Dollar origami tooth

9 months suffering - what am I doing wrong?

2024.06.09 01:57 abp120 9 months suffering - what am I doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong? I’ve become so depressed and feel so helpless. I have never suffered from depression. I’m having suicidal thoughts! I’m doing everything I can to fix this and nothing seems to work. The depression has led me to dark places. I am a cook and foodie. I use to cook 4x a week for my husband and I. I go to Europe with family in 12 days where I’ll be going to eating a michelin star restaurants and Im so nervous. On vacation, I will go from eating out never to eating out for almost every meal.
I developed gastritis from NSAIDS and stress in October 2023. The NSAIDS use was from a orthopedic surgery. I had an endoscopy in Nov ‘23 that showed mild gastritis. GI doc said there’s no treatment and that 80% of people who get endos have mild gastritis. She gave me 40mg omeprazole and told me to avoid spicy foods, acidic foods, alcohol, and coffee. So I did just that. By Dec and January I was 10x worse. Since January i’ve had yellow weird stools with undigested food, feeling extremely full after a couple bites, tight swollen stomach, bloating, stomach burning, and right side rib pain. I’ve tried everything. supplements DGL, Zinc Carosine, Megamuscosa, Digestive enzymes, etc. I saw my therapist to help with stress. I did meditation daily. I followed the gastritis healing diet as best as I possibly could and I see a naturopathic doc. Naturopathic diet worked but it was extremely restrictive just carrot boiled pure, eggs, almond milk, broth, banana and chicken for 2-3 weeks. I could only do it for one week but it helped! At that point, I discovered the PPI was really making me sick so I weaned off in May and now I take 10-20mg famotidine and sucraflate. The extremely full feeling went away after I got off PPIs but all my other symptoms remain. My GI doc hasnt been helpful at all. She said I shouldnt be in pain anymore. I’m getting a second opinion in July and I just want another endoscopy to help me understand whats going on in my stomach. My GI doc refuses to give me another endo despite my symptoms being 10x worse. She ordered me a HIDA scan, ultrasound, and CT. All came back normal. But im not surprised bc the symptoms are in my stomach! I think I have ulcers now but who knows.
This is what I currently eat every single day for the last 3 weeks.
6am: famotidine 10mg-20mg 7:30am: 3 GF pancakes (they’re like small silver dollars) with banana, tablespoon of maple syrup, and chamomile tea with almond milk 11am: sucralfate 12:30: 2 eggs with spinach, sometimes mushroom with 2 slices of turkey or avocado sometimes I’ll have another banana or date with peanut butter if I have a sweet tooth 4:30pm: sucralfate 6pm: white rice, grilled zucchini, spinach, mushroom with protein (chicken, cod, or canned tuna), chamomile tea with almond milk 10pm: bedtime 12pm: I wake up and take a sucralfate
Exercise: yoga 30 mins daily, peloton bike 2-3x a week, walk my dog 2 miles a day
submitted by abp120 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:52 PumaRolls Z-bar destroyed my tooth

Bit into a chocolate brownie z-bar. Felt like I bit into a rock, and my tooth shattered. Now I need thousands of dollars of dental work and Mondelez has completely blown me off. Never purchase cliff bars or z-bars again
submitted by PumaRolls to FuckMondelez [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:29 Rocked_Glover Talking about Adrien Broner (Spoiler)

He looked fat and sloppy, didn’t let his hands go but I can say when he did it didn’t look sharp. Blair Cobbs was the bigger more muscular man who obviously wanted it more.
And here’s the thing I never liked 147 for Adrien Broner, his power needs to be a factor in fights and nowadays the money ain’t at 47 anymore it’s at 40 and he could easily make that.
We gotta look at the fights he could’ve got after this, Shakur, Garcia, Haney, million dollar paydays.
But disaster first struck when Don King released the poster saying “If Broner shows up”, knowing he has a drinking problem was he training? He’s had a ton of cancelled fights and a bunch of transformations, maybe he just lost the desire, because the man had a belly.
He also got dropped in the first round and a tooth went missing, instead of any slick counter punching he just wore a high guard and kept getting punched up, his corner begging him to start punching.
Cobbs is good but I believe a sharp Adrien Broner could’ve won, but this is probably the end of the road for him now.
submitted by Rocked_Glover to Boxing [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:29 PjPeanut200 Unofficial Date A Live Political Compass

Unofficial Date A Live Political Compass submitted by PjPeanut200 to PoliticalCompassMemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:28 whimsicalcorpo Was Any of This Normal??? Should I have found a different dentist after the first visit?

Editing here to say I recognize I am a fearful patient and let my dentists know that before I come in for my first visit. I appreciate folks confirming that the weirdness I perceived was mostly just differences in care between this situation and other offices I have experienced, and not necessarily wrong.
I had a crown come loose while flossing a few months ago at this point, so I went to an okay rated dental chain covered by my HMO plan. I will bold the parts that were throwing red flags up for me, but I decided it was probably fine so you can find the TLDR of the situation.
-I had my establishing care visit, I had to go to a wedding the next week so he told me to just be extra careful with it and we'll fix it when I get back. He says he suspects there is a gap between the crown and my root canal, so he wants to make a whole new crown, I've had the original on since Jan of 2020. (the new one ran me $1000).
-I come back, he tries to take off the crown, but it now seems to not want to budge. He yanks on it with a pair of pliers for a few minutes, then notices I am not looking comfortable. I let him know I have a phobia of my teeth coming out, so him yanking is making me feel like the whole thing is gonna come out.
-He opts to cut it off instead. That takes 30 minutes, we finally take impressions and put on a temp crown. During this visit he hands me the suction tube thing to use at my leisure while he's working on me????
-As he is making the crown impressions, he hands me a little rail with a bunch of example tooth shades and a hand mirror and tells me to choose the tooth color I think matches the best.
-I come back when my crown is ready, the Dentist I saw two weeks ago doesn't work there anymore, they hand me off to another dentist in the practice. This new dentist says the first dentist didn't make the crown correctly because there's a gap between my tooth and the crown. They take impressions for a new crown, and put the temporary I've already had in for two weeks back in my mouth. (I ended up having to come back and get another temporary before the new crown was ready).
-Finally get the new crown on, everything is good for two weeks until I suddenly start having EXCRUCIATING pain. I assumed it was an infection, so I called them and went back in. They take an xray and say everything looks fine, and I probably cracked the tooth under the crown. They issue me antibiotics and tell me if the pain doesn't subside I will have to schedule an extraction for the tooth I just paid $1000 dollars for. I was freaking out in the moment, but it occurred to me later that if I had indeed cracked the tooth, it wouldn't be in pain because I've already had a root canal. I also noticed when the dental assistant was setting up to take my xray when I came back for the infection: He used hand sani, then put on gloves, then touched his mouse and keyboard, and then touched the sterile package for the xray attachment that was going in my mouth.
At the end of the day, the pain subsided, tooth feels fine, and I haven't called them back. The last thing where the dental assistant breached sterile procedure so egregiously finally made me switch to my job's PPO plan so I can go to a different dentist and have more options. What do you think though, was any of the other stuff aside from bad sterile procedure normal at all? Was I over reacting to quirky interactions?
submitted by whimsicalcorpo to Dentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:44 awfulthings [H] Steam Games 2

submitted by awfulthings to u/awfulthings [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:48 AltruisticAdvance135 Got fucked by dentist

About 3 months ago, I went to the dentist. I had a broken tooth that was causing me pain to the point I couldn’t eat.
I found a dentist through the app and called for an appointment- but the dental place gave me a dentist who was out side of my network without my knowledge.
I now owe almost 1.5k. I found the dentist through the dental insurance app. I assume I’m fucked and have to pay, which I will literally be paying a dollar a month because fuck them, but Is there anyway I can fight it? I don’t even know if it’s worth it.
submitted by AltruisticAdvance135 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:03 GrumpyOldMillennialx Dentists are all charlatans

I’ve been to four different dentists who can’t fix my tooth. One said it needed a root canal. The root canal specialist said I didn’t need a root canal and gave me a little extra filling because the small one on the tooth fell out. Didn’t fix it. The third dentist said that the gum was red (I never noticed that to be true until the root canal dude effed up my mouth doing the little filling) and thought that shaving it down would take pressure off the tooth and allow the ligament to heal. Said it was caused by me grinding teeth. Didn’t help. Now this fourth dentist told me I have two cavities between the affected tooth and another tooth and that plus the gum inflammation caused it. Said I caused the gum inflammation by skipping the dental cleaning for a year or two. Are dentists ok??? Are they just making stuff up as they go along and charging hundreds of dollars for it? I feel like I am in the 1800s with some whisky and a pair of pliers philosophically speaking. I’m disgusted. And I have no choice but to listen to them because I can’t fix my own teeth. I hate dentists.
submitted by GrumpyOldMillennialx to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:57 HicEstLeoSuperbus New job: did I make a mistake

Hi all,
CPA with 1 year in Audit, and 2 years as a senior accountant at a large, public billion-dollar company.
I just left my old job and started a new job, fully remote at a medium-sized, multi-million dollar company using netsuite for a marginal pay increase, and I can't help but feel like it was a mistake, and I'm looking for verification that this is atypical for where I ended up.
At my old job, I had done a good job of automating things to the point where I probably only worked about 20 hours a week even during close (and just had to spend time looking busy) via excel macros. I had hoped I would be able to automate and improve processes here, but everything is so insanely manual it's driving me insane, even just a few weeks into the job.
What's turning me off boils down to two things:
  1. The absurdity of our vendor accruals: we have a new AP department, and I guess it's falling on the senior accountants to comb through the income statement/financials for any variances whatsoever and accrue for these expenses. This is beyond tedious and is practically impossible to automate like I'd hoped. At other companies I'd worked at, the systems they had set up had the infrastructure to recognize expenses and a corresponding accrual before having received vendor invoices. Is it typical for seniors to be told to "go look for accruals" at smaller companies? I hate this type of judgment-oriented, fine-tooth-comb, detail work.
  2. My manager, who was a self-professed "I don't like to micromanage," is micromanaging. I can't do much about this, and I'd learn to live with it if it weren't for the above point of hating the actual work.
So, I really feel like I made a mistake switching companies. Can anyone shed some light on if number #1 is typical? I like the idea of working for a more medium-sized company, but hate the idea of being stuck managing individual vendor accruals with little to no support infrastructure.
submitted by HicEstLeoSuperbus to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:52 im_that_guy_1 This got rid of my thrush completely

This got rid of my thrush completely
I used these products everyday for a month along with abiding by a strict diet. Dairy free, yeast free, gluten free, sugar free (if sugar 2g or less a day) , nut free, soy free. Only drank water every day and a raw kombucha 2 or 3 times a week. No soda juice sweet tea no coffee or energy drinks NO CAFFINE AT ALL. No pork , no hotdogs no sausage no seasoning except for a but of salt or pepper . No seafood except wild caught salmon or sardines plain. Only coconut oil to cook with. The zuma nutrition candida cleanse I bought 4 bottles of the 50 ml bottle and took 2 full dropper fulls 3 times a day. The pau d'arco bark 4 full droppers full 3 times a day the milk thistle 4 full droppers full 3 times a day. I put the zuma , pau darco and milk thistle all together in one cup then added water swished it around n drank it. Didn't use much water just enough for a swallow . In the morning I took that drink mix of those droppers in water with 2 mega sporebiotic pills, 1 pill oil of oregano 1500 mg , 1 pill of garlic 1000 mg, 3 apple cider vinegar pills. Take all this at once in the morning. Then mid day take the drink mixture no pills midday. Then at night take the drink mixture and 1 oil of oregano pill and 1 garlic pill. Before bed each night take 2 shot glass worths of organic apple cider vinigar. Stick to the extremely strict diet above. If u have any questions reach out to me I struggled with thrush for a year it spread to my stomach and then I had ringworm starting to come out in rash on my body that's when I buckled down n stuck to a strict strict diet and these natural medicines and these worked. I bought the pack of toothbrushes at walmart that are a bunch for a dollar I switched my tooth brush everytime I brushed (3 times a day). Floss everyday. Mouth wash every time u brush. I used the mouth wash in the photos above. Yes I tried all those medicines from the doctor like fluconazole and nystatin n the one tht melts on ur tongue . All bull n didn't work for my thrush. Don't over eat only eat 2 times a day and on that strict diet if u need help with diet questions ask me. This worked. I don't see alot of people posting what worked n I just wanted to help. Hope this does
submitted by im_that_guy_1 to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:54 flippenphil (Offer) Larger List (Request) June Universal Rewards, WB revived + 23/24 releases

Updated: 06/08/2024
All Codes Traded for personal use only, rewards used & Codes are split
iTune Only MOVIES - No Port - Marked
GooglePlay Rare portions - NOT MA - Mention you want the slip with GP
TV Series Marked
FN Only
iTune Only
submitted by flippenphil to uvtrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 02:18 wildflowers621 Bonding lateral incisor?

Bonding lateral incisor?
One of my lateral incisors is a small tooth. Because the gum line is even, the provider does not want to mess with moving it down and suggested bonding or veneers.
I’m 99% positive I do not want veneers - I don’t want to mess with a healthy tooth. But I am strongly considering bonding once I am finished. I have a really big, wide smile and I’ve always been self conscious about how small this tooth is.
I’m aware bonding doesn’t last forever and can chip and stain. I am not a coffee or wine drinker (and rarely even pop - usually just water). I haven’t gotten a quote for it yet, but can anyone tell me what a price range is for bonding? I’m okay with getting it redone every few years/as needed if it’s a few hundred dollars. Is there any risk in doing repeated bonding?
I said I wouldn’t decide until after treatment is over (and obviously wouldn’t get it done until I am finished), but after reviewing ClinCheck I’m disappointed it doesn’t look any better. I thought if I could just get it straight I’d be happy (I am not seeking perfection). But it still looks pretty bad.
Thoughts? To bond or not to bond?
submitted by wildflowers621 to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:02 circuffaglunked Vets these days take full advantage of the fact that society is now more compassionate toward animals than in the past.

That tooth will need to be pulled, this hundred-dollar food must be consumed, mix this joint powder with her meal because I heard her leg click, let's do an $800 ultrasound if she's not eating--vets manipulate by casting shame on you for not going into debt in your effort to care for your pet. By casting the ilusion that you're not sympathizing enough or living up to your modern sense of compassionate responsibility toward your pet, they milk you dry. Not every little thing is an emergency.
submitted by circuffaglunked to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 02:26 kaylacactus Looking for an orthodontist

I'm looking for an orthodontist more specifically in the Hilliard/Galloway/West of Columbus area (maybe even West Jefferson or London).
I would love any suggestions for orthodontists who have experience in moving impacted teeth. Insurance doesn't matter, I'm losing mine this month since I'm turning 26 and its going to be out of pocket anyways.
I am specifically looking for an orthodontist that can save and move my impacted tooth into place, and not someone who is going to claim that it can't be moved into place and instead suggest I spend 6000 dollars to move a damaged baby tooth forward and still have uneven teeth because of it. Thanks in advance!
submitted by kaylacactus to Columbus [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 00:48 Remarkable-Two7382 Looking for a Sherpa for filing for disability/finding a job/learning what resources are available to me. I don’t know what I don’t know and also kindof venting about my life.

I 29m, was born in Texas with Muscular Dystrophy: Charcot Marie Tooth. My disability is worse than others but not as bad as others. I am the only one in my family with MD, let alone any chronic illness. And since idk my father’s side where my disease came from I never knew, or was taught how to mentally, emotionally and physically take care of myself, I learned everything the hard way.
My mom had me young and had a real hands off approach raising me. Whenever I asked for help with paperwork, she’d help but had an attitude about it. My grandma hounded my mother to help me get disability stuff done when I was in Elementary-High School but nothing ever happened other than going to Scottish Rite children hospital. After I turned 18, the hospital basically said good luck and didn’t see me again. Understandable but I still felt lost. I fumbled my way through financial aid for college classes so fortunately I was ok in that regard.
During college that’s when my mom started hounding me about Disability. Mind you, she did more for her no good boyfriend than for her own chronically home bound son. (Yes I have mom issues lol) Filed for disability. Denied a few times to the point that I was talking to an Appeal Judge. Judge seemed on my side, I was then blindsided when after 5-7 years of waiting on being approved, I was denied again and not only that, I had apparently been applying for the wrong Disability thing that whole time. I was very discouraged.
Graduated college. Then within a year of that got denied. Within a year of that denial I had hip surgery and a year after that I finished learning how to walk again. And whenever I finally get the all clear that I’m ok to try and live life for the first time ever, covid happened and couldn’t leave the house for about a year.
After covid, got genetic testing. Turns out, the doctors told me my whole life not to do physical things because that would make my body succumb to the disease more. When in actuality, I could literally try to do all the physical stuff I can do and being active wouldn’t speed up my nerves/muscles dying. If my nerves were originally projected to stop working when I’m like 40, all of a sudden I was told they’d stop working at 60.
After that news I “worked out” for a year testing my limits (I wear leg braces and walk with a cane). Lost 50 pounds, a year after that news I moved to Arizona to live with my gf of 8 1/2 years now, but I still had to return to Texas every 2 months for doctor stuff. I’m tired and I need help. My main sources of income are odd jobs, making food for friends, family and for parties. And buying, selling and trading nerd memorabilia to get by.
My gf and I are pretty stagnant at this stage of our lives. My gf is native, has an ok job and we live on the Rez so our dollars can go a lot farther than in a big city. Our bills are going up and I need a lifeline. How and what disability do I apply for? How and what is the best way to do this all alone? How do I make a resume and apply for a job when I have never been able to even hold a position for over a month ever? What advice can anyone anywhere give that’ll help me not think of disappearing from this realm so I can stop feeling like a burden to my loved ones? A bit melodramatic I know lol but seriously, any and all help is appreciated.
Thank you kindly to anyone who takes the time to read all this.
submitted by Remarkable-Two7382 to disability [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:28 ApprehensiveEvent196 only voices that count are the ones the business itself takes seriously

Cliff’s very presence had always meant the lines between musical integrity and career ambition were fuzzily drawn, hazy and disguised in wreaths of weed smoke.Lars had always been the brains, James the brawn. But they were young and innocent enough still to incorporate Cliff’s longer-term views into the cause, or at least pay lip-service to them. They were all comfortable with the idea of selling millions of records, yes, but only on their terms. Certainly they never saw themselves as competing on the same terms as the likes of Bon Jovi and Whitesnake, groups that released four or five singles per album and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on state-of-the-art videos. Metallica’s blood was purer, truer; they belonged to a proud tradition that stretched back through Iron Maiden and Motörhead, to ZZ Top (before the cutesy videos) and Lynyrd Skynyrd; all the way back to Zeppelin and Sabbath; groups that didn’t kiss ass or kowtow to the Man. Now, with Cliff gone, those values would become steadily eroded. They still talked of not selling out and only doing things their way, but the reality was that their way, without Cliff, quickly narrowed down to the laws of the jungle and the rule of tooth and claw, where only the strongest and fittest survived. Where the only voices that count are the ones the business itself takes seriously. In that respect, Metallica with Cliff had started with a disadvantage. There were always caveats about what they would and wouldnot do; always special pleading to be judged not as others were but on theirown singular terms. Now, without Cliff’s sardonic voice to offer an alternative view, Lars and James were able to get down to the real nittygritty. In many ways it would be the making of them – a bold new pragmatism that ensured Metallica would not just survive but continue to prosper with ever-increasing abundance, no matter what.
1 Where the only voices that count are the ones the business itself takes serious-Does business mean Music Business and voices mean musicians, or does voices mean managers?
  1. What is special pleading in other words?
  2. Lars and James were able to get down to the real nitty gritty- I know that nitty gritty means details but here it seems to mean something else, please explain. Thanks a lot.
  3. Could you explain what lines between musical integrity and career ambition were fuzzily drawn means in other words
submitted by ApprehensiveEvent196 to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:16 ThePhoenixus My entire life is unravelling in real time.

I don't even know how to fucking start.
I guess I'll start by prefacing I've been in a relationship of 8 years. We started growing distant romantically after the pandemic.
See, I spent my early 20's travelling and having unique experiences. I ended up with a girl who had never left her corner of the world and who had just ended a relationship with her high school sweetheart. We got a place together and made things work.
Cue two years ago, things started souring in our relationship. She turned 30 and realized her entire adult life was just relationships. She got an opportunity through some mutual friends to travel and work and live a nomadic lifestyle.
I was initially opposed to it but I came around to it on the basis that we had become entirely too codependent on each other, and we agreed that we'd separate for a while, she'd still continue to pay rent and support our 3 cats while I stay home and focus on my career which is honestly going pretty well and then come October, we'd revisit the discussion.
I was honestly looking forwards to it. I know I had honestly become too complacent and let myself go. I had a whole plan for the summer. The first 3 weeks she was gone things were going incredible. I was in the gym again, cooking healthy, and just generally doing normal adult shit that I neglected prior.
Cue up the absolute fucking bullshit of the past month.
At the start of May, I had an awful tooth infection that sidelined me for a whole week. My whole face was swollen up, I missed 3 days of work while treating that and I still have an appointment to get the tooth pulled in a couple weeks which is going to cost me.
We have 3 cats and one of them has a really bad allergic reaction to fleas. We take preventative measures but this time of year, with one of our 3 cats being uncontrollably outdoors, they got fleas again so I had to take her to the vet to get medicated again. Another few hundred dollar setback.
Two weeks ago I dropped my phone on the worst surface possible, gravel, and shattered the phone screen. There goes another $500 fixing that seeing as how I'm a fucking idiot and opted out of insurance because I'm normally pretty good at keeping my shit intact. There go the consequences of my actions biting me in the fucking ass.
My car battery has been dying for the past couple of weeks and I've had it on life support via a charger, but it finally fully crapped out on me and no longer carried a charge enough to start the car. There goes another $200 on a car battery.
And then today, we just got a letter from our leasing company. We initially rented our house on a year long lease and have been month-to-month for the past 7 years. They've decided to terminate our lease (Probably related to the fact that they've converted several of their properties to AirBnBs over the past couple years). They initially gave us 30 days, but after a little bit of begging I negotiated that to 60 days.
I've absolutely depleted what little savings I had over the past month. Now I have to find somewhere to live. My partner is across the country and our relationship status is still up in the air. We have 3 cats together that I'm now looking at surrendering.
The only part of my life that's going well is my professional life as I'm doing very well at work and becoming a valuable part of the company I work for but that is now suffering due to all of the other shit going on and the fact I've had to call out multiple times in the past few months.
After an awful childhood and young adult years, I thought I had finally made it. Things were going well. Now once again, I sit here, everything falling apart around me. I don't know what to fucking do. I"m getting too old for this shit. I'm so fucking tired. I just want to fucking be happy and exist and that just can't seem to happen. I'm fucking done dude. I'm over this fucking scam that we call living.
submitted by ThePhoenixus to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:20 AmIAmazingorWhat Nightguard fit- should I go back to the office and ask for changes?

Nightguard fit- should I go back to the office and ask for changes?
Just picked up my (very expensive) new night guard and I am... not happy.
I grind my teeth in my sleep, have for four years. Currently wear a custom, "close fit" somewhat flexible guard from my former dentist that has drastically reduced tooth pain for me, although not necessarily my TMJ. It was getting kind of worn and almost chewed through the back.
Went to a new dentist because I moved and the guard they presented me with a solid chunk of rock hard plastic, is VERY tight- when I wear it it feels like it's pushing on my front teeth/canines.
It is also HUGE. I cannot close my mouth with it, the bottom of the guard (below my front teeth) is thicker than my teeth are long!
It also only comes into contact with my canines and a little bit with my front teeth- when I close my mouth there is a significant gap in the back where my molars do not touch (the gap is big enough for me to stick the tip of my tongue through.)
Even just wearing it for a half hour at home to test it out MADE my jaw sore/tight (not clenching at all, just from how far it pushed my mouth open)
At my fit check appointment I was informed the bite looked good with bite paper and that it is supposed to be tight and uncomfortable for a few days. I have NEVER had these issues with my old nightguard, and I don't really feel comfortable wearing it until I know if I need to get it adjusted. Before my custom guard, I wore a DIY one that did not cover my back molars for a few months and it caused tremendous pain in my other teeth because the pressure was referred forward. I'm thinking the same will happen here.
Do I need to go back? If so, how is it ACTUALLY supposed to fit so I know if they're doing it correctly? I'm tempted to drive 5 hours to my former dentist and just get another one from them, but I am kind of upset that I paid several hundred dollars for something I don't think I can even wear.
Ps- I wasn't asked about the type/style of guard, nor given any options prior to them sending off my bite/mouth 3D scan (not a print). They also didn't ask about or look at my current guard, which I brought with me. My two appointments with this clinic have so far not been positive.
submitted by AmIAmazingorWhat to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:40 ImaginaryBroken This whole situation just feels unreal and hits home hard

I'm sorry, I don't really know where else to put this but I'm currently in the house I have lived in for the last 10 years and tonight is the night I leave it forever.
My ex was taken away about four months ago for DV. I will be honest, I don't even remember the details of what happened that night. All I remember is my best friend, who was living with me, my ex and my two children at the time, had a seizure from stress because the whole night was so bad. The cops called the ambulance for me, but I had to run out and tell them to take her because I watched her fall on the ground and start spasming.
It's been 4 months. I went from -$76 in my bank account to putting down the deposit on a new home for the kids and I because my ex never wanted to include me on the mortgage. You know what I didn't do to get out? I didn't scam people. I didn't hurt others. I got two jobs and yeah, I even started a "side project" (what do most single moms do? You get it, right? I don't have to say it?). I've worked almost 80 hours a week to get to this day.
At first I did sympathize with Andrew, but then had a few of her followers convince me that there was ALL of this proof of his abuse (it never actually came to light, btw, minus the voicemail, which I can explain somewhat in the comments if necessary). So I was somewhat on the fence for a bit. I did end up giving her money. Just $10, but I couldn't imagine that this situation could actually be as crazy as it is. I looked at all of these people fighting tooth and nail to make excuses for things and, honestly, I just figured maybe I was the one being a conspiracy theorist.
Then my bank alerted me that another amount of money was removed from my account for ticketleap. Now, I cannot say for sure that this was on purpose or maybe she just messed up on the site. I don't actually know. Yes, I did report it. But I'm not going to make claims until I hear back from the proper authorities, you know?
Either way, I look at this woman who is being defended for some of the most horrible heinous things. Hell, I actually did survive cancer. Twice. Thyroid and a brain tumor. To think someone would fake something like that... I just can't comprehend it. I couldn't even begin to relate to her, anymore. She has videos with dresses that cost more than a weeks worth of groceries asking which one she should "throw out". She drives a car that's worth more than my 140 year old house I'm renting. And her house? Even when I was with my ex who made $100k a year I couldn't even dream of being in a house like that.
Why is this the poster child of domestic violence? Why is this the plight of the single mom? I'm sorry. I understand that I am just rambling and I'm sure no one actually cares that much but I came across a video of one of her supporters today and left a comment that she scammed me and got 6 different hateful comments in response before I deleted it all I could think was, if the life she lives is what these women relate to, then wtf did I experience? It broke me. I mean, a mix of no sleep from packing and this stupid damn house... But that was the one that just broke me down.
I don't want people to hurt. I don't want people to be hurt. And I always try to believe victims but how is she living a life like that and I'm terrified I won't be able to pay rent. I don't know if I'm jealous. I probably am. I'd love to live a life where nail trips, spa days and Starbucks are the norm. It's a good week if I can take my kids to the dollar store to get a treat on Friday.
Again, I'm sorry for ranting. It has no juicy gossip or anything. I just needed this out there somewhere before I breakdown.
submitted by ImaginaryBroken to ElizabethTeckenbrock [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:43 ham_fx Strange dollar roll!

Strange dollar roll!
Went to the bank and asked for a roll of silver dollars (I like them for tooth fairy visits) and I was shocked when they had one. Usually it’s presidential dollars etc. and he hands me a roll of IKEs and they are all BU Bicentennial. Just found that really odd. Hahaha
submitted by ham_fx to coins [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:42 ElleD33 Falling through the cracks

I’m falling into a crack here. And don’t ask me how, but it’s happening. We gross high, net meh. We make the bills and we are tight locked for groceries to the point that I don’t eat at night to let the kids and husband eat. He works and I cannot. My fifth surgery is in two weeks and I couldn’t be more ready bc after my bed rest I’ll be able to work. There’s been three occasions I’ve gone up to the DCFS office to cry to the people to help me and to no avail; they don’t even bat an eye. When I told them that I wanted to appeal their denial because I had no food and no money. (I wasn’t kidding. At all! We are broke broke bad bad). I exhausted my spare when I went down two years ago trying to pad us. It’s been more of a hail storm in our lives than anyone could explain. Here at the cusp of the tunnel I may de a light, but tonight- the food pantry doesn’t give out meat and I’m shuffling through what copper colored coins I do have left to count money for the meat for the table. I won’t be eating again and my family doesn’t qualify for food stamps. I’ve prayed, I’ve cried, my appeal was met with a telephone number that cycles the world of automation land in wild disorientation after button fill my phone screen and I’m lost as to where or what button was pushed.,.. I scuff at the beggar on the e side of the street bc at least he could afford a marker. I still reach to my coins, or on the rare occasion, my dollar bills to give what I can because maybe they are worse off than me… poor person…. I’m in a bad way. My mother, father and brother all live in a world that is so far from understanding in that they just don’t see how sick I am… I don’t know how they just don’t see it… I went from 200lb to 140 in less than a year and this illness has parked in me for over two years. I’m beat. Please, can I qualify? I’m so desperate for food on my table and meat in my freezer. I’ve begged more than I can stand. And I have a tooth ache and my car is on a last leg I think. Rewind me a year and I’d never have listened to my husband when he said- heal, stay home to heal and let the business go. So I stayed home, and the economy flew higher along with my business dragging in the wind. I think the birds eat better than we do. How to qualify when you’re deemed outside of the bracket but can’t feed your family?
By the way my mother’s freezer is so packed she can’t fit anymore. She just bought a new freezer. But she can’t help me. She can’t help me she says. Haha just throwing that out there. My brother says she shouldn’t have to support me and my dad doesn’t even offer. It’s cool.. it’s cool. They don’t owe me a thing, nor do I think they would.
submitted by ElleD33 to foodstamps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:30 urrmurrmur Monster 796 for new rider

Hi everyone,
I've been riding a cheap 125cc bike on and off for the past five years, but I'm a pretty inexperienced rider. I recently decided to get my motorcycle license (in my country you can ride a 125cc with a car license) and get my first real bike. I had been going back and forth on what kind of bike I wanted for close to 10 years, the usual suspects being either some form of Bonneville or some type of Ducati Scrambler, likely a Desert Sled because I'm pretty tall (193cm / 6'4"). I was never completely in love with anything though, which is one of the reasons why it took me so long to start riding seriously.
Cut to me recently realizing you can get a used second gen monster for somewhere around 5-6k (Euros, but it's comparable in dollars). Don't know why it took me this long, but here we are. The reason this is relevant is that the second gen monsters are the reason I got interested in motorcycles to begin with. The minute I saw one (back in 2008, I guess) I thought they were absolutely gorgeous machines and decided "at some point in the future" I was going to learn how to ride.
So recently I've pretty much made up my mind I want to get a 796 (ABS). The 1100 is too much bike for me, and the 796 is worth the extra cost over the 696 for the SSSA alone. I just want to have owned and ridden one of those things at some point in my life. I wouldn't be taking the bike on very long rides, especially at first, it'll mostly be a weekend toy.
I am very much aware that this is a choice of the heart, though, and not objectively the smartest option for me at the moment. The bike will likely be quite (too?) small for me, and I would have liked a gear indicator, fuel gage and traction control. So, in an effort to make this relatively stupid decision as unstupid as possible, I'm looking for some advice from more experienced riders.
Here's the good news: since I had always planned to buy a new bike, I have around 12k to spend - more if needed. I'm a bit older and while I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, I do have some disposable income. So with the bike itself likely being significantly cheaper than I expected, I can afford to some extra expenses to make my ride as safe and comfortable as possible (whether it be maintenance, part replacements or mods).
submitted by urrmurrmur to Ducati [link] [comments]