged for your time off?" Milla asked, looking at Daniel and winking.
"Not really. I need to try and figure out which hotel to stay at, though booking it is going to cause problems. Most can't accommodate Shadow Wolves, and I'll be drawing some unwanted attention as people around here see us as wild," Felkira explained.
"We've got plenty of room here, why not stay with us?" Milla offered.
"... I don't want to impose, but if you're really happy with that…" Felkira trailed off. "I'm happy to help out around the house if you'd let me?"
"Nonsense, you're a guest," Milla assured her. "That being said, you could help us relieve some stress from time to time…."
"Well, I do agree with the earlier comment about me being more like a dog than a wolf," Felkira chuckled. "Alright, that's a deal."
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submitted by The_Fallen_1 to HFY [link] [comments]