Hope cinquain poems

Darius_Kel: Darius_Kel's archive of stories.

2020.09.20 02:10 Darius_Kel Darius_Kel: Darius_Kel's archive of stories.

This subreddit is the archive for the content produced, authored, and posted by u/Darius_Kel.

2008.11.11 14:59 Anarchists

Anarchism, also known as Libertarian Socialism, is a social movement that seeks to abolish oppressive systems. Capitalism is the economic system where investors and landlords are allowed to extract wealth from the economy without contributing goods or services back. Under capitalism, actual workers have little autonomy, or control over themselves. Instead, they are controlled by politicians and bankers. All anarchists are anti-capitalism and anti-state.

2014.05.20 05:02 ZadocPaet /r/Abolish: Abolish the Death Penalty

Capital punishment is ineffective and unethical. Stand with us and oppose it. Abolish the death penalty! Our goal is to be the catylyst that leads to the barbaric practice of executing citizens of the United States of America to be done away with. We are the minority, but together we can be a force to put an end to the tooth for tooth "justice" of our ancestors. We do not believe the solution to killing could ever be more killing.This is not how we solve problems in the 21st century

2024.06.08 21:42 thisyearsgirl_ Suggestions for a child who stutters while reading

I hope it’s okay to post this here. I’m a reading specialist and I have a ten-year-old student who most likely has dyslexia. She likes to read but gets anxious about reading aloud and will take sharp breaths in the middle of words. She will either finish or restart the word after taking a breath. She doesn’t stutter while talking. We’ve been reading simple rhyming poems together where I model taking a breath in betwern lones. She’s doing pretty well with it, but does anyone have other tips?
submitted by thisyearsgirl_ to slp [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:33 LittleSayori_6 Small things I LOVE in the DDLC+ Side Stories!

(Spoilers for the Side Stories of DDLC+… and the main game!)
Greetings! It’s time to share some postivity~ Well, at least I’m feeling like it, so… Here are some things from each Side Story that I love! Not speaking about big CGs or the story itself, but simply small details~ (Beware, this post is long!)
Trust: First, I love the reference to “Your Reality” when Monika tries to figure out her thoughts, “Join the Literature Club… Write the way into your heart.” Second, I love the references to Sayori’s first poem of the Side Stories “Take my hand”. On line is, “If you can trust me to follow your pace, I’ll trust you to set it. If you can trust me to lend you a smile, I’ll trust you to return it.” Then, at the end of Trust Part 1, it says, “Monika returns Sayori’s smile,” when Sayori tries to offer help to Monika. At the beginning of the second part, when they promise that they’ll be there for each other, it reads, “Unable to help it, Monika return Sayori’s smile”. By the end of the side story, it reads, “The two exchange smiles”. Also, the promise they make and how Monika becomes vulnerable with Sayori first could be a reference to the ‘following your pace’ part of it! And in “Become the flower”, there’s a part that’s also in the main game. When you write the first two poems for Sayori, during the second event, she also performs an almost identical part of that exact poem. There’s also something about when Monika tries writing a poem in the second part. She writes, “This is what I get for seeking perfection. A stain.” You could apply that to the main game as she tries to create her perfect world, but we know how that went…
Understanding: I like how it’s highlighted that Yuri likes fantasy the most. People tend to forget it’s her favorite genre. Even in the main game, she says, “My favorites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds. The level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me. And telling a story in such a foreign world is equally impressive.” She only says, “Anyway, I’ve been reading a lot of horror lately…” So I’m glad we got to see more of Yuri’s favorite genre! Also, I liked to hear about the little hobbies she and Sayori have. And the fact that they acknowledged that individuals have different needs, and that they mentioned that people should respect your consent (although, Balance ruined that last part a bit for me…)
Respect: Parfait Girls returned! Another detail I liked is the song that Monika played. Not just the name – My Song, Your Note (each first letter is the first letter of the girls’ names in the order they joined in) – but also WHAT she plays. In the main game, Monika plays the main theme while singing. In this case, she also played an already existent track – the first one we hear, that also isn’t tied to a character as much, meaning it could also be considered the main theme. To add to that, we see short scenes that have happened. I’m not sure if it was intentional or not, but I noticed it anyway: For Sayori and Yuri, we have scenes with Monika standing with them in the hallway, but Natsuki stands only with Sayori in the hallway; and generally, the scenes tend to show Monika happy with the girls, but Natsuki only with Sayori until the last scene. Also, while I noticed it by the second Side Story, this made it very clear to me that this is either another universe, or the girls’ memories were manipulated to give them drama in the main game.
Balance: I guess I liked that we basically have the confirmation that the hanging stick figure of Sayori in the files – and as a special poem in Act 2 – was probably drawn by her, as she apparently likes to draw stick figures. Also, Natsuki likes some more lewd manga too, I see…and we can see the difference between how she explains things versus Yuri in “Understanding”. Sayori also displays the same reaction to being called “mature” by Yuri as when she was called “adult-like” by Natsuki at the beginning of Respect. At the beginning, they also name all the club members in the same order the MC does in the main game on the first day.
Reflection: In the first part, there’s some solid advice. Monika also talks about it in the main game as one of her Act 3 dialogues. In the second part, Yuri says, “Friendship happens when you think about the other person. When you take time to understand them, and respect them, and trust that… that they also want to be a good person.” It once again links to the first three side stories: Trust, Understanding, and Respect. Also, Yuri also mentions in the main game that she used to be talkative, although in Act 2, but it’s brought up here again. She used to be talkative but people didn’t like her for it, so she grew more and more shy. Plus, this Side Story also gives us the insight that Yuri used to like manga, but only in the past - and when she thinks about the past, she thinks about how immature she used to be, leading her to believe that manga is immature, as well. Generally, Natsuki seems to remind her of her past self which seems to impact her perception of her. Also, Yuri initiated a conversation with Monika while they were looking for a free classroom - that development is just so cute to me :')
Self-Love: In part one, they discuss how they feel empathy for fictional characters, connecting over that – and I connected with them over that, too, so... yeah. In the second part, they do a lot of foreshadowing that the side stories are coming to an end, because you can’t keep a story going for forever (although, I kind of want a slice-of-life manga or anime that goes a bit longer than the side stories with them… I don’t know). I’m also glad that the message is that you can be loved even when you struggle with loving yourself, because there are a lot of messages about it not being possible, which I’ve seen to do actual damage to some people. Another line I really loved was, “Yuri turns away to pick up her open book from the dusty floor, which she had hastily set down earlier. She brushes the dust off the cover.” When someone is having a panic attack, it’s normal to put something you're holding away to help that person – but on a metaphorical lever, after Yuri told Natsuki why she loved these books so much, it means a lot. It implies that she finally found someone she connects with on a deeper level than the book characters; someone whose friendship she values more than her friendship with those characters.
Equals: A nice ending, but I want to get into the final song that plays during the credits. It’s called “Friendship and Literature” and has motives or “Dreams of Love and Literature” in it. The second one is from the main game during the poetry mini game. They’re names are parallels, but while “Friendship and Literature” has already achieved it’s goal – that being the beautiful friendships that the girls have developed in the Literature Club – “Dreams of Love and Literature” hasn’t. They’re just dreams, and it reflects in the main game. In the end, nobody can really build a healthy romantic relationship, and everything goes wrong. “Friendship and Literature” is the happier, successful parallel, which could hint at the Side Stories being an alternate universe where they no longer need to dream, as well. Also, instead of trying to write the way into “his” heart (part of Your Reality), Monika is trying to write the way into her own heart, which sounds healthier to do.
There are also one thing I’ve noticed throughout the Side Stories. As many have pointed out, Monika uses the word “like” a lot at the beginning – but this changes as the Side Stories progress! Her language grows more into the one we know from the main game, and she also becomes more confident and grows into becoming a better leader, as well as how she starts being playful with the other characters. By the way, while not as obvious or common as in the Side Stories, Monika tends to use “like” in her sentences more frequently in Act 3, too. However, that makes me wonder why she is at that stage in her life in the normal game if the events of the Side Stories led to such word choice? Perhaps Monika needed to fake more of her confidence since she knew something was wrong with her world and didn’t want to seem like a mess? Maybe.
As a bonus to share some love for the main game! “My Feelings”, “My Confession” and “I still love you” also have the same motive! “My Feelings” has the ukulele or a guitar playin the background while the piano adds a melody; “My Confession” has the piano playing the entire track with a few sounds sprinkled in (the ukulele/guitar motive has also been replaced by the piano), showing Monika’s progress with playing the piano; “I still love you” has neither, but it’s still the same motive - now echoing though the void.
Anyway, that’s all! Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Feel free to share what small details you like in the Side Stories! I hope you have a good day or night~
submitted by LittleSayori_6 to DDLC [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:03 5docdoc RPDR Randomized Era 4: All Stars 5, Episode 5 (Snatch Game of Love)

RPDR Randomized Era 4: All Stars 5, Episode 5 (Snatch Game of Love)
The queens walk back into the werkroom after Ra'jah's elimination
In her confessional, Symone talks about making it to the halfway point in All Stars and you can feel the temperature rising in the room as the queens are all starting to really size each other up.

The queens gather around on the werkroom couches to discuss the challenge and elimination. Symone congratulates Dela on winning the challenge and points out that she still thought that she was going to be the one to come out on top last week. Peppermint then mentions that she is happy to know that there is $20,000 on the line again and she is looking forward to snagging it. Laganja thanks the girls for voting to keep her in the competition and that it means a lot to her. She asks Dela who's lip stick she chose. Dela pulls out Ra'jah's lip stick and says that she agreed with the group an felt that Laganja had been doing better as a whole and that it didn't feel like it was her time. Luxx then says that she's curious if everyone agrees and asks Dela to open the box. Bendelacreme takes the lip sticks out one by one and reveals that there were...

5 votes for Ra'jah and 1 vote for Laganja
Luxx points out that this is the first time that the entire group agreed on who should be sent home. Monet talks about how, for her, it felt like Ra'jah was trying to convince herself that she still had fight left whereas she felt a fire in Laganja. Symone agrees and adds that she wants to continue to compete against the queens who are in it for the long haul and ready to fight to the end.
In her confessional, Luxx mentions how at this point in the competition the wins are starting to be spread out and that she can see that the targets are going to turn towards her or Monet soon now that they are the only girls without a win and that she can't let that happen.

Laganja thanks the girls again and says that she agrees with Symone and that this season she isn't about to get the chop right before the very end. Symone then laughs and asks what she thinks her and Luxx feel like since they made it all the way to the finale and got the chop at the very last second. Monet laughs as she says that she can't relate to the feeling that the girls are pointing out. The other girls laugh at this before they all start to de-drag.

The queens reenter the werkroom gather around the table to talk. Laganja talks to the girls about how this All Star season has some of the tightest competition with each queen winning a challenge and no one doubling up. Symone agrees and says that it feels different to them since there is only one winner each week as opposed to two winners the way that it's been in other seasons. Peppermint then points out that not everyone in the room has a challenge win to which Luxx says don't point that out and that she is going to change that this week. Just then the queens hear the siren for their RuMail which breaks the conversation. After watching their RuMail, they hear the werkroom door open.

RuPaul enters the werkroom!
RuPaul tells the queens that for their next maxi challenge they will be playing The Snatch Game of Love! Ru reminds them that they need to play up their impersonations to snatch the hearts not only of the Snatchelor but also of the fans.

Ru then leaves the teams to start preparing for their improv challenge.

When RuPaul leaves the room, the queens all start putting together their characters for the challenge.
In her confessional, Monet mentions how she's the only girl that hasn't competed in Snatch Game before so while it is a challenge that makes her nervous she feels that she has no other choice but to slay it and prove that she should be here in the competition still.

Symone and Luxx are getting their characters ready and talk about who they are going to do. Symone shares that she is going to portray Grace Jones who she thinks would be perfect for a love game show given her sexual personality. Luxx mentions that she wants to do something that is a little more unexpected for her and talks about how she is going to be a Care Bear. Symone says that is a smart idea especially if Luxx can make it funny. Monet joins their conversation and tells them how she is excited for this challenge since she didn't get a chance to compete in a Snatch Game before. Luxx tells her that it is harder than it looks and that she thinks the girls that struggle are the ones who either overestimate their capabilities or get too 'in their heads'.

RuPaul then joins the queens for her walkthrough and we see her chat with Peppermint, Monet, Dela and Laganja. In her conversation with Peppermint, Ru learns that she will be portraying Janet Jackson. Ru reminds her that on her first season she didn't do well on Snatch Game and then the only other time she did an impersonation on All Stars 1, she was sent home. Ru asks her what she plans to do differently this time to ensure that she keeps up the momentum that she has been accumulating. Peppermint agrees and adds that this time she thought long and hard about a character that she could do and do well and she thinks Ru is going to be really thrilled with her Janet performance.
In her confessional, Peppermint admits that in the past impersonations haven't been her strong suit so that does make her a little nervous. She goes on to say that she thinks that there are enough girls still in the group that she could out perform.

Ru talks with Monet and tells her that she is excited to see what she is going to do with this challenge because she hasn't done it before. Monet agrees and tells her that she brought Maya Angelou and thinks it will be perfect given that she is a poet and this is a game show about finding love. Ru tells her that she wants to hear a little of her Maya voice which Monet does and gets laughs from Ru. Ru moves on to talk with Bendelacreme who tells her that this time she wants to win Snatch Game since she didn't win on Season 2. Ru tells her that she has shown that improv is a strong suit of hers so she is looking forward to who she is going to do. Dela reveals she will portray Paul Lynde which Ru thinks is genius and leaves her by saying she can't wait to see how it turns out.

Finally, we see Ru talking with Laganja about the upcoming challenge. Ru brings up how she started so strong in the season but ended up in the bottom last week. She then asks her how that makes her feel going into a challenge like Snatch Game. Laganja admits that given how she performed on her original season with Snatch Game that it's a little intimidating to have to do the challenge immediately after being in the bottom but that she brought a strong character in Madonna and thinks that she will be able to nail it this week.
In her confessional, Laganja talks about how she is in it to make it to the end and get the crown this time around and she isn't about to let Snatch Game get in the way of that.

We then see the transition to the All Stars performances in the maxi challenge. The Snatch Game of Love begins with the first Snatchelor, Tommy Dorfman and the three contestants Peppermint, Laganja, and Symone.
This segment is a strong showing from Symone as she bulldozes the other two contestants. She consistently makes Ru laugh as well as Tommy. There are moments where we see Peppermint break character to laugh at Symone's antics. Peppermint struggles with delivering anything that makes us see 'Janet' whereas Laganja has much of the same struggles in that she can't get the voice of Madonna down and most of her answers are off topic. In the end of the segment, Tommy chooses Symone as his match and they have a comedic moment together.
The next segment shows Snatchelor Jeffrey Boyer-Chapman and the contestants Monet, Bendelacreme, and Luxx.
This is a much stronger segment, namely due to the masterclass Bendelacreme puts on as Paul Lynde. Monet holds her own with hilarious antics as Maya Angelou whereas Luxx doesn't keep up as well with the two heavy-hitters. Dela makes Ru laugh so hard she tears up and Monet gags Luxx and Jeffrey with a hilarious love poem filled with innuendos. Luxx tries to amp up her characterization but it is lost in the background with how well Monet and Dela are performing. In the end of the segment, Jeffrey chooses Bendelacreme as his match and they have a comedic moment together. To close off Snatch Game of Love Ru and Jeffrey continue their 'romance' by flirting with each other and ultimately choosing to be together.

Back in the werkroom on elimination day we see all the queens getting ready for the main stage. Peppermint is shown really upset about how she performed in the challenge and talks with Monet about it. She tears up when she mentions that she doesn't want this to be the challenge that sends her home. Monet brings up that now everyone gets a vote and that they should have each other's back by not voting for one another because she can't see herself sending home Peppermint. Symone is shown talking with Luxx and sharing that she thinks she did a really good job this week and hopes that she ends up in the top again to which Luxx mentions her apprehension going into the critiques as she didn't bomb but she knows she wasn't as strong as Dela or Monet. Symone reminds her that she thinks both Peppermint and Laganja really struggled and that it could end up being just a bottom two this week.
RuPaul welcomes everyone to the runway and introduces the main judges for the week, Michelle Visage and Ross Mathews! She then goes on to greet this week's extra special guest judges Jeffrey Boyer-Chapman and Tommy Dorfman! Ru then explains that this week the All Stars were challenged to make them fall in love with their best celebrity impersonations and that tonight on the runway the category is Prom Queen Fantasy!

The queens take to the stage and present prom looks

RuPaul welcomes the All Stars to the main stage and lets them know that it is time for their critiques.


Michelle starts with Laganja and tells her she thinks she picked an amazing celebrity for the challenge but wasn't able to bring any of her mannerisms to the performance. She mentions that she felt like all they really were able to get was Laganja putting on a different voice. Tommy Dorfman agrees and adds that Madonna is such an icon that there was a ton of material to pick from but he had trouble even knowing that was who she was portraying.

Michelle moves on to Luxx and says that she really lost her in the challenge this week. She goes on to say that thus far in the competition she has found herself still waiting for the real 'stand out moment' from Luxx as it hasn't happened yet. Jeffrey Boyer-Chapman tells her that she had the misfortune of being lumped with two other queens who weren't holding back and that she just couldn't keep up with their speeds. He goes on to add that this is All Stars and that all of the queens need to make sure they are putting their all into each one of their performances because it could end up being the last one.

Ross then talks to Dela and tells her that he thinks that she knocked it out he park this week. He adds that if anyone wants to learn how to do Snatch Game correctly they need to study how she performed. Jeffrey Boyer-Chapman tells Dela that as a fan of this show that he thinks that was one of the strongest Snatch Game performances ever and that she should be really proud of what she has shown.

Ross then talks to Peppermint and tells her that she seemed really lost during Snatch Game and that she couldn't seem to get her rhythm or her footing which really threw off the performance. Tommy Dorfman agrees and adds that he was always preparing himself when he had a question that had to go to Peppermint because he found himself cringing at how uncomfortable she seemed with the set up of the challenge.

Ross then talks to Symone and tells her that she looks incredible on the runway and has his favorite look of the night. He goes on to say that she was a complete standout in the challenge and that he loves when Symone just lets loose because he knows he is in for a good show. Tommy Dorfman tells her that she is incredibly beautiful and that he was back in his hotel after the challenge still laughing at the thinks Symone said and did throughout Snatch Game which is a characteristic of a true star.

Michelle ends by telling Monet that was most happy to see how she performed in this challenge since this was her first ever Snatch Game. She goes on to say that she was so comfortable and seemed like a natural and that's what really took it over the top for her. Jeffrey Boyer-Chapman agrees that she did amazingly in the challenge and asks if she prewrote the poems to which Monet tells him that she had a rough outline but filled it in as she went through the performance.

Following the critiques RuPaul announces that she has made her decisions.

Ru goes on to announce that...

Bendelacreme is the top All Star of the week!

Ru then tells Dela that she will have the chance to eliminate one of the bottom queens if she can beat this week's lip sync assassin. She then explains that moving forward there will be no safe queens. Ru elaborates by saying that if you are not in the top that means you are up for elimination. All the queens looked gagged by this announcement.
Ru then releases them backstage to deliberate.

The queens all return to the werkroom to discuss the critiques
In her confessional, Bendelacreme mentions how crazy it is to think that all of the other girls are in the bottom and up for elimination, especially when some of them actually did well in the challenge.

The All Stars reenter the room and there is a somber mood that sets over the queens. Symone mentions that this is a twist that she did not see coming and that she really thought that if she continued to do well in the competition that she wouldn't be at risk but this completely changes the game. Monet agrees and says that if they are looking at track records she would have the weakest one of the bunch even though she doesn't think that she has been the weakest throughout the competition. Laganja then says that it will make it even tougher to really decide what categories to go off of when choosing lip sticks because now at this point there are girls with no wins while others are on their way to multiple wins. She then mentions that it almost makes you wonder who should keep sticking around for the following challenges.

Dela tells the girls that she is still in a state of shock with that announcement and that she really doesn't know how to even begin to make her choice. She goes on to tell the girls that it is definitely tougher than she would've thought. Luxx asks her if that means she is planning to change up her approach to voting as she always said she wanted to go about it as fairly as possible. Dela struggles to answer and Peppermint mentions that this should make everyone feel uneasy. She turns to the girls and says that she knows she didn't get the best critiques out there but that this whole season she has shown what she is capable of. Luxx then says that with this new twist girls may start to take it as an opportunity rather than a chance to really be fair in their assessments of who should be moving forward which is unfortunate.

We then see all the queens going to the voting booth to cast their votes for who should be eliminated. At last we see Bendelacreme walking up to the mirror and deciding which of the bottom queens she will eliminate if she wins her lip sync.

The queens are back on the main stage. The other queens are seated to the side while Dela is on stage awaiting her performance. Ru then says it's time to meet this week's lip sync assassin...


The lip sync assassin is...

Tatianna, Season 11!!

RuPaul welcomes Tatianna back to the main stage. Tatianna jokes that it is almost like she never left. Ru explains that Tatianna holds the lip stick of the queen the group has chosen to get the chop. RuPaul then announces that two queens stand before her. She tells Dela that this is her chance to impress her, win $20,000, and earn the power to give one of the bottom queens the chop.

The time has come to lip sync for your legacy

Good luck and don't FUCK it up!

The lip sync song Open Your Heart by Madonna then starts playing and the performances begin. Bendelacreme takes another more comedic approach to her lip sync by hamming it up which makes the judges laugh. Tatianna oozes sex and fire as she comes alive with the beat. Michelle is shown really living for Tatianna's performance as she starts to dance circles around Dela and hit every beat of the song. Dela then gets more laughs as she starts to comedically copy the movements of Tatianna while being 'funny sexy' whereas Tatianna is just pure sex.

The lip sync ends and RuPaul announces...

Tatianna... you're a winner baby!
She goes on to announce that the cash tip of $20,000 will roll over to next week's winnings. She then tells Bendelacreme that she is safe and may step to the back of the stage.

RuPaul then asks the bottom queens to step forward.

She then explains that Tatianna holes the lip stick of the queen that the group has chosen to get the chop. Ru then asks Tatianna to reveal the lip stick.

Tatianna then reaches into her garment to reveal that the group has chosen to send home...

\"Laganja Estranja\"
Laganja starts crying as she tells the judges thank you and how much it meant to her that Ru invited her back. The other girls then all give Laganja a hug.
As it is written, so shall it be done....

Laganja Estranja... sashay away.

The queens clap for Laganja as she departs the main stage.

5 Queens Remain...


submitted by 5docdoc to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:13 newusernamebcimdumb A few days ago I posted about wanting this sub to include more prompts and ways to make journaling less stagnant, so…

A few days ago I posted about wanting this sub to include more prompts and ways to make journaling less stagnant, so…
I am adding this poem to serve as a journal prompt. “Everything Has Two Endings”, by Jane Hirshfield’s poetry collection “Come, Thief”. Journal whatever this poem evokes for you, whether that be emotions, thoughts, memories, hopes, art of whatever form, etc. I’ll continue doing this with different forms of prompts if you all like it!
submitted by newusernamebcimdumb to Journaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:00 ILovedYouSuperOodles Maybe Someday - I want to stop thinking about my ex

I’ve been thinking a lot about my ex lately. We were high school sweethearts, together for ~7 years, apart for ~6 now. We are both in serious long term relationships and have completely moved on in our lives. We have been in very infrequent contact over the years, mostly happy birthday texts. I have only thought about him in passing until recently. Now I can’t stop thinking about him.
The last time we talked (recently, after this started), I wished him a happy birthday and told him I had been thinking of him and wished him well. We said maybe we would talk one day, now that we’ve had so long to process. I think I was hoping he would want to talk now, because maybe talking it out with him would help me get past this. I realize now I shouldn’t have done that. It doesn’t matter that I have things I wish I could tell him, things I want to apologize for, mental health issues or not it was my fault we ended and I need to let him live his life and enjoy the happiness he has found. I won’t reach out to him again.
My feelings about my fiance haven’t changed and he is aware I’m going through a tough time, though I haven’t talked to him about this specific part (I’m struggling in other ways as well that started rightbefore this - before comments telling me I need therapy: agreed, I am awaiting an appointment).
I don’t have anyone I can talk to about this and I just need to get out some of what I’m feeling. I ended up writing this poem I guess? Anyway thanks for giving me a place to get this off my chest.
Maybe Someday
Maybe someday I’ll let go of our failed fairytale. Maybe someday I’ll stop trying to figure out if we never should have married. Maybe someday I’ll stop debating if we could have made it all the way. Maybe someday I’ll stop contemplating what life could have been like. Maybe someday I’ll stop running through the what ifs. Maybe someday I’ll accept that I doomed us from the start. Maybe someday I’ll admit that I was trying to be something I’m not. Maybe someday I’ll forgive myself for what I put you through. Maybe someday I’ll look back and not feel so confused. Maybe someday I’ll say it’s okay to grieve the past while loving where I am, and actually mean it. Maybe someday I’ll think of you getting married again without feeling a knife in my heart. Maybe someday I’ll give up the twisted fantasy of ending up together. Maybe someday I’ll stop wondering if you’re thinking of me too. Maybe someday I’ll be over you, the way I thought I was. If only today was someday, then my maybe’s could come true.
submitted by ILovedYouSuperOodles to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:55 RobertGrant5 DUDE! WHERE'S MY SWORD? - A comedy one-shot PlayByPost Adventure

--- STORY ----
You had hoped for fame and status being an adventurer. You have saved whole villages, vanquished evil monsters and corrected more wrongs than a Goliath's spelling test. But no songs, poems or free drinks, You even have to pay to park your horse these days! So when you receive an invitation from Elrond the Entertainer to his annual "Big Bish Bash Bosh Party", you don't hesitate to RSVP! What a party it was to remember! Except your head is fuzzy on the details. Like, how did you get into this position, what are you wearing? More importantly... where's your sword?
This is a comedy adventure and a serious satire. So please bring your sense of humour and be prepared to start in an out-of-character situation. There will be combat, puzzles and roleplay throughout. For the sharper players, there are also easter eggs littered in the story.
DURATION: 3 Months
TRIGGERS: Privacy, excessive partying
CHARACTER: Lv5, Shared resources for Players handbook and Tasher's Cauldron of everything for feats, sub-classes and races more than the basic D&D Beyond account. Your character will need a brief backstory.
POSTING: The DM aims to post at least once a day and often more to respond to quick interactions. Players are asked to do the same. But we all understand that life happens and we cannot always meet this.
The game is run over Discord using Avrea for dice rolls. No experience of Avrea is needed, beginners are welcome and helped. Characters need to be created in D&D Beyond and attached to the campaign link.
submitted by RobertGrant5 to pbp [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:53 cthebigb Putting my habits and vices behind me

I woke up early at about 5am on 8th of June 2024. I was devving on a game project called Ghost Game. It was a “pick a door” type game with a spooky vibe. I was trying to get my head in the space to write the story and I was addicted to Kendrick Lamar’s music at the time. On YouTube, there was a remix of his song meet the grahams.
From there I shot the top of the recommendations and found a short talking about a Lil Wayne (featuring Kendrick) song called Mona Lisa that described the story about it more clearly. Decided to read the lyrics because at this point, I wasn’t focused at all on the game. One of the lyrics Kendrick used in his feature was a callback to another song he made, These Walls. I really liked this song when I first heard it before so I got a little excited to see the genius lyrics on that song as well.
When I did, I was a bit shocked to figure out the true meaning of the song. It made more sense when you read it but when you listen, it’s really easy to just vibe. One of the lyrics from there then led me to For Sale?.
This song I’ve also listened to before and it’s from the same album. I was very aware of this song’s context and what it's trying to represent. Kendrick at this point in the album is having a conversation with Lucifer or Lucy. In the Album so far, Kendrick has been basically institutionalized and coddled by an environment that allows him to dive further and further into a hedonistic depression. In this song, he is being called back. He is being told of all the ways things could be better with Lucy. Kendrick shows in the song that the dangers of life don’t come from something that would look or feel dangerous, they come from something comfortable.
You see at this point, I realized something I missed, Lucy wasn’t a being nor were they someone identifying solely as humanity’s vices. Lucy was Kendrick. Lucy was his vices, what he was fighting, what he was uncomfortable or felt shameful about doing in his life. Lucy was his capacity to sin against others as well as himself. It just happened to be himself the most at that point in time.
This shook me because now I drew a parallel to my own life. I’m 27 with goals of being a gamedev, yet during college I messed around too much. Cared about my desires more than my knowledge. Not that what I did necessarily was bad in itself but how it's done, what time is put in and how it's achieved can change so much. Not only that I ignored life lessons when I was growing up, always acted like a good boy but never actually felt any of the rules. I was posturing at best. I wanted to be a hero. Someone who could actually make changes but was so focused on the wrong things to see the opportunity for it.
It felt like and I know this is corny “Lucy was all around me”. It felt like I was holding myself back as a person this entire time. It felt like it was always two people saying hi to someone and that I wasn’t a full person at all.
That’s when I got up and told my wife that I would take a walk. During that walk I listened again to For Sale? on my phone, feeling scared and fearful about all the time lost. After a few minutes, I realized that my fear was not on the right foundation, I shouldn’t fear the time lost but the time I could lose. Me walking was an example of that, Lucy was walking with me. I was trying to gamedev not too long ago and I got distracted so I realized I needed to leave nothing for it. Leave dust and ashes for myself, the self that wants to destroy me and others around me.
When I was in school, I was into creative writing and took courses and clubs for it. I didn’t understand what it meant to write a poem. I just wanted to write fun stories. With my current addiction to rap and my background in creative writing. I started writing a poem while walking on my phone.
At first it wasn’t in verse, in fear of being cringe. I just listened to rap songs and thought I could start writing poetry because of it, “so cringe” I thought. I threw that thought away though, the poem was for me. It was to get my head straight and I know I would have to get it on again and again and again. So If I need to be corny or cringeworthy to get my life together, to be strong for the family I have and hope to have, I should. I started writing about what my feelings were.
I combated myself and made prayers and resolutions. Stating that “I would leave nothing but dust and ashes left at the end of my life for Lucy”. Essentially saying I would have no regrets and I would do the right thing as best I could and walk forward instead of staying comfortable. I would fight against the fear, the sadness, the hurt, all of it. I would pray to keep this feeling and grow on it. After that I came home, and wrote this background. After running this through a public view mesh, I’ll post this and get back to work.
I woke up early on today to work on my game project but got sidetracked by Kendrick Lamar’s music on YouTube. Listening to his songs led me to realize deeper meanings in his lyrics, particularly about his alter ego "Lucy," representing his vices. This realization mirrored my own struggles with distractions and unfulfilled goals in life. Motivated to change, I went for a walk, reflected on my past, and decided to leave my bad habits behind. I then wrote a poem to solidify my commitment to personal growth.
submitted by cthebigb to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:43 Optimal_Ad_1847 26 [M4F] #West Loop - Seeking a heartfelt connection

Hey there, Ça va?
A wandering hopeful romantic in search of a meaningful connection.
About Me:
I am a Texan with small-town roots, currently enjoying my time in the big city of Chicago. I moved to Chicago to continue my medical education. I am a medical student! I have a South Asian heritage, which adds a touch of cultural richness to my life.
Hobbies & Interests:
While shared interests are a bonus, I value a genuine connection above all. Here’s a bit about what I enjoy:
I would describe myself as reserved and adventurous yet playful once comfortable. I am a homebody at heart, but I still enjoy venturing out. I go the extra mile for my partner, often showing my love through meaningful gestures such as cards, poems, and physical affection. I do remember the little things too.
Physical Description:
I have mid-neck-length, subtly curly hair, usually clean-shaven but sometimes with well-maintained stubble. My complexion is caramel, with dark brown eyes, a slim-to-average physique, and I stand 5'7".
About You:
I'm looking for someone who values a healthy and active lifestyle, and takes care of themselves physically. Physical affection is important to me, and I appreciate a slightly clingy partner—it’s nice to feel wanted. Vulnerability is key for me, as it fosters a deeper connection. I value companionship and reciprocity, appreciating mutual effort and understanding. Open-mindedness, calmness, and versatility are qualities I find attractive.
Other Stuff:
Consistent communication and a genuine desire to converse are all I ask. I understand people are busy, but I think an intentional approach to dating is important. I cannot bond over one message per day. If you're not interested, honesty is appreciated—I won't take it personally.
submitted by Optimal_Ad_1847 to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:04 __PurpleProse Flesh-eating earth

I was twelve years old when my body gasped,
and told me pleasure was the only real magic that ever existed;
as if all the early fairy dust
were just spores hanging in the wind.
It happened the same way the flowers bloom—
the way they perk up in ecstasy and then wilt,
and I wondered if there was ever really anything behind the curtain
other than the moaning garden and the hungry dirt.
I hardly noticed, when I stopped believing
At thirteen, my face swarmed with oil-gland stars
I’d pop them open, one by one, just to see what they would say
but then they’d weep like infants in their deaths,
leaving black hole pockmarked graves.
At thirty, I thought maybe I’d go on to have my own children
who’d hang off me like fruit,
while I shielded them from the jaws of the cosmos with false comforts,
telling them that the earth is not hungry and that they are eternal
until one day they’d watch my inevitable descent
into the voracious darkness that lives six feet under.
And there I would rest, at my lushest and ripest hour,
serving flesh to the earth,
yielding fairy dust to the flowers,
and holding hands with the same star-cloaked alchemist
that I stopped believing in when I was twelve.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! This is a revised version of a poem I wrote last year. I hope mods don’t mind the repost. Cheers
1 2
submitted by __PurpleProse to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:11 The_Sunhunter The Mythology of the Eikons #10.) Ultimalius

The Circle of Malius tapestry depicting Ultima Risen looking down upon seven of its elemental Eikons
“Have you learned nothing!? Damned is the slave who would turn the scourge upon his master.” -Ultima
Hello and welcome to my final post on the mythological inspirations for the Eikons of Final Fantasy XVI. If you would like to read any of my previous posts on the Eikons, you can find them here:

1.) Phoenix

2.) Ifrit

3.) Shiva

4.) Ramuh

5.) Garuda

6.) Titan

7.) Bahamut

8.) Odin

9.) Leviathan

With the conclusion of the Echoes of the Fallen and the Rising Tide expansions, our protagonist Clive Rosfield finally reunites the power of the Eikons and realizes his full potential as the conduit for Ultima’s ambitions; and thus attains a form of apotheosis through the reward of Ultima’s divine abilities. As such, I figured I should do one more post, this time on Ultima itself. Though it is mostly an original character, there are still a lot of real-world religious themes baked into Ultima’s character that makes for a thematically poignant villain. As always, I am no expert and if you feel like I may have said something incorrect or if you feel that I missed something; by all means please let me know in the comments as I would love to start a discussion with you on these topics. I would also like to give a shout out to who asked me to make a post on Ultima a while ago. I hope you all like it!
The main antagonist of Final Fantasy XVI, Ultima is a member of a race of extraterrestrial-like beings that share a single consciousness and identity. The Ultima collective were the first to discover the manipulation of aether, the quintessence of life, through magickal feats and with it, the Blight that would swallow their homeland. Driven by desperation, sixteen of the remaining Ultimas divested themselves of their deteriorating physical forms and embarked on a voyage to the land that would be known as Valisthea. Here, Ultima formed the Mothercrystals in order to siphon the realm’s aether for the purpose of weaving a spell that would resurrect its species and remake the world. Ultima also created mankind to act as stewards for its Mothercrystals, imbuing the members of the tribes that centralized around these glassy formations with elemental affinities; giving rise to what would eventually become the Dominants and Eikons. All of this was done in the hopes that successive generations of humans would produce a suitable body for Ultima to inhabit that could withstand the massive amount of aether required to cast the revivification spell; its perfect vessel, its Mythos. As the Mothercrystal Dzemekys resided in relatively close proximity to Origin, the metaphorical ark that ferried Ultima to possible salvation; the Children of Dzemekys, the Motes of Darkness that cultivated around this Mothercrystal regularly communed with their creator, starting a religion dedicated to Ultima called the Circle of Malius. One of the prominent beliefs of this faith was that of the Savior Myth, which prophesied that “...on some future day of reckoning, the incarnation of the lord would appear among mankind and remake the world; that the advent of this incarnation would be heralded by the emergence of several heavenly servants of great might; that the lord’s faithful should rally these servants together in order to bring the incarnation into being; and that for their loyalty, they would be rewarded with the greatest gladness”.
From this background information, as well as the names of many of Ultima’s attacks and Eikonic abilities, such as Holy, Voice of God, Aureoles, Proselytize, Purgatorium, Ascension, and Flames of Creation; we can start to see the parallels between Ultima and Mythos with the Judeo-Christian God of the Old Testament and Jesus Christ, the earthly incarnation of God and the Messiah according to the followers of Christianity. With its status as the originator of the human race, it is quite clear that Ultima is based on the idea of a creator deity, an often primeval and beneficent god in monotheistic and polytheistic belief systems that functions as a creatio ex nihilo explanation for the formation of the universe, the planet, or the existence of human life. Some examples of creator gods include the Sumerian Enki, who fashioned humanity from clay to act as servants to the gods in the story Enki and Nimnah; the Shinto kami Izanagi and Izanami, who formed the islands of Japan (Kuniumi) by churning the Pacific Ocean with their heavenly spear according to the Kojiki; and the Norse sons of Borr, that being Odin, Vili, and Vé who not only formed the mortal realm of Midgard from the primordial giant Ymir’s body, but also created the first two humans Ask and Embla.
Bearing similarities to the creation myth presented in the Babylonian Enūma Eliš; the first of the five books of the Hebrew Torah, that being the Book of Genesis, states in verses 1:1-2:3 that Yahweh, or Elohim Adonai “God the Lord” is yet another creator deity, being the grand architect of existence that created the world and all life on it in the span of six days. The first two humans made by God on the sixth day of creation, Adam and Eve, resided in the Garden of Eden where they were instructed not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Tempted by a serpent into disobeying their promise to God, Eve and Adam ate from the tree; resulting in their expulsion from paradise and the advent of sin or the “fall of man”. The subsequent generations born from the first two humans tainted the world, and as such, God sought to rebuild what He made by washing away the corruption with a great flood, mirroring older Mesopotamian deluge myths such as the one alluded to in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Verses 11:1-9 in the Book of Genesis mention that in the time after the Flood, Nimrod, the great-grandson of the Flood survivor Noah, led the newly united human race into constructing a ziggurat tower in the land of Shinar that reached up to the sky. Viewing this act as an affront to His lordship, God dispersed the human race across the Earth and created numerous languages so that humanity could never again unite and elevate themselves to godhood; dubbing this monument to the disorganization of the human race as the Tower of Babel.
These themes of mortal hubris, impiety, and the divine retribution for these disrespectful acts is also present in Final Fantasy XVI. During the time of the Fallen, an ancient race of technologically-advanced humans, a vicious war was fought for control over the Mothercrystals called the War of the Magi. The Fallen conducted horrific experiments within a literal and metaphorical ivory tower called the Sagespire, transmuting organic matter into inorganic crystals in the hopes of creating their own Mothercrystal and attaining godhood. The Fallen also constructed airships as well as machines designed to combat the Ultima collective and those who would defend the Mothercrystals. These machines, called Eikonoklastes, are named after the term “iconoclast”, which means a person who destroys or attacks religious images or beliefs. One such Eikonklaste was the Omega-I model, which is not only a recurring superboss) in the Final Fantasy series, but also has several neat Christian references associated with it. For instance, during the fight with Omega Aionios, the hostile machine can do an attack called Pantokrator. This is referring to the Christ Pantokrator, a mostly Eastern Orthodox or Eastern Catholic depiction of a stern but benevolent “Christ the Almighty” or “Christ the All-Powerful”; with the Western Christian equivalent being Christ in Majesty. Another religious reference comes from the trophy received by the player for creating the Omega Weapon, called My Reward is With Me; with this phrase originating from verses 22:12-13 in the Book of Revelation as spoken by Jesus Christ, saying; “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last”. This is also referenced in the description of the Ultima Weapon that says “‘His word was the first, so shall it be the last.’ - Eikonomachy - Genesis 3:11”.
Much like the Greek story of Icarus flying too close to the Sun and falling to his death as a result, the rebellion against Ultima culminated in the Sins of Dzemekys; in which the Fallen invaded the eponymous Mothercrystal located in southern Storm to claim the giant formation as their own, but Ultima struck them down and destroyed the Mothercrystal, leaving a giant crater behind as a testament to the dangers of challenging the gods. This act not only echoes (pun intended) the Tower of Babel parable and the story of original sin as discussed by ProfNoctis and M. J. Gallagher in the video “Final Fantasy XVI Lecture Stream: A Conversation with MJ Gallagher on Faith, Fables, and the Fallen”; but the Sins of Dzemekys also inadvertently caused the forced emigration of the Children of Dzemekys to the continent outside of Valisthea in an unfortunate subversion of the Book of Exodus story of the Israelites, the chosen people of God, departing from Egypt in search of the Promised Land. This transgression committed by the Fallen against Ultima led the being to become what is known in comparative mythology as the deus otiosus, or the “idle god”. Ultima abandoned its creations, becoming dormant until Clive Rosfield awoke as the Dominant of the Infernal Eikon Ifrit and Ultima’s Mythos hundreds if not thousands of years later.
The fly in the ointment, however, is that Ultima never cared for its creations, its humanity, in the first place. The Savior Myth propagated by Ultima, the ancient Circle of Malius, and it's more modern offshoot Savior Cults in Waloed speak of “The Raise”, the ascension of the faithful into paradise for aiding the lord’s incarnation (Mythos) during the end of the world called the Arche (another term for Primogenesis). This idea is an obvious parallel to the evangelical Christian belief in the Rapture most likely originating from the verses 24:36-44 in the Gospel of Matthew and 4:15-17 in the First Epistle to the Thessalonians, whereby during an end-time event either before or during the period of the Great Tribulation that will precede the Second Coming of Christ; the faithful, living and dead, will rise up into the sky and join God in the eternal paradise of Heaven. However, the myth surrounding the Raise is a farce; as the Raise is actually the spell that Ultima intends to cast using Mythos to remake the world. Having served their purpose, Ultima will no longer have need of the human race alongside its resurrected people, meaning that the birth of the new world also spells the death of humanity. Furthermore, the process of Primogenesis, as the name implies, is meant to revert mankind to a prior, “purer” state of being by stripping the wills and higher brain functions of man and beast alike through the metaphorical ritual cleansing of aether floods. Numerous times in the game, Ultima comments on the “threads of consciousness” to Clive and states how it must untangle him from these threads and empty the vessel if Clive is to become its Mythos. These “threads of consciousness” most likely refer to human willpower, a sense of self, and empathy. The greatest affront to Ultima, the reason why it abandoned mankind, was because of their unforeseen development of sentience and free will. These concepts are alien to Ultima, as its entire race shares a single mind, a single identity, a single goal. In fact, Ultima only describes itself with plural self-descriptors such as “us”, “we”, or “our” and displays a jarringly flat affect up until the final battle, where all of the Ultimas combine into the singular, angelic form of Ultimalius.
Given its rejection of mankind’s autonomy, as well as the fact that the being itself and the majority of the confrontations with it are some sort of mental abstraction; through a metatextual viewpoint it could be argued that Ultima is a twisted manifestation of the Jungian concept of the Collective Unconscious; a pull towards maladaptive conformity and unity, thereby acting as the antithesis to one of FFXVI’s major themes regarding the importance of individuality and freedom. In stark contrast to the popularly held belief in the tabula rasa, the idea that people are born as “blank slates” that are then shaped by their sensory experiences, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung and the adherents of analytical psychology proposed that the Collective Unconscious is an inherited instinctual framework for understanding the world beyond conscious awareness that is present in all humans from birth. Jung argued that the Collective Unconscious manifests as archetypes, recurring images and ideas that can be seen propagating in various distinct cultures, allowing for one to make sense of one’s environment through familiar motifs. Jung believed that the similarities between many of the world’s mythological figures and events correspond to these universal archetypes; such as the aformentioned deluge myth motif or the pattern of the king of the gods often being a senex sky father. We can actually see this idea in Final Fantasy XVI in the form of the Eikons, which like the Eidolons) of Final Fantasy IX, are reflections of a given culture’s shared beliefs and experiences manifesting as a centralized figure of veneration for said culture; acting as the godhead of Ultima and the Mothercrystals. For instance, the Motes of Water originally hailed from the coast of southern Ash near the Mothercrystal Drake’s Horn and the river called the Ceaseless Rill, and as such their Eikon embodies the aspects of the water they were constantly surrounded by; that being the sea serpent Leviathan.
Jung believed that individuation, the process by which an individual develops a sense of self, first starts by consciously confronting and integrating aspects of the unconscious such as the Persona), the individual’s perceived role in society; the dualistic gender dynamics within each individual known as the Anima and Animus; and the uncomfortable and reprehensible aspects of an individual’s psyche) called the Shadow). By denying this process through the use of Primogenesis, Ultima keeps humanity under its thumb as an unenlightened slave race complacent in their own self-destruction. We witness this self-realization process for Clive, this transformation into Logos and denial of Ultima’s conformist Mythos, begin when he confronts his Infernal Shadow and accepts the truth of his role in the calamity that transpired at Phoenix Gate; which I think is beautifully demonstrated by the fact that Clive’s inner demon is the literal demon Ifrit. The words Mythos and Logos are both of Greek origin and roughly mean “myth/story” and “reason, discourse, or word”, respectively. The use of Logos in FFXVI is interesting in that this word also has a theological connotation to it. In the Christian Bible, such as in verse 1:1 of the Gospel of John, Logos) is used to refer to Jesus Christ as the “Word of God”, being the preeminent representative of God’s divine creative presence and a member of the Holy Trinity as God the Son. Similarly to Logos, the Greek word Rhema means “utterance” or “something said”, with the Septuagint, the Koine Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, using both logos and rhema interchangeably when referring to the Word of God; which may explain why the crystals acquired from completing the circles of the Kairos Gate are called Rhema. To Ultima, Logos represents both the ruination of its divine vision of a new world for its own as well as the invictus) or “unconquerable” savior of mankind, with Clive ultimately sacrificing himself so that humanity may learn from their mistakes and build a better world where everyone can live on their own terms. Similarly, as discussed in the four gospels of the New Testament, Jesus was arrested, crucified, and resurrected; with this seen as a sacrifice on the Messiah’s part to serve as an example of how to achieve atonement and salvation for the misguided masses of Jerusalem.
In his video “Ultima - A Deconstruction of Villainy”, YouTuber FatBrett makes a very interesting comparison between Ultima and the protagonist of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus. In her novel, Dr. Victor Frankenstein experiments with bringing life to dead tissue through galvanic and chemical processes. The scientist succeeds, essentially playing the part of God by creating a new form of life, but upon doing so is horrified and disgusted by the Creature, spurning his creation and eventually seeks out its destruction as it takes revenge for its abandonment. I bring this up because I would like to pay particular attention to the subtitle of Shelley’s novel, the Modern Prometheus, as this harkens back to the Greek story of the Titan Prometheus; who as a patron deity of humanity gifted mankind fire in defiance of the Olympian king Zeus, and as a result is eternally punished for his disobedience. In terms of the title of Mary Shelley’s novel, the Prometheus name, like the story of Icarus and FFXVI’s Fallen, is used to evoke the idea of a character that oversteps their bounds and is thusly punished for their arrogance. However, I would argue that this is only one aspect of the Prometheus myth. Through another lens, Prometheus could be seen as an example of the “nobel rebel” archetype, an individual who fights for an oppressed group in defiance of the injustices of a tyrannical system or individual, often in the hopes of making a positive change through their rebellion.
Prometheus’ theft of fire, while a sleight against the ruling pantheon that incurred a great cost, represents the gift of civilization and the boon of freedom that knowledge bestows; making it so that mankind would no longer solely rely on the gods for aid. We can also see a similar scenario play out in the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. While humanity lost access to paradise on Earth, they gained freedom in the form of self-awareness and knowledge equatable to that of the divine. These sentiments are also shared by the Ophites, who viewed the serpent in the Genesis narrative as a liberator of mankind from the control of a malevolent creator. Several critical analyses of John Milton’s characterization of a sympathetic Satan in his 17th century epic poem Paradise Lost also somewhat align with these viewpoints. Likewise, our protagonist Clive Rosfield, our nobel rebel and Dominant of the demonic Eikon Ifrit, defies the slave-master hierarchy of Valisthea before setting his sights on the ultimate slaver; denying Ultima its Mythos, its fantasy, by gifting mankind with its champion of free will, equality, and compassion; its Logos. And as I see it, in the end Clive succeeds in his crusade against tyranny not by killing Ultima, but by removing magick from the world, since the use of magick was the root cause of humanity’s enslavement, both from themselves and from their God.
Ultima’s apathetic disposition towards its creations, like Dr. Frankenstein, mirrors the Gnostic beliefs regarding their Demiurge or “Creator” named Yaldabaoth. Gnosticism is a collection of various esoteric Jewish and Christian sects that started possibly around the 2nd Century AD or earlier, with one of the primary beliefs shared by these disparate groups being that material existence was born from a mistake, and as such it is an existence of suffering and wickedness that can only be alleviated by coming to terms with and understanding the essence of the material and the spiritual; a process of personal enlightenment called gnosis. To elaborate further, according to accounts such as those found from the Nag Hammadi Library and the theologian Valentinus), there exists a spiritual realm of light which encompasses the totality of the immutable Supreme Being; the Monad), Bythos, or “the One”. From this Plemora, this immaterial plane, arrived the first emanation of the One, that being the hermaphroditic Barbēlō from which further personified divine principles of the mind called Aeons) descended, with these principles often being in male-female pairings called syzygies. It is worth noting that the hierarchical structure of the Aeon lineage#/media/File:Aeons.png) bears some resemblance to the Jewish Kabbalist diagram of the Tree of Life), which consists of the ten emanations of the Ein Sof, the “infinite divinity”, called the Sefirot. The Kabbalist Tree of Life just so happens to also resemble the sword-like symbol that not only can be seen on the Arete Stone in the Hideaway, but also appears when the Ultimas converge into Ultimalius at the end of the game as shown here in this post by . Anyways, the final emanation of the Gnostic Monad is Sophia) (Wisdom) who has no partner, and as such, leaves the light of the Plemora in search of one; resulting in the inadvertent asexual birth of Yaldabaoth. Ignorant to the existence of the Plemora and the Monad, Yaldabaoth believes itself to be the Supreme Being and creates matter, the universe, and all life within it; becoming the Demiurge.
Given that Gnosticism derives from divergent Judeo-Christian ideals, it should come as no surprise that Yaldabaoth was considered synonymous with the Old Testament’s Yahweh. While the followers of the Valentinian version of Gnosticism viewed the Demiurge as ignorant and flawed, other Gnostic sects, such as the Ophite, Sethian, and Archontic systems viewed the Creator as more of a malevolent figure that not only demanded reverence, but also inadvertently denied humans access to the Plemora and Sophia through their flawed mortal existence. As such, the only way for an individual to escape this entrapment is by undergoing the transcendental process of gnosis, allowing the divine essence within each person’s soul to be released, becoming what is known as a Pneumatic). This is similar to the Hindu concept of attaining liberation (moksha or nirvana) from the reincarnation cycle of Saṃsāra through the process of acquiring jñāna, or an understanding of the true self (Ātman)); which I find interesting as the alternative name for the Ultima Weapon superboss) from the SNES version of Final Fantasy VI is the Atma Weapon). Like Yaldabaoth, Ultima’s use of Primogenesis in Final Fantasy XVI prevents mankind from undergoing gnosis, while Clive as Logos acts as the metaphorical shepherd that enlightens humanity and guides it back to the light of the Plemora, which the Gnostics believed was Jesus’ role as well.
I should also mention that Yaldabaoth was typically viewed as a zoomorphic serpentine entity with a lion’s head, as shown here, while Hippolytus of Rome claimed that Simon Magus, the supposed founder of Gnosticism, also attributed fiery properties to the Demiurge, parroting verse 12:29 from the Epistle to the Hebrews, “...for our God is a consuming fire”. I think it's no coincidence that Ultima’s original physical body is the fiery Ifrit Risen, which has a feline face and a reptilian body. Furthermore, Ifrit Risen is actually the combined form of the two Eikons of Fire; Ifrit and Phoenix. In my first post on the Phoenix, I mentioned that the logo artwork for FFXVI by artist Yoshitaka Amano, which depicts the pivotal moment where the two Eikons of Fire duke it out beneath Phoenix Gate, looks similar to the Chinese symbol of yin and yang, which represents complementary opposites that provide a state of equilibrium. Ifrit Risen, like the Gnostic Aeons and Carl Jung’s conception of the Anima and Animus, is a syzygic pairing, a union of opposites. I would propose that while not a literal divine hermaphrodite, this unbreakable bond between the brothers Clive and Joshua Rosfield, who are likened to the twins Prometheus and Epimetheus in the song “Away”, could be seen as something similar to the hermaphroditic metaphor for the end product of the alchemical Magnum Opus) (Great Work) called the Rebis.
If you would consider this alchemical perspective, then I would like to further suggest that perhaps that Ifrit Risen is an allusion to the final stage of the Magnum Opus called Rubedo (reddening); whereby the given alchemical material has already undergone the stages of Nigredo (putrefaction), Albedo) (purification), and Citrinitas (spiritual awakening/transformation) just as Ifrit Risen is the combination of the destructive and restorative aspects of fire that attains sacred wholeness through its union. It just so happens that the stage of Rubedo was also occasionally represented through the symbol of a phoenix) and Carl Jung himself likened the four stages of the Magnum Opus to the process of individuation. It is also possible that like the Prometheus story, fire as the element of the divine could be a symbol for knowledge, free will, rebellion, and human ingenuity; or as I have also mentioned in my post on the Phoenix, could be based on the idea of the Empyrean. In Dante Alighieri’s Paradiso#The_Empyrean), the Empyrean is the highest realm of Heaven consisting of sacred fire where the wills of man and God become one; achieving what the Gnostics would most likely call the Anima Mundi or “World Soul”. And just like the Plemora and the Empyrean, the Nexus of Ultima’s Origin is bathed in the light of the aether harvested from all across Valisthea, but like the name of the eponymous song, it is a far cry from Heaven.
Well, this is it. I’m sad to say that my posts on Final Fantasy XVI are most likely finally over, but like ProfNoctis and M. J. Gallagher said in their video on the Echoes of the Fallen DLC, the amount of research the team at Square Enix did for this game is absolutely astounding, and I can’t thank them enough for this gem of a game that allowed me to write so much in these essays.
If you would like to watch some more videos regarding Ultima, Mythos, and Logos; I would recommend “Final Fantasy XVI - LOGOS EXPLAINED” by C. J. Cala, “Final Fantasy XVI Lecture Stream: The True Meaning of Mythos and Logos” by ProfNoctis, and “The story of Ultima explained Final Fantasy 16 Lore” by Alleyway Jack. If you would like to research more about Jungian analytical psychology, I would suggest checking out “The Collected Works of C. G. Jung”. Or if you would like to play another game that deals with Jungian psychology, world mythologies, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, and themes of rebellion and freedom; then look no further than the excellent Persona 5.
And I can’t thank you all enough for reading my posts. It means so much that you would allow me to indulge in this little passion project of mine and I sincerely hope that I was able to at least instill a little more appreciation of this game and our world in at least one person. I would love to hear your thoughts on the topics discussed and I hope you have a wonderful day!
submitted by The_Sunhunter to FFXVI [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:45 sachin688 Girl I liked has a Boyfriend now, but wants me to stay

This is going to be along read. So please bear with me.
It all started almost one year ago. When I (27M) met this girl(25) via Instagram.
We started talking via text then over audio calls. I got to know that we had studied from the same school but hadn't seen each other before. Both introvert.
One thing let to another and we shared our numbers.
I started having feelings for her and one day I told her about it. She then told me she does feel something but told me she is still not over her ex boyfriend with whom she was for 3 months and he dumped her.
One day when I was returning from a trip with my friends. On that night we talk almost the whole night over Video call and she asked me to promise not to break her trust ever. And I promised her and was so happy.
Next day she started being distant and on that night over the call she said whatever I said yesterday just forget it. "Mai aisi hi hu mera man badal jata hai". I had tears in my eyes in front of her.
That week I had to relocate to Delhi for my new job. So I did.
Now she said she was planning to visit Delhi to be with her friends and enjoy.
I asked her if we can meet. She said yes we will try. But she didn't. I had the gut feelings that something was wrong.
On the last day when she went back home from Delhi. She called me two to three times and I eventually picked it. Got to know that she came to Delhi to meet her ex Bf as they had patched up. But all this time while she was in Delhi she slept with some other girl as well and she somehow got to know about this other girl through a chat.
Now she said she has got trust issues and was sorry that she lied to me and wanted me to be with her. But she still had that same behaviour of being avoidant and fighting for even small things.
She was adamant on being my friend only and nothing else but I didn't had in me to be her friend only. But I still supported her. We remained in contact and talked for around 8 months.
Due to some reason we had a fight and we stopped talking for around 2 months.
She tried contacting me 3 times in those months but I didn't receive her calls.
Then in March when it was my birthday I called her thinking of letting past be in past.
We started talking and then I got to know she started dating someone else. At first I was cool with it. I still had feelings for her and started getting jealous and triggered by her new relationship.
Thinking what did I do less. I was there for her at her lowest.
I told her I can't be her friend as I still have feelings for her and I am not doing justice with this friendship and wants to go no contact and she agrees.
But after somedays she calls me at night I reject one of her call but I picked another one and she starts crying and started saying I don't wanna live amd can't handle anything and me being me I told her to cheer up and she can call me whenever she get these kinds of thoughts and after talking she says that after talking to you I get positive vibes and my mood gets happy snd elevated.
She says you deserve a really good girl and she is not the one and that I am husband material.
But somewhere I feel like if she uses me for emotional support and sometime I think she actually wants me as her friend.
I don't know I am not able to move past her.
I have talked to two girls after her, but I am not able to form any connection with them, I even feel like I have got no interest talking to any new girl now.
It's like at times you may do your best but still be unrecognised and some other guy would come and do half of what you did and they are with them.
I am not saying I did all the right things I had my own share of weak moments. but she lied to my face and broke my trust.
I had even written poems for her, first time I did thst for someone I liked. I think it will be the last time.
Sorry I was something that I wanted to vent out.
TLDR: I met a girl on Instagram a year ago. We connected deeply, but she was hung up on her ex. After a brief hopeful moment, she became distant and revealed she was seeing her ex and lied to me. Despite wanting me as a friend, I couldn't handle just being friends due to my feelings. We stopped talking for two months after a big fight, then reconnected on my birthday, but she was dating someone else. I tried going no contact, but she reached out, saying I gave her positive vibes. I feel used for emotional support, struggle to move on, and can't connect with new girls.
PS: She is coming to Delhi for giving a exam and wants to meet me after one year. I confused whether to meet her or not, thinking will feelings go away once I see her or will it intensity.
submitted by sachin688 to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:07 Zhencion0717 For you Amore 🤟🤟❤️🤟🤟

Dearest Amore,
I don't even know anymore. I don't know what words I can speak but I haven't already spoken. I've said I miss you. I've proclaimed my love for you for all the gods old and new real or fictional on the internet for all to hearead. I've apologized for every little thing I can think that I've done wrong. I begged and pleaded for you to come back or to talk to me. I've written you poems and talked about my dreams.
If you were on here you would have seen them but I sincerely feel you are not. Instead I make content for these redditors that see my soul laid bare. (For any of you that are seeing this message I thank you for your positive words and for your hope, please know that it does not go unappreciated) At this point I may have run out of things to say.
I don't know if others have told you falsities but I do not have someone new I am not looking for someone new I have not messaged anyone to harass them. I have not driven by houses or threatened anyone (other than myself). There is no one for me but you, and there is no one that could make me do anything to risk you (Other than my own stupid self). I will continue to wait, to hope, and to love you, I just hope that it doesn't take too much time away from the life that we can have together.
I come on here to write these letters I know you will never see, to read from other heartbroken people and offer them the hope that burns inside of me, passing a small bit of that flame onto them. Because with the love I feel for you my hope is brighter than the Sun.
I wish you all the best that you want and the best that you may need. I wish that time were to flow quickly until we are together again only to slow down at that point.
I love you, I love you with the intensity of the neutron star, this letter is written with all my love.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:06 Zhencion0717 For you Amore 🤟🤟♥️🤟🤟

Dearest Amore,
I don't even know anymore. I don't know what words I can speak but I haven't already spoken. I've said I miss you. I've proclaimed my love for you for all the gods old and new real or fictional on the internet for all to hearead. I've apologized for every little thing I can think that I've done wrong. I begged and pleaded for you to come back or to talk to me. I've written you poems and talked about my dreams.
If you were on here you would have seen them but I sincerely feel you are not. Instead I make content for these redditors that see my soul laid bare. (For any of you that are seeing this message I thank you for your positive words and for your hope, please know that it does not go unappreciated) At this point I may have run out of things to say.
I don't know if others have told you falsities but I do not have someone new I am not looking for someone new I have not messaged anyone to harass them. I have not driven by houses or threatened anyone (other than myself). There is no one for me but you, and there is no one that could make me do anything to risk you (Other than my own stupid self). I will continue to wait, to hope, and to love you, I just hope that it doesn't take too much time away from the life that we can have together.
I come on here to write these letters I know you will never see, to read from other heartbroken people and offer them the hope that burns inside of me, passing a small bit of that flame onto them. Because with the love I feel for you my hope is brighter than the Sun.
I wish you all the best that you want and the best that you may need. I wish that time were to flow quickly until we are together again only to slow down at that point.
I love you, I love you with the intensity of the neutron star, this letter is written with all my love.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to letters [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:05 Zhencion0717 For you Amore 🤟🤟♥️🤟🤟

Dearest Amore,
I don't even know anymore. I don't know what words I can speak but I haven't already spoken. I've said I miss you. I've proclaimed my love for you for all the gods old and new real or fictional on the internet for all to hearead. I've apologized for every little thing I can think that I've done wrong. I begged and pleaded for you to come back or to talk to me. I've written you poems and talked about my dreams.
If you were on here you would have seen them but I sincerely feel you are not. Instead I make content for these redditors that see my soul laid bare. (For any of you that are seeing this message I thank you for your positive words and for your hope, please know that it does not go unappreciated) At this point I may have run out of things to say.
I don't know if others have told you falsities but I do not have someone new I am not looking for someone new I have not messaged anyone to harass them. I have not driven by houses or threatened anyone (other than myself). There is no one for me but you, and there is no one that could make me do anything to risk you (Other than my own stupid self). I will continue to wait, to hope, and to love you, I just hope that it doesn't take too much time away from the life that we can have together.
I come on here to write these letters I know you will never see, to read from other heartbroken people and offer them the hope that burns inside of me, passing a small bit of that flame onto them. Because with the love I feel for you my hope is brighter than the Sun.
I wish you all the best that you want and the best that you may need. I wish that time were to flow quickly until we are together again only to slow down at that point.
I love you, I love you with the intensity of the neutron star, this letter is written with all my love.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:05 Zhencion0717 For you Amore 🤟🤟♥️🤟🤟

Dearest Amore,
I don't even know anymore. I don't know what words I can speak but I haven't already spoken. I've said I miss you. I've proclaimed my love for you for all the gods old and new real or fictional on the internet for all to hearead. I've apologized for every little thing I can think that I've done wrong. I begged and pleaded for you to come back or to talk to me. I've written you poems and talked about my dreams.
If you were on here you would have seen them but I sincerely feel you are not. Instead I make content for these redditors that see my soul laid bare. (For any of you that are seeing this message I thank you for your positive words and for your hope, please know that it does not go unappreciated) At this point I may have run out of things to say.
I don't know if others have told you falsities but I do not have someone new I am not looking for someone new I have not messaged anyone to harass them. I have not driven by houses or threatened anyone (other than myself). There is no one for me but you, and there is no one that could make me do anything to risk you (Other than my own stupid self). I will continue to wait, to hope, and to love you, I just hope that it doesn't take too much time away from the life that we can have together.
I come on here to write these letters I know you will never see, to read from other heartbroken people and offer them the hope that burns inside of me, passing a small bit of that flame onto them. Because with the love I feel for you my hope is brighter than the Sun.
I wish you all the best that you want and the best that you may need. I wish that time were to flow quickly until we are together again only to slow down at that point.
I love you, I love you with the intensity of the neutron star, this letter is written with all my love.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:35 Party_Persimmon4635 Can We Kiss Forever?

They say that our distance is forgotten
Yet I don’t affirm
Because I will continue to rotten
Unless you return
You gave me peace in my hell
And calmed the storm of my sea
The rain which heat from the hail
Was stopped by your mere gleam,
Today my beach is drenched in bitterness
Because your boat has to part,
It was the day that a sinner wept,
Which flooded the ark,
Can we kiss?
And can you make it last forever?
Let’s not sin,
Nothing more and nothing lesser,
Put our lust aside
Close the door of pride
Look me in the eyes
Stay just for the night,
And when you return
I don’t want gifts of myrrh
I don’t want vases churned,
The greatest gift of all
Is being next to her
We’ll meet again
I don’t know when
But when we do
I’ll hug you
So so tight
And I’ll never let go again
I’ll never let you go again
I’ll never.
And when we hug
I’ll hug so tight
My tears will flood out of my eyes
Hoping we will die drowning in love together
And live in paradise
Your’s truly.
An Original Poem.
Noah Arias-Caballero24
submitted by Party_Persimmon4635 to Poems [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:21 salientconspirator Dual of the Fates re-translation from Sanskrit with verse

So the EPIC "Dual of the Fates" has some random Sanskrit words that were translated from an ancient Welsh poem about a war between trees. The lyrics are essentially unintelligible, but they are awesome.
Because it's an epic piece of music. I decided to start with an ancient Mesopotamian feel, like the epic of Gilgamesh. John Williams used the word "Dreadful" (Khara) a lot. It is a pretty versatile word and has a lot of synonyms. So here is each verse, split into lines with my own interpretation underneath in quotations: (Bear in mind, I mostly study ancient Hebrew and Greek, so there are a lot of liberties taken with this interpretation:
Dreadful head dreadful speak give
Dreadful speak give battle dreadful
“The master of terror speaks words of dread,
His terrible battle-cry;”
Dreadful raging speak give purify going
Dreadful like taking separate going
“Terrible rage like a furnace purifies,
Terrible loss as they go their separate ways;"
Loss like taking dreadful speak give
Raging like taking dreadful speak give
“Words of grief and loss at the taking of life,
Raging words like a terrible spell are given”
Dreadful separate going dreadful speak give
Dreadful separate going dreadful speak give
"Dreadful the parting, dreadful the speaking,
sorrowful the separation, furious the cries of rage”
Loss like taking dreadful speak give
Raging like taking dreadful speak give
“The defeated one has suffered great loss,
He cries aloud in his rage, imprecations given, threats spoken”
Dreadful head dreadful speak give
Dreadful separate going dreadful speak give
“The master of terror speaks words of dread,
His terrible battle-cry;”
Loss like taking dreadful speak give
Raging like taking dreadful speak give
“Words of grief and loss at the taking of life,
Raging words like a terrible spell are given”

Now I re-phrased it in the grand style of ancient Mesopotamian epic poetry:
"In the realm of terror, the dread Lord speaks,
His battle cry thunders, a furious tempest seeks.
Like a fiery furnace, his rage will purify all,
As he and his foe part ways, only sorrow's thrall.

Words of lament and loss, like a dirge, resound,
As life is taken, and fate's cruel hand is found.
The vanquished one, with anguish, cries out in pain,
Imprecations and threats, like a curse, remain.

Dreadful the parting, dreadful the words that pass,
Sorrowful the separation, furious the cries that last.
The master of terror speaks, his dread voice booms,
His battle cry echoes, a terrible spell that looms."
Hope you guys like this :)
submitted by salientconspirator to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:54 MLial 24, It would be nice to meet some people who like to voice call.

It's been a long time since I had anyone I was close with. Lost a lot of people I loved and maybe even that feeling altogether too. Recently I've been pouring all my time into writing in the hopes that it will carry legacy and all that. Never planned or wanted to be a writer but I've been doing it for ten years now so there's that I suppose. Got pretty good I might add. Wrote a few poems recently (Not normally my thing). I'm just feeling pretty weird recently. Not my normal self maybe. Feel like I deserve something more than this but not sure. Feel pretty isolated. It would be nice to meet some people and I prefer voice calls rather than messaging, it's just better.
Besides being a writer, I'm a pretty creative person. I enjoy art, music of many different kinds, history, dreams. I also like to collect stuff, mainly historical weapons and some figures from when I was young. I'm very open as well. I also don't mind talking with people who don't share my interests. I find that often I get along with people that are my opposite anyway. Really I just want to connect with someone again, something even slightly meaningful would be good for my life I think, cause right now the only thing I love is me. And that's good. But it's hard to explain. As I said I feel weird. If you read this far you are something special so I appreciate that. If you would like to call please message with a bit about yourself like I did. I will most likely ignore short/low effort messages or if it seems like you just read the title and not the actual post because a lot of people seem to do that. Thanks!
submitted by MLial to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:47 MLial [24/M] It would be nice to meet some people who like to voice call.

It's been a long time since I had anyone I was close with. Lost a lot of people I loved and maybe even that feeling altogether too. Recently I've been pouring all my time into writing in the hopes that it will carry legacy and all that. Never planned or wanted to be a writer but I've been doing it for ten years now so there's that I suppose. Got pretty good I might add. Wrote a few poems recently (Not normally my thing). I'm just feeling pretty weird recently. Not my normal self maybe. Feel like I deserve something more than this but not sure. Feel pretty isolated. It would be nice to meet some people and I prefer voice calls rather than messaging, it's just better.
Besides being a writer, I'm a pretty creative person. I enjoy art, music of many different kinds, history, dreams. I also like to collect stuff, mainly historical weapons and some figures from when I was young. I'm very open as well. I also don't mind talking with people who don't share my interests. I find that often I get along with people that are my opposite anyway. Really I just want to connect with someone again, something even slightly meaningful would be good for my life I think, cause right now the only thing I love is me. And that's good. But it's hard to explain. As I said I feel weird. If you read this far you are something special so I appreciate that. If you would like to call please message with a bit about yourself like I did. I will most likely ignore short/low effort messages or if it seems like you just read the title and not the actual post because a lot of people seem to do that. Thanks!
submitted by MLial to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:05 Thegladfly Looking glass

Sometimes I wonder what it is that you see in me.
For what I see in me is a bunch of misshapen clay, a brain full of messy wires, a soul trapped in a cage riddled with a lack of sand in her hourglass wanting change wishing on shooting stars hoping to bloom from its cocoon and take shape to become something it can live with.
That is what I see in myself.
But not you my love , you look into me as if you were looking into the depths of my soul seeing me as I am and not what I was. As if you were seeing Me through the looking glass. You see me as a flower in a garden that has bloomed, you see me as a work of art as something to brag about. It is through your eyes that I wish to see myself. maybe though your eyes is what I am a woman worth love and time it just took me written you a poem to see that.
submitted by Thegladfly to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:46 ZombieBask Water

This poem is about the phenomenon of having a crush. This text is very emotional and lacks common sense, much like love itself. Hope you'll like it :)
What is it about you? So strange, something that demolishes life’s routine, tears apart the pact with old age, and shuns unnatural grace?
What is it about you? So dangerous, that even love must treat with care; even under bullets and at sharp edges, doubts never linger here.
You are like water, living or dead,
Clear, cold, and bitter indeed.
You are the spring, open and free,
Holy, endless, and so distant.
What is it about you? So sorrowful that words and lines cannot contain, suddenly tearing my heart, lifting me above the blue abyss.
What is it about you? So absurd, that common sense cannot grasp, shared faith finds no ground. The flame of doubt burns my soul.
What in you stems from eternity, and what from helplessness?
Who will trace your inspiration's bounds?
Who will ever understand your nature,
Or who will be the one to write your date of birth and death together?

Who will ever be with you?
submitted by ZombieBask to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:04 Few-Pound-1946 IRISHH

what poems and prose are people studying?? might do the same for english and just bank on one and hope for the best 🙏
submitted by Few-Pound-1946 to leavingcert2024 [link] [comments]
